Public Finance MCQ
Public Finance MCQ
Public Finance MCQ
A. Public revenue
B. Public debt
C. Public expenditure
D. All of these
A. Central Government
B. State Government
C. Local Government
D. All of these
A. Dalton
B. Pigou
C. Smith
D. Musgrave
4. Which is the main point on the basis of which public finance can be separated from
private finance:
A. Price policy
B. Borrowings
C. Secrecy
D. Elasticity in income
A. Compulsory
B. Optional
C. Forced
D. Nationality
A. Increase in consumption
B. Increase in production
7. Among the following canons of taxation which one has been given by Adam Smith:
A. Canon of Uniformity
B. Canon of productivity
C. Canon of diversity
D. Canon of equity
A. Proportional
B. Progressive
C. Regressive
D. Degressive
C. Maturity
76. Which of the following could be a reason for raising public loans by a country?
C. Financing the public sector for expanding and strengthening the public
77. Which of the following are the causes of public debt of a country?
A. Political slavery
B. Danger of insolvency
A. Present generation
B. Past generation
C. Future generation
D. None of these
80. Which one of the following is not a method for redeeming public debt?
A. Sinking fund
B. Capital levy
C. Terminal annuities
D. Grants in aid
81. The debts which the government promises to pay off at a specified date are called
A. Irredeemable debts
B. Funded debts
C. Redeemable debts
D. Unfunded debts
A. Unfunded debts
B. Funded debts
C. Redeemable debts
D. None
A. Funded debts
B. Floating debts
C. Irredeemable debts
D. None
84. Treasury bills issued by the Government are in the nature of:
A. Funded debts
B. Floating debts
C. Irredeemable debts
D. None
85. Converting or altering a public debt from a higher to a lower rate of interest is referred to
A. Conversion
B. Sinking Fund
C. Repudiation
D. Terminable Annuities
86. Deadweight debt refers to which of the following form of Public Debt?
A. Internal Debt
B. External Debt
C. Unproductive Debt
D. Productive Debt
87. Debt obligations of the government that have maturities of one year or less is normally
A. Commercial Papers
B. Commercial Deposits
C. Treasury Bills
D. Certificate of Deposits
A. Perpetual loans
B. Terminable loans
C. Flexible loans
D. Rigid Loans
A. Perpetual debt
B. Terminable debt
C. Flexible debt
D. Unproductive debt
A. Repudiation
B. Capital levy
C. Sinking fund
92. Which of the following is NOT an accepted method of redemption of public debt?
A. Repudiation of Public Debt
B. Refunding
C. Conversion
93. Which of the following method of public debt redemption is most UNLIKELY to be
resorted to by the Government?
A. Conversion
B. Sinking Fund
C. Repudiation
D. Terminable Annuities
95. A fund created by the government and gradually accumulated every year by setting aside
a part of current public revenue in such a way that it would be sufficient to pay off the
funded debt at the time of maturity is called
A. Consolidated Fund
B. Equity Fund
C. Credit Fund
D. Sinking Fund
96. Which of the following are the purposes for raising public loans?
A. Bringing gap between revenue and expenditure through temporary loans
from central bank.
B. To reduce depression in the economy and financing public works
C. To curb inflation by withdrawing the purchasing power from the public
D. All of the Above
97. When the government raises revenue by borrowing from within the country is known as
A. Voluntary debt
B. Compulsory Debt
C. Internal debt
D. External debt
98. In which of the following situations, any direct money burden on the society is least
A. Raising and repayment of internal debt
B. Raising and repayment of external debt
C. Raising and repayment of internal debt taken for unproductive purposes
D. Raising and repayment of long term debt from external agencies
99. Which of the following would refer to the self-liquidating form of public debt?
A. Internal Debt
B. External Debt
C. Productive Debt
D. Short-Term Loan
100. Which of the following could be a purpose for raising public loans?
A. Financing economic development esp. in under-developed countries.
B. Financing the public sector for expanding and strengthening the public
C. War, arms and ammunition financing
D. All of the above
101. Treasury Bills fall under the category of
A. Funded Debt
B. Unfunded Debt
C. External Debt
D. Productive Debt
102. ___________ is the debt which is paid any legal enforcement.
A. Voluntary debt
B. Compulsory Debt
C. Internal debt
D. External debt
103. A one-time tax on all wealth holders with the goal of retiring public debt is
generally referred to as
A. Indirect Tax
B. Capital Levy
C. Orthodox Tax
D. Socialist Tax
104. _________________ is a special type of “once for all” tax on capital imposed to
repay war debts.
A. Repudiation
B. Refunding
C. Conversion
D. Capital levy
105. Capital Levy method has been advocated by
A. Keynes
B. Musgrave
C. Ricardo
D. None of these
106. ____________ is the process of replacing maturing securities with new
A. Repudiation
B. Refunding
C. Conversion
D. Capital levy
107. Public debt leads to extravagance, encouraged resort to war and induced bad
economic conditions. This statement is of:
A. Dalton
B. Adam Smith
C. J.K. Mehta
D. Findley Shirras
108. Author of ‘General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money’:
A. Dalton
B. Marshal
C. Keynes
D. Musgrave
109. Functional Finance concept was introduced by:
A. Marx and Angels
B. Keynes and Lerner
C. Dalton and Pigou
D. J.S. Mill
110. Modified Value Added Tax was introduced in India in:
A. 1951
B. 1986
C. 1991
D. 1976
111. Agricultural Holding Tax was recommended by:
A. Adam Smith
B. K.N. Raj
C. Chelliah
D. Marshall
112. The action taken to stimulate an economy, usually during a recessionary period,
through government spending, and interest rate and tax reduction is called:
A. Force Funding
B. Piggy backing
C. Direct Funding
D. Pump Priming
113. Pump Priming is related with:
A. Monetary policy
B. Income policy
C. Price policy
D. Fiscal policy
114. The basic principle of public finance is:
A. Maximum Social Advantage
B. Welfare of the Government
C. Welfare of the Individual
D. All of the above
115. “The best system of public finance is that which secures the maximum social
advantage from the operations which it conducts” is the dictum of
A. Adam Smith
B. Dalton
C. J.B. Say
D. Marshall
149. _________ is a broad based and a single comprehensive tax levied on goods and
services consumed in an economy
D. None of these
150. In India GST was introduced in the year
A. 2016
B. 2017
C. 2018
D. 2019
151. ______________________ is the first country to implement GST
B. U K
C. Canada
D. France
152. In which year GST was first introduced
A. 1952
B. 1953
C. 1954
153. The Current financial transactions of the government which are of recurring in
nature is known as
A. Revenue budget
B. Capital budget
C. Surplus Budget
D. Deficit budget
154. ___________ is a statement of estimated capital receipts and payments of the
government over fiscal year.
A. Revenue budget
B. Capital budget
C. Surplus Budget
D. Deficit budget
155. When expenditure exceeds total tax revenue, it is called:
A. Surplus budget
B. Balanced budget
C. Deficit budget
D. None of these
156. A tax levied at 5 percent on the first Rs. 10,000 of income, 10 percent on the next
Rs 20,000 and 12 percent on the next Rs 30,000 would be:
A. Progressive
B. Degressive
C. Regressive
D. Proportional
157. Which of the following is an imprest placed at the disposal of the President of
India to facilitate Government to meet urgent unforeseen expenditure pending
authorization from Parliament?
A. Consolidated Fund
B. Public Funds
C. Prime Ministers Relief Fund
D. Contingency Fund
158. Which of the following articles of the Indian Constitution provides for the
creation of the Consolidated Fund of India?
A. Article 371
B. Article 366
C. Article 266
D. Article 271