Module 1: The Endocrine System: Learning Objectives
Module 1: The Endocrine System: Learning Objectives
Module 1: The Endocrine System: Learning Objectives
The posterior pituitary gland secretes two main neurohormones: oxytocin and
anti-diuretic hormone (vasopressin). Structurally these peptides are closely related,
but functionally they play quite distinct roles in the body. Anti-diuretic hormone is
involved in fluid balance and will be examined more in the renal system module.
Oxytocin is well known as the hormone of labour and lactation, but also involved in
trust and social bonding.
Learning objectives
Describe the synthesis and secretion of the two main posterior pituitary
A typical example of a
neurohormone is oxytocin.
Oxytocin is a peptide hormone
with 9 amino acid residues. It is
produced by neurons located in
the hypothalamus. These
neurons release oxytocin at their
nerve terminals in the posterior
pituitary gland. Oxytocin then
circulates to have effects on
distant target tissues, such as smooth muscle cells in the mammary gland during
lactation (milk let down), or the smooth muscle cells in the uterus (labour).
Image: 'Oxytocin happiness love hormone structural chemical formula' by eshana_blue, Adobe Stock.
Recall that the anatomical arrangement between the hypothalamus and posterior
pituitary gland involves a neural connection. The hypothalamic neurons that
produce oxytocin are located in the PVN and SON and have axons that extend down
the infundibulum into the posterior pituitary gland, where oxytocin is released into
systemic circulation (see figure below). Remember that oxytocin is stored in
vessicles in the nerve terminals in the posterior pituitary and released in response to
action potentials in the PVN and SON neurons.
Image source: The Hypothalamus and Posterior Pituitary Gland. Access for free at, modified.
Oxytocin (OT) is best known for its role in labour and lactation. In these "peripheral
reproductive roles" (discussed more below), oxytocin acts as a neurohormone.
However, oxytocin has many other biological roles, particularly within the brain -
where oxytocin acts as a neurotransmitter or neuromodulator. Oxytocin affects
social behaviours and appears important for social memory, bonding and trust,
sexual and maternal behaviour. Indeed, some of these effects indeed help facilitate
the more classical reproductive roles. In males, OT also has reproductive roles in
spermatogenesis, sperm transport and orgasm - although these roles remain to be
fully elucidated.
A key target cells for oxytocin is smooth muscle. Oxytocin stimulates contraction of
smooth muscle by binding to OT-receptors and by inducing an increase in
cytoplasmic calcium.
This is covered in more detail in our Cell Physiology course: 'Tissue Biology
(CELLS2x)' - Module 1: Muscle tissue (link opens in a new tab).
Image source: Oxytocin signal transduction in smooth muscle cells. Kenneth-Lopez Loo, UQ.
The uterus has three layers, which comprise the uterine wall:
During labour, oxytocin is released in large quantities from the posterior pituitary
gland. Recall that neurohormone release only occurs in response to action potentials
in the neurons that produce the neurohormone. During labour, the mechanism that
causes oxytocin release is a positive feedback loop. This can be seen in the
schematic below.
In the early stages of labour, there is myometrial contractility that is not driven by
the neurohormone oxytocin, but rather by other hormones - prostaglandins and
placental corticotrophic releasing hormone. These early contractions push the baby
down the uterus towards the cervix. Within the cervix there are mechanoreceptors
which detect stretch, and these become activated. From the receptors, there is
neuronal replay of the nerve impulses via the spinal cord up into the brain, and
eventually to the oxytocin neurons in the hypothalamus. The stretch signals
activate, that is, cause action potentials, of the oxytocin neurons in the PVN and
SON. This causes release of oxytocin at the nerve terminal in the posterior pituitary
gland and release of large quantities of oxytocin into systemic circulation.
A similar oxytocin positive feedback loop also occurs during lactation. In breast
feeding, oxytocin causes contraction of the myoepithelial cells in the mammary
gland. OT receptors are expressed on these smooth muscle epithelial cells and their
contraction causes the movement of milk fluid in the alveoli, out into the lactiferous
duct, and to the baby via the nipple. Note, oxytocin causes contractility, and this
process in breast feeding is milk ejection or milk 'let-down'. Oxytocin does not
cause the production of milk per se, as this occurs in the epithelial cells - which are
under the control of the hormone prolactin
The figure below illustrates the positive feedback oxytocin response in suckling
induced milk let down. Sucking via mechanoreceptor stimulation of the nipple
(aerola) induces neuronal sensory signals to the hypothalamic oxytocin neurons,
which release oxytocin into circulation, and result in myoepthelial cell contraction in
the mammary gland. Such contraction causes milk ejection from the mammary
gland, out the nipple, as baby sucks. Baby receives milk and sucks more, causing
further oxytocin release. This positive feedback loop ends when baby stops sucking
- is satiated.
Also, some mothers can experience milk let-down without the sucking
stimulus, and sensory inputs, such as baby crying, sight and smell, all can
result in activation of the hypothalamic oxytocin neurons, increased plasma
concentrations of oxytocin and milk let-down.