Modern Web Development With IBM Websphere
Modern Web Development With IBM Websphere
Modern Web Development With IBM Websphere
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This one is dedicated to my wife, Ann, and my son, Nate,
who supported me and sometimes worried me
(yes, that was you, Nate!) during its writing.
Thank you to God the Father and my Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you, Blanca, for all your support.
Thank you to my children: Alyssa, Savannah, Amadeus, and Joseph.
Thank you, Kyle, for being a great mentor.
Thanks to my coauthors and to my family and friends.
I’d like to thank my family—my wife, Cheryl, and my awesome kids, Matthew and Aubriana.
It still amazes me that you put up with me being so continually
distracted by work and this book for so long.
I would also like to thank IBM for being a great place to work and grow,
as well as all the IBM clients I’ve had the pleasure of working
with to provide high-quality solutions for your customers.
To my family, Tania, Elyse, Fintan, Joe, and Tabitha—thanks for being patient.
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xviii
Chapter 1 The Modern Web . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Chapter 2 WAS and the Liberty Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Chapter 3 Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Chapter 4 REST Web Services in WebSphere Liberty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Chapter 5 Application Architecture on the Glass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Chapter 6 Designing and Building RESTful Applications with
Modern Java EE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Chapter 7 Introduction to IBM Worklight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Chapter 8 Building a Worklight Hybrid App with Open Source
Frameworks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Chapter 9 Testing and Debugging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
Chapter 10 Advanced Topics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
Chapter 11 Key Takeaways of Modern Web Development . . . . . . . . . . . 307
Appendix A Installation Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xviii
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .335
Some days I can’t believe it, but I’ve now been a consultant in the IT industry for more than
20 years. During that time, I’ve seen a number of technology shifts. When I started in the indus-
try, the client/server wave was just beginning. What is now called the first generation of the web
(or Web 1.0) came next, quickly followed by Web 2.0. Web 2.0 is now cresting, followed closely
by the mobile wave.
The amazing part of all this is that each new technology wave appears to have little in com-
mon with the ones before them, but the lessons learned during one wave are actually foundations
for the next wave. We developers learned the hard lessons of distributed computing during the
client/server wave; that affected the way we went about building distributed systems in Web 1.0.
In Web 1.0, we learned quickly that you can’t easily separate the design of your website from the
functionality of your website, and we saw that a good dynamic website is not the same as either
a static website or a client/server system. These lessons about separation of concerns prepared
us for the work of designing Web 2.0 websites that were more much responsive and easier to
use. Likewise, the lessons we’ve learned in Web 2.0 about designing for different browsers and
screen aspects have prepared us for the mobile wave.
Essentially, that’s what this book is about. My co-authors and I have written it to help you
understand how to apply all these different lessons we’ve learned over time in the context of a
coherent strategy for building what we’re terming “Modern” Web Applications (meaning ones
suitable for use by mobile devices, or browser-based systems using Web 2.0 design techniques).
This book had its genesis in a previous book I wrote for IBM® press titled Enterprise
Java™ Programming for IBM WebSphere®. In the two editions of those books, my coauthors
and I concentrated on both providing soup-to-nuts coverage of the capabilities of IBM Web-
Sphere Application Server and delivering that same kind of “here’s the lessons you need to learn”
approach. But the problem is that Enterprise Java, or JEE, has grown so large (as has WebSphere
Application Server) that it’s no longer feasible to cover all of it effectively in one book.
Instead, we’ve found that developers of Modern Web Applications have started to spe-
cialize in one of two areas: “Front-end” developers write the code that provides both the user
interface and the API to the application. “Back-end” developers are more concerned with
Preface xix
building infrastructure and dealing with issues of enterprise connectivity to mainframe systems,
messaging systems, and so on. We feel that this forms a natural split between the issues involved,
and the book you hold in your hand is our first of at least a two-part set.
Of course, just as in earlier books we had to show how developers build applications for
IBM WebSphere Application Server using the Rational® VisualAge® for Java and then Rational
Application Developer Toolset, now we have a whole new set of tools that developers need to
understand. These include not only the tools that come in Eclipse for building Java applications
with RESTful services, but also tools for building and deploying mobile applications, such as
IBM Worklight®. We demonstrate to you in this book how the different parts of your team can
use these tools to build Modern Web Applications more effectively.
We would first like to thank our wonderful technical reviewers, David Artus and Gang
Chen, whose time, dedication, and effort made this book a much more valuable and insightful
document. We would also like to thank Andrew Ferrier, Chris Mitchell, Cory Eden, Mohsen
Yasarizare, Alberto Manjarrez, Leigh Williamson, Greg Truty, and others for additional insight.
We also want to thank the team at IBM Press for the opportunity to deliver this book to
you. Thanks to Chris Cleveland for making this the best it can be. Thanks also to Executive Edi-
tor Mary Beth Ray for giving us the opportunity to create this book on a flexible schedule, despite
several restarts and delays. Finally, we want to thank Steve Stansel, Editorial Program Manager
for IBM Press, who helped us immensely through this whole process by cajoling us, lending a
sympathetic ear, and keeping things moving along.
About the Authors
Kyle Brown is a Distinguished Engineer and CTO of Emerging Technologies with IBM
Software Services and Support for WebSphere. He has 20 years of experience in designing and
architecting large-scale systems. In his role as a DE, he is responsible for helping customers
adopt emerging technologies, specifically cloud technologies and services-oriented approaches.
He specializes in developing and promoting best practices approaches to designing large-scale
systems using SOA, Java Enterprise Edition (JEE), and the IBM WebSphere product family. He
is a best-selling author and regular conference speaker, as well as an internationally recognized
expert in patterns, JEE, and object technology.
Roland Barcia is an IBM Distinguished Engineer and CTO for the Mobile and Web-
Sphere Foundation for Software Group Lab Services. Roland is responsible for technical thought
leadership and strategy, practice technical vitality, and technical enablement. He works with
many enterprise clients on mobile strategy and implementations. He is the coauthor of four books
and has published more than 50 articles and papers on topics such as mobile technologies, IBM
MobileFirst, Java™ Persistence, Ajax, REST, JavaServer Faces, and messaging technologies. He
frequently presents at conferences and to customers on various technologies. Roland has spent
the past 16 years implementing middleware systems on various platforms, including Sockets,
CORBA, Java EE, SOA, REST, web, and mobile platforms. He has a master’s degree in com-
puter science from the New Jersey Institute of Technology
Karl Bishop is a Product Manager with the IBM Worklight team. He currently works with
the IBM Worklight Product Design team, focusing on developer experience. Before that, Karl
spent many years working within the IBM Software Services for WebSphere group. His techni-
cal focus has been mobile app development, HTML5, Web 2.0, and JavaScript toolkits. Karl has
worked for IBM for more than 16 years. He previously spent another dozen years honing his geek
credentials at another computer company in California. Karl currently works out of his house,
hidden away in the Sandhills near Pinehurst, North Carolina.
Matthew Perrins is an Executive IT Specialist and the lead architect for the BlueMix
Mobile Backend as a Service Client SDK. He is the technical lead for IBM Software Services for
Mobile for Europe, which is focused on delivering first-of-their-kind mobile solutions for IBM
clients. He has worked for IBM since 1989 and has spent a significant amount of time designing
and building Java-based enterprise solutions based on WebSphere.
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C H A P T E R 4
What Is REST?
Earlier in Chapter 1, “The Modern Web,” and again in Chapter 3, “Design,” we discussed the
REST approach to building web services. REST is about creating web services around a set of
constraints. By sticking to the constraints that stem from the way the web was designed and built,
you can take better advantage of the existing web infrastructure. Routers, caching proxies, and
web servers are all optimized to deliver web content. Delivering your services as web content
through these channels enables you to take advantage of existing optimizations in these channels.
The philosophy of RESTful services construction has two parts. One part centers on expos-
ing resources, putting them into the hands of the masses and then allowing others in the commu-
nity to create new types of applications by mixing and matching content from various places. In
our context, you can view REST services as the data source for your model layer inside a Modern
Web Application that runs in the browser or as a mobile app. REST services can provide data for
reusable widgets that you can mix together to create mashups. REST services can also present
data as feeds, notifying end users of content through the use of feed readers.
In general, almost any data—including business logic—can easily be expressed through
REST. What’s more, it’s easy to build REST services that provide content in different forms (for
instance, JSON and XML). For these reasons, REST services are extending into the API space
and rapidly becoming accepted as the default standard for providing externally accessible web
APIs. This services exposure for enabling reuse is a central part of the REST philosophy.
The second aspect of the REST philosophy focuses on using RESTful idioms to simplify
access, increase orthogonality, and enable discovery. This is where the arguments tend to start.
REST is based on a set of simple principles that derive from the HTTP specification and other
web standards. Some developers tend to follow these principles very closely, whereas others are
more lax in their compliance with the principles set forward in the original REST paper by Roy
Fielding. In our examples, we tend toward a more strict interpretation of REST, but we do point
out places where deviations might commonly occur.
66 Chapter 4 REST Web Services in WebSphere Liberty
• Nouns/URIs: URLs are the most identifiable part of the web and, as such, are a straight-
forward way of organizing your services. Organizing a unique URI for each resource
avoids confusion and promotes scalability.
• Verbs/actions: In REST, you usually perform four HTTP operations against these
URLs: POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE. (HTTP supports a few more actions, or officially
request-methods, but these are the interesting ones.) Although having just four opera-
tions might seem constraining, the simplicity is somewhat liberating. These operations
roughly map to Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD). CRUD provides the founda-
tional functions needed to interface with a relational database or other data store, so you
can use these four methods in interesting and powerful ways.
• Adjectives/data formats: There are well known data types (the MIME types—text/
html, image/jpeg) that HTTP servers and browsers natively support. Simple XML and
JSON allow more custom data formats that are self-describing and can easily be parsed
by the user. (When we say parse, we also mean “read with your eyes and parse with your
Introducing JAX-RS 67
Using REST enables you to take advantage of many assumptions made by web infrastruc-
ture. Because you constrain the problem to only HTTP, you can make assumptions about items
such as caching and HTTP-based security models. Because these technologies are ubiquitous,
following this approach enables you to take advantage of existing solutions such as browser
caches and web security proxies. By making your resources stateless, you can easily partition
your resources across multiple servers, providing scalability opportunities. Another advantage
is you can easily test HTTP-based services using a browser or a simple command-line tool such
as cURL. By following RESTful idioms such as representing connections between resources
by links in the data, you can enable runtime discovery of additional services. Finally, from the
consumer perspective, services written to RESTful idioms have a regularity that enables you to
benefit from examples and to practice reuse through cut-and-paste.
Building an effective REST architecture involves many aspects:
• Resources
• Resource types
• Query formats, headers, and status codes
• Content negotiation
• Linking
• Versioning
• Security
• Documentation
• Unit tests
We begin to cover these issues in this chapter, and we address more of these topics more
fully in later chapters.
Introducing JAX-RS
Very soon after the REST model was described, it began to gain acceptance in the Java commu-
nity. Early efforts focused on building REST services directly with Java Servlets, but an effort
soon concentrated on creating a draft specification (JSR) for developing REST services in Java.
The specification that resulted from that effort (JSR-033) became the JAX-RS standard. The
authors of the JAX-RS standard set some specific goals for the JAX-RS approach:
• POJO based: The authors of the specification wanted to allow developers to build their
services entirely with annotated POJOs—no special component model, such as earlier
versions of EJB or web services standards, required.
• HTTP-centric: In keeping with the REST architectural approach, the JAX-RS standard
assumes that HTTP is the only underlying network protocol. It does not attempt to be
protocol independent—in fact, it provides simple mechanisms for exploiting the under-
lying HTTP protocol.
68 Chapter 4 REST Web Services in WebSphere Liberty
• Format independent: The developers of the standard also wanted to make the JAX-RS
standard compatible with a number of different content types. Therefore, they focused
on providing plugability so that additional content types could be added in a compli-
ant way.
This chapter walks you through the process of creating a new web project and a number
of new classes. If you’d rather not type in the code and you instead want to just run the
completed examples, then follow the instructions in Appendix A and load the Chapter4Ex- file from the book’s website into your Eclipse workspace.
You start the process by creating a new Eclipse Dynamic Web Project. The JAX-RS speci-
fication gives container providers some flexibility in how they can implement the specification,
but they assume that artifacts will be deployed in a Servlet container such as WebSphere Liberty.
In the Eclipse web development tool suite, a web project represents artifacts that are meant to be
deployed to a Servlet container and packaged in a WAR file. If you’re not familiar with develop-
ment in Eclipse, you might want to first refer to any of the helpful tutorials on Java development
with Eclipse.1
Introducing JAX-RS 69
First, switch to a Java EE perspective in Eclipse. Then select File > New. The menu that
pops up enables you to select a Dynamic Web Project. After you select that, the dialog box in
Figure 4.1 appears.
Name your project RestServicesSamples. For this particular project, we want to walk you
through all the pieces included in a web project using REST in Eclipse, so you won’t actually use
all the built-in wizards for creating REST services that the Eclipse web tools provide. However,
you will use some of the features to set up a project that uses JAX-RS and WebSphere Liberty.
70 Chapter 4 REST Web Services in WebSphere Liberty
Make sure that the Include in EAR check box is unchecked; you only need a WAR file
from this project, so you don’t need to worry about inclusion in an EAR.
Next, click the Modify button. This takes you to the page in Figure 4.2, which enables you
to add facets to your project. Facets enable you to specify requirements and dependencies on
specific technologies—Eclipse automatically handles modifications such as classpaths after you
declare that you need those facets. On this page, check the check boxes to include support for
JAX-RS and JAXB in your project (we explain why you need JAXB in the later section “JAXB
and More Interesting XML-Based Web Services”).
Finally, back on the Dynamic Web Project creation page, click Finish. Eclipse creates the
project and might inform you through a dialog box that this type of project is best viewed in the
JEE perspective; it asks if you want to open that perspective now. If you are not already in that
perspective, answer Yes; you can work in the JEE perspective from then on.
Introducing JAX-RS 71
Next, you need to create your first resource class. This resource class simply introduces
you to many of the common annotations in JAX-RS and familiarizes you with the way you start
and test REST services using Eclipse and the WebSphere Liberty Profile. Go to File > New >
Class from within the web perspective, and open the dialog box in Figure 4.3 that enables you to
create your first resource class.
Name your new class GreetingResource, and put it in a package named
mwdbook.restexamples. Click Finish, and the Java Editor for your newly created class opens. At
this point, you can go into the Java editor and change the newly created class stub to match the
code in Listing 4.1.
public class GreetingResource {
public String getMessage() {
return "Hello World";
This little example doesn’t do much, but it does point out a few key aspects of resource
classes in JAX-RS. First, notice that this class doesn’t descend from any specialized subclass, nor
does it implement any special interfaces. This is in accordance with the design of the JAX-RS
specification, which aimed to allow developers to implement services as annotated POJOs. This
was a principle that originated in JEE5 and has continued into later specifications. Next, notice
the @Path annotation at the class level. As with the other annotations, @Path corresponds to a
particular class—in this case,, which you must import. In fact, each of the
annotations you import in this example come from the package. @Path deter-
mines where in the URI space this particular resource is placed. Adding a path of /Greeting
states that the last part of the URL ( will end in /Greeting. Other parts
of the URL can be in front of the path identifier, but at least this identifies the end. In terms of the
JAX-RS specification, annotating a class like this makes it a root resource class. This distinction
becomes important when we start discussing subresources later.
The final point to notice about this simple example is the @GET annotation. Remember that,
in the REST model, the HTTP methods are the verbs of the service. If the URI represents the
noun that the action is performed against, then the method is the action that is performed. So the
meaning of this simple example is that you are GETting a greeting. That makes the response that
we are returning, Hello World!, very appropriate! Now, of course, @GET isn’t the only HTTP
method annotation you can use; in the later section “Handling Entity Parameters with POST and
the Consumes Annotation,” we cover a case in which you use @POST, and Chapter 6 shows uses
for @DELETE and @PUT as well.
Introducing JAX-RS 73
The next piece of the puzzle to put in place is the Application subclass. According to the
JAX-RS specification, the purpose of the Application subclass is to configure the resources
and providers (we cover those later) of the JAX-RS application. In fact, you’ll be editing and
adding to the Application subclass as we expand the examples. For now, we start with another
File > New > Class and bring up the new class dialog box. Your Application subclass should
be named BankingApplication and should be placed in the
examples package. The class needs to inherit from
Figure 4.4 shows the completed fields in the dialog box.
After you enter these fields, click Finish and then replace the template text of the newly
created class with the text in Listing 4.2.
public class BankingApplication extends Application {
Note that we’ve added a single annotation in this class, the @ApplicationPath annota-
tion. This annotation instructs the JAX-RS runtime what the path for JAX-RS resources will be.
The path segment referenced in the annotation is added after the server name and web project
context root, so resources are referenced by this pattern:
This is only one of three mechanisms defined in the Infocenter for configuring JAX-RS in
the WebSphere Liberty Profile. This approach enables you to specify multiple JAX-RS appli-
cations with different application paths in the same JAR file, but it doesn’t allow you to set up
security constraints for the applications. For information on how to set up JAX-RS to allow that,
refer to the Infocenter.2
association with projects you don’t need that might slow the startup of your particular server. For
now, begin in the JEE Perspective by clicking the Servers tab at the bottom of the page, selecting
the existing server you created in Chapter 2, and then using the right mouse button menu to select
New > Server. The dialog box in Figure 4.5 then appears.
In the Define a New Server dialog box, make sure you have selected WebSphere Applica-
tion Server V8.5 Liberty Profile, and then click Next. The page in Figure 4.6 appears.
This dialog box informs you that you have already created one server named defaultServer
and that this name is in use. On this page, click the New button. That action brings up the next
page of this dialog box (see Figure 4.7).
Introducing JAX-RS 77
Give the server the name RESTServer. When you click Finish on the dialog box in Figure
4.7, you are taken back to the new Servers page, but this time you see a description of the server
configuration for your new server, as in Figure 4.8. Note that your server is pretty bare bones at
this time—only the basic configuration for your HTTP host and port is defined. That changes in
the next step.
The final task in creating your server is associating your project with the server you just
created. Click the Next button one final time. The dialog box in Figure 4.8 enables you to associ-
ate your project with the server by clicking the Add button to move the project from the list of
available projects on the left side over to the list of configured servers on the right side.
78 Chapter 4 REST Web Services in WebSphere Liberty
At this point, you can finally click the Finish button to finish configuring the server. This
adds the required features (in this case, JAX-RS support) to the server.xml file. Feel free to
examine the server.xml file to verify that it has been reconfigured.
Now switch to the Console tab and make sure you see a message stating something like the
[AUDIT ] CWWKZ0001I: Application SimpleBankingProject started in
0.419 seconds.
If you don’t see this message, or if see an error message instead, take a look through the
earlier messages in the console to find out what you did wrong. You can also turn to the end of
this chapter and look at the debugging hints for JAX-RS services. Finally, presuming that every-
thing went well, you can open a browser and type the following into the URL line:
If everything worked correctly, you should see your REST service greeting you with
Hello World! (see Figure 4.10).
URI Description
/banking/accounts List of accounts
/banking/accounts/{id} Detail of given account ID
/banking/accounts/{id}/ List of transactions for a given account
/banking/accounts/{id}/ Detail of given account ID/transaction ID
We begin by looking at the Accounts resource. You can see two interesting resource refer-
ences here: one service to return a list of accounts and another service to return the detail for a
specific account. From this point on in the chapter, we assume that you know how to create new
resource classes, so we just look at the code for each new class. Let’s start by creating a new
class in named SimpleAccountResource, with the code
shown in Listing 4.3. We begin with this class in the listing and use it to learn some more features
of JAX-RS; then we replace it with a more complete implementation in Listing 4.4. Remember
that this class, as with all resource classes, has no special base class.
public class SimpleAccountResource {
More JAX-RS Annotations 81
public String getAccounts() {
return "<accounts><account>123</account>"+
public String getAccount(@PathParam(value="id") int accountId){
if (accountId==123)
return "<account><id>123</id>" +
"<description>Savings</description>" +
return "<error>No account having that id</error>";
In this example, the code implementing the functionality of the service isn’t the interesting
part; it’s the annotations that surround the functionality. The first @Path annotation simply sets
up the basic URI of this example—remember that you’re initially building a throwaway example
that you will replace, so you don’t use the actual URI in Table 4.2 for this example. Instead, to
differentiate this example from others later, you prefix the end of this test URI with simple
instead of just accounts, as the table shows.
As in the previous example, you begin with the method named getAccounts(), which
returns an XML string representing a collection of two different accounts. The first point to
notice is a new tag, @Produces, which states what type of content the method returns. In the
case of both our new methods, this is application/xml. At this point, you might be wondering
why we didn’t need this for our previous example. The answer is simple—if you don’t add the @
Produces annotation to a resource method, the JAX-RS provider assumes that the content type
is text/html.
As useful as that is, you can see a much more interesting new feature in the second @Path
annotation added to the bottom method. Here we’re adding the mechanism to handle a second
part of the URI that comes after the /accounts portion handled by getAccounts(). In the
example, we want to provide access to a specific account that is identified by an integer account
number placed after the /accounts portion of the URI. The @Path({id}) annotation identi-
fies that specific account number. But then the question becomes, how do we manage to map the
account number information from the URI to the getAccount(int) method? That’s the role of
the @PathParam(value="id") annotation.
82 Chapter 4 REST Web Services in WebSphere Liberty
@PathParam is probably the single most useful source of parameter information for
resource methods, but it’s not the only source. Table 4.3 shows some other common sources of
information that you can use as parameters in your resource classes.
Source Description
@QueryParam Individual query string parameter attached to the URI in the form ?name=value
@PathParam Parameter from URI template
@CookieParam Http cookies value
@HeaderParam Http header value
@FormParam HTML form elements
@Context Limited set of context objects
several ways. One is using the org.w3c.dom.Document interface to generate a document from
its parts. In some cases, this is the best possible approach, especially if you have to handle the
generation of several different XML schemas. However, you usually don’t need the flexibility
of a dynamic approach. In such a case, a simple static approach that ties your POJOs to a single
XML schema is best. The JAXB standard gives you the capability to easily generate XML docu-
ments from your POJO objects with just a few annotations.
Your XML output then is of the form <foo>123</foo>. That might not be helpful for
someone trying to read and parse the XML without knowledge of your special variable naming
conventions. Instead, using name as follows
public int foo;
Combining these annotations is easy. Consider a simple POJO class that represents an
account in our banking example. As in previous examples, you create a new class in your proj-
ect, named, and then fill in the code from the
example (see Listing 4.4).
84 Chapter 4 REST Web Services in WebSphere Liberty
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
public class Account{
int id;
String accountType;
String description;
String currency;
double balance;
public int getId() {
return id;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
this.description = description;
public String getAccountType() {
return accountType;
public String getCurrency() {
return currency;
public double getBalance() {
return balance;
A couple of points are worth calling out in this example. The first is the use of the no-arg
constructor. Even if your code doesn’t use a no-arg constructor, one is necessary for any class
serialized by JAXB because the JAXB framework itself expects to use it. The second point to
notice is that we’ve annotated the getter methods. This means that we’ve annotated the proper-
ties for this example; later in Listing 4.7, we annotate the fields and discuss the differences. In
one particular case, we’ve even illustrated a common aspect of properties annotation—note this
86 Chapter 4 REST Web Services in WebSphere Liberty
Here, we want the name of the tag in the XML to differ from the name of the property
itself. You can do this by specifying the name= property within the annotation. This way, the seg-
ment of XML generated would be of this form
<type> somevalue </type>
You’ll find yourself substituting names like this fairly often when you have to work with
existing XML schemas or JSON formats.
Most of the example snippets in the rest of the chapter leave out the package declaration
(always the same, and the includes statements.
For the most part, you’ve seen everything that needs to be included—besides, Eclipse can
automatically patch these up for you using Source > Organize Imports. This makes the
examples much shorter.
public List<Account> getAccounts() {
List<Account> accountslist = new Vector<Account>();
return accountslist;
public Account get(int id) {
return (Account) accounts.get(id);
That’s all you need for now—just a simple constructor that creates a HashMap of accounts
and adds one to the list, and then a getter for both a list of all accounts and an account stored at a
specific ID. However, that’s enough to help implement our next, more useful example of a JAX-
RS resource (see Listing 4.6).
We now have an example that’s complete enough to be of some use. This is exactly the type
of simple resource that you would implement when testing an AJAX UI that relies on a number
of REST services to provide information that you can manipulate through JavaScript and HTML.
You can see that we’ve used all the different annotations we’ve examined already, and we’ve
also used the constants in the class MediaType instead of hand-coding application/xml for
the @Produces annotation (which is a best practice to eliminate the possibility of mistyping).
To test the example, simply type the following into your browser:
88 Chapter 4 REST Web Services in WebSphere Liberty
JSON Serialization
Although RESTful services that produce XML are common, it is perhaps even more common
for the service to produce JSON, or the JavaScript Object Notation. JSON is a simple notation
based on name/value pairs and ordered lists that are both easy to produce in many languages and
extremely easy (in fact, part of the language) for JavaScript to parse and create. It’s actually noth-
ing more than a proper subset of the JavaScript object literal notation.3
When it comes to Java, especially inside the WebSphere Liberty Profile, you have sev-
eral ways to produce JSON, just as you have different ways of producing XML. You can, of
course, manually hand-code it, although that is not recommended. For more complex situations
requiring a great deal of flexibility, a dynamic method of producing JSON might be needed, just
as a dynamic approach to producing XML is sometimes helpful. However, the most common
approach for producing JSON is the same as that for XML—using static annotations with JAXB.
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
public class BankingTransaction {
protected String id;
protected Date;
protected double amount;
protected String currency;
protected String merchant;
protected String description;
JSON Serialization 89
public BankingTransaction() {
At this point, you might be thinking that this looks exactly like the annotations in the previ-
ous example. That’s the point. If you use JAXB annotations, you have to annotate the class only
once; you don’t have to put in separate annotations for JSON and XML. Also, it’s not entirely the
same. Note that, in this case, we annotated the fields and not the properties—in practice, there is
little difference between the two, and you can use either.
The first new annotation is the @Consumes annotation. None of the previous services
we’ve written have taken in any message bodies, so this is the first time we’ve needed to use it.
As you can see, it’s essentially similar to the @Produces annotation. The interesting part is how
the browser interacts with the server based on these annotations. In this case, we’re being very
restrictive—we insist that the format of the message body be in JSON, but we also provide the
response back in JSON. This information about what format is acceptable to the server and the
client is communicated in specific HTTP headers. Figure 4.11 shows the interaction.
JSON Serialization 91
For a resource method to process a request, the Content-Type header of the request must
be compatible with the supported type of the @Consumes annotation (if one is provided). Like-
wise, the Accept header of the request must be compatible with the supported type of the @
Produces annotation. The Content-type header of the response will be set to a type listed in
the @Produces annotation. This case is very simple—we’re allowing only a single content type
(application/json) into our service and a single content type (also application/json) out
of the service; more complex cases might require content negotiation, which we discuss in more
detail in the later section “More on Content Negotiation.”
Looking back at the code for our BankingTransaction class, you see one more interest-
ing fact about the putTransaction() method. Not only does it take a @PathParam, as have
several of our preceding examples, but another method parameter is not attached to a @Path-
Param annotation: an instance of a BankingTransaction named aTrans. Where does this
parameter come from? The JAX-RS specification is very clear on this: A resource method may
have only one nonannotated parameter; that special parameter is called the entity parameter and
is mapped from the request body. It is possible to handle that mapping yourself, but in our case
(and in most cases), that mapping will be handled by a mapping framework such as JAXB.
database on a GET and create the new rows on a POST. However, in our simplified example, we
don’t yet have that option (we show that in Chapter 6). Our solution for this case is very simple—
we add a static variable that is an instance of our DAO to the DAO class. That way, we implement
what in Design Patterns parlance is often called a singleton, a class that has a single instance. You
can see this in the source code (see Listing 4.8) of our very simple BankingTransactionDao,
which holds on to a single static variable that is an instance of the class that we name instance.
import java.util.HashMap;
public BankingTransactionDao() {
String key=deriveKey(123,123);
BankingTransaction aTrans = new BankingTransaction("123",
➥1388249396976L,"USD", "paycheck", 110.0, "DEPOSIT", "DIRECT");
accounts.put(key, aTrans);
Now the variable declaration of txnDao within our AccountResource class simply needs
to obtain the instance of the Dao by invoking the getInstance() method, as follows:
BankingTransactionDao txnDao = BankingTransactionDao.getInstance();
However, although this is simple, it’s not the best solution for most cases. A better approach
is to consider that JAX-RS provides you with the capability to produce singleton instances of
resource classes. In JAX-RS, the normal process is that a new instance of the resource class is
created for every request. However, this might not always be the best choice. Even though it
is a best practice that resources be stateless (as are the REST services themselves), sometimes
a singleton instance can be useful—notably, when it needs to contain cached information to
improve performance. Our simple service has another reason for this—to provide a stateful test
service that mimics a service implemented on a backing store such as a relational database. You
achieve this through the use of the @Singleton annotation. When your resource class contains
this annotation, the resource class itself is considered to be a singleton and will live through the
lifetime of the server. We show you many examples of @Singleton-annotated resource classes
in our more fully fleshed-out example in Chapter 7.
If you’re interested in learning about the Singleton pattern, see Design Patterns, Elements
of Reusable Object Oriented Software, by Gamma, et. al.
94 Chapter 4 REST Web Services in WebSphere Liberty
To complete this example, simply create a new class for your BankingTransactionDao
and enter the previous code and then modify the AccountResource class to add the variable
declaration for the txnDao and the new putTransaction() method we earlier described. You
then need to let Eclipse patch up your import list using Source > Organize Imports so that the
example compiles cleanly.
You need to add an appropriate Content-Type header. Click the Headers menu and
choose Custom Header; then in the Request Header dialog box, type Content-Type as the Name
and application/json as the value before clicking OK to dismiss the dialog box. Finally, type this
into the body text area and click Send:
"merchant":"Amazon" }
More on Content Negotiation 95
If you look at either of the Response Body tabs, they should show the new ID number
of your transaction (124 if you’ve added only one BankingTransaction). Likewise, the
Response Header tab should show a status code of 200 OK and a Content-Type of applica-
tion/json, as explained in our earlier diagram.
bodies with each service that you write—this capability can be useful for creating an Enterprise
registry of your services.
However, a great number of services will be mostly consumed by JavaScript code as part
of the Modern Web Application architecture we’ve described. Thus, the simplicity and efficiency
of JSON needs to be strongly considered also. So in practice, many of the actual services you
write will have to handle the possibility of consuming and producing multiple Content-Types.
People have suggested handling this content negotiation problem in a few ways.
You could accept different URI parameters for each content type and then implement dif-
ferent methods in your Resource class (each having a different @Path annotation) to differenti-
ate between the two. The problem with this approach is that, although it’s simple, it’s not natural.
Appending .xml or .json to the end of URI is not something most developers would think to
do. Also, it has the problem that you now have two different methods that effectively do the same
thing—so any changes thus have to be made in two places.
Another possibility is to use QueryParams. With this solution, you append a
?format=someformat query parameter to the end of each URI or for cases when you want to
use a format other than the default (presuming that you remembered to test for the query param-
eter being null). Although this avoids the two-method problem of the previous solution, it’s still
not natural. It makes the format request not part of the structure of the request URI itself, but
something that hangs off the end. The problem with that kind of extension by query parameter is
that when it’s begun, it’s hard to stop.4
The best way to avoid this kind of pain is simply not to follow any of these approaches.
HTTP already gives you the right mechanism for negotiating the content type that should be
returned, and JAX-RS provides easy support for this approach. To illustrate this, take a look at
the following example, which is a new method in the AccountResource class:
@Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML+ ","+MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
public BankingTransaction getTransaction(@PathParam(value="account")
➥int account,@PathParam(value="id") int id){
BankingTransaction aTrans = txnDao.getTransaction(account, id);
return aTrans;
Note that, in this method, we’ve simply expanded on our earlier examples by adding two
different MediaTypes into the @Produces method. Here, if the client states that it wants to
receive back JSON, it needs to send along application/json in the Accept header. If the
client wants to receive back XML, it sends application/xml instead. Likewise, this method
interprets either XML or JSON correctly as its input; it uses the Content-Type header (looking
for those same two values) to figure out which is which and determine how to interpret what is
sent in.
More on Content Negotiation 97
Testing the new method is simple: After it has been added to the class, go back into the
RESTClient in your browser and set the Accept header to application/json. Then perform
a GET on the following URL:
The returned value in the body should be in JSON. However, you change the Accept
header value to application/xml, you’ll receive the value in XML.
Note a couple important points about what we’ve done to this method. First, the return type
of the method is no longer Account, but Response. We are using two helpful static methods in
Response: The method ok(Object) simply indicates that the response should be built around
the object that is passed in as a parameter, and that the HTTP return code should be status code
200. By contrast, the status(int) method indicates that you simply want to return an HTTP
98 Chapter 4 REST Web Services in WebSphere Liberty
status code. Both of these methods actually return an instance of a ResponseBuilder object.
You create a Response from the ResponseBuilder by sending it the message build(). You
might want to investigate the many other useful methods on the Response class on your own.
As we’ve mentioned, if you get tired of typing in these examples on your own, you can
always download them from the book’s website:
Let’s finish the code examples in this chapter with an example of how to write a JUnit test
for one of the previous examples (see Listing 4.9).
import org.junit.Test;
public void testGetAccounts() {
String address = "http://localhost:9080/
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
String expectedResult = "<accounts><account>123</account>"+
try {
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
fail("MalformedURLException caught");
} catch (IOException e) {
fail("IOException caught");
assertEquals(expectedResult, result.toString());
JUnit tests are like most other classes in Java today—they are annotated POJOs. In this
case, the annotation @Test (from org.junit.test) identifies a method as a JUnit test method.
A single class can have many test methods, each individually identified. In this excerpt, we show
only the test method for the getAccounts() method, which corresponds to a GET to the URL
http://localhost:9080/RestServicesSamples/banking/simple/accounts. If you browse the full class
definition as included in the sample code, you’ll see that we also include test methods that test
retrieving an account that has an account number defined, as well as the error case of retrieving
an account that does not have an account number defined. All these methods use a utility method
named fetchResult() that uses a URLConnection to fetch the contents of a particular URL.
After fetching the results, we use JUnit assertions (from org.junit.Assert) to compare
the value we receive against an expected value. So if you know the XML or JSON you want to
compare against ahead of time, you can easily set up a test that can validate that your code still
functions, even after multiple changes.
Running the JUnit Test is extremely easy. Just select the SimpleAccountResourceTest
class in the Java EE explorer pane and then right-click and select Run As > JUnit Test from the
menu. You should see a result in the bottom-right pane that looks like Figure 4.13.
This is an improvement over using a browser for testing, but as you can tell from
close inspection of the code, even this approach leaves much to be desired. In particular, the
fetchResult() utility method is limited to GETs and does not provide a way to pass in header
values or even a message body. You can address each of these issues, but the method becomes
more complicated as a result (see the corresponding method in the class AccountResource-
Test for an example of exactly how complicated). Thus, you’ll want a better mechanism for
invoking the REST APIs than hand-coding it with a URLConnection. In Chapter 7, you exam-
ine using the Apache Wink client for just that purpose.
Before closing this chapter, which has been a whirlwind tour of REST, JAX-RS, and JAXB, as
well as how to use them in the WebSphere Liberty Profile and Eclipse, we need to talk about the
way in which the services we’ve been talking about here relate to the Enterprise services you
might also want to implement. The problem is exactly how often the technologies discussed here,
as powerful as they are, should be applied.
An old adage that still rings true is, “If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a
nail.” That’s true of technologies as well as physical tools. Another truism is that all technologies
follow the “hype cycle,” popularized by the analyst firm Gartner, Inc.5 In the hype cycle, all tech-
nologies first encounter a period of inflated expectations, followed by the inevitable “trough of
disillusionment.” In the years since the publication of the predecessor volume to this book,6 the
hype cycle has definitely run its course for Enterprise Web Services with SOAP and the WS-*
standards. Many people tried applying the WS-* standards to situations for which they were not
appropriate, or when something simpler would definitely have worked better. However, it’s easy
to see that the REST services that are rapidly replacing WS-* in the hearts and minds of Enter-
prise developers could soon suffer the same fate. You have to be smart about what you’re build-
ing when you’re crafting a service and what you’re building it for. Otherwise, REST can simply
become another hammer used inappropriately for trying to insert a wood screw.
It also comes down determining what each different service implementation approach is
best suited for. REST is about exposing content through HTTP; it does not replace traditional
WS-* web services. Traditional web services are much more about program-to-program integra-
tion. The WS-* approach allows for a variety of protocols and integrating logic. For example,
you might need distributed transactions and message delivery on top of a reliable protocol such
as JMS when assured delivery is essential.
Traditional web services built using WS-* standards are about technology abstraction to
allow for a wide variety of infrastructures. REST-based web services are about HTTP exploi-
tation, to take advantage of a single delivery channel. For example, WS-* abstracts security
through WS- Security, enabling you to apply security policies away from the code and abstract-
ing the encryption methods and decisions such as token providers. REST-based services, on the
other hand, make assumptions, using HTTP security mechanisms such as Open ID or HTTPS for
102 Chapter 4 REST Web Services in WebSphere Liberty
The real key lies in channel abstraction rather than channel exploitation. REST does not
address transactions, reliability, or standard context propagation, or other protocols such as mes-
saging. However, these are important considerations for the enterprise as a whole. REST is great
for the responsibilities it is meant to handle, but it can’t do everything. The two approaches can
coexist in the same enterprise—and they should. Always make sure you choose the right tool for
the job.
This chapter discussed a lot. You’ve seen how the JAX-RS standard defines REST services in
Java, you’ve explored how to annotate POJOs with JAXB, and you examined how to implement
these services in the WAS Liberty Profile. In the following chapters, you use the things you’ve
learned in this chapter to build more complex REST services using JAX-RS; then you connect
these to front ends built using JavaScript.
1. See Eclipse Java IDE – Tutorial:
2. See Configuring JAX-RS applications using JAX-RS 1.1 methods:
3. See JSON in JavaScript:
4. The Google Search REST API (
using_rest) is a particularly egregious example of this: its documentation has multiple
pages of required and optional parameters.
5. See Hype Cycles,
6. Brown, Kyle et al. Enterprise Java Programming with IBM WebSphere (Second Edi-
tion). IBM Press 2004.
This page intentionally left blank
336 Index
ESB forms G
aspect-oriented defined, 56 Garrett, Jesse James, 3
connectivity, 292 factors gateways (security), 288
implementing, 292 client-side architectures, get() method
integration, 290-292 108 data source, retrieving, 38
overview, 291 larger, 62 ProspectDAO example,
service virtualization, 291 much larger, 62 39-40
Web API and secure Worklight skins, 217 getAccount object, 156
gateway, 289 frameworks getAccounts() method, 234, 249
Worklight as channel entry Apache Cordova, 11, 217 getCurrentAccount()
point, 289 Backbone, 230 method, 249
WXS caching servers, 292 banking example, 141 getTransactions() method,
Enterprise JavaBeans. See EJBs client-side architectures 200, 234
Enterprise services, 101-102 choosing, 106 global variables
entity parameters, handling, 91 Dojo, 106 (JavaScript), 263
environment folders jQuery Mobile, 106 GreetingResource class, creating,
(hybrid-based mobile app), mobile, 104-105 71-72
240-242 grid-based, 112 grids
Environment Optimization Handlebars. See Handlebars desktop/mobile, building,
technology, 216 JPA, 171-172 157-158
error handling, 120-121 instances, finding, 172 frameworks, 112
ESB (Enterprise Services lifecycle, 171-172 implementing, 154
Bus), 290 overview, 171
aspect-oriented jQuery, 106
connectivity, 292 client-side architectures, H
implementing, 292 building, 114 Handlebars
overview, 291 future, 130 account template, 251-252
service virtualization, 291 overview, 229 expression language, 252
Worklight and Liberty jQuery Mobile hybrid-based mobile app
integration, 290 hybrid-based mobile app defining templates, 243
event handling, 159-160 default HTML content, dynamic page, rendering,
Expires directive, 297 243 246-247
external data (JavaScript), 269 login pages, 251 menu template, 254-255
overview, 229 overview, 230
mapping, 122-123 view, 252
F OSGi, 32 handleChallenge() method, 250
facets, modifying, 70 RequireJS handling
feature detection hybrid-based mobile app errors, 120-121
multichannel example file, 244-245 events, 159-160
development, 15 login pages, 251 headers, versioning, 294
MVC, 119 overview, 229 Hello World application, 68-74
responsive design, 114 Underscore, 230 Application subclass, 73-74
Fiberlink MaaS 360, 303 unit testing, 270 facets, modifying, 70
Fielding, Roy, 4 front-end/back-end interactions GreetingResource class,
FIrebug debugger, 272 sequence diagram, 174-176 creating, 71-72
folder structure (hybrid-based testing, 78-79
mobile app) web project, creating, 68-70
common, 240 WebSphere Liberty server,
environment, 240-242 creating, 74-78
342 Index