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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 137 (2019) 161–173

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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer

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How interlayer twist angles affect in-plane and cross-plane thermal

conduction of multilayer graphene: A non-equilibrium molecular
dynamics study
Xianhua Nie, Li Zhao ⇑, Shuai Deng, Yue Zhang, Zhenyu Du
Key Laboratory of Efficient Utilization of Low and Medium Grade Energy (Tianjin University), MOE, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300350, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Graphene, a kind of emerging low dimensional carbon material, has admirable thermal properties with
Received 4 January 2019 potential applications in the thermal management of aerospace and microelectronics fields. In recent
Received in revised form 19 March 2019 studies, thermal properties of both conventional single-layer and multilayer graphene were extensively
Accepted 22 March 2019
studied. However, few studies focused on that of multilayer graphene with twist angles, whose thermal
Available online 26 March 2019
properties are different from that of conventional graphene because of the existence of interlayer twist
angles. Such knowledge gap hinders the potential applications. Therefore, the thermal conductivity of
bilayer, 4-layers and 6-layer zigzag graphene with various twist angles is investigated utilizing non-
Multilayer graphene
Twist angle
equilibrium molecular dynamics at the typical temperature region in this study, and both in- and
In-plane thermal conduction cross-plane thermal conductivity are investigated. The size of the studied graphene is 10 nm  22 nm
Cross-plane thermal conduction in the x-y plane, and the size in the z-direction depends on the number of layers. Moreover, the phonon
Non-equilibrium molecular dynamics vibrational density of state is also analyzed for mechanisms behind the thermal transport. The result indi-
cates that a local maximum value can be found with the twist angle of 30° for in-plane thermal conduc-
tion. The results also suggest that the highest thermal conductivity could be reached without any twist
angles for both in and cross-plane conduction. The observation would provide an opportunity to study
the characteristics of in-plane and cross-plane thermal transport of twisted multilayer graphene.
Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction ing an original Raman optothermal method. It was found that the
thermal conductivity of single layer graphene near room tempera-
Carbon material, particularly graphene, is the promising ther- ture is in the range from 2000 W/mK to 5300 W/mK, depending
mal dissipating material in aerospace and microelectronics appli- on the sample size and quality [4–6]. Cai et al. [7] studied the ther-
cations, due to their unique characteristics of thermal transport. mal transport of suspended single-layer graphene grown by chem-
Several studies indicated that the thermal conductivity of gra- ical vapor deposition, and a thermal conductivity of about 2500 W/
phene exceeds that of some other materials. For instance, thermal mK was obtained utilizing Raman optothermal at 350 K. Besides of
conductivity of graphene (2000 W/mK) is five orders of magni- studies on suspended graphene, Seol et al. [8] measured the ther-
tude larger than that of amorphous carbon (0.01 W/mK), five mal conductivity of supported single-layer graphene utilizing elec-
times larger than that of metals (400 W/mK) and even twice lar- trical method, and the value is about 600 W/mK. They found that
ger than that of polycrystalline diamond (1000 W/mK) [1–3]. compared to that of suspended graphene, the thermal conductivity
Consequently, there are increasing experimental and theoretical of supported graphene decreases because of the loss of phonon
studies focusing on the thermal transport in graphene nowadays, energy across the graphene-support interface. However, although
particularly on a quantized index of thermal conductivity. the experiment is considered as the most reliable method, there’re
Direct understanding on thermal properties of graphene origi- still some limitations. Firstly, the quality of graphene is a vital fac-
nates from experiments and plenty of researchers measured the tor for the accuracy of experiments, but the quality of graphene
thermal conductivity of graphene [4–9]. Balandin et al. measured produced in the world is still poor nowadays [10], and a survey
the thermal conductivity of suspended single layer graphene utiliz- revealed that a plenty of researches on graphene could be under-
mined by the poor quality of available graphene [11]. Therefore,
there would be expensive for a high-quality graphene, and it is nei-
⇑ Corresponding author.
ther convenient nor economy to conduct experiments on a large
E-mail address: jons@tju.edu.cn (L. Zhao).

0017-9310/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
162 X. Nie et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 137 (2019) 161–173

number of samples. Secondly, some complex structures of multi- tivity of bilayer graphene appears [25]. Furthermore, Yankowitz
layer graphene cannot be obtained based on existing technical con- et al. [26] found that the superconductivity can also be found with
ditions. What’s more, the mechanism of thermal transport from the twist angle larger than 1.1°. These studies make the twisted
the phonon point of view could not be directly revealed by exper- multilayer graphene be a hot topic. However, what would be the
iments, and it has become a main barrier to understand the ther- phenomenon for thermal transport, and does the twist angles have
mal transport phenomena or behavior inside graphene. a significant effect on thermal conduction of multilayer graphene?
Facing limitations of current experimental studies, theoretical As for experimental studies [27,28], as discussed above, the twist
modeling such as Boltzmann transport equation [8,12,13], and angle is difficult to be controlled to an exact angle. As for some
molecular dynamics (MD) simulation provides powerful tools to MD studies, Hu et al. [29] studied the effect of chirality degree
model the phonon transport of materials [14–16]. For Boltzmann on thermal conductivity of single layer graphene and eight chiral-
transport equation, the phonon-dispersion curves should be deter- ity degrees were evaluated. Cocemasov et al. [30,31] and Li et al.
mined in advance, but it would be difficult to be determined in [32] carefully studied the mechanism of phonon transport in
some conditions, especially when the studied graphene is not ideal twisted bilayer graphene, and the effect of out-of-plane phonon
and suspended [17]. Therefore, MD, especially non-equilibrium modes on thermal conduction were comprehensively analyzed.
molecular dynamics (NEMD), is widely considered as a promising These studies mainly focus on the in-plane thermal transport of
approach to refine the existing research framework, and the ther- twisted bilayer graphene, because the deep mechanism analyses
mal transport can be characterized once the intermolecular inter- can be conveniently revealed based on a simple configuration of
actions are determined. Table 1 shows a brief state of the art of graphene. However, not only bilayer graphene and in-plane con-
MD studies on graphene’s thermal transport. Because of the aniso- duction, but also multilayer graphene and cross-plane conduction
tropy of graphene, both in-plane and cross-plane thermal conduc- have a broad application. To the best of the authors’ knowledge,
tivity should be investigated separately. For in-plane conduction, the systematic study on the changes of the thermal conductivity
Bazrafshan et al. [14] studied the single layer amorphous graphene of multilayer graphene with a series of twist angles are rarely
utilizing NEMD, and the effects of the defect concentration, defect reported in published studies. What’s more, the effect of the twist
distribution and strain were analyzed. Xu et al. [18] proposed a angle on cross-plane conduction is also limited. Therefore, all of
study on the effects of length and temperature on thermal conduc- these knowledge gaps should be further studied.
tivity of single layer graphene through experiments and NEMD. In In this work, the effect of the interlayer twist angle on the ther-
this research, thermal conductivity obtained by NEMD agrees well mal conductivity of multilayer graphene are investigated utilizing
with experimental data, furthermore, mechanisms of thermal con- NEMD, and both thermal conductivity of in-plane conduction and
duction from phonon point of view were also revealed by NEMD. interfacial conductance of cross-plane conduction are considered.
For cross-plane condition, the cross-plane thermal resistances of In NEMD, the twist angles (0°, 1°, 5°, 10°, 20°, 30°, 40°, 50°, 55°
graphene/water interface [19,20], graphene/metal interface [21] and 59°) together with their positions, the number of layers
and graphene/MoS2 interface [15] are the focuses. However, as dis- (bilayer, 4-layer and 6-layer), direction of heat flux (in-plane and
cussed above and in Table 1, compared to studies on in-plane ther- cross-plane) and temperatures (from 200 K to 600 K) are all evalu-
mal transport, there’s little study focusing on the cross-plane ated. Besides, the mechanism behind the thermal conduction is
thermal transport of the graphene/graphene interface. Thus, this further analyzed with the help of the vibrational density of state
is still a knowledge gap remaining to be solved. (VDOS). To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study is one
Furthermore, in recent studies, Cao et al. [24,25] discovered a of the few comprehensive and systematic MD studies and analyses
unique phenomenon of multilayer graphene’s electronic proper- on thermal conductivity of multilayer graphene with twist angles
ties. When there’s an interlayer twist angle of 1.1°, named ‘‘magic (MGTA) compared with existing studies. Particularly, this study
angle”, existing between layers, Mott-like insulator can be explores a relationship between interlayer twist angles and ther-
obtained [24]. Furthermore, based on these structures, when mal conductivity. For further conclusion, thermal properties would
there’re some electrical carriers, an unconventional superconduc- significantly deteriorate if the structure of multilayer graphene

Table 1
State-of-the-art of MD studies on thermal transport in graphene samples.

Heat Flux Year Type of graphene Size of samples Range of Maximum value Descriptions
[Ref.] Temperature
In-plane 2017 Single layer; 17 nm  5 nm; 200–500 K 423 W(mK)1; Evaluate the performance of various
[17] multilayer 50 nm  5 nm As shown in Fig. 7(a) in potential utilized in MD
Ref. [17]
2014 Single layer The longest length is 100–1000 K 2307 W(mK)1; Discover the effect of length on thermal
[18] 9 lm As shown in Fig. 3b in Ref. conductivity of suspended graphene
[18] experimentally, and the results are
compared by MD
2012 Single layer (20–2800) 100–1000 K 2360 W(mK)1; Study the conduction of graphene
[22] nm  5.2 nm As shown in Fig. 3 in Ref.
2011 Multilayer 7–25 nm in length 300 K–800 K 870 W(mK)1; Evaluate the effect of the number of layers
[23] As shown in Fig. 4 in Ref. on thermal conductivity. Nevertheless, the
[23] results weren’t corrected by quantum
Cross-plane 2016 Multilayer/MoS2 The number of 300 K 213 MW(m2K)1; Calculated the interfacial thermal
[15] graphene is 7 As shown in Table 2 in conductance of graphene/MoS2
Ref. [15] heterostructures.
2015 Multilayer/metal The number of – – Calculated the interfacial thermal
[21] graphene conductance of graphene/metal interface
ranges from 1 to 5
X. Nie et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 137 (2019) 161–173 163

deviates the designed configuration. Above all, this study can pro-
vide a guided tour to the effect of the twist angle on thermal trans-
port of graphene, and it benefits to the regulation of the thermal
conductivity of the multilayer graphene for potential thermal man-
agement in microelectronics and aerospace.

2. Simulation methods

In this study, all of the simulations were performed with the

Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator
(LAMMPS) package [33], and atom visualization was done by Open
Visualization Tool (OVITO) [34]. The range of temperature in the
study is from 200 K to 600 K with a step of 100 K, which is a typical
temperature range in current studies as shown in Table 1. The time
step of the simulation was set as 1 fs. Schematic diagram of MGTA
can be seen in Fig. 1 (taking 6-layer graphene as an example), and
the initial chirality of graphene is zigzag graphene. The length in
x-direction is 22 nm while the length in y-direction is 10 nm. In
addition, the distance between two adjacent layers in z-direction
is 0.35 nm, thus the complete length of the multilayer graphene
in z-direction is 0.35n nm, where n represents the number of layers.
Fig. 2 shows configurations and local enlarged structures of
MGTA. In this study, twist angles of 0° (without interlayer twist
angle), 1°, 5°, 10°, 20°, 30°, 40°, 50°, 55°, and 59° are investigated.
Because of the symmetry of hexagon, configurations with twist
angles of 40°, 50°, 55°, and 59° are the same as that of 1°, 5°, 10°,
20°, thus only angles of 1–30° are demonstrated in Fig. 2(b)–(f). Fur-
thermore, in order to evaluate the effect of the position where the
twist angles exist, different positions of the twist angle are also
established respectively. For the 4-layer MGTA, the twist angles
exist between the first and the second layers, and between the sec-
ond and the third layers, while for the 6-layer MGTA, the twist angles
exist between the first and the second layers, between the second
and the third layers, and between the third and the forth layers.
The optimized Tersoff potential (opt-Tersoff), which has been
proved to be the most suitable potential for thermal transport
modeling of the graphene [17,35], was utilized to describe the
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of MGTA and NEMD model (Taking 6-layer MGTA as an
intra-layer sp2 interactions. In addition, Lennard-Jones (LJ) poten- example). (a) Configuration and the size of the MGTA; (b) NEMD model with
tial as shown in Eq. (1), whose parameters are obtained from Gir- simplified scales of in-plane conduction; (c) NEMD model with simplified scales of
ifalco et al. [36], was utilized to model the van der Waals cross-plane conduction.
interaction among different layers. Moreover, the temperature T
of the graphene was calculated according to the average kinetic
kq dT MD
energy of all atoms in the layer and it can be seen in Eq. (2). Where ¼ ð4Þ
N is the number of atoms; kB is the Boltzmann constant; m repre- kMD dT q
sents the mass of atoms, and p represents the momentum of atoms. For in-plane conduction, the schematic model can be seen in
However, the temperature calculated by MD is based on the Debye Fig. 1(b). As shown in Fig. 1(b), the size of the studied MGTA is
assumption, and it is suitable for the condition where tempera- 22 nm  10 nm in the x-y plane, and the size in z-direction is deter-
tures are higher than the Debye temperature. In this study, tem- mined by the number of layers with a premise that the distance
peratures of graphene are far lower than 2100 K (Debye between adjacent layers is 0.34 nm. Besides, in order to create
temperature of the graphene), thus quantum correction must be the temperature gradient, heat source and heat sink are estab-
introduced. The expression of quantum correction can be seen in lished, and they’re colored in red and blue respectively. Non-
Eqs. (3) and (4) [22,37,38]. Where TMD represents the temperature periodic boundaries (shrink-wrapped boundary condition) are per-
calculated by MD; Tq represents the quantum corrected tempera- formed for x, y and z directions. Firstly, in order to avoid the
ture; x represents the angular frequency of phonons; xD repre- dynamic re-orientation of twist angles, both sides of the studied
sents the Debye frequency. configuration were fixed to restrain the re-orientation during
"   6 #
r MD. During the simulation of in-plane conduction, the simulation
uLJ ¼ 4e  ð1Þ box was initially relaxed in microcanonical (NVE) ensemble for
r ij r ij
100 ps, which is enough to reach an initial equilibrium. Then, the
region with a width of 0.5 nm on both sides of the MGTA was fixed,
2 X p2i
T MD ¼ ð2Þ and next to the fixed region, there’re heat source and heat sink
3NkB i 2mi with constant temperatures controlled by Langevin thermostats.
! Followed by which, another 5 ns in NVE ensemble was processed
Z xmax
9N 1 1 in order to reach a satisfactory linear temperature profile. A typical
3NkB T MDi ¼ x
þ hxdx
— ð3Þ
0 x3D hx

ekB T q 1 2
temperature profile of the MGTA can be seen in Fig. 3(a), and only
the linear region (red line in Fig. 3) was utilized to calculate the
164 X. Nie et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 137 (2019) 161–173

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram and enlarged structures of MGTA. (a) The twist angle is 0°; (b) The twist angle is 1°; (c) The twist angle is 5°; (d) The twist angle is 10°; (e) The twist
angle is 20°; (f) The twist angle is 30°.

temperature gradient in this study. Then, the Fourier’s law, as 3. Results analyses
shown in Eq. (5), was implemented to calculate the in-plane ther-
mal conductivity. 3.1. In-plane thermal conductivity
q ¼ kA ð5Þ 3.1.1. Effects of twist angles and the number of layers at different
For cross-plane conduction, the schematic model can be seen in The in-plane thermal conductivity of the bilayer, 4-layer, and 6-
Fig. 1(c). Similar to the procedure of in-plane conduction, the heat layer MGTA at different temperatures can be seen in Fig. 4(a)–(c)
source and heat sink were also created to generate the temperature respectively. For the convenience of comparison, all of the results
gradient. Different from the in-plane conduction simulation, for shown in Fig. 4 are based on the configuration with twist angles
the study on cross-plane conduction of 6-layer MGTA, the initial existing in the middle of the MGTA (between the first and the sec-
configuration of 8-layer should be established, and the top and bot- ond layers of bilayer MGTA, between the second and the third lay-
tom layers of the multilayer graphene were set as the heat source ers of 4-layer MGTA, between the third and the forth layer of 6-
and heat sink respectively. Moreover, because the cross-plane ther- layer MGTA). In each figure, the horizontal axis represents the tem-
mal conductivity is lower than in-plane conductivity, therefore, perature, while the vertical axis represents the in-plane thermal
10 ns in the NVE ensemble was processed for cross-plane conduc- conductivity. Meanwhile, the solid lines represent results derived
tion in order to reach a good equilibrium of temperature profile. A by NEMD, while the dash lines represent the quantum corrected
typical temperature profile of cross-plane conduction can be seen results. Moreover, considering the symmetry of hexagon, only
in Fig. 3(b). As shown in the figure, the relationship between the twist angles ranging from 0° to 30° are demonstrated in the figures
position and temperatures are not linear, and there’s a sudden for a clear description.
temperature decrease DT at the position where the twist angle It can be seen that the trends of NEMD and quantum corrected
exists. Therefore, interfacial thermal conductance replace the ther- results are different. For all of the results calculated by NEMD, in-
mal conductivity to characterize the cross-plane thermal transport. plane thermal conductivity decreases as temperatures increase, no
The calculation of the interfacial thermal conductance can be seen matter what the twist angle is. For instance, as can be seen in solid
in Eq. (6). Where R represents the interfacial thermal conductance lines of Fig. 4(a), the thermal conductivity of bilayer MGTA with
with a unit of MW/(m2K). the interlayer twist angle of 0° at 200 K is 648 W/mK, and as the
q temperature increases to 300 K, the thermal conductivity
R¼ ð6Þ
ADT decreases to 529 W/mK. Furthermore, when the temperature con-
X. Nie et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 137 (2019) 161–173 165

Fig. 3. Temperature profiles of in-plane and cross-plane conduction. (a) A typical

steady temperature profile of in-plane conduction with 100 segments in x-
direction; (b) Typical temperature profile of cross-plane conduction in z-direction
(taking 6-layer MGTA as an example).

tinues to increase, the thermal conductivity decreases correspond-

ingly. Besides, the MGTA with other twist angles has the similar
regulation. However, for results obtained by the quantum correc-
tion, the thermal conductivity increases firstly and decrease subse-
quently as the temperature increases. The crossover temperature is
about 320 K. This crossover point results from the Umklapp pho-
non scattering [22]. Therefore, the results obtained by Eq. (2) lead
to an inaccurate estimation of the thermal conductivity, especially
in the low temperature region, and the quantum corrected thermal
conductivity should be utilized for analyses.
In order to evaluate the effects of the temperature, the twist
angle and the number of layers on in-plane thermal conductivity
in an intuitive way, results are demonstrated in Fig. 5(a). Moreover,
different views of Fig. 5(a) can also be seen in Fig. 5(b) and (c). Only
quantum corrected results are presented in the figure. In the figure,
the left axis of the horizontal plane represents the number of lay-
ers, thus the three groups of curves in the figure represent the ther- Fig. 4. Relationship between temperatures and in-plane thermal conductivity of
mal conductivity of bilayer, 4-layer, and 6-layer MGTA. The right MGTA (10 nm  22 nm in the x-y plane) with different twist angles. (a) Bilayer
axis of the horizontal plane represents the twist angle. Although MGTA; (b) 4-layer MGTA; (c) 6-layer MGTA.
166 X. Nie et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 137 (2019) 161–173

the MGTA have configuration symmetry during torsion, MGTA the fourth layers. When the twist angle exists between the second
with all of the twist angles are calculated in order to evaluate if and the third layers, the thermal conductivity is 213 W/mK,
the symmetry has some effects on thermal conductivity. In addi- decreased by 5.63%. Meanwhile, when the twist angle exists
tion, different colors of curves represent different temperatures. between the first and the second layers, the thermal conductivity
The following conclusions can be obtained according to Fig. 5: is 201 W/mK, further decreased by 5.34%. This means that in-
Firstly, MGTA with the symmetric twist angles of a hexagon plane conductivity depends on the difference between the num-
have the same thermal conductivity. Taking bilayer MGTA at bers of layers on both sides of the twist angle, and the larger the
600 K as an example, thermal conductivity of the MGTA with twist difference is, the lower the in-plane thermal conductivity is. That
angle of 20° is 242 W/mK, while which with twist angle of 40° is is to say, when the twist angle exists between the third and the
242 W/mK, and other symmetric twist angles such as 10° and forth layers for 6-layer MGTA, the difference is 0, and the highest
50°, 5° and 55° etc. lead to the same conclusion. That’s why the thermal conductivity among the three configurations with 1° twist
shape of curves is ‘‘W-shaped”. angle can be obtained. Moreover, when the twist angle exists
Secondly, for each MGTA, in the range of 0–10°, a slight twist between the second and the third layers, the difference is 1, and
angle can lead to a significant decrease in thermal conductivity. the thermal conductivity decreases.
The thermal conductivity of bilayer, 4-layer, and 6-layer MGTA
without any twist angles is 329 W/mK, 219 W/mK and 199 W/ 3.1.2. In-plane thermal conduction from phonon point of view
mK respectively at 600 K. However, when there’s a slight twist In order to understand the thermal conduction on nanoscale,
angle, such as 1°, thermal conductivity decreases by 9.38%, 8.80%, characteristics of phonons during thermal conduction should be
10.32% and reach 298 W/mK, 200 W/mK and 178 W/mK respec- considered, and it can be quantified by VDOS. The calculation of
tively. As twist angles further increase to the range of 10–20°, VDOS can be seen in Eq. (7), which is a Fourier transformation of
the decrease rate of thermal conductivity becomes smaller than the velocity autocorrelation function (VACF) as shown in Eq. (8).
that in the range of 0–10°. However, when the twist angle further In general, the low-frequency phonons play a significant role in
increases to 30°, the angle where the twisted layer becomes arm- the thermal conduction. Particularly, phonons with the frequency
chair graphene, the thermal conductivity have a significant lower than 20THz dominate the thermal conductivity [39].
increase and becomes a local maximum value. However, the ther-
Z s
mal conductivity at this point is still lower than that of the MGTA
VDOSðxÞ ¼ VACF ðtÞe2pixt dt ð7Þ
without any twist angles. The maximum values at 600 K for 0
bilayer, 4-layer, and 6-layer MGTA are 286 W/mK, 183 W/mK
and 164 W/mK respectively. v i ð0Þv i ðtÞ 
VACF ðt Þ ¼ P i ð8Þ
i v i ð0Þv i ð0Þ
Thirdly, the effect of the number of layers on the in-plane ther-
mal conductivity can also be illustrated in Fig. 5(c). Intuitively, a
large number of layers leads to a lower thermal conductivity. At In order to understand the effect of twist angles on in-plane
600 K, the thermal conductivity is 329 W/mK, 219 W/mK and thermal conduction from phonon point of view, Fig. 7, which
199 W/mK for bilayer, 4-layer, and 6-layer MGTA respectively demonstrates the VDOSs of 4-layer MGTA at 400 K, are presented.
without twist angles. Moreover, as the number of layers increases Because the heat flux is in the x-direction for in-plane thermal con-
from 2 to 4, the thermal conductivity decreases by 33.40%, and as duction, thus it only shows the phonon oscillation in the x-
the number of layers increases from 4 to 6, it further decreases by direction. In addition, VDOSs of 4-layer MGTA with twist angles
9.36%. It can be seen that the decrease rate of thermal conductivity of 0°, 10°, and 30° are compared in Fig. 7(a). Moreover, the his-
is lower and lower as the number of layers increases. Results togram of frequency distribution with an interval of 20 THz, which
obtained from the other twist angles and temperatures lead to a represents the proportion of phonons in different frequency inter-
similar conclusion. Furthermore, based on the analyses, there’s vals, is presented in Fig. 7(b) in order to give a clear description of
assumed to be a critical number of layers, above which the thermal the distribution of phonons. Therefore, the effect of twist angles on
conductivity would not be changed as the number of layers. in-plane thermal conductivity can be explained from the following
Above all, the effects of the temperatures, the twist angles and two aspects:
the number of layers on in-plane thermal conductivity are con- Firstly, the interlayer twist angles affect the distribution of low-
cluded. However, only configurations with twist angles existing frequency phonons. It can be seen in Fig. 7(a), for 4-layer MGTA
in the middle of MGTA are analyzed in Figs. 4 and 5, if the position with different twist angles, the VDOSs are similar to each other.
of twist angles affects the thermal conductivity should be further There’re apparent peaks at the frequency of 49 THz approximately
studied. Therefore, additional simulations were also conducted in for the three configurations. This indicates that the existence of
order to find out the effect of the twist angles’ position on the ther- twist angles have a slight effect, or even no effects, on the peak
mal conductivity, and the results can be seen in Fig. 6. Fig. 6(a) is of VDOSs. Furthermore, it can be seen in Fig. 7(b), MGTA with
for 6-layer MGTA and all possible positions where twist angles the twist angle of 10° has the smallest proportion of phonons in
can exist are discussed. As for 6-layer MGTA, there’re three possi- the interval of 0–40 THz compared to the MGTA with twist angles
ble positions. The twist angle can exist between the first and the of 0° and 30°, and that’s why the 4-layer MGTA with twist angle of
second layers (shown by dot lines), the second and the third layers 10° has the lowest in-plane thermal conductivity among these
(shown by dash-dot lines), as well as the third and the fourth lay- three configurations. As for MGTA with twist angles of 0° and
ers (shown by solid lines). Fig. 6(b) shows similar information of 4- 30°, the proportions of phonons in the interval of 0–40 THz are
layer MGTA and the only difference is that the twist angle can only approximately the same. Nevertheless, in the interval of 40–60
exist between the first and the second layers (shown by dash-dot THz, the proportion of phonons for MGTA with a twist angle of
lines) and between the second and the third layers (shown by solid 0° is higher than that of 30°, especially in the range of 40–50
lines). In Fig. 6, only quantum corrected results are demonstrated THz. Therefore, the in-plane thermal conductivity of MGTA with
and different colors represent different twist angles. the twist angle of 0° (Zigzag/ Zigzag) is higher than that of MGTA
It can be seen in Fig. 6, the position of twist angles is also a vital with the twist angle of 30° (Armchair/ Zigzag).
factor affects thermal conductivity. For example, as for 6-layer Secondly, the roughness of the edge perpendicular to the direc-
MGTA with the twist angle of 1° at 300 K, the thermal conductivity tion of heat flux can also affect the in-plane thermal conduction
is 225 W/mK when the twist angle exists between the third and [29], and the edge of graphene (colored in red) with different twist
X. Nie et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 137 (2019) 161–173 167

Fig. 5. In-plane thermal conductivity of MGTA (10 nm  22 nm in the x-y plane) with different numbers of layers, twist angles and temperatures. (a) Global figure of
relationship among the thermal conductivity, the twist angle and the number of layers. (b) Thermal conductivity - twist angle view of the global figure (taking temperature of
400 K as an example). (c) Thermal conductivity – the number of layers view of the global figure (taking the twist angles of 0° and 30°, the temperature of 400 K as an

angles can be seen in Fig. 8. A rough edge results in the increase of Besides, to study the effect of the number of layers on in-plane
the number of scattering centers in the configuration, and this thermal conductivity from phonon point of view, comparison of
causes the enhancement the phonon scattering and the reduction the proportion of low-frequency phonons between bilayer and 4-
of the mean free path of phonons. These factors lead to low con- layer MGTA can be seen in Fig. 9. Fig. 9(a) shows the comparison
ductivity eventually. In current studies, it’s widely considered that of bilayer and 4-layer MGTA without twist angles, while Fig. 9(b)
the zigzag graphene has the smoothest edge and the armchair gra- shows the comparison of bilayer and 4-layer MGTA with a twist
phene has the relatively smooth edge. Furthermore, the increase of angle of 10°. From Fig. 9(a), it can be seen that in the interval of
twist angle between 0° and 30° results in the increase of edge 0–20 THz, the proportions of phonons of 4-layer and bilayer MGTA
roughness. are approximately the same. The value of the former one is 21.92%,
168 X. Nie et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 137 (2019) 161–173

Fig. 7. Comparison of VDOS in x-direction of 4-layer MGTA with twist angles of 0°,
10°, and 30°. (a) VDOS; (b) The histogram of frequency distribution of phonons.

Fig. 6. The effect of the position where the twist angle exists on thermal
conductivity at different temperatures. (a) For 6-layer MGTA whose twist angles the difference between the numbers of layers on both side
exist between the first and the second, the second and the third, the third and the increase. It can also be concluded that the reduction rate of the
forth layers respectively; (b) For 4-layer MGTA whose twist angles exist between
the first and the second, the second and the third layers respectively.
thermal conductivity caused by the increase in the number of lay-
ers is larger, compared to the increase rate of the thermal conduc-
tivity caused by the reduction of the number of layers.
and that of the latter one is 22.00%. However, in the interval of 20–
40 THz, the proportion of phonons of bilayer MGTA is apparently
3.2. Cross-plane thermal conductivity
higher than that of 4-layer MGTA. As for Fig. 9(b), the only appar-
ent difference between the bilayer and 4-layer MGTA can be found
3.2.1. Effects of twist angles and the number of layers at different
in the range of 0–20 THz, as highlighted by the red rectangle.
Therefore, for in-plane thermal conduction and VDOS in x-
The cross-plane thermal conduction has different characteris-
direction, the increase in the number of layers results in the reduc-
tics compared to the in-plane conduction, and the effects of the
tion in phonons with low frequencies. This is because the increase
number of layers and temperatures on the cross-plane thermal
in the number of layers limits the excitation of phonon with low
conductivity of MGTA without twist angles can be seen in
frequency in each layer, and leads to a reduction in the thermal
Fig. 10. Moreover, both results calculated by NEMD (dash line)
and quantum corrected (solid line) are presented. It should be
As for the effect of positions of the twist angle on in-plane ther-
noted that the thermal conductivity of the bilayer MGTA was not
mal conductivity, the combination of the effects of the twist angles
considered in Fig. 10, because the number of temperature data is
and the number of layers can be considered as one of the explana-
not enough to obtain a convincing temperature gradient. According
tions. Moreover, if the numbers of layers are not equal on the both
to the figure, it can be seen that:
side of the twist angle, there must be a larger number of layers on
Firstly, the cross-plane thermal conductivity is much smaller
one side and a smaller number of layers on the other side. As dis-
than the in-plane thermal conductivity, and the cross-plane ther-
cussed above, this leads to an increase in the thermal conductivity
mal conductivity is smaller than the in-plane thermal conductivity
of one side and a reduction of the other side. According to the
by about three orders of magnitude. This stems from the fact that
results presented in Fig. 6, the thermal conductivity decreases as
compared to sp2 interaction in a layer, the LJ interaction between
X. Nie et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 137 (2019) 161–173 169

Fig. 9. The histogram of frequency distribution of phonons in x-direction for bilayer

and 4-layer MGTA. (a) Comparison between bilayer and 4-layer MGTA without
twist angles; (b) Comparison between bilayer and 4-layer MGTA with a twist angle
of 10°.

as shown in Fig. 5, the cross-plane thermal conductivity increases

as the number of layers increases, and this agrees with the results
conducted by Wei et al. [40]. As shown in Fig. 10, lines representing
the cross-plane thermal conductivity of 6-layer MGTA are always
above lines representing that of the 4-layer MGTA. The mechanism
Fig. 8. Edges of MGTA perpendicular to the direction of the heat flux. (a) MGTA with behind the phenomenon will be discussed from the phonon point
a twist angle of 0°; (b) MGTA with a twist angle of 10°; (c) MGTA with a twist angle
of 30°.
of view in Section 3.2.2.
Except for the study of the cross-plane thermal conductivity of
MGTA without twist angles, the effect of the twist angles on cross-
layers is not conductive to the thermal conduction. In addition, the plane thermal conductivity are also investigated. The interfacial
existence of an interface between layers also leads to a scattering thermal conductance is utilized to characterize the thermal con-
of the phonon energy, thus non-ballistic transport of phonon result duction across layers. Results for the 6-layer MGTA are shown in
in a low conductivity. Secondly, the relationship between the Fig. 11. It can be seen that the interfacial thermal conductance
cross-plane thermal conductivity and temperatures is similar to increases as temperature increases. For NEMD results, the relation-
the relationship between the in-plane thermal conductivity and ship between interfacial thermal conductance and temperature is
temperatures. For NEMD results, thermal conductivity decreases linear approximately. For configurations with different twist
monotonically as temperatures increases, and for quantum cor- angles, the curves are parallel. This indicates that for MGTA with
rected results, thermal conductivity increases firstly and then different twist angles, the growth rate of the interfacial conduc-
decrease. The temperature where the crossover appears at about tance is approximately the same as the temperature increases.
320 K. Thirdly, different from the in-plane thermal conductivity Nevertheless, for quantum corrected results, the interfacial ther-
170 X. Nie et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 137 (2019) 161–173

that a small twist angle leads to a large decrease of interfacial ther-

mal conductance. In the range of 10–20°, the interfacial thermal
conductance continues to decrease, but it has a smaller absolute
value of the slope. In these regions, results are in agreement with
results concluded from Fig. 5. Furthermore, when the twist angle
increases to 30°, the interfacial thermal conductance further
decreases, and becomes a local minimum value, rather than a local
maximum value as indicated in Fig. 5.

3.2.2. Cross-plane thermal conduction from phonon point of view

The direction of heat flux is in z-direction for cross-plane con-
duction, thus VDOS in the z-direction as shown in Figs. 13 and
14 are selected to study the cross-plane thermal conduction.
To understand the effect of the number of layers on cross-plane
thermal conductivity, a comparison between VDOSs of 4-layer and
6-layer MGTA is presented in Fig. 13(a) and the corresponding pro-
portion of phonons in different frequency intervals can be seen in
Fig. 13(b). It can be seen that the number of layers has a slight
Fig. 10. Comparison of cross-plane thermal conductivity between the 4-layer and effect on the peak of VODSs, and for both configurations, apparent
6-layer MGTA without twist angles (graphene).
peaks exist at frequencies of about 13 THz and 26 THz. Neverthe-
less, the proportions of phonons in different frequency intervals
mal conductance increases at a larger growth rate at temperatures are different, and these differences result in the difference of
lower than about 320 K, while the growth rate becomes smaller cross-plane thermal conductivity. In the interval of 0–20 THz, the
when temperatures higher than 320 K. This is because, at lower proportion of phonons for 6-layer MGTA is higher than that for
temperatures, the quantum effect results in a large deviation 4-layer MGTA, and the former value is 50.66%, while the later
between NEMD and quantum correlation results. one is 49.36%. Furthermore, although the proportion of phonons
The effect of twist angles on interfacial thermal conductance for 6-layer MGTA is lower than that for 4-layer MGTA in the range
can be seen in Fig. 12 in a more intuitive way, and only quantum of 20–40 THz, the difference (0.59%) between the proportion of
corrected results are presented. Different colors mean different phonons of the two types of MGTA is much smaller than that in
temperatures. In addition, as validated in Fig. 5, the symmetric the range of 0–20 THz (1.29%). Therefore, for the cross-plane ther-
configuration leads to the same thermal conductivity, thus interfa- mal conduction, an increase in the number of layers results in an
cial thermal conductance in the range of 30–59° is obtained by increase of low-frequency phonons, especially in the range of 0–
symmetry according to results in the range of 1–30°, and they 20 THz. Therefore, a higher cross-plane thermal conductivity can
are presented by dash lines. be obtained by 6-layer MGTA. It should be noted that this phe-
The relationship between the interfacial thermal conductance nomenon is different from the in-plane thermal conduction and
and the twist angle is different from that between the in-plane VDOS in x-direction.
thermal conductivity and the twist angle. It can be seen that the In addition, comparison of VDOS of 6-layer MGTA with twist
interfacial thermal conductance decreases monotonically when angles of 10° and 30° can be seen in Fig. 14, and it can reveal the
the twist angle increases from 0° to 30°. The figure can be divided phonon characteristics of cross-plane conduction with different
into three regions. In the range of 1–10°, the interfacial thermal twist angles. In both intervals of 0–20 THz and 20–40THz, the pro-
conductance decreases as the twist angle increases. In this region, portion of phonons for MGTA with the twist angle of 10° are appar-
the absolute value of the slope is relatively large, which indicates ently higher than that of 30°. This indicates that the increase in
twist angles leads to a reduction in low-frequency phonons all

Fig. 11. The relationship between the temperature and the cross-plane interfacial Fig. 12. Relationship between the twist angle and the cross-plane interfacial
conductance of the 6-layer MGTA with different twist angles. conductance of 6-layer MGTA at different temperatures.
X. Nie et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 137 (2019) 161–173 171

Fig. 14. Comparison of VDOS in z-direction of 6-layer MGTA with twist angles of
Fig. 13. Comparison of VDOS in z-direction of 4-layer and 6-layer MGTA without
10° and 30°. (a) VDOS; (b) The histogram of frequency distribution of phonons.
twist angles. (a) VDOS; (b) The histogram of frequency distribution of phonons.

between the system size and thermal conductivity. Generally, the

the time. Moreover, the roughness of the interface where the twist limited system size would cut-off the contribution of long wave-
angle exists can also be considered as a vital factor affecting the length phonons, and a small size in the direction that is parallel
cross-plane thermal conduction. If there’s no twist angle between to the temperature gradient can enhance the phonon scattering.
layers, phonons transfer between adjacent layers ballistically. Nev- In this study, the focus is to understand the thermal transport char-
ertheless, as the interlayer twist angles increase, the structural acteristics of MGTA, and the relationship among thermal conduc-
inconsistency between layers increases correspondingly and there tivity, temperatures and twist angles was proposed. Nevertheless,
would be more scattering centers blocking the phonon transport. the absolute value of thermal conductivity isn’t paid special atten-
tion to in this study. Whether the size of MGTA would affect the
4. Discussion relationship or even lead to a different conclusion would be stud-
ied in our future work.
Both in-plane and cross-plane thermal transports of MGTA are Secondly, in this study, mechanisms behind the thermal trans-
further discussed and the development prospect would be pro- port of MGTA are analyzed via VDOS. Although VDOS can provide
posed in this section: the explanation as shown in Figs. 7, 9, 13 and 14 to some extents, it
Firstly, the size effect of the MGTA should be further evaluated. can be seen that the difference of proportions of low-frequency
In this study, only one specific size of the MGTA with a cross area of phonons in each configuration ranges from about 0.5%1.0%. This
22 nm  10 nm was studied, and the maximum thermal conduc- may be not enough to explain the significant difference in thermal
tivity of 647.83 W/mK can be obtained with bilayer MGTA without conductivity and interfacial conductance, and some other factors
twist angle. This is because of the relatively small size of MGTA. dominate the thermal conduction. Some studies on the bilayer
Compared to some existing studies [1,18,22,41], the maximum MGTA [27,32] indicated that the modification of the Brillouin zone
thermal conductivity can reach more than 2000 W/mK, because due to the introduction of twist angles enhances the phonon scat-
sizes of the simulated configurations or samples are thousands of tering, thus resulting in a reduction of thermal conductivity. How-
nanometers, and even reach a level of the micrometer in their stud- ever, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, the modification of
ies. Wei et al. [23] also indicated that there’s a linear relationship Brillouin zone for the MGTA, especially the effect of the position
172 X. Nie et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 137 (2019) 161–173

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