Cs Sybsc 2020
Cs Sybsc 2020
Cs Sybsc 2020
Computer Science
S.Y.B. Sc.
(Semester III & IV)
Duration: The duration of B.Sc. (Computer Science) degree program shall be three years.
Course Hours
Semester Module Title of Paper Credit per
DSC CS-231 Data structure –I 2 2
DSC CS-232 JAVA programming –I 2 2
Practical course based on
DSC CS-233 2 4
III CS-231 and CS-232
Examination Marks
External Marks 40
Internal Marks 10
Total Marks 50
S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science): Semester-III
CS-231 Data Structure –I
Total Hours: 30 Credits: 2
Course objectives:
To familiar with linear data structures.
To familiar with basic techniques of algorithm analysis
To familiar with recursion techniques and its applications
Course outcome:
Students will be able to-
Apply and implement learned algorithms ,data structures to solve problems.
Meet the desired programming needs.
Understand and develop logic
1. Trembley, J. P. and Soresan, P.G. (1983), An introduction to data structures with
applications, Mc-Graw Hill International Editions, ISBN-13: 978-0070651579,ISBN-
10: 0070651574
2. Horowitz, E., and Sahani, S. (1973), Data Structures :Galgotia publication
3. Aho, Hopcroft, Ulman J.V. (1983), Data Structures and Algorithms, ISBN-13: 978-
0201000238 ,ISBN-10: 0201000237
4. Nikaulus, W. (1976) Algorithms- Data Structures Programs, ISBN-13: 978-
130224187, ISBN-10: 0130224189
5. Tannenbaum, A. M. (1995), Data Structures using C and C++; PHI., ISBN-13: 978-
0130369970,ISBN-10: 0130369977
Course objectives:
To understand fundamentals of programming such as variables, conditional and
iterative execution, methods, etc.
To understand fundamentals of object-oriented programming in Java, including
defining classes, invoking methods, using class libraries, etc.
To have the ability to write a computer program to solve specified problems.
To be able to use the Java SDK environment to create, debug and run simple Java
Course outcome:
Students will be able to-
Identify classes, objects, members of a class and relationships among them needed for
a specific problem
Write Java application programs using OOP principles and proper program structuring
Demonstrate the concepts of polymorphism and inheritance
Write Java programs to implement error handling techniques using exception handling
Unit 4: Exception Handling 4h
Dealing with errors-Types of exceptions, How to throw the exception? , Catching
Unit 5: Streams & Files 4h
Streams-stream family-Layering stream files, Data stream, Random access file
stream, String tokenizers, Object Streams
1. Horstmann, C. and Cornell, G.(1999), Core Java Volume -1 Fundamentals
2. Balaguruswamy, E. (1998), Programming with Java – A primer, Tata Mc Graw Hill
3. Herbert, S. (2006), The complete reference JAVA-2 Fifth Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill
4. Java 6 Programming Black Book, DT Editorial Services dreamtec press
Course objectives:
To learn how to program linear data structures.
To practice basic techniques of algorithm analysis ,recursion techniques
To develop ability to write a computer program to solve specified problems.
To be able to use the Java SDK environment to create, debug and run simple Java
Course outcome:
Students will be able to-
Apply and implement learned algorithms, data structures to solve problems.
Meet the desired programming needs.
Understand and develop logic
Use Java SDK environment .
Demonstrate the concepts of polymorphism and inheritance
Write Java programs to implement error handling techniques using exception
6. Write a program to implement doubly linked list with operations. i) create ii) insert
7. Implement: i)Linear Search ii) Binary Search
Part II : Lab on Java Programming - I
1. Write a simple program in Java to print first fifty prime number.
2. Write a program in Java to print factorial of given number using recursion
3. Write a program in Java to print fibonacci series in given series
4. Write a program in Java to demonstrate command line arguments.
5. Write a program in Java to create student information using array
6. Write a program in Java to implement user defined package.
7. Write a program in Java to implement default & parameterized constructor.
8. Write a program in Java to demonstrate various operations on string functions.
9. Write a program in Java to demonstrate wrapper classes
10. Write a program in Java to demonstrate abstract class.
11. Write a program in Java to implement inheritance.
12. Write a program in Java to demonstrate inner class.
13. Write a program in Java to demonstrate reflection.
14. Write a program in Java to demonstrate exception handling.
15. . Write a program in Java to demonstrate text stream object that take input from user &
write it into text file.
References :
1. Trembley, J. P. and Soresan, P.G. (1983), An introduction to data structures with
applications, Mc-Graw Hill International Editions, ISBN-13: 978-0070651579,ISBN-10:
2. Tannenbaum, A. M. (1995), Data Structures using C and C++; PHI., ISBN-13: 978-
0130369970,ISBN-10: 0130369977
3. 3.Horstmann, C. and Cornell, G.(1999), Core Java Volume -1 Fundamentals
4. Balaguruswamy, E. (1998), Programming with Java – A primer, Tata Mc Graw Hill
5. 5.Herbert, S. (2006), The complete reference JAVA-2 Fifth Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill
6. Java 6 Programming Black Book, DT Editorial Services dreamtec press
Course objectives:
To understand the basic structure of the Internet, web page and website
To be able to build a website.
To create a web page.
To validate a web page.
To publish a web page.
Course outcome:
Students will be able to-
Learn the basic concepts of HTML5
Learn to read, write and identify HTML5 tags in a page
Understand the basic structure of a web page
Understand directory structures and how they impact html code
Learn about CSS usage.
1. Pilgrim, M. (2009) HTML5 up and running O’reilly
2. Gauchat, J.D. (2012) HTML5 for Masterminds
3. Apress, Manian D. (2010), Beginning HTML5 and CSS3
4. Frain B. (2011), Responsive web design with HTML5 and CSS3(2nd eddtion)
S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science): Semester-IV
CS-241 Data Structure -II
Total Hours: 30 Credits: 2
Course objectives:
To be familiar with non-linear data structures.
To be familiar with algorithm analysis of different algorithms.
To be familiar with advanced data structures such as AVL trees, B-trees.
Course outcome:
Students will be able to-
Apply and implement learned algorithms data structures to solve problems.
Meet the desired programming needs.
3. Aho, Hopcroft, Ulman J.V. (1983), Data Structures and Algorithms, ISBN-13: 978-
0201000238 ,ISBN-10: 0201000237
4. Nikaulus, W. (1976) Algorithms- Data Structures Programs, ISBN-13: 978-
130224187, ISBN-10: 0130224189
5. Tannenbaum, A. M. (1995), Data Structures using C and C++; PHI., ISBN-13: 978-
0130369970,ISBN-10: 0130369977
Course objectives:
To understand fundamentals of programming such as variables, conditional and
iterative execution, methods, etc.
To understand fundamentals of object-oriented programming in java, including
defining classes, invoking methods, using class libraries, etc.
To have the ability to write a computer program to solve specified problems.
To be familiar with GUI programming.
Course outcome:
Students will be able to-
Write Java programs to implement GUI programming.
Deal with event handling.
Deal with web pages using applets.
to applets, Life cycle of Applet, param tag
Unit 6: Introduction to Advanced JAVA 6h
Collections: Collection Framework ,Array List class, Linked List class , List Iterator
interface , Hash Set class ,Linked Hash Set class ,TreeSet class , Priority Queue class ,
ArrayDeque class .
Database connectivity-JDBC, Introduction to JavaBeans-Servlets, Java Server Pages
1. Horstmann, C. and Cornell, G.(1999), Core Java Volume -1 Fundamentals
2. Balaguruswamy, E. (1998), Programming with Java – A primer, Tata Mc Graw Hill
3. Herbert, S. (2006), The complete reference JAVA-2 Fifth Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill
4. Java 6 Programming Black Book, DT Editorial Services dreamtec press
Course objectives:
To be familiar with non-linear data structures.
To be familiar with advanced data structures such as AVL trees, B-trees.
To have the ability to write a computer program to solve specified problems.
To be familiar with GUI programming using Java Programming
Course outcome:
Apply and implement learned algorithms data structures to solve problems.
Meet the desired programming needs.
Write Java programs to implement GUI programming.
Deal with event handling.
Deal with web pages using applets.
2. Write a program in Java to draw various geometric shapes like circle, line, rectangle
3. Write a program in Java to demonstrate paint mode.
4. Write a program in Java to demonstrate window events.
5. Write a program in Java to demonstrate Mouse events.
6. Write a program in Java to demonstrate Keyboard events.(key pressed, key released )
7. Write a program in Java to demonstrate multicasting
8. Write a program in Java to demonstrate user interface component list boxes and
combo box.
9. Write a program in Java to demonstrate user interface component radio button and
check box.
10. Write a program in Java to demonstrate menus as interface component .
11. Write a program in Java to demonstrate multithreading.
12. Write an Applet to display human face.
13. Write a program in Java to demonstrate Java Applet with parameter.
References :
1. Trembley, J. P. and Soresan, P.G. (1983), An introduction to data structures with
applications, Mc-Graw Hill International Editions, ISBN-13: 978-0070651579,ISBN-
10: 0070651574
2. Tannenbaum, A. M. (1995), Data Structures using C and C++; PHI., ISBN-13: 978-
0130369970,ISBN-10: 0130369977
3. Horstmann, C. and Cornell, G.(1999), Core Java Volume -1 Fundamentals
4. Balaguruswamy, E. (1998), Programming with Java – A primer, Tata Mc Graw Hill
5. Herbert, S. (2006), The complete reference JAVA-2 Fifth Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill
6. Java 6 Programming Black Book, DT Editorial Services dreamtec press
Course objectives:
To understand the basic structure of the Internet, web page and website
To be able to build a website.
To create a web page.
To validate a web page.
To publish a web page.
Course outcome:
Students will be able to-
Learn the basic concepts of HTML5
Learn to read, write and identify HTML5 tags in a page
Understand the basic structure of a web page
Understand directory structures and how they impact html code
Learn about CSS usage.
Unit 1: Basics of CSS3 4h
Selectors and Pseudo classes : Attributes Selectors, The Target Pseudo-class, UI
Element States Pseudo-classes, Negation Pseudo-class, structural Pseudo-classes,
Unit 2: Fonts and text Effects 8h
Font on the web, Font services, @Font-face Rule, Text shadow, Word Wrapping
Colors, Gradients, Background Images and Masks: Color, the opacity Property,
backgrounds, background-origin and background-size.
Unit 3: Border and box effects 8h
Images borders, Rounded corners, box shadow Transitions ,Transforms and
Animations: Transitions and transforms, Transitions.
Layouts:Colums and Flexible Box: Layout, Columns and flexible box, Flexible Box
Model, Vendor Prefixes: What are Vendor prefixes? Strategies
Embedding Media: Video Formats, Styling video.
Unit 4: Java Scripts 6h
Introduction to JavaScript, JavaScript Basics- Data Types, Control Structure,
JavaScript Functions, Working with events, JS Popup boxes, JavaScript Objects,
JavaScript HTML DOM
Unit 5: Emerging trends in web technologies. 4h
Introduction to:- CMS-Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, JQuery, AngularJS, Bootstrap
1. Pilgrim, M. (2009) HTML5 up and running O’reilly
2. Gauchat, J.D. (2012) HTML5 for Masterminds
3. Apress, Manian D. (2010), Beginning HTML5 and CSS3
4. Frain B. (2011), Responsive web design with HTML5 and CSS3(2nd eddtion)