Hohner Brochure
Hohner Brochure
Hohner Brochure
HOHNEB Student lV
26 p ano keys - 2 sets of reeds - Tremo o
tLrning 2 + 1 trebLe sw tches -
2 b-c -
ione effects -Tone range
The same modeL.b!twith48 basses in six
rows Co out red perloid
Weight n case: appr.6,500 kg = 14rl3 lbs
without case 4 800 kg 10r/r lbs
HOHNER Arietta I M
34 piano keys - 2 sets of reeds -
Tremo otuning -2 + l trebleswitches
2 tone effects - Tone range: g-e
72 basses n 6 rows - Bass arrangemeni
as on standard piano accordions
size:394x 185 mm = 15r/," x 7rla'.
Colours: b ackce uloid, red perloid
Padded straps - Strong carying case
Weighl in case: approx.9,7 kg : 21113lbs
withou!case:approx.6,2kg : 13r/rlbs
HOHNER Arietta lV M
Light in weight, beautitul in
The idealAccordions for the
younger generation, which will
appeal to all enthusiasts on
sporting occasions, at camps
and for hiking etc. These instru-
ments are easy to Iearn and
excellent for beginners.
HOHNER Piccoletta
The liitle Piano Accordion with great appeal
26 p ano keys l setofreeds 12 basses
(6fundanrenta basses with major chordsJ
Tone range in treb!e: b-c"'
s ze:300 x 13s mm : 113/1" x5r/3
We ght: approx.2,2 ks net (44/s lbs)
Each instrument packed ln a stronq card-
board box or on req u est with attract ve
HOHNEB Starlet40
This accordion has youth appeal-
attracts new musical interest- paves the
way to quick talent development.
26 piano keys b-c "
two sets of reeds, tremolo tun ng
HOHNEB Marchesa
37 treble kevs 3 sets of reeds
Octave tunL;q - 7 treble sw tches
HOHNEF Verdill
37 ireble keys 3 sets of reeds
HOHNEB Verdilll
4l treb e keys 3 sels of reeds
7 treble sw tches (5 tone effects)
1 master.o!p er at keyboard edge
4l lrebLe keys -4 sets of reeds '
I1 ireble switches (5 tone effects)
1 master coup eraikeyboard edge
Sameas Luc a ll b!iwith4setsofreeds
in doub e octave tunlng
Ieffectivetreb e coup ers -
We ght in case: appr 13,5 kg : 293/a lbs
w thoutcase: approx.8,7 kg - l9lbs
HOHNEB Pirola lV P
41 p ano keys, Medium sized keyboard,
4 sets of reeds in double o.tave t!nino
I effective treb e coup ers -
Tone range: f-a"' 120 basses n 6 rows -
3 bass reg sters'Size :t40x 175 mm
Apart from the well known advantages of I lmproved coupling with central traverse
Atlantic construction, both these models now
I Bigger size in the lower octaves for better
include the following improvenenls: response
I New reedblock fixtures (2) Fewer workrng pa rts for easier servicing.
HOHNER Atlantlc IV N de Lux€
HOHNEB lmperator V
HOHNEB Besonator 10
16', 8 8
8 CLar net
8', Sirings
t6'8 8: T!tt
16 R
16 6',
8' 8 B:
16', 8',
The top instrument recognized universally by inter-
national Accord ion virtuosos - Special resonance
chambers provide a most pleasing and balanced tone
Superior hand made reed tongues Morino
HOHNEB Morino lV N
41 p ano keys,4 seis of reeds Double
octave tun ng 1elfect ve trebLe sw tches
Tone range' f a 120 basses inOrows
S ze 480x 190 mm = 19 x7r ,'
Padded leather straps
Sirong caryiig case
We ght n case approx 15 6 kg : 35 bs
wtholtcase: approx 10.9 kg :24lbs
S miario Morino VN butwith 5sets of
reeds. doubLe octave tun ng
11 effective treb e switches -
HOHNER [4orino Vl N
with additiona chromati. (fre€) basses
(Bassetnl (see back pase)
H.HNER @la
Pride of the Artist, the fabulous
HOHNEB Gola. Professional
instruments for the mostde-
manding player. ln straight
American tuning.
4l Piano keys,4 sets of reeds,
do!ble o.tave t!ning
ll effect ve treble couplers
lmaste coupler at r.eyboa dedqe
20 basses, T bass couo e,s
prov d ng srnq e noie p dy nq on the bass
kevboa.d 6 s-.rq or rce.lc
Cise si2e: 480 x 190 mm = 19" x 7r .'
Colour: black cellu o d
We,ghrwrth case: appr. l69l.g = 37, a tbs
without.ase appio" llSkq:26 bs
chromatic Grce)Accordions
--',*- ,.
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The big advance in accordion
HOHNER Polyphonic300
HOHNER Polyphonic400