Topic 6 Benefits of Paying
Topic 6 Benefits of Paying
Topic 6 Benefits of Paying
A careful evaluation of
financial statements and
Falls behind in paying periodic reports on the
debts because his business will be worth
business slows down at their cost for accounts of
certain periods of the substantial volume
Extend terms and help the
customer toward recovery
Leniency at such time is
expected and many
THE EMBARRASSED LATE- Pays late because his
suppliers make it a point
PAYER /HONEST LATE - own debtors also pay
to telephone or telegram a
PAYER him late
customer who is affected
by such
A debtor who is
temporarily over-
extended or who
intentionally delays
paying Limit his credit at the
They are usually jovial
and optimistic people
who can’t resist living a
little beyond their means
Role of Collectors
The collection efforts will be performed primarily by the personnel in the collection unit
generally given the title "Collectors" or "Account Representatives". The collector's role
has grown from the mere "getting and receipting payments" to a much more
complicated and sophisticated job. He is at once:
1. The "action man" of his department for, after all, he brings home the "bacon", the
cold cash so much needed by the company
2. The "after delivery credit investigator", the eyes and ears of the credit department
for it is part of his job to submit additional credit investigation reports, to supplement the
CIR already on file.
3. The "listening post of the customers' business condition. Since he regularly visits
the customer, he is in the best position, together with the salesman, to report any usual
change in the business
4. The "PR or public relations man" not only of his department but of the company
since he is in the front line of the business operations
5. The “financial adviser" of the customer since he is supposed to know the financial
conditions of the accounts he handles
Being then a many-faceted man in the organization, the company should now be
selective in choosing the man to fill this position. Among others, the following would be
the qualifications of a good collector.
Good educational background
Know how to drive
Good Public Relation man or Good PR man
Women as collectors
Good health