Electromagnetic Induction
Electromagnetic Induction
Electromagnetic Induction
Chapter 06
Second law: The induced emf is given by rate of
The total number of magnetic lines of force passing change of magnetic flux linked with the circuit i.e.
normally through an area placed in a magnetic field is d Nd
e . For N turns e ; Negative sign
equal to the magnetic flux linked with that area. dt dt
indicates that induced emf (e) opposes the change of
Induced current Induced charge Induced power
(i) (q) (p)
e N d N e2 N 2 d
i . dq idt .d P
R R dt R R R dt
1. When N-pole of a bar magnet moves towards the coil, 3. If the loop is free to move the cause of induced emf in
the flux associated with loop increases and an emf is the coil can also be termed as relative motion.
induced in it. Since the circuit of loop is closed,
Therefore to oppose the cause, the relative motion
induced current also flows in it.
2. Cause of this induced current, is approach of north between the approaching magnet and the loop should be
pole and therefore to oppose the cause, i.e., to repel the opposed. For this, the loop will itself start moving in the
approaching north pole, the induced current in loop is
direction of motion of the magnet.
in such a direction so that the front face of loop
behaves as north pole. Therefore induced current as 4. It is important to remember that whenever cause of
seen by observer O is in anticlockwise direction. induced emf is relative motion, the new motion is
always in the direction of motion of the cause.
Table: The various positions of relative motion between the magnet and the coil
Position of magnet
Fig. 6.5
Hence induced emf across the ends of conductor
e = Bv sin (90 – )l = Bvl cos
Bv cos
So induced current i
(Directed from Q to P).
The forces acting on the bar are shown in following
figure. The rod will move down with constant
Fig. 6.3 velocity only if
Conducting electrons experiences a magnetic force Fm cos = mg cos (90 – ) = mg sin
Fm = evB. So they move from P to Q within the rod.
Bil cos = mg sin
The end P of the rod becomes positively charged
Bv cos
while end Q becomes negatively charged, hence an B T
R cos mg sin
electric field is set up within the rod which opposes
mgR sin
the further downward movement of electrons i.e. an vT
B2 2 cos2
equilibrium is reached and in equilibrium Fe = Fm i.e.
eE = evB or E = vB 4.1. Motional EMF in Loop by Generated Area
e Bv
dW B 2 v 2 B2 v 2 2 (A) (B)
Pmech Pext Fext .v v
dt R R
Fig. 6.8
4. Electrical power : Also electrical power dissipated Induced emf across the axle of the wheels of the train
in resistance or rate of heat dissipation across and it is across the tips of the wing of the aeroplane is
resistance is given as given by e = Bvlv where l = length of the axle or
B2 vT2 2
So mg
B2 2
Fig. 6.9
2. Cycle wheel: A conducting wheel each spoke of , about an axis passing through O and perpendicular
length l is rotating with angular velocity in a given to the plane of paper. The effective resistance of the
magnetic field as shown below in fig. loop is R.
Due to flux cutting each metal spoke becomes
identical cell of emf e (say), all such identical cells
connected in parallel fashion enet = e (emf of single
cell). Let N be the number of spokes hence
e net B 2 ; 2v
Fig. 6.12
In time t the area swept by the loop in the field i.e. region
1 1 dA r 2
II; A r r r 2 t
2 2 dt 2
Flux link with the rotating loop at time t = BA. Hence
induced emf in the loop in magnitude
Fig. 6.10 d dA Br 2
e B and induced current
dt dt 2
Here i.e. total emf does not depends on number of
spokes ‘N’. e Br 2
R 2R
3. Faraday copper disc generator: A metal disc can
4.3. EMF Due to Periodic Motion
be assumed to made of uncountable radial
Suppose a rectangular coil having N turns placed initially
conductors when metal disc rotates in transverse
in a magnetic field such that magnetic field is
magnetic field these radial conductors cuts away
perpendicular to it’s plane as shown.
magnetic field lines and because of this flux cutting
all becomes identical cells each of emf ‘e’ where –Angular speed
e Br 2 v–Frequency of rotation of coil
R–Resistance of coil
Fig. 6.11
For uniform rotational motion with , the flux 5. Application of eddy currents: Though most of the
linked with coil at any time t times eddy currents are undesirable but they find some
useful applications as enumerated below
= NBA cos = NBA cos t
Electric brakes: When the train is running its wheel is
= 0 co st where 0 = NBA = maximum flux moving in air and when the train is to be stopped by
1. Induced emf in coil: Induced emf also changes in electric breaks the wheel is made to move in a field
periodic manner that’s why this phenomenon called created by electromagnet. Eddy currents induced in the
periodic EMI = NBA sin t e = e0 sin t wheels due to the changing flux oppose the cause and
2. Experimental concept given by Focault hence also carries a metallic aluminium disc which rotates
named as “Focault current”. between the poles of a pair of permanent horse shoe
3. The production of eddy currents in a metallic block leads magnets. As the armature rotates, the current induced
to the loss of electric energy in the form of heat. in the disc tends to oppose the motion of the armature
4. By Lamination, slotting processes the resistance path for coil. Due to this braking effect, deflection is
1 d 1
q i dt dt d
R dt R
q and q N for N turns.
Fig. 6.14
Fig. 6.16
r dB
when r < a; E = ; En r Fig. 6.17
2 dt
i.e. or (N is the number of turns in coil and N – (H). It’s dimensional formula [L] = [ML2T–2A–2]
Condition Figure
0 N2r
Solenoid 0 n 2 A
Toroid = L
di di di dt
E–L R i or E – Ri Or
dt dt E – Ri L
–Rdi –Rdt
E – Ri L
Fig. 6.18
Integrating the above equation, we have
Parallel: If two coils of self-inductances L1 and L2 having
mutual inductance are connected in parallel and are far from R
Loge (E – Ri) = – t A ..(i)
each other, then net inductance L L
log e E – Ri – t log e E
E – Ri R
or log e – t
Fig. 6.1
Consider a circuit containing a resistance R, an inductance E – Ri R
or exp – t
L, a two way key and a battery of e.m.f E connected in E L
series as shown in figure. When the switch S is connected to
a, the current in the circuit grows from zero value. The Ri R
or 1 exp – t
inductor opposes the growth of the current. This is due to E L
the fact that when the current grows through inductor, a
back e.m.f. is developed which opposes the growth of Ri R
current in the circuit. So the rate of growth of current is or 1 – exp – t
reduced. During the growth of current in the circuit, let i be
the current in the circuit at any instant t. Using Kirchhoff’s
voltage law in the circuit, we obtain Ri R
∴ i 1 – exp – t
where B is constant of integration. The value of B can be This equation shows that when L is small, the rate of
obtained by applying the condition that when t = 0, i = i0, decay of current will be large i.e., the current will
∴ loge i0 = B decay out more rapidly.
Fig. 6.24
Fig. 6.23
i i0 exp – i 0 exp –1 = (i0/e) = i0/2.718 = 0.37 i0 8. Mutual Induction
Whenever the current passing through a coil or circuit
So after a time (U R) second, the current reduces to 37% of
changes, the magnetic flux linked with a neighbouring coil
the maximum current i0 (L/R) is known as time constant τ.
or circuit will also change. Hence an emf will be induced in
This is defined as the time during which the current decays
the neighbouring coil or circuit. This phenomenon is called
to 37% of the maximum current during decay.
‘mutual induction’.
The rate of decay of current in given by
di d R
i 0 exp – t
dt dt L
di R R R
⇒ i 0 exp – t – i …(vii)
dt L L L
di R
Or – i
dt L
Fig. 6.25
1. Coefficient of mutual induction: Total flux linked 6. The various formulae for
Fig. 6.26
The oscillation of the LC circuit are an electromagnetic
analog to the mechanical oscillation of a block-spring
At t , capacitor is fully discharged i.e. charge q = 0 and At t , block comes in it’s mean position i.e., x =
4 4
current through the circuit is maximum 0 and velocity of block becomes maximum
At t , capacitor is again recharged with reverse polarity and At t , block reaches it’s extreme position other
2 2
i=0 side and v = 0
3T 3T
At t , capacitor again discharge completely i = i At t , block again reaches it’s mean position
4 4
and its velocity becomes maximum
3T 3T
At t , capacitor again discharge completely i = i At t , block again reaches it’s mean position
4 4
and its velocity becomes maximum
Wb/sec = (10t + 10) × 10 volt
At t = 5 sec, e = (10 × 5 + 10) × 10
Example - 6 0 N1 N 2
M A2
Find the change in current in an inductor of 10 H in
which the e.m.f. induced 300 V in 10 sec. Also, find 4 107 1000 1250 25 10 4
= 7.85 × 10 henry..
the change in magnetic flux. 1/ 2
Sol. Here, dI = ? L = 10 H, e = 300 V, dt = 10 sec., d = ? Example - 9
LdI A long solenoid of length 1 m, cross sectional area 10 cm2,
As e having 1000 turns has wound about its centre a small coil
of 20 turns. Compute the mutual inductance of the two
dI 300 10 2 circuits. What is the emf in the coil when the current in the
300 10 dI 0.3A
10 2 10 solenoid changes at the rate of 10 Amp/s ?
Sol. N2 = number of turns in coil
Also, e
d = e dt = 300 × 10 = 3 Wb A1 and A2 be their respective areas of cross section.
Example - 7 (A1 = A2 is this problem)
A plot of magnetic flux () versus current (I) is shown in Flux 2 through coil created by current i1 in solenoid is
figure, for two inductors A and B. Which of the two has
2 = N2 (B1 A2)
larger value of self induction ?
i N N N A
2 N 2 0 1 1 A 2 2 0 1 2 2 i1
Comparing with 2 = M i1, we get :
0 N1 N 2 A 2
B Mutual inductance M
410 7 1000 20 10 10 4
M = 2.51 × 10–5 H
Sol. As L = /I, therefore L for A > L for B. Magnitude of induced emf = E2 = M
Example - 8
E2 = 2.51 × 10–5 × 10 = 2.51 × 10–4 V.
A solenoid of length 50 cm with 20 turns per cm and
area of cross section 40 cm completely surrounds an- Example - 10
other co–axial solenoid of the same length, area of cross (a) A toroidal solenoid with an air core has an average
section 25 cm with 25 turns per cm. Calculate the mu- 2
radius of 15 cm, area of cross-section 12 cm and 1200
tual inductance of the system. turns. Obtain the self inductance of the toroid. Ignore
1 field variations across the cross-section of the toroid.
Sol. Here, l = 50 cm m
2 (b) A second coil of 300 turns is wound closely on the
toroid above. If the current in the primary coil is increased
Total no. of turns in outer solenoid
from zero to 2.0 A in 0.05 s, obtain the induced e.m.f. in the
N1 = 20 × 50 = 1000 second coil.
Area of cross section of outer solenoid,
2 –4 2 Sol. (a) Here, a = 15 cm = 0.15 m
A1 = 40 cm = 40 × 10 m 2 –4 2
A = 12 cm = 12 × 10 m
Total no. of turns in inner solenoid, Total of toroidal solenoid, l = 2a = 2 × 0.15 m = 0.3 m
N2 = 25 × 50 = 1250 N2
As L 0 A
Area of cross section of inner solenoid,
1200 12 104
2 –4 2
A2 = 25 cm = 25 × 10 m –7 –3
L = 4 × 10 ×
= 2.304 × 10 henry
where As is the cross sectional area of secondary of A solenoid of resistance 50 and inductance 80 H is
solenoid. connected to a 200 V battery. How long will it take for the
current to reach 50% of its final equilibrium value ?
The mutual inductance is therefore, Calculate the maximum energy stored ?
N s
M 0 N p Ns As Sol. Here, R = 50 , L = 80 H, E = 200 V, t = ?
Substituting the given values, we get : I0 L 80 8 E 200
I s, I0 4A
M = (4 × 10 weber/amp–m) (800/m) × 100 × × 25 × 10
–7 –4 2 R 50 5 R 50
From I = I0 1 e
t /
= 7.89 × 10–4 H.
Example - 12 50 8
I 0 I 0 1 e t / ; t log e 2 0.693 1.109s
A long solenoid of length 1 metre, cross–section 10 100 5
cm2, having 1000 turns has would about its centre a
1 2 1
LI0 80 4 640 J
small coil of 20 turns. Compute the mutual inductance Maximum energy stored
of the two circuits. What is the induced e.m.f. in the 2 2
coil when the current in the solenoid changes at the
rate of 10 amp/sec. ?
Example - 17
Sol. (a) Let AB = l and AD = BC = x at some instant. 19.An ideal inductor when connected in a.c. circuit does
not produce heating effect though it reduces the current
=B lx
in the circuit. Explain why ?
d dx
induced emf B Bv Sol. An ideal inductor is a coil having some inductance (L) but
dt dt
induced emf = 0.5 × 0.5 × 4 = 1 volt. no ohmic resistance R. Amount of heat produced in time
t = I Rt. As R = 0, therefore, heat produced = 0. However,
(b) induced current = i = induced emf/R = 1/0.2 = 5 A the inductor offers inductive reactance XL = L = 2 v L
magnetic force acting on AB = B i l to the a.c. Therefore, the current is reduced.
= 0.5 × 5 × 0.5 = 1.25 N towards left.
The applied force to maintain constant velocity must Example - 19
be of same magnitude but opposite direction i.e., A wheel with 10 metalllic spokes each 0.5 m long is rotated
towards right. with a speed of 120 rpm, in a plane normal to earth’s
(c) Rate of work done = Fv = 1.25 × 4 = 5 Watts. magnetic field at the place. If the magnitude of the field is
Rate of heat dissipation in resistance i2 R 0.40 gauss, what is the induced e.m.f. between the axle
= 52 × 0.2 = 5 Watts. and rim of the wheel.
Hence the work done by force applied to the rod is Sol. Here, no. of spokes, N = 10
completely converted to heat in the resistance. length of the spoke, l = radius, r = 0.5 m.
Example - 16 Frequency, n = 120 rpm = 2 rps. = 2 Hz
B = 0.4 gauss = 0.4 × 10 tesla, e = ?
A small resistor R (say, a lamp) is usually put in parallel to As the wheel rotates, linear velocity of spoke end at the
rim = r and linear velocity of spoke end at the axle = 0
the current carrying coil of an electromagnet, (figure).
What purpose does it serve ? 0r 1
Average linear velocity, v r
2 2
As e.m.f. induced across the ends of each spoke
e= Bl 2
–4 22 –5
e = 0.4 × 10 × 0.5 × × 2 × 0.5 = 6.28 × 10 volt
As all spokes are connected in parallel between the axle
and the rim, therefore net e.m.f. induced is the same as that
induced across the ends of each spoke.
Faraday's Laws of Electromagnetic Induction 7. A simple electric motor has an armature resistance of 1
1. A coil having 500 square loops of side 10 cm is placed and runs from a dc source of 12 V. When unloaded, it draws
normal to magnetic field which increases at a rate of a current of 2 A. When a certain load is connected,
1 T/sec. The induced e.m.f. is
its speed becomes one-half of its unloaded value. Then the
(a) 0.1 V (b) 0.5 V current (in ampere) it draws is
(c) 1 V (d) 5 V 8. In an ac dynamo, the peak value of emf is 60 V. The induced
2. The instantaneous magnetic flux in in a circuit is emf (in V) in the position when the armature makes an angle
= 4t – 4t + 1. The total resistance of circuit is 10 . At of 30 with the magnetic field perrendicular to the coil, will be
1 9. A body enters in an MRI machine in 10 s. If the magnetic
t s, the induced current in circuit is
2 field is 1.5 T and circumference of the MRI machine is 0.9 m,
(a) 0 (b) 0.6 then find out the magnitude of emf induced (in millivolt) in
the body.
(c) 0.4 (d) 0.2
10. A long solenoid of radius 2 cm has 100 turns/cm and carries
3. The flux linked with a coil at any instant t is given
a current of 5 A. A coil of radius 1 cm having 100 turns and
by = 10 t2 – 50t + 250 The induced emf at t = 3 s is
a total resistance of 20 is placed inside the solenoid co-
(a) –190 V (b) -10 V
axially. The coil is connected to a galvanometer and the
(c) 10 V (d) 190 V current in the solenoid is reversed in direction. If the charge
2 2
4. A coil of cross-sectional area 10 cm is is placed in the flown through the galvanometer is k 104 C , then find k.
–2 2
magnetic field, which changes by 4 × 10 Wb/cm within
5 sec. What will be the current across 5 resistance ? Take 2
(a) 0.016 A (b) 0.16 A
11. A long solenoid of diameter 0.1 m has 2 104 turns per
(c) 1.6 A (d) 16.0 A
metre. At the centre of the solenoid, a coil of 100 turns and
5. A loop of area 0.1 m rotates with a speed of 60 rps radius 0.01 m is placed with its axis coinciding with the
perpendicular to a magnetic field of 0.4 T. If there are 100 solenoid axis. The current in the solenoid reduces at a
turns in the loop, maximum voltage induced in the loop is constant rate to 0 A from 4 A in 0.05s. If the resistance of the
(a) 15.07 V (b) 1507 V coil is 10 2 , the total charge in C flowing through
(c) 250 V (d) 150.7 V the coil during this time is
6. A coil having n turns and resistance R is connected 12. A metal ring is held horizontally and a bar magnet is dropped
with a galvanometer of resistance 4R . This combination through the ring with its length along the axis of the ring.
is moved in time t seconds from a magnetic flnx W1 weber The acceleration of the falling manget is
to W2 weber. The induced current in the circuit is
(a) equal to g
(b) less than g
W2 W1 (c) more than g
5 Rnt
(d) depends on the diameter of ring and length of magnet
14. A thin semi-circular conducting ring of radius R is falling 17. A conducting square loop of side L and resistance R moves
with its plane vertical in a horizontal magnetic induction in its plane with a uniform velocity v perpendicular to one
of its sides. A magnetic induction B, constant in time and
B . At the position MNQ the speed of the ring is v and the
space, pointing perpendicular to and into the plane of the
potential difference developed across the ring is :
loop exists everywhere.
× × × × B
× × × ×
× × N × ×
× × v × ×
M Q The current induced in the loop is :
(a) BLv/R clockwise
(a) zero (b) BLv/R anticlockwise
(b) BvR2/2 and M is at higher potential (c) 2BLv/R anticlockwise
(c) BRv and Q is at higher potential (d) zero
(d) 2RBv and Q is at higher potential 18. One conducting U-tube can slide inside another as shown
15. A metal rod moves at a constant velocity in a direction in figure, maintaining electrical contacts between the
perpendicular to its length. A constant uniform magnetic tubes. The magnetic field B is perpendicular to the plane
field exists in space in a direction perpendicular to the rod of the figure. If each tube moves towards the other at a
as well as its velocity. Select the correct statement (s) from constant speed v, then the emf induced in the circuit in
the following : terms of B, l and v, where l is the width of each tube, will
(a) The entire rod is at the same electric potential
(b) There is an electric field in the rod
×A × × × × B×
(c) The electric potential is highest at the centre of the rod × ×
× ×
and decrease towards its ends v × ×
(d) The electric potential is lowest at the centre of the rod × × ×v ×
and increases towards its ends. D
× × × × × C×
16. In a uniform magnetic field of induction B, a wire in the
form of semicircle of radius r rotates about the diameter of (a) Blv (b) –Blv
the circle with angular frequency . If the total resistance (c) zero (d) 2 Blv
of the circuit is R, the mean power generated per period of
19. A square frame of side 10 cm and a long straight wire
rotation is
carrying current 1 A are in the plane of the paper. Starting
from close to the wire, the frame moves towards the right
Br 2
(a) with a constant speed of 10 ms–1 (see figure). The e.m.f
induced at the time the left arm of the frame is at x = 10 cm
from the wire is :
2 2
Br 2 2
(a) 0.5 V (b) 1 V
(c) 0.75 V (d) 2 V
20. A conducting ring of radius r is rolling without slipping 26. A solenoid having 500 turns and length 2 m, has radius of
with a constant angular velocity in figure. If the magnetic 2 cm. Then self-inductance (in millihenry) of solenoid is
field strength is B and is directed into the page then the 27. The current passing through a choke coil of 5H is
e.m.f. induced across PQ is –1
decreasing at the rate of 2 As . The e.m.f. developed
across the coil is
(a) – 10V (b) + 10V
(c) 2.5 V (d) –2.5 V
28. In steady state if U3 is the energy stored in 3H and U6 is
the energy stared in 6 H inductor then
(a) 9U3 = U6 (b) U3 = 2U6
2 Br 2
(a) Br (b) (c) U6 = 2U3 (d) U3 = 9U6
29. A small piece of metal r 20 of volume 10 cm 3 has a
2 2 r 2 B
(c) 4Br (d) uniform magnetic field 4 T inside it. The magnetic energy
stored in the metal is J , then find .
21. Two solenoids of same cross-sectional area have their
lengths and number of turns in ratio of 1 : 2. The ratio of RL circuit
self-inductance of two solenoids is
30. An e.m.f. of 15V is applied in a circuit containing 5H
(a) 1 : 1 (b) 1 : 2 inductance and 10 resistance. The ratio of the currents
(c) 2 : 1 (d) 1 : 4 at time t = and t = 1 s is
22. When the current changes from + 2 A to –2 A in 0.05 s, an
emf of 8 V is induced in a coil. The coefficient of self- e1/ 2 e2
(a) (b)
induction of the coil is e1/ 2 1 e2 1
–1 –1
(a) 0.2 H (b) 0.4 H (c) 1 – e (d) e
(c) 0.8 H (d) 0.1 H 31. A coil of inductance 8.4 mH and resistance 6 is connected
23. What is the self inductance of an air core solenoid 1 m to a 12V battery. The current in the coil is 1A at
long, diameter 0.5 m, if it has 500 turns ? Take = 10. approximately the time :
–4 –4
(a) 3.15 × 10 H (b) 4.8 × 10 H (a) 500 s (b) 20 s
–4 –4
(c) 5 × 10 H (d) 625 × 10 H (c) 35 ms (d) 1ms
24. For a coil having L = 2 mH, current flows at the rate of 10 32. In an R-L circuit, R 4, L 0.5 H and emf of cell=6 V..
ampere/sec. The emf induced is The work done (in mJ) in changing the current from 0.80 A
(a) 2V (b) 1 V to 0.81 A through the circuit is
(c) 4 V (d) 3 V 33. The potential difference Vcd across the inductor L is
25. The inductance between A and D is 120 V
3H 3H 3H
34. An ideal coil of 10 H is connected in series with a resistance 39. An electric motor operating on a 60 V dc supply draws a
of 5 and a battery of 5 V. 2 s after the connection is current of 10 A. If the efficiency of the motor is 50%, the
made, the current flowing (in ampere) in the circuit is resistance (in ohm) of its winding is
(a) (1 – e) (b) e 40. When magnetic flux through a coil is changed, the
(c) e –1
(d) (1 – e ) –1 variation of induced current in the coil with time is as
shown in graph. If resistance of coil is 10 W, then the
35. An inductor (L = 100 mH) a resistor (R = 100) and a total change in flux of coil will be–
battery (E = 100 V) are initially connected in series as
shown in the figure. After a long time the battery is I(A)
disconnected after short circuiting the points A and B. 4
The current in the circuit 1 ms after the short circuit is
R (A) 4 (B) 8
(C) 2 (D) 6
41. Two co–axial solenoids shown in figure. If key of primary
suddenly opened then direction of instantaneous induced
(a) 1/e A (b) eA current in resistance ‘R’ which connected in secondary :–
(c) 0.1 A (d) 1 A
36. In the circuit shown here, the point ‘C’ is kept connected
to point ‘A’ till the current flowing through the circuit R
becomes constant. Afterward, suddenly, point ‘C’ is
disconnected from point ‘A’ and connected to point ‘B’
at time t = 0. Ratio of the voltage across resistance and (A) L to N (B) N to L
the inductor at t = L/R will be equal to :
(C) alternating (D) zero
42. A coil having 500 square loops each of side 10 cm is placed
normal to a magnetic field which increased at a rate of 1.0
T/sec. The induced e.m.f. (in volt) is :–
(A) 0.1 (B) 0.5
(C) 1.0 (D) 5.0
43. The magnetic field in a coil of 100 turns and 40 cm2 an area is
(a) 1 (b) –1
increased from 1 tesla to 6 tesla in 2 second. The magnetic
1 e e field is perpendicular to the coil. The e.m.f. generated in it
(c) (d) is :–
e 1 e
(A) 104 V (B) 1.2 V
Mutual induction
(C) 1.0 V (D) 10–2 V
37. If number of turns in primary and secondary coils in
increased to two times each, the mutual inductance 44. One coil of resistance 40W is connected to a galvanometer
of 160W resistance. The coil has radius 6mm and turns 100.
(a) becomes 4 time (b) becomes 2 time
This coil is placed between the poles of a magnet such that
(c) becomes 1/4 time (d) remains unchanged magnetic field is perpendicular to coil. If coil is dragged out
38. Two coaxial solenoids are made by winding thin then the charge through the galvanometer is 32mC. The
insulated wire over a pipe of cross-sectional area A = 10 magnetic field is :–
cm2 and length = 20 cm. If one of the solenoids has 300 (A) 6.55 T
turns and the other 400 turns, their mutual inductance
(B) 5.66 T
is (0 = 4 × 10–7 TmA–1)
(C) 0.655 T
(a) 2.4 × 10–5 H (b) 4.8 × 10–4 H
(D) 0.566 T
(c) 4.8 × 10–5 H (d) 2.4 × 10–4 H
45. A flexible wire bent in the form of a circle is placed in a 48. A semicircle loop PQ of radius 'R' is moved with velocity 'v'
in transverse magnetic field as shown in figure. The value
uniform magnetic of induced emf. across the ends PQ of the loop is
R 2
(D) B v, end P at high potential
49. In the given figure if the magnetic field, which is
(C) (D)
perpendicular to the plane of the paper in the inward
direction increases, then–
46. As a result of change in the magnetic flux linked to the
× × × × × ×
closed loop shown in the figure, an e.m.f. . V volt is
induced in the loop. The work done (joules) in taking a × × × × × ×
charge Q coulomb once along the loop is :– A
× × × × × × B
× × × × × ×
× × × × × ×
(A) QV (B) zero (B) Plate A of the capacitor will become positively charged.
(C) 2QV (D) QV/2 (C) The capacitor will not be charged.
47. Figure shows three regions of magnetic field, each of (D) Both plates will be charged alternately.
area A, and in each region magnitude of magnetic field 50. Two identical cycle wheels (geometrically) have different
decreases at a constant rate a. If E is induced electric number of spokes connected from centre to rim. One is
having 20 spokes and other having only 10(the rim and
field then value of line integral E. dr along the given
the spokes are resistanceless). One resistance of value R
loop is equal to– is connected between centre and rim. The current in R
will be–
×× × × (A) double in first wheel than in the second wheel
××× ×××
×× ××
(B) four times in first wheel than in the second wheel
(C) will be double in second wheel than that of the first
(D) will be equal in both these wheels
(A) aA (B) –aA
(C) 3aA (D) –3aA
0 I0 a 2 0 I0 a 2
(a) . sin (t) (b) . cos (t)
2 b 2 b
a2 0 I0 b2
(c) 0 I0 sin (t) (d) cos (t)
b a
4. In a coil of resistance 100 , a current is induced by
changing the magnetic flux through it as shown in the
figure. The magnitude of change in flux through the coil
is: (2017)
7. A coil of cross-sectional area A having n turns is placed in 10. Two coils ‘P’ and ‘Q’ are separated by some distance,
a uniform magnetic field B. When it is rotated with an When a current of 3A flows through coil ‘P’, a magnetic
angular velocity , the maximum e.m.f. induced in the coil flux of 103 Wb passes through ‘Q’. No current is passed
will be : (2018)
through ‘Q’. When no current passes through ‘P’ and a
3 current of 2A passes through ‘Q’, the flux through ‘P’ is:
(a) 3nBA (b) nBA
2 (2019)
(a) 60 A (b) 170 A
(c) 150 A (d) 115 A
14. Consider the LR circuit shown in the figure. If the switch 18. In the circuit shown, the switch S1 is closed at time t = 0
S is closed at t = 0 then the amount of charge that passes and the switch S2 is kept open. At some later time (t0), the
switch S1 is opened and S2 is closed. the behaviour of the
through the battery between t = 0 and t is current I as a function of time ‘t’ is given by:
2.7 R 2
7.3R 2
15. A power transmission line feeds input power at 2300 V to
a step down transformer with its primary windings having
4000 turns. The output power is delivered at 230 V by the
transformer. If the current in the primary of the transformer
is 5A and its efficiency is 90%, the output current would
(a) 50A (b) 45A
(c) 35A (d) 25A
16. A solid metal cube of edge length 2 cm is moving in a
positive y-direction at a constant speed of 6 m/s. There is
a uniform magnetic field of 0.1 T in the positive z-direction.
The potential difference between the two faces of the cube
perpendicular to the x-axis, is:
(a) 12 mV (b) 6 mV
(c) 1 mV= (d) 2 mV
17. The self-induced emf of a coil is 25 V. When the current in
it is changed at uniform rate from 10 A to 25 A in 1s, the
change in the energy of the inductor is:
(a) 740 J (b) 437.5 J
(c) 540 J (d) 637.5 J
19. A copper wire is wound on a wooden frame, whose shape 23. A uniform magnetic field B exists in a direction
is that of an equilateral triangle. If the linear dimension of perpendicular to the plane of a square loop made of a
each side of the frame is increased by a factor of 3, keeping metal wire. The wire has a diameter of 4 mm and a total
the number of turns of the coil per unit length of the frame length of 30 cm. The magnetic field changes with time
the same, then the self inductance of the coil: (2019) at a steady rate dB/dt = 0.032 Ts–1. The induced current
(a) Decreases by a factor of 9 in the loop is close to (Resistivity of the metal wire is
1.23 × 10–8 m ) (2020)
(b) increases by a factor of 27 (a) 0.53 A (b) 0.61 A
(c) increases by a factor of 3 (c) 0.34 A (d) 0.43 A
24. A small bar magnet is moved through a coil at constant
(d) Decreases by a factor of 9 3
speed from one end to the other. Which of the following
20. A 10 m long horizontal wire extends from North East to series of observations will be seen on the galvanometer
South West. It is falling with a speed of 5.0 ms- 1, at right G attached across the coil?
angles to the horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic
field, of 0.3 × 10-4 Wb/m2. The value of the induced emf in
wire is : (2019)
(a) 1 .5 × 10–3 V (b) 1.1 × 10–3 V
(c) 2.5 × 10–3V (d) 0.3 × 10–3V
Three positions shown describe : (2020)
21. A circular coil of radius 10 cm is placed in uniform magnetic
(a) the magnet’s entry
field of 3.0 × 10–5 T with its plane perpendicular to the field
(b) magnet is completely inside and
initially. It is rotated at constant angular speed about an
(c) magnet’s exit.
axis along the diameter of coil and perpendicular to magnetic
field so that it under-goes half of rotation in 0.2s. The
maximum value of EMF induced (in V) in the coil will
be close to the integer ……….. . (2020)
22. An elliptical loop having resistance R, of semi major axis
a, and semi minor axis b is placed in magnetic field as
shown in the figure. If the loop is rotated about the
x-axis with angular frequency , the average power loss
in the loop due to Joule heating is (2020)
2 a 2 b2 B2 2 25. Two concentric circular coils, C1 and C2, are placed in the
(b) XY plane. C1 has 500 turns, and a radius of 1 cm. C2 has
200 turns and radius of 20 cm. C2 carries a time dependent
2 a 2 b2 B2 2 current I (t) = (5t2 – 2t + 3) A where t is in s. The emf
2R 4
induced in C1 (in mV), at the instant t = 1s is . The
(d) Zero x
value of x is …………. . (2020)
26. An infinitely long straight wire carrying current I, one 29. Consider a circular coil of wire carrying current I, forming
side opened rectangular loop and conductor C with a a magnetic dipole. The magnetic flux through an infinite
sliding connector are located in the same plane, as shown plane that contains the circular coil and excluding the
in the figure. The connector has length l and resistance
R. It slides to the right with a velocity v. The resistance of circular coil area is given by i . The magnetic flux through
the conductor and the self inductance of the loop are
negligible. The induced current in the loop, as a function the area of the circular coil area is given by 0 . Which of
of separation r, between the connector and the straight the following option is correct? (2020)
wire is : (2020)
(a) i 0 (b) i 0
(c) i 0 (d) i 0
magnetic field in this region is B 3i 4k T . The
0 Ivl 0 Ivl 31. A planar loop of wire rotates in a uniform magnetic field.
(a) (b) Initially at t = 0 , the plane of the loop is perpendicular to
2 Rr Rr
the magnetic field. If it rotates with a period of 10s about
20 Ivl 0 Ivl an axis in its plane, then the magnitude of induced emf
(c) (d)
Rr 4 Rr will be maximum and minimum, respectively at
27. A part of a complete circuit is shown in the figure. At (2020)
some instant, the value of current I is1A and it is
(a) 2.5 sec and 5 sec
decreasing at a rate of 102A s-1. The value of the potential
difference VP - VQ, (in volts) at that instant, is _______. (b) 5 sec and 7.5 sec
(2020) (c) 2.5 sec and 7.5 sec
(d) 5 sec and 10 sec
32. An emf of 20V is applied at time t = 0 to a circuit containing
in series 10mH inductor and 5Ù resistor. The ratio of the
28. A long solenoid of radius R carries a time (t) dependent
currents at time t = ¥ and t = 40s is close to
current I t I 0 t 1 t . A ring of radius 2R is placed
(take e2 = 7.389) (2020)
coaxially near its middle. During the time instant 0 t 1 ,
(a) 1.06 (b) 1.46
the induced current I R and the induced EMF VR in (c) 1.15 (d) 0.84
the ring changes as: (2020) 33. At time t = 0 magnetic field of 1000 Gauss is passing
(a) Direction of I R remains unchanged and VR is perpendicularly through the area defined by the closed
loop shown in the figure. If the magnetic field reduces
maximum at t = 0.5
linearly to 500 Gauss, in the next 5 s, then induced EMF in
(b) Direction of I R remains unchanged and VR is zero at the loop is: (2020)
t = 0.25 (a) 56 V (b) 28V
(c) At t = 0.5 direction of I R reverses and VR is zero
(c) 30 V (d) 48V
(d) At t = 0.25 direction of I R reverses and VR is maximum
34. As shown in figure, a battery of emf is connected to an 38 . A conducting bar of length L is free to slide on two parallel
inductor and resistance in series. The switch is closed at conducting rails as shown in the figure. (2021)
t = 0. The total charge that flows from the battery, between
t = 0 andt =tc(tc is the time constant of the circuit) is
B0 v 0 d B0 v 0 d 2
(c) (d)
2a 2a
I12 I 22 I12 I 22
(a) (b)
2 2
I1 I2 I1 I2
(c) (d)
2 2 2
e e
(c) (d)
0.1 O X O X
1 2t 1 2t
(a) 2 (b) 4
(c) 6 (d) None of these 5. A rectangular loop with a sliding conductor of lenght l is
located in a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the
3. Figure (i) shows a conducting loop being pulled out of a
plane of the loop. The magnetic induction is B. The
magnetic field with a speed v. Which of the four plots
conductor has a resistance R. The sides AB and CD have
shown in figure (ii) may represent the power delivered by
resistances R1 and R2, respectively. Find the current through
the pulling agent as a function of the speed v
the conductor during its motion to the right a constant
velocity v.
×× × × P d a
×× ×
×× × v
×× × b
×× × × v
(i) (ii)
(a) a
(b) b Bv R1 R 2 B 2 v
(a) R R R (b)
(c) c 1 1 2 R 1 R 1R 2
(d) d
Bv R1 R 2 B 2 v
(c) R R R R R (d) R R R R R
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
6. A conductor of length l and mass m can slide without any 9. In the circuit shown in figure, X is joined to Y for a long
friction along the two vertical conductors connected at time and then X is joined to Z. The total heat produced in
the top through a capacitor. A uniform magnetic field B is R2 is
set up to the plane of paper. The voltage across the
capacitor in terms of distance x through which it falls is
LE 2 LE 2
(a) (b)
2R 12 2R 22
(a) 0
0 L
LE 2 LE 2
(a) (b)
4L 2R 12 2R 22
(c) 0
LE 2 LE 2 R 2
(c) (d)
2R 1R 2 2R 13
0 L
2 11. Figure shows a rectangular coil near a long wire. Calculate
the mutual inductance of the combination is
8. An inductor of inductance L = 400 mH and resistors of
resistances R1 = 4 and R2 = 2 are connected to battery
of emf 12 V as shown in the figure. The internal resistance
of the battery is negligible. The switch S is closed at t = 0.
The potential drop across L as a function ot time is
0 a b 0 a b
(a) n 1 (b) n 1
2 c 2 c
12 3t 0 a b 0 a b
(a) 6e V (b) e V (c) n 1 (d) n 1
t c 2 c
–t/0.2 –5t
(c) 6 (1 – e ) (d) 12 e V
12. A small square loop of wire of side l is placed inside a large 16. Plane figures made of thin wires of resistance R = 50 milli
square loop of wire of side L(L>>l). The loops are coplanar ohm/metre are located in a uniform magnetic field
and their centres coincide. The mutual inductance of the perpendicular into the plane of the figures and which
system is proportional to : decrease at the rate dB/dt = 0.1 m T/s. Then currents in the
(a) l/L (b) l2/L inner and outer boundary are. (The inner radius a = 10 cm
and outer radius b = 20 cm)
(c) L/l (d) L2/l
13. Two concentric and coplanar coils have radii a and b (>>a) × × × × × × ×
as shown in figure. Resistance of the inner coil is R. Current × × × b× × × ×
in the outer coil is increased from 0 to i, then the total
charge circulating the inner coil is × × × ×a × × ×
× × × × × × ×
× ×D × × ×C × ×
(a) 10– 4 A (Clockwise), 2 10– 4 A (Clockwise)
(b) 10– 4 A (Anticlockwise), 2 10– 4 A (Clockwise)
(c) 4 10– 4 A (clockwise), 10– 4 A (Clockwise)
0 ia 0 iab (d) 2 10– 4 A (Anticlockwise), 10– 4 A (Anticlockwise)
(a) (b)
2Rb 2R 17. A conducting ring of radius 1 meter is placed in a uniform
magnetic field B of 0.01 Telsa oscillating with frequency
0 iab b2 0 ib 100Hz with its plane at right angles to B. What will be
(b) (d)
2a R 2 R the maximum induced electric field
14. A highly conducting ring of radius R is perpendicular to (a) volt/m (b) 2 volt/m
and concentric with the axis of a long solenoid as shown (c) 10 volt/m (d) 62 volt/m
in fig. The ring has a narrow gap of width d in its
18. Shown in the figure is a circular loop of radius r and
circumference. The solenoid has cross sectional area A
resistance R. A variable magnetic field of induction
and a uniform internal field of magnitude B 0. Now
B = B0e–t is established inside the coil. If the key (K) is
beginning at t = 0, the solenoid current is steadily
closed at t = 0 the electrical power developed right after
increased to so that the field magnitude at any time t is
closing the switch is equal to
given by B(t) = B0 + t where > 0. Assuming that no
charge can flow across the gap, the end of ring which
has excess of positive charge and the magnitude of B R
induced e.m.f. in the ring are respectively
Area B
2 2
X Y (a) B0 r
(a) X, A (b) X R2 B 010 r 3
(c) Y, A2 (d) Y, R2 R
15. Two identical circular loop of metal wire are lying on a table 2 2 4
19. A conductor ABOCD moves along its bisector with a 22. A rectangular loop with a sliding connector of length
velocity of 1 m/s through a perpendicular magnetic field of l = 1.0 m is situated in a uniform magnetic field B = 2T
1 wb/m2, as shown in fig. If all the four sides are of 1m perpendicular to the plane of loop. Resistance of connector
length each, then the induced emf between points A & D is is r = 2. Two resistance of 6 and 3 are connected as
shown in figure. The external force required to keep the
× A× connector moving with a constant velocity v = 2m/s is
× × B× × ×
× × × × × × ×
O 90° v
× × × × × × ×
× × C × ×D× ×
(a) 6 N (b) 4 N
(a) 0 (b) 1.41 volt
(c) 2 N (d) 1 N
(c) 0.71 volt (d) None of the above
23. A wire cd of length l and mass m is sliding without friction
20. A conducting rod of length 2l is rotating with constant on conducting rails ax and by as shown. The vertical rails
angular speed about its perpendicular bisector. A uniform are connected to each other with a resistance R between a
magnetic field B exists parallel to the axis of rotation. The and b. A uniform magnetic field B is applied perpendicular
e.m.f. induced between two ends of the rod is to the plane abcd such that cd moves with a constant
velocity of
a b
c l
x y
mgR mgR
1 (a) (b)
(a) B 2 (b) B 2 B B 2 2
mgR mgR
1 (c) (d)
(c) B 2 (d) Zero 3 3
B B2
24. A wire of length 1 m is moving at a speed of 2ms–1
21. A conducting rod PQ of length L = 1.0 m is moving with a
perpendicular to its length and a homogeneous magnetic
uniform speed v = 2 m/s in a uniform magnetic field B = 4.0 T
field of 0.5 T. The ends of the wire are joined to a circuit of
directed into the paper. A capacitor of capacity C = 10 F
resistance 6 . The rate at which work is being done to
is connected as shown in figure. Then keep the wire moving at constant speed is
P 1 1
× × × × (a) W (b) W
12 6
× × × × ×
v 1
B× × × × × (c) W (d) 1W
× × × × ×
Q 25. How much length of a very thin wire is required to obtain
a solenoid of length l0 and inductance L
(a) qA = + 80 C and qB = – 80 C
2L 0 4L 0
(b) qA = – 80 C and qB = + 80 C
(a) (b)
0 20
(c) qA = 0 = qB
(d) Charge stored in the capacitor increases exponentially
4L 0 8L 0
with time (c) (d)
0 0
26. An inductor of 2 henry and a resistance of 10 ohms are 32. Two conducting circular loops of radii R1 and R2 are placed
connected in series with a battery of 5 volts. The initial in the same plane with their centres coinciding. If R1 >> R2,
rate of change of current is the mutual inductance M between them will be directly
(a) 0.5 amp/sec (b) 2.0 amp/sec proportional to
(c) 2.5 amp/sec (d) 0.25 amp/sec (a) R1/R2 (b) R2/R1
27. An e.m.f. of 15 volt is applied in a circuit containing 5
henry inductance and 10 ohm resistance. The ratio of (c) R12 / R 2 (d) R 22 / R 1
the currents at time t = and at t = 1 second is 33. Two coils have a mutual inductance 0.005 H. The current
1 / 2 2 changes in the first coil according to equation I = I0 sin t,
e e
(a) 1/ 2 (b) 2
where I0 = 10A and radian/sec. The maximum
e 1 e 1 value of e.m.f. in the second coil is
(c) 1 – e (d) e–1 (a) 2 (b) 5
28. The resistance in the following circuit is increased at a
(c) (d) 4
particular instant. At this instant the value of resistance is
10. The current in the circuit at this instant will be now 34. An inductor of inductance 2.0 mH is connected across a
charged capacitor of capacitance 5.0 µF and the resulting
L-C circuit is set oscillating at its natural frequency. Let Q
denote the instantaneous charge on the capacitor and I
the current in the circuit. It is found that the maximum value
of Q is 200 µC.
(a) When Q = 100 µC, what is the value of |dI / dt| ?
(a) i = 0.5 A (b) i > 0.5 A (b) When Q = 200 µC, what is the value of I ?
(c) i < 0.5 A (d) i = 0 (c) Find the maximum value of I.
29. A 50 volt potential difference is suddenly applied to a coil
(d) When I is equal to one-half its maximum value, what is
with L = 5 × 10–3 h bmenry and R = 180 ohm. The rate of
the value of |Q| ?
increase of current after 0.001 second is
(a) 27.3 amp/sec (b) 27.8 amp/sec Multiple Answer Questions (more than one correct)
(c) 2.73 amp/sec (d) None of the above 35. The uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of a
conducting ring of radius a changes at the rate of , then
30. The current in a LR circuit builds up to th of its steady (a) all the points on the ring are at the same potential
4 2
state value in 4s. The time constant of this circuit is (b) the e.m.f. induced in the ring is a
(c) electric field intensity E at any point on the ring is zero
1 2
(a) s (b) s
n 2 n 2 a
(d) E
3 4
(c) s (d) s
n 2 n 2 36. The conductor AD moves to the right in a uniform
magnetic field directed into the plane of the paper.
31. What is the mutual inductance of a two-loop system as
shown with centre separation l
1 2
a a
l >>a
37. Switch S of the circuit shown in figure is closed at t = 0. (a) radius of the loop changes with r = r0 – vt/
If e denotes the induced e.m.f. in L and I is the current (b) EMF induced in the loop as a function of time is
flowing through the circuit at time t, which of the following |e| = 2Bv(r 0 – vt/)
graphs is/are correct ?
(c) Current induced in the loop is I =
(d) Current induced in the loop is I =
40. Two different coils have self inductance L1 = 8 mH, L2 = 2
(a) (b) mH. The current in one coil is increased at a constant rate.
The current in the second coil is also increased at the
same rate. At a certain instant of time, the power given
to the two coils is the same. At that time the current the
induced voltage and the energy stored in the first coil
are i1, V1 and W1 respectively. Corresponding values for
the second coil at the same instant are i2, V2 and W2
respectively. Then -
(c) (d)
(a) i1/i2 = 1/4 (b) i1/i2 = 4
(c) W2/W1 = 4 (d) V2/V1 = 1/4
41. The magnetic flux (f) linked with a coil depends on time t
as = atn, where a is a constant. The induced e.m.f. in the
coil is e:
(a) lf 0 < n < 1, e = 0
38. A conducting rod of length l is hinged at point O. It is free (b) If 0 < n < 1, e 0 and |e| decreases with time
to rotate in a vertical plane. There exists a uniform magnetic (c) If n = 1, e is constant
field B in horizontal direction. The rod is released from (d) If n > 1, |e| increases with time.
the position shown in the figure. The potential difference
42. If B and E denote induction of magnetic field and energy
between the two ends of the rod is proportional to:
density at the midpoint of a long solenoid carrying a current
O l I, then which of the following graphs is/are correct?
(a) l 3/2
(b) l 2 I
(c) sin (d) (sin )1/2
39. A circular conducting loop of radius r 0 and having
resistance per unit length as shown in the figure is placed (b)
in a magnetic field B which is constant in space and time.
The ends of the loop are crossed and pulled in opposite
directions with a velocity V such that the loop always
remains circular and the radius of the loop goes on
decreasing, then -
× × × × × × ×
× × × × × × ×
× × × × × × × E
× × × × × × ×
V ×
× × × × × × (d)
43. A loop is formed by two parallel conductors connected by 45. Two straight conducting rails form a right angle where
a solenoid with inductance L and a conducting rod of their ends are joined. A conducting bar in contact with the
mass M which can freely slide over the conductors. The rails start at the vertex at t = 0 and moves with a constant
conductors are located in a uniform magnetic field with velocity v along them as shown. A magnetic field B is
induction B perpendicular to the plane of loop. The directed into the page. The induced emf in the circuit at
distance between conductors is l. At t = 0, the rod is given any time t is proportional to :
a velocity v 0 directed towards right and the current through × × × × × × × ×
the inductor is initially zero. × × × × × × × ×
× × × × × × × ×
× × × × × × × ×
× × × × × × × v×
B × × × × × × × ×
V0 × × × × × × × ×
× × × × × × × ×
× × × × × × × ×
(a) t0 (b) t
(a) The maximum current in circuit during the motion of (c) v (d) v2
of maximum is v0
(d) The rod oscillates in SHM
44. In the figure shown R is a fixed conducting ring of
negligible resistance and radius 'a'. PQ is a uniform rod of
resistance r. It is hinged at the centre of the ring and 47. A square loop of side (L/2) enters in a uniform magnetic
rotated about this point in clockwise direction with a field B = 4 T which acts in a region of length L = 2 m. The loop
uniform angular velocity . There is a uniform magnetic moves with constant acceleration of 1 m/sec . The resistance
field of strength B pointing inwards, 'r' is a stationary per unit length of the square frame is 1/m . Find the
resistance. magnetic force (in N) on the frame at time t = 1 sec.
48. A rectangular loop has a sliding connector of length 1.0 m.
(a) current through r is zero The loop is situated in a uniform magnetic field B = 4 T
(b) current through r is 2Ba /5r
2 perpendicular and into the plane of the loop. The resistance
of the connector is 2. Find the external force required to
(c) Direction of current in external r is from centre to keep the connector moving with a constant velocity of
circumference v = 2 m/sec (in N).
(d) Direction of current in external r is from circumference
to centre.
49. Fig. shows a uniform magnetic field of induction B confined 54. Figure shows a circuit with two identical resistors and an
to a cylindrical volume of radius R. B is increasing at a ideal inductor. Comment on the current through the central
constant rate of 0.01 T/s. What is the instantaneous resistor wrt other resistor for situation in column I
acceleration experienced by an electron placed at C distant
r from centre. Assume r = 5 cm. [in 107]
× ×
× × C +
× × R
× × × ×
× × × ×
× ×
50. A copper rod of length 0.19 m is moving with uniform
velocity of 10m/s parallel to a long wire carrying a current
of 5 A. The rod itself is perpendicular to the wire with its
ends at distance of 0.01 m and 0.20 m from it. Calculate the S
emf induced in therod. [in v] Column–I Column–II
51. A coil has an inductance of 10 H and a resistance of 2 . It (A) just after the closing at switch S (P) More
is connected to a 10 V battery. How long will it take for the (B) along time after the closing of S (Q) less
magnetic energy to reach 1/4 of its maximum value ? (C) just after S is reopened, a long (R) same
[in sec] time later
52. A solenoid has an inductance of 10 H and a resistance of (D) a long time after the reopening (S) zero of S
2. It is connected to a 10 V battery. How long will it take
for the magnetic energy to reach 1/4 of its maximum value? Subjective Question
55. Two long parallel horizontal rails, a distance d apart and
Match The Column Type Questions each having a resistance per unit length, are joined at
53. Time varying magnetic field is present in a circular region one end by a resistance R. A perfectly conducting rod
of radius R. Then MN of mass m is free to slide along the rails without
Column–I Column–II friction (see figure). There is a uniform magnetic field of
induction B normal to the plane of the paper and directed
(A) If a rod is placed (P) Electric field is perpen– into the paper. A variable force F is applied to the rod MN
along the diameter of dicular to the length of the such that, as the rod moves, a constant current i flows
the magnetic field. rod. through R.
(B) Induced electric (Q) Constant along the M
× × × × × ×
field at a point within length of conductor.
× × × × × × ×
magnetic field (r < R) × × × × × × ×
r dB R × × × F× ×d ×
(C) Induced electric (R) B
2 dt × × × × × ×
× × × × × × ×
field at a point out side
× × × × × ×
the magnetic field (r > R) N
(i) Find the velocity of the rod and the applied force F as
R 2 dB functions of the distance x of the rod from R.
(D) Induced electric field (S)
2r dt (ii) What fraction of the work done per second by F is
in a conductor has a converted into heat?
component parallel to
length of conductor
56. A circuit containing a two position switch S is shown in 59. A square metal wire loop of side 10 cm and resistance 1 is
moved with a constant velocity v 0 in a uniform magnetic
R3 C field of induction B = 2 weber/m2 as shown in the figure.
R5 The magnetic field lines are perpendicular to the plane of
R1 E1
the loop (directed into the paper). The loop is connected
1 A E2 R2 B to a network of resistors each of value 3
2 S 3V The resistances of the lead wires OS and PQ are negligible.
What should be the speed of the loop so as to have a
10 mH
steady current of 1 mA in the loop? Give the direction of
(a) The switch S is in position 1. Find the potential difference
current in the loop.
VA–VB and the rate of production of joule heat in R1.
60. Space is divided by the line AD into two regions. Region
(b) If now the switch S is put in position 2 at t = 0. Find;
I is field free and the region II has a uniform magnetic field
(i) steady current in R4 and B directed into the plane of the paper. ACD is a semicircular
(ii) the time when current in R4 is half the steady value.Also conducting loop of radius r with centre at O, the plane of
calculate the energy stored in the inductor L at that time. the loop being in the plane of the paper. The loop is now
made to rotate with a constant angular velocity about an
57. A magnetic field B B 0 y / a k̂ is acting into the paper in
axis passing through O and perpendicular to the plane of
the +z direction. B0 and a are positive constants. A square the paper. The effective resistance of the loop is R.
loop EFGH of side a, mass m and resistance R in x-y plane
Region I Region II
starts falling under the influence of gravity. Note the × × × × ×
A × × × × ×
directions of x and y in the figure. Find : × × × × ×
r × × × × ×
O x O × × × B× ×
× × × × ×
g C
E F × × × × ×
D × × × × ×
× × × × ×
(a) Obtain an expression for the magnitude of the induced
y current in the loop.
(a) the induced current in the loop and indicate its direction. (b) Show the direction of the current when the loop is
(b) the total Lorentz force acting on the loop and indicate entering into the region II.
its direction. (c) Plot a graph between the induced emf and the time of
(c) an expression for the speed of the loop v (t) and its rotation for two periods of rotation.
terminal velocity. (b) According to Lenz law current will be anticlock wise.
58. A rectangular frame ABCD, made of a uniform metal wire, 61. A pair of parallel horizontal conducting rails of negligible
has a straight connection between E and F made of the resistance shorted at one end is fixed on a table. The
same wire, as shown in figure AEFD is a square of side distance between the rails is L. A conducting massless rod
1 m and EB = FC = 0.5 m. The entire circuit is placed in a of resistance R can slide on the rails frictionlessly. The rod
steadily increasing, uniform magnetic field directed into is tied to a massless string which passes over a pulley
the plane of the paper and normal to it. The rate of change fixed to the edge of the table. A mass m tied to the other
of the magnetic field is 1 T/s. The resistance per unit length end of the string hangs vertically. A constant magnetic
of the wire is 1/m. Find the magnitudes and directions of field B exists perpendicular to the table. If the system is
the currents in the segments AE. BE and EF. released from rest. Calculate :
× × × × × ×
× × × × × ×
× × × × × ×
× × × × × ×
× × × × × × (a) the terminal velocity achieved by the rod, and
(b) the acceleration of the mass at the instant when the
velocity of the rod is half the terminal velocity.
68. The variation of e.m.f. as a function of time is 70. The magnitude of the induced electric field inside the
solenoid at a distance r1 from its axis is
r1 dB dB
(a) (b) r1
2 dt dt
(a) (b) r1 dB
3r1 dB
(c) (d)
2 dt 2 dt
Passage : 4
Using the following comprehension, solve Q. 71
In the circuit shown E = 120 V, R1 = 30.0 W, R2 = 50.0 W
and L = 0.200 H. Switch S is closed at t = 0. Just after the
(c) (d) switch is closed.
Passage : 3
Using the following comprehension, solve Q. 69 to Q. 70
The magnetic field within a long, straight solenoid with a
circular cross section and radius R is increasing at a rate
of dB/dt.
69. What is the rate of change of flux through a circle with
radius r1 inside the solenoid, normal to the axis of the
71. Now the switch s is opened, just after opening the S, what
solenoid, and with centre on the solenoid axis is
is the potential difference Vab across the resistance R1 ?
dB 1 2 dB (a) 72 V (b) 36 V
(a) 2 r12 (b) r1
dt 2 dt (c) 56 V (d) 90 V
2 dB 3 2 dB
(c) r1 (d) r1
dt 2 dt
× × r P A B
× ×
× × × × × v
× × × ×
× × × ×× ×
× ×a× × D C
×× ××
12. A long solenoid of radius a and number of turns per unit 15. After the capacitor gets fully charged, S1 is opened and S2
length n is enclosed by cylindrical shell of radius R is closed so that the inductor is connected in series with
the capacitor. Then, (2006)
thickness d (d < < R) and length L. A variable current i = i0
(a) at t = 0, energy stored in the circuit is purely in the form
sin t flows through the coil. If the resistivity of the material
of magnetic energy
of cylindrical shell is , find the induced current in the
(b) at any time t > 0, current in the circuit is in the same direction
shell. (2005) (c)at t > 0, there is no exchange of energy between the
inductor and capacitor
(d) at any time t > 0, maximum instantaneous current in the
circuit may V
16. A field line is shown in the figure. This field cannot
represent. (2006)
13. An infinitely long cylinder is kept parallel to an uniform (a) Magnetic field (b) Electrostatic field
magnetic field B directed along positive z-axis. The direction (c) Induced electric field (d) Gravitational field
of induced current as seen from the z-axis will be:
(2005) Modern trains are based on Maglev technology in which
(a) clockwise of the +ve z-axis trains are magnetically leviated, which runs its EDS Maglev
(b) anticlockwise of the +ve z-axis system.
(c) zero There are coils on both sides of wheels. Due to motion of
(d) along the magnetic field train, current induces in the coil of track which levitate it.
This is in accordance with Lenz’s law. If trains lower down
14. Initially, the capacitor was uncharged. Now, switch Sl is
then due to Lenz’s law a repulsive force increases due to
closed and S2 is kept open. If time constant of this circuit is
, then : (2006) which train gets uplifted and if it goes much high then
there is a net downward force due to gravity. The advantage
V of Maglev train is that there is no friction between the train
and the track, thereby reducing power consumption and
R C S1
enabling the train to attain very high speeds.
S2 Disadvantage of Maglev train is that as it slows down the
L electromagnetic forces decreases and it becomes difficult
(a) after time interval , charge on the capacitor is CV/2 to keep it levitated and as it moves forward according to
(b) after time interval 2, charge on the capacitor is CV/ Lenz law there is an electromagnetic drag force.
[(1 – e–2)] 17. What is the advantage of this system? (2006)
(c) the work done by the voltage source will be half
(a) No friction hence no power consumption
on the heat dissipated when the capacitor is fully
charged (b) No electric power is used
(d) after time interval 2, charge on the capacitor is CV/ (c) Gravitation force is zero
[(1 – e–1)]
(d) Electrostatic force draws the train
18. What is the disadvantage of this system ? (2006) 22. Two metallic rings A and B, identical in shape and size but
(a) Train experiences upward force according to Lenz’s law having different resistivities A and B, are kept on top of
(b) Friction force create a drag on the train two identical solenoids as shown in the figure. When
current I is switched on in both the solenoids in identical
(c) Retardation
manner, the rings A and B jump to heights h A and hB,
(d) By Lenz’s law train experience a drag respectively, with hA > hB. The possible relation(s) between
19. Which force causes the train to elevate up ? (2006) their resistivities and their masses mA and mB is (are) (2009)
(a) Electrostatic force
(b) Time varying electric field
(c) Magnetic force
(d) Induced electric field
20. If the total charge stored in the LC circuit is Q0, then for
t0 (2006)
25. If the direct transmission method with a cable of resistance 30. In the circuit shown, L = 1H, C = 1F and R = 1k. They
0.4 km is used, the power dissipation (in %) during are connected in series with an a.c. source V = V0 sin t as
transmission is (2013) shown. Which of the following options is/are correct?
(a) 20 (b) 30 (2017)
(c) 40 (d) 50
26. In the method using the transformers, assume that the
ratio of the number of turns in the primary to that in the
secondary in the step-up transformer is 1 : 10. If the power
to the consumers has to be supplied at 200 V, the ratio of
the number of turns in the primary to that in the secondary (a) At ~ 0 the current flowing through the circuit
in the step-down transformer is (2013) becomes nearly zero
(a) 200 : 1 (b) 150 : 1
(b) At 106 rad.s 1 , the circuit behaves like a
(c) 100 :1 (d) 50 :1
(c) The frequency at which the current will be in phase
A point charge Q is moving in a circular orbit of radius R in
with the voltage is independent of R
the x–y plane with an angular velocity . This can be
considered as equivalent to a loop carrying a steady (d) The current will be in phase with the voltage if
10 4 rad . s 1
current . A uniform magnetic field along the positive
2 31. A circular insulated copper wire loop is twisted to form
z–axis is now switched on, which increases at a constant two loops of area A and 2A as shown in the figure. At the
rate from 0 to B in one second. Assume that the radius of point of crossing the wires remain electrically insulated
the orbit remains constant. The applications of the from each other. The entire loop lies in the plane (of the
magnetic field induces an emf in the orbit. The induced paper). A uniform magnetic field B points into the plane
emf is defined as the work done by an induced electric of the paper. At t = 0, the loop starts rotating about the
field in moving a unit positive charge around a closed common diameter as axis with a constant angular velocity
loop. It is known that, for an orbiting charge, the magnetic in the magnetic field. Which of the following options
dipole moment is propotional to the angular momentum is/are correct? (2017)
with a proportionality constant .
27. The magnitude of the induced electric field in the orbit at
any instant of time during the time interval of the magnetic
field change is (2013)
(a) (b)
4 2
(c) BR (d) 2 BR
28. The change in the magnetic dipole moment associated
with the orbit, at the end of the time interval of the magnetic
field change, is : (2013)
2 BQR 2
(a) BQR (b)
2 (a) The amplitude of the maximum net emf induced due to
both loops is equal to the amplitude of maximum emf
(c) (d) BQR induced in the smaller loop alone.
(b) The rate of change of the flux is maximum when the
29. Two inductors L1 (inductance 1 mH, internal resistance
plane of the loops is perpendicular to plane of the paper
3) and L2 (inductance 2 mH, internal resistance 4), (c) The net emf induced due to both the loops is
and a resistor R (resistance 12) are all connected in proportional to has to be completed.
parallel across a 5 V battery. The circuit is switched on at
time t = 0, The ratio of the maximum to minimum current (d) The emf induced in the loop is proportional to the sum
of the areas of the two loops
(Imax/Imin) drawn from the battery is (2016)
Answer Key
R 2x i , (ii) F 22i
55. (i) v 2
(R 2 lx) idB
1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (b) Bd B d
5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (c) 8. (d)
56. (a) 3 V, 40.5 W , (b) (i) 0.6 A ,
9. (a) 10. (a) 11. (b) 12. (b)
13. (a) 14. (a) 15. (c) 16. (a) (ii) 1.386 10 s, 4.5 10 J
3 4
1. (b) 2. (d)
3. (35.6°C) 4. (d)
5. (a)
6. (12e 5t V, 6e 10t A (clockwise)
7. (d)
8. (b)
d di
9. (a) iR L ,
dt dt
1 0I 0
(b) n 2 Li1 ,
R 2
n 4
10. (b)
11. (R r1 r2
0 Ldna 2 I 0 cos t
12. i
2 R
13. (c) 14. (b) 15. (d) 16. (b,d)
17. (a) 18. (d) 19. (c) 20. (c)
21. (d) 22. (b,d) 23. (06) 24. (b)
25. (a) 26. (b) 27. (b)
28. (b)
29. (08) 30. (a,c) 31. (a,b) 32. (b,d)
33. (b,d) 34. (0.63) 35. (055.00) 36. (a)