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DOI: 10.1111/gfs.12495
Paulo Henrique Mazza Rodrigues1 | Lerner Arévalo Pinedo1 | Paula Marques Meyer2 |
Thiago Henrique da Silva3 | Iuli Caetano da Silva Brandão Guimarães1
Department of Animal Nutrition and
Production, College of Veterinary Medicine Abstract
and Animal Science, University of Sao Paulo, Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is an ensilable tropical plant known as a good
Pirassununga, Brazil
2 alternative to maize crops in regions with scarce rainfall. The objective of this trial
Brazilian Institute of Geography and
Statistic (IBGE), Pirassununga, Brazil was to obtain prediction models based on nutritional contents and end products of
Department of Animal Science, School sorghum silage fermentation as related to the dry-matter composition of fresh plants
of Animal Science and Food Engineering,
University of Sao Paulo, Pirassununga, Brazil
before ensiling. Eleven different sorghum cultivars (including silage, graniferous and
sweet types) were used. Twenty-five sorghum plots were harvested between 80 and
Paulo Henrique Mazza Rodrigues,
120 days of growth. Fifty plastic buckets were used as experimental microsilos and
Department of Animal Nutrition and opened between 60 and 90 days of storage. Statistical modelling was used to create
Production, College of Veterinary Medicine
and Animal Science, University of Sao Paulo,
a prediction equation that could explain the impact of fresh sorghum composition
Duque de Caxias Norte, 225, Pirassununga, on the chemical and nutritional composition of its silage. A complex model was de-
SP 13635-900, Brazil.
Email: pmazza@usp.br
tected by stepwise multiple regression to predict the difference of in vitro dry-matter
digestibility (IVDMD) before and after ensiling, but a simpler model, which involved
only the sum of water-soluble carbohydrate (fWSC) and hemicellulose (fHemi) con-
centrations in the dry matter of fresh forage, was considered to more usable. It had
an acceptable coefficient of determination (0.51). The higher amount of WSC and
Hemi in fresh sorghum linearly decreased the difference between IVDMD before
and after the ensiling process. A WSC concentration of 125.4 g/kg DM in fresh sor-
ghum is recommended for an ideal silage fermentation when considering pH and
lactic acid levels, although ethanol levels continued to increase.
Grass Forage Sci. 2020;00:1–12. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/gfs© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd | 1
2 | RODRIGUES et al.
these two important steps represent as those in farm conditions by gas chromatography and according to methodology proposed by
and also to increase the data variation required for this type of Erwin, Marco, and Emery (1961), which uses a gas chromatographer
study. (Finnigan, model 9001) equipped with silica glass column MEGABOR
(Ohio Valley, model OV-351) of 30 m × 0.53 mm and stationary
phase of 1.0 micron.
2.2 | Laboratory analysis Another 2 ml of silage juice subsample was added to 1 ml
of sulphuric acid 1 N and frozen at −20°C for analysis of am-
2.2.1 | Before ensiling monia nitrogen (NH 3-N) concentration by colorimetric assay, as
described by Kulasek (1972) and adapted by Foldager (1977).
After chopping, one sample of fresh material was obtained and Absorbance measurements were performed in spectropho-
stored at −20°C for later determinations of the following: dry tometer (Beijing Rayleigh AIC model VIS-7220) set at 630 nm.
matter (DM), ash, organic matter (OM), ether extract (EE), crude Absorbance values were used to calculate NH 3-N concentrations
protein (CP), acid detergent fibre (ADF), acid detergent insoluble in mg of NH 3-N/100 ml by a linear regression equation obtained
nitrogen (ADIN), neutral detergent fibre with residual ashes as- through equipment calibration with standard solutions at differ-
sayed with a heat stable amylase (aNDF), neutral detergent insolu- ent concentrations.
ble nitrogen (NDIN), lignin, hemicellulose (Hemi), cellulose (Cell), Dry-matter (DM) losses during fermentation were calculated
water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC), starch, in vitro dry-matter as the difference between the weights of masses obtained at the
digestibility (IVDMD), in vitro NDF digestibility (IVNDFD), buffer moments of filling the silo and the silo's opening, multiplied by the
capacity (BC), calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), total digestible nutri- respective DM contents. Dry-matter losses were transformed in
ents (TDN) and net energy for lactation (NEl), according to meth- percentage of initial mass. Because the aim of the study was to un-
odologies described below. After thawing, this fresh material was derstand the total DM losses, no separate analysis was performed
analysed simultaneously with silages in order to avoid analytical for gas losses or effluent losses.
2.4 | Statistical analysis Harvest date and ensiling duration were excluded from the
modelling process because they were not correlated with other
Data were analysed using the SAS 9.3 (SAS Institute Inc.). Before variables.
the actual analysis, data were explored to seek disparate infor- Ensiling resulted in significantly higher contents of ash, CP, EE,
mation (“outliers”) and for normality of residuals by Shapiro–Wilk aNDF, ADF, lignin, Cell, Ca and P, compared with fresh sorghum
test (PROC UNIVARIATE). An individual observation was consid- (p < .05). On the other hand, lower DM, OM, NDIN, WSC and Hemi
ered outlier when the standard deviations in relation to the mean contents were detected (p < .05). Only ADIN and starch values did
or to the model were larger than + 3 or less than −3. Data which not change after ensiling (p > .05). Nutritional characteristics were
did not attend to normality premise were subjected to logarith- also different between fresh and ensiled sorghum. Lower values for
mic [Log (X + 1)] or by square root [RQ (X + 1/2)] transformation. IVDMD, IVNDFD, TDN and NEl were found in sorghum silage than in
The values 1 and ½ were added in the Log and RQ equations in fresh sorghum (p < .05). Despite the differences observed between
order to avoid negative values in the analyses when values be- fresh sorghum and its silage, chemical and nutritional composition
tween 0 and 1 were involved. Initially, statistic treatments of data was highly correlated for most components, except EE and hemicel-
were organized in 5 distinctive parts: (a) descriptive characteri- lulose (Table 1).
zation of forage and silage regarding chemical composition and Principal component analysis (PCA) for chemical and nutritional
fermentative pattern; (b) magnitude of changes in chemical and compositions showed a strong association between DM concentra-
nutritional plant parameters, referring to the ensiling process; (c) tions before and after ensiling (Figure 1). It was the same for ash, cell
forage composition influence on silage fermentative pattern; (d) wall components (except hemicellulose), CP, digestibility and energy.
losses causes attributed to ensiling; and (e) changes in BC regard- Concentrations of hemicellulose, EE, BC and WSC from fresh sor-
ing ensiling. ghum were weakly associated with those in ensiled sorghum in the
Ordinary descriptive statistics, as mean and standard deviations, PCA analysis.
were performed. The mean of each duplicate was used. Data in fresh It was possible to observe two main groups of variables in PCA
forage and in silage were compared with a t test. If the difference analysis. One group on the right side of the graph is formed by DM,
equal to zero hypothesis was rejected, the chemical composition of ash, cell wall components (excluding hemicellulose) and ADIN. The
silage for a specific component or nutrient was different from that in group on the left side is formed by digestibility, energetic items and
forage. Principal component analysis was performed to illustrate the CP. Starch seemed to be an isolated group neither related to cell wall
observed differences. components nor to energetic items. Principal component analysis
Multiple regression analyses were performed for some selected was useful for these data: 2 factors in PCA explained 78.4% of the
variables to determine the causes of change in nutritional value overall variation observed (64.7% was factor 1 and 13.7% was factor
during ensiling. For multiple regressions, the difference between si- 2).
lage and forage nutritional value was regressed on fresh sorghum An important aim of this study was to indicate which nutrients
composition. The best model was chosen using a stepwise selection were most associated with quality loss during the ensiling process.
procedure of PROC REG (SAS). Total digestible nutrients and IVDMD differences before and after
The influence of forage composition on silage fermentative ensiling were analysed by a stepwise model selection procedure
pattern was determined by simple and multiple regressions. For in order to include in their prediction equations the variables with
simple regressions analyses, polynomial (linear and quadratic), ex- higher F value. For TDN difference, the best model included for-
ponential (first order kinetic) or broken-line models were created age CP and lignin content (dTDN = −200.8 + 2.20 fCP + 1.38 fLIG;
with PROC REG or PROC NLIN of SAS, depending on situation. p < .0001; adjR 2 = .8050, RMSE = 1.16).
Causes of losses and BC changes were studied with multiple re- The first complex selected model for IVDMD included fresh for-
gressions analyses. For all analyses, the significance level adopted age Hemi, WSC, DM, Ca and EE content (dIVDMD = −966.3 + 0.90
was 5%. fHEMI + 1.20 fWSC + 1.30 fDM + 39.80 fCa + 9.86 fEE; p < .0001;
adjR 2 = .8816, RMSE = 2.06). Nevertheless, DM depends on har-
vesting characteristics and fresh forage concentrations of Ca and
3 | R E S U LT S EE were low, so a simpler model was performed that included only
fresh forage Hemi and WSC (dIVDMD = −371.6 + 0.93 fHemi + 1.07
3.1 | Sorghum chemical and nutritional changes fWSC; p = .0025; adjR 2 = .5058, RMSE = 3.67). These predictive
after ensiling variables presented the biggest partial adjusted R 2 (.2605 and .2453
respectively) compared with DM, Ca and EE adjusted R 2 (.1678,
High variability among experimental units of both fresh and en- .0779 and 0.1301 respectively). In order to simplify the model and
siled sorghum was detected for chemical and nutritional charac- because the slopes for fresh forage Hemi and WSC were very close,
teristics. For some components (e.g. CP, ADIN, NDIN, EE, starch we proposed another equation, in which Hemi and WSC contents
and lignin), minimum and maximum values differed more than 2.7 are summed (dIVDMD = −369.1 + 1.00 (fHemi + fWSC); p < .0001;
times. adjR 2 = .5115, RMSE = 3.73; Figure 2).
RODRIGUES et al. | 5
Abbreviations: ADF, acid detergent fibre; ADIN, acid detergent insoluble nitrogen; aNDF, neutral
detergent fibre assayed with a heat stable amylase; BC, buffer capacity; Cell, cellulose; CV,
coefficient of variation; Hemi, hemicellulose; IVDMD, in vitro dry-matter digestibility; IVNDFD,
in vitro NDF digestibility; NDIN, neutral detergent insoluble nitrogen; p-value, difference data
(bias) between silage and fresh sorghum using t test for mean equal zero; r, Pearson's correlation
coefficient between fresh and ensiled sorghum; SD, standard deviation; TDN, total digestible
nutrients; WSC, water-soluble carbohydrates.
Calculated net energy of lactation using nutrient digestibility values as presented in NRC (2001).
*p ≤ .01; **p ≤ .05.
3.2 | Fresh forage composition influence on silage forage components as predictors by stepwise procedure, included
fermentative pattern 3 variables (fWSC, fBC and fCELL), and R 2 was .5218. A simple
regression using only fWSC as predictor for lactic acid production
After considering biological and mathematical parameters, even- originated a broken-line model: Lactic acid = 36.8 + 0.37 fWSC;
tually fWSC was chosen to be the predictor for lactic, acetic, Joint in fWSC = 125.4 g/kg DM; Plateau in lactic acid concentra-
propionic and butyric acids, as well as for ethanol and pH concen- tion = 84.2 g/kg DM; R 2 = .3637; p = .0037. This model showed
trations. These were estimated in a simple regression equation. The that each increased unit of WSC resulted in an increase of 0.37
model created to estimate lactic acid production in silage, using units of lactic acid concentration in silage until a concentration
6 | RODRIGUES et al.
F I G U R E 1 Principal component
analysis for chemical and nutritional
composition of sorghum forage (f) and
silage (s). Lines between dots were placed
only to facilitate visual identification of
F I G U R E 2 Effects of forage
hemicellulose (fHemi) and water-soluble
carbohydrates (fWSC) concentration on
IVDMD difference (dIVDMD) between
original forage and silage sorghum
F I G U R E 3 The pH and
fermentation end products of
sorghum silage as affected by water-
soluble carbohydrate content before
ensiling (fWSC). 1Y = 36.8 + 0.37
fWSC; fWSC joint = 125.4 g/kg DM;
Plateau = 84.2 g/kg DM; R 2 = .3637;
p = .0037; 2Y = −14.7 + 0.68 fWSC;
R 2 = .3602; p = .0051; 3Y = 30.7.
e(−0.037. fWSC); R 2 = .6652; p < .0001;
Y = 1.5. e(−0.021. fWSC); R 2 = .5139;
p = .0004; 5Y = 4.44 – 0.0064 fWSC;
fWSC joint = 125.4 g/kg DM; pH
baseline = 3.62; R 2 = .9011; p < .0001;
Not significant
RODRIGUES et al. | 7
of 125.0 g/kg DM of fWSC, when lactic acid reached the plateau its silage fermentation pattern, shown in Figure 4. Ethanol and lactic
(Figure 3). acid were closer to the group located at the left side of the graphic,
To estimate ethanol production in silage, the stepwise proce- formed especially by digestibility and energetic items, as well as WSC
dure resulted in a very complex equation, which included 7 differ- and CP. Acetic, propionic and butyric acids were dispersed variables
ent variables (fWSC, fCELL, fEE, fDM, fP, fHEMI and fCP) with a among themselves, but they were more related to the forage cell
high coefficient of determination (R = .9911). Still, WSC was the wall components located at the right side of the graphic. These two
component with the highest partial R 2 (.3602). Thus, the simple factors explained 68.3% of overall variation observed (55.1% factor
regression using only fWSC as a predictor for ethanol production 1 and 13.2% factor 2).
was linear and showed that each increased unit of forage WSC re-
sulted in an increase of 0.68 units in ethanol concentration in silage
(Ethanol = −14.7 + 0.68 fWSC; R 2 = .3602; p = .0051). 3.3 | Causes of dry-matter losses during
The concentrations of acetic, propionic and butyric acids in fermentation
silage were influenced by forage composition, but the model cre-
ated was substantially complex. Using simple regression, as WSC Using multiple regression analyses, it was observed among the vari-
increases in forage, both propionic (Propionic acid = 30.7. e(−0.037. ables that only ethanol and ammonia nitrogen concentrations in the
; R 2 = .6652; p < .0001) and butyric acid concentrations (Butyric silage reflected DM losses (DM Losses = −34.3 + 1.33 Ethanol + 1.34
acid = 1.5. e(−0.021. fWSC); R 2 = .5139; p = .0004) decreased in an ex- NH3; p = .0010; adjR 2 = .5359). It is notable that these two inde-
ponential way. This experiment demonstrated that water-soluble pendent variables had similar slopes (1.33 and 1.34) and were also
carbohydrate content in forage was not a good predictor (p > .05) close in partial R 2 (.2890 for ethanol and .2469 for ammonia nitro-
for acetic acid production in sorghum silages. gen), particularly taking into account that the ammonia nitrogen is
Regarding pH estimation, broken-line model was chosen due to expressed in percentage of CP.
bigger coefficient of determination (R = .9011) compared with the
linear model (R 2 = .8396). The equation produced by this regression
(pH = 4.44–0.0064 fWSC; joint in fWSC = 125.4 g/kg DM; baseline 3.4 | Buffering capacity
in pH = 3.62; R2 = .9011; p < .0001) shows that pH decreases with
increasing content of fresh forage WSC until the level of 125.0 g/kg The buffering capacity difference between silage and forage (sBC
DM, when pH reaches its lowest level at 3.62. minus fBC), caused by metabolite production during fermentation,
A graphic of principal component analysis was also created to was influenced only by lactic acid and NH3-N concentrations (BC
illustrate multiple relationships of fresh sorghum composition and difference = −7.13 + 0.332 Lactic acid + 0.116 sNH3; p = .0009;
F I G U R E 4 Principal component analysis for chemical and nutritional composition of sorghum forage (circle) and end products of
fermentation of silage (triangle)
8 | RODRIGUES et al.
adjR 2 = .5408). Considering that the units used in this experiment soils have a high capacity of retaining P due to its oxidic character-
were not molar, lactic acid had a slightly higher influence on buffer- istics, which leads to stable bonds between P and soil colloids and
ing capacity than NH3-N, with greater partial R 2 (.3193 vs. .2215). renders unavailable to the plant (Fernandes et al., 2004).
Despite the variation, the fermentation pattern observed in sor-
ghum silage was similar to what is expected for this type of conserved
4 | D I S CU S S I O N forage. Acetic acid concentration (organic acid with antifungal activity)
was within the desired range of ideal fermentation patterns and lac-
4.1 | Fresh and ensiled sorghum composition tic acid values (Kung et al., 2018). It is commonly accepted that lactic
acid is the most desirable metabolite produced during ensiling because
Chemical and nutritional compositions as well as fermentative it causes pH depression that mitigates undesirable fermentation
characteristics found in this trial are compatible with those ex- (McDonald et al., 1991). As a result of those two metabolites concentra-
pected for fresh and ensiled sorghum found in the literature tions, lactic acid:acetic acid ratio was higher than 3.0, which is the value
(NRC, 2001), especially for WSC, aNDF, ADF, lignin, TDN and NH3- stated as indicative of proper fermentation. Silages with high levels of
N. Nevertheless, specific deviations (CP, ADIN, Ca, P, acetic acid lactic:acetic acid ratio can be characterized by having a heterofermenta-
and ethanol) were found when compared to values found in other tive or homofermentative pattern. In this last case, it is more aerobically
studies (Badigannavar, Girish, Ramachandran, & Ganapathi, 2016; unstable, because low concentrations of acetic acid may not be suffi-
Fernandes, Barrón, Torrent, & Fontes, 2004; Jambunathan & Singh, cient to inhibit lactate-assimilating yeasts (Kung et al., 2018).
1981; Kung et al., 2018; Roth & Undersander, 1995). Mean ethanol concentration in sorghum silage was 58.3 g/kg DM,
Although within the normal range, the low average of CP con- but its maximum value reached 121 g/kg DM. This is explained by the
tents found in this study could be because of factors such as the maximum WSC content observed in sorghum fresh forage (157 g/kg
substantial variability among sorghum genotypes (Badigannavar DM), which was also high, compared with other sorghum silage WSC
et al., 2016; Jambunathan & Singh, 1981), agroclimatic conditions (Thomas, Foster, McCuistion, Redmon, & Jessup, 2013). This finding must
where the crops were cultivated (Van Soest, 1994), harvest maturity be due to the fact that sweet sorghum cultivars were used in this experi-
stage (Ayub, Nadeem, Tanveer, & Husnain, 2002), and rearrange- ment. Likewise, considerable levels of ethanol concentrations (≈175 g/kg
ments caused by the amount of nitrogen fertilization applied (Ayub DM) are commonly observed in sugarcane silage, which has a high WSC
et al., 2002; Waggle, Lambert, Miller, Farrel, & Deyoe, 1967). concentration (Siqueira et al., 2007). The yeast population present in this
The ADIN value was higher compared with the one proposed kind of fermented forage converts sugars (soluble in water) into ethanol,
by Roth and Undersander (1995). These authors found that in maize CO2 and water. This diminishes DM quantity and increases fibre con-
silage, ADIN above 120 g/kg of total nitrogen indicates overheating centration in silage, which impairs silage quality (Borgatti, Neto, Marino,
in the fermentative process of ensiling. The ADIN content is asso- Meyer, & Rodrigues, 2015; Pedroso et al., 2005).
ciated with protein bonding with lignin, tannin–protein complexes
and Maillard reaction products, which confers its high indigestibil-
ity (Lima et al., 2017). However, overheating does not appear to be 4.2 | Chemical and nutritional changes in sorghum
an issue in this trial because fresh and ensiled sorghum had similar after ensiling
ADIN values. As suggested by Rodrigues, Pedroso, Melotti, Andrade,
and Lima (2002), it is possible that a nitrogen and fibre complexation Dry-matter reduction during ensiling may be initially explained by
could occur during the drying process for DM analysis. In addition, “metabolic water” production, as related by Zago (1991). Moreover,
higher ADIN values can be inherent to forage cultivated in a tropi- volatile compounds, which are commonly present in large quantities
cal climate with high temperatures, as reported by Johnson, Reiling, in silages, were lost throughout DM analysis, which were below the
Mislevy, and Hall (2001) and Adesogan (2010). Also, it has recently values initially estimated (Rodrigues, Senatore, et al., 2002).
been shown that the ADIN content is overestimated due to contami- Gases produced by fermentable carbohydrates can increase the
nation with nitrogen from cetyl trimethylammonium bromide used in CP concentration in silage. This is a slight increase and may be ex-
the ADF analysis (Marcos, Carro, García, & González, 2018). plained by NH3-N production, which is not detected by CP analy-
Mineral contents in the sorghum plant may be altered due to sis (Kung et al., 2018). Considerable reduction of the hemicellulose
crop genotype, weather conditions and even to mineral concen- content during the ensiling process can be explained by acid hydro-
tration and its translocation rates in soil. Lower Ca and P contents lysis at low pH to which this kind of carbohydrate is vulnerable, as
detected in this work must be analysed carefully, when they are com- demonstrated by Zhao et al. (2018).
pared with values reported in the literature. The standard deviation Increases of unfermentable and not volatile fractions in sorghum
demonstrated in 131 observations is markedly high for NRC (2001) silage as ash, lignin, Ca and P were 18.9%, 11.2%, 20.3% and 29.7%
data and shows a high variability among samples. Jambunathan and respectively. This can be explained by gas and effluent losses during
Singh (1981) found high phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of the fermentative process, which result in increased contents of those
variation for Ca and other mineral contents in sorghum seed. This components after ensiling. The increase in fibrous components (aNDF,
confirms the differences of Ca content in sorghum plants. Tropical ADF and Cellulose) and also EE can be explained by the same reason,
RODRIGUES et al. | 9
because these components are poorly degraded during silo fermenta- with high nutrient preservation over the ensiling process. In con-
tion (Udén, 2017). trast, ethanol production is undesirable because this metabolite is
Notably, WSC content decreased and BC increased as a re- associated with epiphytic yeasts multiplication in silage and results
sult of organic acids produced during fermentation (Udén, 2017). in DM losses through its sucrose conversion (Kung et al., 2018).
Besides DM losses, which always occur during the ensiling process, Lactic acid and ethanol are products closely related to highly fer-
there was also a reduction in nutritional value compared with the mentable carbohydrates and for lactic acid and ethanol equations,
fresh plant, as shown in IVDMD, IVNDFD, TDN and NEl (Borreani, each incremental unit of fWSC, resulted in 0.37 unit of lactic acid
Tabacco, Schmidt, Holmes, & Muck, 2018). and 0.68 unit of ethanol on silage. Interestingly, the sum of these
Changes among different components owing to the ensiling pro- slopes is close to 1.0, allowing the conclusion that each additional
cess depend on the base value (fresh forage content) used to calcu- WSC, until 125 g/kg DM in forage, converges to an increase of ap-
late the difference in percentage. Thus, the same difference value in proximately 35% of lactic acid and 65% of ethanol during the fer-
units might be lower or higher, depending on the component concen- mentation process.
tration of the initial forage. For example, the higher change (38.2%) The minimum possible content of WSC in sorghum forage is im-
observed in EE is related to its small concentration in the fresh plant. portant to avoid poor fermentation (Kung et al., 2018). In contrast,
Using principal component analysis, Figure 1 summarizes WSC, EE, our data indicated it is possible to infer that lactic acid concentration
HEMI and BC items as the most altered by silage fermentation. increased linearly only until approximately 125 g/kg DM of WSC.
Total digestible nutrient differences, before and after the en- After that, it likewise reached a plateau in its pH; however, ethanol
siling process, decreased 2.2% units (U) for each increase in fresh continued to increase in line with WSC increases, which is undesir-
forage CP content. A similar response was observed for lignin, with able. This finding supports the premise that above 125 g/kg DM
a 1.8% U of increase. No biological explanation was found for the of WSC it is not advisable to produce silage from fresh sorghum.
impact of CP and lignin concentrations on TDN differences. Identifying genes that influence sorghum plant composition helps to
Conversely, WSC is well known as the principal substrate for lactic manipulate its silage quality and enables the possibility to increase
acid production, which is commonly associated with high-quality silage. overall feed efficiency. Genetic selection for WSC would be an in-
However, for each increase in Hemi or WSC content in fresh forage, it is teresting approach to be allied with other genetic selections such as
possible to observe a 1.0% U decrease in IVDMD difference. Thus, di- yield and starch content; this has not yet been studied.
gestibility differences with the ensiling process reach close to zero when Organic acid concentrations in silage were suitable for this kind
forage has higher amounts of hemicellulose and/or WSC. McDonald of forage and demonstrated satisfactory fermentation (Kung et al.,
et al. (1991) observed that the amount of organic acids produced during 2018; McDonald et al., 1991).
silage fermentation was higher than the possible amount to be produced
from WSC available in ensiled material. A possible explanation was that
hemicellulose would be an extra source of carbohydrates, hydrolysed 4.4 | Causes of dry-matter losses during
by hemicellulases from bacterial origin. According to Henderson (1993), fermentation
hemicellulose is the main additional substrate source for fermentation,
which may contribute up to 40% of this fraction utilization, whereas cel- Although DM loss was not directly influenced by sorghum forage
lulose and lignin remain practically unchanged during ensiling (Morrison, chemical composition, it was significantly influenced by silage fer-
Akin, Himmelsbach, & Gamble, 1993). This information could explain mentative characteristics. Soluble carbohydrates reactions result in
why both components (WSC and Hemi) are intrinsically related to avoid- ethanol and CO2 production in silage, which is inversely related to
ing a decrease in sorghum quality during ensiling. silage aerobic stability. Its control is closely related to management
Total digestible nutrients and IVDMD have been selected as in- factors such as speed of packing, pack density, type of additive used,
dicators of sorghum quality change after ensiling because decreases chopping length, covering management and silo management during
in energetic value and digestibility of fresh forage are undesirable feed-out (Kung et al., 2018).
within the ensiling process. It is important to point out that during Clostridial organisms lead to large DM losses and poor recovery
the selection process of forage improvement, choosing a genetic of energy in silage. They act by converting lactic acid into butyric
material that is less prone to quality reduction during silage fermen- acid to cause proteolytic activity (Pahlow, Muck, Driehuis, Elferink,
tation is the key to succeeding (Saballos, Ejeta, Sanchez, Kang, & & Spoelstra, 2003) and justify NH3 inclusion in the DM losses equa-
Vermerris, 2009; Santacruz, Gómez, Torres, & López, 2012). tion. Butyric fermentation can be prevented by ensiling forage from
300 to 350 g/kg DM immediately at the time of harvest in order to
stimulate quick lactic acid production in the silo, because clostridia
4.3 | Forage composition influence on silage are sensitive to both osmotic pressure and lower pH levels (Mills &
fermentative pattern Kung, 2002). However, a low concentration of butyric acid in the
silage was detected in this study.
Lactic acid is the most desirable fermentation product of silage, as Despite the fact that our results showed ideal pH and lactic acid
it is the strongest organic acid. Thus, this organic acid is associated levels at 125.4 g/kg DM of fresh forage WSC concentration, high
10 | RODRIGUES et al.
levels of ethanol were detected at this point. This indicates high DM REFERENCES
losses through yeast activity. Our result was 154 g/kg of DM losses, Adesogan, A. T. (2010). Corn silage quality in tropical climates. In
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