Trailer Manual
Trailer Manual
Trailer Manual
2: The total weight of your boat, engine, fuel, water and gear
must not exceed the trailer’s maximum load-carrying capacity.
Overloading can cause serious injury or property damage.
Note: Maximum load-carrying capacity is the Gross Vehicle
Weight Rate (“GVWR”) less the weight of the empty trailer.
(Page 8)
8: Maintain the proper torque on the lug nuts attached to the wheel
bolts. Failure to do so may result in serious injury or property
damage.Your MasterCraft dealer can provide you with the proper
torque specifications (measured in foot-pounds). (Page 15)
10: Keep your tires properly inflated. Failure to maintain the correct
pressure may result in tire failure and loss of control, which may
result in serious injury or death or property damage. (Page 18)
12: Do not tow boat with wakeboards or skis left in board and/or
ski racks. Doing so may create a hazard for or cause damage to
vehicles following behind you as the boards and/or skis may
become disengaged while traveling, or may result in damage to
your vehicle or boat, which damage would not be covered by
your warranty. (Page 9)
1: Some launch ramps may be slippery when wet. Use great care
when walking, standing or loading and unloading boats on or
around any launch ramps. (Page 24)
2: Wet brakes may not hold and/or may cause brakes to have di-
minished performance characteristics.A few braking applications
at a slow speed will help to dry them out, but extra care must be
used when braking after brakes have become wet. (Page 24)
• Chips in the paint, especially on the axles and frame result when
these surfaces are subjected to repeated or severe hits by external
objects. Usually, this is gravel or asphalt chips thrown up by the
rear tires of the tow vehicles. Over time, rust may develop where
paint has been chipped away and this is not covered by the trailer’s
warranty. To avoid this, consider attaching mud flaps behind the
tow vehicle’s rear tires. Exceptional care should be taken to travel as
slowly as practical when traveling on gravel or other loose surfaces.
• To ensure proper operation of the trailer jack, wipe it down and
lubricate it on a regular basis.
• If the trailer is backed into salt water, you must completely and
thoroughly wash the trailer to retard rusting. Salt water is very corro-
sive, even on galvanized
trailers and can cor-
rode the brake system
as well. Exposure to
salt water can also
cause brake pads to
stick and malfunction.
• Check the braking sys-
tem in spring and fall,
along with the wheel
bearings. If you find
anything that appears
to be worn, take the
trailer to your Master-
Craft dealer for a check
and possible repair.
• Always approach the trailer slowly as you prepare to load your boat.
This will allow you to retain greater control. Hard impact with the
trailer or improper alignment on the trailer can result in damage to the
boat, the trailer or both, and this is not covered under warranty. Also, if
your trailer is equipped with the Boat Buddy System, a hard hit against
it could cause damage, which is also not covered by warranty.
• Disc brakes on the trailer require an additional wire hook-up for the
trailer lights. This wire is blue and hooks to the back-up light wire
circuit on the tow vehicle. It’s very important to attach this properly
so that the brakes will disengage when you are backing up.
A Proper Match
The key to carefree boat
trailering is the proper
match of boat to trailer.
This proper match is only
one reason why the Master-
C r a f t e n g i n e e r i n g de-
partment has designed your
trailer to carry the full
weight of your boat, engine
and gear. It also provides
the proper support for the
boat hull during storage.
Load-Carry Capacity
Check the metallic certification label attached to the left, for-
ward side of your trailer. It will show the maximum load-carrying
capacity of the trailer. It will also show the Gross Vehicle Weight
Rating (GVWR), which is the load-carrying capacity plus the weight
of the trailer itself. Be sure that the total weight of your boat,
engine, gear and trailer do not exceed the GVWR.
Be especially careful to avoid overloading your trailer by putting
heavy baggage, camping gear, etc., inside the boat.
Don’t tow the boat with a water-filled bladder for wakeboarding.
Empty the contents or the tongue weight will be incorrect.
Don’t tow the boat with wakeboards left on the board racks.
Doing so may void your warranty and cause damage to your boat
or to vehicles following behind you as boards and/or racks may
become disengaged.
Weight Distribution
Improper weight distribution
can cause a boat trailer to fish-tail
(sway from side-to-side) as it moves
down the highway, putting exces-
sive strains on both trailer and tow-
ing equipment, increasing gas con-
sumption and sometimes causing an
accident. The most effective way to
guard against fish-tailing is to make
sure the weight load on your trailer
is properly distributed.
It is extremely important that a
minimum of 5-to-10 percent of the
total weight of your trailer should
be felt at the trailer coupling ball
when the tongue is parallel to the
ground. A bathroom scale can be
used for this determination.
For example, if the gross weight
of the trailer, boat and gear is 3,000
pounds, the weight on the tongue
should not be more than 300 pounds, but not less than 150. (Some auto
manufacturers say that tongue weight should not exceed 200 pounds when using a
weight-carrying, bumper-mounted hitch with full-sized cars.)
The importance of an adequate download on the hitch ball can-
not be over-stated.
Safety cables
The safety cables on your MasterCraft trailer provide added in-
surance that it will not become detached from the towing vehicle
when underway. Before each trip, you should make sure that the proper
cables are correctly attached between the towing vehicle and the trailer.
As noted above, your trailer hitch should provide a place for at-
taching safety cables, through holes or rings on both sides of the
hitch ball. It is strongly recommended–and in fact, most states re-
quire it–that you criss-cross the cables under the trailer tongue. The
cables on the left side of the trailer tongue should be attached to the
hole or ring on the right side of the hitch ball, and the right cable
should be attached to the hole or ring on the left side of the hitch ball.
This will prevent the trailer tongue from dropping to the road if the
trailer coupler separates from the hitch ball.
The cables should be rigged as tight as possible, with just enough
slack to permit tight turns. If for any reason you should find it neces-
sary to replace a safety cable, do not substitute with any part other
than a genuine MasterCraft cable.
Note also that late-model trailers are equipped with a surge brake
break-away cable. This should be attached to the tow vehicle, making
sure there is enough slack for tight turns.
Warnings at Tongue
Attention should be paid to
all warning labels. Pay par-
ticular attention to the warn-
ing labels that appear on the
pivot tongue.
Trailer Coupling
Your trailer coupling is designed
to have the required strength when a
hitch ball is in its socket. It is there-
fore necessary to exercise care when
the trailer is disconnected from the
hitch that the coupling is not sub-
jected to any impact.
A special wiring har-
ness for connecting the
trailer lights to the light-
ing system of the tow ve-
hicle comes with your
trailer. Be sure the white
ground wire from the con-
nector is attached to the
frame so that the hitch
ball does not have to act as an electrical connection. Always have your
light plug hooked up when backing your trailer. Disc brakes will not
release without the special connector wired to your back-up lights on
your tow vehicle.
Note: Some late-model cars have yellow turn signals and sepa-
rate (red) stop lights. In this case, a special wiring adapter will
have to be installed on the automobile.
Here are a few things you can do to keep your trailer lighting
system in good working order:
Wheel Bearings
and Braking System
Wheel bearings and the braking sys-
tem on the trailer should be inspected
annually. If the bearings or race show
signs of scoring, they should be replaced,
as well as any worn brake parts. Your
MasterCraft dealer should perform this
inspection and repair.
TiresT h e m o s t c o m m o n
cause of trailer tire
trouble is under-infla-
tion. It is important,
therefore, that you always
maintain correct air pres-
sure as indicated by the
tire manufacturer on the
tire’s sidewalls. Always check the air pressure when the tires are
cold. Tires heat up and the air pressure increases after traveling
short distances. Inflate tires to the proper air pressure as noted on
the sidewall of the tires.
When your trailer tires become worn or damaged, replace them
with new tires. Your MasterCraft dealer can help you.
For safety and convenience, it is recommended that you always
carry a spare wheel and tire.
In most states, trailers with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR)
of 1,500 pounds or more are required by law to have brakes on all wheels.
(Auto manufacturers generally recommend brakes even with lighter trailers.)
Trailer Jack
MasterCraft recommends using the jack
to lift the coupling of a loaded trailer from
the hitch ball and for moving the trailer about
when it is disconnected from the towing ve-
hicle. Rotate the trailer jack to the vertical posi-
tion and engage the locking pin before placing
a load on the trailer jack.
Ensuring that your
MasterCraft is held se-
curely in place on the
trailer’s hull support, es-
pecially when underway,
is extremely important.
If it is not firmly and
properly secured, your
boat can be damaged as
it bounces against the hull supports.
MasterCraft’s Boat Buddy System is located on the winch stand.
Ask your MasterCraft dealer to demonstrate the proper use of the Boat
Buddy System. A separate winch strap is provided and should then be
attached to secure the boat to the bow stop.
As noted previously, it is very important to be sure that the tran-
som of your MasterCraft boat is resting fully and securely on the
supports provided at the rear end of the trailer, and that it remains in
place when parked or underway.
Tie-downs have been added on both bow and transom of the boat
and must be used while trailering.
Hitching Up
• Hitch only to the ball size marked on the coupler.
• Be certain the ball clamp captures the ball and lever or the handwell
is fully closed or tightened. Insert safety pin or optional lock pin.
Trailer Techniques
With a boat trailer in
tow, you are operating a ve-
hicle combination that is longer, heavier and sometimes wider and
taller than your car or truck. This means you will have to make a few
adjustments in your normal driving practices to compensate for the
difference. Here are a few tips to help you enjoy trailering:
• Take a shakedown cruise. Before you make your first major trip or
Every MasterCraft owner
develops their own favorite
launching technique. Until
you do, here are a few help-
ful tips:
• Check the ramp first.
Whether you’re launching
from an unimproved or sur-
faced ramp, check it out
before starting your
launching procedure. How
steep is it? Is the surface
firm enough to support the
• Prepare for launching. Install your drain plugs and detach the
trailer tie-downs.
• Back your trailer down to the ramp. If possible have someone
stand to one side of the ramp to direct you. Backing up a trailer
can be tricky. A good way to simplify the procedure is to grasp
the steering wheel with one hand at its lowest point (6:00). When
you want the trailer to go right, move your hand on the wheel to
the right; to make the trailer go left, move your hand to the left.
• Back your trailer into the water until the trailer tire wheel
well is about two inches from the top of the water surface.
(This may vary with the angle of the ramp.) Set the parking brake and
shift into park (automatic transmission) or first gear (manual transmission).
Shut off the engine. Unlock the Boat Buddy latch and winch hook;
then back the boat off the trailer.
To re-load the boat on the trailer, simply reverse the above procedures,
including setting your Boat Buddy latch to the proper position, and drive
your boat on the trailer at a slow pace. Before loading, we recommend you
clean any dirt or sand off the rollers and bunks. Sand on these can abrade the
boat’s bottom while trailering. Be sure to back in and completely wet the
trailer bunks, then pull forward to the loading position.
Be certain all the boat tie-downs are properly fastened before
departing from the launching ramp area.
1. Limited Warranty and Term. MasterCraft Boat Company, Inc. (“MasterCraft”) warrants to the original
retail purchaser that the following components of each new boat shall be free from material defects
in materials and workmanship to the extent set forth below, under normal use and when operated
and maintained in accordance with MasterCraft’s instructions, for the period indicated:
1.1 Deck, Hull, Liner and Stringers. From the date of the original retail purchase, the deck, hull,
liner and stringer system (collectively, “Structural Components”) is warranted for as long as the
original purchaser owns the boat.
1.2 Gel Coat. Because environmental operating conditions and customer maintenance/care
considerations are factors which have a significant effect on the condition and the durability of the
gel coat which is applied to all MasterCraft boats at the factory, MasterCraft does not provide, and
hereby expressly disclaims, any warranty on the gel coat covering the exterior surfaces of the boat.
Therefore, cosmetic issues relating to the appearance of the gel coat such as blisters, scratches,
discoloration or fading are not covered by this Limited Warranty. However, in the event that the gel
coat is materially damaged due to a covered defect to the boat’s Structural Components, the damage
to the gel coat will be covered under this Limited Warranty in connection with the warranty repair
under Section 1.1 hereof. Any material defects in the gel coat which are determined by MasterCraft,
in its sole discretion, to have been caused by the application/installation of the gel coat at the factory,
will be covered under this Limited Warranty. Stress crazing/cracking of the gel coat is considered a
cosmetic issue, and therefore, is not covered under this Limited Warranty, but will be reviewed on
a case-by-case basis as a matter of customer good will. All communications regarding any issues
relating to gel coat should be addressed first to the Customer Services Representative at the
MasterCraft authorized Dealership prior to communication with MasterCraft. Review of any gel coat
issues by MasterCraft will require digital or 35 mm photos or video images which clearly show the
alleged conditions.
1.3 Other Component Parts (Excluding Engine and Transmission). One (1) year from the date
of the original retail purchase of the boat or the initial use of the boat, whichever first occurs.
1.4 Trailer and Trailer Component Parts. One (1) year from the date of the original retail
purchase of the boat or the initial use of the boat, whichever first occurs.
2. Engine and Transmission. The engines used in MasterCraft boats are supplied by Indmar Products
Company, Inc., in Millington, Tennessee (“Indmar”). Indmar provides a separate warranty of three
(3) years from the date of the original retail purchase of the boat or the initial use of the boat,
whichever first occurs for the engine and transmission (the “Indmar Power Train Warranty”). A
statement of the Indmar Power Train Warranty is provided separately to the original retail purchaser.
MasterCraft provides no independent warranty with regard to the engine and transmission; however,
the owner may contact MasterCraft at the address or telephone number listed in Section 7 below to
obtain contact information for making claims or inquiries under the Indmar Power Train Warranty.
3. Warranty Conditions, Limitations and Exclusions. MasterCraft boats are manufactured by trained
craftsmen from high-quality materials and components. However, conditions outside MasterCraft’s
control require specific limitations on, and exclusions from, coverage under this warranty. The
Limited Warranty on the Structural Components set forth in Section 1(a) above does not cover or
include any other components fastened or applied to the hull or deck. This Limited Warranty constitutes
the final, complete and exclusive statement of warranty terms, and no other person or entity is
authorized to make any other warranties or representations on behalf of MasterCraft. Furthermore,
the Limited Warranty set forth in Section 1 (including all subsections) hereof does not cover the
(b) damage caused by any improper alteration or modification to the boat or any of its component
parts or accessories, including damage resulting from alteration, modification, repair or replacement
in such a way as to increase the cubic-inch capacity or horsepower output of the engine and boat as
originally manufactured;
( e ) damage caused by failure to maintain the boat in accordance with the maintenance
provisions in the Owners Manual or improper maintenance of the boat;
( f ) damage resulting from the use of the boat for any racing, speed, commercial competition
or performance demonstration;
( g ) damage resulting from use of the boat for rental, commercial or industrial purposes;
( h ) damage to hardware and other components fastened or adhered to the hull, deck or liner;
( i ) damage caused by fire, theft, freezing, vandalism, explosion, lightning, wind, hail,
storms, flooding, or other natural disaster;
( j ) damage to any component parts and accessories not manufactured by MasterCraft, including
but not limited to the engine, drivetrain, transmission, propeller, shift and throttle control levers
and cables, pumps, blowers, windshields, canvas, upholstery, towers and accessories,
instrumentation and steering systems; however, such items may be warranted by the individual
manufacturer, and if possible, MasterCraft will provide the owner with a copy of the manufacturer’s
(l) damage caused by improper support of boat on davits, hoist system or boat lift of any kind;
(m) damage to paints, varnishes, gel coat surfaces and colors, chrome-plated or anodized
finishes, floor and floor covers and any other surface coatings, as well as damage due to in-water
storage without proper barrier coat and bottom paint (NOTE: Although MasterCraft uses the highest-
grade gel coat materials, a condition may develop where the bottom of the boat may show signs of
discoloration and/or blisters if the boat is left in the water for long periods of time, and therefore,
a proper barrier coat and bottom paint should be used whenever it is anticipated that the boat will
be left in the water for an extended period of time);
( n ) damage to the trailer and its parts or components due to abrasions, rock chips, rust, improper
care or maintenance, or use in salt or brackish water; however, the finishes of galvanized trailers,
which are designed for use in salt or brackish water, are warranted to be free from damage resulting
from use in salt or brackish water for one (1) year from the date of the original retail purchase or the
initial use of the trailer, whichever first occurs;
( q ) all warranted coverage will expire after ninety (90) days on boats used for commercial
4. Disclaimer and Limitation of Implied Warranties. THE EXPRESS LIMITED WARRANTY SET FORTH
5. Limitation of Liability.
5.1 Liability Limitation; Exclusion of Consequential Damages. This warranty is for the benefit of the
owner and MasterCraft, and shall not create or evidence any right in any third party. THE REPAIR OR
allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or
exclusion may not apply to you.
5.2 Purchase Price Limitation. In any event, MasterCraft’s entire liability under any provision of
this Limited Warranty shall be limited to the repair or replacement of the boat, trailer or component
part, or the refund of the purchase price paid by the customer for the boat, trailer or component part
found to be defective within the applicable warranty period. This shall constitute MasterCraft’s
sole liability and obligation in the event of any claim arising out of its performance or non-performance
of any provision of this Limited Warranty. Because some states and jurisdictions do not allow the
exclusion or limitation of liability, the above limitations may not apply to you.
6. Transfer of Limited Warranty. Upon the first sale, conveyance or other transfer of the boat or
trailer by the original retail purchaser, any remaining unexpired Limited Warranty coverage shall be
transferred to the second owner and shall remain in effect for the remainder of the applicable warranty
period(s) set forth in Sections 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 above (which warranty periods begin to run from
the date of the original retail purchase of the boat or trailer, or the first use of the boat or trailer,
whichever first occurs, as applicable), upon delivery of the warranty transfer card and payment of the
applicable warranty transfer fee to MasterCraft. With respect to the Lifetime Limited Warranty
(granted only to the original retail purchaser) on the Structural Components set forth in Section 1.1
above, if the sale, conveyance or other transfer of the boat by the original retail purchaser to another
person or entity occurs within three (3) years of the date of the original retail purchase of the boat
by the original retail purchaser, then the warranty on the Structural Components shall be transferred
to the second owner and shall continue in effect for a period of ten (10) years from the date of the
original retail purchase of the boat by the original retail purchaser. If the sale, transfer or conveyance
of the boat by the original retail purchaser occurs more than three (3) years after the date of the
original retail purchase of the boat, then the Limited Warranty on Structural Components (as well as
all other warranties) shall be void as of the date of transfer and shall not be transferable to the second
7. Warranty Claims. In order to maintain warranty service under this Limited Warranty, the
owner must return the defective boat or component part to an authorized MasterCraft repair facility,
or to MasterCraft’s factory at the below address, within the applicable warranty period. for questions
regarding warranty service or to obtain information regarding the nearest authorized MasterCraft
repair facility, please contact MasterCraft at the following address or telephone number:
Subject to the terms of this Limited Warranty, any covered boat or component part with a material
defect in materials or workmanship which is returned to an authorized MasterCraft repair facility or
MasterCraft’s factory during the appropriate warranty period will be repaired or replaced, at
MasterCraft’s sole option, without charge to the owner for parts and labor. This provision is subject
to the following terms and conditions:
( a ) MasterCraft shall be obligated only to repair or replace those items that prove defective,
in MasterCraft’s sole discretion, upon examination by MasterCraft’s authorized repair facility or
MasterCraft’s own personnel, as applicable.
(b) MasterCraft warrants its repairs or replacements only for the remainder of the applicable
warranty period.
(c) MasterCraft shall, in its sole discretion, fulfill its obligation to repair or replace any
defective item at its factory or authorized repair facility.
( d ) The owner shall be responsible for all costs associated with the transportation of the
boat, towing bills, trailer or component part(s) to the authorized MasterCraft facility and for any
return transportation.
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