Natal Chart Report

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Natal Chart Report

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Birth Chart Report

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Introduction to Your Bir th Char t Repor t

What follows is your personal nat al chart informat ion, as well as int erpret at ions of t he
posit ions and aspect s in your chart .

Wit h t his report , you'll find out t he posit ions of t he planet s in your nat al chart by sign. The
most personal of t hese are t he Sun sign, Moon sign, Mercury sign, Venus sign, and Mars sign.
Most people already know t heir Sun sign.

If your t ime of birt h is known, you will also find out your Ascendant , or rising sign, as well as
t he posit ions of t he planet s in t he houses of your chart . Addit ionally, aspect s bet ween t he
planet s are list ed and int erpret ed.

If t he birt h t ime is unknown, we cannot know t he Ascendant or house posit ions. The nat al
chart shown here is an Aries chart in t hat case. Addit ionally, you may not know t he Moon sign
for cert ain. This is because t he Moon changes signs approximat ely every 2-1/2 days. Less
probable but st ill possible is a change of signs for t he ot her planet s and luminaries,
depending on t he planet it self (for example, t he Sun changes signs every 30 days or so).

Each paragraph of int erpret at ion refers t o an individual posit ion in your chart . All of t hese
posit ions and aspect s are some of t he "part s" t hat make up a "whole"--you! Some of t hese
int erpret at ions will be cont radict ory, just as people are cont radict ory. A person can be t imid
in love and aggressive in business, for example. As well, we evolve and grow t hroughout our
lives, facing challenges t hat help us t o handle our posit ions and aspect s in a different way.
We all have choices, and one of t he major benefit s of ast rology is t he chance t o underst and
ourselves so t hat we can work wit h our nat al chart s and improve ourselves. Any
comput erized report t hat int erpret s t he individual placement s in a nat al chart is somewhat
disjoint ed, simply because t he different part s t hat make up t he whole are not synt hesized.

Some of t he int erpret at ions are more det ailed t han ot hers. You can use t his as a st art ing
point and do some furt her reading about different posit ions (such as Moon in Libra, Sat urn in
t he 10t h house, Moon conjunct Mercury) in your chart by exploring our own sit e, ot her
ast rology sit es, and by reading ast rology books.

The t ables show t he t echnical det ails of your nat al chart , personalized based on your birt h
dat a. Below t he t ables, you'll find your free birt h chart int erpret ive report , and a chart wheel
appears at t he end of t he report .

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Naga, Philippines 06/06/2003 07:15

Planet Positions, Ascendant, & Houses

The following t able shows t he posit ion of t he planet s in your chart , by sign and degree. You
will also find t he sign of your Ascendant and t he signs on t he cusp of each house in your nat al
chart only if t he birt h t ime is known. The Roman Numerals refer t o t he houses, where t he
Ascendant is also t he first house and t he Midheaven is also t he t ent h house. For example, if
t he sign Taurus is next t o Mars, you know your Mars is in Taurus. If t he sign Libra is next t o
Venus, you know your Venus is in Libra. If Cancer is next t o Ascendant , you have a Cancer
Ascendant , and if Leo is next t o II, Leo is on your 2nd house.


Zodiac : Tropical
Sun Gemini 14°53'

Moon Leo 21°23'

Mercury Taurus 20°53'

Venus Taurus 24°56'

Mars Aquarius 24°56'

Jupit er Leo 13°33'

Sat urn Cancer 0°15'

Uranus Pisces 2°50'

Nept une Aquarius 13°05' R

Plut o Sagit t arius 18°41' R

Lilit h Taurus 12°46'

N Node Taurus 29°33'


I ASC Cancer 10°51'

II Leo 6°38'

III Virgo 4°51'

IV Libra 6°25'

V Scorpio 9°30'

VI Sagit t arius 11°13'

VII Capricorn 10°51'

VIII Aquarius 6°38'

IX Pisces 4°51'
X MC Aries 6°25'

XI Taurus 9°30'

XII Gemini 11°13'

Sun in XII

Moon in II

Mercury in XI

Venus in XI

Mars in VIII

Jupit er in II

Sat urn in XII

Uranus in VIII

Nept une in VIII

Plut o in VI

Lilit h in XI

N Node in XI

masculine 6 fire 3

feminine 4 eart h 2

cardinal 1 air 3

fixed 6 wat er 2

mut able 3

The following t able shows t he planet ary aspect s in your nat al chart . Int erpret at ions of t hese
fact ors are found below. The numbers list ed under t he column "Value" serve as a relat ive
rat ing syst em for each aspect and are det ermined based on t he planet s involved, t he aspect
t ype, and t he orb of influence. Negat ive values suggest more st ressful or challenging
influences while posit ive numbers show more flowing, easy energy.

This is a wide t able t hat may require you t o scroll right on smaller screens.

See also your full nat al chart wheel graphic depict ed below t he report .

Planet Aspect Planet Orb Value

Sun Sext ile Jupit er 1°20' 220

Sun Trine Nept une 1°48' 93

Sun Opposit ion Plut o 3°48' -127

Moon Square Mercury 0°30' -156

Moon Square Venus 3°33' -98

Moon Opposit ion Mars 3°33' -182

Moon Conjunct ion Jupit er 7°50' 121

Moon Opposit ion Nept une 8°18' -17

Moon Trine Plut o 2°42' 66

Mercury Conjunct ion Venus 4°02' 537

Mercury Square Mars 4°02' -46

Mercury Conjunct ion Lilit h 8°07' 60

Mercury Conjunct ion N Node 8°39' 38

Venus Square Mars 0°00' -195

Venus Conjunct ion N Node 4°37' 194

Mars Trine Sat urn 5°19' 23

Mars Conjunct ion Uranus 7°54' 76

Mars Square N Node 4°37' -12

Jupit er Opposit ion Nept une 0°28' -133

Jupit er Trine Plut o 5°08' 21

Jupit er Square Lilit h 0°47' -44

Jupit er Trine X MC 7°08' 5

Sat urn Trine Uranus 2°34' 33

Uranus Square N Node 3°17' -9

Nept une Square Lilit h 0°19' -19

Lilit h Sext ile I ASC 1°55' 0

1487 -1038 449

Par t of For tune & South Node

The following t able shows t he posit ions of t he Part of Fort une (using t he classic formula)
and t he Sout h Node of t he Moon (t he True value).

Fort une Virgo 17°21'

Sout h node Scorpio 29°33'

Natal Char t Repor t

Birth Chart

This birt h chart report shows t he posit ions of t he planet s for re.

The Sun

The Sun represent s vit alit y, a sense of individualit y, and out ward-shining creat ive energy.
The Sun is in Gemini

Wit h t he Sun in Gemini, t he urge for self-expression is st rong. These nat ives are oft en just as
int erest ed in collect ing informat ion as t hey are in sharing it . Curious t o a fault , Geminis have a
finger in every pie.

Solar Geminis are flexible and changeable people. Their abilit y t o adapt quickly t o new
sit uat ions generally gains t hem plent y of friends and social cont act s. Usually quit e clever and
wit t y, Geminis enjoy int ellect ual conversat ions, and t hey are easily bored if not sufficient ly
ment ally st imulat ed!

Oft en quit e adept at fit t ing in wit h ot hers, Geminis easily adopt t he moods of t hose around
t hem. They are friends wit h people from all walks of life, and t hey are not easily int imidat ed.
Their abilit y t o det ach t hemselves can make Geminis very object ive and observant but a
lit t le difficult t o get close t o. Alt hough t hey oft en have many friends, int imacy doesn't come
as easily t o Solar Geminis.

It 's not always easy t o know what Gemini t ruly feels at any given moment . They are oft en
very impressionable and scat t ered. There is usually a nervous air t o Geminis t hat can make
more personal charact ers a lit t le uneasy. It is not always int uit ive t o t rust Geminis t o be loyal
or t o keep secret s. Geminis oft en flit about , moving quickly and keeping busy every st ep of
t he way. Many people wit h t his posit ion of t he Sun have gained quit e a bit of knowledge in
t heir lifet imes, but t hey don't always seek specialized or in-dept h knowledge. This is because
Geminis have relat ively short at t ent ion spans and are happy t o know a lit t le about everyt hing.
Rest lessness is especially common wit h t his posit ion of t he Sun.

Usually quit e affable, Geminis enjoy t he "light " side of life. This t endency t o t ake t hings
light ly makes t hem quit e pleasing t o be around. It 's t rue t hat it can be maddening t o people
seeking support on t he deeper issues in life. However, Geminis are bot h int erest ing and
int erest ed. They're always ready t o help. Their wit can be dazzling and t heir changeabilit y
somet imes dizzying--Geminis will seldom bore you.

Short descript ion:

She is an opport unist . She can express herself easily and t ends t o learn quickly. She is
welcoming and gent le. She likes t ravel and int ellect ual work.

Weaknesses: a changeable and diffuse nat ure. They may wast e energy by t aking on t oo many
t hings. She lacks persist ence in achieving set goals.

Gemini wit h ascendant Cancer

She is a lit t le misunderst ood and cert ainly unique. While she craves movement and she is
insat iably curious, she keeps a calm ext erior and it 's not immediat ely obvious t hat she is
somewhat rest less. She is a bit moody and changeable. She has a t endency t o t alk a lot at
t imes, and at ot her t imes, keep very much t o herself. A shy and somewhat wit hdrawn
demeanour. Privat e, but once she is comfort able, friendly and curious. Very observant , a
nat ural psychologist .

Sun in XII: The Sun is in the twelfth house

You t end t o be int rospect ive and need some space and seclusion t o pull up your st rengt h.
You may avoid t he spot light , and if you do find yourself in a public role, you could hide your
t rue self behind t hat role! Because your will direct s inward, you must find a pat h t hat allows
you t o "get away from it all," at least somet imes.

Advice: Honor your need t o be alone wit h yourself, but avoid over-ident ifying wit h your inner
world t o t he point t hat you t ruly feel alone in a crowd. You shine when you serve ot hers in
some way. Your compassion set s you apart from ot hers, but t ry t o work wit h it rat her t han let
your compassion work against you by reinforcing a feeling of aloneness.

Key point s:

She sees so many possibilit ies t hat it can be overwhelming t o choose. Success in fields t hat
serve, guide, assist , and help. She is creat ive, percept ive, and compassionat e.

220 Sext ile bet ween t he Sun and Jupit er

Endowed wit h generosit y and friendliness, in some ways, you appear t o be lucky in life. You
at t ract good t hings wit h a posit ive frame of mind and a charit able disposit ion. Rarely ent irely
"down and out ," you are usually well-received, helpful, and well-informed. You may enjoy t ravel
or advent ure and have a special affect ion for foreign places and people. You're generally not
very compet it ive and, for t he most part , not combat ive, eit her. As a result , you are oft en

You are usually good-heart ed, possessing st rong morals and much fait h in life and people. You
prefer t o find t he good in sit uat ions. Looking on t he bright side is your fort e--people can t urn
t o you for a generous dose of fait h and opt imism.

You don't have a lot of pat ience wit h t hose who break t he rules, however, as you generally
believe in order, equalit y, and t he law. You exude sincerit y and are usually t rust ed--you do your
best t o make good on your promises,
You are quick t o chuckle and can't resist any appeal t o your sense of humor. Some people
wit h t his aspect are downright jolly. Ot hers are less conspicuous, but t heir fait h and
willingness t o find humor in life's circumst ances are unmist akable.

Key t rait s: She is fundament ally opt imist ic and want ing t o do good t hings (or t he right t hing).

93 Trine bet ween t he Sun and Nept une

There is an unmist akably dreamy, inspired, and sensit ive side t o you. A marked appreciat ion
for music and t he art s is present . The connect ion of Nept une wit h t he Sun, which represent s
t he ego and t he will, cert ainly soft ens some of t he hard edges t hat might be found
elsewhere in t he chart , adding a sensit ive and spirit ual dimension t o your personalit y.

You are nat urally compassionat e. It is so complet ely nat ural for you t o accept t hat t here is
more t o t he world t han what 's before your eyes t hat you absent -mindedly presume everyone
must be spirit ually inclined. Of course, you come t o realize t hat t his is not t he case at some
early point in your life.

Your at t ract ion t o spirit ualit y and met aphysical subject s is usually marked. This aspect favors
writ ers, art ist s, and musicians. You are sensit ive t o t hose suffering, alt hough you are not
usually t aken advant age of.

You are humanit arian and may have a special connect ion wit h animals. If ot her aspect s and
posit ions in t he chart support it , you are not one t o dominat e ot hers or assert yourself t o t he
point of brashness. You have a fert ile imaginat ion, are full of inspirat ion, and are very
emot ional - all qualit ies you could use successfully on t he professional level.

Key t rait s: She is nat urally and genuinely empat het ic, compassionat e, and int uit ive. Her
observat ions and insight s are unique and fascinat ing, making her an original and helpful guide.
She has a gent le nat ure t hat picks up on subt le cues from her environment .

-127 Opposit ion bet ween t he Sun and Plut o

You can be prone t o inner t ension and negat ive, self-dest ruct ive behavior. For example, when
t hings are going well, you suffer from fears t hat somet hing will come along t o change t hat !
Consider t hat const ant ly worrying t hat t he rug will be pulled from under your feet could
become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

You possess t remendous power and st rengt h--when you learn t o accept and use t hat
st rengt h inst ead of fear it , you can be one of t he most effect ive, insight ful, helpful, and
healing people around!
At t imes, you can be int ensely dissat isfied wit h your personal accomplishment s and
expressions of self. You put a lot of pressure on yourself regarding your own endeavors. You
can be quit e dissat isfied wit h your creat ive self-expressions, preferring t o hide your
expressions from ot hers unt il you feel t he out put is perfect ly "right ." This is largely due t o a
perceived inabilit y t o reveal your t rue personalit y t o ot hers.

You st ruggle wit h a deep need t o cont rol yourself and life it self. You are especially sensit ive
t o crit icism and feel t he need t o "redo" yourself oft en. There is a marked fear of losing
cont rol, and t his might st em from some t raumat ic event in childhood, or t he childhood might
have been crisis-ridden or emot ionally-charged, in general.

As such, you can be int ensely fearful of, or t hreat ened by, change. This can express it self
t hrough at t empt s t o cont rol your life in such a way t hat you can manage your fears of being
t aken off guard, which generally backfires! You have an int ense need for privacy at t imes.

Key t rait s: She is creat ive, ambit ious, and endlessly going t hrough t ransformat ions. She
benefit s from being open t o improve, reform, and change, but needs t o work on deep-seat ed
shame, guilt , and fear t hat can be behind jealousies, resent ment , and cont rol issues. She has
great det erminat ion and willpower and can readily t urn around a sit uat ion.

The Moon

The Moon represent s t he emot ional responses, unconscious pre-dest inat ion, and t he self-
image. The Moon represent s t he emot ions, and t he Moon sign shows how a person
expresses t hemselves when at home, at ease, and comfort able.

The Moon is in Leo

This is a warm, creat ive, and proud posit ion of t he Moon. Moon in Leo people want t o creat e
and ent ert ain. They love deeply and largely. They can be rat her lazy at t imes and a lit t le
bossy t oo. Generally, t hough, t hey have a deep need t o t reat ot hers fairly and just ly.

Lunar Leos require lot s and lot s of love and care in order t o funct ion well in t he world.
Depending on ot her posit ions in t he chart , Moon in Leo people aren't always out going. When
t hey feel comfort able, t hey do like being t he cent er of at t ent ion. That is, t hey enjoy being in
t he "spot light " in t he comfort of t heir own homes and wit h family and friends. They love
ent ert aining ot hers and oft en t ake on t he role of comic or st ory-t eller.

Lunar Leos oft en feel a need t o organize and even cont rol t heir families and friends. They
have an inner mission t o set t hings right and generally like t o oversee t he goings-on in t heir
When t hey feel slight ed, t hese people can be dramat ic in t heir emot ional displays. When t heir
pride has been hurt , t hey are given t o big scenes and sulking. This rarely happens in public,
however. Lunar Leos are far t oo concerned about t heir image t o make splashy scenes
out side t he comfort of t heir own homes. In public, t hey prefer t o t ake t hings in dignified
ways. At home, however, big displays of emot ional drama aren't uncommon. Wherever t hey
are, t hey can secret ly feel t hey are on st age.

These scenes generally only last a lit t le while, however. Lunar Leos are oft en personally
popular folk who are valued for t heir int egrit y and st rong sense of just ice. Generally, it is easy
t o reason wit h a Lunar Lion. Appealing t o t heir well-developed sense of fairness usually works

Short descript ion:

She is brave, knowing how t o t ake risks and possessing t he courage of her convict ions,
honest , imposing, and sharp. She has a great sense of, and respect for, just ice. Expressive.
Seeking adorat ion. Organizat ional sense. Select ivit y wit h friends but is not overly influenced
by t hem. Tast e for splendor. A social leader.

Pot ent ial issues: changing and numerous affect ions. Emot ionally demanding and proud.
Brooding when at t ent ion is not fort hcoming.

Moon in II: The Moon is in the second house

Key t rait s: Very ingenious and invent ive where earning money is concerned. May move around
or need frequent changes of scenery, rest less.

Wit h money, you can be generous and frivolous in your spending habit s one day, and frugal t he
next . You can be quit e afraid of being in debt , and you need t o feel t hat t he bills are paid t o
feel secure and safe. Having savings t o back you up can also be crit ical, as you fear being
wit hout .

You're emot ionally caut ious and conservat ive for t he most part . St ill, t here are t imes when
you can spend impulsively, on a whim, and t his is likely when you are feeling emot ionally
frust rat ed. You love t o accumulat e t hings, and you can be a collect or. You might also hold
ont o people quit e t ight ly. Vanit y can be an issue.

You are oft en looking for admirat ion, and you can be quit e dependent on ot hers for posit ive
feedback unt il you learn t o develop your own feelings of self-wort h. You're not as
emot ionally responsive as most people, oft en holding back and wait ing before expressing
yourself, and when you do it is wit h deliberat ion. You t end t o benefit , oft en mat erially, from
t he women in your life.
-156 Square bet ween t he Moon and Mercury

There is a conflict here bet ween t he head and t he heart . Your emot ions t ell you one t hing and
your mind t ells you somet hing else. The result is a see-saw effect : you can be emot ional t o
t he point of irrat ionalit y at one moment , and logical t he next . How t o blend t he head and t he
heart is a const ant st ruggle for you, usually because you have a t endency t o resist blending
t hem! You love t o chat , enjoy st ory-t elling and writ ing/poet ry, somet imes enjoy bending t he
t rut h, and you possess a sparkling wit ! You are animat ed when you speak, and have a sense of
humor t hat ot hers appreciat e simply because it 's very imaginat ive. You may be especially
adept at sat ire. People can usually read your mood by how much you're t alking. When nervous
or excit able, you t alk up a st orm. Moodiness is a charact erist ic, definit ely, and an especially
subject ive nat ure makes you prone t o hypersensit ivit y. It usually has t o do wit h t he fact t hat
you t ake in so very much from your environment . This is also one of t he reasons why you t end
t o be indecisive. You may swing bet ween irrat ional and rat ional t hought s and feelings. It 's
pret t y much somet hing t hat t akes place "upst airs" in t he mind, alt hough ot hers are sure t o
see t he st ruggle from t ime t o t ime. You are always int erest ing, and usually funny. You have a
t endency t o misrepresent yourself wit h what you say from t ime t o t ime, but you're a
charming, if a lit t le kooky, friend.

If she is happiest in her own lit t le imaginary world, t hey can be happy nowhere because she
can never find her ideal world on t he out side, and t his problem can creat e a lot of change,
inst abilit y, and disquiet . Must aim t o enjoy t he moment , t he real world more oft en. She should
wat ch for fibbing, gossip, but sensit ivit y t o crit icism, t hin-skinned leaves her feeling
vulnerable. If t he ot her aspect s allow, she can be a very good novelist . Great imaginat ion and
observat ion.

-98 Square bet ween t he Moon and Venus

Because you value harmony, you may find yourself giving in t o ot hers t oo easily, especially in
t he first half of life. Resent ment is possible, as you can feel t hat you are t he one who seems
t o do all t he acquiescing. There can be a dist inct t endency t o become friends (and lovers)
wit h people t oo readily, simply because t here is a st rong need for approval and a hunger for
receiving affect ion. As such, you may get involved wit h people who seem t o really like you,
and you fail t o consider whet her you act ually like t hem back! It 's somewhat of a weakness,
as you are very charmed by t he idea t hat someone seems t o really like and appreciat e you.
Generally, one of your life's lessons is t o learn t o discriminat e more and t o get in t ouch wit h
what you t ruly want and need. The funct ions of t he Moon (which rules t he emot ions and
feelings, amongst ot her t hings) and t he funct ions of Venus (which rules social relat ionships,
harmony, and part nership, amongst ot her t hings) are at cross-purposes. When you at t empt t o
feed t he needs of one funct ion, it is oft en at t he expense of t he ot her, unt il you find some
sort of balance. This can play out in a variet y of ways. For example, t here can be conflict s in
part nerships about parent ing or whet her or not t o have a family. You may find yourself
compromising your own emot ional needs in order t o find and keep love. Peace and harmony
are import ant t o you--perhaps t oo much so, as you can easily be t aken advant age of.
Insecurit y is somet hing t hat you need t o deal wit h at some point in your life. Very sensual,
you somet imes replace love wit h food or shopping! You can also be quit e sexually act ive and
somet imes quit e lust ful. You possess a dist inct lazy st reak. You are capable of working hard,
but you t ruly appreciat e luxuriat ing and enjoying as many pleasures as possible, and self-
discipline simply isn't always at your disposal!

While she is usually sweet and gracious, she can also be inconst ant and capricious at t imes,
possessing a changeable nat ure. A varied love life, ups and downs, unusual ideas.

-182 Opposit ion bet ween t he Moon and Mars

You can be precocious, animat ed, and passionat e. You seek emot ional excit ement in your life.
Alt hough you oft en project a brave and t ough image, your skin isn't as t hick as you'd have
ot hers believe. You t end t o put up defenses due t o your emot ionally vulnerable and excit able
disposit ion. Unrest is charact erist ic, as you are bored by rout ine and become easily frust rat ed
when life is "t oo easy". There's a buzz of energy surrounding you, and you t end t o meet wit h
many conflict s in your life. Wit h t he opposit ion, t he conflict t ends t o be lived t hrough
relat ionships. The passions are quit e raw, especially in yout h.

If you can channel your excit able energy int o sport s or some ot her compet it ive field, all t he
bet t er. Alt hough you can be a decidedly amiable and int erest ing person, ot hers always seem
t o sense your boundaries. Somet hing is bound t o get you worked up, and it 's not always clear
what t hat somet hing will be. Your blunt ness can be bot h appreciat ed and considered
offensive, depending on your audience! You are eager t o make a personal impact on t hose
around you. It is possible t hat you are t oo eager in t his sense, and you come across as self-
absorbed and difficult t o st omach. Pat ience is definit ely not your st rong point ! Your
responses are quick, and your are a passionat e person who is usually quit e courageous
alt hough your energy is sporadic and somet imes wast ed. You are sexually responsive.

Short descript ion: She is very emot ional and can be driven t o do t hings by her emot ions. She
may not always t hink t hings over or t hrough in a given sit uat ion. She can be irascible and easily
angered or fired up. Marit al or domest ic st rife or a heat ed at mosphere at home is possible.

121 Conjunct ion bet ween t he Moon and Jupit er

She is generally pleasant ly composed, due t o an inner sense of harmony and emot ional
balance. She is opt imist ic--and realist ically so, most of t he t ime--which cont ribut es t o her
overall "luck." She is able t o get a real perspect ive on emot ional mat t ers t hat not only
benefit s her out look, she is able t o offer support t o ot hers when needed. Broad-mindedness
is a wonderful charact erist ic. Quick t o find humor in sit uat ions, she is generally warm and fun
t o be around. Deep down, she believes in t he basic goodness of people and of life in general,
and t his basic and nat ural at t it ude helps her t o at t ract posit ive circumst ances and t o make
good connect ions. One of her best qualit ies is t olerance. Usually, she doesn't t ake life t oo
seriously in t he sense t hat she believes in having a bit of fun, enjoying life. Her hunches are
more oft en t han not bang-on.

She is frank, honest , opt imist ic and generous. She likes good cooking, creat ure comfort s. Her
friendships are sincere. She is smart and knows how t o surround herself wit h t he right people:
She is appreciat ed at work, usually well-liked and comfort able.

-17 Opposit ion bet ween t he Moon and Nept une

She may lack firmness, and can be a sucker for a sob st ory! She likes t o live in a dream, in t he
world of imaginat ion, and can hope so much for t hings t hat realit y checks can be brut al.

66 Trine bet ween t he Moon and Plut o

She can waver bet ween a rich and successful domest ic life and social success, perhaps
having difficult y succeeding at bot h. Very percept ive and given t o psychoanalyzing people. A
st rat egist . Powerful emot ions and int ense feelings.


Mercury represent s communicat ion, Cart esian and logical spirit .

Mercury is in Taurus

She is fait hful t o her ideas, unchangeable and quiet ly opinionat ed, persist ent , but discreet .
Likes all t he pleasures life can offer. Careful in speech, deliberat e, int elligent . Learns best
t hrough t he senses, not t hrough t he t radit ional educat ional syst em. She possesses plent y of
common sense, and her simplicit y makes it easy t o get from point A t o point B in as few
st eps as possible!

Weaknesses: st ubborn, obst inat e, wit hdrawn, slow t o react .

Mercury in XI: Mercury is in the eleventh house

She has lot s of friends. She likes int elligent , cult ivat ed people around her wit h whom she can
enjoy verbal sparring. She likes debat es, int erminable discussions. Oft en has friends who are
younger, or friends come and go.

You are endlessly curious about people, group int eract ions, communit y affairs, t rends, and
t eams. You are at t ract ed t o people who bring new ideas int o your experience, and who have
somet hing novel t o cont ribut e on an int ellect ual level. You are very forward-looking and fair-
minded. Fair play, impart ialit y, and unselfishness are import ant ideals for you. There can be
many changes or fluct uat ions in your personal wishes, dreams, plans, and ideals. You might
at t ract friends who come and go, or who are dishonest or duplicit ous.

537 Conjunct ion bet ween Mercury - Venus

She looks on t he bright side of life. She is gay, agreeable, opt imist ic, sociable. She enjoys
speaking and writ ing, and she does bot h wit h charm and art ist ry. Her int ellect ual pleasures
are very much influenced by her feelings. She is amorous and sensual. She likes beaut y, t he
Art s, t ravelling, frequent changes of scenery. Aims always for diplomacy. Very charming.

-46 Square bet ween Mercury - Mars

While her spirit is lively, it is also cunning. She oft en act s wit hout t hinking, she oft en t hrows
herself int o t hings and can oft en exaggerat e or can have a st rong sense of drama - and t his
can bring cert ain problems. She is nervous and somet imes irascible. She can develop ot hers'
ideas -- while ot hers hesit at e, she is quicker t o jump in, pressing on. Quick t o debat e,
challenge. Quick-minded.

60 Conjunct ion bet ween Mercury - Lilit h

Can be provocat ive in speech or communicat ions, persuasive, int erest ing conversat ionalist ,
quick t o see t he flaws of a sit uat ion.


Venus represent s an int erest in emot ions and values, exchange, and sharing wit h ot hers.

Venus is in Taurus

Love for Venus in Taurus cent ers on t he physical world and creat ure comfort s -- t hey revel in
sensual surroundings. These people project t hemselves as solid and comfort able. In fact ,
somet hing about t heir manner promises t hey will be sat isfying lovers and part ners. They need
a cert ain measure of predict abilit y and dependabilit y in t heir relat ionships, even if t heir Sun is
in t he more spont aneous signs of Aries or Gemini.

Venus in Taurus people can be possessive in love, and t hey are t hreat ened by fast -paced,
high-energy sit uat ions in t he cont ext of relat ionships and love. These are sensual part ners
who require lot s of "hands-on" expressions of love. Their lovers may complain t hat Venus in
Taurus can get a lit t le t oo comfort able and set t led. It 's t rue t hat t hey resist change in t heir
relat ionships, but even when t hey seem st uck in a groove, you can always reassure yourself
by remembering t hat t hey are const ant part ners. Pleasing Venus in Taurus involves
emphasizing your loyalt y, and t heir wort h t o you. You may need t o give in t o t hem in love
mat t ers, because t hey won't readily give in t o you! Get physical wit h t hem; do comfort able
t hings. Avoid pushing t hem in love -- give t hem plent y of t ime. You will probably need t o
cult ivat e pat ience if you are in a relat ionship wit h Venus in Taurus. Remember t o be simple
and nat ural -- Taurus will appreciat e it . Promise t hem a comfort able, cozy t ime. Love arrives
slowly, wit hout passion but wit h force.

Venus in XI: Venus is in the eleventh house

Successful professional life in great part due t o good relat ionships, friends or pat rons. She
finds love in t he circle of friends.

The friendship level of your relat ionship needs t o be genuine in order for you t o sust ain
romant ic int erest . You t end t o focus on a person's unique qualit ies -- t hose t rait s t hat make
him or her st and out -- as t he most at t ract ive. Your relat ionships must possess some kind of
unconvent ional element in order t o keep your int erest levels high. Calves and ankles are
eit her erogenous zones for you, or part s of your body t hat are part icularly at t ract ive! You
may meet lovers t hrough group act ivit ies. Alt hough you value friendships and group
affiliat ions highly, you might jump int o friendships wit hout considering t he responsibilit ies t hey
might ent ail.

-195 Square bet ween Venus - Mars

Whet her it 's an infat uat ion or a full-blown love affair, relat ionships get you out of bed in t he
morning. You are passionat e and seem t o need an act ive romant ic and sexual life t o drive you.
Oft en, t his area of life is somewhat challenging, especially in yout h. As much as you want t o
be involved in a passionat e affair, your t iming can be off and/or it 's difficult t o find a
relat ionship t hat mirrors your st rong desires and expect at ions. Especially when you are young,
t here can be a real awkwardness wit h your social skills--t his may or may not be apparent t o
ot hers.

You are highly creat ive and generally are driven t o express t hat creat ivit y. Your passion for
romance is oft en channeled int o your creat ive out put . For example, challenges in
relat ionships may be a large part of t he drive behind your poet ry, music, or ot her art .

Love and hat e are very much mixed t oget her for you. You are prone t o love-hat e relat ionships
wit h ot hers, likely because your passions are such t hat t he old saying "t here's a fine line
bet ween love and hat e" rings especially t rue for you. Some level of compet it iveness, anger,
frust rat ion, or angst is present in your romant ic relat ionships. Alt hough you are quick t o anger,
you are generally just as quick t o forget about it .

Short descript ion: While she is passionat e, she likes carnal desires and volupt uousness above
all. She may go t o excess and can oft en be unsat isfied. Should probably learn moderat ion.

194 Conjunct ion bet ween Venus and t he Nort h Node

This aspect indicat es diplomacy and at t ract iveness. There is a cert ain luck in meet ing ot hers
at t he right t imes. There is skill in harmonizing and much desire t o cooperat e rat her t han
compet e.


Mars represent s t he desire for act ion and physical energy.

Mars is in Aquarius

It can be a lit t le difficult t o underst and exact ly what makes a Mars in Aquarius nat ive t ick.
And t hat 's absolut ely fine wit h t hem--t hey enjoy surprising people. The t ried-and-t rue
met hods of get t ing t hings done are far t oo boring for t hose born wit h Mars in t his unique and
original sign. Mars in Aquarius nat ives oft en have a rat her original view of t he world as well.
These nat ives are generally quit e proud of t heir independence. They are not easily pushed
around wit h Mars in t his fixed sign. Because Aquarius is progressive and open-minded when it
comes t o t he world at large, it can be surprising t hat on a personal level, Mars in Aquarius
nat ives can be quit e obst inat e. If t hey feel boxed in, t hey are quit e likely t o rebel. If you've
discovered a pat t ern t o t heir ways, t hey'll make sure t hey aren't so predict able t he next t ime
around. Being seen as "normal" simply won't do!

Wit h Mars, t he planet of energy and drive, in an Air sign, t hese individuals get off on ment al
and int ellect ual pursuit s. Aquarius is a somewhat scat t ered sign, even t hough it 's persevering
in t he long haul. If t here's a met hod t o t heir madness, it isn't always easy t o see. Project s are
t aken on wit h a shot gun-st yle approach wit h t his posit ion of Mars. Mars in Air signs are
generally quit e clever at get t ing what t hey want ; in Aquarius, t hey are part icularly adept at
get t ing t heir way. While t his is not an overt ly aggressive posit ion of Mars (Aquarius has a
manner t hat is far t oo det ached t o come across t oo forcefully), it is very willful. Combine
willfulness wit h t he cleverness of an Air sign, and you have a person who is quit e creat ive
about get t ing what t hey want --which generally is get t ing t heir way! Unlike wit h Mars in Aries
or Leo nat ives, for example, you won't always know you're being dominat ed by a Mars in
Aquarius nat ive!

One of t he most pleasant charact erist ics of Mars in Aquarius nat ives is t heir willingness t o
let ot hers be. They place a lot of value in freedom and individualit y--t heirs and yours. They
need space t o be t hemselves and plent y of room t o breat he. Generally not t he t ouchy-feely
t ypes, t hese nat ives oft en laugh at sent iment alit y and t radit ion. In personal relat ionships,
t heir approach t o int imacy is definit ely on t he det ached side, which can be baffling and
frust rat ing t o more personal and affect ionat e personalit ies. Of all t he personal planet s in t he
sign of Aquarius, Mars placed here can show t he st rongest "reformer" st reak. The Aquarian
ideal of equalit y works big t ime wit h t his posit ion, and t he desire t o push t heir agenda on
ot hers (usually in creat ive, rat her t han aggressive, ways) runs high. Obst inacy and a superiorit y
complex are t his posit ion's least desirable t rait s; openness t o new ways of doing t hings (as
long as t hey're not forced upon t hem) is where t hey shine.

Mars in VIII: Mars is in the eighth house

Sexually very powerful, she is also capable of t remendous focus and hard work. Sexually
int ense and deep. May be adept at professions requiring research, st rat egy, uncovering
t rut hs, and analysis. Argument s may occur over inherit ance.

23 Trine bet ween Mars - Sat urn

She is energet ic and det ermined. She has st rengt h and resist ance, abilit y and pat ience. She is
t ough, and somet imes insensit ive, put t ing much of her energy and t alent s int o overcoming all
t he obst acles t o her success. She is obst inat e, calculat ing, aiming not t o t ake on anyt hing
wit hout having t hought of all t he possible consequences. She can t ake all t he t ime in t he
world, rarely losing pat ience t o achieve her object ives. Even if impat ience is indicat ed in ot her
areas of t he chart , t his Mars-Sat urn placement suggest s an overall persist ence in t he long-
t erm. She is not necessarily especially sociable unless ot her indicat ions st rongly suggest so,
but respect ed. There is a reverence for order and following rules t o keep order, for t he most
part .

76 Conjunct ion bet ween Mars - Uranus

She possesses except ional energy. She is impulsive but bold. She may t ake on risky
ent erprises for t he good of t he communit y. She will oft en pour t remendous energy int o an
endeavor. She has a great need for her independence, insist ing on her freedom of act ion. Very
open t o new met hods and different ways of doing t hings. Progressive and courageous. An
innovat or.


Jupit er represent s expansion and grace.

Jupiter is in Leo

She at t ract s t he most good fort une when she expresses magnanimit y, is generous wit h
ot hers, inspires confidence in t hose around her, conduct s herself wit h dignit y and sincerit y,
while also avoiding t he pit fall of excessive egot ism. Prosperous areas are creat ive ones,
ent ert ainment , children, and recreat ion. Takes pride in everyt hing she does. Generosit y brings
Jupiter in II: Jupiter is in the second house

Easygoing over money mat t ers, no credit problems, t his placement t ends t o increase her
inherit ance. She earns good money oft en wit hout t oo much effort . She fully enjoys what she

-133 Opposit ion bet ween Jupit er - Nept une

She is easily influenced. She is a dreamer, perhaps allowing herself t o be seduced by ot hers'
fine words which are not always sincere or by a new imagined plan t hat may not mat erialize.
She does not see wickedness right away, preferring t o give t he benefit of t he doubt , but can
oft en be duped by ot hers due t o a philosophy t hat one should t rust in people unt il t hey prove
t hemselves unt rust wort hy.

21 Trine bet ween Jupit er - Plut o

She likes t o direct , she is int elligent and an organizer of t he first order.

-44 Square bet ween Jupit er - Lilit h

She may run t he risk of ruining herself in order t o please her part ner. On a sexual level, she
may go t o considerable effort t o please her part ner, but a part ner can remain insat iable.
There can be disappoint ment s in love unt il moderat ion is pract iced.

5 Trine bet ween Jupit er - Midheaven

She lives t he high life, want ing t o have fun but knowing what she want s and doing what is
necessary t o get it . She want s t o - and does - succeed socially. This is a "work hard, play
hard" placement .


Sat urn represent s cont ract ion and effort .

Saturn is in Cancer

May feel fundament ally unloved and unsupport ed, but can miss opport unit ies t o receive
support because of t he basic at t it ude t hat she isn't going t o get love.

Saturn in XII: Saturn is in the twelfth house

She likes quiet and solit ude above everyt hing. She seeks work (or can work) alone, wit hout
being bot hered. She is t oo easily dist ract ed or bot hered by chat t ing, out side noises.

33 Trine bet ween Sat urn - Uranus

She knows how t o be on t op of t he sit uat ion. She perseveres, is det ermined but ingenious
and original. She is very pract ical. She proceeds slowly, but is always bound t o achieve her
object ives in t he end.


Uranus represent s individual libert y, egoist ic libert y.

Uranus in Pisces

She is recept ive, subt le but can reveal herself when asked t o become involved.

Uranus in VIII: Uranus is in the eighth house

She is int erest ed in ant iquit y, archaeology, hist ory. Her financial sit uat ion has it s highs and
lows, which an inherit ance can help out .


Nept une represent s t ranscendent al libert y, non-egoist ic libert y.

Neptune is in Aquarius

Generosit y, especially enjoying resolving problems in order t o sat isfy everyone.

Neptune in VIII: Neptune is in the eighth house

A st rong imaginat ion, not always good wit h money because she glosses over det ails and can
be a bit sloppy wit h account ing. May have problems collect ing inherit ance and could
encount er difficult ies on a financial level t hrough t he marit al part ner. Most oft en quit e
creat ive and imaginat ive sexually, and she underst ands and accept s a wide range of st yles
and preferences in t hese mat t ers.

-19 Square bet ween Nept une - Lilit h

Love can dominat e her life. She could lose her head over someone t o whom t here's an
int ense at t ract ion, which can become t roublesome if she loses all idea of realit y. If she is not
loved in ret urn, so what - she will love for t he t wo of t hem. Wit h t ime, if t he bond loses it s
spark, she can have difficult y disent angling herself and she can suffer enormously. It 's best
t o look t o a t rust ed out side source for guidance in vulnerable t imes.


Plut o represent s t ransformat ions, mut at ions, and eliminat ion.

Pluto is in Sagittarius

Great aspirat ions: sexualit y and love are idealized.

Pluto in VI: Pluto is in the sixth house

She learns her great est lessons and goes t hrough deep t ransformat ions t hrough work and
healt h mat t ers and occasional crises. Power st ruggles can be an ongoing issue at work.
Compromise is learned over t ime.


Black Moon Lilit h represent s our darker, deeper nat ures t hat may be repressed or buried.

Lilith in Taurus

Can have a hard t ime feeling t ruly sat isfied or sat ed, but can also fear t he st at e of want ing.
Perhaps t hey were penalized or crit icized for being slow, savoring t hings, or enjoying and
indulging t hemselves. Fear of loss can lead t o possessiveness. Underst anding and accept ing
t he very human desire t o own and have and expressing t hese t hings moderat ely and
responsibly can be empowering.

North Node-South Node

The Sout h Node represent s our overdeveloped charact er t rait s. We are t alent ed here but if
we overdo t his area of life or hold ont o t hese t rait s t o feel secure, we may st agnat e. The
Nort h Node point s t o t he qualit ies t hat we need t o work on and develop t o achieve inner
balance and fulfillment .

Nor th Node in Taurus

She is brilliant ly percept ive and easily get s close t o someone. However, t he t endency in t he
first half of life is t o define her wort h or value t hrough her relat ionships and t o be t oo
wrapped up in ot hers' needs at t he expense of her own. Lessons are learned t he hard way.
Confusing and int ense life sit uat ions come at t he cost of comfort and peace. Her pat h is t o
discover and embrace her own values and t o est ablish her self-wort h t hrough her own
effort s. She should aim t o enjoy life's quiet er moment s while blocking t he subconscious need
t o creat e crises, as t his is t he way t o improved relat ionships and great er sat isfact ion.
Qualit ies t o develop: pat ience, self-sufficiency, rest raint , disengagement .

Nor th Node in XI: Nor th Node in the Eleventh House

Her pat h is t o share and cooperat e wit h ot hers more oft en, as she seems t o nat urally fall
back on a personal approach. While it is not inst inct ive t o be a t eam player, as she develops
t his side of her, she grows and t his growt h brings more opport unit ies and fort une int o her life.
Qualit ies t o develop: collaborat ion, part icipat ion, impart ialit y.

The Houses

House I is t he area of self ident it y. The ascendant is a symbol of how one act s in life. It is
t he image of t he personalit y as seen by ot hers, and t he at t it ude t hat one has t owards life.

Gemini wit h ascendant Cancer

She is a lit t le misunderst ood and cert ainly unique. While she craves movement and she is
insat iably curious, she keeps a calm ext erior and it 's not immediat ely obvious t hat she is
somewhat rest less. She is a bit moody and changeable. She has a t endency t o t alk a lot at
t imes, and at ot her t imes, keep very much t o herself. A shy and somewhat wit hdrawn
demeanour. Privat e, but once she is comfort able, friendly and curious. Very observant , a
nat ural psychologist .

Ascendant is Cancer

These people come across as gent le creat ures. There's somet hing familiar about t hem --
t hey're t he guy or gal next door. When t hey ent er a room, t hey don't walk in wit h a splash.
Inst ead, t hey move t o t he sides and weave t heir way inwards. These people have a familiar
feel t o t hem. Because t hey are rat her sensit ive t o t heir environment , t hey can get flust ered
easily, especially in public. Their first inst inct , when t hreat ened or on unfamiliar ground, is t o
prot ect t hemselves. When new sit uat ions present t hemselves, t hey can immediat ely
wit hdraw or act shy. Generally, t hese people come across as caring people. They seem quit e
sweet -- even innocent . Usually, t hese people appear unassuming enough t o be quit e
approachable. Some Cancer Ascendant s, however, have ret reat ed int o t hemselves so much
as t o be quit e t he opposit e.

Since Capricorn is on t he Descendant , Cancer Ascendant people are looking for st ruct ure and
securit y in t heir part ner and t heir relat ionship. These people funct ion best when t heir part ner
displays st rengt h, financial and emot ional st abilit y, and know-how. In fact , many Cancer
Ascendant s prefer it when t heir relat ionship has well-defined rules. Securit y is t he basic
need, and t hey are generally more t han willing t o give up some personal freedom in order t o
get it . In some cases, Cancer Ascendant people can surprise t heir part ners. Why? Because
t hey come across as rat her unassuming, family-orient ed people. When it comes t o marriage,
t hey have a rat her mat t er-of-fact , pract ical approach.

House II - t he second house - is t he area of mat erial securit y and values. It rules money and
personal finances, sense of self-wort h and basic values, personal possessions.

Leo on House II
Financial success will be very easy t hanks t o t he support of influent ial people. Tendency t o
spend more t han what is earned. Financial progress is slow but st eady. Generous wit h loved
ones and children. Sign and house placement of t he Sun may show money-making channels.

House III - t he t hird house - is t he area of social and int ellect ual learning.

Virgo on House III

She may pull everyt hing t o pieces, analyzing, crit icizing. Over-t hinking and over-analyzing is
probable. A busy early environment . She is proact ive, t ending t o det ails and t aking care of
t hings in an efficient manner. Usually won't t ake on anyt hing wit hout examining t he pros and
t he cons. She is very careful, somet imes t o a manic ext ent , t aking everyt hing int o account
even t o t he slight est det ail. Can be a worrier and fret t er.

House IV - t he fourt h house - is t he area of home, family, root s, and deep emot ions/sense of
self-wort h.

Libra on House IV

The simple life or t he small home isn't for her. If money is a problem, she can be frust rat ed,
want ing luxury or comfort able and beaut iful t hings. Will spend on home more lavishly t han
ot her areas. Likes luxury goods t o make life comfort able, going out , cockt ail part ies.

House V - t he fift h house - is t he area of creat ive self-expression, romance, ent ert ainment ,
children, and gambling.

Scorpio on House V

Can get blinded by and drunk wit h love: everyt hing revolves around her love. Her passions run
deep, exclusive. Quarrels can result . Fert ile love life.

House VI - t he sixt h house - is t he area of learning by mat erial t ransact ion.

Sagit t arius on House VI

May prefer jobs t hat involve t ravel, moving about a lot . Weak point : circulat ion.

House VII - t he sevent h house - is t he area of one-t o-one relat ionships such as marriage and
part nership, and of social and int ellect ual act ion.

Capricorn on House VII

A love-and-friendship union. This is one indicat ion of an unproblemat ic, quiet relat ionship. A
few hiccups, but not hing really serious. Fait hfulness.
House VIII - t he eight h house - is t he area of emot ional securit y and of securit y of t he soul.

Aquarius on House VIII

An unexpect ed inherit ance.

House IX - t he nint h house - is t he area of learning t hat shapes t he ident it y.

Pisces on House IX

She likes sea cruises. She has brilliant ideas t hat seem t o come from nowhere.

House X - t he t ent h house - is t he area of mat erial act ion. The Midheaven represent s t he
work one will do in one's life, t he place one will t ake in t he world of societ y. It becomes more
import ant as one grows older.

Aries on House X

All t he leadership qualit ies are t here: aut horit y, energy, init iat ive, leadership, lot s of gung-ho,
and of course int elligence.

House XI - t he elevent h house - is t he area of search for social and int ellect ual securit y.

Taurus on House XI

She likes t o be surrounded by frank and good-heart ed friends. These friendships don't st and
on ceremony. She carries out everyt hing she t akes on surely, composedly, and calmly unt il

House XII - t he t welft h house - is t he area of educat ion and of emot ion. This is where we
meet our karma, deal wit h endings, and somet imes where we bury t hings.

Gemini on House XII

Anxiet y, preoccupat ion concerning a dear one.

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63 Philippines PH

Dat e 06/06/2003 Friday

Time 07:15

Julian day 2452796.47

Timezone 8.0000 8h00e

ST 0.24

Lat 13.6200 13°37'n

Long 123.1800 123°11'e

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