Burns First Aid
Burns First Aid
Burns First Aid
Review Article
Burns are common occurrence and often the patient is rushed to a nearby medical practitioner or
hospital for first aid. Some patients may receive first aid from their relatives or friends in correct or
incorrect manner. Most of the time the first respondents in case of burns are family members, friends,
by standers. Properly instituted first aid reduces the morbidity and even mortality in burn patients.
Many simple interventions can make a great difference in the course of burns and improve patient
This article is aimed to educate primary health care providers, accident and emergency departments,
paramedicals and even the general public so that treatment for burn patients can start early.
them burn faster. The victim should be Rings, bracelets, bangles, watches,
instructed to lie down on the floor jewelry or other tight items should be
immediately with the burning side removed from the burnt parts. This is to be
uppermost. As the flames always burn done quickly and gently, before the swelling
upwards, lying flat prevents the fire from develops in the burnt part. Then removal
going around the body. Rolling should be becomes difficult, painful and it might even
avoided as it would burn the previously result in loss of the digit.
unburnt areas and may result in other Ointments, creams, lotions, powders,
injuries. [1] grease, ghee, gentian violet, calamine lotion,
To stop the victim from burning he/ toothpastes, butter, 'local doctor'
she may be doused with water or covered formulations etc., should not be applied over
with a heavy cotton cloth. Use of synthetic the burn wound. They make the formal
textiles should be avoided, as that would assessment of the nature, depth and extent
ignite and stick to the victim and do more of the burn wound difficult. Moreover,
harm. Once the fire is extinguished the eventual removal of such substances might
garment should promptly be removed, as it also be difficult and painful to the patient.
tends to trap heat. If water is not available Furthermore, the potential of these
any clean, packaged drink can be used eg. applicants contaminating the wound always
Milk. [2] exists and so, should be avoided. Mud, dirt,
Water, which is being used to douse sand should not be applied either for
the patient should be cool (around 15°C) dousing the flames or afterwards. [2]
and not too cold, running and should be For transport, the burnt part should
used for at least 10 minutes. This should be be covered in a clean dry sheet/ cloth. This
applied as soon as possible after injury. [3] prevents soiling of the wound, reduces pain
This can be continued longer till the pain caused by the air draft and reduces
eases. But, care must be taken to prevent infection. Plasticized polyvinyl-chloride
development of hypothermia, especially in (PVC) film available as a food-wrap is a
children and the elderly. [4] Application of a good alternative to cover the burned areas.
clean towel dampened with cool tap water Being pliable, it molds to the contours of the
should be done afterwards as it helps in wound and forms an impermeable, non-
reducing pain. [5] adherent barrier. Its application and removal
In addition to improved healing, cold is easy and painless. Moreover, being
water also has an excellent analgesic effect. transparent, it also permits inspection of the
Modulation of pain related inflammatory wound. [7]
mediators may be one mechanism by which Inhalation injury:
properly administered first aid influences If there is a lot of smoke, as in a case
healing afterwards. [5] Use of ice, very cold of fire in an enclosed space, the nose and
water is to be avoided as it may cause mouth should be covered with a wet cloth
further injury to the already injured tissues, and the victim should be removed from
and if used in large quantities hypothermia those premises by dragging along the floor,
may also occur. Hence, early appropriate if possible, as smoke tends to rise upwards
first aid to partial thickness burn wounds and collect towards the ceiling.
has been shown in an experimental animal Such patients are critical; oxygen
model to be associated with earlier healing should be administered immediately, if
and eventually less scarring. [3,6] The use of possible and must be rushed to the nearest
raw eggs and flour has also been mentioned. medical facility. These patients may also
The proponents of raw eggs claim that the need intubation and ventilatory support.
proteins in the egg form a layer over the Electrical burns:
burnt skin and prevent contamination. The electric current can injure in
several ways – current its self, flame burns,
arc burns, fall resulting in other injuries. [8] Common points in first aid irrespective of
These types of burns tend to injure deeper type
structures more than overlying skin. The Stop the burning process, ie. remove the
injury to deeper structures manifests later as offending agent.
necrosis of tissue. When attending to such a Be careful not to injure yourself.
patient make sure the source of current is Cool the burn area.
off, check that it is off and then help the Elevate the burn area.
patient. Avoid using water to douse flames Jewelry, including bracelets, rings and
at the site of injury as the current can flow necklaces should be removed.
up to the rescuer also. Use a dry wooden Do not try and remove adherent burnt
stick/ pole/ wooden chair to remove the clothing.
victim from the site. Edema (swelling) sets
In hot liquid burns (scalds) all wet
in faster in these injuries so limb elevation
clothes are to be removed.
should be done immediately and
Wrapping the burn wounds with a clean
maintained. Immediate cardiopulmonary
cloth is sufficient during transfer to the
resuscitation may be needed for such
nearest emergency department.
patient; hence, the patient should be rushed
to a tertiary center.
After the first medical attention, the
Chemical burns:
following information must be provided to
In case of chemical burn, which
the nearest burn unit/ medical facility before
could be alkali or acid burn, first and
foremost reaction should be to remove all
1. Age of the patient
clothing, ornaments immediately and
2. Gender
rigorous washing continuing for prolonged
3. The place and means of injury
time. The time period could be up to an hour
4. Burning agent
or two. Chemical burns tend to be common
5. Time of injury
in factory workers, laborers or as in a case
6. Width and depth of the burn including
of vitriol age. Acid burns cause less damage
involved body area
than alkali, which penetrates deeply by
7. Associated injuries
liquifactive necrosis. [9] Common acid burns
8. Co-morbidities if any
are due to sulphuric/ hydrochloric/ nitric
9. General medical status of the patient and
acid. Washing with running water is to be
any medical interventions performed
continued till the pH is neutralized as shown
by litmus paper test. If eyes are involved, as
in facial burns, the eyes should continuously
This article is aimed at health care
irrigated with Ringer Lactate/ normal saline
providers, especially those who offer their
in the hospital and the patient should be
services at the primary level, accident and
reviewed by an ophthalmologist along with
emergency departments, paramedicals and
a burns specialist.
even the general public, as proper and
In a few cases, solid particles of
timely institution of first aid in burns can
sodium, potassium, calcium may be present,
significantly reduce the subsequent
these should be brushed off or picked off, as
morbidity and even mortality.
these particles react with water, which, can
cause further damage. Once all the particles
are removed then washing should be 1. Andrew MK. First Aid. In: Settle JA, editor.
commenced that too with jet/ high flow Principles and Practice of Burns
systems after taking care of eyes and other Management. Edinburg Churchill
sensitive areas. Livingstone. 1996; 199-202.
How to cite this article: Kuldeep S, Sudhanshu P, Bhupender S et al. Burns: first aid. Int J Health
Sci Res. 2017; 7(8):434-437.