Statistics - Docx Unit 1
Statistics - Docx Unit 1
Statistics - Docx Unit 1
Descriptive Statistics
In the descriptive Statistics, the Data is described in a summarized way. The summarization is
done from the sample of the population using different parameters like Mean or standard
deviation. Descriptive Statistics are a way of using charts, graphs, and summary measures to
organize, represent, and explain a set of Data.
Data is typically arranged and displayed in tables or graphs summarizing details such as
histograms, pie charts, bars or scatter plots.
Descriptive Statistics are just descriptive and thus do not require normalization beyond
the Data collected.
Inferential Statistics
In the Inferential Statistics, we try to interpret the Meaning of descriptive Statistics. After the
Data has been collected, analyzed, and summarised we use Inferential Statistics to describe the
Meaning of the collected Data.
Inferential Statistics use the probability principle to assess whether trends contained in
the research sample can be generalized to the larger population from which the sample
originally comes.
Inferential Statistics are intended to test hypotheses and investigate relationships between
variables and can be used to make population predictions.
Inferential Statistics are used to draw conclusions and inferences, i.e., to make valid
generalizations from samples.
The measures of central tendency do not suffice to describe the complete information about a
given Data. Therefore, the variability is described by a value called the measure of dispersion.
1. The range in Statistics is calculated as the difference between the maximum value and the
minimum value of the Data points.
2. The quartile deviation that measures the absolute measure of dispersion. The Data points
are divided into 3 quarters. Find the Median of the Data points. The Median of the Data
points to the left of this Median is said to be the upper quartile and the Median of the
Data points to the right of this Median is said to be the lower quartile. Upper quartile -
lower quartile is the interquartile range. Half of this is the quartile deviation.
3. The Mean deviation is the statistical measure to determine the average of the absolute
difference between the items in a distribution and the Mean or Median of that series.
4. The standard deviation is the measure of the amount of variation of a set of values.
Stages of Statistics
1. Collection of Data:
This is the first step of statistical Analysis where we collect the Data using different methods
depending upon the case.
In the next step, we organize the collected Data in a Meaningful manner. All the Data is made
easier to understand.
3. Presentation of Data:
In the third step we simplify the Data. These Data are presented in the form of tables, graphs, and
Analysis is required to get the right results. It is often carried out using measures of central
tendencies, measures of dispersion, correlation, regression, and interpolation.
5. Interpretation of Data:
In this last stage, conclusions are enacted. Use of comparisons is made. On this basis, forecasting
is made.
Uses of Statistics
Statistics helps to present complex Data for the simple and consistent Interpretation of the
Data in a suitable tabular, diagrammatic, and graphic form.
Statistics help to explain the nature and pattern of variability through quantitative
observations of a phenomenon.
Statistics help to depict the Data in tabular form, or in a graphical form in order to
understand it properly.
Applications of Statistics
Functions of Statistics:
Statistics has patently two broad functions. The first of these functions is description and the
statistics is induction, which involves either making generalizations about some ‘population’ on
the basis of a sample drawn from this population or formulating general laws on the basis of
repeated observations.
Limitations of Statistics:
4. In gathering, analyzing, and interpreting the data, if adequate care is not taken,
statistical findings can be misleading.
5. Statistical data can be treated effectively only by a person who has professional
knowledge of statistics.
Graphical Representation
Graphical representation is another way of analysing numerical data. A graph is a chart through
which data are represented in the form of lines or curves drawn across the coordinated points
plotted on the surface.
Data can be represented in different ways such as graphs, charts, plots etc. There are different
types of graphical representations of data. Some of them are as follows:
1. Bar Graph
2. Pie Chart
3. Line Graph
4. Pictograph
5. Histogram
6. Frequency Distribution
7. Scatter Plot
Bar Graph: A bar graph is a pictorial representation of data in which bars of uniform
width are drawn with equal spacing between them. The height of each bar depends on the
values they represent.
Example: The given bar graph shows the number of matches played by different teams.
Pie Chart: A pie chart is a representation of values as slices of a circle with different
colours. The slices are labelled and the numbers corresponding to each slice are also
represented in the chart.
Pictograph: A way of graphing categorical data by using pictures to represent data items. In
other words, pictographs are a way of representing statistical data using symbolic figures to
match the frequencies of different kinds of data.
Scatter Plot: Scatter plots show many points plotted in the Cartesian plane. Each point
represents the values of two variables. One variable is chosen on the horizontal axis and the other
on the vertical axis.