Challenge Hard Drilling Case
Challenge Hard Drilling Case
Challenge Hard Drilling Case
C.D Hamer, SPE, G.Gillespie SPE (Halliburton – Sperry Sun), J. Downie, SPE.(BHP Billiton)
This paper will review the challenges and the technical and Introduction
financial successes experienced with drilling in the Lennox
field in the Irish Sea sector of the UK Continental shelf. The The Lennox field is situated in Blocks 110/15 and 110/14 of
paper describes the challenges faced and met in drilling the East Irish Sea, about 5 km from the UK coast in 40ft of
shallow high step out multi-lateral wells in the Lennox field water. Current participants are BHP Billiton Petroleum Ltd.
by operator BHP Billiton. From a drilling perspective the (46.1%), AGIP (UK) Ltd (45.0%), and Centrica plc (8.9%).
Lennox reservoir has great variation, ranging from very Fig. 1 shows the Lennox field in plan view
friable, fast drilling sandstones (+ 200 ft/hr) to very hard well The Lennox field forms part of the Liverpool Bay integrated
cemented sandstones (6 ft/hr), both the fast and slow drilling development and is connected to the Douglas complex. The
sandstones are abrasive. Directional response is also erratic Lennox platform has a 12-slot capacity.
with strong drop tendencies in the fast drilling sections and Production on Lennox is currently aimed at draining the oil
build tendencies in the hard sections. Bit selection, through rim prior to gas cap blow down. Oil recovery is maximised
the reservoir, has been generally limited to insert types, and by replacing the voidage with gas injected into this gas cap.
slick steerable motor assemblies have been required to Two gas injectors and nine horizontal oil producers have
maintain directional control and achieve the high ratio been drilled between 1995 and 2001. Wells L2, L3, L4, L5,
MD/TVD step-outs necessary in accessing the reservoir and L7 are single bore horizontal producers, while L6 is a bi-
acreage. lateral and L8 is a tri-lateral. All are targeted at a TVD 35ft
above the oil/water contact with a tolerance of +/- 10ft. The
The challenges faced here were 1) to improve the directional gas injectors target the crestal area. In many cases the landing
drilling performance in these demanding formations and 2) to point of the wells is critical for a number of reasons, and in
achieve tight TVD constraints in both target TVD and in some of these cases there is close proximity between wells.
maintenance of vertical depth within the reservoir. The The benefits of multi-lateral wells to the Lennox field were
objectives also included successfully logging complex, multi- recognised early in the field development planning. The
branched sections. Reservoir simulations indicated that the competent nature of the reservoir rocks makes the use of
payoff in successfully meeting these drilling challenges was barefoot open-hole sidetrack (TAML Level 1) techniques
substantial. viable. In the case of L10 and L11 it was clear that slot
constraints demanded multi-laterals in order to economically
In order to successfully complete the tasks, a staged access reserves without resorting to platform modifications or
introduction of evermore complex “point-the-bit” techniques sub-sea wells.
and technologies were conceived and employed. Milestone L11 was planned as a dual lateral and L10 as a quad lateral,
targets were set to monitor the deployments and ensure that dramatically increasing the productive interval beyond that
the targets objectives would be met. which might have been achieved with horizontal wells from
the limited Lennox platform slots.
The effort resulted in significant achievements as listed
below:- Drilling Challenges
As the Lennox reservoir is relatively shallow, with most
• 6 Km of 8 ½” hole section placed within a +/- 2ft wells targeted on a TVD of around 3365 ft, the ratio of MD to
corridor TVD created by the required lateral reach is quite high. On
• Two record breaking insert bit runs for the Lennox field purely ratio terms this places the wells within what would
• Three horizontal open hole side-tracks with a rotary normally be considered ERD territory. Fig. 2 shows Lennox
steerable system wells L1 to L9 vertical section trajectories normalised to a
• Quad-combo logging with a rotary steerable system common vertical plane.
As a consequence hole quality, torque and drag, and
The development of three horizontal open hole side-tracks trajectory control have been a concern from the outset. In part
with a point-the-bit rotary steerable system was also an this relates to the ability to get casing set successfully, and in
industry “first”. Quad-combo logging with a rotary steerable part to the ability to achieve adequate weight transfer to the
system was a “first” for the United Kingdom. bit while drilling in steering mode.
As the formations encountered are both hard, abrasive, and
In addition to the technical success of the effort, BHP Billiton in some cases highly laminated, bit choice has been a critical
and partners will realise a significant return on investment. issue.
The full value of meeting the challenges is described in SPE The flatness of the 8 ½” hole section within the reservoir has
75249. probably the most significant impact on overall economic
performance, hence the desire to reduce the drillers target change to a slick motor assembly with TCI bit was required
tolerance from +/- 10ft vertically, down to +/- 5ft and to control the trajectory.
ultimately to +/- 2ft. The elimination of sumps in the L6 was drilled with a slick motor and PDC bit down to the
horizontal sections reduces or eliminates the effects of Ansdell formation. Attempts to drill further with a PDC bit
produced water. encountered steering control problems and operations again
Sumps have been shown to dramatically increase frictional reverted to TCI bits.
losses leading to increased draw down and inhibited When drilling L7, in an attempt to extend the use of PDC
recovery. These effects and their mitigation in the Lennox bits, the well was drilled with a slick motor and PDC down to
field are fully described in SPE 75249. the Ansdell formation. Attempts were made to rotate this
Well planning has been crucial to meeting both the drilling assembly through the Ansdell without success. Again a
challenges and the reservoir objectives and is conducted in a change to TCI bits was required, and despite this change the
very interactive and collaborative manner between the landing point position was compromised leading to a
operator and the service provider. sidetrack in order to ensure that the horizontal section was
properly placed.
Past Performance 12 ¼” Hole Section L8 was drilled in six runs; firstly with a stabilised motor and
Prior to drilling L10 and L11, the best drilling performance PDC bit into the Ansdell formation. Poor ROP and steering
in 12 ¼” hole measured in terms of the number of runs control then necessitated the use of insert tri-cone bits.
required was 5, while the worst was 9 runs. Even with those Another trip was made to lay out stabilisers and two trips to
wells where 5 or 6 runs had been sufficient there had been adjust bent housing angle. Section TD was reached using a
some directional control problems. Generally, the first run in rotary assembly.
the 12 1/4" section would utilise a PDC bit on a stabilised All of the issues relating to drilling the 12 ¼” section were
steerable motor assembly; ROP and toolface control would be reviewed prior to drilling L10 and L11. Fig. 4 shows a
good through the Blackpool Mudstone and upper Ansdell composite “best case” conceptual well to TD of the 12 ¼”
formations. As hole angle increased and the formation based on the best bit run performances over the prior wells.
became harder ROP would drop, toolface control would The challenge for L10 and L11 was to improve upon this
deteriorate and this assembly would be tripped to pick up an performance by eliminating bit runs and improving
insert tri-cone bit, again on the stabilised steerable motor directional control.
assembly. When this assembly started to hang up the
assembly would again be tripped and all of the stabilizers laid Technology Change – 12 ¼” Hole
out. The slick motor assembly would then be utilised to TD In the intervening period between drilling the prior Lennox
or until oriented drilling could no longer take place. In wells and starting operations again with L10 and L11, some
several cases the slick motor assembly would be tripped to advances in motor based steering technology had been
adjust the bent housing angle to produce greater DLS or developed and utilised elsewhere. (Ref SPE 56936, SPE
reduce the DLS capability of the assembly. In the instances 63248).
where oriented drilling could not take place to section TD a In summary, this new approach dealt with some of the
rotary building assembly would be used to TD the section. drawbacks in conventional steerable motor assemblies by
Fig. 3 summarises in a bar chart the problems encountered eliminating the interference of the steerable motor with the
while drilling 12 ¼” sections on prior wells. borehole wall. In conventional steerable motor assemblies
MWD reliability was also an issue partly due to the use of this interference perturbs the action of the bit, creating
silicate drilling fluid, employed from L5 onwards, which conditions where bit whirl is induced leading to spiralling,
attacked some elastomeric components such that the MWD vibration, and other damaging effects.
system had to be changed out. This drilling fluid also The new system allows for the use of long gauge bits, rather
generally has poor lubricity when compared to other fluids in than rotating near bit stabilisers. The system steers by
the same environment, leading to higher friction factors. pointing the axis of bit rotation leading to in gauge hole,
Another factor, which likely caused poor MWD reliability, without spiralling, and has been shown to greatly extend bit
was vibration. At the time the wells were drilled vibration life. The system has also demonstrated that, by drilling very
was not measured or investigated but subsequent experience smooth trajectories and eliminating small-scale tortuosity,
and investigation indicates that on Lennox field vibration has weight transfer to the bit is greatly enhanced. This assists
been the cause of many equipment failures; primarily MWD with better directional control.
tools and bits. The smooth trajectories exhibit low measured friction
On L2 tool face control with PDC bits proved to be poor and factors that also enhance the running and cementing of casing
operations reverted to using TCI rock bits. even in challenging well trajectories.
On L3 attempts were made to use a rotary assembly with an The Directional Drilling provider working in conjunction
adjustable gauge stabiliser (AGS), but build rates were with the Bit supplier reviewed the Lennox well challenges
compromised. and proposed that: -
L4 encountered similar problems with the rotary AGS
assembly the BHA was changed to a stabilised 9 5/8” motor Improved bit life
with TCI bit to recover the trajectory. The following Improving performance = + = Less time/cost
rotary/AGS BHA run to complete the final build required Improved directional control
heavy reaming to get to bottom, probably as a consequence of
hole spiralling and ledging created during the steerable motor To achieve this, based on the data available at the time, it was
run. postulated that a conservative (pessimistic) estimate of
L5 was drilled with a stabilised motor and PDC bit down to improvement gained by running the new system would lead
the Ansdell formation. At this point the bit was changed to a to the initial bit run being extended by 270 ft into the Ansdell
TCI but poor steering control was encountered and a further formation. This would eliminate one TCI bit run and save an
estimated 25 hours of rig time. Fig. 5 illustrates this is probably optimal, but that there is scope to improve drilling
conservative proposal. performance, and especially ROP’s, still further.
However a more optimistic analysis suggested that this
initial run might carry on beyond the Ansdell to a TVD off Friction Factors
approximately 3300 ft. If this were achieved it was As weight transfer, torque and drag etc, were issues for
considered that the 12 ¼” hole section might be drilled with Lennox drilling, and Liverpool Bay wells in general, a review
two steerable motor bit runs. of historical data was undertaken.
Uncertainty over bit performance and the lack of appropriate This showed that in general the BHP Billiton wells in
offset data left the choice of bit for the second bit run open to Liverpool Bay had historically shown similar or slightly
some debate between to proponents of a second PDC bit and higher friction factors that wide range of North Sea wells
the more conservative proponents of a TCI bit. It was used as the benchmark.
estimated that if this could be achieved then approximately Prior work had shown that for the wide range of wells
75 hours of rig time would be saved. Fig. 6 illustrates this studied the friction factors encountered averaged around 0.15
more optimistic proposal. for oil base mud systems, 0.3 for salt saturated muds, and
An additional benefit of the proposal was that a consistent close to 0.4 for silicate systems. In addition to this data, the
BHA configuration would be used in L10 and L11, study had identified that for wells drilled with conventional
eliminating variability and uncertainty. steerable systems a tortuosity index of approximately 1.35
The MWD run in conjunction with this system was a simple was required. This tortuosity index is used as a multiplier to
Directional + Gamma + At Bit Inclination the friction factor in order to account for the tortuosity not
described in a conventionally planned well trajectory.
L10 and L11 Actual Performance in 12 ¼” The new motor and long gauge bit system was known to
L11 was the dual lateral, and was drilled before the quad- produce both lower friction factor and lower tortuosity
lateral L10. indices.
The initial PDC bit run on L11 with the new system started As the operator had no experience of these systems the
in the Blackpool mudstone, continued in the Rossall halite, directional drilling provider took a conservative approach and
penetrated through the Ansdell and into the Ormskirk. A used Liverpool Bay derived friction factors with no
drilled interval of 1053 ft. reduction, but applied a lower tortuosity index of 1.10 when
The 12 ¼” hole was drilled to TD with the second bit run planning the L10 and L11 wells.
using the same motor and a TCI bit coupled to a full gauge Data to verify the actual friction factors and tortuosity
box/box sleeve to mimic the long gauge PDC bit dimensions. encountered was recorded; but the torque readings taken are
This assembly drilled 1343 ft. suspect as the torque gauge was shown to be vastly out of
Directional control throughout was good, and hole quality calibration towards the end of the project. However, as
was observed to be good throughout. Fig. 7 shows the actual previous steering problems seem to have been eliminated and
performance on the 12 ¼” section of L11 casing running encountered no difficulties, there is evidence
Drilling the wells in this order was beneficial as it gave to support the assertion that good hole quality was delivered.
confidence prior to drilling the more challenging L10 well. Factual data supporting this on other projects has been
The initial PDC bit run on L10 with the new system drilled described in other SPE papers, (See References).
from 2107ft to 3052 ft , an interval of 945 ft and was pulled
to increase the build rate capability. The system was re run 12 ¼” Steering Problems and Vibration Damage
with a sleeved TCI bit which drilled a further 1047 ft until the The other claim of the new system was that by allowing for
run was terminated by an MWD failure 160 ft short of the bit to “run true” and by eliminating the interference of the
planned TD, one of the cones on the insert tricone bit had motor with the borehole wall, there would be both extended
also failed. The third run drilled 161 ft landing out 1.7ft lower bit life and reduced incidence of vibration induced damage.
then the planned TVD. In the tough drilling conditions encountered in Liverpool
The success of the well depended upon finding a section of Bay numerous drill-string and MWD failures had
the reservoir, which had the working name “Layer 15”. Layer compounded to problems of steering in difficult formations.
15 had still not been identified, so a further 100ft was drilled With only limited MWD sensors used in the 12 ¼” sections
and then pulled to run TLC logs. This bit and BHA were re the most objective evidence that these conditions were
run drilling a further 157ft where the assembly was pulled. mitigated is that there was only one failure. It is perhaps a
TLC logs confirmed the position of layer15. moot point as to whether the failed MWD on L10 was related
Although the section lengths on the two wells are similar at to the failing bit. During this run at higher inclinations there
2396ft for L11 and 2410 ft for L10, the trajectory for L10 had been pump problems that limited flow rates. This had had
(see Fig 8) was more challenging in terms of required build the knock on effect of reducing hole-cleaning efficiency,
rate and landing accuracy requirement. L11 was essentially a leading to some jarring and reaming. It is likely that these
3.4°/100 ft build on constant azimuth, while L10 required a remedial actions created the conditions that lead to the
build rate of 4.75°/100 ft and some turn. equipment problems.
Discounting the additional trip relating to the identification Steering was greatly facilitated by the smooth and efficient
of layer 15, it is probable that L10 12 ¼” section could have weight transfer to the bit as long as the hole could be kept
been drilled in three bit runs, as opposed to the minimum of clean. It is worth noting that on L11 the ROP reduced
five that prior performance indicated. There is some dramatically down to 5 to 10 ft/ hour at the Ansdell/Ormskirk
encouragement that it might also have been drillable in two interface and that the non-premium cutter, PDC bit was
bit runs if there had been no equipment problems. eventually pulled and found to be ringed out. On L10 the
L11 was drilled in the “stretch target” of two bit runs. interface was drilled successfully with the sleeved TCI bit
More detailed evidence, which cannot be presented here in without the loss of ROP, and the dog-leg capability improved
the interests of brevity, suggests that the two bit run scenario once into the Ormskirk. It was therefore unfortunate that the
specially built FM2943i PDC bit used to initiate the 12 ¼” on tight tolerances required, it was planned to drill the 6 laterals
L10 was pulled prior to drilling the interface due to the need (2 in L11, and 4 in L10) using rotary steerable technology.
to increase dog leg capability. This bit design, with premium The choice of system was determined as being the one with
ring claw cutters and an impregnated matrix body, may yet the most likelihood of achieving all of the objectives of L10
prove capable of reducing the dependence on TCI bits in this and L11. Like the new motor system used in the 12 ¼”
environment, thus allowing the section to be drilled in one sections, it was a “point-the-bit” technology. Like the motor
run. system it utilised long gauge bits and provided similar
advantages in terms of hole quality.
12 ¼” Conclusions The system had been commercialised for only a relatively
Overall the challenges of drilling the 12 ¼” sections were short time prior to this campaign, and certain aspects of the
met. The application of the new matched bit and motor system control were still being tested. It was therefore a
systems provided the improved bit life and steering capability considered risk on the part of the operator to utilise this
needed to achieve these objectives. The anticipated savings in system.
rig time created by extending the life of the PDC bit run were However, some contingency was available in that the other
realised. system could be used to achieve most of the objectives if
Objective evidence supports the assertion that good quality required.
hole was also provided, and that vibration induced damage At the time of drilling L11 control of the system was
was greatly reduced. essentially manual, requiring it to be deflecting in oriented
mode or drilling ahead in neutral mode. In this sense it
8 ½” Drilling Challenges provided only some of the potential advantages over motor
While the challenges in the 12 1/4” hole had been primarily based systems in terms of the fine directional control.
to improve the efficiency and economics of drilling the Refinement of an interactive communications loop (Geo-
overburden, those of the 8 ½” reservoir sections were centred Span™ downlink system) was in progress at the time and
firmly on productivity and recoverable reserves. would be available for the more challenging L10 well.
The design of Lennox wells called for a friction drop over At the same time a comprehensive suite of FEWD and
the producing interval to be less than 25% of the heel draw Drilling Optimisation sensors were specified for the 8 ½”
down. A qualitative inspection of production logs showed sections. This comprised of the following: -
that where the undulation was within +/- 5ft of the nominal
horizontal depth, the friction drop requirements were met. • At bit Inclination (in rotary steerable) L11 & L10
Given the close proximity of the Oil/water contact due to the • Gamma ray L11 & L10
35ft standoff, it was decided that the toe end of the wells • Drill String Dynamics (Vibration) L11 & L10
would be drilled at a depth shallower, relative to the heel, by • Resistivity L11 & L10
a margin similar to the predicted survey uncertainty. • Directional L11 & L10
Again, by drilling L11 dual lateral first, some confidence • Pulser L11 & L10
could be built that the objectives of the L10 quad lateral
• PWD L11 & L10
would be met. It was also clear that while a +/- 5ft tolerance
• Density L10 Only
would suffice, it would be desirable to achieve a tighter +/- 2
• Neutron Porosity L10 Only
ft tolerance.
There was an additional challenge in L10 in that the heel • Dipole Sonic(BAT™ tool) L10 Only
location was in close proximity to well L7Z heel. Fig. 9 • Acoustic Calliper L10 Only
shows the proximity of the heels.
Fig. 10 shows the BHA diagram for the full suite.
The requirements for L10 were finally agreed as follows:- The FEWD string and the rotary steerable tool are
intimately connected in such BHA’s in order to facilitate the
• Although originally planned as dual lateral, additional two-way communication link and provide infinitely variable
undrained volumes at the toe ends would be targeted by deviation control between the neutral and maximum
the quad-lateral legs. This was easily justifiable in deflection conditions.
economic terms. This fine steering control and the At Bit Inclination were
considered essential in order to meet the 8 ½” hole drilling
• Undulations in all four laterals would be restricted to +/-
5 ft, and preferably to +/- 2 ft.
The Directional Drilling supplier provided sleeves for the
• The main wellbore and the first lateral to be isolated
TCI bits to mimic the long gauge PDC dimensions necessary
from flow in proximity to L7Z heel.
for the rotary steerable and tailored to the Lennox reservoir
• 8 ½” producing sections in the main wellbore to have
liner/ECP/sliding sleeves to TD.
• Both producing sections to be shut off remotely. L10 and L11 Actual Performance
• Re-entry of the first three laterals not required.
L11 dual lateral - The L11 8 ½” dual lateral consisted of
While acknowledging these requirements, it was clearly L11 lateral and L11Z open hole sidetrack, which would be
desirable to achieve them in the most cost-effective manner, the completed main bore.
and not to compromise drilling performance if possible. The L11 lateral was drilled from 4502 ft to 9900 ft, an
interval length of 5398 ft, in four bit runs. All four runs
Technology Change in 8 ½” Hole utilised the rotary steerable tool with a sleeved TCI bit.
As previous wells had displayed a tendency to run out of the Rotary steerable control was “manual” (deflection on or off)
ability to steer towards the toe of the well, and because of the during the whole of this 8 ½” section.
The initial run encountered some problems with hydraulic After this the flow rate was increased to 550 gpm and
effects while drilling the shoe track, but these cleared as soon parameters optimised for ROP.
as new formation was drilled. The Ormskirk formation, in Later more ratty formations were encountered with highly
this area, is a fine uncemented sandstone where directional cemented sand stones and thin clay stone layers. Eventually
behaviour can be unpredictable. With the tool in neutral drop ROP slowed to 10 ft/hr and the assembly was pulled for a bit
rates as high as 5.5/100 were observed. Steering with a rotary change having drilled from 7100ft to 8321 ft.
steerable in these conditions requires careful control of This rotary steerable tool had now drilled 3259 ft in three bit
drilling parameters to counter formation induced behaviour. runs.
The BHA was pulled when it was no longer realistic to A third rotary steerable tool was picked up with the new bit
counter the dropping tendencies and the +/- 5ft TVD target for the next bit run. It drilled from 8321ft to 9326ft, and
was in danger of being compromised. When this BHA was interval of 1005ft. TD was called when the well exited the
pulled the bit was found to have 95% of the gauge cutters reservoir into the Ansdell clay stone.
broken. It is speculated that this happened during drilling the Apart from short sections at the start of the first bit run, and
shoe track, and that directional performance might have been at the end of the last run all of the hole drilled was controlled
better with an undamaged bit. to within the +/- 2ft drillers target TVD. The section that
The same tools were re-run with a new bit. This tripped to exceeded this tolerance stayed within the acceptable +/- 5ft
bottom freely and immediately began to counter the dropping corridor. Fig. 11 shows a plan view of L10 and L11 as
tendency seen on the previous run. drilled.
From 7830 ft a dropping tendency returned accompanied by
a drop in ROP from 30 ft/hr to 8 ft/hr. Iron Pyrite was L10 Quad-lateral
observed on the shakers and it was concluded that the bit had Learning from the experiences of L11 it was decided to drill
“died”. the 9 5/8” shoe track and initiate the 8 ½” hole using the new
A second rotary steerable tool and FEWD string was picked steerable motor system rather than rotary steerable. The
up for the third run. This again showed a return to good objectives of this first bit run were to exit the 9 5/8”, drop
directional control. The non-rotating housing on the rotary inclination from 92 to 90 degrees, build again for a short
steerable does exhibit some roll, and this is monitored and period to provide a profile for later side-tracking, and turn the
reported to surface via the MWD as one of the onboard well from Azimuth 280 to 243 wile remaining within the +/-
diagnostics. On the previous runs housing roll in the more 2 ft TVD tolerance.
friable sands had been controlled to manageable limits by All of these objectives were met and the assembly was
adjusting drilling parameters. Additionally, increased housing pulled at 5755 ft having drilled 1238ft with an average ROP
roll was noted to coincide with recognised zones where losses of 70 ft/hr.
and fractures are evident; however, changes in drilling The next assembly used the rotary steerable and drilled from
parameters to control the roll were not required. 5755ft to 6609ft, an interval of 854 ft. This was the first use
On this run bit performance was reduced due to a of the two-way communications link to provide finer
combination of drilling through a faulted section, mud losses, interactive steering control. This system uses the PWD in the
poor hole cleaning, all causing erratic torque. The LCM in the FEWD string to receive pulsed instructions from the surface
mud also caused blinding of the shakers, which further computers. These instructions are then acknowledged by a
hindered operations. The BHA was eventually pulled for a bit return transmission to surface via the FEWD.
change. While the system worked partially, detection was not 100%
A fourth and final bit run was made with the same rotary and would be improved upon later. Despite these problems
steerable/FEWD BHA and a new bit. As with the previous the +/- 2ft tolerance was maintained.
runs no difficulty was experienced in getting to bottom. This The run was terminated after an internal communications
BHA drilled a further 564 ft without incident until the well failure within the rotary steerable on board instrumentation.
exited the reservoir back into the Ansdell mudstone. A new rotary steerable tool was picked up for the next run.
The next run was made to initiate the L11Z open hole The intent was to drill ahead on azimuth 217 to TD while
sidetrack. The same rotary steerable tool as had been used on maintaining the +/- 2ft tolerance. Drilling proceeded from
the previous two runs was re-run. Part of the FEWD string 6609ft to 8515ft with good control and much better two-way
was changed out, as was the bit. communications. After this depth on board diagnostics
This BHA was run in to hole to just above the sidetrack flagged to surface indications of problems developing within
point of 7100ft. Here it was oriented 105 right and flow rate the rotary steerable deflection control system. With the tool
controlled to 330 gpm. Rotary speed was increased in stages set to neutral there was a dropping tendency of about
from 60 to 80 rpm and the string held on depth for 1 hour. 0.75/100. Confirmation was provided that it was acceptable
The sidetrack was then time drilled at 0.5 to 1 ft/hour for two to drill ahead exceeding the +/- 2ft tolerance but remaining
hours, 2 ft /hour for two hours and continued doubling within the +/- 5 ft tolerance.
accordingly. There were no clear indication from drilling It was hoped that the bit run would exit the reservoir into the
parameters or the At bit Inclination of side tracking so the Ansdell before exceeding the +/- 5ft TVD corridor limit.
process was re started using a tool face of 150 right. Tool However, the Ansdell did not come in as prognosed, and with
face held very steady, and from 7125 ft to 7135 ft there were the drop rate increasing the run was terminated at 8739 ft
positive signs of having side-tracked. The tool was re- having drilled 379 ft.
oriented to 100 right and the remainder of the stand drilled The next bit run picked up a new rotary steerable and ran in
down. The MWD survey at 7135 ft confirmed the ABI hole to attempt to build inclination again. Despite good Geo-
evidence of successful side tracking, with a maximum dog Span two-way communications and good control, build
leg capability of around 5/100. capability was limited. A number of attempts to optimise
drilling parameters were used with some success.
On the previous L11 well the exit into the Ansdell was This rotary steerable tool had drilled a total of 2876ft in the
across a fault. In this case on L10 it appeared that the primary and first lateral holes, including the 1432 ft PDC bit
assembly was drilling along the dipping interface between the run to initiate the lateral.
Ormskirk and Ansdell. TD was called at 8785 ft.
L10Y (second / primary sidetrack)
L10Z (first sidetrack) The objective of this lateral was to sidetrack at a depth of
The rotary steerable used on the last run in the first of the 4570ft and continue with a proposed well plan that called for
four laterals was run in hole again, but this time in a turn of 4.5 /100 to azimuth 315 before turning back to
conjunction with a FM2841 PDC bit, rather than the sleeved azimuth 281 degrees, while maintaining the +/- 2ft TVD
TCI bits used on prior runs. tolerance.
The objective was to time drill an open hole side-track at the The success of the well depended on the "primary"
point prepared during the first 8 ½” bit run. A depth of 7075 sidetrack, L10Z to L10Y taking place in layer 15. During the
ft. The trajectory thereafter required a dogleg of 3.5/100ft to planning the decision was made that the sidetrack would take
achieve a final azimuth of 281 degrees, staying within the +/- place with a slick, bent housing motor with ABI. The reason
2ft tolerance and at an inclination 0f 90.1 degrees. for this was that this would be capable of a greater dog-leg
The rotary steerable was set up with 100% deflection to low than any rotary steerable system and the turn required after
side and time drilling commenced in the section of hole the sidetrack had to take place as planned or there would be
prepared for the sidetrack by creating a short build and turn. proximity issues with L7, an already existing and producing
It is the nature of the long gauge bit / point the bit systems well. A low tortuosity drilling system was required due to the
that under these circumstances they will drill straight ahead lengths of hole sections to be drilled after the sidetrack so the
through the low side of the original rising profile, until the steerable motor system was again employed.
side-track is initiated. Once the bit is buried in the new hole The 6 ¾” 6/7 lobe 5 stage motor with a sleeved TCI bit was
the 100% low side orientation will begin to drop, but not run in hole to 4569ft. The system was oriented and left for 20
before. minutes to cut a ledge. The ABI indicated a change of bit
After time drilling the bit became mechanically stuck at a inclination from 90.2 to 88.5, and time drilling commenced
depth of 7099ft and had to be jarred free. This was a strong for two hours until the bit began to take weight.
indication that more than half the bit diameter was in new As the tool face was gradually turned towards high side the
hole. At this point WOB was increased gradually. Increased BHA jumped back into the old hole (indicated by ABI and no
drilling torque was a positive sign of side tracking and the weight). The BHA was pulled back and reoriented. The
two-way communication link was used to gradually change sidetrack was found again with weight indications and time
tool face from low side to 90 right and onwards to 45 right. drilling continued until more separation had been established.
With the sidetrack initiated the required turn was made and Once confirmed drilling resumed but by 4616ft dog leg
drilling ahead on the desired azimuth and inclination was capability had degraded to the point where near continuous
facilitated by balancing any build/drop/turn tendencies with oriented drilling was required. ROP dropped, even in rotary
tweaks to the deflection via the two-way communications mode and by 4703 ft it was clear that the bit needed
link while drilling ahead. replacing.
When the harder formations were encountered ROP’s On pulling out of hole it was found that all three cones were
dropped, and the run was finally terminated at 8507 ft after an loose, there were no teeth left and the bit was down to 7”
MWD failure. This rotary steerable/long gauge PDC bit gauge. The sleeve was also 7” gauge except for the top 1”
combination drilled a total of 1432 ft. which was only 1/16” under gauge giving some confidence
The bit was graded 1:1 but there was severe erosion of the that the majority of the hole was near gauge.
support cylinders of the PDC cutters. There were some torque The same motor was re run with a new bit and rotating near
issues during the run and it is likely that a lighter set bit and bit sleeve. After reaming the final three feet of the previous
some optimisation of drilling parameters might further run this BHA drilled from 4703 ft to 5210 ft.
improve performance. At the bit manufacturers request WOB was restricted to 30-
The same rotary steerable tool was re-run having picked up 35 Klbs. This resulted in sliding ROP’s of 25 ft/hr and
a sleeved TCI bit. The objective of this run was to TD the rotating ROP’s of 60 ft/hr. Increasing the WOB caused a
sidetrack while maintaining azimuth and inclination to stay severe increase in vibration from 20 G to in excess of 50 G
inside the +/- 2ft TVD corridor. while rotating. Later an increase in WOB to 45 Klbs was
This bit run drilled from 8507 ft to 9237 ft when it was required to maintain ROP but the run was terminated by an
terminated by an MWD failure. Tool performance and MWD failure at 5210 ft.
communications were good throughout with minor Given that the motor/sleeved bit combination is relatively
adjustments being made while drilling ahead. quiet from a vibration stand point, the effects seen on this run
After changing out the MWD the same rotary steerable indicate the severity of drilling conditions in the Lennox
assembly was used to drill from 9237ft to 9905 ft, where it reservoir and wider Liverpool Bay area.
appeared that we were again drilling along the interface Following this motor run the rotary steerable was picked up
between the Ormskirk and Ansdell formations and TD was again with a new sleeved TCI bit. The assembly went to
called 5 ft earlier than prognosed. bottom with only light reaming and commenced drilling the
The bit was found to be 1/8” under gauge, and the outer row flat turn required. At 5250ft a clay stone stringer was
of teeth was entirely worn. The inner rows were graded 7. breached and ROP increased from 25ft/hr to over 80 ft/hr
The near bit rotating sleeve was 3 /16” under gauge. These with a strong change in directional tendencies. This was
conditions contributed to some degradation of the directional compensated for by the rotary steerable settings. Later very
performance towards the end of the run. unconsolidated sands were encountered where instantaneous
ROP’s of 230 ft/hr were observed as the hole washed out
ahead of the bit. This also led to strong dropping tendencies.
From a depth of 5830 ft these erratic changes in behaviour Highlights are that all the data acquisition requirements were
were compounded by degradation in the rotary steerable met. Apart from providing the petrophysical data required,
deflection control and the run was terminated at 6128 ft the data sets show some interesting geophysical/rock
before adherence to the +/- 2ft tolerance was compromised. mechanics features with a correlation between increasing
The run had drilled an interval of 918 ft. rock strength and comparatively early hole enlargement.
A new rotary steerable tool was picked up together with a As expected, these “point the bit” BHA’s have proven to be
new sleeved TCI bit. The objectives of this run were to comparatively “quiet” from a vibration stand point, thus
continue the turn to azimuth 315 degrees, set up a sidetrack limiting or eliminating collateral damage to BHA
profile at 7200 ft ready for the next sidetrack, and then to turn components in a quite harsh drilling environment.
on to azimuth 281 degrees and TD this lateral. The hole quality provided by the “point the bit”
All the objectives of this run were met without any technologies also contributes to improved FEWD log quality
significant performance issues. In some shale sections there by helping to limit the rugosity of the bore hole.
were indications of housing roll and increased vibration,
probably indicative of hole enlargement. 8 1/2” Hole Conclusions
The run drilled from 6128 ft to 8630 ft, an interval of 2502 The objectives of the 8 ½” sections in both wells were met.
ft. In excess of 90% of the 8 ½” hole was drilled within the tilted
At this point the BHA was pulled. The bit was replaced and +/- 2ft corridor set as the stretch target, and 100% of it within
the full FEWD suite that had been left out of previous runs as the +/- 5ft corridor.
a risk avoidance measure was picked up. Overall reliability of the drilling systems was good, and the
The new assembly was run to bottom and a wiper trip made new two way communications link (Geo-Span) worked well
back to 7200 ft to log that interval where no FEWD had been after debugging the issues seen during the first run.
run. Drilling then commenced from 8630 ft to 9361 ft where
the run was terminated due to the rotary steerable battery Campaign Conclusions
reaching the end of its life, a drilled interval of 731 ft. L10 is the most successful well in Liverpool Bay. Producing
A similar BHA was picked up and used to TD this lateral 22,000 bbls/day with 25psi draw down.
drilling from 9361 ft to 9679 ft, an interval of 318 ft. This L10 and L11 respectively added 7,000ft and 15,000ft to the
BHA was also used to initiate the third sidetrack. producing interval. Over 90 % was within the +/- 2ft stretch
target tolerance, and therefore provides confidence that the
L10X (third sidetrack) long-term productivity improvements outlined in SPE 75249
The BHA used to TD the second sidetrack was pulled back will be realised.
to the desired sidetrack depth of 7257 ft, where the trajectory There were three 8 ½" section field record bit runs on L10;
had been set up previously to facilitate initiation of this fourth the longest PDC bit run of 1,408ft and the two longest insert
lateral. tri-cone bit runs of 2,502ft and 2,313ft, the latter also
The same time drilling techniques were used again here and including an open hole side-track. The tri-cone bit
the sidetrack established in 5 hours. After side-tracking it was development for drilling the 8 ½” sections on Lennox has had
a requirement to turn at 3.5 /100 to azimuth 345 degrees significant input over the life of the project and has resulted
maintaining the +/- 2ft tolerance. in the hybrid 15GFDGPD bit that was manufactured specially
The system behaved extremely well during this run. The for this project. The main feature of the hybrid bit is that as
formations were such that any build or drop trend initiated by much diamond wear protection is put on all areas of the bit as
steering required an opposite orientation to break the trend possible to slow down the effects of the abrasive sandstone.
rather than a return to neutral. The Geo-Span two-way This achievement has extended the oil-producing plateau of
communication link proved invaluable in these the Lennox field by approximately 2 years, and reduced
circumstances. Of the 105 instructions sent during this run all produced gas to solution levels. It is also estimated that
were received first time, with rotary steerable responding recoverable reserves have been increased by at least 6.7
quickly. mmstb.
The run was terminated for a combination of Krevs on the The considered application of appropriate drilling
bit and slowing ROP having drilled 1995ft from 7275 ft to technologies and techniques has contributed significantly to
9270 ft. this success. Confidence in doing this was facilitated by
The same assembly was re-run with a new bit but after taking a staged approach to their introduction, and by
drilling only from 9270 ft to 9290 ft a 700 psi pressure drop planning contingency measures to match the perceived risks.
indicated a wash out. Given the immaturity of the technologies at the time of well
The same tools and bit were re-run after dealing with the construction, performance and reliability was very good.
washout. This final run drilled from 9290 ft to TD at 9962 ft, Only four individual rotary steerable tools were used to drill
an interval of 672 ft. both wells.
This rotary steerable tool had drilled a total of 3005 ft.
Fig. 11 shows the plan view of the two wells, while Fig. 12 References
shows the 8 ½” sections for both wells projected on to a 1. A.Yaliz, T.Chapman and J.Downie – “Case Study of a
common vertical section plane to illustrate the “flatness” Quad-Lateral horizontal Well in the Lennox field:
achieved. Triassic Oil-Rim Reservoir.” SPE 75249 - SPE/DOE 13th
Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery- Tulsa, April 2002
FEWD / Drilling Optimisation Data Acquisition – (A brief 2. T.M.Gaynor,G .T Irvine, R. Boulton, D.A.Gilchrist, Ian
over view) Lane “Step Change in Drilling Efficiency in Mature
There is insufficient space and time in this paper to North Sea Fields from a New Motor and Bit
thoroughly review what is a very interesting data set.
Combination” SPE 56936 – SPE/IADC Offshore Europe, 5. Brett J. F., Warren T.M., Behr S.M. – “ Bit Whirl – A
Aberdeen 1999. New Theory of PDC Bit Failure” SPE 19571 – 1989 San
3. T.M.Gaynor, D.Chen, D. Stuart, L. Comeau – Antonio
“Tortuosity versus Microtortuosity – Why little Things 6. Zannoni S.A., Cheatham C. A., Chen D. C. T, Golla C.A.,
Mean A Lot” SPE/IADC 67818 – Amsterdam 2001 “ Development and Field Testing of a New Downhole
4. Brett J.F. – “The Genesis of Bit induced Torisional MWD Drillstring Dynamics Sensor” SPE 26341 – 1993,
Drillstring Vibration” SPE / IADC 21943 – 1991, Houston
Amsterdam 7. Dykstra M.W., Chen D.C.K., Warren R.M., Zannoni S.A.
– “ Experimental Evaluations of Drill Bit and Drill
String Dynamics” – SPE 28323 – 1994, New Orleans
5 945 000
L10X L2
3 L6
5 943 000 L7 L9 6
Platform L1
L10Z L1z
L8 L8Y L11Z
5 941 000
110/14 B 110/1 BHPBillito
486 000 488 000 490 000
Number of Bit Runs
Poor Directional Control
3 x Washouts
1 x Underguage
Steering Problems
3 x MWD Failures (Silicate)
Steering Problems
3 x MWD Failures
Steering Problems
Steering Problems
Try new bit / BHA (PDS)
Figure 2 – Lennox Wells - Vertical sections profiles normalised to a common plane.
Directional Control
Plug Back and Sidetrack
Poor ROP
Stabilizers Hanging Up
Figure 4 - Lennox Conceptual Well – “Best of the Best” composite for 12 ¼” hole
Figure 5 – Conservative Estimate of Performance Improvement – Extending the initial PDC bit run
Figure 6 – “Stretch” Performance Improvement Estimate – Significant extension of PDC bitrun
20" Conductor
481ft MD
400 481ft TVD
Clevelys Mudstone
1200 "Mid C" Marker
Vertical Depth
Mythop Halite
2000 Blackpool Mudstone 13 3/8" Casing
2091ft MD
2075ft TVD
Rossall Halite Slick-Bore with long-guage PDC Bit
Ansdell Mudstone
Zone IA 2
3200 Zone IB Slick-Bore with TCI Bit
Scale: 1cm = 400ft
Zone IIA
Zone IIB
3600 Zone III (Fault) 9 5/8" Casing 110/15-L11 Survey
4487ft MD
3523ft TVD
-800 -400 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 4400 4800 5200 5600 6000 6400 6800
Scale: 1cm = 400ft Vertical Section Section Azimuth: 134.327° (Grid North)
Figure 8 - L10 Actual Performance in 12 ¼”
Dowbridge Mudstone
Preesall Halite
20" Conductor
485ft MD
485ft TVD
600 Clevelys Mudstone
Cleveleys "Mid C" Marker
Vertical Depth
Mythop Halite
Blackpool Mudstone
2100 13 3/8" Casing
2092ft MD
2080ft TVD
Ansdell Mudstone
Zone IB
3300 Zone IIA 3
GOC 4 Bit Re-Run
-1200 -900 -600 -300 0 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 3000 3300 3600 3900 4200 4500 4800
Scale: 1cm = 300ft Vertical Section Section Azimuth: 280.000° (Grid North)
Figure 9 – Plan view of L10 and L7z Showing proximity of the heels.
Porous Zone
Porous Zone
Zone1 / Zone 2
Boundary layer
Figure 10 – FEWD / BHA Configuration Tool Configuration
Geopilot Quad combo with Caliper
Stab Pin / Pin
Pin / Pin
4900 4900
3500 3500
L10 Lateral 3 2800
9679ft MD
2100 2100
1400 1400
9 5/8" Casing
700 700
4513 ft MD
0 0
L10 Lateral 2
-700 -700
9905 ft MD 9 5/8" Casing
4487ft MD
-1400 -1400
-2100 -2100
L10 Lateral 1
8785 ft MD -2800
9900 ft MD
-4200 -4200
Scale: 1cm = 700ft
-4900 -4900
L11 Lateral 2
-5600 9326 ft MD -5600
-8400 -7700 -7000 -6300 -5600 -4900 -4200 -3500 -2800 -2100 -1400 -700 0 700 1400 2100 2800 3500 4200 4900 5600 6300 7000 7700
Scale: 1cm = 700ft Eastings Reference is Grid North
Figure 12 – Normalised Section of L10 and L11 8 ½”holes
3515 L10X
L10Y L11
Vertical Depth
3525 L11
20 ft TVD Corridor Junction
Scale: 1cm = 5ft
1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 3000 3300 3600 3900 4200 4500 4800 5100 5400 5700 6000 6300 6600
Scale: 1cm = 300ft Vertical Section Section Azimuth: 280.000° (Grid North)