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Gut Reset

Better Health
Kickstart your weight management journey with a healthier gut.

BodyKey Gut Reset Weight Management Programme

User Manual
This manual will introduce you to:

The BodyKey Gut Reset

Weight Management Programme

The concept of a gut reset

A holistic nutrition plan to follow

A recommended list of products and

foods to improve your diet
4 What is Destination: Wellbeing?
5 BodyKey Gut Reset Weight Management
Programme Monitoring Guide

Phase 1: Gut Reset Programme Phase 2: Weight Management

(Days 1-14) Programme (Day 15-60)
Your Health Begins in The GUT 36 Healthy Weight Management
6 What do you need to know about your GUT Before You Start
9 What is the 14-Day Gut Reset? 37 Know your body weight status
Before You Start 39 The principle of weight management:
Energy balance
10 Self-assessment & Medical Health Screening
Gut Reset for A Better You 41 Goal setting
General Nutrition Guidelines
12 Introduction
Nutrition 42 Malaysian Healthy Plate Rules & portion control

14 General nutrition guidelines 43 Healthy eating habits

Physical Activity
16 Malaysian Healthy Plate Rules
17 Handy hints for portion sizes 44 Aerobic & strength training exercises

18 Healthy gut reset guidelines 45 Regular exercise routine

20 Meal plan sample & supplements 46 Aim to achieve 10,000 steps per day
Weight Management
21 Programme Expectations
22 Hydration 47 Supplement guide

23 Physical Activity 48 Meal plan sample & supplements

24 Positive Mindset & Community 49 Healthy Smoothie Recipes with BodyKey

Meal Replacement Shake
See The Difference
26 Healthy Recipes Sample
See The Difference 50 Body composition measurement and
34 Self-assessment & Medical Health Screening

Destination: Wellbeing
Your guided path to a happier, healthier life
Our general wellbeing contributes to how we enjoy life, how we perform – at work, at home, even
our favourite physical activities – and how we feel. Improving your wellbeing is not something that
happens overnight. It requires a holistic approach, guidance and support.

Destination: Wellbeing is a guide that combines professional expertise, support and supplements
for a holistic, healthy lifestyle. It includes access to programmes, solutions and bundles to address
specific wellness needs, and to help you live a better and healthier lifestyle.

Gain solutions to health and wellness needs by
focusing on 4 key aspects: nutrition, hydration,
exercise and mental health.

Proven, scientific approach by healthcare
professionals for sustainable weight

Includes products from Nutrilite - the
world’s No. 1 selling vitamins and dietary
supplements brand1 with more than 85 years
of experience in helping people live healthier
and happier lives.

Stay engaged and motivated on your journey
with continuous support from your Amway
Business Owner and gain free access to digital
tools from Amway.

Source: 1

Gut Reset for Better Health | 4 | User Manual

Start the BodyKey Gut Reset
Weight Management Programme
and take care of your wellbeing!
BodyKey Gut Reset Weight Management Programme Monitoring Guide

Day 0 Day 1-14 Day 15-60 Day 60 6-12 months

Pre-Health Gut Weight Post-Health Further weight Overall

Screening Reset Management Screening management plan Wellbeing
+ Health + Medical + Body + Health Check Targeted blood A
Check Symptoms/ Composition + Body
glucose management Happier
+ Body Toxicity + MSQ Test at Composition
Composition Questionnaire Day 30 + MSQ Test & Heathier
Targeted cholesterol YOU!
(MSQ) Test
(Day 1 & 2) management
Note: The duration of the intensive phase is flexible and depends on your
Intensive Phase weight management target. However, it should not be too short if you want to
achieve sustainable weight management.

This Gut Reset Weight Management Programme is designed to

potentially help you:
Lose weight and fat more effectively

Potentially manage metabolic concerns, such as blood

glucose, blood cholesterol and blood pressure

Support the normal function of your

digestive system

Boost your mood so you feel more


Support your immune system

Improve the quality of your sleep

Build healthy lifestyle habits

Gut Reset for Better Health | 5 | User Manual

Phase 1: Gut Reset Programme (Day 1-14)

Your Health begins in the GUT

There are many factors linked to weight gain, however the most common one is related to our diet
and food intake. An unhealthy diet that is high in fat, sugar, carbohydrates and low in fibre is one
of the main culprits of weight gain. That’s not all, an unhealthy diet also impacts our gut health by
creating an imbalance in the gut microbiome.


The term “gut microbiome” refers to the
microorganisms living in your intestines. Each person
has more than 1,000 different species of bacteria,
viruses and fungi living in our digestive tract.

The gut microbiome has many functions in our body.

It helps digest nutrients, regulates energy usage,
supports our immune system and sends hormonal
cues to the brain that control our hunger and mood.

Any changes in the gut, such as a decrease in

beneficial microorganisms OR an increase in
unwanted microorganisms OR lack of diversity of the
microorganisms in the gut, can affect our health.

Stress Alcohol

Other Factors
That May Disrupt
Your Gut Health
Besides Food
Lactose Sleep
Intolerance Deprivation

Constipation Diarrhoea

Gut Reset for Better Health | 6 | User Manual

Poor gut microbiome has been associated with heart, lung and skin diseases, poor immunity,
and in particular, slowing down the body’s metabolism which can lead to weight gain.

Heart &
Digestion, Brain
Stress &



Signs You Need a GUT RESET

Stomach issues like bloating, Cravings for food Unintentional Sleep disturbance and
burping, constipation, diarrhoea high in sugar weight changes low energy levels
and heartburn

Skin irritation Poor immune Sudden mood swings Food intolerance

health and poor mental

Gut Reset for Better Health | 7 | User Manual

Phase 1: Gut Reset Programme (Day 1-14)

How to maintain a HEALTHY GUT?

Maintaining a good balance as well as the diversity of the microbiome is important. Your gut must
consist of 85% of good bacteria and 15% of bad bacteria.

Good vs. bad bacteria in the gut

Good Bacteria

Bad Bacteria

1. D. Hills, Jr. Ronald, et al. “Gut Microbiome: Profound Implications for Diet and Disease.” PubMed Central (PMC), 16 July 2019, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
2. Conlon M.A., Bird A.R. The impact of diet and lifestyle on gut microbiota and human health. Nutrients. 2015;7:17–44
3. Singh R.K., Chang H.W., Yan D., Lee K.M., Ucmak D., Wong K., Abrouk M., Farahnik B., Nakamura M., Zhu T.H., et al. Influence of diet on the gut
microbiome and implications for human health. J. Transl. Med. 2017;15:73

Gut Reset for Better Health | 8 | User Manual

Your Health begins in the GUT
Kickstart the 14-Day Healthy Gut Reset to rebalance your microbiome and prime your
body to better absorb nutrients, and subsequently help you adapt to a healthier meal
plan and exercise guide.

G ood & bad bacteria in a balanced ratio

U nique combination of probiotics & prebiotics

T ake the new weight management journey with BodyKey!

Objectives of a GUT RESET:

To rebalance the gut microbiome

by introducing probiotics and
prebiotics into your meal plan.

To prime your body for the weight

management programme by removing
foods that may cause gut inflammation and
replacing them with healthy food habits.

To recharge the mind for sustainable

weight loss.

To reset and restore your health by

focusing on long-term health benefits,
i.e. managing blood sugar, blood
pressure, and cholesterol levels.

RESET Your Gut with 4Rs

Remove & Replace Rebalance & Reset
Remove Replace Rebalance Reset
refined carbohydrates with complex the gut microbiome your body and
& saturated fats carbohydrates, healthy with Probiotics & digestive system with
Get rid of all unwanted fats & lean protein Prebiotics high quality protein &
food and habits such as Nourish your body Aids in digestion and body functional foods
smoking that may disrupt with gut-friendly food. metabolism, supports Repair gut cells and reset
your gut microbiome. your immune system and your body system with
improves other aspects of beneficial functional foods.

Gut Reset for Better Health | 9 | User Manual

Phase 1: Gut Reset Programme (Day 1-14)

Before You Start

To know where you’re going and how to get there, you must first understand where you are.

1 Self Assessment
Take this quick test to get an understanding of your current state of wellbeing.


The Toxicity and Symptom Screening Questionnaire identifies symptoms that help to identify the underlying causes of illness, and helps you track
your progress over time. Rate each of the following symptoms based upon your health profile. Record your symptoms for the last 48 hours ONLY.

Point Scale
0 = Never or almost never have the symptom 2 = Occasionally have, effect is severe 4 = Frequently have it, effect is severe
1 = Occasionally have it, effect is not severe 3 = Frequently have it, effect is not severe

Digestive Tract Eyes Lungs Nose

Nausea or vomitting Watery or itchy eyes Chest congestion Stuffy nose
Diarrhoea Swollen, reddened or Asthma, bronchitis Sinus problems
Constipation sticky eyelids Shortness of breath Hay fever
Bloated feeling Bags or dark circles under eyes Difficult breathing Sneezing attacks
Belching, or passing gas Blurred or tunnel vision (does Total Excessive mucus formation
not include near or
Heartburn far-sightedness) Total
Intestinal/Stomach pain Total Poor memory Skin
Head Confusion, poor Acne
Ears comprehension
Headaches Hives, rashes, or dry skin
Itchy ears Poor concentration
Faintness Hair loss
Earaches, ear infections Poor physical coordination
Dizziness Flushing or hot flushes
Drainage from ear Difficulty in making decisions
Insomnia Excessive sweating
Ringing in ears, hearing loss Stuttering or stammering
Total Total
Total Slurred speech
Heart Learning disabilities Weight
Emotions Total
Irregular or skipped heartbeat Binge eating/drinking
Mood swings
Rapid or pounding heartbeat Craving certain foods
Anxiety, fear or nervousness Mouth/Throat
Chest pain Excessjve weight
Anger, irritability, or Chronic coughing
Total Compulsive eating
aggressiveness Gagging, frequent need to
Water retention
Depression clear throat
Joints/Muscles Underweight
Total Sore throat, hoarseness,
Pain or aches in joints loss of voice Total
Arthritis Swollen/discolored tongue,
Stiffness or limitation of gum, lips Other
Fatigue, sluggishness
movement Canker sores Frequent ilness
Apathy, lethargy
Pain or aches in muscles Total Frequent or urgent urination
Feeling of weakness or Genital itch or discharge
Restlessness tiredness
Total Total

Key to Questionnaire Scan and fill out the

Add individual scores and total each group. questionnaire.
Grand Add each group's scores to get the grand total. It will only take 10 minutes to
Total • Optimal is less than 10 • Mild Toxicity: 10-50 complete.
• Moderate Toxicity: 50-100 • Severe Toxicity: Over 100 Link:

Note: The MSQ is a tracking tool that has been used to assess an individual’s progress in dietary and lifestyle changes. It is not
intended as a medical diagnosis and, in case of any doubt, please consult a physician.

1. Jones DQ,S. Textbook of Functional Medicine. WA: Gig Harbor; 2006.
2. Lawrence, Kate, and Jeannette Hyde. “Microbiome Restoration Diet Improves Digestion, Cognition and Physical and Emotional Wellbeing.”
Microbiome Restoration Diet Improves Digestion, Cognition and Physical and Emotional Wellbeing. PLOS ONE, 14 June 2017.

Gut Reset for Better Health | 10 | User Manual

2 Medical Health Screening
Regular health screening or blood testing is one of the important ways to keep track of your overall physical
wellbeing. Before starting this programme, we trust that you would have gone for a pre-health screening.
It’s recommended that you consult a healthcare professional to review the report and understand your
health needs.

For your general understanding, you may refer to these values:

A. Lipid Profile
Parameters Normal Value

Total cholesterol <5.2 mmol/L

Triglyceride <1.68 mmol/L

HDL Cholesterol >1.03 mmol/L

LDL Cholesterol <2.58 mmol/L

Non-HDL Cholesterol <3.37 mmol/L

Total Cholesterol / HDL ratio <5.0

B. Blood Glucose
Parameters Normal Value
Fasting blood glucose 4.1 – 6.1 mmol/L

HbA1c <5.7% Non-diabetic range

Note: For known diabetics, the monitoring values of HbA1c is
individualised. Please discuss with your physician.

C. Blood Pressure
Blood Pressure Category Systolic mmHg Diastolic mmHg
Normal Less than 120 and Less than 80

Prehypertension 120 – 139 Or 80 – 89

High Blood Pressure 140 – 159 Or 90 – 99

(Hypertension) Stage 1

High Blood Pressure 160 or higher Or 100 or higher

(Hypertension) Stage 2

Hypertension Crisis Higher than 180 Or Higher than 110

(Emergency care needed)
Source: American Heart Association

Note: Please discuss with your physician if you have any abnormal results.
Disclaimer: The ‘normal’ reference values are only to be used as a guide. Reference values may differ between laboratories due to different
methodology or instruments used. The values stated here are based on the laboratory appointed by Amway Malaysia.

Gut Reset for Better Health | 11 | User Manual

Phase 1: Gut Reset Programme (Day 1-14)

Gut Reset For A Better YOU!

This holistic healthy lifestyle programme combines professional expertise, support and supplements
to help you improve your overall wellbeing, nutritional intake and activity level.

The 14-Day Healthy Gut Reset Programme is not about calorie counting – it is intended to
help you reset and rebalance your body’s natural mechanism, build positive habits and live a
happier, healthier life.

5 Pillars of Wellbeing
Mindset Nutrition
Wellbeing starts in the Consuming the right
mind. Having confidence in amounts of macronutrients,
your ability to change your vitamins, minerals and
behaviour makes it easier phytonutrients will improve
to adopt a new, healthier your gut health for better
lifestyle. metabolism (and help
control calories!)

Getting enough quality
sleep has a powerful Activity
influence over your ability Building healthy habits
to manage your weight around physical activities
and improve your health. is a great way to start
improving your overall

Bring stress under control and
you’re more likely to eat less and
feel more balanced.

Why 14 days?
This 14-day gut reset is a great way to reset and Research shows that our gut bacteria are very
prepare your body for the transition to a healthier responsive to what we eat, and the bacteria
diet and lifestyle. It also aids in your weight population changes almost as soon as we alter
management journey and increases the likelihood our diet. Thus, your gut composition can change
of keeping the weight off. drastically in only a few days!

Trust your “Gut Feeling” and RESET your gut to a new & heathier GUT.
Kickstart your weight management journey and let the weight loss begin from your GUT!

Gut Reset for Better Health | 12 | User Manual

Nutrilite Products
Reset & Rebalance Your Body
Soy Protein Drink Meal Replacement Shakes Salmon Omega Complex

Protein from 3 plant sources Fulfill 1/3 of your daily Fulfill your dietary gaps of
(wheat, soy & pea) nutritional needs Omega-3 fatty acids
Protein is essential for This shake is an on-the-go Omega-3 fatty acids are critical
everyone regardless of age or nutritious drink with 17g of structural components of the
lifestyle as they are the building plant protein, 5g of fibre and cell membranes. They also
blocks of your cells. Protein 22 vitamins & minerals to keep play a key role in blood lipid
also helps to preserve your you energised throughout your metabolism and heart health.
lean muscle mass and leaves busy day. However, the body can’t make
you feeling full for longer. these essential fatty acids – so
they must be obtained from food
This protein drink is your and supplements.
alternative to traditional sources
of protein and does not contain Each softgel contains 300mg
artificial flavours, preservatives of purified and concentrated
or colourants. Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA &
DHA) from salmon raised in
Norway as well as other fishes.

The Perfect Match for Gut Health

Botanical Beverage Mix Chicory Mixed Fiber Powder
Root Extract with Probiotics
Contains a special blend of three
Uses "Arrive Alive" and "Stick-To-The- soluble fibres from naturally
Gut" technology for probiotic strains derived plant sources. These
that are tough enough to reach your fibres are also prebiotics, which
gut alive and "stick" once they get serve as food for the probiotics
there. (good bacteria) to help maintain
good gut health.
Each stick pack serving has 6.3 billion
CFUs from an exclusive blend of
5 probiotic strains to help balance
and maintain the gut microbiome.

Gut Reset for Better Health | 13 | User Manual

Phase 1: Gut Reset Programme (Day 1-14)

General Nutrition Guidelines

Nutrition plays an important role in your wellbeing, especially your gut health. The 14-Day Gut Reset
smoothens the transition to a diet that includes more of these GUT-FRIENDLY foods:

Wholegrains Fruits Vegetables

wholegrain pasta, apples, oranges, spinach, broccoli,
wholegrain breads, strawberries, kiwis, cauliflower,
wholegrain rice, melons, pears, asparagus,
barley, oats, rye bananas sweet potatoes,
corn, tomatoes

Nuts and Seeds Fermented

almonds, cashews, Dairy Foods
chickpeas, lentils,
walnuts, flaxseeds, kefir, yoghurt,
chia seeds cheese

Source: Singh, Rasnik K., et al. “Influence of Diet on the Gut Microbiome and Implications for Human Health.” PubMed Central (PMC), 8 Apr. 2017,
Gut Reset for Better Health | 14 | User Manual
For additional support on specific health needs, such as high blood pressure, high
cholesterol and high blood sugar, do consider blending in these functional foods into your
healthy breakfast shakes!

Beneficial for Beneficial for Beneficial for

Beneficial for Blood Pressure Blood Cholesterol Blood Sugar
Gut Health Management Management Management

Purple cabbage Celery Carrot Bitter gourd

Black plum Beetroot Dragon fruit Baby spinach

Green pear Green apple Cherry tomato Cucumber

Sweet potato Brussels sprout Celery Alfalfa sprout

Blueberry Kiwi / citrus fruit Beetroot Walnut / almond

DON’T FORGET Drink at least 2 litres of water per day to ensure that your body is
sufficiently hydrated. Water contributes to the optimum maintenance of
Your Fluid Intake! normal physical and cognitive functions.

No food intake after 8.00pm. It is best to drink only plain water after 8.00pm.

Gut Reset for Better Health | 15 | User Manual

Phase 1: Gut Reset Programme (Day 1-14)

Malaysian Healthy Plate Rules

Building Your Daily Diet with SUKU SUKU SEPARUH
A flexible way to consume the right amount of macronutrients for a well-balanced diet.

Protein Vegetables
Meat, poultry, fish, seafood, eggs or dairy. Providing vitamins, minerals, soluble fibre and
All of these foods contain protein and some phytonutrients, vegetable are the part of the
fat content. Try to prioritise low-fat varieties of plate where you should start each meal. Serve
meat and, if possible, remove excess fat before vegetables fresh, boiled or stewed and try to avoid
cooking. Legumes are also a source of protein. adding too much oil or fat.

Aim to consume 0.8g to 1.2g of protein per kg 5-6 servings in total per day
of body weight. 1 serving can be:
+ 100g greens
That's equivalent to 4-5 servings per day + 100g raw or cooked
1 serving can be: vegetables (e.g. half a
+ 100g red meat (30g protein) cucumber or 1 pepper)
+ 100g poultry (30g protein)
+ 100g fish (20-22g protein)
+ 100g beans (8g protein)
+ 1 egg (7g protein)
+ 2 scoops (20g) of
Nutrilite Soy Protein
Drink (16g protein)

Complex Carbohydrates Fruits

Whether it’s cereals, potatoes, wholegrain pasta 2 servings in total per day
or bread, complex carbohydrates are the main 1 serving can be:
source of energy for the body. The optimum + 1 medium-size fruit
portion size is 3/4 of a cup or around 100g. + 130g berries
Avoid fried foods and fatty sauces.

2 servings in total per day Fat

1 serving can be: For example: nuts on salad, olive oil as salad
+ 100g boiled wholegrain pasta or rice dressing, oil in fish or fat on meats.
(around 50g uncooked)
2-4 servings in total per day
1 serving can be:
+ 1 tablespoon white chia seeds oil
+ oil – 13g fat (monounsaturated fat)

Gut Reset for Better Health | 16 | User Manual

Handy Hints For Portion Sizes
Use your hand to measure your portion sizes:

te in se
a pro

Protein should be the

same size as your palm.

hy drate
a ca

Carbohydrates should be
the same size as your fist.

a fat

Fats (oil, dressing, on meat)

should be the same size
as your thumb.

Gut Reset for Better Health | 17 | User Manual

Phase 1: Gut Reset Programme (Day 1-14)

Healthy Gut Reset Guidelines

Here’s a quick guide to help you reset your gut microbiome and rebalance your
body mechanism.

4R Guide: Remove, Replace, Rebalance & Reset

Remove and Replace

During the gut reset period, focus on removing It’s important to understand that not all fats are
unhealthy sugars and fats from your diet. equal. The type of fats you eat affects your gut
These include: health, so it’s important to increase the good fats
in your diet. These include:

1 Monounsaturated fats:
• Olive, peanut and canola oils
• Avocados
Refined carbohydrates, Food high in saturated
• Nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts and
such as table sugar, ice fat and trans fat, such
cream, pastry and cake. as processed meat.
• Seeds such as pumpkin and sesame seeds
Instead, replace refined carbohydrates with
a combination of complex carbohydrates, 2 Polyunsaturated fats:
• Sunflower, corn, soybean and flaxseed oils
probiotics and high fibre foods that are rich
• Walnuts
with prebiotics to reset and balance the gut
• Flax seeds

Try to eat moderate portions of complex These good fats reduce gut inflammation and
carbohydrates as they provide slow-burning energy improve mucosa production, which help to protect
throughout the day. Some examples of complex your gut lining, allowing nutrients to be absorbed
carbohydrates are brown rice, oats, quinoa or and the gut microbiome to live. Research also
sweet potatoes. shows that Omega-3 fatty acids correlate with gut
microbiome diversity.
Also, bear in mind that good hydration is very
important during the gut reset period, as you are
increasing your fibre consumption.

The recommended daily intake of fibre is 20g-30g. Most fruits and vegetables are high
in fibre. Thus, adding a functional juice into your nutritious breakfast shakes can help to
“fibre up” your daily intake without adding on too many calories!

1. Marton, Ledyane Taynara, et al. “Omega Fatty Acids and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: An Overview.” PubMed Central (PMC), 30 Sept. 2019,
2. Costantini, Lara, et al. “Impact of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on the Gut Microbiota.” PubMed Central (PMC), 7 Dec. 2017,
3. Menni, Cristina, et al. “Omega-3 Fatty Acids Correlate With Gut Microbiome Diversity and Production of N-carbamylglutamate in Middle Aged and
Elderly Women - Scientific Reports.” Nature, 11 Sept. 2017,
Gut Reset for Better Health | 18 | User Manual
Rebalance and Reset
Besides adding probiotics and prebiotics Studies also show that soy protein, which contains
to rebalance your gut microbiome, it is also isoflavones, can serve as nitrogen and energy
important to include more functional foods sources for good bacteria, which support their
into your meal plan. growth and maintenance in the gut. Adding
naturally fermented foods may help strengthen your
Functional foods provide health benefits to the gut microbiome too!
body beyond basic nutrition. Certain functional
foods are high in phytochemicals, particularly You may also include different functional foods
polyphenols that can favourably modify and into your meal plan to target different health
rebalance the microbiome composition. This benefits, i.e. managing blood pressure, blood
increases the proportion of beneficial bacteria and glucose or cholesterol level. Refer to page 15
stops potential disease-causing microorganisms for the list of functional foods that support
from colonising the gut. specific health needs.

Rebalance and reset your gut to kickstart your weight

management journey for a healthier you!
Positive Emotions

Balanced Diet Prebiotics +

+ Functional Foods Probiotics

Clean Clear Confident Calm

Digestion Cognitive Physical Emotions

Source: Huang, H., Krishnan, H. B., Pham, Q., Yu, L. L., & Wang, T. T. Y. (2016). Soy and Gut Microbiota: Interaction and Implication for Human
Health. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 64(46), 8695–8709.

Gut Reset for Better Health | 19 | User Manual

Phase 1: Gut Reset Programme (Day 1-14)

Meal Plan Sample

& Supplements
Balanced Lunch (Portion size to follow the Healthy Plate Rule) After lunch, take 1 softgel of
Sample: Nutrilite Salmon Omega Complex
• Brown Rice + Turmeric Chicken + (Other options: take it after
Roasted Rainbow Vegetables breakfast/dinner)
Note: Please refer to page 26 for the recipes. LUNCH

Breakfast Dinner
• 1 slice • BodyKey Meal
wholemeal Replacement
bread (with Shake (1 pouch)
¼ can tuna • Soy Protein Drink

in light 0 - 2.00pm (1-2 scoops

mayonnaise) - Depends

• 1 cup coffee on one’s

(black) Suggested daily protein

time: requirement)



am D IN


Begin your morning LY

with a glass of water MO
• Mixed Fiber Powder RN
(1 stick pack) No food intake after 8.00pm.
• Botanical Beverage Only plain water is allowed.
Mix Chicory Root
Extract with Blend together with functional juice ingredients for extra benefits, for example:
Probiotics (1 stick
• Soy Protein Drink Juice 1 Purple cabbage, Beetroot, Carrot, celery, Bitter gourd,
(1-2 scoops) black plum, celery, green cherry tomatoes, spinach, lemon,
green pear apple lemon cucumber
Juice 2 Purple cabbage, Brussels Dragon fruit, Alfalfa sprouts,
blueberries, sprout, beetroot, cherry walnut, almond,
purple sweet orange, tomatoes cucumber
potato golden kiwi
Note: Please refer to page 32 for the full recipes.

Gut Reset for Better Health | 20 | User Manual

Programme Expectations
It is a known fact that our dietary habits have an impact on our gut health. A healthy gut is the
key to staying fit as it affects various vital functions in our body.
Besides managing weight, this programme is also designed to potentially help you:

Improve overall Support a Improve the Help build healthy

health healthy gut appearance of skin lifestyle habits

Support a Improve the Help in fat loss Manage metabolic

positive mood quality of sleep concerns, i.e. blood
glucose, blood pressure
and cholesterol levels

You might experience these symptoms during

the 14-Day Gut Reset Programme
Everyone’s body reacts differently, so you may This is just a temporary setback that the body
not experience the same symptoms as others in needs to get over so that it can start to do what
the programme. Most symptoms are flu-like or a it does best - rebuild healthy cells, get rid of bad
continuation of the digestive issues you had before, bacteria and feed the gut with good bacteria from
which may include: all sorts of yummy food such as whole foods,
• Body ache • Skin irritation smoothies, healthy bowls, grains, fats and fibre!
• Gas and bloating • Nausea
• Headache • Diarrhoea There is no specific duration for how long the
• Fatigue symptoms will last. Most symptoms are reduced
or completely gone within 2-3 days from the start
Some individuals might experience a temporary date. It is rare, but some people do experience
worsening of symptoms during the gut reset symptoms for up to a week or more.
programme before seeing an improvement. This is
normal and an expected part of the healing process If this happens, be sure to consult a healthcare
as you are removing processed foods, sugars and professional. Please also ensure that you are
highly inflammable foods from your diet. staying hydrated and getting sufficient sleep
throughout the programme.
Our bodies have learnt to depend on these foods
for “a quick fix” of energy. As such, the body has
not built up the strength and ability to produce its
own healthy serotonin and energy.

Gut Reset for Better Health | 21 | User Manual

Phase 1: Gut Reset Programme (Day 1-14)

Hydration is very important for gut health. The human body is made up of a large percentage
of water and being hydrated is important for many processes to occur such as:

Proper blood circulation

Waste product removal
that carries oxygen and
by the kidneys
nutrients to our cells

Generally, you should consume at least 2 litres of water per day. Start your day with at least one full glass
of warm water before you consume any food to promote hydration and jumpstart your digestive pathways.

To ensure that you are well hydrated throughout the day, you may follow the schedule below:
YES (√) / NO (X)
Day 1 Day 2

1st glass
Drink your first glass of water after you wake up
Wake up
to hydrate your body after a long night’s sleep.

2nd glass
9.00am Have another glass about an hour after breakfast
to start your workday.

3rd glass
Have a glass of water 30 minutes before lunch.

4th glass
1.30pm Drinking a glass of water an hour after lunch aids
in digestion and promotes better absorption of

5th glass
3.00pm Have another glass of water to help you stay

6th glass
5.00pm Have a glass of water about an hour before dinner
to keep you satiated and prevent overeating
during dinner.

7th glass
Have a glass of water an hour after dinner.

8th glass
10.00pm Drink the last glass of water an hour before
bedtime to help cell repair overnight.

Note: The schedule may differ depending on your daily commitments.

Gut Reset for Better Health | 22 | User Manual

Physical Activity
When you exercise, your body produces endorphins, which help to improve your mood.
Regular physical exercise also helps improve posture, manage body weight, relieve
stress and even improve mental performance.

If you are already physically active and enjoy exercising, carry on and ensure that it's done regularly.

If you’re not used to exercising regularly, here are some tips to help you get started.

1 Start with simple exercises such as walking or cycling.

2 Walking is effective, easy and low risk. It requires no special equipment, except
comfortable footwear. Try to set aside at least 30 minutes a day for walking. You
can start with 10 minutes and set a goal to increase by +5 minutes every day.

3 Use every opportunity to be more active. Use the stairs instead of the lift,
walk short distances instead of driving, or park your car in a place that
provides a nice walk to your destination.

Gut Reset for Better Health | 23 | User Manual

Phase 1: Gut Reset Programme (Day 1-14)

Positive Mindset
& Community Involvement
Positive thinking is the key to unlocking your wellbeing, ensuring the success of your 14-Day
Healthy Gut Reset and subsequently achieving your health goals after 60 days.

+ Create a specific waking SUFFICIENT PROGRESSIVE + Follow the steps

and sleeping schedule SLEEP MUSCLE below to experience
to regulate your body’s RELAXATION progressive muscle
internal clock. relaxation:
+ Wind down before bed 1. Bring awareness to a
(e.g. take a bath, read, specific muscle in your
avoid social media) body (tip: start with your
toes and then work your
way up.)
2. Start by squeezing
that muscle for a few
seconds before releasing.
3. Feel the sensations,
imagine your tension
decreasing with each
breath. Release and
repeat this process in

MINDFULNESS1 different areas of your


+ Don’t be too hard on SELF DIAPHRAGMATIC + Give this a try:

yourself RECOGNITION BREATHING 1. Wear comfortable
Forgot to follow the clothes and get in a
programme today? Don’t comfortable position.
worry. Tomorrow is a new 2. Place 1 hand on your
day and a new chance to belly and the other hand
get back on track. on your chest so you
+ Congratulate yourself on can feel your belly and
your daily achievements lungs filling with air.
and thank yourself for the 3. Inhale to fill your belly
benefits you’re starting to with air, hold it for a
enjoy. few seconds (3-5secs),
+ Reward yourself for exhale from your lungs
achieving interim goals. and then belly.

1 With contribution of Nora Petnehazy, MsC Complex Wellbeing Specialist; Nutritionist; University Lecturer

Gut Reset for Better Health | 24 | User Manual

+ Everything is made easier when done
in the company of others. Invite other
people to join you, create a group and
share your progress, experiences and
exchange motivational messages.

+ Encourage your family to share similar

meals & recipes that you follow during
the programme.

+ Join future Nutrilite healthy lifestyle


Gut Reset for Better Health | 25 | User Manual

Phase 1: Gut Reset Programme (Day 1-14)

Healthy Recipes
Main Meals (Lunch/Dinner)
Fragrant Pandan Brown Rice
This Fragrant Pandan Brown Rice is made with brown rice, shallots, garlic and ginger
for an easy way to jumpstart your first day of the gut reset with plenty of complex
carbohydrates. Ginger is known to aid in digestion and help reduce bloating.

Yield: 6 servings Method:

1 Sauté the shallots, ginger and garlic with White Chia
Ingredients: Seed Oil in the rice cooker pot for a few minutes.
• 1 tbsp White Chia Seed Oil 2 Add in rice, water and pandan leaves to the pot and
• 2 cups long grain brown rice cook until it’s done.
• 1L water
• 2 screwpine (pandan) leaves (knotted)
• 5 shallots (sliced)
• 5 cloves garlic (sliced)
• 10g ginger (sliced)

Note: The Fragrant Pandan Brown Rice can be served with

Turmeric Chicken and Roasted Vegetables (please refer to
the recipes in the following pages). Portion size to follow the
Healthy Plate Rule.

Gut Reset for Better Health | 26 | User Manual

Turmeric Chicken
This chicken dish pairs perfectly with the Fragrant Brown Rice. It features asparagus, a
prebiotic food, and it includes turmeric, a well-known antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
ingredient that contributes to a healthy gut.

Ingredients: Method:
• 3 tbsp honey 1 In a small bowl, stir together ¼ cup of water with
• ¾ tsp black pepper honey, pepper and ½ teaspoon of sea salt. Set the
• Sea salt honey mixture aside.
• 1½ tsp ground turmeric 2 In a medium bowl, stir together corn flour, turmeric and
• 2 tbsp corn flour 1 teaspoon of sea salt. Add the chicken and toss until
• 450g boneless, skinless chicken thighs coated.
(cut into 1-inch pieces) 3 In a 10-inch non-stick skillet, heat oil over medium-
• 1 tbsp white chia seed oil/olive oil high heat. Add the chicken and cook until the
• 300g asparagus (trimmed and thinly sliced turmeric is fragrant and the chicken is golden brown
on an angle) on both sides (about 2 to 3 minutes per side). Add
• 1 tsp unseasoned rice vinegar the asparagus and cook until crisp-tender (about an
additional 1-2 minutes).
4 Drizzle the honey mixture over the chicken and
asparagus and stir it until the sauce has thickened.
This may take around 2 to 3 minutes.
5 Remove from heat. Season to taste with salt and

Gut Reset for Better Health | 27 | User Manual

Phase 1: Gut Reset Programme (Day 1-14)

Roasted Rainbow Vegetables

Ingredients: Method:
• 2 large carrots (peeled and sliced into coins) 1 Preheat oven to 200°C.
• 2 zucchinis (chopped) 2 Spread the chopped vegetables on a roasting pan
• 1 cup Brussels sprouts (peeled and cut into and add the olive oil, herbs, crushed garlic, salt and
quarters pepper. Toss together so that the veggies are well
(Broccoli can be used as an alternative) coated with the seasoning.
• 1 red onion (peeled and cut into quarters) 3 Cook in the oven for 40-50 minutes, mixing
• 2 medium beetroot (peeled and chopped occasionally.
into cubes) 4 Remove from the oven when all veggies are fork-
• 1 red pepper (de-seeded and sliced) tender and serve.
• 1 yellow pepper (de-seeded and sliced)
• 2 cloves garlic (peeled and crushed)
• ¼ cup olive oil
• 1 tbsp dried rosemary
• ½ tbsp dried thyme
• ¼ tsp salt
• ¼ tsp black pepper

Gut Reset for Better Health | 28 | User Manual

Poke Bowl with Shrimp

Yield: 3 servings Method:

For quinoa:
Ingredients: 1 Rinse quinoa thoroughly under cool water. Add water
For quinoa: and bring to a boil – 1 cup quinoa to 1¾ cup water is
• 1 cup quinoa the perfect ratio.
• 1¾ cup water 2 Turn the heat down to the lowest setting, cover and
• 1/2 tsp salt cook for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and let it stand
covered for 10-15 minutes (without peeking!).
For shrimp:
3 Fluff the quinoa gently with a fork and serve.
• 450g shrimp (substitute with tofu for
For shrimp:
• 1 small onion (finely chopped)
1 Defrost shrimp and tap dry with a paper towel.
• 4 cloves garlic (minced)
2 Sauté the shrimp with onion and garlic with oil in a pan
• 1 tsp paprika powder
(2 minutes per side). Season with salt and paprika.
• ⅓ tsp sea salt
• 1 tbsp oil
Assemble the poke bowl:
Toppings: 1 Scoop the desired amount of quinoa into a bowl, add
• 1 medium carrot (shaved or chopped) the shrimp and the rest of the toppings.
• 1 small avocado (thinly sliced) 2 Drizzle the sauce and sprinkle sesame seeds before
• 4 tbsp red cabbage sauerkraut (may be serving.
replaced with other fermented foods)
• A handful of sprouts
• ½ bell pepper (sliced)
• 2 tbsp sesame seeds (for garnishing)
For sauce:
• 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
• 2 tbsp honey
• 1 tbsp white chia seed oil/olive oil

Gut Reset for Better Health | 29 | User Manual

Phase 1: Gut Reset Programme (Day 1-14)

Grilled Salmon and Sweet Potato Bowl with Veggie Dip

This bowl is the perfect marriage of healthy and flavourful ingredients – Omega-3 fatty
acids from the salmon paired with the prebiotic, antioxidant power of sweet potatoes and
spinach. Top it off with Greek yoghurt to take your gut health to the next level.

Ingredients: Method:
• 1 medium salmon fillet 1 Preheat oven to 190°C. Line 2 baking trays with
• 1 medium sweet potatoes (peeled and parchment paper and set aside.
cut into 1-inch cubes) 2 Mix 1 tablespoon of oil and a pinch of salt in a large
• 1 tbsp White Chia Seed Oil mixing bowl. Add the sweet potatoes and toss until
• Pinch of sea salt each piece is coated with oil. Pour the seasoned
• 1 lime potatoes onto one baking tray, making sure they are
• Black pepper evenly spread.
• 1 avocado (sliced thinly) 3 Place salmon, skin side down, on your second baking
• 1 large handful spinach tray. Rub the remaining oil over your salmon fillet. Slice
• ⅓ cup pine nuts one lime and put it on top of your salmon. Sprinkle
• Greek yoghurt black pepper to taste.
4 Place both baking trays in the oven. Cook until
potatoes are tender and the salmon reaches an
internal temperature of 62.8°C.
5 In the meantime, prep the rest of your ingredients.
Slice the avocado and cut the last of the lime into
6 To assemble the bowl: Place a handful of spinach at
the bottom of the bowl, top it with a handful of sweet
potatoes, the salmon fillet, a few slices of avocado, 1 to
2 tablespoons of pine nuts and a lime wedge. Optional:
Finish with a spoonful of Greek yoghurt.

Gut Reset for Better Health | 30 | User Manual

Veggie Dip

1. Prepare a platter with crisp crunchy veggies like carrots, celery, cucumber and cherry tomatoes.
2. Serve with any of the dressings below:

Dressing 1: Guacamole Dressing 2: Yoghurt Dressing

Ingredients: Ingredients:
• 1 cup frozen peas, slightly thawed • PhytoPowder lemon – 2-3 tbsp
• 1 medium avocado (chopped) • Greek yoghurt – 1 cup
• Juice from 1 lime
• ½ cup cherry tomatoes (diced)
• ½ cup red onion (diced)
1 Mix the two ingredients together in a bowl.
• ¼ cup fresh cilantro (optional, chopped)
Serve with veggies of your choice.
• 2 cloves fresh garlic (minced)
• Fine sea salt to taste
• 1 tbsp white chia seed oil/olive oil

1 Place your frozen peas in a food processor and pulse
until the peas are blended smooth.
2 In a medium bowl, mix your blended peas, tomato,
onion, cilantro, garlic, lime juice and white chia seed
oil. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
3 Add in your chopped avocado and mix to combine.
Mash with a fork to your desired thickness.
4 Serve with veggies of your choice.

Gut Reset for Better Health | 31 | User Manual

Phase 1: Gut Reset Programme (Day 1-14)

Healthy Juice Recipes

Recipe 1 Recipe 2
• 1x green apple • 3x Brussels sprouts
• 1x celery stalk • 1x orange
• ½ small beetroot • 1x golden kiwi
• 1x stick Nutrilite Mixed Fiber Powder • 1x stick Nutrilite Mixed Fiber Powder
• 1x stick Nutrilite Botanical Beverage Mix • 1x stick Nutrilite Botanical Beverage Mix
Chicory Root Extract With Probiotics Chicory Root Extract With Probiotics
• 200ml cold water • 200ml cold water

Recipe 1 Recipe 2
• ½ carrot • ½ white or red dragon fruit
• 1x celery stalk • ½ beetroot
• 5x cherry tomatoes • 5x cherry tomatoes
• ½x lemon • 1x stick Nutrilite Mixed Fiber Powder
• 1x stick Nutrilite Mixed Fiber Powder • 1x stick Nutrilite Botanical Beverage Mix
• 1x stick Nutrilite Botanical Beverage Mix Chicory Root Extract With Probiotics
Chicory Root Extract With Probiotics • 200ml cold water
• 200ml cold water

Disclaimer: The juicing recipe provided above is for reference only. If you have any medical condition or are taking any medication, please consult
your doctor before making any significant changes to your diet, including incorporating healthy juices into your daily diet plan. While juicing can be
a healthy addition to your diet, it may not be suitable for everyone and could have potential interactions with medications. Feel free to create your
own healthy juices with different fruits and vegetables that work for you.

Gut Reset for Better Health | 32 | User Manual

Recipe 1 Recipe 2
• ½ medium bitter gourd • ⅓ cup Alfalfa sprouts
• ½ cup spinach • 5x walnuts
• ½ lemon • 10x almond nuts
• ½ cucumber • ½ cucumber
• 1x stick Nutrilite Mixed Fiber Powder • 1x stick Nutrilite Mixed Fiber Powder
• 1x stick Nutrilite Botanical Beverage Mix • 1x stick Nutrilite Botanical Beverage Mix
Chicory Root Extract With Probiotics Chicory Root Extract With Probiotics
• 200ml cold water • 200ml cold water

Recipe 1 Recipe 2
• 1x large purple cabbage leaf • 10x blueberries
• ½ black plum • 2x steamed large purple cabbage leaves
• ½ green pear • ½ steamed purple sweet potato
• 1x stick Nutrilite Mixed Fiber Powder • 1x stick Nutrilite Mixed Fiber Powder
• 1x stick Nutrilite Botanical Beverage Mix • 1x stick Nutrilite Botanical Beverage Mix
Chicory Root Extract With Probiotics Chicory Root Extract With Probiotics
• 200ml cold water • 200ml cold water

Disclaimer: The juicing recipe provided above is for reference only. If you have any medical condition or are taking any medication, please consult
your doctor before making any significant changes to your diet, including incorporating healthy juices into your daily diet plan. While juicing can be
a healthy addition to your diet, it may not be suitable for everyone and could have potential interactions with medications. Feel free to create your
own healthy juices with different fruits and vegetables that work for you.

Gut Reset for Better Health | 33 | User Manual

Phase 1: Gut Reset Programme (Day 1-14)

See the Difference

Once you’ve completed the first 14 days of the BodyKey Gut Reset Weight Management
Programme, retake the Medical Symptoms/Toxicity Questionnaire (MSQ) and compare the results.
We encourage you to retake the test at Day 30 and Day 60 to track your progress.

The Toxicity and Symptom Screening Questionnaire identifies symptoms that help to identify the underlying causes of illness, and helps you track your
progress over time. Rate each of the following symptoms based upon your health profile. Record your symptoms for the last 48 hours ONLY.

Point Scale
0 = Never or almost never have the symptom 2 = Occasionally have, effect is severe 4 = Frequently have it, effect is severe
1 = Occasionally have it, effect is not severe 3 = Frequently have it, effect is not severe

Digestive Tract Eyes Lungs Nose

Nausea or vomitting Watery or itchy eyes Chest congestion Stuffy nose
Diarrhoea Swollen, reddened or Asthma, bronchitis Sinus problems
Constipation sticky eyelids Shortness of breath Hay fever
Bloated feeling Bags or dark circles under eyes Difficult breathing Sneezing attacks
Belching, or passing gas Blurred or tunnel vision (does Total Excessive mucus formation
not include near or
Heartburn far-sightedness) Total
Intestinal/Stomach pain Total Poor memory Skin
Head Confusion, poor Acne
Ears comprehension
Headaches Hives, rashes, or dry skin
Itchy ears Poor concentration
Faintness Hair loss
Earaches, ear infections Poor physical coordination
Dizziness Flushing or hot flushes
Drainage from ear Difficulty in making decisions
Insomnia Excessive sweating
Ringing in ears, hearing loss Stuttering or stammering
Total Total
Total Slurred speech
Heart Learning disabilities Weight
Emotions Total
Irregular or skipped heartbeat Binge eating/drinking
Mood swings
Rapid or pounding heartbeat Craving certain foods
Anxiety, fear or nervousness Mouth/Throat
Chest pain Excessjve weight
Anger, irritability, or Chronic coughing
Total Compulsive eating
aggressiveness Gagging, frequent need to
Water retention
Depression clear throat
Joints/Muscles Underweight
Total Sore throat, hoarseness,
Pain or aches in joints loss of voice Total
Arthritis Swollen/discolored tongue,
Stiffness or limitation of gum, lips Other
Fatigue, sluggishness
movement Canker sores Frequent ilness
Apathy, lethargy
Pain or aches in muscles Total Frequent or urgent urination
Feeling of weakness or Genital itch or discharge
Restlessness tiredness
Total Total

Key to Questionnaire Scan and fill out the

Add individual scores and total each group. questionnaire.
Grand Add each group's scores to get the grand total. It will only take 10 minutes to
Total • Optimal is less than 10 • Mild Toxicity: 10-50 complete.
• Moderate Toxicity: 50-100 • Severe Toxicity: Over 100 Link:

Note: The MSQ is a tracking tool that has been used to assess an individual’s progress in dietary and lifestyle changes. It is not
intended as a medical diagnosis and, in case of any doubt, please consult a physician.

1. Jones DQ,S. Textbook of Functional Medicine. WA: Gig Harbor; 2006.
2. Lawrence, Kate, and Jeannette Hyde. “Microbiome Restoration Diet Improves Digestion, Cognition and Physical and Emotional Wellbeing.”
Microbiome Restoration Diet Improves Digestion, Cognition and Physical and Emotional Wellbeing. PLOS ONE, 14 June 2017

Gut Reset for Better Health | 34 | User Manual

BodyKey Gut Reset Weight Management Programme Monitoring Guide

Day 0 Day 1-14 Day 15-60 Day 60 6-12 months

Pre-Health Gut Weight Post-Health Further weight Overall

Screening Reset Management Screening maintenance plan Wellbeing

Targeted blood A
+ Health Check + MSQ Test + Body + Health Check
+ Body (Day 1 Composition + Body
glucose management Happier
Composition & 2) + MSQ Test at Composition & Heathier
Day 30 + MSQ Test Targeted cholesterol YOU!
Note: The duration of the intensive phase is flexible and depends on your weight
Intensive Phase management target. However, it should not be too short if you want to achieve
sustainable weight management.

Congratulations! You have followed the Phase 1: Gut Reset Programme

(Day 1-14) closely and now you get to enjoy a heathier GUT.

A healthy gut is key to successfully losing weight. Now, take the next
step which is the weight management programme to achieve healthy
and sustainable weight loss.

Gut Reset for Better Health | 35 | User Manual

Phase 2: Weight Management Programme (Day 15-60)

Healthy Weight Management

The BodyKey Weight Management Programme combines gut health and healthy weight
management. Kickstart the weight management phase to unlock a NEW you.

Benefits of the BodyKey Weight Management Programme:

1 2
It helps to break through your weight A personalised weight management
management barriers. This personalised programme that focuses on a balanced
programme is based on your personal diet, supplementation, and exercise. It
lifestyle to give you long-term results that helps you to safely and effectively lose
are easy to follow. weight and help you keep it off.

MANAGE Your Weight via a Balanced Diet, Exercise,

and Supplementation!

Malaysian Healthy Plate Rules & Portion Control

Balanced Diet
Healthy Eating Habits

Aerobic and Strength Training Exercise

Physical Activity
Establish A Regular Exercise Routine

Mixed Fiber Powder, Botanical Beverage Mix Chicory Root Extract

Supplementation with Probiotics, BodyKey Meal Replacement Shake, Soy Protein
Drink, Salmon Omega Complex

Gut Reset for Better Health | 36 | User Manual

Before You Start
It is strongly recommended that you perform a body composition test before you begin the Phase
1 and Phase 2 programmes to know your initial body weight status. Perform the test again after
completing the Phase 2 programme to measure the changes in your body weight status. You may
also perform the test regularly along your weight management journey to track your progress.

Here are several key information you need to know about your body weight status!

1 Body Mass Index (BMI)

This is the most established and widely used measurement defined as:

Weight (kg)
Height x Height (m2)

BMI (kg/m2) Classification Level of Health Risks

<18.5 Underweight Low*
Aim to achieve and maintain
18.5 – 22.9 Normal Average a healthy BMI of 18.5-
22.9 kg/m².
≥23 Overweight Moderate

23.0 – 24.9 Pre-Obese High

25.0 – 29.9 Obese I Very high

≥30 Obese II Extremely high

*Increased risk of other clinical problems
Source: WHO Asian BMI Classification

2 Body Composition
Body composition simply means what the body is made of, namely fat, protein, minerals, and
water. It describes our body weight more accurately compared to BMI and gives a better picture of
your overall health. Use the body composition scale to know your body fat percentage.

Suggested Body Fat Percentage %

Female 18 - 28% % %
Male 10 - 20%
Source: Inbody USA

Gut Reset for Better Health | 37 | User Manual

Phase 2: Weight Management Programme (Day 15-60)

3 Waist Circumference & Waist to Hip Ratio

Abdominal obesity (also known as central or visceral obesity) is defined as excess deposits of
fat in the abdominal region. It is directly associated to non-communicable diseases (NCDs).

Abdominal Obesity
Waist Circumference Waist to Hip Ratio
Your waist circumference
Female >80cm (32 inches) > 0.85 and waist to hip ratio
Male >90cm (35 inches) > 1.0 should be below the
recommended cut off point.
Source: World Health Organization



Waist Circumference
Measurement be made at
Hip Circumference the approximate midpoint
Measurement should be between the lower margin of
taken around the widest the last palpable rib and the
portion of the buttocks. top of the iliac crest.

Waist to Hip Ratio Example:

Waist circumference divided by Waist circumference : 75cm
the hip circumference Hip circumference : 90cm
Your waist-hip ratio : 0.83

1 2
Weigh and measure yourself regularly

Weigh yourself in light clothing and

without shoes using the same weighing Measure waist circumference using a
scale at least once a week, preferably measuring tape, at least once a month.
before breakfast.

Gut Reset for Better Health | 38 | User Manual

The Principle of Weight Management:
Energy Balance
Your energy balance is the balance of calories consumed through eating and drinking compared to
calories burned through physical activity. What you eat and drink is ENERGY IN. What you burn
through physical activity is ENERGY OUT. Energy is measured in calories.

Calorie INPUT & Calorie OUTPUT Determines Your Weight

Energy from food < Energy from food = Energy from food >
Energy used by the body Energy used by the body Energy used by the body

Weight Loss Weight Maintenance Weight Gain

Energy In Energy Out

1500 kcal / Energy In Energy Out 1000 kcal /
Energy Out 2000 kcal / 2000 kcal / Energy In
day day
2000 kcal / day day 2500 kcal /
day day

Proper nutrition (eating a well-balanced diet)

and daily physical activities are key components
of any effective weight management programme.

At its core, weight loss occurs only through a

negative energy balance or caloric deficit, which
is produced when we use or burn more calories than
we take in.

The most effective way of creating this caloric deficit

is through a combination of diet (restricting calorie
intake) and exercise (increasing calorie expenditure).

In essence:

Gut Reset for Better Health | 39 | User Manual

Phase 2: Weight Management Programme (Day 15-60)

Increase Your Calories Burned

by Increasing Your Protein Intake
We get our calories from food. Carbohydrates, To lose weight, limit calorie intake from high fat and
fats, and proteins are the main macronutrients high-carb foods. Meanwhile, you might benefit by
that provide you energy in the form of calories that adding more protein in your diet as protein can
are needed to maintain your body’s functions and play a role in successful weight loss. Adding more
structure. Carbohydrates provide 4 calories per protein to your diet may promote a feeling of
gram, protein provides 4 calories per gram, and fat fullness and prevent muscle loss. Protein also
provides 9 calories per gram. has the highest thermic effect, meaning it takes
more calories to digest compared to carbohydrates
or fats.

Why the Increase in Protein?

Digesting Protein burns more calories compared to Fat and Carbohydrates

Burns 30-40% Burns 5-6% Burns 4-5%

of calories of calories of calories

Protein Carbohydrates Fat

How Much Protein Do You Need?

Bare minimum to prevent deficiency; insufficient to
promote optimal health

0.8g x body weight (kg)

Ideal Amount
1g* x body weight (kg)
*RNI, MOH (2017)

Athletes, body builders and those who exercise often

1.2g - 1.7g x body weight (kg)

Slowly increase your protein intake by replacing

processed foods or excessive carbohydrates or fats
with protein-rich foods.

Look for lean animal-based sources of protein

like meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and dairy. You can also
get your protein from plant-based sources like soy
and legumes. Protein powder is also a good option
to increase your protein intake.

Gut Reset for Better Health | 40 | User Manual

Goal Setting
Setting Realistic & Achievable Goals
Having a clear vision of your weight loss goals is critical to your success. Unfortunately, many people
give up on their weight loss goals because they expect fast results that do not take any effort, time,
or perseverance. When they are confronted with the amount of effort that is required, it can leave
them feeling too overwhelmed to do anything at all. You can overcome this feeling of paralysis by
analysis through setting realistic, achievable goals that push you out of your comfort zone.

G row what matters

O ne step
A t a time
L ittle by little, your
S teps will add up.
Example of realistic and achievable goals:

Weight loss rate: 0.5kg – 1kg per week

(Lose about 2 – 4kg per month)

Lose at least 5-10% of initial weight over

6 months

Reduce at least 4cm of waist circumference

or achieve normal measurement over 6 months

Even a modest weight loss of 5-10% of your total body weight is likely to produce health
benefits, such as improvement in blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and blood sugar.
Source: CDC, 2022

Gut Reset for Better Health | 41 | User Manual

Phase 2: Weight Management Programme (Day 15-60)

General Nutrition Guidelines

Eat food from all food groups
in every meal.

Eat portions in moderation. Just
eat enough, not too much or too
little of any food.

Include a variety of foods in your
daily diet. Mix and match!

Malaysian Healthy
Plate Rules

Portion Control
A flexible way to consume
the right amount of
macronutrients for a well-
balanced diet.

Protein Carbohydrates Vegetables

Oils Fruits Water

Gut Reset for Better Health | 42 | User Manual

Healthy Eating Habits
Mindful eating is a technique that helps you better manage your eating habits. Mindful eating
involves paying closer attention to your food and how it makes you feel. It helps you learn to
distinguish between physical and emotional hunger. It has also been shown to reduce disordered
eating behaviours, support weight loss and help you feel better.

Mindful Eating

Eat slowly. Chew 20-30

times before swallowing.

Maintain regular meal


Eat with no distractions.

Avoid having late dinners or

heavy suppers.

Postpone desire of emotional

eating and avoid food temptation.

Stop eating when you

are full.

Make healthier snack


Listen to true
hunger cues.

Avoid eating snacks

straight from the bag.

Gut Reset for Better Health | 43 | User Manual

Phase 2: Weight Management Programme (Day 15-60)

Physical Activity
Aerobic and Strength Training Exercise
BodyKey recommended exercise plans are synchronised to your fitness level and long-term weight-
loss goals. There is strong scientific evidence that shows getting the right amount of structured activity
supports your effort to both lose weight and keep the weight off. Physical activity also increases energy
expenditure and has a positive impact on stress, sleep, and mood.

What is the recommended activity level?

The latest WHO recommendation advocates Muscle strengthening activities involving major
for adults to engage in at least 30 minutes of muscle groups should be carried out on at least
moderate to vigorous intensity aerobic exercise, two days a week to help increase muscle mass.
at least five days a week for substantial health
benefits. You can spread out your activity out during
the week and break it up into smaller chunks of time.




gt hT

You do not have to be an athlete! Little movements add up!

Engaging in exercises and general daily movements that are right for you can make it
faster and easier for you to reach your weight management goals.

Gut Reset for Better Health | 44 | User Manual

Regular Exercise Routine
If you are not used to exercising regularly and do not know where to start, here is an exercise guide
to help you get started.


Try to fit any of the following exercises into your schedule:

Exercise Target/Duration Frequency

Walking 10,000 steps Daily

Climbing Stairs 15 minutes Daily

2 - 3 times
Aerobics 30 minutes
a week

2 - 3 times
Strength Training 20 minutes
a week

Gut Reset for Better Health | 45 | User Manual

Phase 2: Weight Management Programme (Day 15-60)

Physical Activity
Aim to achieve 10,000 steps per day
Another tip to become more physically active is to walk 10,000 steps per day.

Here are some tips to help you start accumulating steps

and achieve this goal.

Go for a 10-minute brisk walk around the


Walk to lunch or to the store.

Take a walk during your lunch break.

Park your car further away to gain

extra steps.

At work, walk to your colleague’s desk

instead of calling or messaging them.

Set a timer to get up every half hour or

so and walk around your home or office.

Take the stairs instead of using lifts or


Walk in place/ jog on treadmill/ jump

rope while watching TV.

Pace while you talk on the phone.

Do house chores more often and do it manually,

such as sweeping and mopping the floor,
washing the car.

Gut Reset for Better Health | 46 | User Manual

Weight Management
Supplement Guide
Meal Replacement Shakes
Salmon Omega Complex A nutritional drink that contains protein,
Omega-3 fatty acids are critical structural fibre, 22 vitamins and minerals that provide
components of cell membranes. They also at least one third of our daily nutritional
play a key role in blood lipid metabolism needs while controlling calorie intake.
and heart health.
Replace 1 meal at night. If a light dinner is
Take one softgel per day after a meal to fulfill usually consumed, replace the heaviest meal
your dietary gap of Omega-3 fatty acids. Take it in the day with a shake. The meal replacement
either after breakfast, lunch, or dinner. shake can also be taken as a healthy breakfast.

Mixed Fiber Powder

It is a good source
of prebiotics, which
serve as food for Morning Night
the probiotics (good
bacteria) to enhance
gut health.

Take 1 stick in the morning

or any other preferred time
for satiety, good digestive
health, and improve
metabolic functions. It can
also be mixed with the
Meal Replacement Shake Soy Protein Drink
and Soy Protein Drink.
Unique combination of soy, wheat
and pea provides excellent source of
high-quality dietary protein for growth,
Botanical Beverage Mix Chicory maintenance and repairing of muscles
Root Extract with Probiotics and tissues.
Each stick pack serving has 6.3 billion CFUs
from an exclusive blend of 5 probiotic strains to Take 1-2 scoops (depends on one's daily
help balance and maintain the gut microbiome. protein requirement) together with the Meal
Replacement Shake for satiety and muscle
Consume one stick pack daily. This product may be mass preservation.
consumed any time on an empty stomach. Sprinkle
directly onto the tongue or mix with cold foods and

Gut Reset for Better Health | 47 | User Manual

Phase 2: Weight Management Programme (Day 15-60)

Meal Plan Sample

& Supplements
Balanced Lunch (441 Kcal)
• 1 bowl of rice After lunch, take 1 softgel of
• 1 scoop stir-fried vegetables Nutrilite Salmon Omega Complex
• 1 scoop legumes (Other options: take it after
• 1 palm-sized fish slices with breakfast/dinner)
gravy vegetable soup

Healthy Healthy Snacks

Breakfast (179 Kcal)
(340kcal) • A handful of
• Garden salad mixed roasted

• 2 tbsp Asian nuts


dressing Total calories

• 2x hard-
a day:
boiled eggs
• 1 serving Approximately
fruits 1205Kcal

NE Meal Replacement

Begin your morning N
with a glass of water
KF DI (approximately 245Kcal)
• Mixed Fiber Powder • BodyKey Meal
(1 stick pack) Replacement Shake
• Botanical Beverage (1 pouch)
Mix Chicory Root ET • Soy Protein Drink
Extract with I (1-2 scoops - Depends

Probiotics on one’s daily protein


(1 stick pack) requirement)


Gut Reset for Better Health | 48 | User Manual

Healthy Shakes Recipes
with BodyKey Meal Replacement
You may blend the BodyKey Meal Replacement Shake and Soy Protein Drink with functional foods
for extra benefits, for example:

Recipe 1 Recipe 2
• 1x green apple • ½ avocado
• 1x celery stalk • ½ banana
• ½ small beetroot • 1 cup baby spinach
• 1x stick Nutrilite Mixed Fiber Powder • 1x stick Nutrilite Mixed Fiber Powder
• 1x stick Nutrilite Botanical Beverage Mix • 1x stick Nutrilite Botanical Beverage Mix
Chicory Root Extract With Probiotics Chicory Root Extract With Probiotics
• 1x pouch BodyKey By Nutrilite Meal • 1x pouch BodyKey By Nutrilite Meal
Replacement Shake (Berry) Replacement Shake (Chocolate)
• 1x scoop of Nutrilite Soy Protein Drink • 1x scoop of Nutrilite Soy Protein Drink
• 250ml cold water • 250ml cold water

Recipe 3 Recipe 4
• ½ cup Alfalfa sprouts • 1x large purple cabbage leaf
• 5x walnuts • ½ black plum
• 10x almond nuts • ½ green pear
• ½ cucumber • 1x stick Nutrilite Mixed Fiber Powder
• 1x stick Nutrilite Mixed Fiber Powder • 1x stick Nutrilite Botanical Beverage Mix
• 1x stick Nutrilite Botanical Beverage Mix Chicory Root Extract With Probiotics
Chicory Root Extract With Probiotics • 1x pouch BodyKey By Nutrilite Meal
• 1x pouch BodyKey By Nutrilite Meal Replacement Shake (Café Latte)
Replacement Shake (Café Latte) • 1x scoop of Nutrilite Soy Protein Drink
• 1x scoop of Nutrilite Soy Protein Drink • 250ml cold water
• 250ml cold water

Disclaimer: The healthy shakes recipe provided above is for reference only. If you have any medical condition or are taking any medication, please
consult your doctor before making any significant changes to your diet, including incorporating healthy juices into your daily diet plan. While healthy
shakes can be a healthy addition to your diet, it may not be suitable for everyone and could have potential interactions with medications. Feel free
to create your own healthy shakes with different fruits and vegetables that work for you.

Gut Reset for Better Health | 49 | User Manual

Phase 2: Weight Management Programme (Day 15-60)

See the Difference

BodyKey Gut Reset Weight Management Programme Monitoring Guide
Completed Completed

Day 0 Day 1-14 Day 15-60 Day 60 6-12 months

Pre-Health Gut Weight Post-Health Further weight Overall

Screening Reset Management Screening management plan Wellbeing

Targeted blood A
+ Health Check + MSQ Test + Body + Health Check
+ Body (Day 1 Composition + Body
glucose management Happier
Composition & 2) + MSQ Test at Composition & Heathier
Day 30 + MSQ Test Targeted cholesterol YOU!
Note: The duration of the intensive phase is flexible and depends on your weight
Intensive Phase management target. However, it should not be too short if you want to achieve
sustainable weight management.

Congratulations! You have followed the programme closely and are

now enjoying the benefits of happier, healthier living.

Now, take the next step in your journey by using a targeted solution
or product bundle specific to your health goal.

Continue your
journey to healthier,
happier living and
enjoy the support of
Nutrilite™ products
every step of
the way.

Gut Reset for Better Health | 50 | User Manual

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Gut Reset for Better Health | 51 | User Manual

This user guide is meant for Amway Business Owners
only. It is not meant to be circulated to the public. The
contents are for informative purpose only and are not
a substitute for professional medical advice. Please
consult your physician on any questions or concerns you
may have regarding your health.

© Copyright 2023 Amway (B) Sdn. Bhd. and Amway (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
197501000529 (22062-P) AJL93010. All rights reserved.

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