Hohner Brochure

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The universally popular

brands for beginners

and amateurs:
HOHNER Student ll
26 piano keys '2 sets ofreeds'Tremolo
tun ng - Tone range: b-c
Sze:315x180mm: I2'?ls

2shou der straps - Stonq carrylng case

Weight in case: approx. 5,4 kg : l2lbs
withoutcase: aPProx. 3 650 kg : 8 lbs

HOHNEB Student lV
26 p ano keys - 2 sets of reeds - Tremo o
tLrning 2 + 1 trebLe sw tches -
2 b-c -
ione effects -Tone range

Srze 3ls x 180 mm - 12'z1s" xl'

Colour: red perloid 2 shoulder straps
Werght,n case approN.6.400kg = l4lbs
wrthout case appro^ 4 650 kq : l0'/4 bs

The same modeL.b!twith48 basses in six
rows Co out red perloid
Weight n case: appr.6,500 kg = 14rl3 lbs
without case 4 800 kg 10r/r lbs

HOHNER Arietta I M
34 piano keys - 2 sets of reeds -
Tremo otuning -2 + l trebleswitches
2 tone effects - Tone range: g-e
72 basses n 6 rows - Bass arrangemeni
as on standard piano accordions
size:394x 185 mm = 15r/," x 7rla'.
Colours: b ackce uloid, red perloid
Padded straps - Strong carying case
Weighl in case: approx.9,7 kg : 21113lbs
withou!case:approx.6,2kg : 13r/rlbs

HOHNER Arieita llM

Thesame modelas Arietta I M butwith
3 sets of reeds - octave t!ning
5 effectve vebLe swiches
Weight in case, approx. 24 tbs
10,8 kg :
without case: approx:7,3 kg = l6lbs

HOHNER Arietta lV M

4l treb e l^eys 3 sets of reeds Octave

n,.,nd - seffecl ve treble couplers _

120 bass;s n 6 rows 2 bass req sters

S ze: 480 x 195 mm :
19" x 7rla"
Colours' black celluloid or red perloid
Padded leatherstraps
Skonq caflying case
We oht rn case: aPProY 128 kg:28lbs
w th;uicase: approi. S4kq: l8'/)lbs
3 low priced special

Light in weight, beautitul in
The idealAccordions for the
younger generation, which will
appeal to all enthusiasts on
sporting occasions, at camps
and for hiking etc. These instru-
ments are easy to Iearn and
excellent for beginners.
HOHNER Piccoletta
The liitle Piano Accordion with great appeal
26 p ano keys l setofreeds 12 basses
(6fundanrenta basses with major chordsJ
Tone range in treb!e: b-c"'
s ze:300 x 13s mm : 113/1" x5r/3
We ght: approx.2,2 ks net (44/s lbs)
Each instrument packed ln a stronq card-
board box or on req u est with attract ve

Good looks plus newtechn ca advaniages:

HOHNEB Starlet40
This accordion has youth appeal-
attracts new musical interest- paves the
way to quick talent development.
26 piano keys b-c "
two sets of reeds, tremolo tun ng

smooth intonarloi , powerfultone -

bestqua ity reeds comfortable action

Red cas fs, so d co our gri

S,e: 3l0x 170 mm (approx 121 ls' x 631 t")
Welght in carrying case: appr. 5 kg (t 1 lbs)
We ghtw thoutcary ng case
approx. a.2 kg (9r/a lbs)

HOHNEB Marchesa

41 treb e keys - 2 sets of reeds

Trernolo iuning '3lrebleswitches (2 + 1)

120basses n 6 rows - 2 bass reg sters

Medium size:435x 175mm: 17)/s" 6tltr'

Padded eather svaps

Strong carying case
Weight n case, approx 11,8 kg:26 bs
wthoutcase: approx. T 7 kg: IT lbs
The traditional model on the world
famous HOHNER range
Full size rounded keys
HoHNER \refdi HOHNER special-design
board with
keys easilY re-
aluminium Pallet
- built-in couPler
slides noiseless couPler
action - all metal bass action

37 treble kevs 3 sets of reeds
Octave tunL;q - 7 treble sw tches

i master coupler ai keyboard edge

80 basses ln 5 rows 3 bass reg sters

S ze: aao x 185 mm = 17rl3'x7rla
Co o!r, red peno d _ Padded eather siraps
Stronq carryin.rcase
Weloht in .ase' aPProx. 12.7 kg = 28 bs
wilh;ut case: approx 8,6 kg = 19 Lbs

HOHNEF Verdill
37 ireble keys 3 sets of reeds

7 neble 5wrtches t5 to.eeffects)

1 master coupler at keyboard edge

96 basses Ln 6 rows 3 bass registers

S ze:440 x I8s rnm
Co ours, black ceLL! o d or red Per o d
Weroht,.case:app 133001! : 29rlrlbs
w th;ut case app,o\ 9,300|q = 20r/, b!

HOHNEB Verdilll
4l treb e keys 3 sels of reeds
7 treble sw tches (5 tone effects)
1 master.o!p er at keyboard edge

l20basses n 6rows 3bass reg,sters

Size '180 x 185 mm : 19 x 7rl{"
Colo!r b ack celluloid
We qht n case appr. 14,30019 = 3lr/ bs
w thaut case appro.. O000Lq:22 bs

4l lrebLe keys -4 sets of reeds '
I1 ireble switches (5 tone effects)
1 master coup eraikeyboard edge

120 basses in 6rows -5 + 1 bass reglsters

S ze:480 x 195 mm : 19' x 7'?lj"
Colo!r: b ack ce uloid
We,oht n.ase appro, l5kq = 33 bs
Tropicalized models: wtha!tcase aop,o.. l0650hq = 23rlzlbs

STUDENT lL. lV V in r€d Perloid

ABIETTA M Ll M in red Perlo,d All VERDI models are on request
available with internal treble
VERD|llin red Per o d mikes
VEED llV nblackCe ulold

areava lab ewth stain ess steelreeds atsmallsurcharge P ease

add "TR (for tropica sed) when ordering n this f nish.
in "Atlantic"

The ATLANTIC construction

incorporates revolutionary new

Llght metal cas ng, all movable wooden

parts rep aced by meta or plastlc mater a i
rounded p ano keys, iid vldually deiach
ablei a metalbass mecha. sm;
al! min um panel re nforced by coupler
gu des and nserted register s desl
al!parts eas ly and swftydismantLed
Beca!seof thematerials!sed insiruments
built on At ant c pr nciples are res stanito

HOHNEB Lucia lll

37 piano keys. 3 sets of reeds
Fu size keyboard - Octave run ng
5 effecive treble sw tches -

96 basses in 6 rows - 3 bass registers

Sze 440x t75mm:17,/3- x7..
Colo!rs: b ack also red peno d veneer
We sht n.ase: appr.13,0 kg:28rl,lbs
w thout case: approx 8.3k9:18'/a bs

Sameas Luc a ll b!iwith4setsofreeds
in doub e octave tunlng
Ieffectivetreb e coup ers -
We ght in case: appr 13,5 kg : 293/a lbs
w thoutcase: approx.8,7 kg - l9lbs

HOHNEB Pirola lV P
41 p ano keys, Medium sized keyboard,
4 sets of reeds in double o.tave t!nino
I effective treb e coup ers -
Tone range: f-a"' 120 basses n 6 rows -
3 bass reg sters'Size :t40x 175 mm

Colour b acl Padded eather st aps

Stro.9 Ld, ry nq .ase
Werght n case appro, l2 8 Lq : 28 bs
w lhout.ase appro" 8 4 [q : 8r 7 bs


41 p ano keys,3 sets of reeds
Octave tu. .g - Tone range. f .
9 ireb e couple,s {5tone effects)
1 master couplerat keyboard edqe
l20basses in 6 rows

Sze 480 ' 185 mm : i9" (ir.

Colours b acL a so red Pertord ven-.er
Werqht,n.ase app,o. l5 Lg: 33 bs
wthoul.ase .ppro^ 95Lq : 2t bs
HoHNER Atlanti,c lV N narr"tt" with many new features
and HoHNER AtlantiC lV N oer.r,,e

Apart from the well known advantages of I lmproved coupling with central traverse
Atlantic construction, both these models now
I Bigger size in the lower octaves for better
include the following improvenenls: response

I Longerchannels forfully effective bass

I Longer white keys (1) I Bigid key levertransmission fordirect

contact and quicker response (3)
I New shape black keys
Greater volume through newtype
I Easy-view registers with register symbols resonance hood (4)

I New reedblock fixtures (2) Fewer workrng pa rts for easier servicing.
HOHNER Atlantlc IV N de Lux€

41 piano keys,4 sets ofreed6, double

octave tuning - Tone range: f-a"
1 I effective treble swltche€
1 master couplerat keyboard edge
120 basses in 6 rows
3 bass register€
Size: 480 x 185 mm (lS" x 7rla")
Colo!rs: black or ivory
Weight ln case: approx. 15,7 ks (34ri, lbs)
without case: approx.11,1 kg (24rl? lbs)

HOHNEB Atlantic IV N Musette

41 piano keys,4 sets of reeds,

musettetuning - Tone range: f-a"'
11 treble couplers, T effecilve tone efiects
1 master coup er at edge of keyboard
120 basses in 6 rows -

Size:480 x 185 mm (1S x7rl.")

We qhtrncase: approx. ls,sks(34'la bs)

witholt case: appro* l0 9lq t24 bsl
lmperator "The
Resonator accordionist's
The instruments with universal appeal

HOHNEB lmperator V

l,,4ost !p to-date profess onal nstr!.nent'

Easy act on, Cassoito constr!rct on.
4l p a.oleys,5sets ol,eeds, double
octaletun..r 2lt eb e coup ers
I master coupler at edge of keyboard
22 effect ve tone effects

120 basses on 6 rows _7 bass couP ers

Co ou h oh o oss bldch f . sh
: l9
c,..e s ze:48b < 220 mm 81
Weqhth th c,r'e .pp,o. l9lg = a2 bs
w thout c.se appror l3l'q:28 :lbs

On request model lmPerator V can also be

supplied in musette tuning.

HOHNEB Besonator 10

An excL!s ve ent re y.ewtone effects

lrbu !l Cassotto and resonator.
Thes!perso!nd qua iy results from tone
comb nalions ofthe cassottow th

4l p ano keys, standard s ze

Beg sters 16 ,8 .8'and F (Fesonator)

Case s re, a80 x 185 nrm (l9 x7r r")

Co our, black ceLL! o d
Weight wlih case: approx 16 kg (35' 3 bs)
w thoui.ase: approx. 1l ko (2arli bs)

16', 8 8
8 CLar net
8', Sirings
t6'8 8: T!tt
16 R
16 6',
8' 8 B:
16', 8',
The top instrument recognized universally by inter-
national Accord ion virtuosos - Special resonance
chambers provide a most pleasing and balanced tone
Superior hand made reed tongues Morino
HOHNEB Morino lV N
41 p ano keys,4 seis of reeds Double
octave tun ng 1elfect ve trebLe sw tches
Tone range' f a 120 basses inOrows
S ze 480x 190 mm = 19 x7r ,'
Padded leather straps
Sirong caryiig case
We ght n case approx 15 6 kg : 35 bs
wtholtcase: approx 10.9 kg :24lbs
S miario Morino VN butwith 5sets of
reeds. doubLe octave tun ng
11 effective treb e switches -

Size 480x215 mm = l9'x8r ,

Weight ncase, approx 16.8k9:37lbs
wthoutcase: approx 11.7 kg :253/albs

HOHNER [4orino Vl N
with additiona chromati. (fre€) basses
(Bassetnl (see back pase)

H.HNER @la
Pride of the Artist, the fabulous
HOHNEB Gola. Professional
instruments for the mostde-
manding player. ln straight
American tuning.
4l Piano keys,4 sets of reeds,
do!ble o.tave t!ning
ll effect ve treble couplers
lmaste coupler at r.eyboa dedqe
20 basses, T bass couo e,s
prov d ng srnq e noie p dy nq on the bass
kevboa.d 6 s-.rq or rce.lc
Cise si2e: 480 x 190 mm = 19" x 7r .'
Colour: black cellu o d
We,ghrwrth case: appr. l69l.g = 37, a tbs
without.ase appio" llSkq:26 bs


wiih add t ona chromat c (free) basses
(Bassetti) (see back pase)

Every Gola modelis fitled with trebte mute

shutter and has specialresonance
chambers (Cassotto).

chromatic Grce)Accordions

These instruments meet the requirements of many

accordionists who want to play polyphonically on both
treble and bass.

The note seouence is chromatic. The bass

side plays sL;gle noies or chords. The pitch
of the notes asce.d ng and descendi.g
enables the writte. notes to so!nd at
elaciy the rlr tte. p tch
There are lhree dist nct types: HOHNEB accord ons w,rh ihe chromatic
(free) bass system offer greaier musical
Accordions exclusively wlth free basses scope Accord on playlng becomes rnore
a basses and chords): HOHNEB StarletFB effect ve and the musicalv stas are
{with out conventio n

Accordions with conventional (Stradella) basses and chromatic (Iree)

basses obrained by converter switch:
HOHNER Polyphonlc 300 and 400 HOHNEB StarlerFB with free basses
Accordions with conventional basses plus additional chromatic (free) This cornpact slngle bass note model s
basses (Basseiti) without converter switchl idea for the introductlon to chromati. bass
instruments Lighi n weight attractve
HOHNEB N4orino Vl N. Mor no Vll N and Gola 454 in appearance and superbly balanced, t s
h,qhly ecomme.ded as an add,hona
instr!menttothe Strade a bass instrumenl
enabling the student to play polyphonic

26treblekeys 1 setof reeds

To.e ranoe: b c '
32basse; in 3 rows 1 set of reeds
Size 310x r70mm (12r 1"x6213")
We oht,ncase app,oi.5l'g (ll lbs)
w thalt case appro'. 4 2 lq (9r a bsl

Bass chaltofthe Startet FB The charl shows the basic pr .ciple

on which the chromatlc (free) bass is bu t
The range of iotes varies according to the
model of the nstr!ment, but the arange
ment of the syst€m remains as above,
wheiher sing e Bass Nole instruments
Converter instruments or Bassetti

--',*- ,.
". =',, -\,. ^'., ". +
The big advance in accordion

By meansofa standard register

switch the major, minorand
seventh chords convert single
reed chromatic basses.

The instrument remains unchanged in size

and the bass button area is thesame.
Overand above the normalnote range of
the chromatic (free) bass system it is
possible to obtain contra octave sequences
in the lower position when changlng to
thirds and fundamental basses. The
diminished chord buttons do notproduce
so!ndswhen the converter register is in
operation, but the fundamenta I and counter
basses remain at the existing pitch.

HOHNER Polyphonic300

34 piano keys in treble

3 sets of reeds - octavetunlng

HOHNER Polyphonic 300 Tonal Ranse on Bass

Colour: black celluloid
Size: 39a x 185 mm (l5r/," x 7rla")
Weightwith case: appr. 11.2k9 :24tl2lhs
with out case: approx. 7,8 kS : 171/i lbs

HOHNER Polyphonic400

41 piano keys in treble

HOHNER Polyphonic 400-TonalHange on Bass 4 sets of reeds double octavetuning

1 mastercouplerat keyboard edge
120 basses

Colour: black celluloid

Size: 480x 185 mm (19" x7rla')
Weightwith case: appr.l5,7 kg = 34r/r lbs
withoutcase: approx. 11,3 ko : 25lbs

') smal no'es'o be pbyedo. sia

Famous players have chosen
this system as being the most
advanced in accordion construc-
tion and ihe added rows of single
bass notes are immediately
available without d isturbing the
Stradella system.


45 piano keys, 5 sets of reeds -

double octave tuning
1 1 trebLe push couplers
1 treble chin coupler
2trebles idecouplers wth double aci on
Tone range: e c
Specia! resonance charnber (Cassotto)
lSsbasses in 9 rows, ( nclud.g58chro
maicbasses in 3 rows.2 sets of reeds.

3 bass regisiers and 2 bass s de couplers

Sze:480x235mm : 1g x9r i"
Co o!L b ack celluloid
Padded leaihersiraps
Strong carying case
We ght n case: approx. 18 kg : 40 lbs
wthoutcase: aPprox.l3 kg :29lbs
45 piano keys 4setsofreeds double
ociave iuning 11 treble switches - 1 treb e
ch n colpler 2 treble s de coup ers w ih

rone raise, (E) e-c" (c" )

Speclal resonance charnber (Cassotto)
l85basses in 9 rows ( ncluding s8 chro-
matic basses in 3 rows,2 seis of reeds,
octavetun.g) ' 7 bass reg siers
Case s ze: 480 x 210 rnm = 19' x 8r/1'
Cololrr: black ceLLulo d

HOHNER Gola 454

45p ano keys,4 sets of reeds -

doub e octave tun ng

1l treble switches,I mastercoup erat

Speclal resonance chamber (Cassotto)

185 basses in 9 rows (inc uding 58 chro-
mai c basses in 3 rows.2 sets of reeds.

7bass registers and 1 bass s de coup er

Case s ze:490 x 205 mm : 19'/r" x 81 4'
Colour: b ackcelluloid
We ghtwth case; appr.19,2 kg = a21i3 Lbs
wilhoutcase: approx 13 7 kg : 30'/ilbs

HOHNEB super instruments - Morino Vl N, Morino Vll N

and Gola 454 - have in addition to six rows of conven-
Spe.n.ar oismaybe mod r'ed riom tme ro r ms
tional basses, three rows containing 58 chromatic subjecr ro re.hn.a req! rahe 3

basses (two voice octave). This provides the player with

altogether 185 basses in I rows. (These instruments
dispense with a converter switch for the chromatic

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