Quiz Reviewer
Quiz Reviewer
Quiz Reviewer
Hoisting Equipment:
1. Drawworks
1. Mud Pumps - remove large volumes of
- enabling heavy loads to be raised or drilling fluid under high pressure
lowered by means of wire rope wound on a
drum. 2. Shake Shaker - removes drill cutting
- It also enables the driller, through the 3. Desander - removes granular waste
catheads, to make or break drill pipe, drill 4. Desilter - removes fine particles
collars, and other connections equipment.
5. Degasser - removes toxic gasses
2. Hoisting tackle (tackle system)
- Crown block is static and rests at the top of the
derrick and the traveling block moves up and Desilters and Desanders: The desilters/desanders
down during making/breaking of the drilling must be equipped with centrifugal pumps capable
joint’s block and has a number of pulleys. of providing sufficient pressure to the
hydrocyclones to allow them to operate in the
2. Overhead tools - crown block, traveling block, desired pressure range.
hook, elevator
3. Drilling Line
- To rotate the drilling string and to rotate the
2. CIRCULATING SYSTEM drill bit on the bottom of the hole
- To circulate drilling fluid down and up the - It includes a rotary table and kelly which is a
drilling string rectangular-shaped pipe placed in the rotary
- Main functions: table.
- To transmit rotary motion and torque to the 12. Kelly Saver Sub
drillstring and consequently to the drill bit.
- male threads and female on the other.
2. Swivel
- it is screwed onto the bottom of the lower kelly
- suspends the drill string and allows rotation at the valve or top drive and onto the rest of the drillstring.
same time.
13. Master Bushing and Master Casing Bushing
- Without the swivel drilling fluid could not be
- The kelly bushing fits in the master bushing
pumped downhole, or the drillstring could not
which, in turn, attaches to the rotary table.
- Master bushing is used to handle casings,
14. Rotary Table - If formation fluid does enter the well, it may rise
to the surface and cause some of the drilling
- Receives power from the power system.
fluid to flow out of the hole.
- A gearbox allows several combinations of torque
- If the drilling crew cannot control the flow, it is
and speed.
called a kick.
15. Top Drive
- If the flow is continuous and cannot be
- Combined rotary table and kelly. controlled, a blowout has occurred.
- Consists of a DC drive motor that connects - A blowout preventer (BOP), in conjunction with
directly to the drill string without the need for a other equipment and techniques, is used to shut
rotary table. off and control a kick before it becomes a
- Is mounted on the rig’s swivel.
- Several BOPs are usually installed on top of a
- Elevator and Elevator links are supported on a
well, with an annular preventer above and two
shoulder located on the extended swivel stem.
or more ram preventers below.
- Advantages: it circulates while back reaming,
- An annular preventer has a resilient sealing
running a hole or pulling out of hole in stands.
- When activated by fluid pressure, the sealing
4. POWER SYSTEM element closes on the kelly, drill pipe or drill
Prime Movers
- Ram preventers have two steel ram segments
- used to supply power to drilling operations.
that are pushed together from both sides to seal
- these can be steam engines, electric motors or around the drill pipe.
internal combustion engines.
- Both annular and ram preventers are operated
by hydraulic fluid pressure.
5. WELL PRESSURE CONTROL SYSTEM (BLOWOUT - Blind ram preventers can be used to close an
PREVENTERS) open hole (hole with no drill pipe in it).
- The main components of the well pressure - Blowout preventers are opened and closed by
control system are the blowout preventers hydraulic power.
(BOPs), which are located under the rig floor
- The fluid is stored under pressure in an
on the casing head.
Blowout Preventer
- High-pressure lines carry the hydraulic fluid from
- a large, specialized valve used to seal, control the accumulator to the BOP stack.
and monitor oil and gas wells.
- When the driller turns the proper valves, the
- developed to cope with extreme erratic fluid operates the BOPs.
pressures and uncontrolled flow emanating
- Because the preventers must be able to close
from a well reservoir during drilling.
quickly, the hydraulic fluid is put under 1,500 to
- Drilling fluid in the hole helps prevent formation 3,000 psi of pressure by nitrogen gas in the
fluid from entering the borehole. accumulator unit.
Draw works, Fast line, Dead Line transferred from the top of the wellbore to the
shale shakers. Sometimes called a “flowline”.
Draw works- enabling heavy loads to be raised or
lowered by means of wire rope wound on a Blind vs shear vs pipe ram
drum. It also enables the driller, through the
catheads, to make or break drill pipe, drill Blind Ram - can be used to close an open hole (hole
collars, and other connections equipment. with no drill pipe in it). one of the valves on the
BOP stack. It is designed to close off the wellbore
Fast line – travels when the drill string is out of the hole.
Dead line – do not move or static Shear Ram - the component of the BOP stack which
Cellar, Rathole, Mousehole cuts through the drill pipe and forms a seal across
the top of the wellbore.
Cellar – pit kung saan nakalagay BOP
Pipe Ram - a sealing device in a blowout preventor
Rathole - a hole in the rig floor 30’-60’ deep and which closes off the annulus around the drill pipe.
lined with pipe. It is used for storing the Kelly while The size of ram must fit the drillpipe which is being
tripping. That part of the wellbore which is below used.
the bottom of the casing or completion zone.
Casing spool - a large receptacle which is installed
Mousehole – a small diameter pipe under the
on top of the casing head housing or a previous
derrick floor in which a joint of drill pipe is spool. It has both an upper and lower flanged
temporarily stored for later connection to the drill connection. Once it is installed it provides: a
string. landing shoulder for the next casing string; access
to the annulus between the casing strings and a
Two main types of bits: flanged connection for the BOP stack to be
connected to the well.
Rolling cutter bits - consist of cutting elements
arranged on cones (usually three cones, but
Drilling spool - Choke and Kill lines may be
sometimes two) that rotate on bearings about
connected either side outlets of the BOP or to
their own axis as the drill string turns the body of
Drilling Spool installed below at least one BOP
the bit. These bits can have teeth or buttons
capable of closing on pipe.
Fixed cutter bits - also known as drag bits, consist
Choke line - a pipe connected to the BOP stack
of stationary cutting elements that are integral
which allows fluids to be circulated out of the
with the body of the bit and are rotated directly by
annulus and through the choke manifold when a
the turning of the drill string. The principal types of
well killing operation is being performed.
fixed cutter bits are natural diamond and
polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC)
Kill line - High-pressure line between the mud
pump and the blowout preventer to facilitate the
pumping of fluid into the hole to overcome well
Rotary slip - edge-shaped pieces of metal with pressure with the preventers closed.
teeth or other gripping elements that are used to
prevent pipe from slipping down into the hole or
to hold pipe in place.