PRELIMS PERIOD If the law is of local application, if the law only affects private
individuals, then there may be no need to publish anymore.
AUGUST 19, 2022 They (the petitioners) sought clarification on that point in
their Motion for Reconsideration.
PUBLICATION Q: In resolving that issue on WHAT must be published,
what did the Supreme Court say?
Art. 2. Laws shall take effect after fifteen days following the A: The Supreme Court said that ALL LAWS must be
completion of their publication either in the Official Gazette published. In fact, the Supreme Court departed from its
or in a newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines, original stance where it said that if it is imbued with public
unless it is otherwise provided. (New Civil Code) interest, then it must be published.
Atty. Seña: The requirement that the statute must be imbued with
The option to publish in the newspaper of general circulation public interest applies to all laws. You cannot have a law that
was not always present. It was not always an option. is not imbued with public interest. You cannot make a
distinction premised on the presence of public interest
Q: When did it become an option? because it should be present in all kinds of laws.
A: Effectivity of E.O. 200 which amended Art. 2 of the NCC.
Q: What did the Supreme Court say in answer to the
Q: Why was Art. 2 amended? question: “What should be published?”
A: The amendment became necessary because in the case of A: All laws should be published. We make no distinction
Tañada vs. Tuvera, one of the issues faced by the petitioners anymore whether it is general or local application or
in their Motion for Reconsideration was where should private/public law. Because all laws are imbued with public
publication be made. They raised this issue because they felt interest. So be it a statute enacted by congress, executive
that publishing in the Official Gazette was not really order issued by the sitting president, or administrative rules
practical. It was not published in a timely manner, it was not and regulations implementing a law, it must be published.
circulated regularly, and even though it were circulated, very
few people had access to the Official Gazette. So the purpose The only exceptions would be:
of giving notice was defeated. They felt [inaudible] it was 1. Administrative rules internal or interpretative in
more practical to have the laws published in a newspaper of character;
general circulation. 2. Letters of instruction issued by supervisors to their
The Supreme Court said that while that may be true, you may
be correct, but it is no longer [inaudible] because that Q: Give an example of a private law
amounts to amending the law. Because you are adding A: A law granting Filipino citizenship to a private individual.
another option to the provision of Art. 2. If the Supreme If it only affects a specific person/entity, that is a private law.
Court were to do that, then it would be exercising powers
that do not belong to them. That would amount to judicial Q: How should publication be made?
legislation. A: It should be published in full because if the purpose of
publication is to give notice, it goes without saying that you
Because of the refusal of the Supreme Court to rule upon that have to publish in full. But the problem was back then, there
request by the petitioners, then President Corazon Aquino, were a lot of secret laws. In some cases, there were only
subsequently issued E.O. 200 heeding the request of the token attempts to comply with the law because they would
petitioners. That is why we have the other option. only publish the title but the body of the law is with the
executive secretary. But that is not complete compliance
Q: What were the rest of the issues raised in Tañada vs. because titles do not reflect what the law was about. The
Tuvera aside from WHERE should publication be made? only time that you would know such a law existed is when
A: The petitioners asked WHAT should be published. HOW you are being arrested for violating the law. Therefore,
should publication be made. WHEN should publication be publication must be in full, otherwise, no publication at all.
Q: When should publication be made given that there
I had to ask that question what laws must be published was a lot of secret clause?
because in the original decision, the Supreme Court made a A: The SC said that publication must soon be made as soon
distinction as to when publication must be required. as possible.
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Q: On the distinction of foreign and domestic laws, This is not a penal law because the GCTA does not define a
foreign laws will not be covered by Art. 3. So what is the crime, offense, nor provide a penalty. This is what a penal
rule that we observe when it comes to foreign laws? law is.
A: In the absence of proof of foreign laws, the doctrine of
processual presumption shall apply. It provides that the When questioned with the SC, the SC agreed that the GCTA
foreign laws are the same as ours. does not define a crime, offense, nor provide a penalty, BUT,
its provisions, when applied, would result in the reduction of
Atty. Seña: the penalty imposed upon the accused. We cannot lose our
If you make an allegation that foreign law applies in this case, eyes to the fact that such reduction is beneficial to the
but you fail to prove what this foreign law is or how it accused, therefore, it ought to be given retroactive effect.
applies, what will happen is that the court will resolve the
issue that you have brought before it using Philippine laws AQUINO v. AQUINO
under the doctrine of processual presumption. It will be December 2021
presumed that the foreign law you are reciting is the same as
Philippine law. SC came up with another way to refer to illegitimate
children: non-marital children. The issue is the right of
ARTICLE 4 representation of an illegitimate child. If you remember you
wills and succession, an illegitimate child cannot represent
ARTICLE 4. Laws shall have no retroactive effect, unless the the putative parent in the succession of the estate of the
contrary is provided. grandparent, unless the putative parent is also illegitimate.
This is the Iron Curtain Rule. Aquino v. Aquino changed that
Atty. Seña: rule.
It proscribes that laws will have prospective effect. It will not
have retroactive effect. That is the general rule. Atty. Seña:
The focus for now is the manner of proving illegitimate
Q: What are the exceptions? filiation. There is a difference between the NCC and the FC.
A: These are: The illegitimate child was born before the effectivity of the
1. Unless there is provided under the law FC. So, the child was born under the NCC which states that if
2. Remedial laws the putative parent of the illegitimate child dies during his
3. Penal laws which are favorable to the accused minority, then the illegitimate child will have 4 years from
4. Emergency laws reaching the age of majority to claim the status of a
5. Curative laws and laws which creates substantive legitimate child.
rights but do not impair existing rights In the FC, if you are an illegitimate child, and you plan to
establish legitimate filiation aside from birth certificate or a
Atty. Seña: public or private handwritten instrument, then you must
So, with regard to the exceptions: third, which are penal laws bring the action for acknowledgment within the lifetime of
which are favorable to the accused, we have the case of the putative parent. And it doesn’t matter whether or not the
inmates of the New Bilibid Prison v. De Lima. This was putative parent died in your minority.
decided in June 2019.
Atty. Seña:
NEW BILIBID PRISON v. DE LIMA It does not matter whether or not the putative parent died
June 2019 during your minority. Death of the putative parent, under the
family code forecloses on other evidence.
This case is about the GCTA or RA 10592. This GCTA was
passed which gives time credits to convicts or detainees for Q: Do we apply this rule under the Family Code on the
their good behavior while inside the jail or facility. And over child who was born under the Civil Code, given that the
a period of time, this credit for good behavior will Family Code provides [inaudible] because the right of
accumulate and should they have enough credits to warrant the child here to claim his legitimate status has already
release, they will be released from prison. vested under the Civil Code?
The IRR was issued. However, in the IRR, the law shall be A: His right to claim his illegitimate status within 4 yrs after
given prospective application. Why? You might think why attaining the age of majority has already vested. It cannot be
when this is favorable to the accused? So happened that the impaired by the different rules provided under the Family
GCTA was not exactly a penal law. Only penal laws shall be Code. I strongly suggest that you read this case in the original
given retroactive effect IF favorable to the accused. – Aquino vs. Aquino, Dec. 7, 2021.
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Administrative or executive acts, orders and regulations Our rule of thumb is: It applies only when a declaration of
shall be valid only when they are not contrary to the laws or unconstitutionality will impose an undue burden to
the Constitution. those who relied on an invalid law.
Atty. Seña:
The important part here would be how laws must conform
with the Constitution, because if a law does not conform with
it, that law will be considered null and void.
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If you would apply the general rule, after the law was
In this regard, certain acts done pursuant to a legal provision
which was just recently declared as unconstitutional by the declared unconstitutional, the FDCP and the producers who
Court cannot be anymore undone because not only would it received the funds should have been asked to return the
funds to the LGUs. This would be an undue burden on the
be highly impractical to do so, but more so, unfair to those
who have relied on the said legal provision prior to the time producers (i.e. that no person would think to not spend the
it was struck down. funds thinking that the law will be unconstitutional and that
they would be asked to return the funds several years after).
Hence, this is an instance wherein the Supreme Court
The right to receive the amusement taxes accrued the
applied the doctrine of operative fact.
moment the taxes were deemed payable under the
provisions of the Omnibus Tax Ordinance of Cebu City.
Atty. Seña:
This case pertains to amusement taxes which are imposed
whenever a movie is shown in the cinemas. It is part of the
ticket price that you pay. The amusement taxes would go to
the coffers of the LGU of the place where the movie was
shown or exhibited.
When a movie gets high ratings from the FDCP, the producer
will also be entitled to a certain percentage of the
amusement taxes collected. It is an incentive for the
producer to continue making quality movies.
However, this law [RA 1967] runs over the right of the LGU
to create their own funds and/or to tax specific activities for
purposes of creating their funds. The amusement taxes that
were imposed by the City of Cebu which they also collected
pursuant to the ordinance that they passed, will now no
longer go to their coffers, but will instead go to the FDCP.
Since this law existed, the LGUs affected complied by
transmitting the amusement taxes to the FDCP who in turn
distributed this to the producers who obtained high ratings.
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Q: When the law speaks of ‘decisions’ here, whose Q: Must these judicial decisions be published in
decisions are we referring to? accordance with Art. 2 for them to be effective against
A: The law refers to the decisions of the Supreme Court only. third persons, meaning to say, those people who are not
parties to the case?
Q: What principle is embodied in Art. 8? A: No need for publication. The basis for this is the very old
A: The principle of Stare Decisis. case of Roy vs. Court of Appeals. The Supreme Court has
ruled that judicial decisions are not laws which will be
Q: What does Stare Decisis mean? governed by Art. 2. No need to publish to become effective.
A: The doctrines laid down by the Supreme Court in a case,
where certain facts are obtaining, must be adhered to in The Supreme Court reasoned that since they are evidence of
subsequent cases involving similar facts. what the law means, then they are deemed part of the law
from the time the laws are enacted. Moreover, it is the duty
It is important to make a qualification because the premise of lawyers, members of the Bar to keep themselves abreast
for the application of Stare Decisis is similarity of facts of the latest rulings of the Supreme Court.
obtaining. Otherwise, you cannot invoke Stare Decisis.
G.R. No. L-80718 January 29, 1988
PONENTE: Cortes, J.
Obligatory – lower
Not obligatory, more of a
courts are obligated to FACTS:
policy – Must be
follow the doctrines laid The firewall of a burned-out building owned by petitioners
observed to promote
down by the Supreme collapsed and destroyed the tailoring shop occupied by the
predictability in the law.
Court. family of private respondents, resulting in injuries to private
respondents and the death of Marissa Bernal, a daughter.
Atty. Seña: Private respondents had been warned by petitioners to
Because if jurisprudence is consistent, then more or less, you vacate their shop in view of its proximity to the weakened
will have a sense on how the Court will be deciding in the wall but the former failed to do so.
cases that you are handling.
On the basis of the foregoing facts, the Regional Trial Court.
Predictability is good because you will be able to advise your First Judicial Region, Branch X X XVIII, presided by the Hon.
clients accordingly. And the people in general, they will be Antonio M. Belen, rendered judgment finding petitioners
able to act accordingly as well. guilty of gross negligence and awarding damages to private
At the same time that we are promoting predictability, we
have to balance this with another consideration that we On appeal, the decision of the trial court was affirmed in toto
should not allow ourselves to simply, blindly adhere to by the Court of Appeals in a decision promulgated on August
precedents. Especially when it comes to Constitutional 17, 1987, a copy of which was received by petitioners on
matters. That is why jurisprudence is dynamic because it August 25, 1987. On September 9, 1987, the last day of the
fifteen-day period to file an appeal, petitioners filed a motion
adapts to the changing times.
for extension of time to file a motion for reconsideration,
which was eventually denied by the appellate court in the
Example of such dynamic characteristic: Resolution of September 30, 1987.
Recently, the rulings laid down by the Supreme Court when
it comes to Art. 26 (par. 2) of the Family Code. It is very
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The taxpayer said NO. They argued that they were just in
time kasi hindi naman na natin i-aapply ang Civil Code. It ARTICLE 14. Penal laws and those of public security and
is already repealed by the Administrative Code where the safety shall be obligatory upon all who live or sojourn in
computation should be one year is 12 calendar months, Philippine territory, subject to the principles of public
so two years, we should compute 24 calendar months international law and to treaty stipulations. (8a)
from April 14, 1998.
Q: Article 14 embodies the principle of territoriality.
In this case, the SC sustained the taxpayer, and said that What does that mean?
indeed there is this incompatibility with Article 13 and A: Basically, our basis for enforcing Criminal Law is
Section 31, Chapter 8, Book I of the Administrative Code, territorial and we do not look at citizenship or nationality so
and because of their incompatibility is irreconcilable, long as a person is within our territory, then that person will
then it should be deemed that there is an implied repeal. be subject to our penal laws.
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obligation is to not have sexual intercourse with other Art. 26 par 2 in the Family Code. If you would look at the
persons apart from your spouse. Codal provision of FC, par. 2 was added. It was an
afterthought. There was a lobbying against its inclusion
Kendel Socorro v. Van Wilsem (2014) – we will be tackling because a lot of people feared that it would somehow
this case in re Art. 15. The short version is the foreigner introduce divorce in the Philippines. It was removed then
husband was refusing to support his child by the petitioner. returned.
Among other things, the mother of the child wanted to make
him liable for violation of the VAWC. His violence was Before Art. 26 Par 2 saw the light of day, we have Vandorn
withholding support. The foreigner here was trying to say which involved a foreigner husband and a Filipino wife. A
that he cannot be prosecuted under the VAWC because he is divorce was obtained and after the divorce the Filipina came
not a citizen of the Philippines. This case SC reiterated the back to the PH. The foreigner followed suit and he was asking
provisions of Art. 14 saying that he is governed by the VAWC that he be given his share in the conjugal partnership of
because penal laws and those of publica security and safety properties which all accrued to the efforts of Filipina wife.
are obligatory upon those who live or sojourn in the The husband argued that divorce was not recognized in the
Philippine territory. It so happens that the foreigner was Philippines because Filipinos are not allowed to divorce.
residing in the PH. Therefore, he was covered by the VAWC
law. Atty. Seña:
Wala pa tayong Art. 26(2) of the Family Code before. So, I
ARTICLE 15 have to get my share in my wife’s business, or whatever
PUBLICATION investments she made.
ARTICLE 15. Laws relating to family rights and duties, or If the Supreme Court were to simply apply the Nationality
to the status, condition and legal capacity of persons are Principle, napakadali ng kaso. They’ll say “Yes, the Filipino
binding upon citizens of the Philippines, even though living wife is married to him, and we cannot recognize such divorce
abroad. decree by virtue of Art. 15, NCC.”
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REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES v. MARELYN TANEDO initiated the proceeding wherein the divorce decree was
MANALO granted. It does not distinguish whether the Filipino spouse
G.R. No. 221029, April 24, 2018 is the petitioner or the respondent in the foreign divorce
Ponente: Peralta, J. proceeding.
Marelyn Tanedo Manalo was married to a Japanese The purpose of Paragraph 2 of Article 26 is to avoid the
national. She later filed for divorce against her husband, and absurd situation where the Filipino spouse remains
a divorce decree was issued by a Japanese court. married to the alien spouse who, after a foreign divorce
decree that is effective in the country where it was
In 2012, she sought the cancellation of the entry of marriage rendered, is no longer married to the Filipino spouse.
in the Civil Registry of San Juan, Metro Manila by virtue of
the said divorce decree. She later amended her petition for A Filipino who initiated a foreign divorce proceeding is in
the judicial recognition of the divorce decree. the same place and in like circumstances as a Filipino who
is at the receiving end of an alien initiated proceeding.
RTC denied Marelyn's petition, arguing that the divorce Therefore, the subject provision should not make a
obtained by Marelyn in Japan should not be recognized. The distinction. In both instance, it is extended as a means to
RTC held that based on Article 15 of the New Civil Code, the recognize the residual effect of the foreign divorce decree
Philippine law "does not afford Filipinos the right to file for on a Filipinos whose marital ties to their alien spouses are
a divorce whether they are in the country or living abroad, severed by operations of their alien spouses are severed by
if they are married to Filipinos or to foreigners, or if they operation on the latter's national law.
celebrated their marriage in the Philippines or in another
country" and that unless Filipinos "are naturalized as In fact, there is no real and substantial difference between a
citizens of another country, Philippine laws shall have Filipino who initiated a foreign divorce proceedings and a
control over issues related to Filipinos' family rights and Filipino who obtained a divorce decree upon the instance of
duties, together with the determination of their condition his or her alien spouse. In the eyes of the Philippine and
and legal capacity to enter into contracts and civil relations, foreign laws, both are considered as Filipinos who have the
inclusing marriages." same rights and obligations in a alien land. The
circumstances surrounding them are alike.
Upon appeal, the CA overturned RTC's ruling. CA held that
Article 26 of the Family Code of the Philippines (Family Finally, a prohibitive view of Paragraph 2 of Article 26
Code) is applicable even if it was Manalo who filed for would do more harm than good. If We disallow a Filipino
divorce against her Japanese husband because the decree citizen who initiated and obtained a foreign divorce from
may obtained makes the latter no longer married to the the coverage of Paragraph 2 Article 26 and still require him
former, capacitating him to remarry. As such, it would be or her to first avail of the existing "mechanisms" under the
height of injustice to consider Manelyn as still married to Family Code, any subsequent relationship that he or she
the Japanese national, who, in turn, is no longer married to would enter in the meantime shall be considered as illicit in
her and can legally have another wife. the eyes of the Philippine law.
OSG's motion for recommendation was denied by CA. Worse, any child born out such "extra-marital" affair has to
Hence, the instant petition. suffer the stigma of being branded as illegitimate. Surely,
these are just a few of the adverse consequences, not only
ISSUE: to the parent but also to the child, if We are to hold a
Whether or not a Filipino citizen have the capacity to restrictive interpretation of the subject provision. The irony
remarry under Philippine law after initiating a divorce is that the principle of inviolability of marriage under
proceeding abroad and obtaining a favorable judgment Section 2, Article XV of the Constitution is meant to be tilted
against his or her alien spouse who is capacitated to in favor of marriage and against unions not formalized by
remarry. marriage, but without denying State protection and
assistance to live-in arrangements or to families formed
RULING: according to indigenous customs.
YES. Paragraph 2 of Article 26 of the Family Code speaksof
"a divorce x x x validly obtained abroad by the alien spouse Although the SC held that a Filipino may initiate divorce
capacitating him or her to remarry." Based on a clear and against a foreign spouse, Marelyn's case was still remanded
plain reading of the provision, it only requires that there be to the RTC to allow Marelyn to present evidence as proof of
a divorce validly obtained abroad. The letter of the law does the relevant Japanese law on divorce.
not demand that the alien spouse should be the one who
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Atty. Seña:
Under the ruling of Republic v. Manalo, even the Filipino An MR was filed but was denied.
spouse CAN obtain a divorce decree. It is no longer limited to
the foreign spouse. ISSUE:
Whether a foreign national has the obligation to give
Q: What happens to Art. 15? Where it states that rights support.
and obligations shall be binding even to Filipinos
abroad? RULING:
A: The Supreme Court did not really address this exception Del Soccoro cannot rely on Art. 195 of the Family Code since
carved out by this case in relation to Art. 15. But, the we adhere to Art. 15 of the New Civil Code.
Supreme Court stated that, under Art. 26(2), it is the foreign
spouse who obtains the divorce decree, IT DID NOT STATE In view of failure to prove the law of Netherlands, the
that “it should be the foreign spouse who shall file the doctrine of processual presumption was applied. Babalik
petition” therefore, we should apply this. nanaman siya sa PH. When we talk about processual
presumption in case there is failure to prove foreign law,
GR: Filipinos cannot initiate a divorce decree by virtue of Art. then the courts should presume that the foreign law is the
15. same as the national or internal law. Ang iappply ay batas
XPN: If they are in a mixed marriage, and Art. 26(2) applies ng PH. Under our laws, fathers have an obligation to
(in relation to Republic v. Manalo) support their children.
Another thing discussed in the case of Republic v. Orbecido, Assuming that foreign law of the Netherlands was proved
is the VAWC case, whether or not a foreigner may be and established, it cannot be applied here because it
compelled to provide support under the provisions of the contravenes sound and established policy of the forum. And
Family Code. also, the SC cited that prohibitive laws concerning persons,
their acts or property or those which have for their object
Q: May a foreigner be compelled to give support under public order, public policy or good customs, shall not be
Art. 195 of the Family Code? rendered ineffective by laws or judgments promulgated or
A: Based on Art. 195 of the Family Code, a foreigner may not by determinations or conventions agreed upon in a foreign
be compelled. Under the Nationality Principle, since he is a country. Even if the foreign law is proved, it would not be in
foreigner, his family duties are not covered by the Family keeping with sound and well-established public policy to
Code. apply the laws of the Netherlands because it contravenes
Q: Then what law governs, on his rights and obligations?
A: By his national law. This is by the same token that Atty. Seña:
Filipinos are governed by their national law. You must not only allege, you must also prove. And should
you fail to prove what his national law is, then we apply the
Here, in the case of Del Socorro v. Van Wilsem, Doctrine of Processual Presumption, which means that we
will treat his national law to be the same as the Philippine
DEL SOCCORO V. VAN WILSEM law. It is in this sense that we can now apply the Family Code,
not at the outset, but only because there was a failure to
FACTS: prove what his national law is and we had to apply the
Del Soccoro and Van Wilsen contracted marriage in doctrine or the principle of processual presumption.
Holland. Later on was divorced in Holland. So Del Soccoro
went back to the Philippines together with her son. Van Q: Supposing that he was able to prove his national law,
Wilsen promised support in the amount equivalent to Php and he was able to show that under his national law, he
17, 500 or 250 gildin. Upon arrival in the PH, Del Soccoro had no obligation to support his children, will his
and her son did not receive support. When Van Wilsen came national law be given effect here?
to the PH, he remarried in Cebu. Del Soccoro sent a demand A: It cannot be applied in this case because even if the laws
letter to Van Wilsen but the latter refused to receive the of a foreigner states that a father or a parent does not
demand letter. Del Soccoro filed against him a case under provide a law that a parent support a child, it is not
RA9262 for failure to give support. Refusal to give support applicable here in the Phil, because it would be an injustice
is tantamount to economic abuse under RA 9262. An to the child and it is not proper in a sense that a parent
information was filed in Court against Van Wilsen but the cannot be said to support his or her child.
criminal complaint was dismissed because the allegations
failed to state an offense. Atty Seña:
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It is against public policy. And once you use that term public Par. 1 lays down the rule of lex rei sitae, the personal
policy, it will now be easy for you to justify why we can’t property will be governed by the law of the place where they
refuse to apply his national law. Because you can now look are situated. By way of exception, we do not apply lex rei
at Art. 17. And what has Art.17 say that will justify as sitae, but instead we apply the national law of the decedent.
refusing to apply the national law of the foreigner? (last This will come into play in intestate and testamentary
paragraph of Art.17) succession, and the intrinsic validity of testamentary
Prohibitive laws concerning persons, their acts or property,
and those which have for their object public order, public The National law of the decedent will be applied regardless
policy and good customs shall not be rendered ineffective by of the nature of the property, or where the property is
laws or judgments promulgated, or by determinations or situated.
conventions agreed upon in a foreign country.
Q: Can you invoke Art.197 of the Family Code against the AZNAR V. GARCIA
foreigner? G.R. No. L-16749, January 31, 1963
A: No, if he invokes it, his national law will apply. But he must
prove it as fact. Should he fail to prove it as fact, then
processual presumption comes in, and Philippine law may FACTS:
now apply. Edward Christensen was born in New York but he
migrated to California where he resided for a period of 9
Q: Supposing he was able to prove what his law is, but years. In 1913, he came to the Philippines where he
his law exempts him from the obligation to give support, became a domiciliary until his death. In his will, he
can we give effect to that law? instituted an acknowledged natural daughter, Maria Lucy
A: No, because that would fall contrary to provisions of Christensen (legitimate child), as his only heir, but left a
Art.17, because the obligation to give support is a matter of legacy sum of money in favor of Helen Christensen Garcia
public policy here in the Philippines. And his national law (illegitimate child). Counsel for Helen claims that under
cannot render that law immune in public policy. Article 16, paragraph 2 of the Civil Code, California law
should be applied; that under California law, the matter is
Q: Can a Filipino wife bring an action for nullity of referred back to the law of the domicile. On the other
marriage under Art.36, but alleging that it is the hand, counsel for Maria, averred that the national law of
husband who suffers from psychological incapacity? the deceased must apply, illegitimate children not being
A: No, unless the wife an show that the foreign law or the entitled to anything under California law.
national law of the husband is the same as the Philippine law,
in that it also provides for psychological incapacity as a ISSUE:
ground for nullity of marriage. If she’s not able to prove that, Whether or not the national law of the deceased should
then her petition will be dismissed because of the nationality be applied in determining the successional rights of his
principle. (Keppel vs. Keppel, Aug. 14, 2019) heirs.
Yes. Article 16 of the Civil Code states that successional
Article 16. Real property as well as personal property is rights are determined by the national law of the country
subject to the law of the country where it is stipulated. where the deceased is a citizen hence the internal law of
California since it was ruled that Edward Christensen is a
Atty. Seña: citizen of California.
However, intestate and testamentary successions, both with
respect to the order of succession and to the amount of The State of California prescribes two sets of laws for its
successional rights and to the intrinsic validity of citizens residing therein and a conflict of law rules for its
testamentary provisions, shall be regulated by the national citizens domiciled in other jurisdictions. Art. 946 of the
law of the person whose succession is under consideration, California Civil Code states that “If there is no law to the
whatever may be the nature of the property and regardless contrary in the place where personal property is situated,
of the country wherein said property may be found. it is deemed to follow the person of its owner and is
governed by the law of his domicile.” Edward, a citizen of
the State of California, is considered to have his domicile
in the Philippines. The court of domicile cannot and
Atty. Seña: should not refer the case back to the California, as such
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action would leave the issue incapable of determination, the foreign country, but also to the conflict of laws rule of
because the case would then be tossed back and forth said foreign country.
between the states(doctrine of renvoi). The validity of the
provisions of Edward’s will depriving his acknowledged Q: And what is that rule of conflict of California in Aznar
natural child of latter’s legacy, should be governed by the v. Garcia?
Philippine law. A: It states that a resident of California who was domiciled
outside of California would have to be governed by the law
The decision appealed from is reversed and the case of the place of his domicile. In that case, there was a choice:
returned to the lower court with instruction that the One is to apply the conflicts of law rule which means
partition be made as the Philippine law on succession reverting the matter back to the Philippines where Mr.
provides. Christensen was domiciled prior to his death, or the prior
option is to apply the internal law of California which will
result in the denial of the petition since the laws of California
Atty. Seña: does not provide for a system for legitime.
The decedent was an American citizen, specifically, he was a
resident of California. He had two daughters, one he did not The SC said that we cannot apply the internal laws of
acknowledge, the other he did. He left a will bequeathing all California because those laws apply only in situations where
of his estate to the recognized daughter, Mary Lucy and to the decedent is both a resident and a domiciliary. The
the unrecognized daughter, he left a legacy. conflicts of law rule, which on the other hand covers the
situation where there is a foreign element – in this case it is
The unrecognized daughter Helen, brought a case before the the decedent’s domicile in another country. That is what
Court to ask for the completion of his legitime. She was applies in the case of Christensen. So, we apply the conflicts
saying that under Philippine law, we have a system of of law rule.
legitime of which she cannot be deprived unless she is
disinherited. In the meantime, her filiation as a natural child When the matter is referred to the Philippines, there is again
of the decedent was recognized by the Court. two options: we can either apply Art. 16, which is our
conflicts of law rule, or we can go directly to our internal law
The estate of the decedent, Edward Christensen, opposed the which is our law on succession.
petition of Helen on the theory that this is a matter of
successional rights and it shall be determined by the national The SC court said that in this instance, we can no longer
law of the decedent. Here, the national law is – law of U.S. The apply Art. 16 again like in the first instance. Because if we
U.S. is made of separate states, each of which would have its apply Art. 16 again, the matter will go back again to
own national law, own state law. The estate of Christensen California then back to the Philippines again. It will be an
claims that it was California law which should apply and endless going back and forth.
under the internal law of California, there is no system for
legitimes. No basis for the petition filed by Helen. So, this time around, with this referral, we will now apply the
internal law of the Philippines – our law on succession.
The renvoi doctrine was invoked in this case. Under the Which as it happens, provides for a system on legitime.
theory, it is said that the rules of the conflict of laws are to be
understood as incorporating that only the ordinary and Note: Helen, the unrecognized illegitimate child, is now
internal law but also the conflict of laws of that foreign entitled to the completion of her legitime. She received a
country. legacy so there is no preterition. If there was preterition, the
institution of heirs would have been annulled and the
In other words, when Art. 16 speaks of the National Law of succession to the estate of Christensen would have been by
the decedent, it refers not just to the internal law of intestate succession. In such case, the two daughters would
California. have inherited in equal parts.
Atty. Seña:
Under the Renvoi Theory, the rules of the conflict of laws are ARTICLE 17. The forms and solemnities of contracts, wills,
to be understood to incorporate not only the ordinary or and other public instruments shall be governed by the laws
internal law, but also the conflict of laws of the foreign of the country in which they are executed.
country. In other words, when Art. 16 speaks of the national
law of the decedent, it speaks of not just the internal law of
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When the acts referred to are executed before the diplomatic Now, as an example, you are in a dorm where the walls are
or consular officials of the Republic of the Philippines in a thin. If you listen to your radio and the person in the other
foreign country, the solemnities established by Philippine rooms beside you hear the music and be disturbed, do they
laws shall be observed in their execution. have a cause of action against you?
Prohibitive laws concerning persons, their acts or property, You go by the elements. Do you have the right? Yes. Were you
and those which have for their object public order, public acting in bad faith? No. Were you doing it solely to cause
policy and good customs shall not be rendered ineffective by injury? No.
laws or judgments promulgated, or by determinations or
conventions agreed upon in a foreign country. So that means he has no cause of action against you.
HUMAN RELATIONS Q: In the same situation, there was a radio turned on.
Your neighbor is extra-sensitive to noise. Is there a
cause of action for abuse of rights?
ARTICLE 19. Every person must, in the exercise of his rights A: No, there is no cause of action. The actor is acting well
and in the performance of his duties, act with justice, give within his right since there is no showing that he is in bad
everyone his due, and observe honesty and good faith. faith or that he is doing it solely to cause injury to the
Article 19 embodies the Principle of Abuse of Rights. Q: A turns on the radio just as he has to leave his home
and be gone for the whole day. What should be the
Q: What are the elements of a cause of action based on conclusion?
abuse of rights? A: The circumstances would tell us that he may be doing this
A: The requisites are: to cause injury to the other person. It is well within his right,
but we have a basis to believe that he is acting in bad faith,
1. There is legal right or duty; and that his act of leaving the radio on before he lives is
2. Such duty is exercised in bad faith; really intended to prejudice the other persons. There will be
3. It is for the sole intent of prejudicing or injuring a cause of action for abuse of rights.
4. The Absence of good faith is essential to abuse of right ART. 20 & 21 in relation to ART. 19
Atty. Seña:
ARTICLE 20. Every person who, contrary to law, wilfully or
We have to appreciate what transforms one’s exercise of his negligently causes damage to another, shall indemnify the
right into an abuse of right situation. Keep in mind that when latter for the same.
you act in exercise of your right, you should not be
countenanced or sanctioned. And the fact that another
ARTICLE 21. Any person who wilfully causes loss or injury
person will be injured when you exercise your right should
to another in a manner that is contrary to morals, good
not matter, so long as there is no bad faith and that you are
customs or public policy shall compensate the latter for the
not exercising your right solely for the intention of causing
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Atty. Seña: intention was to abandon the woman and not fulfill the
Art. 19 is not self-executory. We would have to look to Arts. promise to marry.
20 and 21 to obtain relief.
Hence, if you have a cause of action under Art. 19, your relief
will be for damages under either Art. 20 or 21.
Atty. Seña:
The breach of promise to marry is also related to these
provisions. Generally, there is no right of action in relation to
a breach of promise to marry. You cannot go to court to
compel a person to marry nor even ask for damages simply
because your beloved changed their mind. This is because a
promise in relation to marriage exists based on feelings that
change, and we cannot be faulted, much less punished, for
having a change of heart.
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AUGUST 26, 2022 Relations. Conversely, if there is some other basis to support
their cause of action i.e. contract, law, delict, quasi-delict,
ART. 22 – PRINCIPLE AGAINST UNJUST ENRICHMENT quasi-contract, then you would have to exhaust that first
before you resort to Human Relations.
Art. 22. Every person who through an act of performance by
another, or any other means, acquires or comes into That is why in solutio indebiti, the presence of the mistake
possession of something at the expense of the latter without giving rise for a cause of action for solutio indebiti, precludes
just or legal ground, shall return the same to him. (New Civil the application of Art. 22.
Accion in rem verso - an action for recovery of what has OFFENSES
been paid or delivered without just cause or legal ground.
Art. 29. When the accused in a criminal prosecution is
Requisites: acquitted on the ground that his guilt has not been proved
beyond reasonable doubt, a civil action for damages for the
same act or omission may be instituted. Such action requires
1. The defendant has been enriched;
only a preponderance of evidence. Upon motion of the
2. The plaintiff has suffered a loss;
defendant, the court may require the plaintiff to file a bond
3. The enrichment of the defendant is without just or
to answer for damages in case the complaint should be found
legal ground; and
to be malicious.
4. The plaintiff has no other action based on contract,
If in a criminal case the judgment of acquittal is based upon
quasi-contract, crime or quasi- delict.
reasonable doubt, the court shall so declare. In the absence
of any declaration to that effect, it may be inferred from the
Q: Is it required that the plaintiff’s loss should cause the text of the decision whether or not the acquittal is due to that
defendant’s gain? ground.
A: It is not required that it should produce, it is enough that
there be some kind of relation between the plaintiff’s loss Q: What will be the effect of the acquittal of an accused
and the defendant’s gain such that it can be shown that the in a criminal case?
defendant’s gain would not have taken place were it not for A:
the plaintiff’s loss. Enough na ‘yun. Mababa lang ang
standard na kailangan nating ma-satisfy. 1) If the acquittal is on the ground that the accused is not
the author of the act or omission complained of, there is
Atty. Seña:
no civil liability ex delicto.
If you would look at the provision of Art. 22, it seems to be
broad enough to include actions of solutio indebiti. 2) When the acquittal is based on reasonable doubt on
Essentially, an accion in rem verso will lie whenever the the guilt of the accused, he is not exempt from civil
defendant would be in possession of something that he has liability ex delicto which may be proved by
no right to be in possession of. It does not matter what
preponderance of evidence only.
caused him to be in possession. This in itself shows that this
could include a mistake on the part of the plaintiff which (Rabuya Prebar Reviewer in Civil Law, 2021)
caused the defendant to be in possession of that thing that
he has no business having. Q: What is the meaning when acquittal is based on
reasonable doubt but civil liability still subsists?
Q: How do we carve out a right of action for solutio A: The accused may be held civilly liable despite his acquittal
indebiti from the coverage of Art. 22? in the criminal action. It would depend on how the civil
A: Must refer to the 4th element of accion in rem verso which aspect was treated.
states that there should be no other action based on contract,
quasi-contract, crime or quasi-delict. 1. If civil action arises from delict, it would be
impliedly instituted with the criminal action, unless
Atty. Seña: there is waiver or reservation for separate
Remember, the Chapter on Human Relations, this is usually prosecution.
referred to as the Chapter of Last Resort. When you practice 2. If there is no reservation, then it is deemed
on your own, you would learn that when all else fails and the impliedly instituted, in which case it was also
client would still want you to file some action, your last prosecuted simultaneously with the criminal action.
recourse would be to look at the provisions on Human Alongside with the judgement for acquittal on
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reasonable doubt, there will also be a judgement provisions of article 31 are not based on the act or omission
awarding damages based on the civil liability of the committed as a felony.
3. Should there be an appeal, there can be no Q: How do we illustrate this? How do we exemplify this?
judgement from acquittal but there can be appeal A: Example: Mr. Coronel as the passenger on board the bus
from the judgement awarding the civil aspect. being recklessly driven by the driver and then the bus gets
4. If there is reservation, following the acquittal for into an accident and the driver is sued for reckless
reasonable doubt, the civil action may still be imprudence. Mr. Coronel also sue the bus company for
instituted because it subsists because a judgement damages because you were not able to reach your
based on reasonable doubt does not extinguish civil destination.
liability. Civil action only requires preponderance of
evidence, not proof beyond reasonable doubt. Q: What would be your cause of action against the bus
driver and the bus company?
GR: If the civil action arises from a criminal offense, there A: As to the bus company, culpa contractual while on the
would be an implied institution. But there is always an driver it would be based on delict for reckless imprudence.
option to make a reservation, in which case, the plaintiff may
prosecute separately. Q: Are these two questions related?
A: Yes, because they arise from the same incident. What the
XPNs: obligation of the bus company to you as a passenger, it arises
1. If the criminal action is for violation for BP22, the separately and independently from the contract of carriage
civil action will always be impliedly instituted with that you have entered with the bus company.
the criminal action;
2. Violation of BP22 by a corporation, if the issuer or Atty. Seña:
drawee of the check is a corporation, we do not We do not even speak of implied institution, we do not even
prosecute the corporation but the signatories. If speak of independent civil action. It is simply separate.
there is an acquittal for any reason, including
reasonable doubt, then the check signatories would For Article 32, 33, 34 and 2176 – These are recognized
be free from civil liability. independent civil actions.
XPN to the XPN: Independent civil actions are not deemed instituted with the
1. If the corporate officer made themselves personally criminal action that they may be related to and that there is
or solidarily liable for corporate obligations as also no need to reserve the right to file them separately kasi
sureties or accommodation party. Their civil nga why would there be a need for such reservation when
liability shall subsist. there is no implied institution.
2. If there are circumstances warranting piercing the
veil of corporate fiction where corporate officers are Note: If you are simultaneously maintaining an action for
merely using the corporation to perpetuate fraud. damages for quasi-delict and at the same time pursuing a
criminal action with the civil liability impliedly instituted
5 sources of obligations: while you may obtain a judgment in both cases where in such
1. Law a same act wherein you cannot recover in both instances.
2. Contract There is no double recovery.
3. Quasi-contract
4. Delict ARTICLE 36. Prejudicial questions, which must be decided
5. Quasi-delict before any criminal prosecution may be instituted or may
proceed, shall be governed by rules of court which the
There are some instances where the same act both constitute Supreme Court shall promulgate and which shall not be in
a delict and quasi-delict or related to culpa contractual. conflict with the provisions of this Code.
Q: How do you prosecute a single action arising from Q: What is a prejudicial question?
these sources of obligation either arising from the same A: For a prejudicial question to arise, there must be civil
act or related to? action and a criminal action pending.
A: Independent civil action and civil actions under Article 31.
To be clear, actions under Article 31 such as article 32, 33,
34 and 2176 are not independent civil actions. Because the
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So, to curb that, the Supreme Court said that we will now Pulido vs. People
require that the civil case be commenced ahead of the G.R. No. 220149| July 27, 2021| Hernando, J.
criminal action because when you file a civil case, the
presumption is you did not know yet that it will be The Supreme Court has abandoned two doctrines that
[inaudible] criminally. So, if you filed it without that kind of a they have laid down before.
notion that there is a possible criminal action against you,
then in all likelihood, that civil action is filed in good faith; The first doctrine that was abandoned was regard to the
and that you really have a cause of action. nullity of the prior marriage. If you would remember, SC
was not consistent when it comes to answering the
Now, this question is usually associated with bigamy when it question of whether or not the nullity of prior marriage is
comes to the Family Code but just to illustrate how it applies, a defense against the crime of bigamy only if there is
we have this case of Domingo vs. Spouses Singson. already a judicial decree of nullity. That question also
gives rise to the question of whether or not the pending
case of nullity of a prior marriage would constitute a
prejudicial question that would warrant suspension of the
proceeding for bigamy.
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Atty. Seña: How about the people who purposely contract void
But, when Tenebro v CA was promulgated, this changed. J. marriages? How could you punish them, when you cannot
Carpio in his dissenting opinion said this ruling had punish them with bigamy?
overturned a doctrine that has been existing for 80 years.
You will not get them under Art. 349 of the RPC, but you can
The ruling in Tenebro was to the effect that it does not get them both liable for knowingly contracting illegal
matter whether the subsequent marriage is valid or void marriages. That takes care of the first marriage.
because the subsequent marriage is always necessarily void
because it is bigamous in character. It should not matter that Going back, in the 2nd marriage, the Supreme Court
it is void for some other reason than its bigamous character. effectively abandoned Tenebro v. CA.
The first doctrine on the first marriage, SC explained that The 2nd marriage should have all the requisites of a valid
nullity of the prior marriage is now considered as a defense marriage. Otherwise, no crime of bigamy was committed.
against the crime of bigamy. And there is no need on part of This is because a void marriage is legally inexistent.
the party invoking the nullity of the prior marriage to first Therefore, the 2nd marriage shall be void for reasons other
secure a decree of nullity. SC said the need to reconcile Art. than its bigamous character, then it is legally inexistent, and
40 of FC which says “a prior judicial declaration of nullity of cannot be said that you actually contracted the subsequent
a previous marriage before a party may remarry and that it marriage.
is not for the parties, particularly the accused, to determine
the validity or invalidity of the marriage.”, with the concept To be clear, under the ruling of Pulido v. People, the nullity of
of a null and void marriage under CC as being legally the 1st, the nullity of the 2nd, are now defenses against the
inexistent and subject to a collateral attack as well as crime of bigamy. You may invoke these defenses even
definition of bigamy under RPC is not really necessary though you have not secured yet a decree of nullity.
And should it happen, a civil action to have these marriages
If you remember, Art 40 of FC was intended to reconcile Art declared a nullity before you are charged with bigamy, you
349 of RPC with our understanding of what the nature of the can invoke prejudicial question. And a decree of nullity that
void marriage is. If marriage is void, the bigamy is inexistent. you can obtain anytime, either before OR after the criminal
You can always attack its validity in any proceeding. Any action for bigamy has been filed, then that would be a
proceeding may include a proceeding for bigamy. You do not suitable defense.
need a decree on nullity. The problem is Art 349, art 349 says
bigamy is committed by any person who contracts a In Tenebro v. CA, the Supreme Court held that in
subsequent marriage without first legally dissolving the psychological incapacity as a ground for the nullity of a
prior marriage. ART 349 says that if you get married without marriage, there is recognition written into the law itself that
first obtaining a decree of nullity, you are liable for bigamy. such a marriage, although void ab initio, may still produce
Can you appreciate how contradictory of null and void legal consequences and among these legal consequences is
marriage under CC and definition of bigamy RPC? incurring criminal liability for bigamy. (Rabuya, Civil Law
Reviewer, 2021)
SC said art 349 only applies to voidable and valid marriages.
It does not apply to void marriages. So when we speak of
legal dissolution or on the requirement that the prior
marriage must be first legally dissolved, you can only refer
to annulment of the voidable marriage. It cannot refer to
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Atty. Seña:
BOOK I When we speak of emancipation, the provisions of Civil Code
PERSONS on emancipation was amended by RA No. 6809. This is
because the age of majority under the Civil Code was set at
Title I. - CIVIL PERSONALITY 21 years of age, and upon amendment, was changed to 18
years of age.
GENERAL PROVISIONS RA 6809 came after the Family Code. That’s why the age of
majority under the FC was at 21 years old. That is why there
Art. 37. Juridical capacity, which is the fitness to be the are provision in the FC referring to minors. 21 years old in
subject of legal relations, is inherent in every natural the FC is a significant age. Under the FC, while 18 is age of
person and is lost only through death. Capacity to act, marriage, 21 is still the age of majority.
which is the power to do acts with legal effect, is acquired
and may be lost. (n) Atty. Seña:
Under the Family Code, 18 was the marrying age, but still the
Q: What is juridical capacity, and what is capacity to act? person capacitated to marry was considered a minor,
A: Juridical personality is the fitness to be the subject of legal because 21 was the age of majority. Since, the age intended
relations. Capacity to act is the power to do acts with legal to meet the age of majority and the marrying age uniform. It
effects. also gives away with the other means of emancipation
limiting it to emancipation by attainment of the age of
Q: Which one out of those, cannot exist without the majority.
A: Capacity to act cannot exist without juridical personality. Atty.40 has also been amended, because if you look at Art.40,
Capacity to act presupposes the existence of juridical it speaks of birth as being determinative of personality. But
personality. it also speaks of presumptive personality.
Personality, is if you are a human being, you acquire this Atty Seña:
upon birth under Art. 40 of the NCC. Birth determines It is presumptive, it is provisional because it is only deemed
personality. to exist for purposes and are favorable to the fetus, and
subject to the condition that the fetus may subsequently
Q: On capacity to act, where do you acquire this? born on conditions provided by Art.40. And we said a while
A: A person acquires capacity to act upon reaching the age ago that this has been amended.
of majority. Or emancipation.
Q: How was it amended?
Q: How many ways can a person be emancipated? A: It was amended, civil personality is given from
A: A person may be emancipated once he reaches the age of conception.
18 years old.
Atty Seña:
Q: Has this always been the case? It was amended by a child in lieu of the welfare code or Art.5
A: NO. Under the Civil Code, there are other ways where a of PD 603.
person may be emancipated. Emancipation by marriage, by
agreement. But that was changed. PD 603: Article 5. Commencement of Civil Personality. -
The civil personality of the child shall commence from the
Q: How was that changed? time of his conception, for all purposes favorable to him,
A: The Civil Code was amended in a way where before a subject to the requirements of Article 41 of the Civil Code.
woman can act, there has to be first the consent of a man. But
the Civil Code has been amended, where women can do acts From the provisional personality that Art.40 provided, we
without the consent of a man. now have a declaration that the fetus shall have personality
from the time of his conception, albeit from the limited
purposes of transaction favorable to the person.
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Q: How else should we treat the conditions that must be life of at least 7months, then it is considered born, regardless
complied with under Art.41? Should this be treated as if it dies immediately after.
suspensive conditions? Or should be resolutory
conditions? It should survive within 24 hours after delivery, but if the
A: It would be treated as a resolutory condition. fetus had an intrauterine life of at least 7 months, then it is
considered born regardless if it dies immediately after.
Atty Seña:
As a resolutory condition. In fact, in the case of Quimiguing Atty Seña:
v. Icao, the defendant was sued for support, due to the fetus As a general rule, there is no minimum period of time the
in the womb of the woman that he got pregnant. Among his baby should remain alive after being delivered from the
defenses was that the petition failed to allege that there has mother’s womb. It could have been alive for just a few
already been the birth of the child. So the petition should be minutes, or for an hour or 2 hours; so long as it was born
dismissed for lack of cause of action because it was not alive.
alleged that the child has already been born. He is implying
that the fetus can only claim support from, although he However, if it had an intrauterine life of less than seven (7)
already has personality, if it can be shown that it has already months, the law requires that it must survive for 24 hours. If
been born. So ginagawa niyang suspensive condition yung it dies within 24 hours, it is considered not to have been born
birth of the fetus, which again will defeat the purpose of at all and it did not acquire personality.
giving it personality, for all transactions favorable to it. The
Supreme Court said, the conditions under Art.41 is not Q: Donation was made to the fetus while it was in the
suspensive in character. There is no need to show that birth mother’s womb, can it be a donee?
has taken place before the fetus may be entitled for support, A: YES, because a donation is favorable to the fetus and
precisely because the fetus is considered to have personality therefore we say that in conception, it provided it with
for purposes that are favorable to it. personality.
So, for us to reconcile the provision requiring compliance If there was an accident and delivery has to be done in an
with the conditions of Art.41 with the holding of the attempt to save the baby and the mother. But at that time,
Supreme Court that those conditions are not suspensive in the mother was only 6 months pregnant
character, and there’s no need to show that birth has taken
place before the fetus can be entitled to receive support. Q: If the baby is delivered alive but it does not survive
Then the only way for us to do it is to treat the conditions as for the next 24 hours, what happens?
resolutory in character. Meaning to say, should birth not take A: It is deemed to have never acquired personality.
place, then whatever rights we have acquired while the fetus
is in the womb, will be considered as extinguished. It makes Q: Who will get the donated property? Should there be a
sense rather than saying birth is a suspensive condition, in transmittal of rights from the baby to his parents? Or
which case, it goes against the obvious purpose of the law should the donated property revert to the donor on the
which is, to protect the fetus from conception, from the time premise that the donee never existed?
that it was conceived. A: In this case, since the baby died within 24 hours, it never
acquired personality at all. There can be no transmission of
Q: When does birth take place? rights of the donated property between the baby and the
A: As provided under Art.41, birth takes place or the fetus is parents. Donated property reverts back to the donor/owner.
considered born if it is alive at the time it is completely
delivered from the mother’s womb. ARTIFICIAL PERSONS/JURIDICAL PERSONS
Be mindful when the law says it is delivered from the
mother’s womb, it presupposes that it is delivered alive. The CHAPTER 2
fetus must be alive or the baby must be alive. Natural Persons
Q: Is there a period of time that the baby must remain Article 40. Birth determines personality; but the
alive after being delivered from the mother’s womb? conceived child shall be considered born for all purposes
A: Yes, there is also a qualification as provided in Art.41, the that are favorable to it, provided it be born later with the
provision states that if the fetus had an intrauterine life of conditions specified in the following article. (29a)
less than 7months, then it should be alive or survive after
24hours after delivery. But, if the fetus had an intrauterine
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- In the meantime, you are a minor, you have to act Q: How did RA 9048, as amended, change Art. 376 of the
through your guardian and parents. Civil Code?
A: RA 9048, as amended by RA 10172, provided for the
- Civil personality – this is extinguished by death (all correction of first names not only based on clerical or
or nothing proposition, either you have it or not) typographical errors.
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In this case, the SC ruled that one’s gender, as stated in the A: The petition will be dismissed because the court will hold
birth certificate, is determined by a physical or visual that there is no cause of action to file the petition. The reason
examination of the baby’s genitals upon birth. In the absence being is that what we are trying to secure from the court is
of a mistake, the determination made after would be simply a presumption; that presumption can be overturned
immutable. It cannot be changed anymore. In the same at any time, and therefore, the judgment cannot really attain
token, a person cannot change his first name, if the purpose finality.
in doing so is for the purpose of changing his gender.
In Cagandahan, despite the issue also being a change in the The only exception to this is ART. 41, which mandates that
gender, the change there was brought about by nature – you go to court and secure a decree of presumptive death if
Cagandahan was intersex upon birth. The SC ruled that any you intend to remarry. The only reason we allow that is
change of name would be allowable because it is consistent because the law requires the filing of that petition.
with what nature determines for the gender of the person to
ART. 41. A marriage contracted by any person during
subsistence of a previous marriage shall be null and void,
unless before the celebration of the subsequent marriage,
the prior spouse had been absent for four consecutive
Atty. Seña:
years and the spouse present has a well-founded belief that
For this topic, what is important to know is when a person
may be declared as absent, who may seek the declaration of the absent spouse was already dead. In case of
absence, and the administration of the properties of the disappearance where there is danger of death under the
circumstances set forth in the provisions of Article 391 of
absentee. But what may be more important is the
the Civil Code, an absence of only two years shall be
determination of when the presumption of death may be
For the purpose of contracting the subsequent marriage
Q: The presumption of death is also premised on the
under the preceding paragraph the spouse present must
absence. When will absence cause a right to a
institute a summary proceeding as provided in this Code
presumption of death?
for the declaration of presumptive death of the absentee,
A: It depends on the persons who were left behind. They will
without prejudice to the effect of reappearance of the
make that call. They can still consider the person absent if
absent spouse. (83a)
they wish so. However, if they will want the absentee to be
declared presumptively dead for any purpose (e.g.,
succession, partition, remarriage), then they need to refer to Q: Now, if you cannot file a petition for the declaration of
the rules for declaration of presumption of death. presumptive death for reasons other than remarriage,
how do you establish the presumption of death for other
GR: To be clear, you cannot file a petition to have a purposes, such as opening succession for the estate of
person declared presumptively dead. the missing person? How do you establish the
circumstances that would warrant the presumption of
Q: If you go to court and file such a petition without death? Who will declare that such presumption exists?
alleging you are doing so for the purpose of remarriage, A: You will establish those facts in the proceeding where the
what will happen to your petition? presumption of death is required to be shown; for instance,
A: The petition will be dismissed for lack of cause of action in the settlement of an estate. So, you file for settlement of
to file the petition. The reason being is that what we are an estate, either intestate or testate, and you establish the
trying to secure from the court is simply a presumption. And presumption of death in the same proceeding.
that presumption can be overturned at any time. Hence, the
judgment will never attain finality. In another instance, wherein there is a will, you file a petition
for probation. During the proceeding wherein you have to
The only exception to this is Art. 41 of the Civil Code which establish the fact of death, you bring out these circumstances
mandates that you need to secure a judicial decree of which are needed for the declaration of the presumption of
presumption of death for purposes of remarriage. death but also in the same proceeding where such
presumption of death is relevant. In that example, in the
Q: If you file a petition to declare someone as petition for probate.
presumptively dead without alleging that you are doing
so for purposes of remarriage, what will happen to the GR: When it comes to period, an absence of 7 years is
petition? generally sufficient to warrant the presumption that a
person is presumptively dead.
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(1) when it comes to opening a succession to a person’s
estate, the law requires 10 years.
(2) When the person is 75 years old at the time of
his/her disappearance, the law requires 5 years.
(3) The disappearance takes place under danger of
death pursuant to Art. 391, the law requires 4 years.
a. Art. 391 is also applied in relation to Art. 41.
However, when Art. 391 is applied to Art.
41, the period is shortened to two years.
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SEPTEMBER 5, 2022 To be valid, a marriage must have all of the requisites set
forth in the law. And these requisites may be classified as
THE FAMILY CODE essential and formal.
You can also refer to Article 1 for guidance on what the policy Q: Why was that the marrying age under the Civil Code?
of the State is on marriage. Very telling that marriage is A: Because under the civil code, marrying was for
defined as a special contract of permanent union between a procreation. So what the civil code is looking at is WON the
man and woman. Gender-defined ‘yung kontrata unlike an female is capacitated to bear children. And 14 was already
ordinary contract where gender does not matter. considered child bearing age. At present, for a girl to marry
at 14 is unthinkable and shocking. Under Article 1 of the
This is significant because if there is a same gender marriage family code, marriage is no longer only for procreation but
that was validly contracted abroad and it is now being also for establishment of conjugal and family life. The law
sought to be recognized here in the Philippines perhaps now recognizes that some people just want to get married
through registration with our civil registrar. Then you may without having children.
invoke Article 1 to deny the petition for registration or
recognition. Q: How do we determine a person’s gender?
A: Physical examination of a person’s genitalia.
Q: How would we go about denying that petition using
Article 1? Q: Do we recognize sexual reassignment through
A: We begin by saying that Article 1 embodies the public surgery to change gender?
policy of our State/of our laws insofar as marriages are A: In Republic vs Silverio, the SC laid down the general rule
concerned. By way of public policy, marriage under that gender is determined at birth through the visual
Philippine law is limited to just a man and a woman. That is examination of an infant’s genitalia. In the absence of any
clear from Article 1. For this reason, the fact that same mistake, such determination is immutable and can no longer
gender marriage is recognized abroad as valid is of no be changed. Therefore, even if a person undergoes surgical
moment because under Article 17 (NCC), our laws which procedure, he will forever remain to be of the gender that he
have for their purpose public policy cannot be rendered was found to be at the time he was an infant. There is no law
ineffective by any foreign law or judgment or whatever ends. recognizing changes brought about by a gender
reassignment procedure.
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As an exception, the SC held in the case of Republic vs 4. Person having legal charge
Cagandahan that the gender of a person who is intersex shall
be that which the person chooses to be upon reaching the There is hierarchy under the Family Code.
age of maturity. An intersex person is one who has both male
and female genitalias. At some point in his life, either the Atty Seña:
female or male aspect of his personality will become more At the top of the list is the father. If the father is around and
dominant. Whichever becomes more dominant will be the does not want to give consent then you cannot skip him and
gender of that person. That would be recognized because the go to the mother because there is a hierarchy
change was not done through artificial means.
Q: Do we still [inaudible] with the guardian for the
ABSENCE OF LEGAL IMPEDIMENT person who is in charge of the party?
A: Not anymore because under R.A. 6809, the age of majority
Q: We make this determination through? was lowered from 21 to 18. So if you’re 18, then you are fully
A: By measuring the status of the parties against the capacitated and there is no need for you to have a guardian.
provisions of articles 37 and 38. And no one could also have legal charge of you.
Previously, step brothers and step sisters cannot marry each Q: You may ask, why is it still in the Family Code?
other under the civil code. This prohibition has already been A: This anomaly was born by the fact that R.A. 6809 came
removed under the FC. after the Family Code. The Family Code was already in effect
when we have R.A. 6809. That is why the Family Code from
Consent Freely Given with the Presence of a Solemnizing time to time will speak about minors under the age of 21
Officer when in R.A. 6809, there is no such thing. Because if you’re
18 and under the age of 21, you are already of age.
Q: Whose consent is referred to here?
A: The consent of the parties to be married Q: What are the formal requisites?
A: 1. Authority of the solemnizing officer
Q: Is parental consent an essential requisite? 2. Valid marriage license except in cases provided in
A: Yes, if the contracting parties are between the age of 18- Chapter provided in the first Title of the Family
21 Code
3. Marriage ceremony which takes place with the
Q: What purpose does parental consent serve if the appearance of the contracting party or the
parties are between 18-21? solemnizing officer under declaration that they take
A: Because marriage is a special contract. The parties need each other as husband and wife in the presence of
their parent’s guidance. not less than two witnesses of the marriage
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Q: When did the LGC take effect? A: Remember that the effect of nullity arising from the
A: January 1, 1992. absence of an essential or formal requisite is subject to one
exception, the exception being Article 35, paragraph 2. And
Thus, there will be a period of time from the date of what is the exception? If the formal requisite absent is
effectivity of the Family Code and the date of effectivity of the authority of the solemnizing officer and either of the party
LGC when Mayors did not have the authority to solemnize believed in good faith that the solemnizing officer was so
marriages. authorized to celebrate their marriage, then the marriage
may still be valid.
Q: Did they have authority to solemnize under the Civil
Code? Q: So the thrust of the question here really is do we apply
A: Yes, they have the authority under the Civil Code but this the exception? Is the exception applicable here?
was removed under the Family Code. A: The exception will not apply. It would still be valid
because good faith will not save the validity of the marriage.
Q: Why was this removed? The exception does not apply because you cannot claim good
A: It was removed in order to curb the unscrupulous practice faith based on a mistake of law. Everyone is required to
of marriages in mass weddings for political purposes. So, it know the law. Everyone is conclusively presumed to know
was taken away from them. But when the LGC was enacted, the law.
the provision was snuck back in. So they had the authority
once more. Q: Ano ang pinag-uusapan natin na mistake of law dito?
A: Dapat alam nila na noong panahon na iyon hindi pwedeng
Atty Seña: magkasal ang mga mayor.
It is a requirement that the marriage to be solemnized by a
Judge should be done within the territory of the court over Q: With regard to the authority of the priest, rabbi,
which a judge is presiding. imam, or minister of any church or religious sect, give
me the complete qualifications.
Q: What if the parties would request the judge to A: The requirement would be he must be duly authorized,
celebrate the marriage in another venue? And the venue his authority must be in writing, and he must also be
happens to be outside the territorial jurisdiction of this registered with the Civil Registrar General, and then at least
court? Would the judge have the authority to celebrate one of the contracting parties must belong to his church or
the marriage? religious sect. Those are the requirements that must be met.
A: The provisions of the law are very clear, it must be within
the court’s jurisdiction. And there is a reason for this Atty Seña:
requirement because the authority of the judge would only Now if you have no idea as of yet kung sino itong mga
be within the territory of the court where he is presiding. ministers na ito, there is a section in the Civil Registrar’s
Outside of that territory, he no longer has any authority. Office where there is a registry of all these ministers, and I
believe that these can be accessed online.
Even if the parties were to make a request for a different
venue, their capacity to make such a request is necessarily So long as the person declares that he believes in something
limited by the territory of the court. and that something is his religion, no one can question him.
Atty Seña: Q: What about the fact that neither of the parties belongs
Of course it is a different matter when you are dealing with to the church or religious sect?
Justices of the Court of Appeals, Supreme Court or the A: So far no one has questioned that before the Supreme
Sandiganbayan. Their jurisdiction is nationwide. Court
Q: What if a Mayor celebrated the marriage in August of Q: What about the authority of the ship captain, airplane
1990. What would be the status of that marriage? chief, or military commander?
A: The status of the marriage will be void because with the A: The ship captain, airplane chief, or military commander,
said date, the Mayor has yet no authority to solemnize any they have authority to solemnize marriages in articulo
marriages prior to the effectivity of the LGC. mortis.
Q: Supposing that the parties believed in good faith that Q: In marriages in articulo mortis, is it enough that there
the Mayor had the authority to marry them, would this is danger of death or does the law require more than
good faith save the validity of the marriage? that?
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A: The law requires much more than that. One of the A: Under Art. 1, marriage is the foundation of the family and
contracting parties must really be at the point of death (i.e. an inviolable social institution. That is why the state has to
he or she is dying or fatally wounded for the marriage to be be involved and acquire the permission of the state.
Atty Seña:
Q: What happens if after the marriage, the party at the A marriage license is a formal requisite. It is different from a
point of death survives? marriage certificate. Marriage certificate is not a formal
A: The marriage would still be valid as provided for the requisite.
Family Code.
Q: How is a marriage license different from a marriage
Q: Would there be any consequence arising from the fact certificate?
that the marriage was celebrated in articulo mortis? A: If a marriage license is a permission given by the State to
A: There would be an economic consequence (it has bearing a party to get married.
on the legitime of the SS). If the marriage is celebrated in
articulo mortis and one of the spouses died, the surviving Q: How do you characterize a marriage certificate? It is
spouse would be entitled to ½ of the estate of the deceased the best evidence of marriage. Is it the only evidence of
spouse. However, if the other party survives but later on dies marriage?
(within three months after the celebration of the marriage), A: No. There can be other supporting evidence such as
the surviving spouse would only be entitled to 1/3 of the photos of the wedding, invitation, testimonies of the
estate of the deceased spouse. attending parties.
Q: Under Article 31, the provision shifts to airplane pilot Since it is only evidence of the marriage, the absence of a
instead of airplane chief so do we take it that any pilot marriage certificate has no bearing to the validity of the
on board the airplane would be authorized to solemnize marriage unlike a marriage license.
the marriage in question?
A: It should be the airplane chief. It cannot be the co-pilot. It MARRIAGES EXEMPT TO THE MARRIAGE LICENSE
is also the same with the ship captain. It should be the
officer-in-charge of the vessel. 1. Marriage in articulo mortis
2. If the parties are residing in a remote area with no
Q: It cannot be the co-pilot? means of transportation to the local civil registry –
A: No. it should be the airplane chief. And it should be the the law based this to the location with no
ship captain. It should be the officer in charge of the vessel transportation where the parties are to be married.
who should be solemnizing the marriage. You should mention the reason why there is no
means of transportation. The lack of means of
MARRIAGES SOLEMNIZED BY CONSUL-GENERAL, transportation is on account of the remote location
CONSUL, VICE-CONSUL of the residence of the parties.
Q: Under what circumstances may the solemnizing Q: When the law says there is no means of
officer may solemnize a marriage? transportation, what does the law actually mean?
A: The general-consul, consul, and vice-consul can only A: The law means that the location must be so remote that
solemnize marriage between Filipino citizens abroad as the transportation that would enable the parties to appear
provided under Art. 10 of FC. They must celebrate this within to the civil registrar would be so difficult.
the confines within the consular office abroad because these
consular offices are an extension of Philippine territory. It is not total absence as required by law. The law looks at
the difficulty of commuting from the place of residence of the
2ND FORMAL REQUISITE: VALID MARRIAGE LICENSE parties to the civil registrar’s office.
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3. Marriages between Muslims or among members of Q: Why are they encouraged to marry?
the ethnic cultural communities provided that their A: Under the law, marriage provides benefits for families,
marriages are solemnized according to their and under Article 1 of the FC, the family is an inviolable social
customs or practices institution, and so, upon reaching the 5 years, the
government wants these parties to undergo marriage and
The law recognizes the autonomy of the Muslims and other enjoy the benefits as provided.
similar ethnic communities to determine how to go about
carrying out their marriages or weddings. There is danger Atty Seña:
here because sometimes there are certain customs where Usually, when people have been cohabiting for so long,
marriages which would otherwise be disallowed by FC without the benefit of marriage, they will become
would still be allowed to proceed. complacent and would no longer want to get married.
Sometimes, part of the reason is that they do not want to
EXAMPLE: attract the publicity that they are not married.
A marriage where the parties are both minors. The term that
was used was “kasalang pamilya” where the minors were What if your grandparents are not married, who have been
married by agreement of all the family members. lecturing you on morality and good customs, it turns out that
they are not married to each other. You would be shocked.
It is arguable that no license may be required of marriage Put yourselves in their shoes. You would then also be
since this was one celebrated under customs of a particular worried about your grandchildren’s reactions, right?
community. While it may be said that it does not need a
marriage license, this means that the government will not Paano mo malalaman? Because there will be a publication
know that minors are being married. No one polices this for 10 days, under the law. So there, you no longer need a
phenomenon where minors are being wed. marriage license, BUT, execute an affidavit that they have
been living for five years or more, immediately preceding
RA 11596 before the wedding, and that they do not have any legal
RA 11596 was passed in December 2021 and published in impediment in marriage.
January 2022. This law is an act prohibiting the practice of
child marriages. It is important since it absolutely prohibits Q: When should there be no legal impediment to marry
marriages involving children. each other?
A: In the case of Niñal v. Bayadog.
Children were defined as those below 18 years of age, or
those above 18 years of age but cannot fully take care of ENGRACE NIÑAL V. NORMA BAYADOG
themselves. What is prohibited is any marriage involving a G.R. No. 133778 - March 14, 2000
child, even though the same may be sanctioned by the
customs and traditions of our communities. It is also FACTS:
prohibited to make unions outside of wedlock between an Petitioners Niñal were the children of Pepito Niñal during
adult and a child, or between children. marriage. Pepito killed their mother and one year and 8
months later married respondent Bayadog without
Last exception under Art. 34. marriage license. However, they executed an affidavit that
they have cohabited together for at least five years and thus
Art. 34. No license shall be necessary for the marriage of were exempted from securing a marriage license. In Feb
a man and a woman who have lived together as husband 1997, Pepito died and the petitioners filed a petition for
and wife for at least five years and without any legal declaration of nullity of the second marriage due to absence
impediment to marry each other. The contracting parties of marriage license. The petition was grounded on the
shall state the foregoing facts in an affidavit before any assumption that it might affect the successional rights of
person authorized by law to administer oaths. The the Niñals. Bayadog averred that Niñal have no cause of
solemnizing officer shall also state under oath that he action and not among the persons who could file an action
ascertained the qualifications of the contracting parties
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for “annulment of marriage” under Article 47 of the Family For some reason, Filipinos do not take oaths seriously. It is
Code. just a suggestion to the truth of their actions, not in actually
telling the truth. Those who do not want to get a license will
The lower court dismissed the petition of the Niñals on the just execute an affidavit and blatantly lie. That was the issue
ground that Annulment/Voidable must be a direct attack. in the case of Republic v. Dayot.
A void marriage is subject to collateral attack: (1) Case can REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES V. JOSE A. DAYOT
be filed by interested parties or heirs even after the lifetime GR No. 175581, March 28, 2008.
of the parties. (2) Can also be raised in an estate proceeding
involving property. FACTS:
Jose Dayot and Felisa Tecson married each other in
ISSUES: November 1986. Their marriage was without a marriage
Will the successional rights of the Niñals be affected license because they executed a Joint Affidavit of
because of their father’s second marriage with Bayadog? Cohabitation whereby they declared that prior to their
intended marriage, they have been cohabiting as husband
Is Bayadog’s contention correct? and wife for at least five years (as required by law). In July
1993 however, Jose Dayot filed a Complaint for Annulment
RULING: of Marriage and/or Declaration of Nullity of Marriage
No, because the second marriage is void. As a general rule, against Felisa on the ground that in February 1987, he
a marriage license is a requirement for marriage but there found out that he was defrauded by Felisa into signing a
are exceptions: one of which is cohabitation for at least 5 marriage contract and other documents which pertain to
years without legal impediments (Article 76 Old Civil their marriage. He claimed that no marriage ceremony
Code). No third party must be involved during those 5 years happened and that when he signed the marriage
to be exempt from marriage license, otherwise, the law will documents, he thought he was signing documents for the
encourage immorality. In this case, Pepito and Bayadog delivery of certain packages to Felisa.
cannot claim their 5-year cohabitation as an exception
because such is an adulterous one. Thus, their marriage The Regional Trial Court denied Dayot’s complaint. On
was void and the successional rights of the Niñals will not appeal, the Court of Appeals affirmed the RTC as it ruled
be affected. that Dayot’s action was already barred by prescription.
The CA ratiocinated that an action for annulment based on
No. Bayadog contends that the Niñals have no cause of fraud must be raised within four years from the date of
action because they are not among those listed under discovery as per the Civil Code.
Article 47 of the Family Code. Article 47 provides causes or
grounds of action where a marriage may be annulled. Dayot filed a motion for reconsideration on the ground that
However, these are grounds for voidable marriages and not the exemption from obtaining a marriage license – that
for void marriages. Void marriages may be questioned even they had cohabited for at least five years as husband and
after the death of either of the parties but voidable wife prior to the marriage – was not really complied with.
marriages may only be questioned during the lifetime of the Dayot asserted the falsity of the Affidavit of Cohabitation
parties. The reason why a voidable marriage may only be as in fact, they only began cohabiting in June 1986 or about
questioned during the lifetime of the parties is that it may five months before their marriage in November 1986. This
leave their offspring as legitimate. On the converse, once time, the CA ruled in favor of Dayot.
any of the party of a voidable dies, it will be disastrous to
declare their offspring as illegitimate which once lived up ISSUE:
with the knowledge of the legitimacy of their parent’s Whether or not the marriage between Dayot and Felisa is
marriage. Here, Bayadog’s and Pepito’s marriage was void, valid.
therefore Article 47 does not apply. Furthermore, the heirs
of Niñals may validly question such subsequent marriage. HELD:
No. It was established that indeed, Dayot and Felisa only
Atty Seña: began cohabiting in June 1986. Hence, when they married
Supreme Court said that the absence of impediment must be in November 1986, they had not cohabited for at least five
for the entire duration of the 5 years preceding the marriage. years to warrant their exemption from obtaining a
So long as they can establish this in the affidavit, the marriage license. Since the content of their affidavit of
marriage they contract without the license would be valid. cohabitation is a falsity, they were not exempt from
obtaining a marriage license before marrying each other.
Is this prone to abuse? YES. Their marriage is thus void ab initio. An action to annul a
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void ab initio marriage does not prescribe, thus, Dayot was extras do not add to the validity of marriage, but they also do
not estopped from questioning the validity of the marriage not detract from the validity of marriage, so long as the bare
even if he filed the complaint only in 1993. minimum has been met.
SIDE ISSUE: Will equity work in this case considering that, What happens if no marriage ceremony took place? If the
on paper, Dayot was part of the falsity? parties simply signed the marriage certificate? Would you
still have a valid marriage certificate? And this is not only
In its second assignment of error, the Republic (through about whether or not there is a valid marriage, because the
the Office of the Solicitor General) puts forth the argument implication of a void marriage carries with it the necessity of
that based on equity, Dayot should be denied relief because filing a petition to nullify (abala at gastos). And then prior to
he perpetrated the fabrication, and cannot thereby profit the case of Pullido, may possibility pa na maging liable ka sa
from his wrongdoing. This is a misplaced invocation. It bigamy.
must be stated that equity finds no room for application
where there is a law. There is a law on the ratification of In one case, Morigo v. People, the Supreme Court said, since
marital cohabitation, which is set in precise terms under the parties always have a marriage certificate without
Article 76 of the Civil Code. Nonetheless, the authorities undergoing a marriage ceremony, there is no marriage to
are consistent that the declaration of nullity of the parties’ speak of. And therefore, there was no need to declare that
marriage is without prejudice to their criminal liability. marriage a nullity. And for that reason, the groom cannot be
held liable for bigamy or contracting that succeeding
Atty Seña: marriage without having that prior marriage declared a
Parang isang linggong pag-ibig to. The guy was younger than nullity. But as I mentioned, medyo irrelevant na yan ngayon
the woman. Then he wanted to have the marriage nullified, gawa ng doctrinal ruling sa Pullido v. People.
and said that they did not live together for 5 years, and
assailed the contents of the affidavit, kasi kamakailan lang Now, there’s this other very interesting case, Republic v.
sila nagkakilala, and just signed those for them to marry. Olaybar.
The OSG was on to him. It's impossible to sign without you Q: What is this case all about?
knowing or reading those. The OSG was opposing the A: The case of Olaybar stems when a couple requested for a
petition, since he would be benefiting from his own CENOMAR, in the Office, since this is one of the requirements
falsehood. This is wrong. to get married. Upon receipt of CENOMAR, she discovered
that upon the records, she was already married, as recorded,
The judge solemnizing the marriage cannot be the same but having no knowledge about this, she denied that she
judge who will be administering the oath in the affidavit contracted this marriage, and she claimed that the alleged
of cohabitation. signature in the said documents were forged, thus she filed a
An MTC judge is authorized to solemnize marriages and petition so that the Court will cancel the entry of said
administer oaths. marriage that contained her forged signature. In this case,
In the case of [inaudible], lininaw ng Supreme Court that Art. the Court said, the (inaudible) on record will prove that her
34 actually contemplates a situation where a judge who signature was actually forged. Aside from the certificate of
solemnizes marriage is the different judge who should marriage, which contains the forged signature, there were
administer the oath. no other pieces of evidence that will actually prove that the
Last formal requisite. Marriage ceremony. said marriage with another person actually existed.
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registrar. Instead of filing a petition for nullity. The Supreme The woman found herself an American man who she
Court said that this is a case of stolen identity. She had no contracted to marry her in exchange for a sum of money in
participation in the marriage at all. Ni hindi nga siya order to obtain a green card. She was not able to get a green
nakapirma dun sa marriage certificate, ginamit lang yung card and since Art. 26(2) was still unaltered in its
pangalan niya, lahat ng details niya. Yung nagpakasal, kinuha interpretation by Republic v. Manalo, she cannot file for
yung details niya, name bday, address. So ginawa niya, divorce. The man was nowhere to be found to file the
nagfile siya ng petition to cancel the entry. Because if divorce.
hihilingin mo na mag file ng petition to nullify the marriage,
that’s too much. There’s no marriage to speak off. And REPUBLIC v. ALBIOS
definitely, it’s easier to cancel the entry than to file a petition G.R. No. 198780; October 16, 2013
nullifying the marriage. The process itself is more tedious
kung magpapa-nullify ka ng kasal. Ba’t mo naman hihilingin FACTS:
sa kanya yun, di naman siya nagpakasal talaga. Ninakaw lang Liberty Albios married Daniel Lee Fringer, an American
yung identity niya. SO in this case, it’s not even a case of a citizen. She later on filed a petition to nullify their
void marriage or lack of a formal requisite of marriage marriage. She alleged that immediately after their
ceremony. It’s simply an inexistent marriage. Kaya pwede na marriage, they separated and never lived as husband and
yung petition for cancellation of entry. wife because they never really had any intention of
entering into a married state or complying with any of
ARTICLE 4 their essential marital obligations. She said that she
contracted Fringer to enter into a marriage to enable her
Art. 4. The absence of any of the essential or formal to acquire American citizenship; that in consideration
requisites shall render the marriage void ab initio, except thereof, she agreed to pay him the sum of $2,000.
as stated in Article 35 (2).
After the ceremony they separated ways and Fringer never
Atty Seña: communicated again with Albios, and in turn she did not
1. Defect in the essential requisite – marriage shall be pay the former $2,000.She described their marriage as one
valid until annulled or it will be voidable. made in jest and, therefore, null and void ab initio.
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The Court also ruled that the marriage may not be Q: What do these exemptions imply? What does it mean
considered as voidable by reason of fraud. The instances of that we have these exemptions?
fraud under Art. 45 and Art. 46 of the FC contemplates fraud
committed against one of the parties – that is not the case Atty Seña:
here. The fraud here was committed by both parties, by The exceptions in Art. 26 (1) simply means that you may cite
agreement, against the immigration agency of the US. these grounds to nullify the marriage even though the such
marriage was perfectly valid when it was celebrated. It does
Q: Now, supposing that the requisite absent is marriage not matter that the law of the place where the marriage was
license. How do we prove that the marriage was contracted celebrated does not provide for these grounds for nullity.
without a license? How do you prove the absence of a
marriage license? For example, you got married in the USA. When you came
A: Through a certification from the local civil register where back to the Philippines, you sued for nullity alleging that you
the parties applied for a marriage license that no such license are psychologically incapacitated (it is allowed that you
was issued based on the records. claim that you are the incapacitated party). It does not
matter even if the laws of the USA do not provide
As per jurisprudence, the SC held that if you can show that psychological incapacity as a ground for nullity; this is
the marriage license in question was actually issued to pursuant to Art. 26 (1)
another couple, then that too, would prove that the marriage
was celebrated without a license. Q: You married in the USA before the Governor of Texas?
You came back to the Philippines and you want to file a
ARTICLE 26 petition for nullity on the ground that your marriage is
violative of Art. 35 (2) (lack of authority of a solemnizing
When discussing Art. 26 the focus inevitably goes to the officer). Can you now allege this as a ground?
second paragraph. But the first paragraph is equally
important. A: No, it is not among the exceptions under Art. 26 (1); which
simply means that you cannot invoke it as a nullity. When it
Q: What rule is embodied in the first paragraph of Art. comes to authority, it pertains to the intrinsic validity of the
26? marriage, which will be consistent with our adherence to the
A: It states that all marriages solemnized outside of the lex loci celebrationis doctrine.
Philippines, and valid there as such, are also considered valid
here in the Philippines, except for marriages considered void FC GROUNDS FOR NULLITY ONLY APPLY TO THE
under Art. 35 (1)(4)(5) and (6), Art. 36, Art. 37, Art. 38. FILIPINO SPOUSE
The exceptions qualify the marriage even though the Atty Seña:
marriage was perfectly valid where it was celebrated. It does [WITH REGARD TO ART. 26 (1)] If you are going to invoke
not matter that the law of the place where the marriage was any of these grounds for nullity (such as psychological
celebrated has these grounds for nullity. incapacity), and these grounds happen to affect your status
and/or the family rights and duties of the party concerned,
make sure that you are invoking these grounds with regard
ART. 26. All marriages solemnized outside the Philippines,
to the Filipino party in the marriage (Simundac-Keppel v.
in accordance with the laws in force in the country where
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For example, your marriage is a mixed marriage validly so under the Rules of Court governing the recognition of
celebrated abroad. Upon your return to the Philippines, you foreign judgments. This foreign spouse might want to have
want to invoke psychological incapacity. However, the the divorce recognized in certain instances such as when the
spouse is a foreigner. Hence, you cannot just invoke marriage that was dissolved by the divorce was celebrated
psychological incapacity with regard to that foreign spouse in the Philippines, and therefore, recorded here. It may also
without showing that his own national law also provides for happen that this foreigner would want to remarry here in the
psychological incapacity as a ground for nullity. Philippines again. He would have to have the previously
contracted marriage canceled in the civil register.
If psychological incapacity is not a ground for nullity in his
national law, the remedy, in this case, is to invoke that In another instance, the foreigner was not married in the
ground of psychological incapacity with regard to yourself. Philippines, and, therefore, is not recorded in the Philippines
That ground will apply to you because your national law but is divorced. He does not need the court to recognize the
(Philippine laws) provide psychological incapacity as a divorce decree for the purpose of remarriage. You should
ground for nullity. only advise the foreigner client to simply secure a certificate
of capacity to marry from his consular office.
ART. 26 (2)
ART. 26. x x x
Where a marriage between a Filipino citizen and a
foreigner is validly celebrated and a divorce is thereafter
validly obtained abroad by the alien spouse capacitating
him or her to remarry, the Filipino spouse shall have
capacity to remarry under Philippine law. (As amended
by Executive Order 227)
Atty Seña:
So long as the marriage is mixed, Art. 26 (2) will still apply.
We do not care when it became mixed; whether it was mixed
at the outset (that the marriage consisted of a Filipino and a
foreigner) or whether it became mixed after the celebration
of the marriage (that the marriage was celebrated by two
Filipinos, but one later acquired a foreign nationality).
However, this does not mean that the foreign spouse cannot
have his divorce decree recognized. He can, but he has to do
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Atty Seña:
1 - Action to nullify may be brought by a third person such as Atty Seña:
the prior spouse. These would be the provisions in the FCC governing null and
void marriages.
To qualify, we are speaking here of a right of action to file a
petition to nullify. This constitutes a direct attack. Under the
rules on nullity, the Supreme Court limited the right of action
to the parties of the marriage.
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Art. 36. A marriage contracted by any party who, at the time Art. 40. The absolute nullity of a previous marriage may be
of the celebration, was psychologically incapacitated to invoked for purposes of remarriage on the basis solely of a
comply with the essential marital obligations of marriage, final judgment declaring such previous marriage void.
shall likewise be void even if such incapacity becomes
manifest only after its solemnization. (As amended by Art. 50. The effects provided for by paragraphs (2), (3), (4)
Executive Order 227) and (5) of Article 43 and by Article 44 shall also apply in the
proper cases to marriages which are declared ab initio or
Art. 37. Marriages between the following are incestuous and annulled by final judgment under Articles 40 and 45.
void from the beginning, whether relationship between the The final judgment in such cases shall provide for the
parties be legitimate or illegitimate: liquidation, partition and distribution of the properties of
(1) Between ascendants and descendants of any degree; and the spouses, the custody and support of the common
(2) Between brothers and sisters, whether of the full or half children, and the delivery of third presumptive legitimes,
blood. unless such matters had been adjudicated in previous
judicial proceedings.
Art. 38. The following marriages shall be void from the All creditors of the spouses as well as of the absolute
beginning for reasons of public policy: community or the conjugal partnership shall be notified of
(1) Between collateral blood relatives whether legitimate or the proceedings for liquidation.
illegitimate, up to the fourth civil degree; In the partition, the conjugal dwelling and the lot on which it
(2) Between step-parents and step-children; is situated, shall be adjudicated in accordance with the
(3) Between parents-in-law and children-in-law; provisions of Articles 102 and 129.
(4) Between the adopting parent and the adopted child;
(5) Between the surviving spouse of the adopting parent and Atty. Seña:
the adopted child; Then we also have Article 44. And Article 44 would refer to
(6) Between the surviving spouse of the adopted child and a terminable subsequent marriage terminated by the filing
the adopter; of the notice of reappearance where both parties acted in
(7) Between an adopted child and a legitimate child of the bad faith.
(8) Between adopted children of the same adopter; and Art. 44. If both spouses of the subsequent marriage acted in
(9) Between parties where one, with the intention to marry bad faith, said marriage shall be void ab initio and all
the other, killed that other person’s spouse, or his or her own donations by reason of marriage and testamentary
spouse. dispositions made by one in favor of the other are revoked
by operation of law.
Atty. Seña:
That will be the obvious definitions of void marriages under Atty. Seña:
the Family Code. But remember, we have Article 4 too. I think I’ve also emphasized to you how the good faith or the
Article 4 says that any marriage which lacks any of the bad faith of the parties would have no bearing on the validity
essential or formal requisites would also be null and void. of a marriage. Except for Article 35 (par. 2), and to a certain
That, too, would be a source for void marriages. extent, Article 41 and Article 44.
Art. 4. The absence of any of the essential or formal Ano ang ibig nating sabihin na irrelevant ang good faith or
requisites shall render the marriage void ab initio, except as bad faith of the parties? Kasi kung halimbawang you will be
stated in Article 35 (2). marrying your first cousin and you did not know that you
A defect in any of the essential requisites shall render the were so related, your lack of bad faith will not save your
marriage voidable as provided in Article 45. marriage. It will still be null and void.
An irregularity in the formal requisites shall not affect the Similarly, if you were to marry using a fake marriage license.
validity of the marriage but the party or parties responsible Kahit na hindi ikaw ‘yung nag-procure nung fake marriage
for the irregularity shall be civilly, criminally and license, kahit na in good faith ka, that marriage will still be
administratively liable. null and void.
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But this is not to say that your good faith or the bad faith of Atty. Seña:
the other party would not have consequences. That will be Art 35(4) should be understood in two concepts:
factored in when it comes to forfeitures that will be meted 1. It defines bigamous and polygamous marriages as
against the guilty party or the party in bad faith. That is null and void.
provided for under Article 147 and Article 148 (NCC). And 2. It provides for an exception: if article 41 applies,
where applicable, also under Article 44 and Article 43, (FC). then the marriage cannot be considered bigamous
or polygamous because it would be considered a
VOID MARRIAGES UNDER ARTICLE 35 (FC) valid terminable subsequent marriage under article
Art. 35. The following marriages shall be void from the
beginning: Art 35(5). Those contracted through mistake of one
(1) Those contracted by any party below eighteen years of contracting party as to the identity of the other; and
age even with the consent of parents or guardians;
(2) Those solemnized by any person not legally authorized Atty. Seña:
to perform marriages unless such marriages were Involves mistakes as to the identity of others. This is a
contracted with either or both parties believing in good faith mistake in the physical identity of the other party. You must
that the solemnizing officer had the legal authority to do so; have a mistake in the other party (person you wanted to
(3) Those solemnized without license, except those covered marry). This is a reiteration of article 4 because in this case,
the preceding Chapter; we have absence of consent which is an essential requisite of
(4) Those bigamous or polygamous marriages not failing a valid marriage.
under Article 41;
(5) Those contracted through mistake of one contracting Art 35(6). Those subsequent marriages that are void
party as to the identity of the other; and under Article 53
(6) Those subsequent marriages that are void under Article
53. Atty. Seña:
If you take article 35 together with article 40, we can come
Atty. Seña: up with an enumeration of those subsequent marriages that
The first ground would tell us that those who are underage are void under the family code.
if they contract a marriage even with the consent of their
parents or guardians, the marriage should be null and void. 35(4) – bigamous or polygamous marriages subject to
exceptions under article 41
Even without Article 35 (par. 1), this instance would still be 40 – marriages contracted subsequent to a prior void
under Article 4 because you lack an essential requisite which marriage
is capacity to marry. 53 – those void marriages contracted subsequent to a prior
void marriage under article 40.
Art. 35(2). Those solemnized by any person not legally
authorized to perform marriages unless such marriages VOID SUBSEQUENT MARRIAGE
were contracted with either or both parties believing in
good faith that the solemnizing officer had the legal Status of Subsequent Marriages:
authority to do so. 1. Marriages void under article 35(4)
2. Terminable subsequent marriages
Atty. Seña: 3. Marriages void under article 40
Art. 35(2) is a reiteration of Article 4: Absence of a formal 4. Marriages void under article 53
requisite which is the authority of the solemnizing officer. By
way of exception, if either party are in good faith that the VOID UNDER VOID UNDER VOID UNDER
solemnizing officer had the legal authority to do so, then the 35(4) ARTICLE 40 ARTICLE 53
marriage would still be valid. Prior marriage is Prior marriage is Prior
valid or atleast, void marriage is
Art. 35(3). Those solemnized without license, except those presumably valid void under
covered the preceding Chapter article 40 or
Art 35(4). Those bigamous or polygamous marriages not under article
failing under Article 41 45
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No decree of The subsequent The prior 147/148. They actually have a community property or
annulment (pulido marriage is marriage is conjugal partnership. But the children are illegitimate.
vs people) is contracted declared a
secured for the without having nullity or 3rd column: Void under article 53
prior marriage and the prior marriage annulled but 40 vs 45:
the subsequent declared a nullity there is no
marriage does not compliance In article 40, the prior marriage is simply void for any reason.
fall under article with the But in article 53, the prior marriage must be void under
41 provisions of article 40.
article 52
Children are Children are Children are So if you would follow the rules as to how a marriage
illegitimate and illegitimate but legitimate but becomes void under article 40, it means that if you are going
parties are the parties are the parties to apply article 53, you will have at least three marriages.
governed by co- governed by are governed 1. 1st marriage is void
ownership under either the ACP or by co- 2. 2nd marriage was contracted without having prior
article 148 the CPG in ownership 1st marriage declared a nullity, thus void under
accordance with under article article 40
Article 43(2) to 147 3. 3rd marriage void for not having complied with the
(5) in relation to registration requirements under article 52, which
article 50 only applies to marriages void under article 40 or
marriages voidable under article 45.
Atty. Seña:
These three different columns will show you the three Now let’s go to article 35(4) and correlate this with article
instances under which you would have different subsequent 41. Why? Because Article 41 is an exception. If you can show
marriages. that the subsequent marriage falls under article 41, then it
cannot be considered as bigamous or polygamous.
1st column: Void under article 35(4)
For you to have a marriage that is void under article 35(4), VALID TERMINABLE SUBSEQUENT MARRIAGE
the prior marriage must be valid or atleast presumably valid.
There must be no decree of annulment secured for the prior Prior marriage is valid or at Prior marriage is subsisting
marriage and the subsequent marriage does not fall under least presumably valid
article 41.
No decree of nullity is No decree of nullity is
If your marriage is bigamous under 35(4), then the children secured for the prior secured for the prior
born to this marriage are illegitimate and the parties are marriage and the marriage but there is a
governed by co-ownership under article 148. Under article subsequent marriage does court declaration for the
148, if one of the parties is previously married, there would not fall under Article 41 presumptive death of the
be forfeiture because obviously, one of them acted in bad absent spouse
Children are illegitimate Children are legitimate and
2nd column: Void under article 40 and parties are governed by the parties are governed by
The difference of article 40 is that your prior marriage is void co-ownership under Article the ACP or the CPG
and you did not secure a decree of nullity to dissolve that 148 provided the subsequent
marriage or declare that marriage a nullity. Following Pulido marriage is terminated in
vs People, you will not be liable for bigamy if your contract a accordance with Article 42
subsequent marriage without having your prior void
marriage declared a nullity. But your subsequent marriage Atty. Seña:
will still be declared void under article 40 in relation to The Terminable Subsequent Marriage has a counterpart in
article 53. Civil Code. Under the Civil Code, it was referred to as a
Voidable Bigamous Marriage. It is valid until it is annulled.
The difference of void subsequent marriage under article 40 Pero that’s the catch, you will have to file a petition for
is that the parties do establish a property regime (ACP/CPG). annulment to put an end to the subsequent bigamous
They are not governed by co-ownership under article marriage.
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Medyo mahirap yun kasi talagang mag-ffile ka ng petition for ● The prior or absent spouse must have been absent
annulment. But the Family Code, it carried over that concept for four consecutive years and if the disappearance
of subsequent marriage that may be entered into during the takes place under the circumstances enumerated
subsistence of a prior valid marriage. Yun nga lang, they under Article 391. (There is danger of death, then
made it easier to put an end to the terminable subsequent the period is shortened to two years.)
● Circumstances of danger:
Instead of requiring the filing of a petition for annulment of
marriage, you only need to file a notice of reappearance. It Article 391. The following shall be presumed dead for all
does not have to be filed by the absent spouse himself, it can purposes, including the division of the estate among the
be filed by any interested party without prejudice to the heirs:
right of the parties of the subsequent marriage to question 1) A person on board a vessel lost during a sea voyage, or
the fact of reappearance. Pero, it made it a lot easier. Kaya an aeroplane which is missing, who has not been heard
terminable subsequent marriage siya. of for four years since the loss of the vessel or
But the concept remains the same, there would be a prior 2) A person in the armed forces who has taken part in
subsisting marriage that is presumably valid and yet the war, and has been missing for four years;
spouse present (the spouse that was left behind) may be 3) A person who has been in danger of death under other
allowed to contract a subsequent marriage. circumstance and his existence has not been known for
four years.
Make no mistake about if the prior marriage has not been
dissolved pero its effects are essentially suspended and the Q: When there is absence that takes place under these
suspension is on account of a continuing presumption that circumstances, when do we consider the point of death to
the absent spouse has already died. So try to wrap your mind have taken place? Would it be at the end of the required
around that concept. period of two years or would it be at the moment when the
disappearance took place?
There are two marriages in existence but it is the latter A: From the end of the required period.
marriage (the one referred to as a terminable subsequent
marriage) which is allowed to have effects. In the meantime, Atty. Seña:
the prior marriage is suspended at least until there is a notice In one case involving insurance claims (Pantollano vs.
of reappearance that is filed, either by the absent spouse or Korphil Ship Manning and Management Corporation G.R. No.
any interested party. 169575), the SC said that if the alleged disappearance took
place on August 2, 1994, then the death would be presumed
Now, yung concept natin ng terminable subsequent to have taken place four years after August 2, 1994 or August
marriage, I want you to look at that as “swinging door”. If it 2, 1998. Yung four-year period ditto this is what is provided
opens, that means that hindi tayo pumasok doon sa under Article 391. That is the correct interpretation kasi we
exception. If it swings one way, then you may end up with a would not be able to comply with the requirement of the
bigamous void marriage. But if it swings the opposite way, period unless you wait it out. That’s the reason why we have
then you may have a valid terminable subsequent marriage. that period fixed in the law and that period would be
So it’s an all or nothing proposition. Either you have a valid shortened to two years if you are invoking Article 391 for
marriage or you have a void marriage under the same purposes of remarriage.
It’s only in relation to Article 41 that we are allowed to file a
Q: What is important for us to have a terminable subsequent Petition for Declaration of Presumptive Death. There is no
marriage? other cause of action that will allow us to file a petition for
A: You have to comply with the requisites. this purpose. That is not to say that you cannot establish
presumption of death in any other proceedings because you
Q: What are these requisites? are allowed to do that. Yun nga lang, if you’re going to invoke
A: this presumption of death for purposes of opening one
succession, then what you do is make the allegation and you
1. The prior spouse had been absent for four present your evidence to one of the presumptions of death
consecutive years unless the disappearance take in the same proceeding for the settlement of the estate of the
place under the circumstances enumerated in Article absentee.
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Q: What must you allege without fail if you’re going to that efforts were exerted, and since that will not be
file a Petition for the Decree of Presumptive Death? considered as sufficient, wala kang well-founded belief.
A: To avoid having your petition dismissed, you must always Doon tatayo ‘yung decree of presumptive death. The effect of
allege that you are filing the petition because you have the having that presumptive death is to establish the good faith
intention to remarry. You must bring it within the scope of of the spouse present (at least until that point until the
Article 41. If you file a petition for the issuance of a decree of decree of presumptive death is issued); and it is so important
presumptive death without making that allegation but you because unless and until that decree of presumptive death is
have intentions to remarry or that the petitioner has the set aside, there is no evidence that you can present that will
intention to remarry then the petition will be dismissed. destroy the evidentiary effect of that decree. Tatandaan niyo,
kapag ‘yan ay inissue ng korte, ‘yan ay katunayan na the
2. The spouse present has a “well-founded belief”that court found that you did exert active effort and that you had
the absent spouse was already dead; (The good faith a well-founded belief that the absent spouse wals already
of the absent spouse or the present spouse is dead.
This decree will be issued in a summary proceeding at kapag
3. There must be a “summary proceeding” for the sinabi mong a summary proceeding, it is an abbreviated
declaration of presumptive death of the absent proceeding. It is not litigious and then once a decree is
spouse; and issued, it is immediately final and executory because there is
no MR or appeal available.
4. There is a court declaration of presumptive death of
the absent spouse Q: If you would want to have an extreme example,
halimbawa nilabas na ‘yung decision granting the petition
Q: What constitutes well-founded belief? and declaring that there is presumptive death at pumunta si
A: You’ll have to admit that the law is anomalous for allowing absent spouse sa korte at pagdating niya doon mayroon na
the spouse present (spouse that was left behind) to contract talagang decision declaring him presumptively dead. He
another marriage when there is no certainty that the absent cannot do anything about it. Hindi siya pwedeng magfile ng
spouse (spouse who disappeared) is dead. That is why the law MR or appeal because by legal fiction, it’s too late. What is his
requires that the spouse present must have acted in good remedy?
faith. As in fact, the validity of the terminable bigamous A: To file a petition for certiorari because this is a remedy
marriage would rise and fall on the basis of good faith or bad that we have in case there is no appeal available.
faith of the spouse present.
Q: Kailangan ba laging mag-file ng petition for certiorari
The good faith or bad faith of the absent spouse and the if you have been declared presumptively dead?
subsequent spouse (second spouse) would be immaterial to A: It depends. If your wife or your husband has not
the validity of the terminable subsequent marriage. contracted a subsequent marriage yet, then you would still
have a window whereby you’d be able to establish bad faith
You’ll have to understand: ‘Yung absent spouse, alam niya on the part of the parties and render the marriage that they
kung nasaan siya. It’s not like he doesn’t know that he is not will be contracting should they go ahead as null and void
missing. He knows; and the absent spouse will always be because the spouse present would be in bad faith hence you
married to the spouse present no matter what is done by the would not need to file a petition for certiorari. Actual
spouse present. Kahit kumuha pa ng decree of presumptive knowledge that you are alive is enough to place them in bad
death si spouse present. Kahit magpakasal pa si spouse faith.
present, absent spouse remains to be married kaya lang
‘yung rights niya and even the effects of his marriage to the The protection given to the spouse present of the decree of
spouse present will be suspended. presumptive death no longer extends to after the decree is
issued. Ibang usapan na ‘yon kasi ang requirement ng batas,
Q: Now, what is the basis of good faith? the spouse present must be in good faith up to the time he or
A: What is required by the law is a well-founded belief that she contracts the subsequent marriage. You appear at the
the absent spouse is already dead. The requirement of the wedding and shouting na, “buhay ako”. Talaga naming bad
Supreme Court is there must be an active, positive, and faith na siya. Hindi siya pwede magtago doon sa decree of
diligent effort. presumptive death to claim good faith kasi alam na niyang
buhay ka eh. He or she cannot close her eyes to that reality.
And if the spouse present simply says: “I asked around.”, “I
asked his family.”, “I asked his friends” and yet does not even
give details. That will not be considered as sufficient proof
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So, if you have evidence that somewhere between the time To be clear, these two are not the only ways by which
when the decree was issued and the date of the wedding, you terminable subsequent marriage may be terminated or may
had communication (text, like FB post, or tagged) anything be dissolved. There are other ways. Remember that the
which would prove that the present spouse knew that the mode by which the terminable subsequent marriage is
absent spouse was alive. If you are able to do that, either set dissolved would also determine the consequences that
aside the decree of presumptive death or show evidence that would arise from its dissolution.
between the time that the decree was issued and the time
that the wedding took place, the spouse present knew that MODES OF TERMINATING A TSM AND ITS
the absent spouse was alive, then you will now have basis to CONSEQUENCES
have that marriage declared a nullity for being bigamous in Death The subsequent marriage will
character. be treated like any ordinary
marriage terminated by death
Like a swinging door, if it would not fall in Art. 41, then and since the presumption
automatically, t will be a marriage that is bigamous or relating to the death of the
polygamous in character. absent spouse continues, it is the
present spouse which shall be
The problem is the period for certiorari is too short. This entitled to the funeral and death
supposes that you learned about the decision. But what if it benefits of the spouse present.
was concealed from you? Not just the decision but the fact (SSS v. Vda de Bailon, 2006)
that a proceeding was even filed to have you declared Annulment The subsequent marriage will
presumptively dead. This is what happened in Santos v. be treated as valid until annulled
Santos. and the effects of annulment will
be applied.
Declaration of The effects of nullity of marriage
nullity will be applied depending on the
ground for nullity. But if the
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What is the consequence of death? BUT, you still look on the bad faith of the parties for purposes
With the death ending the TSM, the absent spouse will of the economic sanctions under Art. 43 of the Family Code.
remain to be presumptively death and this will give way to
the subsequent or second spouse to have the right to receive For instance: donation propter nuptias will be automatically
whatever death benefits may accrue in favor of the spouse revoked if the done acted in bad faith (either spouse present
present. This was the ruling of SC in SSS v. Vda. De Bailon. or the subsequent spouse)
*refer to the slides*
Ordinarily, the bad faith of the spouse present will render the
ANNULMENT subsequent marriage null and void, right?
Similarly, if the subsequent marriage is terminated through Now, if the absent spouse files a notice of reappearance, we
an annulment, then it will be treated as just like any valid no longer look at the bad faith of the spouse present to
until annulled marriage. You will be applying the effects of determine validity kasi conceded na nga.
BUT, we look at the presence of bad faith for economic
DECLARATION OF NULLITY sanctions. Donations, splitting of profits.
Q: Can you have the subsequent marriage a nullity on THERE IS AN EXCEPTION. WHY. (complicate our lives a
grounds other than its bigamous character? little bit more)
A: YES. If the subsequent marriage was conducted without a
marriage license, then it will be null and void or if either Art. 43. The termination of the subsequent marriage
party to the subsequent marriage is psychologically referred to in the preceding Article shall produce the
incapacitated, you will be applying the effects arising from a following effects:
nullity under Art. 36
(1) The children of the subsequent marriage
Atty. Seña: conceived prior to its termination shall be
Essentially, co-ownership under Art. 147, and then considered legitimate;
legitimate children.
(2) The absolute community of property or the
Remember, in real life, hindi porket terminable subsequent conjugal partnership, as the case may be, shall be
marriage ka, eh hindi na possible na may iba pang dissolved and liquidated, but if either spouse
kakulangan sa pagpapakasal ng parties. contracted said marriage in bad faith, his or her
share of the net profits of the community property or
Filing of Notice of Reappearance conjugal partnership property shall be forfeited in
If the filing is due to this, this carries the implication that the favor of the common children or, if there are none,
validity of the terminable subsequent marriage is deemed the children of the guilty spouse by a previous
conceded by the absent spouse. In which case, we apply the marriage or in default of children, the innocent
effects of Art. 43 and 44 of the Family Code. spouse;
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(4) Those bigamous or polygamous marriages not failing (2) That either party was of unsound mind, unless such
under Article 41; party after coming to reason, freely cohabited with the
other as husband and wife;
Art. 43. The termination of the subsequent marriage (3) That the consent of either party was obtained by
referred to in the preceding Article shall produce the fraud, unless such party afterwards, with full knowledge
following effects: of the facts constituting the fraud, freely cohabited with
the other as husband and wife;
(1) The children of the subsequent marriage conceived
prior to its termination shall be considered legitimate; (4) That the consent of either party was obtained by
force, intimidation or undue influence, unless the same
(2) The absolute community of property or the conjugal having disappeared or ceased, such party thereafter
partnership, as the case may be, shall be dissolved and freely cohabited with the other as husband and wife;
liquidated, but if either spouse contracted said marriage
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(6) That either party was afflicted with a sexually- Article 349. Bigamy. - The penalty of prision mayor shall
transmissible disease found to be serious and appears to be imposed upon any person who shall contract a second
be incurable. or subsequent marriage before the former marriage has
been legally dissolved, or before the absent spouse has
been declared presumptively dead by means of a
Again, ang kaibahan ng Art. 40, sa Art. 35,par.4, your prior
judgment rendered in the proper proceedings.
marriage is void. And Art. 40 does not explicitly provide for
the nullity of the marriage contracted subsequent to a prior
Article 350. Marriage contracted against provisions
void marriage without the prior void marriage being
of laws. - The penalty of prision correccional in its
declared a nullity. In fact, Art. 40 merely establishes the rule
medium and maximum periods shall be imposed upon
that you cannot invoke the nullity of a prior void marriage
any person who, without being included in the provisions
for purposes of remarriage, except on the basis of a decree of
of the next proceeding article, shall have not been
nullity. But Art. 50, makes reference to Art. 40, and makes
complied with or that the marriage is in disregard of a
applicable of Art.43, say for the first paragraph, and Art.44,
legal impediment.
so marriages which are void ab initio, under Art. 40 and
marriages that are annulled under Art. 45.
If either of the contracting parties shall obtain the
consent of the other by means of violence, intimidation or
Now, pay attention to this rule laid down in Art.50, as to what
fraud, he shall be punished by the maximum period of the
should be contained in the final judgment. In Art. 50:
penalty provided in the next preceding paragraph. (RPC)
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Art. 52. The judgment of annulment or of absolute nullity LEOUEL SANTOS vs. THE HONORABLE COURT OF
of the marriage, the partition and distribution of the APPEALS AND JULIA ROSARIO BEDIA-SANTOS
properties of the spouses and the delivery of the G.R. No. 112019 January 4, 1995
children's presumptive legitimes shall be recorded in the
appropriate civil registry and registries of property; FACTS:
otherwise, the same shall not affect third persons. Petitioner Leouel, a First Lieutenant in the Philippine
Army, met Julia in Iloilo. The two got married in 1986,
Art. 53. Either of the former spouses may marry again begot a son and lived with Julia’s parents. The spouses
after compliance with the requirements of the occasionally quarrel over a number of things aside from
immediately preceding Article; otherwise, the the interference of Julia’s parents into their family affairs.
subsequent marriage shall be null and void. In 1988, Julia left to work in US as a nurse despite Leouel’s
pleas to dissuade her. Seven months after her departure,
she called her husband and promised to return home
upon the expiration of her contract in July 1989, but she
Atty. Seña:
never did. Leouel got a chance to visit US where he
Go back to that portion of Art. 50, “The final judgment in
underwent a training program under AFP, he desperately
such cases shall provide for the liquidation, partition
tried to locate or somehow get in touch with Julia but all
and distribution of the properties of the spouses, the
his efforts were of no avail. Leouel filed a complaint with
custody and support of the common children, and the
the RTC to have their marriage declared void under
delivery of third presumptive legitimes x x x”. Then, Art.
Article 36 of the Family Code. He argued that failure of
51 (refer to the provision), “in said partition”, meaning to
Julia to return home or to communicate with him for
say, in the partition referred to in Art.50. So, maliwanag, Art.
more than 5 years are circumstances that show her being
51, is in relation to or in furtherance of Art. 50.
psychologically incapacitated to enter into married life.
Then look at Art.52 (see the provision). Again, this would
Julia, in her answer, opposed the complaint and denied its
indicate that Art.52 is in furtherance of Art.51 and Art.50.
allegations, claiming that it was the Leouel who had, in
And again, 51 and 50 apply to what cases? Void marriages
fact, been irresponsible and incompetent. RTC dismissed
under Art. 40 and voidable marriages under Art. 50, Art.45.
the complaint for lack of merit. On appeal, CA affirmed
So, it goes without saying that when you speak of the
registration requirements in Art.52, this can only pertain to
the registration of all these items that need to be carried out
in case of the declaration of nullity of marriage under Art,.40
WON Julia is psychologically incapacitated, which would
or the annulment of a marriage under Art.45.
render her marriage with Leouel void.
That’s why it is clear that Art.53 applies to a situation where
the prior marriage is void under Art.40. And because Art.53
Article 36, Family Code. A marriage contracted by any
contemplates a situation where the prior marriage is void
party who, at the time of the celebration, was
under Art.40, then the marriage involved in Art.50 will have
psychologically incapacitated to comply with the
at least to meet the 3rd marriage, kasi for you to have a void
essential marital obligations of marriage, shall likewise
marriage under Art.40, you must have 2 marriages, a first
be void even if such incapacity becomes manifest only
void marriage, and then a second marriage contracted
after its solemnization DECISION: No; Julia is not
without having the prior void marriage declared a nullity,
psychologically incapacitated, which would render her
and then you have a third marriage whereby you had the
marriage with Leouel void since the alleged incapacity
prior marriage declared a nullity under Art.40, but you did
did not pass the tests of gravity, juridical antecedence and
not comply with the registration requirements.
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Psychological incapacity must be characterized by (a) appealed to the CA. CA denied the appeals and ruled in
gravity, (b) juridical antecedence, and (c) incurability. favor of the trial court.
The incapacity must be grave or serious such that the
party would be incapable of carrying out the ordinary ISSUE:
duties required in marriage; it must be rooted in the Whether or not opposing or conflicting personalities
history of the party antedating the marriage, although the constitute psychological incapacity.
overt manifestations may emerge only after the
marriage; and it must be incurable or, even if it were RULING:
otherwise, the cure would be beyond the means of the No. There is no clear showing to us that the psychological
party involved. "Psychological incapacity" should refer to defect spoken of is an incapacity; but appears to be more
no less than a mental (not physical) incapacity that of a “difficulty,” if not outright “refusal” or “neglect” in the
causes a party to be truly incognitive of the basic marital performance of some marital obligations. Mere showing
covenants that concomitantly must be assumed and of “irreconcilable differences” and “conflicting
discharged by the parties to the marriage which, as so personalities” in no wise constitutes psychological
expressed by Article 68 of the Family Code, include their incapacity.
mutual obligations to live together, observe love, respect
and fidelity and render help and support. This The Court, in this case, promulgated guidelines in the
psychological condition must exist at the time the interpretation and application of Article 36 of the Family
marriage is celebrated. The factual settings in the case at Code: 1) The burden of proof to show the nullity of
bench, in no measure at all, can come close to the marriage belongs to the plaintiff; 2) the root cause of PI
standards required to decree a nullity of marriage. must be (a) medically or clinically identified (b) alleged
Undeniably and understandably, Leouel stands in the complaint (c) sufficiently proven by experts (d)
aggrieved, even desperate, in his present situation. clearly explained in the decision; 3) it must be existing at
Regrettably, neither law nor society itself can always the time of the celebration of the marriage; 4) it must be
provide all the specific answers to every individual medically or clinically permanent or incurable; 5) it must
problem. Wherefore, his petition was denied. be grave enough to bring about the disability of the party
to assume the marital obligations of marriage; 6) the
Problem, after Santos v. CA, we had Republic v. CA or the
marital obligations must be embraced by Articles 68 to
Molina Guidelines.
71, and Articles 220, 221 and 225 in regard of parents and
their children; 7) interpretation by the National Appellate
REPUBLIC v. CA AND MOLINA Matrimonial Tribunal of Catholic of Church of the
G.R. No. 108763, February 13 1997 Philippines, although not binding, should be given great
respect; and 8) the prosecuting attorney or fiscal and the
FACTS: Solicitor General must appear as counsel for the State.
Roridel and Reynaldo got married in 1985 in Manila.
During the early years of their marriage, Reynaldo
Problem here, masyado naging strict yung SC, and what
showed signs of immaturity and irresponsibility,
happened is, if they cannot comply with all the items in the
observed from his tendency to spend time with his
Molina guidelines, the petition for nullity is denied by the
friends and squandered money with them, his
Supreme Court, even though it can be exhibited that the
dependency from his parents for financial aid and
party, the respondent is definitely psychologically
dishonesty in matters involving finances. Roridel became
incapacitated. Also, for a time, ang nangyari pa, if it’s shown
the sole breadwinner of the family. She then resigned her
that the ground for psychological incapacity also happens to
job in Manila and went to Baguio. Reynaldo left her and
be a ground for legal separation, the automatic reaction of
their child a week later. The couple has been separated
the Supreme Court back then was to deny the petition, saying
for more than 3 years.
that the parties actually have the option to just sue for legal
separation. But as you must know, legal separation does not
Roridel filed a petition to have their marriage void under
really address the problem. Because the problem really here
Article 36, citing Reynaldo's psychological incapacity. She
is that the parties have to be freed from the marriage. And
presented evidence consisting of her own testimony, of
they are not allowed to do that by legal separation, since they
her two friends, a social worker and a psychiatrist.
remain married to one another.
Reynaldo did not present any evidence and appeared
only during the pre-trial. The RTC granted the petition,
declaring the marriage void. The Solicitor General
Atty. Seña:
Tan Andal v. Andal – modified the Molina Case
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TAN-ANDAL V. ANDAL The Supreme Court declared the marriage of Rosanna
G.R. No. 196359. May 11, 2021 and Mario void ab initio. The Court held that Rosanna
was able to prove with clear and convincing evidence
FACTS: that Mario was psychologically incapacitated to comply
In December 1995, Rosanna Tan and Mario Victor Andal with his essential marital obligations.
got married. The couple had a daughter named Ma.
Samantha. In 2000, they separated, and Rosanna had The Court modified the interpretation of the
sole custody of their daughter. In December 2001, requirements of psychological incapacity as a ground
Mario filed a petition for the custody of their daughter. for declaration of nullity of marriage found as
In August 2003, Rosanna filed a petition for declaration previously laid down in the case of Republic v. Molina.
of nullity of their marriage, claiming that Mario was
psychologically incapacitated to comply with his The Court held that psychological incapacity is not a
essential marital obligations. She also claimed that medical but a legal concept. It refers to a personal
Mario was emotionally immature, irresponsible, condition that prevents a spouse from complying with
extremely irritable, moody, and psychologically fundamental marital obligations. Psychological
imbalanced. She also claimed that Mario was using incapacity is neither a mental incapacity nor a
illegal drugs and was brought into a drug rehabilitation personality disorder that must be proven through
center twice. He even exposed their daughter to his expert opinion. It does not need to be a permanent and
drug use. Finally, she claimed that because of Mario’s incurable condition; it is incurable, not in the medical,
irresponsibility, their family business suffered financial but in the legal sense. Therefore, the testimony of a
losses and ultimately led to its closure. psychologist or psychiatrist is not mandatory.
In order to prove her case, she presented a psychologist The Court emphasized that psychological incapacity
in order to testify before the court. The psychologist, consists of “clear acts of dysfunctionality that show a
after interviewing Rosanna and her daughter Ma. lack of understanding and concomitant compliance
Samantha, as well as Rosanna’s sister, concluded that with one’s essential marital obligations due to psychic
Mario was psychologically incapacitated to perform causes.”
essential marital obligations.
Tan-Andal v. Andal
The psychologist, however, was not able to interview “Psychological incapacity consists of clear acts of
Mario because despite several invitations, he did not dysfunctionality that show a lack of understanding and
appear for the interview. Mario was diagnosed to be concomitant compliance with one’s essential marital
suffering from Narcissistic Antisocial Personality obligations due to psychic causes. It is not a medical illness
Disorder and such disorder was found to be grave, with that has to be medically or clinically identified; hence,
juridical antecedence, incurable and rendered him expert opinion is not required.”
psychologically incapacitated.
Malaking issue na dati pa yung expert opinion because in
The trial court ruled that Rosanna was able to prove her most cases, the respondent will never allow himself to be
case and declare her marriage with Mario null and void, interviewed by the expert/psychiatrist engaged by the
and awarded her custody of their daughter. The Court petitioner, maliban na lang kung may collusion. It has been
of Appeals, however, reversed the ruling of the trial the bone of contention that whenever a petition for
court and declared the marriage valid and subsisting. psychological incapacity is filed and the respondent is
The Court of Appeals ruled on the ground that the pictured as psychologically incapacitated, and he was
findings of the psychologist was unscientific and interviewed by the psychiatrist of the petitioner, you could
unreliable because Mario was diagnosed without being expect nay an yung sasabihin ‘hearsay lahat ng findings kasi
interviewed, thus the psychologist was working on hindi naman ako nainterview or naexamine, so anong
suppositions and second-hand information relayed to basehan?’. Also, magastos kumuha ng expert witness for
her by one side only. Rosanna then filed a motion for conducting the examination, preparing the report. Also pay
reconsideration and was subsequently denied. for the appearance fee. Kung wala kang pera, how can you
afford that. (discriminatory in a sense)
Whether or not the marriage is void due to the In Marcos v. Marcos, the SC at one point held that there was
husband’s psychological incapacity no need to be interviewed and no need for expert testimony.
The problem was even with this statement the Molina
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guideline still exists. In Molina, it was held that the root cause mental incapacity, nor a personality disorder that must
shall be clinically identified. It was inconsistent. be proven through expert opinion.
The petition for declaration of nullity of marriage under Art. Now, does this mean that you can dispense with proof
36 (psychological incapacity) becomes antagonistic because altogether? The answer is no. There must still be proof
you want to show that the respondent has a mental disorder. to the fact of the enduring nature of a person’s
Damay damay because you have to establish juridical personality called ‘personality structure’, which
antecedence – that he acquired this disorder because of manifests itself through acts of dysfunctionality that
circumstances predating the marriage. (i.e. his family like undermines the family. For this purpose, you will no
father is distant, mother is so strict). You can see how longer need expert witnesses. You only need ordinary
relationships are destroyed because the petitioner would witnesses who were able to see these instances for
want to put an end to the marriage and be able to start anew. themselves.
Teachings of Tan-Andal v. Andal It will be the judge who will decide if this behavior being
testified on by the witnesses are indicative of a true and
(a) The plaintiff-spouse must prove his or her case with serious incapacity to assume the essential marital
clear and convincing evidence. This is a quantum of obligations. This is how psychological incapacity
proof that requires more than preponderant evidence becomes a legal issue.
but less than proof beyond reasonable doubt
(b) The second Molina guideline is ABANDONED. 3. Juridical antecedence must still be proven because it is
Psychological incapacity is neither a mental required by law. This is what distinguishes
incapacity nor a personality disorder that must be psychological incapacity from divorce. In divorce, you
proven through expert opinion. only need to show the erratic behavior taking place
(c) Juridical antecedence must still be proven but this may during the marriage – there is no need to establish
consist of testimony on the spouse's past experiences juridical antecedence.
that may have led him or her to his psychologically Note: In Tan-Andal, it was found that the husband had a
incapacitated state. troubled upbringing. It also appeared that his siblings
(d) The incurability laid down in the third Molina guideline were also alcoholics and have a history of drug use.
is amended to be in the legal sense, not the medical
sense. (e) The requirement of gravity is retained but 4. The incurability requirement laid down in Molina has
not in the sense that the psychological incapacity must also been amended. The incurability is now required to
be shown to be a serious or dangerous illness, but that be in the legal sense, and not in the medical sense.
"mild characterological peculiarities, mood changes,
occasional emotional outbursts" are excluded. It means that the incurability only has to be shown as to
(e) Not all kinds of failure to meet their obligations to their be true in relation to the other spouse. This is consistent
children will nullify the vinculum between the spouses. with how we treat psychological incapacity as a ground
In each case, it must be clearly shown that it is of such for nullity because we allow people who are found to be
grievous nature that reflects on the capacity of one of psychologically incapacitated to still remarry. If we
the spouses for marriage. insist that the psychological incapacity should be
incurable in the medical sense, then such person should
TAN-ANDAL v. ANDAL no longer be allowed to remarry – such is not the case.
That is why the SC amended the requirement of
1. In Tan-Andal v. Andal, the SC clarified that what the incurability. It only has to be relative to the other party.
plaintiff must be able to establish here should be more
than preponderance of evidence – it should be by clear According to the SC: this means that the incapacity is so
and convincing evidence. enduring and persistent with respect to a specific
partner and contemplates a situation where the couple’s
The reason for this is that we have here a presumption respective personality structures are so incompatible
in the law that every marriage is valid. So, to overcome and antagonistic that the only result of union would be
that presumption, you will need to present clear and an inevitable and irreparable breakdown of the
convincing evidence. marriage.
2. The second Molina guideline is now abandoned.
Psychological incapacity is determined to be neither a 5. The requirement of gravity is retained but not in the
sense that the psychological incapacity must be shown
to be serious or dangerous. The SC imposed this
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For Legal Separation, the grounds exist during the marriage If the situation is one where the license is issued by the local
or after the wedding. So if you would want to make out a civil registrar, notwithstanding that they [inaudible] party
case for Legal Separation, the grounds that you are relying required to secure parental consent, to submit [inaudible]
on must be shown to be existing at the time that the parties parental consent, the license will still be valid BUT it will be
wed. taken as having been issued with irregularity. And the
irregularity as you know does not affect the validity of the
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marriage but will make those who are responsible for the GROUND #3 – FRAUD
irregularity civilly, criminally, and administratively liable. (3) That the consent of either party was obtained by fraud,
unless such party afterwards, with full knowledge of the
Kaya pwede talagang mangyari na merong marriage license facts constituting the fraud, freely cohabited with the other
kahit na walang parental consent. In which case, the absence as husband and wife;
of the parental consent will render the marriage voidable
(valid until annulled).
Q: Would fraud cover any instance of deception?
A: No. Fraud is only limited in the instances provided under
article 46.
(2) That either party was of unsound mind, unless such party
after coming to reason, freely cohabited with the other as Art. 46.
husband and wife;
(1) Non-disclosure of a previous conviction by final
Atty. Seña: judgment of the other party of a crime involving moral
Q: Who is considered to be of unsound mind? turpitude;
A: A person of unsound mind is someone who does not have
full possession of his mental faculties such as those who are (2) Concealment by the wife of the fact that at the time of
insane. the marriage, she was pregnant by a man other than her
This is where we should draw a comparison between
Psychological Incapacity which renders a marriage null and (3) Concealment of sexually transmissible disease,
void, and unsoundness of mind which renders a marriage regardless of its nature, existing at the time of the
voidable. marriage; or
Q: Which would be worse? Unsoundness of mind or (4) Concealment of drug addiction, habitual alcoholism
psychological incapacity? or homosexuality or lesbianism existing at the time of the
A: Unsoundness of mind. The person of unsound mind would marriage.
have it worse and of course, it goes without saying that a
person of unsound mind is necessarily incapacitated to No other misrepresentation or deceit as to character,
discharge his marital duties. Automatic ‘yon. Pero someone health, rank, fortune or chastity shall constitute such
who is psychologically incapacitated is not necessarily fraud as will give grounds for action for the annulment of
insane. marriage.
Have you ever wondered why psychological incapacity will Q: What are the circumstances constituting fraud?
make the marriage null and void, while insanity will only A:
make a marriage voidable or valid until annulled? Can we not (1) Non-disclosure of a previous conviction by final
argue that a marriage contracted by a person of unsound judgment of the other party of a crime involving moral
mind should be considered as null and void for lack of turpitude;
consent? Because he could not have possibly consented to
the marriage. There is absence of consent here. (2) Concealment by the wife of the fact that at the time of the
marriage, she was pregnant by a man other than her
Q: Shouldn’t we consider a marriage contracted by husband;
someone of unsound mind as void for lack of consent
instead of merely voidable? (3) Concealment of sexually transmissible disease,
A: No because there is still the appearance of consent. You regardless of its nature, existing at the time of the marriage;
can still hear the person saying “I Do”. Furthermore, the or
presumption is always in favor of soundness of mind (wills
and succession). With the appearance of consent, we must (4) Concealment of drug addiction, habitual alcoholism or
concede that there is consent, only that it is defective. In fact, homosexuality or lesbianism existing at the time of the
if you look at the grounds for annulment, the common marriage.
denominator, save for the last 2 grounds, are defective
consent or defective capacity.
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Q: So what is our prescriptive period here? ARTICLE6. PAR (3) CONCEALMENT OF A SEXUALLY
A: The injured party has 5 years to bring an action for TRANSMISSIBLE DISEASE REGARDLESS OF ITS NATURE
annulment. Five years counted not from the birth of the child EXISTING AT THE TIME OF THE MARRIAGE
but five years from the discovery of the fraud. So it may
happen that the fraud will be discovered by the husband, Atty. Seña:
after one year from the date of birth of the child in which To differentiate this from Article 45 par. (6), what is
case, the action to impugn has already prescribed. punished here is the fact of concealment. That is why it does
not matter what the nature of the sexually transmissible
So forever ng legitimate yung bata, hindi lang legitimate but disease. What we focus on is then concealment.
legitimate child of the husband. So si husband, wala siyang
kamuang-muang na yung bata ay anak ng ibang lalaki but as Unlike in Article 45 par. (6), the law requires that the disease
the child grows up, napapansin niya na hindi niya talaga was serious and appear to be incurable.
kamukha at mas kamukha ng ex-boyfriend. So sabihin na
natin, at 3 y/o, the resemblance is uncanny, kung makikita ARTICLE 46 PAR. (4) CONCEALMENT OF DRUG
mo yung picture ng ex-boyfriend nung bata siya, ADDICTION, HABITUAL ALCOHOLISMS,
kamukhang-kamukha yung bata. So what does the husband HOMOSEXUALITY OR LESBIANISM EXISTING AT THE
do? The husband is able to secure a DNA test secretly. His TIME OF THE MARRIAGE
cessations are confirmed. So does he have ground for the
marriage to be annulled? Yes. Pasok to sa Art. 46 par. 2. And As for par. (4), it is the fact of concealment of drug addiction,
if the petition is granted, the marriage would be annulled. habitual alcoholism, homosexuality or lesbianism which is a
ground for annulment. Homosexuality, lesbianism, drug
Q: But what happens to the child? addiction and habitual alcoholism, these are all grounds for
A: The child remains to be the legitimate child of the husband legal separation.
notwithstanding the fact that the ground for annulment
actually confirmed that he is not even related to the child. So Q: How would you differentiate these four (drug
he ends up with his marriage annulled but with the child addiction, habitual alcoholism, homosexuality,
remaining to be his legitimate child under the law. lesbianism) as grounds for legal separation?
Atty. Seña:
So may disconnect diba? This is because the period to ANNULMENT LEGAL SEPARATION
impugn filiation does not take into account the ground for concealment these circumstances per se
consequences of having the child annulled under Article 46 would constitute as ground
par. 2. Let that sink in for a bit. Pina-annul mo yung kasal mo for legal separation
kasi niloko ka ng asawa mo, pinalabas na anak mo yung grounds must be existing they would be sufficient
panganay niyo and then na-annul yung kasal niyo hindi mo at the time of celebration of even if they exist only after
na asawa yung asawa mo pero yung anak niya sa ibang lalaki the marriage the celebration of the
anak niyo pa rin. Now for whatever it’s worth, leaving the marriage.
child or allowing the child to remain legitimate is actually
consistent with the effects or legal consequences of Last paragraph of Art. 46 says that it is important to
annulment. One of the legal consequences would be that remember that no other misrepresentation, character, or
children conceived or born with the finality of a decree of chastity.
annulment would be considered legitimate. But who knows?
The law may be subsequently changed given how Atty. Seña:
progressive the Supreme Court is at the moment. A case may In other words, if your bride turns out to be a former
be brought before them and they may come up with the prostitute, then you cannot ask for the annulment of the
interpretation that would allow the husband to still impugn marriage on the ground of fraud or if the wife turns out to be
the legitimate filiation of the child following the annulment a non-virgin despite her very demure demeanor. You cannot
of the marriage. ask for annulment on the ground that you were duped into
believing that she was as pure as the (inaudible) stone.
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REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES VS. LIBERTY D. marriage. There was a clear intention to enter into a real
ALBIOS and valid marriage so as to fully comply with the
G.R. No. 198780; October 16, 2013 requirements of an application for citizenship. There was
a full and complete understanding of the legal tie that
FACTS: would be created between them, since it was that precise
Fringer and Liberty Albios got married on October 22, legal tie which was necessary to accomplish their goal.
2004, before the sala of Judge Calo in Mandaluyong City.
2 years after their marriage (December 6, 2006), Albios Under Article 2 of the Family Code, for consent to be
filed with the RTC a petition for declaration of nullity of valid, it must be (1) freely given and (2) made in the
her marriage with Fringer. According to her, the presence of a solemnizing officer.
marriage was a marriage in jest because she only wed the
American to acquire US citizenship and even arranged to A "freely given" consent requires that the contracting
pay him $2,000 in exchange for his consent. Adding that parties willingly and deliberately enter into the marriage.
immediately after their marriage, they separated and
never lived as husband and wife because they never Consent must be real in the sense that it is not vitiated
really had any intention of entering into a married state nor rendered defective by any of the vices of consent
and complying with their marital obligations. The court under Articles 45 and 46 of the Family Code, such as
even sent summons to the husband but he failed to file an fraud, force, intimidation, and undue influence. None of
answer. these are present in the case.
Both the RTC and CA ruled in favor of Albios declaring Therefore, their marriage remains valid.
that the marriage was void ab initio for lack of consent
because the parties failed to freely give their consent to
In this case, she entered into an agreement with an American
the marriage as they had no intention to be legally bound
that they would enter into one of these sham marriages. Ang
by it and used it only as a means to acquire American
ginagawa naman ng mga Pilipino talaga sa Amerika for her
citizenship in consideration of $2,000.00.. However, the
to be able to acquire a green card. The problem is, the
Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) elevated the case to
American was not able to deliver his end of the bargain. He
the SC. According to the OSG, the case do not fall within
disappeared, and here she is, she’s stuck. Wala pang Republic
the concept of a marriage in jest as the parties
vs. Manalo noon kaya hindi siya nakapag file ng Divorce.
intentionally consented to enter into a real and valid
marriage. That the parties here intentionally consented
SC rejected her claim that there was no consent. Sabi ng
to enter into a real and valid marriage, for if it were
Supreme Court, there is consent. Motive is different from
otherwise, the purpose of Albios to acquire American
consent. Your motive may have been to acquire a green card
citizenship would be rendered futile.
but the fact is, you still consented to the marriage which is
your stepping stone to getting the green card. You cannot say
that the marriage is a fraud because precisely you have to
Is a marriage, contracted for the sole purpose of
enter into a valid marriage to get that green card.
acquiring American citizenship in consideration of
$2,000.00, void ab initio on the ground of lack of consent?
SC said: Assuming without conceding that there is fraud
here, it does not fall under any of the instances of fraud in
Article 46, and the last paragraph of Article 46 is very
NO. Both Fringer and Albios consented to the marriage.
In fact, there was real consent because it was not vitiated
nor rendered defective by any vice of consent.
No other misrepresentation or deceit as to character,
health, rank, fortune or chastity shall constitute such
Their consent was also conscious and intelligent as they
fraud as will give grounds for action for the annulment of
understood the nature and the beneficial and
inconvenient consequences of their marriage, as nothing
impaired their ability to do so.
So that is the ruling of Republic v. Albios
That their consent was freely given is best evidenced by
their conscious purpose of acquiring American
citizenship through marriage. Such plainly demonstrates
that they willingly and deliberately contracted the
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CONSENT OF EITHER PARTY WAS OBTAINED BY FORCE, Ratification cleanses the marriage defect. For instance, a
INTIMIDATION OR UNDUE INFLUENCE marriage is voidable for lack of parental consent.
Q: What constitutes force, intimidation or undue Q: Under the law, who may ratify the defect of the
influence? marriage?
A: A: It is the party who requires parental consent.
Force – it must be serious or irresistible The 5-year period is material only action to annul. You do not
mention this period in relation to ratification. There is no
Intimidation – there must be well-grounded fear; Threaten deadline for the ratification, but there is a deadline to the
the other party with harm which would cause him to follow action to annul. Even though, there has been no ratification,
whatever you tell him to do. if you have not availed of within the prescriptive period, then
the marriage would forever be valid.
Undue Influence – Emotional blackmail, manipulation, or
abuse upon a hold of a person of you. Example:
The party requiring parental consent got married, and then
Q: If it is a threat to file a case of disbarment against a shortly after turning 21, they had a fight, they separated. But
lawyer who seduced a woman and got her pregnant? the party requiring parental consent never filed a petition
Would that amount to a threat that may be a ground for for annulment. There is no ratification here because she left
annulment? after reaching the age of 21. But since, prescription had set
A: A threat to enforce a claim and if it happens that a claim is in before she filed a petition for annulment, it means she can
just or legal in nature. In this case, the filing of a disbarment no longer file for annulment. That marriage is valid forever,
case in the form of a threat will not vitiate the disbarment and it can no longer be annulled.
On the other hand, if a party requiring parental consent
Atty. Seña: decides to cohabit with the other party after reaching 21.
A threat to enforce a valid right does not amount to They cohabited for a year. After this, he decided to leave and
intimidation that will serve a ground for annulment. filed a petition for annulment. Will this petition prosper?
It is still within the 5-year period from the time the party
That either party was physically incapable of consummating requiring parental consent reached 21.
the marriage with the other, and such incapacity continues A: the petition will not prosper because the party requiring
and appears to be incurable. parental consent cohabited after reaching the age of 21. The
ratification cleanses the marriage of such defects even if you
Q: Ground no. 5 and Ground no. 6 is similar. What is the still have time left on the prescriptive period you no longer
similarity? can file the action because you have cleansed the defect of
A: That they cannot be ratified but the action to file the marriage by ratification.
annulment based on this ground may prescribe only. the
right of action will only lapse through prescription. All the Recap:
other grounds you have two defenses available: ratification Even if you still have some time left in the prescriptive
and prescription. But for grounds in 5 and 6, the only defense period, if there is ratification, you can no longer have the
available is prescription. right to file an action for annulment. Similarly, even though
you did not ratify. If you did not take any action within the
When the term is defenses; meaning to say, if the petition for prescriptive period, then you can no longer ask the
annulment is filed against you, you may invoke either annulment for the simple reason that the action had already
ratification or prescription to defeat the petition and have it prescribed.
dismissed. But in 5 and 6, ratification cannot be used as a
defense. It is only limited to prescription. Understand the interplay between ratification and
Q: What is ratification and prescription?
A: ratification has the effect of cleansing the defect of the The thing with annulment is that it matters who is doing the
marriage. A way to ratify a marriage is through free- ratification and who is seeking the annulment.
cohabitation, while prescription refers to the period
prescribed by law in which the party is barred from
cleansing the marriage.
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Q: On the ground of insanity, why is it that the sane party EFFECTS OF ANNULMENT
cannot ratify? Absolute Community of
A: Because the sane party’s consent is already perfect. There Property or Conjugal
is no defect in such consent. Property Relations Partnership of Gains will be
dissolved and liquidated with
Atty. Seña: provisions for forfeiture
The prescription for the ground of insanity will be at anytime Legitimate unless legitimate
before the death of either party. filiation is impugned in a
Filiation of Children
timely manner if the ground
For vitiated consent (Fraud, Force, Intimidation, Undue is 46(2) in relation to 45(3)
Influence) the party who ratifies is the party whose consent Guilty spouse disqualified to
is vitiated. Similarly, the aggrieved party has the right to inherit
initiate the proceedings within 5 years from the vice of Innocent spouse may revoke
consent ceases. designation of guilty spouse
Insurance Policy
as beneficiary even if
For communicable disease, we know that it is not subject to irrevocable
ratification. The injured party has 5 years from the DNP may be revoked when
celebration of marriage to file for a petition for annulment. the marriage is annulled, and
Donation Propter
the donee acted in bad faith:
(86(3)) (NB: if the ground Is
lack of parental consent, the
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Note: In legal separation – although we still apply this rule (10) Abandonment of petitioner by respondent without
of the conjugal dwelling going to the spouse with whom the justifiable cause for more than one year.
majority of the children choose to remain, there is a
provision that custody of the children would be awarded to For purposes of this Article, the term "child" shall include
the innocent spouse. (the law tilts the advantage in favor of a child by nature or by adoption. (9a)
the innocent spouse)
Q: If there are grounds common for nullity, annulment
REMARRIAGE and for legal separation?
A: For the possibility of commonality of grounds among
Parties may remarry and they must comply with the nullity, annulment, and legal separation, there are only four
provisions of Art. 52 (registration requirements) matters – habitual alcoholism, drug addiction, lesbianism
and homosexuality. These are the only possible common
Benefits: However, we cannot really say that they are actual common
1. Regime of separation of property grounds. Because for psychological incapacity as a ground
2. Forfeiture against the guilty spouse for nullity, homosexuality and lesbianism may constitute the
3. If there is a will or testamentary dispositions made personality structure of a person (based on Tan-Andal). In
by the innocent spouse in favor of the guilty spouse, turn, alcoholism and drug addiction may be the symptoms of
this could be revoked by operation of law. Offending the dysfunctionality.
spouse will be disqualified from inheriting from the
innocent spouse. When it comes to annulment, it is not these mentioned
grounds per se will be the ground for annulment. Rather, it
Art. 55. A petition for legal separation may be filed on is the concealment of the habitual alcoholism, drug
any of the following grounds: addiction, etc. that constitutes the ground for annulment.
(1) Repeated physical violence or grossly abusive For legal separation, although the grounds would
conduct directed against the petitioner, a common child, themselves be sufficient to support the petition, there is no
or a child of the petitioner; need to show that they are the root cause of the
psychological incapacity. Their very existence will be
(2) Physical violence or moral pressure to compel the sufficient to support a petition for legal separation.
petitioner to change religious or political affiliation;
So, we really could not say that there are any common
(3) Attempt of respondent to corrupt or induce the grounds for nullity, annulment, and legal separation.
petitioner, a common child, or a child of the petitioner, to
engage in prostitution, or connivance in such corruption SEXUAL INFIDELITY
or inducement;
Atty. Seña:
(4) Final judgment sentencing the respondent to The term sexual infidelity was intended to replace adultery
imprisonment of more than six years, even if pardoned; and concubinage from the Civil Code.
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The purpose is to put the parties on equal footing because it Q: How do we know that the spouse who left has no
is more difficult to prove concubinage, as it is defined very intention of returning?
strictly in the law. Unlike for adultery where the scope of the A: When a spouse abandons a conjugal dwelling for at least
law is very broad – any act of sexual intercourse of the 3 months and fails to give information as to his whereabouts
woman with a man other than her husband would be without justifiable cause, this will constitute abandonment.
adultery. For the man, these circumstances must be show to
exist: 1) having sexual intercourse under scandalous DEFENSES AGAINST LEGAL SEPARATION
circumstances; 2) cohabiting with a woman in any place; 3)
bringing home the mistress to the conjugal dwelling. As you Q: What are the defenses against legal separation?
can see, there is an unfair advantage on the part of the man, A: The defenses are as follows:
because he can be unfaithful to his wife, so long as he does
not commit any of the foregoing acts. (1) Consent;
This simply means that the innocent spouse has given the
That is why sexual infidelity put in place, as it is applicable to other spouse permission to commit an act that will
both parties and there is no need of a conviction. constitute a ground for legal separation.
For example, if only one of the spouses is insistent and the (4) Collusion;
other is resisting, then we can say that the latter can cry There is also an agreement to the commission of any of the
sexual perversion. grounds.
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SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 whatever has been done. At least they will have that window
to rethink their options and see whether they can give the
EFFECTS OF LEGAL SEPARATION marriage a try without having to resort to legal separation.
Art. 63. The decree of legal separation shall have the Q: What is the exception to this? When do we not observe
following effects: the cooling-off period?
(1) The spouses shall be entitled to live separately from each A: If the ground constitutes violence directed either against
other, but the marriage bonds shall not be severed; the petitioner or a child of the petitioner or a common child,
(2) The absolute community or the conjugal partnership under the VAWC, there would be no cooling-off period.
shall be dissolved and liquidated but the offending spouse
shall have no right to any share of the net profits earned by Atty. Seña:
the absolute community or the conjugal partnership, which It is also possible that even though the petition has been filed
shall be forfeited in accordance with the provisions of Article or sometimes even after the decree of legal separation has
43(2); been issued, the parties may find themselves reconciling
(3) The custody of the minor children shall be awarded to which is well and good. We are all for the protection of the
the innocent spouse, subject to the provisions of Article 213 family.
of this Code; and
(4) The offending spouse shall be disqualified from Q: If there is reconciliation that happens, what happens
inheriting from the innocent spouse by intestate succession. to the pending petition or to the decree of legal
Moreover, provisions in favor of the offending spouse made separation?
in the will of the innocent spouse shall be revoked by A:
operation of law. If the petition is pending / still undergoing trial – petition
will be terminated at whatever stage the petition may still
Atty. Seña: be.
Once the petition for Legal Separation is filed, then the
parties will be allowed to live separately from one another If there is already a decree of legal separation – the
and then the custody of children, their support, the support decree will be set aside.
of the parties, the administration of conjugal
properties/community properties, these will have to be Supposing a different event takes place, hindi reconciliation,
governed by any written agreement between the parties. If something more morbid, halimbawa one of the parties dies
there’s none, by the order of the court. during the pendency of the petition for legal separation and
let’s say it is the innocent spouse who dies, then the petition
Q: Why is it relevant that the parties are allowed to live will have to be terminated.
A: Because under the law if you leave the conjugal Q: Can the heirs of the innocent spouse who died insist that
dwelling/family abode, without any justifiable reason, your the petition be continued all to the end obtaining a finding as
right to support will be cut off. Pero if we have that to the guilt of the spouse and as whether legal separation is
permission from the law to live apart from one spouse, once warranted, so that they may exclude the guilty spouse
the petition for Legal Separation is filed, then there could be from succession to the estate of the innocent spouse?
no doubt that you would still be entitled to be supported.
A: No. It will not be allowed because a petition for legal
Q: Why is this important? separation is personal to the parties (husband and wife), and
A: It is important because maintaining a household is accordingly if one of the parties dies, the petition will be
expensive. Realistic lang talaga na magkaroon ka ng terminated.
expectation for continuous support.
Atty. Seña:
Once the petition is filed, the Court is supposed to conduct a Yes. In a case decided by the Supreme Court, the Court said
cooling-off period. that a petition for legal separation is personal. The right of
action dies with the parties.
Q: What is the purpose of this cooling-off period?
A: This is provided in the law to afford the parties time to Q: What is the remedy if there is danger of death for the
think as well. Kasi minsan kapag nadadala na ng bugso ng innocent spouse to protect her heirs?
damdamin, nagfa-file agad ng petition sa korte. E kapag A: The innocent spouse may disinherit the guilty spouse. In
minsan kapag na-issue na ‘yung decree of legal separation fact, in the moment that a ground for legal separation is
and then the parties reconcile, matrabaho pa rin to undo provided by the guilty spouse, it may serve you well to
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execute a last will and testament disinheriting the guilty regime at maihalo itong mga separate properties nila, notice
spouse on that ground. Because for purposes of disinheriting will have to be given to these creditors so that they may be
a legal spouse, the only requirement is that there must be a (inaudible). Kasi baka may mga nakasanla na sa kanila, so
ground. their rights would have to be protected.
Q: Aside from setting aside the decree, what else may be It is very clear from the law that the only option is to revive
the effect of reconciliation of the parties? the former property regime and if any discretion was given,
A: If there is a final decree of legal separation, it shall be set the discretion would just be in determining which of the
aside but the separation of property and any forfeiture of the separate properties would form part of the property regime
share of the guilty spouse shall subsist unless they agree to revived.
revive their former property regime.
Kaya lang, dun sa rules of legal separation promulgated by
Atty. Seña: the Supreme Court. The option is much broader dahil the
There is an option to revive the former property regime. But option includes the right to adopt a new property regime.
this time around, it will be different. The parties will be given
more autonomy to determine which of their separate Q: Can you give me two reasons why we cannot allow this
properties that have been adjudicated in her favor would be option given under the rules on legal separation to be
put back into that former property regime. The implication applied?
would be there would be separate properties awarded to A:
them under the decree of legal separation that they may opt 1. The Family Code is a substantive law. The rules on legal
to keep even though they decide to revive the former separation is procedural law. Substantial law cannot
property regime. But to do so, apart from filing the necessary prevail over remedial law much less procedural law
motion in Court, they will also have to provide the Court with can amend substantive law.
the list of creditors and their addresses. 2. The other possible property regimes which could have
been adopted are not allowed to commence at any time
Q: Why do the spouse have to provide the Court with the aside from the beginning of the marriage. (Because if
list of creditors and their addresses? you are going to adopt a new property regime that
A: To protect the interests of creditors. would basically make the property regime commence
other than the beginning of the marriage. And the
Atty. Seña: Family Code proscribes that.)
You have to understand that the community property and
conjugal properties, they do not answer for the personal Article 63. The decree of legal separation shall have the
obligations of the husband and the wife save for those following effects:
instances provided as exceptions in the law. (See The spouses shall be entitled to live separately from each
enumeration and type it down.) These are the only other but the marriage bonds shall not be severed;
The absolute coomunity or the conjugal partnership shall
So all other personal obligations, these cannot be satisfied be dissolved and liquidated but the offending spouse
using community property or conjugal properties. Eh shall have no right to any share of the net profits earned
ngayon, nung nagkaroon ng decree of legal separation, by the absolute community or the conjugal partnership,
nagkaroon ng liquidation of properties and the properties which shall be forfeited in accordance with the
were divided between the husband and the wife, you can provisions of Article 43(2);
imagine that the spouses worked on with their lives. They The custody of the minor children shall be awarded to the
administer properties adjudicated to them. They dunk these innocent spouse subject to the provisions of Article 213
properties in relation to third persons, siguro ibinenta, of this Code; and
kinolateral or subject to contracts with third persons.
The offending spouse shall be disqualified from
Q: What will happen to these obligations that they have inheriting from the innocent spouse by intestate
to risk to third persons affecting these properties if succession. Moreover, provisions in favor of the
these properties would be recontributed back to the offending spouse made in the will of the innocent spouse
property regime and would be transformed to the shall be revoked by operation of law. (106a)
conjugal or community properties.
A: They would now be beyond the reach of the creditors of Atty. Seña:
the husband and the wife. Yung mga personal creditors nila. Ito ‘yung mga consequences that most persons are not
Kaya ang gagawin, bago mapayagang irevive yung property familiar with. That is why it is easy for them to dismiss legal
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separation as a useless remedy kasi ang tao laging naka focus So, kung halimbawa ng nag-execute sila ng antenuptial
lang sa – “makakapag-asawa pa ba ako ulit o hindi?”, agreement adopting CPG as their property regime without
“makakapag-boyfriend ba ako o hindi?”. providing any property to originally form part of the
conjugal partnership. Ang value ng conjugal partnership nila
Ang sagot ko sa parehas na tanong ay hindi dahil you remain at the beginning of the marriage will be PhP 0.
married to the other spouse so since negative ‘yung sagot sa
mga tanong na ‘yon, they don’t even bother to consider pero And at the end of the marriage, sabihin natin naka PhP 10
if they would be properly apprised, they would realize that million sila, neto na ‘yon. Bayad na lahat ng obligasyon. PhP
having the decree of legal separation would actually protect 10 million less PhP 0 will be PhP 10 million. That PhP 10
them. million in this case would constitute the profits. So, dito mas
matindi ‘yung forfeiture against kay guilty spouse kasi wala
Unang una, there is forfeiture, and although, as we have talaga siyang maiuuwi sa assets kaya nga magkaiba ‘yung
discussed before, the forfeiture is limited in the share in the computation provided by law under ACP and CPG.
net profits, you will not walk away empty handed naman eh
(in all probability). Q: Is it possible that there will be conjugal properties at
the beginning of the marriage?
Net profits has been defined before in the case of Quiao vs. A: The answer is YES because the parties in their antenuptial
Quiao. This pertains to the difference between the value of agreement can always provide for their separate properties
the community property at the end of the marriage and value to form part of the CPG upon the celebration of the marriage.
of the community property at the beginning.
Atty. Seña:
In the case of Absolute Community of Property Bakit ako nagdidiscuss ng ganito? I’m trying to make you see
So, if you started with just PhP 4 million. Bakit kayo may na hindi porke mayroong forfeiture, parating magiging zero
community property agad na PhP 4 million kakakasal niyo si guilty spouse. Posible pa rin na may makuha siya.
pa lang? Kasi ‘yung properties ninyo prior to the marriage,
nagtatransform ‘yan kapag kinakasal kayo – automatic na Another important point, dito sa Legal Separation, parang
magiging community property na ‘yan. Kaya meron na the Court has already made the decision for the children in
kayong community properties at the beginning. terms of with which parent they will be going, syempre mag-
aapply pa rin tayo ng maternal preference rule for children
At the end, if you have let’s say PhP 10 million, so what would below 7 years of age, pero for children that are 7 years and
be the difference of PhP 10 million and PhP 4 million? It above, ordinarily they will be allowed to make a choice. But
would be PhP 6 million, which shall represent the net profits. for legal separation, it is different. The law says that custody
of the children will be given to the innocent spouse. And this
So, if there would be forfeiture, the share that would be tilts the advantage in favor of the innocent spouse insofar as
forfeited would just be the share in the PhP 6 million. It will the award of conjugal dwelling is concerned.
not be the share in the PhP 10 million. So, si guilty spouse,
maaari pa siyang magshare doon sa PhP 4 million na capital. But for children 7 years and above, ordinarily they will be
Meron pa siyang PhP 2 million na pwede makuha. Pero ‘yung allowed to make a choice.
PhP 3 million share niya na dapat doon sa net profits, wala
na ‘yon. It will be forfeited in favor of the common children, But for legal separation it is different. In legal separation, the
legitimate children from a prior marriage, or in favor of the law says the custody of children will be given to the innocent
innocent spouse. spouse. This tilts the advantage in favor of the innocent
spouse in so far as the award of the conjugal dwelling is
In the case of Conjugal Partnership of Gains concerned. The conjugal dwelling will be given to the spouse
to whom majority of the children decided to stay.
Ngayon, kung ang pinag-uusapan natin ay CPG, medyo
dehado dito si guilty spouse. Pwede talaga siya ma-zero kasi Let’s say the innocent spouse is the wife. They had five
sa CPG, malamang kesa hindi, walang conjugal properties at children who are under 7, the others are still minor but
the beginning of the marriage. Dahil hindi naman above 7 years of age. Two of the minors are automatically
nagtatransform ang mga properties prior to the marriage to with the wife. Husband could have a chance if the other
conjugal properties eh because under the CPG regime, children will choose him. But the law says, the children do
properties own prior to the marriage remain to be the not need to choose because automatically it is with the
properties of the spouses. innocent spouse. 2+3 all with innocent spouse. If you would
apply this provision awarding the conjugal dwelling to the
spouse to whom majority of the children choose to remain,
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the conjugal dwelling will be awarded to the innocent prior to the marriage destined to be their properties, and
spouse. when they enter into the marriage, the only rights that would
be acquired over the conjugal partnership would be the
This is but just because the conjugal dwelling represents separate property, the right to usufruct. Right to the fruits,
familiarity for the children. If you will uproot them or allow income or use of those properties. Thereafter, in so far as
them to choose and they decide to go with the guilty spouse, they are concerned, during the marriage, their right to
you will be uprooting them from the environment that they dispose of their separate properties and use those proceeds
had grown up in. their school, neighbors, friends, and to buy a new property, it is recognized under the law on
environment will be changed. This is why we have these conjugal partnership that. These acquisitions would still be
provisions under the law. separate property that is very different from the community
Another important effect is successional rights. The guilty
spouse cannot inherit by intestate succession and operation In the community property regime, the parties are merged
of law. In fact, testamentary dispositions in favor of a guilty into one. This is the embodiment of “what is yours is mine,
spouse are revoked by operation of law. and what is mine is yours.” The properties prior to the
marriage are transformed into community property by
Study the obligation between husbands and wife. Because virtue of the celebration of the marriage. Then, if you
these are inherent. You can see these from your parents inherited from your parents before you got married will
(giving salary to spouse, etc) these are things that are natural form part of the community property which will enable your
to you. husband to have rights over the property inherited.
PROPERTY RELATIONS BETWEEN HUSBAND AND WIFE As a parent, I am working hard to leave something to my
This is a significant aspect because under Art. 1 This is the
only area in the marriage which may be the subject of an If things do not work out between them, what will happen?
agreement because the nature, consequences, and incidents The properties I worked hard for and which my daughter
of marriage are governed by law and cannot be the subject inherited will be part of the community property which will
of stipulation. be inherited by her and this complete stranger.
Q: What is our default property regime? But, that will be consistent with the total merger of the
A: Absolute community of property. personalities between the husband and the wife. That is
what the Code Committee wanted, to there be a unity
Q: Prior to the FC, what was the default property regime? between the personalities between the husband and the
A: Conjugal partnership of gains. wife, iisa na sila.
Q: Why did we shift from conjugal partnership of gains That could be good if everything is equal. Equal and
to absolute community of property? pagmamahal, equal ang pagsusumikap, equal and
A: First, in CPG, the concept is that the properties acquired pagpupundar. But the problem in this world is, marami ang
before marriage consist of the separate property of the manggagamit. Masama ang palad, mas marami ang
spouses. On the other hand, absolute community property nagpapagamit.
even properties acquired by the spouses prior the Marriage is based on emotions, and you are blinded. When
celebration of marriage forms part of the community of you marry, that is the height of the point of your emotions to
property. In a sense, adopting the community of property as the other party.
the default regime is more inclined with the concept of
marriage as a concept of permanent union between the When your parents would like you to sign an antenuptial
husband and wife in a sense that even their previous agreement, surely, you would be hurt, that your love is
properties that they had acquired forms part of the insulted. But, your parents only have the best in your
community property which would later on be the benefit of interest. I have seen this play out so many times. People are
the family. in love today, and 5 years down the road, they cannot stand
each other. At the end, one regret remains. Why did they not
Atty. Seña: sign an antenuptial agreement?
The problem is in conjugal partnership of gains, the spouses
here retain their separate and distinct personalities as You are lawyers, therefore, more will be expected from you.
property owners. They are treated as partners and they That is why you should end up with lawyers as well. If you
retain their patrimony very clearly. The properties they own do not end up with a lawyer, then, they won’t understand
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and they will feel insulted if you want to enter into an Q: Why there?
antenuptial agreement. A: Because when you file the marriage certificate, there is a
portion wherein the parties would have to fill up, and they
NEVER bring up the antenuptial agreement weeks or days will have to state whether or not they executed an ante-
from the wedding. nuptial agreement. Remember, the ante-nuptial agreement
must be executed prior to the marriage. And if they click yes,
If by then you cannot agree, split up. It will be painful, but then the ante-nuptial agreement should be attached to the
you can recover in 6 months. Better than to live with a marriage certificate, which will be submitted to the local civil
headache and expenses to nullify. registrar of the place where the wedding was celebrated.
Mamaya biruin ka ng tadhana, pag-kasal mo eh saka mo Now, in addition to the local civil registrar of the place where
makita ang the one. the marriage is celebrated, where else must the ante-nuptial
agreement be recorded?
Considering that the default property regime is Absolute Student’s Answer: In case it involves property, it must also
Community of Property system, the parties will be governed be recorded in the registry of properties where the property
by this even if there is no antenuptial agreement. is located.
Q: Would it make sense if the parties are going to adopt Atty. Seña:
ACP and still enter into an antenuptial agreement? Yes, it must also be recorded in those places where there are
A: Yes. Opting to choose ACP and still enter into an real properties affected by the ante-nuptial agreement.
antenuptial agreement makes sense so that they may add
stipulations on what properties they choose to be excluded Q: Is registration a requirement for validity?
from the ACP. A: Registration is not a requirement for validity. It is a
requirement to make the ante-nuptial agreement binding
Atty. Seña: upon third persons.
They may choose to expand the ACP. They can say that these
XX properties are going to be separate, or the fruits of these Q: So if there is no registration, what will happen? What
separate properties shall be considered as my separate will be the status of the property regime of the parties?
properties. A: If there is no registration, the status of the marriage
settlement of the parties will still be absolute community of
This is because there is no provision in the Family Code for property or what they elected to be in the marriage
the acquisition of properties using the separate properties of settlement. However, such property relations will not be
the parties concerned. But, you can provide for that in the binding upon 3rd persons, but would be binding upon
antenuptial agreement. It would serve the parties well, even themselves.
if they still choose ACP in the antenuptial agreement.
Q: So if 3rd persons are not bound, then what would be
But you can provide for that in the ante-nuptial agreement. the implication of them being not bound, by whatever
Kaya it will still serve the parties well. For them to execute property regime was agreed upon by the parties in the
an ante-nuptial agreement, even though they may be also ante-nuptial settlement?
adopting the absolute community of property in the ante- A: If they are not bound by the property regime that the
nuptial agreement. parties selected in their ante-nuptial agreement, then it is
not known that the parties have an ante-nuptial agreement.
REQUISITES FOR THE VALIDITY OF ANTE-NUPTIAL And insofar as these 3rd persons are concerned, the parties
AGREEMENT are governed by the default property regime, which is the
absolute community of property system.
1. in writing
2. signed by the parties Q: Supposing that the ante-nuptial agreement was agreed or
3. executed before the celebration of marriage entered into by the parties orally, and then they got married.
4. in order to bind 3rd persons, it must be registered to And let’s say they agreed upon the complete separation of
the proper civil registry property regime. What would be the effect of the fact that
they never reduced their agreement in writing, on the
Q: What would the proper civil registry be? property regime that they elected?
A: The local civil registry where the marriage contract was A: The complete separation of property regime.
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Q: What would be the effect of the fact that they never antenuptial agreement being in writing is not a necessity for
reduce their agreement in writing on the property its validity, but only for its enforceability.
regime that they elected?
A: This will render the marriage settlement void – then we In the Family Code, however, it is different. For example, the
will apply the default property regime which is Absolute parties entered into an agreement adapting the complete
Community Property. separation of property regime. After the marriage, they
complied with this agreement. But should one of them die
Atty. Seña: and dissolve the marriage, that party cannot insist that his
The requirement that the ante-nuptial agreement be in properties be excluded from the estate of the deceased
writing is necessary for its validity. If not, it will be null and spouse on the premise that their property regime is the
void. complete separation. The presumption is that any property
acquired during the marriage is part of the community
Q: Will we adhere to the same rule under the Civil Code? property.
A: The Statute of Frauds (SOF) applies to, agreement entered
into in consideration of marriage. The effect of non- Q: Apart from selecting the property regime that will be
compliance with SOF will render the agreement governing the parties, what else may be stipulated
unenforceable. It will be valid once ratified by the parties. under the antenuptial agreement?
A: They may include donations propter nuptias.
Two distinct effects of the ante-nuptial agreement if
executed orally under the Civil Code: Q: If they will include such donations in the antenuptial
- Valid but unenforceable for its non-compliance with agreement, will there be any forms that must be
the SOF. observed or would there be any limitations that must be
- Unenforceable contracts may be ratified through the adhered to?
execution of its terms and conditions. If it is partially A: Yes, the donations propter nuptias must follow the
executed, it is already ratified and it’s no longer formalities of ordinary donations under the Civil Code. As
unenforceable. such, the formalities under the CC must then extend to the
- Then, when you have a valid contract that is no formalities of the antenuptial agreement.
longer unenforceable, then the law affords you the
right to compel the other party to reduce it in the Atty. Seña:
proper form. Before, we said that in terms of form, the antenuptial
requirement is only required to be in writing. There is no
If you have a contract that is unenforceable under the Statute need for notarization. But if you include a DPN in the
of Frauds – you cannot introduce oral evidence, oral antenuptial agreement, and the donation of a real property,
testimony to prove the existence of the contract, because the then the instrument for the donation and acceptance of the
law says that should be in writing. real property must be notarized.
Atty. Seña: So, the antenuptial agreement that was before only required
If you insist on enforcing your agreement, what will happen to be in writing, must now be notarized as well. The
is you will go to court to file an action to enforce the terms of instrument and donation must be included in the antenuptial
your agreement but the adverse party will have you action agreement or at least in a separate public instrument that is
dismissed or in case you reach trial, they can object to your referred to in the antenuptial agreement and also attached
presentation of evidence. This is because of the in the same agreement.
unenforceable nature of the contract – there being no
written agreement. Unless the adverse party fails to object to QUESTION ABOUT ANTENUPTIAL AGREEMENTS
your presentation of oral evidence, then their objection shall
be deemed waived. In that sense, we may say that there is Q: With regard to antenuptial agreements, since these
ratification due to the failure to object. agreements may have legal force on matters other than
property regimes, may they function as holographic will
In the case at hand, however, the applicable mode of somehow?
ratification is partial performance. The parties may enter [Since it can be a source of rights for matters other than
orally into this antenuptial agreement adopting the property relations, may it vest property rights to a
complete separation of property regime and then they abide relative, specifically a sister?]
by this agreement throughout their married life. Now, that is
sufficient ratification even without a written document
because under the Civil Code, the requirement that the
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Atty. Seña: settlement and you are a property regime other than the
Strictly speaking, since holographic wills are supposed to be absolute community of the property system, you cannot
the more lenient form of wills, there is no problem in donate more than 1/5th of your present properties.
executing a holographic will within the confines of the
antenuptial agreement. The only problem there are the However, if you make the donation propter nuptias outside
requirements of a holographic will: the entire holographic of the marriage settlement, the limitation will not apply.
will should be entirely written, dated, and signed by the Instead, only the limitations of ordinary donations will
testator only. There is also the participation of the other apply.
party, the future spouse.
The only plausible reason for this rule is that the members
It would probably depend on how you formulate the of the code committee did not want to reduce the antenuptial
antenuptial agreement. There should be a portion pertaining agreement into an ordinary contract wherein it was as
to the holographic will that states that the testator and the though the parties haggled their way into veering away from
future spouse are the only ones who gave their signatures; the absolute community of property regime. We have to
that the other party is not included. In this case, it begs the realize that when they use another property regime, the
question that why do you need to place the will within the future spouse who has more money will be prejudiced.
agreement in the first place. Potentially, the other spouse who has nothing may walk
away with half of the properties of the other spouse. In that
Perhaps, instead, you can make a reference to the context, it would be attractive to one of the parties to
holographic will. For example, you can state that you are convince the other to use another property regime other
excluding a specific property from the community property than the ACP.
that you are going to form with your future husband because
you have executed a holographic will on [date] where you For example, in the marriage settlement, there is a donation
gave this property by way of legacy or devise to your brother propter nuptias attached. This implies that one of the parties
or sister. That is a more practical approach. only agreed to the marriage because “sinuhulan siya” or that
she was bribed. It reduces marriage into a monetary
DONATIONS PROPTER NUPTIAS transaction which goes against the concept of merging
personalities in marriage.
Q: What are the formalities of a donation?
Another peculiarity is that if you are going to provide for
Atty. Seña: other stipulations and/or admissions not related to the
It can be executed in a separate public instrument so long as marriage per se, you can only do so in the marriage
it is referred to in the donation. Furthermore, you will have settlement. For example, you want to clarify that you already
to attach that separate public instrument to the ante-nuptial had a child, and that is your way of making your spouse
agreement containing the donation propter nuptias. recognize the child; this would force her to acknowledge and
include the child in your estate in case something
Q: Are there any limitations that should be observed? unfortunate happens to you.
A: Yes, there are limitations:
Furthermore, the beauty of this is that since it is not related
1. It would depend on who will donate the said to the marriage nor is it conditioned upon the happening of
property. For example, if the parties executed an the marriage, should the marriage be rendered void or if the
ante-nuptial agreement other than a property marriage does not take place, then the antenuptial
regime of absolute community property, the agreement including the donations propter nuptias therein
spouse cannot give 1/5th of his property to the will be void. However, the stipulations not related to the
other spouse. marriage will survive, which may be used as a claim for
2. The person who will donate shall ensure that he will illegitimate filiation in the future.
leave sufficient properties to himself to answer for
his needs, support, and support of those he is
obligated to support under the law.
3. The usual limits of inofficiousness will apply.
Atty. Seña:
In other words, the limits pertaining to ordinary donations
will apply. What is peculiar under the Family Code, if you are
making a donation propter nuptias in the marriage
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SEPTEMBER 23, 2022 We do not have that kind of exception when it comes to
donations. Kasi sa Family Code, we only have one exception:
DONATIONS PROPTER NUPTIAS moderate gifts on the occasion of family rejoicing.
Art. 82. Donations by reason of marriage are those which are PROHIBITION AGAINST DONATION BETWEEN PARTIES
made before its celebration, in consideration of the same, LIVING TOGETHER AS HUSBAND AND WIFE WITHOUT
and in favor of one or both of the future spouses. THE BENEFIT OF MARRIAGE
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Para dun sa mga babae na niregaluhan ng pagkamahal- changed by the FC because of the requirement that the
mahal na engagement ring, ang gawin ninyo mag-execute formalities of a last will and testament be observed.
kayo ng antenuptial agreement and then ilagay niyo dun na
excepted at hindi magiging part of community property Q: What about the limitations?
‘yung engagement ring. Para sa’yong-sa’yo lang siya. A:
1. 1/5
E kasi akala niyo naging galante nang todo si 2. Limitation on inofficiousness – if the donor would
boyfriend/fiancé, e hindi niyo alam nag-aral ng batas so sabi have compulsory heirs, the donated property
niya okay lang gumastos kasi 50% naman nito magiging sa cannot exceed the free portion
akin din kung sakaling magkahiwalay kami in the future, so 3. He must always reserve enough for his own support
okay na investment ito. Tip lang ‘yan sa ating mga and those legally entitled to receive support from
kababaihan. him.
Q: Would it matter who is making the donation propter GROUNDS FOR REVOKING DONATION PROPTER
nuptias insofar as determining what properties may be NUPTIAS
the subject of donation?
A: Yes. Because if a 3rd person would donate a property in Art. 86. A donation by reason of marriage may be
favor of either spouse, he is only limited to donating his revoked by the donor in the following cases:
present property. But for donations between future spouses,
they may donate their future properties. (1) If the marriage is not celebrated or judicially declared
void ab initio except donations made in the marriage
Q: When you donate future property, when does this settlements, which shall be governed by Article 81;
take effect?
A: At the time of death of the spouse. (2) When the marriage takes place without the consent
of the parents or guardian, as required by law;
Atty. Seña:
So this takes the form of a donation mortis causa because it (3) When the marriage is annulled, and the donee acted
takes upon after death. in bad faith;
Q: Why does a donation of future property take effect (4) Upon legal separation, the donee being the guilty
upon death? spouse;
A: Because such donation is governed by testamentary
succession. The law explicitly states that in case of donation (5) If it is with a resolutory condition and the condition
propter nuptias of future property, the same shall be is complied with;
governed by testamentary succession.
(6) When the donee has committed an act of ingratitude
Atty. Seña: as specified by the provisions of the Civil Code on
So it may be a donation propter nuptias but in reality, it is a donations in general.
testamentary disposition. Furthermore, since it takes effect
upon death, a donation propter nuptias on future properties First Ground: Nullity or Non-celebration of the marriage
must abide by the formalities of a last will and testament. So
an antenuptial agreement will be changed. The marriage XPN:: Those instances when we do not need to file an action
settlement must be executed in the form of a last will and to revoke and this would apply if the ground for nullity of the
testament. marriage or non-happening of the marriage and the
donation propter nuptias was contained in the ante-nuptial
This is also additionally significant because this is a agreement.
provision which has done away with contractual succession.
Under the civil code, you can make a donation propter In which case, the donation propter nuptias would be
nuptias involving future property and there was no rendered void just like the marriage settlement containing
requirement back then that it follow the formalities of a last the same.
will and testament. The result of this would be a donation Second Ground: Lack of Parental Consent
mortis causa contained in an instrument which is not a last Third Ground: Ground of Annulment
will and testament that is merely written or notarized. That
is contractual succession because we allowed testamentary Lack of parental consent is also a ground for annulment.
disposition to be contained in an ordinary contract. This was
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Q: How would we distinguish this ground of lack of (1) If the donee should commit some offense against the
parental consent for revoking the donation propter person, the honor or the property of the donor, or of his
nuptias from the ground of annulment also as a ground wife or children under his parental authority;
for revoking a donation propter nuptias?
A: Compare paragraph 2 & 3. In paragraph 2 – It’s enough (2) If the donee imputes to the donor any criminal
that you show that there was lack of parental consent. offense, or any act involving moral turpitude, even
though he should prove it, unless the crime or the act
Atty. Seña: has been committed against the donee himself, his
Going back, for paragraph 2, we do not need a decree of wife or children under his authority;
annulment. We only need to show that the marriage was
celebrated without parental consent, and you don’t even (3) If he unduly refuses him support when the donee is
need to establish the bad faith of the done, it does not matter legally or morally bound to give support to the donor
whether the done acted in bad faith or not.
Atty. Seña:
But if you go to paragraph 3, not only that you need the Take note of the qualifications.
decree of annulment, you’re also going to show that the
donee acted in bad faith. So, ano ‘yung mas madali? It’s easier SYSTEM OF ABSOLUTE COMMUNITY
to obtain a revocation of a DPN under the ground of lack of
parental consent. That is how you make a comparison. Absolute Community of Property is the default property
regime, and that means that even if the parties do not
Insofar as paragraph 3 is concerned, we also need to make a execute an antenuptial agreement or should they execute
qualification because Article 86, Paragraph 3 is contrary to one but it turns out to be null and void, they will still be
Article 43, Paragraph 3, which the law makes applicable to governed by the ACP because it is the default property
annulment of marriages kasi sa Article 43, Paragraph 3, what regime.
is the Rule? The rule is that DPN will remain valid unless the
donee is shown to have acted in bad faith. If donee acted in Q: Could you name me the only instance when the
bad faith, then the DPN is deemed revoked by operation of default property regime that would apply to the parties
law (by operation of law – no need to file an action to revoke) getting married under the FC is not the ACP?
which is contradictory to Article 86, Paragraph 3 provides. A: If the prior marriage is dissolved by death and the
Kasi dito, there was an annulment, the donee acted in bad surviving spouse remarries without liquidating the existing
faith but the DPN will not be revoked by operation of law. property regime of that prior marriage, the law provides that
Instead, you need to go to court and file an action to revoke. the subsequent marriage contracted by the surviving spouse
Magkaiba ‘yon. shall be governed by a complete separation of property by
But since Article 86, Paragraph 3 appears latter in the law,
then authorities are one in saying that we’ll need to make This is the exception.
Article 86, Paragraph 3 prevail over Article 43, Paragraph 3.
As a concept, understand the ACP system effectively calls for
If it is with a resolutory condition and the condition is the merger, not just of the personalities of the husband and
complied with wife as a consequence of their marriage, but also of their
patrimonies. This is extensive merger of patrimonies in ACP.
A resolutory condition is an event upon the happening of This is because essentially properties acquired prior to the
which, rights or obligations are extinguished. marriage and properties acquired during the marriage are
Unlike in CPG, the spouses are allowed to retain as theirs the
Q: What are these acts of ingratitude that would also properties they have prior to the marriage. It is symbolic
qualify as grounds for revoking a DPN? because in CPG even if they are married somehow, they
retain their separate identities through their properties
Article 765. The donation may also be revoked at the which allows them to retain as their separate and exclusive
instance of the donor, by reason of ingratitude in the ownership.
following cases:
But in ACP, there is transformation. The properties that they
acquired prior to the marriage are transformed upon the
marriage into community property. This would even include
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properties which you inherited from your parents prior to marriage, and the fruits as well as the income, if any, of
the marriage. Since you inherited this prior to the marriage, such property.
once married these properties will become community
property as oppose to the properties you inherit during the Q: What are these exceptions? Does it have in such
marriage. Because if you inherited properties during the enumeration the exclusion of the properties bought
marriage, they are separate properties. There is a difference. using the proceeds of the separate property (diamond
ring) from the scope of community property system?
In CPG, the properties you inherit prior to the marriage and A: If you would look at the provision, it seems that there is
properties you inherit during the marriage, they would be nothing here that would exclude the proceeds of the
separate properties. diamond ring from the coverage of the community property
system. This is unlike in the case of CPG. In CPG, there is an
We add the presumption that the law has provided. exception there. It says property bought by either spouse
What is this presumption? using their exclusive funds would be considered to be their
A: Property acquired during the marriage is considered to be separate property. We do not have a counterpart provision
community property. If you want to take out this property for ACP for that.
from the absolute community of property system. You have
to show that the property falls under the exception. If you The conclusion is the presumption cannot be rebutted. The
cannot show that the properties fall under the exception, presumption, therefore, remains. The presumption is that it
then it is very simple, the presumption subsists, you are not is part of community property. This is the approach that we
able to rebut the presumption. will have to use.
Take for instance, property that you inherited during the No. 1 in the exception is: as may otherwise be provided in the
marriage. How do you take this? marriage settlement. This is what we were emphasizing
A: Under the law, this is an exception. This is considered to before.
be separate property. Let us say, you inherited a diamond
ring that is vintage. You do not want it that much because di Section 2. What Constitutes Community Property
na uso. What do you do? Sell it. Then the proceeds from the
sale, you use it to buy a different property such as a car, or Art. 91. Unless otherwise provided in this Chapter or in
small piece of land. Logic will tell you that that property you the marriage settlements, the community property shall
acquired using the proceeds of that sale of diamond ring, consist of all the property owned by the spouses at the
shall be considered as your separate property as well. time of the celebration of the marriage or acquired
Because it seems that you only changed the separate thereafter. (197a)
property you first had. Problem is since this property, the
parcel of land was acquired during the marriage, then the Art. 92. The following shall be excluded from the
presumption is that it was acquired using community funds. community property:
In other words, that property is community property. (1) Property acquired during the marriage by gratuitous
title by either spouse, and the fruits as well as the income
As we said, if we wanted excluded from community thereof, if any, unless it is expressly provided by the
property, we need to show it falls under the exceptions. But donor, testator or grantor that they shall form part of the
if we would look at the exceptions, there seems to be none community property;
that would exclude the property from the scope of the (2) Property for personal and exclusive use of either
community property system. spouse. However, jewelry shall form part of the
community property;
Art. 92. The following shall be excluded from the (3) Property acquired before the marriage by either
community property: spouse who has legitimate descendants by a former
(1) Property acquired during the marriage by gratuitous marriage, and the fruits as well as the income, if any, of
title by either spouse, and the fruits as well as the income such property. (201a)
thereof, if any, unless it is expressly provided by the
donor, testator or grantor that they shall form part of the Art. 93. Property acquired during the marriage is
community property; presumed to belong to the community, unless it is proved
(2) Property for personal and exclusive use of either that it is one of those excluded therefrom. (160) chan
spouse. However, jewelry shall form part of the robles virtual law library
community property;
(3) Property acquired before the marriage by either
spouse who has legitimate descendants by a former
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Atty. Seña the properties that were left behind, shall be distributed to
As may otherwise be provided in the marriage settlement. It his heirs. The same goes to the Absolute Community of
may still serve you some good to execute an antenuptial Property.
agreement since it could provide for additional exemptions
in the marriage settlement. Properties existing during the marriage shall be made to
answer for the obligations of the family. Once all of these
GR: Community property shall consist of all the property obligations have been satisfied, the remaining properties
owned by the spouses at the time of the celebration of the will be divided between the spouses.
marriage or acquired thereafter.
Q: What are these charges upon and obligations on the
XPNS: absolute community property system?
1. Otherwise provided in marriage settlements. A:
2. Property acquired during the marriage by
gratuitous title by either spouse, and the fruits as
Section 3. Charges and Obligations of the Absolute
well as the income thereof, if any, unless it is
expressly provided by the donor, testator or grantor
that they shall form part of the community property;
Art. 94. The absolute community of property shall be
(Donations, etc.)
liable for:
XPN to XPN: The grantor can always direct
(1) The support of the spouses, their common children,
and legitimate children of either spouse; however, the
3. Property for personal and exclusive use of either
support of illegitimate children shall be governed by the
spouse. However, jewelry shall form part of the
provisions of this Code on Support;
community property;
(2) All debts and obligations contracted during the
XPN to XPN: Jewelry
marriage by the designated administrator-spouse for
4. Property acquired before the marriage by either
the benefit of the community, or by both spouses, or
spouse who has legitimate descendants by a former
by one spouse with the consent of the other;
marriage, and the fruits as well as the income, if any,
(3) Debts and obligations contracted by either spouse
of such property.
without the consent of the other to the extent that the
family may have been benefited;
Atty. Seña:
(4) All taxes, liens, charges and expenses, including major
As to properties acquired before the marriage, the law
or minor repairs, upon the community property;
admits of a very narrow exemption. Provided that such
(5) All taxes and expenses for mere preservation made
property shall be separate property of the other spouse. It
during marriage upon the separate property of either
must be shown that such spouse has legitimate descendants
spouse used by the family;
by the former marriage. If not, then, the properties acquired
(6) Expenses to enable either spouse to commence or
prior to such marriage shall form part of the community
complete a professional or vocational course, or other
activity for self-improvement;
(7) Ante-nuptial debts of either spouse insofar as they
When the law speaks of obligations on the community
have redounded to the benefit of the family;
property, the law speaks also of advances made from the
(8) The value of what is donated or promised by both
community property on personal obligations of either
spouses in favor of their common legitimate children for
spouse. The community property is a separate entity na
the exclusive purpose of commencing or completing
pinagkakautangan, as separate entity na kailangang bayaran
a professional or vocational course or other activity
for specific obligations.
for self-improvement;
(9) Ante-nuptial debts of either spouse other than
The truth is, in any community property system, wala yang
those falling under paragraph (7) of this Article, the
pinagkaiba from the estate of a deceased person. In an estate
support of illegitimate children of either spouse, and
of a deceased person, it would comprise of obligations which
liabilities incurred by either spouse by reason of a
survive death. When a person dies, the totality of his rights
crime or a quasi-delict, in case of absence or
and obligations shall be known as patrimony. And then,
insufficiency of the exclusive property of the debtor-
when he dies, this will be filtered. HOW? Death extinguishes
spouse, the payment of which shall be considered as
some of the rights and obligations. Whatever survives, shall
advances to be deducted from the share of the
form part of the estate. The estate shall then continue the
debtor-spouse upon liquidation of the community;
personality of the deceased, for a limited purpose of settling
his obligations. Once the obligations have been settled, then
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When you look at an obligation, you would have to *Atty: Skip par.9 in the meantime*
determine whether these conditions that we have identified
are present. If present, the obligations will have to be Art. 94(10) - No.10. Expenses of litigation between the
charged to the community property. spouses unless the suit is found to be groundless. Remember,
if the suit is between the spouses, then necessarily, may
The Supreme Court has also come out with a guideline to mananalo and matatalo dyan. So, if the person who files the
determine when we consider an obligation as beneficial to suit should have his suit dismissed, that means, his
the family. petition/complaint is groundless. He cannot recover his
expenses for litigation, however, the other party would be
Simple guideline: if you can show that the obligation is fended against this groundless suit, should he able to charge
contracted in relation to or in connection with the livelihood, his expenses to the community funds as well. ‘Cause it’s
the profession or business of the debtor-spouse, then we unfair that the other party was dragged to litigate against
presume that the same redounded to the benefit of the this groundless suit and then he will have to shoulder his
family. But of the obligation is contracted without any expenses.
relation or connection to the livelihood or the business of the
debtor-spouse, as for instance, he agreed to act as surety to Art. 94(9) - Par. 9 contains the personal obligations which
accommodate a friend or a co-employee, then we do not by way of exception may be charged to the community
presume the benefit to exist, and whoever insist on making property. Why emphasizing that it is by way of exception?
the community property liable, must show that benefit Because:
redounded to the family. That is on the assumption that we
do not have mutual consent. GR: the personal obligations of the spouses are their burden
alone to carry. They cannot pass it on to the community
Remember: It’s only mutual consent which will negate the property.
need to show benefit to the family. Because you have to look
at par.2, even if there’s a designated administrator spouse, XPN: Par. 9 creates 3 exceptions:
even if he has authority, his authority must always be 1. ante-nuptial debts which did not redound to the
exercised for the benefit of the family. benefit of the family
2. support of illegitimate children
Art. 94(4) - Then, no.4 is a given, the community property 3. liabilities arising from delicts or quasi-delicts
will have to be spent on by the community funds.
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These are the only exceptions provided in the law. Gambling debt – cannot be enforced against the community
What does it mean that these are the exceptions?
Because if you incur a personal obligation, meaning to say, While Art. 94 and Art 121 (CPG), seems to limit support
it’s not a community obligation, it’s not chargeable to the under par. 9 to the support of illegitimate children, note that
community properties, then you will have to pay off this in Art. 197 (provisions on support), Legitimate ascendants,
obligation using your separate or personal property, and if descendants, brothers or sisters, legitimate or illegitimate,
the obligation cannot be shown to be falling under par.9, and are also entitled to be supported and the right of support
that the condition under par.9 (Atty was interrupted) . So, if may also be enforced against the Community Property or
he cannot show that the personal obligation falls under Conjugal Partnership of Gains.
par.9, and that the conditions under par.9 are met, then what
will happen would be that the creditor would have to run 1. Support of Illegitimate Child against the CP – only
after the debtor-spouse. And should the debtor spouse not has to be insufficiency or absence of personal
have any property to pay the creditor, then that would be the property on the part of debtor spouse.
loss of the creditor, wala na siyang pwedeng habulin. He will
simply have to write off the indebtedness. 2. Support of legitimate ascendants, descendants,
brothers or sisters, legitimate or illegitimate – only
What are those personal obligations that are not enforce to CP in case of absence of separate
covered by Art. 94(9)? property on the part of debtor spouse.
1. if the debtor-spouse contracted the obligation
because he agreed to act as surety or as guarantor Art. 94, par. 9 - …the payment of which shall be
by way of accommodation to a friend or co- considered as advances to be deducted from the share of
employee. the debtor-spouse upon liquidation of the community;
What will happen here is, wala naman siyang natanggap dun This shows that the personal creditor of the debtor spouse
sa proceeds, napahiya na lang siya, napapirma na lang siya does not have to wait until the community property is
dun sa promissory note, ginawa siyang co-maker or pina liquidated to collect.
pirma ng contract of guarantee, and in all likelihood, ginawa EX: Kunwari nakasagasa si debtor spouse and you have to
niya to without getting the consent of, let’s say, the wife. pay Php1M in damages, community funds will be used to
pay-off the damages.
Atty. Seña:
Pinapirma sya ng Contract of Guaranty and in all likelihood, At the end of the marriage, when the community property is
ginawa niya to without getting the consent of the wife. being dissolved, whatever share is adjudicated in favor of the
debtor spouse, this will be reduced by the Php1M that was
Since this has no connection with his business, we will not paid using community funds to satisfy his civil liability
presume that it redounded to the benefit of the marriage. arising from the delict he committed.
Since, the spouse did not give her consent, then this shall not
be considered an obligation chargeable to the community. Art. 94 …If the community property is insufficient to
The only possible way that this can still be chargeable to the cover the foregoing liabilities, except those falling under
community if it falls under the personal obligation paragraph (9), the spouses shall be solidarily liable for
chargeable to the community under par. 9 of Art. 94. the unpaid balance with their separate properties
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(3) Whatever remains of the exclusive properties of the After satisfying all the obligations of the community
spouses shall thereafter be delivered to each of them. property, the next step would be to return whatever remains
of the exclusive properties of the spouses after they are used
(4) The net remainder of the properties of the absolute to pay the obligations of the community property.
community shall constitute its net assets, which shall be
divided equally between husband and wife, unless a Now, Art. 102(4) refers to the net assets of the community
different proportion or division was agreed upon in the property. It is different from net profits. Net assets are what
marriage settlements, or unless there has been a remains after paying off the obligations, while net profits are
voluntary waiver of such share provided in this Code. For defined as the difference between the value of the
purpose of computing the net profits subject to forfeiture community property at the end of the marriage and the value
in accordance with Articles 43, No. (2) and 63, No. (2), the of the same at the beginning of the marriage.
said profits shall be the increase in value between the
market value of the community property at the time of Paragraph 4 also tells us that another item that may be
the celebration of the marriage and the market value at subject of stipulation in the MS would be the proportions of
the time of its dissolution. sharing of net assets between the spouses which may be
different from the default 50-50.
(5) The presumptive legitimes of the common children
shall be delivered upon partition, in accordance with Paragraph 5 calls for the delivery of the presumptive
Article 51. legitimes of common children, in accordance with Art. 51.
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Q: When do you apply paragraph 5 of Art. 102? of the wife, it will not be considered a community obligation
A: You only apply it in case of annulment. under Art. 94.
XPN: in case of declaration of nullity under Art. 40. The As a community obligation, it may be enforced against the
reason for this is that a property regime that may be subject community property. Perhaps the mortgage might cease to
to liquidation only exists in void marriages if the ground is exist, but there may still be a writ of execution issued in
Art. 40. In all other grounds, there is no property regime, order to satisfy the loan and the same may be applied to the
only co-ownership under Art. 147 or Art. 148. same parcels of land that were given by way of mortgage.
Atty. Seña: In other words, the same parcel of land whose mortgage was
Par. 6 in relation to legal separation, the law provides that nullified may still be made to answer for the same obligation
children are deemed to have chosen to stay with the but for a different ground [not through foreclosure of a
innocent spouse. This tilts the scales in favor of the innocent mortgage, but through levy of execution].
spouse when it comes to getting the conjugal dwelling
because the law has made the decision for the children. This The takeaway would be that the mortgage will be null and
is peculiar to legal separation. void by the lack of consent of the husband. However, the
obligation will qualify as a community obligation that may
PNB V. REYES JR. be enforced against community property.
Atty. Seña:
This involves a marriage governed by conjugal partnership,
but the principle discussed here also applies to ACP.
In this case, there is only consent on the part of the wife but
not on the part of the husband. However, in view of the
presumption that the loan redounded to the benefit of the
family because it was contracted in relation to the business
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SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 existing at the beginning of the marriage. Dahil the
properties owned by the parties prior to the marriage are
Kasi as compared to Community Property Regime, you know Q: What will be contributed to the conjugal partnership?
very well that this is the default property regime. So even A: Only the net fruits and the net income of the separate
without an ante-nuptial agreement, this will be applied to properties.
the parties.
Kaya nga pagdating naman sa conjugal partnership (I think
When it comes to the Complete Separation of Property Atty. was referring to ACP?), madalas at halos walang
system, this may be adopted after the marriage. Either okasyon na the properties at the beginning of the marriage
voluntarily or for cause or as a consequence of legal would be zero.
separation even.
The only time when we will have conjugal properties
Pero ‘yung conjugal partnership, kapag hindi ka nag-execute existing at the time/at the beginning of the marriage would
ng ante-nuptial agreement, there’s no way that this will be be when the parties execute an ante-nuptial agreement and
made to apply to you. apart from electing the conjugal partnership of gains, also
contributed their separate properties into the conjugal
The first step would be determining what are considered to partnership. Doon lang tayo magkakaroon ng conjugal
be exclusive properties under the Conjugal Partnership of properties existing at the time of the marriage.
Q: Is this relevant?
Art. 109. The following shall be the exclusive property of A: Yes, this can be relevant when it comes to forfeiture. Kasi
each spouse: ‘yung forfeiture sa conjugal partnership that will apply to the
(1) That which is brought to the marriage as his or her own; profits (in conjugal partnership) that will be equivalent to
(2) That which each acquires during the marriage by the net assets or whatever remains after all of the obligations
gratuitous title; of the conjugal partnership have been satisfied.
(3) That which is acquired by right of redemption, by barter
or by exchange with property belonging to only one of the And significantly, sa conjugal partnership, the term used is
spouses; and just “profits” hindi “net profits.” Hindi katulad sa community
(4) That which is purchased with exclusive money of the property. Kasi nga, wala tayong value for the conjugal
wife or of the husband. properties at the beginning. So there is nothing to deduct
from the profits at the end or the net assets at the end.
Atty. Seña:
So these items are found in Art. 109, and immediately the If there will be forfeiture, the forfeiture will apply to the
distinction or the differences with community property remaining assets. Posibleng ma-zero si guilty si spouse.
would stand out. For one, we do not have a provision under
the community property system which recognizes as Q: Kailan hindi maze-zero si guilty spouse?
separate properties owned by the parties prior to the A: Kung halimbawa ng nangyari ‘yung sinasabi nating
marriage. I think I mentioned to you that under the ACP exception kanina that the parties executed an ante-nuptial
regime, the properties owned by the parties prior to the agreement and contributed separate properties belonging to
marriage undergo transformation. If the groom becomes them prior to them to the conjugal partnership. In which
the husband because of the marriage, the separate case, may value na tayo at the beginning.
properties that they owned prior to the marriage are also
transformed into community property. Kaya sa ACP,
madalas kaysa hindi, mayroon tayong community property
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At kapag tayo ay nag-compute na ng forfeiture, we will now So what should we consider? Example, the parties executed
be using the computation for net profits under community a contract of sale and the same was in a public instrument
property. but delivery was not made until after the marriage. So the
question is when was delivery made? Was it during the
You will deduct the value of the conjugal properties at the marriage or prior? Because delivery would signify transfer of
beginning from the value of the conjugal properties at the ownership. You ought to know at this point that execution of
end. The difference will be the subject of forfeiture. a public instrument is also a mode of delivery unless the
contrary is provided for by the seller or unless the seller is
Another point, under Art. 109 (4), we have that provision not in control of the property subject of contract to sell
recognizing that property which is purchased with the (jurisprudence). In those two instances, we cannot say that
money belonging to the exclusive funds of either the delivery was made through the execution of a public
husband or the wife would be considered as separate instrument. We have to wait for actual delivery.
property as well. We do not have a counterpart provision
for this in the Absolute Community of Property system. Similarly, registration is not a mode of acquiring ownership.
It is simply a proof of ownership. You may have acquired
So diba, may question tayo noong nakaraan. Paano kung the ownership long before the property was registered in your
wife inherited jewelry during the marriage that’s considered name. It may happen that you bought the land but you never
to be by gratuitous title and therefore separate property of got around in registering until after the wedding. By then,
the wife. Hindi niya type ‘yung jewelry na minana niya so the register of deeds would issue the title in your name and
now she has money. describe you as being married. So long as the married is
good, wala ka problema dyan. Eh paano pag nagkaroon na
She uses that money from the proceeds of the sale of her kayo ng problema and nagbibilangan na kayo ng properties.
inheritance to buy something else for herself. The question It would now become material to you whether or not that
how should that property be treated? If this is a CPG, the title would signify the time and date you acquired
property she bought will be her exclusive property. But if it ownership. The answer is no because registration is not a
is ACP, we have to take a different approach. First is we apply mode of acquiring ownership. Moreover, the inclusion of
the presumption that everything that is acquired by onerous your spouse’s name in the title preceded by the phrase
title during the marriage is community or conjugal property. “married to” has been held by the SC as being descriptive
Since we were not able to refute the presumption, the only in character. So you would classify that property as your
presumption subsists. That property bought using the separate property. But of course it would be a different
proceeds from the sale of her separate property would now matter if your property regime is ACP because in such a case,
have to be considered as community property as well. even if you acquired ownership over the property before or
during the marriage, it would not matter. The property
On the presumption of nature of property that is acquired would form part of the community property regime.
during the marriage, ang dapat nating tignan dito would be
the time acquisition was made. And when we say acquisition, PROPERTY DONATED BY WILL TO THE SPOUSES
it should be acquisition of ownership.
Q: How would we treat these properties?
Q: What are the different modes of acquiring ownership A: These properties would be treated as exclusive properties
A: By: of the spouse for whom it was donated to. However, if such
1. Occupation will gives (nacut)
2. Prescription
3. Donation Art. 113. Property donated or left by will to the spouses,
4. Intellectual creation jointly and with designation of determinate shares, shall
5. Succession pertain to the donee-spouses as his or her own exclusive
property, and in the absence of designation, share and
Atty. Seña: share alike, without prejudice to the right of accretion
When we speak of acquisition by onerous title, it would be when proper.
acquisition by tradition or delivery. And there are different
ways of delivery. Atty. Seña:
Apart from application of presumption, the vesting of Compare this with article 109(2)
ownership would also matter under article 180 when we are
dealing with property bought on installments using both Art. 109. The following shall be the exclusive property of
exclusive and conjugal funds. Kasi titignan natin when each spouse:
ownership was vested.
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the acquisition be for the partnership, or for only one of A: Expenses incurred in administering the property.
the spouses;
(2) Those obtained from the labor, industry, work or (4) The share of either spouse in the hidden treasure
profession of either or both of the spouse; which the law awards to the finder or owner of the
(3) The fruits, natural, industrial, or civil, due or property where the treasure is found;
received during the marriage from the common
property, as well as the net fruits from the exclusive Atty. Seña:
property of each spouse; This share would pertain either as finder or owner of the
(4) The share of either spouse in the hidden property where the treasure is found. We have to remember
treasure which the law awards to the finder or owner of that the term ‘hidden treasure’ is a legal term. It is defined in
the property where the treasure is found; the law so you have to know if what is involved is a hidden
(5) Those acquired through occupation such as treasure in the first place.
fishing or hunting;
(6) Livestock existing upon the dissolution of the (5) Those acquired through occupation such as fishing or
partnership in excess of the number of each kind brought hunting (Atty. Seña: Still a product of the spouses’ work or
to the marriage by either spouse; and industry);
(7) Those which are acquired chance, such as
winnings from gambling or betting. However, losses (6) Livestock existing upon the dissolution of the
therefrom shall be borne exclusively by the loser-spouse. partnership in excess of the number of each kind brought
(153a, 154, 155, 159) to the marriage by either spouse; and
Art. 117(2) - Then for paragraph 2, makikita niyo those Q: What is the rule here?
obtained from the labor, industry, work or profession.
Meaning to say salaries and wages or any work product, Art. 118. Property bought on installments paid partly
conjugal yan kasi yun yung essence ng conjugal partnership from exclusive funds of either or both spouses and partly
that parties are allowed to retain their patrimonies, their from conjugal funds belongs to the buyer or buyers if full
properties but in return the conjugal partnership will have ownership was vested before the marriage and to the
the right to usufruct over their separate properties and in conjugal partnership if such ownership was vested
addition whatever they produce from their work or industry, during the marriage. In either case, any amount advanced
that would belong to conjugal partnership as well. by the partnership or by either or both spouses shall be
reimbursed by the owner or owners upon liquidation of
The CPG will have the right of usufruct over their separate the partnership. (n)
properties and in addition, whatever they produce through
their work or industry shall belong to the conjugal Atty. Seña:
partnership. Kanina we were speaking of property becoming the co-
owned property of the spouses without forming part of the
Art. 117(3) - And now for paragraph 3, this is a given, conjugal partnership if the property was acquired by
syempre sab inga natin – may right of usufruct nga but note gratuitous title made in favor of both of the spouses during
that the right of the conjugal partnership insofar as the fruits the marriage.
of the exclusive property of the spouses are concerned
would be the net fruits. Article 118 is another instance where it is possible that the
spouses may become co-owners of separate property that is
Q: So, what is it that the owner spouse is allowed to property not forming part of the conjugal partnership. How?
deduct from the fruits? Bakit siya naging net fruits? Ano
ang binawas?
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Maaari kasi class, that prior to getting married, the parties If husband received 1M as his share in the conjugal
are already planning their future together. Kapag medyo partnership. The advance (50K) will be deducted from the
matagal na kayo nagdadate, darating ‘yung punto na 1M. Husband will only receive 950,000.
magkakaroon kayo ng joint funds. Maaaring you are saving
up for a house and lot at hindi niyo kaya bayaran ng isang RECEIVABLES
bagsakan so you decided to pay it by installment.
Art. 119. Whenever an amount or credit payable within
If the title to the property is transferred to them prior to the a period of time belongs to one of the spouses, the sums
marriage (or the unit is delivered to them), at since dalawa which may be collected during the marriage in partial
silang naghuhulog sa installment, ang ibig sabihin n’on ay payments or by installments on the principal shall be the
they are co-owners of that property even prior to the exclusive property of the spouse. However, interests
marriage. The marriage between them will not change the falling due during the marriage on the principal shall
character of that property because this would fall under belong to the conjugal partnership.
Article 118.
In addition to the special conjugal property under Art. 118,
You might say – “Eh ma’am, papaano niyo naman po nalaman we also have the receivables under Art. 119.
na this would be purchased through exclusive and conjugal
funds? – eh malamang kesa hindi, since installment ‘to, it What is the rule in so far as receivables is concerned?
means that they are still working for the payment that they A: The rule is when it is payment on the principal, it should
are going to make. So, salaries ang gagamitin nila dito, belong to the owner-spouse. If it is payment on the interest,
it should belong to the conjugal property.
And your salaries, that would also be transformed once you
get married. If prior to the marriage, your salary was your Atty. Seña:
exclusive property. After the marriage, your salary becomes If it is payment on the interest, it is clear that this is an
conjugal funds. So, kung pagkukuhanan pa din ng bayad dito income. But if it is payment on the principal of the obligation,
sa hinulugang property ‘yung salary ninyo, and that means, then that would simple be a return on the capital. That is not
the payments that you will be making during the marriage income.
would now be sourced from conjugal funds.
Pay attention to the last sentence in Art. 119: interests falling
So, kung halimbawa, that ownership is shown to have vested due during the marriage on the principal shall belong to the
prior to the marriage and the properties are now considered conjugal partnership
as the co-owned separate properties of the spouses, then the
spouses will have to reimburse the conjugal partnership for Interests falling due during the marriage which is not paid
the payments that were made on the property during the until after marriage, that would still be credited during the
marriage. conjugal partnership. In other words, we will look not at the
time when the interest was paid, but look at when the
Q: Paano ba ‘yung sinasabi natin na reimbursement? interest fell due.
A: That only means that the conjugal partnership will be
credited with the amount corresponding to the payments it It is possible that the interest fell due during the marriage
had advanced. Bakit? Kasi ‘yung credit na iyon, that signifies but the debtor did not pay. You cannot control the debtor. If
the obligation of the spouses to the conjugal partnership. the debtor does not pay, then he does not pay. But it would
be unfair for the conjugal partnership to be denied this
Partnership and you know very well that credit is property. interest which is income just because payment was not made
This adds value to the conjugal property. in a timely manner.
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to the conjugal partnership, or to the original owner- improvement and the entire property meaning to say the
spouse, subject to the following rules: separate property and the improvements would belong to
When the cost of the improvement made by the conjugal the conjugal partnership of gains.
partnership and any resulting increase in value are more
than the value of the property at the time of the But otherwise, then the entire property meaning to say the
improvement, the entire property of one of the spouses separate property plus the improvements belong to the
shall belong to the conjugal partnership, subject to original owner-spouses.
reimbursement of the value of the property of the owner-
spouse at the time of the improvement; otherwise, said Q: When will the ownership over the entire property
property shall be retained in ownership by the owner- vest?
spouse, likewise subject to reimbursement of the cost of A: It will vest at the time where there is reimbursement.
the improvement. Either to the conjugal partnership or to the owner-spouse/s.
In either case, the ownership of the entire property shall
be vested upon the reimbursement, which shall be made Q: When should reimbursement be made?
at the time of the liquidation of the conjugal partnership. A: Reimbursement should be made at the time that the
conjugal partnership of gains is liquidated. Remember, there
Another special conjugal property would be the would only be reimbursement if the improvement is still
improvements introduced through the joint efforts of the existing at the time of liquidation. If the improvement has
spouses or at the expense of the conjugal funds. been destroyed or is lost at the time of liquidation, then we
will not speak of reimbursement anymore. We will not speak
The rule is when the cost of the improvement and the of Art. 120 anymore.
increase in the value of the property is greater than the value
of the property at the time of their improvement, it shall In the meantime that there is no reimbursement, remember,
belong to the conjugal partnership of gains. However, the the liquidation of our conjugal partnership takes place in
owner-spouse shall be subject to reimbursement by the case of: death, annulment, legal separation. So, there would
conjugal partnership. be this period of time where there is no reimbursement yet,
and there is no vesting of ownership over the entire property
Atty. Seña: either in the conjugal partnership or to the owner spouse or
There are certain requisites that must be met: spouses.
1. We are dealing with improvements that are
introduced on separate properties of spouses. Q: What will be the status of the property?
- It is possible that this pertains to separate A: The law says, the original owners will retain ownership.
property of only one of the spouses, or co- So far as separate properties are concerned, it will remain
owned by the spouses as their separate under the ownership of the owner spouse or spouses.
properties. Bottom line: the property must
belong to either or both of the spouses. Atty. Seña:
2. The improvements must be introduced at the Insofar as improvements are concerned, it will be owned by
expense of conjugal funds and/or the acts or the conjugal partnership. This is important especially if you
efforts of either or both of the spouse put it with the obligations which are chargeable against the
- What is there was no money applied, but conjugal partnership.
introduced improvements because of the
efforts alone of the spouses, will Art. 120 apply? When you have creditors of the conjugal partnership who
YES, because the efforts of the spouses, their want to be paid, and they saw the property which the
industry, this too are owned by the conjugal spouses built a house on, and they want to get the property
partnership and levy on it, have it executed, the owner spouse of the lot
3. That the improvements here are for utility or on which the house was built can resist.
adornment If they want to get it, they have to get the house only, and not
- Useful or luxurious improvements. In which the lot since it is a separate property. Then, the creditor
case, we will have to measure this in the might say that “Sure, but under Art. 120, based on the value
definition of the law as to what constitutes and every other consideration, the entire property belongs
useful or luxurious improvements to the conjugal partnership,” and the owner spouse says,
“Maybe, maybe not. But, there has been no reimbursement
FORMULA: yet. There can only be reimbursement at the time of
If the cost plus the increase on value that the property gets liquidation, eh wala pa ngang liquidation. And so, I retain
would be more than the property at the time of the ownership over the lot. And since this is my separate
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property and you have not shown that there is not enough Atty. Seña:
conjugal properties to satisfy the conjugal obligation in your But you can say that the provisions of builder in good faith
favor, you cannot run free my separate property yet.” applies to those who believe that they actually own the
property. True, but jurisprudence also laid down exceptions
The spouses will only be solidarily liable for their separate which includes that where the building was done at the
properties in case of insufficiency of conjugal properties to behest or permission of the owner, then we can apply the
answer for conjugal obligations. That is the effect of lack of provisions of builder in good faith.
reimbursement YET. The owner spouse can actually
desist/resist(?). These same charges are also included in the ACP.
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If the conjugal partnership is insufficient to cover the against the partnership assets after the responsibilities
foregoing liabilities, the spouses shall be solidarily liable enumerated in the preceding Article have been covered,
for the unpaid balance with their separate properties. if the spouse who is bound should have no exclusive
property or if it should be insufficient; but at the time of
the liquidation of the partnership, such spouse shall be
The same charges that we studied for community property
charged for what has been paid for the purpose above-
are also the charges that we would be making against the
conjugal partnership – the support of the spouses, their
common children, legitimate children of either spouse, but
the support of legitimate children shall be governed by the Atty. Seña:
provisions of the common support. But you know that the What Changed? Bakit kelangan nasa Art. 122 etong personal
support of legitimate children will fall under the personal obligations?
obligations of the spouses.
Because in conjugal partnership, there is this added
You can be asked in the examination: husband and wife; the condition that must be hurdled before personal obligations
husband was previously married; that prior marriage was may be charged to the conjugal partnership. What is that
declared a nullity under Art.36; he had one child from that added condition?
marriage; the child stays from the mother, but the child is
sickly and required hospitalization, where the bill reached In addition to showing that the debtor spouse does not have
1M pesos. any or has insufficient separate properties to pay off his
personal obligations. It must further be shown that all of the
Q: You might be asked, can the hospital run after the obligations under Art.121 have been paid. This is the added
conjugal property? condition.
A: Yes, because a child born to a marriage void under Art.36
is, by way of exception, legitimate, so papasok siya sa par.1, In that case, since we have that added condition for conjugal
the support of that child is chargeable to the conjugal partnership, does it mean that the personal obligations will
partnership of gains. (then the same thing, debts and only be paid if the conjugal partnership has already been
obligations) liquidated? Why?
Pay attention to par.5, all taxes and expenses for mere Because logic dictates that we will only know if all the other
preservation made during the marriage upon the separate obligations have been paid, under Art.121 if we have a
property of either spouse. If you would recall, in the absolute liquidation proceeding. Kasi all of the creditors will be
community of property, there was requirement in the gathered. They will be heard, they will be paid out, parang
counterpart provision, that the separate property be shown nakapila. So pag maliwanag na, saka palang pwedeng sabihin
to be used by the family. Dito wala, kasi nga, it should be na etong personal obligations na ang bayaran kasi bayad na
given that the separate property is subject to the right of lahat ng obligations under Art,.121. However, Art.122 is not
usufruct in favor of the conjugal partnership. Now, the rest saying the same, because Art.122 echoes what Art.94 says,
would be the same, only the personal obligations that we had that whatever payments are made by the conjugal
under Art.94 is no longer found in Art.121. Instead, we find partnership for gifts, this will be considered as advances. The
it under Art.122. law will not speak of advances if the creditor would have to
wait until there is liquidation to be paid. That’s why
advances, meaning, it was already paid before liquidation.
Art. 122. The payment of personal debts contracted by
So, the creditor of these personal obligations will not have to
the husband or the wife before or during the marriage
wait until there is liquidation.
shall not be charged to the conjugal properties
partnership except insofar as they redounded to the
However, if you are the creditor, you might say, “para naman
benefit of the family.
tayong naglolokohan atty, pano ko naman mapapatunayan
na bayad na yung lahat ng pinagkakautangan nila under
Neither shall the fines and pecuniary indemnities
Art.121, hindi ko naman alam kung meron silang
imposed upon them be charged to the partnership.
pinagkakautangan in the first place? And if may
pinagkakautangan man, hindi ko alam ang detalye. At kung
However, the payment of personal debts contracted by
alam ko man yung detalye, hindi ko po alam kung totoo yan
either spouse before the marriage, that of fines and
o hindi.” So, it’s like an empty provision, because as per your
indemnities imposed upon them, as well as the support of
creditor, “I will never be able to satisfy that condition.”
illegitimate children of either spouse, may be enforced
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Well, that may be true, but here is where the combination of spouse shall be credited to the conjugal partnership as
substantive and procedural law will enter. You have to avail an asset thereof.
of the remedies under the Rules of Court, modes of
discovery. Magpapadala kayo ng written interrogatories. (3) Each spouse shall be reimbursed for the use of his or
You may start with a Request for Admission. You may put her exclusive funds in the acquisition of property or for
your allegation in your complaint, saying that there are no the value of his or her exclusive property, the ownership
obligations under Art.121, or if any, all of this have been paid. of which has been vested by law in the conjugal
Respondent spouses will surely answer, defending the partnership.
conjugal partnership, saying that that is not true, and they
still have unpaid obligations, and their properties are not (4) The debts and obligations of the conjugal partnership
sufficient. So, what will you do? Written Interrogatories, shall be paid out of the conjugal assets. In case of
provide for details, or request for admission, admit that insufficiency of said assets, the spouses shall be solidarily
there are no obligations, because that can also be a trap. If, liable for the unpaid balance with their separate
for example, they don’t respond with the prescribed period properties, in accordance with the provisions of
under the law, they may be deemed to have admitted what paragraph (2) of Article 121.
you’re requesting them to admit. In any event, either you get
the admission or you get the information that you require to (5) Whatever remains of the exclusive properties of the
establish the fulfillment of the conditions. spouses shall thereafter be delivered to each of them.
Q: What are the personal obligations being discussed (6) Unless the owner had been indemnified from
here? whatever source, the loss or deterioration of movables
A: used for the benefit of the family, belonging to either
Still the same: spouse, even due to fortuitous event, shall be paid to said
1. support of illegitimate children spouse from the conjugal funds, if any.
2. ante-nuptial debts which should not redound to the
benefit of the family (7) The net remainder of the conjugal partnership
3. fines arising from delicts and quasi-delicts properties shall constitute the profits, which shall be
divided equally between husband and wife, unless a
And just like for community property, the support of different proportion or division was agreed upon in the
legitimate ascendants, descendants, whether legitimate or marriage settlements or unless there has been a
illegitimate, brothers and sisters, whether legitimately or voluntary waiver or forfeiture of such share as provided
illegitimately related, they also pay the charge to the in this Code.
conjugal partnership. Yun nga lang, sa support of other
relatives, you will have to show that there is just, there is (8) The presumptive legitimes of the common children
absence of separate property. Mere insufficiency will not be shall be delivered upon the partition in accordance with
enough. You have to show absence. Article 51.
Sa support of other relatives, you will have to show that (9) In the partition of the properties, the conjugal
there is absence of separate property. Mere insufficiency will dwelling and the lot on which it is situated shall, unless
not be enough. otherwise agreed upon by the parties, be adjudicated to
the spouse with whom the majority of the common
LIQUIDATION OF CONJUGAL PARTNERSHIP OF GAINS children choose to remain. Children below the age of
seven years are deemed to have chosen the mother,
Section 7. Liquidation of the Conjugal Partnership unless the court has decided otherwise. In case there is
Assets and Liabilities no such majority, the court shall decide, taking into
consideration the best interests of said children.
Art. 129. Upon the dissolution of the conjugal
partnership regime, the following procedure shall apply: Atty. Seña:
Walang pinagkaiba sa Community property except for
(1) An inventory shall be prepared, listing separately all provisions that are peculiar in the CPG.
the properties of the conjugal partnership and the
exclusive properties of each spouse. After par. (4)
If this happens, usually that would be the end of it. Kasi the
(2) Amounts advanced by the conjugal partnership in fact that the conjugal partnership had to call in separate
payment of personal debts and obligations of either properties of the spouses would indicate that the conjugal
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partnership no longer has any properties. But assuming na encumbrances of conjugal property made under the Civil
meron pa, we would just observe the rest of the steps. Rest Code.
of the steps would be similar to what we observed in
Community Property. If the encumbrance or disposition is made under the Family
Code, then that contract is null and void.
Par. (7)
The net remainder would be equivalent to its net profits. Eto 3. Grounds for termination
na rin yung paghahatian ng spouses equally. Unless, there
has been a different agreement as to proportion, there has Art. 99. The absolute community terminates:
been a waiver or there is forfeiture. The forfeiture is applied
in the profits but if you have conjugal properties existing at (1) Upon the death of either spouse;
the beginning of the marriage, then we would have to apply
the definition of net profits under Art. 94 (deduct the value (2) When there is a decree of legal separation;
at the beginning from the value at the end)
(3) When the marriage is annulled or declared void; or
(4) In case of judicial separation of property during the
1. Administration and enjoinment of the community marriage under Articles 134 to 138.
properties and conjugal properties:
Art. 126. The conjugal partnership terminates:
a. Civil Code – husband was deemed the administrator
b. Family Code – both spouses enjoy powers of (1) Upon the death of either spouse;
(2) When there is a decree of legal separation;
2. Encumbering or disposing community and conjugal
properties (3) When the marriage is annulled or declared void; or
– consent of BOTH spouses must be secured (4) In case of judicial separation of property during the
marriage under Articles 134 to 138.
If one part does not consent – transaction will be VOID but it
can be considered a continuing offer which may ripen into Atty. Seña:
a contract once it is accepted before the offer is withdrawn. Although you may notice that the general rule may be that
the dissolution of the conjugal partnership or the community
Note: Law does not consider this as a ratification of the property would coincide with the dissolution or termination
contract that was only consented to by one of the spouses. of the marriage, that is not always true.
We can’t speak of ratification because the contract is a
nullity. A void contract can never be the subject of Because in case of legal separation, the marriage continues
ratification. Instead, what will happen here, if there is to subsist, but the legal separation may bring about the
acceptance prior to withdrawal of the offer, then the dissolution of the conjugal partnership or the community
contract, the new valid contract would be considered to have property.
arisen at the time when there was acceptance. It does not
retroact to the time when the first contract was executed. Another important point is that the nullity of the marriage is
a ground for terminating the ACP or the CPG. But we have to
One case penned by J. Caguioa Validity of a sale of land that remember that this is limited to only one instance – that is
the husband made without the wife’s consent. In this case, when the nullity is brought about by Art. 40.
the Supreme Court held that such disposition is no longer
considered void, but only voidable – valid until annulled. The If the nullity precedes from Art. 40, then that is the only time
reason given is that, under the law, the remedy of the wife that there is a valid property regime rising from a null and
whose consent was not secured by the husband is to seek the void marriage.
annulment of the contract within 10 years from the time of
execution of the contract and during the marriage. SC said, if Another common provision would be that the separation in
the contract was truly void, then the remedy of annulment fact between the spouses will not have any effect on the CPG
would not have been available. If annulment, the contract or the ACP. Why is this significant? It is because people
subject of the annulment was valid until annulled. normally just leave and separate with their spouse without
(prevailing rule) This only applies to dispositions or
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For example, Maria and Pedro bought a dog. Even when the
relationship of this couple falls apart, what subsists is their
co-ownership of the dog.
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OCTOBER 3, 2022 may actually claim that his contribution consisted in taking
care of the household of the family.
Atty. Seña:
Let’s recap. Remember, if the occasion arises for Art. 147 or Now, that kind of quantification for taking care of the
Art. 148 to be applied then that means the parties are no household, that co-ownership over salaries and wages,
longer together and worse, they are not in agreement as to that presumption that anything acquired during the
what they co-own and what they separately own. Kasi kung union was acquired through joint efforts – all of these
okay pa sila, hindi natin pag-uusapan itong co-ownership at are not found in the co-ownership under Art. 148. Kaya
kung okay sila kahit hiwalay sila, there will be no need for nga mas generous si Art. 147.
Art. 147 or Art. 148 to be applied to determine the rights and
obligations. Because they will be able to talk things through. In Art. 148, you have to prove actual contribution. If there
is none, then the property only pertains to the party who
One obvious problem that may arise in case of the contributed to its acquisition.
relationship going south is that one of the parties would
deny that there is co-ownership. How will that party do it? Q: When do we apply Art. 147?
By saying that there is no cohabitation in the first place. Kasi A: We apply Art. 147 to those unions involving a man and a
tandaan niyo, cohabitation is a legal term and that would woman (kita niyo kung gaano ka-OC ‘yung Family Code sa
require more than just staying together in one place, paglilimita ng unions/marriage sa opposite-gendered
sleeping over, or having sexual intercourse. Cohabitation parties?) kahit sa 147, sinasabi a man and a woman
actually means you are deporting yourselves as husband and exclusively living with one another without the benefit of
wife. You have built a life together where you are supposed marriage or under a void marriage with no impediment.
to be life partners. More than just staying in one house, that
may entail having a joint bank account or having joint Q: Ano ‘yung mga posibleng void dito?
investments, buying the house and lot that you are living in. A: Art. 36, Art. 53, Lack of Marriage License, Lack of
Then siguro ‘yung bills niyo, credit card statements naka- Authority of the Solemnizing Officer, Lack of Consent.
address sa bahay kung saan nagsasama kayo. So that would
show cohabitation. Art. 4. The absence of any of the essential or formal
requisites shall render the marriage void ab initio, except as
Ang problema kasi nga sa generation ninyo, we’ve come up stated in Article 35 (2).
with these no-label relationships. Why is this a problem? E
mahirap nan gang masabi kapag ang dalawang tao ay mag- A defect in any of the essential requisites shall render the
boyfriend at girlfriend if they will not admit to the same edi marriage voidable as provided in Article 45.
mas lalo nang mahirap if the parties would live together
under this no-label relationship. That may prove to be an An irregularity in the formal requisites shall not affect the
issue in trying to determine or establish the presence of co- validity of the marriage but the party or parties responsible
ownership under Art. 147 and Art. 148. for the irregularity shall be civilly, criminally and
administratively liable.
Kaya usually ang nangyayari, if a claim is to be made for the
partition of co-owned properties, the proceeding becomes Art. 36. A marriage contracted by any party who, at the time
two steps: of the celebration, was psychologically incapacitated to
comply with the essential marital obligations of marriage,
1. To establish that a co-ownership actually exists shall likewise be void even if such incapacity becomes
under Art. 147 or Art. 148; manifest only after its solemnization. (As amended by
2. Partitioning the co-owned properties. Partition Executive Order 227)
can be judicial partition or voluntary partition (by
agreement). Art. 52. The judgment of annulment or of absolute nullity of
the marriage, the partition and distribution of the properties
Sa 147, it is more generous than 148. Because in 147, we of the spouses and the delivery of the children’s presumptive
have co-ownership over the salaries and wages of the legitimes shall be recorded in the appropriate civil registry
parties. There is also a presumption that whatever was and registries of property; otherwise, the same shall not
acquired during the union of the parties, was acquired affect third persons. (n)
through their joint efforts. And should that presumption be
refuted, meaning to say that the other party would be able to Art. 53. Either of the former spouses may marry again after
show that no actual monetary contribution was made by the compliance with the requirements of the immediately
party who simply stayed at home, then that stay-home party
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preceding Article; otherwise, the subsequent marriage shall However, although this is the right thing to do, couples do
be null and void. not usually do this due to their emotions; sometimes you feel
shame when talking about money.
Atty. Seña:
All others not falling under 147, would fall under 148. And PATERNITY AND FILIATION
there is also forfeiture that may be meted out against the
party acting in bad faith in both cases. Pero sa 148, may Q: What is paternity?
added layer. A: It is the civil status of a father in relation to the child
(Rabuya, PFR, 2017). It is from the point of view of the father.
Q: What is that added layer?
A: If one of the parties happens to be validly married to Q: What is filiation?
another, then his share will be forfeited in favor of the A: The civil status of a child in relation to his or her parents
property regime in that existing marriage. (Rabuya, PFR, 2017). It is the relationship of the child with
the parents.
Before we leave Art. 147 and Art. 148, I would like to
emphasize that the co-ownership under both 147 and 148 is Art. 163. The filiation of children may be by nature or by
not your ordinary co-ownership. Kasi sa ordinary co- adoption. Natural filiation may be legitimate or
ownership, kasi sa ordinary co-ownership, any of the co- illegitimate.
owners may dispose of his share in the co-ownership
without the consent of the others. That can be done anytime Atty. Seña:
unless the subject of the co-ownership happens to be Filiation can either be by nature or by adoption. Filiation by
personal in character. nature may either be legitimate or illegitimate.
GR: The consent of the co-owners is not required. Let’s have a definition of legitimate and illegitimate filiation.
XPN: Unless the subject of the co-ownership happens to be
personal in character. Art. 164. Children conceived or born during the marriage of
the parents are legitimate.
Pero sa 147 or 148, the parties cannot dispose of their share
in the co-ownership without the consent of the other during Children conceived as a result of artificial insemination of
the cohabitation. So long as the cohabitation subsists. the wife with the sperm of the husband or that of a donor or
Ngayon kapag nag-break na sila, if they are no longer both are likewise legitimate children of the husband and his
cohabiting with one another, then that means that the co- wife, provided, that both of them authorized or ratified such
ownership would still subsist; the co-ownership would insemination in a written instrument executed and signed by
actually outlive the relationship. At that point, the co- them before the birth of the child. The instrument shall be
ownership will be transformed into an ordinary co- recorded in the civil registry together with the birth
ownership. What does that mean? Pwede nang mag- certificate of the child. (55a, 258a)
dispose even without the consent of the other party.
Art. 165. Children conceived and born outside a valid
QUESTION ABOUT ART. 147 marriage are illegitimate, unless otherwise provided in this
Q: With regard to Art. 147, is there an instance wherein
the cohabitating couple are already establishing or Atty. Seña:
talking about their separate properties during their For legitimate filiation, it is enough that either conception or
cohabitation, that they no longer need to wait for birth takes place within a valid marriage.
liquidation to give proof over which properties belong
to them? [That there is a recognition that this property For an illegitimate child, that child is conceived and born
is yours, or is mine]. outside a valid marriage. Conception and birth takes place.
Kasi if either conception or birth takes place within a
Atty. Seña: marriage, negated na ‘yung possibility of illegitimate
Yes, this is allowed. They can create a simple document that filiation. Because that child would be considered as a
acknowledges the fact that the property was bought by legitimate child.
him/her using his own funds and that such property belongs
to him/her exclusively.
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To say “outside of a valid marriage” is broad enough to allows a child who is not related to the husband at all to be
include being conceived and born to a void marriage. And to considered as his legitimate child. Because as defined in 164,
this, we only have two exceptions. the sperm that may be used may belong to the husband,
donor or both. What happens here is the eggs of the wife will
Q: What are these exceptions? be fertilized using the sperm of the husband, donor, or a
A: The law says that if a child is conceived or born before the combination of both. Once the egg is fertilized, the child
finality of the decree of nullity under article 36, that child is would be conceived. Paternity is determined by whose
legitimate by way of exception. Similarly, a child born to the sperm was used. So if the eggs are fertilized by a man other
marriage that is void under article 53 would be considered a than the husband, the child would not be that of the husband
legitimate child. but that of the donor’s. But due to this instrument
authorizing or ratifying the artificial insemination, then that
Q: There is a guy who got his gf pregnant. He married child would now be considered as the legitimate child of the
her. The child was born after marriage. What is the husband.
status of the child?
A: The child would be legitimate because it is enough that Ang hindi palang pinagtutuunan ng pansin ng family code is
either conception or birth takes place during the marriage. surrogacy. They use the womb of another woman who
carries the child to term. If done here, who should be the
Q: Let us say that masyado na malaki tiyan ng babae. parents of the child? Biologically, you can prove that the
Hindi na magandang magmartsa sa simbahan. So they child was conceived using the sperm of the husband. But
wait until after the child is born to get married. What when it comes to the identity of the mother, the problem is
would be the status of that child? the child did not come from the womb of the wife. Nothing in
A: The child would be legitimated. The child was born our law as of yet defines surrogacy that will allow the wife
illegitimate but the subsequent marriage of his parents to claim maternity. The child is therefore an illegitimate child
would make him legitimate, subject to the condition that the of the husband with the surrogate.
parents are not suffering any impediment at the time of
conception, except for the instance of minority. Whoever gave birth to you, that woman will be your mother.
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Q: What happens if the husband and wife failed to Article 171. The heirs of the husband may impugn the
institute this instrument authorizing or ratifying the filiation of the child within the period prescribed in the
artificial insemination? preceding article only in the following cases:
A: Since under the facts of what we are discussing, the child (1) If the husband should die before the expiration
is without doubt conceived through artificial insemination of the period fixed for bringing his action;
then the failure of the husband and the wife to execute the (2) If he should die after the filing of the complaint,
instrument ratifying or authorizing the artificial without having desisted therefrom; or
insemination should have the effect of making the child (3) If the child was born after the death of the
illegitimate. husband. (262a)
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A: Even if the consent of the wife to the AI was vitiated, the their estate and began plotting to get rid of Mr. Mosones by
fact remains that the child is still her child kahit illegitimate getting him out of the way.
pa. It will be no different from a situation where the mother
gets pregnant because she was (inaudible) or sexually What can they do? They decided to show that he was a total
assaulted. stranger to the spouses. Mr. Mosones said they cannot do
that because it is only my father who can bring action to
Atty. Seña: impugn my filiation because that is what they are doing they
But it is a different thing for the husband. If the husband’s are trying to impugn the legitimacy. But Mr. Mosones would
consent was vitiated then the sperm of another man was not be correct because of the limitation under Art. 166 will
used, we cannot say that he agreed on the artificial not apply in this case since he is not the biological of both the
insemination where the sperm of another man was used to spouses.
get his wife pregnant.
The right to action was given to the husband and declared
In that case, the child would be a stranger to him. We cannot that under circumstances, the heirs of the husband may file
use as a basis the instrument authorizing or ratifying the the action.
artificial insemination.
Art. 166. Legitimacy of a child may be impugned only on
To emphasize how very strictly the law enforces this rule the following grounds:
that the right to impugn legitimate filiation is reserved to the
husband. In the case where the daughters themselves (1) That it was physically impossible for the husband to
wanted to establish their illegitimate filiation with a man have sexual intercourse with his wife within the first 120
other than their mother’s husband, SC denied their attempt days of the 300 days which immediately preceded the
because what happened in that case is that these 2 daughters birth of the child because of:
were born to a married couple. The husband treated them as
his own because he believed that they were his daughters (a) the physical incapacity of the husband to have sexual
but as it turns out the wife was having an affair with another intercourse with his wife;
man who happened to be rich. The husband eventually died
and when the other man also died, the daughters found out (b) the fact that the husband and wife were living
that he actually executed something in writing which separately in such a way that sexual intercourse was not
acknowledged his paternity. They used this to go to court possible; or
and establish their illegitimate filiation with him. The judge
did not allow them to present the evidence saying it was (c) serious illness of the husband, which absolutely
immaterial. The reason why it was immaterial is that they prevented sexual intercourse;
were not allowed to prove their illegitimate filiation because
proving their illegitimate filiation with this man would be (2) That it is proved that for biological or other scientific
tantamount into impugning their legitimate filiation with the reasons, the child could not have been that of the
husband of their mother and they cannot do that because it husband, except in the instance provided in the second
is only the husband who may impugn their illegitimate paragraph of Article 164; or
(3) That in case of children conceived through artificial
Another important point, this limitation that the law insemination, the written authorization or ratification of
imposes regarding this action to impugn, this only applies if either parent was obtained through mistake, fraud,
the child in question is not the biological child of the husband violence, intimidation, or undue influence.
but is the biological child of the wife.
Q: But what is the prescriptive period to impugn
If the child in question is not the biological child of both the legitimate filiation?
husband and the wife, then we do not apply Art. 166. A: The action to impugn filiation may be raised within the
When can this happen? We have a child who was never period from 1-3 years. 1 year is the husband is in the same
legally adopted. city/municipality at the time of birth. 2 years if the husband
is in the Philippines but in a different city/municipality at the
Example: Mr. Mosones was raised by Ms. Lim and Mr. Awid time of birth. 3 years if the husband is outside the
as their own child but for some reason they never wanted to Philippines.
legally adopt him. In their old age, Mr. Lim and Mr. Awid
passed away. The relatives of the spouses began to reclaim Q: How do we reckon the period? From what point do we
start counting the period?
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A: The reckoning period must be from the knowledge of the Art. 176. Illegitimate children shall use the surname and
birth of the child or from the time that its birth is recorded shall be under the parental authority of their mother, and
in the civil registry. If the birth was unknown or concealed, shall be entitled to support in conformity with this Code.
the period shall be reckoned from the discovery or However, illegitimate children may use the surname of
knowledge of the birth of the child or of the fact of their father if their filiation has been expressly
registration of said birth whichever is earlier. recognized by their father through the record of birth
appearing in the civil register, or when an admission in a
Atty. Seña: public document or private handwritten instrument is
When it comes to annulment on the ground of fraud made by the father. Provided, the father has the right to
consisting in the deceit committed by the wife that she was institute an action before the regular courts to prove
pregnant by another man at the time of the marriage. There non-filiation during his lifetime. The legitime of each
seems to be a conflict between the period to ask for illegitimate child shall consist of one-half of the legitime
annulment and the period to impugn the legitimate filiation. of a legitimate child. (as amended by R.A. 9255)
As we have said, the time to annul is too long in cases where Q: If we have a putative father who acknowledged the
the wife is pregnant by another man. It is 5 years from the filiation of the child, does the father have the option of
time of discovery of the fraud. So, it is possible that the later on, proving non-filiation?
period to impugn the legitimate filiation may have already A: The putative father may institute an action within his
prescribed before the fraud was discovered by the husband. lifetime which challenges the filiation of such child under
The ending is you would have a marriage that is annulled Art. 176, FC.
because of the infidelity or indiscretion committed by the
wife and yet the very reason why the husband may have Atty. Seña:
sought the annulment, the child would still remain to be his Art. 176, FC was amended by RA No. 9255 which is
legitimate child. It is a little annulment. He is stuck with this significant. Under the FC, the illegitimate child has no choice
child who caused him this marriage only because the period but to use the surname of the mother even if the putative
to impugn such child’s filiation had long passed even before father has consented to the use of his surname. Of course,
he knew of the indiscretion. This is the incongruity of the before the putative father may be named in the birth
law. certificate.
The period of 1-2-3 years are relatively short periods. A birth certificate has all the details and information of the
child. Name of the mother, father, the birth date, birthplace,
Q: Why does the law seem to be in a hurry to bar the right etc. If the parents are not married, the name of the father will
of action given to the husband to impugn the legitimate be left blank, and the child would not use the surname of the
filiation? father.
A: For the stability of the life of the child, to protect the child.
Unless the father gives consent. He gives consent, at the back
Atty. Seña: of the birth certificate where the putative father shall affix
It is not the fault of the child. The child has no say on the his signature with a declaration that he is recognizing or
circumstances that which he was born. Hindi niya pinili na acknowledging the paternity of the child, and consents to the
mapanganak to these parents. So, as far as the law is use of his surname by the child.
concerned, the sooner that any questions regarding the
child’s filiation are precluded from being raised, the better Hindi lang pwede na doon lang ang pirma. Pwede din in any
for the child. If you put yourself in that situation, that the other private or public instrument. But what I mentioned
period to impugn were any longer, then the child will be above is the most convenient way of doing so.
growing up insecure with regard to his status. This is his
whole world which can turn upside down. Under RA No. 9255, the fact that the putative father
acknowledged or recognized the child, will not put him in
One day, you are the child of Dean Divina. After several years, estoppel, and can later on question the legitimate filiation,
if the period to bring an action to impugn is longer, biglaang and prove non-filiation. He has that right of action. The law
hindi ka pala legitimate child. By that time, nakakaintindi ka will not want to punish him, nagpaka-lalaki na siya at
na. Before apelyido mo is Divina, now, hindi na pwede. That pinanindigan na ang bata, even if we say he has doubts. So,
can be traumatic for the child. The sooner that uncertainty is he should not be denied that right to question the filiation
removed, the better for the child. should it turn out na hindi pala siya ang tatay ng bata.
The difference here from the husband, we have short periods child of the husband and the wife. So, we will not apply Art.
of 1, 2, and 3 yrs, but as to the putative father, he has his 166 which limits the right of action with the husband.
entire lifetime to do so in bringing the action.
The status already exists, but proving that such status exists
The law is very strict in granting this right of action to is another thing.
impugn legitimate filiation. When the law says that it is only
the husband or his heirs who can file cases, it is strictly QUESTION ABOUT ART. 166 (2)
applied and cannot be circumvented.
Q: Is it valid that the basis would be a visual search of the
In one case, when the children themselves were trying to child which would lead to the conclusion that this child
establish their illegitimate filiation with a man other than the is not of the same ethnicity as the husband and wife? Do
husband of their mother, how? They wanted to be included we stick with the DNA evidence?
in the succession to the estate of this man, as they had
evidence to show that this man had acknowledged that they Atty. Seña:
were his children. Apparently, this man and their mother Perhaps if you are able to show some study or scientific
had an affair while their mother was married. Since the journal that says that if the child turns out to be of different
mother was married, the children were presumed by ethnicity in terms of appearance, this would say that the
everyone around them to have been sired by the husband, child is not the child of the parents. If you possess a medical
including the husband himself. Nung nalaman nilang hindi journal or medical authority, then you can pass it off as a
nila tatay yung namatay na husband but was in fact, another scientific or biological reason.
man who has money, they wanted to participate as his heirs,
but in doing so, they must establish their filiation. However, if you purely rely on visual appreciation, i.e. the
parents have Filipino features but your child has Chinese
The Supreme Court said no, you cannot establish illegitimate features, it will not fly because it is possible that within your
filiation with the deceased. That is immaterial evidence(?). lineage, you have ancestors that are Chinese. The law
They are not allowed to impugn their legitimate filiation. If requires a scientific basis.
they go to establish illegitimate filiation with another man,
this means, they are saying that they are not the children of Furthermore, you cannot just go to court and file a petition
the husband of their mother. It is a way of impugning their to demand that a DNA test be conducted to establish filiation.
legitimate filiation and the law does not give them that right You first must establish a basis, i.e. you have to show that the
of action. Such is only given to the husband. child is a child of the respondent by showing that you had
sexual relations during the time that conception may have
This only applies if the child in question is the biological child happened.
of the wife, and not of the husband. If the child is not the
biological child of both husband and wife, then, we do not Q: How do we establish legitimate filiation? When will
apply the limitation under Art. 166. the need to prove legitimate filiation arise? How is it
What do we mean? A:
Chapter 2. Proof of Filiation
We have Ms. Cruz is an ampun-ampunan ni Mr. Perez and Ms.
Wei, but she was not legally adopted. But, people have
Art. 172. The filiation of legitimate children is
known that she is the legitimate child of Ms. Perez and Ms.
established by any of the following:
Wei. And when both of them pass away, what will Ms. Wei
(1) The record of birth appearing in the civil register or a
and Mr. Perez’s relatives do? They will gang up on Ms. Cruz,
final judgment; or
and they will prove that she is a stranger to both Ms. Wei and
(2) An admission of legitimate filiation in a public
Mr. Perez. Being a stranger, she will have no successional
document or a private handwritten instrument and signed
rights to their estate.
by the parent concerned.
Can Ms. Cruz say, “You cannot impugn my legitimate filiation
In the absence of the foregoing evidence, the legitimate
anymore, that right of action has not just prescribed, but it
filiation shall be
has died with my father, Mr. Perez.” But the thing is,
proved by:
legitimation does no apply here since Ms. Cruz is not the
(1) The open and continuous possession of the status of a
biological child of Ms. Wei, the wife. The theory of the
legitimate child; or
relatives for wanting her out, is that she is not the biological
Second Tier includes open and continuous possession of the 2 problems of Angela:
status of a legitimate child; or Any other means allowed by 1. There was no birth certificate, no public or private
the Rules of Court and special laws. instrument whereby Arturo acknowledged
Both classes may be used to prove legitimate or illegitimate 2. If she was going to rely on other means of proving
filiation. Insofar as the legitimate child is concerned, he has her illegitimate filiation, then the Family Code says
his whole lifetime to prove. Should he die during minority or that she could have only done so during the lifetime
state of insanity, his heirs will have 5 years from his death to of Arturo, so barred na siya under the Family Code
establish legitimate filiation.
Assuming that she was able to prove her illegitimate filiation,
Should he die during minority or state of insanity, then it will be all for naught, because Art.992 of the Civil Code bars
there’s 5yrs from his death to establish his legitimate her from inheriting from the legitimate relatives of her
filiation. illegitimate parent (there’s no such thing as an illegitimate
parent; but Atty is using that term for convenience only). So,
For illegitimate filiation, it’s the same thing, the same proof even if they let her establish her filiation, wala din
would be acceptable, but if evidence relied upon falls under mangyayari because of the Iron Curtain Rule under Art.992.
the 2nd tier, then the illegitimate child must bring his action
within or during the lifetime of the putative parent.
Article 992. Civil Code. An illegitimate child has no right
to inherit ab intestato from the legitimate children and
Those illegitimate filiation, remember that, an unsigned but
relatives of his father or mother; nor shall such children
handwritten instrument, acknowledging filiation would still
or relatives inherit in the same manner from the
be admissible if it is accompanied by other relevant and
illegitimate child. (NCC)
competent evidence.
Q: What are those other relevant and competent But the Supreme Court, in a Motion for Reconsideration, filed
evidence? by Angela from the previous ruling dismissing her petition,
A: decided to revisit the assumptions which provided for the
1. the possession of the status of an illegitimate child basis of the Iron Curtain Rule in Art.992. The Supreme Court
2. DNA Test said that it's high time that we abandon the presumption that
non-marital children, meaning to say, illegitimate children
AQUINO v. AQUINO are born of illicit relations, because that is the presumption.
And because of that presumption, the law has also assumed
This was discussed in relation to Art.4 – retroactive effect of that the legitimate family would hate the illegitimate child.
the Family Code. As said, the Family Code cannot be said to And the illegitimate child would resent the illegitimate
have retroactive effect because it will impair rights. family because the illegitimate child is considered to be an
outsider. And based on these assumptions of antagonism on
In Aquino v. Aquino: Angela was the daughter of Arturo. both sides. The law says, they would not want to inherit or
Arturo, on the other hand, was the son of Miguel. Arturo succeed each other. Yun yung pinakabasehan. But, in Aquino
predeceased Miguel, and in fact, Arturo died even before v. Aquino, the Supreme Court took that back. Because SC
Angela was born. So she never saw her father. She was never said, it’s possible that a non-marital child was simply born to
taken care of by her father. Arturo supposedly died with the parents who did not want to get married, even though they
intention of marrying Angela’s mother. That is why after were capacitated to get married. Or, as in this case, the
Arturo died, Miguel, the grandfather, took care of Angela parents have the intention to get married, but something
even while she was still in her mother’s womb. And that happened, which prevented them from getting married. Or,
registrar or if there is an admission of paternity Art. 179. Legitimated children shall enjoy the same
made by the putative father in a public document or rights as legitimate children. (272a)
a private handwritten instrument
3. Entitled to support from parents Art. 180. The effects of legitimation shall retroact to the
4. Considered compulsory and legal heirs with respect time of the child's birth. (273a)
to parents
Art. 181. The legitimation of children who died before
Atty. Seña: the celebration of the marriage shall benefit their
Although R.A. 9255 only speaks of an admission in a public descendants. (274)
document or private handwritten instrument without
explicitly requiring that the same be signed by the father, it Art. 182. Legitimation may be impugned only by those
has already been held that the requirement of signature also who are prejudiced in their rights, within five years from
applies to these proofs of filiation recognized under R.A. the time their cause of action accrues. (275a)
Q: What should we inquire into in determining whether
An illegitimate child is supposed to use the surname of the there is a possibility of legitimation?
mother but they may as other option use the surname of the A: We look at the time of conception because it is required
father who has recognized their filiation. that there should be no impediment for the parties to marry
each other at the time of the conception of the child.
Q: What about the legitimate child?
A: The law says that he must principally use the surname of Atty. Seña:
the father. But, this does not preclude the option of using the It is also required that there would be a valid subsequent
surname of the mother. marriage. If the subsequent marriage happens to be VOID,
then the legitimation will cease to have any effect and the
This is because the law states that the use of the father’s child will revert to being ILLEGITIMATE.
name is only principally which does not necessarily mean
that it is exclusive and it is also provided that they have the Note: However, if the subsequent marriage turns out to be
option to use the mother’s surname. VOIDABLE, valid ‘til annulled, then the legitimation will
In Alanis III v. CA, the Supreme Court held that the legitimate remain, it will subsist.
child may opt to use the mother’s surname instead of the
father’s particularly in a case where the father had Ex:
practically abandoned the legitimate child and it was the Pedro and Maria, (boyfriend and girlfriend) had a child out
mother who single-handedly raised the child. of wedlock. They subsequently got married and after getting
married they had two (2) more children. After 10 years, they
The court pointed out that the law only speaks of principal decided that they were not suited for each other so Pedro
use in relation to the surname of the father. And principal is files for a petition for declaration for nullity and avails of Art.
not equivalent to exclusive use. 36.
LEGITIMATED CHILDREN Q: What will be the status of their three (3) children?
A: The first child is illegitimate. The legitimation of the first
Q: What are legitimated children? child would become ineffective because of the nullity of the
A: subsequent marriage.
Art. 177. Children conceived and born outside of As for the two children, they would be legitimate since a
wedlock of parents who, at the time of conception of the marriage that is subsequently nullified under Art. 36 shall
former, were not disqualified by any impediment to produce legitimate children.
marry each other, or were so disqualified only because
either or both of them were below eighteen (18) years of
age, may be legitimated. (as amended by R.A. 9858)
OCTOBER 7, 2022
Q: Would there be any court participation?
Domestic Administrative Adoption and Alternative Child A: Meron pa rin naman, but it would be by way of appeal
Care Act from the decisions rendered by the NACC on Petitions for
R.A. 11642 Adoption filed with the same.
RA 11642 took effect on January 28, 2022 with the goal of Section 9. Regional Alternative Child Care Office (RACCO). –
making domestic adoption proceedings simpler and less There shall also be a Regional Alternative Child Care Office
costly. The law also seeks to streamline alternative child care (RACCO) created for each region of the country, which shall
services. (from the Revised Domestic Adoption Guidelines be headed by a Regional Alternative Child Care (RACC)
issued by the Supreme Court, June 21, 2022) officer.
The RACCO is tasked to ensure a well-functioning system of
National Authority for Child Care (NACC) receipt of local petitions for CDCLAA and adoption, and other
requests regarding alternative placement and well-being of
Section 5. National Authority for Child Care (NACC). – The children.
Inter-Country Adoption Board (ICAB) is hereby reorganized The RACCO shall have dedicated personnel who shall
to a one-step quasi-judicial agency on alternative child care, exclusively handle each of the following:
known as the National Authority for Child Care (NACC),
attached to the DSWD. (a) Issuance of the CDCLAA;
All duties, functions, and responsibilities of the ICAB, the (b) Domestic administrative adoption;
DSWD, and those of other government agencies relating to
alternative child care and adoption are hereby transferred to (c) Inter-country adoption;
the NACC.
(d) Foster care;
The Department of Budget and Management (DBM), in
coordination with the ICAB and the DSWD, shall formulate a (e) All other forms of alternative care including family-
cohesive organizational structure with corresponding like care, kinship care, and residential care; and
plantilla positions responsive to fulfill the functions and
divisions of the NACC as stipulated under this Act. (f) Rectification of simulated birth pursuant to Republic
Act No. 11222.
Section 6. Jurisdiction of the NACC. – The NACC shall have the
original and exclusive jurisdiction over all matters There shall be an RCPC installed in each RACCO which shall
pertaining to alternative child care, including declaring a be supervised by the RACC officer. It shall be composed of a
child legally available for adoption; domestic administrative multidisciplinary group including a child psychiatrist or
adoption; adult adoption; foster care under Republic Act No. psychologist, a medical doctor, a member of the Philippine
10165, otherwise known as the “Foster Care Act of 2012”; Bard, an adoption social worker and a representative of an
adoptions under Republic Act No. 11222, otherwise known NGO involved in child welfare: Provided,That no member of
as the “Simulated Birth Rectification Act”; and inter-country the group shall have relations with the child or PAP being
adoption under Republic Act No. 8043, otherwise known as matched.
the “Inter-Country Adoption Act of 1995”. The NACC shall
also have the authority to impose penalties in case of any Section 25. Case Study. – No Petition for Adoption shall be
violation of this Act. processed by the NACC or its RACCs unless an adoption
social worker of the NACC, the social service office of the
Atty. Seña: LGU, or any child-placing or child-caring agency, has made a
The NACC is supposed to exercise all powers and functions case study of the adoptee, the biological parents as well as
relating to alternative child care including declaration of a the adopters, and has submitted the report and
child as legally available for adoption and then foster care, recommendations on the matter to the respective RACCO as
kinship care, family care or residential care. among the supporting documents of the petition, and the
NACC for the issuance of the Certificate of Adoption.
The Inter-Country Adoption Board (ICAB) has also been At the time of preparation of the prospective adoptive child’s
included in the setup of the NACC. Wala na tayong Inter- case study, the concerned adoption social worker shall
Country Adoption Board (ICAB), it is now part of the NACC. confirm with the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) the
The NACC oversees both domestic and inter-country real identity and registered name of the prospective adoptee.
adoption. If the birth of a prospective adoptee was not registered with
the PSA, it shall be the responsibility of the said social (b) The legal guardian with respect to the ward after the
worker to ensure that said prospective adoptee is registered. termination of the guardianship and clearance of financial
The case study on the prospective adoptive child shall
establish that said child is legally available for adoption and (c) The legal guardians with respect to the foster child;
that the documents to support this fact are valid and
authentic. (d) Philippine government officials and employees deployed
or stationed abroad: Provided, That they are able to bring the
Further, the case study of the prospective adopters shall child with them; and
ascertain their genuine intentions and that the adoption is in
the best interest of the child. If the adoption social worker (e) Foreign nationals who are permanent or habitual
determines that the adoption shall redound to the best residents of the Philippines for at least five (5) years
interests of the child, a recommendation shall be made to the possessing the same qualifications as above stated for
RACCO or the NACC for the petition to be granted; otherwise, Filipino nationals prior to filing of the
a denial thereof shall be recommended. Upon discovery of petition: Provided, That they come from a country with
new information that would warrant denial of the petition to diplomatic relations with the Republic of the Philippines and
protect the best interest of the child, the said social worker that the laws of the adopter’s country will acknowledge the
is duty bound to report the same to the RACCO or the NACC. Certificate of Adoption as valid, acknowledge the child as a
legal child of the adopters, and allow entry of the child into
The case studies and other relevant documents and records such country as an adoptee: Provided, further, That
pertaining to the adoptee and the adoption shall be requirements of residency may be waived for the following:
preserved with confidentiality by the NACC.
(1) A former Filipino citizen, habitually residing in the
Atty. Seña: Philippines, who seeks to adopt a relative within fourth (4th)
You must know that the NACC would have this so called civil degree of consanguinity or affinity; or
Regional Offices. The Petition for Adoption will actually be
filed with the Regional Offices of the NACC. There would be (2) One who seeks to adopt the legitimate child of the
internal procedure within the office of the Regional Filipino spouse; or
Alternative Child Care Office (RACCO) and at the end of that
procedure, a recommendation will be made by the RACCO to (3) One who is married to a Filipino citizen and seeks to
the NACC as to whether the Petition for Adoption should be adopt jointly with the spouse a relative within the fourth
granted or not. (4th) degree of consanguinity or affinity of the Filipino
But at the core of these proceedings would be the Case Study
Report prepared by the social worker. Spouses shall jointly adopt, except in the following cases:
(a) If one spouse seeks to adopt the legitimate child of the
WHO MAY ADOPT other; or
Section 21. Who May Adopt. – The following may adopt: (b) If one spouse seeks to adopt own illegitimate
child: Provided, That the other spouse has signified consent
(a) Any Filipino citizen at least twenty-five (25) years of age, thereto; or
who is in possession of full civil capacity and legal rights; has
not been convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude; (c) If the spouses are legally separated from each other.
is of good moral character and can model the same; is
emotionally and psychologically capable of caring for Q: How do you understand qualified adopter?
children; at least sixteen (16) years older than the adoptee; A: Anybody, as long as the qualifications are met.
and who is in a position to support and care for adopted
children in keeping with the means of the Atty. Seña:
family: Provided, That the requirement of sixteen (16)-years Sec. 21 of RA 11642 tells us WHO may adopt under the law.
difference between the age of the adopter and the adoptee And as you can see, the list here would be similar to the list
may be waived when the adopter is the biological parent of that we had under the old law (Domestic Adoption Law).
the adoptee, or is the spouse of the adoptee’s parent;
a) The first qualification would be any Filipino
citizen who is at least 25 years of age.
Now, the underlined portions in the copy of the law on my without judicial proceedings. To address this, the new law
screen would indicate the portions that were changed in the did away with such certification. What is left is the proof of
new law. Because in the old law, the qualification was that the law of the adopter’s country will acknowledge the
any Filipino citizen of legal age, there was no minimum certificate of adoption as valid, would acknowledge that the
age for adoption, but now we do. It is 25 years of age. child is the legal child of the adopter, and allow the entry of
the child into such country.
And then, as you can see, the requirement of good moral
character, this is now further qualified by the requirement The requirements are strict to protect the child. Because if
that the petitioner must be able to model the same. you will not insist that a decree of adoption obtained here is
enough to create a legal relationship of parent and child
The rest would be carried over from the old law. between the adopter and the adopted, that child may
become vulnerable to human trafficking. Kasi ang
The 16-year age gap, it is maintained in the new law, as well mangyayari nyan, pagkalabas ng pilipinas at hindi
as the instances when this may be dispensed with. The 16- nirerecognize ng foreign country yung decree of adoption,
year age gap may be dispensed with if the adopter then that child would be entering that country as a stranger
happens to be the biological parent of the adoptee or is to the foreign adopter. That translates to the absence of any
the spouse of the adoptee’s parent. obligation on the part of the foreign national towards that
child. No obligation and accountability. It would make it
b) Second qualified adoption would be the legal easier for him to abandon the child. Sana nga abandon lang
guardian with respect to the ward. In the old law, in a public place. Pero malamang ang gagawin non is to
we only had the qualification guardian. The abandon the child in the care of people who would want to
guardian was not described as the legal guardian. take advantage of him by submitting the child to slavery,
This again is a change introduced by the new law. prostitution, etc. That is what we are trying to prevent. We
can prevent this by insisting that the moment a decree of
c) The legal guardians with respect to the foster adoption is issued here, they are parent and child no matter
child. Because foster care is also covered in the new where they would go, including the country of the foreign
law. national.
d) Philippine government officials and employees The new law also provides for the instances when you can
deployed or stationed abroad provided that do away with the requirement of residency. In the old law,
they are able to bring the child with them. the requirements that may be done away with are residency
+ submission of the certification of capacity to adopt. But
This would pertain to an instance of inter-country adoption since we no longer have the latter requirement, we will only
or adoption that is carried out abroad. focus on the requirement of residency.
Under the old law, the residency requirements was three Atty. Seña:
continuous years of residency prior to the filing of a petition When it comes to the former Filipino citizens seeking to
for adoption which must be maintained throughout until the adopt a relative by consanguinity or affinity within the
finality of the decree of adoption. This has been substantially fourth civil degree, we have that requirement that he must
changed. Under the new law, we require that the petitioner be habitually residing in the Philippines. Wala tayong
be a permanent or habitual resident of the Philippines ganiyang requirement sa old law.
atleast 5 years prior to the filing of the petition.
The requirement that a certificate of capacity to adopt be For paragraph a & b (see slide), naka-underline yung word
submitted or presented was already dispensed with under na “child” because under the old law, there were
the new law. Because that proved to be problematic. sons/daughter. And bakit yun yung ginagamit ng batas
Nagrereklamo ang mga foreign nationals who are filing their noon? Dahil those were the instances where the age of the
petitions here because their governments were refusing to adopted did not matter. Meaning to say if you are adopting a
issue these certificates of capacity to adopt since such son/daughter, it is not a requirement that the son/daughter
certification requires a proceeding for adoption. It should be be a minor or be someone who although being over 18 but if
a finding of law that this person has the capacity to adopt. he is not able to take care of himself. Kaya son/daughter. Sa
This is not just like a CENOMAR na basta lang maiissue new law, ang ginagamit na is “child”.
Section 4 (h) of R.A. 11642 (b) If one spouse seeks to adopt own illegitimate
(h) Child refers to a person below eighteen (18) years of child: Provided, That the other spouse has signified
age or a person eighteen (18) years of age or over but consent thereto; or
who is unable to fully take care or protect himself or
herself from abuse, neglect, cruelty, exploitation, or (c) If the spouses are legally separated from each
discrimination because of physical or psychosocial other.
disability or condition: Provided, That for the purpose of
this Act, where relevant, a child shall also refer to an adult
son, daughter, or offspring; Q: So bakit ito significant?
A: Kasi we all know that if the spouses are legally separated,
they remain married to one another and therefore, any
Atty. Seña: offspring that they may have with other people, would be
If you are married, you know very well that the rule is that illegitimate. So dati, automatic na but if one of the legally
you must jointly adopt with your spouse subject to the separated spouses were to have an offspring not related to
exceptions provided in the law. Under the old law, we only other spouse, that offspring would have to be illegitimate.
have two exceptions also enumerated in the new law as But since, the new law allows the adoption by one of the
provided in Section 21(e)(3)(a & b) but the new law spouses alone of a child and that child by virtue of that
provides for an additional instance when the spouses may adoption becomes the legitimate child of the adopting legally
not jointly adopt and that is in case they are legally separated separated spouse, then hindi na automatic na illegitimate
from each other. So possible that even though the spouses and sino mang offspring na mahgkakaroon yung ating legally
are legally separated from each other, it’s possible for one of separated spouse kasi through adoption it’s possible that the
them to have a legitimate child even though that child is a offspring may be legitimate.
stranger to the other spouse.
Section 21. (e) Foreign nationals who are permanent or Section 22. Who May Be Adopted. – The following may
habitual residents of the Philippines for at least five (5) be adopted:
years possessing the same qualifications as above stated
for Filipino nationals prior to filing of the petition: (a) Any child who has been issued a CDCLAA;
Provided, That they come from a country with diplomatic
relations with the Republic of the Philippines and that the (b) The legitimate child of one spouse by the other
laws of the adopter’s country will acknowledge the spouse;
Certificate of Adoption as valid, acknowledge the child as
a legal child of the adopters, and allow entry of the child (c) An illegitimate child by a qualified adopter to improve
into such country as an adoptee: Provided, further, That status of legitimacy;
requirements of residency may be waived for the
following: (d) A Filipino of legal age if, prior to the adoption, said
person has been consistently considered and treated by
(1) A former Filipino citizen, habitually residing in the the adopters as their own child for a period of at least
Philippines, who seeks to adopt a relative within fourth three (3) years;
(4th) civil degree of consanguinity or affinity; or
(e) A foster child;
Atty. Seña: (b) The biological parents of the child, if known, or the
Now, for paragraph C, an illegitimate child by a qualified legal guardian, or the proper government
adopter to improve the status of legitimacy. instrumentality which has legal custody of the child,
except in the case of a Filipino of legal age if, prior to the
(c) An illegitimate child by a qualified adopter to improve adoption, said person has been consistently considered
status of legitimacy; and treated as their own child by the adopters for at least
three (3) years;
Q: Is it a requirement that the qualified adopter here
would be the parent of the illegitimate child? (c) The legitimate and adopted children, ten (10) years of
A: No, because the power to improve the status of a person age or over, of the adopters, if any;
from illegitimate to legitimate is not limited to the putative
parent. Any qualified adopter may do that. (d) The illegitimate children, ten (10) years of age or
over, of the adopter if living with said adopter or over
Q: Why do we say this? whom the adopter exercises parental authority and the
A: Because the law precisely makes use of the term ‘qualified latter's spouse, if any; and
adopter’ kasi kapag naka-limit lang ‘yan sa putative parent
edi sana ‘yun nalang ‘yung sinabi ng batas, and then letter D, (e) The spouse, if any, of the person adopting or to be
the term used here before was ‘person’ pero ngayon, it is adopted.
now ‘Filipino of legal age’.
Provided, That children under ten (10) years of age shall
(d) A Filipino of legal age if, prior to the adoption, said be counseled and consulted, but shall not be required to
person has been consistently considered and treated by execute written consent.
the adopters as their own child for a period of at least
three (3) years; Atty. Seña:
Again, basically, the new law follows the same rules under
Under the old law, the treatment should have been received the old law. Now, of course, if you are going to get the
by the adopted since minority pero sa new law, kailangan consent of the adoptee, then he will thereby know about his
lang natin ng period for at least three (3) years. adoption and here, it is important to emphasize that the new
law has adopted the policy of adoption-telling or disclosing
(e) A foster child; the fact of adoption to the adopted because studies have
shown that it is better if the adopted were to be apprised of
his status as an adopted child early on rather than finding
The rest is just the same (c). You already know about how the decree of adoption creates
But in (d), we have a qualification. Before our qualification is a legal relationship between the adopter and adopted. At
if the illegitimate children are living with the adopter. Then least under the old law, that was the case. That is why it may
their consent must be secured. Under the old law we have an happen that the adopter may have other children but if he is
additional qualification over whom the adopter exercises adopting then the adopted would be a stranger to the other
parental authority. It is either they are living with the children of the adopter because the law only creates a
adopter or adopter exercises parental authority over them. relationship between the adopter and the adopted. This also
gave rise to some very unclear consequences.
Remember than even though children under 10 are not
required to execute a written consent, the law still requires For instance, if you are going to adopt an illegitimate child
that they be counseled and consulted. This is consistent with for purposes of improving his status in life, then the law says
the policy of adoption telling. his ties to his biological relatives would be severed. The
question that arose then, he becomes a legitimate child by
EFFECTS OF ADOPTION adoption but does that mean that he becomes a stranger to
his biological siblings, aunts and uncles? It did not make any
ARTICLE V sense. Why would the law want to make the child a
EFFECTS OF ADOPTION legitimate and then a stranger to all his relatives.
Section 41. Legitimacy. – the adoptee shall be Now, the new law says that the legitimate filiation that is
considered the legitimate child of the adopter for all created between the adopter and the adoptee should be
intents and purposes and as such in entitled to all the extended to the adopter’s parents, adopter’s legitimate
rights and obligations provided by law to legitimate siblings, and adopter’s legitimate descendants. It is now
children born to them without discrimination of any clear.
kind. To this end, the adoptee is entitled to love, guidance,
and support in keeping with the means of the family. The The rest of the effects would be the same.
legitimate filiation that is created between the adopter
and adoptee shall be extended to the adopter’s parents, This is similar with succession. The reciprocal rights of
adopter’s legitimate siblings, and legitimate descendants. succession will exist between the adopters and the adoptee
and only way by which the adoptee may still inherit from his
All the foregoing effects of rescissions of adoption shall be
biological parents would be through testamentary
without prejudice to the penalties imposed under the
Revised Penal Code if the criminal acts are properly
Adoption may also be rescinded. The grounds are the same
as those found under the old law.
Section 47. Grounds for Rescission of Administrative VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES
Adoption. – The adoption may be rescinded only upon the
petition of the adoptee with the NACC, or with the Section 54. Violations and Penalties. –
assistance of the SWDO if the adoptee is a minor, or if the
adoptee is eighteen (18) years of age or over but who is (a) The penalty of imprisonment ranging from six (6)
incapacitated or by his or her guardian on any of the years and one (1) day to twelve (12) years or a fine of not
following grounds committed by the adopter(s): less than Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00), but not more
than Two hundred thousand pesos (P200,000.00), or
(a) Repeated physical or verbal maltreatment by the both, at the discretion of the court shall be imposed on any
adopter despite having undergone counseling; person who shall commit any of the following acts:
(b) Attempt on the life of the adoptee;
(c) Sexual abuse or violence; and, (1) Obtaining consent for an adoption through
(d) Abandonment and failure to comply with parental coercion, undue influence, fraud, improper material
obligations. inducement, or other similar acts;
Adoption, being in the best interest of the child, shall bot (2) Noncompliance with the procedures and
be subject to rescission by the adopter. However, the safeguards provided by the law for adoption; or
adopter may disinherit the adoptee for causes provided in
Article 919 of the Civil Code of the Philippines. (3) Subjecting or exposing the child to be adopted to
danger, abuse, or exploitation.
The adoptee is given the right to rescind because adoption is
(b) Any person who shall cause the fictitious registration
made for the best interest of the child, and not to the adopter.
of the birth of a child under the name of a person who is
The adoptee cannot be subject to many rejections.
not the child’s biological parent shall be guilty of
simulation of birth, and shall be imposed the penalty of
Section 53. Effects of Rescission. – If the petition for imprisonment from eight (8) years and one (1) day to ten
rescission of adoption is granted, the legal custody of the (10) years and a fine not exceeding Fifty thousand pesos
NACC shall be restored if the adoptee is still a child. The (P50,000.00).
reciprocal right and obligations of the adopters and the
adoptee to each other shall be extinguished. (c) Any physician, midwife, nurse, or hospital personnel
who, in violation of their oath of profession, shall
In cases when the petition for rescission of adoption is cooperate in the execution of the abovementioned crime
granted and the biological parents can prove that they are shall suffer the penalties herein prescribed as well as the
in a position to support and care for the child and it is in penalty of permanent disqualification from the practice of
the child’s best interest, the biological parents may profession following relevant prescription of the law and
petition the NACC for the restoration of their parental governing authorities.
authority over the child.
(d) Any person who shall violate regulations relating to
The NACC shall order the Civil Registrar General to cancel the confidentiality and integrity of records, documents,
the amended birth certificate and restore the original and communication of adoption petitions, cases, and
birth certificate of the adoptee. processes shall suffer the penalty of imprisonment
ranging from one (1) year to one (1) day to two (2) years,
Succession rights shall revert to its status prior to or a fine of not less than Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00)
adoption, but only as of the date of the approval of the but not more than Ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00) or
petition for rescission of adoption. Vested rights acquired both, at the discretion of the court.
prior to rescission shall be respected.
A penalty lower by two (2) degrees than the prescribed for shall include expenses in going to and from school, or to
consummated offenses under this Article shall be imposed and from place of work. (290a)
upon the principals of the attempt to commit any of the
acts herein enumerated. Acts punishable under this
Atty. Seña:
Article, when committed by a syndicate and where it
You must be familiar with this since you are still dependent
involves a child shall be considered as an offense
on support from your parents.
constituting child trafficking and shall merit the penalty of
imprisonment from twenty (20) years and one (1) day to
Support comprises everything indispensable for sustenance,
forty (40) years.
dwelling, clothing, medical attendance, education and
Act punishable under this Article are deemed committed
by a syndicate if carried out by a group of three (3) or
Support necessitates capacity and need.
more persons conspiring or confederating with one
another in carrying out any of the unlawful acts defined
Even if you are still working, you may still ask for support in
under this Article.
the form of transportation from your parents to get you to
and from work.
An offender who is a foreign national shall be deported
immediately after service of sentence and perpetually
Two conditions for Support:
denied entry to the country.
1. Necessity
2. Capacity
Any government official, employee, or functionary who
shall be found guilty of violating any of the provisions of
Necessity will make support due. If you do not establish
this Act, or who shall conspire with private individuals
necessity, then it cannot be said that support will be due. You
shall, in addition to the above-prescribed penalties, be
establish necessity by making demand. Demand means you
penalized in accordance with existing civil service laws,
need support, and if you do not make a demand, you have no
rules and regulations: Provided, That upon the filing of a
need of support, and no support will be due to you.
case, either administrative or criminal, said government
official, employee, or functionary concerned shall
automatically be suspended until the resolution of the
You go pregnant and you were prevented from asking
support from the man who got you pregnant. Now you say
you will raise the child on your own. Later, you had a change
Under this Act, adoption discrimination acts,
of heart. Mahal ang diaper, gatas, bayad sa yaya. Ikaw
including labelling, shaming, bullying, negative
nagtitipid nang todo, at si boyfriend lagi bago ang damit,
stigma, among others, are prohibited. Any person who
gadgets, kasi wala siyang sinusportahan.
shall commit said adoption discrimination acts shall be
penalized with a fine of not less than Ten thousand pesos
Ikaw nagtitipid ka ng todo para makabili ka ng pampers,
(P10,000.00) but not more than Twenty thousand pesos
gatas. Tapos si boyfriend palaging bago ang damit, gadgets
(P20,000.00), at the discretion of the court.
kasi wala siyang sinusuportahan. So, sabi mo, kelangan
singilin ko siya lahat ng nagastos ko dati. Problem, you did
SUPPORT not make any demand for support, and so, there is no legal
basis for you to ask for accrued support.
Lesson: Kahit pa nasaktan yung pride mo kasi hindi ka
pinakasalan, you still make a demand for support just to
obligate him, so that in the future, when you feel like making
Art. 194. Support comprises everything indispensable for
his life miserable, you can always bring out this list of all the
sustenance, dwelling, clothing, medical attendance,
indebtedness that he owes you by way of accrued support.
education and transportation, in keeping with the
financial capacity of the family.
Remember: No matter how much you demand for support, if
The education of the person entitled to be supported
the person obligated does not have the capacity, there is
referred to in the preceding paragraph shall include his
nothing to be given to you. That’s why the amount of support,
schooling or training for some profession, trade or
it never really comes final, because it’s always open to
vocation, even beyond the age of majority. Transportation
adjustments, depending on the need, depending on the
Yung mga bagong hiwalay, gusto talaga makipaghiwalay, illegitimate children of the latter. What does this
they will agree to any amount of monthly support. But later approximate?
on, they will ask for an adjustment. Biglang di na kaya kasi
kulang na sweldo niya at kulang na properties. Whether or This approximates the right of representation that we have
not he is saying the truth, the fact remains that the amount in succession. Why? Because they involved the same people,
of support is always subject to adjustment. grandchildren representing their parent to the estate of their
grandparents. So same lang dito sa right of support.
Another Important Point of Support: Who are the people
obligating to give support to one another? But, the difference here in the right of support, both
legitimate and illegitimate children of legitimate parents
This always begins with the: may ask for support from the legitimate grandparents,
1. spouses unlike in succession.
2. the legitimate ascendants, and descendants
3. the parents, and their legitimate children, and the Unlike in succession, before we had the ruling, wherein the
legitimate and the illegitimate children of the latter illegitimate grandchild cannot represent the legitimate
4. the parents, and their illegitimate children, and then parent to the estate of the legitimate grandparent. But, the
the legitimate and the illegitimate children of one illegitimate grandchild of the illegitimate parent can
another represent the illegitimate parent to the succession to the
5. brothers and sisters estate of the legitimate grandparent.
PARENTAL AUTHORITY Totality of the rights and obligations that parents have
towards their children. Obligations outweigh the rights
TITLE IX because the obligations are never-ending.
Q: Who exercises parental authority?
Chapter 1. General Provisions A: If the child is legitimate, it will be both the husband and
wife – they enjoy joint parental authority. Although in case
Art. 209. Pursuant to the natural right and duty of of disagreement, it will be the decision of the father which
parents over the person and property of their prevails (Art. 211, FC).
unemancipated children, parental authority and
responsibility shall include the caring for and rearing However, if the child is illegitimate, then parental authority
them for civic consciousness and efficiency and the resides in the mother.
development of their moral, mental and physical
character and well-being. (n) Q: If so, what rights does the father have over his
illegitimate child?
Art. 210. Parental authority and responsibility may not A: None. The father has no parental authority whatsoever.
be renounced or transferred except in the cases For a long time, even substitute parental authority was not
authorized by law. (313a) recognized to be possibly exercised by the father. Not until
the case of Masbate v. Relucio (G.R. No. 235498, July 30, 2018).
Art. 211. The father and the mother shall jointly exercise
parental authority over the persons of their common Atty. Seña:
children. In case of disagreement, the father's decision Jurisprudence taught us that even though the putative father
shall prevail, unless there is a judicial order to the has no parental authority, he has what is called visitation
contrary. rights – he is entitled to visit his child. But as the SC claimed,
it is not actually a right but rather an obligation to visit his
Children shall always observe respect and reverence child and spend time with him.
towards their parents and are obliged to obey them as
long as the children are under parental authority. (311a) Another important point when dealing with an illegitimate
child is that there is no need to invoke the maternal
Art. 212. In case of absence or death of either parent, the preference rule. Because it is solely the mother that has
parent present shall continue exercising parental parental authority of the child, regardless of age.
authority. The remarriage of the surviving parent shall
not affect the parental authority over the children, unless Q: If the mother happens to be unavailable for whatever
the court appoints another person to be the guardian of reason, who shall exercise parental authority?
the person or property of the children. (n) A: Under the law, we have the concept of substitute parental
authority. It is to be exercised by the following:
Art. 213. In case of separation of the parents, parental 1. The maternal grandparents;
authority shall be exercised by the parent designated by 2. The eldest brother/sister, who is at least 21 years of
the Court. The Court shall take into account all relevant age; and
considerations, especially the choice of the child over 3. Actual custodian of the child, who is at least 21 years
seven years of age, unless the parent chosen is unfit. (n) of age.
Art. 214. In case of death, absence or unsuitability of the Note: No mention of the father at all.
parents, substitute parental authority shall be exercised
by the surviving grandparent. In case several survive, the SUBSTITUTE PARENTAL AUTHORITY
one designated by the court, taking into account the same
consideration mentioned in the preceding article, shall Chapter 2. Substitute and Special Parental Authority
exercise the authority. (355a)
Art. 216. In default of parents or a judicially appointed
Art. 215. No descendant shall be compelled, in a criminal guardian, the following person shall exercise substitute
case, to testify against his parents and grandparents, parental authority over the child in the order indicated:
except when such testimony is indispensable in a crime
against the descendant or by one parent against the (1) The surviving grandparent, as provided in Art. 214;
other. (315a)
(2) The oldest brother or sister, over twenty-one years of “borrowing” or fetching the child; but the child was never
age, unless unfit or disqualified; and returned to the custody of the said father.
(3) The child's actual custodian, over twenty-one years of Hence, the putative father filed a petition for writ of habeas
age, unless unfit or disqualified. corpus in relation to the custody of minor children because
he wanted to take back custody of the child. However, it is
Whenever the appointment or a judicial guardian over clear that the law does not give him any right to custody or
the property of the child becomes necessary, the same to the exercise of parental authority over the child.
order of preference shall be observed. (349a, 351a, 354a)
However, the Supreme Court treated the putative father as
Art. 217. In case of foundlings, abandoned neglected or the person who had actual custody, thus, making him third
abused children and other children similarly situated, in rank behind the grandparents. So, what he has to do is go
parental authority shall be entrusted in summary judicial to court and show that:
proceedings to heads of children's homes, orphanages
and similar institutions duly accredited by the proper 1. He had actual custody;
government agency. (314a) 2. The mother was unfit; and
3. The child is better off with him than with the
Art. 218. The school, its administrators and teachers, or grandparents.
the individual, entity or institution engaged in child are
shall have special parental authority and responsibility If he is able to discharge all of these requisites, then he may
over the minor child while under their supervision, retain custody of the child and exercise parental authority
instruction or custody. over the child, pursuant to the provisions of the law of
substitute parental authority.
Authority and responsibility shall apply to all authorized
activities whether inside or outside the premises of the Furthermore, Justice Bernabe, the ponente of the case, stated
school, entity or institution. (349a) that the usual scenario is that the putative father will
disappear from the life of the illegitimate child once his
Art. 219. Those given the authority and responsibility relationship with the mother has soured. However, this case
under the preceding Article shall be principally and is different as he is actively pursuing custody of his child.
solidarily liable for damages caused by the acts or Because of this, the Supreme Court felt that his efforts should
omissions of the unemancipated minor. The parents, be recognized and rewarded.
judicial guardians or the persons exercising substitute
parental authority over said minor shall be subsidiarily Q: What happens if a legitimate child is left by the
liable. mother with her parents because she has to go abroad
and work? Would the putative father have right of
The respective liabilities of those referred to in the custody over the child?
preceding paragraph shall not apply if it is proved that
they exercised the proper diligence required under the A: Yes, a father has standing to claim substitute parental
particular circumstances. authority. The father may claim substitute parental
authority in his capacity as the actual custodian of the child
All other cases not covered by this and the preceding if he is in actual custody of the child. He must also show that
articles shall be governed by the provisions of the Civil the mother is unfit and that it would be in the best interest
Code on quasi-delicts. (n) of the child to stay in his custody rather than the
Atty. Seña:
There is no mention of the putative father for dealing with Under the law, the father still could not exercise even
illegitimate children. What follows is the brother or sister substitute parental authority. However, in the case of
whose age is 21 y/o, then followed by the actual custodian of Masbate v. Relucio, the SC held that the father may be able to
the child who is at least 21 y/o. exercise substitute parental authority if the father was the
actual custodian of the child and it may be shown that it may
However, in Masbate v. Relucio, we had a father who was be in the best interest of the child to remain with him, instead
given custody of an illegitimate child after the mother went of the grandparents.
away. However, the grandparents forcibly took the child
back from him with the false pretense that they are only The SC held that the father may claim substitute parental
authority in his capacity as the actual custodian of the child
Atty. Seña:
You have to know the grounds of termination of parental
They should file a petition that does not contain a prayer for
their appointment as guardian, but only to fix the bond. The
court will then issue an order fixing the amount of the bond.
Thereafter, the parents should post the bond in the amount
fixed by the court. The court will then issue an order which
will be presented to the insurance company. Finally, the
proceeds will then be released to the parent.
From the book of Rabuya (2017): Essentially, Art. 415 is a filter. When you have an object and
The term “property” under the Civil Code refers to things the same has been determined to be property, and you want
which are susceptible of appropriation. Hence, even in the to classify as either movable property, the first thing you do
juridical sense, not all things may be considered as property. is you apply Art. 415.
This much is clear from the very provision of Art. 414 of the
New Civil Code. Pursuant to said article, it is essential that a If it does not fall under the enumeration in Art. 415, then the
thing must be susceptible of appropriation before it can conclusion is that it is not immovable property. Therefore, it
be considered as property. Things, which cannot, may be movable property under Art. 416 (1). Sabi ko nga,
therefore, be subjected to human control by reason of sheer Art. 415 would be some kind of filter that will allow us to
physical impossibility are not considered as property. classify property as either immovable or movable.
From the book of Rabuya (Pre-Bar Reviewer in Civil Law, Now, with regard to Art. 415 itself, you have to pay attention
2021): to each of the enumerated properties thereunder because
Properties are things which are capable of satisfying human there are a lot of qualifications and nuances. And I’ve said
wants and are susceptible of appropriation. this before, the devil is in the details. Doon kayo madadale sa
qualifications at sa nuances ng batas.
Q: What do you mean by appropriation?
A: Act of taking a thing for one’s own use. Act of taking, act of Immovable Property
apprehending, for the purpose of subjecting it to one’s own
use. Article 415. The following are immovable property:
Article 414. All things which are or may be the object of (1) Land, buildings, roads and constructions of all kinds
appropriation are considered either: adhered to the soil;
(1) Immovable or real property; or
(2) Movable or personal property.
(2) Trees, plants, and growing fruits, while they are attached
to the land or form an integral part of an immovable;
Atty. Seña:
The classification into a movable and immovable property is
just one of the several classifications of property. Although (3) Everything attached to an immovable in a fixed manner,
arguably, it may be the most important classification. in such a way that it cannot be separated therefrom without
breaking the material or deterioration of the object;
Q: How does the Civil Code define immovable and
movable properties? (4) Statues, reliefs, paintings or other objects for use or
A: It defines immovable properties by enumerating what ornamentation, placed in buildings or on lands by the owner
may be considered as immovable properties under Art. 415 of the immovable in such a manner that it reveals the
such that if the object or the thing has been intention to attach them permanently to the tenements;
defined/determined to be a property (meaning to say it has
all the requisites that will make it property) then it can either (5) Machinery, receptacles, instruments or implements
be immovable or movable. intended by the owner of the tenement for an industry or
works which may be carried on in a building or on a piece of
From the book of Rabuya (Pre-Bar Reviewer in Civil Law, land, and which tend directly to meet the needs of the said
2021): industry or works;
permanent part of it; the animals in these places are This is the first example of a nuance. If a building is made of
included; light materials such as bahay kubo, and it is not buried in the
soil, it is not immovable property because it is not adhered
(7) Fertilizer actually used on a piece of land; to the soil.
(8) Mines, quarries, and slag dumps, while the matter thereof (2) Trees, plants, and growing fruits, while they are attached
forms part of the bed, and waters either running or to the land or form an integral part of an immovable;
Under the chattel mortgage law (now repealed by PPSA),
(9) Docks and structures which, though floating, are growing crops are considered to be personal property for
intended by their nature and object to remain at a fixed place purposes of chattel mortgage.
on a river, lake, or coast;
(3) Everything attached to an immovable in a fixed manner,
(10) Contracts for public works, and servitudes and other in such a way that it cannot be separated therefrom without
real rights over immovable property. breaking the material or deterioration of the object;
Article 416. The following things are deemed to be personal This is immobilization by destination. Note that paragraph 3,
property: all that matters is the manner of incorporation. It must be
done in a fixed manner. There must be permanence. Because
(1) Those movables susceptible of appropriation which are you cannot separate what has been attached without
not included in the preceding article; damage or deterioration. We do not consider who owns the
immovable, authorship, and who made the incorporation.
(2) Real property which by any special provision of law is The only thing we consider is that it was made in a fixed
considered as personalty; manner and the standard is you cannot separate them
without damage or deterioration.
(3) Forces of nature which are brought under control by
science; and Compare this with paragraph 4
(4) In general, all things which can be transported from place (4) Statues, reliefs, paintings or other objects for use or
to place without impairment of the real property to which ornamentation, placed in buildings or on lands by the owner
they are fixed. of the immovable in such a manner that it reveals the
intention to attach them permanently to the tenements;
Article 417. The following are also considered as personal
property: Here, we consider authorship or who made the replacement
which must be the owner of the immovable. And here, there
(1) Obligations and actions which have for their object is no explicit requirement that attachment be made in a fixed
movables or demandable sums; and manner unlike in par. 3 that it cannot be separated without
damage. For par. 4, it is enough that the attachment was
(2) Shares of stock of agricultural, commercial and industrial made in such a manner that reveals the intention to attach
entities, although they may have real estate. them permanently to the tenements. In this paragraph, short
of attaching permanently is the standard of immoblization.
Article 418. Movable property is either consumable or Q: Why is it that in par. 4, we are not required to make
nonconsumable. To the first class belong those movables attachment permanent?
which cannot be used in a manner appropriate to their
nature without their being consumed; to the second class
belong all the others. ARTICLE 415
Atty. Seña:
it cannot be separated buildings or on lands by the
Sa paragraph 4, we do not require it be the owner of the
therefrom without owner of the immovable in
statute, the reliefs, the paintings who must make the
breaking the material or such a manner that it
immobilization by destination. Ang hinihingi lang ditto, it
deterioration of the object; reveals the intention to
should be owner of the immovable. That is what I mean by
attach them permanently
to the tenements;
Now, let us go to paragraph 6: Q: What would be the so called ‘rex vinta’ or immovables
by incorporation?
A: Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6.
(6) Animal houses, pigeon-houses, beehives, fish ponds
or breeding places of similar nature, in case their owner
Q: What will be considered as immovable by
has placed them or preserves them with the intention to
have them permanently attached to the land, and
A: Paragraphs 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9
forming a permanent part of it; the animals in these
places are included.
Q: What will be considered as immovable by analogy?
A: Paragraph 10
Now, if you would measure paragraph 6 against paragraph Now, sabi ko sa inyo kanina, Article 415 would be some kind
3, you might think that paragraph 6 repeats paragraph 3 of a filter, and such approach was applied by the Supreme
because paragraph 6 also speaks of permanent attachment Court in the case of Laurel vs. Abrogar.
pero the authorities are one in saying that the focus here
really would be the immobilization of the animals which are
housed in these contractions. LAUREL VS. ABROGRAR
(7) Fertilizer actually used on a piece of land In Laurel vs. Abrogar, PLDT wanted to prosecute those
people who were diverting the international long
(8) Mines, quarries, and slag dumps, while the matter distance call business of PLDT. So, ‘yung calls na dapat
thereof forms part of the bed, and waters either running papasok doon sa gateway ng PLDT and for which PLDT
or stagnant could have charged fees were diverted by these people.
for a day it is as if your news is too late. Here it is 2 weeks (2) Real property which by any special provision of law is
and through air mail which is expensive. Now, if you considered as personal property;
would send it through ordinary mail, it will be sent for a (3) Forces of nature which are brought under control by
month. science; and
(4) In general, all things which can be transported from
In the case, the charges were very exorbitant. There place to place without impairment of the real property to
were individuals who discovered the magic jack. This which they are fixed. (335a)
would be something you plug into your system and
you’d be able to make long distance calls for free. A lot Art. 417. The following are also considered as personal
of people used this. Unknown to everyone, what is property:
actually happening is they are using the gateway and (1) Obligations and actions which have for their object
facilities of PLDT and when they were making long movables or demandable sums; and
distance calls, it does not reach the gateways which it (2) Shares of stock of agricultural, commercial and
was supposed to be chargeable by PLDT. industrial entities, although they may have real estate.
PLDT filed criminal cases. They really did not want these
people to be sent to jail, but they wanted to set an
example. If no one will be punished, same act will be Q: Under Art. 416(3), what are forces of nature which
repeated which will result to their further losses. can be controlled using science that can be considered
as personal property?
At first, SC sustained the dismissal because according to A: Solar power. Energy converted to electricity to power our
SC: this cannot be theft because we are speaking of homes.
business here. What you are complaining is you were
stolen of a business, and business is not a personal Atty. Seña:
property. It is not among those listed under Art. 416 and Yes, electricity of all kinds. These are examples of Art.
Art. 417. So, you cannot charge them of theft. 416(3).
In theft, it involves taking of personal property for Q: When you own a share of stock of the DMCI, the
personal gains. But PLDT filed a motion for developer of real estate, how would you treat that share
reconsideration. In their MFR, they were able to of stock? Personal or Real Property?
convinced the SC that it is possible for the crime of theft A: Shares of stock of agricultural, commercial and industrial
to be committed here. entities, although they may have real estate, as under Art.
Why? Because according to them, this business that we are Atty. Seña:
speaking of cannot be found in Art. 415, but there is no Yes, even though the company works in real estate, the
question that business is considered property. You can even shares of stock is a personal property.
sell your business and be covered under sales law. According
to them, it is without question a property. Since it is not
found in Art. 415, we have to apply Art. 416 (1). Art. 418. Movable property is either consumable or
nonconsumable. To the first class belong those movables
In Art. 416 (1), if it is not under Art. 415, then it is necessarily which cannot be used in a manner appropriate to their
a personal property. With that kind of argument, SC said it is nature without their being consumed; to the second class
possible for the engagement of crime of theft in this case. It belong all the others. (337)
is logical.
Personal property in turn, is classified into two:
CHAPTER 2 1. Consumable
MOVABLE PROPERTY 2. Non-consumable
Art. 416. The following things are deemed to be personal Q: How would you define consumable properties?
property: A: Consumable properties are those which cannot be used
without being consumed.
(1) Those movables susceptible of appropriation which
are not included in the preceding article; Atty. Seña:
It cannot be used without being consumed.
Article 422. Property of public dominion, when no
longer intended for public use or for public service, shall
On the other hand, the State also has patrimonial property.
form part of the patrimonial property of the State.
Now, private entity or the private individual will only have a Atty. Seña:
shot at acquiring ownership of public dominion if he is able Papaano yung magiging process. Let us say you have forest
to complete the acquisitive prescriptive period after the land or unclassified land, then automatic it is property of
property of public dominion has been declared as public dominion and automatic there is no chance for this
patrimonial property of the State. And for this to happen, land to be sold or alienated, much less acquired by
what must be done? prescription. Para tayo magkaroon ng chance na mabili ito,
then these lands must first be classified as Agricultural
Q: What must take place for property of a public Lands (first step). Only agricultural lands may be classified
dominion to become patrimonial property? as alienable and disposable.
We’re speaking of property which started as property of From agricultural land we now can classify them as alienable
public dominion. Since under the law, the patrimonial or disposable.
property of the State may be of two things: a. it can be
patrimonial from the beginning; or b. property of public Q: What is the effect of classifying agricultural land as
dominion from the beginning, but it became a patrimonial alienable and disposable? Is this enough to make
property. So the question is to the 2nd instance, where we patrimonial property?
came from property of public dominion, and it became a A: No there should be a further declaration by the State that
patrimonial property. How does this happen? it is patrimonial property.
agricultural lands which have been declared as alienable and prescription may run from the state – back to zero ka kahit
disposable (A&D). gaano katagal yung nagging occupation mo before.
Q: How do we apply this? Unlike in confirmation of imperfect title where the material
A: By filing a petition for the confirmation of an incomplete fact is that the land is declared as A&D before the application
or imperfect title under Sec. 48(b), CA 141. for confirmation.
1. The land is alienable and disposable property of the Q: How do we prove that the property is alienable and
public domain; disposable in character?
2. The applicant and its predecessor in interest have been
in open, continuous, exclusive, notorious possession and A: You must get a certification from the Sec. of DENR, that the
occupation of the land under a bona fide claim of land is alienable and disposable. You must also get a
ownership; and certification of CENRO to the extent that the land is alienable
3. The occupied the land since June 14, 1945 or earlier and disposable.
(this requirement has been amended by RA 11573)
Atty. Seña:
Q: Who may file such petition? You cannot paraphrase these requirements because the
A: A Filipino citizen who has been in open, continuous, Supreme Court held that if you fail to comply with these
exclusive, and notorious possession of A&D lands of the proofs as laid down in Republic v. TAL Properties, then your
public domain since June 12, 1945 or earlier under a bona petition for confirmation of complete or imperfect title will
fide claim of ownership immediately preceding the have to be denied. This is a crucial element showing that the
application for confirmation of title. land is alienable and disposable.
Note: RA 11573 has amended Sec. 48 of CA 141. The period
of occupation to be observed is now fixed at 20 years To prove this, you have to present a copy of the original
immediately preceding the filing of the petition for classification approved by the Sec. of the DENR. This copy
confirmation of title, and no longer since June 12, 1945 or should be certified as a true copy by the legal custodian of
earlier. the official records of the DENR.
Q: Does the land need to have already been declared as You must also present a certificate of land classification
A&D when the petitioner starts occupying the same? status issued by either the CENRO or PENRO based on the
A: The SC ruled in the negative. What is only necessary is that land classification approved by the DENR. This is required
the land is already declared to be A&D at the time the because the classification as provided by the DENR may have
application is filed. been issued many years ago. This is to ensure that the status
has remained the same. The CENRO and PENRO function as
Atty. Seña: an update to the original classification.
So, this means that the petitioner may have started
occupying the property at the time that the land has not been These two documents must be presented. The failure to do
declared as A&D – that is okay. What is important is the so will warrant the denial of the petition. Lastly, property in
application must be filed at the time the land is already the public domain cannot be sold, not even by the
classified as A&D. government.
Q: Now, do we apply the same rule if we’re dealing with Q: Pertaining to RA 11573, in our earlier discussion, it
acquisition of patrimonial property of the government was mentioned that the possession must date back as
through prescription? early June 12, 1945. However, in RA 11573, it has
A: No, the declaration of land being A&D matters in this case. already dispensed with the requirement that the
Under the law, you cannot have prescription running against possession should date back to June 12, 1945, but rather
the State over property of the public domain. 20 years?
A: In this case, we will follow what the present law says, but
Atty. Seña: the principle remains the same.
For example, if you will occupy forest land, it does not matter
how long you have occupied that land and no matter how UNCLASSIFIED LANDS
exclusive it is, it does not matter. It is a property of public
dominion and may not be acquired by prescription. Suppose For example, there is a piece of land that is unclassified land
said land is then declared to be patrimonial property of the [if it is unclassified land, it is automatically the property of
State. Then, that will be the reckoning point when public domain or forest land]. For some reason, a homestead
1. A car worth Php 1 million which the wife acquired during Answer: Valid
the marriage, for her exclusive use during the marriage and Marriage void under Art. 36 is not required to comply with
using her salary. the provisions of Art. 52.
3. A gratuitous separation package received by the husband 9. A marriage in articulo mortis where the party at the point
from his former employer only because the latter felt sorry of death survived.
for him aft er he had to be fi red following an accident that
left him unable to work about a month into his Answer: Valid
probationary employment.
10. A marriage solemnized by a Quezon City RTC Judge at
Answer: Separate Property of the Husband the UP Town Center upon the request of the parties who
He is not entitled to the gratuitous separation package sent him a letter via e-mail for that purpose.
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12. A putative father of an illegitimate child who has Answer: D) Declared null and void under Art.40,
acknowledged paternity of the latter may nonetheless prove but did not comply with Art. 52
non-filiation within his lifetime.
25. The children conceived and born before the marriage
13. The amount of support is determined by necessity and that was subsequently annulled under Art. 45 are:
capacity. Answer: C) Legitimated
14. Aquino v. Aquino teaches us that an illegitimate child 26. A petition for support brought by a girl claiming to be a
may now represent her putative parent in the succession of love child of her mother and respondent must be:
the estate of her grandfather, notwithstanding the Answer: B) Dismissed for lack of cause of action
provisions of Art. 992. because she is not allowed to impugn her legitimate
15. Under RA 11642, a prospective adopter must be at least
25 years of age. 27. An unpublished law that was passed by both houses of
congress and signed by the president is:
16. The declaration of nullity of marriage shall only bring Answer: Valid but ineffective for lack of
about the dissolution of the absolute community of publication.
property, if the ground for nullity is Art. 40.
28. Miguel was able to secure a decree of annulment of his
17. The status of a mortgage executed by the husband in marriage to Wendy five years after filing the same on the
1986 on conjugal property, without consent of the wife, is ground of fraud. Wendy hid the fact that she is pregnant
voidable. with the child of another man, Peter, at the time she married
Miguel. The child named Althea and was treated by Miguel
18. A petition to have the absent spouse declared as his own. DNA test results, however, confirm that Althea
presumptively dead would be dismissed unless there is was not Miguel’s child at all. Which of following statements
allegation that the present spouse intends to remarry. is true?
Answer: A) Althea remains the legitimate child of
19. The disclosure of adoption shall be mandatory before Miguel because her legitimate filiation has become
the adoptee reaches the age of 13. incontrovertible.
20. If a terminable subsequent marriage were to be 29. The putative father of a legitimate child aged 10 may
dissolved by the death of the spouse-present, his death exercise:
benefits shall pertain to the subsequent/present spouse. Answer: C) Substituted parental authority in his
capacity as the actual custodian of the child if the mother is
21. The quantum of evidence that must be discharged by unfit and it is shown that it would be in the best interest of
the petitioner seeking to nullify a marriage under Art. 36 is: the child if he will be given custody over the grandparents.
Answer: B) Clear and convincing evidence
30. The wife forge the signature of her unemployed
22. A wife who is presumptively death at the instance of the husband on a promissory note covering the loan she
husband who living with her in the conjugal dwelling until obtained from PNB for her printing business, as well as on
the day he contracts a subsequent marriage, a month after the real estate mortgaged that she constituted on three
securing the decree must: parcels of land to secure the same. The parcels of land were
Answer: B) File a petition for certiorari for the acquired during the marriage, but there is no proof that the
judgment declaring her presumptively dead. Once money used to purchase them was conjugal. The mortgage
successful, she can ask for the nullity of the subsequent was foreclosed and the properties were sold to PNB. A
marriage for being bigamous. certificate of sale was issued to PNB on Sep. 19, 2017. On
Sep. 22, 2018, the husband filed a complaint to annul the
23. If the wife avails of option B in the preceding number, real estate mortgage and cancel the certificate of the sale.
any donations propter nuptias made by the husband to the Assuming the mortgage is nullified, what properties may be
second wife in the marriage settlement will: levied upon execution to answer for the obligation?
Answer: A) Will remain valid and subsisting. Answer: D) Conjugal properties and in case of their
insufficiency, the separate properties of the spouses.
24. A subsequent marriage will be null and void under Art.
35, par. 6, and Art. 53, if the prior void marriage is:
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PART II The time apart from Maria and the loss of their child led
Pedro to the realization that he no longer wanted to stay
FACTS: married. Thus, shortly before his 20th birthday, Pedro, with
Pedro and Maria, aged 18 and 27, were set to become the assistance of a lawyer from the public attorney's office
parents to their first child. They wanted to get married filed a petition to annul his marriage to Maria.
before their child was born but Pedro's parents refused to
give their consent to the marriage, saying that he was way a. What is the status of the marriage – valid, voidable
too young. Instead, they donated Php 5 Million to Pedro and or void? Explain your answer. (10%)
Maria's unborn child to convince them that they did not
have to rush getting married to be able to take care of their Answer: It is voidable for lack of parental consent.
baby. Pedro and Maria accepted the donation on behalf of
their child, but proceeded to secure a license anyway, using Note: Atty. Seña stated that there is a need to address the
a fixer to facilitate the issuance of a marriage license to fact that the license was obtained through a fixer and
them even though they did not submit any supporting without supporting documentation, which is a mere
documents as required by law. irregularity and has no bearing to the validity of the
marriage. There is also a need to point out that there is also
Before the wedding, Pedro and Maria were urged by Maria's no signed marriage certificate, and the way to do that is to
parents to execute an ante-nuptial agreement. Maria had say that the marriage certificate is not an essential or
inherited 300 shares of stocks of XYZ Realty Corporation formal requisite so its absence does not affect the validity of
from her grandparents. The shares which are worth Php5 the marriage.
Million are Maria's only property. Pedro did not show it to
Maria's parents but when the two of them were alone, he b. How will you rule on Maria’s Motion to Dismiss
told Maria that he felt insulted by the suggestion. To Pedro’s petition for annulment? (5%)
appease him, Maria donated 1/3 of her inheritance to Pedro
by endorsing and delivering the certificates of stock for 100 Answer: The best answer for this would be to say that you
of her 300 shares to him. are going to deny Maria’s motion to dismiss because the
only reason why the right of action under the Civil Code was
Pedro and Maria executed the ante-nuptial agreement the limited to the parents during the time the party in question
day before the wedding with Maria's parents acting as was still between the ages of 18 and 21, is that under the
witnesses. Apart from declaring that the parties were Civil Code, legal age was 21 and the party in question would
adopting the Conjugal Partnership of Gains as their not have the standing to go to court on his own. However,
property regime, the written ante-nuptial agreement also that no longer holds true because under RA 6809, the age of
made mention of the donation as follows: "Prior to the majority is already 18. And while the law has retained the
execution of this Ante-Nuptial Agreement, Maria donated requirement of parental consent for parties getting married
100 shares of XYZ Realty Corporation to Pedro in between the ages of 18 and 21, said party is nonetheless
consideration of their upcoming marriage." capacitated for all other acts under the law – including the
filing of his own petition for annulment.
On the day of the wedding, Pedro's parents rushed to stop
the ceremony but they were held up in traffic and failed to c. What property regime governs the parties? (10%)
reach the church until after the parties have said their "I
dos." When they got there, Pedro and Maria were standing Answer: Absolute Community of Property. The parties
at the altar in front of the officiating priest with their did execute an antenuptial agreement where they elected
principal sponsors standing around them. Pedro's mother the Conjugal Partnership of Gains as their property regime.
managed to drag him away from the altar anyway and his But as you must note, the antenuptial agreement was not
father forced him to into their car. They drove away, leaving participated in by the parents of Pedro. And under the law,
Maria and everyone else behind. Needless to say, the parties if a party is between 18 and 21, his parents or guardians
were not able to sign the marriage certificate. This also must be made parties to the antenuptial agreement.
meant that the ante-nuptial agreement was never Otherwise, the same would be void.
registered with the local civil register.
So since, the antenuptial agreement is void due to lack of
Maria, who was on her 26th week of pregnancy, got so participation by the parents of Pedro, then the parties will
distressed that she started labor. Her parents rushed her to be governed by the default property regime under the
the hospital where she gave birth to a baby girl, who, sadly, Family Code.
died after two hours from delivery. The hospital bill for both
Maria and the baby reached Php 2 Million.
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d. While Pedro’s petition for annulment was pending, his added to the separate of the P5M, will add up to the total of
parents died. He then agreed to file a joint petition with P6.5M.
Maria for the voluntary dissolution of their property
regime and for the separation of their common Q: Supposing that the petition for annulment is eventually
properties in accordance with law. The court approved granted by the court and Pedro proposes marriage to Rose
the dissolution of their property regime and you are who accepts. They later obtain a marriage license as soon as
now asked to liquidate and distribute the properties the judgment granting the petition becomes final and
between the parties. executory. What will be the status of the marriage to
Liquidate and distribute the properties between the
parties. (15%) Answer: The marriage will be void under Art. 53
for non-compliance to the requirements of Art. 52. Art. 52
The Court approved the dissolution of their property applies to voidable marriages that had been annulled.
regime. They are now asked to liquidate and to distribute
the parties. The parties are governed by Absolute Q: Pedro and Rose got along well within the first few years
Community Property. of the union. Rose stayed home and took care of the
children while Pedro worked in sales. Using his salary,
They now take into consideration of the fact that the Pedro purchased a property worth P3M. Their relationship
donation by the parents of Pedro to their child who died a soured after the first child fell ill and Pedro could not cope
few hours after birth will now revert to Pedro’s parents. with the stress. They separated and Pedro stopped giving
support to Rose. Rose had to depend on her mother, a
When Pedro’s parents died during the time of petition of well-known socialite who was in to vlogging. Pedro put the
annulment was pending, then Pedro inherited that was house and lot in the market. Upon learning of this, Rose
donated to the child. This [P5M that reverted back to his wrote Pedro to demand that she be given half of the
parents] now would be his separate property. proceeds. Pedro refused. Decide the matter.
Maria has shares of stocks prior to the marriage. That Answer: To decide this, you must first determine
would convert to community property after the marriage. the property regime between the properties, which is
Maria will not have any separate property. The shares of co-ownership under Art. 147, because of non-compliance to
stock would be community property. Art. 52 is not considered an impediment. Hence, they are
not under any impediment to marry each other.
The donation to Pedro of the shares of stocks prior to the
marriage would be null and void. This is because since the Under Art. 147, we have co-ownership which has the
value of the shares of stock exceeded P5,000, the law presumption of acquisition using joint efforts and we also
requires that the same be in writing, but it was not. There have the recognition of the care of children and
was only delivery of the certificates of stocks endorsed by maintenance of the household as valid contribution to the
Maria in favor of Pedro. effort to acquire.
There was also the issue relating to the limitation that However, those other matters need not be invoked since it is
would have made to apply: to what may be donated by clear from the problem that Pedro used his own salary to
Maria to Pedro. It should have been addressed by saying obtain the house and lot. Art. 147 explicitly provides that
that the limitation would not apply since the donation was there will be co-ownership over the salaries of the parties.
not made in the marriage settlement. This should be the main argument.
For the obligations of the community property, we have Since the property was bought using the salary of Pedro,
P2M representing the hospital bills incurred for Maria and and that salary is considered co-owned by them, then the
the child. This is to be deducted from the P5M worth of property should be considered as co-owned by parties. In
shares that became community property such that the net this case, Rose is entitled to receive half of the proceed of
assets of the absolute community property will be P3M the sale.
which will be divided between Pedro and Maria [P1.5M
each]. Q: Name the people and order in which they are
obligated to give support to the children of Rose and
In distributing the community property, P1.5M will go to Pedro.
Maria. While Pedro will get the other P1.5M which when Answer: You have to remember that these children
of Rose and Pedro having been born to a void marriage
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FINALS PERIOD Compare this to a situation where the deed of sale was not
embodied in a public instrument, such that we cannot speak
OWNERSHIP of constructive delivery. And then the seller resells the
vehicle to a third person. This time around, the seller
Q: What is ownership? delivers the vehicle.
A: Ownership is an independent right of exclusive
enjoyment and control of the thing for the purpose of Q: What will be your remedy now? Can you run after the
deriving therefrom all advantages required by the third person (the second buyer)?
reasonable needs of the owner (holder of the right) and the A: No. In this case, he only has a contract of sale and
promotion of the general welfare but subject to restrictions therefore he only acquires a personal right to demand
imposed by law and the right of others. (Rabuya, Property delivery from the seller. Since that is the nature of his right,
2017). he cannot go after the third person kasi walang privity of
contract kaya hindi mo pwedeng i-enforce ‘yun.
Article 427. Ownership may be exercised over things or
Ownership may be exercised over things or over rights. As 1. The right to enjoy and dispose the property
far as rights go, this may either be a real right or a personal
right. Article 428. The owner has the right to enjoy and dispose
of a thing, without other limitations than those established
Q: How would you differentiate personal and real right? by law.
The owner has also a right of action against the holder and
Real right has no definite passive subject (debtor) and it is possessor of the thing in order to recover it.
enforceable against the whole world. It is enforceable
against the whole world, regardless of whether you have an 2. The right to abuse the property
agreement with them e.g. usufruct, ownership, possession.
Ownership is the best example of a real right. This will exhibit or showcase the extent of the owner’s right
to use. Essentially, with the right to abuse, he can do
Personal right has a definite passive subject and is whatever he wants with the property. He may use it in any
enforceable against a particular person. The object of a manner that he may deem to be fit and no one will question
personal right can only be a prestation and cannot be him about this. Unless, such use already prejudices or
enforced against persons who are not privity to the injures another person.
transaction e.g. rights of a buyer – the right to demand
delivery from seller. Article 431. The owner of a thing cannot make use thereof
in such manner as to injure the rights of a third person.
Example of a real right:
Example: Ikaw ang may-ari ng kotse, pero burara ka, hindi
I am an owner of a vehicle and my name is imprinted on the ka maingat sa gamit. Kapag may lubak, hindi mo
original certificate of registration and OR. And then I sold it dinadahan-dahan, talagang raragasa ka pa sa lubak. Hindi
to another person (buyer). The buyer executed a deed of ka maingat sa pagmamaneho kung saan-saan sumasabit ang
sale. If the ownership of the vehicle is already transferred to kotse mo. Will there be anyone who can stop you from
the buyer, then it does not create a personal right, but a real being so careless with your vehicle? None. It is well within
right. your right to abuse, so to speak, your property. The only
limitation here would be if that abuse would already
In that case, there is a real right created. This is because prejudice third persons. ‘Yun ‘yung extent.
there has been delivery. In fact, the delivery here was
constructive, through the execution of the notarized deed of 3. The right to recover the property
sale. It is still possible for the seller to resell the property
and be able to deliver it anew (a second time) to a third Contemplates that the real owner of the property is entitled
person. If the seller does this, the original buyer (the first to enforce his or her rights against any other person. He has
buyer) can run after the second buyer because he will be the right to file an action before the court. The purpose of
enforcing his real right of ownership. the right of action is to recover possession or ownership
over the property.
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Q: Where can we find this right to recover/which 7. The right to the surface, the subsurface, and the
article? space above land
A: Art. 428 - The owner has also a right of action against
the holder and possessor of the thing in order to recover it. Article 437. The owner of a parcel of land is the owner of
its surface and of everything under it, and he can construct
Q: If you are going to bring an action to recover, what thereon any works or make any plantations and excavations
must you allege in your complaint? which he may deem proper, without detriment to
A: You have to allege the: (1) identity of the property; and servitudes and subject to special laws and ordinances. He
(2) one’s title to the subject property. cannot complain of the reasonable requirements of aerial
Article 433. Actual possession under claim of ownership
raises disputable presumption of ownership. The true 8. The right to hidden treasure
owner must resort to judicial process for the recovery of the
property. Article 438. Hidden treasure belongs to the owner of the
land, building, or other property on which it is found.
Article 434. In an action to recover, the property must be Nevertheless, when the discovery is made on the property
identified, and the plaintiff must rely on the strength of his of another, or of the State or any of its subdivisions, and by
title and not on the weakness of the defendant's claim. chance, one-half thereof shall be allowed to the finder. If the
finder is a trespasser, he shall not be entitled to any share of
4. The right to exclude others from the property the treasure.
Article 429. The owner or lawful possessor of a thing has If the things found be of interest to science or the arts, the
the right to exclude any person from the enjoyment and State may acquire them at their just price, which shall be
disposal thereof. For this purpose, he may use such force as divided in conformity with the rule stated.
may be reasonably necessary to repel or prevent an actual
or threatened unlawful physical invasion or usurpation of Article 439. By treasure is understood, for legal purposes,
his property. any hidden and unknown deposit of money, jewelry, or
other precious objects, the lawful ownership of which does
5. The right to enclose or fence the property not appear.
Article 430. Every owner may enclose or fence his land or 9. The right to accession
tenements by means of walls, ditches, live or dead hedges,
or by any other means without detriment to servitudes Article 440. The ownership of property gives the right by
constituted thereon. accession to everything which is produced thereby, or
which is incorporated or attached thereto, either naturally
6. The right to compensation in case of eminent or artificially.
Article 435. No person shall be deprived of his property
except by competent authority and for public use and Elasticity of ownership means that the owner may strip
always upon payment of just compensation. himself of most, if not all, of these attributes or
consequences of ownership and yet he would remain to be
Should this requirement be not first complied with, the the owner of the property. Because what remains with him
courts shall protect and, in a proper case, restore the owner is the naked title.
in his possession.
In other words, no matter how many attributes you take
Article 436. When any property is condemned or seized by out, how many attributes you dispose of, so long as the title
competent authority in the interest of health, safety or remains with you then you are still the owner of the
security, the owner thereof shall not be entitled to property.
compensation, unless he can show that such condemnation
or seizure is unjustified. Q: How does an owner dispose of all of these attributes?
a) Pwede siyang magkaroon ng usufruct, mawawala
sa kanya ‘yung possession and right to the fruits.
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R.A. 7691 expanded the jurisdiction of the MTC and in Q: Which would the two would be more flexible in
addition provided for incremental increases of its terms of prescription?
jurisdictional values where the maximum is Php 400,000. A: Unlawful Detainer. Kasi dito parang meron kang
moving deadline. You would always count the one year
Q: Since Accion Publiciana may be recognizable by the period from the last demand and effectively you may end up
MTC and it is also the MTC which has exclusive having more than one year to file the action kasi moving nga
jurisdiction over Accion Interdictal. Would it be correct yung deadline mo.
to say that these two actions before the MTC are
interchangeable? You have to remember that the subsequent demands must
A: No. because Accion Publiciana is an ordinary proceeding not be mere reiterations of the prior demands because if it
while Accion Interdictal is a Summary Proceeding. can be shown that it is simply a mere reiteration then the
period will be counted from the time of the last demand
There is a world of difference between a Summary reiterated in the subsequent demand.
Proceeding and an Ordinary Proceeding. If it’s summary
then it is abbreviated and the judgment that would be Example:
rendered in favor of the plaintiff at the end of the trial, this This is simple but for actual lawyers who do not know this
requires posting of the bond and the deposit of monthly rule and they would even use the very word that the law
rentals for compensation for the use of the property in proscribes. Example is they would write “we write in
order to perfect the appeal. connection with our demand letter dated ____ and we are
reiterating the demand made in that letter and they file the
On appeal to the RTC, if the RTC were to sustain the decision action within one year from this last demand reiterating the
of the MTC, then that decision would be immediately previous demand.
executory. There’s no legal injunction that may be issued to
enjoin its tenureship. Kaya lang it so happened that the action is also filed beyond
one year from the first demand reiterated in the subsequent
Pwedeng tumagal yung liquidation ng 5 years sa RTC level demand. In other words, pasok dun sa one year counted
pa lang then another 2-3 years sa Court of Appeals and from the subsequent reiterating demand kaya lang lagpas
kung aabot pa ng Supreme Court, we’re looking at 10-15 na sa one year pag dun mo binilang from the original
years. In the meantime, what’s happening to the property? demand letter. Pero since reiteration lang yung last demand,
The property will still be in the possession of the defendant. we do not consider that as a subsequent demand. The
Nagagastusan yung plaintiff pero hindi niya pa rin ending is prescribed na yung Accion Interdictal. If they
narerecover yung property niya. Yun yung downside. And would still want to file an action, they would still have to do
this is the reason why plaintiffs who are suing to recover so in Accion Publiciana. What will you give up in filing
their properties would always want to sue for Accion Accion Publiciana? You’ll be giving up Summary
Interdictal rather than filing Accion Publiciana or an Accion Proceedings.
Kaya there are people who would still insist on suing for
Yung Accion Reindivicatoria, there is a ruling saying that it Accion Interdictal specifically, Unlawful Detainer even
is an action to recover ownership. But this is really not though the start of the dispossession was through force,
accurate. Yung mga naunang authorities sa Civil Law like intimidation, threat or stealth. Kahit na wala silang ground.
sila Justice Caguioa, they would say that it’s not action to
recover ownership because ownership has not been lost, In one case, the plaintiffs alleged that they were
it’s actually an action to vindicate ownership by recovering dispossessed by the defendant who entered their property
possession as an incident of ownership. surreptitiously, so by stealth. After that, they discovered
their presence and they did not do anything. They only went
Accion Interdictal, itself may be further classified into two: to court five years after the defendant has entered their
1. Forcible Entry premises kasi dun lang nila kinailangan yung property. Kaya
2. Unlawful Detainer lang, what they filed was an action for Unlawful Detainer.
They counted it from the day that they made the demand
Q: How would you distinguish the two in terms of upon the defendant to vacate. Kung bibilangin mo naman
prescription? dun sa petsa kung kailan sila nag-demand to vacate upon
A: Forcible Entry – Within one year from the the defendant, pasok naman siya dun sa one-year period.
dispossession Pero kung bibilangin mo from the time of the forceable
Unlawful Detainer - Within one year from the last entry or from the time of surreptitious entry, lagpas na sa
demand one year.
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Q: How should the court act on the Motion to Dismiss I am never one to ask a question, and leave it unanswered.
filed by the defendant? Should it be granted or should it Just in case you are handling a question like this and should
be denied? you choose, the approach would be legal. Look at the
A: The motion must be granted. evidence we have. Maybe your client said there was forcible
entry sa umpisa pero wala naman siyang evidence. The
Q: How should the court act on the motion to dismiss evidence she has is the ocular inspection in the property
filed by the defendant? Should it be granted or should it and nakita mow ala itong bakod and it is open for everyone.
be denied? The neighbors are nagsasampay, nagtatanim nagpapagala
ng kalabaw. It is open for everyone. If that is the evidence
So, we have a plaintiff whose land was taken over you have, you could say that this is the state of the property.
surreptitiously by the defendant. Now, they find out but the Anyone can enter and impliedly allowed to enter. This is
plaintiff does not do anything. He only acts several years also what happened to the defendant. He entered upon
down the road when he has need for the property. So, he implied tolerance and implied permission kasi walang
makes a demand for the defendant to vacate, and then bakod.
within one year from the making of demand, he files an
action for unlawful detainer. So, the situation here is this – Because of this, pwede mo na panindigan yung theory mo
there was stealth dispossession five (5) years before but the na tolerated possession, and pwede mo na isustain yung
action filed was for an unlawful detainer and it was filed theory mo na unlawful detainer case.
within one (1) year from the time demand to vacate was
made. Defendant files a motion to dismiss saying that the Did you suppress anything? No. You merely used the
court does not have jurisdiction over the action but it evidence available to you. In reality, you will try and you will
should be an action for forcible entry which has already win or lose your case based on whatever evidence you have.
been prescribed.
There are a lot of gray areas. Kaya kung maiipit kayo dun na
How would you rule on the motion to dismiss? What is kayo sa light gray. Yung malapit-lapit sa tama. It is an
the proper action that should be filed in this case? everyday battle to always choose right, and it becomes
Should it be for forcible entry or unlawful detainer? harder when you see that choosing right is not being done
A: It should be an action for forcible entry because the by everyone. Those who are not choosing right all the time,
nature of your action is defined by the allegations that you they are getting all these material successes.
make in the complaint. So, since the plaintiff made this
allegation na pinasok ‘yung property niya through stealth, In unlawful detainer, the possession was lawful at the start
then they did not do anything, and then later on sabi niya – and it only became unlawful. If the possession was based on
“parang tinolerate nalang namin eh and then we filed this a contract, madali natin mapinpoint kelan siya naging
action after filing a demand to vacate”. unlawful. Essentially when the defendant has lost his right
to stay in possession under the contract. It can be by reason
Based on those allegations themselves, it should be for of expiration of the term of the contract or because he had
forcible entry, and that action has lapsed because they committed a breach of a contract which justified its
brought the action five (5) years after the surreptitious termination.
entry in the property, and that cannot be remedied by
saying that you tolerated the possession subsequently kasi But in tolerated possession, look at the time when demand
what you consider here is how the possession begun. is made because tolerance of possession carries with it the
implied promise on part of the defendant that he would
Q: What could the plaintiff have done differently to have vacate once demanded to by the plaintiff.
this case tried under the Rules on Summary Procedure?
A: You can simply not allege the part that there was So, if a demand was made for him to vacate, and he does not
possession through stealth. He could have left that out at heed to the demand. Then from that time on, the possession
pinanindigan nalang niya na tolerated possession ‘to. becomes unlawful. At bibilang na tayo ng ating one year
period to file an action for unlawful detainer.
Parang ang dali na isuppress. But hopefully more of you
would see the problem and say, ano ba ang dapat gawin? ASSURANCE FUND UNDER THE TORRENS SYSTEM
Should I already give up the idealism I have as a young
Thomasian lawyer? Dapat bang maging practical para sa
Section 93. Contribution to Assurance Fund. Upon the
client or office? How do you decide that?
entry of a certificate of title in the name of the registered
owner, and also upon the original registration on the
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after the land's original registration, or (b) any error, time when the right for bringing such action first
omission, mistake, or misdescription in any certificate of title occurred. But, the law is really silent as to when this right
or in any entry or memorandum in the registration book. to bring an action occurs.
[And] [f]ourth, the individual must be barred or otherwise
precluded under the provision of any law from bringing an
action for the recovery of such land or the estate or interest For the longest time, the Supreme Court has held that if an
therein." action is premised on fraud affecting property covered by
the Torrens system, then, knowledge of that fraud is
All of these conditions are simple enough. But in the case of deemed to have taken place upon the registration of the
Sps Estreanopollus, SC said the interpretation of Condition property. Registration here is constructive knowledge.
No. 3 (a), the title must be already been transferred to an
innocent purchaser for value in order for the owner to Q: Should the 6-year period be counted solely from the
recover from the assurance fund. time of registration of the title in the name of the first
innocent purchaser for value?
It means if the title is still in the name of the usurper, the
person who defrauded the owner, then he cannot go after A: No. The Supreme Court said, we will count the 6-year
the assurance fund yet. His remedy is to go after the period from the time of registration and of actual
usurper. Hindi pa naman papasok dito yung application knowledge. This departs from the previous rule that says
nung doctrine of indivisibility of the title. It comes in when that registration amounts to construction notice, and
the usurper is able to transfer the title to an innocent registration is where we count the period. Here, it needs
purchaser for value. That is the very important condition.
registration AND actual knowledge.
In the words of SC, they said an action against the
Assurance Fund on the ground of fraudulent administration In this particular case, the first registration in the name of
under the Torrens System after the last original registration the first innocent purchaser for value took place in 2001.
may be brought only after the claimants property is But, the plaintiffs did not know about it until in January
registered in the name of innocent purchaser for value. 2008. When they did know about it, they acted immediately,
and filed a case in May 2008. However, May 2008 is more
Q: Against whom should the claim from the Assurance
than 6 years away from 2001. So, prescribed na dapat ang
Fund be filed?
A: You have to file it against the Register of Deeds, National claim against the assurance fund if we base the registration.
Treasurer, and other person or persons. SC said the phrase
other person or persons should include the usurper. As in However, the abide by the new ruling where it should be
fact, the recovery from the Assurance Fund, requires that registration and actual knowledge. We count 6 years from
the writ of execution should first be issued against the January 2008. Since the case was filed in May 2008, it is
usurper and shall remain unsatisfied. well within the prescriptive period.
The Supreme Court said that the right to claim from the
assurance fund would only come into play in the execution Why did the Supreme Court depart from their old rule?
stage. If the writ of execution returns unsatisfied, that is the They said, in those cases where we equated registration
time that you go after the assurance fund. You first get a with constructive knowledge, we did so because we wanted
writ of execution issued on the assurance fund for purposes to protect the innocent purchaser for value. In this
of obtaining indemnity. This is a departure from the particular case where it is centered on the right to claim
previous doctrine that in order to claim from the assurance
from the assurance fund, there is no danger of prejudicing
fund, the usurper must first be declared insolvent. The
Supreme Court said, there is no need for a declaration of an innocent purchaser for value. That being the case, there
insolvency, it is sufficient to have an unsatisfied writ of is no need to peg the prescriptive period from the time of
execution. registration alone. Because here, we are trying to protect
the right of the defrauded owner.
PRESCRIPTIVE PERIOD FOR CLAIMING AGAINST THE RECONCILE the right of the owner to exclude all others
ASSURANCE FUND from the property, as well as exercise the right to self help,
or the doctrine of self help.
The prescriptive period in claiming against the assurance
fund is pegged by the law at six (6) years, reckoned at the
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DOCTRINE OF SELF-HELP your bag, can you now still exercise this doctrine of self
A: No. Sufficient time has lapsed, and as far as the world is
Art. 429. The owner or lawful possessor of a thing has
the right to exclude any person from the enjoyment and concerned, he is already the owner of such property. He
disposal thereof. For this purpose, he may use such force now enjoys the presumption that he has the right to
as may be reasonably necessary to repel or prevent an possession of such property. Your only option is to go to
actual or threatened unlawful physical invasion or court.
usurpation of his property. (n)
Art. 433. Actual possession under claim of ownership
raises disputable presumption of ownership. The true
owner must resort to judicial process for the recovery of Art. 432. The owner of a thing has no right to prohibit
the property. (n) the interference of another with the same, if the
interference is necessary to avert an imminent danger
and the threatened damage, compared to the damage
Basically, in the Doctrine of Self Help, you put the law in
arising to the owner from the interference, is much
your hands. But, when you say that, the plaintiff must let the greater. The owner may demand from the person
courts decide instead of taking the law in his hands. May benefited indemnity for the damage to him. (n)
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surface and of everything under it, and he can construct rendered its Decision affirming the decision of the RTC of
thereon any works or make any plantations and Makati City.
excavations which he may deem proper, without
detriment to servitudes and subject to special laws and ISSUE:
ordinances. He cannot complain of the reasonable Whether Article 448 and 546 of the Civil Code and are
requirements of aerial navigation. (350a) applicable to the parties’ situation.
LEVISTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, INC. v. LEGASPI We are constrained to deny the Petition of LEMANS in
TOWERS 200, INC., and VIVIAN Y. LOCSIN and PITONG view of our ruling that the doctrine in Depra and Articles
MARCORDE 448 and 546 of the Civil Code were improperly applied in
G.R. No. 199353, April 4, 2018 these cases.
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4. If he is some other kind of laborer whose that has defeated them in their possession. You will only
services were not engaged for the purpose of speak of them [PGF and PBF] if they have been ousted from
finding the hidden treasure. possession.
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refer also to civil fruits, pwedeng rental of a vehicle, hindi reimbursed for luxurious expenses but has limited right of
lang ‘yun. removal.
But if we speak of Accession Continua, the principal Rights and obligations of parties in case fruits are still
there would always be land. ungathered or attached to the soil/trees.
Another point, when it comes to the fruits, we need to Art. 545. If at the time the good faith ceases, there should
approach this using an outline where we define the stage in be any natural or industrial fruits, the possessor shall have
which the fruits exist. It is either the fruits have been a right to a part of the expenses of cultivation, and to a part
gathered and harvested or the fruits are still standing of the net harvest, both in proportion to the time of the
(tumutubo pa sa lupa o sa mga puno). And these stages will possession.
determine what the rights and obligations of the parties are,
with good faith and bad faith factored in. The charges shall be divided on the same basis by the two
possessors. …
Rights and obligations of parties in case of fruits
received by a possessor in good faith prior to the legal
Q: What are the rights and obligations of the parties in
interruption of his possession.
this case?
A: Under Article 545, the parties (possessor in good faith
Q: What does the law mean of “legal interruption of his
and owner) may share in the expenses of cultivation as well
as in the harvest of the fruits. They can share
A: “legal interruption of his possession” pertains to the
proportionately. But the owner is given the option to allow
service of summons when the complaint has already been
the possessor to finish cultivation, gathering and harvesting.
filed. But jurisprudence also dictates that it is without
In exchange, he is not anymore liable for expenses for
prejudice to the actual knowledge of the possessor in good
cultivation, gathering and harvesting.
faith for them to be in bad faith.
Should the owner opt for this formula and the possessor
When service of summons is made imputing the right of the
refuses, then the possessor has the right to be indemnified
possessor to the property, that puts him on notice that he
in any other manner.
has defects on his title. Apart from legally interrupting him,
it puts him in bad faith.
Justice Caguioa has interpreted this to mean that the owner
in that situation will get the entirety of the fruits without
But it must be recognized that defect in title would not arise
need of indemnifying the possessor for them. Yun ay if he
solely from receipt of summons. There are several instances
exercises the option to forego for the segregation of the
which may give rise to this awareness.
harvest and then the possessor refuses to exercise by the
- Ex. Nakakita ka ng document proving that your title
owner of said option.
is a forgery. So kahit wala pa summons, aware ka na
may defect ang title mo.
Meron tayong konting problema dito sa Accession Discreta,
involving standing crops or standing fruits. This will apply if
Receipt of summons puts an end to your good faith because
the principal happens to be land, and the crops or the fruits
it makes you aware that there is a defect in your title. The
are still attached to the soil or plants or trees, kasi this
law would cut off the right of the possessor in good faith to
would be very similar to planting and sowing.
receive the fruits from the property at the point when he is
served with summons.
If you have fruits still attached to the ground or trees, how
do we differentiate them from a situation where the
He gets to keep the fruits that he received prior to legal
principal is land and the activity by way of accession
interruption of his possession.
continua is planting and sowing. And it becomes important
because we are to apply different sets of rules.
Q: Is he required to indemnify the owner for the fruits
he received?
Q: Dito sa ungathered fruits, what article do we apply?
A: No.
Q: Is the owner required to indemnify him?
A: Yes. Possessor in good faith is entitled to reimbursement ARTICLE 545. … The owner of the thing may, should he
of necessary and useful expenses, both with right of so desire, give the possessor in good faith the right to
retention and limited right of removal. No right to be finish the cultivation and gathering of the growing fruits,
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as an indemnity for his part of the expenses of cultivation bunga. So what has been planted are simply mango trees,
and the net proceeds; the possessor in good faith who for then the Article that we would be applying would not be
any reason whatever should refuse to accept this Art. 545, it will be Art. 448. This would be considered as
concession, shall lose the right to be indemnified in any planting. Pero the moment that there are fruits appearing
other manner. (452a) on the trees, then this will be a case of Accession Discreta
and we will be applying Article 545.
Q: Sa accession continua, the planting and sowing, what
do we apply? If the fruits are still standing, they have not been harvested
A: Art. 448 yet, we apply Art. 545 and the same rules with regard to
necessary expenses, useful expenses and luxurious
ARTICLE 448. The owner of the land on which anything expenses would also be applicable.
has been built, sown or planted in good faith, shall have
the right to appropriate as his own the works, sowing or Q: What would be the rules in a situation where a
planting, after payment of the indemnity provided for in possessor is in bad faith?
articles 546 and 548, or to oblige the one who built or A: In approaching this, we will to observe the same outline.
planted to pay the price of the land, and the one who First, we go by the stage of the fruits, halimbawa, the fruits
sowed, the proper rent. However, the builder or planter has been received and the possessor is in bad faith.
cannot be obliged to buy the land if its value is
considerably more than that of the building or trees. In Q: What would be the rights and obligations of the
such case, he shall pay reasonable rent, if the owner of the parties?
land does not choose to appropriate the building or trees A: If the possessor is in bad faith and he already received
after proper indemnity. The parties shall agree upon the the fruits, he will have to account for all the fruits that he
terms of the lease and in case of disagreement, the court has received as well as to all the fruits which the owner
shall fix the terms thereof. (361a) would have received during the time that he was in
Q: How do we determine which Article to apply, Art. 545
He would have to account for all the fruits that he has
or 448?
received as well as all the fruits which the owner could have
A: Look first in Article 444.
received given the time he was in possession. Sabi ng batas
kahit wala kang natanggap pero magpapakita na dapat may
ARTICLE 444. Only such as are manifest or born are natanggap ‘yung owner had the property been properly
considered as natural or industrial fruits. made use of then you will be liable for the fruits that they
could have received. Ganoon ka-extensive.
With respect to animals, it is sufficient that they are in the
womb of the mother, although unborn. (357) Q: What will be the obligations of the owner to the
possessor in bad faith in this situation where fruits
We are concerning ourselves only with the products of the have been received and must now be accounted for the
soil, kasi dun lang naman magkaka-overlap with Art. 448. owner?
Maliwanag sa Art. 444 that fruits are only deemed to exist if
they are only manifest. So there must be showing. A: The owner will be liable for the expenses of production,
gathering, and cultivation under Article 443, and this is
Q: When are they considered showing? because Art. 440 does not make any distinction between a
A: Justice Caguioa said we have to distinguish as well if possessor in good faith and a possessor in bad faith. In
we’re dealing with single crops which perish after having addition, the owner will also be liable for necessary
been harvested like rice then they are deemed to be existing expenses because the law does say that necessary expenses
or manifest the moment the seedling sprout from the shall be paid to every possessor, but if the possessor is in
ground. We do not need to see the grains. So the moment bad faith, he will not have any right of retention. So, a
you have this, these seedlings sprouting from the ground, possessor in bad faith will not be entitled to useful
then the fruits are manifest. So, we will treat them as fruits expenses, but he will have the same limited right of removal
governed by Article 545. when it comes to luxurious improvements.
But when it comes to plants or trees which exist over a Article 440. The ownership of property gives the right by
period of years and which yield fruits periodically. For accession to everything which is produced thereby, or
example, yung puno ng manga, taon and binubuhay niyan which is incorporated or attached thereto, either naturally
and every so often within a year, magkakaroon yan ng or artificially. (353)
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If both the land owner and the owner of the materials acted
BUILDING, PLANTING OR SOWING in good faith, the land owner has the right to appropriate
what he has built, planted, or sown. The land owner cannot
For accession continua, we may further divide this into be liable for damages. However, the landowner must pay
two. the corresponding value of the materials used to the owner
1. Accession continua in relation to a immovable of the materials. Also, as provided, the landowner has the
property option to just return the materials to the owner of the
a. Industrial – building, planting, and materials if the materials can be returned in the exact same
sowing. form and substance without causing injury to the land.
b. Natural
If both the land owner and owner of the materials acted in
NB: The principal here is always land. There is always a
presumption that whatever is built, planted or sown in bad faith, the bad faith of one party will be neutralized by
the property is presumed to have been made by the the bad faith of the other, and in such case, the landowner
owner himself. and the owner of the materials shall be treated in good
2. Accession continua in relation to personal
property If the landowner is in bad faith, and the owner of the
materials acted in good faith, the landowner is
It can also be said that there are three permutations automatically liable for damages, and the owner of the
available in accession continue industrial: materials has the right to demand the value of the materials
1. Owner of the land acting as BPS, but using the
plus damages and demand the return of the accessory thing
materials belonging to another person;
2. Owner of the property, and another person who if it resulted to the destruction of the land.
builds, plants, and sows on the property of said
owner; If the landowner is in good faith, and the owner of the
3. Three people acting as the owner; builder, planter, materials is in bad faith, there is no right to apply Art. 447,
sower; and as the owner of the materials. and the applicable rule shall be Art. 455.
As you can see, napaka-simple ng rules, and it depends on
the good faith and the bad faith of the parties.
FIRST: If the owner acted in good faith, his liability shall only be to
OWNER IS THE BPS, AND USES THE MATERIALS reimburse the owner of the materials for the value of the
BELONGING TO ANOTHER PERSON. materials. If he is in bad faith, he should also be liable for
Q: What are the rights and obligations of the parties
here? If the landowner is in good faith, the owner of the materials
A: can only ask for the right of removal if to do so will not
injure the principal.
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In this case, the married couple, they were actually The Court has ruled therein that the structures from
invited by the parents of the husband to build on the builder in good faith, in those cases that the owners
property belonging to said parents. So they built, and knew, and approved of the construction and
the construction was on the knowledge and approval of improvement of the property.
the parents. And later on, relationship soured between
the parties, and the parents wanted to evict/oust the This is very telling. Despite being a possessor by mere
couple from the property. The couple said that they will tolerance, the Deped was considered as a builder in
leave, but they are asking for reimbursement, since they good faith, since Zepeda permitted the construction of
have the Right of Retention. the bldg. and improvements to conduct classes on his
property. Hence, Art. 448 applies.
If you are going to apply the general rule, that would not
be true, because they knew all along that ownership of Q: What if the Builder, Planter or the Sower happens to
the lot belongs to the parents, and not in them. And they be a Co-Owner of the property, would we still be
recognized it. So what was their possession? applying Art.448?
A: Supreme Court is consistent, if the property involved is
It should be possession only in the concept of the holder, co-owned, and the builder, planter or sower is the co-owner,
but Supreme Court applied Art. 448 here. Because the the we do not apply Art.448, because Art.448 presupposes
children occupied the lots, upon the invitation of their that the building, planting or sowing is done on the
parents, who certainly knew and approved of the property belonging to another.
construction, of the improvements introduced thereof.
That is why, the petitioners may be deemed to have
In a co-ownership, every co-owner is the owner of the
been in good faith, when they built the structures of the
entire property effectively. Until there is partition there is
no saying which portion would belong to him eventually;
that is why he is allowed to make use of the entire property
no matter how small or big his share is. So long as the use of
JAVIER V. JAVIER the property is in accordance with its purpose.
The father allowed the son to build on property It's different though when there has been partition. If there
belonging to him. Supreme Court also applied Art. 448. has been partition and it is shown that there was
encroachment on the share that has been assigned to
another co-owner, then Art. 448 may rightfully apply.
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terms of the lease and in case of disagreement, the court (3) Can compel the BPS to
shall fix the terms thereof. (361a) buy/lease the land, with
right to damages in all three
When the law used the word
BUILDER, PLANTER, ‘compel,’ we do not apply the
LAND OWNER (LO) qualification that in case of a
BPS-GF, we factor the value of
Both in GF
the land vis-à-vis the value of
Choice between: Must wait for the decision of the works.
(1) Appropriating the works, the owner, but if it takes too
sowing or planting AFTER long, he may go to court to
the payment of necessary, compel the owner to make The BPS will be considered
and where appropriate, the choice. as the agent of the owner.
useful and luxurious The LO will be
expenses; and considered as the BPS
himself and the BPS, the
(2) Obliging the BP/S to pay owner of the materials.
price/rent for the land
except where the value of the The LO must pay for the
land is considerably more value of the materials plus
than the value of the damages subject to the
building or the trees, in absolute right of the BPS to
which case rent will be paid. remove the materials plus
(The only option of the LO-GF
is to appropriate The LO becomes a LO-BF
whatever has been built). once he becomes aware that
building, planting, sowing is
carried on his property, and
(1) Can appropriate the Loses his materials plus he does not do anything
works, without any damages. about it.
obligation to indemnify the
BPS except for production He has no right to be
Discussion on Both in GF:
expenses under Art. 443, reimbursed.
necessary expenses and
We notice that that the law actually makes a distinction
luxurious expenses (at their Except: Art. 443, necessary
between building and planting on one hand and sowing on
value at the time the owner expenses and luxurious
the other, when it comes to the option of the owner to sell
enters possession); or expenses (note the
or to rent. If its building or planting the option is to sell. If
requirements for the
sowing, it is to rent out the portion of the (inaudible)
(2) Can compel the BPS to reimbursement of luxurious
remove the works; or if we expenses).
are dealing with Planting or
Q: Why is this?
Sowing, and there has been
A: This is because building and planting are permanent in
gathering or harvesting of
nature as compared to sowing wherein it is only temporary
the fruits, Art. 443 comes
character of whatever it is that is sown to the property.
into play.
Kaya rent lang. There is no need to actually require the
acquisition of the property by the possessor.
Note: This is the only remedy
not given when both LO and
There are two options given to the owner.
BPS are in GF.
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1. To appropriate the works, sowing, planting after Do you understand why the owner needs to ask for the
payment of the necessary, and when appropriate, delivery of possession to him? Because in this situation, the
useful and luxurious expenses. one who is in present possession is the BPS – kaya nga siya
nakapag-build, plant, or sow kasi nasa kanya yung
2. Oblige the BPS to pay the price or the rent for the possession.
land, except where the value of the land is
considerably more than the value of whatever is That is also why the law grants the possessor in GF the right
built, planted or sowed. of retention. Because it gives him leverage to guarantee the
payment of necessary and useful expenses. And this right of
Q; How come the choice is given to the owner, and not to retention has already been interpreted by the SC to include
the possessor? not only the improvements, but the property as well.
A: The owner has the older right that is why he is given the
option, the right to choose between these two options. However, we have to make a qualification. If the only thing
that exist in the property are luxurious improvements, then
Q: The option to ask for the removal of whatever was it may be argued that the owner will be entitled to acquire
planted, built, or sown in his property is not included in the possession immediately. Because apart from the fact that
choices. Is this absolute that the owner cannot ask for there is no right of retention associated with luxurious
the removal of the improvements in case both parties improvements, there is also no right of reimbursement (Art.
are in good faith? 545).
A: No, it is not absolute. If he chose to sell and then the
builder, planter or sower was not able to deliver on the But if there is a limited right of removal involved, it will now
purchase price, then he may ask for the removal of the be a different matter. There will now be a necessity for
improvement; but not until then. reimbursement to defeat the limited right of removal given
to the possessor
Q: Supposing that the owner is taking his time making
the decision. He is not electing any option, what can be Q: Now, what should be the basis for the reimbursement
done by the possessor? Can he make the decision for for necessary and useful expenses?
the owner? A: For necessary expenses, the actual expenses incurred.
A: No, he cannot make the decision for the owner. The only For useful improvements, it should be the prevailing market
thing he can do is to go to court to compel the landowner to value.
make a decision.
Q: Supposing that the option chosen by the owner was
Q: Through what kind of action? to sell the land. What should be the basis for the price
A: Specific Performance of the land?
A: It should be the current market value, reckoned at the
It also goes without saying that the court cannot make that time the choice to sell was made by the landowner.
decision for the owner. The most the court could do is to
compel the owner to make the decision. Q: What about the other situation, wherein the
landowner is in good faith, while the BPS acted in bad
Q: Supposing that the owner decides to appropriate, faith, what will be the rights and obligations of the
does this mean that the owner will automatically parties?
acquire ownership over the works, the planting or A: The landowner has the option to either:
sowing? (a) Appropriate the works without any obligation to
A: No. There is a need to first pay the necessary, useful, and indemnify the BPS, except when the expenses for the
even the luxurious expenses, if applicable. production is under Art. 443 [necessary and
luxurious expenses] by which the value will be based
Q: Let us concede that he will not immediately acquire on the fair market value at the time that the
ownership of the works. Can it be said that he will be landowner owners the possession;
entitled to obtain possession over the property or the (b) Compel the BPS to remove the works;
improvements right away? (c) Compel the BPS the buy or lease the land with the
A: No. He cannot get the possession since the BPS in GF has right to damages.
the right to retain the property until the payment of
necessary and useful expenses. As for the BPS, he has no right to reimburse and that he
loses everything that he planted, built, or sowed. He is
entitled to reimbursement for necessary expenses,
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expenses for production, gathering, and preservation of the pursue, either the BPS only or the LO and his/her
fruits received by the landowner, and the luxurious subsidiary liability.
The easiest scenario is when the BPS is in bad faith since BUILDER, OWNER OF
the rule is very easy to remember: he loses everything that LAND OWNER
he has built planted or sowed. He does not have any right (LO)
except that he may be entitled to recover Art. 443 where the ALL IN GF
same is applicable, and to recover necessary expenses
incurred without right of retention. He also has the limited (1) Acquire (1) Right of 1) Collect value of
right of removal for luxurious improvements. improvements retention for materials primarily
and pay indemnity necessary and from BPS and
Another important thing is that the law clearly gives the
to the useful expenses. subsidiarily from
landowner the right of removal. He may be ask that
whatever was introduced in his property be removed at the BPS and be LO if former is
expense of the BPS who acted in bad faith. subsidiarily liable (2) Ask LO for insolvent
to OM for value of reimbursement PROVIDED the LO
Q: Supposing the situation was reversed, that it was the the materials. for the value of appropriates
landowner was the one who acted in bad faith, and it the materials and the building,
was the BPS who acted in good faith, what will be the
(2) Sell the land to labor in case: planting or sowing.
rights and obligations of the parties?
A: The BPS will be considered as the agent of the owner in BP except if its (a) (Thus, where the
that case. The landowner will be considered as the BPS, and value is the LO LO decides to have
the BPS the owner of the materials. The landowner must considerably more; appropriates the the building,
pay for the value of the materials including damages but it Demand rent to S. building, planting or sowing
is subject to the absolute right of the BPS to remove the planting and demolished
works. sowing; and because the BPS
(b) the BPS has acted in BF, there
paid the OM. will be no
(2) Remove
Q: The third scenario would have us see three people
only if without
acting as the owner, BPS, and owner of materials.
Essentially, the same rights and obligations will govern injury.
the parties. However, there is a design that we have to GF GF BF
follow: (1) Same (1) Same (1) Lose materials
1. Define the rights and obligations of the (2) Without (2) Keep building, without right to
landowner and the BPS;
subsidiary planting or sowing indemnity
2. Include the owner of the materials and
determine his rights/obligations in relation to liability for cost without indemnity (2) Pay
these two. to OM and collect damages
damages from him.
Q:Why do we have to go about determining the rights
and obligations in this manner?
A: Because of Art. 455, which provides for some kind of
subsidiary liability on the part of the owner for the
obligations of the BPS towards the owner of the materials.
However, this subsidiary liability will not apply if the owner
makes use of the right granted under Art. 450. That’s why
we have to define the rights and obligations of the parties
are, i.e. the landowner and the BPS before we can include
the owner of the materials. This is so we can know who to
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PGF (where the No, because the Yes, with right of Yes, with right of No, except if owner
fruits have been fruits go to the PGF. retention. retention and defeats his limited
received) limited right of right of removal.
PGF is not entitled to removal which may
the reimbursement be defeated by the Limited right of
because he gets to owner. retention may be
keep the fruits exercised when:
received. Right of retention 1) Such right exists
may be defeated by 2) PGF chooses to
the owner should the exercise the same;
latter choose to and
appropriate the 3) The owner opts to
useful improvement. defeat him by paying
for the amount he
expended in
introducing the
PGF (where the Article 545 Yes, with right of Same. Same.
fruits are still applies. retention.
pending when
possession in good
faith is interrupted)
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PBF (where the Yes. Yes, but no right of No. No, except if owner
fruits have already Since the PBF has retention. Reason for this defeats his limited
been received by the already reimbursed is because the right of removal.
owner in accordance the owner, the PBF is law is silent on Limited right of
with Art. 549) entitled to this right of the retention may be
reimbursement PBF. exercised when:
The PBF has under Art. 443 for 1) Such right exists
already the expenses for 2) PBF chooses to
reimbursed the production, exercise the same;
owner for all the gathering or and
fruits he may preservation. The 3) The owner opts to
have received law does not defeat him by paying
and the fruits distinguish whether for the amount he
which he could the possessor who expended in
have received. receives the fruits is introducing the
in GF or in BF luxurious
PBF (where the No, Article 449 Yes, but no right of No. No, except if owner
fruits are still applies. retention. defeats
pending; i.e. his limited right of
unharvested or still Not entitled to removal.
attached to the reimbursement
land) under Article 443. Limited right of
retention may be
The fruits belong exercised when:
to the owner. The 1) Such right exists
PBF will lose 2) PBF chooses to
everything. exercise the same;
3) The owner opts to
defeat him by paying
for the amount he
expended in
introducing the
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ACCESSION CONTINUA NATURAL the accretion within the scope of the Torrens system. He
must have it registered.
Q: What are the different kinds of Accession Continua
Natural? Q: Can he opt not to do so?
A: A: Yes, as owner he can do whatever he wants. But if he
1. Alluvion; does not do so and the accretion is occupied or possess by
2. Avulsion; some other person, then he stands to lose the same through
3. Change of course of rivers; acquisitive prescription.
4. Formation of islands.
Alluvion and Avulsion are usually compared to one another
because of their drastically different manner of coming into Art. 459. Whenever the current of a river, creek or torrent
being. segregates from an estate on its bank a known portion of
land and transfers it to another estate, the owner of the land
ALLUVION OR ALLUVIUM to which the segregated portion belonged retains the
ownership of it, provided that he removes the same within
Art. 457. To the owners of lands adjoining the banks of two years.
rivers belong the accretion which they gradually receive
from the effects of the current of the waters. Avulsion would be the exact opposite of alluvion.
Important thing to remember for Alluvion is that CHANGE IN THE COURSE OF RIVER
acquisition of ownership over the accretion is automatic.
The riparian owner does not have to do anything. It belongs Art. 461. River beds which are abandoned through the
to him. However, if the riparian estate is already registered natural change in the course of the waters ipso facto belong
in his name under the Torrens system, registration does to the owners whose lands are occupied by the new course
not come automatically for the accretion. He must bring in proportion to the area lost. However, the owners of the
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lands adjoining the old bed shall have the right to acquire ACCESSION IN RELATION TO MOVABLE PROPERTIES
the same by paying the value thereof, which value shall not
exceed the value of the area occupied by the new bed. Q: How many kinds of accession do we have in case of
movable properties?
Art. 462. Whenever a river, changing its course by natural A: Three types:
causes, opens a new bed through a private estate, this bed 1. Adjunction or conjunction
shall become of public dominion. 2. Commixtion or confusion
3. Specification
You must know that a river would have a bed. And the bed
GR: Accession in relation to movable properties follows the
will determine its course, dito dumadaan ‘yung ilog. But the
principle that owner of the principal acquires ownership of
river may change its course and if it does so, then it will
the accessory.
abandon the old river bed and it will make a new bed. How?
‘Yung bago niyang dadaanan, ‘yun na ‘yung bago niyang bed.
XPN: Commixtion or confusion. The default rule does not
And it may happen that the new course may traverse
result in one party acquiring ownership over the property
private estate in which case, we will have rules provided in
of another. Rather, the default rule results in co-ownership.
the law to determine ownership both of the old bed and the
new bed.
XPN to XPN: There is acquisition of property when the
party who caused the commixtion or confusion acted in bad
The new bed without doubt, would now belong to the
State. Kasi nasa ilalim ‘yan ng ilog.
Q: What is the rule with regard to the ownership of the
old bed?
This takes place when two or more movables owned by
A: Ownership will now belong to the owner of the estates
different owners are united in such a way that the thing
now occupied by the river.
united cannot be separated without injury. They are
However, an option is given to the owners of the adjoining
estates meaning the estates adjoining the old river bed. And
What sets this apart from the others is that here, you can
what is that option? The option to pay for the old bed,
still identify the objects. They retain their
indemnify the owners affected by the change in the course
of the river. This is simple enough as a rule.
Before you determine whether there is accession, you must
Q: What is the reason of the law for giving the owners of
first determine whether it is still possible to separate
the estates alongside the old bed this option?
them without injury. Because if it is possible, we do not
A: The reason of the law is simple. Since they are already in
speak of accession. If it cannot be separated, we apply the
position, then it may benefit them more if they will be able
general rule above. (owner of the principal acquires
to acquire the old bed. Kasi malapit na sa lugar nila. They
ownership over the accessory)
are already in place. They will be able to cultivate it more
effectively siguro and they will be able to make more use of
So logically, we must determine which among the objects is
it, as opposed to the owners of the estates affected by the
the principal and accessory.
change in the course of the river, kasi that may mean having
to relocate to where the old bed is. It is not practical in the
Three standards of determining which is the principal and
long run. That is the reason why we have that option.
which is the accessory:
1. Importance – determined by the purpose for which
it is attached. This is done by determining whether
the purpose of the thing attached is used as an
If the island is formed in the seas, that shall belong to the
ornament or . You must determine which of the two
state. But if formed in non-navigable and non-floatable
things attached serves as an ornament or for the
rivers, they belong to the riparian owners, whoever is
use of the thing for its perfection.
nearest. If the island form is equidistant, it will belong to
2. Value
both owners of estates along both banks.
3. Volume
XPN: (to the rule that the principal acquires ownership over
the accessory)
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If the accessory is of greater value than the principal, the Q: How is indemnity made?
owner of the accessory may demand separation of the two A: By giving a thing equal in kind and in value or payment of
things even though it would result injury to the principal. the price including the sentimental value.
ARTICLE 469. Whenever the things united can be Q: How do we determine the price?
separated without injury, their respective owners may A: By expert appraisal.
demand their separation.
Nevertheless, in case the thing united for the use,
embellishment or perfection of the other, is much more This happens if by will of the parties or by chance wherein
precious than the principal thing, the owner of the former there are same or different kinds of mixture that was mixed
may demand its separation, even though the thing to together and that they cannot be separated from each other
which it has been incorporated may suffer some injury. or they are not separable without injury to the other.
ARTICLE 472. If by the will of their owners two things of
XPN to the XPN: the same or different kinds are mixed, or if the mixture
If the owner of the accessory is in bad faith, he cannot occurs by chance, and in the latter case the things are not
demand separation of the thing. And what happens is the separable without injury, each owner shall acquire a right
owner of the principal acquires the accessory and the proportional to the part belonging to him, bearing in mind
owner of the principal does not need to indemnify the the value of the things mixed or confused. (381)
owner of the accessory.
If the owner of the accessory acted in bad faith he loses the 3-in-1 Coffee – Comixtion
accessory, he will not have to be indemnified by the Mango Strawberry Shake – Confusion
principal and instead he may even be liable to the principal
for damages. Rule:
There will be co-ownership between the two things if in
Q: What would be the consequence of bad faith on the case the thing was mixed 1) by chance; 2) by will of the
part of the owner of the principal? parties and 3) if it comes about through the action of only
A: If the owner of the principal acted in bad faith then the one of the parties but he acted in good faith.
owner of the accessory has the option between
indemnification or asking for the separation of the objects Q: If the comixtion or confusion comes a lot because of
even if it means injury to the principal. In both cases, he the action of one party acting in bad faith, what
may ask for damages. happens?
A: He loses ownership over his property and he may also
ARTICLE 470. Whenever the owner of the accessory thing still be made liable for damages
has made the incorporation in bad faith, he shall lose the
thing incorporated and shall have the obligation to ARTICLE 473. If by the will of only one owner, but in good
indemnify the owner of the principal thing for the faith, two things of the same or different kinds are mixed
damages he may have suffered. or confused, the rights of the owners shall be determined
by the provisions of the preceding article.
If the one who has acted in bad faith is the owner of the
principal thing, the owner of the accessory thing shall If the one who caused the mixture or confusion acted in
have a right to choose between the former paying him its bad faith, he shall lose the thing belonging to him thus
value or that the thing belonging to him be separated, even mixed or confused, besides being obliged to pay indemnity
though for this purpose it be necessary to destroy the for the damages caused to the owner of the other thing
principal thing; and in both cases, furthermore, there shall with which his own was mixed. (382)
be indemnity for damages.
He loses ownership over his property, and he may also still
If either one of the owners has made the incorporation be liable for damages.
with the knowledge and without the objection of the other,
their respective rights shall be determined as though both
acted in good faith. (379a)
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1. Appropriate the work for himself without paying Q: When the law requires that the plaintiff must have
anything to the maker; legal title or equitable title what does the law mean?
2. Demand indemnity for the value of the material from the What is legal title and equitable title?
maker; and A: Legal title may denote registered owner while
3. Collect damages equitable title denotes beneficial ownership.
XPN: The owner of the material cannot appropriate the Q: What can be an example of equitable title?
work in case the value of the work, for artistic or scientific A: Ownership acquired through prescription.
reasons, is considerably more than that of the material
If there is an assertion of ownership through acquisitive
prescription, then obviously ownership was vested but
Torrens title may not have been issued yet. This is an
Q: What do you understand by quieting of title?
A: Quieting of title may be brought when there is a cloud on instance of an equitable title, this is sufficient to give the
title to real property or any interest therein, by reason of plaintiff cause of action to file an action to quiet title.
any instrument, record, claim, encumbrance or proceeding
which is apparently valid or effective but is in truth and in Q: What is the period of prescription to file the action
fact invalid, ineffective, voidable, or unenforceable, and may to quiet title?
be prejudicial to said title, an action may be brought to A: If the plaintiff is in possession, the prescriptive period
remove such cloud or to quiet the title. is 30 years from the accrual of his cause of action. This in
accordance with the ruling of SC in Gatmaytan v. Misibis
Also, an action to quiet title may also be brought when the Land decided in 2020. If he is in possession, it is not
contract, instrument or other obligation has been subject to prescription because there is a presumption of
extinguished or has terminated, or has been barred by ownership on part of the plaintiff. If there is a
extinctive prescription. presumption of ownership, then you do not have to do
anything until your possession is disturbed.
Q: What is the nature of the quieting of title as a
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Example: In the sharing, we have 3 people. Then we assume in expending the amount for the preservation or the taxes,
that they have equal interests, unless it is indicated then essentially, he has shutdown the co-ownership,
otherwise. Pero pwede naman na ½ belongs to 1 person, especially if we’re talking about taxes, because if you failed
and the other 2 would be sharing the other half, tig-1/4 sila. to pay realty taxes on your property, your property would
be confiscated by the government, and then auctioned off to
When that happens the share in the benefits, the expenses the highest bidder, to pay for the taxes that you cannot pay.
should correspond to the their proportionate interest. The So that means, they will lose their co-owned property. So, in
person who has ½ interest would have to shoulder ½ of the that kind of situation, his option cannot be allowed, or
interest. And by the same token, he will also reap ½ of the cannot be given to the co-owner who does not want to
benefits. share in the expenses.
Q: Can they provide for a different proportion of Q: In terms of making decisions for the co-ownership,
sharing by agreement? who decides?
A: No, they cannot provide a stipulation providing for a A: As a general rule, the decision must be made by the
different proportion. majority of the co-owners.
So, one co-owner can say that “I will no longer participate in Q: How do you determine majority?
the benefits, wag niyo na lang din ako singilin sa expenses.” A: The (inaudible) pertains to the co-owner/s having the
Hindi pwedeng by stipulation yun. controlling interest and not numerical majority.
Q: But if there are expenses for preservation, let’s say, It’s not numerical majority. We go by the controlling
taxes. Is a co-owner given any option to avoid interest.
participating in expending this amount for
preservation and taxes? So, it’s possible that in a co-ownership of 3 people, the
A: Yes. That co-owner who decides to not participate in the majority may actually pertain to just 1 person, if that person
payment of the taxes may renounce his interest in the happens to have the majority interest, like in our example,
co-ownership, as they be equivalent to the expenses or the 60-20-20. The one who has 60% constitute the majority.
charges. However, that rule is subject to exception, that
renunciation is not available if that will prejudice the GR: It is settled that for administration, or expenses, these
co-ownership. are decisions that must be made by the majority.
Q: Illustrate how such renunciation of participation in XPN: 2 Instances when a Sole Co-Owner may make a
the expenses may result in prejudicing the decision or take action on behalf of the co-ownership
co-ownerhsip. a. in case of repairs for preservation, which
A: For instance, the one who is waiving his right in order to may be made by the will of one or anyone of the
not participate in the payment of taxes, is the only co-owners, provided that he will first notify the
financially capable co-owner, while the other co-owners are other co-owners of the necessity of such repair, if
financially capable. If that’s the case, then that would be practicable;
prejudicial, because the payment of taxes would not be b. bringing an action for ejectment which
possible. may be initiated by any of the co-owners.
But every (inaudible) is not financially capable, and the one Q: Explain the two (2) instances.
who wants to waive is the only one who is financially A: With respect to the repairs for preservation, they may be
capable, then he would just be liable for his portion and that made by anyone of the parties to the co-ownership, as long
would still be not enough to pay for the taxes, if the others as the same will not constitute any act of alteration.
can’t contribute. In other words, kulang pa din kung siya
lang ang may pera at yung iba wala, kasi yung mapupunan With the second exception, the law gives any one of the
lang niya is yung portion niya. co-owners the right to bring an action on behalf of the other
Perhaps another example would be, the one who wants to
renounce, happens to have the biggest share, 60% kunwari, Q: In bringing an action for ejectment, are the suing
and the others, tig-20% lang sila. And one will have the co-owners required to implead the others?
money to pay for their portion of the taxes, to their portion A: The suing co-owner does not need to implead his other
of the expenses, they do not have the capacity to form for co-owners because it is presumed that he is bringing the
his 60%. That’s realistic. So, if he decides not to participate action, in behalf of the benefit of the co-owners.
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Q: And if the judgment is obtained in an ejectment case in common, even though benefits for all would result
that is brought by only one of the co-owners, will this therefrom. However, if the withholding of the consent by
judgment bind the others? one or more of the co-owners is clearly prejudicial to the
A: I would qualify my answer. If the judgment is prejudicial common interest, the courts may afford adequate relief.
to the co-owners, then it would not bind the other
co-owners, only the person, or the co-owner who filed the Q: Supposing that one of the co-owners should withhold
case. However, in case that it would be beneficial to the consent to the alteration sought to be made, what
co-ownership, then it would benefit on. would be the remedy of the others?
A: If one co-owner withholds his consent, and the same is
In other words, if it’s successful, then we can expect that the prejudicial to the co-ownership, this may be questioned in
other co-owners would abide by their judgment because it court.
is in their favor. But what is actually provided in the law is, if
it is adverse, then the other co-owners would not be bound Q: If the situation involved is to sell the property and
by the judgment. If it is adverse, then the other co-owners everyone is on board except for one. Can the other
will not be bound by the judgment. co-owners invoke the provisions of Art. 491 to compel
the withholding co-owner to also sell his share? Or
Q: What could be the justification that they cannot be consent to the sale of the entire property?
bound by the adverse judgment in the ejectment case A: No, because the other co-owners although they have a
filed by the suing co-owner? right to the dominion of the whole property, they do not
A: First, since they were not impleaded, then by the have the right to the aliquot share of the co-owner who is
ordinary rules of procedure, they will not be bound by the withholding consent.
judgment. Because with respect to the aliquot share, that is owned in
absolute terms by the co-owner in question. He alone can
Second, it is also a principle under the law on co-ownership decide whether or not to dispose of his share or not.
that a co-owner can only act for the benefit of the other
co-owners. These actions cannot prejudice them. 2. Each co-owner only enjoys full ownership of his
ideal share and until the co-ownership is
If the judgment is adverse then the other co-owners may terminated and partition has been made he
say that they are not bound thereby. The result of this is cannot pinpoint with accuracy the definite
that, they can refile the action. They can re-litigate the portion of the whole to which belongs to him.
Q: Does this mean that he cannot commit any act of
If you are the defendant in this case that the first co-owner ownership over his ideal share?
brought without impleading the others and you were A: No, a co-owner may alienate, assign or mortgage it and
successful. Then before you know it there is another case, can even substitute another person in its enjoyment except
this time brought about by the other co-owners. Syempre, when there are personal rights involved. (ex: Family Home)
hindi mo gusto ‘yun kasi wala ng katapusang re-litigation
yan. Q: This is the right to dispose of his share. When he makes
a disposition of his share, what exactly may be the
Q: What is it the defendant can do the first time around subject of such disposition?
that you are sued to ensure the matter will not be A: The subject of the said disposition is his aliquot share to
re-litigated after you are successful in defending the property subject of the co-ownership.
yourself in this case?
A: In the first case, the defendant can file a motion to Q: When you speak of aliquot share, what does it
implead the other co-owners as necessary parties in the necessarily exclude?
case. Necessary parties would afford one complete relief. A: It excludes the share of the other co-owners who do not
give consent to the sale.
Q: What is the rule when it comes to alterations? Whose
decisions are required? Q: When you sell something, you describe what you are
A: If the improvement will result to an alteration of the selling to identify it. In terms of identifying his share for
co-owned property, then the unanimous consent of the purpose of selling the same, to what extent can he make
co-owners must be obtained. a description or identification?
A: The identification would not be specific and it would only
Article 491. None of the co-owners shall, without the indicate the proportionate share of the co-owner, not a
consent of the others, make alterations in the thing owned
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What if one co-owner executes a contract of sale and To reiterate and emphasize: this will only apply if there is an
defined therein the portion that he is supposed to sell, active representation that this co-owner is acting on behalf
what is the effect of this sale? of the other co-owners and that what is involved is a parcel
A: The contract of sale will still be valid with regard to the of land. Otherwise, the rule that the sale insofar as the
portion of the co-owner has sold to the third person. The shares of the co-owners are concerned is unenforceable due
portion will be subject to the judicial partition that will take to lack of authority.
Q: In plain terms, what does “that it will be subject to FAMILY CODE
the outcome”?
A: The definite portion that will be sold to the vendee will Art. 147. When a man and a woman who are capacitated to
still be subject to the partition that will be agreed upon by marry each other, live exclusively with each other as
the co-owners at the time they will have the co-owned husband and wife without the benefit of marriage or under
property subject to partition. a void marriage, their wages and salaries shall be owned by
them in equal shares and the property acquired by both of
Q: What will the buyer end up getting? them through their work or industry shall be governed by
A: The buyer will end up getting the portion that will be the rules on co-ownership.
individually owned by the co-owner at the time the
partition [of any manner] took place. In the absence of proof to the contrary, properties acquired
while they lived together shall be presumed to have been
What will happen is that regardless of what was described obtained by their joint efforts, work or industry, and shall
in the contract of sale between the selling co-owner and the be owned by them in equal shares. For purposes of this
buyer, the buyer will end up getting whatever is allotted or Article, a party who did not participate in the acquisition by
assigned to the selling co-owner in the partition, which may the other party of any property shall be deemed to have
be voluntary or through judicial action. contributed jointly in the acquisition thereof if the former's
efforts consisted in the care and maintenance of the family
Q: Supposing this co-owner alienates the entire and of the household.
property without the consent of the other co-owners,
what will be the status of the sale? Neither party can encumber or dispose by acts inter vivos
A: The contract of sale will be valid insofar as the said of his or her share in the property acquired during
co-owner’s share is concerned. cohabitation and owned in common, without the consent of
the other, until after the termination of their cohabitation.
Q: What about the shares pertaining to the others, what When only one of the parties to a void marriage is in good
will be the status of the sale? faith, the share of the party in bad faith in the co-ownership
A: The sale will be valid but unenforceable because the said shall be forfeited in favor of their common children. In case
co-owner does not have the authority to sell to the of default of or waiver by any or all of the common children
aforementioned portions of land. However, it will be valid if or their descendants, each vacant share shall belong to the
the other co-owners will ratify the contract of sale. respective surviving descendants. In the absence of
descendants, such share shall belong to the innocent party.
Entering into a contract on behalf of another person
without the latter person’s authority makes that contract
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In all cases, the forfeiture shall take place upon termination Adelita executed a sworn statement denominated as
of the cohabitation. Renunciation and Waiver of Rights (RWR) in favor of
Eliodoro on October 29, 1995, which was inscribed on the
Art. 148. In cases of cohabitation not falling under the Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) of the subject parcel of
preceding Article, only the properties acquired by both of land. Eliodoro donated said land to Nicxon on July 27, 2004.
the parties through their actual joint contribution of However, the donation was without the conformity of
money, property, or industry shall be owned by them in Adelita. Subsequently, a Real Estate Mortgage was executed
common in proportion to their respective contributions. In by Nicxon in favor of Rolando Ramos.
the absence of proof to the contrary, their contributions
and corresponding shares are presumed to be equal. The On February 1, 2005, Eliodoro filed against Adelita a
same rule and presumption shall apply to joint deposits of petition for declaration of nullity of marriage under Article
money and evidences of credit. 36 of the Family Code before the Regional Trial Court
Branch 73 (RTC-Branch 73). The RTC declared the marriage
If one of the parties is validly married to another, his or void ab initio.
her share in the co-ownership shall accrue to the absolute
community or conjugal partnership existing in such valid On September 30, 2010, Avegail Perez-Senerpida (Avegail)
marriage. If the party who acted in bad faith is not validly brought an action for Annulment of Donation and Title
married to another, his or her shall be forfeited in the against Nicxon. Avegail alleged that she is one of the
manner provided in the last paragraph of the preceding children of the late Eliodoro and Adelita and that Deed of
Article. Donation solely executed by Eliodoro was based on the
alleged RWR executed by her mother Adelita. She claimed
The foregoing rules on forfeiture shall likewise apply even that the RWR and the Deed of Donation were prejudicial to
if both parties are in bad faith. her interest because it affected her future inheritance or
Q: Why is it a special kind of co ownership?
A: Because whatever properties they [the parties to the In the meantime, On July 5, 2011, six years after the
co-ownership under Art. 147, FC] acquired during Marriage Nullity Decision had become final and executory,
cohabitation may not be sold during cohabitation without Adelita filed before the Court of Appeals (CA) a petition for
the consent of the other. annulment of judgment (Annulment of Judgment Petition)
against the heirs of Eliodoro, who are the children of
Q: What is the subject of the prohibition? Eliodoro by his first marriage, on the ground of lack of
A: The parties’ ideal share in the co-owned property. jurisdiction over her person.
Q: Supposing we have a man and a woman governed by The RTC-Branch ruled in favor of Avegail and ordered the
Article 147. The man sold the entire property co-owned annulment of the RWR and the Deed of Donation in favor of
with the woman. How should we treat the sale? Can we Nicxon. It further ruled that the Marriage Nullity Decision
use Art. 147? had not yet attained finality at the time of Eliodoro’s death
A: No. Because Art. 147 only covers the sale of a share and considering that the same has been assigned for further
not the entire property. Basis would be the ruling of the reception of evidence. Thus, it deemed the marriage
Supreme Court in Perez v Perez. between Eliodoro and Adelita to be valid and subsisting
from the time of its celebration up to Eliodoro's death on
June 28, 2008.
The CA denied the petition for annulment of judgement. As
G.R. NO. 233365 24 MARCH 2021
to the appeal filed by Nicxon, the same was denied by the
FACTS: CA on April 7, 2017. It ruled that at the time of the donation,
Spouses Eliodoro Q. Perez (Eliodoro) and Adelita M. Perez Eliodoro was still legally married to Adelita. As such,
(Adelita) were the registered owners of a parcel of land in Eliodoro should have first secured the conformity of his
Olongapo City. They were married on December 10, 1975, wife, Adelita, as expressly required under Article 98 of the
and had two children, Avegail and Adonis Perez (Adonis). Family Code.
Before his marriage with Adelita, Eliodoro was married and
had several children, one of whom was Nicxon Perez, Sr. The As to the RWR, the CA ruled that the RWR is a prohibited
latter, in turn, is the father of Nicxon L. Perez, Jr. (Nicxon). waiver because the property regime of Eliodoro and Adelita
was the absolute community property (ACP), there being no
marriage settlement between them, and under Article 89 of
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the Family Code (FC), which provides that: "No waiver of shall be forfeited in favor of their common children. In case of
rights, interests, shares and effects of the absolute default of or waiver by any or all of the common children or
community property during the marriage can be made their descendants, each vacant share shall belong to the
except in case of judicial separation of property”. respective surviving descendants. In the absence of
descendants, such share shall belong to the innocent party. In
The CA further agreed with the RTC the RWR partook the all cases, the forfeiture shall take place upon termination of
nature of a donation or grant of gratuitous advantage the cohabitation.
between spouses, there being no material consideration
given by Eliodoro to Adelita in exchange for the execution of Since the subject property was registered in the names of
the RWR, which consequently is prohibited under Article 87 Eliodoro and Adelita, as spouses, and there being no proof
of the FC which provides: "every donation or grant of to the contrary, the subject property is presumed to have
gratuitous advantage, direct or indirect, between the been obtained by their joint efforts, work or industry, and
spouses during the marriage shall be void." was owned in equal shares by them pursuant to Article 147.
Nicxon contends that Article 147 of the FC applies to the Under Article 147 of the Family Code, which covers the
present case. Thus, the RWR is valid on the ground that exclusive cohabitation of a man and woman as husband and
Eliodoro and Adelita, being mere co- owners of the subject wife without the benefit of marriage or under a void
property, either of them could donate or waive their marriage, there is unfortunately no direct prohibition on
respective shares therein provided that the consent of donation of any property acquired during the cohabitation
either partner was obtained. by one party without the consent of the other.
Hence, this petition.
It is true that Article 147 provides that the property
ISSUE: acquired during the cohabitation shall be governed by the
WON the Deed of Donation is valid despite the absence of rules on co-ownership and pursuant to Article 493 of the
consent of Adelita - NO Civil Code, in a co-ownership: "Each co-owner shall have the
full ownership of his part and of the fruits and benefits
RULING: pertaining thereto, and he may therefore alienate, assign or
NO. The Court ruled first ruled that Article 147 of the FC mortgage it, and even substitute another person in its
applied which provides: enjoyment, except when personal rights are involved; but
the effect of the alienation or the mortgage, with respect to
When a man and a woman who are capacitated to marry the co-owners, shall be limited to the portion which may be
each other, live exclusively with each other as husband and allotted to him in the division upon the termination of the
wife without the benefit of marriage or under a void co-ownership."
marriage, their wages and salaries shall be owned by them in
equal shares and the property acquired by both of them With Article 493 of the Civil Code as basis, Eliodoro could
through their work or industry shall be governed by the rules have alienated onerously or gratuitously his part or share in
on co-ownership. the subject property to Nicxon without the consent of
In the absence of proof to the contrary, properties acquired However, Article 493 of the Civil Code cannot
while they lived together shall be presumed to have been supersede, and must yield to, Article 147 of the Family
obtained by their joint efforts, work or industry, and shall be Code, which expressly mandates that: "Neither party
owned by them in equal shares. For purposes of this Article, a can encumber or dispose by acts inter vivos of his or
party who did not participate in the acquisition by the other her share in the property acquired during cohabitation
party of any property shall be deemed to have contributed and owned in common, without the consent of the
jointly in the acquisition thereof if the farmer's efforts other, until after the termination of their cohabitation."
consisted in the care and maintenance of the family and of The reason for this amendment to Article 144 of the
the household. Civil Code rule, as it is now expressed in the Family
Code, is this:
Neither party can encumber or dispose by acts inter vivos of
his or her share in the property acquired during cohabitation x x x If the parties are allowed to dispose of their shares in
and owned in common, without the consent of the other, until said properties like in a true co-ownership, it will destroy
after the termination of their cohabitation. their relationship. The Family Code, as already stated, would
like to encourage the parties to legalize their union some day
When only one of the parties to a void marriage is in good and is just smoothing out the way until their relationship
faith, the share of the party in bad faith in the co-ownership ripens into a valid union.
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Essentially in this case, the Supreme Court emphasized the Neither shall there be any partition when it is
difference of co-ownership found under Art. 147 from prohibited by law.
ordinary co-ownership. And the question that was raised
here was the status of the donation made of the property No prescription shall run in favor of a co-owner or
owned under Art. 147 by the parties. Whether the sale co-heir against his co-owners or co-heirs so long as he
should be given the effect that we accord the sale by a expressly or impliedly recognizes the
co-owner of the entire property owned in co-ownership. (400a)
Art. 495. Notwithstanding the provisions of the
Ordinary, such a sale would not be void, but would be valid preceding article, the co-owners cannot demand a
although unenforceable for lack of authority on the part of physical division of the thing owned in common, when
the selling co-owner to sell the entire property. to do so would render it unserviceable for the use for
which it is intended. But the co-ownership may be
Q: Do we apply the same rule to the disposition of the terminated in accordance with Article 498. (401a)
property owned in common under Art. 147? What
would be the status of the sale, should we accord the
GR: Each co-owner may demand at any time the partition of
same effect/status that we give to the sale of co-owned
the thing owned in common, insofar as his share is
property in ordinary co-ownership?
A: The status of the sale would be void.
Q: What is the justification for its nullity?
1. When there is an agreement among co-owners to
A: The Supreme Court said if the disposition of the ideal
keep the thing undivided for a certain period of
share of each party without the consent of the other during
time, not exceeding ten (10) years. This term may
cohabitation is prohibited, then what more the disposition
be extended by a new agreement;
of the entire property. Kung ‘yun disposition of the ideal
2. When the donor or testator prohibits partition for a
share is void for lack of consent of the other during the
period which shall not exceed twenty (20) years;
cohabitation, then with more reason that the disposition of
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3. When the law prohibits partition; and Q: What happens when the co-owners fail to come up
4. When partition would render the thing with an agreement? How should the parties interested
unserviceable for the use for which it is intended. go about?
A: If the parties fail to come to an agreement as regards the
Example: Family Home. It may not be subject to partition partition, they may go to courts and the partition would be
for a period of ten (10) years from the time of the death of by judicial action.
the owner of the family home or as long as there is a minor
beneficiary at the family home. Q: What should be proven in court?
A: Parties who seek a judicial partition must show the
FC, Art. 159. The family home shall continue despite the existence of the co-ownership and present how they will
death of one or both spouses or of the unmarried head of divide the property.
the family for a period of ten years or for as long as there
is a minor beneficiary, and the heirs cannot partition the Q: Why would they need to establish the existence of
same unless the court finds compelling reasons therefor. the co-ownership?
This rule shall apply regardless of whoever owns the A: Usually, when a partition is sought in courts, one of the
property or constituted the family home. parties is claiming sole-ownership of the co-owned
properties. He is refusing to recognize the co-ownership.
Q: Why would co-ownership be an issue here when it Hence, a party seeking partition must not only justify the
comes to the Family Home? How would we have a manner of partition but also must first hurdle the primary
co-ownership in relation to a Family Home? issue of whether or not there is co-ownership to speak of.
A: Because we’re looking at a specific situation where the Case in point is the co-ownership under Article 147 and 148
owner of the family home dies and he is survived by several of the Family Code. The moment 147 and 148 are invoked,
heirs. Whenever we have succession and there are several parties are not in agreement.
heirs or more than one heir, then automatically what we
have is co-ownership among the several heirs. The parties live together. One thinks that they are
cohabiting together as husband and wife while the other
2. Each co-owner shares in the benefits and the thinks they are living together only as boyfriend and
charges, in proportion to their respective girlfriend. There is a difference between sleeping over as
interests. The portions are presumed to be gf/bf and husband and wife. The latter pertains to
equal unless the contrary is proved; representing themselves as married to one another. Pag
naghiwalay kayo, there may be properties owned by both of
3. Right to bring an action; and you.
4. Each co-owner only enjoys full ownership over In which case when the relationship sours, you can
his ideal share, and until the co-ownership is guarantee it that either party would like to spy on the other
terminated and partition has been made, he to assert the supposed common properties. So dun ngayon
cannot pinpoint with accuracy the definite magkakaroon ng contentious claims of ownership. So yun
portion of the whole which belongs to him; ang first step, you have to establish that co-ownership does
Q: How is partition effected?
A: Once you have established that, then the other party may
1. Extrajudicial partition (by agreement of both either still insist on having the partition ruled upon by the
parties) or court or agree to a voluntary partition. If the other party
2. Judicial partition (seeking assistance of the court) agrees to a voluntary partition, then that’s it for the case,
tapos na. They will simply draw up a partition agreement.
Q: If the parties come to an agreement, well and good. Pero pag hindi pa rin, then the case will now enter the
But should they come to an agreement, in what form second phase, being the partition itself.
should the partition be made? Is there a need to comply
with the statute of frauds? Once a partition has been entered into by the co-owners,
A: There is no need to comply with the statute of fraud. then they ought to also make unusual accounting of the
There is also no form under the law because an action for benefits received and then make the proper indemnification
partition does not convey ownership but merely identifies or reimbursement of the expenses as well as damages that
the actual share of each co-owner in the co-owned property. may have been suffered.
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What’s interesting is that the law also provides that a further proof to your title. This is because you enjoy that
mistake upon a doubtful or difficult question of law may be presumption in your favor.
the basis of good faith.
The presumption regarding one’s possession is different
Q: Is this significant? This provision in Art. 526?
A: Yes. Because under Art. 3, ignorance of the law excuses from the rule on continuity of the character of possession.
no one from compliance therewith, and it expresses that in
absolute terms. In fact, we have settled you cannot claim Article 529. It is presumed that possession continues to
good faith when your mistake is based on a mistake of law be enjoyed in the same character in which it was
because in Art. 3 you are presumed to know what the law is. acquired, until the contrary is proved.
But here we have an exception where the law says itself that
you can claim good faith on the basis of a doubtful or Q: What do we mean with the continuity of the
difficult question of law. But this is a specific relation of character of possession?
possession in good faith. A: It means that the possession will continue in which it
was first acquired. If a possessor proves that he is in
Q: Does the law have any presumption when regard to
possession 10 years ago, therefore, the presumption that in
the character of possession?
A: The law presumes that possession is in good faith. In fact, between that time and now, he is in continuous possession
it places the proving otherwise in the burden of the person of the property.
who claims that possession is not in good faith.
Continuity of possession means that possession is
This ties up with what we said regarding the presumption maintained for the same time since it was acquired, unless
that the law creates in relation to possession. We said, if you the contrary is proved. This will only apply to good faith
are in possession then the law presumes that you are the
possession. If the possession was started in bad faith, then,
owner and you have just title in the property.
there is no way to improve or deteriorate the same.
Rightfully so, if that is the presumption that you are the Information can never be unlearned. Once you know of facts
owner and you have just title, then it is only right that the affecting your title, or facts affecting just about anything
law presumes that your possession also is in good faith. else, there is no mechanism for you to unlearn the same.
Kasi it is presumed that you have just title. It is also the
reason why you’ve heard this saying before, possession is
Regardless of the number of years that have passed,
nine-tenths of the law. Because if you are in possession you
do not have to do anything. possession in good faith continues, unless facts may show
proving the contrary. Remember, good faith possession is
The case will rise and fall on the evidence that the other fragile, as you need to show that you are unaware of the
party has against you. You may not have evidence of your facts, of the flaws in your title.
own to prove the title, but if the other party wasn’t able to
discharge the burden of proof, then, you cannot be As said earlier, for 10 years. There is good faith possession
disturbed in your possession. all throughout. To better appreciate this, if there are fruits
harvested 5 years ago, improvements introduced 3 years
You are in possession, you are being sued with eviction, but ago, and for all those, the rules on possession in good faith
the only thing that the other party has as his proof was an applies. Because it is presumed that good faith is there.
oral testimony of witnesses from days gone by that this
property was owned by someone else, but they do not have However, if at any point in time, say, in the 3rd year of your
the documentation. And you, baka nga hindi mo pa sinagot possession, it shall be proved that summons was served
ang complaint, and you would simply ask for a dismissal on upon you, for complaint seeking to recover ownership or
technical grounds. Now even if your motion to dismiss was possession of the property from you. And it shows that in
denied, and even if you do not have evidence to defend your 3rd year, you are not unaware that there may be a
yourself, then the other party cannot convince the court, defect in your title. So our presumption of the continuity of
then the case shall be dismissed without you bringing the character of good faith, will have to stop around the 3rd
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year, because in that year, summons were served upon But it’s a different thing when it comes to exercising rights
you,and in that time, bad faith ka na. in relation to possession. Example, you’re a minor, biglang
inagawan ka ng cellphone mo. No doubt, prior to the
robbery, you were in possession. Pero pag inagaw nay an
In the fruits which came on the 5th year, or the
sayo, and you need to go to Court to recover, then you will
improvements which were introduced on the 3rd year, after now need the assistance of your parents/guardians. That is
the summons was served, then this would have to be what the law means. No doubt that you as a minor, you are
treated as having been made by a possessor in bad faith. in possession.
This is how you appreciate the continuity of the character of
possession. Q: How is possession acquired?
1. By material occupation of the thing or
Similarly, if you possess property through succession,
the exercise of a right
whatever bad faith you may have affected the property 2. By the fact that it is subject to the action of
while in the possession of the transferor or successor in a will
interest, this will not prejudice you. But in the third time(?), 3. By the proper action, legal formalities are
you cannot get the benefits of good faith until after his established for acquiring such rights.
death. That is how it works. It doesn’t just work in Example: Hereditary Rights
acquisitive prescription, it also works in determination of
Q: How possession of hereditary rights is acquired? An
the rights to the fruits, reimbursements, improvements
explanation as to how the performance of certain acts
whether necessary, ordinary, or luxurious. or observance of certain formalities in relation to
hereditary rights translates to acquisition of
Article 531. Possession is acquired by the material
occupation of a thing or the exercise of a right, or by the Article 533. The possession of hereditary property is
fact that it is subject to the action of our will, or by the deemed transmitted to the heir without interruption
proper acts and legal formalities established for and from the moment of the death of the decedent, in
acquiring such right. case the inheritance is accepted.
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But, if he rejects, repudiates the inheritance on the vehicle, 2. Acts done by violence (threat or intimidation)
even though he is in actual possession throughout, he is - So long there is a possessor who objects
deemed to be never in possession at all. Instead, the heir
who eventually accepts is the one who shall be considered 3. Those executed clandestinely or without the
the one who have been exercising possession. knowledge of the possessor
Reason: formalities were observed. These are the very same grounds that we used to bring a
case for unlawful detainer or a case for forcible entry. If you
Under our law, it is one of the means of acquiring take Art. 537 in conjunction with the nature of unlawful
possession. Just as it is important to know when possession detainer or forcible entry, or accion interdictal in general,
is required, it is also important to know when possession is then, this sheds light on what exactly been fought for in
lost. these actions.
Q: When is possession lost? Kung sasabihin natin acts merely tolerated, force, stealth,
A: will not affect possession, then that makes it very clear that
ang pinag aawayan natin sa accion interdictal ay hindi legal
Article 555. A possessor may lose his possession: possession. Because these things are the basis for
unlawful detainer and forcible entry – they are not
(1) By the abandonment of the thing; supposed to affect possession. What will be in dispute
here is material or physical possession. Because legal
(2) By an assignment made to another either by onerous possession has not been lost since it cannot be affected by
or gratuitous title; acts merely tolerated, by stealth, force, intimidation, etc.
(3) By the destruction or total loss of the thing, or Kaya dapat within one year, ma-file mo yung action. Because
because it goes out of commerce; you also have that provision in the law which says that
possession will be interrupted if the dispossession lasted
(4) By the possession of another, subject to the for more than 1 year. It means at risk na yung real right of
provisions of article 537, if the new possession has lasted possession mo kapag more than 1 year na yung physical or
longer than one year. But the real right of possession is not material dispossession. Kaya gagraduate ka na ngayon sa
lost till after the lapse of ten years. (460a) accion publiciana.
If possession is found in another person, possession is lost. Since possession is an indication of ownership, we cannot
Subject to the qualification of the provision in Art. 537. recognize possession in two people simultaneously. And we
have a hierarchy of rules to determine preference.
Article 537. Acts merely tolerated, and those executed
clandestinely and without the knowledge of the possessor Article 538. Possession as a fact cannot be recognized at
of a thing, or by violence, do not affect possession. (444) the same time in two different personalities except in the
cases of co-possession. Should a question arise regarding
Q: What acts do not affect possession under Art. 537? the fact of possession, the present possessor shall be
A: preferred; if there are two possessors, the one longer in
possession; if the dates of the possession are the same,
1. Acts merely tolerated the one who presents a title; and if all these conditions
- Tolerance extended to people because you are are equal, the thing shall be placed in judicial deposit
being neighborly. (halimbawa, magtatayo ng pending determination of its possession or ownership
sampayan sa property mo kasi maaraw dun, through proper proceedings
kung nagpapastol ng baka at kalabaw sa
property mo) So long as it’s not done through
Q: What would be this hierarchy?
- If hayagan and may implied consent on your
1. The present possessor is preferred;
part, done in your presence and you don’t
2. If there are two possessors then the one longer in
object – tolerated act, which will not affect your
possession is preferred;
3. If the dates of possession are the same then the one
who presents a title is preferred; and
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4. If all these conditions are met by both parties, then A: No. The easement would refer to the right enjoyed.
the courts will decide. Servitude on the other hand refers to the burden imposed
upon the estate.
ARTICLE 551. Improvements caused by Nature or time
shall always inure to the benefit of the person who has
succeeded in recovering possession.
Q: It is a right that is enjoyed over what kind of
ARTICLE 552. A possessor in good faith shall not be
A: Over an immovable property.
liable for the deterioration or loss of the thing
possessed, except in cases in which it is proved that he
Q: What are the essential features of an easement?
has acted with fraudulent intent or negligence, after the
A: They are as follows:
judicial summons.
1. It is a real right enjoyed over immovable
A possessor in bad faith shall be liable for deterioration
or loss in every case, even if caused by a fortuitous
Can only be instituted on immovable property and
never on personal property – That is why I would
These are certain important provisions. Again, if the need you to be careful, kasi kapag sinasabi nating
improvements have already disappeared or do not exist personal easement, we can be confused or mislead
anymore at the time that the lawful possessor takes into thinking that since personal easement ‘yung
possession or reclaims possession, then there would be no binabanggit natin paulit-ulit, that this may involve
obligation on his part to indemnify for necessary, useful, or personal property. No, once you say easement, it is
luxurious expenses, whenever warranted. automatic. You are limited to an immovable
property by nature e.g. land, buildings,
constructions adhered to the soil.
2. Such immovable property must be owned by
another person;
Article 613. An easement or servitude is an
encumbrance imposed upon an immovable for the
You cannot enjoy the right of easement over your
benefit of another immovable belonging to a different
own property. If you have two adjoining estates and
you have built a road through the outer estate
which will allow you and your visitors or people
The immovable in favor of which the easement is
occupying the inner estate to pass through and get
established is called the dominant estate; that which is
to the main road, then you are simply exercising
subject thereto, the servient estate.
your right of ownership in building that road to the
outer estate. Walang easement involved diyan.
Art. 614. Servitudes may also be established for the
Hindi mo kailangan ng easement diyan kasi
benefit of a community, or of one or more persons to
pag-aari mo ‘yung both properties eh. You can do
whom the encumbered estate does not belong.
whatever you want including building a
pathway/road that would allow people to traverse
Q: What is an easement? your outer estate to get to the main road and back
A: An easement or servitude is an encumbrance imposed to your property or from your inner
upon an immovable for the benefit of another immovable property/estate to the main road. Kasi nga ikaw
belonging to a different owner (Art. 613). ‘yung may-ari ng parehas na property.
Q: Who may also be benefitted by an easement? Kung nagkataon na magkaiba ‘yung may-ari, then
A: It can be for the benefit of a community, or one or more obviously, the owner of the inner state cannot just
persons to whom the encumbered estate does not belong. build a road through the outer estate kasi hindi
niya pagma-may ari ‘yun eh. In which case, you will
Q: Easements and servitudes are used interchangeably. only be able to do so through an easement.
Are they the same?
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3. An easement imposes limitations on the Remember, we have an enumeration of the different kinds
ownership of the property; of immovable property under Art. 415. We do not apply
4. It is inseparable from the property to which it is that in easements kasi easements can only be
attached [the easement cannot be alienated]. constituted on immovables by nature.
5. The easement does not have an independent
existence; If you would look also at personal servitudes, since we only
have one estate involved and the beneficiary would happen
Q: Consequently, if the easement does not have to be persons, then a personal servitude would appear to be
independent existence from the tenement, what quite similar to a usufruct.
A: The easement cannot be subject to alienation. EASEMENT VS. USUFRUCT
That [easements do not have an independent existence] is Kasi sa usufruct, the usufructuary acquires the right to
what differentiates easements from usufructs, which can be enjoy, the right to possess, the right to the fruits of the
mortgaged and alienated. Easements cannot be alienated property.
despite it being considered as a real right. ‘Yung relationship would be we have an estate/property
which may be real or personal, and then we have a person
EASEMENT VS. SERVITUDE who shall be the beneficiary. Which is also the situation in a
personal easement.
The right enjoyed by the The burden imposed upon From Atty. Seña
dominant estate the servient estate
Essentially, they are the same. They are used Limited only to immovables The right may be constituted
interchangeably in this jurisdiction. by nature on real or personal property
The easement is defined, it is The right to use given to the
If you would look at the definition provided in the law determinate. usufructuary is
under Art. 613, you will notice that it only pertains to one indeterminate.
kind of easement: the easement that is imposed on an You cannot change the use or
immovable for the benefit of another immovable belonging the character of the Essentially, the right to use
to a different owner. This does not take into account easement if you are its enjoyed by the usufructuary
personal easement or the easement that is defined under beneficiary. would be universal because
Art. 614. the entirety of the property is
Kung ang pinag-uusapan given to him to possess, to
Art. 614 refers to an easement that is constituted on an lang natin ay right of way to enjoy, and to get fruits from.
immovable property but this time, in favor of a particular draw water, right of way to
community or of one or more persons to whom the estate draw water lang ‘yan. You
does not belong. cannot expand it to anything
To be clear, in both real and personal easements, we have an
immovable involved. At least there would be a servient Cannot be the subject of The right of usufruct may be
estate. ‘Yun nga lang sa personal easement, we do not have alienation alienated or encumbered.
a dominant estate. In lieu of the dominant estate we have
either a community or a specific person or persons as
From GN 2021
beneficiary. But in both instances, it is important that the
owner of the dominant estate be different from the owner BASIS EASEMENT USUFRUCT
of the servient estate or that the beneficiaries (i.e. the Constituted on Real property Real or personal
community or the specific person or persons) do not own the Use granted Limited to a Includes all uses and
servient estate. particular or fruits
specific use of the
Also, in both instances, the immovable involved must be an servient estate
immovable by nature. We are limited to land, buildings, to
constructions of all kinds that are adhered to the soil. As to right of No possessory right Involves a right of
possession over an immovable possession in an
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1. As to recipient of the benefit These are easements the use of which is or may be
incessant without the intervention of man. Pwedeng
a) Real easement – The easement is in favor of example would be an easement of light and view kasi kahit
another immovable (NCC, Art. 613) merong tumitingin, kahit wala, the view will always be
there. Once you made that opening, then the view will
b) Personal easement – The easement is in favor always be accessible.
of a community, or of one or more persons to
whom the encumbered estate does not belong b) Discontinuous - those which are used at
(NCC, Art. 614) intervals and depend upon the acts of man. (NCC,
Art. 615)
2. As to source
These are easements whose use is cut intervals and depend
a) Legal easement – established/imposed by law upon the acts of man. Example would be the right of way
(NCC, Art. 619) kasi definitely, kailangan mo ng tao para may dumaan doon
sa road or sa pathway that was created.
b) Voluntary easement – established by the will of
the owners; easements that are constituted by the
Art. 615. Easements may be continuous or
will of the parties (NCC, Art. 619)
discontinuous, apparent or non apparent.
Art. 619. Easements are established either by law or by Continuous easements are those the use of which is or
the will of the owners. The former are called legal and the may be incessant, without the intervention of any act of
latter voluntary easements man.
a) Apparent - those which are made known and 5. As to the duty of the servient owner
are continually kept in view by external signs that
reveal the use and enjoyment of the same. (NCC, a) Positive - one which imposes upon the owner of
Art. 615) the servient estate the obligation of allowing
something to be done or of doing it himself. (NCC,
b) Non-apparent – those which show no external Art. 616)
indication of their existence. (NCC, Art. 615)
b) Negative - that which prohibits the owner of the
servient estate from doing something which he
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could lawfully do if the easement did not of easements as a burden on immovable property
exist. (NCC, Art. 616) and not on the person, this provision is interpreted
to mean doing things necessary for the easement.
These are not mutually exclusive. Pwede kang magkaroon There will be no separate obligation imposed upon
ng easement which is continuous and at the same time the servient estate. The obligation is incidental to
apparent and at the same time positive. Or an easement the easement.
which is discontinuous, apparent, and at the same time
negative. When you take this classification together, this will 2. Negative Easement – Refer to those which will
help you determine how these easements may be acquired prohibit the owner of the servient estate to do
and how these easements may be extinguished. something which otherwise he would have done. It
takes on the character of prohibition
Art. 616. Easements are also positive or negative. Q: What is that kind of easement which may be positive
or negative depending on the circumstances?
A positive easement is one which imposes upon the A: Easement of light and view
owner of the servient estate the obligation of allowing
something to be done or of doing it himself, and a Generally, an easement of light and view is positive when
negative easement, that which prohibits the owner of the the window or opening is situated in a party wall and
servient estate from doing something which he could negative if within your own wall.
lawfully do if the easement did not exist.
Q: Why does a window or opening in a party wall
CONTINUOUS AND DISCONTINUOUS EASEMENTS constitute a positive easement?
A: The easement of light and view becomes positive in
1. Continuous Easements – Easements the use of relation to a party wall because there is an imposition of a
which may be incessant without the intervention of burden on the part of the neighbor to allow you to make an
man. opening on his side of the party wall.
Ex. Easement of light and view Your side of the wall would belong to you. Now the other
side which pertains to the neighbor would belong to your
2. Discontinuous Easements – Easements used at neighbor. So if you’re going to make an opening in a party
intervals and depend upon the act of man. wall, to allow light and view, then definitely it would not be
enough to make an opening only in your side, kasi kung sa
Ex. Right of way side mo lang, ano yung makikita mo? Semento. Kung hindi
mo bubutasin ng tagusan yan, walang papasok na light and
APPARENT AND NON-APPARENT EASEMENTS view. If you would limit the opening to your side ang
makikita mo hollow block nung wall nung kabilang side. So
1. Apparent Easements – those which are made what do you need to do to be able to let light and view to get
known and kept in view by external signs that through the opening? You have to make the opening go
reveal the use and enjoyment of the same through the other side. So doon mo ngayon na
papakialaman yung property nung kapit-bahay mo kasi
Ex. Cemented road in cities which serves as a right bubutasan mo na yung side niya. And that is how the
of way. easement of light and view becomes positive because you
are now imposing this burden on your neighbor to allow
2. Non-apparent – no visible external signs you to make opening on his side of the wall. Diyan positive.
Ex. Right of way in provinces which are not But your action may be justified through easement.
cemented but the pathway is covered by grass that Pag-uusapan na lang natin pano mo ma-aacquire yung
is bent as a result of being repeatedly stepped over. easement. If you can come to an agreement, then that would
be voluntary easement. You can draw up a contract. Kung
POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE EASEMENTS hindi naman siya iimik pwede mong ma-acquire yung
property through prescription because that would be
1. Positive Easement – if the owner of a certain apparent and continuous.
estate is compelled to allow something to be done
in his property. If he has to do something himself. Q: Kelan naman pwedeng maging negative ang
Also called Servitude in Faciendo. Given the nature easement of light and view?
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A: Kapag ang opening ay ginawa mo sa sarili mong pag-aari. right-of-way. So you have your dominant and servient
Let’s say on your own wall. And when I say your wall, the estate.
wall of your house. You make an opening and then what you
do is you give notice, a notarial prohibition on your e.g. Yung servient estate is partitioned into two at yung
neighbor not to block your view. So halimbawa, two-stories pagkakahati eh yung tulad nung pagkakahati let’s say yung
lang yung bahay niya, ikaw nung nagpapagawa ka, ginawa pagkakahati niyo sa screenshot dito sa computer, ganiyan
mong three-stories para asa third floor na walang din and pagkakahati sa servient estate horizontally. So
nakaharang, unobstructed view. Where are you making the meron kang top portion, bottom portion. And the
opening? In your own property. Wall of your house. Gawa ka right-of-way will be traversing from the top and the bottom.
ng malaking bintana dun. So the partition or division of the servient estate into two
will not affect the existence of right-of-way.
To ensure that nothing will be built or block your view, you
want to acquire this easement of light and view. But what The owner of the dominant estate may now traverse both
will kind of easement are you acquiring? A negative one kasi estates kasi nandun yung top and bottom portion nung
your purpose is to prevent your neighbor from building and right-of-way, yung road. So dati, isa lang yung estate na
obstructing your. Eh kasi baka mainggit sayo, and nattraverse kasi hindi pa nappartition. Pero nung
magpatayo ng third floor din, edi wala na yung view. na-parition na, then it only means that the owner of the
dominant estate may now be traversing to the estates
Q: How will you do that? instead of one but still the same right-of-way.
A: Through a notarial prohibition. That is how you acquire
it by prescription. Pero kung papayag naman siya, kung Ganun din naman kung si dominant estate ang nagging
mapag-uuspan niyo naman, pwede namang contract. subject of partition or division. It means that from one,
there will now be two dominant estates enjoying the
Easements are also marked by certain characteristics. right-of-way through the servient estate, all because the
right-of-way is indivisible, it cannot be lost or acquired
Q: What are the characteristics of an easement: partially.
A: Article 617 and Article 618
3. Permanence
ARTICLE 617. Easements are inseparable from the estate Once the easement has been established, then it will
to which they actively or passively belong. (534) continue and it may be used at any time unless it has been
extinguished for non-use of ten (10) years.
ARTICLE 618. Easements are indivisible. If the servient
estate is divided between two or more persons, the 4. Perpetuity
easement is not modified, and each of them must bear it servitude lasts as long as the dominant and the servient
on the part which corresponds to him. estate exist unless earlier extinguished by one of the modes
provided for the law
If it is the dominant estate that is divided between two or
more persons, each of them may use the easement in its DIFFERENT MODES OF ACQUIRING EASEMENTS
entirety, without changing the place of its use, or making it
more burdensome in any other way. (535) Q: What are the different modes?
A: Through:
1. Inseparability 1. Title
Because an easement is inseparable, it has no certain 2. Prescription.
identity either from the dominant or servient estate. That’s
why unlike in usufruct in which you may alienate on its own Q: When we say title, what do we mean?
or even encumbrance, you cannot alienate an easement and A: It is the juridical act which gives rise to the easement or
you cannot mortgage it because it has no separate existence servitude.
apart from the dominant or servient estate.
Q: What would be examples of juridical act?
2. Indivisibility A: A law, will, donation, or contract.
It simply means that it cannot be acquired or lost partially.
So no matter what happens to the dominant or servient Q: What do we mean by prescription?
estate, the easement will remain or will subsist, or continue A: Prescription is premised on possession. You acquire it
wherever it was constituted. Very relevant dito yung through possession for the required number of years or
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period of time. Under the law, you can only acquire there is an estate and two or more portion belongs to a
easements which are apparent and continuous by single owner. If those portions are alienated, it is
prescription, but you can acquire all kinds of easements considered that the easements is continued because the
through title. legal presumptions impose upon the apparent sign on
those estate or portions. The easement continues even
Q: How come when it comes to prescription, the same after alienation, unless the contrary is indicated in the
can only apply to easements which are apparent and title of conveyance or if those apparent signs were
continuous? removed at the time of alienation.
A: It has to be apparent because possession as a basis for
prescription is required to be public or out in the open, and
Essentially, what we have here are two estates owned by
of course that will not apply if the easement is hidden or
the same person, and between these two estates there
appears to be an apparent easement. Why apparent
At the same time, possession as a basis for prescription easement and not outright easements? Because these
must be uninterrupted kasi once interrupted, balik tayo sa easements belong to the same owner. This is our number
zero and we have to begin counting anew that is why it has 1 criteria, the two estates must belong to two different
to be continuous. Mababago nalang ‘yung pagbibilang natin owners because you cannot constitute an easement of
ng period if we’re dealing with an easement which is your own property.
apparent and continuous and at the same time positive, or
an easement that is apparent and continuous and at the But like in our example, pwedeng you have two
same time negative. properties magkatabi, and then put a road on the outer
estate, then nakakadaan ngayon yung mga tao from your
Q: How do we compute the period if we’re dealing with inner estate traversing the otuer estate getting to the
a positive easement and when we are dealing with a main road. You cannot say that there is a rightof way
negative easement? because this is still your property and you do not need an
A: Period: 10 years easement because you are doing is simply an act of
When easement is positive: Period is counted from the
day on which the owner of the dominant estate commenced Let us say that the right of way you put there is concrete
to exercise it upon the servient estate
(sementado). This means it is apparent. There is now an
apparent sign of easement in your property. If you
When easement is negative: Period is counted from the
dispose of either of these two properties, then the
day on which the owner of the dominant estate forbade, by
an instrument acknowledged before a notary public, the existence of that apparent sign may serve as title that
owner of the servient estate, from executing an act which will allow that easement to subsist either actively or
would be lawful without the easement. passively.
If you sold your outer estate, then the buyer of the outer
INTERPRETATION OF ARTICLE 624 estate would have a right to demand access to the
remaining inner estate in your name. this is because he
Article 624. The existence of an apparent sign of has a basis for the title to the right of way. This basis is
easement between two estates, established or maintained the existence of the apparent easement of a right of way.
by the owner of both, shall be considered, should either of
them be alienated, as a title in order that the easement Maaring hindi mo naman intensiyon na ipagpatuloy yung
may continue actively and passively, unless, at the time the right of way through the outer estate that we made in
ownership of the two estates is divided, the contrary your ownership, but since we have Art 624 and therefore
should be provided in the title of conveyance of either of there was definitely an apparent sign of easement
them, or the sign aforesaid should be removed before the existing before you sold that property, then that will
execution of the deed. This provision shall also apply in serve as title in favor of the buyer of the inner estate
case of the division of a thing owned in common by two or which will not be considered as the dominant estate
more persons. (541a) under Art. 624.
Art. 624 refers to easement by apparent sign. There are If you want to prevent this from happening, you can:
two estates previously belonging to a single owner or
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2. Destroy the road you constructed in your outer (3) When either or both of the estates fall into such
estate that will be remaining in your ownership condition that the easement cannot be used; but it shall
because if you do so there will be no basis for the revive if the subsequent condition of the estates or either
right of way to subsists in favor of your buyer of them should again permit its use, unless when the use
becomes possible, sufficient time for prescription has
elapsed, in accordance with the provisions of the
preceding number;
(4) By the expiration of the term or the fulfillment of
Dominant’s rights: the condition, if the easement is temporary or
1. Use the easement and exercise all rights
necessary for the use of easement; (5) By the renunciation of the owner of the dominant
2. To do at his expense all necessary works for the estate;
use and preservation of the easement
(6) By the redemption agreed upon between the owners
of the dominant and servient estates.
Dominant’s obligations:
1. At his expense, do all necessary works for the Q: In renunciation as a mode of extinguishing the
use and preservation of the easement; estate, in whose favor may the renunciation be made?
2. Notify the owner of the servient estate before A: The law provides that renunciation must be made by the
making repairs on the easement in a manner owner of the dominant estate without a specific person in
least inconvenient to the servient estate; mind as long as the renunciation is made clearly and
3. Contribute to the expenses unless he renounces concisely.
his interests;
So the renunciation must be a general renunciation. It
Servient’s rights: cannot be in favor of the servient estate, of the owner of the
servient estate.
1. Retain ownership and use of his property to
change the place or manner of the use of Q: Why can’t the renunciation be done to the owner of
easement the servient estate?
2. Use the easements A: Because the easement will not be ceded(?) to the owner
of the servient estate. Because he is the owner where the
Servient’s obligations:
easement exists.
1. Not to impair the use of the easement
2. To contribute to the expenses if he uses the
easement Q: What about redemption?
A: Redemption is the agreement between the owner of the
dominant and servient estate whereby a consideration of a
certain amount which is paid by the owner of the servient
estate to the dominant estate so that said easement may be
Art. 631. Easements are extinguished: extinguished.
(1) By merger in the same person of the ownership of Q: What is the basis of the owner of the servient estate
the dominant and servient estates; to be able to make this offer to pay the owner of the
dominant estate?
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As you can see, there is a property on top of a hill, and this
SECTION 1. - General Provisions corner would represent the lower estate. Under Article 637,
there is a legal easement created whereby the lower estate
Art. 634. Easements imposed by law have for their object is required to receive the water flowing from the higher
either public use or the interest of private persons. (549) estate. Of course, the water would bring stones, earth, dirt,
and the lower estate is required to receive it all, provided
Art. 635. All matters concerning easements established that it flows naturally with no intervention from man.
for public or communal use shall be governed by the
special laws and regulations relating thereto, and, in the
absence thereof, by the provisions of this Title. (550) Part of the easement here is the prohibition on part of the
lower estate from constructing works which will impede
Art. 636. Easements established by law in the interest of the easement. No wall or drainage which would prevent the
private persons or for private use shall be governed by water from flowing into his property.
the provisions of this Title, without prejudice to the
provisions of general or local laws and ordinances for the Q: Why do we have this kind of legal easement?
general welfare.
A: This is provided by law to ensure continuity of the water
These easements may be modified by agreement of the cycle.
interested parties, whenever the law does not prohibit it
or no injury is suffered by a third person. (551a) The idea is we have to make sure that water flowing from
the higher estate would flow and find its way back to the
oceans. That would allow them to evaporate back to the
LEGAL EASEMENTS AFFECTING WATER clouds, and then bring rains. And we know how important
rain is to us. If there is no rain, then there will be droughts
and we will have water shortage. So that is the reason why
SECTION 2. - Easements Relating to Waters
the owner of the lower estate cannot impede the flow of
Art. 637. Lower estates are obliged to receive the waters water through his property.
which naturally and without the intervention of man
descend from the higher estates, as well as the stones or
earth which they carry with them.
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Q: What will be the implication of paying the value of Q: What is the concept of a party wall?
the property or the portion taken for the right of way? A: A party wall is a common wall which separates two
Does this mean ownership over that portion would be estates, built by through a common agreement at the
transferred to the owner of the dominant estate? dividing line such that it occupies a portion of each estate in
A: The payment of indemnity consisting of the value of the more or less equal parts.
portion of the land taken will not result in the acquisition by
the dominant estate of that portion which he has a right of When there is a party wall and it is established as a party
way because the owner of the estate cannot have an wall, then basically, it will be considered as a wall that is
easement over his property. By the same totem, the owner co-owned by the two adjoining lots.
of the dominant estate will not acquire ownership over that
portion of land on which the easement in favor of his estate There is a co-ownership that is recognized in the party wall.
exists. Masisira yung requirement that the estates should This is not like the usual co-ownership we have
belong to different owners. encountered before. Here in a party wall, there is a clear
delineation of the ownership by each of the neighboring lots
Second, the owner of the servient state may always change – one side of the wall belongs to the estate where it is facing.
the location of the right of way. So if it were true that the
owner of the dominant estate will be acquiring ownership This implies that when the existence of a party wall is not
over the portion of the land used as a right of way, then the disproved, then the area of the properties would extend up
owner of the servient estate should no longer be able to to the dividing line between the two sides of the party wall.
change its location. Pero sa batas, the owner of the servient
estate can always change the location of the right of way if it Why is this significant? For example, kunwari ikaw lang ang
proves to be inconvenient for him. nagtayo nung dividing wall and you placed it inside the
perimeter of your property. And yet, through inaction, you
Third, when the land is paid from the encumbrance upon never disputed that the wall is your wall instead of being a
the redemption, upon the return of the indemnity, then the party wall, then ang mangyayari ay yung kapitbahay mo ay
property is simply freed of its restriction. The ownership kakain pa nung kalahati nung area nung dividing wall that
still remaining, in fact never left the owner of the servient you put up. And since you built that wall within the
estate. perimeter of your property, ang ibig-sabihin din niyan ay
kakain siya ng portion ng property mo.
This right of way would include the right given to the
workers that may be building or constructing the house of For example, if the measurement of your party wall is 4ft by
your neighbor and would require to access your property to 20ft, then ½ of that wall will be 80sq. feet. That means your
put up scaffoldings.
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Refer to illustration of Party Wall Type B: In all these cases, the ownership of the walls, fences or
hedges shall be deemed to belong exclusively to the
As you can see, the adjoining estates are using the same owner of the property or tenement which has in its favor
wall to support their structures like floors and roofs. But for the presumption based on any one of these signs.
building 2, there are three floors while building 1 has only 2
floors. So, the presumption here is that the party wall is
only up to the point of common elevation – only up to the
2nd floor of both buildings that are similar in terms of
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(3) So here, you can see that the dividing wall is well within (7) In this case, the hedges only enclose singular properties.
the boundary line. You may say that the wall supports the These are not party walls.
structure of the adjacent property. But the fact that it is built
within the line of the first property negates the existence of (8) In some provincial areas, the dividing walls are not
any sign that it is a party wall. Instead, it is the wall of walls but are merely ditches or drains. The presumption is
property 1. that they are common, that they are like dividing walls, that
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there will be co-ownership unless there is title or signs provided in the law. If you do not observe this, there is no
showing to the contrary. basis for the acquisitive prescription.
Here, if you have the earth removed from the ditch and Art. 669. When the distances in Article 670 are not
placed on one side thereof, the presumption is that it observed, the owner of a wall which is not party wall,
belongs to the owner of the land having this exterior sign adjoining a tenement or piece of land belonging to
[excess earth] since when he dug up the earth, he would put another, can make in it openings to admit light at the
the excess earth within his property. height of the ceiling joints or immediately under the
ceiling, and of the size of thirty centimeters square, and,
EASEMENT OF LIGHT AND VIEW in every case, with an iron grating imbedded in the wall
and with a wire screen.
Nevertheless, the owner of the tenement or property
adjoining the wall in which the openings are made can
close them should he acquire part-ownership thereof, if
there be no stipulation to the contrary.
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ART. 679. No trees shall be planted near a tenement or Sec. 684. No proprietor shall make such excavations
piece of land belonging to another except at the distance upon his land as to deprive any adjacent land or building
authorized by the ordinances or customs of the place, and, of sufficient lateral or subjacent support
in the absence thereof, at a distance of at least 2 meters
from the dividing line of estates if tall trees are planted
and at a distance of at least 50 cm if shrubs or small trees
are planted.
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Important provisions: Article 730 and 731 The more important point is this, if this is the situation, why
do we treat this as donation inter vivos? Kasi admittedly
Article 730. The fixing of an event or the imposition of a whenever the donor’s life or death is mentioned medyo tayo
suspensive condition, which may take place beyond the ay nalilihis. Parati natin naiisip na pag binanggit yung
natural expectation of life of the donor, does not destroy
kamatayan ng donor, automatic donation in mortis causa.
the nature of the act as a donation inter vivos, unless a
But you have to look at the fine print so to speak which is
contrary intention appears.
the donation is subject to a resolutory condition.
Article 731. When a person donates something, subject to
The effect of the resolutory condition is that it extinguishes
the resolutory condition of the donor's survival, there is a
the right. And if it’s supposed to extinguish the right, then
donation inter vivos.
what does that imply? It clearly implies that the right
already existed.
It may be said by the donor making a donation in favor of a
person still in highschool that the donation is made subject
to the suspensive condition that he become a lawyer. If the So the conclusion here is this, under this provision, the
donor is already old, there is the possibility that the event donation immediately takes effect. Eh yun lang naman ang
or condition will not be fulfilled during his lifetime. concern natin sa donation inter vivos that it takes effect
during lifetime of the donor and clearly that requirement is
Q: Would the fact that the condition is fulfilled after the met here in this situation. That the donation loses its effect
death of the donor render the donation one of mortis should the donor survive does not matter anymore because
causa or inter vivos? what we need to be concerned with is the fact that it take
A: Still inter vivos because the fulfillment of the suspensive effect during the lifetime of the donor.
condition has retroactive effect from the time the donation
Bakit ganun yung rule? Bakit kahit na fulfill mo na, the
Sabi natin kanina, donation inter vivos may be divided into
condition takes place after the death of the donor, we still
two classes: simple and remuneratory
treat it as a donation inter vivos. The reason is since it is
subject to a suspensive condition, then the happening of the
A. Simple Donations
fulfillment of the condition has the effect of retroacting to
There is no donation other than the liberality of the donor,
the time when the donation was made. Yun yung
talagang pure liberality lang.
characteristic ng obligation subject to a suspensive
condition. At sabi nga natin donations are governed
suppletorily by the law on obligations and contracts. So may B. Remuneratory Donations
basis tayo for applying that rule. Those which are given in recognition of services that are
previously rendered. (Reminder: Services must not
So since we retroact, it is as though the condition was constitute or must not be devise to be demandable,
already fulfilled at the time the donation was made and obligations or treatment)
therefore the donation took effect not after the death of the
donor but during his lifetime when he first made the e.g. After you graduate and become lawyers, you might
donation. Then look at Article 731. want to reward the persons who took care of you. Hindi
mga magulang niyo because they were never in your
service. We are speaking of persons who are working for
Medyo delikado tong article na to kasi kapag ikaw ay
you or for your family. They can be your yaya, if you grew up
nag-donate and it is subject to the resolutory condition of with a yaya. Maaaring matanda na sila or retired na sila
you surviving, meaning to say the donation loses its effect ngayon kasi matatanda na kayo but they were treated as a
should you survive a certain event, or date eh maraming family.
magdadasal para wag kang mag-survive. For example, pag
sumakay ka ng eroplano at pakiramdam mo eh it’s Now if you would want to give them something in
dangerous, so dinonate mo lahat ng property mo subject to recognition of their past service, then that would constitute
a remuneratory donation.
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A mixed donation is one which contains an onerous Q: Article 727 refers only to simple and remuneratory
transaction. For instance, binebenta sa iyo for a price which donations. What about onerous donations? Supposing
is lower than the market value of the property. you have an onerous donation and there is an illegal or
impossible condition imposed?
e) Modal/Conditional donation A: In that case, we will have to consider both the condition
and the donation. If we are dealing with an onerous
A modal donation. This is different from the modal donation, the law says that will be treated as a contract, and
testamentary disposition under the laws on wills and under the laws of obligations and contracts, if we have an
succession. The mode is the prestation that must be onerous donation and there is an illegal or impossible
performed by the donee, and how is it different from a condition imposed, then it will render the contract null and
condition? It obligates, a condition does not obligate. If you void, and not just the condition.
are given a mode, then you are required to perform to
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Art. 732. Donations which are to take effect inter vivos Art. 739. The following donations shall be void:
shall be governed by the general provisions on contracts (1) Those made between persons who were guilty of
and obligations in all that is not determined in this Title. adultery or concubinage at the time of the donation;
(2) Those made between persons found guilty of the
Art. 733. Donations with an onerous cause shall be same criminal offense, in consideration thereof;
governed by the rules on contracts and remuneratory
donations by the provisions of the present Title as (3) Those made to a public officer or his wife,
regards that portion which exceeds the value of the descendants and ascendants, by reason of his office.
burden imposed. (622)
In the case referred to in No. 1, the action for declaration
of nullity may be brought by the spouse of the donor or
The use of remuneratory here is improper. This should be donee; and the guilt of the donor and donee may be
read as “onerous donations” because it speaks of a burden. proved by preponderance of evidence in the same action.
Q: When is a donation is perfected?
A: A donation is perfected from the moment the donor (1) Those made between persons who were
knows of the acceptance by the donee. guilty of adultery or concubinage at the time of
the donation;
Sometimes, pag tinatanong kayo at nagmamadali kayo, you
would forget to say from the moment of knowledge of the Those guilty of adultery and concubinage need not be those
acceptance, but that is wrong. What is essential in contracts who are guilty in a criminal case. In here, those who seek to
is offer and acceptance. Acceptance should be annul the donation can prove by preponderance of evidence
communicated to the offeror, and that also applies in in the same action.
donations. Acceptance should be communicated to the
donor for us to have a perfected donation. This is because concubinage is difficult to prove, while
adultery is easy. And in criminal cases, guilty beyond
Q: What is the fffect of the perfection of the donation reasonable doubt is the standard. Here, we only need
A: Once a donation inter vivos is perfected, the property preponderance of evidence, and you will establish it in the
donated ceases to be part of the donor’s estate. same action to have the donation declared null and void.
Delivery here is not needed, except if delivery is an element I assume you know the difference between having a
of formalities affecting the donation concerned, especially if donation declared null and void, and in having a donation
it is a donation of immovable property not worth more than revoked.
PHP5,000. Before, you can do it orally but must be
accompanied with simultaneous delivery. In all other cases, In a null and void donation, it is deemed to have never
it appears that perfection of the donations takes place upon existed at all with no rights or effects in favor of a donee. In
knowledge of the acceptance, which also transfers the a revoked donation, there will be rights acquired by the
ownership to the donee. donee in the interim, in the time that the donation was not
Q: Who may give or receive a donation?
A: Essentially, anyone who has control of his property may (2) Those made between persons found guilty of
make a donation. the same criminal offense, in consideration
Q: Who may be a donee?
A: Anyone may be a donee, unless he has been disqualified This is a donation made by a third person in favor of
by law. another or others. And they were asked to perform a
criminal offense or act.
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And then, the communication of the acceptance, the notice Creditor’s Remedy:
given to the donor of the acceptance, must be notated in
both instruments, meaning, the donation itself and the Even though the law does not give the creditors any remedy
acceptance itself. Notice given as of today, Nov. 27, 2022. under the law and rules on succession, the law nonetheless
Why? Because that will ask whether the notice of provides, under Art.759, that act of the donor in giving away
acceptance was communicated during the lifetime of the all of his properties without reserving sufficient properties
donor. If the donation is not in the proper form, then it for himself, or for the payment of his debts, that would be
becomes null and void. presumed to be in fraud of creditors.
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ACCRETION IN TERMS OF DONATION A: No. It may have the same effect of returning the thing
donated back to its donor, but the manner would be
Article 753. When a donation is made to several persons
jointly, it is understood to be in equal shares, and there
In reversion, the return of the thing to the donor is provided
shall be no right of accretion among them, unless the
in the donation itself – a provision for reversion.
donor has otherwise provided.
We speak of reversion as returning the thing donated to the
The preceding paragraph shall not be applicable to
donor. But under our law, there can be reversion in favor of
donations made to the husband and wife jointly, between
a third person. If you would look closely at Art. 757, you
whom there shall be a right of accretion, if the contrary
would see that a reversion in favor of a third person would
has not been provided by the donor. (637)
effectively be a limitation to the flow of the property. If
there is a provision for reversion in favor of a third person,
When a donation is made to several persons jointly. You the donee does not have any discretion to dispose of the
make a donation in favor of A, B, C and D. The result will be property. The donee cannot even dispose the thing donated
co-ownership among them. But donations will not be to his own heirs because of the reversion.
protected unless we have acceptance.
Essentially, this reversion in favor of a third person is
The donee may reject and should anyone of the donees similar to a fideicommissary substitution. So, what is the
reject, there will be a portion without a donee (vacant effect? You are ultimately limiting the circulation of the
portion) property by limiting where it may be given after the first
donee (heir, in case of substitution)
Q: Would this approve to the other donees?
A: No, unless the donor provides otherwise. In a fideicommissary substitution, ang daming conditions
that must be met. Ganito rin tayo sa reversion in favor of a
XPN to XPN: If the donees happen to be husband and wife. third person. Under Art. 757, the third person in whose
Accretion will be the default, unless the donor says the favor the reversion is made is required to be living at the
contrary. time of donation. And of course, the reversion in favor of
third person cannot be made in the same manner as
Dito sa donation inter vivos, it is understood to be in equal reversion in favor of the donor. The reversion in favor of the
shares. (we will have a similar discussion under the Law on donor can be made for any case and circumstances. It is
Wills and Succession-Accretion) Would there be accretion if more limited in the case of reversion in favor of a third
the shares are not equal? Or dapat ba parating equal for person.
accretion to take place. (to be discussed in Wills and
Succession) In theory when it comes to intestate succession, Q: Now, what happens if you make a reversion in favor
accretion follows as a matter of course. Ganun din ba sa of a third person which is contrary to what is provided
donation inter vivos? in the law?
A: The reversion will be void, but the donation will not be
REVERSION nullified.
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(1) If the donor, after the donation, should have ARTICLE 765. The donation may also be revoked at the
legitimate or legitimated or illegitimate children, even instance of the donor, by reason of ingratitude in the
though they be posthumous; following cases:
(2) If the child of the donor, whom the latter believed to (1) If the donee should commit some offense against the
be dead when he made the donation, should turn out to person, the honor or the property of the donor, or of his
be living; wife or children under his parental authority;
(3) If the donor should subsequently adopt a minor child. (2) If the donee imputes to the donor any criminal
offense, or any act involving moral turpitude, even though
he should prove it, unless the crime or the act has been
Q: What is the reason for this article? committed against the donee himself, his wife or children
A: The reason is to protect the children of the donor. under his authority;
You must understand that whenever a donation is made, it (3) If he unduly refuses him support when the donee is
results in the reduction of the patrimony of the donor. legally or morally bound to give support to the donor.
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For example, an ordinary swimming pool or an ordinary REMEDIES TO A NUISANCE [PUBLIC v. PRIVATE]
body of water would not be considered as attractive
nuisance. However, those swimming pools with floating
docks or slides that would attract a child who dives in and
drowns, the owner will be liable for maintaining an
attractive nuisance on your property and you failing to
safeguard to prevent children from diving in, and, as a
Criminal Action, Civil Civil Action or Abatement,
consequence, drowning.
Action, or Abatement without judicial
without judicial proceedings. [Art. 705].
The theory being that being the one who installed that, you
proceedings [Art. 699].
attracted the children to go into your property and make
use of whatever things you installed in your property.
KINDS OF NUISANCE The district health officer N/A
shall take care that one or
A nuisance may be: all of the remedies against
1. Public or private a public nuisance are
availed of. [Art. 700].
a. Public nuisance pertains to a nuisance that affects a
community, neighborhood, or any considerable number If a civil action is brought N/A
of people. In this case, you may resort to criminal by reason of the
prosecution, civil action, and abatement without judicial maintenance of a public
proceedings. nuisance, such action shall
be commenced by the city
b. Private nuisance affects an individual or a limited or municipal mayor. [Art.
number of individuals. There is no criminal action, only 701].
civil actions and abatement without judicial proceedings.
A private person may file Any person injured by a
c. The lapse of time cannot legalize any nuisance either an action on account of a private nuisance may abate
public or private. It cannot vest a right to an owner of the public nuisance, if it is it by removing, or if
nuisance [Art. 698]. specially injurious to necessary, by destroying
himself. [Art. 703]. the thing which constitutes
2. Per accidens or per se the nuisance, without
committing a breach of the
a. Per accidens pertains to a nuisance under any and all peace or doing
circumstances [e.g. a house built in the middle of the road, unnecessary injury.
in this case there is no need to go to court to abolish it]. However, it is
indispensable that the
b. Per se pertains to a nuisance that is only a nuisance due procedure for
to the circumstances [e.g. a piggery in a remote area is not extrajudicial abatement
a nuisance unless in the process there are people who of a public nuisance by a
built their houses in the area. It would not be proper for private person be
the piggery to be destroyed, there must be a hearing since followed [Art. 706].
he arrived there first in the area. You must look into the
zoning and classification of the area [either residential or
industrial etc.]. The context will now become important. WILLS AND SUCCESSION
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through his death to another or others either by his will or Q: Why is it important to know the distinction between
by operation of law. an heir, on one hand, and the legatees/devisees, on the
This definition contains the elements that must be present A: Because in case there is preterition, the effect of
in order for succession to take place. preterition will affect an heir differently from a devisee or
Art. 854. The preterition or omission of one, some, or all of
1. Death the compulsory heirs in the direct line, whether living at the
2. Inheritance time of the execution of the will or born after the death of
3. Successors the testator, shall annul the institution of heir; but the
4. Acceptance devises and legacies shall be valid insofar as they are not
All of these must come together in order for succession to
take place. But before we proceed, I would want to tackle If we have preterition, it results in the annulment of the
some terms that you ought to be familiar with at this point. institution of heirs. Mababalewala ‘yung nakalagay sa last
will and testament. Whereas, if what was disposed of under
1. Decedent vs. Testator the will where the preterition was committed, was simply
legacies or devises, then the law says that even if there is
Art. 775. In this Title, "decedent" is the general term preterition, the legacies and the devises may still be
applied to the person whose property is transmitted respected/retained to the extent that they do not impair the
through succession, whether or not he left a will. If he left a legitime.
will, he is also called the testator.
Q: How do we know if a person is an heir? Or if a person is
Decedent and Testator may refer to the same person only devisee or legatee? Kasi kung pagbabasehan lang natin
that a testator is someone who was able to prepare for his ‘yung definition sa batas as to what an heir is vs. what a
death by executing a last will and testament before dying. devisee or legatee is, it would seem that there is possible
overlapping between the two concepts.
A decedent, on the other hand, is a term that is broad
enough to include both a testator (someone who left a will) Halimbawa, the estate only has one property and we only
and a person who died (deceased) who did not leave any have one heir. Naturally, that single property of the estate
last will and testament. would go to that heir.
2. Heirs, Legatee, and Devisee So how should we treat that person? Is he an heir? Or is he a
devisee or legatee? Needless to say itong ating
pagdududang ito, this will only come into play if what is
Art. 782. An heir is a person called to the succession either
involved here is a testator. Kasi if the person died intestate,
by the provision of a will or by operation of law.
then the possibility of having a legacy or devise is already
shut down kasi wala ngang last will and testament.
Devisees and legatees are persons to whom gifts of real and
Necessarily, wala ka ring legacy or devise. Pero if that
personal property are respectively given by virtue of a will.
person was instituted under a last will and testament and
there is possible preterition, then it would be crucial for us
Heir – a person to whom the decedent or the testator has to determine in what capacity did that person inherit
left some inheritance and the inheritance would be abstract from the testator?
in concept, because there is no specific property that is left
to the heir. Usually, it would be a portion of the estate or the Kasi kung heir siya at may preterition, his institution as heir
entire estate. will be set aside. But if he can make out a case to say that he
is not an heir, but a legatee or devisee, then it is possible to
Legatee – the recipient through testamentary disposition of say that at least half of what was given to him as a devise
specific personal property. or legacy, kasi ‘yung default nating legitime ½ of the estate.
If there’s only property in the estate, then yung legacy sa
Devisee – the recipient through testamentary disposition of kanya, that single property may still be saved up to the
specific real property. extent of that ½ portion. Bakit? Kasi up to that ½ portion,
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pwede pang ma-accommodate sa free portion. Hindi pa (2) When the will does not institute an heir to, or dispose of
magi-impair ng legitime. all the property belonging to the testator. In such case, legal
succession shall take place only with respect to the
A: Look at how the disposition was made. If the person property of which the testator has not disposed;
was instituted to the entire estate, then that person would
be considered an heir even though the estate only has one (3) If the suspensive condition attached to the institution of
property. The reason being is that he was instituted to heir does not happen or is not fulfilled, or if the heir dies
succeed to the entire estate. It does not matter that in so before the testator, or repudiates the inheritance, there
doing, he will be succeeding to one specific property. being no substitution, and no right of accretion takes place;
But if he was instituted under the will to receive the only (4) When the heir instituted is incapable of succeeding,
property left behind by the testator, and this was referred to except in cases provided in this Code.
specifically, then he will be considered as a legatee or as a
devisee even if that sole property is already the entire 2. Legal/Intestate – This is what takes place by operation
estate of the testator. of law. Compulsory succession is the same thing. It also
takes place by operation of law. Kaya lang we cannot lump
Nakikita niyo langit at lupa ‘yung layo nung effect if he was intestate succession with compulsory succession because
instituted as heir, then he receives nothing because his intestate succession may be defeated by the execution of a
institution will be annulled. last will and testament. It takes place in the absence of a last
will and testament. Or even if there was a last will and
If we will treat him as a legatee or devisee, he still gets testament executed, if it fails to pass probate, then intestate
half because the ½ of the legacy/devise given to him, succession takes place.
may be accommodated in the free portion. It is ½
because the default legitime is 1/2. Lahat ng ating Compulsory succession, on the other hand, takes place
primary compulsory heirs (children - ½, parents - ½, wife – notwithstanding the execution of a last will and testament.
½), they get ½. We apply this usually kapag isa lang ang But it is not compulsory on the heirs, it is compulsory on
compulsory heir mo. Or marami man, but they are of the the receiver. The law reserves certain portion of his estate
same kind. If there is more than one child, ½ pa rin kasi in favor of his compulsory heirs.
lahat sila anak. If there is more than one parent, ½ pa rin
kasi lahat sila parents. The adherence to this policy of reserving a certain portion
of the decedent’s estate in favor of compulsory heirs is so
3. Successors strict that the law requires us to go back in time to collate
4. Acceptance all prior donations inter vivos to determine whether or not
there was impairment of the legitime.
Imagine, mabubuhay ka ng 75 years and throughout the 75
Art. 779. Testamentary succession is that which results years, you will be making donations every now and then.
from the designation of an heir, made in a will executed in Babalikan lahat ‘yun. Every single donation that you made
the form prescribed by law. would be collated -- the value would be brought back to
your estate. All for the purpose of determining whether you
1. Testamentary – That which takes place through the have made any inofficious donation (any donation which
execution of a will. Remember the purpose of executing a impairs the legitime). Ganun ka-sacred ‘yung legitime.
will is disposition of property to take effect after death. So
even if you may have an instrument that may be centered In fact, kaya rin ito tinatawag na compulsory because the
on death or has death as consideration, if there is no decedent cannot deprive his compulsory heirs of their
disposition, then it will not qualify as a last will and legitime except through disinheritance. And you can only
testament. It will not give rise to testamentary succession. disinherit by executing a last will and testament and by
availing of the grounds specified in the law (See Art. 919,
NCC). If you fail to single out an applicable ground or let’s
Art. 960. Legal or intestate succession takes place:
say you were able to specify a ground, but the people
interested in your estate were not able to prove it then what
(1) If a person dies without a will, or with a void will, or one
you will have is a defective disinheritance.
which has subsequently lost its validity;
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A defective disinheritance, hindi siya kasinglala sa effect ng 5. Contractual Succession - There is no more contractual
preterition. But it also results in the setting aside of some succession to speak of. Kasi dati we had that under the Civil
other disposition, but only insofar as they may impair the Code. The future spouses could make donations propter
legitime. It is not an outright or automatic annulment. nuptias involving future property to take effect upon death.
And they were allowed to make the donation in the
Art. 780. Mixed succession is that effected partly by will marriage settlement which is an ordinary contract. Kaya
and partly by operation of law. contractual succession lumalabas.
But the Family Code has changed that because under the
3. Mixed – Combination of intestate and testamentary
Family Code, if you would want to donate future property
succession. You do not refer to the combination of the
by way of donation propter nuptias, that will also still be
compulsory succession and testamentary succession as
effective upon death. Furthermore, it must now comply with
mixed, hindi. Kasi given na ‘yan talaga. We have that
the forms and solemnities of last will and testament.
[compulsory succession] regardless of whether what you
have is intestate succession or testamentary succession.
Wala na ‘yung dating pwede nasa marriage settlement.
Ngayon, kailangan nasa last will and testament.
But if what takes place is a combination of testamentary
and intestate, then you have a mixed succession.
Q: How can you have a mixed succession?
A: Halimbawa, you made a will but you only disposed of
certain portions of your estate then that means that the rest
Death opens succession. From the time of death, right to
would have to be governed by the law on intestate
inheritance is vested. But because of the focus on death, we
forget that death is not only the element. Because even if
the decedent dies but he has no properties or heirs, there
Pero a more complicated route to be presented by the
will be no succession.
execution of a last will and testament meant to dispose of
the entire estate. However, the last will and testament fails
Or even if he has properties or heirs, but his heirs does not
to provide for a stipulation or a provision saying that
accept, there will still be no succession
after-acquired properties (properties which are acquired
after the execution of the will) would also be covered by the
Article 777. The rights to the succession are transmitted
said last will and testament.
from the moment of the death of the decedent. (657a)
The default is your will will not cover after-acquired
properties unless you provide for that effect in the last will Q: What kind of death are we speaking of here? Do we
and testament. have different kinds?
1. Actual or physical death
Art. 793. Property acquired after the making of a will shall
2. Presumptive death
only pass thereby, as if the testator had possessed it at the
time of making the will, should it expressly appear by the
Rule on Presumptive death:
will that such was his intention.
GR: absence of atleast 10 years before opening succession
Maraming abogado, nakakaligtaang gawin ‘yan. So anong to absentee
mangyayari? Mamamatay si testator thinking na okay na, XPN:
namatay na ako, hindi na magmamana ‘yung mga 1. If person was of the age of 75yrs or more at the
kamag-anak ko dahil na-specify ko lang kung sino lang ang time of disappearance, in which case, the period
pwedeng magmana sa akin. E namatay siya, sabihin natin will be shortened to 5 years
45 years after executing the will, at doon pa siya sa period 2. If the person is under the danger of death at the
na ‘yon, sa last quarter ng buhay niya, dun pa siya time of disappearance, the period will be shortened
yumaman. Ang mangyayari the will only govern those to 4 years (Art. 391, NCC)
properties existing at the time the will was executed. 3. 2 years for purposes of contracting a Terminable
Subsequent Marriage (Art. 41, FC)
4. Compulsory - Takes place by operation of law. (See
discussion above)
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There is a problem in 781, specially because under 777, The Heir here should only be liable to the extent of 1M - yun
death opens succession and right over inheritance is vested. lang naman ang naiwanan talaga sakanya. We also cannot
From the moment of death of decedent, the heir would now deny that these shares of stock earned interest and
become the owner of the properties inherited from dividends worth 1.5M and we the earned dividends shall be
decedent. But in 781, the inheritance includes properties added to the value of the shares of stocks would be
which have accrued since the opening of succession sufficient to pay off the obligation. (Total: 2.5M)
whereas under the rules on property, anything that would
accrue would now belong to the heir as owner in his own Q: Can we justify making the heir pay the entire 2M?
right. A: Yes. (Art. 781, NCC)
EXTENT OF AN HEIR'S LIABILITY FOR AN INHERITED We apply this for purposes defining the limitation to the
OBLIGATION obligation of the heir to answer to the obligations left
behind by the decedent. Unfair din naman sa
Example: pingakakautangan ng decedent kung iiwanan mo sya sa ere,
when there is property left behind and we have Art. 781,
PEDRO DIED AFTER EXECUTING A DEED OF SALE WITH allowing us to use the accrued properties.
OBLIGATION, PEDRO ALSO LEFT BEHIND SHARES OF This is not really acquired properties. This would be
STOCKS WORTH PHP 1 MILLION WHICH AFTER HIS accruals to the properties. Sa after acquired properties with
regard to execution of a last will and testament. Sa 781, we
are speaking of accruals as of the time the decedent died.
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3rd ELEMENT: SUCCESSION succession, then the basis here would be the presumed will
of the decedent. Now on one hand, he have the express will
(will be discussed under Wills) because whatever the testator wants to happen, it is the
expressed in his last will and testament. Pero if it is
4th ELEMENT: ACCEPTANCE intestate succession, the law simply presumes that had the
decedent been able to execute a last will and testament to
No one may be forced to act as someone else’s heir. You provide for the people that he would want to provide for
always have a choice. then these people identified under the law on intestate
succession, will be the people that he would put in the will.
At tignan niyo, sino yung mge legal heirs, and you can see
Art. 533. The possession of hereditary property is too that the compulsory heirs are necessarily also the legal
deemed transmitted to the heir without interruption and heirs. And that once you have a compulsory heir in the
from the moment of the death of the decedent, in case the direct line, all the other possible legal heirs in the collateral
inheritance is accepted. line would be excluded. The interplay of compulsory heir
succession saka intestate succeesion that if we have
If you reject the inheritance, you are deemed to have never compulsory heirs, this people would also be your legal
been in possession even though in reality you are the one in heirs. At kapag ang compulsory heirs mo would be those in
possession of the said inheritance from the time the the direct line, wala ng pag-asa pa yung collaterals, out na
decedent died. sila. Bakit? Kasi your compulsory heirs, would be those
related to you in the direct line, your immediate family. Ang
In property, madaling ma-transmit because you are dealing stranger lang dito would be the spouse. And the spouse too
with tangible assets. But in rights and obligations, it is is the only compulsory heir who may succeed alongside
possible that some rights and obligations will not survive collateral relatives who are intestate heirs. Dahil ito sa the
the death of a decedent. Once you are still alive, everything
law presumes that had he been able to execute the last will
you own, properties, rights and obligations, these would
and testament, he would want those people in the direct
comprise your patrimony. Pero once you die, there will be
certain rights and obligations which will not cross-over and line to succeed you. This is called preference of lines.
survive your death. They will be extinguished.
And within the direct line, may preference pa rin tayo. So
Kailangan malaman what rights and obligations survives dito makikita niyo yung rule of preference of line, direct line
death. Usually, madali lang naman yan, the first rule of vs. the collateral line. And within the direct line, the
thumb would be to determine what is the nature of the descending line is preferred over the ascending line because
rights and obligations? presence of people in the descending line generally will
exclude those in the ascending except if the people in the
If it is purely personal, then necessarily it will die with the descending line happened to be illegitimate.
decedent. Kung hindi naman siye purely personal, it may be
of such a character where the law provides that it dies with TESTAMENTARY VS. INTESTATE SUCCESSION
the decedent, tulad ng right to usufruct. It may be
extinguished by the death of the usufructuary. Sabi nga We also understand now why testamentary succession is
natin, it may be alienated-the right of usufruct, but it cannot preferred over intestate succession kasi yung testamentary
be inherited. And then, there are certain rights too which succession, it constitutes the express will of the testator as
are made intransmissible. Apart from the purely personal opposed to simply the presumed will that is the basis for
ones, there are those which are intransmissible by express intestate succession. That’s why testamentary succession
agreement or by contractual stipulation. In which case, always prevails over the intestate succession.
these two will not form part of the inheritance.
In fact, kung halimbawang may namatay, the presumption
WILLS was that he did not leave a last will and testament and there
is a proceeding for the settlement of his intestate estate,
If you have testamentary succession, the basis for that proceeding will be suspended once a petition for a
succession here would be the last will and testament that probate of his will filed. Uunahin muna yung probate
the testator leaves behind. If you’re going by intestate
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proceedings. And it will be determined, whether there is after death, do you think the bank would still lend you
still even a need for the settlement of its intestate estate. money? Hindi na. So anong mangyayari sa economy natin?
It will come to a halt dahil hindi na magkakaron ng
BASIS OF TESTAMENTARY SUCCESSION: transaction that would last for more than one’s lifetime.
But with these, we know that there would be a continuation
The way that the law defines a will under Article 783 is that of the legal personality of the decedent. What vehicle would
it’s supposed to be an act whereby a person is permitted that be? It will be his estate. Kasi yun naman yung goal nung
within formalities prescribed by law who control to a estate eh, it will settle all the obligations and then deliver
certain degree the disposition of his estate to take effect whatever remains to the rightful heirs.
after his death.
At wag niyo ring isipin na porket dadaan muna sa
settlement of estate yung inheritance and only what
Article 783. A will is an act whereby a person is
remains would be delivered to the heirs, that it means that
permitted, with the formalities prescribed by law, to
the heirs are not be liable for the obligations. No. They are
control to a certain degree the disposition of this estate,
still liable because whatever is paid out of the estate to
to take effect after his death. (667a)
satisfy obligations would mean reduction of whatever they
will be receiving.
And to me, it’s very significant that it’s worded this way, that
So effectively, sino rin ang nagbayad? Sila din and with the
the law speaks of the will as an act kasi alam naman nating
same recognized limitation that they cannot be held liable
lahat that under Article 804, it is required that a will must
for obligations of the value on the inheritance. Yun nga lang,
be in writing. So it cannot be an act. Also, the law says it is
tatandaan niyo, for purposes of the satisfaction of
an act whereby a person is permitted with the formalities
obligations and the determination of the limitation, we will
prescribed by law to control disposition of his estate to take
be applying Article 781.
effect after his death. So why does the law say “permitted”
when the disposition of one’s property is the hallmark of
ownership. Diba that’s one of the attribute of ownership, Article 781. The inheritance of a person includes not
yung jus posedendi. Pero pagdating sa will, the law speaks only the property and the transmissible rights and
though wala ng karapatan talaga yung testator at obligations existing at the time of his death, but also
pinapahintulutan na lang siya. those which have accrued thereto since the opening of
the succession. (n)
The reason is that, upon a person’s death, his personality is
also extinguished, his capacity to act is also extinguished.
Dapat with his death, he will no longer have any say on Article 804. Basic Requirement.
what happens to his property.
Article 804. Every will must be in writing and executed
Q: Would that be an advisable scenario?
in a language or dialect known to the testator. (n)
A: No kasi pag minsan nga, meron ka ng last will and
testament na naiwanan, nagkakagulo pa rin yung mga
tagapag-mana. Eh mas lalo na kapag sasabihin mo na your
And these requirements is applied to both kinds of wills
right to control the disposition of your estate would be
that we have, the notarial and the holographic wills. Both
cut-off upon the death, that is one reason. Another reason is
are required to be in writing and required to be in a
that, we need the personality of the decedent to continue
language or dialect known to the testator.
even after his death, why? For the satisfaction of the
obligations. Dahil it is a given that people will not live
Now, if you would look at the requirements for a notarial
forever, but transactions specially the big ones, they may
will or holographic will, there is no requirement that this
outlive personalities.
familiarity with the language or dialect on which the will is
written be alleged in the will itself. Hindi kinakailangan
So palagay mo ba kung halimbawang umutang ka sa bangko
sabihin doon. This will usually come out in the probate
to finance your business and don’t have this provision of the
law which recognizes the continuation of one’s personality
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But we do have a jurisprudence to the effect, saying that if power to distribute is the determination of the specific
the will is written in a language or dialect spoken in the persons, instrumentalities, or institutions who will be
place where the testator is based, it is presumed that he is receiving.
familiar or he knows that language or dialect.
Now, at first glance, titignan ninyo – parang mas malaki pa
Supposing sasabihin sa inyo that the testator was illiterate, nga ‘yung discretion na binibigay sa third person because
hindi siya nakapag-aral and the will was made in an English he will be able to determine who will be receiving and how
much they will be receiving under Article 786 compared to
language. Can we automatically conclude that he did not
Article 785. Sabi sa Article 785, kapag pinangalanan na
understand the will because it is not written in English even
‘yung mga tao, hindi na pwedeng i-delegate sa ibang tao
that he is illiterate? No because maybe hindi siya iyong power to determine how much each of these named
nakapag-aral, nakapag-basa or nakapag-sulat pero persons will be receiving.
halimbawang Amerikano naman siya and he speaks English.
So kahit pa Pilipino siya kasi tignan mo yung mga bata
ngayon, ang accent nila ngayon is Disney accent, yung Article 785. The duration or efficacy of the designation
of heirs, devisees or legatees, or the determination of the
accent nila papasa na sa mga call center.
portions which they are to take, when referred to by
name, cannot be left to the discretion of a third person.
1. Purely personal
2. Free and voluntary The only distinction is that – Sa Article 786 kasi, the
3. Must be disposed of property disposition is in favor of specific causes or classes. ‘Yung
discretion na ibinibigay sa third person, it is within the
4. Essentially revocable
context of that disposition.
5. Formal
6. Unilateral Q: What does the law mean by this?
7. Act Mortis Causa A: Again, we assume that we are dealing with a notarial will.
Q: What do we mean when the Will is purely personal? The way it works in practice is that the testator will be
Does it require that it is the testator himself to type or discussing with his lawyer, and the testator will express
write down the contents of his Will? what he wants to be done in his estate after his death, and
that would include naming his heirs, specifying what
A: Unless it is holographic, you can actually delegate the properties they will be receiving, how much they will be
mechanical act of writing down or preparing the receiving, what the conditions are for them to receive the
instrument embodying his last Will and Testament. In properties, what would the duration, if any, that they will be
purely personal aspect of the execution of the Will, this enjoying the rights and properties that will be bequeathed
pertains to the duration and efficacy of the designation of to them. Lahat ng ‘yan galing sa testator. Si lawyer will just
the heirs, devisees, or legatees; the determination of the take this and reduce it into writing in the formal instrument
portions which are to be received. These are things which that is the Last Will and Testament.
cannot be left to the discretion of a third person.
Now, it is essentially revocable, and this what sets it apart
Now, having said that, I want to call your attention to Article from a donation inter vivos. It must dispose of property. If
786. there is no disposition of property, then you will not have a
last will and testament. You may have some other
instrument. It is not necessarily without effect because it
Article 786. The testator may entrust to a third person may not qualify as a last will and testament, but it may
the distribution of specific property or sums of money qualify as some other instrument.
that he may leave in general to specified classes or
causes, and also the designation of the persons, You also know that the Will will still be valid even if its only
institutions or establishments to which such property or provision is one of disinheritance because when you
sums are to be given or applied. (671a) disinherit, that is effectively a disposition in favor of those
who will be inheriting in lieu of the disinherited
compulsory heir. Sino ba ito? If the right of representation
Dito kasi, pinapayagan ‘yung testator natin to leave the
exists, the representative would be stepping up and would
distribution of specific property or sums of money to
be inheriting. If there is no right of representation, it would
specified classes or causes, and then incidental to that
be a disposition in favor of the other intestate heirs.
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Q: But what signature do you affix and how do we know In the same way our witnesses here are supposed to
that whatever mark or whatever was written down is subscribe their names at the end of the attestation clause.
actually the testator’s signature? Our witnesses here, their only participation is the act of
A: From your personal experience, you ought to know that
attesting to the due execution of the last will and testament.
your signatures have changed through the years. Whatever
the testator intends to be his signature should be accepted But it doesn’t matter if they do not understand the language
as his signature. to which the disposition was written, because it is not their
business, they don’t have to know. What they need is what
Q: Can the testator adopt an entirely new signature for was stated in the attestation clause.
purposes of executing his will?
A: This can still be done but it is not advisable because this If the entire will. Including the attestation clause was
can be used by people who are denied in probate.
written in Bisaya, the attestation clause will be interpreted
Although the law does not require a full signature and in to the witnesses if they do not understand Bisaya. The rest
fact a mark would be sufficient, it also goes without saying of the will won’t be interpreted to them.
that the mark should be associated with you.
The law also requires that the testators sign in the presence
There is jurisprudence which rejected the use of a cross (+) of the witnesses, and the witnesses in turn, must sign in the
to identify the testator kasi ‘yung cross is not really reliable presence of the testator, and one another.
unless written in a way that it is distinct enough to associate
the testator.
Q: What determines presence?
Secondly, what will be the basis to associate it with you? In A: Presence is determined by sight and proximity. These
that particular case, there is no showing that the testator is two must concur.
illiterate. In lieu of a cross (+), a thumbmark is more
acceptable because a thumbmark is distinct for every Q: When do you have sight?
individual, and you can easily authenticate it.
A: The law doesn’t require that the testator and witnesses
Example: Kunwari, ikaw si Zorro, you are identified with be huddled together. It is enough that by simply casting
letter Z. That is fine because may basis eh. Si Zorro ka. That their eyes at the right direction, they would be able to see
is how you identify yourself what was happening.
If you are Zorro, and you are identified with the letter Z, Example:
then that is fine. We have a basis, you are Zorro, and that is Witness #1 was at one corner, and we are having the
how you identified yourself. If Mr. Parulan signed a Z, then, signing on the desk in front, like a classroom set up of a
if I was the opposing counsel, I would say that that is not a professor’s table. And the witnesses and the testator shall
signature, as he was never known as Z, he has never signed go there one by one to sign, and while they’re not signing,
as Z. I will then create a doubt. they will be in the different corners of the room. That would
still be sight, as in any given time, they can turn their heads,
It is also required that the testator sign at the end of the cast their eyes, and they would know what was happening.
This is interpreted as logical end, as opposed to the physical However, it is not enough to just see.
If you will just see, you won’t understand the context.
Logical end means that there are dispositions to terminate. Remember the set up in UST, we have big windows? Now, if
It would terminate after the last disposition has been made. everyone else is in the room, you are Witness #3 and you
are outside having a smoke, and you can see them all
The testator, the ownership here, is the dispositions, and by standing, going to the table, signing.
affixing his signature at the end of the dispositions says that
he has provided for these dispositions. He is acknowledging In my opinion, that will not satisfy the proximity. You will
that whatever dispositions that preceded his signatures not be able to see if there was duress being employed
were all provided for, were all made by him. towards the testator, whether he is saying enough to
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understand what was going on. These things are the things
If the attestation clause is in a language not known to the
you should witness in a closer distance, and not outside witnesses, it shall be interpreted to them. (n)
through a glass window. You won’t be able to appreciate it.
The testator or his agent, and the witnesses, must sign each
Another thing, through technology, is the whole proceeding
and every page except the last, on the left hand margin. The
would be videotaped. And prior to making the testators
sign, especially if the testator is old, questions would be purpose of these signatures on the left margin is to identify
the physical document as the last will and testament that
asked of him. “Asan ka ngayon, anong petsa ngayon, anong
was published to the witnesses. This is no different from
pangalan mo, sino ang mga asa paligid mo” so if someone
contracts which requires that their initials be signed in the
would question the testamentary capacity of the testator,
document. If these aren’t signed, the danger is that there
you would have these added evidence.
may be insertion of pages, or changes, etc. That is meant to
protect the integrity and identity of the physical document.
Q: If we can record, why can’t we just record the last will
and testament? Can’t we just do a selfie video? May
Since that is the purpose of the signature, it doesn’t matter
teleserye about a last will and testament that was
where you put your identifying signature. It won’t render
videotaped and nagpatayan sila for that.
A: No. Wills are required to be in writing. the document ineffective if you sign on the right. As long as
the purpose is achieved, we shouldn’t be too technical about
that requirement. The purpose is to identify, to authenticate
Even if it could be argued that it is more convenient, but the
law requires, or allows only one form. It must be in writing. the document.
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This means that the numbers must be in words, must be Appear before the notary public and you acknowledge to
spelled out. Three, not 3. This is to protect the document. him under oath that the instrument constitutes your free
and voluntary act.
Since the Civil Code was published in 1950s, they thought
that it would be better to place it in different words(?). But Jurat is a statement by the notary public that was
now, in these times, with technology, you can easily edit subscribed and sworn to before him.
things. Scan, manipulate, then scan again, then print. So
these safeguards may not be possible anymore. In one case, the last will and testament does not have an
Requirement of the upper part of each page, it doesn’t acknowledgement, but it has a jurat. The SC said it was null
matter where you put the paging (kahit sa ilalim). and void because what the law requires is that it should be
acknowledged by the notary public.
Q:Should the acknowledgement be done at the same
Art. 805. (par. 3) time that the will is executed? Should be part of the
…. execution of the will?
The attestation shall state the number of pages used A: No, because the acknowledgement is not part of the act
upon which the will is written, and the fact that the of executing the will or publishing the same to the
testator signed the will and every page thereof, or witnesses. The acknowledgement can be done after. The law
caused some other person to write his name, under his does not even require that the testator and the witnesses
express direction, in the presence of the instrumental
make the acknowledgement simultaneously or in the
witnesses, and that the latter witnessed and signed
the will and all the pages thereof in the presence of presence of one another. So long as they appeared before
the testator and of one another. the notary public.
If the attestation clause is in a language not known to the In practice it is better to have the acknowledgement done
witnesses, it shall be interpreted to them. (n) after the execution of the will.
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testator in the presence of the witnesses.” And then, A will that is required to be entirely written, dated and
tumuloy na siya sa “and the witnesses signed the attestation signed by the hand of the testator. Subject to any
clause in the presence of one another.” So obviously, there requirements, it may be made in and out of the Philippines,
were missing words. Have these words been present, then it is not required to be witnessed.
the attestation clause would have been perfect. Ang need
lang sabihin is, the testator signed in the presence of the The very basis of authenticating of a holographic will would
witnesses, and the witnesses signed in the presence of the be the handwriting of the testator. If a copy of the
testator and of one another. Dito, nawala yung “in the holographic will cannot be located after the death of the
presence of the testator.” testator, there is no way that it may still be admitted to
probate. Unlike if it is a notarial will which is executed and
Supreme Court said, no amount of examining the will would it could no longer be located no copy may be located after
supply this omission, because the will itself would not be the death of the testator and of course, excluding the
able to tell you that this in fact happened. Kelangan dito possibility that there was revocation. The notarial will may
yung declaration ng witnesses. It cannot be supplied by still be admitted to probate, provided that evidence is
examining the will. And since it cannot be supplied by adduced regarding the fact of its lost, the due execution of
examining the will, then we cannot apply Art.809. We the notarial will as required by law, and, evidence of what
cannot afford to be liberal about it, and say that there is its contents are.
substantial compliance.
But in case of a holographic will, there is at least a
Now, it’s different from a situation where the attestation photocopy of the same, then that would be sufficient to
clause failed to state the number of pages, comprising the allow its admission into probate. Because if there is a copy,
will. Kasi, if meron ka naman paging dun sa will. Nilagay mo there will be a basis for authenticating the handwriting of
is “Page 1 of 17 Pages”, “Page 2 of 17 Pages”, it tells you that the testator.
maybe, even though the attestation clause fails to state the
number of pages comprising the will, still a mere Q: Now, how exactly are you supposed to make a
examination of the will would tell you how many pages holographic will?
there are in the will, 17 pages. Or maaaring wala nga dun A: Basically, it is not different from writing whatever it is
yung total, pero dun sa acknowledgment, the Notary Public that you wish to dispose of. You just need to identify
may state “acknowledged before me this will comprising of yourself and that the will is dated. Then you write down the
17 pages”. dispositions that you want.
Q: Can you apply Art.809 now? Q: Do you have to complete your holographic will in one
A: Yes, because the omission may be supplied by an seating?
examination of the will itself. A: No. Because a holographic will, being informal as it is, is
something that you may work on over a period of time.
HOLOGRAPHIC WILL What would only happen is that whenever you make an
addition, you will have to date and sign the same. That is
your way of authenticating the additional dispositions.
Article 810. A person may execute a holographic will
which must be entirely written, dated, and signed by the
Now, you may also make several dispositions and so long as
hand of the testator himself. It is subject to no other form,
you sign each of them, and you sign and date the last one,
and may be made in or out of the Philippines, and need
then the date of the last one is sufficient to be used for the
not be witnessed.
other dispositions. Ganoon ka-informal ang holographic
Article 811. In the probate of a holographic will, it shall
The law, however, is quite strict when it comes to the
be necessary that at least one witness who knows the
probate of a holographic will.
handwriting and signature of the testator explicitly
declare that the will and the signature are in the
handwriting of the testator. If the will is contested, at
least three of such witnesses shall be required.
In the absence of any competent witness referred to in
the preceding paragraph, and if the court deem it
necessary, expert testimony may be resorted to. (619a)
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ARTICLE 811. In the probate of a holographic will, it
shall be necessary that at least one witness who knows
The fact that a witness is a beneficiary under the will will
the handwriting and signature of the testator explicitly
not disqualify him as a witness, but it may disqualify him,
declare that the will and the signature are in the
his spouse, or his child, to be such heir, devisee or legatee,
handwriting of the testator. If the will is contested, at
unless there are 3 other people acting as a witness to the
least three of such witnesses shall be required.
same will. This is to protect the integrity of the will; to
discount the possibility of undue influence or improper
In the absence of any competent witness referred to in
the preceding paragraph, and if the court deem it
necessary, expert testimony may be resorted to.
However, if what was provided in the will is the payment of
an obligation to a creditor, that will not be taken as a
disposition that would disqualify the creditor from
Ngayon class, mag-produce ka nga lang ng isa who would be receiving payment. What is involved here is not merely a
able to identify the handwriting of a person mahirap na. disposition, but a satisfaction of an obligation.
What more kung tatlo pa, if there is an opposition.
That is why even though the first paragraph may seem to
imply that it is mandatory that there should be at least one A joint will is not allowed by the law, neither can it be
person who can identify the handwriting, we have to take executed by Filipinos abroad. The reason being is that if it is
this in the context of the tenor of the second paragraph. a joint will, it will destroy the purely personal character of a
Under the second paragraph, expert testimony is allowed. last will and testament.
Q: What if you want to erase or insert a provision or PATENT AND LATENT AMBIGUITIES
disposition in your holographic will.
A: According to Art. 814, in case that any insertion, Q: Do we allow the reception of intrinsic evidence
cancellation, erasure, or alteration in a holographic will, the ambiguities in the will of both patent and latent
testator must authenticate the same by his whole signature. ambiguities?
A: Yes, latent ambiguities are those that are not immediately
ARTICLE 814. In case of any insertion, cancellation, apparent. It is brought out by consideration of extraneous
erasure or alteration in a holographic will, the testator circumstances. Under the law, you are allowed to resolve
must authenticate the same by his full signature this by first examining the four corners of the will and also
admitting extrinsic evidence except for any oral
declarations that may be attributed to the testator.
GR: From this article, the takeaway should be that if there is
no authentication as required by law, then the holographic As to patent ambiguities, those that are apparent on the face
will must remain as originally written – we will not accept of the will, you must examine the will but you are also
the insertions, cancellation, etc. It is as though such changes allowed to interpret the words of the will taking into
were not made. consideration the circumstances under which they were
written. In that sense, extrinsic evidence may still be
XPN: If what was erased or cancelled happens to be the admitted in patent ambiguities, but it is narrower in
substantive portion of the will, so that what took place was relation to the admittance of this evidence in latent
not a mere erasure or cancellation but is actually a ambiguities since in patent ambiguities, you are limited to
revocation. the interpretation of the words using the context of the
circumstances when they were written.
Note: In case of revocation, the law does not require any
authentication. REVOCATION OF WILLS
QUALIFICATIONS OF WITNESS Another term used for describing a will as revocable is that
is ambulatory in character. You cannot revoke a will for any
Unlike testators, a witness to a will cannot be blind, deaf, or reason or no reason.
dumb, nor can they be illiterate. Otherwise, he cannot
discharge his duties as a witness. There are higher Furthermore, given the fact that no documentation is
standards imposed for a person to be a witness to a will. required in revocation, it may happen that people will not
even know that the testator executed a will and revoked it
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thereafter. It may happen that you wrote a holographic will 1. By implication of law – this takes place when we
but you tore or burned it. Hence, it existed then was have legal separation and disposition is in favor of
destroyed without everyone knowing. the guilty spouse. The legal separation will trigger
the revocation of the testamentary dispositions or
That is partly the essence of a will, and where the freedom the entire will itself if the all the dispositions are in
comes from. For example, the treatment of a person to a favor of the guilty spouse by implication of law. In
testator may be affected which will affect how the testator this case, the testamentary capacity of the testator
feels about the heir, i.e. he may change his mind about no longer matters since the revocation arises from
revoking the will. law.
There are many ways to revoke a will: 2. Execution of a subsequent will or codicil –
Testamentary capacity is required here. The
1. Execution of a subsequent will meant to revoke revoking will must be admitted to probate;
a prior will. otherwise, the preceding will remains subsisting
One method of revoking a will would be executing a and is not revoked.
subsequent will meant to revoke a prior will. In that case, a. Express – the revocation is expressly stated.
the revocation was documented. However, with the more
practical means of burning, destroying, etc., there is no b. Implied – two wills will be admitted to
documentation needed and there may be no proof that probate and determine whether their
exists that the will was revoked through destruction. dispositions or provisions are compatible or
so inconsistent or contradictory to each
2. Physical destruction other that they cannot co-exist. Arriving at
There is no documentation needed in this case. that conclusion, we will be guided by the
same rules of interpretation that the law has
laid down for wills. Under the law, it states
3. Presumption of Revocation that we will strive to give every provision
For example, your grandfather secretly disclosed to you that some effect rather than suppressing anyone
he made a will wherein you will inherit something from the of the disposition made by the testator
free portion. It was made as a secret to prevent animosities because the idea is to always give effect to
between the heirs. Supposing upon his death, you couldn’t testamentary intent. This is the same in our
find his will, the law provides a presumption that if it can be interpretation in laws, we also do not favor
shown that at the time of death of the decedent, the testator implied repeals and we also try to harmonize
had access to the will and that such will can no longer be the different provisions of the law. It is the
located, then it is presumed that he has destroyed the same here.
same as a means to revoke it.
This is without prejudice to you finding the will again even REVOCATION OF WILLS AND TESTAMENTARY
many years after and submitting the same for probate; PROVISIONS
there is no prescription [for wills]. This is because the idea
is to always give effect to the testamentary intent. Article 830. No will shall be revoked except in the following
(1) By implication of law; or
Until the testator dies, the will does not take effect.
(2) By some will, codicil, or other writing executed as
Q: Thus, what is the point of revoking something that provided in case of wills; or
has not taken effect, what are you putting an end to?
A: It is not proper to say that you are putting an end to the (3) By burning, tearing, cancelling, or obliterating the will
will since the will has no effect. What you are putting an end with the intention of revoking it, by the testator himself, or
to is the potential capacity of the will to operate at the time by some other person in his presence, and by his express
of death of the testator. direction. If burned, torn, cancelled, or obliterated by some
other person, without the express direction of the testator,
MANNERS OF EFFECTING REVOCATION the will may still be established, and the estate distributed
in accordance therewith, if its contents, and due execution,
There are three ways to revoke:
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and the fact of its unauthorized destruction, cancellation, or Q: Ano ‘yung complication?
obliteration are established according to the Rules of Court. A: Kasi if you have an express revocation then you can do
with simply submitting the revoking will for probate. You no
There are three ways by which a last will and testament longer have to submit the supposedly revoked will,
may be revoked: particularly if the revocation is in its entirety (meaning the
entire prior will is revoked by the revoking will). So if you
1) By implication of law – testamentary capacity need not have this expressly revoking will then you only have to
be present anymore since this is independent of the will of submit this for probate. If admitted, then no need to submit
the testator. the prior supposedly revoked will to probate anymore kasi
it does not matter anymore. Revoked siya eh nitong ating
Example of revocation by implication of law: present will.
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3) Physical destruction – testamentary capacity is needed. because even assuming that the will was indeed revoked.
Of the three, revocation by physical destruction may prove The fact is that the husband ensure that the wife gets
to be the trickiest to navigate. If only because we do not everything. At siguro iniisip ng husband, na since matagal
have documentation. Unlike in the execution of a last will na niyang na-execute yung first will, baka luma na, parang
and testament where we have at least a paper trail in the may expiry date because sometimes ganiyan naman
case of a holographic will or witnesses and notarization in mag-isip yung mga ordinaryong tao, pag masyado ng
the case of a notarial will, ‘yung revocation by physical matagal baka hindi na effective kasi hindi na fresh. So baka
destruction this is often a secret affair. Kadalasan, si inisip niya kailangan niyang mag-execute ng bago if only to
testator lang ang nakakaalam at siya lang ang reiterate his wishes.
nakaka-[inaudible]. So dalawa ngayon ang pag-iisipan natin
dito. Was there really physical destruction? If there was, was Pero ginawang basehan yun ng Supreme Court that this
there intention to revoke? Because these two must shows that he was insecure about his ability to secure a
coincide: animus revocandi and physical destruction. valid will in the future. May duda siya, so just in case maging
One without the other will not give effect to revocation. invalid yung kaniyang future will which would provide for
the same thing, the revocation of the first will was made
Here, we do not have any basis at all as to what is the conditional on the effectivity of the subsequent will which
intention of the testator is but there was one case where the was yet to be executed.
Supreme Court was prepared to declare that there was such
an intention to effect the revocation of the present will to be I know what you’re thinking, parang masyado naming
the dependent on the validity of a subsequent will that stretched or strained ang Supreme Court. Parang the
would be executed in the future. assumptions were generously made. But I’d like to believe
that strained as the application may have been, it is still the
What was invoked here was a will that was executed about right call. Kasi talagang gusto ng asawang lalaki na sa
20 years apart. The first will was in 1918 and the second asawang babae niya mapunta yung kaniyang kayamanan.
will was in 1939 and both wills have the same provision.
The disposition was in favor of the wife. Examples of revocation through physical destruction:
Bakit nagkaron ng controversy? Because since there were 1. Si testator, sinabi niya susunugin ko na ‘yung last
two wills and the latter will being the most recent. This was will and testament ko, inabot niya sa kanyang
the one presented to probate by the [inaudible]. It did not yaya/assistant para itapon sa apoy, and then the assistant is
pass probate. able to take out the document from the envelope containing
it before throwing the envelope into the fire. So you have
So ano yung ginawa niya rito? Nag-hahanap siya ngayon ng intention to revoke (animus revocandi), but you do not have
kopya nung first will, hindi niya nakita yung original. Pero physical destruction.
nakita niya yung kopya na supposedly iniwanan sa kaniya
nung asawa for here safe keeping. So she presented this for 2. Si testator, siya ay nagliligpit ng kalat niya sa
probate and this was opposed by the brothers of the kanyang table and then bawat papel na nakuha niya,
husband. kanyang pinupunit and without realizing it napasama na
‘yung last will and testament niya. Here you have physical
Sabi ng brothers, well hindi mo na makita yung original so destruction, but there is no animus revocandi. No intention
mag-aapply dito yung presumption that the same was to revoke. So wala pa ring revocation.
revoked through physical destruction. At maliwanag naman
yun, and you understand bakit nila ginagawa yun, because NOTE: This delineation that we are making between there
since it was the wife who survived the husband together being intention to revoke vs. there being none or there
with the siblings then the presence of that last will and being physical destruction vs. there being none, malaya
testament will exclude all of the siblings from inheriting as natin itong nadi-discuss because we are controlling the
opposed to having the estate settled through intestate facts in the discussion. Para tayong may CCTV doon sa ating
succession in which case, the wife would be concurring with sample testator at nakikita natin ‘yung galaw niya.
the siblings. Kaya it was imperative for the brothers to take
out the last will and testament. Sa totoong buhay, wala. What will you have? You will have
glimpses of events. Maaaring nalaman mo na lumapit siya sa
Siguro sa unang tingin kung ikaw ay abogado nung mga abogado nagpagawa ng last will and testament, pinuntahan
kapatid, you’ll be very confident, the law is on your side mo ‘yung abogado, na-confirm niya na may last will and
pero na-blind side sila because sabi ng Supreme Court – No, testament pero hindi naman siya nag-iwan ng kopya dahil
you have to apply the doctrine of relative revocation
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hindi naman siya required na magtabi ng kopya ng last will In the subjective phase, the testator is not yet done with
and testament. the physical destruction and is still ongoing. Since it is
ongoing, he can still change his mind and desist. If he
And then nakausap mo ‘yung kanyang confidante, sinabi desisted during this phase, there is no need to republish or
sa’yo, pinakita sa kanya ‘yung last will and testament, but re-execute the will because revocation is still not yet
after the testator’s death, you will be looking high and low effective. The determination of the subjective phase goes to
in his residence hindi mo makita. What will be your the intention of the testator through his acts.
conclusion? Did he destroy it by himself with the intention to
revoke? Or was it inadvertently destroyed without him Example:
realizing it and therefore there was no intention to revoke? He finds out that his heir has gone against his wishes.
These are questions that we may never know the answers Nilabas nya ang last will and testament sabay punit and
to kasi wala ngang documentation ‘yung revocation. now has two pieces of the same. He proceeds to tear it up
again. The paper has now been reduced to 4 smaller pieces.
We have to presume rin because otherwise, the issue If at that point, he puts the paper down and walks away,
relating to whether the estate would be governed by testate that act implies he is done which means the subjective
or intestate succession, will forever be left hanging. E phase is completed and revocation is now on the objective
kailangan tayong mag-move on, ‘di ba? So we presume that phase. He can no longer take it back. It is his act of putting
if it has been established that the testator executed a the paper down and walking away which shows that the
last will and testament and it could no longer be found revocation is deemed completed.
after his death and it was further established that he
had access to the same, then the failure to find it But if instead of putting it down and walking away, he
anywhere would give rise to the presumption that he proceeds to tear it up again to make it 8 and after that,
has revoked the last will and testament through nagmakaawa yung nanay sakaniya then he stops tearing the
physical destruction. ‘Yan yung magiging basehan para sa paper, that action would indicate that the physical
ating settlement of the estate through intestate succession. destruction is not yet complete. He desisted in the
subjective phase, the effect of which is that the will can still
WAYS BY WHICH A WILL MAY BE REVOKED BY be given effect without need for republication. Pwede pa
PHYSICAL DESTRUCTION pagtagpitagipiin yung will and it would still be valid.
The law actually specifies four (4) ways: A last will and testament is ambulatory in character.
- If the testator is going to revoke a last will and
1. Burning; testament, he need not explain the reasons for such. It
2. Cancelling; can always be revoked at anytime by the testator for
3. Tearing; or any reason or no reason at all.
4. Obliteration - But he is not prohibited from also explaining his
reasons for doing so. This may be done by executing a
Although siguro, at first glance, iniisip natin dati crumpling new will which contains the reasons for revoking the
is a way of revoking. But you would note that crumpling the prior will.
document is not among the means of physical destruction - Danger of specifying the cause for revocation: under the
allowed under the law. So what the law does not include, law, if the cause for revocation is for illegal or false
it necessarily excludes. If the document is simply cause, revocation may not be given effect if illegality or
crumpled, it was not torn, it was not burned, there was no falsity of the cause is shown to be existing. Note that
obliteration, there was no cancellation, then we cannot say there are authorities question this provision since a will
that there is physical destruction. may be revoked for any reason or no reason at all so
dapat pasok na din dyan yung illegal or false cause.
Q: Should the physical destruction be in its entirety? Hence, the best advice to a client who wants to revoke a
A: No. You only need to cancel or obliterate the substantive will is not to specify the cause so that it may no longer
portion of the will which makes disposition. By taking out be disproven.
the will of the heir, there is no disposition anymore.
Q: What about burning or tearing?
A: The document need not be totally torn or burned for Refers to a conditional revocation. The validity of revocation
there to be revocation. It’s all a matter of intention. There depends on the legality of the subsequent will that was
are the Subjective and Objective phase. executed in lieu of the will revoked by the testator. This is
revocation with the present intention of executing a
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subsequent will such that if the subsequent will fails or is to be the replacement of will A in relation to its revocation
not executed, the revocation will have no effect. by will B. If Will C turns out to be invalid and not admitted
to probate,
If you express this in a subsequent revoking will then that then what happens? We can now apply the doctrine of
intention will be captured because there is documentation. dependent relative revocation. Kasi maliwanag that the
“I am revoking this prior will with the present intention of revocation by WILL B of WILL C is conditional on the
executing a subsequent will in the future with the intention effectivity of WILL C. And since WILL C was not admitted to
that if that subsequent will fails or is not executed, then this probate then, under the doctrine of dependent relative
revocation will also have no effect anymore.” revocation, WILL A will have to subsist.
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the second will does not revive the first will, which can be immediately. So that, when the SECOND EXPRESS
revived only by another will or codicil. (739a) REVOKING WILL was drawn, was executed and it provided
for the express revocatory clause, then that express
revocatory clause immediately and instantaneously took
The converse would be true if the first will is revoked by effect, and what is that effect? To take out the first Will. That
implication by a second will then the revocation of the is why when the third Will was executed and it meant to
second will would automatically revive the first will. revoke the second expressly revoked Will, then all the third
Will was able to do is to put an end to the potential of the
And you understand why this is the rule. [nawalan ng testamentary provisions contained in the second Will but it
audio] hindi yung parang merong inconsistency dito. Bakit can no longer touch and undo the effect of the
natin isiping may inconsistency? Kasi ano ba yung sinasabi instantaneous and express revocation kas inga it has taken
natin before? That a will will not take effect until after the effect. That is the reason why even though the second
death of the testator. Pero if you would look at Article 837, it expressly revoking will is itself revoked, its revocation will
appears that the express revocation is in effect immediately. not revive the first Will. The first Will remains revoked
Kasi even though the expressly revoking will is a unless it was restored to validity via subsequent will or
self-revoke, the revocation of the first will revoked by the codicil.
second expressly revoking will remains.
Isn’t this inconsistent because there is a requirement that
Kasi kung theory is lahat ng will na ito ay dadalhin natin sa the revoking Will must be admitted to probate, and
korte to be admitted to probate. So you have how many supposedly you can only effect a revocation through the
wills? We have 3: execution of a subsequent Will if that subsequent Will is
valid and admitted to probate. That is true. Kaya nga sabi ko
1. FIRST WILL sa inyo kanina, if the revoking Will is not admitted to
2. SECOND EXPRESS REVOKING WILL probate, there is no revocation to speak of at all.
Q: Now, how do we reconcile that requirement of
We are not even concerned with how the THIRD WILL probate or validity of the revoking will?
revoking the second will. We are only concerned with the A:
manner in which the second will revokes the first will pag
express revocation. ARTICLE 837. If after making a will, the testator makes
a second will expressly revoking the first, the
So namatay si testator and then we now have these 3 wills. revocation of the second will does not revive the first
So ano yung gagawin natin? We submit muna the THIRD will, which can be revived only by another will or
WILL being the latest. And if the THIRD WILL which codicil. (739a)
revoked the FIRST WILL and submitted to probate, what
potential to come into existence is no longer present. It’s The reconciliation would be by treating the requirement of
not even correct to say that the SECOND EXPRESS probate passing probate not as a suspensive condition but
REVOKING WILLceased to have effect because the theory is as a resolutory condition so that if the revoking will does
that it never became effective. Why not? Because it was not pass probate, then the revocation that it has given
revoked by the third will. immediate effect to will now become undone or
extinguished for failure to fulfill the condition that it passes
If it never became effective, then necessarily its express probate.
revocation of the first will should have also not taken effect.
Kasi nirevoke na siya ni THIRD WILL. So, if that is the case, Q: Ngayon, what about the situation with implied
then logically, the FIRST WILL should be subsisting and revocation? Why do we have a different conclusion if
should not be considered as having been revoked by the there was an impliedly revoking Will instead of an
second expressly revoking will. expressly revoking Will?
A: In that situation, the revocation of the impliedly revoking
Pero may explanation diyan si Senator Tolentino. Sabi niya, Will will revive the first revoked Will. The reason for this
the reason why Art. 837 provides for this rule is that, the that tatandaan niyo sa implied revocation, your basis for
revocatory clause is not a disposition. So it can be given saying that there is implied revocation would be
instantaneous effect. In other words, it does not have to incompatibility of testamentary provisions, and
take effect after the death of the testator. It takes effect testamentary dispositions do not take effect until after the
death of the testator. So, if after the death of the testator,
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nakaline up ang ating mga last Will and Testament, and then
Nuguid vs. Nuguid
you would be making comparisons. If they are incompatible
G.R. No. L-23445 | June 23, 1966 |Sanchez, J.
and cannot co-exist, so the conclusion is that the second
Will has impliedly revoked the first Will. First Will cannot
In this case, we had a sister, securing a last Will and
exist because of the Second Will. And then tinignan mo
Testament, and leaving everything to a sibling. Ang
‘yung third Will, “Aba, si Third Will pala takes out the second
problema buhay pa ‘yung magulang nila, and the
will”. Then assuming that these three wills are admitted to
parents were not mentioned at all. So, obviously, there
probate, and third will has taken out second will out of the
was preterition.
equation, what will be the conclusion? Nawala ‘yung
malaking hadlang sa buhay ni First Will. Nawala ‘yung
The Court said: Rather than simply pass upon the
source of incompatibility. The only reason why you were
validity of the judgment of the Probate Court and gloss
saying the first Will is revoked is because of the existence of
over this very glaring issue of preterition only to have
the second impliedly revoking Will. Take out the second
the parties come back to us, we better tackle the issue
will, there would be no incompatibility anymore. No
head on kasi ‘yung effect ng preterition as you also
incompatibility means no implied revocation. No implied
know is to annul the institution of heirs, and this is
revocation means first will continues to exist. First will is
what happened in this case.
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Art. 839. The will shall be disallowed in any of the Q: Does it follow that every will must provide for an
following cases: institution of an heir?
A: No. When we speak of disposition, we are not limited to
(1) If the formalities required by law have not been the institution of heirs. Disposition includes the form of
complied with;
making devices and legacies.
(2) If the testator was insane, or otherwise mentally
incapable of making a will, at the time of its execution; Q: Is it possible to have a will that only includes devices
and legacies?
(3) If it was executed through force or under duress, or A: Yes. As mentioned before, if a will only includes a
the influence of fear, or threats; provision for disinheritance, it is possible too. That is
tantamount to a disposition in favor of those who are
(4) If it was procured by undue and improper pressure
inheriting in lieu of the disinherited heir.
and influence, on the part of the beneficiary or of some
other person;
Art. 842. One who has no compulsory heirs may dispose
(5) If the signature of the testator was procured by fraud; by will of all his estate or any part of it in favor of any
person having capacity to succeed.
(6) If the testator acted by mistake or did not intend that
the instrument he signed should be his will at the time of One who has compulsory heirs may dispose of his estate
affixing his signature thereto. (n) provided he does not contravene the provisions of this
Code with regard to the legitime of said heirs. (763a)
Q: How many heirs are there?
A: You can have more than one heir. You can name several
SECTION 2. - Institution of Heir persons to inherit an aliquot portion of your estate.
Art. 840. Institution of heir is an act by virtue of which a Q: Who are the compulsory heirs?
testator designates in his will the person or persons who
A: Descendants and ascendants, and the surviving spouse.
are to succeed him in his property and transmissible
rights and obligations. (n) The compulsory heirs are the ascendants and the
descendants subject to the rule that those in the descending
Art. 841. A will shall be valid even though it should not line would exclude those in the ascending line, save for
contain an institution of an heir, or such institution illegitimate children. They do not exclude the illegitimate
should not comprise the entire estate, and even though ascendants.
the person so instituted should not accept the
inheritance or should be incapacitated to succeed.
If the decedent is illegitimate, the ascending line would be
In such cases the testamentary dispositions made in excluded both the legitimate and the illegitimate
accordance with law shall be complied with and the descendants.
remainder of the estate shall pass to the legal heirs. (764)
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Art. 845. Every disposition in favor of an unknown Q: “I am instituting A, B, and C, and the children of D” If
person shall be void, unless by some event or that is how the institution is made, then, how should we
circumstance his identity becomes certain. However, a treat all of these heirs? Let’s say, the children of D are:
disposition in favor of a definite class or group of persons X, Y, and Z. So, how many in all will be inheriting?
shall be valid. (750a)
A: A, B, C which are three; and X, Y and Z which are three. In
total, we have six (6) people. The law says, those collectively
What is not allowed is if you have nothing to go by. If the designated shall be considered as individually instituted,
heir will be “secret”, then that is not allowed. How would unless it clearly appears that the intention of the testator
was otherwise.
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The testator can designate the shares, that each heir would
Q: Supposing you did provide your reason for making
be taking. Sometimes if you would add the sharings, then it
the institution, what could be the possible
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would exceed 1 whole, and sometimes, it would not reach 1 Two Conditions:
whole. So what would be the step that must be taken? 1. If it was the intention of the testator that the
instituted heirs should become sole heirs to the
Firstly, look into the intention, if it is really to give the entire whole estate, or the whole free portion
estate to the instituted heirs. 2. their aliquot parts together do not cover the whole
This is when the totality of the shares would not amount to
the entire estate, to 1 whole. Take Note of these two conditions. That’s the time that we
If wala naman sinabi, that he’s instituting X, Y and Z as heirs Example:
of the entire estate. And then the totality of their shares We have 3 heirs, we have:
only amount to 2/3s, no need to increase, because he may
want the remaining 1/3 to be distributed through intestate A – 1/6
succession. B – 1/6
C – 1/3
But if there is an indication that the entire estate is being
given, and the shares do not equate to 1 whole, then you And then if you’ll add, 1/6 + 1/6 + 1/3, that would only
need to increase each share. amount to 2/3s, so kulang ng 1/3. Do we increase their
shares? Yes, because of the intention of the testator to name
them as heirs to the entire estate.
360K TO DENO RATIO INCREASES Q: How do you increase?
NS 1. Convert them to similar fractions, meaning to say,
they should have the same denominators.
A – 1/6 A – 1/6 1+1+2 1/4 1/6(360) + 1/4(120) =
=4 60+30 = 90
A - 1/6 = 1/6
B – 1/6 B – 1/6 1/4 1/6(360) + 1/4(120) = B – 1/6 = 1/6
60+30 = 90 C – 1/3 = 2/6
C – 1/3 C – 2/6 2/4 1/3(360) + 1/2(120) =
120+60 = 180 2. Once you have converted them, get the numerators,
EXCESS: and add them together, and they will now become
120K the denominators that you will be using for your
fractions in distributing the excess.
1 + 1 + 2 = 4 (new denominator)
3. Retain the original numerators.
Example of how to Increase Shares:
A - 1/6 = 1/6 to 1/4
Here, we have Art. 852. Take note of the first sentence, B – 1/6 = 1/6 to 1/4
C – 1/3 = 2/6 to 2/4 (1/2)
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But if we do not have that indication of the We will enumerate the shares, ¼ +½ +½
intention of the testator, we will leave them as is.
We will not increase. The excess will go by intestate New Ratios = ⅕ ,⅖ ,⅖ = 1
succession, since whatever is not disposed of by the
last will and testament will have to go by intestate So yung total natin kanina would be 1 ¼ , we exceeded by
succession, giving us a mixed succession, ¼ . We need to reduce by ¼ The excess is 25,000. The goal
combination of testate and intestate. is to reduce the sharing by 25,000.
Share of A
Here, the original share of A is ¼ of 100K is 25k. Based on
our computations, the proportionate share that would have
Same rule/steps in reducing shares. Example when there is to be taken from A is ⅕ of the excess 25k or 5k. (25-5 = 20K)
a need to reduce.
Share of B
Article 853. If each of the instituted heirs has been given Here, the original share of B is ½ of 100K is 50k. Based on
an aliquot part of the inheritance, and the parts together our computations, the proportionate share that would have
exceed the whole inheritance, or the whole free portion, to be taken from B is ⅖ of the excess 25k or 10k. (50-10 =
as the case may be, each part shall be reduced 40K)
proportionally. (n)
Share of C
Here, the original share of C is ½ of 100K is 50k. Based on
our computations, the proportionate share that would have
to be taken from C is ⅖ of the excess 25k or 10k. (50-10 =
If you add this, you now have 100K. These will be the
deductions you made for each of A, B and C, 5k, 10k and
10k, for a total of 25K or the excess.
A– ¼ A–¼ 1 + 2 +2 = ⅕ ¼ (100) – ⅕
= 25-5 = 20
Inadvertent omission, unintentional omission as opposed to
B–½ B – 2/4 ⅖ ½ (100) – ⅖ a defective disinheritance. In a defective disinheritance,
(25) there could be no doubt with the intention of the testator
= 50-10 = 40 which is to exclude the disinherited heir. Only his action is
thwarted by a failure to comply with the requirements of
the law for valid disinheritance.
In preterition, there is an omission, but since there was no of his immediate family. Usually, when you so identify your
categorical disinheritance then the law is reluctant to say immediate family that would be a recital of who you
that the omission was done on purpose. compulsory heirs are. (anak, apo, magulang, lolo at lola)
Problem is it is so hard to determine if there really has been When you make that enumeration, necessarily you are also
an omission for as to say that preterition exists. reciting who your compulsory heirs unless wala kang mga
anak. In determining if there is preterition or not, is to see if
Art. 906 applies. If Art. 906 applies then the consequence of
Article 854. The preterition or omission of one, some, or
preterition cannot take place.
all of the compulsory heirs in the direct line, whether
living at the time of the execution of the will or born after
the death of the testator, shall annul the institution of Article 906. Any compulsory heir to whom the testator
heir; but the devises and legacies shall be valid insofar as has left by any title less than the legitime belonging to
they are not inofficious. him may demand that the same be fully satisfied. (815)
Maaari ,that the target really was the father, who is the child Balikan natin yung estate ni Edward Christensen, if you
of the testator. He was the one who was omitted. But the would recall si Helen and Mary Lucy. It just so happened na
father predeceased the testator and he was replaced by his may iniwanan kay Helen na legacy. That is why ang
own son, or the grandson in relation to the testator. If the kailangan lang ay makumpleto ang kanyang legitime. But,
grandson was however, included in the will of the testator imagine had there been no legacy left of her, and it was
then we cannot speak of preterition anymore. Even though shown she was preterited, then she would have been
the son who is the father of the grandson was omitted. With entitled to half of the estate because the institution of Mary
his death, he is no longer the real compulsory heir. Lucy would have been set aside on the count of preterition,
and intestate succession would have governed the estate of
Note: When the law says that only compulsory heirs in the Edward in which case, they would have inherited equally.
direct line may be preterited then the law is also effectively
saying that all of the compulsory heirs may be preterited It is only when you cannot apply Art. 906, you may now set
except for the surviving spouse. The surviving spouse is the aside the institution of heirs. In preterition, there is no
only compulsory heir who is not in the direct line, in fact the qualification that you will only set aside to the extent that
spouse is not in any line at all. there was an impairment of the legitime. No, you will set
aside it completely which is different from defective
Q: When do we say that there is an omission? disinheritance. In defective disinheritance, you will annul
A: There is an omission if the compulsory heir is not the institution of heirs but only to the extent that there was
mentioned in the will either as a compulsory heir or an impairment.
testamentary heir or in whatever capacity.
Benefit sa preterited compulsory heir is his stance to gain
Akala ko ba na you do not have to provide for the the entire estate. Why? – kasi kung ikaw ang compulsory
compulsory heirs in the will because they will succeed by heir ikaw na rin yung intestate heir. Kunwari ikaw yung
operation of law even if you don’t mention them? But if you nag-iisang anak, at preterited ka, kahit na may mga kapatid
have seen samples of last will and testament, then you na naiwanan yung tatay mong kinalimutan ka, kahit na may
would also know that what usually happens is that at the magulang pa, your mere presence as a son, will exclude the
beginning when the testator is setting forth his details, then siblings, the parents and you will be inheriting both as
one of the first few lines will be devoted to the identification compulsory and as an intestate, legal heir.
ARTICLE 854. The preterition or omission of one, some, Now, he has a child and let us say that after the death of the
or all of the compulsory heirs in the direct line, whether preterited son, the testator suffered a heart attack. Now, the
living at the time of the execution of the will or born after child in the womb of the mother would already have a
the death of the testator, shall annul the institution of presumptive personality. Being named as heir would be
heir; but the devises and legacies shall be valid insofar as beneficial to the child. So, the child could already be
they are not inofficious. considered born at the time the testator died. Then if the
child is born after, then the presumptive personality will
If the omitted compulsory heirs should die before the become a full civil personality. And the fact that he was not
testator, the institution shall be effectual, without mentioned in the will nor given anything by the testator,
prejudice to the right of representation. would by itself give rise to another instance of preterition.
This is what the law means by saying “without prejudice to
the right of representation”. The representative himself is
Q: Does this mean that if the omitted compulsory heir also preterited which will result in the annulment of the
predeceases the testator and he dies with a institution of heirs.
representative, then does it mean that the institution of
the testamentary heirs would remain annulled?
A: No. Ang titignan dito would be if the representative
himself is preterited. If the representative is also preterited,
then the institution of heirs would still have to be annulled.
But this time around, the preterition would be in relation to
the representative and not with the compulsory heir who
was also preterited but predeceased the testator.
Not having known that the child existed, the likelihood too,
is that he could not have given anything to the child which
in turn precludes the application of Art. 906.
CONDITIONS RELATING TO MARRIAGE Now, the conditions, the periods, the modes to be imposed,
these would take on the same character as the periods, the
Article 874. An absolute condition not to contract a first or conditions, the modes provided for under the law on
subsequent marriage shall be considered as not written obligations and contracts.
unless such condition has been imposed on the widow or
widower by the deceased spouse, or by the latter's Article 876. Any purely potestative condition imposed
ascendants or descendants. upon an heir must be fulfilled by him as soon as he learns of
the testator's death.
Take note that what is regulated is only the prohibition to
marry. But if the condition relates to requiring the This rule shall not apply when the condition, already
beneficiary to contract marriage, then the law does not complied with, cannot be fulfilled again.
prohibit the same.
Article 877. If the condition is casual or mixed, it shall be
If the condition prohibits the beneficiary from contracting a sufficient if it happen or be fulfilled at any time before or
first marriage and the prohibition is absolute, then that after the death of the testator, unless he has provided
condition would be null and void. otherwise.
If the prohibition only applies if the [inaudible] absolutely, Should it have existed or should it have been fulfilled at the
where [inaudible] beneficiary to marry, the next logical time the will was executed and the testator was unaware
question would be, is when do we have a relative thereof, it shall be deemed as complied with.
prohibition? It is relative if the prohibition only applies
under certain circumstances e.g. they are only prohibited If he had knowledge thereof, the condition shall be
from marrying before the age of 26, they are only considered fulfilled only when it is of such a nature that it
prohibited from marrying in the United States, they are only can no longer exist or be complied with again.
prohibited from marrying this particular person or anyone
from this particular clan. In these cases, the prohibition Article 878. A disposition with a suspensive term does not
would be sustained as valid kasi relative lang siya. prevent the instituted heir from acquiring his rights and
transmitting them to his heirs even before the arrival of the
But if the prohibition relates to contracting a term.
second/subsequent marriage, then it will not always be
void even if the tenor of the prohibition is absolute. Because Article 879. If the potestative condition imposed upon the
the law provides for exceptions: heir is negative, or consists in not doing or not giving
something, he shall comply by giving a security that he will
1. If the prohibition is imposed by the deceased spouse. not do or give that which has been prohibited by the
May mga tao kasing ganun eh, talagang hindi nila testator, and that in case of contravention he will return
matatanggap na maga-asawa ng iba ‘yung kanilang whatever he may have received, together with its fruits and
kabiyak/husband or wife. interests.
2. If the prohibition if imposed by the ascendants or Article 880. If the heir be instituted under a suspensive
descendants of the deceased spouse. The reason why condition or term, the estate shall be placed under
this is allowed when imposed by these people is that administration until the condition is fulfilled, or until it
emotionally, people tend to be very jealous of the becomes certain that it cannot be fulfilled, or until the
people they love. They do not want to see themselves arrival of the term.
[inaudible]. And then the family of this person who died
would feel the same way kaya nga nagkakaroon ng The same shall be done if the heir does not give the security
problema between the children and their stepmother. required in the preceding article.
Classic tale sa fairytales. Because there will always be
that resentment kasi nga pakiramdam nung mga anak o The conditions would affect the creation of the right itself.
nung magulang nung namatay, ay pinapalitan ‘yung When you speak of a period, it only suspends
mahal nila sa buhay. To that extent, those feelings of demandability, but the right is already existing. ‘Yung mode,
possessiveness or jealously, these are validated by this it does not affect the creation, but it is obligatory. ‘Yun ang
provision of the law. pagkakaiba niya sa condition.
KINDS OF PERIOD Article 882. The statement of the object of the institution,
or the application of the property left by the testator, or the
1. Suspensive charge imposed by him, shall not be considered as a
condition unless it appears that such was his intention.
Suspensive period is an obligation that begins only when That which has been left in this manner may be claimed at
the day certain arrives. once provided that the instituted heir or his heirs give
security for compliance with the wishes of the testator and
2. Resolutory for the return of anything he or they may receive, together
with its fruits and interests, if he or they should disregard
A resolutory period takes effect at once, but terminates this obligation.
upon arrival of the day certain.
Ang kahalintulad/kaparehas ng modal institution would be
RESOLUTORY CONDITION VS. RESOLUTORY PERIOD the institution subject to a resolutory condition or
resolutory period.
In terms of effect, parehas lang ‘yung resolutory condition
at resolutory period because they will both bring about the All of these institutions subject to a resolutory condition,
extinguishment of the right. resolutory period, or mode all become effective at once at
the time of death of the testator. It’s similar to an ordinary
‘Yun nga lang sa resolutory condition, wala kang katiyakan obligation subject to a resolutory condition or resolutory
that the right will be extinguished because there is period. They also become effective at once but subject to
uncertainty. For resolutory period, it is written that the extinguishment once the resolutory period or condition
takes place.
Q: Why in the modes, the institution of devices and Note: the law makes a qualification as to whether the
legacies will take effect immediately? condition was already fulfilled at the time of execution of
A: Because that is the only way by which the mode may be the will. Remember that the time the will was executed
carried out. If you are going to make a modal institution and refers to a point in time separate and distinct from the time
you would say that you have to build a house on a land that of death. Because there is always the possibility that there
is open to all family members, you cannot do that unless will be a length of time between these two points.
you are given the rights over the land right away. How can
you build something that does not belong to you? How can If the condition was already fulfilled at the time the will was
you enter possession? So the effect of resolutory conditions executed and the testator knew that it was already fulfilled
and resolutory periods are applied to modal institutions. but still provided the same in the will, then it would still
have to be fulfilled again. (Ratio: The testator might not
Conditions may also be: be satisfied with the prior fulfillment of the condition).
1. Potestative
2. Casual XPN: if it is of such character that it cannot be fulfilled anew
3. Mixed
Q: In a suspensive condition, who gets the inheritance
These are significant when it comes to the time and pending the fulfillment of condition in the meantime?
manner of fulfillment. A: It can go to the administrator. The property will be
placed under administration. Once condition is fulfilled, it
Note: when we say instituted heir, I refer to heirs, legatees will revert to the instituted heir.
and devisees.
Q: What happens if a long period of time has lapsed and
Potestative condition the condition is yet to be fulfilled?
- GR: The instituted heir is supposed to fulfill A: There will be a determination at some point that the
condition as soon as he learns the death of the condition will never be fulfilled, if sufficient time has lapsed.
testator. If this is the case, then the inheritance will form part of
- XPN: If condition is already fulfilled or is of the type intestate succession
that it cannot be fulfilled anew.
Q: If the institution is made subject to a suspensive
If the potestative condition is negatively imposed (you term, what do we do during the time prior to the arrival
are prohibiting the instituted heir from doing something of the term? Who will be called to succession?
which he can otherwise do), then by not doing anything, the A: The inheritance will go to the legal heirs. After arrival of
heir is already fulfilling the condition. the period, then the inheritance will be given to the
instituted heir.
Q: What if after he receives the inheritance, he does
what is prohibited of him? Q: What will be the assurance of the instituted heir that
A: he will be receiving the inheritance intact?
First: give back what is given to him A: A bond may be required of the legal heirs for the same
purpose – to answer for their obligation to deliver the
Second: if he can no longer return the same (ex. He already inheritance to the instituted heir.
sold it), the estate may proceed against the security he has
given. Because he will have to post caucion muciana Q: What are the three instances when caucion muciana
will be required to be given?
Caucion Muciana – Guarantees that in case he violates the A: Caucion Muciana is required in case when:
prohibition imposed upon him by way of a negative a. there is a negative potestative condition.
potestative condition, he will return whatever he has b. in case the institution is subject to a
received together with the fruits. Should he not be able to suspensive period
do so, the estate shall have the right to proceed with the c. in case of modal institution
security he posted.
If it is casual or mixed, fulfillment of the casual or mixed INTESTATE SUCCESSION
condition at anytime before or after the death of the
testator is sufficient. It is essentially out of the control of the These concepts come after the legitime and yet in the
heir. legitime pala we are already applying right of
representation and in determining the legitime, they need
to know the value of the net hereditary estate and to be able collateral relative kapag they would be tracing their origin
to do that, you need to know how to effect collations. So in the same ancestral. In this case, it would be, the parents.
dapat, you know these concepts prior to discussing
legitime. And then, the brother if he has kids would be, then that
would mean that the kid would be the nephew of D.
1. Rule of Proximity
2. Rule of Preference of Lines You can see that in the instances in the graph where we
3. Right of Representation define the relative by the relationship, the definition is
4. Right of Accretion always from the point of view of D. (e.g. Surviving Spouse of
5. Rules on Collation D, mistress of D, parents of , brother of D, nephew of D) Do
not interchange the point of view. It’s always from the point
of view of the decedent. So si nephew, wag mong gagawing
son of the brother. It must be the nephew of D. And then si
brother, wag mong gagawing son of the parent, it would be
the brother of the decedent. That way, hindi kayo malilito
kasi nga ang pinag-uusapan naman natin dito ay succession
to the estate of D.
degree to inherit alongside the relatives of the nearer Sabi ng Supreme Court, Article 982 does not make any
degree by virtue of right of representation. distinction between those who are legitimate and those
who are illegitimate. So long as you are a grandchild or a
Q: When do we have the right to representation? descendant, you will inherit by right of representation. That
A: If you are dealing with compulsory succession, you have is also why we are only applying this rule to the descending
it for disinheritance, incapacity predeceased but not for line. We are not prepared as of yet to say that the
renunciation. If you are dealing with intestate succession, illegitimate nephew may inherit by right of representation
same grounds, same for disinheritance. Kasi this from the legitimate brother of his parent kasi walang
inheritance would be peculiar to compulsory succession. counterpart provision ang Article 982 which applies to the
collateral line.
Dito binigyan natin ng cross si, A , B and C. The cross
indicate that they predeceased D. Iwas predeceased. That Q: Effectively, ano ang nagawa ng Article 982?
means that it is possible for us to have the right of A: It has carved out an exception from Article 992 insofar as
representation. grandchildren and other descendants are concerned.
What would I’m going to dscuss at the this point would be Q: Sabi natin, kahit nabakante itong lahat ng ‘to, if all of
the old rule. When I say old rule, the rule prior to the ruling these people who would disappear for one reason or
in Aquino vs. Aquino. Sa old rule what happens is that B, another, sabi natin these people here would always
cannot be represented by I and J because B is legitimate, I inherit by right of representation or per stirpes. Now,
and J are illegitimate. The iron curtain rule would have sabi ko rin sainyo, what if we lost all these people
prevented I and J from representing B. C on the other hand because they all repudiated? Would this now allow the
since he only had legitimate children, he will be represented grandchildren to inherit in their own right or per
by K and L. And then E, since he is illegitimate, he can be capita?
represented by F and G his legitimate children as well as by A: We are asking this question because we know very well
H, his illegitimate child. that when there is renunciation, when there is repudiation,
there is no right of representation. To my mind, if there is
Kaya nga hindi natin pinapayagang mag-inherit si I at si J repudiation, we cannot apply Article 982 kasi the law
kasi sa Iron Curtain Rule, the illegitimate child cannot provides that you cannot represent if there has been
inherit from the legitimate relatives of the parents. Sino repudiation but admittedly we do not have as of yet a ruling
‘yung legitimate relatives na tinutukoy natin sa kasong ito? on that point so it can go either way. We can argue that
Si B. But no such prohibition exists for the illegitimate child since there is repudiation, there can be no representation
of the person represented who happens to be illegitimate and therefore the grandchildren will have to inherit in their
himself kaya si H he would be able to represent E. Now, own right, but we can also say that Article 982 is absolute
again, this was the rule prior to Aquino vs. Aquino. when it speaks in absolute terms. Walang exception.
Right now, Aquino vs. Aquino says that the illegitimate child Now, important point again: If you have this kind of a
would be able to represent his father to the succession to problem at may illegitimate child involved and there is
the estate of the legitimate parent of his father, but what the possibility of representation, we have to remember the
law did there – It did not say that Article 992 is no longer sharing between legitimate and illegitimate children. Sa
applicable instead the law applied Article 982 because what level na ito, E would only be getting half the share of each
does Article 982 say? one of A, B, and C.
Article 982. The grandchildren and other descendants Q: Here, how would you divide the estate assuming na
shall inherit by right of representation, and if any one of silang apat lang?
them should have died, leaving several heirs, the portion A: So, A, B, and C would twice be getting the share of E so A
pertaining to him shall be divided among the latter in will be getting 2, B will be getting 2, and C will be getting 2,
equal portions. (933) then E would be getting 1. 1 is half the share of A, B, and C.
2 divided by 7 = 0.28
1 divided by 6 = 0.16
And so, may special rule. This is the exception to the rule of
proximity. This is because, the nearer relatives usually SECTION 1. - Right of Accretion
exclude the father relatives.
Art. 1015. Accretion is a right by virtue of which, when
Here, we have the relatives of the same degree where the two or more persons are called to the same inheritance,
nephews and nieces excludes the uncles and aunts. devise or legacy, the part assigned to the one who
renounces or cannot receive his share, or who died
before the testator, is added or incorporated to that of his
If there is, as in this case, a sibling of the decedent who
co-heirs, co-devisees, or co-legatees. (n)
predeceases him or who is incapacitated, then that
predeceased sibling or incapacitated sibling may be
represented by his own children. In other words, in the right of accretion, there is an increase
in the share of the other co-heirs. While it is important that
Example (refer to diagram above): this group of heirs should be succeeding to the same
“B” was predeceased. And “B”’s children, one is legitimate, inheritance.
and another is illegitimate.
Q: In what kind of succession do we have the right of
What happens is that C shall be inheriting in his own right, accretion?
but, here, there would be a right of representation in favor A: Testamentary succession, and in intestate succession, but
of nephew “J”. Sa collateral line’s right of representation, it is we do not have it in collateral, compulsory succession.
only up until the line of nephews and nieces, and does not
go beyond. Right of Accretion in Intestate Succession
In intestate succession, if we have several heirs of the same
This is unlike in the direct line. In the direct line, the right of class, and there is a vacated share, then automatically, the
representation continues even beyond the grandchildren, vacated share would now go to the other heirs in the same
but, there is no right of representation in the ascending line, class.
so, it is only up until the nieces and nephews.
In heirs of the same class, we emphasize this: If we have
Here, Art. 992 (Iron Curtain Rule) would still be children with regard to the intestate inheritance, we have
operational. This means, “I”, being an illegitimate child, legitime, and intestate portions that they will receive in case
cannot represent his parent, “B” in the succession to the the decedent dies without a will. In the portion of intestate
estate of “D” who is the legitimate relative of “B”. So, succession, we have the children, and the surviving spouse.
excluded si “I”. Now, “K” who shall be inheriting by right of
representation, who should be inheriting per stirpes, will In case the surviving spouse renounces the share, the share
now be effectively inheriting per capita, because he is still of the surviving spouse will not accrue to the children. This
inheriting per stirpes, but, in terms of sharing, the share that is because the surviving spouse is in a class of his own. He
he will get is the same as the share of C because he is the does not belong to the same class as the children, that is
only representative. why he is separated. Remember, when we compute the
legitimes, we divide the estate in half since ½ belongs to the
That is the right of representation as to collateral relatives. children, they are separate. And then, we would be getting a
portion from the free portion which is equivalent to the
RIGHT OF ACCRETION share of a child, to give to the surviving spouse.
Right of accretion also exists in succession. That indicated that the surviving spouse is a class different
from the children. If the surviving spouse renounces, or
cannot inherit due to some reason like he will predecease,
CHAPTER 4 there will be no accretion, and such share will not go to the
Q: Hindi ba Ma’am, ganon din yun, kasi since wala na si Pero kung tatanungin mo, alin dyan yung pag-aari mo
surviving spouse, then it will go to the kids. bilang 1/6 ng co-owner? You don’t know being the
A: Yes, but they will be getting it in their own right. Hindi co-ownership is still existing. That is also what happens in
intestate succession. It is the same that they have the right
nag-accrue sa kanila ang share ni surviving spouse.
of accretion.
Now, it might be different.
Q: Say we have three kids, and one of them predeceased
the decedent. What happens to his share? Intestate Succession – the right of accretion may be
A: The share will accrue to the 2 kids who survived. Since prevented by the right of representation, and SAME AS IN
there is the right of accretion. TESTAMENTARY SUCCESSION. But since we don’t have the
right of accretion, the nearest counterpart of the right of
representation in intestate succession, would be
Q: What can we [inaudible] from the right of accretion? substitution. If there is substitution, there wouldn’t be
A: The right of representation. If the intestate heir who accretion.
predeceased the decedent has a representative, the vacated
share will not go to the heirs of the same class. Such share The grounds are the same, which will warrant substitution.
shall go to his representative. So if there’s a substitute, the substitute will take the vacated
Right of Accretion in Testate Succession
Art. 1016. In order that the right of accretion may take In compulsory succession, there is no right of accretion.
place in a testamentary succession, it shall be necessary: Because if you have a vacated portion, and there is no right
of representation, then the vacated portion will go to the
(1) That two or more persons be called to the same other compulsory heirs in their own right.
inheritance, or to the same portion thereof, pro indiviso;
and IMPORTANT: That there is no right of accretion in
(2) That one of the persons thus called die before the compulsory succession. Because if you put a right of
testator, or renounce the inheritance, or be incapacitated accretion in compulsory succession, it will affect the shares
to receive it. (928a) of the surviving spouse, the shares of illegitimate children,
both of which are dependent on the share of each legitimate
What the law means is that even if there should be child.
specification of the shares that they will be taking, it will not
prevent the right of accretion so long as the designation In this case, your basis will not be the increased share
does not make them owners of specific portions. because of the accretion. The basis will still be the original
share sans the accrued portion.
Better and easier way of understanding this: We simply
approximate what takes place in intestate succession. Example:
Because in intestate succession, that’s why we’re saying We have 3 legitimate children. These 3 would be entitled to
there’s a right of accretion because if you have one on one their legitime of ½ divided by 3, so 1/6 each.
heir, then co-ownership is created. So, that is what you also
look for in testamentary succession. But A, the 1st child predeceased the decedent. We said, NO
ACCRETION, so therefore, let’s just divide to 2 the legitime.
If the effect is to create co-ownership, if the institution Ending, B and C would have ¼ each.
would create a co-ownership among the testamentary heirs,
then one of them predeceases, one of them becomes What is the share of the surviving spouse?
incapacitated or renounces, then there is a right of - The same share as a legitimate child, so surviving
accretion. spouse gets ¼ as well, since that’s the share of the
legitimate child (B – ¼ and c – ¼), in their own
Even if you say, “I am instituting you to ½ of my estate”, and right.
you will get 1/3, that person will get 1/6, 1/6, 2/3 of the
estate. Kahit i-designate niya yung kanyang specific Compare this to the hypothetical situation, where we have
portions, ending pa din is co-ownership over that portion. accretion in the legitime.
Yun lang, alam mo na yung extent of co-ownership niya.
Earlier we said, tig-1/6 sila. Then, the vacated portion of advance payment of his legitime. Instead, you will impugn
1/6 will be divided to them, so their share will increase. But that to the free portion.
since we are recognizing that there is accretion, the share of
the surviving spouse will have to depend on the original 1/6 So, if the free portion can accommodate him, then that’s
share, yung wala pa tayong computation nung accrual, nung fine. But if the free portion cannot anymore accommodate
hindi pa tayo nagdadagdag because of the accrual. him, then that’s the time that we will have to impugn the
excess to the legitime of the compulsory heir.
How much yung accrual dito? 1/6 divide by 2, so 1/12.
Q: But why should we still do that? Why impugn in the
Ending, effectively, in reality, a legitimate child shall receive free portion, why is there a need to impugn in the
1/6 + 1/12 (representing the accretion). legitime?
A: Because impugning into the free portion is also our way
Surviving Spouse – 1/6 (based on the original share of the of determining whether it may be accommodated. If it
legitimate child, because the additional 1/12 is not included cannot be accommodated, and it’s a donation to a stranger
in the computation of the shares of the surviving spouse, (anyone who is not a compulsory heir is a stranger), then
since this is not really the share of the legitimate child. The that donation would have to be considered as inofficious.
1/12 is simply an accrual, an addition. This is if we have Lumagpas na siya sa free portion at kelangan na siyang
accretion in compulsory succession. But we don’t have, so if bawasan, kelangan na siyang i-revoke.
there is a predeceased, there is disinheritance, incapacity or
renunciation in the compulsory heirs, the vacated share will We will give priority to those donations made earlier as
approve to the other compulsory heirs in their own right. So opposed to those donations of a later date. Halimbawa, nag
ending, ¼ for each of the two surviving compulsory heirs, increase sa free portion, lumampas na sya kailangan mag
and the surviving spouse will also benefit, since the basis of bawas. We will start the reduction, revocation with the
his share will be ¼.) more recent donations.
Just like in intestate succession, what will prevent the If the donation that you’re impugning to the free portion is a
compulsory heirs from gaining the vacated portion in their donation made to a compulsory heir then yung sobra, yung
own right would be the right of representation as well. hindi ma a-accomodate sa free portion, wala ka ng
pupuntahan, pwede natin ‘tong i-impugn sa legitime niya.
COLLATION Na- accommodate na ng legitime na, we don’t have to
reduce or revoke the donation anymore. You would just give
They used the term collation to refer to several things. him the difference (kung ano pa yung kulang).
1. may mean making an inventory
2. contextually means bringing back the value only Donations sa kanya lumampas sa free portion ng 500,000.
3. as a stretched meaning, collating in terms of Yung 500,000 ibabawas sa legitime niya. Yung legitime
impugning the value of the donation either to the naman niya ay 5,000,000, okay lang kayang-kaya. Ang
free portion or the legitime matatanggap na lang niya ay 4,500,000.
If you’ll read the provisions of the law, you’ll think, “I Art. 908. To determine the legitime, the value of the
thought all donations should be collated. Why here, if the property left at the death of the testator shall be considered,
testator said, donation to compulsory heirs will not be deducting all debts and charges, which shall not include
subject to collation, then it will be respected.” You might be those imposed in the will.
To the net value of the hereditary estate, shall be added the
Pero kasi magkaiba ng gamit. Sa unang gamit ng collation, value of all donations by the testator that are subject to
you have to bring back the value of all donations inter vivos collation, at the time he made them.
made during the lifetime of the decedent, unless the same is How to collate – to determine the value of the net
exempted by the law. hereditary estate.
In Collation, what you bring back is not the property itself,
In the other sense that the term collation is used, what the
but the value – value at the time the donation was made.
law meant is, if the testator were to provide that the
We do not care for the increase or decrease in the value of
donation made to a compulsory heir should not be subject
the property because any increase or decrease from the
to collation, then it means that, you will still bring back its
time the donation became perfected would already pertain
value because that is the rule, but you will no longer
to the donee as owner. In fact, the estate will not be entitled
impugn that to his legitime. You will not consider that as an
to the fruits or income of the donated property until the reduce or revoke the excess of the donation over the
succession to the estate is open – that will be opened by the legitime.
death of the testator.
If Donation is 5M, Legitime is 1M only, impugn the 5M sa
Q: What donation should be brought back or the value kanyang legitime. That means sobra ng 4M, kailangan isoli,
brought back to the estate? unless kakasya sa free portion. Yung free portion mo nasa
A: All donations made to compulsory heirs or strangers. 500,000 na lang. Pwede mo i-impugn ung 500,000 out of
Any person who is not a compulsory heir is considered a the 4M excess, but definitely he would have to return the
stranger for purposes of effecting the collation. 3.5M.
Q: What shall be collated? The value of the donation, you use that in computing the
A: value of the net hereditary estate. Parang budget, gagamitin
na pambayad sa lahat ng tagapagmana. Pero etong budget
Art. 1069. Any sums paid by a parent in satisfaction of the na to, this will be comprised of actual money, actual
debts of his children, election expenses, fines, and similar property plus abstract value (hindi hawak to, you only have
expenses shall be brought to collation. it in paper).
Art. 1070. Wedding gifts by parents and ascendants Nag donate ka ng 5M, kukunin ko yung value nitong 5M,
consisting of jewelry, clothing, and outfit, shall not be ililista ko dito. Pero wala to sa estate, nasa donees. Pero
reduced as inofficious except insofar as they may exceed yung 5M ginamit na to sa computation. What will happen, if
one-tenth of the sum which is disposable by will. you impugn this sa legitime na 1M, may sobra na 4M. Sa free
portion ang ma accommodate lang ay 500K, may matitirang
Art. 905. Every renunciation or compromise as regards a 3.5M na hindi na impugn sa legitime at sa free portion. Pag
future legitime between the person owing it and his hindi mo to na collect kay donee, wala kang pambayad sa
compulsory heirs is void, and the latter may claim the lahat ng tagapagmana ng estate. That is why you need to
same upon the death of the former; but they must bring to take it from the donee.
collation whatever they may have received by virtue of the
renunciation or compromise. 5M – original amount, since the na impugn na sa free
portion ung 500K, sa legitime yung 1M, pwede ng iwan
Naibalik na yung value and now you know the amount of sakanya yung 1.5M, hindi mo na to kailangang kunin
the net hereditary estate. At that point, you will now sakanya. It would be useless, kukunin mo ung 1M, tapos
determine what will be the legitime of the compulsory heirs ibabalik mo rin sakanya as his legitime. Kukunin mo yung
are. After you create the determination, we will now move 500K, tapos ibabalik mo rin sakanya as officious donation
to the other sense of collation, which is impugning the value allowable in the free portion, gagawin mo na lang ideduct
of what was donated, either to the free portion or to the mo nalang yung na impugn mo sa free portion, sa legitime
legitime. and bawiin mo nalang yung sobra. Yung sobrang 3.5M –
meron ka nang budget. Pwede mo ng bayarang yung ibang
If you are dealing a donation to a stranger, you can only tagapagmana.
impugn it with the free portion. If it exceeds the free portion
it is inofficious and must be reduced or revoked. ITEMS EXCLUDED FROM DONATION
If you are dealing with a donation in favor of a compulsory Art. 1067. Expenses for support, education, medical
heir, then you can either impugn it to the free portion or attendance, even in extraordinary illness, apprenticeship,
impugn it to the legitime. BUT, in the absence of an express ordinary equipment, or customary gifts are not subject to
provision in the will, exempting the donation made to a collation.
compulsory heir from collation, then you would have to
impugn it to the legitime. Every donation is considered as Art. 1068. Expenses incurred by the parents in giving
an advance of the legitime unless, expressly otherwise their children a professional, vocational or other career
provided by the testator. shall not be brought to collation unless the parents so
Inimpugn mo sa legitime, pero the donation is much bigger provide, or unless they impair the legitime; but when their
than the legitime, so may excess. collation is required, the sum which the child would have
spent if he had lived in the house and company of his
Q: What do we do with the excess? parents shall be deducted therefrom.
A: Impugn it to the free portion if it can be accommodated.
If it cannot be accommodated then you will now have to Note:
1. Rules for children who will be inheriting by right of What we apply whenever there is possible impairment (of
representation are required to bring to collation, legitime) would be the provisions of Art. 911. And Art.950,
not just donations made directly to them but also we apply that when there are no compulsory heirs – no
those made to the persons that they are possible impairment of legitime.
Just to be clear, the rule we stated earlier that latter
2. Hierarchy that we observed in making the donations must be sacrificed in favor of prior donations is
deductions. applied in determining the hierarchy among donations
themselves. But when we are considering donations vs.
We have two applicable provisions here: Art. 911 and Art. legacies and devises, that is when you refer to Art. 911 – if
950. there is possibility of impairment. If there is no possibility
of impairment like when you are just dealing with legacies
ARTICLE 911. After the legitime has been determined in or devises, then you apply Art. 950.
accordance with the three preceding articles, the
reduction shall be made as follows: LEGITIME
(2) The reduction of the devises or legacies shall be pro We have compulsory succession, whether or not the
rata, without any distinction whatever. succession is testate or intestate. Your compulsory heirs are
also your intestate heirs.
If the testator has directed that a certain devise or legacy
be paid in preference to others, it shall not suffer any GR: The presence of compulsory would generally exclude
reduction until the latter have been applied in full to the all the other intestate heirs.
payment of the legitime. XPN: If the surviving compulsory heir is the spouse. The
spouse will not exclude the other intestate heirs. The
(3) If the devise or legacy consists of a usufruct or life spouse will concur with collateral relatives.
annuity, whose value may be considered greater than that
of the disposable portion, the compulsory heirs may Note: What we have, as a rule, is that heirs could either
choose between complying with the testamentary exclude or concur with other heirs. We also consider this
provision and delivering to the devisee or legatee the part rule in compulsory succession. That is why we have what
of the inheritance of which the testator could freely you call primary compulsory heirs who exclude other
dispose. compulsory heirs [e.g., legitimate children or grandchildren
will exclude parents and other ascendants]
ARTICLE 950. If the estate should not be sufficient to
cover all the legacies or devises, their payment shall be GR: Illegitimate children do not exclude anybody
made in the following order: XPN: The parent of that illegitimate child is also an
illegitimate child.
(1) Remuneratory legacies or devises;
Q: Who are the compulsory heirs?
(2) Legacies or devises declared by the testator to be A:
preferential; ARTICLE 887. The following are compulsory heirs:
(3) Legacies for support; (1) Legitimate children and descendants, with respect to
their legitimate parents and ascendants;
(4) Legacies for education;
(2) In default of the foregoing, legitimate parents and
(5) Legacies or devises of a specific, determinate thing ascendants, with respect to their legitimate children and
which forms a part of the estate; descendants;
(4) Acknowledged natural children, and natural children But take not in the case of a surviving spouse there is a
by legal fiction; qualification.
(5) Other illegitimate children referred to in Article 287. GR: If the surviving spouse were to inherit alone, the
legitime shall be ½ of the total estate.
Compulsory heirs mentioned in Nos. 3, 4 and 5 are not
excluded by those in Nos. 1 and 2; neither do they exclude XPN: The share may of the surviving spouse may be be
one another. reduced to 1/3 of the total estate. This would happen if the
In all cases of illegitimate children, their filiation must be marriage between the surviving spouse and the decedent
duly proved. was celebrated in articulo mortis and then the decedent
dies within three months from the time of marriage.
The father or mother of illegitimate children of the three
classes mentioned, shall inherit from them in the manner XPN to the XPN: If the surviving spouse and the decedent
and to the extent established by this Code. were living together as husband and wife for more than 5
years. In which case, the legitime goes back up to ½ of the
Note: Under the Family Code, there are no longer any total estate.
distinction or classes for illegitimate children.
Rationale: The law is trying to protect the decedent. It is
SHARES IN COMPULSORY SUCCESSION possible that the surviving spouse is only after the
decedent’s properties.
However, the illegitimate children, they do not get any We will still apply the same Rule of Exclusion and the same
legitime since they will be excluded by the presence of Rule of Concurrence. They are essentially the same, but the
illegitimate children. shares will be bigger in intestate succession.
Legitimate parents with Legitimate Children and Surviving If you are sure that there will be no impairment, you can
Spouse will not get anything due to the presence of the simply apply the ratios or fractions provided in the law.
Legitimate Children.
There are those phrases “by analogy”, because there is no
Illegitimate Children concurring with Legitimate Children specific provision in the law governing the situation and
and Surviving Spouse will receive ½ share of each that we are coming up with the rule by analogy.
legitimate child with preference given to the surviving
The rules in intestate succession deviate from the The preterited compulsory The most that may be hoped
compulsory succession because those Rules in Concurrence heir may stand to get more for by the defect of the
would also touch on how the surviving spouse will concur than his legitime. Possibly, disinherited heir is to get his
with the collateral relatives and how these collateral the entire estate under the legitime. Because the
relatives will also be relating in concurrence with one correct circumstances kasi annulment of the institution
another. the institution of heir will be of heirs will only be to the
annulled and if there are no extent that there is
In compulsory succession, you were confined to the direct legacies or devises, then the impairment of the legitime.
line and the surviving spouse. But here, we have the entire estate would go by
surviving spouse interacting with the collateral relatives intestate succession.
and the collateral relatives interacting among themselves.
If there are no other
LEGITIME compulsory heirs, then the
preterited compulsory heir
Article 872. The testator cannot impose any charge, will also be the intestate heir.
condition, or substitution whatsoever upon the legitimes Ang ending, he gets
prescribed in this Code. Should he do so, the same shall be everything.
considered as not imposed.
Article 915. A compulsory heir may, in consequence of
GR: Legitime cannot be burdened with any disinheritance, be deprived of his legitime, for causes
conditions/prohibitions. expressly stated by law.
XPN: Prohibition against partition. This may be imposed
upon the legitime. But it cannot exceed a period of twenty Article 916. Disinheritance can be effected only through a
(20) years, maximum na ‘yun. will wherein the legal cause therefor shall be specified.
The reason why we do not allow perpetual prohibition Article 918. Disinheritance without a specification of the
against partition and alienation is because the goal really is cause, or for a cause the truth of which, if contradicted, is
to allow the free circulation of property. Otherwise, not proved, or which is not one of those set forth in this
everyone will suffer. Code, shall annul the institution of heirs insofar as it may
prejudice the person disinherited; but the devises and
Legitime is practically untouchable. There can be no legacies and other testamentary dispositions shall be valid
conditions that may be imposed, no obligations that may be to such extent as will not impair the legitime.
imposed upon the compulsory heirs for them to receive
their legitime. Q: What is the reason why a defective disinheritance is
less harmful than preterition?
The only way by which they may be denied their legitime is A: Kasi sa defective inheritance, we cannot discount the fact
through a valid disinheritance. To be disinherited, there that there really was the intention on the part of the
must be a last will and testament effecting the testator to disinherit, only that he was not able to carry it
disinheritance. Also, the disinheritance can only be made out validly.
upon the grounds provided in the law.
Sa preterition, we do not have the same kind of conviction
If there is no ground cited by the testator or if a ground is or that degree of certainty. What we have is only an
cited, but the same is questioned subsequently by the omission which may also be interpreted, as opposed to
disinherited heir on the ground that the ground [for being taken as deliberate, as a mere oversight. And the law
disinheritance] is not proven then you end up with a would rather err on the side of generosity. It would rather
defective disinheritance. presume that it was unintentional. Kaya mas extensive
‘yung effect ng preterition.
Pero sa testamentary disposition, it will be a different (8) Conviction of a crime which carries with it the penalty
matter if the last will and testament providing for a devise of civil interdiction.
or legacy to the disinherited heir was executed after the will
disinheriting him. Because that shows the intention on the Article 920. The following shall be sufficient causes for the
part of the testator to provide the disinherited heir with at disinheritance of parents or ascendants, whether
least something after his death. This is also without legitimate or illegitimate:
prejudice to taking the disposition subsequent to the
disinheritance as a form of or an offshoot of reconciliation (1) When the parents have abandoned their children or
between them. If there is reconciliation, then the induced their daughters to live a corrupt or immoral life, or
disinheritance is also set aside. But again, that would attempted against their virtue;
depend on the circumstances. We have to ascertain whether
or not a reconciliation has in fact, taken place. (2) When the parent or ascendant has been convicted of an
attempt against the life of the testator, his or her spouse,
Article 922. A subsequent reconciliation between the descendants, or ascendants;
offender and the offended person deprives the latter of the
right to disinherit, and renders ineffectual any (3) When the parent or ascendant has accused the testator
disinheritance that may have been made. of a crime for which the law prescribes imprisonment for
six years or more, if the accusation has been found to be
For the grounds for disinheritance, I need you to know false;
these grounds for every kind of compulsory heir: the (4) When the parent or ascendant has been convicted of
grounds for disinheriting a parent or an ascendant, a adultery or concubinage with the spouse of the testator;
spouse, a child or descendant.
(5) When the parent or ascendant by fraud, violence,
GROUNDS FOR DISINHERITANCE intimidation, or undue influence causes the testator to
make a will or to change one already made;
Article 919. The following shall be sufficient causes for the
disinheritance of children and descendants, legitimate as (6) The loss of parental authority for causes specified in this
well as illegitimate: Code;
(1) When a child or descendant has been found guilty of an (7) The refusal to support the children or descendants
attempt against the life of the testator, his or her spouse, without justifiable cause;
descendants, or ascendants;
(8) An attempt by one of the parents against the life of the
(2) When a child or descendant has accused the testator of other, unless there has been a reconciliation between them.
a crime for which the law prescribes imprisonment for six (756, 854, 674a)
years or more, if the accusation has been found groundless;
Article 921. The following shall be sufficient causes for
(3) When a child or descendant has been convicted of disinheriting a spouse:
adultery or concubinage with the spouse of the testator;
(1) When the spouse has been convicted of an attempt
(4) When a child or descendant by fraud, violence, against the life of the testator, his or her descendants, or
intimidation, or undue influence causes the testator to ascendants;
make a will or to change one already made;
(2) When the spouse has accused the testator of a crime for
(5) A refusal without justifiable cause to support the parent which the law prescribes imprisonment of six years or
or ascendant who disinherits such child or descendant; more, and the accusation has been found to be false;
(6) Maltreatment of the testator by word or deed, by the (3) When the spouse by fraud, violence, intimidation, or
child or descendant; undue influence cause the testator to make a will or to
change one already made;
(7) When a child or descendant leads a dishonorable or
disgraceful life; (4) When the spouse has given cause for legal separation;
(5) When the spouse has given grounds for the loss of
parental authority;
(6) Unjustifiable refusal to support the children or the other Another way by which the prepositus would prevent
spouse. possibility of reserva troncal is if he disposes the property
even if the disposition may be in favor of a potential
RESERVA TRONCAL reservista themself.
As you can see, we have [inaudible], the origin, the Q: During the time the property is in possession of the
prepositus, the reservista, and the reservatario. reservista, how should we characterize the reservista’s
rights over the property? Usufruct, mere possession or
1. The origin - The source of the property. An origin full ownership?
may be an ascendant or may be a brother or A: Full ownership. The reservista, during the time the
sister of the prepositus. property is in his possession, is considered to be its owner.
As owner, he can dispose of the property. However, any
2. Prepositus – acquires the property by gratuitous disposition he makes must be subject to the same condition
title. The prepositus is also known as the Arbiter affecting his own ownership. If he makes a transfer of a
of the Reserva because he has, in his power, to put reservable property in favor of 3rd persons, that 3rd person
an end to the potential of the property being takes that reservable property subject to the same
subject to reserva troncal. resolutory condition which is: the ownership rights of the
reservista, whether residing in himself or is transferred to a
Q: How will he exercise this power? 3rd person will be extinguished should there be
A: For one, if he procreates. If he is with issue then that will reservatarios surviving the reservista at the time of his
prevent reserva troncal because the presence of legitimate death. At that point, that property will go to the
children and descendants will exclude his ascendants from reservatario. Any transfer that is made by the reservista is
inheriting through his estate. Mere presence of his subject to that qualification.
legitimate children or descendants will put an end to
any possibility of reserva troncal being created.
Q: Does it matter that the transferee does not know of do not want the inheritance, that is why the law would need
the limitation? you to observe certain formalities. Samantalang if it’s
A: acceptance, there can be even an implied acceptance.
GR: It should not matter whether the transferee knows of
such limitation because we have the saying “the spring PARTITION
cannot rise higher than its source”. You can only transfer
what you have. If your ownership is subject to a certain For partition, I would need you to pay attention to the
condition, then that is the only kind of ownership you can provisions of Article 1080.
transfer. You cannot transfer an ownership that is not
burdened by any kind of condition. Article 1080. Should a person make partition of his estate
XPN: by an act inter vivos, or by will, such partition shall be
1. The rules on good faith affecting law on sales; respected, insofar as it does not prejudice the legitime of
2. Rules on transfer of real property registered under the compulsory heirs.
the torrens system. A parent who, in the interest of his or her family, desires to
keep any agricultural, industrial, or manufacturing
Example: enterprise intact, may avail himself of the right granted
If the land is covered by the torrens system and there is no him in this article, by ordering that the legitime of the
indication in the title that it is subject to reserva troncal, other children to whom the property is not assigned, be
then the buyer acting in good faith and for value who paid in cash. (1056a)
acquires this registered property may be taken as entitled
to take the property without any condition other than those The question that may be asked in relation to Article 1080
indicated in the title. If there is no reserva troncal would be whether the testator who is effecting an intervivos
indicated in the title, then the buyer is not bound. partition of his estate is required by law to have a will which
will serve as the basis for the partition. Previously, it was
Take note of the interplay: rights of the reservista is certain that there must be a will because the counterpart
subject to a resolutory condition which will extinguish provision of Article 1080 in the old law spoke of testator
said right while the rights of the reservatario is subject but under the present language, the term used by law is
to a suspensive condition, the happening of which will person.
give rise to their own right. Both conditions refer to the
same event (the death of the reservista survived by the So nakikita niyo yung nuances ng batas that the
reservatario), although the effects are different. requirements, the requisites are determined by the term
used. So since na-reduce yung term na testator sa lumang
Reservista : Resolutory Condition while Reservatario : batas sa mere person under the present law, then the
Suspensive Condition. implication is the person effecting the inter vivos partition
does not need to have executed a prior will unlike in the old
Q: If the exception applies, what can the reservatarios law.
do? Because it cannot be denied that they have a right
subject to a suspensive condition. That would also be the rule that we have to observe when it
A: They can be likened to creditors in an obligation subject comes to the determinants for capacity to succeed. We have
to a suspensive condition. Under the law on obligations and to check if the provision is using the term person or if it is
contracts, such a creditor subject to a suspensive condition using the term testator to determine whether it pertains to
can take such steps necessary to protect their rights. Ex. If capacity to succeed in intestate succession or capacity to
we are dealing with a reserved property, then the most succeed in relation to testamentary succession.
logical thing for reservatarios to do is to have the
reservable character of the property recorded and
annotated in its title.
The decedent was married to S. They had 3 legitimate A: It did not so we assume that they are covered by the
children – A, B, and C. B had 2 illegitimate children – I and absolute community of property regime (ACP). If there is no
J. C had 2 legitimate children – K and L. The decedent also indication as to the time the parties got married, we assume
had an illicit affair with M. that they took place at the time when the prevailing laws
are already existing.
They had a child, E, who in turn had 3 children – F, G, and
H. Of the 3, H is illegitimate. The decedent made successive Now, the decedent executed a will, but he only left legacies,
donations to A – a 4M Lot; K – a 4.5M house and lot; and L and the legacies are in favor of K and F, in the amounts of 1
– a 4.5M resort. million and 2 million.
During their marriage, D and S acquired the following Q: In this situation, you have compulsory heirs, so there
properties: Lot - 10M, Family home – 8M, and Cash – 10M. is danger of impairing the legitime, but what do we
The decedent executed a will where he left legacies to K apply? Do we apply Article 911 or Article 950?
and F in the amount of 1M and 2M, respectively. A: Article 911 is applicable kasi sabi natin, we only apply
Article 950 where we have a hierarchy of legacies
He died after a lingering illness with the depending on their classifications when we are dealing with
following liabilities: Hospital Expenses of 2M; and Quasi legacies exclusively, and we do not speak of legitimes or any
delict liability of 2M. danger of impairing the same.
Parenthetically, E, B, and C, predeceased the decedent. Article 911. After the legitime has been determined in
accordance with the three preceding articles, the
reduction shall be made as follows:
A: Article 911 is applicable because you only apply 950 Cash PHP 10M
when we have hierarchy of legacies depending on their
classification when we are dealing with legacies exclusively Total: PHP 28M
and we do not speak of legitimes or impairing the same.
Less Obligations: (PHP 2M) Hospital Expenses
He died. This now tells us the expenses which may or may (Art. 94(1), FC)
not be chargeable to the estate. He left hospital expenses on
account of lingering illness in the amount of 2M and Absolute Community PHP 26M
quasi-delict liability amounting to 2M.
Q: How will you classify hospital expenses? 2. Determine the Decedent’s share in the Absolute
A: This will be support, and therefore chargeable to the Community Property and add to his Exclusive
community property. The quasi-delict liability, this is a Properties
personal liability. This will be chargeable to the estate of
decedent alone.
Absolute Community PHP 26M / 2
The last sentence tells us that the children E, B, and C all Property:
predeceased the decedent.
Total; Decedent’s share in PHP 13M
Q: Is this material? ACP + exclusive properties:
estate of the ascendant, from whom the putative parent will The legitime of the legitimate children is ½. So ½ divided by
have inherited. Previously, said illegitimate child cannot 3, and that would be the shares of A, the representatives of
represent because of the Iron Curtain Rule. B, and the representatives of C.
Under Aquino v. Aquino: Lahat na pwede. Kasi ang may The surviving spouse would be entitled to the same share as
question lang naman dyan kung pwede magrepresent, 1 legitimate child. So, she gets:
would be I and J, because of their illegitimate filiation. But Surviving Spouse: 1/6
Aquino v. Aquino has paved the way for them to be able to
represent. For the illegitimate child, E, he gets half of the share of a
legitimate child (1/6), so, ½ of 1/6 = 1/12.
So, this would be the determination of the heirs and their E = 1/12
shares under the doctrinal ruling of Aquino v. Aquino.
But, since E is survived by his own children having
AQUINO V. AQUINO – DISTRIBUTION OF THE ESTATE: predeceased the testator, then he will be represented. His
DETERMINATION OF THE HEIRS OF THE DECEDENT representation is mixed, legitimate and illegitimate. So, if
mixed, we have to observe the proportions, 2:1. In this case,
HEIRS STATUS REPRESENTA SHARES E, with 1/12 estate, is being represented by:
A SURVIVES ½ ÷ 3 = 1/6 2 Legitimate Children
1 Illegitimate Child
B PREDECEAS I&J [½ ÷ 3] ÷ 2 = 1/12
So, 1/12 will be divided among F, G and H, in the following
C PREDECEAS K&L [½ ÷ 3] ÷ 2 = 1/12 proportion: 2 : 2 : 1, or in proportion of 2/5 : 2/5 : 1/5,
ED EACH which is translated to 2/5 of 1/12, which is 2/60, and 1/5
SS SURVIVES ½ ÷ 3 = 1/6 of 1/12, which is 1/60.
E PREDECEAS F, G & H [1/6 ÷ 2 = 1/12] TO
ED BE DIVIDED IN So, 2/60 : 2/60 : 1/60.
So, since we have a last will and testament providing for ATIVES
legacies, and we also have donations, then we will have to A SURVIVES ¼
determine the legitimes first, to know what or how much B PREDECEAS NONE
the free portion is, and whether the legacies, and/or the ED
donations would still be accommodated in the free portion.
Here, basically, this lays out the legitime of each of our heirs.
Q: So, who are the heirs? E PREDECEAS F, G & H 1/8 TO BE DIVIDED
Heirs: We have OF 2:2:1 OR
- 3 children 2/5:2/5:1/5
- Surviving Spouse
- Illegitimate Child Now, under the Old Rule, when there was still the Iron
Curtail Rule applicable, barring illegitimate children,
2 of the 3 children will be represented by their own representing a legitimate child. So, because of this, we will
children because of predeceased. It’s only A who would take out B, wala na agad siyang share, because he cannot be
inherit in his own right. represented. His share will now accrue to A and to C. When
we say accrue, we do not mean accretion because there is
This is the difference arising from the absence of the Right K and L will also be getting 2M each. But when it comes to K
of Accretion in Compulsory Succession. and L, we will look on the donations made in their favor.
There was a donation to K of 4.5M house and lot, and to L of K’s share = 1/3 of 1M
4.5M resort. We will impute the donations to their legitime.
So, that will be the computation under the rule laid down in
K = 2M – 4.5M (excess of 2.5M)* Aquino vs. Aquino.
L = 2M – 4.5M (excess of 2.5M)*
*If it can be accommodated in the free portion you would
impute that excess to the free portion.
Free Portion: (add the monetary value)
Free Portion = Net Hereditary Estate – MV of the legitimes
MV = 4M + 4M+ 4M + 4M+ 2M
= 18M
A 1/4 6M 6M – 4M Will
Net Hereditary Estate 24M
Less: MV of legitimes (18M) 2M
Free Portion 6M
Now, the free portion of 6M would have to answer for the C ¼ to be K – 3M 2M – Excess to
donations as well as the legacies and devises. If the free divided L – 3M 4.5M be
portion is not enough to accommodate the donations and equally 2M – imputed
the legacies and devises, then donations are preferred over between K 4.5M to FP of
legacies and devises – apply the free portion to satisfy the and L 3M; K’s
donations first. will be
Donations: L must be
K = 2M – 4.5M (excess of 2.5M)* reduced
L = 2M – 4.5M (excess of 2.5M)*
Total = 5M excess from donations. SS 1/4 OF 24M 6M
Free portion = 6M
Hence, the free portion can accommodate the donations if E 1/8 to be F – 2/5
you impute the excess of the donations to the free portion, divided in (3M)=
you will still have an excess of 1M proportions 1.2M
6M – 5M = 1M of 2:2:1 or G – 2/5
2/5; 2/5; (3M)=
Legacies: 1/5 1.2M
K = 1M H – 1/5
F = 2M (3M)=
Total Legacies = 3M 600K
Remaining free portion = 1M