Cyber Cafe Management System DEEPAK SHINDE

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Is submitted in partial fulfillment of
T.Y.B.SC (Computer Science)




(Department of Computer Science)

Exam Seat No:

This is certify that Mr. Deepak Bajirao Shinde has successfully completed the
project Titled “(Cyber Café Management System)” and duly submitted the
project in partial fulfillment of the “T.Y.B.Sc(Computer Science)”degree from
the University of Mumbai during the academic year 2023-2024.It is further
certified that he has completed all the required phases of project.

Project Guide External Examiner Signature of HOD Signature of Principle


Performance analysis of outcome based on learning is a system which will

strive for excellence at different levels and diverse dimensions in the field
of student’s interests. This paper proposes a complete EDM framework in a
form of a rule based recommender system that is not developed to analyze
and predict the student’s performance only, but also to exhibit the reasons
behind it.

The proposed framework analyzes the students’ demographic data, study

related and psychological characteristics to extract all possible knowledge
from students, teachers and parents. Seeking the highest possible accuracy
in academic performance prediction using a set of powerful data mining
techniques. The framework succeeds to highlight the student’s weak points
and provide appropriate recommendations.

The realistic case study that has been conducted on 200 students proves the
outstanding performance of the proposed framework in comparison with
the existing ones.

We are pleased to represent "Cyber Café Management System" Project and take the
opportunity to express our profound gratitude to all those people who helped us in completion of
this project.

We thank our college for providing us with excellent facilities that helped us to complete and
present this project. We would also like to thank the staff member and lab assistance for
permitting us to use computer in the lab as and when required.

We expressed our deepest gratitude to our project guide for her valuable and timely advice
during the various phase in our project. We would also like to thank her for providing us with all
proper facilities and support, patience and faith in our capabilities and for giving us flexible in
term of working and reporting schedules.

We would like to thank all our friends for their smiles and friendship making the college life
enjoyable and memorable and family members we always goods beside us and provided the
utmost important moral support. Finally we would like to thank everyone who helped us directly
or indirectly in your project
I hereby declare that project entitled, “Cyber Café Management System” done at place
where the project is done, has not been in any case duplicated to submit to any other university
for the award of any degree. To the best of my knowledge other than me, no one has submitted to
any other university.

The project is done in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (COMPUTER SCIENCE) to submitted as final semester project
as part of curriculum.

Name and signature of the student

Table Of Content
Chapter 1 : Introduction
1.1 Admin Module
1.2 User Module
1.3 Objectives

Chapter 2 : System Analysis

2.1 Existing System
2.2 Proposed System
2.3 Requirement Analysis
2.4 Software Requirement
2.5 Hardware Requirement

Chapter 3 : System Design

3.1 Project Overview
3.2 System Development Environment
3.3 Design Document
3.4 DFD Diagrams
3.5 UML Diagrams
3.6 USECASE Diagrams
3.8 ER Diagram
3.8 MYSQL Data Tables
3.9 Test Case Design
3.9.1 Unit Testing
3.9.2 Functionality Testing

Chapter 4 : Implementations And System Testing

4.1 Unit Testing
4.2 Integration Testing
4.3 Performance Testing
4.4 Regression Testing
4.5 Defect Report

Chapter 5 : Evaluation And Discussion (Output Screens)

Chapter 6 : Conclusion

Chapter 7 : Refrences
Gantt Chart

In the modern era of education, data-driven approaches have gained tremendous

popularity in improving teaching methodologies and enhancing student performance. Machine
learning, a subfield of artificial intelligence, provides powerful tools and techniques to analyze
vast amounts of data and extract meaningful insights. By leveraging machine learning
algorithms, educators can predict and understand student performance patterns, identify at-risk
students, and tailor personalized learning experiences.

This project aims to explore the application of machine learning in predicting student
performance using Python. By employing various machine learning models, we can build
predictive models based on historical data to anticipate how well a student is likely to perform
in a given subject or course. The insights derived from these models can assist educators in
making informed decisions to improve educational outcomes.

Data used in this paper is a set of student details in the school records.
This step is concerned with selecting the subset of all available data that
you will be working with. ML problems start with data preferably, lots of
data (examples or observations) for which you already know the target
answer. Data for which you already know the target answer is called
labelled data.

Organize your selected data by formatting, cleaning and
sampling from it. Three common data pre-processing steps are:
1. Formatting
2. Cleaning
3. Sampling
Formatting: The data you have selected may not be in a format that is
suitable for you to work with. The data may be in a relational database and
you would like it in a flat file, or the data may be in a proprietary file
format and you would like it in a relational database or a text file.

Cleaning: Cleaning data is the removal or fixing of missing data. There

may be data instances that are incomplete and do not carry the data you
believe you need to address the problem. These instances may need to be
removed. Additionally, there may be sensitive information in some of the
attributes and these attributes may need to be anonym zed or removed
from the data entirely.

Sampling: There may be far more selected data available than you need to
work with. More data can result in much longer running times for
algorithms and larger computational and memory requirements.

Next thing is to do Feature extraction is an attribute reduction process. Unlike feature

selection, which ranks the existing attributes according to their predictive significance,
feature extraction actually transforms the attributes. The transformed attributes, or
features, are linear combinations of the original attributes. Finally, our models are trained
using Classifier algorithm. We use classify module on Natural Language Toolkit library
on Python. We use the labelled dataset gathered. The rest of our labelled data will be
used to evaluate the models. Some machine learning algorithms were used to classify
pre-processed data. The chosen classifiers were Random forest. These algorithms are
very popular in text classification tasks.


Model Evaluation is an integral part of the model development process. It helps to find
the best model that represents our data and how well the chosen model will work in the
future. Evaluating model performance with the data used for training is not acceptable in
data science because it can easily generate overoptimistic and over fitted models. There
are two methods of evaluating models in data science, Hold- Out and Cross-Validation to
avoid over fitting, both methods use a test set (not seen by the model) to evaluate model
performance. Performance of each classification model is estimated base on its averaged.
The result will be in the visualized form. Representation of classified data in the form of
graphs. Accuracy is defined as the percentage of correct predictions for the test data. It
can be calculated easily by dividing the number of correct predictions by the number of

Early Intervention: Predicting student performance early on can help identify students who are
at risk of falling behind or struggling academically. With this information, educators can provide
timely interventions and support to improve the students' learning outcomes.

Personalized Learning: Machine learning models can be used to understand each student's
unique learning patterns and preferences. This can aid in developing personalized learning plans,
tailored to suit individual needs, strengths, and weaknesses.

Resource Allocation: Schools and educational institutions can use predictive models to allocate
resources more efficiently. For example, they can allocate additional resources to students
predicted to be at higher risk of underperforming.
System Analysis

Existing System

The previous predictive models only focused on using the student’s demographic data
like gender, age, family status, family income and qualifications. In addition to the study
related attributes including the homework and study hours as well as the previous
achievements and grades. These previous work were only limited to provide the
prediction of the academic success or failure, without illustrating the reasons of this
prediction. Most of the previous researches have focused to gather more than 40
attributes in their data set to predict the student’s academic performance. These attributes
were from the same type of data category whether demographic, study related attributes
or both, that lead to lack of diversity of predicting rules.

Proposed System:
The proposed framework firstly focuses on merging the demographic and study related
attributes with the educational psychology fields, by adding the student’s psychological
characteristics to the previously used data set (i.e., the students’ demographic data and
study related ones). After surveying the previously used factors for predicting the
student’s academic performance, we picked the most relevant attributes based on their
rationale and correlation with the academic performance.
System Architecture:


Dataset Machine
extraction learning

Result Data classifier

Requirement Analysis

Hardware Requirements :

Processor : Intel Core i3 or Higher

RAM : 8 GB or Higher

Hard Disk : 256GB

Software Requirements :

FrontEnd : PYTHON

Programing language : PYTHON

Back End : MYSQL


Entity relationship diagram


Random forest is a type of supervised machine learning algorithm based on

ensemble learning. Ensemble learning is a type of learning where you join different
types of algorithms or same algorithm multiple times to form a more powerful
prediction model. The random forest algorithm combines multiple algorithm of the
same type i.e. multiple decision trees, resulting in a forest of trees, hence the name
"Random Forest". The random forest algorithm can be used for both regression and
classification tasks.


The following are the basic steps involved in performing the random forest algorithm

1. Pick N random records from the dataset.

2. Build a decision tree based on these N records.
3. Choose the number of trees you want in your algorithm and repeat
steps 1 and 2.

4. For classification problem, each tree in the forest predicts the

category to which the new record belongs. Finally, the new record is
assigned to the category that wins the majority vote

Pros of using random forest for classification and regression.

1. The random forest algorithm is not biased, since, there are

multiple trees and each tree is trained on a subset of data.
Basically, the random forest algorithm relies on the power of
"the crowd"; therefore, the overall biasedness of the algorithm is
2. This algorithm is very stable. Even if a new data point is
introduced in the dataset the overall algorithm is not affected
much since new data may impact one tree, but it is very hard for
it to impact all the trees.
3. The random forest algorithm works well when you have both
categorical and numerical features.
4. The random forest algorithm also works well when data has
missing values or it has not been scaled we.
Domain Specification


Machine Learning is a system that can learn from example through self-
improvement and without being explicitly coded by programmer. The
breakthrough comes with the idea that a machine can singularly learn from the data
(i.e., example) to produce accurate results.

Machine learning combines data with statistical tools to predict an output. This
output is then used by corporate to makes actionable insights. Machine learning is
closely related to data mining and Bayesian predictive modeling. The machine
receives data as input, use an algorithm to formulate answers.

A typical machine learning tasks are to provide a recommendation. For those who
have a Netflix account, all recommendations of movies or series are based on the
user's historical data. Tech companies are using unsupervised learning to improve
the user experience with personalizing recommendation.

Machine learning is also used for a variety of task like fraud detection, predictive
maintenance, portfolio optimization, automatize task and so on.
Machine Learning vs. Traditional

Traditional programming differs significantly from machine learning. In traditional

programming, a programmer code all the rules in consultation with an expert in the
industry for which software is being developed. Each rule is based on a logical
foundation; the machine will execute an output following the logical statement.
When the system grows complex, more rules need to be written. It can quickly
become unsustainable to maintain.

How does Machine learning work?

Machine learning is the brain where all the learning takes place. The way the
machine learns is similar to the human being. Humans learn from experience. The
more we know, the more easily we can predict. By analogy, when we face an
unknown situation, the likelihood of success is lower than the known situation.
Machines are trained the same. To make an accurate prediction, the machine sees
an example. When we give the machine a similar example, it can figure out the
outcome. However, like a human, if its feed a previously unseen example, the
machine has difficulties to predict.

The core objective of machine learning is the learning and inference. First of all,
the machine learns through the discovery of patterns.

One crucial part of the data scientist is to choose carefully which data to provide to
the machine. The list of attributes used to solve a problem is called a feature
vector. You can think of a feature vector as a subset of data that is used to tackle a

The machine uses some fancy algorithms to simplify the reality and transform this
discovery into a model. Therefore, the learning stage is used to describe the data
and summarize it into a model.
For instance, the machine is trying to understand the relationship between the wage
of an individual and the likelihood to go to a fancy restaurant. It turns out the
machine finds a positive relationship between wage and going to a high-end
restaurant: This is the model


When the model is built, it is possible to test how powerful it is on never-seen-

before data. The new data are transformed into a features vector, go through the
model and give a prediction. This is all the beautiful part of machine learning.
There is no need to update the rules or train again the model. You can use the
model previously trained to make inference on new data.

The life of Machine Learning programs is straightforward and can be summarized

in the following points:

1. Define a question
2. Collect data
3. Visualize data
4. Train algorithm
5. Test the Algorithm
6. Collect feedback
7. Refine the algorithm
8. Loop 4-7 until the results are satisfying
9. Use the model to make a prediction

Once the algorithm gets good at drawing the right conclusions, it applies
that knowledge to new sets of data.
Machine learning Algorithms and where they are used?

Machine learning can be grouped into two broad learning tasks: Supervised
and Unsupervised.
There are many other algorithms
Supervised learning

An algorithm uses training data and feedback from humans to learn the
relationship of given inputs to a given output. For instance, a practitioner can use
marketing expense and weather forecast as input data to predict the sales of cans.

You can use supervised learning when the output data is known. The algorithm
will predict new data.

There are two categories of supervised learning:

 Classification task
 Regression task


Imagine you want to predict the gender of a customer for a commercial. You will
start gathering data on the height, weight, job, salary, purchasing basket, etc. from
your customer database. You know the gender of each of your customer, it can
only be male or female. The objective of the classifier will be to assign a
probability of being a male or a female (i.e., the label) based on the information
(i.e., features you have collected). When the model learned how to recognize male
or female, you can use new data to make a prediction. For instance, you just got
new information from an unknown customer, and you want to know if it is a male
or female. If the classifier predicts male = 70%, it means the algorithm is sure at
70% that this customer is a male, and 30% it is a female.
The label can be of two or more classes. The above example has only two classes,
but if a classifier needs to predict object, it has dozens of classes (e.g., glass, table,
shoes, etc. each object represents a class)


When the output is a continuous value, the task is a regression. For instance, a
financial analyst may need to forecast the value of a stock based on a range of
feature like equity, previous stock performances, macroeconomics index. The
system will be trained to estimate the price of the stocks with the lowest possible

Algorithm Description Type


Linear Finds a way to correlate each feature to the output to help predict Regression
regression future values.

Logistic Extension of linear regression that's used for classification tasks. The Classification
regression output variable 3is binary (e.g., only black or white) rather than
continuous (e.g., an infinite list of potential colors)

Decision Highly interpretable classification or regression model that splits data- Regression
tree feature values into branches at decision nodes (e.g., if a feature is a Classification
color, each possible color becomes a new branch) until a final decision
output is made

Naive Bayes The Bayesian method is a classification method that makes use of the Regression
Bayesian theorem. The theorem updates the prior knowledge of an Classification
event with the independent probability of each feature that can affect
the event.

Support Support Vector Machine, or SVM, is typically used for the Regression (n very
vector classification task. SVM algorithm finds a hyperplane that optimally commo
machine divided the classes. It is best used with a non-linear solver. Classification
Random The algorithm is built upon a decision tree to improve the accuracy Regression
forest drastically. Random forest generates many times simple decision trees Classification
and uses the 'majority vote' method to decide on which label to return.
For the classification task, the final prediction will be the one with the
most vote; while for the regression task, the average prediction of all
the trees is the final prediction.

AdaBoost Classification or regression technique that uses a multitude of models Regression

to come up with a decision but weighs them based on their accuracy in Classification
predicting the outcome

Gradient- Gradient-boosting trees is a state-of-the-art classification/regression Regression

boosting technique. It is focusing on the error committed by the previous trees Classification
trees and tries to correct it.

Unsupervised learning

In unsupervised learning, an algorithm explores input data without being given an

explicit output variable (e.g., explores customer demographic data to identify

You can use it when you do not know how to classify the data, and you want the
algorithm to find patterns and classify the data for you
Algorithm Description Type

K-means Puts data into some groups (k) that each contains data with Clustering
clustering similar characteristics (as determined by the model, not in
advance by humans)

Gaussian mixture A generalization of k-means clustering that provides more Clustering

model flexibility in the size and shape of groups (clusters

Hierarchical Splits clusters along a hierarchical tree to form a Clustering

clustering classification system.

Can be used for Cluster loyalty-card customer

Recommender Help to define the relevant data for making a Clustering

system recommendation.

PCA/T-SNE Mostly used to decrease the dimensionality of the data. Dimension

The algorithms reduce the number of features to 3 or 4 Reduction
vectors with the highest variances.
Application of Machine learning


 Machine learning, which assists humans with their day-to-day tasks,

personally or commercially without having complete control of the output.
Such machine learning is used in different ways such as Virtual Assistant,
Data analysis, software solutions. The primary user is to reduce errors due
to human bias.


 Machine learning, which works entirely autonomously in any field without

the need for any human intervention. For example, robots performing the
essential process steps in manufacturing plants.

Finance Industry

 Machine learning is growing in popularity in the finance industry. Banks

are mainly using ML to find patterns inside the data but also to prevent

Government organization

 The government makes use of ML to manage public safety and utilities.

Take the example of China with the massive face recognition. The
government uses Artificial intelligence to prevent jaywalker.

Healthcare industry

 Healthcare was one of the first industry to use machine learning with image


 Broad use of AI is done in marketing thanks to abundant access to data.

Before the age of mass data, researchers develop advanced mathematical
tools like Bayesian analysis to estimate the value of a customer. With the
boom of data, marketing department relies on AI to optimize the customer
relationship and marketing campaign.
Example of application of Machine Learning in Supply chain
Machine learning gives terrific results for visual pattern recognition, opening up
many potential applications in physical inspection and maintenance across the
entire supply chain network.

Unsupervised learning can quickly search for comparable patterns in the diverse
dataset. In turn, the machine can perform quality inspection throughout the
logistics hub, shipment with damage and wear.

For instance, IBM's Watson platform can determine shipping container damage.
Watson combines visual and systems-based data to track, report and make
recommendations in real-time.

In past year stock manager relies extensively on the primary method to evaluate
and forecast the inventory. When combining big data and machine learning, better
forecasting techniques have been implemented (an improvement of 20 to 30 %
over traditional forecasting tools). In term of sales, it means an increase of 2 to 3 %
due to the potential reduction in inventory costs.

Example of Machine Learning Google Car

For example, everybody knows the Google car. The car is full of lasers on the roof
which are telling it where it is regarding the surrounding area. It has radar in the
front, which is informing the car of the speed and motion of all the cars around it.
It uses all of that data to figure out not only how to drive the car but also to figure
out and predict what potential drivers around the car are going to do. What's
impressive is that the car is processing almost a gigabyte a second of data.

Deep Learning

Deep learning is a computer software that mimics the network of neurons in a

brain. It is a subset of machine learning and is called deep learning because it
makes use of deep neural networks. The machine uses different layers to learn
from the data. The depth of the model is represented by the number of layers in the
model. Deep learning is the new state of the art in term of AI. In deep learning, the
learning phase is done through a neural network.

Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement learning is a subfield of machine learning in which systems are
trained by receiving virtual "rewards" or "punishments," essentially learning by
trial and error. Google's DeepMind has used reinforcement learning to beat a
human champion in the Go games. Reinforcement learning is also used in video
games to improve the gaming experience by providing smarter bot.
One of the most famous algorithms are:

 Q-learning
 Deep Q network
 State-Action-Reward-State-Action (SARSA)
 Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG)

Applications/ Examples of deep learning applications

AI in Finance: The financial technology sector has already started using AI to
save time, reduce costs, and add value. Deep learning is changing the lending
industry by using more robust credit scoring. Credit decision-makers can use AI
for robust credit lending applications to achieve faster, more accurate risk
assessment, using machine intelligence to factor in the character and capacity of

Underwrite is a Fintech company providing an AI solution for credit makers

company. uses AI to detect which applicant is more likely to pay
back a loan. Their approach radically outperforms traditional methods.

AI in HR: Under Armour, a sportswear company revolutionizes hiring and

modernizes the candidate experience with the help of AI. In fact, Under Armour
Reduces hiring time for its retail stores by 35%. Under Armour faced a growing
popularity interest back in 2012. They had, on average, 30000 resumes a month.
Reading all of those applications and begin to start the screening and interview
process was taking too long. The lengthy process to get people hired and on-
boarded impacted Under Armour's ability to have their retail stores fully staffed,
ramped and ready to operate.

At that time, Under Armour had all of the 'must have' HR technology in place such
as transactional solutions for sourcing, applying, tracking and onboarding but those
tools weren't useful enough. Under armour choose HireVue, an AI provider for
HR solution, for both on-demand and live interviews. The results were bluffing;
they managed to decrease by 35% the time to fill. In return, the hired higher
quality staffs.
AI in Marketing: AI is a valuable tool for customer service management and
personalization challenges. Improved speech recognition in call-center
management and call routing as a result of the application of AI techniques allows
a more seamless experience for customers.

For example, deep-learning analysis of audio allows systems to assess a customer's

emotional tone. If the customer is responding poorly to the AI chatbot, the system
can be rerouted the conversation to real, human operators that take over the issue.

Apart from the three examples above, AI is widely used in other sectors/industries.
Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning
Deep Learning

Difference between Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Machine Learning Deep Learning

Data Excellent performances on a Excellent performance on a big

Dependencies small/medium dataset dataset

Hardware Work on a low-end machine. Requires powerful machine,

dependencies preferably with GPU: DL performs a
significant amount of matrix

Feature Need to understand the features that No need to understand the best
engineering represent the data feature that represents the data
Execution From few minutes to hours Up to weeks. Neural Network needs
time to compute a significant number of
Interpretab Some algorithms are easy to Difficult to impossible
ility interpret (logistic, decision tree),
some are almost impossible (SVM,
When to use ML or DL?

In the table below, we summarize the difference between machine learning and
deep learning.

Machine learning Deep learning

Training dataset Small Large

Choose features Yes No

Number of algorithms Many Few

Training time Short Long

With machine learning, you need fewer data to train the algorithm than deep
learning. Deep learning requires an extensive and diverse set of data to identify the
underlying structure. Besides, machine learning provides a faster-trained model.
Most advanced deep learning architecture can take days to a week to train. The
advantage of deep learning over machine learning is it is highly accurate. You do
not need to understand what features are the best representation of the data; the
neural network learned how to select critical features. In machine learning, you
need to choose for yourself what features to include in the model
Tensor Flow

The most famous deep learning library in the world is Google's Tensor Flow.
Google product uses machine learning in all of its products to improve the search
engine, translation, image captioning or recommendations.

To give a concrete example, Google users can experience a faster and more refined
the search with AI. If the user types a keyword a the search bar, Google provides a
recommendation about what could be the next word.

Google wants to use machine learning to take advantage of their massive datasets
to give users the best experience. Three different groups use machine learning:

 Researchers
 Data scientists
 Programmers.

They can all use the same toolset to collaborate with each other and improve their

Google does not just have any data; they have the world's most massive computer,
so Tensor Flow was built to scale. Tensor Flow is a library developed by the
Google Brain Team to accelerate machine learning and deep neural network
It was built to run on multiple CPUs or GPUs and even mobile operating systems,
and it has several wrappers in several languages like Python, C++ or Java.

In this tutorial, you will learn

Tensor flow architecture works in three parts:

 Preprocessing the data

 Build the model
 Train and estimate the model

It is called Tensor flow because it takes input as a multi-dimensional array, also

known as tensors. You can construct a sort of flowchart of operations (called a
Graph) that you want to perform on that input. The input goes in at one end, and
then it flows through this system of multiple operations and comes out the other
end as output.

This is why it is called Tensor Flow because the tensor goes in it flows through a
list of operations, and then it comes out the other side.
Where can Tensorflow run?
TensorFlow can hardware, and software requirements can be classified into

Development Phase: This is when you train the mode. Training is usually done on
your Desktop or laptop.

Run Phase or Inference Phase: Once training is done Tensorflow can be run on
many different platforms. You can run it on

 Desktop running Windows, macOS or Linux

 Cloud as a web service
 Mobile devices like iOS and Android

You can train it on multiple machines then you can run it on a different machine,
once you have the trained model.

The model can be trained and used on GPUs as well as CPUs. GPUs were initially
designed for video games. In late 2010, Stanford researchers found that GPUalso
very good at matrix operations and algebra so that it makes them very fast for
doing these kinds of calculations. Deep learning relies on a lot of matrix
multiplication. TensorFlow is very fast at computing the matrix multiplication
because it is written in C++. Although it is implemented in C++, TensorFlow can
be accessed and controlled by other languages mainly, Python.

Finally, a significant feature of TensorFlow is the Tensor Board. The TensorBoard

enables to monitor graphically and visually what TensorFlow is doing.

List of Prominent Algorithms supported by TensorFlow

 Linear regression: tf.estimator.LinearRegressor

 Classification:tf.estimator.LinearClassifier
 Deep learning classification: tf.estimator.DNNClassifier
 Deep learning wipe and deep: tf.estimator.DNNLinearCombinedClassifier
 Booster tree regression: tf.estimator.BoostedTreesRegressor
 Boosted tree classification: tf.estimator.BoostedTreesClassifiers.

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