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Dyes and Pigments 76 (2008) 714e720

A Comparative study of Fenton and Fenton-like reaction kinetics

in decolorization of wastewater

Shaobin Wang
Department of Chemical Engineering, Curtin University of Technology, GPO Box U1987, Perth WA 6845, Australia

Received 10 February 2006; received in revised form 1 August 2006; accepted 16 January 2007
Available online 2 February 2007


Decolourisation of wastewater using Fenton (Fe2þ/H2O2) and Fenton-like (Fe3þ/H2O2) reactions was evaluated and compared to that of
a typical azo dye, CI Acid Black 1, under neutral conditions. The effects of different system variables namely initial concentration of Fe2þ or
Fe3þ, initial concentration of H2O2, initial pH of solution and reaction temperature were studied. Dye degradation in Fenton oxidation was faster
initially than Fenton-like oxidation but the extent of degradation achieved for the two systems was similar after 100 min. The kinetics of Fenton
oxidation is complex and can be described by a combined pseudo-first-order kinetic model while the Fenton-like reaction follows relatively
simpler, pseudo-first-order kinetics. The apparent reaction orders regarding Fe and H2O2 concentrations for the two systems were similar, with
values of 3 and 0.7, respectively. The degradation rate was strongly dependent on the initial concentration of Fe2þ or Fe3þ, the initial
concentration of H2O2 and initial pH. Maximum degradation rate was achieved at optimal concentrations of Fe and H2O2 as well as solution pH. The
reaction temperature (15e45 C) had little effect on overall dye oxidation rate in the Fenton-like reaction.
2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Wet peroxide oxidation; Azo dye; Fenton reagent; Kinetics

1. Introduction Recently, advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) have been

proposed as offering promise for wastewater treatment be-cause
The dyes used in the textile dyeing and printing industries AOPs are able to oxidize a wide range of compounds
not only can impart color to water sources but also can cause that are otherwise difficult to degrade. Among AOPs, oxidation
environmental damage to living organisms by stopping the re- using Fenton's reagent is an attractive treatment for the
oxygenation capacity of water and also blocking sunlight, effective decolorization and degradation of dyes because of
thereby disturbing the natural growth activity of aquatic life. its low cost, the lack of toxicity of the reagents (ie, Fe2þ
Azo dyes, which contain at least one azo group (eN]Ne), and H2O2), the absence of mass transfer limitation due to its
which is attached to at least one aromatic moiety, are com-only homogeneous catalytic nature and the simplicity of the tech-
used in textile coloration. These dyes are resistant to nology [5].
biodegradation under aerobic conditions. Discharge of azo The Fenton system uses ferrous ions to react with hydrogen-
dyes can cause aesthetic problems and their breakdown prod- gen peroxide, producing hydroxyl radicals with powerful
ucts are toxic to aquatic life [1]. Many different approaches oxidizing ability to degrade organic pollutants as shown in
have been proposed to remove dyes from aqueous solution Eqs. (1)e(4) [6].
such as physical adsorption, electrochemical oxidation, chemical
H2O2 þ Fe2þ /OH þ OH þ Fe3þ ð1Þ
oxidation, chemical coagulation/precipitation, and biolog-ical
anaerobic/aerobic decomposition [2e4].
OH þ RH / R þ H2O ð2Þ

E-mail address: R þ Fe3þ / Rþ þ Fe2þ ð3Þ

0143-7208/$ - see front matter 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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S. Wang / Dyes and Pigments 76 (2008) 714e720 715

Fe2þ þ OH/ Fe3þ þ OH ð4Þ NaO3S SO3Na

During reaction, ferric ions are formed which can be re-acted

to produce ferrous ions. The reaction of hydrogen peroxide with N N N N NO2
ferric ions is referred to as a Fenton-like reaction,
Eqs. (5)e(8). OH NH2

Acid Black 1
Fe3þ þ H2O2 4 Fe/OOH2þ þ Hþ ð5Þ
Fig. 1. Chemical structure of Acid Black 1.
Fe/OOH2þ / HO2 þ Fe2þ ð6Þ

spectrophotometric analysis. The concentration of dye in the

H2O2 þ Fe2þ / OH þ OH þ Fe3þ ð7Þ reaction mixture at different times was obtained by measuring
the lmax (618 nm) of the dye and calculating the concentration
OH þ RH /R þ H2O ð8Þ from a calibration curve. A Spectronic 20 Genesis spectropho-
Many investigations have been conducted into the decol- tometer (USA) was employed for absorbance measurements
ourization of dyes using Fenton oxidation [1,7e12]. The using quartz cells of 1 cm path length.
The main drawback of this technique is represented by the cost
of the reactants, H2O2 and Fe2þ. For this reason, various
methods have been introduced to use the lower cost Fe3þ salts 3. Results and discussion
rather than Fe2þsalts, which has results in photo-Fenton and
electro-Fenton techniques [13]. While Fenton-like oxidation 3.1. Comparison of Fenton and Fenton-like oxidations
should also be effective, little work has been reported on the
Fenton-like oxidation of dyes. Several studies have shown Fig. 2 shows a comparison of the variation of dye decolor-
that the rate of decomposition of H2O2 and the rate of oxidation isation with Fe2þ/H2O2 and Fe3þ/H2O2 at 30 C from which it
of organic solutes are much slower using Fe3þ/H2O2 coal is obvious that both Fenton or Fenton-like oxidations were
Fe2þ/H2O2, and are optimal at pH 3 [14]. However, as the so- effective in dye decolorisation. The extent of dye degradation
lution pH in many cases is neutral or alkaline, the necessity to was 95% after 100 min. However, decolorization exhibits
acidify the reaction medium limits the applicability of the Fen-ton different rates for the two systems. The degradation rate in
process in environmental technology. Moreover, despite Fenton oxidation was much faster than that of the Fenton-like
numerous studies of the Fe3þ/H2O2 system, the chemistry reaction in the initial stages and the degree of degradation
and kinetics of the oxidation of organic compounds by Fe3þ/ was similar for both systems after 80 min. During the Fenton
H2O2 has not been well elucidated. or Fenton-like reaction, dye decomposition is caused by both
In this paper, we report an investigation of the Fenton and hydroxyl and hydroperoxyl radicals. It is known that the hy-
Fenton-like oxidations of a typical azo dye under neutral droperoxyl radical has lower oxidation capability than OH
conditions. The dye's degradation rate and efficiency of the two [11]. Several investigations into the Fenton oxidation of or-ganic
reaction systems were compared and the kinetics of the two compounds have shown that the initial rate of minerali-sation is
reactions were studied. The reaction parameters affect the faster with Fenton than with Fenton-like reagents, due to
decolorization such as initial concentration of Fe2þ, Fe3þ
and H2O2, initial pH of dye solution and reaction temperature
were also investigated. 8e-5

2. Experimental 6e-5

A commercial azo dye, CI Acid Black 1, was used in this

study (Fig. 1). H2O2 (30%) was obtained from Chem-Supply, 4e-5

Australia; ferrous sulfate (FeSO4$7H2O) and ferric sulfate Dye

(Fe2(SO4)3) were obtained from BDH.

All experiments were carried out in a 250 ml batch reactor.
Typically, the reactor was charged with 200 ml of dye solution
at a temperature of 15e45 C using 100 rpm stirring. Then, 0
certain amounts of H2O2 (30%) and 0.1 M FeSO4 or
Fe2(SO4)3 solution were added to the dye solution. For most
of the experiments, the initial pH was set at 6.3. For the 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
experimental runs at different pH, the values were adjusted using Time (min)
sulfuric acid or sodium hydroxide solutions and measured Fig. 2. Comparison of Fenton and Fenton-like reactions for decoloration. Re-
using a pH meter (PHM 250 Ion analyzer). Aliquots were action conditions: [Fe2þ]0 ¼ 3.4 105 M, [Fe3þ]0 ¼ 3.4 105 M, [H2O2]0 ¼
withdrew from the reactor at selected intervals for 5.4 104 M, pH ¼ 6.3, and T ¼ 30 C.
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716 S. Wang / Dyes and Pigments 76 (2008) 714e720

to the immediate formation of hydroxyl radicals in the case of 8e-5

Fenton reagent [14,15]. A Fe3+/H2O2

First-order kinetics
6e-5 Second-order kinetics
3.2. Kinetics of Fenton and Fenton-like oxidations

The Fenton oxidation of the dye can be represented by the 4e-5

following nth-order reaction kinetics Dye

dC 2e-5
¼ kCn ð9Þ

where C represents the dye concentration, n the order of the
reaction, k the reaction rate coefficient and t the time. For
a first-order reaction, the above equation after integration
becomes. becomes
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Time (min)
C ¼ C0 expð ktÞ ð10Þ
B Fe2+/H2O2
in which C0 is the initial dye concentration. For a second-order
First-order kinetics
reaction, the integrated equation becomes 6e-5 Second-order kinetics
Combined first-order kinetics
C¼ :
1 þ kC0t 4e-5

In addition, a combined first-order reaction can be described as

follow 2e-5

C ¼ C10 expð k1tÞ þ C20 expð k2tÞ ð12Þ


where, C10 and C20 are the initial dye concentrations of two
independent first-order reactions and k1 and k2 are the reactions
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
rate constants, respectively.
Time (min)
Fig. 3 shows a comparison of three kinetic models for the
experimental results and the parameters obtained from the Fig. 3. Comparison of kinetic simulation of Fenton and Fenton-like reactions
curve fitting are presented in Table 1. The first-order and sec-ond- for decoloration.
order kinetics do not fit the data very well for the whole
Fenton reaction due to the lower regression coefficients
(<0.96). The combined first-order rate model fits the results degradation follows pseudo-first-order kinetics [10,15,16],
best as evidenced by the high regression coefficient (>0.99). which is different from the results obtained in this work,
This suggests that two parallel reactions should be responsible Presumably, because such previous investigations only consid-
for dye degradation. For the Fenton-like reaction, first-order ered the initial rate of degradation rather than the whole
kinetics produces a good fit to the experimental data while process. process.

the second-order rate shows deviations from the data. From During the Fenton reaction, ferrous ions can quickly react
Table 1, it is also seen that the correlation coefficients obtain with H2O2 to produce hydroxyl radicals and ferric ions
for the three models are different. The second-order kinetics

(k ¼ 70 M1 s ) [6], which will then be reduced by the dye

shows higher correlation than the first-order kinetics in the to ferrous ions again. Meanwhile, ferric ions can also react
case of the Fenton reaction, while in the Fenton-like reaction, with H2O2, producing hydroperoxide radicals which cause
the correlation coefficient of the first-order kinetics is much a second decomposition process for the dye. Malik and Saha
better than second-order kinetics. The Fenton reaction has [11] investigating the oxidation of direct dyes via the Fenton
a higher reaction rate than the Fenton-like reaction. Several in- reaction and found that the entire degradation reaction could
vestigators have found that the Fenton reacts for dye be divided into a two-stage reaction. In the first stage, referred

Table 1
Kinetic parameters for Fenton and Fenton-like oxidations of Acid Black 1
Reaction First-order Second-order Combined first-order
R2 R2 R2
k (min1 ) k (L/mol min) k1 (min1 ) k2 (min1 )
Fe2þ/H2O2/dye 0.0556 0.888 2.76 104 0.954 1.2466 0.0292 0.998
Fe3þ/H2O2/dye 0.0311 0.998 9.29 102 0.955
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S. Wang / Dyes and Pigments 76 (2008) 714e720 717

to Fe2þ/H2O2 stage, it was considered that the dyes decomposed Based on the kinetic model of Fenton and Fenton-like reactions, the
quickly; the second stage of reaction was referred to reaction order respectively to Fe concentration was cal-culated. Fig. 5
as the Fe3þ/H2O2 stage. shows the relationship between reaction rate and
In Fenton-like reaction, ferric ions react with H2O2 to pro- Fe concentration. For the Fenton reaction, the orders for the

duce ferrous ions at very slow rate (k ¼ 0.001e0.01 M1 s ) first and second reactions were 3.0 and 4.8, respectively. For
[6]; few ferrous ions can be formed and thus induce the Fenton the Fenton-like reaction, the reaction order for Fe was 3.3, sim- ilar to the
reaction. reaction. Therefore, only one process with Fe3þ/H2O2 reaction value of the first stage in Fenton oxidation.
will dominate.
3.4. Effect of H2O2 concentration
3.3. Effect of Fe2þ and Fe3þ concentrations
Fig. 6 shows the relationship between degradation of the dye
Fig. 4 shows the effect of Fe ion concentration on dye deg-radiation as a function of time at different initial H2O2 concentrations.
in both Fenton and Fenton-like reactions. The extent One can see that flocculation of the dye by Fe3þ was not signif-icant.
of degradation of the dye increased with increasing Fe ion Without H2O2, dye decolorization was only about 15%
concentration. concentration. In the case of Fenton oxidation, the extent of after 3 h. The results also indicate that the deterioration of the
degradation was very small when the Fe ion concentration dye increased with increasing H2O2 concentration. When the
was <1 105 M. When the Fe ion concentration was >1.0 104 M, the H2O2 concentration increased to 1 103 M, 90% decolor-isation could be
extent of dye degradation was 90% after 10 min. achieved after 1 h in the Fenton reaction;
For Fenton-like oxidation, if the Fe ion concentration was H2O2 concentrations > 1 103 M will not induce signifi-cant change in
<1 105 M, dye degradation was only 5% after 250 min. decolourisation. In Fenton-like reaction, 95%
By contrast, the extent of degradation was 80% after 10 min decolorization could be achieved after 1 h when the H2O2
at a Fe ion concentration of 7.3 105 M. concentration was >1.5 103 M. Several investigations have

8e-5 6

A 4
A R2 = 0.962

[Fe2+]= 0 M 0
[Fe2+] = 5.0x 10-6 M
[Fe2+] = 1.6 x 10-5 M ln(k1

[Fe2+] = 3.4 x 10-5 M -4 R2 = 0.869

[Fe2+] = 1.0 x10-4 M

First kinetic reaction
Second kinetic reactions

0 -14
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 -12.5 -12.0 -11.5 -11.0 -10.5 -10.0 -9.5 -9.0

Time (min) ln[Fe2+ ]

8e-5 0
[Fe3+]= 9.8x10-6 M R2 = 0.920
[Fe3+]= 1.7 x10-5 M ln(k)
[Fe3+]= 3.4 x10-5 M -4
[Fe3+]= 3.9 x10-5 M
4e-5 [Fe3+]= 4.9 x10-5 M
[Fe3+]= 7.3 x 10-5 M


0 -ten
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 -12.0 -11.5 -11.0 -10.5 -10.0 -9.5 -9.0

Time (min) ln[Fe3+]

Fig. 4. Effect of initial Fe concentration on color degradation in Fenton and Fig. 5. Reaction rate versus Fe concentration in Fenton and Fenton-like
Fenton-like reactions. Reaction conditions: [H2O2]0 ¼ 5.4 104 M, pH ¼ reactions. Reaction conditions: [H2O2]0 ¼ 5.4 104 M, pH ¼ 6.3, T ¼ 30 C. (A)
6.3, and T ¼ 30 C; (A) Fenton oxidation (B) Fenton-like oxidation. Fenton oxidation (B) Fenton-like oxidation.
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718 S. Wang / Dyes and Pigments 76 (2008) 714e720

8e-5 2
R2 = 0.934
A [H2O2] = 1.0 x10-4 M
[H2O2] = 5.4x 10-4 M
6e-5 [H2O2] = 9.9 x 10-4 M
[H2O2] = 1.5 x 10-3 M
[H2O2] = 2.5 x 10-3 M
R2 = 0.934



First kinetic reaction
Second kinetic reactions
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 -8
-9.5 -9.0 -8.5 -8.0 -7.5 -7.0 -6.5 -6.0 -5.5
Time (h)

6e-5 -3.0
R2 =0.974
[H2O2] = 0 M -3.2
[H2O2] = 2.5x10-4 M
4e-5 [H2O2] = 5.4 x10-4 M
[H2O2] = 9.9 x 10-4 M -3.6

[H2O2] = 1.5 x 10-3 M

[H2O2] = 2.5 x 10-3 M
2e-5 -4.0


0 50 100 150 200 250 -4.6
-8.5 -8.0 -7.5 -7.0 -6.5 -6.0 -5.5
Time (min)
Fig. 6. Effect of initial H2O2 concentration on color degradation in Fenton
and Fenton-like reactions. Reaction conditions: [Fe2þ]0 ¼ 3.4 105 M, Fig. 7. Reaction rate versus H2O2 concentration in Fenton and Fenton-like re-
[Fe3þ]0 ¼ 3.4 105 M, pH ¼ 6.3, and T ¼ 30 C; (A) Fenton oxidation (B) actions. Reaction conditions: [Fe2þ]0 ¼ 3.4 105 M, [Fe3þ]0 ¼ 3.4 105
Fenton-like oxidation. M, pH ¼ 6.3, and T ¼ 30 C; (A) Fenton oxidation (B) Fenton-like oxidation.

reported an optimal peroxide concentration in the Fenton could be achieved after 10 min. Hence, the optimal initial pH
oxidation of dyes [8,10]; unreacted H2O2 will act as a scavenger for either Fenton or Fenton-like oxidation should be <4.5.
of OH and produces a less potent perhydroxyl radical, result- Several investigations have indicated that the optimal pH
ing in less dye degradation. for decolourisation is 3 and that the extent of degradation de-
Likewise, the order of the Fenton and Fenton-like reactions creases with increasing pH for pH > 3 [7,10,11].
were also obtained (Fig. 7). The reaction orders respectively to It is considered that more Fe(OH)þ is formed at low pH
H2O2 concentration in the Fenton reaction were 0.74 and (2e4) and the activity of Fe(OH)þ is higher than Fe2þ in Fen-
1.23 for the first and second-stage reactions, respectively, ton oxidation [11]. In contrast, ferrous ions are unstable
while for the Fenton-like reaction, the order for H2O2 concen- a pH > 4.0 and they easily form ferric ions, which has a ten-
tration was 0.73, which was also similar to the value in the first dency to produce ferric hydroxo complexes. These complexes
stage of Fenton oxidation. would form further [Fe(OH)4] when the pH value was >9.0.
Besides, hydrogen peroxide is also unstable in basic solution
3.5. Effect of pH and may decompose to give oxygen and water and lose its ox-
idation ability. Thus, hydrogen peroxide and ferrous ions have
Fig. 8 shows that lower pH results in higher rates of dye difficulty in establishing an effective redox system and their
degradation. For the Fenton reaction, 95% decolorization decolorization is also less effective [7].
was achieved in 20 min at a pH < 4.5 and when the pH was
further decreased, the degradation rate was similar. However, 3.6. Effect of temperature
for the Fenton-like reaction, 70% decolorization was ob-tained
after 20 min at pH < 4.8. When the pH was lowered Fig. 9 shows the extent of degradation of the dye as a
to 2.4, degradation was increased and 98% color degradation function of time at different temperatures. For the Fenton reaction,
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S. Wang / Dyes and Pigments 76 (2008) 714e720 719

8e-5 8e-5
A pH=3.4 A T=15.8°C
pH=4.5 T=20.5°C
6e-5 pH=6.3 T=30.0°C
6e-5 T=34.8°C




-2e-5 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 100 200 300 400
Time (min)
Time (min)
B B T=15.5°C
6e-5 pH=2.4 6e-5 T=30.0°C




0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 180 160
Time (min)
Time (min)
Fig. 9. Effect of reaction temperature on color degradation in Fenton and Fen-
Fig. 8. Effect of initial pH of solution on color degradation in Fenton and ton-like reactions. Reaction conditions: [Fe2þ]0 ¼ 3.4 105 M, [Fe3þ]0 ¼
Fenton-like reactions. Reaction conditions: [Fe2þ]0 ¼ 3.4 105 M, [Fe3þ]0 ¼
3.4 105 M, [H2O2]0 ¼ 5.4 104 M, and pH ¼ 6.3; (A) Fenton oxidation
3.4 105 M, [H2O2]0 ¼ 5.4 104 M, and T ¼ 30 C; (A) Fenton oxidation (B) Fenton-like oxidation.
(B) Fenton-like oxidation.

4. Conclusions
the rate of dye degradation was lower at low temperature and
the extent of degradation was higher at 20e30 C before
Fenton and Fenton-like oxidations effectively decolourise
100 min. Dye degradation rate decreased when the tempera-
CI Acid Black 1 in aqueous solution under neutral condi-tions.
ture was >30 C due to decomposition of H2O2 at higher
The degradation of the dye in the initial stages of the
temperature-perature. Table 2 shows the dye degradation rate constants for
Fenton oxidation was faster than in the Fenton-like oxidation,
the two oxidation systems from which it is clear that the rate
Although the extent of dye degradation in the two processes
constant in the first reaction was higher than that in the second
was very similar after 100 min. Fenton oxidation can occur
reaction for Fenton oxidation. The reaction rate constants at
different temperatures were similar except at 44 C. In this
case, the rate constants for the first and second reactions
Table 2
were similar. At 15.8 C the rate constant for the second reaction
Kinetic parameters for Fenton and Fenton-like reaction at different
was much lower compared with the values at other temperatures
temperatures. These results suggest that the first reaction plays Temperature Fe2þ/H2O2/Dye Temperature Fe3þ/H2O2/Dye
a dominant role for overall dye degradation at low tempera-tures (C) (C)
k1 (min1 ) k2 (min1 ) k (min1 )
and that the role of the second reaction in dye degrada-tion will
15.8 1.25 0.00752 15.5 0.0413
increase with increasing temperature. 20.5 1.09 0.0200 23.8 0.0623
For the Fenton-like reaction, the dye degradation rates 30.0 1.25 0.0292 25.5 0.0475
show some variation with temperature but no clear trend 34.8 2.30 0.0187 30.0 0.0311
can be obtained. From the results in Table 2, one can see 43.8 0.0220 0.0219 40.0 0.0503
that the reaction rate constants are very similar at different Reactions conditions: [Fe2þ]0 ¼ 3.4 105 M, [Fe3þ]0 ¼ 3.4 105 M,
temperatures. [H2O2]0 ¼ 5.4 104 M, and pH ¼ 6.3.
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720 S. Wang / Dyes and Pigments 76 (2008) 714e720

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