Cs Sybsc 2020

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Khandesh College Education Society‟s

Moolji Jaitha College, Jalgaon

An “Autonomous College” Affiliated to
KBC North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon


Computer Science

S.Y.B. Sc.
(Semester III & IV)

Under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)

[w. e. f. Academic Year: 2020-21]

Course Structure: S.Y.BSc. (Computer Science)

Duration: The duration of B.Sc. (Computer Science) degree program shall be three years.

Course Hours
Semester Module Title of Paper Credit per
DSC CS-231 Data structure –I 2 2
DSC CS-232 JAVA programming –I 2 2
Practical course based on
DSC CS-233 2 4
III CS-231 and CS-232

SEC CS-230 HTML 5 Programming-I 2 2

DSC CS-241 Data structure –II 2 2

DSC CS-242 JAVA programming -II 2 2

IV Practical course based on

DSC CS-243 2 4
CS-241 and CS-242

SEC CS-240 HTML 5 programming-II 2 2

DSC : Discipline Specific Elective Core Course

SEC : Skill Enhancement Course
CS-YSC : Computer Science (Y-year; S-Semester; C-Course number)

Examination Pattern for S.Y.B.Sc.

Examination Marks
External Marks 40
Internal Marks 10
Total Marks 50

S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science): Semester-III
CS-231 Data Structure –I
Total Hours: 30 Credits: 2

Course objectives:
 To familiar with linear data structures.
 To familiar with basic techniques of algorithm analysis
 To familiar with recursion techniques and its applications

Course outcome:
Students will be able to-
 Apply and implement learned algorithms ,data structures to solve problems.
 Meet the desired programming needs.
 Understand and develop logic

Unit 1: Introduction to Data Structure & Algorithm Notations 4h

 Introduction to Data Structure, Types of data structure 1. Primitive 2. Non
Primitive 3. Linear 4. Non linear Need of data structure
 Algorithm Notations.:- Format Convention, Name of Algorithm, Introductory
Comment, Steps,
 Comments Data Structure:- Arrays, Dynamic Storage allocation,
Unit 2 : Introduction to Algorithm analysis for Time and Space Requirement 4h
 Rate of Growth, Basic time analysis of an algorithm ,Order Notation , More timing
 Space analysis of an algorithm
Unit 3: Stacks 4h
 Definition and concept, Representations – static, Operations – push, pop, peep,
 Applications – infix to postfix & prefix, postfix evaluation, Recursion
Unit 4: Queues 4h
 Definition and Concept, Representation – static, Operations- Insert, Delete
 Circular queue : -Concept, Operations – insert, delete
 DeQue :- Concept, Priority queues :- Concept
Unit 5: Linked List 10h
 Introduction to Linked list, Implementation of List – Dynamic representation.
 Types of Linked List
 Singly Linked list : Operations- Insert, delete, search
 Circular linked list : Operations- Insert, delete, search
 Doubly linked linear list : Operations- Insert, delete, search
 Applications of linked list – polynomial manipulation
Unit 6. Searching Techniques 4h
 Linear Search, Binary Search, Hash Table Method, Introduction, Hashing
 Collision Resolution Technique

1. Trembley, J. P. and Soresan, P.G. (1983), An introduction to data structures with
applications, Mc-Graw Hill International Editions, ISBN-13: 978-0070651579,ISBN-
10: 0070651574
2. Horowitz, E., and Sahani, S. (1973), Data Structures :Galgotia publication
3. Aho, Hopcroft, Ulman J.V. (1983), Data Structures and Algorithms, ISBN-13: 978-
0201000238 ,ISBN-10: 0201000237
4. Nikaulus, W. (1976) Algorithms- Data Structures Programs, ISBN-13: 978-
130224187, ISBN-10: 0130224189
5. Tannenbaum, A. M. (1995), Data Structures using C and C++; PHI., ISBN-13: 978-
0130369970,ISBN-10: 0130369977

S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science): Semester-III

CS-232 JAVA Programming –I
Total Hours: 30 Credits: 2

Course objectives:
 To understand fundamentals of programming such as variables, conditional and
iterative execution, methods, etc.
 To understand fundamentals of object-oriented programming in Java, including
defining classes, invoking methods, using class libraries, etc.
 To have the ability to write a computer program to solve specified problems.
 To be able to use the Java SDK environment to create, debug and run simple Java

Course outcome:
Students will be able to-
 Identify classes, objects, members of a class and relationships among them needed for
a specific problem
 Write Java application programs using OOP principles and proper program structuring
 Demonstrate the concepts of polymorphism and inheritance
 Write Java programs to implement error handling techniques using exception handling

Unit 1: Introduction to java. 6h

 Features of Java, Java and Internet, JDK Environment (Java, Javac, Applet
Viewer, Javadoc), Basic of Java Arrays .Object and classes: Introduction-Classes
and Object, Types of Constructors, Overloading, Package, Access modifier,
Abstract class
Unit 2: Functions in Java 8h
 String functions-concatenation, Sub string, String editing, testing for equality,
Character extraction functions-CharAt, get Chars, get Byte, Formatting functions,
Date and Time functions using Gregorian calendar class.
Unit 3: Inheritance 8h
 Inheritance-Inheritance, super class, overriding, polymorphism,Wrapper classes,
Refelection-‘Class’ class, Interfaces, Inner classes, Multithreading

Unit 4: Exception Handling 4h
 Dealing with errors-Types of exceptions, How to throw the exception? , Catching
Unit 5: Streams & Files 4h
 Streams-stream family-Layering stream files, Data stream, Random access file
stream, String tokenizers, Object Streams

1. Horstmann, C. and Cornell, G.(1999), Core Java Volume -1 Fundamentals
2. Balaguruswamy, E. (1998), Programming with Java – A primer, Tata Mc Graw Hill
3. Herbert, S. (2006), The complete reference JAVA-2 Fifth Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill
4. Java 6 Programming Black Book, DT Editorial Services dreamtec press

S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science): Semester-III

CS-233 Practical course based on CS-231 and CS-232

Total Hours: 60 Credits: 2

Course objectives:
 To learn how to program linear data structures.
 To practice basic techniques of algorithm analysis ,recursion techniques
 To develop ability to write a computer program to solve specified problems.
 To be able to use the Java SDK environment to create, debug and run simple Java
Course outcome:
Students will be able to-
 Apply and implement learned algorithms, data structures to solve problems.
 Meet the desired programming needs.
 Understand and develop logic
 Use Java SDK environment .
 Demonstrate the concepts of polymorphism and inheritance
 Write Java programs to implement error handling techniques using exception

Part-I : Lab on Data Structure-I

(Note :Implement all practical using „C++‟ Language)
1. Write a program to implement Stack operations : push,pop,peep,change,Display
2. Write a program to convert given infix expression into postfix.
3. Write a program to implement Linear Queue operations : Insert, Delete, Display
4. Write a program to implement Circular queue with its operations: Insert, Delete, Display
5. Write a program to implement singly linked list with operations. i) create ii) insert iii)
delete iv) find

6. Write a program to implement doubly linked list with operations. i) create ii) insert
7. Implement: i)Linear Search ii) Binary Search
Part II : Lab on Java Programming - I
1. Write a simple program in Java to print first fifty prime number.
2. Write a program in Java to print factorial of given number using recursion
3. Write a program in Java to print fibonacci series in given series
4. Write a program in Java to demonstrate command line arguments.
5. Write a program in Java to create student information using array
6. Write a program in Java to implement user defined package.
7. Write a program in Java to implement default & parameterized constructor.
8. Write a program in Java to demonstrate various operations on string functions.
9. Write a program in Java to demonstrate wrapper classes
10. Write a program in Java to demonstrate abstract class.
11. Write a program in Java to implement inheritance.
12. Write a program in Java to demonstrate inner class.
13. Write a program in Java to demonstrate reflection.
14. Write a program in Java to demonstrate exception handling.
15. . Write a program in Java to demonstrate text stream object that take input from user &
write it into text file.
References :
1. Trembley, J. P. and Soresan, P.G. (1983), An introduction to data structures with
applications, Mc-Graw Hill International Editions, ISBN-13: 978-0070651579,ISBN-10:
2. Tannenbaum, A. M. (1995), Data Structures using C and C++; PHI., ISBN-13: 978-
0130369970,ISBN-10: 0130369977
3. 3.Horstmann, C. and Cornell, G.(1999), Core Java Volume -1 Fundamentals
4. Balaguruswamy, E. (1998), Programming with Java – A primer, Tata Mc Graw Hill
5. 5.Herbert, S. (2006), The complete reference JAVA-2 Fifth Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill
6. Java 6 Programming Black Book, DT Editorial Services dreamtec press

S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science): Semester-III

CS-230 HTML 5 Programming-I
Total Hours: 30 Credits: 2

Course objectives:
 To understand the basic structure of the Internet, web page and website
 To be able to build a website.
 To create a web page.
 To validate a web page.
 To publish a web page.

Course outcome:
Students will be able to-
 Learn the basic concepts of HTML5
 Learn to read, write and identify HTML5 tags in a page
 Understand the basic structure of a web page
 Understand directory structures and how they impact html code
 Learn about CSS usage.

Unit 1: Introduction of HTML 5 4h

 What is HTML5? History of HTML5, Vision philosophy behind HTML5, Getting
Started with HTML5.
Unit-2: Forms and Multimedia Controls in HTML 5 8h
 Forms: need of Web Applications, Current solutions, New Input Types, New
Attributes, Form Validation and Browser Support.
 Audio and video: State of Web Audio and video based Plug-in, state of Audio and
video Codec, New Audio/Video Mark-up, Attributes and method, understanding
Audio/video Events, Customizing Audio/video controls
Unit-3: HTML Canvas 8h
 Overview of graphics in the browser, Using a canvas, Context and coordinates,
drawing shapes, working with paths, drawing text, drawing images, working with
pixels, understanding transforms, browser support.
Unit 4 : CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 10h
 CSS Introduction: Syntax, Id and class Selector
 CSS Styling: Styling backgrounds, Styling text, styling fonts, styling links, styling
lists, styling tables
 Graphics using CSS: box Model, Border, Outline, Margin, Padding, Advanced,
Grouping/Nesting, Dimension, Display, Positioning, floating, Align, Navigation Bar,
Image gallery, Image Opacity, Image Sprites.

1. Pilgrim, M. (2009) HTML5 up and running O’reilly
2. Gauchat, J.D. (2012) HTML5 for Masterminds
3. Apress, Manian D. (2010), Beginning HTML5 and CSS3
4. Frain B. (2011), Responsive web design with HTML5 and CSS3(2nd eddtion)

S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science): Semester-IV
CS-241 Data Structure -II
Total Hours: 30 Credits: 2

Course objectives:
 To be familiar with non-linear data structures.
 To be familiar with algorithm analysis of different algorithms.
 To be familiar with advanced data structures such as AVL trees, B-trees.

Course outcome:
Students will be able to-
 Apply and implement learned algorithms data structures to solve problems.
 Meet the desired programming needs.

Unit 1: Tree 10h

 Definition and Concept, Binary tree, Storage representation and Manipulation of
Binary trees
 Sequential Storage representation of Binary Tree, Linked Storage representation of
Binary Tree
 Threaded storage representation of Binary Tree, Operations on Binary tree -
 Operations & Algorithms on BST – Create, Insert, Delete
 Search Trees- AVL Tree, single and double rotations, B-Trees- insertion and deletion,
Introduction to B+ and B* Trees
Unit 2: Graph 6h
 Definition and Concept, Matrix representation of graph, List Structures , Multi list
representation of Graph
 Traversal of graph : Breadth First Search and Depth First search Applications of
Unit 3: Sorting 10h
 Introduction
 Sorting Techniques :- Selection Sort, Insertion sort, Bubble Sort, Merge Sort, Heap
 Quick Sort, Radix Sort
 Sorting Method Comparison on Time and space Complexity attribute
Unit 4: File Structure 4h
 Introduction to file, Sequential File concept, Index Sequential File concept, Direct file
1. Trembley, J. P. and Soresan, P.G. (1983), An introduction to data structures with
applications, Mc-Graw Hill International Editions, ISBN-13: 978-0070651579,ISBN-
10: 0070651574
2. Horowitz, E., and Sahani, S. (1973), Data Structures :Galgotia publication

3. Aho, Hopcroft, Ulman J.V. (1983), Data Structures and Algorithms, ISBN-13: 978-
0201000238 ,ISBN-10: 0201000237
4. Nikaulus, W. (1976) Algorithms- Data Structures Programs, ISBN-13: 978-
130224187, ISBN-10: 0130224189
5. Tannenbaum, A. M. (1995), Data Structures using C and C++; PHI., ISBN-13: 978-
0130369970,ISBN-10: 0130369977

S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science): Semester-IV

CS-242 JAVA programming –II
Total Hours: 30 Credits: 2

Course objectives:
 To understand fundamentals of programming such as variables, conditional and
iterative execution, methods, etc.
 To understand fundamentals of object-oriented programming in java, including
defining classes, invoking methods, using class libraries, etc.
 To have the ability to write a computer program to solve specified problems.
 To be familiar with GUI programming.

Course outcome:
Students will be able to-
 Write Java programs to implement GUI programming.
 Deal with event handling.
 Deal with web pages using applets.

Unit 1: Graphics Programming 4h

 Introduction-frames, frame Layouts, Displaying information in a frame ,graphics
objects and paint component method, Text and fonts, Colors, Drawing shapes, Filling
shapes, Paint mode and images
Unit 2: Event Handling 6h
 Basic Event Handling, The AWT event hierarchy, Event handling summary-event
sources and listener, adapter classes, Low level events-focus, window, keyboard,
mouse events, Multicasting
Unit 3: Swing 4h
 Basics of Swing ,JButton class ,JRadioButton class ,JTextArea class ,JComboBox
class ,JTable class ,JColorChooser class ,JProgressBar class ,JSlider class ,Graphics in
swing ,Displaying Image
Unit 4: Menu and Dialog Box 6h
 Menus-Building menus, Menu events, Popup menu, Keyboard mnemonics and
Accelerators, enabling and disabling menus, Dialog boxes-opening dialogs using
inbuilt dialog box
Unit 5: Applets 4h
 Applet basics-Simple Applets, testing applets, Security basic, Converting application

to applets, Life cycle of Applet, param tag
Unit 6: Introduction to Advanced JAVA 6h
 Collections: Collection Framework ,Array List class, Linked List class , List Iterator
interface , Hash Set class ,Linked Hash Set class ,TreeSet class , Priority Queue class ,
ArrayDeque class .
 Database connectivity-JDBC, Introduction to JavaBeans-Servlets, Java Server Pages
1. Horstmann, C. and Cornell, G.(1999), Core Java Volume -1 Fundamentals
2. Balaguruswamy, E. (1998), Programming with Java – A primer, Tata Mc Graw Hill
3. Herbert, S. (2006), The complete reference JAVA-2 Fifth Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill
4. Java 6 Programming Black Book, DT Editorial Services dreamtec press

S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science): Semester-IV

CS 243 Practical course based on CS-241 and CS-242
Total Hours: 60 Credits: 2

Course objectives:
 To be familiar with non-linear data structures.
 To be familiar with advanced data structures such as AVL trees, B-trees.
 To have the ability to write a computer program to solve specified problems.
 To be familiar with GUI programming using Java Programming
Course outcome:
 Apply and implement learned algorithms data structures to solve problems.
 Meet the desired programming needs.
 Write Java programs to implement GUI programming.
 Deal with event handling.
 Deal with web pages using applets.

Part-I : Lab on Data Structure-II

(Note : Implement all practical using „C++‟ Language)
1. To Create a binary tree and Implement following Tree Traversal Techniques: i)Inorder
2. ii) Preorder iii)Postorder.
3. Implement following Graph Search Techniques: i) BFS ii) DFS.
4. Implement Selection sort technique.
5. Implement Bubble sort technique
6. Implement Selection sort technique
7. Implement Insertion sort technique.
8. 7.Implement Merge sort technique.
9. Implement Quick sort technique.
10. Implement Radix sort technique.

Part II : Lab on Java Programming -II

1. Write a program in Java to display messages in various fonts in a frame

2. Write a program in Java to draw various geometric shapes like circle, line, rectangle
3. Write a program in Java to demonstrate paint mode.
4. Write a program in Java to demonstrate window events.
5. Write a program in Java to demonstrate Mouse events.
6. Write a program in Java to demonstrate Keyboard events.(key pressed, key released )
7. Write a program in Java to demonstrate multicasting
8. Write a program in Java to demonstrate user interface component list boxes and
combo box.
9. Write a program in Java to demonstrate user interface component radio button and
check box.
10. Write a program in Java to demonstrate menus as interface component .
11. Write a program in Java to demonstrate multithreading.
12. Write an Applet to display human face.
13. Write a program in Java to demonstrate Java Applet with parameter.

References :
1. Trembley, J. P. and Soresan, P.G. (1983), An introduction to data structures with
applications, Mc-Graw Hill International Editions, ISBN-13: 978-0070651579,ISBN-
10: 0070651574
2. Tannenbaum, A. M. (1995), Data Structures using C and C++; PHI., ISBN-13: 978-
0130369970,ISBN-10: 0130369977
3. Horstmann, C. and Cornell, G.(1999), Core Java Volume -1 Fundamentals
4. Balaguruswamy, E. (1998), Programming with Java – A primer, Tata Mc Graw Hill
5. Herbert, S. (2006), The complete reference JAVA-2 Fifth Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill
6. Java 6 Programming Black Book, DT Editorial Services dreamtec press

S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science): Semester-IV

CS-240 HTML 5 programming-II
Total Hours: 30 Credits: 2

Course objectives:
 To understand the basic structure of the Internet, web page and website
 To be able to build a website.
 To create a web page.
 To validate a web page.
 To publish a web page.
Course outcome:
Students will be able to-
 Learn the basic concepts of HTML5
 Learn to read, write and identify HTML5 tags in a page
 Understand the basic structure of a web page
 Understand directory structures and how they impact html code
 Learn about CSS usage.

Unit 1: Basics of CSS3 4h
 Selectors and Pseudo classes : Attributes Selectors, The Target Pseudo-class, UI
Element States Pseudo-classes, Negation Pseudo-class, structural Pseudo-classes,
Unit 2: Fonts and text Effects 8h
 Font on the web, Font services, @Font-face Rule, Text shadow, Word Wrapping
Colors, Gradients, Background Images and Masks: Color, the opacity Property,
backgrounds, background-origin and background-size.
Unit 3: Border and box effects 8h
 Images borders, Rounded corners, box shadow Transitions ,Transforms and
Animations: Transitions and transforms, Transitions.
 Layouts:Colums and Flexible Box: Layout, Columns and flexible box, Flexible Box
Model, Vendor Prefixes: What are Vendor prefixes? Strategies
 Embedding Media: Video Formats, Styling video.
Unit 4: Java Scripts 6h
 Introduction to JavaScript, JavaScript Basics- Data Types, Control Structure,
JavaScript Functions, Working with events, JS Popup boxes, JavaScript Objects,
JavaScript HTML DOM
Unit 5: Emerging trends in web technologies. 4h
 Introduction to:- CMS-Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, JQuery, AngularJS, Bootstrap

1. Pilgrim, M. (2009) HTML5 up and running O’reilly
2. Gauchat, J.D. (2012) HTML5 for Masterminds
3. Apress, Manian D. (2010), Beginning HTML5 and CSS3
4. Frain B. (2011), Responsive web design with HTML5 and CSS3(2nd eddtion)


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