Transocean Flyer Transpoxy Masterbond
Transocean Flyer Transpoxy Masterbond
Transocean Flyer Transpoxy Masterbond
The versatile It is common knowledge that a better quality of surface preparation results
in a longer life time expectation of the coating system. Therefore, blast clean-
solution for ing or high pressure waterjetting are usually preferred over mechanical surface
preparation methods. However, reality shows that blasting is not always pos-
maintenance of sible or desired. Access, time and budget are just but a few of the reasons why
ships and steel surface preparation by using power tools such as wire brushes or sanding disks
are the only feasible option. Transpoxy Masterbond was developed as an anti-
structures corrosive system not only on blast cleaned steel but also on powertool cleaned
surfaces. This knowledge gives operators and owners peace of mind as only
one type of paint is needed regardless whether blast cleaning or powertool
cleaning is used as surface preparation method.
Excellent corrosion protection and good resistance against impact and abrasion.
0,4 pleasure crafts and steel structures
onshore as well as offshore.
1,10E+08 0,1
Extensive research and develop-
1,00E+07 0
Competitor 1 Competitor 2 Competitor 3 Competitor 4 Transpoxy
Competitor 1 Competitor 2 Competitor 3 Competitor 4 ment work has provided Transocean
Coatings with a series of products
Resistance (Rc) in Ω/cmC offered by the coating. Relative water absorption by the coating. Low values
which professionals acknowledge to be
Higher values mean better corrosion resistance. indicate better corrosion protection. Again, Transpoxy
Transpoxy Masterbond offers the highest resistance Masterbond has the lowest values of all tested surface complete and of high quality.
value. tolerant epoxies. Transocean Coatings has a network
of manufacturers, producing its range
These results clearly demonstrate superior properties which is supported by results of coatings in some 40 countries and
from practice too. Below pictures of storage tanks after 6 years of exposure in a subsequently distributing the paints to
marine-industrial climate. The tanks were initially painted with a 2-layer system of all continents.
Transpoxy Masterbond and topcoated with Transurethane Finish Matt. Manufacturing takes place using strin-
After 6 years, the tanks are in excellent condition, even the riveted sections which are gent formulations. Whether a product
known sources of corrosion are very well protected. is supplied in Europe, Asia, North- or
South America, in Africa or Australia,
the quality is guaranteed identical.
At any shore therefore, wherever in
the world, you can rely on Transocean
Coatings. And local service assures
quick delivery of factory-fresh products
at competitive prices.
That’s unique!
Transocean Coatings
Now, Transpoxy Masterbond is well-known for its excellent performance on steel sub-
Prins Hendrikkade 12c
strates. However, the product offers superior adhesion on concrete substrate too. In
Australia for instance, Transpoxy Masterbond has been and is being extensively used as 3071 KB Rotterdam
concrete primer or concrete coating system on itself for factory floorings, distribution The Netherlands
centres, parking lots, garage floors etc.
Phone +31 (0)10 - 413 44 77
Below two project examples where a full Transpoxy Masterbond system was used as a
priming and finishing system.
8.000 mC aircraft hangar at Melbourne airport. 8.000 mC factory hall in Dan denong industrial area.