Module 2ملخص
Module 2ملخص
Module 2ملخص
The selection of the appropriate contract type and terms and conditions will
depend upon:
The type of specifications
The procurement risk assessment
The market analysis and capability; The agency’s /organization’s/PE’s capacity
The operational environment
Contract Management
Based on the above assessment it is important to foresee also the Contract
Management requirements:
1. Contract Management Plan must be identified in Procurement Plan.
2. Contract conditions to be included in tender document/RFP
3. Terms and conditions to be Fit-for-Purpose, with appropriate allocation of
risks, liabilities, roles, and responsibilities
4. Contracts to be managed throughout their duration against the Contract
Management Plan
5. Evaluation of contract execution to be carried out at contract completion to
assess performance
1- It helps to work out the approximate cost of the project in order to decide its
feasibility with respect to the cost and to ensure the financial resources, if the
proposal is approved.
2- is used for framing the tenders and helps in the tender evaluation process.
3- From quantities of different items calculated in detailed estimation, resources
are allocated to different activities of the project and ultimately their durations
and whole planning and scheduling of the project is carried out.
4- It is mandatory by the public procurement regulation
Combination Approach:
This approach combines the use historic bid data with actual cost data and other
source (Market Survey).
Market risks are high where several unqualified bidders attempt to win public
contracts; some of them succeed and fail on delivery
Products that are readily available in the market may not easily meet the Procuring
Entity’s needs and requirements.
The sector is suffering from sharp fluctuations in raw material prices hindering
efficient participation in bidding.
The Procuring entity has limited experience in evaluating bids in this particular
sector and risks making wrong award decisions.
The supplies are urgently needed with not a single day of delay can be tolerated
beyond the set schedule.
Use Prequalification to make sure that only suppliers capable of delivering the
requirements are invited to submit tender.
Specification – make sure the PE clearly states the performance requirements and
provides the supplier with freedom to use its expertise to be innovative in its
Use suitable procurement arrangements (contract type, conditions of contract,
pricing mechanisms, etc.) to ensure a fair risk distribution (e.g. allow for price
Resort to expert support during evaluation; such expertise can be provided from an
affiliate entity or the private sector as long as no conflict of interest exists.
Include in the contract a clear statement to this effect and increase the daily
damages (liquidated damages) in case of delay. Also, the Procuring entity should
mobilize sufficient resources to ensure smooth implementation with no obstacles.
For mitigating the risks, the following actions in different procurement steps
should be ensured:
3. Procurement arrangements (contract type, conditions of contract, pricing
mechanisms, etc.) - make sure tenders are competitive and ultimately deliver
value for money
4. Evaluation – make sure the most appropriate supplier is selected and all risks
are managed and
5. Contract Management – make sure suppliers fulfill their contractual obligations
and any issues are dealt efficiently and effectively in a fair and transparent
Provides equitable basis for bidding
Facilitates bid comparison and evaluation
Adoptable to change
Periodic payments ease contractor’s needs
Can accommodate for Lump Sum items
Problems with unbalanced unit rates bids
Risk of quantity variations
Need for precise measurement of work performed (associated risk of fraud)
Higher cost of preparation for detailed design and BOQ
Higher supervisory administration cost
• Fixed sum for budgeting
• Easy to administer
• Little / no measurement
• Less documentation
• Price Breakdown to handle some quantities variations
• Price Adjustment mechanism can be accommodated
Inflexible to change / high ridk
Reimbursable Cost plus fee (cost plus)
• Open-ended emergency situations (earthquakes, floods)
• High risk and uncertainty (war, tunneling)
• Ill-defined, high return/innovative plants (private sector)
• Early mobilization and rapid start
• Contractor assumes little or no risk
• Inappropriate (in basic form) for competitive bidding (see target cost)
• With fixed fee, no incentive for quality or timely work
• With % fee, no incentive to limit costs
• Additional Employer staff needed to monitor costs
If the design is not available but the key requirements and specifications are available
• lump-sum contract (design and build)
• pay on milestones based on progress
The PQ is the assessment of the Capability of firms to carry out a particular contract
prior to being invited to submit a bid.
Advantages of Pre-qualification
• Evaluation of bids on price and merit of bid itself are separate from the evaluation
of qualifications of bidders
• Prior assessment by implementing agency of bidders' capability to execute contract
• Better opportunity to form joint ventures to meet capability requirements
• Exposes conflict of interest between consultants, suppliers and contractors
• Promotes interest of leading contractors to compete with others of similar
• Reduce potential for controversies
• Address Sustainable, ESHS and Gender considerations
Prequalification should be based entirely on the ability and resources of potential eligible
bidders to satisfactorily execute a particular contract, taking into account objective
and measurable factors, including:
1- relevant General and specific experience, as well as satisfactory past performance and
successful completion of similar contracts during this period
2- financial situation and, where appropriate
3- opportunities for construction and / or production facilities
3. Produc on capacity
Size of works:
“minimum ¾ of estimated required production rate of selected key B.O.Q. item/s”
5. Financial capabili es
• liabilities/assets. Financial soundness of a contractor can also be evaluated by
requesting financial information on a bidder’s assets and liabilities (from the audited
balance sheets) and then requiring a minimum acceptable ratio. This is often called a
working capital ratio which defines the proportion of a bidder’s liabilities covered by
assets. A current ra o greater than 1.0 is considered good. This indicates that a
bidder has enough current assets to cover the cost of its current liabilities.
• pending litigations
• current contracts commitments/Works in progress
• financial resources
Cash flow requirement “minimum amount available for the period in months before
payment is received by Contractor":
A $240M project is to be implemented over a period of 48 months.
Adequate cash flow is required to be available for a minimum of 4 months before any
payment is made.
Monthly Es mate: $240 M / 48 Mois = $5 MTotal needed Cash Flow: $5 M * 4 Mois =
$20 M.
The Contracotr must have access to a minimum of $20 M in order to qualify.
Advance Payment (when applicable) is not considered here!
6. Equipment capabili es
Minimum key equipment listed
Ex: Trucks, Backhoes, Excavators, etc.
8. Legal status
• Ownership/Registration
• Joint venture /sub-contract arrangement/ manufacturer authorization
• Litigations
Prequalification of bidders
• Used with Request for Bids
• Pass/Fail criteria
• No limit on number of qualified firms
• All participating firms to be informed of the result of the pre-qualification
• Verification of prequalification information shall be carried out by the
Borrower at the time of contract award
Initial selection of bidders
• Used with Request for Proposals
• Pass/Fail Followed by Rated criteria
• To select top ranked firms based on predefined range (Min & Max)
• All participating firms to be informed of the result of the Initial Selection
Verification of IS Information shall be carried out by the Borrower at the