Iptc 11181 MS P
Iptc 11181 MS P
Iptc 11181 MS P
This paper was selected for presentation by an IPTC Programme Committee following review
of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
Geological Overview of the Field
presented, have not been reviewed by the International Petroleum Technology Conference The M field was discovered in 1962/63 and subsequent
and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily
reflect any position of the International Petroleum Technology Conference, its officers, or drilling has confirmed two reservoirs (Asmari and Bangestan).
members. Papers presented at IPTC are subject to publication review by Sponsor Society
Committees of IPTC. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
This simulation study is concerned only with the shallower
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the International Petroleum Technology Asmari reservoir.
Conference is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not
more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous It was put on production in 1974. A total of 47 wells have
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, IPTC, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
now been drilled on the field, of which 12 are dedicated to
producing the Asmari reservoir and one well utilized as an
Abstract observation well.
In some of Iranian oil reservoirs gas is injected for pressure The Asmari formation is recognized as a regionally
maintenance as well as displacement of oil by gas. In some of extensive geological unit, and it is known to contain a number
these fields, it comes to a premature breakthrough of injected of large oil accumulations; one of these is located at M field.
gas due to high permeability in some regions of the reservoir Despite some complex reservoir lithology, there is good
or because of the geometry of the reservoir. evidence of pressure communication within the Asmari
Foam injection appears to be a promising tool in solving between some of the different accumulations around the
the problem with thief zones and low recovery from EOR Ahwaz area. This is associated with a strong subsurface
methods such as immiscible gas injection in Iranian oil aquifer system.
reservoirs. It can also mitigate the effect of gravity override The structure is a northwest-southeast trending asymmetric
and achieve increased displacement efficiency in these anticline. It is defined by seismic with no surface expression,
reservoirs. and it is located on the Khuzestan plain. This area slopes
gently at a rate of 1 m in 5 km to the southwest between
Introduction Ahwaz and Khorramshahr. The M structure is located some 60
Field application of foam is becoming a proven technology, km north of the Persian Gulf.
surfactant costs withstanding, to control the mobility of The Asmari structure covers an area 42 x 5.5 km at the
gaseous phases in porous media. Foam has been employed in mapped spill point (around 2,400 mss). The hydrocarbon-
large number of documented field trials world wide [1]. bearing reservoir covers an area 30 x 3 km with the reservoir
Typical applications span from steam and co2 foam to crest located at 2,144 mss.
alleviate gravity override and channeling, production well The M structure has a dip of 6 to 8° and 5 to 6° on the
treatments to reduce GOR, to gelled-foams for long-lasting northeast and southwest flanks respectively. However, the dip
plugging of high permeability channels. Foam processes have decreases toward the southeastern and northwestern
also been studied and field tested for use as groundwater extremities.
aquifer clean up methods [1]. The first field study for the Asmari was prepared by BP in
Foam has been employed in more than 30 documented 1974 using 3 wells. That study divided the Asmari into 5 units.
field trials world wide, mainly in the USA. In the North Sea, Zone 1: Upper carbonate
foam has been tested in production well treatments both on the Zone 2: Upper sandstone
Oseberg field and on the Snorre field in the Norwegian sector, Zone 3: Middle carbonate
and on the Beryl-field in the British sector. Late in 1998, a Zone 4: Lower sandstone
large injector treatment started on Snorre, involving injection Zone 5: Lower carbonate
of almost 1000 tonnes surfactant [2]. In 1978 Shir Mohammadi reviewed the reservoir and
In the present work, foam is injected into the reservoir and separated it into 8 zones. Zones 1, 6 and 8 were mainly
then using a field-scale simulation study, we investigate the carbonate whereas Zones 2, 3, 4 and 5 were mainly sandstone,
effect of foam injection on gas mobility and oil recovery and Zone 7 was locally sandy.
improvement. The obtained results reveal a significant Zone 1: Carbonate rocks.
Zone 2: Sandstone (mainly).
2 IPTC 11181
Porosity/Permeability Relationship of curves (drainage and imbibition) of Pc for each rock type,
The iso-permeability maps in this model were built using a hence a voluminous number of saturation tables are used in the
porosity/permeability relationship. To obtain the relationship, current model.
using routine core analysis, core data measurements of For fracture system, relative permeability was set equal to
samples taken from different layers were used, and then by saturation (straight line relative permeability). Also, the
applying geometrical average the following correlations were capillary pressure in the fractures was neglected (Pcf=0).
attained: Below comes the drainage as well as imbibition Pc curve
for “rock type 10” as an example (figures 7 to 10).
Zone I:
⎧⎪ K x = 0 .097 × EXP (13 . 23φ ) for ρ g ≺ 2 .68 (1)
⎪⎩ K x = 0 .0098 × EXP (36 . 71φ ) for ρ g ≥ 2 .68
Zone II:
⎧⎪ K x = 0 .063 × EXP (21 .65φ ) for ρ g ≺ 2 .68 (2) Drainage
⎪⎩ K x = 0 .038 × EXP (32 .27φ ) for ρ g ≥ 2 .68
Zone III:
⎧⎪ K x = 0 . 196 × EXP (21 .08 φ ) for ρ g ≺ 2 . 68 (3)
⎪⎩ K x = 0 . 098 × EXP (27 .38 φ ) for ρ g ≥ 2 . 68
Property value
Porosity 0.001
PermX 500 md
aquifer was connected to the reservoir from bottom of the Also, since the reservoir under study is initially
lowermost layer. Then, the initial aquifer properties were undersaturated and the existence of an active aquifer has been
specified for the model. Initial quifer data are covered in table confirmed, so the analytical aquifer parameters such as
3. permeability, porosity, thickness, angle of influence and the
aquifer connections to the reservoir (reservoir grid cells to
Table 3-Initial aquifer data used in the model which it can be connected) are considered as matching
Property Value
Table 4-The results of matching initial fluids in place
for the model
Datum Depth 7100 ft
Change in Total
Permeability 150 md Total Reservoir
Calculated OIIP Dissolved
Pore Volume
Porosity 20% Pore (MMSTB) GIIP
(Res. bbl)
Volume (%) (MMMSCF)
Total Compressibility 3.6E-6 psi
0 3024.515521 18741470433 1633.387632
Inner Radius 6000 ft
Oil Rate (STB/Day)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time (Year)
Simulated pressure
Observed pressure
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time (Year)
Some other useful information regarding the history is the analytic Cater-Tracy aquifer defined in the current
matching is the amount of the water encroachment by active model. With alteration of these properties the required
aquifer which is present in the model. Figure 15 shows the pressure support for the reservoir has been controlled. The
total amount of water influx (AAQT) into the reservoir until total water influx by aquifer and the total water production
the end of history matching period. from the wells up to the end of history matching date, as
In fact, one of the key parameters whose properties have been calculated by simulator, are 403.577 MMSTB and 21.374
changed to obtain the acceptable match with the observed data MMSTB respectively.
s im ulated GOR
GOR (Mscf/STB)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time (Year)
Prediction of Reservoir Performance • Well P43 (31, 6) was drilled on December 6, 1999
Reservoir future performance, optimum production and and perforated in layers 7 to 9.
different scenarios for production increase using EOR • Well P47 (33, 6) was drilled on July 9, 2001 and
methods were analyzed by the use of built simulation model perforated in layers 7 to 9.
following adjustment of the parameters for achievement of • Well P48 (22, 6) was drilled on August 25, 2001 and
reservoir history match in a reservoir simulation trend. perforated in layers 1 to 6.
With enough confidence in reservoir modeling, the • Well P56 (20, 6) was drilled on June 12, 2004 and
performance of the reservoir for three different scenarios was perforated in layers 7 and 8.
evaluated. In this regard necessary restrictions were defined • Well P58 (40, 5) was drilled on December 30, 2004
for production and injection wells such as extra water and perforated in layer 3 only.
production, maximum bottom-hole injection pressure and Table 5 lists the cumulative oil production for each of the
minimum oil rate of each production well, etc. wells present in this scenario. Some of the wells such as P09,
P34, P47 and P56, as can be observed from the figures,
Production and injection well constraints produce a low fraction of total reservoir oil production which
Under production conditions, a producing bottomhole makes them suitable candidates for conversion to injection
pressure of 1,000 psi is assumed for all the following wells in the following scenarios.
scenarios. For gas injection as well as foam injection
scenarios, a maximum bottomhole pressure of 3,000 psi was Table 5-Cumulative oil production of each well
specified. during primary production scenario
According to the production history of the reservoir, a
maximum well oil production rate of 10,000 STB/Day is
assumed. However, this value was increased to 15,000 Well No. Cumulative oil production (STB)
STB/Day in the injection scenarios.
Each of the injectors, are set to have a maximum gas P01 99,284,120
injection rate of 1,000 Mscf/Day.
P07 106,279,050
The simulator injects gas at the maximum specified rate or
at the maximum rate allowed by the bottomhole pressure P08 99,753,400
constraint, whichever was less.
P09 3,087,002
The Scenario of Natural Depletion P10 63,093,404
This scenario is considered as the base case for the
simulation and it takes advantage of the natural power of the P11 49,118,240
reservoir. No additional wells were drilled in addition to those P12 59,486,000
actually drilled in the reservoir. Furthermore, there are 14
vertical producers in the model. P34 958,520
According to the data from drilling and completion reports,
P42 110,596,768
the name of the wells and the layers in which they are
produced based on their chronological order is as follows: (the P43 33,572,704
numbers in parenthesis denote the wellhead position of the
P47 640,046
• Well P1 (34, 5) was drilled on February 12, 1974 and P48 68,316,000
perforated in layers 4 to 9.
P56 323,118
• Well P7 (26, 6) was drilled on June 9, 1974 and
perforated in layers 3 to 6. P58 34,580,140
• Well P8 (18, 6) was drilled on March 4, 1978 and
perforated in layers 2 to 4. The contributions of four significant drive mechanisms to
• Well P9 (37, 5) was drilled on July 9, 1978 and recovery are illustrated in figure 16. These mechanisms are oil
perforated in layer 1 only. expansion, rock compaction, water influx and gas influx (both
• Well P10 (23, 5) was drilled on September 11, 1978 solution gas drive and free gas drive).
and perforated in layer 1 only. The graph quantifies the proportion of oil produced by
• Well P11 (32, 7) was drilled on September 29, 1990 each physical process, accumulated during the simulation. As
and perforated in layers 7 and 8. it can be seen, at early years of production which the reservoir
• Well P12 (35, 6) was drilled on September 30, 1991 fluid is still undersaturated, recovery associated with oil
and perforated in layers 3 to 8. expansion and rock compaction are quite important and they
• Well P34 (29, 7) was drilled on April 12, 1995 and provide a high fraction of total recovery.
perforated in layers 7 and 8. Nevertheless, as time goes by and reservoir pressure
• Well P42 (21, 7) was drilled on December 8, 1998 declines, the major drive mechanism which is responsible for
and perforated in layer 7 only. the oil production is water influx. The solution/free gas drive
10 IPTC 11181
has the lowest contribution in the oil production as it is usually quite unfavorable for the injected foam in that zone and could
the weakest drive mechanism. speed up the rate of foam decay.
Figures 18 to 20 depict the amount of injected as well as
Determination of Appropriate Injection Criteria decayed foam in zones I to III. From the diagrams it can be
deduced that lower layers are not favorable candidates to
Defining the Injection wells in the model complete the injectors in.
According to the geological reports of this field, reservoir As shown in figure 18, it is clear that very little fraction of
seismic data is sparse, relatively old (2D only) and of poor the total injected foam is decayed when it is injected to the
quality. The map for the Top Asmari reservoir depth structure fractured layers which constitute the uppermost zone (Zone I)
was created using well log information from most of the of the reservoir.
drilled wells.There are uncertainties with the structural map In the case of injection into zone II, as illustrated in figure
interpretation on the flanks and the northern and southern tip 19, considerable amount of the injected foam becomes
areas at either end of the reservoir where little well data was ineffective by adsorption and decay over time.
available. Due to these uncertainties, most of the wells are According to figure 20, the foam decay increases rapidly
drilled on the crestal area of the structure. when injected in zone III. Thus, inadequate foam remains in
Based on the above explanations and considering the fact solution to assist in mobility reduction of the injected gas. This
that four of the production wells possess a low cumulative oil could lead to lower sweep efficiency in the reservoir. The
production in the first scenario (refer to table 5), the most cost- reason for such a finding could be the vicinity of Zone III
effective way of defining the injection wells is thought to be layers by the aquifer. This, in turn, causes water saturation to
the conversion of wells P09, P34, P47 and P56 from increase in these layers as water encroaches into the reservoir.
production wells to injectors. Thus, a total number of four As mentioned previously, water saturation has a detrimental
injectors are implemented in the injection scenarios. effect on foam stability and speeds up its acceleration.
Figure 17 depicts the top view of the wellhead position of Furthermore, due to the gravity override phenomenon,
the producers/injectors in those scenarios. injected gas does not lead to high vertical sweep efficiency if
injected into lower layers.
Sensitivity Analysis to Specify the Appropriate Perforation Based upon the above discussion, the first three layers
Intervals for Injectors (zone I) are chosen to be completed in the injectors.
Different sensitivity runs are executed to investigate the The carbonate rocks of the uppermost zone (Zone I) appear
effect of the completion interval on injection well to have more tendency to adsorb the injected surfactant in
performance. comparison to the other zones which mainly consist of
Typically the foam will suffer from enhanced decay in the sandstones. However, laboratory experiments on core samples
presence of water [3]. The lowermost layers (zone III layers) taken from different zones with different lithology should be
are adjacent to the bottom-drive aquifer. During production done to confirm this conclusion.
from reservoir, water encroaches into the neighboring layers
and causes water saturation to increase in zone III. This is
Fig. 16-Cumulative oil production obtained from different drive mechanisms in natural depletion scenario
IPTC 11181 11
Location of
Fig. 17-Top view of the locations of the injection wells used in injection scenarios
A m o u n t o f F o a m (L B )-
A m o u n t o f F o a m (L B )-
300000 300000
200000 200000
100000 100000
11323 12323 13323 14323 15323 16323 17323 11323 12323 13323 14323 15323 16323 17323
Time (Days) time (Days)
Fig. 18-Amount of injected, adsorbed and decayed foam in zone I Fig. 19-Amount of injected, adsorbed and decayed foam in zone II
12 IPTC 11181
Beginning of
11323 12323 13323 14323 15323 16323 17323
time (Days) foam
five years and becomes steady at 51,000 STB/Day during last With regard to the table presented below, foam injection
three years. scenario is the recommended case for future development of
The key parameter to assess the feasibility of an EOR the filed under study.
process is the recovery factor achieved by it. Regarding figure According to little difference in recovery factor between
24, it is observed that the best scenario from recovery factor first and second scenarios and also considering the fact that the
viewpoint is scenario No.3. Foam injection has resulted in cumulative gas production is very high in the second case,
incremental oil recovery in excess of 10% compared to the injection of immiscible gas is not economically justifiable
natural depletion. However, economical analysis must confirm
this scenario.
immiscible gas
immiscible gas injection
Beginning of
Fig. 23-Oil production rate comparison in injection scenarios with Fig. 24-Recovery comparison in different scenarios during the
prediction phase (last 15 years)
base case
No. of wells
Cumulative Cumulative Incremental Time on
at the end
Case Oil Gas Recovery Plateau
of Comments
No. Production Production Factor Rate
Old New simulation
(MMSTB) (MMMSCF) ( % of OIIP) (Years)
wells wells (Psia)
727.93 489.24 14 --- 4.4 1802 ---- ---