This document provides a summary of the divergence of the Mu'tazila sect in Islam. It discusses how the sect emerged from a disagreement between Hasan al-Basri and one of his students, Ibn 'Atha, over the status of Muslims who commit major sins. Ibn 'Atha believed they were in an intermediate state between belief and disbelief. This led him to break off and form his own group, which became known as the Mu'tazila. The Mu'tazila emphasized rational thought and were influenced by Greek philosophy. They are known for their five principal teachings, including the view that humans can understand Allah through reason alone.
This document provides a summary of the divergence of the Mu'tazila sect in Islam. It discusses how the sect emerged from a disagreement between Hasan al-Basri and one of his students, Ibn 'Atha, over the status of Muslims who commit major sins. Ibn 'Atha believed they were in an intermediate state between belief and disbelief. This led him to break off and form his own group, which became known as the Mu'tazila. The Mu'tazila emphasized rational thought and were influenced by Greek philosophy. They are known for their five principal teachings, including the view that humans can understand Allah through reason alone.
This document provides a summary of the divergence of the Mu'tazila sect in Islam. It discusses how the sect emerged from a disagreement between Hasan al-Basri and one of his students, Ibn 'Atha, over the status of Muslims who commit major sins. Ibn 'Atha believed they were in an intermediate state between belief and disbelief. This led him to break off and form his own group, which became known as the Mu'tazila. The Mu'tazila emphasized rational thought and were influenced by Greek philosophy. They are known for their five principal teachings, including the view that humans can understand Allah through reason alone.
This document provides a summary of the divergence of the Mu'tazila sect in Islam. It discusses how the sect emerged from a disagreement between Hasan al-Basri and one of his students, Ibn 'Atha, over the status of Muslims who commit major sins. Ibn 'Atha believed they were in an intermediate state between belief and disbelief. This led him to break off and form his own group, which became known as the Mu'tazila. The Mu'tazila emphasized rational thought and were influenced by Greek philosophy. They are known for their five principal teachings, including the view that humans can understand Allah through reason alone.
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NAME : Annisa Ayu Saleha
NIM : 202101052 CLASS : The Science of Hadith 1A
Hamdan wa syukran lillah asyhadu anlaa ilaha illallah wa asyhadu anna
Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa Rasuluhu, ‘amma ba’du. The respectable, Mr. Hendi Rediana and all of the honourable audiences. First of all, let’s give praises to Allah subhanahu wata’ala The Lord of World, The Master of The Day After, The Creator of Everything in This Universe. Peace and salutation always be upon our prophet Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, who has given us from the darkness into the brightness, and guided us into the right way of life. And i also like to say thank you to the master of ceremony who has given me a chance to speak on front of you. Brothers and Sisters, in this opportunity I would like to to talk about “Divergence of Mu’tazila”. Etimologically, mu’tazila comes from the word i’tizal, wich mean to saparate. In the opinion of Ali Mustafa, the mu’tazila were a sect that emerged at the time of Hasan Basri, led by Washil bin ‘Atha. Then, what is the history of the birth of mu’tazila? Brothers and Sisters, in the first century Hijri, one of the great ulama who taught at an islamic assembly in Basra, named Hasan Basri expalined to someone who asked his opinion about the major sins. Seikh Hasan Basri said, that every muslim who believes and takes the shahada will enter into heaven. But if the muslim commits a major sin, he is classified as a disobedient muslim. If he dies in a sinful state, he will be placed in hell until his punishmentis over. After that, he will be expelled from the hell and entered into heaven as a believer. However, one of his students named Washil bin ‘Atha disagreed with seikh Hasan Basri. Ibn ‘Atha said thet the muslim who commits of major sin is not believer or disbeliever. But he is in the middle between believer and disbeliever. And he will placed between heaven and hell. Because this difference, Ibn ‘Atha left the assembly of seikh Hasan Basri and founded own assembly. Then Hasan Basri said “I’tazala ‘annaa” (he has isolated himself from us). Brothers and sisters, one if the reasons why the mu’tazila is classified a divergence sect is because they say that all human knowledge comes from the mind. They understand the Quran by putting their mind first. They believe that human’s mind can understand all about of Allah. And they are called “Islamic Rasionalists”. Mu’tazila focus on peaching thrugh philosophical dialogue. Their thinking was heavily influenced by Greek Philosophy. Mu’tazila has 5 main teachings, named ushulul khamsah or the five basics. The five basics include: 1. Tawhid : that is to unite Allah from all his attributes. Because, if Allah has attributes, then Allah is not one. 2. al-‘Adlu : that is to believe Allah is who will enter into heaven. If humans do good, they will enter into heaven, if they do bad, the place of return is hell, anda there is no syafa’at. 3. al-Wa’du wa al-Wa’id: promise and threats. That is proving Allah’s justice. So that humans can feel the reward or punishment of all their actions. 4. Manzilah bainal Manzilatain: means, a muslim who commits a major sin, is not believer or disbeliever. If he die without repenting, he will be placed in a place between heaven and hell. 5. Amar ma’ruf nahyi munkar: in the opinion of mu’tazila ma’ruf and munkar are not based on the Quran and Hadith. And it is not enough by da’wa, but if need by violence and murder. The figures who play a role in raising and developing the five teachings include: Abu Huzail al-Allaf, Ibrahim Sayyar an-Nazham, and Abu Ali al-Jubba’i. They are Islamic rasionalist figures, who rasionalize the Quran, who intelleigent and have deep thughts. And the last one, most of mu’tazila did not stick to the hadith of the prophet Muhammad Saw because thet doubted its authenticity. I think that’s all from me, thank you very much for your deep attention. Wassalamu’alaikum warahwatllah wa barakatuh.
Adapted from: Iman Menurut Mu’tazilah, Paper written by Annisa Ayu S, 2021.