TQM - QP Setting Request Letter

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(An AUTONOMOUS Institution)

Thallapaka Panchayath, New Boyanapalli, RAJAMPET, Kadapa Dist., A.P.-516 126.

(Approved by A.I.C.T.E, New Delhi & Affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur)
(B.Tech. courses Accredited by N.B.A. New Delhi) (Institute Accredited by NAAC, Bangalore)
Recognized by UGC, New Delhi under section 2(f) & 12(B)
Ph. (08565) 200618 / 200476, Fax (08565) 200242. E-mail: aitsap@yahoo.co.in. Web: www.aitsrajampet.ac.in

Dr. S M V Narayana
B.E.(HONS), M.Tech., Ph.D., F.I.E., M.I.S.T.E.

Ref: AITS/Paper Setting/ Sep/2023. Dt: 25-09-2023

Dear Sir/ Madam,
Sub: Request for Question paper setting – Reg.
* * *

I am pleased to inform you that you are appointed as Paper Setter for the
subject Total Quality Management Code No 20A37OT of IV B.Tech. I-Semester (R20) (ME)
You are requested to frame two sets of question papers in the subject mentioned. If any diagrams
appear in the question papers, they are to be neatly drawn and the dimensions to be indicated clearly.
For analytical / numerical questions the data can be provided in full. Answer key is not required.
You are eligible for remuneration at the rate of Rs. 1250/- per question paper.

Two sets of Question papers (Set-1 & Set-2) along with remaining enclosed formats are to be
filled in prescribed format given in enclosures and sent by E-mail to aitsrex@gmail.com. The rough
sheets/worksheets used for preparation of question papers must be destroyed/burnout to maintain
Password to open Question paper format: qps23
You are requested to send the question papers before 10–10–2023
With kind regards,
Yours sincerely,
Enclosures :
i. Instructions to Paper Setters
ii. Copy of syllabus of the concerned subject
iii. Model Question Paper.
iv. Question paper format (Password Protected)
v. Acceptance Letter
vi. Under taking Letter.
vii. Remuneration Bill
viii. Format for Profile of the Question Paper Setter.
Instructions to Question Paper Setters - IV B.Tech. I-Semester (R20)

 Use appropriate verbs for different domains of Bloom’s Taxonomy for framing /
preparing questions.

 The question paper should cover all the (cognitive) domains of Bloom’s Taxonomy and
distributed judiciously

1. Question paper contains PART-A & PART-B.

2. In PART-A Five questions are to be set by choosing ONE question from each unit of the
syllabus, each question carries 2 Marks.
3. The candidate has to answer all the five questions from PART-A.
4. In PART-B Ten questions are to be set by choosing Two question from each unit of the
5. All the Ten questions (PART-B) carry equal marks (12 Marks each).
6. In PART-B, the candidate has to answer five questions out of Ten by choosing one from
each unit, the maximum marks being 60.
7. All the questions (PART-A & PART-B) must be framed within the scope of the syllabus
from the prescribed text books only.
8. Questions must be within the scope of the syllabus. Each full question must be answered
in 30 minutes by an average student.
9. If the question paper contains any diagrams they must be neatly presented and the dimensions
must be clearly mentioned, removing any ambiguity to the student.
10. The question papers must be sent by E-mail.
11. Delete the Question papers file after receiving conformation from the Controller of
12. Strict confidentiality is to be maintained.
13. By any chance the Paper Setter is unable to accept the offer, the same must be intimated
to us immediately.
New Boyanapalli, Rajampet-516 126 A.P.
Accredited by NBA of AICTE & NAAC
Examination Section
Action Verbs in (cognitive) domains of Bloom’s Taxonomy
Level Skill Demonstrated Question cues / Verbs for tests
1. Remember •Ability to recall of information like facts, list, define, tell, describe, recite,
conventions, definitions, jargon, technical
recall, identify, show, label,
terms, classifications, categories, and
criteria tabulate, quote, name, who,
• ability to recall m e t h o d o l o g y and when, where
procedures, abstractions, principles, and
theories in the field
• knowledge of dates, events, places
• mastery of subject matter
2. Understand • understanding information describe, explain, paraphrase,
• grasp meaning restate, associate, contrast,
• translate knowledge into new context
• interpret facts, compare, contrast summarize, differentiate interpret,
• order, group, infer causes discuss
• predict consequences
3. Apply • use information calculate, predict, apply, solve,
• use methods, c o n c e p t s , l a w s , illustrate, use, demonstrate,
t h e o r i e s in n e w situations
• solve problems using required skills or determine, model, experiment,
knowledge show, examine, modify
• Demonstrating correct usage of a method
or procedure
4. Analyse • break down a complex problem into parts classify, outline, break down,
• Identify the relationships and interaction categorize, analyze, diagram,
between the different parts of a complex
problem illustrate, infer, select
• identify the missing information,
sometimes the redundant information
and the contradictory information, if any

5. Evaluate •compare and discriminate between ideas assess, decide, choose, rank,
•assess value of theories, presentations grade, test, measure, defend,
•make choices based on reasoned recommend, convince, select,
judge, support, conclude,
• verify value of evidence
• recognize subjectivity argue, justify, compare,
• use of definite criteria for judgments summarize, evaluate

6. Create • use old ideas to create new ones design, formulate, build,
• Combine parts to make (new) whole, invent, create, compose,
• generalize from given facts
• relate knowledge from several areas generate, derive, modify,
• predict, draw conclusions develop, integrate
(An Autonomous Institution)
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Title of the Course Total Quality Management

Category OEC
Course Code 20A37OT

Year IV B. Tech.
Semester I Semester
Branch ME

Lecture Hours Tutorial Hours Practice Hours Credits

3 0 0 3

Course Objectives:
 To introduce the students, the basic concepts of Total Quality Management.
 To expose with various quality issues in Inspection.
 To gain Knowledge on quality control and its applications to real time.
 To know the extent of customer satisfaction by the application of various quality concepts.
 To understand the importance of Quality standards in Production.

Unit 1 Introduction to TQM 10

Definition of Quality, Dimensions of Quality, Definition of Total quality management, Quality Planning, Quality
costs – Analysis, Techniques for Quality costs, and Basic concepts of Total Quality Management.
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the unit, the student will be able to:
 Define quality; explain the principles of Quality Planning and techniques of quality costs. (L2)
 Interpret the concepts of TQM and contrast the present quality issues with the past. (L2)
Unit 2 Historical Review of TQM 9
Quality council, Quality statements, Strategic Planning, Deming Philosophy, Barriers of TQM Implementation,
Benefits of TQM, Characteristics of successful quality leader, Contributions of Gurus of TQM, Case studies.
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the unit, the student will be able to:
 Apply Deming philosophy and strategic planning to achieve quality in production. (L3)
 Explain the characteristics of quality leader with case studies. (L2)
 Outline the contributions of TQM Gurus. (L2)
Unit 3 TQM Principles 8
Customer Satisfaction – Customer Perception of Quality, Customer Complaints, Service Quality, Customer
Retention, Employee Involvement – Motivation, Empowerment teams, Continuous Process Improvement – Juran
Trilogy, PDSA Cycle, Kaizen, Supplier Partnership – Partnering, sourcing, Supplier Selection, Supplier Rating,
Relationship Development, Performance Measures – Basic Concepts, Strategy, Performance Measure Case
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the unit, the student will be able to:
 Identify customer perception of quality and explain customer satisfaction for retention. (L4)
 Apply the principles of motivation and Empowerment. (L3)
 Examine and measure performance using quality principles. (L4)
Unit 4 TQM Tools 9
Benchmarking – Reasons to Benchmark, Benchmarking Process, Quality Function Deployment (QFD) – House of
Quality, QFD Process, Benefits, Taguchi Quality Loss Function.
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) – Concept, Improvement Needs, FMEA – Stages of FMEA, The seven tools
of quality, Process capability, Concept of Six Sigma, New Seven management tools, Case studies.
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the unit, the student will be able to:
 Solve problems on Taguchi loss function and quality function deployment. (L3)
 Illustrate TPM seven tools, Concept of Six Sigma and new seven management tools of TQM. (L3)

Unit 5 Quality Systems 8

Need for ISO 9000 and Other Quality Systems, ISO 9000: 2000 Quality System – Elements, Implementation of
Quality System, Documentation, Quality Auditing, QS 9000, ISO 14000 – Concept, Requirements and Benefits,
Case Studies
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the unit, the student will be able to:
 Describe the quality systems concepts and their elements. (L2)
 Discuss the need of ISO9000 and Other Quality systems. (L2)

Prescribed Textbooks:
1. Dale H Besterfield, Total Quality Management, Fourth Edition, Pearson Education, 2018, ISBN:
2. Subburaj Ramaswamy, Total Quality Management, Tata Mcgraw Hill Education., 2012, ISBN: 1259001415,
3. Joel E.Ross , Total Quality Management, Third Eition, CRC Press, 2017, ISBN: 9781351407786

Reference Books:
1. Narayana V and Sreenivasan N.S, Quality Management – Concepts and Tasks, NewAge International, 1996,
ISBN-10: 8122416802.
2. Robert L.Flood, Beyond TQM, First Edition, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 1993, ISBN: 9780471939672.
3. Richard S. Leavenworth & Eugene Lodewick Grant, Statistical Quality Control, Seventh Edition, Tata Mcgraw
Hill, 2015, ISBN, 0070241147, 9780070241145.
4. Samuel Ho , TQM – An Integrated Approach, Kogan Page Ltd, USA, 1995, ISBN: 9780749415617.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to Blooms Level of Learning
1. Develop an understanding on quality Management philosophies and frameworks. L2
2. Adopt TQM methodologies for continuous improvement of quality. L3 & L2
3. Measure the cost of poor quality, process effectiveness and efficiency to identify L3 & L4
areas for improvement.
4. Apply benchmarking and business process reengineering to improve L3
management processes.
5. Determine the set of indications to evaluate performance excellence of an L2

CO-PO Mapping:














20A37OT.1 2 - - - - 2 2 - - - 2 1 - - -
20A37OT.2 2 2 - 2 - 2 - - - 1 2 1 - - -
20A37OT.3 1 2 - 2 - - - 1 1 1 2 1 - - -
20A37OT.4 1 - - - - 1 - - - - 2 1 - - -
20A37OT.5 1 - - - - - - - - - 2 2 - - -
Model Question Paper

Subject Code: 20A37OT

IV B.Tech. I Semester (R20) Examinations
Total Quality Management
(Mechanical Engineering)
Max. Marks: 70 Time: 3 Hours
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. In Part-A, each question carries Two mark.
3. Answer ALL the questions in Part-A and Part-B
( Compulsory question )
1. Answer all the following short answer questions ( 5 X 2 = 10M ) CO
a) Define Quality?
b) Define Leadership?
c) Define Motivation?
d) What are the 7 tools of Quality?
e) What is the hierarchical format for documentation of a quality system?

Answer five questions by choosing one question from each unit ( 5 x 12 = 60 Marks )
Marks CO
Q.2. a) Define Concept of Quality and briefly explain about dimensions of
07 1 L1
b) Define Quality Costs and explain the types of quality costs? 07 1 L2
Q.3. Define Total Quality Management and explain basic Concepts of
14 1 L2
Q.4. a) What is quality council and state the duties of quality council? 07 2 L2
b) Define quality planning and explain the seven steps of strategic
07 2 L3
quality planning?
Q.5. Write fourteen steps of Deming’s philosophy for improving quality,
14 2 L1
productivity and competitiveness.
Q.6. Define the following,
a) Customer Satisfaction 07 3 L2
b) Customer Retention 07 3 L2
Q.7. Define the following,
a) Juran Trilogy 07 3 L2
b) PDSA Cycle 07 3 L2
Q.8. What is House of Quality? Explain the steps in building a house of
quality with an example? 14 4 L2
Q.9. Define the following
a) Concept of Six Sigma. 07 4 L2
b) The seven tools of quality. 07 4 L2
Q.10. Give the ISO 9000 Series of Standards elements and explain the
5 L2
need for ISO 9000 series.
Q.11. a) Define Quality Audit and its types. 07 5 L2
b) Explain the benefits and requirements of ISO 14000? 07 2 L3
*** End ***
New Boyanapalli, Rajampet-516 126 A.P.
Accredited by NBA of AICTE & NAAC


Year and Semester End- Examinations


The Controller of Examinations From:
Annamacharya Institute of
Technology & Sciences,
New Boyanapalli,


With reference to your E-Mail/Phone Contact, I accept to set the question papers in the
subject Total Quality Management 20A37OT of IV B.Tech. I-Semester (R20). I will send the
question papers as per the instructions and guidelines provided.

Yours Sincerely

Mobile No:

E- Mail ID:
New Boyanapalli, Rajampet-516 126 A.P.
Accredited by NBA of AICTE & NAAC

Year and Semester Examinations


Certified that I am satisfied that the questions on the following subject are
covered by the regulations, syllabi and Textbooks prescribed in each case, the
questions are not ambiguous in nature and, the data given are correct and complete.

1. I hereby declare that two question papers in the subject Total Quality
Management 20A37OT of IV B.Tech. I-Semester (R20) have been set by me only.
2. None of my close relatives is appearing for this particular examination.
3. I have destroyed all the notes, rough work and other such material used by me for
setting the question papers.



Signature of the paper Setter

Address: ,

Mobile No:

E- Mail ID:
(An AUTONOMOUS Institution)
Thallapaka Panchayath, New Boyanapalli, RAJAMPET, Kadapa Dist., A.P.-516 126.

Name of Examination __IV B.Tech. I-Semester (R20)_______________
Name of Subject/Laboratory/Any other _Total Quality Management__
Subject code No.: _______________________20A37OT_____________
Name of the Staff Member : __________________________________________________________
Designation & Address : _____________________________________________________________
Bank Details
Name as per Bank A/c :
A/C No :

Bank Name : Branch :

IFSC Code : MICR Code:
Type of Account (SB/CA/CC/OD) : PAN Number :
Nature of work Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)

 Question Paper setting (No. of sets : ________02________) 1250/- 2,500/-

Total (Rs.)

Received Rupees __Two Thousands and Five Hundreds _ only.

Certified that the above work for which remuneration claimed is completed and in case, if the
amount claimed is found to be excess than eligible, I will refund the excess amount, I will include
this amount to my form-16
Place :

Date : Signature of the Staff Member

(Affix Revenue Stamp if claim exceeds Rs.5000.00)
(For Office use only)
Passed for Rs.___2,500/-__, (Rupees ___ Two Thousand and Five Hundreds _______ only)

Verified by Deputy Controller of Examinations Controller of Examinations

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