Plant Disease Detection Using Image Processing
Plant Disease Detection Using Image Processing
Plant Disease Detection Using Image Processing
Spring 2022
Maryam TAKTI
Supervised by:
Capstone Report
Student Statement:
“I, Maryam Takti, affirm that “I have applied ethics to the design process and in the selection
of the final proposed design. And, that the designer has held the safety of the public to be
paramount and has addressed this in the presented design whether may be applicable.”
Takti Maryam
Approved by
Thanks to the contribution and the support of many people, I was able to achieve the intended
I would like to express my deep gratitude to my supervisor Dr. El Azhari Moulay El Hassan for
his guidance throughout the whole semester, thank you for giving me the chance and allowing
me to work on this project that match my interests even if it is something beyond my academic
background as a general engineer. Hence, this capstone project was not a challenge for me, but
it was a huge opportunity where I acquired new knowledge that will help me in the long term.
I am truly grateful for his support, assistance, useful instructions, helpful advice, and his regular
I am extremely thankful to Mr. Mouad Bousalama for his help and assistance that he provided
regarding the coding part and the hours he spent to fix the difficulties that I faced in this phase
of my project.
Last but not least, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my parents, my brother, and
my sister for all their sacrifices, unconditional support, also for believing in me. I would like to
thank all my friends for their support, assistance. Thank you for always encouraging me
whenever it gets overwhelming. This would not be reached without the contribution and the
Abstract in English
Abstract in French
List of Figures
1. Introduction
2. Problem Statement
3. Suggested Solution
4. STEEPLE Analysis
5. Feasibility Study
7. Methodology:
8. Implementation On MATLAB:
8.3. Standalone Application
9. Future Work
10. Conclusion
11. References
12. Appendix
Abstract In English:
Morocco is an agricultural country, and the agricultural industry is the largest contributor (about
14%) of GDP ahead of other industrial sectors [6]. Agriculture is one of the pillars of our
economy. Therefore, the farming industry is the main source of gaining. However, due to some
factors such as plant diseases, pests, climate change, the yield of the farming industry decreases,
The detection of plant diseases is crucial to avert the losses in the productivity and in the yield.
It is not obvious to monitor the plant diseases manually as the act of disease detection is very
critical. It needs a huge effort, along with knowledge of plant diseases and extensive processing
times. Therefore, image processing technology is used to detect the plant disease, this is done
by capturing the input image that undergoes the process and is compared with the dataset. This
dataset is composed of diverse plant leaves in the image format. This project aims at designing
a standalone application that will provide the framer with the necessary information about the
type of disease. The purpose of this project is to assist and provide efficient support to the
monoculture farmers.
In this paper, we propose a system that will use the different techniques of the image process to
both analyze and detect the plant diseases. The results of the implementation show that the
designed system could give a successful result by detecting and classifying the plant diseases.
In this paper, we are focusing on three common plant diseases: Bacterial Blight, Cercospora
Keywords: Image Processing; K-Means; GLCM; SVM; Plant Disease Detection; Standalone
Abstract in French :
Le Maroc est un pays agricole et l’industrie agricole est le premier contributeur (environ 14%)
du PIB devant les autres secteurs industriels. L’agriculture a toujours constitué un pilier
celles de l’économie tout entière. Toutefois, en raison de certains facteurs tels que les maladies
La détection des maladies des plantes est cruciale pour éviter les pertes de productivité et de
rendement. Il n'est pas évident de surveiller manuellement les maladies des plantes car la
détection des maladies est très critique. Cela nécessite un effort considérable, ainsi qu'une
connaissance des maladies des plantes et des délais de traitement importants. Par conséquent,
la technologie de traitement d'image est utilisée pour détecter la maladie des plantes, cela se fait
en capturant l'image d'entrée qui subit le processus et est comparée à l'ensemble de données. Ce
jeu de données est composé de diverses feuilles de plantes au format image. Ce projet consiste
à concevoir une application autonome qui fournira à l'utilisateur les informations nécessaires
sur le type de maladie ainsi que le type et le taux de pesticide à respecter. L'objectif de ce projet
Dans cet article, nous proposons un système qui utilisera les différentes techniques du
traitement de l'image pour à la fois analyser et détecter les maladies des plantes. Les résultats
de la mise en œuvre montrent que le système conçu pourrait donner un bon résultat en détectant
et en classant les maladies des plantes. Dans cet article, nous nous concentrons sur trois
Mots clés : Traitement d'images ; K-Means ; GLCM ; SVM ; détection des maladies des
List of Figures:
Figure 1: Workflow of the System
Agriculture is the backbone of Morocco’s economy. A big part of our country’s economy
depends on the agriculture in the first place. Farmers have a big range of options to select the
crops and choose the convenient chemicals and pesticides to use. Thus, crop damage could
result in generating unexpected losses that will impact the productivity of the farming industries
which will directly affect the economy. Therefore, taking care of the plants is necessary to
maintain an excellent quality of agriculture and guarantee the efficient productivity along with
Plants are sensitive to diseases especially the plant leaves as symptoms of the disease appear
first on the leaves. Due to the bad impacts of plant diseases on the both the economy and the
environment, the farmers should consider monitoring the crops in such a way that they may
mitigate losses.
It exists a way that is used by experts to monitor the crops which is the naked eye observation.
This is a traditional method that has many constraints related to time consuming as the operation
However, lately, crop monitoring is being developed to be digital and semi-automatic, meaning
that only from the symptoms that are shown on the leaf, the disease could be detectedin an
easier, quicker, cheaper way. Therefore, this digitalized method will be beneficial for the
farmers as well since it will facilitate for them the detection of the diseases because most of
the farmers do not have a sufficient background and knowledge about monitoring the crops and
dealing with the variety of diseases that could affect them. The proposed system that we are
suggesting in this paper could be used by the farmers to increase the yield with no need to
consult experts. The core purpose of this proposed system is not aiming only at detecting the
plant diseases using the image processing technology, but it aims also at directing the user
(farmer) to use a mobile application in which he will upload the image and receive the type of
The digitalization of the agriculture field has known the intervention of the latest technologies
namely the image processing. As a result, our system that is designed to be automated system
Farmers opt for monoculture due to its benefits that will be discussed in the coming sections.
This paper would be helpful for the framers and will represent a sort of guidance. Many
technologies have been developed to execute the plant disease detection; in this paper we are
The feasibility study allowed us to determine whether the project idea is viable and could be
achievable within the specified time. For this project, we discussed the impact of the
monoculture farming advantages on the economy along with its negative impact on the
environment. Also, we analyzed the use of pesticides in the monoculture farming industry, this
part took around one week to do the research by referring to scientific papers.
After that, we collected the convenable dataset for the image acquisition, this required one
week. The systemof processing the images focuses on the image acquisition, the preprocessing
of the image, thesegmentation (using the K-mean segmentation method), feature extraction, and
classification. Therefore, an extensive and solid knowledge in deep learning and image
processing specifically is required for a better understanding of the image processing system.
To implement this process, we used MATLAB as a software. Processing the images using this
software might be difficult since it requires a strong background while working with its different
features. Three to four weeks were spent in the code part and executing this technical part
In parallel to that, we tried to work on the mobile application that will contain guidelines for
the users and will pick for them the suitable pesticide for the specific plant’s disease. However,
due to time constraints, we moved to the idea of designing an application using MATLAB
which is the standalone application. This required a good understanding of the necessary tools
of building a standalone application. This part required from three to eight weeks including the
This project has a positive impact on the economy as it will minimize the losses and reduce the
use of pesticides and assure an efficient production. As a further implementation of the project
a drone may be added to the project as a tool to take the leaves’ pictures that will be processed
instead of doing this manually using an ordinary camera or a mobile phone. This part will
require a lot of time and the legal considerations could be an issue. Therefore, only the
theoretical part willbe included in this capstone project. We spent one to two weeks to finish
Based on this feasibility study, we can deduce that this capstone project is feasible and that all
Monoculture was introduced as a solution to satisfy the higher need for food that is growing
day by day. It is a form of agriculture that refers to a process of planting one type of crop within
the same land. The farmers can focus only on growing one type of crops, and they need only
thenecessary tools and machines to deal with one specific type of crop while preparing the soil
and harvesting. This method of farming is profitable for the farmers due to its benefits on both
the environment and the economy [10]. The monoculture increases the efficiency and the
productivity. Also, this form of agriculture is easier to manage as it requires less efforts
compared to the polyculture. It guarantees for the farmers higher incomes. However, due to its
negative impact on the soil, the farmers are obliged to use fertilizers to boost the soil and the
plant growth [5]. Also, to protect plant from the pests and the diseases, farmers use a lot of
pesticides. The thing that explains the bad impact of monoculture on the environment because
of the highly use of chemical inputs that the monoculture needs. Even if the farmers try as much
as they can to use less harmful chemicals or at least using them in a very low concentration,
many of the chemicals are toxic and will have negative impacts on the soil [7]. Moreover, the
monocropping lacks many pests and insects, that help to reduce the spread of disease among
plants. Which emphasizes again on the highly need of using pesticides and chemicals that could
result in pollution and negative impacts on the environment as a whole. The use of pesticides
will result in the exhaustion of the soil since the monocropping impoverishes the soil and
reduces the presence of nutrients. Despite of its drawbacks, farmers opt for monocropping as
an option since it requires less equipment and workers. Also, it guarantees an efficiency in
terms of harvesting and planting which implies the rise of productivity and automatically the
profit. As a result, the monoculture farming helps in increasing both the productivity and
Any method that mimics human behavior, it is known as an artificial intelligence. Basically, it
is a science that aims at training machines to solve difficult and complex problems. In other
words, the science and engineering of constructing intelligent devices, particularly computer
intelligence, but AI does not have to be limited to medically detectable methods [11]. The
to the fieldof computer science [12]. It has improved human lives in many ways, and it is
Deep learning is a subset of machine learning where the artificial neural networks adapt and
learn from large amounts of data. Also, it uses hierarchical designs to learn high-level
abstractions from data [2]. It is a new technique that is already being used in classic artificial
intelligence applications including. The blossoming of deep learning today may beattributed to
three major factors: the expansion of chip processing, low-cost computer hardware, and
machine learning techniques [3]. In recent years, various deep learning algorithms have been
3.4. Machine Learning:
Machine learning is an artificial intelligence application that uses algorithms and data to
evaluate and make decisions without the need for human intervention. It discusses how
computers accomplish tasks independently based on their prior experiences [11]. As a result,
we might argue that artificial intelligence is developed through experience in machine language.
We are able to distinguish between regular computer software and machine learning by
knowing that the human is not providing any programs to this system; however, it is trained and
Deep Learning is a specific type of machine learning. It functions in the same manner that
machine learning does in terms of technology, but with different techniques. It is based on the
functionality of human neurons, and it gives rise to the concept of artificial neural networks.
While the functioning of machine learning may be illustrated using the case of distinguishing a
cat or dog image. In this case, the machine learning model takes photos of both animals as an
input, then it extracts various elements from these two images: shape, height, eyes… After
that, it performs the classification algorithm, and finishes by predicting the outcome whether it
Image processing:
Image processing is used in the field of agriculture to mainly detect the plant diseases, also to
specify the affected area by the disease in the plant’s leaf [14].
Machine Learning:
In agriculture, machine learning is used as a tool of disease identification due to the efficiency
CNNs are seen to succeed in the diagnosis of plant diseases as they have the ability to ensure
Application of computer in the domain of agriculture was introduced in the aim of solving
many problems related to agriculture and plant diseases. Artificial Intelligence is the most
common used mechanism for the plant disease detection due to its high performance and
precision [7]. The different AI techniques helped to figure out and solve many problems in the
field of agriculture. These techniques include deep learning, machine learning, convolutional
neural network, image processing, and they were used for the disease detection in many crops
The domain of agriculture, in general, has known the revolution of the latest technologies as
part of its process namely artificial intelligence. It highly increases the productivity and the
Plant diseases are impacting the agriculture in general and the monoculture more precisely. The
detection of plant diseases most of the time is done only throughout the naked eye observation.
This is a traditional way to deal with the detection of plant diseases, the farmers used to consult
the experts who spend a lot of time trying to specify the type of disease that is affecting the
plants’ leaves. The experts based their analytics that includes categorizing andclassifying the
diseases, only on the visual symptoms that are usually shown on the leaves.
The thing that is time consuming and costs a lot for the framers of this kind of agriculture. This
operation of detecting plant diseases is expensive since the framers must consult experts, and
time consuming as those experts need time to detect the disease and classify its type and need
a continuous control. Knowing that some farmers could not have the capabilities to consult the
experts regularly, so the risk of contagion between plants is extremely high. Also, this will have
bad impacts on the environment due to the extensive use of chemicals and pesticides that are
used in a random quantity, also, the production process is affected especially that in this case
As a suggested solution for this issue that every farmer is facing, we are suggesting the use of
the latest technologies to detect the plant disease detection which is image processing. The idea
is to create a standalone application using MATLAB that will be used by the farmer. He will
be uploading the image of the leaf to the application, once the image is processed and the
detection is executed, the application will display to the farmers the type of disease along with
the affected region, and the accuracy. The image that is uploaded to the standalone application
will undergo the process of MATLAB throughout its image processing tools.
By using MATLAB, features related to the area affected by the disease, the accuracy and many
other features are analyzed. After MATLAB continues the processing of the given image, the
The core idea behind this system is to remedy the disease with minimum impact on the
environment, and to guarantee for the user or the farmer a fast and economical way in detecting
This steeple analysis part is dedicated to discussing the social, technological, economic,
3.1. Social:
The social aspect of this project resides in the fact that it will expand the accuracy results of the
detection which will help the farmers to guarantee an efficient production, so that it will
3.2. Technological:
Recently, much research was conducted regarding this topic using different methods. However,
using this technology of image processing will allow to tackle the problem form a different
perspective. Also, in this project we will be using dome already invented methods that could be
developed. Detecting using image processing is mainly implemented using Python, in this
project we will be using MATLAB to discover this technology and see how efficient its results
will be.
3.3. Economic:
Plant disease detection was always requiring the existence of experts, the thing that costs a lot
of money and waste of time as this manual work requires a lot of working and processing hours.
Also, the detection is done after the healthy plant are contaminated also. The main purpose of
our project is to ensure for the farmer the pre-prediction of the plant disease the thing that will
minimize the use of pesticides especially in the monoculture. Therefore, this will increase the
profit for any monoculture farming industry as it will guarantee the increase in the quantity of
3.4. Environmental:
Our project will be very friendly to the environment as it will reduces the use of pesticides and
all the chemicals that are harmful for the soil. Also, by monitoring the plants’ health will have
3.5. Political:
The food security of a country allows its prosperity and political effectiveness. Solving the plant
3.6. Legal:
This project is considered to be legal as it will be tested regularly, and it will undergo many
regulations from the experts to specify the framework in which it will be implemented.
3.7. Ethical:
This project is more ethical from a consumer perspective to buy products with minimum impact
of harmful pesticides.
The idea at first was to create an android mobile application that will be used by the farmer to
help him upload the picture of the unhealthy plant’s leaf and receive the type of the disease with
the type of pesticide to use and the amount of pesticide that the farmer should not exceed. The
MATLAB code will be the software that we will be using to process the image that will be sent
to it from the mobile application as input throughout a database using MySQL. After some
trials, this idea could not be achieved due to constraints of time as it will require a lot of time
from building, executing to testing. Also, we tried to achieve this by using “ThingSpeak” which
is an IoT cloud platform that is used to analyze and visualize data, but it does not support the
upload of images to have a database; therefore, it was not accurate to our system. Then, we
thought of another scenario which is making a standalone application using MATLAB that will
be a desktop application that the users can download and access it from their computers. The
process of making the standalone application will be discussed later in the next sections.
In the figure below (figure 9), the block diagram summarizes the methodology that is used in
our system. First, we can distinguish between two parts, the training part, and the testing part.
➔ In the training part: the first step in this phase concerns training the SVM classifier from the
dataset that we collected from the internet. We have different classes of diseases that
contains many leaves. We label every class disease by assigning to it an integer value. After
that, the segmentation is executed in order to get the region of interest (ROI). We can get
this region of interest by removing all unwanted or undesired information like distortion.
After getting the ROI, we extract the features that were calculated. At this stage, we create
➔ In the testing part: we input to the system an image of a plant leaf that is unknown, and after
getting the ROI by segmenting the image, we could extract the features of the region of
interest. Then, the information is transferred to the SVM classifier. The main purpose of
this SVM classifier (in our system we used a multi SVM classifier due to the large set of
data that we are working with) is to compare the features extracted from the input of image
with the database that we already built in the training part. Finally, the system will be able
to detect the type of the disease based on this comparison, meaning that it compares the
values of the vector features of the testing image and see to what vector feature it
corresponds in the database. Therefore, it could predict the disease depending on the values
It exits different types of diseases that affect the plants. The most common diseases between
the plants are Alternaria alternate (fungal), Anthracnose, Bacterial Blight (bacteria), and
Cercospora Leaf Spot, Downy Mildew, Alternaria Leaf Spot, Frogeye Leaf Spot, White Spot,
In our system we focused only on three types of plant diseases which are the following:
Alternaria Alternata:
It is one of the common plant diseases, it is a fungus that cause spots on the plant’s leaf, it has
bad impacts on both the health of the plant and the human as it may cause for them asthma [5].
Bacterial Blight:
It is one of the dangerous diseases that can affect a plant’s leaf, one of its initial symptomsthat
could be visually seen on the plant’s leaf is the dark and yellow spots other symptoms could be
This type of disease appears and spread in high temperature and humidity. It is characterized
As mentioned above, the proposed system will consist mainly of identifying and classifying the
type of disease the leaf is suffering from. This will be implemented using image processing
method on MATLAB as a tool to process the images. This process undergoes many steps, and
Our collected data contains different images of the leaf diseases that were taken from the
internet, and these images are stored as a database in the computer, and they are used also to
Below are samples of images of the three diseases that we picked for our dataset.
Image processing is a method that uses computerized algorithms to analyze the images and
process them. Image processing has been used in the field of agriculture in many applications
and more specifically in the detection of plant diseases. The processing of image goes through
6.2. Image Acquisition:
The first step in the image processing is the image acquisition. In this step the leaves of the
plant are captured using a digital camera or a mobile phone. These images are used as an input
This step is mainly about enhancing the input images for the processing. This pre-processing
helps to improve the quality of the images by removing undesired distortion including the
spores, dust. Also, it could be used to adjust the images’ colors. The objective of this step is to
provide clear images for further analysis. Basically, in this step the input image is converted
from the RGB image to L*a*b* color space (L* = Luminosity layer, a* & b* chromacity layers).
In this stage, an image is divided into sub images, or we are converting the input image into
segments. There are a variety of methods that are used for segmentation: K -mean clustering,
region-based segmentation, edge detection segmentation [8]. However, the most common used
one is the K-mean clustering. The main purpose of this method is to divide n observations into
k clusters with each observation belonging to the cluster with the closest mean. Based on the
k-means results, each pixel in the image that is uploaded is labeled, after that,the results of
clustering are stored in a blank cell array. One of important things in this step is to choose the
convenient cluster. We select this cluster based on the one that shows the big part that is affected
by the disease. Then, the features of the chosen cluster are to be extracted in the following phase
which is the feature extraction. Basically, segmentation serves to separate the region that the
6.5. Feature Extraction:
In this phase, it is time to extract the needed information from the image. The dimensions of
the region of interest (ROI) are smaller compared to the original image. It exists a lot of methods
that are used for the feature extraction, but the commonly used one is the Gray Level Co-
occurrence Matrix. The GLCM is known for its ability to extract the texture features that will
ease any further analysis. This method calculates the pixel with a specific intensity with the
image. The chosen image will be converted to grayscale as it is originally in RGB format. In
the table below, are listed the thirteen features and theirexpressions, an array is used to store
these features.
6.6. Classification:
The common diseases that could affect the leaves are fungi, bacteria, and viruses or even the
insects’ impact that is usually shown as spot on the leaves of the plants. Based on the method
The support vectors machine is to be trained with images of different diseases with their
extracted features, and these images that are part of the training process are stored in the dataset,
This table below shows the dataset that was trained using the SVM classifier and it represent at
the same time the database reference to which the SVM classifier rely on to compare the vector
7.1. MATLAB:
MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory) is a platform that is used to solve mathematical problems along
with the ability to code in MATLAB [10]. It contains toolboxes to process many problems, one
of the important tools that it provides is the “Image Processing Toolboxes.” This toolbox
consists of many algorithms that analyzes, processes, and visualizes the images [15]. IPT is a
tool that is used to automate standard image processing tasks. It could be used also for both
MATLAB code is used for the plant disease detection. The output is displayed on theMATLAB
GUI. The GUI consists of many buttons for choosing the image, enhancing, segmenting,
classification, accuracy, and an exit button. Moreover, the functionality for those buttons have
been implemented in the appropriate places. The SVM classifier is the tool thatis responsible
For the coding part, we used an open source [13]and we modified it according to our collected
Figure 11: Uploading the Input Image
Figure 13: Classification Result-Disease Detection
7.3. Standalone Application:
To create the standalone application, we used MATLAB as a software to execute this. We made
this standalone application from the GUI that was generated previously by MATLAB.
It was build using MATLAB compile license in which you can either create an application or
convert the GUI to a standalone application and it has many other features. This standalone
application does not require MATLAB to be installed. In other words, when you are targeting
machines or computers that does not have MATLAB installed, you can use the standalone
application. Also, this applies when the users have not access to MATLAB which is the case
for the farmers. Not all the framers are familiar with MATLAB, so the standalone application
that could be downloaded and installed in their desktops will allow them to benefit from the
service of the application without the need of installing MATLAB or even having a MATLAB
license. Moreover, the use of the standalone application does not require connection to internet
to function. Thus, the data is saved on the device. It is reliable since it does not fail due to lack
Figure 16: MATLAB Compiler Interface to Create Standalone App
1)Application Interface
that the user sees after
downloading and opening 2)Then, the GUI is
the standalone application displayed on the screen,
on his computer. and the user can upload
the desired image to
As a future work and to improve our project, the idea is to create a mobile application that
will be connected to MATLAB. The farmer will use the application to detect the type of the
plant disease. He will be the one to upload the leaf image that will be sent to MATLAB as an
input after being saved into a database. Meanwhile, the farmer will be receiving a notification
saying that the upload was done successfully. Once the image is processed and the detection
is executed, the farmers will receive a message specifying the type of disease along with the
type and the quantity of pesticide to use. The image that is uploaded to the mobile application
will undergo the process of MATLAB throughout its image processing toolboxes.
The second idea to be implemented in parallel with the first one as future work as well is the
use of drones to reach the automatic monitoring and detection of plant diseases. Drone will be
programmed in such a way that it will be able to take instantaneous pictures for the leaves, so
that they can be processed. This operation will allow us to save more time since it will be
quicker as we will have a huge data and information that will help to refine the process of
images. Another incentive to use the drones is the fact that they have a huge occupancy along
The cameras of UAVs could detect early stages of disease and alert farmers about the need to
spray before the disease causes damage to the crop. The UAVs have many advantages beside
the detection of disease, they can detect the stress inplants, yield prediction, and quantification.
Figure 17: Drone Used for Plant Disease Detection
The plant disease detection using image processing is the most convenient method to keep up
with an efficient yield. The main goal of this paper was to prove how image processing tool is
able to guarantee accurate results regarding the detection of the plant diseases and also how it
can assist the farmers in increasing the yields. By the end of this project, we were able to achieve
the intended objective which was the implementation of image processing in the plant disease
detection. Furthermore, building the standalone application will make this technology more
accessible and practical for the farmers. As a result, the standalone application for identifying
disease-affected plants and healthy plants has been developed. Moreover, the goal for future
work is to create a mobile application to make the process much easier for the farmers, and to
use drones in order to expand the dataset of training images and improve the accuracy of our
proposed system.
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11. Appendix: