4AD Miniatures Rules.1.1
4AD Miniatures Rules.1.1
4AD Miniatures Rules.1.1
4AD Miniatures Rules replenish with food and water while exploring
the dungeon. For every five turns spent
exploring, the party must spend one turn
Four Against Darkness (4AD) combat rules resting or they will become fatigued. When
are designed to be quickly resolved using the party is fatigued, all attack, defense and
just your imagination, a six-sided die, a saving throw rolls are made with a -1 penalty
pencil and a piece of paper. These optional until the party is able to rest for at least 1
rules are provided if you wish to use turn. A fatigued party cannot run away from
miniatures and a scaled grid to represent combat.
more tactical combat encounters.
Recording Time: The passage of time can
Miniatures: Plastic or metal miniatures are easily be recorded on the play sheet with a
the most commonly used and readily simple tick mark for each turn the party
available, but other options include paper or spends performing the actions above.
cardboard standees, glass beads or tokens.
These rules will assume 28mm scale figures, Combat Rounds: When an encounter
standees or tokens are being used to begins, the passage of time changes to
represent medium sized creatures while reflect the types of actions required to
using a 1" square grid combat surface. respond to immediate dangers. It is assumed
that it takes about 10 seconds to resolve a
single round of attack and defense rolls. The
Time basic unit of time for combat encounters is
the Round:
Turns: As described in the 4AD Rulebook on
pg. 41, it takes about 10 minutes to explore 1 ROUND = 10 SECONDS
and map each generated room or corridor
section. The basic unit of time for exploring Most combat encounters will only last for a
the dungeon is the Turn: few rounds. When the encounter is over, the
party may need to spend a few minutes
catching their breath, bandaging wounds,
collecting dropped items and other
Actions that can be performed in 1 Turn miscellaneous activities. The time spent on
include: the combat can be rounded up to a single
turn while the passage of time resumes to
- Mapping a room or corridor section being recorded in turns until the next combat
- Searching a room or corridor encounter occurs.
- Bashing down a locked door
- Attempting to pick a locked door
- Attempting to solve a puzzle Dungeon Map & Battle Grid
- Securing a door with spikes
- Applying bandages The Dungeon Map: As stated in the 4AD
- Interacting with a special feature Rulebook section, Marching Order (pg. 51) -
"A corridor is large enough to allow two
Retracing Steps: The party can move much characters to walk side by side...", it follows
faster when passing through rooms it has that the random map sections use a scale of
already explored. It takes one turn to pass one square equals 10 feet.
through three rooms or corridor sections that
the party has already mapped, rolling for 1/4" SQUARE = 10' X 10'
wandering monsters as required for each
revisited room. ¼" square = 10' is the scale of the map
sections in the core book and is the scale
often used to map the dungeon as the game
progresses, allowing the entire dungeon to fit Because larger creatures take up more
on a single piece of paper. space, fewer of them may surround a
medium sized creature. If four large creatures
The Battle Grid: Combat encounters can be surround a medium sized one, there isn't
represented on a playing surface using much room for anyone else. In contrast, as
plastic or metal miniatures, cardboard many as sixteen medium sized creatures
standees, or tokens. The playing surface may surround a huge one.
should be a rectangular or square area
around 2' - 3' each side.
Amorphous Blob: (L) 20' Forest Wolf: (M) 60' Mutant Rat: (S) 30'
Ant People Warrior: (M) 60' Forest Wyrm: (L) 30' Orc: (M) 30'
Armored Skeleton: (M) 20' Fungi Folk: (M) 40' Orc Bandit: (M) 30'
Avatar of Xichtul: (L) 40' Gargoyle: (L) 30' Orc Brute: (M) 30'
Bandit: (M) 30' Ghoul: (M) 30' Orcling: (S) 30'
Black Manticore: (L) 40' Ghoul King: (M) 20' Orc Looter: (M) 30'
Black Ooze: (L) 20' Giant Centipede: (M) 20' Orc Reaver: (M) 30'
Blood Bird: (S) 10'/60' flying Giant Constrictor Snake: (M) 30' Orc Reaver Boss: (M) 20'
Boulder Beast: (L) 20' Giant Hornet: (S) 10'/50' flying Orc Shaman: (M) 30'
Brownie: (S) 40' Giant Rat: (S) 30' Ogre: (L) 30'
Carnivorous Plant: (L) 1' Giant Snake: (M) 30' Phasing Panther: (M) 50'
Catoblepas: (L) 20' Giant Spider: (L) 40' Rakshasa: (M) 60'
Chaos Acolyte: (M) 20' Giant Toad: (M) 30' Rat: (S) 30'
Chaos Beast: (L) 30' Gnoll: (L) 30' Scimitar Monster: (L) 40'
Chaos Champion: (M) 20' Goatman: (M) 30' Serpent Man: (M) 30'
Chaos Chimera: (L) 40' Goblin: (S) 20' Serpent Man Abom: (L) 20'
Chaos Executioner: (M) 30' Goblin Scout: (S) 20' Serpent Man, Champion: (M) 30'
Chaos Fanatic: (M) 20' Goblin Shaman: (S) 20' Serpent Man Chieftain: (M) 30'
Chaos Goatman: (M) 30' Goblin Swarmling: (S) 20' Serpent Man, Warrior: (M) 30'
Chaos Goblin: (S) 20' Golden Boar: (L) 30' Shrieking Fungi: (S) 5'
Chaos Gremlin: (S) 40' Gray Slime: (L) 5' Shrub Man: (M) 20'
Chaos Lizardman: (M) 30' Great Hunting Spider: 40' Skeletal Demon: (L) 30'
Chaos Lord: (L) 30' Green Slime: (L) 1' Skeletal Kobold: (S) 20'
Chaos Overlord: (L) 30' Hairy Goblin: (L) 30' Skeletal Rat: (S) 20'
Chaos Psyker: (M) 40' Hill Giant: (L) 40' Skeleton: (M) 20'
Chaos Skeleton: (M) 20' Hobgoblin: (M) 30' Small Dragon: (L) 30'/80' flying
Chaos Slaver: (M) 30' Hobgoblin Blademaster: (M) 20' Spider: (M) 40'
Chaos Warrior: (M) 20' Hobgoblin Leader: (M) 20' Spiked Tail Beast: (L) 30'
Chaos Wasp: (S) 10'/50' flying Hobgoblin Ronin: (M) 20' Stirge: (S) 10'/60' flying
Chaotic Ratman: (M) 40' Invisible Gremlins: (S) 40' Tentacled Brain: (M) 40' flying
Chimera: (L) 40'/60' flying Iron Eater: (M) 40' Tentacled Mutant: (L) 30'
Cockatrice: (S) 30'/60' flying Kobold: (S) 20' Thraan Scorpion: (L) 60'
Doppleganger: (M) 30' Kobold Attack Hound: (M) 60' Thunder Lizard: (L) 40'
Dark Dwarf: (M) 20' Kobold Guard: (S) 20' Troll: (L) 40'
Dark Hag: (M) 30' Kobold Ghoul: (S) 30' Troll, Large: (L) 40'
Dark Lord of Xichtul: (L) 30' Kobold Slave-Master: (S) 20' Undead Druid: (M) 30'
Demon: (L) 40' Leaf Fiend: (L) 20' Vampire Bat: (S) 10'/40' flying
Demon, Minor: (M) 30' Leopard: (M) 60' Vampire Frog: (S) 30'
Demon Worshipper: (M) 30' Leprechaun: (S) 30' Vampire, Major: (M) 40'
Demonic Kobold: (S) 20' Lich: (M) 30' Vampire, Minor: (M) 40'
Demonic Ogre: (L) 30' Lizardman: (M) 30' Werewolf: (M) 60'
Demonic Werewolf: (L) 60' Lurking Mantlebeast: (M) 40' fly Wight: (M) 30'
Dragon Man: (M) 40' Magic Fox: (S) 30' Wolf: (M) 60'
Elemental, Air: (L) 120' flying Manticore: (L) 40'/60' flying Wraith: (M) 40'/80' flying
Elemental, Earth: (L) 20' Man-Tiger: (M) 60' Wyrm: (L) 30'
Elemental, Fire: (L) 40' Medusa: (M) 30' Xichtul's Spawn: (M) 30'
Elemental, Water: (L) 20'/60' swm Metanagar: (L) 30' Young Red Dragon: (L) 30'/80' fly
Eyeball Monster: (M) 10' flying Mind Screamer: (M) 40' Zombie: (M) 40'
Floating Brain: (M) 40' flying Minotaur: (L) 40' Zombie Minotaur: (L) 40'
Flying Skull: (S) 40' flying Mole People: (M) 30' Zombie Dragon: (L) 30'/80' flying
Forest Goblin: (S) 30' Mudman: (M) 30'
Forest Hag: (M) 30' Mummy: (M) 20'
Forest Troll: (L) 40' Mutant Gorilla: (L) 40'
Appendix B: 4AD Spell Ranges and Area of Effect
Includes spells from Four Against Darkness, Four Against the Abyss, Heart of the Lizard, Ordeal of the Magic Tower