Pure Mathematics
Pure Mathematics
Pure Mathematics
Spring, 2023
1. Course Description
The CPS Foundations Mathematics course is designed to provide students with the background
necessary for the undergraduate mathematics program at NU. In addition, students are introduced
to some topics they will see in their undergraduate courses, greatly increasing their chances of
success. Such courses include, but are not limited to, Quantitative Methods in Political Science and
in Sociology, Applied Statistical Methods in the School of Sciences and Humanities, and
Engineering Mathematics, Applied Probability and Statistics in the School of Engineering and
Digital Sciences.
This course begins with the study of combinatorics and probability. From here, students will
continue their study of statistical analysis, learning a collection of discrete and continuous random
variables and their distributions. The Normal Distribution is studied at length, including its
approximations of other distributions. The second half of the semester consists of in-depth studies
of trigonometry and matrices. Trigonometry is followed up with a look at complex numbers, and
how our knowledge of trigonometry can help us solve complex equations.
Students are expected to complete their assignments on time, maintain an exemplary attendance
record, and proactively seek support from CPS faculty throughout the course.
3. Course Format
● Lectures (Monday and Wednesday)
Your instructor will give lectures on each topic. Attendance is mandatory.
Lecture presentations will become available a week in advance.
● Office hours/Consultations
You can ask any course-related questions during office hours. You can visit any instructor’s
office hours without an appointment. See the Office Hours and Personal Consultation section
on Moodle.
If you need more intensive support, you can schedule a personal consultation in advance.
Personal consultations are one-on-one meetings with the instructor. See the ALC Moodle page
for details.
4. Assessments
This course weighs 50% of the progression grade.
Attendance 5 marks
Project 7 marks
Total 50 marks
● Lecture Quizzes
Each quiz consists of five questions and checks your understanding of the corresponding
lecture. It will be open on Moodle at 9 am on the day of the lecture and due at 9 am on the
following day. In other words, you have a day to complete this quiz. You have 30 minutes
to complete the quiz once you press the start button.
If you are unable to complete a quiz, for example, due to technical or medical issues,
contact your instructor or Dr. Joohee Hong before the deadline. Any requests after the
deadline will not be accepted.
● In-class Quizzes
There will be an in-class quiz every Friday. Each quiz consists of four questions that are
closely related to the seminar worksheets of the week. These quizzes will be conducted on
Moodle, so bring your laptop or tablet (with a stand).
Don’t be late; these quizzes will be given at the beginning of review seminars, and you
must take these quizzes in class.
There will be eleven quizzes and the best eight scores will be counted for the grade. No
makeup quizzes will be offered in any case.
0-1 5
2-3 4
4-7 2.5
8 or more 0
5. Course Schedule