Gravel and Sand Are : (A) Cohesive Coarse-Grained Soil
Gravel and Sand Are : (A) Cohesive Coarse-Grained Soil
Gravel and Sand Are : (A) Cohesive Coarse-Grained Soil
Correct answer
* 1/1
(a) SP-SM
(b) SW-SM
(c) SP-SC
(d) SW-SC
3. If the weight of a hammer is 10kN and the height of drop is 2m, then 0/1
what is the theoretical input energy? *
(a) 5kN-m
(b) 10kN-m
(c) 15kN-m
(d) 20kN-m
Correct answer
(d) 20kN-m
(c) As the test progresses the area under shear, gradually changes
Correct answer
(c) As the test progresses the area under shear, gradually changes
* 0/1
Correct answer
(a) .0002 mm
(b) .002 mm
(c) .02 mm
(d) 0.2 mm
7. Ratio of unconfined compressive strength of an undisturbed sample of 0/1
soil to that of a remoulded sample at the same water content is known as
(b) Thixotropy
(c) Sensitivity
(d) Activity
Correct answer
(c) Sensitivity
Correct answer
(a) The density is less than the maximum dry density and water content is on dry
side of optimum
(b) The compaction density is very low and water content is less than 12%
(d) Both the dry density and water content of the compacted soil are within the
desirable limits
Correct answer
(d) Both the dry density and water content of the compacted soil are within the
desirable limits
* 0/1
Correct answer
* 0/1
Correct answer
12. A 1 m thick layer of saturated clay, drained at both faces, settles by 10 0/1
cm in one year. If a thin layer of pervious soil is introduced in the middle
of this layer, then what will be the period during which the settlement of
10 cm will be compacted? *
(a) 2 years
(d) 3 years
Correct answer
Correct answer
14. Four columns of building are to be located within a plot size of 10 m × 0/1
10 m. The expected load on each column is 400 kN. Allowable bearing
capacity of soil deposit is 100 kN/m. The type of foundation to be used is
Correct answer
Correct answer
(a) Cement
(b) Lime
(c) Bitumen
Correct answer
17. Which one of the following states of field compaction of sand deposit 1/1
truly represents the corrected standard penetration test value: N
(corrected) = 12? *
(a) Loose
(c) Dense
(b) Possible to ensure its resting on suitable bearing stratum of uniform nature
(d)Sinking of the well causes vibrations that are good for adjacent structures
Correct answer
(d)Sinking of the well causes vibrations that are good for adjacent structures
* 1/1
* 0/1
Correct answer
22. The earth pressure theory that is used for the design of cantilever 1/1
retaining wall is *
23. The skempton’s pore water pressure parameter for a normally 0/1
consolidated clay range between *
(a) -0.5 to 0
(b) 0 to 0.5
Correct answer
24. The gradual reduction in volume of a soil mass resulting from an 1/1
increase in and continued application of compressive stress and is due to
expulsion of water from the pores is called *
(a) Compaction
(b) consolidation
(c) settlement
(d) depression
25. The height to which water can be lifted by capillarity is * 1/1
(c) Increases with decreasing diameter of the passage and is independent of the
atmospheric pressure
(d) None.
Correct answer
Correct answer
28. In which of the following samplings is care taken to ensure that at 1/1
least the composition of the soil as it exists in nature remains unaltered?
(b) porosity
(c) permeability
Correct answer
(c) permeability
Correct answer
32. The core-cutter method for determining is -situ unit weight is suitable0/1
for *
Correct answer
(a) 25mm
(b) 50mm
(c) 75mm
(d) 100mm
* 0/1
Correct answer
a) shape of grain
b) weight of grain
Correct answer
36. The bulk density of a soil sample is 2.10 gm/cm3 at a water content of 0/1
15%. Without changing the voids ratio, the soil is partially dried to a
density of 1.95 gm/cm3. Then the water content will be *
(a) 10.68%
(b) 8.6%
(c) 6.8%
(d) 5.34%
Correct answer
(c) 6.8%
37. An engineer wanting to find suitable sand for embankment filling 0/1
observe that a particular type of sand has a relative density of 0%. What
can he conclude from this? *
Correct answer
(c) Static skin friction on the shaft during dutch cone penetration test
Correct answer
a) The void ratio in soils is defined as the ratio of the volume of voids to the volume
of solids
b) The porosity of a soil is defined as the ratio of the volume of voids to the gross
volume of the soil
c) The bulk density of a soil is defined as the unit weight of the soil solids
d) The dry density of a soil is defined as weight of solids to the total volume of the
41. The ratio of the horizontal effective stress, h to the vertical 1/1
effective stress, v is termed as *
(c) Friction
(a) Newman
(b) Newmark
(c) Skempton
(d) Darcy
Correct answer
Correct answer
45. Consider the following statements:1. 'Relative compaction' is not the 1/1
same as 'relative density'.2. Vibro-floatation is effective in the case of
highly cohesive soils.3. 'Zero air void line’ and 100% saturation line' are
identical. Of these statements *
d) 3 alone is correct
46. Bentonite clay is an example for * 1/1
(a) Kaolinite
(b) Montmorillonite
(c) Vermiculite
(d) Illite
47. What can be said for soil in which the failure envelope for the total 0/1
stress Mohr’s circles becomes a horizontal line? *
Correct answer
Correct answer
Correct answer
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