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Module II of Computer Learning

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Basic Computer Application

Introduction to Computer
Module 2


Course Objectives
 Computer Environment
 Basic Information and Operations
 Text Editing
 Working with Icons
 Working with Windows
 Managing Files
 Folders
 Working with Files
 Copying & Moving
 Deleting and Restoring
 Searching
 Compressing Files
 Viruses
 Handling Viruses
 Print Management
 Printing Outputs

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Starting the Computer
 Ensure that all cables are plugged securely
into the rear of the machine.
 Make sure that there is no disk inserted in
the floppy drive.
 Locate the power switch and turn the
computer on.
 After a few seconds, you should see
something on the screen. If not, ensure that
the monitor is switched on.

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Restarting the Computer
 Never just switch off
your Windows based
computer. You must
always shutdown using
the ‘Turn Off’ command
 Click Restart button to

start your computer

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Shutting Down a Non-responding Application

 Press the Ctrl+Alt+Del keys simultaneously to

display a dialog box, and then select the Task
 Select the program that is no longer responding
 Click on the End Task button

Or use the screen to the left

(if available)
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Exercise 1
 Write down all the steps you should do
before switching on your computer

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Viewing the Computer's Basic System Information

 When you first switch

on your PC, you will
notice that some
system information is
displayed on your
 Or you can view
‘System Properties’

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Changing the Computer's Desktop Configuration

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Setting & Changing the Keyboard Language

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Formatting a Removable Disk
 WARNING: If you format a
diskette containing
valuable data you will loose
that data for good! - BE

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Installing & Uninstalling Software Applications

 Most software is supplied on a CD which will

start to load automatically when you place
the CD in the CD drive.
 Instructions are displayed on screen and are
easy to follow.
 Most software will install an ‘uninstall’ option

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Using the Keyboard ‘Print Screen’ Facility

 Print Screen
 Copies the entire screen to the Clipboard
 Alt + Print Screen
 Copies the active window to the Clipboard

Can be used within any


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Using Help
 Make use of the available Help!

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Exercise 2
 Change your desktop background to soap
 Set the your screen saver to display TIME

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Launching a Text Editing Application,
and Opening or Creating a File

 Click on the ‘Start’

 Move the mouse
pointer to ‘All
Programs’ and select
Accessories from the
 Click on WordPad

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Saving a File to Disk
 When you use a Microsoft application, such
as Word, PowerPoint or Excel, then by
default the files that you save will be saved
in a folder called My Documents.

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Closing a Text Editing Application
 Click on the
application's Close
icon, (represented by a
cross, at the top-right
corner of the
application window)

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Exercise 3
 Open a Word pad program
 Write a letter to your friend telling her/him
how you are enjoying the computer studies
 Save this file under the filename “My friend”
in the folder named UCC which will be
created in My Documents folder.

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Typical Icons
 My computer
 Shows drives and other resources in a computer
 Recycle Bin
 Is used to store deleted files temporarily
 My network place
 Is used to view other computer in a network
 My document
 Is used to store frequently used documents
 Internet Explorer
 Is used to view web sites

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Working with Icons
 Recognizing Desktop Icons
 Get to know the main Desktop icons

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Selecting and Moving Desktop Icons
 Select the icon that you wish to move.
 Depress the left mouse button and whilst
keeping it depressed, drag the icon to the
new location on the Desktop, as required.
 Release the mouse button.

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Opening a File, Folder, or Application from the

 To open a Desktop object, double click on its


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Creating a Desktop Shortcut Icon
 Use drag and drop techniques to drag an
icon onto the Desktop

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Exercise 4
 Open the Word Pad program
 List down the Typical Desktop Icon
 Save this file as “Typical Icons” in the UCC
folder you created in exercise 3

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Identifying the Different Parts of a Window

 Make sure that you can

 Title bar
 Menu bar
 Toolbar
 Status bar
 Scroll bar

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Parts of a Window
 Title Bar: Displays programs name and file name
 Menu Bar :consists menu of a program
 Toolbar: consists command buttons
 Scroll bars: used to navigate through a window
 Status bar: Display current status of a window

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Collapsing, Expanding, Resizing, Moving and Closing a

 Make sure you Identify these buttons

Minimize Maximize Restore Close

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Switching Between Open Windows

 To switch between open application widows,

simply click on the application icon, as
displayed in the Windows Taskbar (normally
displayed across the bottom of your screen).

 Alternatively you can use the keyboard

shortcut Alt+Tab.

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Exercise 5
 Label the following


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Files and folders
 File :
 Is an electronic information stored in a computer
 Types of files
 Program file : All files used to run the system
 User file: stored in application software
 Folder:
 Is a collection of files stored in the same location
in a drive

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Understanding the Hierarchical Structure for Relating to Drives, Folders and Files




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Navigating to a File or Folder on a Drive

 First select the required drive.

 Then select the required folder.
 Then select the required file.

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Creating a Folder and a Further Sub-folder

 Open the Windows

 Then click on the portion of
the folder tree where you
would like to create a
subordinate folder.
 Click on the File drop down
 Move the mouse pointer to
 In the sub-menu displayed
 Click on Folder.

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Opening a Window to Display
Folder Name, Size and Location on Drive

 The appearance of the

Windows Explorer contents
window may be
customised to display file
and folder objects in four
different views.
 The different views can be
selected via the View drop
down menu
 OR by clicking on the
Views button.
 Select the desired view

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Exercise 6
 Use the Word Pad program to explain the
following terms:
 What is a File?
 What is a Folder?
 List down the types of files
 Save this file under the file name “Managing
Files” in the UCC folder you created in
exercise 3

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Recognizing Common File Types
 Different types of file
will have different file
name extensions, and
will be displayed with
different program icon.

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Counting the Number of Files or Files of a
Particular Type in a Folder/ Sub-Folder

 Start the Windows

Explorer program.
 Within the left hand
side of the dialog box
 Select the folder
containing the files that
you wish to count up.
 Right click on the folder
icon and from the
popup list displayed,
select Properties.

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Changing File Status
 Normally files are
 Read-only files cannot
be modified

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Importance of Maintaining Correct File
Extensions when Renaming Files

 Windows uses the file extension name as a

clue to what type of file, the file is.
 Thus Windows knows that files that end in .TXT
are text files.
 If you change the file name extension
Windows will become confused as to what
the file format is!
 By default the file name extensions are not
displayed within the Windows Explorer.
 To view the file name extensions you will need
to customise the display.

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Re-naming Files and Folders
 Select the file or folder to be renamed.
 From the File drop down menu
 Select the Rename command
 Enter the new name
 Press the Enter key to confirm the change.

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Exercise 7
 By using the Explorer count the Files which
you have saved in the UCC folder
 Rename the UCC folder to UCC Computing

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Selecting Files or Folders
 To select adjacent files/folders
 Select in combination with the Shift key
 To select non-adjacent files/folders
 Select in combination with the Control key

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Copying Files or Folders Between
Folders and Between Drives

 Use either Copy and Paste

 Or
 use drag and drop techniques

 To Copy (within a drive)

 Drag and drop a file or folder while keeping the
Ctrl key depressed

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Moving Files or Folders Between
Folders and Drives

 Use either Cut and Paste

 OR
 Use drag and drop techniques

 To Move (within a drive)

 Drag and drop a file or folder

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Importance of Backing Up Your Data Files

 Backup your data

 Store off-site
 Backup regularly
 Protect yourself from computer break down,
theft or fire

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Exercise 8
 Create a folder on the desktop
 Name the folder as “UCC 2”
 Copy all the files from UCC Computing
Center to UCC2 folder

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Deleting Files and Folders to the Recycle Bin

 Deleted files are first moved to the Recycle

Bin rather than deleted immediately.
 If you accidentally delete a file, you can
undelete it

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Restoring Files and Folders From the Recycle

 Files contained within the Recycle Bin can be


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Emptying the Recycle Bin
 You will not be able to recover files once
they have been removed from the Recycle

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Exercise 9
 Delete the File named “Managing Files” in
the “UCC 2” folder.
 Restore this file
 Note: Your instructor must check the answer
of question one before doing question 2
 Your instructor must also check the answer
of question 2 when done.

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Searching for Files by Content, Date Modified,
Date Created, Size or using Wildcards

 As well as finding files by names, more

complex searches can be made

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Viewing a List of Recently Used Files
 Click on the Start icon
(bottom-left of your
screen), and from the
popup menu displayed
select Documents.

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Exercise 10
 Using the search command, check the file
named “Typical Icons”
 Your instructor must check your search

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Understanding What File Compression Means

 File compression allows you to compress

files so that the file size becomes smaller.
 This allows you to save disk space.
 It is useful when sending files over the
Internet (especially when you have a slow

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Compressing Files into a Particular Folder on a

 A singe file can be compressed or an entire

folder can be compressed

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Extracting Compressed Files From a Given
Location on a Drive

 When you extract files

you can decide where
to extract the files to
on your hard disk

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Understanding What a Virus is and the Possible
Effects of Infection

 Virus are infectious

programs that enter
your computer without
your consent and can
cause damage to your

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Understanding the Ways a Computer Virus
Can be Transmitted

 Sharing disks
 Sharing files on a
 Downloading files from
the Web
 Opening files attached
to emails

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Understanding the Advantages of Using
a Virus-Scanning Program

 Virus scanning
programs operate in
the background and
should remain active at
all times.
 In this way they are
able to alert you to,
say, a downloaded file
that contains a virus

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Understanding What ‘Disinfecting’ Files Means

 If a virus scanning
program finds a virus,
it can often remove the
virus, without
damaging your file.

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Exercise 11
 The instructor can Set the “Typical Icons”
File to be shared among the students so that
they can copy this file to their desktops.

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Using a Virus Scanning Application
 Virus checking
software can check
your computer memory
and all drives attached
to the computer

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Understanding the Need to Regularly Update
Your Virus-Scanning Software

 Most anti-virus
programs allow you to
use the Internet to
update the program on
a regular basis

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Exercise 12
 Every student must run the virus check in
her/his computer

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Changing the Default Printer
 Only one printer driver is active at a time:
The default printer is marked with a tick

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Exercise 13
 Change the default printer of your computer

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Installing a New Printer on the Computer

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Printing a Document From a Text Editing

 Use the Print icon

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Viewing a Print Job’s Progress
 Print jobs will be
displayed within the
Print Manager

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Pausing, Re-starting or Deleting a Print Job

 Use the Print Manager

to pause, re-start or
delete print jobs

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Exercise 14
 Explain What is a Computer?
 What is a Hardware?
 What is a Software?
 List down the parts of the Computer.
 Save this file as “My Last Exercise”

 Note: Use Word Pad program to answer

these questions.

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Thank you for listening


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