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Pagadian Diocesan Schools


Pob. Mahayag Zamboanga Del Sur


Learning Content:Clientele and Audience in Counseling

Learning Competencies: At the end of this LESSON, you can:
1. Describe the clientele of counseling.
2. Illustrate the different processes and methods involved in counseling.
Learning Materials:
1. Myla M. Arcinas, PhD (2016) ( Phoenix Publishing House) The Padayon Series Discipline and Ideas
in the Applied Social Sciences.

Instructions: Identify whether the statements exhibit ethical or unethical behavior. Write your answer before
the number.
_______________ 1. A counselor does not inform a teenager client’s parents that the counselee is seriously
threatening to conflict self-harm.
_______________ 2. A counselee withholds pertinent information and lies about his or her story.
_______________ 3. A counselor lends his/her license to a friend who wants to experience a job in counseling.
_______________ 4. A counselor refuses to tell a client’s curious ex-wife of the counselee’s session details.
_______________ 5. A counselor refuses to work with a client because of the counselee’s religious beliefs.


Directions: Analyze the image presented. Use it as your guide in answering the questions below.

Guide Questions:

1. Who do you think are the possible clientele and audiences in counseling? Why?
2. How do you describe the clientele and audiences of counseling?
3. Give your reasons why client seeks counseling?
AWESOME! You got it right.



Clients go into counseling for various reasons. Some clients are ordered by the court. Prisoners or
other offenders are sent so that they might receive help. Potential divorcees are sent for marital counseling by
the court also. Others, upon examining their situations, feel the need for help or an improved life-style. Still
some are referred for academic or vocational counseling. Others are driven by a crisis. All clients have
expectations of varying levels. Some clients expect rapid help and change. Others go into counseling with a
mindset that nothing will make a difference in their outlook and behavior they go in order to satisfy a
requirement or to stifle a potential feeling of guilt. One of the most difficult clients to work with is the reluctant
client. The reluctant client is one who not want to receive counseling but finds him or herself in the counseling
situation. The conscious resolution not to cooperate makes change and results difficult to achieve. The new
counselor can sometimes feel inadequate in the presence of resistance. Resistance need not be always viewed as

According to Dyer and Vriend, “Resistance is an unavoidable is an every effective treatment, for that
part of the personality that has interest in the survival of the pathology actively protests each time therapy
comes close to inducing a successful change”. Reluctance may sometimes manifest itself in hostility of the
client, absenteeism, non-o on, strained civility, and other creative forms. Some clients are reluctant because of
suspicion. Others are reluctant because they do not want to change. Still others are afraid to admit to any
possible flaws they might have.

Strategies for Dealing with the Reluctant Client:

There is the temptation to feel rejected if a client does not cooperate with the counseling process. It is
important not to allow feelings of personal rejection to surface. The following are some suggestions for dealing
with reluctance on the part of the client:
1. Refuse to consider yourself the target of the reluctance. This will affect your approach to counseling
the client.
2. Show confidence and do not be intimidated.
3. Do not ignore the feelings of the client. Try to find out why he or she is reluctant.
4. Try to interpret the reasons for the reluctance and use these as an opportunity for teaching the client
greater self-understanding.
5. Show the client that counseling helps one to deal with feelings even if they are uncomfortable.
6. Patient exploration of the client's behavior can help reduce the reluctance.
7. Go straight to work on eliminating barriers.

Individual Counseling:
Counseling is a one to one helping relationship that focuses on the clients growth and changes it
his/her self. With this, the counselor should make an environment where the client feels safe and has
confidentiality on everything being talked about in the conversation. "This process is initiated when a state of
psychological contact or relationship is established between the counselor and the client; it progresses as certain
conditions essential to the success of the counseling process prevail.

Group Counseling:
Group counseling is the routine adjustment or developmental experiences provided in a group setting.
It focuses on assisting clients to cope with their day-to-day adjustment and development concerns. Relationship
skills, sexuality, career and decision making are some examples of problems being talked about in group

Community Counseling:
Counseling programs in the community represent a wide and various range of approaches or
perspectives in giving counseling services to the clients. The development and implementation of these services
are based on an underlying assumptions and basic principles. The basic assumption at community involvement
is necessary for relevant and accountable community mental health agencies that have implication for the
essential principles of those agencies that are community based.

Counseling Settings and Services where Counselors could be found.

Counseling Setting:
The counseling setting is of extreme importance in the success of the process. It is not required to have
a large, lavishly furnished office. What is of extreme importance is privacy which will allow quiet moment and
confidentiality of what will transpire. The constant ringing of the telephone or knocking on doors can be
distracting and may cause extra effort to establish rapport. One may counsel in a home, a park, a chapel, vestry,
or any available vacant room. While privacy is very important, it is not wise to choose an out-of-the-way
location where there are no humans in sight for miles. A feeling of emotional and physical safety is necessary.

Counseling services in Different Work Settings:

Counselors can be found in almost all firms and organizations. Counseling services vary in scope
depending on the setting.
Counselors can be found in the government. The main task of these counselors is to give advice and
help the mentality of people inside the court, government officials. They are also in government institutions that
help government employees like the: social workers (who are affected mentally on their job helping the public
in need like the street children, adolescents at risk, etc); police men and military men who are into much
pressure to manage peace and order the society; and many more.
Counselors can also be found in private sectors, they aim to give guidance in some business and
operational firms that are owned by a private corporation or individual. Business counseling, known as business
mentoring, is also a growing field for counselors. This is a highly effective process that enables business
Owners and senior managers manage the pressures brought by stresses and issues affective their business or
businesses as well as the making rignt decisions during time uncertainty. In addition, it is important to note, that
counselors are found in area such as psychological testing centers, career counseling and placement centers.
The civil society is also in need of counselors. The civil society refers to a community of citizens
linked by common interests and collective activity. Civil society includes the family and the private sphere,
referred to as the "third sector" of society, distinct from government and business. Examples of civil society are
youth group, social enterprises, non-government organization or non-profit organizations, churches, academia,
voluntary associations, and groups with special needs like the elderly, persons with disability, teenage mothers,
Counselors can also be found in schools. Their main goal is to give guidance and counsel to students
who have mental and psychological problems about school, teachers, family, and colleagues. Teachers can also
be a clientele of school counselors. The pressure of teaching load and managing classes could be too stressful
for some teachers that need someone to unload the pressure of responsibilities in the school setting.
Every life has its challenges. Counseling services are found in the community. They help the
community to be intact and to resolve conflicts about their neighborhood, substance marriage and family
counseling, depression, parents dealing with their children, and children and adolescents faced with family
difficulties and peer pressure. Counselors are available to help the individuals, family and other groups or
organizations to cope with life's inevitable challenges.

Counseling Methods and Processes:

Counseling Methods:
There are a number of methods of approaches that counselors use when they arE talking to their client.
These approaches are different on the type of perspective in psychology depending on how the counselor wants
to use and the situation of the clientele. It is good be aware of the different methods in counseling. It will be
good to not stick to one approach. What is recommended is that one become familiar with all of the methods
and then perhaps blend the different ideas that appeal to us. There are some theories that one may not agree
However, it is educationally beneficial to know them. Taking an idea from one method and another
idea from another method to form our own counseling method is what is often done. The following are the basic
counseling methods.

Counseling Methods Description Originator

Human beings are basically determined by SIGMUND FREUD ( 1856-1939)
PSYCHOANALYTIC psychic energy and early experiences. Sigmund Freud (1856- 1939) was the
THERAPY People’s behavior is influenced by originator of psychoanalysis. According
unconcious motives and conflicts. One is to him, human beings are basically
driven by sexual and aggressive impulses. determined by psychic energy and early
experiences. People’s behavior is
influenced by unconscious motives and
conflicts. One is drive by sexual and
aggressive impulses. Freud stresses the
importance of early development and
developmental stages referred to as
psychosexual stages: the oral stage
( the first year of life), the anal stage
( ages 1-3), the phallic stage ( ages 3-6),
the latency stage ( ages 6-12), the
genital stage (ages 12-18), the genital
stage then continues throughout the rest
of a person’s life.
The counseling profession gives
credit to the psychoanalytic theory for
providing the tools for an in-depth
understanding of a person’s
development. Freud contends that
deelings of love and trust, dealing with
negative feelings and developing a
positive acceptance of sexuality, are
social areas that are all cemented in the
first years of life. Later, personality
development is built on this period of

Erik Erikson built on Freud’s ideas

and by extension stressed the social
aspects of a person’s development.
These are called PSYCHOSOCIAL
infancy ( trust versus mistrust)
early childhood (autonomy versus
shame and doubt)
preschool age (initiative versus guily)
school age (industry versus inferiority)
adolescence (identity versus role
young adulthood (intimacy versus
middle age (generativity versus
stagnation) and
later life (integrity versus despair)
ADLERIAN Alfred Adler (1870 – 1937) was not in
THERAPY Adler’s belief that humans are motivated agreement with Freud’s basic theories.
primarily by social urges rather than sexual He thought that Freud was to narrow in
urges. his emphasis on the biological and
sexual determination. Like Freud,
however, Adler believed that the first
six years of life influenced an
individual. He did not focus on past
events like Freud did. He was more
interested in how one interpreted his
past and its continuing influence on
him. Adler was basically opposed to the
theories of Freud. It was Adler’s belief
that humans are motivated primarily by
social urges rather than sexual urges.
EXISTENTIAL The existential view leads us t be
THERAPY Focuses on the nature of the human able to reflect and decide. This is made
condition. possible through our self- awareness.
Personal development is seen as being based There is no single fonder of the
on the uniqueness of each individual. existential approach, but Viktor Frankl,
Abraham Maslow, and Rollo May are
uniqueness of each key figures. Existential therapy is more
of an approach to counseling than a
theoretical model. Existential therapy
focuses on the nature of the human
condition. Personality development is
seen as being based on the uniqueness
of each individual. Sense of self
develops from infancy.

PERSON- The relationship of the therapist and client is The original founder of person-
CENTERED very important. Basic techniques include centered therapy is CARL ROGERS
THERAPY active listening, refection of feelings, (1902 – 1987). Because Rogers placed
clarification, and “being there” for the much emphasis on how people get,
counselee. share, or surrendered power and control
over themselves and others, his theory
became known as the person-centered
approach. He developed what is known
as non-directive counseling.
GESTALT This is an existential approach that stresses Frederick S. Perls (1893-1970) was the
THERAPY that people must find their own way in life originator and developer of this theory.
and accept personal responsibility for
maturity. By developing an awareness of
what they are doing, clients can use this
understanding to bring about change.

what they are doing,

understanding to bring about change.
TRANSACTIONAL It was founded by ERIC Berne (1910-
ANALYSIS This therapy is very different from others in 1970)
that it focuses in philosophy is that the client

The basic philosophy is that the client has the

potential for cdecisions and contracts made
by the client. The basic philosophy is that the
client has the potential for choice
and contracts made by the client. The basic
phas has the potential for choice

BEHAVIOR Behavior therapy uses many action-oriented There are a number of key figures
THERAPY methods to help people take steps to change associated with this theory:
what they are doing and thinking. Arnold Lazarus, Albert L. Watson, A.E.
doing ad thinking.

RATIONAL- The founder o Rational-Emotional

EMOTIVE This therapy is a form of cognitively- Therapy was Albert Ellis (b. 1913)
THERAPY oriented behavioral therapy and is based on
the assumption that human beings are born
with a potential for both rational or straight
thinking, and irrational or crooked thinking

REALITY THERAPY The focus is on person’s strength and Founded by William Glasser
stresses behavior that client can learn more
realistic behavior and therefore achieve
success. Reality therapy assumes that we
choose out behavior and are therefore
responsible not only for what we are doing
but also for how we think and feel.


 Counseling is a process, as well as a relationship, between persons. Contrary to what some

people believe, counseling is not concentrated advice-giving. The aim of the counselor is usually to
assist the person or persons (client/s) in realizing a change in behavior or attitude, or to seek
achievement of goals.
INDIVIDUAL COUNSELING This process is initiated when a state of psychological contact
or relationship is established between the counselor and the
GROUP GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING It includes task groups and psycho educational groups where
the counselors try to help certain groups of people.
CAREER ASSISTANCE This area has been viewed as one in which standardized tests
were used for career assessment and planning
PLACEMENT AND FOLLOW-UP This area has more traditionally been a service of school
counseling programs with an emphasis on educational
placement in courses and programs.
REFERRAL It is a process for helping a client through a helping system to
improve its service to its clientele.
CONSULTATION It is a process for helping a client through helping system to
improve its service to its clientele.
RESEARCH It is necessary to the advancement of the profession of
counseling. It can provide empirically based data relevant to
implement effective methods in counseling.
EVALUATION AND ACCOUNTABILITY It is the means or process in assessing the effectiveness of
other counselors.
PREVENTION This suggest that a most attractive alternative to traditional
remedial mental health practices is primary prevention, which
seeks to prevent the occurrence of the disorder in the first


Instructions: Name at least 4 counseling process that you know and give a particular situation where counseling
process will be effectively useful.

Activity 2
Instructions: Name at least 2 counseling services that maybe seen in counseling settings indicated below.


1. Why does an individual become clientele and audience for counseling?



Modified KUD Chart:

Instructions: Write what you know, what you understand, and what you do on clientele and Audiences in

Know- includes the key counseling clientele and audiences.

Understand- the significance of counseling.
Do- includes what counselors do in their real- world work environments.
Know Understand Do

Instructions: Read and analyze the sentence quoted below. Write your discussion inside the box.

“There is no client as scary as an innocent man."



Instructions: Read the items below and put a check ( ✔)if it is true and cross out (✕✖)if it is false.
____1. Clients are only reluctant because they do not want to admit to their flaws.
____2. Group counseling is done in order to help clients with their day to day adjustments.
____3. Clients have varied expectations when it comes to counseling.
____4. Community counseling is done by letting a client interact with his/her community.
____5. Self-doubt and decision making is addressed in group counsel

Post Assessment:
Instructions: Write the letter on the blank space provided.
____1. Which of the following is NOT type of counseling.
a. Individual counseling b. Self counseling c. Community counseling d. Group counseling

____2. According to Dyer and Vriend, it is an unavoidable process in every effective treatment.
a. Anger b. Disillusionment c. Grief d. Resistance

____3. This type of counseling focuses on the client’s growth and changes in his/her self.
a. Individual counseling b. Self counseling c. Community counseling d. Group counseling

____4. This type of counseling focuses on the day-to day concerns and adjustments of clients.
a. Individual counseling b. Self counseling c. Community counseling d. Group counseling

____5. They are some of the most difficult clients to work with.
a. Hostile clients b. Resisting Clients c. Reluctant clients d. Regretful client

Answer key
Pre – Assessment Evaluation Post
1. unethical 1. /
2. unethical 2. / 1. b
3. unethical 3. / 2. d
4. ethical 4. / 3. a
5. unethical 5. x 4. d
5. c

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