LPGNG Report Final Lowres-130217
LPGNG Report Final Lowres-130217
LPGNG Report Final Lowres-130217
The Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility (PRIF) is a multi-development partner coordination, technical assistance
and research facility that supports infrastructure development in the Pacific. PRIF members are: Asian Development
Bank (ADB), Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, European Investment Bank, European Union, Japan
International Cooperation Agency, New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and the World Bank Group.
The Pacific Power Association (PPA) is an inter-development agency based in Suva, Fiji. It represents 25 electric power
utilities in the Pacific and is a member of the Council of Regional Organisations in the Pacific (CROP).
The Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) was represented through its Economic Development Division in Suva,
Fiji. This office coordinates the implementation of the regional Framework for Action on Energy in the Pacific: 2010 –
2020; produces Country Energy Security Profiles; and is the host of the Pacific Region Data Repository which contains a
range of data on the energy sector.
The views expressed in this report are those of the authors – Craig Morgan and Derek Atkinson - and do not necessarily
reflect the views and policies of ADB, its Board of Governors, or the governments they represent or any of the other PRIF
agencies, the PPA or SPC. Although all care has been taken to ensure that the information provided in this document
is accurate, none of the above parties guarantees this or accepts responsibility for any consequence of its use. The
use of information contained in this report is permitted with appropriate acknowledgement. The report may only be
reproduced with the permission of the PRIF Coordination Office (PCO) or the relevant section of ADB.
Tel: +61 2 8270 9444 Tel: +679 3306 022 Tel: +679 337 0733 ext. 401
Email: enquiries@theprif.org Email: ppa@ppa.org.fj Email: spc@spc.int
Website: www.theprif.org Website: www.ppa.org.fj Website: www.spc.int/edd
Note: Where references are made in this report to companies or photographs show company logos, these are intended as
illustrative points or examples only and not as endorsement of those companies. Photographs were either provided to the
consultants on the project or they were retrieved from company websites. The companies are duly acknowledged.
Liquefied Petroleum Gas, or ‘LPG’, refers to a family of light gases called propane and butane, derived from the processing
of natural gas liquids and the refining of crude oil. LPG is gaseous at normal temperature and pressure, and becomes liquid
when subjected to modest pressure or cooling. LPG is used mainly in cylinders for portable applications, cooking, heating,
lighting, refrigeration and transport fuels.
Natural gas is composed primarily of methane (usually over 85% by volume), but it may also contain ethane and propane with
small amounts of heavier hydrocarbons (and some impurities which are removed before liquefaction). Liquefied Natural Gas,
or ‘LNG’, is natural gas which has been processed to liquid form for ease of storage or transport, by cooling it to approximately
-161°C depending on its exact composition, at which point it becomes a liquid, reducing the volume of the gas by a factor of
more than 600 times as it goes from its gaseous state to liquid form.
LPG and Natural Gas
as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
April 2016
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
Acknowledgement is given for the contributions a number of organisations and individuals have
made in the preparation of this report.
This study was proposed by the World Bank through Roberto Aiello, Senior Energy Specialist and
managed by Christine McMahon, Results and Research Manager at the PRIF Coordination Office
They were joined in the Project Implementation Committee by Alan Bartmanovich, Petroleum
Adviser, Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) and Andrew Daka, Executive Director, Pacific
Power Association (PPA) Secretariat.
Craig Morgan (Team Leader) and Derek Atkinson (Research Analyst) were the consultants on the
study who conducted the research and prepared this report.
SPC hosted the consultants during the research phase of the project and provided inputs to the
data collection process, the document review, and administrative functions. Captain John Hogan
(Director of the Economic Development Division), Solomone Fifita (Deputy Director – Energy) and
their staff are all acknowledged for their support.
Staff from government ministries, industry organisations and other stakeholder groups provided
data and other information that was vital to formulating an understanding of logistical challenges
and opportunities for developing alternative solutions in the Pacific. Their participation also
included attending workshops and commenting on the draft report. Particular acknowledgement
is given to Ron Cox (Hawaiian Electric Company) and Alan Townsend (World Bank) for their
presentations at one of the workshops and to Elgas for hosting a visit to its facilities at Port
Botany in Sydney. Appendix A of the report provides a full list of the names of people who were
involved in the study and all are thanked for their time and participation.
Finally, the report benefitted from reviews undertaken by the ADB (David Ling), World Bank (Tendai
Gregan and Davinder Sandhu) and PCO (Sanjivi Rajasingham and Jack Whelan). Janice Molina and
Harini Rajan assisted with editing and formatting the report.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
Table of Contents
Executive Summary i
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background to Study........................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Purpose of Study.............................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Scope of Study.................................................................................................................. 2
1.4 Research Questions.......................................................................................................... 2
1.5 Specifications and Assumptions..................................................................................... 3
1.6 Partnership Arrangements.............................................................................................. 4
1.7 Data Collection and Consultation Process..................................................................... 4
1.8 Structure of Report.......................................................................................................... 5
2 Pacific Context 6
2.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Current Fuel Consumption.............................................................................................. 6
2.2.1 Total Market Size............................................................................................................... 6
2.2.2 Regional Sectoral Profile.................................................................................................7
2.2.3 Fuel Use in the Transport Sector................................................................................. 9
2.2.4 Residential and Commercial Use...............................................................................10
2.3 Public Power-Sector Fuel Use Profile...........................................................................11
2.4 Industry Sector Profile...................................................................................................16
2.5 Energy Prices.................................................................................................................. 17
2.6 Existing LNG Use in the Asia–Pacific Region..............................................................19
2.7 Existing Fuel Supply Chains..........................................................................................20
2.7.1 Diesel, Kerosene, ULP, Fuel Oil....................................................................................20
2.7.2 Current LPG Supplies.....................................................................................................21
3 Research Question 1: Why would expanding the use of LPG and
introducing natural gas be beneficial for Pacific Island Countries
and Territories? 24
3.1 Context............................................................................................................................24
3.2 Findings...........................................................................................................................24
3.2.1 LPG and Natural Gas for Cooking in the Commercial and
Residential Sector...........................................................................................................24
3.2.2 Gas for Industrial and Power Generation................................................................25
3.2.3 Gas for Transport . ..........................................................................................................25
3.3 Issues...............................................................................................................................26
3.4 Conclusions.....................................................................................................................26
4 Research Question 2: Is it technically viable to expand LPG and
introduce natural gas into the Pacific Island Countries and Territories? 27
4.1 Context............................................................................................................................ 27
4.1.1 LNG Supply Within Region...........................................................................................27
4.1.2 CNG Supply Within Region...........................................................................................30
4.2 Findings...........................................................................................................................30
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
Table of Contents
10 Overall Conclusions 75
10.1 Expanding Use of LPG...................................................................................................75
10.1.1 Feasibility and Cost Factors.........................................................................................75
10.1.2 Application in the Transport Sector..........................................................................75
10.1.3 Stimulating Demand for LPG......................................................................................75
10.2 Potential for Introduction of LNG.................................................................................75
10.2.1 Feasibility and Cost Factors.........................................................................................75
10.2.2 LNG for Stationary Power Applications...................................................................76
10.2.3 LNG for Transport Sector..............................................................................................77
10.3 LPG and LNG for Power Generation............................................................................. 77
11 Recommendations and Next Steps 79
11.1 Expansion of LPG...........................................................................................................79
11.2 Potential Introduction of Natural Gas..........................................................................79
11.3 For Both LPG and Natural Gas......................................................................................80
11.4 Fuel Pricing.....................................................................................................................80
11.5 Next Steps.......................................................................................................................80
List of Tables
List of Figures
Executive Summary
(i) Introduction
The Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) face particular energy supply challenges in
regard to their small, remote island economies, limited natural resources, and long distances to
major markets. Most PICTS are highly dependent on imported petroleum products to meet their
energy needs. This dependence means they are heavily impacted by high or volatile global oil
prices. In addition, these countries are among the most vulnerable in terms of climate change and
natural disasters.
Historically, limited options have been available to displace liquid petroleum fuels such as
kerosene, gasoline and diesel. However, recent market developments have changed this situation.
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and natural gas, including compressed natural gas (CNG) and
liquefied natural gas (LNG), are increasingly offering economical, low-emission interim solutions
in the transition from liquid petroleum fuels towards renewable energy. Gas use in stationary
power, trucks, cars, buses and ships is now well-established globally and technologies are
commercially available.
The study assesses the potential and economic feasibility of LPG, LNG or CNG to meet medium-
term energy needs in PICTs. It considers the end-use applications of power generation, process
heating, maritime transport, land transport, cooking and water heating. The existing fuels
considered for substitution include heavy fuel oil (HFO), diesel, gasoline, kerosene and biomass.
International aviation fuel is excluded because gas does not offer a technologically viable
alternative to aviation fuel at this stage.
The research phase of the study consisted of desk research; in-country research in Fiji, Papua New
Guinea (PNG), New Caledonia, Tonga and Vanuatu; and consultations with government officials
and industry representatives. Twenty countries and territories were included1. The consultations
with government and industry representatives were crucial because they indicated the most likely
scenarios or entry points, and the implications of different decisions that have been (or might be)
made by individual countries. Data has been aggregated from the best available sources at the
time of writing, though there are some data gaps.
Due to the volatility in international fuel markets and the uncertainty of investment by
governments, the private sector and others, generalisations can only be made with caution.
Therefore, this report presents scenarios and possible situations and reflects the collective
understanding at the time the information was being collated. The hypothetical scenarios include
one for LPG in air conditioning and two for fuel substitution with LNG or CNG.
(ii) Findings
Each PICT has unique geographic characteristics, fuel usage patterns and local conditions that
affect fuel supply chain costs to varying degrees. As such, their potential role in driving gas
uptake across the region varies significantly. For example, PNG and Timor-Leste have substantial,
untapped domestic gas reserves while Fiji and New Caledonia have made significant investments
in renewable energy resources.
1 The twenty countries and territories included were: American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), Cook Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, Federated States
of Micronesia (FSM), Guam, Kiribati, Nauru, New Caledonia, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea (PNG), Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI), Samoa, the Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste,
Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
This study has collected data on the size and components of the current energy market in the 20
countries. The total size of the regional energy market (excluding solar, wind and hydropower)
is estimated to be more than 216,800,000 MMBTU2 of diesel, biomass, HFO, gasoline, LPG, coal,
kerosene and natural gas. Liquid fossil fuel used in the transport sector (excluding aviation)
dominates energy consumption at 31% of fuel demand, with diesel as the main fuel type.
Residential and commercial applications represent the next largest user group. Fuel for these
applications is predominantly biomass, used mainly in the rural populations of PNG, Timor-Leste,
the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. The power and industrial sectors are of similar size at 20%
and 18% of the total market respectively (although some power use is reported in the industrial
sector data, notably in New Caledonia’s nickel mining).
Market Conditions
The following developments are relevant for PICTs to consider in expanding use of LPG or
introducing LNG into their energy markets:
nn major LPG and natural gas resources in the wider Pacific region are being progressively
commercialised (see Chapter 2)
nn new LNG export terminals have been established in Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, PNG,
Singapore and North America (see Chapter 2)
nn small-scale LNG transportation is possible through bulk ships, road tankers, and International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) containers though at significant cost (see Chapter 5), and
nn there is a strong potential that volatility will continue in wholesale fossil fuel markets which
could represent an opportunity to reduce energy costs for PICTs under the right circumstances
– including in both LPG and LNG markets (see Chapter 5).
There are also other ways to stimulate demand for LPG – both in domestic and commercial
settings, including:
nn providing grants or microfinance initiatives for early market uptake of LPG
nn organising information campaigns on LPG use for both domestic and commercial applications
nn introducing subsidised cylinder exchange/deposit schemes
nn adopting LPG in schools, hospitals, hotels and via other business customers
nn developing a niche use for LPG in commercial air conditioning systems, and
nn supporting or providing training of installers, contractors and building managers to operate
LPG appliances.
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
This would not only directly stimulate use of LPG, but it would also grow the capacity of suppliers,
agents and depots and expand the secondary market through reduced overall costs for individual
domestic customers. It should be noted that LPG is benchmarked to the Saudi Aramco Contract
Price (CP) which has recently become more correlated to crude oil prices.
To cost-effectively supply LNG to PICTs, two pre-conditions are required. First, there must be
individual or collective points of demand that are large enough to justify bulk LNG shipping and
local unloading, storage and regasification facilities. This appears possible in meeting some or
all of the power generation demand in Fiji, French Polynesia, Guam and New Caledonia. Second,
the market conditions and supply arrangements must be such that the delivered cost of LNG is
less than that of diesel or HFO (depending on which fuel is being replaced) on a dollar/MMBTU
basis over the life of the contract, which would typically be 15+ years. Clearly, each country would
have to undertake its own economic cost-benefit analysis. However, once LNG is established in
a country on the back of an ‘anchor demand’, it could also be expanded to transport, commercial,
industrial or pipeline applications. There is also some potential for nearby PICTs to benefit from
the existence of storage units and supply, but each case would require careful analysis of the
risks, costs and benefits.
PNG is a unique case. Pipeline supply of natural gas to major centres might be feasible in the
short-term if supply for local needs can be made available from the well-head or via a branch
line from the existing pipeline to the LNG plant in Port Moresby.
(iii) Conclusions
Expanding the Use of LPG
This study shows that there is significant opportunity in a broad range of PICTs to increase LPG
utilisation. It is a cleaner burning fuel than biomass and kerosene, therefore providing both health
and environmental benefits and increased uptake may improve economies of scale in supply
chains. In some cases, the capacity of existing port and storage infrastructure is sufficient but, in
others, it would require investment and expansion.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
Fiji has demonstrated that the adoption of LPG for land transport can result in developing
economies of scale and increased competition to deliver lower prices for household LPG. In other
PICTs, there are also opportunities for increased uptake of LPG in transport and other applications
in both domestic and commercial settings. These warrant further consideration.
If LNG is introduced to a new market in the Pacific, a possible use could be for a limited number
of stationary power applications that are geographically concentrated in a few areas around
sites and/or major ports. Other possibilities also discussed in workshops in this study include
providing energy via a new gas pipeline network for an economic zone where LNG could be used
to displace existing fuels. The projects in this ‘economic zone’ would need to justify the upfront
investments in infrastructure, whereupon secondary markets could be developed over time. This
could include LNG and CNG for transport and industrial/commercial uses, which generally require
much smaller volumes per individual application.
The most relevant PICTs with sufficient fuel demand (either individually or in aggregate) are
Fiji, French Polynesia, Guam and New Caledonia. PICTs with smaller demands could conceivably
seek to leverage off any use of LNG in the larger economies, though this would also require
comprehensive analysis ahead of any infrastructure investments that would be needed.
In the situation where market conditions make cost-effective supply of LNG possible in a PICT, the
following actions could be considered:
nn an individual power station, IPP, government, gas importer, or consortium could enter into a
long-term contract for LNG supply, and/or
nn PICT governments could consider facilitating LNG use in transport or industry once LNG
infrastructure is established on the back of an ‘anchor demand’ in power generation.
PNG and Timor-Leste are special cases: they have indigenous supplies of natural gas and could
investigate local use of LNG or piped natural gas.
(iv) Recommendations
Although many further commercial, technical, policy and environmental factors need to align for
a significant fuel transition to occur, a number of recommendations can be made at this point in
time. These require a relatively low investment of time and resources. It is therefore recommended
Expansion of LPG
1 The transition to LPG from biomass and kerosene for cooking be accelerated, given that it
has positive documented health and environmental benefits. This could include assessing
the need in some PICTS to reduce the import duty and tax for LPG relative to household
kerosene (given it is subsidised in some PICTs), supporting subsidised cylinder exchange/
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
deposit schemes, microfinance initiatives or other initiatives designed to reduce health risks
(particularly for women), environmental impacts and overall costs for individual domestic
customers and some commercial enterprise as well.
2 PICT governments consider approaches for developing small piped LPG networks in urban
areas to supply LPG for cooking and other purposes. This approach would help improve
economies of scale and create centres of demand.
3 PICT governments consider developing LPG options for the transport sector. In addition to
providing a cleaner burning fuel, the increased demand may improve economics for LPG
across the region.
4 PICT governments consider introducing appropriate incentives for private sector and other
stakeholders to increase their LPG import and storage capacities to facilitate increased LPG
6 Governments develop policy frameworks for LNG import and use in those countries where
there is realistic potential for LNG substitution.
Fuel Pricing
8 Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) and Pacific Power Association (PPA) develop
an ongoing ‘watching brief’ on the world’s bulk LPG and LNG markets to identify potential
oversupply conditions and price anomalies and keep Governments and private sector groups
informed of emerging opportunities.
For environmental and health reasons as well as long term energy security, PICTs need to reduce
their reliance on imported liquid fossil fuels and develop alternative renewable energy sources.
Gas and other new approaches may broaden access to energy for rural and remote areas, and
provide cleaner, cheaper and more reliable energy for power generation, industry and households.
Such change is vital for the region’s long-term future.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
1 Introduction
The Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) face unique energy supply challenges in regard
to their small, remote island economies, limited natural resources, and long distances to major
markets. Most PICTS are highly dependent on imported petroleum products, including kerosene,
gasoline and diesel, to meet their energy needs. The physical characteristics of these fuels (very
high energy density, ease of transportation and storage, and for many years, a low cost) have
made them the fuels of choice in PICTs. However, high and volatile world oil prices since the
2000s have exposed the vulnerability of PICTs’ energy security due to their current dependence
on petroleum fuels.
LPG has been imported by PICTs for several decades but, apart from this, there have been limited
options for replacing petroleum fuels in most PICTs. Recent developments are altering this
situation and warrant review of the possibilities for broadening energy choices in the region.
These developments include:
nn major new natural gas resources in the region, which are being commercialised with new LNG
export terminals in Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea (PNG) and Singapore, and
nn small-scale LNG transportation, which is possible by means of bulk ships, road tankers, and
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) containers.
Gas use in stationary power, trucks, cars, buses and ships is now well established globally and
technologies are commercially available. There is a strong potential for volatility to continue in
fossil-fuel markets, which could be exploited to reduce energy costs for PICTs under the right
circumstances (including the LPG and LNG markets).
Although most PICTs are reliant on imported fossil fuels, there are exceptions. These are:
nn Fiji, which has harnessed significant hydroelectric resources and has more projects planned
nn New Caledonia, which uses imported coal and has access to renewable energy resources
nn Timor-Leste, which has substantial domestic natural gas and oil resources, and
nn Papua New Guinea, which has vast untapped natural gas reserves and hydropower potential.
In addition, almost all PICTS are following varying levels of investment in renewable energy,
including both solar and wind power.
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
The fuels and sectors included for the purpose of identifying market potential for either increasing
LPG utilisation or introducing LNG/CNG are: heavy fuel oil/industrial fuel oil (HFO) within the
power sector; diesel fuel oil (power, industrial and transport sectors); gasoline (transport sector);
LPG (industrial, commercial and household sectors); and kerosene and biomass (household sector).
International aviation fuels and bunkered fuels for re-export were excluded because gas does
not offer a technologically viable alternative to aviation fuel at this stage, and it is not likely that
PICT governments or the local private sector have the operational control needed to influence
a conversion to gas in international marine vessels. The report provides some hypothetical
scenarios – one for LPG in air conditioning and two for fuel substitution with LNG or CNG.
Importantly, the following factors, though relevant for evaluating gaseous fuels, were not studied
in detail but are mentioned where appropriate in the report:
nn changes to the relative prices between fuels due to prices that reflect their relative greenhouse
gas (GHG) intensity
nn economic or health benefits from using a gaseous fuel that reduces particulates and improves
air quality, or
nn any economic or environmental benefits from using a gaseous fuel that reduces impacts of fuel
spills in land or water.
It is understood that if any of these externalities are included in an economic analysis, it is likely
to favour gaseous fuels such as LPG, LNG or CNG.
3 American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), Cook Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), Guam, Kiribati, Nauru, New
Caledonia, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea (PNG), the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI), Samoa, the Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
Energy Density 44.3 43.6 Similar to 40.5 52.1 (can be up 52.1 45.0
(MMBTU/T) ADO to 55)
Energy Density 24.4 36.6 Similar to 37.6 24.0 10.0 at 251 32.4 37.5
(MMBTU/kL) ADO bar
Note: ADO Automotive diesel oil; IDO Industrial diesel oil; ULP Unleaded petrol; MMBTU One million British thermal units
In addition this report is based on a number of general assumptions. These include the following:
nn most PICTs will be highly dependent on imported petroleum products to meet the vast majority
of their medium-term energy needs, the exceptions being Fiji (which uses hydro-power), New
Caledonia (which uses imported coal and also has access to renewable energy resources) and
PNG and Timor-Leste (which have substantial domestic natural gas resources)
nn PICT governments will assess the need for policy decisions about different options as well as
the implications of these policy decisions, creating an appropriate enabling environment to
support the desired changes in fuel supply and consumer behaviour
nn an appropriate supplier will be in a position to make LNG commercially available and supply
to the PICTs via small scale bulk ships (from Vancouver and Gladstone) and in ISO containers
(from Melbourne)
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
nn any shipping of LNG would be on a rotational basis (i.e. delivered from source to site followed
by return to point of origin for refueling) and that local storage tanks would be available in-
nn published tariffs for transport and storage costs are correct and do not change significantly
nn any general estimates in developing hypothetical scenarios are correct (or within reasonable
approximation), and
nn costs for containers for shipping LNG are generally spread over the full lifespan.
In the case of some of the hypothetical scenarios, the proposed situation is that an ‘anchor
demand’ for LNG is established in a country and that CNG is available at an equivalent delivered
price. This is based on an understanding that the additional infrastructure for CNG is minimal
in comparison to the bulk infrastructure and the shipping and commodity costs associated with
delivery of LNG to a country.
Other assumptions may be made in regard to particular tables or figures in the report and those
assumptions are explained as part of the table or figure.
Importantly, all assumptions and costings need to be verified by governments, companies or other
stakeholders that are considering exploring the options presented in this report.
The study evaluated the size of the energy market including electricity, transport, cooking and
other uses. Available technologies, infrastructure needs and potential suppliers were then
assessed. The following research methodology was used to collect information:
nn desk research and direct communications with energy and statistics departments in the PICTs
to aggregate all data on energy use and the sectoral breakdown
nn desk research to review similar studies that have been completed, identify technology options,
and source any relevant case studies
nn consultation with industry on budget costs for all aspects of the LNG supply chain and
infrastructure costing
4 During workshops with industry, representatives were asked to supply photos that could be used in the report. Various company websites were also used to obtain data,
photographs and drawings. These are used for illustrative purposes and should not be taken as an endorsement of any particular company.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
nn development of a built-up landed cost model using the budget costing from industry and the
desktop research
nn validation of fuel use quantities, fuel use sectoral breakdowns, and the viability of fuel
substitution through visits to representative countries, and
nn validation of the built-up cost analysis model and the viability of fuel substitution by holding
workshops where draft findings were presented, feedback was discussed and then incorporated
into the study.
The data for the study was compiled from material provided by relevant Ministries and other
government departments, and from additional non-government organisations (NGOs) and private
sector sources, as required. Some data gaps and inconsistencies in reporting of national statistics
remained at the time the study was completed. Most critical is that fuel quantities used by
Independent Power Producers (IPPs) for public or private power generation were not universally
available: some countries report IPP fuel use under the ‘industry’ sector, while others report it
under the ‘power’ sector. This means that the total fuel demand for all power generation that
could be substituted is more than that reported in the ‘power’ sector alone. In addition, at the time
of the research phase of the study, it was understood that Hawaii may have been going to expand
use of natural gas, but then it was subsequently decided to move comprehensively to renewable
energy – so reference in this report to the situation in Hawaii must be understood within this
changing context.
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
2 Pacific Context
2.1 Introduction
PICTs vary substantially in many ways. They have widely varying populations, different political
systems, and different levels of economic development and urbanisation. Some are more remote
than others, government institutional strength varies, as does the vibrancy of the private sector
and its contribution to PICTs’ development. However, one feature that most PICTs have in common
is that they are highly dependent on imported petroleum products to meet their energy needs.
The exceptions to this are Fiji, New Caledonia, PNG and Timor-Leste (as mentioned earlier). The
move towards developing renewable energy is also significant in considering the context over
the short-to-medium term.
The total size of the regional energy market – as considered relevant for displacement by LPG or
LNG (i.e. fuel sources that exclude renewable resources, aviation fuels and maritime bunkering)
– is estimated at approximately 220 million MMBTU of diesel, biomass, HFO, gasoline, LPG, coal,
kerosene and natural gas. Diesel is the largest fuel source at 41% of energy consumption, while
biomass is second at 28% (noting that the majority of biomass volume is in PNG where there are
significantly higher populations than in other PICTs). This is followed by HFO (17%) and gasoline
(10%), with only minor use of LPG, coal and kerosene.5 Even so, LPG has been used as an energy
source in Pacific countries for over 50 years and utilisation continues to grow (see Figure 1.)
(517 ML), 10%
(1,489 kTOE),
(75.6 kT), 2%
Coal, 1%
(62.3 ML), 1%
(2,423 ML),
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
8,000,000 Natural Gas
4,000,000 Coal
2,000,000 LPG
40,000,000 0
Heavy Fuel Oil
Va oa
Tu u
Ki I
Sa I
Na .
.S .
Co aJ
er n Is
Am mo
20,000,000 Biomass
Va oa
ch iji
Am mo e
Sa I
Ki I
or ly.
.S .
Co aJ
Na .
Tu u
er n Is
lo st
en F
Ti Po
So Le
Note: Data was not available for CNMI (for transport and industry demand for all fuels), Guam (for maritime and industry
demand for all fuels), and RMI (for gasoline demand).
PNG has the largest energy demand among PICTs, principally driven by its significant industrial
activity and larger population. It is also the only country in this study that uses natural gas as
an energy resource (within private mining operations). Unfortunately, due to the availability
of information, consumption of natural gas within PNG could not be calculated and installed
generating capacities for major mining projects are detailed within the power sector breakdown.
Guam and New Caledonia also have high energy demands. Both are countries at the upper end of
development within the region, they have large tourist industries, there is a military presence in
Guam, and there is a significant nickel-mining industry in New Caledonia. New Caledonia is also
the only PICT that uses coal for thermal power generation. The next most sizable markets are Fiji,
French Polynesia and Timor-Leste. Notably, HFO is a significant fuel source in the larger markets
where it is used as a lower-cost fuel for the power sector.
Available data indicate a significant variance in sectoral demands for energy resources among
the PICTs. Key influences on these demands are urbanisation rates, use of hydropower (e.g. Fiji),
and whether or not there is any significant industrial activity.
Vanuatu. The power and industrial sectors are of similar size at 20% and 18% of the total market,
LPG and Natural However,Energy
Gas as Alternative it should be noted
Sources for thethat some discrepancies can exist across the region in
terms of how fuel is reported. A considerable amount of HFO and diesel used in independent power
production is reported in ‘industry’ rather than in ‘power’ statistics, most notably data on the nickel
mining industry of New Caledonia. These figures have been reconciled where appropriate and
Figure 3. Sectoral Fuel Use (MMBTU) in PICTs by Fuel Type
Figure 3. Sectoral Fuel Use (MMBTU) in PICTs by Fuel Type
40,000,000 LPG
30,000,000 Gasoline
20,000,000 HFO
10,000,000 Biomass
TheThe following
following sections
sections of the
of the report
report present
present some
some additional
additional information
information on usage
on usage for for transport,
residential andand commercial
commercial applications,
applications, thethepower
industrial use.
Figure 4 shows sectoral fuel use within different countries in the Pacific.
Figure 4 shows sectoral fuel use within different countries in the Pacific.
Figure 4. Sectoral Fuel Use (% breakdown) in PICTs by Fuel Type
Figure 4. Sectoral Fuel Use (% breakdown) in PICTs by Fuel Type
Note: Data gaps remained at time of writing for the following countries: Guam’s marine and industry demand for all fuels;
CNMI’sData gapsand
transport remained
time offor
writing forRMI’s
all fuels; the following countries:
gasoline demand Guam’s
in the marine
transport and industry demand for all fuels;
CNMI’s transport and industry demand for all fuels; RMI’s gasoline demand in the transport sector
20,000,000 2,000,000
15,000,000 500,000
Amer. Samoa
Solomon Is.
Cook Is.
30 Gasoline
5,000,000 Diesel
New Cal.
Timor Leste
Amer. Samoa
Cook Is.
French Poly.
Solomon Is.
Note: Diesel/Gasoline volume for transport sector was unavailable at time of report writing
Diesel is the most common fuel, with some use of gasoline and only a minor penetration of
LPG into the transport sector, solely in Fiji, which totals approximately 4% of Fiji’s transport fuel
demands. LPG, generally a more expensive fuel for transport for most PICTs, is influenced by low
demand and high supply-chain costs. Therefore, it is mainly viable only in markets where tax or
excise subsidies exist (such as in Fiji) or where air-quality standards drive interest. It is interesting
to note that within Fiji, most of the LPG market is for taxi fleets, and that in Fiji, Guam and
Vanuatu, there are significant bus fleets, although these run on diesel, not LPG.
The determination of specific market sizes between land and maritime transport consumption
has proved to be a difficult exercise during this study: energy statistics normally group transport
figures or fuel types collectively across both land and maritime transport.7 However, the size of
the overall transport energy sector does demonstrate that technical potential exists to expand
the use of LPG or to introduce natural gas as either LNG or CNG.
For the maritime sector, natural gas is emerging as a promising fuel option for large, newly-
built international tanker and cargo vessels.8 Although comprehensive data are unavailable, the
approximately 2,250 marine vessels registered within the Pacific islands encompass around
20 different classes of vessels. Of these, fishing fleets represent the largest proportion at 30%
and cargo vessels account for 14%; the majority are registered in Fiji, FSM, RMI and Samoa (see
Appendix E for a detailed breakdown).
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
Figure 6. Total Energy Demand by PICT for Residential and Commercial Sectors by Country
Residen,al/Commercial Energy
PNG Biomass = 5,2045,025 MMBTU; PNG Total = 54,635,603 MMBTU
Timor Leste
New Cal.
Amer. Samoa
Cook Is.
Solomon Is.
French Poly.
LPG Kerosene Biomass
As previously mentioned, biomass has a large market in many of the countries and kerosene is
significant, particularly in PNG. LPG is used mostly for cooking and hot water (in both residential
and commercial settings). It has also been introduced for new commercial applications in the last
decade, notably for air conditioning in Fiji, Tonga and Vanuatu.9
Although separate data on residential and commercial use of fuels are not widely available,
national household surveys do give some indication of patterns in different countries. What this
tends to show is that households may use a diversity of energy fuels, depending on a range
of factors such as price, accessibility, personal preferences and cultural influences.10 This is an
important point to remember when one considers the substitution potential for LPG over fuels
such as kerosene and biomass. Households use both high- and low-cost fuels, depending on
access, budget and personal preferences and/or needs. Figure 7 provides a breakdown of available
household energy access and pricing data.
9 Hale & Twomey (2013) Pacific Islands: LPG Supply and Pricing
10 Thomas Lynge Jensen, Environment and Energy Specialist (2011), “Selected Findings including Socio-Economic from recent UNDP-supported Household Energy Surveys in Pacific
Island Countries”, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of Renewable Energy Projects Training Workshop, Novotel Hotel, Nadi, Fiji, 11–15 April 2011.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
Figure 7. Household Cooking by Fuel Type, including LPG Prices, First Quarter 2014
Figure 7. Household Cooking by Fuel Type, including LPG Prices, First Quarter 2014
100% 6
Household access to cooking type
50% 3
0% 0
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
15,000,000 1,000,000
Solomon Is.
Cook Is.
5,000,000 Diesel
Timor Leste
New Cal.
Amer. Samoa
Cook Is.
French Poly.
Solomon Is.
Many PICTs are dependent on imported diesel or HFO for most of their power generation,
with renewables supplementing supply to varying degrees. Only New Caledonia and PNG use
additional fuel sources, as previously mentioned. In PNG, there is a joint venture (Porgera Joint
Venture) which generates its power from a 62 MW gas-fired plant at the Hides gas field. However,
detailed data on natural gas consumed at this power plant were not available to this study.
Renewable energy is expanding in the Pacific countries. It currently totals around 25% of the
annual electricity generated by public utilities (see Table 2). For the purpose of this study,
renewables are not quantified with a view to replacing them with either LNG or LPG. However,
their existing and growing capacity needs to be taken into consideration as competing alternative
fuel options. The most significant impact of renewables has been for those utilities where access
to reliable hydropower is available (e.g. Fiji, New Caledonia and PNG). Some Pacific countries have
made significant wind-power investments: Tahiti (French Polynesia) generated over 25% of its
electricity needs in 2011.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
PICT Utility ADO/IDO HFO Coal Hydro Wind Solar PV12 Total % RE+
New Cal.* EEC, 28,369 1,123,554 635,694 455,211 52,312 4,056 2,299,196 22.3%
12 photovoltaic
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
IPPs also play an important role for some utilities. The Guam Power Authority receives around
40% of its electricity supply from three suppliers (Marianas Energy Company, Taiwan Electrical
and Mechanical Engineering Services, and Tanguisson Power Plant). Public distribution for the
main grid of Noumea in New Caledonia is also mostly reliant upon purchases from the Prony
power plant operated by ENERCAL. In PNG, the main grid of Port Moresby receives around 30% of
supply from the independently operated Kanudi thermal power station.
Heavy fuel oil (HFO) is a dominant fuel option in the larger power-producing countries due to cost
savings where volumes are sufficient to justify the more difficult fuel handling and logistics. In Fiji,
for example, HFO is currently around US 20 cents per litre less than diesel for power generation.13
Fiji also plans to expand HFO capacity since its initial uptake in 2007. The Fiji Electricity Authority
purchased 36 MW of additional HFO power generation capacity in four Wartsila generator sets
that will be installed at the existing Kinoya Power Station and delivered in 2015.
Despite these movements towards greater utilisation of HFO, LNG is still being considered as
a competitive fuel alternative. Guam, for example, is undertaking feasibility studies of the use
of LNG as an alternative fuel to HFO in power generation, with a goal to reduce costs and help
comply with new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) air emissions requirements. Timor-Leste
is also a large user of HFO in its power sector but is expecting to convert to local supplies of
piped natural gas for power-generating purposes within the next few years. New engines that
were procured in the recent development and expansion of the power sector in Timor-Leste
were purchased with this fuel-switching capacity in mind.14 Some trials of LPG in generation
applications have occurred; however, price competitiveness to conventional fuels has proven an
Across the Pacific countries, considerable varieties of electricity generator types are in operation,
with varying ages and potential for conversion to gas fuels. Table 3 provides a more detailed
profile of electricity generation and associated petroleum fuel consumption for each of the
utilities at a country level. Despite the small size of the power sector in the majority of the
countries, there remains potential to introduce alternative fuels into these sectors. In an attempt
to ground the practicalities of the various challenges for substituting alternative fuels in the
power sector, available data on specific engine types in operation within each of the countries
covered within the study have been collated (see Appendix J for complete list).
Table 3. Electricity Utilities’ Installed Capacity, Fuel Consumption and Tariffs
PICT Installed Gross Gross generation by Fuel consumption (ML) Energy equivalent (MBTU) Tariff Structure (USD/kWh)
capacity generation petroleum products
(MW) ex. IPP (MWh)
Cook Islands 10.1 28,870 28,870 - 7.7 - 281,656 - 0.60 0.66 0.66 0.66
Fiji* 218 801,206 141,397 183,358 35.7 41.1 1,306,610 1,634,788 0.19 0.24 0.24 0.24
FSM 25.7 60,892 53,175 77,01 13.4 2.3 488,613 90,164 0.39 0.47 0.48 0.49
Kiribati 5.5 21,826 21,826 - 5.7 - 210,133 - 0.41 0.57 0.72 0.72
Nauru 4.45 22,077 22,026 - 6.2 - 226,992 - 0.16 0.26 0.52 0.21
Niue 2.1 3,000 3,000 - 0.7 - 26,132 - 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49
Samoa 35.6 109,029 73,773 20.5 748,707 - 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43
Solomon 20.6 83,810 83,810 - 22.1 810,156 - 0.82 0.88 0.88 0.88
Tonga 13.8 52,391 52,391 - 12.8 467,429 - 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52
Tuvalu 3.2 6,572 6,531 - 1.8 66,371 - 0.43 0.58 0.58 0.58
Vanuatu 23.9 60,632 55,463 - 12.4 453,751 - 0.91 0.52 0.52 0.52
All data derived from Pacific Power Benchmarking Report (2012), unless otherwise noted.
Excludes Renewables and Coal Power Generation
*American Samoa Power Authority (2013); Fiji Electricity Authority (2013); ENERCAL (2013); Electricidade De Timor-Leste (Guterres, 2013); PNG Power (2013)
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
10,000,000 HFO
Note: Information on the Guam IPP fuel use was not available at time of writing.
Note: Information on the Guam IPP fuel use was not available at time of writing.
The largest demand is in PNG, which has multiple, significant existing and proposed mining projects
that use
The various energy isresources
largest demand for independent
in PNG, which has multiple, power generating
significant purposes,
existing and such
proposed as hydro-
electric, that use various
geothermal, energy
diesel and resources
natural gas.forAvailable
datapower generating
regarding purposes,
power such asfor the
hydro-electric, geothermal, diesel and natural gas. Available data regarding power generation for
mining sector in PNG are detailed in Table 4.
the mining sector in PNG are detailed in Table 4.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
Frieda River Proposed Proposed 160 MW hydroelectric scheme for the copper-gold project.
Ok Tedi Operating The Ok Menga hydroelectric run-of-river scheme supplies about 75% of the project’s energy
requirements. Maximum power output from Ok Menga is 57 MW. A 45 MW diesel power station
and two diesel-fired gas turbine generators with a combined capacity of 16 MW at Tabubil, and
a two MW hydroelectric power station at Yuk Creek, meet any additional power.
Porgera JV Operating Porgera generates power from a 62 MW gas-fired plant at the Hides gas field. Total energy
consumption for overall mine operation in 2013 was 7,668,516 GJ (Barrick 2013 Responsibility
Tolukuma Operating The mine’s power source is a group of hydro and diesel units with capacities of 1.5 MW and 3.2
MW, respectively.
Wafi-Golpu Proposed Proposed 150 MW hydro scheme with either heavy fuel oil or LNG backup for the gold-copper
Significant developments such as these mine sites, where demand is localised and intensified
for a significant time period, are of particular interest: they present an opportunity to initiate an
alternative energy market, such as natural gas. In this case, PNG is expanding its use of domestic
natural gas reserves. At such levels of demand, the associated costs of infrastructure might
be justified if an overall saving is possible in terms of fuel commodity pricing. Other sectors
within these locations would then be able to benefit from access to these energy infrastructure
investments that may not otherwise be justified for smaller demands.
However, as noted earlier, there is some ambiguity in reporting among industry uses, power
production and transport. Specific industrial applications for energy fuels in PICTs are mostly for
independent power production. A key example of this is New Caledonia’s nickel mining industry,
which currently accounts for around 67% of the country’s annual electricity use, mostly derived
from HFO. A coal-fired power plant also generates electricity for the Noumea grid.
Fiji also has a large industrial demand—most notably with the existing gold mine—which has an
annual fuel demand of over 23 million litres (ML) of diesel as an independent power producer.
Additional and larger industrial demand is also forecasted for Fiji with the proposed copper mine
to be located approximately 30 kilometres west of Suva in Viti Levu. This development presents a
major opportunity to establish an LNG-demand anchor point because the project will require an
independent power production capacity of around 100MW.
Figure 10 provides a snapshot of average wholesale fuel pricing for the first quarter of 2014 in PICTs,
minus domestic duties and taxes. Although the chart compares fuels on a USD/L basis, this does not
equate to the specific cost per unit of energy contained in the fuels since the energy density differs. This
is, in fact, a contributing factor to end-users’ misunderstanding of the value of each fuel.
with vast transportation distances, adds to the unit costs.
LPG andFigure
10Gas as Alternative
provides Energy
a snapshot Sources for
of average the Pacific
wholesale fuel pricing for the first quarter of 2014 in PICTs,
minus domestic duties and taxes. Although the chart compares fuels on a USD/L basis, this does not
equate to the specific cost per unit of energy contained in the fuels since the energy density differs.
This is, in fact, a contributing factor to end-users’ misunderstanding of the value of each fuel.
Figure 10. Retail Diesel, Gasoline and Kerosene Prices: Excluding Taxes and Duties,
First 10. Retail Diesel, Gasoline and Kerosene Prices: Excluding Taxes and Duties, First Quarter
(Source: SPCPacific
The baseprice
LPGasas delivered
delivered to to PICTs
PICTs is is generally
generally benchmarked
benchmarked to to
thethe Saudi
Saudi Aramco
Aramco CPCP(CP)
(CP) which recently became more correlated to crude oil prices. Distribution
which recently became more correlated to crude oil prices. Distribution and retailing costs andand retailing costs
and margins are then added. Bulk LPG pricing is not currently monitored by regional bodies such
margins are then added. Bulk LPG pricing is not currently monitored by regional bodies such as the
as the SPC and is therefore not readily available at present for each PICT. Anecdotal evidence
SPC and is therefore
suggests not readilyinavailable
that the distribution at present
small-scale for each
bulk ships PICT.
to PICTs Anecdotal
would evidence
cost around suggests that
the distribution
tonne in small-scale
(or US 0.35–0.50 bulk ships to[kg])
cents/kilogram PICTs
in would
places cost
sucharound USD350–500/tonne
as Fiji or Tonga, and more for (orislands
US 0.35–
0.50 from the supply
cents/kilogram sources.
[kg]) in places such as Fiji or Tonga, and more for islands further from the supply
In general, LPG distribution and retailing costs are relatively high due to the low volumes
general, LPGto most PICTs. This
distribution and is demonstrated
retailing costs areinrelatively
Figure 11 which
high due compares
to the lowannual
volumesvolumes to to
retail pricing. Fiji and New Caledonia have comparatively lower pricing at higher volumes, as does
most PICTs. This is demonstrated in Figure 11 which compares annual volumes to retail pricing. Fiji
Tonga, which benefits from being on linked shipments with Fiji.
and New Caledonia have comparatively lower pricing at higher volumes, as does Tonga, which
benefits from being on linked shipments with Fiji.
Figure 11. Retail LPG Prices in Comparison to Volumes
Figure 11. Retail LPG Prices in Comparison to Volumes
Retail LPG (less tax) in USD/kg
4 Vanuatu
Cook Islands
3 New Caledonia
2 Tonga
1 20
0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000
Annual LPG volume (tonnes)
Compared to LPG, kerosene benefits significantly from economies of scale because domestic
kerosene is generally shipped to the islands as a proportion of bulk jet-fuel deliveries—typically in
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
Compared to LPG, kerosene benefits significantly from economies of scale because domestic
kerosene is generally shipped to the islands as a proportion of bulk jet-fuel deliveries—typically
in the range of 5 to 15%—but this differs depending on commercial flight needs in and out of
each island. A contradiction to this pricing trend is also found in examples such as Fiji, which
is known to have one of the region’s larger and more tightly regulated and competitive energy
HFO is generally considered to be much cheaper than other fuels. The Fiji Electricity Authority
publishes fuel pricing in its annual reports. As an indication of pricing, the 2013 report listed
the annual mean price at approximately US 0.75 cents/litre, which is around US 0.43 cents/
litre cheaper than the average regional diesel price, and US 0.21 cents/litre cheaper than the
wholesale price of diesel in Fiji. Because the fuels have similar energy content per litre, this price
difference is the rationale behind movements towards greater utilisation of HFO in the power
sector, despite the higher levels of particulate emissions (as per the Fiji example).
Importantly for this study, the availability, technology, awareness and experience in using LNG
in small volumes is increasing. Numerous studies have already been undertaken to determine
its applicability to remote-area power generation and use. Some public commitments have also
been made, which include the following countries:
nn Indonesia: Pertamina has committed to powering multiple remote-area power supplies with
shipped LNG. An engine-based power plant in Bali was due for commissioning in Q4 2014.
nn Hawaii: Hawaii Gas is investigating the use of LNG for power generation and substitution for
Syngas. It has undertaken a trial import using ISO containers, and has now called for tenders to
supply bulk LNG.
nn Guam: The Guam Power Authority (GPA) appears to have committed to a medium-term strategy
to use LNG for power generation. The 2013 Annual Report of the GPA indicated a seven-year
program to replace all baseload power-generating units with combined-cycle gas turbines:
“GPA is currently exploring the number of new plants to install. The range of costs for the
generation facilities and the LNG regasification plant are estimated to be between [USD] 500
and [USD]800 million, depending on the number of generators to be installed. However, nearly
a billion dollars in net present value savings will be achieved over a 30-year period despite the
enormous capital infrastructure cost associated with implementation plans in the Integrated
Resource Plan (IRP).”15 LNG use is estimated to save 13% of fuel costs, or USD30 million or more,
with implementation beginning in 2021.
15 GPA. (2013). Taking the right steps: 2013 GPA Annual Report. http://guampowerauthority.com/gpa_authority/investors/gpa_annual_reports/php, p.24.
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
nn The Caribbean: Crowley Maritime Corp has signed an agreement to supply two bottling plants
in Puerto Rico with LNG in ISO containers from the US.
nn Table 5 summarises information about LNG and CNG power-generation projects in the region
(based on available information).
Although only a snapshot of regional supply arrangements that can be subject to change, these
existing supply chains demonstrate the capacities for bulk supply options to PICTs as well as
further redistribution options.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
Figure 12 shows the supply routes used in the northern part of the region.
(Source: SPC)
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
The transport of liquid petroleum products to smaller islands (using local coastal tankers, ISO
containers or 200-litre drums) increases fuel costs substantially, albeit in relatively small volumes.
Some PICTs achieve fuel prices similar to those of Australia (through government-controlled
tenders and/or fuel-price regulation). Therefore, it could be argued that they do not suffer any
particular disadvantage from their remoteness or low volumes. However, two important points
should still be considered in these instances: (i) the share of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) that
fuel imports represent is much higher in the PICTs in general than in more developed economies;
and (ii) the use of these imported fuels in power generation presents a significant disadvantage
for PICTs when compared to larger economies where other, lower-cost fuel options are more
readily available.
Geogas Trading is the major wholesale supplier in the Pacific region. Origin Energy Australia is the
major importer for the majority of PICTs, and the South Pacific Petroleum Corporation (SPPCorp)
is a major importer in the northern islands. Origin Energy operates in American Samoa, the Cook
Islands, PNG, Samoa, the Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu, and is a major shareholder (51%) in Fiji
and Tonga, trading as Fiji Gas and Tonga Gas, respectively (Figure 14). Smaller distributors are also
present in the southern islands, such as Blue Gas in Fiji (30% market share), as well as Kiribati
Oil Company Limited (KOIL), the sole distributor in these islands. SPPCorp imports LPG for Guam,
Micronesia, the Northern Marianas and Palau, within which various additional distributors operate.
(Source: http://www.originenergy.com.au/1760/Where-we-are)
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
Most of the LPG used in the countries south of PNG is sourced from the east coast of Australia
(Brisbane and Sydney) and the west coast of the north island of New Zealand (Taranaki). New
Zealand also produces LPG as a by-product of its natural gas production, shipping from Taranaki
for domestic consumption and for export to Pacific islands. PNG, Vietnam or North America could
emerge as a significant supplier of LPG to the Pacific region in coming years.
Geogas brings bulk shipments of LPG into Fiji, Guam, Tonga, the Cook Islands, New Caledonia, the
Solomon Islands and Vanuatu, and uses 18-tonne ISO containers to distribute LPG to smaller-
demand locations such as Kiribati. Sub-distribution occurs in the form of cylinder crate deliveries
and individual cylinders at the smallest end of the supply chain.
In the region more broadly, only Hawaii currently has a gas distribution network of any notable
scale. It uses Syngas manufactured from refined products,16 which could be more expensive than
imported LNG. Total gas volumes sold and consumed vary significantly throughout the region, but
remain small relative to total world demands.
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
3.1 Context
PICTs face unique challenges in regard to their small, remote island economies, limited natural
resources, and long distances to major markets. Their heavy dependence on imported liquid fossil
fuels for their energy needs makes them vulnerable to high-cost and volatile fuel prices.
In addition, these countries are among the most vulnerable in the world to the impacts of climate
change and natural disasters. The rises in sea levels and increases in ocean temperatures are
impacting on communities and livelihoods. Many island nations on low-lying land are prone to
land erosion, cyclones and tsunamis.
Demand for electricity in the region is forecast to grow by 7% each year from 2005 to 2030,
with electricity generation estimated to increase by 6.4% each year. Imported liquid fossil fuels
are expected to continue to generate electricity over this period.17 For economic, social and
environmental reasons, these Pacific countries are looking at options to reduce their reliance
on imported fossil fuels and develop alternative renewable-energy sources. New approaches
may broaden access to electricity and other energy sources for rural and remote areas, and may
provide cleaner, cheaper and more reliable energy for industry and households. Such change is
vital for the region’s long-term future.
Although the majority of the Pacific countries are reliant on imported fossil fuels, almost all are
installing renewable energy sources in some form, and PNG and Timor-Leste can use domestic
gas reserves. At the same time, recent market shifts have improved the situation under which use
of LPG could be expanded and natural gas could be a potential energy source for a few of the
3.2 Findings
3.2.1 LPG and Natural Gas for Cooking in the Commercial and Residential Sector
LPG has a long presence in the Pacific Islands, having been used as an energy source for at least
50 years.18 Its application as an energy source in the commercial and residential sector has been
the primary use of LPG in the region, displacing kerosene and biomass for cooking, and also for
heating (hot water systems), whilst providing a more socially and environmentally sustainable
energy resource for households. It may also be possible to stimulate demand for LPG in other ways
such as introducing subsidised cylinder exchange/deposit schemes; introducing microfinance
initiatives; or other initiatives designed to reduce overall costs for individual domestic customers
(e.g. supplying schools, hospitals, hotels and other business customers, thereby growing capacity
of suppliers, agents and depots and expanding the secondary market through reduced overall
costs for individual domestic customers).
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
For social, environmental and other reasons (as mentioned above), LPG has also received much
promotion by development agencies such as the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the World
Bank.19 The United Nations Development Program has also partnered with the World LPG
Association in promoting LPG as a resource in achieving sustainable energy goals in peri-urban
and rural populations.20 Related to this work, the World LPG Association recently released a study
specifically citing the benefits of LPG to small island developing states (SIDS). It set out the
socioeconomic benefits of LPG in addressing the premature deaths of an estimated four million
people annually from respiratory illnesses, cancers and diseases caused by indoor air pollution.
However, the study highlights cost as the principal barrier to greater utilisation of LPG in SIDS,
whereby poorer households often struggle with the upfront and ongoing costs of switching to LPG
as primary household fuel, even when the higher efficiency rates of LPG are taken into account.21
In addition, major changes in the technology, scale and economics of liquefied gas supply are
opening up opportunities for remote areas and island states to transform or augment their energy-
supply mix. Over the last five to ten years, there has been a dramatic reduction in the economies
of scale required to ship LNG cost effectively, with the advent of small-scale floating LNG storage
and regasification plants and a greater supply of smaller-scale LNG tankers – although these
techniques have not been used to date in the Pacific region.
In this study, the power sector is a key focus for potentially increasing gas utilisation. Although
there are various energy options for electricity generation, gas has the following benefits
compared to other fuels:
nn it is one of the cleanest burning from an air-quality perspective and can be used in cogeneration
applications in dense urban areas
nn regional gas supply is growing and new supply sources are opening up with lower costs
nn supply costs are decreasing and technology is improving in small-scale shipping and distribution
nn gas utilisation can improve the range of fuel options available to a utility and therefore the
security of electricity supply
nn gas can be used in a wide variety of technologies including gas turbines, which generally have
very high efficiencies, low maintenance and quiet operation, and
nn gas can be used in processing applications within both industrial and commercial settings.
19 See for example: The World Bank (2011) The Role of Liquefied Petroleum Gas in Reducing Energy Poverty. Available at http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTOGMC/Resources/
20 United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Cleaner fossil fuels initiatives. Available at http://www.un.org/esa/desa/climatechange/fossil.html
21 WLPGA (2015) LP Gas: Exceptional Energy for Small Island Developing States. World LP Gas Association. Available at http://www.wlpga.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/lp-gas-
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
In this regard, natural gas is a proven transport fuel that has the potential to be used in nearly
any kind of land and marine vehicle (LNG for aircraft was not considered in this study). Worldwide
uptake of LNG for transport has been significant in recent decades, with over 1,400 LNG refuelling
stations now installed globally.22 LNG trucks accounted for 7% of all truck sales in China in 2013,23
and there are now more than 15 million natural-gas vehicles in operation across 84 countries.
Iran is the global leader with over 2.86 million vehicles, followed by Pakistan with over 2.85
When used as a dedicated transport fuel in spark-ignition gas engines, LPG is also well proven
and is used globally. However, because LPG has historically had a higher price compared to natural
gas, diesel or gasoline, uptake has traditionally been in markets where subsidies exist either on
fuel taxes, vehicle taxes, registration fees, or vehicle conversion costs.
The following are some of the numerous advantages of using LPG (rather than LNG or CNG) in
light vehicles:
nn LPG has lower storage pressures and requires less sophisticated storage tanks
nn more readily available technology exists with an associated lower cost of conversion
nn PICTs can leverage transportation usage off existing LPG logistics and storage infrastructure,
nn LPG use can be easily scaled if demand increases are guaranteed in order to justify investment.
3.3 Issues
A range of other new energy sources, apart from gas, may be used in the Pacific region. For
example, electricity can be generated from a variety of competing resources, both renewable (e.g.
solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, biofuels, biomass, wave and tidal) and non-renewable (e.g. diesel,
HFO, LNG, LPG, CNG and coal). In addition, energy-efficiency and renewable-energy integration
technologies, such as waste heat recovery turbines, exhaust-driven turbines, and battery storage,
further crowd the landscape and compete for investment capital.
3.4 Conclusions
The Pacific region can benefit in a number of ways from the expanded use of LPG and the
introduction of natural gas. These include:
nn increasing the region’s energy security by creating diversity in the market
nn improving air quality by reducing liquid petroleum fuels and kerosene for cooking (and
contributing to an improvement in GHG emissions)
nn enabling a future transition to indigenously produced renewable biogas
nn providing lower fuel costs and breaking the Pacific’s reliance on volatile fuel prices (in some
sectors and areas)
nn promoting capacity building through the use of new equipment and technologies, and
nn increasing rural and remote communities’ access to energy.
22 IGU: FactsFigures_contentOct2014
23 IGU: World LNG Report 2014 Edition
24 NGV Global Statistics (2011) http://www.iangv.org/
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
4.1 Context
LPG usage occurs in all PICTs and major storage systems exist at some import terminals. There
is an established supply chain that could be incrementally expanded as needed. Supply is not
constrained and the combined LPG demand of the PICTs is small relative to the rest of the region
including Australia and New Zealand. LPG faces some technical challenges in its application
in power generation, and commercial challenges around distribution and cost competitiveness
against other fuels.
Overall, there is much greater capacity to produce LNG in the broader Asia–Pacific region than
there would be potential demand from PICTs, with over 100 million metric tonnes (MT) per
year of production capacity implemented or planned in Australia alone.25 To put this production
capacity into perspective, this study illustrates a potential demand in the Pacific of less than one
million MT per year. Conversely, although significant LNG resource potential is available to PICTs,
the inherent varying and mostly small size of PICTs’ energy demands, their lack of LNG import
facilities, and their distance from export terminals introduces a variety of challenges.
Other PICTs without their own reserves can access a wide variety of LNG supply terminals that
are emerging in Australia, Asia and North America, with millions of MT per year available in
supply capacity. Some are designed as liquefaction and export terminals suited to very large bulk
shipments; some are multi-purpose liquefaction and storage facilities whose primary function is
system security for a gas network; and others are solely an import terminal with a storage and
regasification purpose. Within each of these terminals, the ability to load small bulk ships, road
tankers, or ISO containers that would be suitable for shipments to PICTs also varies.
As shipping costs are significant in considering the overall delivered cost of LNG, the closer
loading points of PNG and the north coast of Australia are of particular interest. These encompass
the major LNG exporting terminals at Port Moresby (PNG) and Gladstone in Australia (see Figure
15), and the Australian truck and ISO container loading facilities of Melbourne (existing) and
Tomago (planned). A summary of gas terminals within reasonable proximity to PICTs includes:
nn PNG: PNG LNG (Port Moresby) – on stream
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
(Source: www.santosglng.com)
The Tomago facility will have the following key features that make it suitable to supply some of
the smaller applications:
nn capability of processing up to 66,500 tonnes of LNG per year
nn an insulated, non-pressurised LNG storage tank capable of containing 30,000 tonnes or 63,000
cubic metres (m³) of LNG, equivalent to 1.5 petajoules (PJ) of natural gas
nn a truck-loading facility to allow the dispatch of up to 1,000 tankers of LNG per year, and
nn an estimated capital cost of USD300 million.
Further away from the Pacific, LNG is also available in Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei
and North America. The Singapore LNG facility’s import terminal is being used to bunker and re-
export LNG. Although it is ideal to source LNG locally near the point of demand, it could be viable
to ship containments over longer distances if there is a price advantage on the LNG purchase.
This could be the case with LNG supplied from North America.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
The Pacific
Pacifi is well served
c Islands by container shipping (see Figure 16). This means that the use of LNG in
ISO tanks is unhindered by lack of available shipping routes or capacity. Discussions with various
shipping companies reaffirm this view. Furthermore, if volumes of LNG container-based shipping
capacity ever
Trade is abecame a constraint
multi-purpose or a concern,
liner service cateringdedicated ships
for container andcan be bulk
break chartered
contracted space can be purchased.
The service links Australia with New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Fiji, the Samoas, Tonga, Kiribati & the
Marshall Islands.
Figure 16. Shipping Routes Serving the Pacific
(Source: SPC)
Container ships visit PICTs with varying degrees of regularity. Figure 17 indicates one of the key
supply routes for general cargo (on left), and one that can accommodate LNG containers. Other
routes also serve the north Pacific from Asia and serve the east Pacific from the United States of
America (USA). Regardless of existing shipping routes, logistics companies indicated during this
study that once volumes are large enough, dedicated ships and routes may be negotiated and
Port Coverage
Figure 17. Container Shipping Route for Swire Shipping’s Pacific Island Service
Transit Times
Australia / Pacific Islands Australia / Vanuatu / New Caledonia
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
Shipment of CNG in specialised containers is relatively common and could be achieved using
existing shipping container routes. Around three ISO 40’ containers of CNG at 250 bar would
need to be shipped in order to deliver the equivalent gas contained in one ISO 40’ container of
LNG. This is because the energy density (kg/m3) of CNG at 250 bar is around half that of LNG, and
the packing density of CNG cylinders in a 40’ container footprint reduces the effective carrying
Transporting CNG by bulk shipping is much less common. However, PLN (Indonesia) has announced
that it will ship CNG from Gresik in East Java to Lombok in West Nusa Tenggara, a distance of
approximately 580 kilometres. The planned project will fuel a 90 MWe power plant in Lombok.
In general, because the capital requirements for creating CNG are relatively small and scalable,
the solution is worth investigating. Furthermore, if the Indonesian trial is successful, it may soon
be possible to transport CNG in small-scale bulk ships.
4.2 Findings
4.2.1 Technical Viability of Expanding LPG Supply
Since LPG supply chains exist in many PICTs, the technical potential to expand LPG use is high.
There is already substantial supply and distribution infrastructure, supply chains, regulations,
experience in handling and use of LPG, and cultural acceptance of using it for different purposes.
Incremental increases can probably be absorbed relatively easily within existing industry capacity,
whereas large expansions might require investment in new unloading and/or port facilities.
It has been estimated that if LPG displaces all cooking kerosene and biomass in the Pacific region,
the current quantities could double. In the larger markets, this sort of increase is not expected
to reduce the price significantly. However, in some subregional markets, a move from an ISO
container delivery to bulk delivery could have a significant impact on the delivered price.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
Figure 18 shows the overall potential for increased use of LPG in household cooking across the
region. However, any impact on local LPG prices will be country specific and likely to be greatest
in places like the Solomon Islands where traditional biomass is used in large volumes.
Figure 18. LPG Growth Potential Due to Displacement of Kerosene and Biomass for
LPG in all PICTs, Tonnes p.a.
Tonnes p.a. Tonnes p.a. Tonnes p.a.
LPG Use - today's volumes LPG use - at 50% displacement of LPG use - at 100% displacement of
kerosene and biomass kerosene and biomass
diesel/oil is used for hot water generation in some PICTs. For example, New Caledonia is a
developed economy that, somewhat surprisingly, uses comparatively little LPG (~8,000 tonnes
per year). Subsidies have historically been given to hotels in the tourism industry for running
electric hot water systems. LPG is likely to be cheaper if subsidies like this are removed, with
both LPG and solar power available as potential alternatives.
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
Although LPG can also be used in gas turbines through liquid injection, it is not applicable in
most PICTs. Gas turbines are generally found in larger power stations and where domestic natural
gas supplies exist.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
and gas conversions. Some have tested and will support dual-fuel engine conversions for some
models, while others indicated they will not. All have gas-only technologies. The percentage of
gas that may be used in a converted engine can vary significantly based on the engine model
and manufacturer. Therefore, an individual engine-by-engine evaluation must be conducted to
determine the costs of supplying gas to any particular power station and the diesel substitution
To convert a diesel engine to dual fuel the following changes need to be allowed: installation of
LNG storage, gas fuel train, and tanker unloading facilities; new engine head; new valves; new
control system; and commissioning.
Conversion costs will vary but, for example, one company advised that the costs for conversion
of a large 10 MW low-speed engine to dual-fuel capability would be around USD1.5 million per
engine. Subject to delivered fuel prices and engine size, the payback on this investment could be
very short (possibly less than two years). However, in reality, this may not be the case in the Pacific.
The following additional observations of gas-engine options for generation were made after
discussions with various other engine manufacturers:
nn larger, low-speed diesel engines are more tolerant of dual fuel than smaller, high-speed diesel
nn engines converted to dual fuel exhibit a lower efficiency when running on either diesel or HFO
(up to 3%) and lower efficiency when running on gas (up to 1%)
nn it may make sense to install new gas engines rather than convert old ones to maximise
efficiency when operating them on gas
nn once commissioned on dual fuel, the percentage of diesel use can vary from 0% to 99%,
depending on the brand of engine
nn having dual or tri-fuel capability (LNG+HFO, or LNG+diesel) improves fuel security
nn both OEM supplied and after-market conversion systems exist, but OEM-supplied systems are
generally constrained to select models, and
nn some engines in the Pacific are already configured as dual fuel and the effort to convert them
to run on LNG could be relatively minor.
27 IGU: FactsFigures_contentOct2014
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
Figure 19. Natural Gas in Transport Applications: LNG and the LCNG Process
CNG fueled light goods vehicles & cars. tank
vaporizer high pressure CNG
LNG trailer buffer dispenser
(Source: Chart LNG)
In larger engines or vehicle fleets, the cost of fuel switching or blending generally needs to
be justified by intensive fuel use. There are substantial costs involved in undertaking engine
conversion, having on-vehicle fuel tanks, developing land-based storage of LNG, providing
skills training for the conversion work and ensuring good vehicle maintenance. Therefore, the
more specialised and intensive utilisation environments of commercial and industrial vehicles
are considered more likely to take up LNG/CNG. Heavy vehicles can also be set up as dual-fuel
capable (i.e. diesel engines with gas injection) or gas-only (i.e. using spark-ignition engines).
This study also conducted a brief review of the potential in smaller commercial and private
vehicles. Unlike in heavy vehicles, gas stored on board light vehicles and buses is typically CNG,
created through the so-called LCNG process, as described above. Some potential exists, though it
is not likely to be a substantial demand. LNG and CNG conversions are currently available as OEM
or after-market solutions in a variety of configurations (see Figures 20 and 21).
Figure 20. Gas Engine Technologies
NG Engine
Spark Compression
Ignition (SI) Ignition (CI)
High Pressure
Stoichiometric Lean Burn Fumigated Direct Injection
(Source: Shell)
Copyright The Shell Company of Australia Limited October 2012
October 2012 9
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
Figure 21. Typical – LNG TANK SCHEMATIC
Transport Configuration
4 9
-160°C 8
Industry consultations during this study indicated that one supplier in China recently reported
double-digit growth in its supply of gas-only engines. This growth has been attributed to its
capacity to avoid some of the early problems with dual-fuel engines. Figure 22 illustrates current
uptake and typical applications of LNG and CNG.
Figure 22. LNG and CNG Use in Vehicles, 2012
Gas Cu r r e n t
A p p lica tio n Pow er P a y lo a d Fu e l / Y e a r Fu e l Ch o ice
Te ch n o lo g y U p ta k e
Direct Injection
Large Marine >5,000 HP >300T Up to 30M L ~100
Dual Fuel
1,000-5,000 Direct Injection
Mine Truck
>200T ~1,000,000 L
Dual Fuel LN G ~0
Various OEM and after-market suppliers are now offering dual-fuel conversions. Feedback from
industry representatives indicates a preference for OEM solutions to ensure that the formal
engineering assessment is completed to suit the rough roads and remote conditions of many
PICTs, and that the most suitable engines are converted.
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
Some fleet operators contacted during this study indicated that operation costs for dual-fuel
engines used in heavy vehicles are higher than for diesel, while other industry participants claim
they are lower. Advice from one of the leading heavy vehicle gas-engine technology providers
is that the LNG cost needs to be 30% less than the cost of diesel to justify the capital and
operational cost of fleet conversion. The same is not true for passenger vehicles, which operate
small spark-ignition engines (as opposed to traditional diesel engines).
There are now reference projects with ferries and off-shore supply vessels operating on LNG
engines. Feedback from the industry at the consultation workshops indicates that a simple
engine change-out or fuel-blending solution may not optimise a large vessel’s efficiency. The
fuel, engine and propulsion system should therefore be optimised together. For example, one
company has developed a complete fuel-gas handling system that can be used in conjunction
with a gas engine, with over 20 installed to date.
Typical uses in industry where LNG would be suitable are in direct combustion applications such
as boilers, hot water and process heat. Such an example exists in Puerto Rico where a company
is successfully substituting LNG for LPG in industrial use at a high energy-use bottling plant.
However, it is important to note that this example is also characterised by having access to
lower-cost LNG from the USA and short transport distances, which means that the use of 40-
foot shipping containers is viable. Therefore, industrial use in the Pacific is not likely to be a key
driver of fuel switching to LNG, but it may provide benefits as a secondary use following the
establishment of an LNG industry.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
4.3 Issues
4.3.1 Issues in Using Gas for Transport Maritime Transport
The conversion of domestic marine fleets to gaseous fuels appears to be challenging. It is also
likely to be difficult to establish sufficient demand and develop the skill base for installation and
maintenance. The expected costs of conversion are also projected to be very high. In comparison
to land vehicles, more specific technical requirements would need to be determined for each
conversion, including associated fuel-storage capability on a vessel-by-vessel basis. Based on its
lower energy density, LNG would require more space for the same energy storage and reduce
vessel range. That being said, the tourism sector (with smaller fleets) has a higher turnover than
other marine classes and could be an early ‘up-taker’ of alternative energy supplies in the region.
Based on the LNG pricing identified in this study, none of these three power stations would be
viable to convert, considering cost savings only. The delivered cost of LNG to each power station
is higher than the existing and projected fuel costs. Each station also has good reasons why other
courses of action are being taken.
nn Kinoya (Fiji) is moving away from diesel+HFO to HFO-only generation, based on historical prices
showing that HFO costs less than landed diesel and possibly LNG
28 Data on specific engine details and associated fuel consumption were not readily available for the majority of countries.
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
nn Tagabe (Vanuatu) uses mostly coconut oil and, at 8 MW, is too small to justify the LNG
infrastructure for bulk delivery, while containerised LNG is at this stage not cost-effective.
Unelco also stated that locally sourced coconut oil was cheaper than diesel, and pursuing this is
consistent with its corporate objectives of greater penetration of renewable energy
nn Tonga has ~7 MW peak demand and would therefore need to rely on LNG delivered in ISO
containers, since it is too small to justify LNG delivery using bulk ships. This is not cost effective.
Furthermore, it is aggressively pursuing increasing amounts of renewable energy and already
has 2 MW of solar PV installed, which is producing around 6% of overall electricity needs.
4.4 Conclusions
4.4.1 LPG for Households
Using LPG is technically feasible and beneficial but expansion would require public policies to
encourage its use.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
Due to the costs and technical challenges of converting and running transport fleets on
alternative fuels, it may only make sense to carry out fuel conversions in countries in which
high numbers of heavy vehicles exist, and an established technical skill base exists, so that a
conversion ‘industry’ could be established. Fiji, with over 1,600 buses in operation, may offer one
of the best opportunities to use LNG or CNG as an alternative fuel. A hypothetical scenario has
been prepared to examine and identify the potential opportunities (see Appendix C).
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
This study assumes that the current link to Saudi Aramco CP prices remains in place and that LPG
is not a competitor to diesel and gasoline for either the power or transport sector if it is taxed
equivalently. Table 6 illustrates the recent wholesale Saudi Aramco CP pricing history for LPG.
Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun-
13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14
Propane 795 820 850 820 875 1100 1010 970 855 770 810 835
Butane 790 820 875 850 915 1225 1020 970 870 845 825 835
(Source: Argus LPG World Monthly Newsletter, Issue 14, 15 July 2014)
5.1.2 LNG
The price of LNG, either delivered ex-ship (DES) or free on board (FOB)29, is usually set by one of
four mechanisms:
nn oil-linked pricing
nn gas-linked pricing
nn subsidised pricing, and/or
nn regulated pricing.
Supplies of LNG to PICTs are potentially available from Asia (where oil-linked pricing is most
common) and North America (where gas-linked pricing is more common). Therefore, for the
purpose of this study, subsidised and regulated pricing structures are not discussed further.
Oil indexation has traditionally been the preferred pricing mechanism in East Asia. The formula
below gives an example of how LNG prices move in accordance with oil prices.
nn the factor of 0.14 varies with the characteristics of the market and individual deals (in a supply-
long market and presumably for larger deals, the discount to oil will widen)
nn ‘Brent’ is a trading classification of sweet, light crude oil that serves as a major benchmark price
for purchases of oil worldwide
29 Refers to product loaded on ships i.e. the cost of the product plus all costs to put it on the ship.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
nn ‘S’ is an S-curve factor to provide extra margin to the Seller if Brent is below a certain threshold,
and to reduce the overall price to the Buyer if Brent is high
nn ‘A’ means all costs and expenses (expressed in USD per MMBTU) incurred by or on behalf of
the Seller in relation to reloading cargo (LNG) at an international bunkering terminal and may
include shipping if agreed
nn ‘DES’ is delivered ex-ship to the buyer’s terminal, and
nn ‘FOB’ is free on board the delivery vessel.
For example, one such contract structure for gas-linked pricing is offered by Fortis BC, Canada
and is detailed in Appendix G. Gas-linked pricing, however is forecast to maintain a relatively low
percentage share of the near-term forward market, which also currently appears to be dominated
by contracts with USA suppliers.30 To access gas-linked LNG pricing, LNG must be shipped from
the USA to the Pacific. This may prove to be economical provided there is enough price discount
to Asian LNG markets. Some Asian buyers have already purchased LNG from North America.
Price can, and does, vary substantially among markets, applications and specific contracts with a
range (ex-terminal) of USD7–15/MMBTU (see Figure 23). Quotes obtained during this study and
other work show that LNG is currently priced at approximately USD15/MMBTU in Singapore,
USD15–16/MMBTU delivered to Japan, and approximately USD7–10/MMBTU ex-terminal in
Vancouver, depending on volumes and contract length. Small Australian-distributed applications
see USD15+/MMBTU ex-terminal price (subject to contract quantities and conditions) with USD17–
23/MMBTU delivered to Australian industrial sites for transport and stationary energy applications.
25# 140.00#
0# 0.00#
(Source: www.indexmundi.com –– World
World Bank)
It is interesting to note that data on Indonesian LNG show that LNG has become less competitive
It is interesting to note that data on Indonesian LNG show that LNG has become less competitive
thelast eight
last years
eight years(see Figure
(see Figure24). Some
24). private
Some contracts
private may,
contracts however,
may, still
however, be
discounted relative
be discounted to delivered
relative dieseldiesel
to delivered prices.prices.
Figure 24. Indonesian LNG and New York Diesel Price Ratio (USD per MMBTU)
30 IGU World LNG report, 2014 edition.
(Source: www.indexmundi.com – World Bank)
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
It is interesting to note that data on Indonesian LNG show that LNG has become less competitive
against diesel over the last eight years (see Figure 24). Some private contracts may, however, still be
discounted relative to delivered diesel prices.
Figure 24. Indonesian LNG and New York Diesel Price Ratio (USD per MMBTU)
Figure 24. Indonesian LNG and New York Diesel Price Ratio (USD per MMBTU)
Indonesian Liquified Natural Gas / Diesel Price Rajo (New York Harbour Ultra-
Low Sulfur No.2)
(Source: www.indexmundi.com
www.indexmundi.com – World Bank)
– World Bank)
The most proximate detailed example of LNG procurement studies for the region is the work
undertaken in Hawaii. The Hawaii LNG study undertook a detailed analysis of the projections for
LNG FOB prices. It identified that the difference between the forecasts for oil-linked LNG prices
in Australia, Canada, Alaska (at USD15.66–20.36/MMBTU to 2030) and the gas-linked projects on
the US Gulf Coast and US West Coast (at USD8.63–11.02) varies from 50% to 85%.31 As a result,
the authors of the study concluded that shipping LNG from the US mainland to Hawaii was the
preferred option compared to the oil-linked projects being targeted at Asia.
Another study exists for Guam, which also discussed future LNG prices extensively in order to
conclude that what looks like a marginal benefit could easily disappear, for a very large capital
For the purposes of this study, the costs were compared as a snapshot in time of LNG supply
from Australia and North America. It was assumed that there were no constraints in supply of the
quantities requested, and that:
nn bulk shipped LNG is available from Gladstone at USD15/MMBTU, FOB
nn bulk shipped LNG is available from Vancouver at USD8/MMBTU, FOB, and
nn ISO container LNG is available from Dandenong (Melbourne) at USD15/MMBTU, FOB.
5.1.3 CNG
CNG can be easily created from pipeline natural gas in small quantities and, as such, can be
located much more flexibly than LNG liquefaction plants. The gas-compression infrastructure is
scalable, quick to establish (i.e. it takes less than one year) and relatively inexpensive. For this
reason and the purposes of this study, it was assumed that CNG is available in Brisbane, a major
port close to Fiji, Tonga and Kiribati, which are used as case studies in this report. A nominal price
for natural gas (prior to compression) at the gas pipeline in Brisbane was USD5/MMBTU.
31 Facts Global Energy (2012). Liquefied Natural Gas for Hawaii: Policy, Economic, and Technical Questions.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
In terms of CNG use in transport, this study assumed that CNG could not be shipped to the Pacific
in a cost-effective manner, but could be used in-country if it is derived from vaporising LNG at the
working pressure with a relatively small amount of additional equipment. Therefore, the price of
CNG for in-country use can be assumed to be the same as that of LNG.
5.2 Findings
5.2.1 LPG Delivered Cost
Other studies have examined in detail the landed cost of LPG in various Pacific countries. The price
‘build-up’ includes some or all of Saudi Aramco CP, as well as costs associated with bulk storage,
handling, freight, and retailers’ margins. Figure 25 illustrates a coarse LPG price breakdown in a
high- and low-cost PICT. The LPG base price of USD850/tonne shown is an approximation of the
historic Saudi Aramco CP that all wholesale LPG suppliers currently pay.
To illustrate the potential economies of scale associated with increases in volume, an assumption
has been made that the costs associated with bulk storage, handling, freight and retail margins
would reduce by 10% for each doubling in volume.
Figure 25. LPG Price Assuming a 10% Reduction for Every 100% Increase in Volume
USD/MMBTU (Wholesale price, ex tax and duy)
Freight, ISO container fees + Gross Revenue
for distributor
Gross Revenue for LPG Retailer before costs
Terminalling, Handling, Freight - esOmate
LPG Price LPG Price LPG Price LPG Price LPG Price LPG Price
(Fiji) (Fiji), 50% (Fiji) 100% (Samoa) (Samoa) (Samoa)
increase in increase in 50% 100%
volume volume increase in increase in
volume volume
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
The World LPG Association acknowledges that the principal barrier to more widespread use of
LPG in the Pacific islands is the cost issue, both in terms of the fuel itself and the equipment
needed to utilise it.32 As Figure 26 illustrates, this appears to be the case in almost all of the
countries in the Pacific where comparative data is available, including French Polynesia, Kiribati,
Niue, Palau, Samoa, Solomon Islands and Tuvalu. In addition, as gas cooking equipment is more
sophisticated, it is often more expensive than cheaper kerosene or basic wood stoves even when
higher stove energy efficiency is taken into account. There is also the logistical challenge of
transporting and returning cylinders for refuelling in remote rural or in outer islands.
ComparisonBetween Kerosene
Between and LPG:
Kerosene RetailRetail
and LPG: Price Excluding Tax andTax
Price Excluding Duties,
and Duties, First Quarter 2014 First Quarter 2014
Data on on
thethe costofofenergy
cost energydelivered
delivered toto the end-use
alsointeresting. Several
interesting. Severalstudies
that have compared kerosene and LPG cook-stove efficiencies have found
that have compared kerosene and LPG cook-stove efficiencies have found them to be roughly them to be roughly
similar33, so the key issues for end-users are likely to be availability and cost. In some countries,
similar33, so the key issues for end-users are likely to be availability and cost. In some countries,
kerosene may be the lowest-cost option since it is often derived from larger aviation fuel imports
kerosene may be the
(approximately lowest-cost
10%-20%). optionthe
This raises since it isofoften
issue whetherderived from need
subsidies largertoaviation fuel imports
be considered by
governments 10%-20%). Thistoraises
if they decide the LPG
introduce issueforofhealth
whetherand subsidies need reasons.
environmental to be considered
Alternative by
energy sources
governments maydecide
if they also beto
LPG for locally
healthand/or regionally produced
and environmental biofuels
reasons. and
energy sourcessmall
also renewable energy
be considered, sources (e.g.
including solar
locally PV or regionally
and/or wind). produced biofuels and
distributed small scale renewable energy sources (e.g. solar PV or wind).
5.2.3 LPG for Commercial and Industrial Sectors
TableLPG for Commercial
7 presents a brief comparison and Industrial of electric Sectors
versus LPG-driven air conditioning based on real
gas and electricity prices in Tonga as well as data derived from the engineering characteristics
Table 7 presents
of heat pumps aand briefother comparison
engineering of electric
calculations. versus The LPG-driven
data shows airthat,
conditioning basedelectricity
at this pricing, on real gas
the cheaper prices in Tonga
alternative and,as only
well ifasthe data derived
relative costfrom of LPGtheisengineering characteristics
more favourable, of heat
would further
pumps and other of engineering
this option be warranted. As
calculations. Thementioned
data shows earlier,
at air
thisconditioning is currently
pricing, electricity is the
available in Fiji, Tonga and Vanuatu, which could
cheaper alternative and, only if the relative cost of LPG is more favourable, would further indicate that different costs or improved
economies of scale could be factors. However, cost comparisons need to be verified in any
investigation of this option be warranted. As mentioned earlier, LPG air conditioning is currently
particular situation where change to LPG is being considered.
available in Fiji, Tonga and Vanuatu, which could indicate that different costs or improved economies
of scale
32 could
The World LP Gasbe factors.
Association (2014). LPHowever, costfor Small
Gas Exceptional Energy comparisons need to be verified in any particular situation
Island Developing States.
33 Center for Energy Studies (2001). Efficiency Measurement of Biogas, Kerosene and LPG Stoves, plus others.
where change to LPG is being considered.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
The first is the use of LPG in government fleets, buses and private vehicles (as indicated earlier
in the report). The second is the introduction or expansion of an LPG scooter market, especially
given that many second-hand scooters are becoming available from regions such as China, where
LPG/CNG small vehicles are encouraged through policy positions aimed at improving air quality.
Moreover, scooters are a far more accessible entry-level transport option for PICTs. Their low up-
front transport investment costs can improve market access for residents in the distribution of
goods and services.
At one of the consultation workshops with the industry, a Fiji-based LPG distributor advised that
it is undertaking successful trials of LPG blending on recreational boats and in its own diesel-
truck fleet. Therefore, it is seeking to expand such efforts to grow this market. This development
could be monitored for its potential in the PICT marine and land transport sectors.
For the purposes of evaluating transport costs in the built-up cost analysis, this study assumes
that LNG is available for supply to PICTs under the following arrangements:
nn Vancouver: small-scale bulk ships;
nn Gladstone: small-scale bulk ships; and
nn Melbourne: ISO containers.
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
Regional experience in LNG transport includes small-scale bulk shipping, road transport and 20’
or 40’ ISO containers. Existing facilities in Australia are receiving LNG over long distances by
means of single- or twin-trailer haul trucks. Shipping companies in Singapore confirm that they
have already received LNG loads from Conoco-Philips’ Darwin LNG terminal in 10,000–12,000
cbm small-scale ships.
(Source: Norgas)
Ships suitable for small-scale bulk delivery to PICTs are available and operating in Asia (see
Figures 28 and 29). One such ship has the following key specifications and was used to estimate
shipping costs in this study:
nn a semi-refrigerated ship capable of carrying LNG at -163°C
nn a re-liquefaction facility to eliminate boil-off losses
nn dual upper and lower cargo manifolds to allow loading at large terminals in Australia, PNG,
Singapore or Vancouver
nn capacity = 10,000–12,000 m3
nn discharge time = 10–12 hours, and
nn speed = 16.5 knots.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
(Source: Norgas)
(Source: www.skaugen.com)
Table 8 below presents an example of an estimation of the costs for small-scale bulk shipping to
PICTs. The example assumes that Suva in Fiji would be a regional hub, although it is possible that
the ship could easily transfer bulk to other major ports such as New Caledonia or Tahiti. These
figures are consistent with the study for Hawaii Gas of USD3–5/MMBTU for transport and boil-off
for LNG delivered to Hawaii from the US Gulf Coast or West Coast.
Table 8. LNG Shipping Times and Cost with Budget Charter Rates for Small-Scale Ship
From To Nautical Sailing and Charter Cost Shipping Capacity Estimated Shipping Cost
Miles Port Days at (per annum) (USD/ MMBTU)
16.5 Knots
Vancouver Suva 5,100 13 + 1 ~USD2.18 m per month* 71,000 USD6.35
*Charter rate of USD1.2 million per month includes crew and ship charter, but excludes port fees and fuel, which are estimated
at ~USD30,000 per day.
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
When LNG containers are shipped between two locations – whether full or emptied - they are
classed as a Dangerous Goods Class 234 and require special handling at ports and on ships.
Discussions with shipping companies and regional port operators indicate that this attracts a
premium cost that can be negotiated downwards with volume.
For the study, budget quotes were obtained for the purchase of ISO containers. It was difficult to
confirm a narrow average price band and economies of scale for 40’ containers, but prices seemed
consistent across suppliers for 20’ containers. Quotes indicated that containers are available at:
nn USD130,000 for a 20’ LNG container, and
nn USD150,000–200,000 for a 40’ LNG container.
The 2012 Hawaii gas study quoted 40’ containers at USD180,000–200,000 each. Some industry sources
quoted USD150,000, while others believe that container costs could be lowered substantially by:
nn international sourcing for a large order, and
nn optimising the design and minimising LNG holding-time requirements based on specific
transport routes.
In considering this diversity of industry advice, for the purposes of this study it was assumed that
ISO containers used for transport of LNG have the characteristics shown in Table 9.
34 Given that, even when emptied, they may contain some residual gas.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
Regasification Rate 1.65 tonnes per hour 1.65 tonnes per hour
Time Spent on Round Trip to PICTs Varies from 2–3 months Varies from 2–3 months
Loading Port Melbourne’s APA facility in Dandenong Melbourne’s APA facility in Dandenong
In order to understand the cost of shipping, budget quotes were obtained for shipping a 40’ LNG
container from Melbourne to Fiji, Tonga and Kiribati, as examples of a major end-user and sub-
regional delivery points. The quotes include both en-route and return voyages (inclusive of port
fees, forklifts, transport to and from ports, shipping line charges, and surcharges for handling and
transport of dangerous goods), as well as an amortised container cost (i.e. reflecting the gradual
‘writing-off’ of the initial cost over the life of the asset). These are added up and divided by the
total amount of LNG delivered to work out the specific shipping cost. Table 10 illustrates the cost
per MMBTU for ISO container delivery from Melbourne to Fiji, Tonga and Kiribati.
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
5.2.8 LNG Import Terminal, Floating Storage and Regasification Unit, and On-
shore Storage Costs
LNG storage will be required in any logistics solution. For bulk shipping, large volume storage will
be required at the port as a land-based tank, floating storage unit (FSU, without regasification)
or floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU). For both container and bulk solutions, the LNG
would be trucked to a site (e.g. a power station, bus/truck depot) from the port and stored there in
tanks with 20–90 days’ holding time.
The costs of these facilities have been estimated and amortised over a project life, with results
shown in Table 11. A cost of USD5,870/tonne was used for site storage, and USD5,000/tonne for
bulk import terminal storage and handling facilities. It was also decided to use 60 days as the
required storage for the bulk terminals, but only 30 days’ storage for the site tanks. This is because
any power station or transport operator which converted to LNG would probably retain dual-fuel
capability and additional fuel supplies of, for example, diesel. Therefore, long-term storage at site
was not likely to be required.
Whilst a risk assessment has not formed part of this study, it would need to be completed for each
storage facility, and this would influence the final construction cost. Consideration would need to
be given to urban planning, public safety, local construction capability, cyclones/weather events,
and geological events such as earthquakes. In this respect, those promoting floating storages
claim they are less susceptible to major events since they can be floated out to deeper waters
where the impact of these is generally less.
Facility Life 20+ years 20+ years 20+ years 20+ years 20+ years
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
(Source: Cryeng)
The development cost for port storage is significant because it needs to be large enough to
accept the entire load from a bulk supply ship. Due to the highly site-specific costs and significant
engineering exercise associated with costing this storage, it has not been possible to quantify
these amounts with any level of high accuracy for this study. Nonetheless, some reference pricing
is available from other studies and market information.
One example is at the Tornio port unloading facility in Northern Finland. One equipment
supply company was awarded a contract that includes unloading, a 50,000-tonne storage tank,
regasification equipment, and a 10-year maintenance contract for approximately Euro(€)100
million (representing around €2,000/tonne stored).36 In the Hawaii gas study, estimated bulk
import terminal costs were:
nn USD145 million for a 55,000-tonne bulk storage tank
nn USD50 million for other onshore infrastructure including piping, controls, buildings and
gasification (not necessary in the Pacific)
nn USD80 million for a marine berth
nn Total: USD275 million, or USD5,000/tonne stored.
The end-result is that large variations in this cost are not very significant in the overall delivered
cost analysis, but port storage does represent a large upfront investment and potential capital
barrier. Table 12 illustrates the costs of storage for the three case studies selected here.
36 http://www.lngglobal.com/lng-for-fuel/waertsilae-receives-full-notice-to-proceed-for-its-first-lng-terminal.html
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
Item Fiji – Bulk Delivery Tonga – ISO container Kiribati – ISO container
Delivery Delivery
No. of Days of Storage 60 30 30
Bulk Import Terminal and Storage Cost USD34 m Not applicable Not applicable
(USD) Floating Storage Units (FSU) and Floating Storage and Regasification Units
Discussion with suppliers indicates the existence of some 20 FSRUs in total around the world,
mostly much larger than the targeted 25,000 m3 required for the largest need in the Pacific.
Although some are built new, others are converted from second-hand LNG ships that still have
vessel and tank integrity suitable for lasting 20+ years. The cost for a 120,000 m3 vessel would be
around USD80–140 million, with the bulk of this cost being for the conversion. As these vessels
have multiple tanks (up to six), it is theoretically possible to operate at smaller capacities but the
fixed operating costs would be amortised over a smaller volume.
Due to the relatively small, early-stage, and ‘bespoke’ nature of this segment of the industry38,
broad cost data were not available.
(Source: BOC)
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
The fixed costs are amortised over the total fuel volume assumed to be delivered for each PICT
over the life of the plant. Transport costs (including the empty return voyage) are amortised over
the volume of fuel in each delivery.
The delivered cost of LNG in ISO containers was a bottom-up cost model using:
nn 20’ and 40’ ISO container prices based on budget pricing from Cryeng Industries, personal
communications with Singapore LNG (SLNG), and discussions with Agmark Logistics and
FuelGarden LNG
nn transport of LNG containers from APA Group’s LNG facility in Dandenong, Victoria to/from the
Port of Melbourne by TOLL Logistics
nn LNG pricing, including truck loading, from APA Group
nn shipping and transport charges to Fiji and Tonga by Williams & Gosling Limited including sea
freight, dangerous good surcharge, origin and return port charges, port services, forklift use,
biosecurity, wharfage, agency fees, port congestion charges, cartage to site
nn shipping and transport times based on Swire Group’s published routes for shipping container
fleets in the Pacific
nn amortisation of the ISO container cost was based on the return voyage times for containers
using the above shipping route times, allowance for time in Australia for refilling, and allowing
some time in the destination country for unloading of the whole container at the destination
port, delivery to site, emptying the LNG into land-based storage, and return of the empty ISO
container to port.
nn site costs for small-scale LNG storage and gasification were based on:
-- budget quotes for site facilities from Cryeng
-- information obtained at the workshop in November 2014 that was part of this study,
-- industry reports
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
nn road tanker pricing for delivery to power station sites (BOC pricing provided in industry
workshop), and
nn opex for road tanker (estimate).
nn An importers margin of 5% was assumed. Import duty and VAT was excluded from the analysis.
Figure 33. LNG Built-Up Cost Analysis for Selected PICTs and Technologies
Figure 33. LNG Built-Up Cost Analysis for Selected PICTs and Technologies
$35.00 Storage
$25.00 Road transport, port charges, trans-
Note: The
The data this Figure
data in this Figure isis for
various transport
transport methods.
!$80.00!! !$80.00!!
$80.00 $80.00
!$70.00!! !$70.00!!
$70.00 $70.00
!$60.00!! $60.00 !$60.00!! Importer's margin @ 5%
!$50.00!! $50.00 !$50.00!!
Road transport, port charges,
!$40.00!! $40.00 !$40.00!! trans-shipment
$40.00 fees, etc
bulk shipping fees
!$30.00!! $30.00 $30.00
LNG ISO container cost
$20.00 $20.00 LNG!ISO!container!cost!
!$20.00!! !$20.00!! amorXsaXon!
LNG ISO container shipping fees
$10.00 $10.00 LNG!ISO!container!shipping!fees!
!$10.00!! !$10.00!!
LNG ex terminal price
$- $- LNG!ex!terminal!price!
!$#!!!! !$#!!!!
HFO, Retail price minus taxes
!(1 sto !
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!G !fr a! v
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al Ne
Note: Includes LNG, HFO, diesel and LPG but excludes bulk LPG prices
Note: Includes LNG, HFO, diesel and LPG but excludes bulk LPG prices
5.2.11 CNG Delivered Costs
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
Compression infrastructure suitable for providing gas to a 10 MW power station was selected to
include compressors, a container filling station, and associated engineering drawings. The total
capital cost is estimated at approximately USD2 million without gas connection costs, civil works,
electrical and mechanical works, planning and environmental approvals, etc. For the purposes of
this study, the total installed costs of the ‘mother station’ are estimated at USD5 million.
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
In contrast to LNG, around USD77 million in 40’ containers would need to be purchased in order
to supply a 10 MW load. CNG has around half the density of LNG and cannot fill as much space in
a 40’ container footprint as LNG. In this regard, shipping costs become very important. Like LNG,
40’ containers with CNG tanks need to be shipped and returned to the point of origin for refilling.
The estimated annualised costs required to deliver CNG are presented in Table 13.
Item Tonga
Container Type 40’
Due to the very high-cost penalty of shipping lower volumes of gas (in both the shipping cost
and container amortisation), international CNG supply was not investigated in greater detail than
this. Shipment of CNG appears most viable over very short distances where high utilisation of the
transport vessel can be achieved.
5.3 Issues
Due to the uncertain nature of commodity markets (e.g. oil supply, demand and pricing are
influenced by the Organization of the Petroleum Producing Countries [OPEC],39 market conditions,
natural disasters or geopolitical events), it is impossible to know with any certainty what the future
competitive position of oil and LNG will be. However, it could well be the case that delivered LNG
might at times be cheaper than delivered diesel, and vice versa. Hawaii has moved forward on the
basis of a high probability that LNG shipped from the US mainland will be competitive with its
existing Syngas and/or diesel costs for the foreseeable future. This sort of probability analysis is
beyond the scope of this study.
For the Pacific, it will be important to understand the extent to which both oil and gas-linked
pricing structures are affected by fluctuations in oil or gas prices. Both spot and contract markets
exist for LNG, with the spot market growing to 33% of global trade in 2013,40 which was a new
peak for the industry.
Some of the significant changes that would need to occur for LPG to become competitive on a
specific energy cost basis are listed below:
nn the need for greater demand in the Pacific to reap the benefits of economies of scale
39 OPEC is an intergovernmental organisation established in 1960 by Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela and later joined by other countries. OPEC’s objective is to
coordinate and unify petroleum policies among its member countries in order to secure fair and stable prices for petroleum producers, efficient, economical and regular supply of
petroleum to the customer base, and a fair return on capital to those investing in the industry. (Source: OPEC website: http://www.opec.org/opec_web/en/about_us/24.htm, as at 17
September 2015).
40 IGU World LNG report, 2014 edition.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
nn the basis of LPG pricing would need to shift from the Saudi Aramco CP and provide more
flexible contract pricing for wholesale suppliers, and
nn bulk delivery and receiving facilities may need to be expanded.
5.4 Conclusions
5.4.1 Economic Viability of Expanding LPG
For LPG the main point to be drawn from this analysis is that the current high underlying base
price of LPG limits the reduction in the specific price that might occur from increased supply
volumes. This means that LPG remains a high cost fuel relative to diesel and HFO for power
generation or industrial use.
Incremental expansion of LPG is, however, relatively easy compared to the introduction of LNG
due to the existence of import facilities and supply chains in most PICTs. Incremental increase
in use will likely continue in niche applications such as gas air conditioning, and household or
commercial cooking where it can be the cheapest alternative, and the incumbent LPG industry
and some NGOs are actively promoting it as a cleaner alternative to kerosene.
Therefore, whilst it may be economically feasible to incrementally increase market share, large-
scale displacement of diesel and HFO using LPG seems unlikely.
It would appear that for many stationary power applications, renewables and energy efficiency are
increasingly good long-term investments. The exception to this are large point-source electricity
generators/users, such as mining and smelting operations, in which power systems may be subject
to limited investment timeframes, tightening emissions and air-quality requirements, and high
power densities. For these sites, LNG could present a viable alternative (or addition) to diesel,
HFO or renewables.
For many small Pacific countries where LNG and/or LPG are generally expensive compared to
diesel, pursuing an aggressive strategy of using renewables, energy storage, and energy efficiency
(both supply side and demand side) is possibly the most viable approach to reduce overall fuel
To cost-effectively supply LNG to the Pacific countries, two pre-conditions are required. First,
individual or collective points of demand must exist; these must be large enough to justify bulk
LNG shipping and local unloading, storage and regasification facilities. This appears possible for
power-generation demand in Fiji, French Polynesia, Guam and New Caledonia. The approach of
delivering LNG using ISO containers and returning them to the point of origin is a higher-cost
option, with capital and operating costs being amortised over the volume of gas supplied. Second,
the market conditions and supply arrangements should be such that the delivered cost of LNG
must be less than the predicted diesel or HFO price (depending on which fuel is being replaced)
on a USD/MMBTU basis over the life of the contract, which would typically be 15+ years.
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
Power generation could be the necessary ‘anchor demand’ for an LNG supply chain. When
compared to transport applications, the advantage of using LNG in power generation is that the
costs of converting an engine fleet to dual fuel or natural gas can be spread over a larger energy
base because power generators often have a much higher utilisation relative to installed capacity.
Furthermore, stationary power generation can offer a large single-point load source around
which costly LNG infrastructure could be built and broader uptake by smaller uses could occur. An
example of this is in Melbourne where APA’s LNG storage facility is primarily used for gas network
security, but is also being used now to supply industrial LNG loads by means of road tankers.
There is also an issue related to whether LNG can be cost effective for different sizes of power
plants. For small power stations operating on diesel, the avoided cost of diesel is relatively high
and, at first glance, it seems to be a good target for substitution. However, at this scale, LNG
infrastructure is relatively expensive and renewables offer many additional advantages. For larger
power systems, the economies of scale for delivering LNG improve significantly but, at that point,
utilities and IPPs show a preference for cheaper fuels such as HFO and even coal, and it is difficult
for LNG to compete. This means that non-cost drivers, such as regulations on air quality or GHG
emissions, in medium to large systems could make the business case successful.
Ultimately, this study finds that, although LNG for power generation in PICTs is technically
feasible, it faces many commercial challenges. Even so, introducing LNG in the short to medium
term could be viable under certain circumstances. An individual or collection of medium to large
power stations (i.e. more than 40 MW in aggregate) such as those in Fiji, French Polynesia, Guam
and New Caledonia, could justify dedicated small-scale bulk shipping and storage facilities and
attract competitive LNG pricing if:
nn high emissions standards require substitution of HFO and/or diesel
nn prospective power stations do not have any realistic prospects over the coming 10 to 15 years
to use cost-effective renewable energy such as solar PV systems or coconut oil on a large scale
nn the large capital cost of LNG infrastructure is not a barrier and the end-user has a sufficient
credit rating to underwrite the contract for LNG off-take over a long term
nn the contract for LNG supply can be confirmed for longer than 10 years
nn new engines or boilers are planned, provided that their conversion to dual fuel is relatively low
cost compared to the expected savings in fuel costs
nn the delivered cost of LNG can be confirmed as competitive with alternatives (e.g. diesel, HFO,
coal) with a high likelihood over the contract timeframe
nn there is potential for secondary use in industry and/or transport
nn there are skilled labourers to maintain and operate the equipment and maintain high safety
nn using LNG is considered on its merits to improve fuel security through energy diversity
nn fuel diversity and the use of LNG are consistent with regional government or utility policies,
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
nn power generation efficiencies are not severely penalised by using LNG instead of the incumbent
Larger power-generation capacities could initially be targeted in order to justify the economies
of scale necessary for bulk LNG shipping. Therefore, the potential sites for consideration have
been identified as French Polynesia, Guam, New Caledonia and possibly also Fiji (see Research
Question 4 for additional details).
This study finds that there is virtually no near-term market for conversion to LNG of the maritime
fleet based in the Pacific, but there could be an increasing demand for offering LNG bunkering
facilities to international fleets, or for new ships purchased that are LNG fuelled. If LNG refuelling
capabilities develop over time, PICTs may be able to consider LNG fuel ships either as a new or
second-hand purchase.
Due to the costs of converting and running transport fleets on alternative fuels, it may only make
sense to carry out fuel conversions in countries in which high numbers of heavy vehicles exist,
so that a conversion ‘industry’ could be established. Fiji, with over 1,600 buses in operation, may
offer one of the best opportunities to use LCNG or LNG as an alternative fuel. A hypothetical
scenario has been prepared to examine and identify the potential opportunities (see Appendix C).
In conclusion, increasing LNG and LCNG for transport in the medium to long term could be viable
under all or some of the following circumstances:
nn centralised LNG infrastructure is installed in the country on the back of an ‘anchor demand’
such as a large power station, and LNG for transport can subsequently leverage off this
nn if new vehicles are purchased directly with dual-fuel or gas-only engines, the marginal cost
needs to be relatively small compared to the expected savings in fuel costs
nn trucks operating on LNG would need to travel a minimum distance of 200,000 kilometres (kms)
per year with LNG 30% cheaper than diesel to justify the additional costs of running on LNG, or
less distance if the conversion is subsidised
nn the delivered cost of LNG or LCNG needs to be cheaper than alternatives (diesel, gasoline, LPG)
with a high likelihood of remaining so over the vehicle life
nn there are skilled labourers to maintain and operate the equipment
nn there are high safety standards associated with operation and maintenance of vehicles running
on LNG, LCNG or CNG, and
nn the fuel diversity and use of LNG are consistent with regional government or utility policies.
The expansion of LPG for transport is relatively straightforward using existing infrastructure,
but its use would need to be subsidised because it is often more costly than gasoline or diesel
in PICTs. Further work would need to be conducted to estimate the wider economic impact of
subsidising the use of LPG in vehicles to stimulate demand.
In conclusion, increasing LPG for transport in the short to medium term could be viable if
subsidies or incentives put in place to drive LPG uptake are offset by wider economic benefits
that outweigh the costs (this would need to be the subject of an economic study).
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
6.1 Context
As noted earlier, PICTs have varying sizes of population, economies, energy needs, and levels of
infrastructure development. The use of LPG could be expanded. PICTs with smaller demands may
seek to leverage off any use of LNG in the larger economies. If LNG is established in a country
on the back of an ‘anchor demand’, it could be further used in transport, commercial, industrial or
pipeline applications.
6.2 Findings
6.2.1 LPG for Light Vehicles in all PICTs
As mentioned, Fiji is the only PICT with significant numbers of LPG vehicles. It also enjoys the
lowest LPG price in the Pacific. It could be inferred that the low LPG price is a result of the
fact that more than 50% of LPG is used in vehicles, and that this drives economies of scale and
encourages competition.
There appears to be an opportunity to replicate this situation in other countries in the Pacific;
for example, by artificially stimulating LPG demand through vehicle concessions. Barriers to the
uptake of this would include:
nn ensuring trained support for installing and maintaining LPG vehicle technologies, and
nn adjusting transport safety and other acts or regulations for vehicles.
Moving this forward would first require a detailed economic analysis to assess the potential
impact on these economies. Governments would then need to decide whether to encourage the
necessary LPG vehicle uptake.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
Nevertheless, none of the barriers appears to be major and can be resolved locally. Adoption will
take time and at a rate in proportion to the sales and marketing effort of incumbent appliance
retailers. There is some justification for involvement by governments or third parties to help
overcome the abovementioned barriers to uptake. This might include:
nn conducting an information campaign targeted at buyers, specifiers (e.g. building-design
consultants) and contractors who are not fully informed of gas-fired heat pumps as a choice,
nn fostering increased competition in the retailing of these appliances.
6.2.3 Potential Sites for Gas Power Generation: New Caledonia, Guam,
French Polynesia and Fiji
The research in this study suggests that larger power-generation capacities must be initially
targeted to achieve the economies of scale necessary for bulk LNG shipping. In addition, there
should be as many non-cost drivers (such as EPA air-quality targets or limits) as possible to help
justify and support the conversion. Therefore, the potential sites are French Polynesia, Guam, New
Caledonia, and possibly Fiji.
This study shows that the price difference between HFO and LNG delivered to French Polynesia
from Vancouver is marginal. The country also uses the same diesel supply as Vanuatu and New
Caledonia, which is of high standard and cost, operates under French law, and thus has relatively
high air-emissions standards. Therefore, there may be some non-cost drivers that could shift the
balance in favour of LNG in this location.
Further study of the costs and benefits of LNG at specific power stations in French Polynesia
should be considered in further studies which are beyond the scope of this project. Guam
A number of factors have led the Guam Power Authority to consider LNG as an alternative fuel.
These factors include an ageing power-generation plant, tightening emissions controls, and large
power demand. The Authority plans to phase in LNG and build combined-cycle power plants
over the next seven or eight years, utilising ultra-low-sulphur diesel fuel oil as an interim and
alternative fuel source in the near term. This involves replacing old oil-fired steam boilers and
turbines that are likely to have a lower efficiency compared to new combined-cycle power plant.
The range of costs for the generation facilities and the LNG regasification plant are estimated at
USD 500–800 million, depending on the number of generators to be installed. These investments
are expected to deliver nearly a billion dollars in net present value savings over a 30-year period,
despite the significant capital infrastructure cost associated with the plan’s implementation.
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
Discussions with authorities in New Caledonia indicated that, when they considered LNG supply
as an alternative fuel to replace HFO at the smelter, they deemed it too expensive compared
to using pulverised coal, which is the current technology being used. However, the project is
currently stalled and there is still a slim possibility that LNG will be reconsidered. If this is the
case, it would establish a good supply hub in the South Pacific and act as an anchor-demand
point for other uses to be investigated.
New Caledonia has other advantages in relation to LNG supply. The first is its close proximity
to Gladstone, so shipping costs for LNG would be relatively low in comparison to other PICTs. In
addition, if LNG were to be used in transport, the avoided diesel cost would be one of the higher
prices in the region since the country uses a relatively expensive, high-grade quality diesel.
The interesting aspect of this example is that, as the size of power generation increases in any
particular location, so do the available options for fuels. For example, coal has become available
in New Caledonia since the power plant size increased to very large capacities. Therefore, it is
difficult, if not impossible, for LNG to compete. Fiji
Although existing utility power stations do not exhibit ideal characteristics for LNG substitution,
Fiji is a large regional fuel user for transport and power and, if a large ‘anchor demand’ can be
found, it might foster increased use of LNG over time in the transport and industrial sectors. Two
such anchor-demand points could be:
nn the existing gold mine with 20 MW of baseload power generation using diesel, and/or
nn the planned copper mine, where the 100 MW of power generation is currently proposed to be
generated using HFO.
During this study, both mining companies expressed interest in the LNG solution, and both
emphasised that cost drivers would be very strong in selecting the fuel of choice. Prospective
LNG fuel suppliers would benefit from investigating these specific opportunities in greater detail.
During industry consultations in this study, it was proposed that a small gas pipeline network in
an economic zone could provide a potential ‘anchor demand’ to justify larger-scale gas supply
to a Pacific country that lacks natural gas resources. The heating, cooling or power demands
for industrial and commercial sectors in this zone could be met with gas. Furthermore, it was
proposed that LPG could be used as a transitional fuel to supply the initial needs. As demand
grows, the transition to LNG might become economical.
Of the countries studied in this research, there is one piped LPG network in Fiji’s Denarau Island
tourism precinct. Of interest is a Syngas-piped network in Kapolei, West Oahu, Hawaii, which is
a major contributing factor to Hawaii’s choice to pursue LNG. Currently, the costs for producing
Syngas in Hawaii are high: up to USD 40/MMBTU.41 This means that imports of LNG using either
ISO containers or small-scale bulk shipping to substitute for Syngas would be cost effective.
41 Liquefied Natural Gas for Hawaii: Policy, Economic, and Technical Questions.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
In Hawaii’s case, there is a clear cost driver for LNG imports to substitute Syngas with cost savings
of 30% to 65%.
The cost of vehicle conversion is estimated at USD80,000, with the following range observed:
nn USD30,000 for conversion of a large vehicle to CNG (Exxon Mobil, 2014);
nn USD70,000–90,000 for conversion of a large vehicle to LNG (Exxon Mobil, 2014); and
nn USD45,000–100,000 for large vehicle conversion (suggested by participants at an industry
workshop held in February 2015 as part of this study).
In contrast, the marginal cost of purchasing an LNG-fuelled prime mover or bus direct from an
OEM is estimated at USD45,000 for a prime mover of USD 250,000 purchase value.
This assumes a scenario in which the delivered cost of LNG is cheaper than that of diesel. That
might occur under a circumstance where an ‘anchor demand’ has helped to establish a LNG
supply route from Vancouver to Fiji via small scale bulk ships as indicated in Figure 34, and this
LNG is then made available for transport uses. It assumes that gas is used in heavy vehicles as
LNG. Table 14 shows potential total annual savings of USD227,000 for buses and USD323,000 for
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
Table 14. Transport LNG Hypothetical Scenario, Fiji: Buses and Trucks
Another scenario was developed to investigate the opportunity for use of CNG (converted from
LNG) in a private vehicle or taxi in Fiji (Table 15) in view of the potential for LNG substitution in
the country.
For small passenger vehicles, others have estimated the cost of vehicle conversion to be:
nn USD8,000 for conversion of a small vehicle to CNG (Exxon Mobil, 2014), and
nn USD1,900 for conversion of a small vehicle to CNG (PTT, Thailand).
Given Thailand has converted over 300,000 vehicles and is very experienced in the requirements
of the process, this study has chosen to use a conversion figure closer to that of Thailand.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
This scenario shows there is some potential for use of CNG as a transport fuel in taxis under the
following conditions:
nn if LNG can be delivered to the country for less than the cost of diesel – this can only happen if
it is delivered in bulk ships based around a large ‘anchor demand’ (i.e. not simply a taxi fleet)
nn if cost of conversion is kept low – certainly less than USD 2,000 per vehicle
nn if the distance travelled or fuel used for the vehicle is significant at more than 10,000 L per
year, and
more frequent fuel refilling may be required for CNG powered vehicles compared with
conventional fuels.
6.2.6 Further Opportunities for Increased Gas Use in the Pacific: New
Caledonia and Fiji
In addition to the preceding discussion, five of the most promising opportunities for increased
gas use in the Pacific are:
nn LPG for light vehicles in many PICTs where broader benefits from uptake can be demonstrated
nn LPG for air conditioning in PICTs where LPG already exists and electricity is expensive
nn LNG for New Caledonia’s nickel smelter, and
nn LNG for Fiji’s current and future mining sector (~120 MW of power generation).
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
Table 16 summarises the commercial and regulatory considerations for these opportunities. The
following sections discuss some potential pathways to realising these and other opportunities.
Table 16. Commercial and Regulatory Consideration for Gas Opportunities in PICTs
Issue LPG for Light Vehicles LPG for Air LNG for New LNG for Fiji’s Current
in all PICTs Conditioning in all Caledonia Nickel and Future Mining
PICTs Smelter Sector
Commercial Readiness Technology at this scale Technology at this scale Technology at this scale Technology at this scale
of the Technology is fully commercial. is fully commercial. is fully commercial. is fully commercial.
New Infrastructure and May need increased LPG May need increased LPG Limited port space Several options exist,
Land Requirements import storage capacity. import storage capacity. at the nickel smelter. including FSRU, new
Would probably need ports for the mines,
FSRU. gas pipelines, trucking
Fuel-Importing LPG importing exists in LPG importing exists in LNG would be a new LNG would be a new
Arrangements many PICTs. many PICTs. fuel for the country. fuel for the country.
Skills and Training Service and support Some training for Required–would not be Required–would not be
Requirements staff and infrastructure service and support problematic. problematic if confined
would be required for all staff in regard to gas air to mining sector.
countries except Fiji. conditioning.
Regulatory Changes Yes–significant if LPG is Probably minor if LPG is Yes–possibly significant Yes–possibly significant.
Required a new transport fuel. already being imported
and distributed.
Scale of Investment Possible increased LPG Possible increased LPG USD200–300 million in USD50 –200 million
Required for storage requirements at storage requirements FSRU plus associated in port infrastructure
Governments, Private port, investments in new at port. changes to boilers at plus associated piping
Sector or Development vehicles, and/or vehicle nickel smelter. or trucking to get gas
Partners conversions. to sites.
Barriers Current pricing of LPG is Market understanding of Société Le Nickel (SLN) The Vatukoula gold mine
higher relative to diesel gas air conditioning. has already started is already operating
and gasoline in small- down the pathway of at around 20 MW load
volume LPG markets. Different energy-price utilising coal but is but this is about half
structures in each PICT currently experiencing the required capacity
mean that assumptions difficulties. A small to justify full-time
on viability need to be window of opportunity charter of a 12,000 cbm
tested at each site. to change direction may LNG ship. The 100 MW
exist. Namosi JV is in planning
stage only.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
Although it is not known whether a fully developed LNG project will be competitive with coal, it
does appear competitive with HFO at this scale.
In order to realise this opportunity, several points need to be considered. The government-owned
SLN would need to agree to the possibility that LNG could be used to supply the smelter and then
place the coal-repowering project on hold while a fully costed proposal is developed. Assuming
that this occurs, the project does not appear to face any significant technical obstacles, and the
Government of New Caledonia would have the capacity to fund the infrastructure requirements
and/or attract private-sector investments. If this LNG project takes place, LNG would consequently
become available in closer proximity to many PICTs than to any other current supply point.
is approximately half the capacity required to fully occupy a 12,000 cbm LNG supply ship that
delivers LNG from Vancouver. Mining personnel consulted during the study confirmed that they
are very interested in fuel-cost reduction opportunities, including the possibility of using LNG.
Even so, the use of LNG to displace diesel at the mine may not be economical. This means that
other parties would need to be involved for it to be feasible. This could potentially include:
nn Fiji Electricity Authority’s (FEA’s) use of LNG for some of its diesel-power generation
nn a future copper mining project (with a projected 100 MW electricity demand) as a potential user
country, and/or
nn joint commitment by other diesel power stations in the region to purchase LNG; the ship
delivering LNG could make multiple drops on the same fuel run, as MRTs and LCTs do for other
fossil fuels.
However, there are many challenges to achieving a project such as this. For example, arrangements
in which multiple private-sector and/or government parties need to collectively negotiate are
likely to be relatively complex, time consuming and costly, and likely require one party to initiate
and manage the process. In addition, because mining operations can move from viable to unviable
if the commodity price drops too far, an investment in LNG infrastructure and fuel switching at
mining power stations is inherently riskier than power stations that supply public power.
6.3 Issues
For both the power and transport sectors, it is difficult to make general assumptions about the
opportunity for uptake of gas in various Pacific countries. Therefore, case-by-case assessments
are required for each power station and transport sector in each country and territory.
6.4 Conclusions
There appears to be a case for encouraging increased use of LPG in most PICTs in niche
applications where it can provide cost, air quality, and/or health benefits. This includes using LPG
for vehicles in cities where pollution is an issue, household cooking where there are air quality
and health benefits, and commercial air conditioning where the cost of LPG relative to electricity
makes this a viable alternative.
In the short term, LNG is most beneficial to only a few countries. Guam may be the first country
in this study to import LNG into its fuel supply chain. It may create opportunity for other PICTs to
benefit from the establishment of supply chains and from experience in the region.
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
For PNG and Timor-Leste, the development of piped networks could be fed either by domestic
LNG or piped natural gas, depending on the location of the end-use demand. For PICTs with no
natural gas resources, an initial investment in a piped gas network within an economic zone may
create a larger gas demand that could initially be supplied by LPG. Transition to LNG could take
place over time as demand grows and LNG becomes more widely available in the region.
If market conditions for cost-effective supply of LNG to one or more PICTs are achieved, the
following actions could be considered:
nn an individual power station, IPP, government, gas importer, or consortium could enter in to a
long-term contract for LNG supply, and/or
nn PICT governments could consider facilitating LNG use in transport or industry once LNG
infrastructure is established in a country building on the ‘anchor demand’ in power generation.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
7.1 Context
There is scope to increase LPG use cost-effectively in a broad range of PICTs. This could have a
flow-on effect in improving economies of scale in supply chains. In some cases, the capacity of
existing port and storage infrastructure is sufficient, while in others it would require investment
and expansion.
In contrast, any shift towards introducing natural gas (LNG) requires considerable new capital
investment in ports, fuel off-take and storage facilities, in-country distribution networks, and
equipment conversion. It will also require the development of new skills and regulations for
gas management and handling. In addition, there would probably be a need for extensive gas
marketing to ensure adequate demand.
7.2 Findings
Most PICTs do not have regulatory frameworks for use of LPG as a transport fuel, and may require
regulatory changes and/or concessions to allow for small LPG piped networks to be created for
household and commercial use. On the other hand, the distribution and use of bottled LPG is
common and so ‘take-up’ in small-scale appliances and commercial air conditioning should be
This study suggests that the introduction of LNG into a PICT that lacks its own natural gas
requires a sufficient collective demand to justify a large investment in new fixed infrastructure,
optimal market conditions, and suitable technologies for gas use. The recent move towards LNG
imports in Hawaii is a good example of a place where such conditions exist.
However, because most PICTs in this study do not individually experience the same conditions as
those of Hawaii, they would each need to install multi-fuel technologies suitable for using LNG
in the future, and then collectively aggregate fuel demand to incentivise supply to the region.
The most relevant PICTs with sufficiently large fuel demand, either individually or in aggregate,
are Fiji, French Polynesia, Guam and New Caledonia. PNG and Timor-Leste could investigate local
use of their domestic reserves of LNG or piped natural gas. PICTs with smaller demands could
conceivably seek to leverage off any use of LNG in these larger economies.
LNG can be shipped cost-effectively over considerable distances in bulk ships as small as 10,000
m3. To use LNG in PICTs that lack domestic gas resources, the unloading facilities and storage
systems that would need to be built require large-scale capital investment. These storage
systems could be fixed land-based facilities, floating storage units with land-based regasification,
or floating storage and regasification units.
This study shows that, under current market conditions and with infrastructure costs amortised over a
25 years project cycle, LNG would be more competitive as an alternative fuel option in some PICTs.
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
7.3 Issues
7.3.1 Issues for Converting to Gas for Power Generation
PICTs and their utilities would need to consider the following issues when deciding to convert
their power generation to LNG:
nn LNG is at its most cost effective at a scale larger than the power consumption of most individual
PICTs (i.e. above 40 MW baseload)
nn LNG needs large upfront investment in infrastructure and is not easily scaled to demand
nn LNG is highly volatile, is transported at cryogenic temperatures, and needs very costly storage
and handling systems relative to diesel, gasoline, coal, LPG or HFO
nn well-trained and skilled operators are needed, and
nn engines running on gas are not as flexible as current diesel engines in their capacity to take
step changes in load.
7.4 Conclusions
Infrastructure and/or energy ministries within PICT governments could consider developing
(and/or developing concessions for) small piped LPG networks to supply LPG for cooking and
air conditioning. This approach would help to improve economies of scale and create centres of
demand for future LNG substitution.
If LPG use is encouraged to grow, it may be possible to expand its use cost-effectively with little
additional investment. Planning regulations and activities for any LPG storage and distribution
infrastructure should take into account this projected growth.
Although a number of commercial, technical, policy and environmental factors need to change for
a fuel transition to occur, power-generating utilities and IPPs can invest in multi-fuel capability
(gas, diesel, HFO, LPG) when buying new generators to give them maximum flexibility in future
fuel choices with relatively small incremental costs (likely to be less than 5% of the power
generator’s capital cost).
Relevant end-users with an aggregate power-generation capacity of more than 40 MW could test
the market by means of an Expression of Interest (EOI) for a multi-site procurement to supply
bulk LNG, as well as an FSU or FSRU. A collective approach by power producers within and among
one or more countries would form an ‘anchor demand’ in the region, and would indicate those
parties interested in supplying LNG/LPG under a long-term contract. A cost-effective FSU or FSRU
would substantially reduce the overall cost of delivered LNG if it becomes available.
Policy frameworks would need to be developed in order to allow and regulate for LNG importation
and use in those countries where there is realistic potential for LNG substitution.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
8.1 Context
Globally, individual countries are at differing stages of transition from the use of fossil fuels to
renewable energy. A country’s choice of fuels and its energy market are related to factors such as
its surrounding natural resources, its economy, government incentives for renewables and prices
for carbon emissions, its location and infrastructure, as well as social and cultural values.
With vast supplies of natural gas in many regions, gas development and use has increased and
is likely to continue expanding. Its importance is further highlighted when a carbon dioxide
emissions price is applied to fossil fuels without subsidies. There has been growing recognition
that natural gas can play a significant role as a bridge to a low-carbon future.
8.2 Findings
8.2.1 Stationary Power – Other Renewable Energies
Utilities and IPPs have an increasing number of options in electricity-generating technologies
and associated fuels. The availability of such options is a benefit to the sector, but it also
makes decisions about future investments challenging. For many stationary power applications,
renewables and energy efficiency appear to be increasingly sound long-term investments.
The use of coconut oil in stationary power, which is now proven in Vanuatu, offers a genuine
alternative to diesel for some small-island power-generation systems. Although this application
is not widespread, the technical barriers to expanding coconut-oil power generation to other
medium- and high-speed diesel engines appear to be relatively minor. This fuel is unique:
it can be substituted for diesel and/or HFO in extremely high quantities (up to 100% in base-
load operation), can be produced locally, has regional employment benefits, is renewable, and is
cheaper than diesel in the Vanuatu application at the time of writing this report.43
For many small Pacific countries in which LNG and/or LPG are generally expensive compared to
diesel, an aggressive strategy of using renewables, energy storage, and energy efficiency (both
supply side and demand side) may be the most viable approach to reduce overall fuel costs.
Fiji has provided exemptions to import duty on hybrid vehicles, and this has led to the desired
market response with an increase in hybrid vehicle use.
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
8.3 Issues
At the present time, solar and wind energy, hydropower and coconut oil are providing cost-
effective reductions in diesel and HFO use across the Pacific, particularly in electricity generation.
The beneficial feature of solar PV systems is that they can be deployed in virtually any size, are
silent, are emission-free during operation, and can be located close to urban areas. Governments
and utilities, third-party financiers, IPPs and donor agencies could structure graduated capital
programs that make solar PV installation programs attractive. However, it is important to note
that this is curtailed by the lack of technologies for managing grid stability and energy storage
with high penetrations of PVs.
One of the concepts tested in this study is whether diversifying fuel sources with gas would
improve energy security in the region. This study’s findings suggest that using LNG and/or LPG
would be an expensive way to provide a strategic fuel reserve, although some additional energy
security is achieved through fuel diversity. If a strategic fuel reserve for PICTs is sought, other
options to be considered might include:
nn holding strategic reserves of diesel somewhere in the region (diesel tanks are much cheaper
than LNG or LPG tanks)
nn continuing to pursue a renewable-energy strategy that will extend the effective holding days of
the existing fuel storages at import terminals and power generation sites, and
nn introducing fuel flexibility to power generation systems that could enable the use of LPG in
emergency situations. LPG does not currently appear to offer any cost advantages for base load
operation, but could provide emergency backup to some systems.
8.4 Conclusions
Renewable energy is expanding in PICTs. It currently totals around 25% of the annual electricity
generated by public utilities. The most significant impact of renewables has been for those
utilities where access to reliable hydropower is available (e.g. Fiji, New Caledonia and PNG).
Some PICTs have made significant wind-power investments. For example, in 2011 Tahiti (French
Polynesia) used hydropower to generate over 25% of its electricity needs.
The introduction of LPG and LNG does not represent a barrier to the pursuit of sustainable and
renewable energy systems for power generation where these are viable. Rather, they represent
options for countries to diversify their sources of energy and possibly capitalise on potential price
disruptions and technical developments in global energy commodity markets.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
9.1 Context
The development of gas markets in the Pacific could require substantial multi-million-dollar
investments in infrastructure, and involves technical and commercial risks that need to be
minimised to encourage the private sector to invest. Although not every risk can be mitigated,
international development agencies offer a range of products and services to assist private-sector
and government investments in infrastructure.
Some of the specific products offered include loans, credits and grants, interest rate and currency
swaps, partial risk guarantees, partial credit guarantees, technical assistance, political risk
insurance (expropriation, transfer restriction, breach of contract, war and civil disturbances), and
sub-sovereign guarantees without government counter-guarantees.
9.2 Findings
9.2.1 Policy Considerations
The political, social and commercial environment in each PICT is unique and this study is not in
the position to make recommendations for individual governments. Instead, it offers a number
of areas that governments may consider in determining policies for their countries. These are
summarised below.
Using commercial Expression of Interest (EOI) processes for specific or pilot projects
Industry consultation workshops highlighted the importance of pilot projects in reducing the
real or perceived risks associated with the introduction of new technologies and concepts. Based
on the findings in this study, there are potential candidates for a pilot project that could be
considered relevant in the Pacific. PICT governments or the private sector could test the market’s
interest in specific applications by using a formal EOI process. It would be very important to
include details of risk mitigation products offered by the World Bank (as noted above) or others to
encourage broad supplier interest.
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
towards LNG were justified by (a) strong EPA guidelines on emissions; (b) the existence of a gas
network that uses high-priced Syngas (~USD 40/MMBTU; and (iii) the availability of cost-effective
LNG from the West Coast of North America. However, this has now been superseded by the policy
drive towards renewables.
9.3 Conclusions
The price of fuels is critical to investment decisions on fuel conversion but the market is highly
volatile. End-users should understand the long-term price trends for various fuels, as well as
future fuel supply-and-demand scenarios, and make investment decisions on this basis, rather
than on present-day cost and demand. It is recommended that PICTs develop a watching brief
on the world’s bulk LNG and LPG markets to identify potential oversupply conditions and price
anomalies. SPC could potentially perform this service as part of its fuel-price monitoring services.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
10 Overall Conclusions
This would not only directly stimulate use of LPG, but it would also grow the capacity of suppliers,
agents and depots and expand the secondary market through reduced overall costs for individual
domestic customers.
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
LNG prices vary between regional markets and over time. Oil-linked pricing is dominant in Asia,
and gas-linked pricing is dominant in North America. LNG pricing relative to oil has worsened
in recent years, but the market dynamics are complex and may change, with a potential supply
overhang in the next few years. At the time of writing, LNG prices (ex-LNG terminal) were around
USD15/MMBTU (linked to oil) in Asia, and around USD7–9/MMBTU (linked to gas) in Vancouver.
The Vancouver pricing is significantly cheaper than delivered prices for diesel and somewhat
cheaper than HFO. It is representative of the potential disruption that might occur in world LNG
markets if sufficient capacity is introduced through the use of gas-linked pricing.
LNG distribution requires significant new capital investment in ports, storage facilities, in-
country distribution networks, and equipment conversion. This results in much higher storage
and transport costs per unit of energy delivered than diesel, gasoline and LPG. For these reasons,
it is not a fuel that should be stored ‘just in case’ it is needed. Instead, the research in this report
has shown that LNG is best used in a ‘baseload’ application in order to justify the infrastructure
investment and adequately recover costs. The high storage and distribution costs contribute to a
delivered cost that varies across PICTs in terms of its competitiveness with incumbent fuels.
These high investment and distribution costs present a barrier to investment and require that
the base FOB price of LNG be at a significant discount to diesel, HFO or gasoline. Market price
fluctuations in all fuels present another challenge for comparing the merits of fuel investments44.
In addition, its introduction would require the development of new skills and regulations, as well
as extensive marketing to ensure adequate demand.
To be delivered cost-effectively, this study finds that LNG would have to be shipped to the region
in bulk. Small-scale bulk ships are currently available for this purpose. If they are fully utilised
throughout the year, shipping costs would represent around 10% of the delivered cost of LNG. The
additional costs to ship LNG from the cheaper Vancouver source to the Pacific would probably be
justified by the lower LNG prices available there (LNG in Vancouver is USD6–8/MMBTU cheaper
than Australian sources).
An alternative suggested in industry workshops is to focus on an economic zone where LNG could
be used by means of a new gas pipeline network to displace existing fuels. These projects would
need to justify the upfront investments in infrastructure, whereupon secondary markets could be
developed over time, such as LCNG, CNG and LNG for transport and industrial/commercial use,
which generally use much smaller volumes per individual application.
It may be viable to send ISO containers of LNG from a regional hub to subregional islands once
centralised storage was established, but it is highly unlikely that the long-distance shipping of
ISO containers of LNG will be viable. It is worthwhile to note that Hawaii recently imported a trial
run of LNG in ISO containers, but in January 2015 it called for tenders for bulk delivery.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
Therefore, in the longer-term, increasing LNG and LCNG for transport could be viable in all or
some of the following circumstances:
nn centralised LNG infrastructure is installed in the country on the back of an ‘anchor demand’,
such as a large power station or economic zone development, and LNG for transport could
subsequently be developed
nn if new vehicles are purchased directly as dual-fuel or gas-only, the marginal cost needs to be
relatively small compared to the expected savings in fuel costs
nn trucks operating on LNG would need to travel a minimum distance of 200,000 kms per year
with LNG 30% cheaper than diesel to justify the additional costs of running on LNG
nn the delivered cost of LNG or LCNG needs to be cheaper than alternatives (diesel, gasoline, LPG)
with a high likelihood over vehicle life
nn there are skilled labourers to maintain and operate the equipment
nn there are high safety standards that can be enforced for operation and maintenance of vehicles
running on LNG or CNG, and/or
nn fuel diversity and LNG use are consistent with regional government or utility policies.
As indicated above, although LNG for power generation in PICTs is technically feasible, it faces
many commercial challenges. Even so, the use of LNG in the short to medium term for power
generation could be viable if all or some of the following circumstances occur:
nn an individual, or a collection of, medium to large power station(s) (>40 MW in aggregate), such
as those in Guam, New Caledonia, Fiji, and French Polynesia, can be found to justify dedicated
small-scale bulk shipping and storage facilities and attract competitive LNG pricing
nn higher national emissions standards require the substitution of HFO and diesel
nn prospective power stations have no realistic prospects over the coming 10–15 years to use
cost-effective renewable energy such as solar photovoltaics or coconut oil on a large scale
nn the large capital cost of LNG infrastructure is not a barrier and the end-user has a sufficient
credit rating (or credit risk guarantees) to underwrite the contract for LNG off-take over a long
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
nn the contract for LNG supply can be entered for more than 10 years
nn new engines or boilers are planned and their conversion to dual fuel is relatively ‘low cost’
compared to the expected savings in fuel costs
nn the delivered cost of LNG can be confirmed as competitive with alternatives (e.g. diesel, HFO,
coal) with a high likelihood over the contract timeframe
nn there is potential for secondary use in industry and/or transport
nn there are skilled labourers to maintain and operate the equipment and maintain high safety
nn using LNG is considered as a means of improving fuel security through energy diversity
nn fuel diversity and LNG use are consistent with regional government or utility policies, and/or
nn power-generation efficiencies are not severely penalised by using LNG instead of the incumbent
In the near term, utilities and IPPs could benefit from ensuring that future generation investments
incorporate multi-fuel capability to give them as much flexibility as possible in future fuel choices.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
Although many additional commercial, technical, policy and environmental factors need to align
for a fuel transition to occur, the following recommendations can be made. These require a
relatively low investment of time and resources.
1 The transition to LPG from biomass and kerosene for cooking be accelerated, given that it
has positive documented health and environmental benefits. This could include assessing
the need in some PICTS to reduce the import duty and tax for LPG relative to household
kerosene (given it is subsidised in some PICTs), supporting subsidised cylinder exchange/
deposit schemes, microfinance initiatives or other initiatives designed to reduce health risks
(particularly for women), environmental impacts and overall costs for individual domestic
customers and some commercial enterprise as well.
2 PICT governments consider approaches for developing small piped LPG networks in urban
areas to supply LPG for cooking and other purposes. This approach would help to improve
economies of scale and create centres of demand for future LNG substitution.
3 PICT governments consider developing LPG options for the transport sector. In addition to
providing a cleaner burning fuel, the increased demand may improve economics for LPG
across the region. Applicability may vary between PICTs, but governments could consider
instigating a two-phase development of five years each. In the first phase, new transport
sector vehicles can be encouraged through a mix of financing and tax incentives with
government fleets being an early example. The second phase could begin about two years
later and target existing vehicles. Older vehicles could be replaced or converted first, with
progressive targeting of vehicles. For example, the first year can address ages over 10 years,
the second year can focus on 8-10 years, and so on. Current oil prices would be a factor in
government decisions and the ‘take-up’ rate and timing of these developments.
4 PICT governments consider introducing appropriate incentives for private sector and other
stakeholders to increase their LPG import and storage capacities to facilitate increased LPG
usage. Assuming that LPG use is encouraged to grow, it may be possible to cost-effectively
expand LPG use with little additional investment. The planning regulations and activities
for any LPG storage and distribution infrastructure should take into account this projected
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
6 Governments develop policy frameworks on LNG import and use in those countries where
there is realistic potential for LNG substitution.
If the market conditions for cost-effective supply of LNG to one or more PICTs are achieved, the
following actions could be considered:
nn an individual power station, IPP, government, gas importer or consortium could enter into a
long-term contract for LNG supply, and/or
nn PICT governments could consider facilitating LNG use in transport or industry once LNG
infrastructure is established in a country on the back of the ‘anchor demand’ in power
For social, environmental and economic reasons, PICTs need to reduce their reliance on
imported liquid fossil fuels and develop alternative renewable energy sources. Gas and other
new approaches may broaden access to energy for rural and remote areas, and provide cleaner,
cheaper and more reliable energy for power generation, industry and households. Such change is
vital for the region’s long-term future.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
David Aidney M Managing Director Williams and Gosling Limited (Logistics) Fiji
Mahdjouba Belaifa M Department Head, Gas Exporting Countries Forum Secretariat (GECF) Qatar
Energy and Gas Market
Analysis Department
Johnson Binaru M Director General Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Utilities Vanuatu
Pavlos Evangelidis M Head of Delegation Delegation of the European Union for the Pacific Solomon
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
Martin Garood M New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade New Zealand
Merinda-Lee Hassall F Development Manager, New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade New Zealand
Energy, Sustainable
Economic Development
Soane Viane Hoatau Head of Department Maritime Affairs, Ports and Sea Beacons Wallis &
John Korinihona M Director of Energy Ministry of Mines and Rural Electrification Solomon
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
Jesús Laviña M Head of Section for Delegation of the European Union for the Pacific Fiji
Infrastructure and
Natural Resources
Capt. Latu Lui M Operations Manager Pacific Forum Line, Tonga Tonga
Kelele Lupi Tonga Acting Director for Government of the Kingdom of Tonga Tonga
Marine and Ports
Renato Mele M Head of Delegation Delegation of the European Union for the Pacific Fiji
Bastian Morvan M Chef du service de Direction de l’Industrie des Mines et de l’Énergie de New
l’énergie Nouvelle-Calédonie (DIMENC) Caledonia
Lui Naisara M Director–Transport Ministry of Works, Transport and Public Utilities Fiji
Michael Bootii Nauan M Secretary for Transport Ministry of Communication, Transport & Tourism Kiribati
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
Sitalingi Payne M Maritime Port Security Economic Development Division, SPC Fiji
Ajai Punja M Managing Director Petroleum and Gas Company Ltd Fiji
Ratnesh Singh M National Aftersales Niranjans Autoport Ltd (Hino dealer) Fiji
Omirete Tabureka M Ship Safety Audit Economic Development Division, SPC Fiji
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
Frank Vukikomoala M Energy Database Officer Economic Development Division, SPC Fiji
Eddie Yuen M General Manager Williams and Gosling Limited (Logistics) Fiji
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
Implementation Plan for Energy Security A five-year plan for pursuing the vision, http://www.spc.int/edd/en/document-
in the Pacific (IPESP) (2011–2015) goal and outcomes of FAESP download/viewdownload/11-
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
Two scenarios have been developed for this report to identify and communicate in greater detail
the potential for substituting gaseous fuels in the energy markets of PICTs. For this purpose, Fiji
and Tonga have been selected. Optimistic and pessimistic scenarios are priced and developed for
purposes of considering fuel substitution in their power and transport sectors. Both scenarios
assume that LNG or CNG has already been made available in the country and that CNG is available
at the same delivered price as LNG, since the additional infrastructure for CNG is minimal in
comparison to the bulk infrastructure and the shipping and commodity costs associated with
delivery of LNG to a country.
Kerosene for Cooking and Other Use 2.5 ML 88,005 0.95/L USD2.3m
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
Focus of Scenario
Although many uses of LNG, CNG and LPG are possible, the focus of the scenario is on the potential
uses that (a) have existing successful applications, (b) are most repeatable within and outside Fiji,
and (c) can be delivered in a reasonable timeframe (<5 years) in the Fiji context, specifically:
Note: LPG use in cooking to displace kerosene and biomass has been excluded from this study
because (a) there appears to be no market failure due to the existence of competitive commercial
operations in LPG sales, marketing and distribution across the Pacific; and (b) there is a plethora
of studies on why using LPG is better for householders, in which both formal and anecdotal
evidence suggests that, although there is high proportion of rural populations with low GDP per
capita, a wide variety of cooking fuels will continue to be used, including biomass and kerosene,
for cost, cultural, and practical reasons.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
Table C.2. Power Stations and Associated Annual Fuel Consumption in Fiji
The focus of this scenario is Kinoya since it is the largest diesel/HFO power station owned by the
Fiji Electricity Authority, and therefore has suitable fuel demands in order to demonstrate some of
the issues associated with fuel substitution. Table C. 3 shows the specific generator-engine types
installed at Kinoya. Figure C.1. shows an image of the Caterpillar CM32s.
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
Engine Year Qty Capacity MWh Load Fuel type Notes on ability to be converted
(MW) p.a. Factor
Caterpillar CM32 2005 4 7.45 61,796 24% Diesel Can possibly be converted to run on
70% LNG
Wartsila W38 2001 2 10.3 117,355 65% HFO None around the world has yet been
converted to dual fuel
Wartsila W20B32 2015 4 8.75 HFO HFO specification, but can run on
(being diesel or be converted to run on 99%
installed now) LNG and Diesel at a cost of approx.
USD1.0–1.5m per engine
(Source: Pernixgroup.com)
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
Table C.4: Hypothetical Scenario for Kinoya Power Station LNG Fuel Conversion
Item Description
Annual Electricity Generated from Diesel and HFO (MWh) 179,000 MWh p.a.
Scheduled when hydropower output is low
LNG ISO Container Solution Details 386 ISO containers in a 3-month rotation between
Melbourne and site
27 deliveries of 40’ ISO containers per week
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
Beyond the site-specific technical challenges at the Kinoya Power Station, the following
commercial and regulatory points should also be taken into consideration:
nn the site is currently operated under a third-party operation and maintenance agreement with
Pernix Group (though this is not seen as a barrier)
nn FEA has just purchased four new Wartsila engines that run on HFO, which is a relatively cheap
fuel for now, making fuel conversion less cost effective
nn there are no current particulate or air-quality regulations with which the Kinoya Power Station
needs to comply and which would penalise the further use of HFO
nn the site is currently being developed to accept the new four Wartsila HFO engines
nn the site has room to install suitable fuel storage for LNG
nn fuel-delivery trucks are received around three to five times per day
nn the site currently has around eight days of fuel storage and the country would rely on further
fuel storage at the port for system security
nn inspection shows that access to the site is good
nn because the new Wartsila HFO power generators are designed to operate instead of diesel
generators, the load factor on the Caterpillar engines is expected to drop significantly
nn overall generation from Fiji’s diesel-power stations is dependent on rainfall and hydropower
output - from 2010 to 2014, the combined output from Kinoya and Vuda ranged from 83,000 to
253,000 MWh/p.a. and is expected to remain variable
nn the power station’s dispatch profile is such that it runs at constant load when dispatched, which
may be around 80% to 100% - this is well suited to gas-engine operations that do not accept
step-loads as well as diesel engines.
In reviewing these parameters, the following conclusions can be drawn from the Kinoya Power
Station scenario:
1 The expected loss in efficiency from the conversion of these HFO or diesel engines to dual
fuel will cause an increase in overall energy use. This would not be the case if new gas
engines with higher design efficiency were installed.
2 The specific cost of LNG shipped in bulk from Vancouver should be more than 20% cheaper
than diesel and would likely provide a good return on investment in diesel-engine conversions.
3 When substituting for LNG, the business case is marginal at current prices.
4 An ISO container solution for LNG is not a viable option at the Kinoya Power Station.
Table C.5. Fiji Country Expenditure With and Without LNG and LCNG: Optimistic and Pessimistic Scenarios
Fuel Units Current Fuel LNG Substitution % MMBTU with LNG in Mix $/MMBTU Country Expenditure (approx.)
Diesel: Power MMBTU 1,296,940 100% 25% 972,705 23.66 $30,685,593 $23,014,195
Diesel: Land MMBTU 2,501,241 50% 10% 1,250,620 2,251,117 23.66 $59,179,359 $29,589,679 $53,261,423
Diesel: Marine MMBTU 2,686,518 10% 0% 2,417,866 2,686,518 23.66 $63,563,015 $57,206,713 $63,563,015
Diesel: Industry MMBTU 2,779,157 50% 10% 1,389,578 2,501,241 23.66 $65,754,843 $32,877,421 $59,179,359
Gasoline: Land MMBTU 2,222,931 50% 10% 1,111,466 2,000,638 25.35 $56,351,305 $28,175,652 $50,716,174
Gasoline: Marine MMBTU 22,454 0% 0% 22,454 22,454 25.35 $569,205 $569,205 $569,205
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
4 Power generators operating on HFO, subject to issues similar to diesel, but also a price for
delivered HFO greater than the LNG price.
In such a case, the substitution potential for Fiji, as shown in Table C.5, is estimated to have the
following merits in both an optimistic and pessimistic scenario, with:
nn a potential fuel-cost reduction of USD7 million p.a. in a pessimistic scenario, and
nn a potential fuel-cost reduction of USD33 million p.a. in an optimistic scenario.
There is no barrier to the shipping of ISO containers and the Pacific is serviced well enough
by container ships. LNG storage costs are not overly significant in the delivered cost of LNG to
implementation are likely to be 12+ months (doesn’t make sense, please add missing text), mainly
to allow for conversion of end-use applications from the existing diesel and/or HFO fuel use, but
also to allow for storage systems to be built and installed.
classified for dangerous goods (for example, the port in Fiji is already constrained)
nn ISO 40’ container handling: not all ports have the necessary materials handling equipment
nn LNG holding time: because there is a limit of 50 to 90 days of pressurised storage time,
depending on the container design, each container may need to be tracked and any potential
discharge managed.
knowledge, training and maintenance practices. It could make sense for the existing LPG
suppliers to take the lead in this regard. Anecdotal evidence suggests that PICTs have difficulty in
retaining personnel trained in high-quality maintenance of sophisticated equipment, including
existing LPG and power systems.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
Barriers to entry may exist for suppliers, end-users and financiers to enter the LNG market, such
nn there is a large capital cost for import terminals if a bulk solution is selected
nn CNG take-up in vehicles may be hindered by the lack of a pre-existing refuelling network
nn incumbent fuel suppliers are embedded in the market and can engage in aggressive market
can be a ‘showstopper’ in any negotiation. For deals with utilities, the asset lives are generally
long and would support a longer contract. This may not be the case for the transport sector.
Organic growth in consumption:
nn In the transport sector, any bulk LNG imports would only be supported by very large numbers
of vehicle conversions. Because slow growth in demand would make bulk importation difficult
to justify, this would mean that ISO container deliveries may be too costly to justify any fleet
changeover and a stalemate may occur.
In view of these issues, from a commercial perspective both ISO container and bulk solutions
may make sense in particular circumstances, depending on the financial strength of the parties
LNG use through ISO containers could be viable at some locations where diesel has a high
delivered cost and low volume. It has some important benefits over bulk shipping:
nn scalability through greater numbers of fuel containers to feed growth
nn no need for a large import terminal; it uses existing transport infrastructure, which reduces the
need for government or private-sector debt, and means a short time to implementation
nn lower cash-flow requirements for local importers, particularly if containers are financed by
Bulk LNG terminals may be attractive to larger investors as part of a long-term deal with a utility
or IPP based on the conversion of a single engine or power station, if the projected LNG use is
large enough.
Potential Opportunities
Suggestions on how to overcome potential barriers to LNG take-up include focusing on the
creation of an ‘anchor demand’ for LNG in the region:
1 A government-backed utility of sufficient scale could take the lead by converting one major
user (such as a large power station operating on diesel) to LNG. This would create the
necessary economies of scale for bulk LNG delivery to that country. Smaller PICT utilities,
smaller power stations, transport operators, and others in the private sector can then leverage
this demand.
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
3 Group purchasing of LNG within the power or transport sector or among utilities could build
sufficient volume to ship in bulk.
An anchor-demand power system with sufficient size to prompt a bulk LNG shipping solution on
its own is one with demand greater than about 50,000 tonnes (2,750,000 MMBTU) of LNG per
year, and includes Guam, New Caledonia, Fiji, and French Polynesia.
Table C.7 illustrates the potential savings in fuel expenditure in Tonga under optimistic and
pessimistic scenarios. Under the optimistic scenario, with high LNG penetration into diesel and
ULP use, and low LNG pricing due to bulk delivery through Fiji, Tonga could reduce its total fuel
expenditure by some USD 1 million per year, or 2%.
Table C.7. Tonga Country Expenditure With and Without LNG and LCNG: Optimistic and Pessimistic Scenarios
Fuel Units Current Fuel LNG/LCNG Substitution MMBTU with LNG in Mix USD/ MMBTU USD/ MMBTU Country
Use Expenditure
Optimistic Pessimistic Optimistic Pesimistic Optimistic Pessimistic Base Case Optimistic Pessimistic
Diesel - Power MMBTU 468,357 100% 25% - 351,268 23.66 23.66 $11,081,333 $- $8,311,001
Diesel - Land MMBTU 478,539 50% 10% 239,269 430,685 23.66 23.66 $11,322,232 $5,661,105 $10,190,007
Diesel - Marine MMBTU 71,272 10% 0% 64,145 71,272 23.66 23.66 $1,686,290 $1,517,671 $1,686,296
Gasoline – Land and MMBTU 411,303 25% 5% 308,477 390,738 25.35 25.35 $10,426,531 $7,819,892 $9,905,208
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
The fuel market for the PICTs covered in this study has been composed from data available
(ranging in reported years from 2006–2013)* during the research phase of the report, including
a breakdown by sector where data was either directly available or derivable from government
reports or industry consultations (Table D.1). Data sources are referenced within Table D.2.
Power % 40% n/a 37% 14% 21% 55% 11% 47% 70%
Land % 8% n/a n/a 27% 52% n/a 83% 44% n/a
Marine % 46% n/a n/a 29% 21% n/a n/a 9% n/a
Industry % 5% n/a 30% 6%
Gasoline MMBTU 754072 n/a 190761 2245385 2019190 381522 5597792 227689 47577
ML 23.26 n/a 5.89 69.27 62.29 11.77 172.69 7.02 1.47
Year 2010 2010 2009 2013 2010 2011 2013 2010
Land % 99% 98% 30% 71%
Marine % 1% 2% 60% 29%
LPG MMBTU 75794 20895 37897 947421 521081 3804 393907 13627 474
Tonne 1600 441 800 20000 11000 80 8315 288 10
Year 2010 2013 2013 2013 2008 2013 2010 2013 2009
Commercial 70% 64% 5%
Residential 30% 36% 95%
Kerosene MMBTU 3382 71 88005 72869 43145 0 14915 0
ML 0.1 - 0 2.54 2.1 1.24 - 0.43 0
Year 2010 - 2011 2008 2013 2013 - 2013 2012
Biomass MMBTU 323010 484515 504469
Year - - - 2013 - 2000 - 2009 2012
TOTAL MMBTU 4503741 3206156 991967 14502464 11923916 1957545 26112801 1211952 371541
*No standard year available for data capture. Latest available year of reported data has been used between 2006 and
2013 (see Appendix H for detailed references).
**CNMI: Diesel volumes unavailable for sectors other than power, and all gasoline volumes
unavailable at time of writing; RMI: Volumes for gasoline unavailable at time of writing
n/a = not available at time of writing.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
New Niue Palau PNG RMI** Samoa Solomon Timor- Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu TOTAL
Caledonia Islands Leste
10004324 0 0 2158091 0 0 0 3050317 0 0 0 37683154
251.32 0.00 0.00 47.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 76.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 939.53
2013 - - 2012 - - - 2013 - - - -
8092507 42402 1026116 39068270 1441672 1586637 3574362 4097529 1018168 108738 1298770 88653565
221.20 1.16 28.05 1067.87 39.41 43.37 97.70 112.00 27.83 2.97 35.50 2,423.22
2010–13 2011– 2010 2012–2013 2010–12 2011 2009–12 2013 2013 2011–12 2011–13 -
1% 62% 89% 6% 47% 47% 23% 46% 61% 32% -
n/a n/a 9% 28% n/a 26% n/a 47% 2% -
n/a n/a 2% 13% n/a 11% n/a 7% 37% -
37% 53% 16% 20% -
2670652 24019 592288 4562520 n/a 913204 610435 777954 411303 26626 303402 22356391
82.39 0.74 18.27 140.75 n/a 28.29 18.83 24.00 12.69 0.82 9.36 517.13
2010 2012 2012 2012 n/a 2011 2010 2013 2011 2012 2011 -
90% 50% 99% 75% 54% -
10% 50% 1% 25% 46% -
378968 1481 9261 854398 6774 56665 80531 23686 63980 12284 77860 3580788
8000 31 196 18036 143 1196 1700 500 1351 259 1644 75590
2010 2013 2013 2012 2009 2011 2013 2006 2010 2012 2011 -
14% 86% 50% 60% 5-10% 26% 60%
86% 14% 50% 40% 90–95% 74% 40%
0 21 0 1736180 0 23664 21803 104068 11724 6893 40418 2167157
- 0 - 50.05 - 0.68 0.63 3 0.34 0.2 1.17 62.47
- 2013 - 2012 - 2011 2010 2006 2011 2012 2008 -
52045025 605644 3028221 1344530 40376 2481 1756368 60134641
- 2013 2004 2012 2013 2012 2005 2006 2008 2012 2008 -
2168987 2168987
23315438 67923 1627666 100548838 1448446 3185814 7315352 9398085 1545552 157021 3476818 216869037
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
American Samoa
Power Sector: American Samoa Power Authority. (2014). Email advice on annual volumes, dated
23 September 2014.
All other volumes: Territorial Energy Office. (2012). American Samoa Greenhouse Gas Inventory.
Territorial Energy Office, April 2012. Available at www.asrec.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/
All other data: EIA (2014) ‘Northern Mariana Islands: Territory Profile and Energy Estimates’. U.S.
Energy Information Administration. Accessed: September 2014. Available at: http://www.eia.gov/
Cook Islands
Diesel and Gasoline: United Nations. (2010). United Nations Energy Statistics Database: 1990 to
2012. Available at: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/energy/edbase.htm
Kerosene and LPG: Government of the Cook Islands. (2011). ‘Miscellaneous Statistics’. Ministry of
Finance and Economic Management. Accessed: September 2014. Available at: http://www.mfem.
All other volumes: SPC. (2009). Cook Islands Country Energy Security Profile. Secretariat for the
Pacific Community (SPC). Available at: http://www.spc.int/edd/en/section-01/energy-overview
Biomass: ADB. (2013). ADB Energy Outlook for Asia and the Pacific. Asian Development Bank.
Available at: http://www.adb.org/publications/energy-outlook-asia-and-pacific-2013
Diesel and Gasoline: IRENA. (2013). Pacific Lighthouses: Renewable Energy Roadmapping for Islands:
Fiji. International Renewable Energy Agency. Available at: http://www.irena.org/menu/index.
Kerosene: ADB. (2013). Energy Statistics in Asia and the Pacific (1990-2009). Asian Development
Bank. Available at: http://www.adb.org/publications/energy-statistics-asia-and-pacific-1990-2009
LPG: Probert, H. (2014). Fiji Gas estimations of LPG market size and distribution in Fiji. Fiji Gas.
Meeting in September 2014.
Power sector (diesel and HFO): Fiji Electricity Authority. (2013). Fiji Electricity Authority: Annual
Report 2013. Fiji Electricity Authority. Available at: http://www.fea.com.fj/about-us/company-
French Polynesia
LPG: United Nations. (2010). United Nations Energy Statistics Database: 1990 to 2012. Available
at: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/energy/edbase.htm
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
Power sector: PPA. (2012). Pacific Power Utilities Benchmarking Report 2012. Pacific Power
Association (PPA). Available at: http://www.ppa.org.fj/
All other volumes: PRIF. Pacific Infrastructure Performance Indicators (draft). Available from PRIF
Coordination Office.
Gasoline: United Nations. (2010). United Nations Energy Statistics Database: 1990 to 2012.
Available at: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/energy/edbase.htm
Household kerosene and LPG volumes: Government of the Federated States of Micronesia. (2013).
FSM Household Income Expenditure Survey (Preliminary Results 2013). Office of Statistics, Budget
& Economic Management, Overseas Development Assistance & Compact Management (SBOC)
LPG : South Pacific Petroleum Corporation (SPPCorp). (2014). Volume estimations based on actual
volumes through the first 9 months of 2013. Email dated 22 September 2014.
Gasoline and Diesel: Guam Energy Office. (2013). Transportation Petroleum-Use Reduction Plan.
Available at: http://www.guamenergy.com/outreach-education/guam-energy-task-force/
LPG: Guam Energy Office. (2011). Guam Initial Technical Assessment Report, April 2011. Available
at: http://www.guamenergy.com/outreach-education/guam-energy-task-force/
Power sector (diesel and HFO): PPA. (2012). Pacific Power Utilities Benchmarking Report 2012. Pacific
Power Association (PPA). Available at: http://www.ppa.org.fj/
Biomass: SPC. (2009). Kiribati Country Energy Security Profile. Secretariat for the Pacific Community
(SPC). Available at: http://www.spc.int/edd/en/section-01/energy-overview
All other volumes: Kiribati Energy Office. (2013). Data obtained in person from office by SPC
representative on mission throughout September 2013.
Biomass, Kerosene, LPG, Gasoline and Diesel: IRENA. (2013). Pacific Lighthouses: Renewable Energy
Roadmapping for Islands: Nauru. International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Available at:
Power sector (diesel): PPA. (2012). Pacific Power Utilities Benchmarking Report 2012. Pacific Power
Association (PPA). Available at: http://www.ppa.org.fj/
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
New Caledonia
Diesel: ENERCAL (2012) Rapport d’activités – statistiques 2013-2013. Available at: http://dev.
Gasoline and LPG: United Nations. (2010). United Nations Energy Statistics Database: 1990 to
2012. Available at: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/energy/edbase.htm
Gasoline: IRENA. (2013). Pacific Lighthouses: Renewable Energy Roadmapping for Islands: Niue.
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Available at: http://www.irena.org/menu/index.
Power sector: PPA. (2012). Pacific Power Utilities Benchmarking Report 2012. Pacific Power
Association (PPA). Available at: http://www.ppa.org.fj/
All other volumes: PRIF. Pacific Infrastructure Performance Indicators (draft). Available from PRIF
Coordination Office. Other Attributed Source: Niue Department of Energy (2011).
Biomass: SPREP. (2004). Pacific Islands Renewable Energy Project. (PIREP). Palau National Report.
Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Program (SPREP). Available at https://www.
LPG: South Pacific Petroleum Corporation (SPPCorp). (2014). Volume estimations based on actual
volumes through the first 9 months of 2013. Email dated 22 September 2014.
All other volumes: IRENA (2013) Pacific Lighthouses: Renewable Energy Roadmapping for Islands:
Palau. International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Available at: http://www.irena.org/menu/
Power sector: PPA. (2012). Pacific Power Utilities Benchmarking Report 2012. Pacific Power
Association (PPA). Available at: http://www.ppa.org.fj/
All other volumes: APEC. (2012). APEC Energy Statistics 2010. Asia Pacific Economic Community
(APEC). Available at: http://publications.apec.org/publication-detail.php?pub_id=1354
SPC. (2009). RMI Country Energy Security Profile. Secretariat for the Pacific Community (SPC).
Available at: http://www.spc.int/edd/en/section-01/energy-overview
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
Power sector (diesel): PPA. (2012). Pacific Power Utilities Benchmarking Report 2012. Pacific Power
Association (PPA). Available at: http://www.ppa.org.fj/
All other diesel: United Nations. (2010). United Nations Energy Statistics Database: 1990 to 2012.
Available at: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/energy/edbase.htm
All other volumes: SPC (2009) RMI Country Energy Security Profile. Secretariat for the Pacific
Community (SPC). Available at: http://www.spc.int/edd/en/section-01/energy-overview
Power sector: PPA. (2012). Pacific Power Utilities Benchmarking Report 2012. Pacific Power
Association (PPA). Available at: http://www.ppa.org.fj/
All other volumes: Government of Samoa. (2011). Samoa Energy Review 2011. Ministry of Finance
Energy Policy Coordination and Management Division. Available at: www.mof.gov.ws
Solomon Islands
Biomass: SPC. (2012). Facilitating Private Sector Participation in the Promotion of Energy Security in
Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu – Solomon Islands Country Review, October 2012.
Secretariat for the Pacific Community (SPC). Available at: http://www.spc.int/
Diesel: SPC. (2009). Solomon Islands Country Energy Security Profile. Secretariat for the Pacific
Community (SPC). Available at: http://www.spc.int/edd/en/section-01/energy-overview
Gasoline: United Nations. (2010). United Nations Energy Statistics Database: 1990 to 2012.
Available at: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/energy/edbase.htm
Kerosene: Solomon Islands Government. (2010). Import Statistics FY 2010. Obtained through
Secretariat for the Pacific Community (SPC).
LPG: Geogas Trading. (2014). Estimation of annual LPG demand. Email dated 30 October 2014.
Power sector: Power sector: PPA. (2012). Pacific Power Utilities Benchmarking Report 2012. Pacific
Power Association (PPA). Available at: http://www.ppa.org.fj/
Biomass, Kerosene and LPG: World Bank. (2010). Timor-Leste: Key Issues in Rural Energy Policy. The
World Bank 2010. Available at: http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/2010/01/13570479/
Diesel and Gasoline: ANP. (2013). Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo Timor-Leste - Annual Report
2013. Available at: http://www.anp-tl.org/
Power sector: Guterres, V. F. (2013). ‘Access to Energy in Timor-Leste’. Presented at the Asia-Pacific
Energy Forum. Bangkok, December 17-19, 2013.
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
Biomass: ADB (2013) Energy Statistics in Asia and the Pacific. (1990-2009). Asian Development
Bank. Available at: http://www.adb.org/publications/energy-statistics-asia-and-pacific-1990-2009
Power Sector: PPA. (2012). Pacific Power Utilities Benchmarking Report 2012. Pacific Power
Association (PPA). Available at: http://www.ppa.org.fj/
All other volumes: PRIF. Pacific Infrastructure Performance Indicators (draft). Available from PRIF
Coordination Office.
Power sector: PPA. (2012). Pacific Power Utilities Benchmarking Report 2012. Pacific Power
Association (PPA). Available at: http://www.ppa.org.fj/
All other volumes: PRIF. Pacific Infrastructure Performance Indicators (draft). Available from PRIF
Coordination Office.
Biomass, Kerosene and LPG: PRIF. Pacific Infrastructure Performance Indicators (draft). Available
from PRIF Coordination Office. Other Attributed Source: Department of Customs & Inland Revenue
(2011); and ADB (2013) Energy Statistics in Asia and the Pacific (1990-2009). Asian Development
Bank. Available at: http://www.adb.org/publications/energy-statistics-asia-and-pacific-1990-2009
Diesel and Gasoline: SPC. (2012). Facilitating Private Sector Participation in the Promotion of Energy
Security in Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu – Vanuatu Country Review, October
2012. Secretariat for the Pacific Community (SPC). Available at: http://www.spc.int/
Power sector: PPA. (2012). Pacific Power Utilities Benchmarking Report 2012. Pacific Power
Association (PPA). Available at: http://www.ppa.org.fj/
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
Available data were collated for the land and marine sectors in terms of registered vehicles and
vessels. Tables E.1 and E.2, respectively, provide details on this information.
French Polynesia*
New Caledonia*
*Information requested from relevant authorities but not available at time of report writing.
All vehicle class and numbers data taken from:
WHO (2013) Global status report on road safety 2013: supporting a decade of action. World Health Organization (WHO).
Available at http://www.who.int/violence_injury_prevention/road_safety_status/2013/en/
Except for the following PICTS:
nn American Samoa: Territorial Energy Office (2012) American Samoa Greenhouse Gas Inventory. Territorial Energy Office,
April 2012. Available at www.asrec.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/GHG-INVENTORY.pdf
nn Fiji: Fiji Bureau of Statistics (2012) ‘Distribution of Vehicles Registered in Fiji [As at 31 December]’. Fiji Bureau of
Statistics. Available at http://www.statsfiji.gov.fj/index.php/other-statistics/52-other-statistics/transport/126-
nn Solomon Islands: Solomon Islands Government (2010) Solomon Islands Population and Housing Census 2009. Solomon
Islands National Statistics Office. Available at http://www.spc.int/prism/solomons/
Table E.2. Registered Maritime Vessels in PICTs, Segregated by Class*
PICT Cable Car Cargo/ Chemical Cruise Cruising Dry bulk Fishing General Gas High Military Oil PAX Pleasure Reefer Rescue Research Tug Workboat Total
layer carrier PAX tanker Ship & diving cargo tanker speed tanker craft
Cook 1 9 4 12 1 3 4 34
French 3 12 10 25
Guam 1 1
Kiribati 3 9 5 1 2 2 22
New 31 31
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
Niue 13 13
Palau 1 1 1 3
RMI 1 1 2 1 21 32 35 1 12 10 116
Solomon 45 12 34 46 38 3 6 28 212
Tonga 9 2 2 3 2 2 3 23
Tuvalu 6 1 5 4 16
Vanuatu 3 47 6 1 1 10 1 1 70
All vessel class and numbers data taken from: UNCTAD (2013) Review of Maritime Transport 2013. Available at: www.unctad.org/en/PublicationsLibrary/rmt2013_en.pdf
Except for the following PICTS:
nn French Polynesia: French Polynesia maritime affairs (2013) Obtained from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs. Email dated 1 October 2014
nn Palau: Department of Transport (2013) Email dated 26 September 2014.
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
Particulars Capacity
LOA 137.1 m
Depth 11.5 m
(Source: Norgas)
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
The Fortis BC pricing in Vancouver is a published tariff in a rate schedule and is shown below.
Table G.1. Fortis BC Energy Inc. Rate Schedule 46: LNG Sales, Dispensing and
Transportation Service (Summary)
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
PICT Power Station Island Annual Fuel Consumption (ML) Energy Equivalent (MBTU)
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
PICT Power Station Island Annual Fuel Consumption (ML) Energy Equivalent (MBTU)
FSM Total FSM 13.36 2.3 488613 90164.21
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
PICT Power Station Island Annual Fuel Consumption (ML) Energy Equivalent (MBTU)
Timor Leste* Total Timor Leste 76.63 3050317
All volumes estimates derived from data in Pacific Power Benchmarking Report (2012) and the KEMA Energy Efficiency
Studies, unless otherwise noted.
*American Samoa Power Authority (2013); Fiji Electricity Authority (2013); ENERCAL (2013); Electricidade De Timor-Leste
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
These data have been sourced from the KEMA Energy Efficiency Studies45, with associated gaps
filled by means of direct correspondence with the power utilities.
45 PPA and KEMA (2010) Energy Efficiency Reports for the North and South Utilities. Available at: http://www.ppa.org.fj/publication-report/
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
Summary of Research and Workshop Outcomes
Tahiti Wartsila 3
LPG and Natural Gas as Alternative Energy Sources for the Pacific
Cylinder model LPG Marketer owns LPG Marketer owns LPG Marketer owns LPG Marketer owns
branded cylinder branded cylinder branded cylinder branded cylinder
Consumer exchanges Consumer exchanges Consumer exchanges At consumer’s option,
empty for full cylinder empty for full cylinder empty for full cylinder consumer exchanges
at authorized exchange at authorized exchange at authorized exchange empty for full cylinder
point, supplied by point, supplied by point, supplied by at authorized exchange
Registered Distributor Registered Distributor Pertamina (and its point or at home (for an
agents) additional fee), supplied
50% home delivery Low level of home by Marketer or its
delivery Registered Distributor
Monitoring of LPG
connections on web
LPG industry structure Limited number of Limited number of State energy monopoly Three state oil
public and private sector private sector companies controls all major LPG companies sell both
companies assets and primary subsidized and non-
Shared import and distribution (through subsidized LPG
storage assets agents). It is the sole
marketer of domestic Limited number of
cylinders private companies sell
non- subsidized LPG
Autogas (LPG for Not permitted Not permitted Tightly controlled by Permitted only in
transport) state energy monopoly authorized service
(CNG permitted (CNG also not permitted) and available only in stations at unsubsidized
including in flex fuel, its automotive service (deregulated) price
but only in authorized stations
automotive service Some illegal auto
stations) conversions occur using
household cylinders
Price mechanism / LPG Deregulated since Price of LPG for Price is set by the Price for household use
subsidy January 2002 after 40 household use (butane government and revised set by government and
years of subsidies at in 3, 6 and 12kg monthly revised monthly
about 30% of Import cylinders) is set by
Parity Price (IPP) government and revised Subsidy applies to refills Price for industrial use
monthly of 3kg cylinders only is deregulated and
Ex-refinery price is set by unsubsidized
government at slightly LPG price for household
below import parity (-5 users is about 50% of Price for households is
to -10%) Import Parity Price (IPP) about 60% of Import
Parity Price (IPP),
Social safety-net Subsidy does not apply without reimbursement
subsidy for the poor of to industrial users of the deficit incurred by
about 25% of IPP, with importers
LPG vouchers (“bolsa
familia”) Product subsidy being
replaced by a direct
social safety net
payment to the poor as
of Q1-Q2 2015
LPG composition LPG for household Mixing not permitted for LPG for household LPG for household and
and industrial use is a household use (90%+ and industrial use is a industrial use is a 50/50
(whether propane propane-butane mix butane) propane-butane mix propane-butane mix
and butane are kept
segregated, or are Mixing is permitted
allowed to be mixed) for industrial use;
butane price is set by
government (without
subsidy) and propane
price is unregulated
More information and additional copies
of this report can be obtained from:
PRIF Coordination Office
c/- Asian Development Bank
Level 20, 45 Clarence Street
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 2000