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Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) -primary government agency responsible for the conservation, management, development

and proper use of the countrys environment and natural resources Environment Management Bureau (EMB) -to recommend rules and regulations for environmental impact assessments and provide technical assistance for their implementation and monitoring Philippine Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) System Philippine Environmental Policy -all agencies and instrumentalities of the national government, including government-owned and controlled corporations, as well as private corporations, firms and entities to prepare an environmental impact system (EIS) for every action, project or undertaking which significantly affects the quality of the environment Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) No person, partnership or corporation shall undertake or operate any in part such declared ECP or project within an ECA without first securing an Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) Procedural Manual -is designed to serve as a primary reference for the DENR staff in the smooth implementation of the EIS system. It aims to clarify the steps and procedures required to implement the various provisions and sections of the new DAO (DENR Administrative Order) 1. Scoping as a new requirement. In an effort to strengthen the system as a planning tool, proponents are now required to initiate formal scoping prior to the submission of its environmental impact statement (EIS) 2. Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) and Initial Environmental Examinations (IEEs). Proponents of ECPs are required to submit an EIS with the EMB. On the other hand, proponents of projects within ECAs are generally required to submit an IEE to the concerned Regional Office. Initial Environmental Examination (EEI) is prepared and submitted to enable DENR to make a decision on whether to issue or not to issue an ECC. 3. Timetable for review of EIS/IEE. The appropriate review process is expected to be completed within 120 and 75 days after acceptance of the EISs and IEEs. 4. Accreditation of preparers. EISs and IEEs can only be prepared by individuals or groups accredited by the DENR. 5. Accountability of proponents and preparers. Ensures that all data or information submitted by proponents is true, and that all proposed projects are objectively ad thoroughly assessed by its preparers.

6. Public participation and social acceptability. Considering that the review of the environmental impact of a proposed project is not limited to the bio-physical elements, but likewise includes the socio-economic environment, the role and concerns of the affected communities in the EIA process are given primary consideration. 7. Environmental Monitoring and Guarantee Fund. The Environmental Monitoring Fund (EMF) shall be used primarily to monitor the operation of the project after ECC issuance. The Environmental Guarantee Fund (EGF) on the other hand will be used for rehabilitation and compensation for damages caused by the projects that pose significant public risks. 8. Review Cost. In order to provide the DENR with the requisite resources in implementing the fast-tracked review process, the proponent is required to shoulder the additional review cost. Scope of the EIS System a. Environmentally Critical Projects (ECPs) b. Projects Located in Environmentally Critical Areas (ECAs) Project or undertaking any activity, regardless of scale or magnitude, which may have significant impact on the environment Criteria: 1. Location criteria -the activity must conform with existing and duly approved land use plan of the area 2. Technology criteria the activity must employ the use of appropriate technology that will not require the use of toxic and hazardous materials; will not produce or require the disposal of waste materials that can pose serious health hazards; or, will not generate significant amount of organic or solid wastes 3. Size criteria the activity/structure must no occupy a lot area of more than 1,000 square meters in an urban area or 1.0 hectare in a rural area. If the activity will involve construction, the structure must not have a height exceeding a three (3) storey-building including basement 4. Emission and Effluent criteria the effluents or discharges of the activity must conform with the emission and effluent and standards established by the DENR, regardless of quantity, volume or amount 5. Community acceptability criteria no serious complaints are expected from neighboring establishments or facilities 6. The nature if the activity shall not be pose significant environmental impact as determined by the EMB or DENR Regional Offices Certificate of Non-Coverage may be issued to:

Butterfly farming, rice or corn mills, flowers/ornamentals production and sale, backyard animal farms, individual residential houses or commercial buildings/structures, sari-sari stores, garment manufacturing, organic compost/fertilizer making, pedestrian overpass, cottage industry, importation or purchase of equipment Environmental Critical Project (ECP) -project that has high potential for significant impact on the quality of the environment i. Heavy Industries 1. Non-ferrous metal industries 2. Iron and steel mills 3. Petroleum and petro-chemical industries, including oil and gas 4. Smelting plants ii. Resource Extractive Industries 1. Major mining and quarrying industries 2. Forestry projects a. Logging b. Major wood processing projects c. Introduction of fauna (exotic animals) in public/private forests d. Forest occupancy e. Extraction of mangrove products f. Grazing 3. Fishery projects a. Dikes for/and fishpond development projects iii. Infrastructure projects 1. Major dams 2. Major power geothermal) plants (fossil-fueled, nuclear-fueled, hydro-electric or

3. Major reclamation projects 4. Major roads and bridges iv. Golf course projects

Environmental Critical Area an area that is environmentally sensitive Projects located in Environmentally Critical Areas (ECAs) i. All areas declared by law as national parks, watershed reserves, wildlife preserves and sanctuaries National park a forest reservation essentially of natural wilderness character which has been withdrawn from settlement, occupancy or any form of exploitation except in conformity with approved management plan and set aside as such exclusively to conserve the area or preserve the scenery, the natural and historic objects, wild animal and plants therein and to provide enjoyment or these features in such area Wildlife sanctuary an area which assures the natural conditions necessary to protect nationally significant species, groups of species, biotic communities or physical features of the environment where these may require specific human manipulations for their perpetuation. ii. Areas set aside as aesthetic potential tourist spots iii. Areas which constitute the habitat for any endangered or threatened species of indigenous Philippine wildlife (flora and fauna) Indeterminate species - shall refer to plant or animal species which are apparently endangered but where insufficient data are currently available for reliable assessment. Threatened species - shall refer to any plant or animal species which is likely to become endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all or just a significant portion if its range Rare species - shall refer to plant or animal species which are not under immediate threat of extinction but occurs in small numbers Endangered species - shall refer to plant or animal species which are actively threatened with extinction and whose survival are unlikely without protective measures iv. Areas of unique historic, archeological or scientific interest v. Areas which are traditionally occupied by cultural communities or tribes (indigenous cultural communities) vi. Areas frequently visited/ or hard-hit by natural calamities (geologic hazards, floods, typhoons, volcanic activity) 1. Areas frequently visited or hard-hit by typhoons 2. Areas frequently visited or hard-hit by tsunamis 3. Areas frequently visited or hard-hit by earthquakes 4. Storm surge-prone areas

5. Flood-prone areas 6. Areas prone to volcanic activities 7. Areas located along fault lines or within fault zones 8. Drought-prone areas vii. Areas with critical slopes viii. Areas classified as prime agricultural lands

ix. Recharged areas of aquifers x. Water bodies characterized by one or any combination of the following conditions 1. Tapped for domestic purposes 2. Within the controlled and/or protected areas declared by appropriate authorities 3. Which support wildlife and fishery activities xi. Mangrove areas characterized by one or any combination of the following conditions 1. With primary pristine and dense young growth 2. Adjoining mouth of major river systems 3. Near or adjacent to traditional productivity fry or fishing grounds 4. Which act as natural buffers against shore erosion, strong winds ad storm floods 5. On which people are dependent for their livelihood xii. conditions Coral reefs characterized by one or any combination of the following

1. With fifty percent (50%) and above live coralline cover 2. Spawning and nursery grounds for fish 3. Which act as natural breakwater of coastlines Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) the documents of studies of the environmental impacts of a project including the discussions on direct and indirect consequences upon human welfare and ecological and environmental integrity. The EIS may vary from project to project but shall contain in every case all relevant information and details about the proposed project or undertaking, including the environmental impacts of the project and the appropriate mitigating and enhancement measures

Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) the documents required of proponents describing the environmental impact of, and mitigation and enhancement measures for, projects or undertakings located in an ECA Environmental Impact Statement Scoping the stage in the EIS system where information and assessment requirements are established to provide with the scope of work for the EIS. Scoping is the first and most critical step in the EIS process where most of the issues and concerns are identified, discussed, clarified and agreed upon by the key actors in the EIS system. It provides the project proponent an idea of prioritizing and coordinating data sourcing in order to avoid work and data overlaps. Community feedback is critical in scoping. The stakeholders and other interested parties must be able to participate and share their views, ideas and perceptions on the likely environmental impacts and community issues that could result from the project. Social preparation is a preliminary activity carried out when there is a need to involve the community in any program, project or undertaking. It involves awareness building concerning the project or activity in terms of its goals, rationale, objectives, components and activities. It aims to inform and consult the public about their participation, roles and responsibilities in the proposed project or activity. Proponent initiates and organizes the scoping process in coordination with DENR. The proponent is urged to hire a facilitator or communication expert to organize the scoping activities, especially if the project is large scale and controversial at the very start. Stakeholders are persons or groups who may be significantly affected the project or undertaking, directly or indirectly. They may include: Persons living or working within the identified impact area Persons with properties in the impact area Persons living or working within the boundaries of the impact area Organized interest groups operating in the impact area Industry representatives in the impact area

Individuals, groups or organizations who are residing within the impact zones are given priority as primary stakeholders. Prior to the formal scoping session, local communities and other groups of stakeholders shall select their representatives Scoping sessions should involve a cross-section of stakeholder whether they are for or against the project. The number of formal scoping sessions to be conducted is determined by the proponent. Ideally, there should only be one formal scoping session in the project site, where all identified participants can effectively interact and share their views, concerns and knowledge on the project.

Community meetings this is held on the project site and may last for a day. The proceedings should as much as possible be conducted in the local dialect. Technical meetings undertaken to discuss the minimum requirements for the EIA based on available scoping guidelines. Public meetings meeting of this type represents the consensus of all affected parties. The proponent receives oral and written inquiries from groups who wish to express their stand, apprehensions and concerns. These meetings are held in the project site. Impact zone of a project are the areas which are most likely to be directly or indirectly affected by the proposed project or undertaking. It comprises of the direct or primary impact area and the secondary impact area. Impact zones are identified and delineated on the map based on the type of project and knowledge of the biophysical and social environment of the project. Specific impact areas delineated based on the biophysical and socioeconomic parameters. Direct Impact Area/Zone - areas generally refers to areas where the project facilities or infrastructures will be located or traversed such as buildings or structures, irrigation, drainage and other utility areas, quarry sites, access roads and others to be set up during the construction and operating phases. Secondary or Indirect Impact Area/Zone refers to the influence area of the project that could be indirectly affected by the proposed development. This includes areas in the vicinity of the direct impact zone. Steps in Scoping Activity: Pre-Scoping the proponent undertakes social preparation to inform concerned stakeholders about the projects. Step 1 - the proponent sends an official written communication addressed to EMB or DENR RO concerned about its intention to initiate the scoping process Step 2 - within five days of the receipt of the letter, DENR shall schedule a meeting (1st level scoping) with the proponent. Step 3 - The technical and substantive scope of the EIA study shall be agreed upon during the first level scoping meeting. (Technical meeting) Step 4 - The proponent identifies and invites representatives from the key stakeholders of the project to the scheduled formal scoping session. Step 5 - The formal scoping session(s) shall be conducted in accordance with the recommendation of the proponent as affirmed by EMB or DENR RO concerned during the first level scoping. A series of scoping sessions may be conducted based on the results of the first session or as planned by the proponent. This can be done in cases when some of the major stakeholders are not able to attend the first session or when additional stakeholders

surface which were not initially identified or invited to the first scoping session. Step 6 - The proponent through the preparer submits a formal scoping report to EMB or DENR RO concerned based on the results of the scoping process within thirty days from the conduct of the last formal scoping session or activity. Step 7 - EMB or the DENR RO concerned, preferably together with representative(s) from the EIARC, reviews the formal scoping report in terms of the appropriateness of the process, accuracy and substantive results. Step 8 - After the approval of the scoping report, EMB or DENR RO concerned will meet with the proponent to discuss the timetable and associated additional cost of the review process. Scoping Report contains issues and impacts outlined in the scoping guidelines prepared by DENR. Other available scoping guidelines by the World Bank, Asian Development Bank and other international organizations may also be used as a reference and data and information requirement of the project identified based on the procedural review checklist. Critical information this information must be included in the EIS to serve as basis for decision in the granting or denial of ECC Essential information this information will allow reviewer to formulate ECC conditions Added-value information this information, while not critical no essential in the EE decision, are nonetheless indicators of the seriousness and commitment of the proponent with regards to environmental issues Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) a process of analyzing and describing the risks associated with a project or activity to ecosystems, human health and welfare. It deals with the further analysis of hazards identified in the EIA. materials or chemicals that are toxic, flammable, reactive/explosive and hazardous or have deleterious effects to humans, animals, plants and ecosystems structures (e.g., dams, mining pits, tailing ponds) the failure of which could endanger life, property or environment

Categories of Hazardous Materials a. Explosives (Reactivity) b. Flammable, highly flammable and extremely flammable substances c. Oxidizing substances are substances which give rise to highly exothermic reaction when in contact with other substances, particularly flammable substances

d. Low, medium, high, very high and extreme toxicity of substances or preparation e. Unclassified substances are substances or preparations that react violently with water and substances or preparations which release or liberate toxic gas in contact with water. f. For activities not involving toxic/hazardous materials, permanent or long term damage is defined to be damage/s requiring a projected recovery period longer than 15 years for terrestrial habitats or 5 years for aquatic habitats 1. Information relating to the operator and the establishment 2. Information relating to the scope of analysis employed/used in the report 3. Information relating to every hazardous substances or situation present in the establishment 4. Information relating to the consequences of major accidents, the probability of its occurrence, and an estimation of the risk 5. Information relating to the safety management system for the establishment An Emergency Plan is prepared with the following objectives: - To contain or control incidents so as to minimize the effects and limit damage to man, the environment and property taking into consideration the worst case scenario - To implement the measures necessary to protect man and environment from the effects of major accidents - To communicate the necessary information to the public and to the emergency service provider (such as fire protection, civil defense, disaster coordination and other appropriate local government unit or agency) in the area - To provide for the restoration and clean-up of the environment following a major accident 1. On-site Emergency Plan 2. Linkage with Off-Site Emergency Plan Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Review Process 1. Procedural Review the purpose of the first-stage procedural review is to screen the EIA document (EIS or IEE) and determine whether it complied with the required procedures and contents 2. Substantive Review the reviewers are tasked to examine the document on the basis of criteria such as:

a. Clarity of presentation it should therefore be written in such a way that it is easily understood. b. Balance in presentation and assessment it is not supposed to provide justifications for pre-conceived conclusions in favor of any interest group c. Accuracy and Precision of Information and Assessment all analytical data presented in the EIS should satisfy the prescribed levels of accuracy and precision as derived from established statistical tools and methods Contents of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) a. Project Description, including data on project location, specifically describing the primary and secondary impact zones, project rationale, alternatives, including alternative sites or actions, no action alternatives and project phases b. Scoping Report c. Baseline Environmental Conditions for land, air and people d. Impact Assessment, including a discussion of the impact of the project or undertaking on the environment and public health e. Environmental Risk Assessment when appropriate f. Environmental Management Plan g. Proposals for Environmental Monitoring and Guarantee Funds when required h. Supporting Documents such as documents on social acceptability, process of public participation, technical and socio-economic data used, gathered, or generated i. j. Accountability Statements of the preparer and the proponent For projects located in ancestral lands or domains, a specific chapter in the socio-economic impact assessment shall be devoted to a discussion of indigenous peoples concerns and possible socio-economic, political and cultural impacts of the proposed project on such people

k. For projects or undertakings with significant impact on population, a specific chapter on the socio-economic impact assessment shall be devoted to a discussion of the relationship among population, development and the environment Initial Review of Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Document the EMB shall immediately determine the completeness of the documents submitted by the proponents - The Initial Review of the EIS documents, otherwise known as Procedural Review, determines the completeness of information contained in the EIS

and its conformance with the prescribed outline. The review is based on the results of the scoping activities conducted, DENR scoping guidelines for that particular project and the Procedural Screening Form - The Screening Officer of the DENR shall be responsible for the procedural review of the EIS submitted by the proponent and for making recommendations on the acceptance and non-acceptance of the document Environmental Impact Assessment Review Committee (EIARC) will be responsible for the undertaking the substantive review of the EIS submitted by the proponent Completeness of information the documents should provide the required level of detail in accordance with the information identified in the annotated outline, scoping matrix or report and other appropriate guidelines such as the scoping guidelines Clarity of presentation the document should be easily understood by the reviewers and comprehensible for decision-making Appropriateness this will be measured in terms of conformity of the EIS document to technical standards or mechanisms of implementation Accuracy and precision in information or assessment this will be gauged in terms of the adherence of the EIS document to the standard method of data gathering, modeling and analysis selected and mutually agreed on during the scoping session Degree of consistency the document should be entirely consistent in terms of its findings, assessment or analysis and recommendations such that no statement in the EIS will contradict another statement within the study Responsiveness this will be measured in terms of how the document addressed valid issues and concerns of stakeholders and other interested parties First EIARC Meeting substantive review EIARC meetings should serve as a venue or opportunity for discussing issue and findings on the EIS. This is why perfect attendance is highly encouraged. The EIARC Chair and the DENR Case Officer must be present in all EIARC meetings. The DENR Case Officer shall be responsible for documenting the entire review process. The meetings should be recorded on tape for inter transcription. Conduct of field work in order to minimize the number if EIARC meetings, field works such as public hearing, public consultations, site inspections or ocular visits may be scheduled at this time before the next EIARC meeting. Second EIARC Meeting utilized to discuss and evaluate the additional information submissions of the proponents, the findings during the public hearing or consultation(s), and other additional inputs. If possible, a decision may be made on the recommendation to issue or deny the application for an ECC

Third (Final) EIARC Meeting The last meeting if the substantive review phase. A decision by the EIARC on whether to recommend the issuance or non-issuance of ECC must be reached at this point EIARC Report a. Environment impacts and corresponding coasted enhancement measures of the project or undertaking b. Key issues/concerns c. Proponents response to issues d. Compliance with review criteria, technical/substantive content and social acceptability requirements e. The acceptability of the proposed EMP Within 15 days from the receipt of the EIARC report, the EMB Director shall make his or her own recommendation to the Office of the Secretary for final decision. Within 15 days from the receipt of the report of the EMB Director, unless circumstances warrant a longer period of time, the Secretary shall either grant or deny the issuance of ECC. In granting or denying the issuance of the ECC, the Secretary shall take into account the social and environmental cost implications relative to the judicious utilization, development and conservation of the countrys natural resources mitigation and

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