Django Rest Framework Json Api Readthedocs Io en Stable

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Django REST framework JSON:API

Release 6.0.0

Django REST framework JSON:API contributors

Sep 24, 2022


1 Getting Started 3
1.1 Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 Running the example app . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4 Running Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2 Usage 7
2.1 Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Pagination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3 Filter Backends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.4 Error objects / Exception handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.5 Performance Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.6 Serializers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.7 Setting the resource_name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.8 Inflecting object and relation keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.9 Related fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.10 RelationshipView . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.11 Working with polymorphic resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.12 Meta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.13 Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.14 Included . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.15 Generating an OpenAPI Specification (OAS) 3.0 schema document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

3 API Reference 27
3.1 rest_framework_json_api package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

4 Contributing 45
4.1 Setup development environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.2 For maintainers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

5 Indices and tables 47

Python Module Index 49

Index 51

Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0


Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0




Note: this package is named Django REST framework JSON:API to follow the naming convention of other Django
REST framework packages. Since that’s quite a bit to say or type this package will be referred to as DJA elsewhere in
these docs.
By default, Django REST framework produces a response like:

"count": 20,
"next": "",
"previous": "",
"results": [{
"id": 3,
"username": "john",
"full_name": "John Coltrane"

However, for the same identity model in JSON:API format the response should look like the following:

"links": {
"first": "",
"last": "",
"next": "",
"prev": "",
"data": [{
"type": "identities",
"id": "3",
"attributes": {
"username": "john",
"full-name": "John Coltrane"
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"page": "2",
"pages": "5",
"count": "20"
(continues on next page)

Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

(continued from previous page)


1.1 Requirements

1. Python (3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10)

2. Django (3.2, 4.0, 4.1)
3. Django REST framework (3.13, 3.14)
We highly recommend and only officially support the latest patch release of each Python, Django and REST framework
Generally Python and Django series are supported till the official end of life. For Django REST framework the last two
series are supported.
For optional dependencies such as Django Filter only the latest release is officially supported even though lower versions
should work as well.

1.2 Installation

Install using pip. . .

pip install djangorestframework-jsonapi

# for optional package integrations
pip install djangorestframework-jsonapi['django-filter']
pip install djangorestframework-jsonapi['django-polymorphic']
pip install djangorestframework-jsonapi['openapi']

or from source. . .

git clone

cd django-rest-framework-json-api && pip install -e .

and add rest_framework_json_api to your INSTALLED_APPS setting below rest_framework.


4 Chapter 1. Getting Started

Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

1.3 Running the example app

git clone

cd django-rest-framework-json-api
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -Ur requirements.txt
django-admin migrate --settings=example.settings
django-admin loaddata drf_example --settings=example.settings
django-admin runserver --settings=example.settings

Browse to
• http://localhost:8000 for the list of available collections (in a non-JSON:API format!),
• http://localhost:8000/swagger-ui/ for a Swagger user interface to the dynamic schema view, or
• http://localhost:8000/openapi for the schema view’s OpenAPI specification document.

1.4 Running Tests

pip install tox


1.3. Running the example app 5

Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

6 Chapter 1. Getting Started




The DJA package implements a custom renderer, parser, exception handler, query filter backends, and pagination. To
get started enable the pieces in that you want to use.
Many features of the JSON:API format standard have been implemented using Mixin classes in
The easiest way to make use of those features is to import ModelSerializer variants from rest_framework_json_api
instead of the usual rest_framework

2.1 Configuration

We suggest that you copy the settings block below and modify it if necessary.

'PAGE_SIZE': 10,
'EXCEPTION_HANDLER': 'rest_framework_json_api.exceptions.exception_handler',
# If you're performance testing, you will want to use the browseable API
# without forms, as the forms can generate their own queries.
# If performance testing, enable:
# 'example.utils.BrowsableAPIRendererWithoutForms',
# Otherwise, to play around with the browseable API, enable:
'DEFAULT_METADATA_CLASS': 'rest_framework_json_api.metadata.JSONAPIMetadata',
'DEFAULT_SCHEMA_CLASS': 'rest_framework_json_api.schemas.openapi.AutoSchema',
'SEARCH_PARAM': 'filter[search]',
(continues on next page)

Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

(continued from previous page)


2.2 Pagination

DJA pagination is based on DRF pagination.

When pagination is enabled, the renderer will return a meta object with record count and a links object with the next,
previous, first, and last links.
Optional query parameters can also be provided to customize the page size or offset limit.

2.2.1 Configuring the Pagination Style

Pagination style can be set on a particular viewset with the pagination_class attribute or by default for all viewsets
You can configure fixed values for the page size or limit – or allow the client to choose the size or limit via query
Two pagination classes are available:
• JsonApiPageNumberPagination breaks a response up into pages that start at a given page number with a given
size (number of items per page). It can be configured with the following attributes:
– page_query_param (default page[number])
– page_size_query_param (default page[size]) Set this to None if you don’t want to allow the client to
specify the size.
– page_size (default REST_FRAMEWORK['PAGE_SIZE']) default number of items per page unless overrid-
den by page_size_query_param.
– max_page_size (default 100) enforces an upper bound on the page_size_query_param. Set it to None
if you don’t want to enforce an upper bound.
• JsonApiLimitOffsetPagination breaks a response up into pages that start from an item’s offset in the viewset
for a given number of items (the limit). It can be configured with the following attributes:
– offset_query_param (default page[offset]).
– limit_query_param (default page[limit]).
– default_limit (default REST_FRAMEWORK['PAGE_SIZE']) is the default number of items per page un-
less overridden by limit_query_param.
– max_limit (default 100) enforces an upper bound on the limit. Set it to None if you don’t want to enforce
an upper bound.

8 Chapter 2. Usage
Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0


These examples show how to configure the parameters to use non-standard names and different limits:

from rest_framework_json_api.pagination import JsonApiPageNumberPagination,␣


class MyPagePagination(JsonApiPageNumberPagination):
page_query_param = 'page_number'
page_size_query_param = 'page_length'
page_size = 3
max_page_size = 1000

class MyLimitPagination(JsonApiLimitOffsetPagination):
offset_query_param = 'offset'
limit_query_param = 'limit'
default_limit = 3
max_limit = None

2.3 Filter Backends

Following are descriptions of JSON:API-specific filter backends and documentation on suggested usage for a standard
DRF keyword-search filter backend that makes it consistent with JSON:API.

2.3.1 QueryParameterValidationFilter

QueryParameterValidationFilter validates query parameters to be one of the defined JSON:API query param-
eters (sort, include, filter, fields, page) and returns a 400 Bad Request if a non-matching query parameter is used.
This can help the client identify misspelled query parameters, for example.
If you want to change the list of valid query parameters, override the .query_regex attribute:

# compiled regex that matches the allowed

# `sort` and `include` stand alone; `filter`, `fields`, and `page` have []'s
query_regex = re.compile(r'^(sort|include)$|^(filter|fields|page)(\[[\w\.\-]+\])?$')

For example:

import re
from rest_framework_json_api.filters import QueryParameterValidationFilter

class MyQPValidator(QueryParameterValidationFilter):
query_regex = re.compile(r'^(sort|include|page|page_size)$|^(filter|fields|page)(\[[\

If you don’t care if non-JSON:API query parameters are allowed (and potentially silently ignored), simply don’t use
this filter backend.

2.3. Filter Backends 9

Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

2.3.2 OrderingFilter

OrderingFilter implements the JSON:API sort and uses DRF’s ordering filter.
Per the JSON:API specification, “If the server does not support sorting as specified in the query parameter sort, it
MUST return 400 Bad Request.” For example, for ?sort=abc,foo,def where foo is a valid field name and the
other two are not valid:

"errors": [
"detail": "invalid sort parameters: abc,def",
"source": {
"pointer": "/data"
"status": "400"

If you want to silently ignore bad sort fields, just use rest_framework.filters.OrderingFilter and set
ordering_param to sort.

2.3.3 DjangoFilterBackend

DjangoFilterBackend implements a Django ORM-style JSON:API filter using the django-filter package.
This filter is not part of the JSON:API standard per-se, other than the requirement to use the filter keyword: It
is an optional implementation of a style of filtering in which each filter is an ORM expression as implemented by
DjangoFilterBackend and seems to be in alignment with an interpretation of the JSON:API recommendations,
including relationship chaining.
Filters can be:
• A resource field equality test: ?filter[qty]=123
• Apply other field lookup operators: ?filter[name.icontains]=bar or ?filter[name.isnull]=true
• Membership in a list of values: ?filter[]=abc,123,zzz (name in ['abc','123','zzz'])
• Filters can be combined for intersection (AND): ?filter[qty]=123&filter[]=abc,123,
zzz&filter[...] or ?filter[]=1&filter[]=2
• A related resource path can be used: ?filter[inventory.item.partNum]=123456 (where inventory.
item is the relationship path)
The filter returns a 400 Bad Request error for invalid filter query parameters as in this example for GET http://[bad]=1:

"errors": [
"detail": "invalid filter[bad]",
"source": {
"pointer": "/data"
"status": "400"
(continues on next page)

10 Chapter 2. Usage
Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

(continued from previous page)


As this feature depends on django-filter you need to run

pip install djangorestframework-jsonapi['django-filter']

2.3.4 SearchFilter

To comply with JSON:API query parameter naming standards, DRF’s SearchFilter should be configured to
use a filter[_something_] query parameter. This can be done by default by adding the SearchFilter to
the .search_param attribute to a custom class derived from SearchFilter. If you do this and also use
DjangoFilterBackend, make sure you set the same values for both classes.

2.3.5 Configuring Filter Backends

You can configure the filter backends either by setting the REST_FRAMEWORK['DEFAULT_FILTER_BACKENDS'] as
shown in the example settings or individually add them as .filter_backends View attributes:

from rest_framework_json_api import filters

from rest_framework_json_api import django_filters
from rest_framework import SearchFilter
from models import MyModel

class MyViewset(ModelViewSet):
queryset = MyModel.objects.all()
serializer_class = MyModelSerializer
filter_backends = (filters.QueryParameterValidationFilter, filters.OrderingFilter,
django_filters.DjangoFilterBackend, SearchFilter)
filterset_fields = {
'id': ('exact', 'lt', 'gt', 'gte', 'lte', 'in'),
'descriptuon': ('icontains', 'iexact', 'contains'),
'tagline': ('icontains', 'iexact', 'contains'),
search_fields = ('id', 'description', 'tagline',)

2.4 Error objects / Exception handling

For the exception_handler class, if the optional JSON_API_UNIFORM_EXCEPTIONS is set to True, all exceptions
will respond with the JSON:API error format.
When JSON_API_UNIFORM_EXCEPTIONS is False (the default), non-JSON:API views will respond with the normal
DRF error format.
In case you need a custom error object you can simply raise an rest_framework.serializers.ValidationError
like the following:

2.4. Error objects / Exception handling 11

Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

raise serializers.ValidationError(
"id": "your-id",
"detail": "your detail message",
"source": {
"pointer": "/data/attributes/your-pointer",


2.5 Performance Testing

If you are trying to see if your viewsets are configured properly to optimize performance, it is preferable to use example.
utils.BrowsableAPIRendererWithoutForms instead of the default BrowsableAPIRenderer to remove queries
introduced by the forms themselves.

2.6 Serializers

It is recommended to import the base serializer classes from this package rather than from vanilla DRF. For example,

from rest_framework_json_api import serializers

class MyModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
# ...

2.7 Setting the resource_name

You may manually set the resource_name property on views, serializers, or models to specify the type key in the
json output. In the case of setting the resource_name property for models you must include the property inside a
JSONAPIMeta class on the model. It is automatically set for you as the plural of the view or model name except on
resources that do not subclass rest_framework.viewsets.ModelViewSet:
Example - resource_name on View:

class Me(generics.GenericAPIView):
Current user's identity endpoint.

GET /me
resource_name = 'users'
serializer_class = identity_serializers.IdentitySerializer
allowed_methods = ['GET']
permission_classes = (permissions.IsAuthenticated, )

If you set the resource_name property on the object to False the data will be returned without modification.
Example - resource_name on Model:

12 Chapter 2. Usage
Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

class Me(models.Model):
A simple model
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)

class JSONAPIMeta:
resource_name = "users"

If you set the resource_name on a combination of model, serializer, or view in the same hierarchy, the name will be
resolved as following: view > serializer > model. (Ex: A view resource_name will always override a resource_name
specified on a serializer or model). Setting the resource_name on the view should be used sparingly as serializers and
models are shared between multiple endpoints. Setting the resource_name on views may result in a different type
being set depending on which endpoint the resource is fetched from.

2.8 Inflecting object and relation keys

This package includes the ability (off by default) to automatically convert JSON:API field names of requests and re-
sponses from the python/rest_framework’s preferred underscore to a format of your choice. To hook this up include
the following setting in your project settings:


Possible values:
• dasherize
• camelize (first letter is lowercase)
• capitalize (camelize but with first letter uppercase)
• underscore
Note: due to the way the inflector works address_1 can camelize to address1 on output but it cannot convert
address1 back to address_1 on POST or PATCH. Keep this in mind when naming fields with numbers in them.
Example - Without format conversion:

"data": [{
"type": "identities",
"id": "3",
"attributes": {
"username": "john",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Coltrane",
"full_name": "John Coltrane"
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"count": 20

2.8. Inflecting object and relation keys 13

Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

Example - With format conversion set to dasherize:

"data": [{
"type": "identities",
"id": "3",
"attributes": {
"username": "john",
"first-name": "John",
"last-name": "Coltrane",
"full-name": "John Coltrane"
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"count": 20

2.8.1 Types

A similar option to JSON_API_FORMAT_FIELD_NAMES can be set for the types:


Example without format conversion:

"data": [{
"type": "blog_identity",
"id": "3",
"attributes": {
"relationships": {
"home_town": {
"data": [{
"type": "home_town",
"id": 3

When set to dasherize:

"data": [{
"type": "blog-identity",
"id": "3",
"attributes": {
(continues on next page)

14 Chapter 2. Usage
Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

(continued from previous page)

"relationships": {
"home_town": {
"data": [{
"type": "home-town",
"id": 3

It is also possible to pluralize the types like so:


Example without pluralization:

"data": [{
"type": "identity",
"id": "3",
"attributes": {
"relationships": {
"home_towns": {
"data": [{
"type": "home_town",
"id": "3"

When set to pluralize:

"data": [{
"type": "identities",
"id": "3",
"attributes": {
"relationships": {
"home_towns": {
"data": [{
"type": "home_towns",
"id": "3"
(continues on next page)

2.8. Inflecting object and relation keys 15

Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

(continued from previous page)


2.8.2 Related URL segments

Serializer properties in relationship and related resource URLs may be infected using the


For example, with a serializer property created_by and with 'dasherize' formatting:

"data": {
"type": "comments",
"id": "1",
"attributes": {
"text": "Comments are fun!"
"links": {
"self": "/comments/1"
"relationships": {
"created_by": {
"links": {
"self": "/comments/1/relationships/created-by",
"related": "/comments/1/created-by"
"links": {
"self": "/comments/1"

The relationship name is formatted by the JSON_API_FORMAT_FIELD_NAMES setting, but the URL segments are for-
matted by the JSON_API_FORMAT_RELATED_LINKS setting.

2.9 Related fields

2.9.1 ResourceRelatedField

Because of the additional structure needed to represent relationships in JSON:API, this package provides the
ResourceRelatedField for serializers, which works similarly to PrimaryKeyRelatedField. By default,
rest_framework_json_api.serializers.ModelSerializer will use this for related fields automatically. It can
be instantiated explicitly as in the following example:

16 Chapter 2. Usage
Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

from rest_framework_json_api import serializers

from rest_framework_json_api.relations import ResourceRelatedField

from myapp.models import Order, LineItem, Customer

class OrderSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Order

line_items = ResourceRelatedField(
many=True # necessary for M2M fields & reverse FK fields

customer = ResourceRelatedField(
queryset=Customer.objects # queryset argument is required
) # except when read_only=True

In the JSON:API spec, relationship objects contain links to related objects. To make this work on a serializer we need
to tell the ResourceRelatedField about the corresponding view. Use the HyperlinkedModelSerializer and
instantiate the ResourceRelatedField with the relevant keyword arguments:

from rest_framework_json_api import serializers

from rest_framework_json_api.relations import ResourceRelatedField

from myapp.models import Order, LineItem, Customer

class OrderSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Order

line_items = ResourceRelatedField(

customer = ResourceRelatedField(

• related_link_view_name is the name of the route for the related view.

• related_link_url_kwarg is the keyword argument that will be passed to the view that identifies the ‘parent’
object, so that the results can be filtered to show only those objects related to the ‘parent’.
• self_link_view_name is the name of the route for the RelationshipView (see below).

2.9. Related fields 17

Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

In this example, reverse('order-lineitems-list', kwargs={'order_pk': 3} should resolve to something

like /orders/3/lineitems, and that route should instantiate a view or viewset for LineItem objects that accepts a
keyword argument order_pk. The drf-nested-routers package is useful for defining such nested routes in your urlconf.
The corresponding viewset for the line-items-list route in the above example might look like the following. Note
that in the typical use case this would be the same viewset used for the /lineitems endpoints; when accessed through
the nested route /orders/<order_pk>/lineitems the queryset is filtered using the order_pk keyword argument
to include only the lineitems related to the specified order.

from rest_framework import viewsets

from myapp.models import LineItem

from myapp.serializers import LineItemSerializer

class LineItemViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
queryset = LineItem.objects
serializer_class = LineItemSerializer

def get_queryset(self):
queryset = super().get_queryset()

# if this viewset is accessed via the 'order-lineitems-list' route,

# it wll have been passed the `order_pk` kwarg and the queryset
# needs to be filtered accordingly; if it was accessed via the
# unnested '/lineitems' route, the queryset should include all LineItems
order_pk = self.kwargs.get('order_pk')
if order_pk is not None:
queryset = queryset.filter(order__pk=order_pk)

return queryset

2.9.2 HyperlinkedRelatedField

relations.HyperlinkedRelatedField has same functionality as ResourceRelatedField but does not render

data. Use this in case you only need links of relationships and want to lower payload and increase performance.

2.9.3 SerializerMethodResourceRelatedField

relations.SerializerMethodResourceRelatedField combines behaviour of DRF SerializerMethodField

and ResourceRelatedField, so it accepts method_name together with model and links-related arguments. data is
rendered in ResourceRelatedField manner.

from rest_framework_json_api import serializers

from rest_framework_json_api.relations import SerializerMethodResourceRelatedField

from myapp.models import Order, LineItem

class OrderSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Order
(continues on next page)

18 Chapter 2. Usage
Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

(continued from previous page)

line_items = SerializerMethodResourceRelatedField(

small_line_items = SerializerMethodResourceRelatedField(
# default to method_name='get_small_line_items'

def get_big_line_items(self, instance):

return LineItem.objects.filter(order=instance).filter(amount__gt=1000)

def get_small_line_items(self, instance):

return LineItem.objects.filter(order=instance).filter(amount__lte=1000)

or using related_link_* with HyperlinkedModelSerializer

class OrderSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Order

line_items = SerializerMethodResourceRelatedField(

def get_big_line_items(self, instance):

return LineItem.objects.filter(order=instance).filter(amount__gt=1000)

2.9.4 Related urls

There is a nice way to handle “related” urls like /orders/3/lineitems/ or /orders/3/customer/. All you need
is just add to

OrderViewSet.as_view({'get': 'retrieve'}),
OrderViewSet.as_view({'get': 'retrieve_related'}),

Make sure that RelatedField declaration has related_link_url_kwarg='pk' or simply skipped (will be set by de-

2.9. Related fields 19

Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

line_items = ResourceRelatedField(

customer = ResourceRelatedField(

And, the most important part - declare serializer for each related entity:

class OrderSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
related_serializers = {
'customer': 'example.serializers.CustomerSerializer',
'line_items': 'example.serializers.LineItemSerializer'

Or, if you already have included_serializers declared and your related_serializers look the same, just skip

class OrderSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
included_serializers = {
'customer': 'example.serializers.CustomerSerializer',
'line_items': 'example.serializers.LineItemSerializer'

2.10 RelationshipView

rest_framework_json_api.views.RelationshipView is used to build relationship views (see the JSON:API

spec). The self link on a relationship object should point to the corresponding relationship view.
The relationship view is fairly simple because it only serializes Resource Identifier Objects rather than full resource
objects. In most cases the following is sufficient:

from rest_framework_json_api.views import RelationshipView

from myapp.models import Order

class OrderRelationshipView(RelationshipView):
queryset = Order.objects

The urlconf would need to contain a route like the following:

20 Chapter 2. Usage
Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0


The related_field kwarg specifies which relationship to use, so if we are interested in the relationship represented
by the related model field Order.line_items on the Order with pk 3, the url would be /orders/3/relationships/
line_items. On HyperlinkedModelSerializer, the ResourceRelatedField will construct the url based on the
provided self_link_view_name keyword argument, which should match the name= provided in the urlconf, and will
use the name of the field for the related_field kwarg. Also we can override related_field in the url. Let’s say we
want the url to be: /order/3/relationships/order_items - all we need to do is just add field_name_mapping
dict to the class:

field_name_mapping = {
'order_items': 'line_items'

2.11 Working with polymorphic resources

Polymorphic resources allow you to use specialized subclasses without requiring special endpoints to expose the spe-
cialized versions. For example, if you had a Project that could be either an ArtProject or a ResearchProject,
you can have both kinds at the same URL.
DJA tests its polymorphic support against django-polymorphic. The polymorphic feature should also work with other
popular libraries like django-polymodels or django-typed-models.
As this feature depends on django-polymorphic you need to run

pip install djangorestframework-jsonapi['django-polymorphic']

2.11.1 Writing polymorphic resources

A polymorphic endpoint can be set up if associated with a polymorphic serializer. A polymorphic serializer takes care
of (de)serializing the correct instances types and can be defined like this:

class ProjectSerializer(serializers.PolymorphicModelSerializer):
polymorphic_serializers = [ArtProjectSerializer, ResearchProjectSerializer]

class Meta:
model = models.Project

It must inherit from serializers.PolymorphicModelSerializer and define the polymorphic_serializers

list. This attribute defines the accepted resource types.
Polymorphic relations can also be handled with relations.PolymorphicResourceRelatedField like this:

class CompanySerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
current_project = relations.PolymorphicResourceRelatedField(
ProjectSerializer, queryset=models.Project.objects.all())
future_projects = relations.PolymorphicResourceRelatedField(
(continues on next page)

2.11. Working with polymorphic resources 21

Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

(continued from previous page)

ProjectSerializer, queryset=models.Project.objects.all(), many=True)

class Meta:
model = models.Company

They must be explicitly declared with the polymorphic_serializer (first positional argument) correctly defined. It
must be a subclass of serializers.PolymorphicModelSerializer.

2.12 Meta

You may add metadata to the rendered json in two different ways: meta_fields and get_root_meta.
On any rest_framework_json_api.serializers.ModelSerializer you may add a meta_fields prop-
erty to the Meta class. This behaves in the same manner as the default fields property and will cause
SerializerMethodFields or model values to be added to the meta object within the same data as the serializer.
To add metadata to the top level meta object add:

def get_root_meta(self, resource, many):

if many:
# Dealing with a list request
return {
'size': len(resource)
# Dealing with a detail request
return {
'foo': 'bar'

to the serializer. It must return a dict and will be merged with the existing top level meta.
To access metadata in incoming requests, the JSONParser will add the metadata under a top level _meta key in the
parsed data dictionary. For instance, to access meta data from a serializer object, you may use serializer.
initial_data.get("_meta"). To customize the _meta key, see here.

2.13 Links

Adding url to fields on a serializer will add a self link to the links key.
Related links will be created automatically when using the Relationship View.

22 Chapter 2. Usage
Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

2.14 Included

JSON:API can include additional resources in a single network request. The specification refers to this feature as
Compound Documents. Compound Documents can reduce the number of network requests which can lead to a better
performing web application. To accomplish this, the specification permits a top level included key. The list of content
within this key are the extra resources that are related to the primary resource.
To make a Compound Document, you need to modify your ModelSerializer. included_serializers is required
to inform DJA of what and how you would like to include. included_resources tells DJA what you want to include
by default.
For example, suppose you are making an app to go on quests, and you would like to fetch your chosen knight along
with the quest. You could accomplish that with:

class KnightSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Knight
fields = ('id', 'name', 'strength', 'dexterity', 'charisma')

class QuestSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
included_serializers = {
'knight': KnightSerializer,

class Meta:
model = Quest
fields = ('id', 'title', 'reward', 'knight')

class JSONAPIMeta:
included_resources = ['knight']

2.14.1 Performance improvements

Be aware that using included resources without any form of prefetching WILL HURT PERFORMANCE as it will
introduce m*(n+1) queries.
A viewset helper was therefore designed to automatically preload data when possible. Such is automatically available
when subclassing ModelViewSet or ReadOnlyModelViewSet.
It also allows to define custom select_related and prefetch_related for each requested include when needed
in special cases:

from rest_framework_json_api import views

# When MyViewSet is called with ?include=author it will dynamically prefetch author and␣

class MyViewSet(views.ModelViewSet):
queryset = Book.objects.all()
select_for_includes = {
'author': ['author__bio'],
(continues on next page)

2.14. Included 23
Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

(continued from previous page)

prefetch_for_includes = {
'__all__': [],
'all_authors': [Prefetch('all_authors', queryset=Author.objects.select_related(

'category.section': ['category']

An additional convenience DJA class exists for read-only views, just as it does in DRF.

from rest_framework_json_api import views

class MyReadOnlyViewSet(views.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
# ...

The special keyword __all__ can be used to specify a prefetch which should be done regardless of the include, similar
to making the prefetch yourself on the QuerySet.
Using the helper to prefetch, rather than attempting to minimise queries via select_related might give you better
performance depending on the characteristics of your data and database.
For example:
If you have a single model, e.g. Book, which has four relations e.g. Author, Publisher, CopyrightHolder, Category.
To display 25 books and related models, you would need to either do:
a) 1 query via selected_related, e.g. SELECT * FROM books LEFT JOIN author LEFT JOIN publisher LEFT JOIN
CopyrightHolder LEFT JOIN Category
b) 4 small queries via prefetch_related.
If you have 1M books, 50k authors, 10k categories, 10k copyrightholders in the select_related scenario, you’ve
just created a in-memory table with 1e18 rows which will likely exhaust any available memory and slow your database
to crawl.
The prefetch_related case will issue 4 queries, but they will be small and fast queries.

2.15 Generating an OpenAPI Specification (OAS) 3.0 schema docu-


DRF has a OAS schema functionality to generate an OAS 3.0 schema as a YAML or JSON file.
DJA extends DRF’s schema support to generate an OAS schema in the JSON:API format.

2.15.1 AutoSchema Settings

In order to produce an OAS schema that properly represents the JSON:API structure you have to either add a schema at-
tribute to each view class or set the REST_FRAMEWORK['DEFAULT_SCHEMA_CLASS'] to DJA’s version of AutoSchema.

24 Chapter 2. Usage
Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0


from rest_framework_json_api.schemas.openapi import AutoSchema

class MyViewset(ModelViewSet):
schema = AutoSchema

Default schema class

# ...
'DEFAULT_SCHEMA_CLASS': 'rest_framework_json_api.schemas.openapi.AutoSchema',

2.15.2 Adding additional OAS schema content

You can extend the OAS schema document by subclassing SchemaGenerator and extending get_schema.
Here’s an example that adds OAS info and servers objects.

from rest_framework_json_api.schemas.openapi import SchemaGenerator as␣


class MySchemaGenerator(JSONAPISchemaGenerator):
Describe my OAS schema info in detail (overriding what DRF put in) and list the␣
˓→servers where it can be found.

def get_schema(self, request, public):
schema = super().get_schema(request, public)
schema['info'] = {
'version': '1.0',
'title': 'my demo API',
'description': 'A demonstration of [OAS 3.0](',
'contact': {
'name': 'my name'
'license': {
'name': 'BSD 2 clause',
'url': '

schema['servers'] = [
{'url': 'http://localhost/v1', 'description': 'local docker'},
{'url': 'http://localhost:8000/v1', 'description': 'local dev'},
{'url': '', 'description': 'demo server'},
{'url': '{serverURL}', 'description': 'provide your server URL',
'variables': {'serverURL': {'default': 'http://localhost:8000/v1'}}}
(continues on next page)

2.15. Generating an OpenAPI Specification (OAS) 3.0 schema document 25

Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

(continued from previous page)

return schema

2.15.3 Generate a Static Schema on Command Line

See DRF documentation for generateschema To generate a static OAS schema document, using the generateschema
management command, you must override DRF’s default generator_class with the DJA-specific version:

$ ./ generateschema --generator_class rest_framework_json_api.schemas.openapi.


You can then use any number of OAS tools such as swagger-ui-watcher to render the schema:

$ swagger-ui-watcher myschema.yaml

Note: Swagger-ui-watcher will complain that “DELETE operations cannot have a requestBody” but it will still work.
This error in the OAS specification will be fixed when OAS 3.1.0 is published.
(swagger-ui will work silently.)

2.15.4 Generate a Dynamic Schema in a View

See DRF documentation for a Dynamic Schema.

from rest_framework.schemas import get_schema_view

urlpatterns = [
path('openapi', get_schema_view(
title="Example API",
description="API for all things ...",
), name='openapi-schema'),
path('swagger-ui/', TemplateView.as_view(
extra_context={'schema_url': 'openapi-schema'}
), name='swagger-ui'),

26 Chapter 2. Usage



This API reference is autogenerated from the Python docstrings – which need to be improved!

3.1 rest_framework_json_api package

3.1.1 Subpackages

rest_framework_json_api.django_filters package


rest_framework_json_api.django_filters.backends module

class rest_framework_json_api.django_filters.backends.DjangoFilterBackend
Bases: DjangoFilterBackend
A Django-style ORM filter implementation, using django-filter.
This is not part of the JSON:API standard per-se, other than the requirement to use the filter keyword: This is an
optional implementation of style of filtering in which each filter is an ORM expression as implemented by Djan-
goFilterBackend and seems to be in alignment with an interpretation of
#filtering, including relationship chaining. It also returns a 400 error for invalid filters.
Filters can be:
• A resource field equality test:
• Apply other operators:
?filter[name.icontains]=bar or ?filter[name.isnull]=true...
• Membership in a list of values:
?filter[]=abc,123,zzz (name in [‘abc’,’123’,’zzz’])
• Filters can be combined for intersection (AND):
• A related resource path can be used:
?filter[inventory.item.partNum]=123456 (where inventory.item is the relationship path)

Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

If you are also using rest_framework.filters.SearchFilter you’ll want to customize the name of the query parameter
for searching to make sure it doesn’t conflict with a field name defined in the filterset. The recommended value
is: search_param=”filter[search]” but just make sure it’s filter[<something>] to comply with the JSON:API
spec requirement to use the filter keyword. The default is “search” unless overriden but it’s used here just to
make sure we don’t complain about it being an invalid filter.
search_param = 'filter[search]'

filter_regex =

get_filterset(request, queryset, view)

Sometimes there’s no filterset_class defined yet the client still requests a filter. Make sure they see an error
too. This means we have to get_filterset_kwargs() even if there’s no filterset_class.
get_filterset_kwargs(request, queryset, view)
Turns filter[<field>]=<value> into <field>=<value> which is what DjangoFilterBackend expects
ValidationError – for bad filter syntax
Convert backend filter name to JSON:API-style filter[name]. For filters that are relationship paths, rewrite
ORM-style __ to our preferred .. For example: blog__name__contains becomes filter[].
This is basically the reverse of get_filterset_kwargs above.

rest_framework_json_api.schemas package


rest_framework_json_api.schemas.openapi module

class rest_framework_json_api.schemas.openapi.SchemaGenerator(title=None, url=None,

description=None, patterns=None,
urlconf=None, version=None)
Bases: SchemaGenerator
Extend DRF’s SchemaGenerator to implement JSON:API flavored generateschema command.

28 Chapter 3. API Reference

Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

jsonapi_components = {'parameters': {'fields': {'description': '[sparse

fields[\\<typename\\>]=field1,field2,...,fieldN', 'explode': True, 'in': 'query',
'name': 'fields', 'required': False, 'schema': {'type': 'object'}, 'style':
'deepObject'}, 'include': {'description': '[list of included related
resources](', 'in': 'query', 'name':
'include', 'required': False, 'schema': {'type': 'string'}, 'style': 'form'},
'sort': {'description': '[list of fields to sort
by](', 'in': 'query', 'name': 'sort',
'required': False, 'schema': {'type': 'string'}, 'style': 'form'}}, 'schemas':
{'ResourceIdentifierObject': {'oneOf': [{'$ref':
'#/components/schemas/relationshipToOne'}, {'$ref':
'#/components/schemas/relationshipToMany'}]}, 'datum': {'description': 'singular
item', 'properties': {'data': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/resource'}}},
'error': {'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'code': {'type':
'string'}, 'detail': {'type': 'string'}, 'id': {'type': 'string'}, 'links':
{'$ref': '#/components/schemas/links'}, 'source': {'properties': {'meta':
{'$ref': '#/components/schemas/meta'}, 'parameter': {'description': 'A string
indicating which query parameter caused the error.', 'type': 'string'}, 'pointer':
{'description': 'A [JSON Pointer]( to the
associated entity in the request document [e.g. `/data` for a primary data object,
or `/data/attributes/title` for a specific attribute.', 'type': 'string'}}, 'type':
'object'}, 'status': {'type': 'string'}, 'title': {'type': 'string'}}, 'type':
'object'}, 'errors': {'items': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/error'}, 'type':
'array', 'uniqueItems': True}, 'failure': {'properties': {'errors': {'$ref':
'#/components/schemas/errors'}, 'jsonapi': {'$ref':
'#/components/schemas/jsonapi'}, 'links': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/links'},
'meta': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/meta'}}, 'required': ['errors'], 'type':
'object'}, 'id': {'description': 'Each resource object’s type and id pair MUST
[identify]( a
single, unique resource.', 'type': 'string'}, 'jsonapi': {'additionalProperties':
False, 'description': "The server's implementation", 'properties': {'meta':
{'$ref': '#/components/schemas/meta'}, 'version': {'type': 'string'}}, 'type':
'object'}, 'link': {'oneOf': [{'description': "a string containing the link's
URL", 'type': 'string', 'format': 'uri-reference'}, {'type': 'object',
'required': ['href'], 'properties': {'href': {'description': "a string
containing the link's URL", 'type': 'string', 'format': 'uri-reference'}, 'meta':
{'$ref': '#/components/schemas/meta'}}}]}, 'linkage': {'description': "the 'type'
and 'id'", 'properties': {'id': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/id'}, 'meta':
{'$ref': '#/components/schemas/meta'}, 'type': {'$ref':
'#/components/schemas/type'}}, 'required': ['type', 'id'], 'type': 'object'},
'links': {'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/link'}, 'type':
'object'}, 'meta': {'additionalProperties': True, 'type': 'object'}, 'nulltype':
{'default': None, 'nullable': True, 'type': 'object'}, 'onlymeta':
{'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'meta': {'$ref':
'#/components/schemas/meta'}}}, 'pageref': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string',
'format': 'uri-reference'}, {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/nulltype'}]},
'pagination': {'properties': {'first': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/pageref'},
'last': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/pageref'}, 'next': {'$ref':
'#/components/schemas/pageref'}, 'prev': {'$ref':
'#/components/schemas/pageref'}}, 'type': 'object'}, 'relationshipLinks':
{'additionalProperties': True, 'description': 'optional references to other
resource objects', 'properties': {'related': {'$ref':
'#/components/schemas/link'}, 'self': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/link'}},
'type': 'object'}, 'relationshipToMany': {'description': "An array of objects
each containing the 'type' and 'id' for to-many relationships", 'items': {'$ref':
3.1. rest_framework_json_api package 'type': 'array', 'uniqueItems': True}, 29
'relationshipToOne': {'anyOf': [{'$ref': '#/components/schemas/nulltype'},
{'$ref': '#/components/schemas/linkage'}], 'description': 'reference to other
resource in a to-one relationship'}, 'reltomany': {'description': "a multiple
Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

These JSON:API component definitions are referenced by the generated OAS schema. If you need to add
more or change these static component definitions, extend this dict.
get_schema(request=None, public=False)
Generate a JSON:API OpenAPI schema. Overrides upstream DRF’s get_schema.
class rest_framework_json_api.schemas.openapi.AutoSchema(tags=None, operation_id_base=None,
Bases: AutoSchema
Extend DRF’s openapi.AutoSchema for JSON:API serialization.
content_types = ['application/vnd.api+json']
ignore all the media types and only generate a JSON:API schema.
get_operation(path, method)
JSON:API adds some standard fields to the API response that are not in upstream DRF: - some that only
apply to GET/HEAD methods. - collections - special handling for POST, PATCH, DELETE
get_operation_id(path, method)
The upstream DRF version creates non-unique operationIDs, because the same view is used for the main
path as well as such as related and relationships. This concatenates the (mapped) method name and path as
the spec allows most any
get_request_body(path, method)
A request body is required by JSON:API for POST, PATCH, and DELETE methods.
Custom map_serializer that serializes the schema using the JSON:API spec. Non-attributes like related and
identity fields, are move to ‘relationships’ and ‘links’.

3.1.2 Submodules

rest_framework_json_api.compat module

rest_framework_json_api.compat.get_reference(schema, serializer)

rest_framework_json_api.exceptions module


rest_framework_json_api.exceptions.exception_handler(exc, context)

exception rest_framework_json_api.exceptions.Conflict(detail=None, code=None)

Bases: APIException
status_code = 409

default_detail = 'Conflict.'

30 Chapter 3. API Reference

Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

rest_framework_json_api.filters module

class rest_framework_json_api.filters.OrderingFilter
Bases: OrderingFilter
A backend filter that implements and raises a 400 error if any sort
field is invalid.
If you prefer not to report 400 errors for invalid sort fields, just use rest_framework.filters.
OrderingFilter with ordering_param = “sort”
Also supports undo of field name formatting (See JSON_API_FORMAT_FIELD_NAMES in docs/
ordering_param = 'sort'
override rest_framework.filters.OrderingFilter.ordering_param with JSON:API-compliant
query parameter name.
remove_invalid_fields(queryset, fields, view, request)
Extend rest_framework.filters.OrderingFilter.remove_invalid_fields() to validate that all
provided sort fields exist (as contrasted with the super’s behavior which is to silently remove invalid fields).
ValidationError – if a sort field is invalid.
class rest_framework_json_api.filters.QueryParameterValidationFilter
Bases: BaseFilterBackend
A backend filter that performs strict validation of query parameters for JSON:API spec conformance and raises
a 400 error if non-conforming usage is found.
If you want to add some additional non-standard query parameters, override query_regex adding the new
parameters. Make sure to comply with the rules at
query_regex =
compiled regex that matches the allowed sort and include
stand alone; filter, fields, and page have []’s
Validate that query params are in the list of valid query keywords in query_regex
ValidationError – if not.
filter_queryset(request, queryset, view)
Overrides BaseFilterBackend.filter_queryset() by first validating the query params with

rest_framework_json_api.metadata module

class rest_framework_json_api.metadata.JSONAPIMetadata
Bases: SimpleMetadata
This is the JSON:API metadata implementation. It returns an ad-hoc set of information about the view. There
are not any formalized standards for OPTIONS responses for us to base this on.
type_lookup = <rest_framework.utils.field_mapping.ClassLookupDict object>

3.1. rest_framework_json_api package 31

Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

relation_type_lookup = <rest_framework.utils.field_mapping.ClassLookupDict object>

determine_metadata(request, view)

Given an instance of a serializer, return a dictionary of metadata about its fields.
Given an instance of a serializer field, return a dictionary of metadata about it.

rest_framework_json_api.pagination module

Pagination fields
class rest_framework_json_api.pagination.JsonApiPageNumberPagination
Bases: PageNumberPagination
A JSON:API compatible pagination format.
page_query_param = 'page[number]'

page_size_query_param = 'page[size]'

max_page_size = 100



class rest_framework_json_api.pagination.JsonApiLimitOffsetPagination
Bases: LimitOffsetPagination
A limit/offset based style. For example:[limit]=100[offset]=400&page[limit]=100

limit_query_param = 'page[limit]'

offset_query_param = 'page[offset]'

max_limit = 100




32 Chapter 3. API Reference

Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

rest_framework_json_api.parsers module

class rest_framework_json_api.parsers.JSONParser
Bases: JSONParser
Similar to JSONRenderer, the JSONParser you may override the following methods if you need highly custom
parsing control.
A JSON:API client will send a payload that looks like this:

"data": {
"type": "identities",
"id": 1,
"attributes": {
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Coltrane"

We extract the attributes so that DRF serializers can work as normal.

media_type = 'application/vnd.api+json'

alias of JSONRenderer
static parse_attributes(data)

static parse_relationships(data)

static parse_metadata(result)
Returns a dictionary which will be merged into parsed data of the request. By default, it reads the meta
content in the request body and returns it in a dictionary with a _meta top level key.
parse_data(result, parser_context)
Formats the output of calling JSONParser to match the JSON:API specification and returns the result.
parse(stream, media_type=None, parser_context=None)
Parses the incoming bytestream as JSON and returns the resulting data

rest_framework_json_api.relations module

class rest_framework_json_api.relations.SkipDataMixin(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object
This workaround skips “data” rendering for relationships in order to save some sql queries and improve perfor-


3.1. rest_framework_json_api package 33

Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

class rest_framework_json_api.relations.ManyRelatedFieldWithNoData(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: SkipDataMixin, ManyRelatedField
class rest_framework_json_api.relations.HyperlinkedMixin(self_link_view_name=None,
Bases: object
self_link_view_name = None

related_link_view_name = None

related_link_lookup_field = 'pk'


Given a name, view name and kwargs, return the URL that hyperlinks to the object.
May raise a NoReverseMatch if the view_name and lookup_field attributes are not configured to correctly
match the URL conf.
get_links(obj=None, lookup_field='pk')

class rest_framework_json_api.relations.HyperlinkedRelatedField(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: HyperlinkedMixin, SkipDataMixin, RelatedField
classmethod many_init(*args, **kwargs)
This method handles creating a parent ManyRelatedField instance when the many=True keyword argument
is passed.
Typically you won’t need to override this method.
Note that we’re over-cautious in passing most arguments to both parent and child classes in order to try to
cover the general case. If you’re overriding this method you’ll probably want something much simpler, eg:

def many_init(cls, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs['child'] = cls()
return CustomManyRelatedField(*args, **kwargs)

class rest_framework_json_api.relations.ResourceRelatedField(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: HyperlinkedMixin, PrimaryKeyRelatedField
self_link_view_name = None

related_link_view_name = None

related_link_lookup_field = 'pk'

default_error_messages = {'does_not_exist': 'Invalid pk "{pk_value}" - object does

not exist.', 'incorrect_relation_type': 'Incorrect relation type. Expected
{relation_type}, received {received_type}.', 'incorrect_type': 'Incorrect type.
Expected resource identifier object, received {data_type}.', 'missing_id': "Invalid
resource identifier object: missing 'id' attribute", 'missing_type': "Invalid
resource identifier object: missing 'type' attribute", 'no_match': 'Invalid
hyperlink - No URL match.', 'required': 'This field is required.'}


34 Chapter 3. API Reference

Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

conflict(key, **kwargs)
A helper method that simply raises a validation error.


Check to see it this resource has a different resource_name when included and return that name, or None



class rest_framework_json_api.relations.PolymorphicResourceRelatedField(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: ResourceRelatedField
Inform DRF that the relation must be considered polymorphic. Takes a polymorphic_serializer as the first posi-
tional argument to retrieve then validate the accepted types set.
default_error_messages = {'does_not_exist': 'Invalid pk "{pk_value}" - object does
not exist.', 'incorrect_relation_type': 'Incorrect relation type. Expected one of
[{relation_type}], received {received_type}.', 'incorrect_type': 'Incorrect type.
Expected resource identifier object, received {data_type}.', 'missing_id': "Invalid
resource identifier object: missing 'id' attribute", 'missing_type': "Invalid
resource identifier object: missing 'type' attribute", 'no_match': 'Invalid
hyperlink - No URL match.', 'required': 'This field is required.'}



class rest_framework_json_api.relations.SerializerMethodFieldBase(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Field
bind(field_name, parent)


class rest_framework_json_api.relations.ManySerializerMethodResourceRelatedField(*args,
Bases: SerializerMethodFieldBase, ResourceRelatedField

class rest_framework_json_api.relations.SerializerMethodResourceRelatedField(*args,
Bases: SerializerMethodFieldBase, ResourceRelatedField
Allows us to use serializer method RelatedFields with return querysets
many_kwargs = ['read_only', 'write_only', 'required', 'default', 'initial',
'source', 'label', 'help_text', 'style', 'error_messages', 'allow_empty',
'html_cutoff', 'html_cutoff_text', 'self_link_view_name', 'related_link_view_name',
'related_link_lookup_field', 'related_link_url_kwarg', 'method_name', 'model']

3.1. rest_framework_json_api package 35

Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

alias of ManySerializerMethodResourceRelatedField
classmethod many_init(*args, **kwargs)

class rest_framework_json_api.relations.ManySerializerMethodHyperlinkedRelatedField(*args,
Bases: SkipDataMixin, ManySerializerMethodResourceRelatedField
class rest_framework_json_api.relations.SerializerMethodHyperlinkedRelatedField(*args,
Bases: SkipDataMixin, SerializerMethodResourceRelatedField
alias of ManySerializerMethodHyperlinkedRelatedField

rest_framework_json_api.renderers module

class rest_framework_json_api.renderers.JSONRenderer
Bases: JSONRenderer
The JSONRenderer exposes a number of methods that you may override if you need highly custom rendering
Render a JSON response per the JSON:API spec:

"data": [
"type": "companies",
"id": "1",
"attributes": {
"name": "Mozilla",
"slug": "mozilla",
"date-created": "2014-03-13 16:33:37"

media_type = 'application/vnd.api+json'

format = 'vnd.api+json'

classmethod extract_attributes(fields, resource)

Builds the attributes object of the JSON:API resource object.
classmethod extract_relationships(fields, resource, resource_instance)
Builds the relationships top level object based on related serializers.
classmethod extract_relation_instance(field, resource_instance)
Determines what instance represents given relation and extracts it.
Relation instance is determined exactly same way as it determined in parent serializer

36 Chapter 3. API Reference

Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

classmethod extract_included(fields, resource, resource_instance, included_resources,

Adds related data to the top level included key when the request includes ?include=example,example_field2
classmethod extract_meta(serializer, resource)
Gathers the data from serializer fields specified in meta_fields and adds it to the meta object.
classmethod extract_root_meta(serializer, resource)
Calls a get_root_meta function on a serializer, if it exists.
classmethod build_json_resource_obj(fields, resource, resource_instance, resource_name, serializer,
Builds the resource object (type, id, attributes) and extracts relationships.
render_relationship_view(data, accepted_media_type=None, renderer_context=None)

render_errors(data, accepted_media_type=None, renderer_context=None)

render(data, accepted_media_type=None, renderer_context=None)

class rest_framework_json_api.renderers.BrowsableAPIRenderer
Bases: BrowsableAPIRenderer
template = 'rest_framework_json_api/api.html'

includes_template = 'rest_framework_json_api/includes.html'

get_context(data, accepted_media_type, renderer_context)


rest_framework_json_api.serializers module

class rest_framework_json_api.serializers.ResourceIdentifierObjectSerializer(*args,
Bases: BaseSerializer
default_error_messages = {'does_not_exist': 'Invalid pk "{pk_value}" - object does
not exist.', 'incorrect_model_type': 'Incorrect model type. Expected {model_type},
received {received_type}.', 'incorrect_type': 'Incorrect type. Expected pk value,
received {data_type}.'}

model_class = None



class rest_framework_json_api.serializers.SparseFieldsetsMixin(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object
A serializer mixin that adds support for sparse fieldsets through fields query parameter.

3.1. rest_framework_json_api package 37

Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

class rest_framework_json_api.serializers.IncludedResourcesValidationMixin(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object
A serializer mixin that adds validation of include query parameter to support compound documents.
class rest_framework_json_api.serializers.ReservedFieldNamesMixin
Bases: object
Ensures that reserved field names are not used and an error raised instead.

class rest_framework_json_api.serializers.LazySerializersDict(parent, serializers)

Bases: Mapping
A dictionary of serializers which lazily import dotted class path and self.
class rest_framework_json_api.serializers.SerializerMetaclass(name, bases, attrs)
Bases: SerializerMetaclass
class rest_framework_json_api.serializers.Serializer(*args, **kwargs)
Bases: IncludedResourcesValidationMixin, SparseFieldsetsMixin, ReservedFieldNamesMixin,
A Serializer is a model-less serializer class with additional support for JSON:API spec features.
As in JSON:API specification a type is always required you need to make sure that you define resource_name in
your Meta class when deriving from this class.
Included Mixins:
• A mixin class to enable sparse fieldsets is included
• A mixin class to enable validation of included resources is included
class rest_framework_json_api.serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer(*args, **kwargs)
Bases: IncludedResourcesValidationMixin, SparseFieldsetsMixin, ReservedFieldNamesMixin,
A type of ModelSerializer that uses hyperlinked relationships instead of primary key relationships. Specifically:
• A ‘url’ field is included instead of the ‘id’ field.
• Relationships to other instances are hyperlinks, instead of primary keys.
Included Mixins:
• A mixin class to enable sparse fieldsets is included
• A mixin class to enable validation of included resources is included
class rest_framework_json_api.serializers.ModelSerializer(*args, **kwargs)
Bases: IncludedResourcesValidationMixin, SparseFieldsetsMixin, ReservedFieldNamesMixin,
A ModelSerializer is just a regular Serializer, except that:
• A set of default fields are automatically populated.
• A set of default validators are automatically populated.
• Default .create() and .update() implementations are provided.

38 Chapter 3. API Reference

Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

The process of automatically determining a set of serializer fields based on the model fields is reasonably com-
plex, but you almost certainly don’t need to dig into the implementation.
If the ModelSerializer class doesn’t generate the set of fields that you need you should either declare the ex-
tra/differing fields explicitly on the serializer class, or simply use a Serializer class.
Included Mixins:
• A mixin class to enable sparse fieldsets is included
• A mixin class to enable validation of included resources is included
alias of ResourceRelatedField
get_field_names(declared_fields, info)
We override the parent to omit explicity defined meta fields (such as SerializerMethodFields) from the list
of declared fields
class rest_framework_json_api.serializers.PolymorphicSerializerMetaclass(name, bases, attrs)
Bases: SerializerMetaclass
This metaclass ensures that the polymorphic_serializers is correctly defined on a PolymorphicSerializer class
and make a cache of model/serializer/type mappings.
class rest_framework_json_api.serializers.PolymorphicModelSerializer(*args, **kwargs)
Bases: ModelSerializer
A serializer for polymorphic models. Useful for “lazy” parent models. Leaves should be represented with a
regular serializer.
Return an exhaustive list of the polymorphic serializer fields.
classmethod get_polymorphic_serializer_for_instance(instance)
Return the polymorphic serializer associated with the given instance/model. Raise NotImplementedError
if no serializer is found for the given model. This usually means that a serializer is missing in the class’s
polymorphic_serializers attribute.
classmethod get_polymorphic_model_for_serializer(serializer)
Return the polymorphic model associated with the given serializer. Raise NotImplementedError if no model
is found for the given serializer. This usually means that a serializer is missing in the class’s polymor-
phic_serializers attribute.
classmethod get_polymorphic_serializer_for_type(obj_type)
Return the polymorphic serializer associated with the given type. Raise NotImplementedError if no seri-
alizer is found for the given type. This usually means that a serializer is missing in the class’s polymor-
phic_serializers attribute.
classmethod get_polymorphic_model_for_type(obj_type)
Return the polymorphic model associated with the given type. Raise NotImplementedError if no model
is found for the given type. This usually means that a serializer is missing in the class’s polymor-
phic_serializers attribute.
classmethod get_polymorphic_types()
Return the list of accepted types.
Retrieve the appropriate polymorphic serializer and use this to handle representation.

3.1. rest_framework_json_api package 39

Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

Ensure that the given type is one of the expected polymorphic types, then retrieve the appropriate polymor-
phic serializer and use this to handle internal value.

rest_framework_json_api.settings module

This module provides the json_api_settings object that is used to access Django REST framework JSON:API settings,
checking for user settings first, then falling back to the defaults.
class rest_framework_json_api.settings.JSONAPISettings(user_settings=<LazySettings
Bases: object
A settings object that allows JSON:API settings to be access as properties.
rest_framework_json_api.settings.reload_json_api_settings(*args, **kwargs)

rest_framework_json_api.utils module

rest_framework_json_api.utils.get_resource_name(context, expand_polymorphic_types=False)
Return the name of a resource.

rest_framework_json_api.utils.format_field_names(obj, format_type=None)
Takes a dict and returns it with formatted keys as set in format_type or JSON_API_FORMAT_FIELD_NAMES
Either ‘dasherize’, ‘camelize’, ‘capitalize’ or ‘underscore’
Takes a dict and undo format field names to underscore which is the Python convention but only in case
JSON_API_FORMAT_FIELD_NAMES is actually configured.
Takes a field name and returns it with formatted keys as set in JSON_API_FORMAT_FIELD_NAMES
Takes a string and undos format field name to underscore which is the Python convention but only in case
JSON_API_FORMAT_FIELD_NAMES is actually configured.
Takes a string value and returns it with formatted keys as set in format_type or
Either ‘dasherize’, ‘camelize’, ‘capitalize’ or ‘underscore’
Takes a link segment and undos format link segment to underscore which is the Python convention but only in
case JSON_API_FORMAT_RELATED_LINKS is actually configured.

40 Chapter 3. API Reference

Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

rest_framework_json_api.utils.format_value(value, format_type)

rest_framework_json_api.utils.format_resource_type(value, format_type=None, pluralize=None)







rest_framework_json_api.utils.get_included_resources(request, serializer=None)
Build a list of included resources.

rest_framework_json_api.utils.get_relation_instance(resource_instance, source, serializer)


class rest_framework_json_api.utils.Hyperlink(url, name)

Bases: str
A string like object that additionally has an associated name. We use this for hyperlinked URLs that may render
as a named link in some contexts, or render as a plain URL in others.
Comes from Django REST framework 3.2
is_hyperlink = True

rest_framework_json_api.utils.format_drf_errors(response, context, exc)

rest_framework_json_api.utils.format_error_object(message, pointer, response)


rest_framework_json_api.views module

class rest_framework_json_api.views.PreloadIncludesMixin
Bases: object
This mixin provides a helper attributes to select or prefetch related models based on the include specified in the
__all__ can be used to specify a prefetch which should be done regardless of the include

# When MyViewSet is called with ?include=author it will prefetch author and␣


class MyViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
queryset = Book.objects.all()
prefetch_for_includes = {
'__all__': [],
'category.section': ['category']
(continues on next page)

3.1. rest_framework_json_api package 41

Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

(continued from previous page)

select_for_includes = {
'__all__': [],
'author': ['author', 'author__authorbio'],



get_queryset(*args, **kwargs)

class rest_framework_json_api.views.AutoPrefetchMixin
Bases: object
get_queryset(*args, **kwargs)
This mixin adds automatic prefetching for OneToOne and ManyToMany fields.
class rest_framework_json_api.views.RelatedMixin
Bases: object
This mixin handles all related entities, whose Serializers are declared in “related_serializers”
retrieve_related(request, *args, **kwargs)

get_related_serializer(instance, **kwargs)




class rest_framework_json_api.views.ModelViewSet(**kwargs)
Bases: AutoPrefetchMixin, PreloadIncludesMixin, RelatedMixin, ModelViewSet
http_method_names = ['get', 'post', 'patch', 'delete', 'head', 'options']

class rest_framework_json_api.views.ReadOnlyModelViewSet(**kwargs)
Bases: AutoPrefetchMixin, PreloadIncludesMixin, RelatedMixin, ReadOnlyModelViewSet
http_method_names = ['get', 'post', 'patch', 'delete', 'head', 'options']

class rest_framework_json_api.views.RelationshipView(**kwargs)
Bases: GenericAPIView
alias of ResourceIdentifierObjectSerializer
self_link_view_name = None

related_link_view_name = None

field_name_mapping = {}

http_method_names = ['get', 'post', 'patch', 'delete', 'head', 'options']


42 Chapter 3. API Reference

Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0


Given a name, view name and kwargs, return the URL that hyperlinks to the object.
May raise a NoReverseMatch if the view_name and lookup_field attributes are not configured to correctly
match the URL conf.

get(request, *args, **kwargs)

remove_relationships(instance_manager, field)

patch(request, *args, **kwargs)

post(request, *args, **kwargs)

delete(request, *args, **kwargs)





property resource_name

3.1. rest_framework_json_api package 43

Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

44 Chapter 3. API Reference




Django REST framework JSON:API (aka DJA) should be easy to contribute to. If anything is unclear about how to
contribute, please submit an issue on GitHub so that we can fix it!
Before writing any code, have a conversation on a GitHub issue to see if the proposed change makes sense for the

4.1 Setup development environment

4.1.1 Clone

To start developing on Django REST framework JSON:API you need to first clone the repository:

git clone

4.1.2 Testing

To run tests clone the repository, and then:

# Setup the virtual environment

python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Format code
black .

# Run linting

# Run tests

Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

4.1.3 Running against multiple environments

You can also use the excellent tox testing tool to run the tests against all supported versions of Python and Django.
Install tox globally, and then simply run:


4.1.4 Setup pre-commit

pre-commit hooks is an additional option to check linting and formatting of code independent of an editor before you
commit your changes with git.
To setup pre-commit hooks first create a testing environment as explained above before running below commands:

pip install pre-commit

pre-commit install

4.2 For maintainers

4.2.1 Create release

To upload a release (using version 1.2.3 as the example) first setup testing environment as above before running below

python sdist bdist_wheel

twine upload dist/*
git tag -a v1.2.3 -m 'Release 1.2.3'
git push --tags

4.2.2 Add maintainer

In case a new maintainer joins our team we need to consider to what of following services we want to add them too:
• Github organization
• Read the Docs project
• PyPi project
• Google Groups security mailing list

46 Chapter 4. Contributing



• genindex
• search

Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

48 Chapter 5. Indices and tables


rest_framework_json_api, 27
rest_framework_json_api.compat, 30
rest_framework_json_api.django_filters, 27
rest_framework_json_api.exceptions, 30
rest_framework_json_api.filters, 31
rest_framework_json_api.metadata, 31
rest_framework_json_api.pagination, 32
rest_framework_json_api.parsers, 33
rest_framework_json_api.relations, 33
rest_framework_json_api.renderers, 36
rest_framework_json_api.schemas, 28
rest_framework_json_api.schemas.openapi, 28
rest_framework_json_api.serializers, 37
rest_framework_json_api.settings, 40
rest_framework_json_api.utils, 40
rest_framework_json_api.views, 41

Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

50 Python Module Index


A DjangoFilterBackend (class in
AutoPrefetchMixin (class in rest_framework_json_api.django_filters.backends),
rest_framework_json_api.views), 42 27
AutoSchema (class in rest_framework_json_api.schemas.openapi),
exception_handler() (in module
B rest_framework_json_api.exceptions), 30
bind() (rest_framework_json_api.relations.SerializerMethodFieldBase
method), 35 (rest_framework_json_api.renderers.JSONRenderer
BrowsableAPIRenderer (class in class method), 36
rest_framework_json_api.renderers), 37 extract_included() (rest_framework_json_api.renderers.JSONRenderer
build_json_resource_obj() class method), 36
(rest_framework_json_api.renderers.JSONRendererextract_meta() (rest_framework_json_api.renderers.JSONRenderer
class method), 37 class method), 37
build_link() (rest_framework_json_api.pagination.JsonApiPageNumberPagination
method), 32 (rest_framework_json_api.renderers.JSONRenderer
class method), 36
C extract_relationships()
Conflict, 30
class method), 36
conflict() (rest_framework_json_api.relations.ResourceRelatedField
method), 34
content_types (rest_framework_json_api.schemas.openapi.AutoSchema
class method), 37
attribute), 30

field_name_mapping (rest_framework_json_api.views.RelationshipView
default_detail (rest_framework_json_api.exceptions.Conflict
attribute), 42
attribute), 30
filter_queryset() (rest_framework_json_api.filters.QueryParameterVal
method), 31
filter_regex (rest_framework_json_api.django_filters.backends.DjangoF
attribute), 35
attribute), 28
format (rest_framework_json_api.renderers.JSONRenderer
attribute), 36
attribute), 34
format_drf_errors() (in module
rest_framework_json_api.utils), 41
format_error_object() (in module
attribute), 37
rest_framework_json_api.utils), 41
delete() (rest_framework_json_api.views.RelationshipView
format_errors() (in module
method), 43
rest_framework_json_api.utils), 41
format_field_name() (in module
rest_framework_json_api.utils), 40
method), 32

Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

format_field_names() (in module method), 32

rest_framework_json_api.utils), 40 get_paginated_response()
format_link_segment() (in module (rest_framework_json_api.pagination.JsonApiPageNumberPagina
rest_framework_json_api.utils), 40 method), 32
format_resource_type() (in module get_parent_serializer()
rest_framework_json_api.utils), 41 (rest_framework_json_api.relations.ResourceRelatedField
format_value() (in module method), 35
rest_framework_json_api.utils), 40 get_polymorphic_model_for_serializer()
G class method), 39
get() (rest_framework_json_api.views.RelationshipView get_polymorphic_model_for_type()
method), 43 (rest_framework_json_api.serializers.PolymorphicModelSerialize
class method), 39
get_attribute() (rest_framework_json_api.relations.SerializerMethodFieldBase
method), 35 get_polymorphic_serializer_for_instance()
get_attribute() (rest_framework_json_api.relations.SkipDataMixin (rest_framework_json_api.serializers.PolymorphicModelSerialize
method), 33 class method), 39
get_choices() (rest_framework_json_api.relations.ResourceRelatedField
method), 35 (rest_framework_json_api.serializers.PolymorphicModelSerialize
class method), 39
get_context() (rest_framework_json_api.renderers.BrowsableAPIRenderer
method), 37 get_polymorphic_types()
get_default_included_resources_from_serializer() (rest_framework_json_api.serializers.PolymorphicModelSerialize
(in module rest_framework_json_api.utils), 41 class method), 39
get_field_info() (rest_framework_json_api.metadata.JSONAPIMetadata
method), 32 (rest_framework_json_api.views.PreloadIncludesMixin
method), 42
get_field_names() (rest_framework_json_api.serializers.ModelSerializer
method), 39 get_queryset() (rest_framework_json_api.views.AutoPrefetchMixin
method), 42
get_fields() (rest_framework_json_api.serializers.PolymorphicModelSerializer
method), 39 get_queryset() (rest_framework_json_api.views.PreloadIncludesMixin
method), 42
get_fields() (rest_framework_json_api.serializers.ReservedFieldNamesMixin
method), 38 get_reference() (in module
rest_framework_json_api.compat), 30
get_filterset() (rest_framework_json_api.django_filters.backends.DjangoFilterBackend
method), 28 get_related_field_name()
get_filterset_kwargs() (rest_framework_json_api.views.RelatedMixin
method), 42
method), 28 get_related_field_name()
get_first_link() (rest_framework_json_api.pagination.JsonApiLimitOffsetPagination
method), 32 method), 43
get_included_resources() (in module get_related_instance()
rest_framework_json_api.utils), 41 (rest_framework_json_api.views.RelatedMixin
get_includes_form() method), 42
method), 37 (rest_framework_json_api.views.RelationshipView
method), 43
get_last_link() (rest_framework_json_api.pagination.JsonApiLimitOffsetPagination
method), 32 get_related_resource_type() (in module
get_links() (rest_framework_json_api.relations.HyperlinkedMixin rest_framework_json_api.utils), 41
method), 34 get_related_serializer()
get_links() (rest_framework_json_api.views.RelationshipView (rest_framework_json_api.views.RelatedMixin
method), 43 method), 42
get_operation() (rest_framework_json_api.schemas.openapi.AutoSchema
method), 30 (rest_framework_json_api.views.RelatedMixin
method), 42
get_operation_id() (rest_framework_json_api.schemas.openapi.AutoSchema
method), 30 get_relation_instance() (in module
get_paginated_response() rest_framework_json_api.utils), 41
get_request_body() (rest_framework_json_api.schemas.openapi.AutoSc

52 Index
Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

method), 30 I
get_resource_name() (in module IncludedResourcesValidationMixin (class in
rest_framework_json_api.utils), 40 rest_framework_json_api.serializers), 37
get_resource_name() includes_template (rest_framework_json_api.renderers.BrowsableAPIR
(rest_framework_json_api.views.RelationshipView attribute), 37
method), 43 is_hyperlink (rest_framework_json_api.utils.Hyperlink
get_resource_type_from_included_serializer() attribute), 41
is_relationship_field() (in module
method), 35 rest_framework_json_api.utils), 41
get_resource_type_from_instance() (in module is_serializer() (rest_framework_json_api.relations.ResourceRelatedFie
rest_framework_json_api.utils), 41 method), 35
get_resource_type_from_manager() (in module
rest_framework_json_api.utils), 41 J
get_resource_type_from_model() (in module
jsonapi_components (rest_framework_json_api.schemas.openapi.Schema
rest_framework_json_api.utils), 41
attribute), 28
get_resource_type_from_queryset() (in module
JsonApiLimitOffsetPagination (class in
rest_framework_json_api.utils), 41
rest_framework_json_api.pagination), 32
get_resource_type_from_serializer() (in module
JSONAPIMetadata (class in
rest_framework_json_api.utils), 41
rest_framework_json_api.metadata), 31
get_schema() (rest_framework_json_api.schemas.openapi.SchemaGenerator
JsonApiPageNumberPagination (class in
method), 30
rest_framework_json_api.pagination), 32
JSONAPISettings (class in
rest_framework_json_api.settings), 40
method), 28
JSONParser (class in rest_framework_json_api.parsers),
JSONRenderer (class in
method), 42
rest_framework_json_api.renderers), 36
method), 42
get_serializer_fields() (in module LazySerializersDict (class in
rest_framework_json_api.utils), 40 rest_framework_json_api.serializers), 38
get_serializer_info() limit_query_param (rest_framework_json_api.pagination.JsonApiLimitO
(rest_framework_json_api.metadata.JSONAPIMetadata attribute), 32
method), 32
get_url() (rest_framework_json_api.relations.HyperlinkedMixin
method), 34 many_cls (rest_framework_json_api.relations.SerializerMethodHyperlinke
get_url() (rest_framework_json_api.views.RelationshipView attribute), 36
method), 42 many_cls (rest_framework_json_api.relations.SerializerMethodResourceRe
attribute), 35
H many_init() (rest_framework_json_api.relations.HyperlinkedRelatedField
http_method_names (rest_framework_json_api.views.ModelViewSetclass method), 34
attribute), 42 many_init() (rest_framework_json_api.relations.SerializerMethodResourc
class method), 36
http_method_names (rest_framework_json_api.views.ReadOnlyModelViewSet
attribute), 42 many_kwargs (rest_framework_json_api.relations.SerializerMethodResourc
http_method_names (rest_framework_json_api.views.RelationshipView 35
attribute), 42 ManyRelatedFieldWithNoData (class in
Hyperlink (class in rest_framework_json_api.utils), 41 rest_framework_json_api.relations), 33
HyperlinkedMixin (class in ManySerializerMethodHyperlinkedRelatedField
rest_framework_json_api.relations), 34 (class in rest_framework_json_api.relations),
HyperlinkedModelSerializer (class in 36
rest_framework_json_api.serializers), 38 ManySerializerMethodResourceRelatedField
HyperlinkedRelatedField (class in (class in rest_framework_json_api.relations),
rest_framework_json_api.relations), 34 35

Index 53
Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

map_serializer() (rest_framework_json_api.schemas.openapi.AutoSchema
parse_attributes() (rest_framework_json_api.parsers.JSONParser
method), 30 static method), 33
max_limit (rest_framework_json_api.pagination.JsonApiLimitOffsetPagination
parse_data() (rest_framework_json_api.parsers.JSONParser
attribute), 32 method), 33
max_page_size (rest_framework_json_api.pagination.JsonApiPageNumberPagination
parse_metadata() (rest_framework_json_api.parsers.JSONParser
attribute), 32 static method), 33
media_type (rest_framework_json_api.parsers.JSONParserparse_relationships()
attribute), 33 (rest_framework_json_api.parsers.JSONParser
media_type (rest_framework_json_api.renderers.JSONRenderer static method), 33
attribute), 36 patch() (rest_framework_json_api.views.RelationshipView
model_class (rest_framework_json_api.serializers.ResourceIdentifierObjectSerializer
method), 43
attribute), 37 PolymorphicModelSerializer (class in
ModelSerializer (class in rest_framework_json_api.serializers), 39
rest_framework_json_api.serializers), 38 PolymorphicResourceRelatedField (class in
ModelViewSet (class in rest_framework_json_api.relations), 35
rest_framework_json_api.views), 42 PolymorphicSerializerMetaclass (class in
module rest_framework_json_api.serializers), 39
rest_framework_json_api, 27 post() (rest_framework_json_api.views.RelationshipView
rest_framework_json_api.compat, 30 method), 43
rest_framework_json_api.django_filters, PreloadIncludesMixin (class in
27 rest_framework_json_api.views), 41
27 Q
rest_framework_json_api.exceptions, 30 query_regex (rest_framework_json_api.filters.QueryParameterValidationF
rest_framework_json_api.filters, 31 attribute), 31
rest_framework_json_api.metadata, 31 QueryParameterValidationFilter (class in
rest_framework_json_api.pagination, 32 rest_framework_json_api.filters), 31
rest_framework_json_api.parsers, 33
rest_framework_json_api.relations, 33 R
rest_framework_json_api.renderers, 36
ReadOnlyModelViewSet (class in
rest_framework_json_api.schemas, 28
rest_framework_json_api.views), 42
rest_framework_json_api.serializers, 37
attribute), 34
rest_framework_json_api.settings, 40
rest_framework_json_api.utils, 40
rest_framework_json_api.views, 41
attribute), 34
O (rest_framework_json_api.relations.HyperlinkedMixin
offset_query_param (rest_framework_json_api.pagination.JsonApiLimitOffsetPagination
attribute), 34
attribute), 32 related_link_view_name
ordering_param (rest_framework_json_api.filters.OrderingFilter (rest_framework_json_api.relations.ResourceRelatedField
attribute), 31 attribute), 34
OrderingFilter (class in related_link_view_name
rest_framework_json_api.filters), 31 (rest_framework_json_api.views.RelationshipView
attribute), 42
P RelatedMixin (class in
page_query_param (rest_framework_json_api.pagination.JsonApiPageNumberPagination
rest_framework_json_api.views), 42
attribute), 32 relation_type_lookup
page_size_query_param (rest_framework_json_api.metadata.JSONAPIMetadata
attribute), 31
attribute), 32 RelationshipView (class in
parse() (rest_framework_json_api.parsers.JSONParser rest_framework_json_api.views), 42
method), 33

54 Index
Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

reload_json_api_settings() (in module module, 37

rest_framework_json_api.settings), 40 rest_framework_json_api.settings
remove_invalid_fields() module, 40
(rest_framework_json_api.filters.OrderingFilter rest_framework_json_api.utils
method), 31 module, 40
remove_relationships() rest_framework_json_api.views
(rest_framework_json_api.views.RelationshipView module, 41
method), 43 retrieve_related() (rest_framework_json_api.views.RelatedMixin
render() (rest_framework_json_api.renderers.JSONRenderer method), 42
method), 37
render_errors() (rest_framework_json_api.renderers.JSONRenderer
method), 37 SchemaGenerator (class in
render_relationship_view() rest_framework_json_api.schemas.openapi),
(rest_framework_json_api.renderers.JSONRenderer 28
method), 37 search_param (rest_framework_json_api.django_filters.backends.DjangoF
rendered_with_json_api() (in module attribute), 28
rest_framework_json_api.exceptions), 30 self_link_view_name
renderer_class (rest_framework_json_api.parsers.JSONParser (rest_framework_json_api.relations.HyperlinkedMixin
attribute), 33 attribute), 34
ReservedFieldNamesMixin (class in self_link_view_name
rest_framework_json_api.serializers), 38 (rest_framework_json_api.relations.ResourceRelatedField
resource_name (rest_framework_json_api.views.RelationshipView attribute), 34
property), 43 self_link_view_name
ResourceIdentifierObjectSerializer (class in (rest_framework_json_api.views.RelationshipView
rest_framework_json_api.serializers), 37 attribute), 42
ResourceRelatedField (class in Serializer (class in rest_framework_json_api.serializers),
rest_framework_json_api.relations), 34 38
rest_framework_json_api serializer_class (rest_framework_json_api.views.RelationshipView
module, 27 attribute), 42
rest_framework_json_api.compat serializer_related_field
module, 30 (rest_framework_json_api.serializers.ModelSerializer
rest_framework_json_api.django_filters attribute), 39
module, 27 SerializerMetaclass (class in
rest_framework_json_api.django_filters.backends rest_framework_json_api.serializers), 38
module, 27 SerializerMethodFieldBase (class in
rest_framework_json_api.exceptions rest_framework_json_api.relations), 35
module, 30 SerializerMethodHyperlinkedRelatedField (class
rest_framework_json_api.filters in rest_framework_json_api.relations), 36
module, 31 SerializerMethodResourceRelatedField (class in
rest_framework_json_api.metadata rest_framework_json_api.relations), 35
module, 31 set_resource_name()
rest_framework_json_api.pagination (rest_framework_json_api.views.RelationshipView
module, 32 method), 43
rest_framework_json_api.parsers SkipDataMixin (class in
module, 33 rest_framework_json_api.relations), 33
rest_framework_json_api.relations SparseFieldsetsMixin (class in
module, 33 rest_framework_json_api.serializers), 37
rest_framework_json_api.renderers status_code (rest_framework_json_api.exceptions.Conflict
module, 36 attribute), 30
module, 28 T
rest_framework_json_api.schemas.openapi template (rest_framework_json_api.renderers.BrowsableAPIRenderer
module, 28 attribute), 37

Index 55
Django REST framework JSON:API Documentation, Release 6.0.0

method), 35
method), 35
method), 39
method), 37
method), 35
method), 35
method), 33
method), 39
method), 37
type_lookup (rest_framework_json_api.metadata.JSONAPIMetadata
attribute), 31

undo_format_field_name() (in module
rest_framework_json_api.utils), 40
undo_format_field_names() (in module
rest_framework_json_api.utils), 40
undo_format_link_segment() (in module
rest_framework_json_api.utils), 40
method), 35
method), 34

method), 31

56 Index

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