Reseach Proposal Word
Reseach Proposal Word
Reseach Proposal Word
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1. Introduction
1.1 back ground
1.2 Problem statement Driving is a challenging task where the driver has to be vigilant to take the
current decision on time to other drivers’ actions and different road conditions.
Reducing the number of vehicle crashes would benefit to save life of millions people around the world.
Vehicle accidents are most common if the driving is inadequate. These happen on most factors if the
driver is drowsy or if he is unconscious.
An essential concern of car accident prevention is human’s life, the most expensive and un recoverable
if once lost. Due to car accident humans may injured highly and as well as lose their life and it leads to
socio-economic disturbance. The accident has negative impact on the growth of one country by
damaging the man power and properties.
1.3 Objective of the project
1.3.1 General objective
The main objective of this project is to design and simulate a model that used to prevent car accident
due to drowsiness and unconscious.
This project tries to solve the problem by analyzing the eye blink of the driver using IR sensor. And it will
detect the eye blink rate and duration of the blink. For successful completion of this project some steps
will be followed to carry out different tasks. Starting from identifying the problem depends on current
issue we will undergo on revising of literatures, design our system model, simulate and finally implement
the prototype.
3. System design and analysis