Cts Tutorial Hamdi
Cts Tutorial Hamdi
Cts Tutorial Hamdi
1 author:
Mohamed Hamdi
École Supérieure des Communications de Tunis
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In the literature, three cloud-based service models have In [2], a set of security requirements for cloud computing
been proposed [5]. have been enumerated:
1) Software as a Service (SaaS): providing applications • Service and data availability: Network reliability is a
running in the cloud, where the customer has virtually key cornerstone for cloud computing and cloud ser-
no access control or management of the internal infras- vices. Since a cloud is accessed over public networks
tructure (typically the Internet), the cloud provider must address
2) Platform as a Service (PaaS): providing a set of tools the potential for catastrophic loss of Internet backbone
that support certain technologies of development and connectivity. The same concern should be a primary
all the necessary environment for deploying applications consideration for cloud service consumers who entrust
created by the customer, who is able to control and critical infrastructure to the cloud. Availability is also a
manage them within the limits of its application primary concern for private cloud infrastructures.
3) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): providing basic com- • Confidentiality and privacy:
puting resources such as processing, storage and • Disaster recovery and business continuity: Users and
network bandwidth where the client can run any application providers should get insurance that the cloud
operating services persist in case of the occurrence of security
incidents and disasters. The minimal core services that
The proliferation of cloud computing services is illustrated are mandatorily available should be specified in the
by the number of applications that are being proposed in this continuity plan as well as the policy to use redundant
context. Below is a list of cloud-based services that have been systems. The recovery procedures should also be clearly
often cited by researchers and scientists addressed in order to minimize the downtime duration.
• Cloud provider viability: Concerns about provider via- background being involved in DoS attacks since they just
bility are raised when proprietary interfaces are used to have to download easy-to-use tools and scripts. All what is
administrate the services accessible to the users. required is time coordination so that the attack campaign puts
• Risk tolerance: When the user choose to put information down the victim resources. Perfect illustrations of such attacks
assets into the cloud, awareness of the amount of risk scenarios are the operations conducted by the Anonymous
corresponding to the global situation should be groups against multiple governmental infrastructures. Other,
estimated. The impact and the frequency of the identified and more technical, issues regarding these DDoS attacks are
threats should be used to provide an accurate prediction polymorphism and evasion. Multiple attacks vectors are sent
of the risk events. The amount of uncertainty should also to the victim infrastructures to enhance the efficiency of the
be quantified to estimate the residual risk. The risk DoS in terms of delay and probability of success. The most
analysis process turns out to be more challenging in common vectors are
the context of cloud computing since many processes
cannot be conducted as in traditional networks. For • HTTP Get flood attack: targeting the web application
instance, infor- mation classification models should be resources and further modifying the target URL during
adapted to cope with the context where multiple data the attack
having different security levels uploaded by users having • TCP connection flood on port 80: targeting the web
different access grants should be managed in a single application resources
infrastructure. • SYN flood attack: targeting the server TCP/IP stack
• Cost-effectiveness: One of the key factors used by cloud • UDP flood attack: targeting network bandwidth resources
providers to promote their solutions is that they cost less
than acquiring a whole hardware/software architecture. Evasion techniques are used by the attackers to bypass
This assumption should not be affected by the security preven- tive and reactive security mechanisms. They break
functionalities that should be provided to protect the into four categories [13]
cloud-based services. Strong arguments should be given 1) Packet splitting: Consists in splitting IP datagrams or
to the users to make them accept outsourcing the security TCP streams into non-overlapping fragments or seg-
of their data and application. ments. If the security system does not completely re-
• Regulation and legislation compliance: When the data assemble the IP fragments or TCP segments to restore
stored or transmitted through the cloud architecture falls the original application content, it may neglect an attack
under regulatory compliance restrictions, the appropriate embedded in the content targeted at the victim host.
deployment (private, public or hybrid) should first be 2) Duplicate insertion: Consists in inserting duplicate or
determined. Privacy is a crucial issue in cloud overlapping segments (or IP fragments) to confuse the
computing, especially with the proliferation of social security system [13]. The efficiency of this technique
web. Preventive countermeasures should be implemented depends on whether the victim handles the dupli-
to enforce the prohibition of any form of privacy cate/overlapping fragments as anomalies because it
violation. In addition, reactive mechanisms should be lacks related information such as network topology and
used to investigate the cases of privacy violation and the victims operating system.
take the necessary actions. 3) Payload mutation: Consists in transforming malicious
packet payloads into semantically equivalent ones. The
transformed payloads will look different from the sig-
B. Attacks against cloud architectures natures known and expected by the security system, so
The diversity of services that can be implemented based the attack can evade the detection.
on cloud computing is probably the major factor motivating 4) Shellcode mutation: Consists in encoding a shellcode
the proliferation of attack techniques and methodologies. In into polymorphic forms to evade a protection system
addition to financial gain, multiple aspects may be at the that prevents/detects a shellcode according to the
origin of malicious actions including organizational signatures extracted from one or a few variants of that
concurrence, political hacktivism, and privacy violation. In shellcode.
the following, a list of the most important attacks that can be One key fact that have been noticed based on the security
conducted against cloud infrastructures is given. Due to space surveys is that application-level attacks are, by far, more
limitations, a brief description is provided for each of these bandwidth-efficient than network-level attacks. This is mainly
attacks. The interested reader would refer to [9] for a complete because, at the application level, attackers often use script
survey of cloud computing attacks. injection tools rather flooding tools. This is corroborated by
According to multiple security survey reports [10], [11], Figure 1.
[12], most of the attacks that are being conducted against The most important attacks that can be performed at the ap-
information systems and communication networks belong to plication layer include SQL injection and Cross Site Scripting
the Denial of Service (DoS) category. The major novelties (XSS) attacks, and direct node injection. It is easier to target
regarding these attacks is that coordination is hybrid (i.e., the application logic or framework of an application than the
manual and automated) in the sense that public messages actual server behind the hardened network perimeter. Applica-
are broadcasted to Internet users to participate in the attack tions are mostly developed by the businesses themselves and
process. This allows users that do not have a technical
B. Identity management
Identity management schemes in cloud computing use
active bundle schemes, where predicates are evaluated over
encrypted data and multiparty computing. This presumes that
the used encryption schemes allow the execution of predicates
without violating confidentiality and privacy, which is often
hard to fulfill. These techniques do not need trusted third party
(TTP) for the verification or approval of user identity. As a
result, the user anonymity is guaranteed and the identity is not
disclosed. As an alternative to existing public key
infrastructures, ID- based encryption schemes [15] may also
be used in the cloud computing context. A shortcut of such
identity management schemes is that active bundle may not
be executed at all at the host of the requested service. It
would leave the system vulnerable. The identity remains a
Figure 1. Bandwidth-efficiency of network and application attacks [12]. secret and the user is not granted permission to his requests.
[1] “Security of Cloud Computing Providers Study,” Ponemon Institute,
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