DAA Unit 4
DAA Unit 4
DAA Unit 4
Unit-4:Greedy Algorithms
In the algorithms w e have studied so far correctness tended to b e
easier than efficiency. In optimization problems we are interested
in finding a thing which maximizes or minimizes some function.
In computer science an optimization problem is the problem of
finding the best solution from all feasible solutions.
Optimization problems can be divided into two categories,
depending on whether the variables are continuous or discrete:
An optimization problem with discrete variables is known as a
discrete optimization, in which an object such as an integer,
permutation or graph must be found from a countable set.
A problem with continuous variables is known as a continuous
optimization, in which an optimal value from a continuous function
must be found.
The knapsack has capacity W=60, then find optimal profit earned
by using fractional knapsack.
Unit-4:Greedy Algorithms
Job Sequencing with Deadline
We are given a set of n jobs. Associated with each job I,
di≥0 is an integer deadline and pi≥0 is profit.
For any job i profit is earned iff job is completed by
deadline. To complete a job one has to process a job for
one unit of time.
Thus, the sequence of job {J2,J1,J3} are being executed within their
deadline and gives maximum profit i.e. 100+60+20=180.
Number of bits required : 5*4+9*4+12*3+13*3+16*3+45*1 = 185 bits
– (300-185)/300*100 % = 38.33%
– i.e. we can save 38.33% space by using huffman coding.
Kruskal’s and Prim’s algorithms were covered in class
(see your note books if you have done seriously at that
Thank You!