Physics Investigatory
Physics Investigatory
Physics Investigatory
Session 2023-24
Topic: Effect of Detergent on Surface
Apparatus Required
The surface tension is determined by what molecules are present
in the one or so layers of molecules at the surface of the
interface between a liquid and its vapor or air from the
Molecules that are surface active or detergents have two
properties that cause them to reduce the surface tension of water.
First, there is an excess concentration of these molecules at the
interface (called the surface excess concentration) and the forces
between these molecules is smaller than, or interfere with, the
bonding between the water molecules at the surface. Therefore it
is easier (takes less energy) to "stretch" the surface of the
interface. It turns out that a lot, but not all by any means, of such
molecules have a hydrophilic polar end, and a hydrophobic end.
The polar end sticks into the water phase and the hydrophobic
end (often a hydrocarbon) sticks up into the vapor or air phase.
Within the water phase these surfactants form bodies called
micelles where the hydrophilic (water loving) heads point into
the water phase and the hydrophobic tails are on the "inside" of
these microscopic globules. Since these hydrocarbon ends are
more weakly bonded to one another they are easier to stretch. As
the surface is stretched and the surface density of the "tails"
decreases there are new ones below in the water phase ready to
take their place on the surface.
Place the adjustable height stand on the table and make its
base horizontal by level-ling screws.
Take dirt and grease free water in three 100ml beakers.
Take three capillary tubes of radius 0.05 mm.
Clean and dry them, clamp the capillary tubes in a metallic
plate. Also clamp a pointer after third capillary tube.
Clamp the horizontal handle of the metallic plate in a vertical
stand, so that the capillary tubes and the pointer become
So adjust the height of metallic plate that the capillary tubes
dip in water in open dish.
Adjust the position of the pointer, such that its tip just touches
the water surface.
a) Arrangement of Apparatus
1. Take 50ml of dirt and grease free water in each beaker.
2. Dissolve approximately 1gm of a detergent in the water in
beaker B to make a dilute solution.
3. Add approximately 2gm of detergent in the water of
beaker C to have a solution with double concentration.
[2] NCERT Physics textbook