Point Absorber Wave Energy Harvesters A Review of
Point Absorber Wave Energy Harvesters A Review of
Point Absorber Wave Energy Harvesters A Review of
Point Absorber Wave Energy Harvesters: A Review of
Recent Developments
Elie Al Shami, Ran Zhang and Xu Wang *
School of Engineering, RMIT University, Bundoora, Victoria 3083, Australia;
s3652864@student.rmit.edu.au (E.A.S.); s3253199@student.rmit.edu.au (R.Z.)
* Correspondence: xu.wang@rmit.edu.au; Tel.: +3-9925-6028; Fax: +3-9925-6108
Received: 24 November 2018; Accepted: 19 December 2018; Published: 24 December 2018
Abstract: Even though ocean waves around the world are known to contain high and dense amounts
of energy, wave energy harvesters are still not as mature as other forms of renewable energy harvesting
devices, especially when it comes to commercialization, mass production, and grid integration,
but with the recent studies and optimizations, the point absorber wave energy harvester might
be a potential candidate to stand out as the best solution to harvest energy from highly energetic
locations around the world’s oceans. This paper presents an extensive literature review on point
absorber wave energy harvesters and covers their recent theoretical and experimental development.
The paper focuses on three main parts: One-body point absorbers, two-body point absorbers, and
power take-offs. This review showcases the high amount of work being done to push point absorbers
towards technological maturity to eventually kick off commercialization and mass production.
It should also provide a good background on the recent status of point absorber development for
researchers in the field.
Keywords: wave energy converter (WEC), point absorbers; power take-off; renewable energy; review;
recent development
1. Introduction
During the oil crisis in the 1970s, light was shed on renewable energy as an alternative to fossil
fuels. But after the stabilization of the economic and political status of oil, the renewable energy focus
degraded up until the twenty first century, where environmental, ecological and economical concerns
re-established renewable energy as one of the most growing topics in the modern era. The difficulties
related to exploiting most types of renewable energy resources have surpassed the need to develop
novel technologies, and nowadays, most of the research is concentrated around the adaptation of the
renewable and sustainable harvesting systems within the petrol-based power grids.
Solar energy, hydropower and wind energy are all being converted by mature technologies which
are slowly dominating the power grids around the world and have a strong presence within industry
manufacturers. On the other hand, ocean waves energy conversion technology, while it has higher
energy density and efficiency, still hasn’t established itself in the renewable energy market, but is
currently being researched, analysed and optimized to be implemented within power grids around
the world.
Like all other forms of renewable energy resources, ocean wave energy research peaked during
the 1970s after it was first established in the late 18th century [1,2], and then the oil business boomed
again, lowering the focus on all forms of renewable energy resources, including ocean wave energy
harvesting. But recently, due to many factors including the focus on CO2 emissions and environmental
impacts of power resources, the low efficiency of renewable energy harvesting system related to solar
power, hydropower, and wind energy, and the realisation of massive power density within ocean
waves [1–3], the development of ocean wave energy harvesting technologies is peaking again with
very few models reaching the scaled real seas implementation stage [4–7]. Most of the work done in
ocean wave energy harvesting is theoretical only, and that is due to many factors and challenges.
J= ρg2 Hs 2 Te (1)
where ρ is the water density, g is the gravitational constant, Hs is the significant wave height, defined
as the mean wave height of the third highest waves, and mathematically calculated as four times
the standard deviation of the ocean surface elevation. Te is the energy period, it is defined as
simulating an entire sea state with one sine wave, the energy period would be the period of this
sine wave. Mathematically, it is calculated as 0.86 times the peak wave period of the spectrum for the
Pierson–Moskowitz spectrum and 0.91 times the peak wave period for the JONSWAP spectrum.
This equation indicates that the power density contained within ocean waves relies on the wave
height and wave period of propagating ocean waves. Oceanography defines something called sea state,
which is the state (wave height and wave period) of the ocean waves propagating in a certain region at a
certain time (sea states are usually seasonal). The sea states are mostly random, but studies have proved
that they can be quantified over regions and months of the year with ocean climate studies based on
either wind observation, or buoy implementation to record the wave data over a long time, such as
the WERATLAS program [10] (European Wave Energy Atlas) designated to indicate the available
wave energy in the European shores. Researchers were able to derive a mean of the significant wave
height and period, hence the power contained within waves, for specific regions around the world
during every month of the year [3,11–13]. This variance in the sea state is one of the first challenges for
ocean wave energy harvesting. From Equation (1), the wave energy resources are quantified as the
power per unit length, and according to Barstow, et al. [14] the southern hemisphere has higher energy
potential, and less seasonal variations during annual averages, which makes places like Australia
encouraging for wave energy harvesting. The wave energy resources in Australia have been analysed
by Morim, Cartwright, Etemad-Shahidi, Strauss and Hemer [3], and the design parameters for a
one-body point absorber specifically designed for the Australian shores were calculated by Illesinghe,
Manasseh, Dargaville and Ooi [11]. It was concluded that the southern Australian shorelines have a
largest energy potential with peak wave periods ranging between 8–12 s and significant wave heights
ranging between 2–4 m, these relatively high wave periods present another challenge for wave energy
converters which will be discussed further on.
Energies 2019, 12, 47 3 of 36
Figure 1. Captured
Captured power
power of
of aa point
point absorber
absorber WEC vs. wave
wave period
period calculation
calculation using
using different
numerical methods [15]
numerical methods [15].
1.3. Challenges
1.3. Challenges
Ocean wave
Ocean wave energy
energy harvesters
harvesters differ
differ in
in size,
size, technologies
technologies and
and type
type of
of operations,
operations, but
but they
they all
share common challenges:
share common challenges:
• Seasonal variations:
Seasonal variations: AsAsdiscussed
discussedearlier, thethe
earlier, seasea
states are not
states are consistent, and they
not consistent, andchange during
they change
the year. This results in variable operating conditions and high difficulty
during the year. This results in variable operating conditions and high difficulty in designing in designing a Wave a
Energy Converter (WEC) which can cope and operate efficiently with
Wave Energy Converter (WEC) which can cope and operate efficiently with these variations.these variations.
• Large wave
Large wave periods:
periods: most
most ofof the
the types
types of of WECs
WECs rely rely on
on resonance
resonance to to achieve
achieve efficient
efficient energy
capturing, and as discussed earlier, high energetic locations such as the
capturing, and as discussed earlier, high energetic locations such as the southern Australian southern Australian
shores tend
shores tend to
to have
have aa relatively
relatively large
large wave
wave period.
period. This
This necessitates
necessitates bigbig devices
devices with
with very
very large
masses in order to coincide the device’s natural frequency with the ocean
masses in order to coincide the device’s natural frequency with the ocean waves frequency and waves frequency and
achieve resonance
achieve resonance with
with the
the incoming
incoming waves,
waves, which
results in
in design,
implementation, mooring,
implementation, mooring, andand maintenance
maintenance difficulties
difficulties due
due to
volumesand andmasses.
• Theoretical difficulties:
Theoretical difficulties:Wave Wave
energy energy harvesting
harvesting is very is very multidisciplinary
multidisciplinary containingcontaining
element element
methods methods of hydrodynamics
of hydrodynamics [8,9,13,16–28],
[8,9,13,16–28], finite element methodsfinite of element methods
fluid mechanics
of fluidmechanical
[29–33], mechanicsto electrical
[29–33], energy
mechanicaltransferto [34],
power energy
electronics transfer
[35,36],[34], power
and control
theories [35,36], and control theoriesfor
Hydrodynamics [37–41].
exampleHydrodynamics for example
are theoretically are theoretically
intensive, containing
intensive, containing
complicated diffraction complicated
and radiation diffraction and radiation
wave theories [2] and wave theories
sometimes [2] and high
non-linear sometimes
wave high
theories order wave
[32,42,43]. Thistheories
results [32,42,43]. This results
in considerably intenseinmodelling.
considerably intense modelling.
PTO mechanisms:
mechanisms: There There are
are plenty
plenty ofof PTO
PTO mechanisms
mechanisms in in wave
wave energy
energy harvesters,
harvesters, the the main
ones being linear generators [27,35,36,44], power hydraulics [45], turbines [46],
ones being linear generators [27,35,36,44], power hydraulics [45], turbines [46], linear to rotary linear to rotary
motion transmission mechanisms [7,37,47], etc. The seasonal variance presented earlier presents
a real challenge for the PTOs, as they are usually designed to operate under consistent
conditions. Conventional PTOs are also designed to operate under high velocities and low forces
(except for linear generators, which are the opposite), in ocean waves conditions, the velocities
Energies 2019, 12, 47 4 of 36
motion transmission mechanisms [7,37,47], etc. The seasonal variance presented earlier presents a
real challenge for the PTOs, as they are usually designed to operate under consistent conditions.
Conventional PTOs are also designed to operate under high velocities and low forces (except
Energies linear
12, xgenerators, which are the opposite), in ocean waves conditions, the velocities are4 low,
and the forces are high, rendering the PTOs’ efficient operation tricky. Finally, there is the issue
are low,
with and the
offshore forces are high,
management, rendering
as these devicesthewillPTOs’ efficient
be placed operation
offshore tricky. 40–50
(sometimes Finally,
from is
the issue withand
landline) offshore
maybe management, as these devices
submerged underwater, this will be placed
renders offshoreextremely
maintenance (sometimes 40–50
kms causes
and from the landline) andissues
contamination maybe forsubmerged underwater,
the surrounding ecologicalthis environment.
renders maintenance extremely
• difficult, and causes
Survivability: Harshcontamination
sea conditions,issues for the surrounding
and especially under storms ecological environment.sea states,
or unconventional
where extremely high waves of large heights and forces are being excited on the WECsea
Survivability: Harsh sea conditions, and especially under storms or unconventional states,
raise a lot
of extremely
structural high waves ofquestions.
and survivability large heightsOnlyand forces are
a handful of being
WECsexcited on theatWEC
were tested raise
a large scalea lot
of structural
the sea like theand survivability
PowerBuoy questions.
in Figure Only a handful of WECs were tested at a large scale in
2 below.
• the sea like
Finally, thethe PowerBuoy
transition fromindesign
Figure 2tobelow.
testing to commercial manufacturing has proved to
be the transition
extremely difficult from design
for wave to testing
energy to commercial
harvesters, and thismanufacturing
is caused by has proved
multiple to be
extremely difficult for wave energy harvesters, and this is caused by
including: No WEC has standout as the definitive answer to harvesting energy from waves, multiple reasons including:
No WEC has
especially standout
with a largeas the definitive
number answer
of different to harvesting
designs. energyof
Scaled testing from
the waves,
WECs in especially
real seaswith
a large number
proved of different
to be extremely designs.
difficult Scaled testing
and expensive, henceof resulting
the WECs in real
from seas has difficulties
the financial proved to be of
extremely difficult and expensive, hence resulting from the
commercialisations. Ruehl and Bull [48] suggested a design stage roadmap for WECs to transit financial difficulties of
from early design stagesRuehl andcommercialisation.
to full Bull [48] suggested Thea design
iterations,stage roadmap forand
developments, WECs to transit
from early design stages to full commercialisation.
needed to reach commercialisation were detailed in the publication. The iterations, developments, and
optimization needed to reach commercialisation were detailed in the publication.
tanks and ocean tests took place afterwards, and recently large scale point absorbers are being tested
in real seas [6].
There are extensive literature reviews of wave energy harvesters in general; Drew, Plummer
and Sahinkaya [1] presented the general status on wave energy harvesters, focussed on the WEC
Energies 2019, 12,in the PEER
x FOR United Kingdom, and concluded that there is a lack of a main platform for WECs
REVIEW 5 of 38
as there are difficulties surrounding the optimizations of their powertrains. Falcão [2] presented an
extensive literature
extensive literature review
review of wave energy
of wave utilization since
energy utilization since the
the 1970s
1970s and
and covered
covered all aspects from
all aspects from
theories to commercial testing and development. Babarit, et al. [55] compared the performance
theories to commercial testing and development. Babarit, et al. [55] compared the performance of eight of
eight different WECs; a numerical simulation model was formulated for each
different WECs; a numerical simulation model was formulated for each WEC. The study comparedWEC. The study
different different performance measures
measures such such width,
as capture as capture
powerwidth, power
per mass andper massper
power andsurface
surface area for different sites around the European
for different sites around the European coastlines. coastlines.
be the standout type of WECs to harvest energy from high energetic locations, it has undertaken a lot
of design and optimizations in the recent years, and many novel PTOs have been incorporated for it in
an attempt to increase both the power and cost efficiencies. The remainder of this literature review will
focus on the recent developments and studies concerning the point absorber WEC. It will be divided
as follows: the first part will cover the one-body point absorber and will focus on the dynamics and
hydrodynamics modelling, and theoretical and experimental development. The second part will focus
on the two-body point absorber similarly to the first part. The third part will cover PTOs and focus
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 38
on both linear PTOs and linear to rotary mechanisms. Then the paper will discuss moorings and our
The briefly
Energies part12,
2019, and
will finish
x FOR with
PEER anda focus
REVIEW briefonconclusion.
both linear PTOs and linear to rotary mechanisms. Then
6 of 38
the paper will discuss moorings and our contributions briefly and finish with a brief conclusion.
The third part will cover PTOs and focus on both linear PTOs and linear to rotary mechanisms. Then
the paper will discuss moorings and our contributions briefly and finish with a brief conclusion.
Figure 4.Figure distribution
4. Global distributionofofmean
mean power
power ininkW/m
kW/m of ocean
of ocean wave generated
wave generated by the by the
WAVEWATCH-III wind wave model using wave climate data between 1997
WAVEWATCH-III wind wave model using wave climate data between 1997 and 2006 [62].and 2006 [62]
Figure 4. Global distribution of mean power in kW/m of ocean wave generated by the
2. 2. One-Body
One-Body Point Point Absorber
Absorber wind wave model using wave climate data between 1997 and 2006 [62]
2. Modelling
2.1. One-Body Point Absorber
2.1. Modelling
This is the simplest type of all wave energy harvesters, as it is basically a floating buoy of a
This cylindrical,
sphericaltype of all cylinder
or a hollow wave energy
with the largeas it is
wave basically
forces exerted aonfloating
it against buoy of a
cylindrical, This
a fixed is the simplest
or a(mainly
reference hollowthetype of
cylinder all wave energy
sea bottom). harvesters,
Energywith as
the large
is harvested it is basically
with a
a PTO floating
(usually buoy
linear ofita against a
hydraulic) spherical
placed or athe
between hollow
buoy cylinder
and the oscillating
fixed with where
reference the large
the wave forces kinetic
oscillating exertedenergy
on it against
fixed reference (mainly the sea bottom). Energy is harvested with a PTO (usually linear or hydraulic)
a fixed reference
dominating oscillation(mainly the heave)
one is the sea bottom). Energy
of the floater is harvested
is converted intowith a PTO
electrical (usually
power, linearin or
as shown
placed between the buoy
Figure placedand
5 below.
the the
between fixedbuoyreference where
and the fixed the oscillating
reference kinetic kinetic
where the oscillating energy (the (the
energy dominating
oscillation one is the heave)
dominating of one
oscillation the isfloater is converted
the heave) into
of the floater electrical
is converted intopower, aspower,
electrical shownasin Figure
shown in 5 below.
Figure 5 below.
Figure 5.Figure drivedrive
5. Direct cylindrical one-body
cylindrical point
one-body point absorber
absorber WECWEC
[27]. [27].
Energies 2019, 12, 47 7 of 36
2.1.1. Dynamics
The dynamics of a one-body point absorber WEC can be studied in either the frequency domain
or the time domain. Each domain has its pros and cons; the frequency domain is very simple,
and non-computationally demanding, but cannot model non-linear interactions and forces. While the
time domain is more computationally demanding, but can contain nonlinear elements such as higher
order waves, non-linear wave excitation forces, non-linear viscous drag forces, complex mooring and
end stop requirements, etc. Usually, the time domain simulations are done using a non-linear numerical
model or a computational fluids dynamics (CFD)-based finite element analysis (FEA) simulation where
the point absorbers are simulated within a numerical wave tank. Connell and Cashman [30] presented
a detailed method to simulate waves in ANSYS Fluent (16.0, Ansys, Canonsburg, PA, USA) within
a numerical wave tank, with a numerical beach and focused on mesh sensitivity and the damping
required to minimize wave reflection, numerically simulated fluid velocities were compared with
the results calculated by theory to validate theory. Even though the time domain results are more
accurate than the frequency domain ones, for the one-body wave energy harvesters, it was proved
that the linear interactions dominate the dynamics, and a simplified model in the frequency domain
should be accurate enough for modelling. Guo, Patton, Jin, Gilbert and Parsons [43] compared a
linear dynamics model of a cylindrical one-body point absorber with a non-linear model containing
non-linear friction and viscous damping forces, and verified the simulated results against experimental
measurement results, it was concluded that the linear model can be accurate enough for modelling
scaled devices. Zurkinden, Ferri, Beatty, Kofoed and Kramer [42] studied the numerical modelling
of a non-linear spherical point absorber with non-linear hydrostatic stiffness and viscous drag and
verified the simulation results against experimental measurement results as well. It was shown that
the linear model is accurate enough to model spherical buoys. Giorgi and Ringwood [32] compared
9 different modelling techniques, with linear and extremely non-linear models (using CFD to model
nonlinear Froude-Krylov wave and viscous drag forces), and he concluded that the non-linearities are
insignificant for uncontrolled heaving point absorbers, but introducing latching control increases the
non-linear viscous drag forces to an extent where they affect the accuracy of the results. Li and Yu [15]
also compared different approaches to model a WEC, and it was concluded that a linear analytical
method with a linearized viscous damping coefficient can be as accurate as a fully non-linear CFD
modelling method.
There is also very recent work done on the dynamics and non-linearities of one-body point
absorbers. Penalba, et al. [26] studied the influence of the non-linear Froude-Krylov forces on the
performance of a spherical and cylindrical point absorbers, and it was shown that the linear modelling
is accurate enough except for the non-uniform cross sectional shape of a spherical buoy where a
non-linear hydrostatic force takes place, but this force can be linearized in the frequency domain for a
better accuracy. Also, Jin, et al. [63] conducted a comprehensive study where he compared a fully linear
dynamics model without viscous damping with a non-linear dynamics model which incorporates
viscous drag damping. The results were verified against those of both the experimental wave tank
testing and CFD simulations. In the absence of PTO damping from both the models, and viscous
damping from the linear one, the author proved that the viscous damping can have a large effect at
large oscillation, especially around resonance. And also, away from the resonance point, the relative
velocity difference between the buoy and the water particles is too insignificant to create a viscous
drag force.
Therefore, the frequency domain is appropriate for solving the dynamics of a one-body point
absorber WEC, and the linear equation based on Newton’s second law of motion in a single degree of
freedom is given by:
.. . . .
My + k p y + c p y + k hs y + cvd y + cr y = Fwe (2)
. ..
where y, y, and y are the displacement, velocity, and acceleration of the system respectively in the
vertical heave direction; M is the total mass of the point absorber, k hs is the hydrostatic stiffness, cr
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 38
2.1.2. Hydrodynamics
The hydrodynamics of point absorbers are derived from the hydrodynamics of ships motions,
they Theare based on solving
hydrodynamics theabsorbers
of point problemare of derived
an oscillating
from thepoint absorber inofocean
hydrodynamics ships waves
motions, by dividing
they solution
based on intosolving
two parts: the firstofone
the problem is based on
an oscillating assuming
point absorber that
in the point
ocean wavesabsorber is fixed and the
by dividing
the pressure
solution into twois exerted onfirst
parts: the its one
surface, while
is based the second
on assuming is the
that based
assuming thatand
is fixed the the
water surface
wave pressure
is still and the is exerted on itspoint
oscillating surface, while the
absorber issecond
causingis based on assuming
radiated waves due thatto
itswater surface is
still andLet’s
the oscillating
go back to point
theabsorber is causingterms
hydrodynamic radiated waves
in the due to itsabove
equations dynamics.
to have a clearer view of the
Let’s go back to the hydrodynamic terms in the equations
hydrodynamic interactions between the heaving buoy and the surrounding above to have a clearer view of the
hydrodynamic interactions between the heaving buoy and the surrounding waves.
The wave excitation force exerted on the heaving point-absorber is constituted of both the
The wave excitation force exerted on the heaving point-absorber is constituted of both the
Froude-Krylov and the wave diffraction forces. This force is caused by the incident wave hitting the
Froude-Krylov and the wave diffraction forces. This force is caused by the incident wave hitting the
surface of the WEC held still in water, which arises from the potential flow wave theory. One has to
surface of the WEC held still in water, which arises from the potential flow wave theory. One has to
integrate the incident
the incident wave potential
wave potential pressure (Froude-Krylov)
pressure (Froude-Krylov) and potential
and diffracted wave diffracted wave potential
pressure (diffraction) over the surface of the WEC to calculate
(diffraction) over the surface of the WEC to calculate the wave excitation force: the wave excitation force:
𝐹 ⃗= 𝑝 n̂dS𝑛𝑑𝑆 (4)
= pwave (4)
Wetted sur f ace
where 𝑝 is the pressure of both the incident wave potential and the diffracted wave potential,
where pwave is the pressure of both the incident wave potential and the diffracted wave potential, n̂
is 𝑛theisunit
the direction
unit direction
vector,vector, and S represents
and S represents thesurface
the wetted wettedofsurface of the oscillating
the oscillating bodies. One bodies.
can One can
revert to to finite
finite element
element methods
methods to solve
to solve the integral
the integral aroundaround the boundaries
the boundaries of the oscillating
of the oscillating bodies, bodies,
alternatively, in the linear domain; the wave excitation force (N) is assumed to be an
alternatively, in the linear domain; the wave excitation force (N) is assumed to be an oscillatory force oscillatory force
proportional to the
to the incoming
incoming wavewave elevation
elevation and canand can be written
be written as: as:
𝐹 ==AF
𝐴𝐹 (eiωt 𝑒 +∅( ω ) (5)
Fwe ex (ω ) ) (5)
where 𝑖 is the imaginary unit, 𝐴 is the wave amplitude, is the wave angular frequency in rad/s,
and 𝐹 () is the complex amplitude of the Froude-Krylov and diffraction wave excitation forces,
and ∅() is the phase angle between the incoming wave and the excitation force.
Energies 2019, 12, 47 9 of 36
𝐹 ⃑= 𝑝 𝑛𝑑𝑆 (8)
= pradiated wave n̂dS (8)
Wetted sur f ace
In In
thethe frequency
frequency domain
domain of a linear
of a linear system,system, the radiation
the radiation forces
forces are equalare
to aequal to a damping
radiation radiation damping
term proportional
proportional to the to the velocity
velocity of the WEC’s of oscillating
the WEC’s oscillating
bodies, bodies,
and an added massand
terman added mass term
toproportional to the acceleration:
the acceleration:
. ..
radiation = c=
F𝐹 r (ω𝑐) y +𝑦m+ 𝑚) y 𝑦
a(ω (9)
() ()
These hydrodynamic coefficients are presented differently in the time domain, Falnes [25]
These hydrodynamic coefficients are presented differently in the time domain, Falnes [25]
presented the non-causality of the radiation damping forces, which are presented as:
presented the non-causality of the radiation damping forces, which are presented as:
Z t
.. .
Fradiation = m∞
a y(t) + RIF (t − τ )y(t) dτ (10)
𝐹 = 𝑚 𝑦( ) −+∞ 𝑅𝐼𝐹(𝑡 − 𝜏)𝑦( ) 𝑑𝜏 (10)
With the first term representing the added mass, and the second term the radiation damping.
With the first term representing the added mass, and the second term the radiation damping.
RIF(t) is the Radiation Impulse Function in the time domain, it is derived with an inverse Fourier
𝑅𝐼𝐹( ) isofthe
transform theRadiation Impulse coefficient
radiation damping Function in cr(ωthe time domain, it is derived with an inverse Fourier
) , the non-causality of the radiation damping is
showcased of the radiation damping
the convolution the second 𝑐term
integral incoefficient () ,of
the non-causality
Equation (10). of the radiation damping is
showcased with(5)–(10),
In Equations the convolution
the waveintegral in the
excitation forcessecond term of
coefficient FexEquation (10).
(ω ) , the radiation damping
In Equations
coefficient cr(ω ) and the(5)–(10),
added massthe wave excitation
m a(ω ) can forceswith
be calculated empirical𝐹value
coefficient () , the radiation
function of the damping
coefficient 𝑐 ()frequency
wave’s with the
and the added mass 𝑚 () derived
equations as a solution
can be calculated withto the boundary
empirical element
value function of the
method which solves the hydrodynamics of a point absorber based on
incoming wave’s frequency with the equations derived as a solution to the boundary element the linear potential flow method
theory. Traditionally, more than one publication worked on the analytical solution of these
which solves the hydrodynamics of a point absorber based on the linear potential flow theory.
hydrodynamic coefficients, for example derived the analytical solution for the hydrodynamic added
Traditionally, more than one publication worked on the analytical solution of these hydrodynamic
mass and radiation damping. But more recently, and with the help of new analytical mathematical
methods, for been
there has example
some derived the analytical
work on deriving solution for
the hydrodynamic the hydrodynamic
coefficients added mass and
in different methods.
Shi and Huang damping.
[22] usedBut
the more
processrecently, and of
of separation with the help
variables alongofwith
newtheanalytical mathematical
eigenfunction expansion methods,
there has
matching been in
method some
orderwork on deriving
to derive analyticalthe hydrodynamic
expressions coefficients
for the horizontal andinvertical
forces Shi and
Huang [22] used the process of separation of variables along with the eigenfunction expansion
matching method in order to derive analytical expressions for the horizontal and vertical wave forces
exerted on a heaving cylindrical buoy. Kara [65] utilized the Neumann–Kelvin method to solve the
transient wave-body interaction problem for a hemispherical buoy in order to investigate the
captured power under latching control. The hydrodynamic coefficients were calculated as an
Energies 2019, 12, 47 10 of 36
exerted on a heaving cylindrical buoy. Kara [65] utilized the Neumann–Kelvin method to solve the
transient wave-body interaction problem for a hemispherical buoy in order to investigate the captured
power under latching control. The hydrodynamic coefficients were calculated as an impulsive velocity
problem. Throughout most of the recent literature [12,55,66], the fast computational simulations using
boundary element method (BEM) software such as ANSYS AQWA (13.0, Ansys, Canonsburg, PA,
USA) or WAMIT (7.0, WAMIT, Chestnut Hill, MA, USA) have been used to derive the hydrodynamic
coefficients in a fast and efficient way. The software is based on the BEM method, it is based on
the linear potential flow theory so it solves the hydrodynamics around the boundaries of the wave
absorber in question and only a boundary mesh is needed, therefore it is relatively fast and efficient to
use such simulation software.
Li, Svensson and Leijon [56] conducted a detailed numerical simulation of a point absorber WEC
where the Navier-Stokes equations were solved in a fully non-linear ANSYS Fluent CFD simulation.
The effects of irregular and extreme waves, such as wave height and wave overtopping (Figure 6
below) were examined, and it was found that there could be a considerable difference of the effects by
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 38
using the implemented method and the conventional linear BEM methods for large wave heights.
Lastly, some work has tried to implement novel ideas in the point absorber mechanism or
control, For example, Zhang, et al. [71] theoretically introduced a non-linearity in the PTO system by
suggesting a snap-through double spring system, and compared it to a typical one-spring linear PTO.
The snap-through system showcased negative stiffness which contributed to a highly chaotic behavior
at low amplitudes and frequencies and thus increasing the power capture. At high wave amplitudes,
the difference in the captured power between the linear and non-linear systems was less pronounced.
Yin, et al. [72] presented a novel one-body point absorber which is able to harvest both ocean waves’
energy and current energy. The buoy has an airfoil/blade shape, when it’s half submerged it captures
waves energy. When the available ocean waves’ energy is low, it gets fully submerged to capture the
current energy. The wave energy absorption was calculated using a linear potential theory based code
with theEnergies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER
hydrodynamics REVIEW using WAMIT, while the current energy absorption was
calculated 12 ofcalculated
using a CFD simulation in ANSYS Fluent. Abdelkhalik and Darani [73] proposed an optimization
ocean waves’ energy and current energy. The buoy has an airfoil/blade shape, when it’s half
algorithm for non-linear
submerged it capturespoint
energy. Whenand showcased
the available that
oceana waves’
is low, with
it getsafully
hydrostatic force caused
submerged to capturebythe
and non-linear PTO force
The wave energy can capture
absorption considerably
was calculated more power
using a linear
than a linear point
potential absorber
theory by the
based code withusetheofhydrodynamics
a non-linear controlcalculatedforce.
using WAMIT, while the current
After pointabsorption
absorbers wasgo
through using
fulla scale
CFD simulation
development, in ANSYS Fluent. Abdelkhalik
connecting them to grids and Darani
will require
[73] proposed an optimization algorithm for non-linear point absorbers and showcased that a non-
implementation in arrays, similarly to wind turbines, farms will be needed to produce enough
linear system with a non-linear hydrostatic force caused by the shape and non-linear PTO force can
power. capture
There considerably
has been recent studies to look into the hydrodynamic interactions between point
more power than a linear point absorber by the use of a non-linear control force.
absorbers, and thepoint
After effect these interactions
absorbers go through full have ondevelopment,
scale the harvested power. Agamloh,
connecting them to grids et will
al. [74] conducted
computational fluid dynamics
implementation studiestoon
in arrays, similarly point
wind absorbers
turbines, andbearrays
farms will neededoftopoint
produce absorbers to study the
enough power.
There has
fluid structure been recent studies
interactions. Göteman to look
[75]into the hydrodynamic
studied the energyinteractions
of arrays point
point absorbers
and the effect these interactions have on the harvested
through the hydrodynamic interactions between them. A numerical code was formulated power. Agamloh, et al. [74] conducted in the
computational fluid dynamics studies on point absorbers and arrays of point absorbers to study the
frequency domain, then in the time domain. Random arrays were formulated and tested, and it was
fluid structure interactions. Göteman [75] studied the energy harvesting of arrays of point absorbers
found that using
through thedifferent dimensions
hydrodynamic of point
interactions betweenabsorbers
them. A within
numericalan code
arraywas canformulated
produce in morethe power
the increased
domain, then in the time domain. Random arrays were formulated and tested, and it wasbetween
power to mass ratio. Babarit, et al. [76] studied the effect of the distance
two-point absorbers
found that usingconnected to hydraulic
different dimensions of pointPTOs on their
absorbers energy
within production
an array can produce asmore
in Figure 7.
through the increased power to mass ratio. Babarit, et al. [76] studied the effect of
It was noticed that both radiation and diffraction forces contribute similarly to the interactions between the distance between
the two two-point
buoys. The absorbers connected
front system to hydraulic
seemed to bePTOs on their
affected energy production
positively as seen in Figure
with the interactions, but7.theIt effect
was noticed that both radiation and diffraction forces contribute similarly to the interactions between
becomes neglected with the increase of the distance between the two bodies, unlike the effect on the
the two buoys. The front system seemed to be affected positively with the interactions, but the effect
rear system which
becomes is always
neglected with negative
the increase and stays
of the apparent
distance between eventhe with a largeunlike
two bodies, distance between
the effect on thethe two
bodies. rear
In general,
system which is always negative and stays apparent even with a large distance between the two as in
the interactions and the effects on the power generation were not massive,
irregular waves,
bodies. the totalthe
In general, interactions
interactions reduced the captured
and the effects on the power power by 4% were
generation for both systemsascombined.
not massive, in
irregular waves, the total interactions reduced the captured power by 4% for both systems combined.
Figure 7. Schematic of the two-buoys studied by [76] to check the effect of the interactions on the
Figure 7. Schematic of the two-buoys studied by [76] to check the effect of the interactions on the
power capture.
power capture.
Figure 8.
Figure Experimental set-up
8. Experimental set-up for
for aa hemispherical
hemispherical buoy
buoy in
in aa wave
wave tank
tank [23]
Experimental Investigation
Experimental Investigation
In some cases, theoretical difficulties arise in investigating the response of floating WECs,
In some cases, theoretical difficulties arise in investigating the response of floating WECs,
especially when it comes to complex wave theories and non-linearities, therefore it would be more
especially when it comes to complex wave theories and non-linearities, therefore it would be more
convenient to conduct such investigations in wave tank experiments. Guo, et al. [80] compared
convenient to conduct such investigations in wave tank experiments. Guo, et al. [80] compared three
three different methods to experimentally estimate the incoming wave forces on the buoy in order
different methods to experimentally estimate the incoming wave forces on the buoy in order to
to optimize the control algorithms. In general, all these methods gave a good approximation of the
optimize the control algorithms. In general, all these methods gave a good approximation of the wave
wave excitation force, as their results were close to each other, but the more advanced approximation
excitation force, as their results were close to each other, but the more advanced approximation
methods which require more inputs were found to be more appropriate for short waves with quickly
methods which require more inputs were found to be more appropriate for short waves with quickly
varying conditions. Alamian, et al. [81] analyzed the effects of the WEC’s draft, position of center of
varying conditions. Alamian, et al. [81] analyzed the effects of the WEC’s draft, position of center of
gravity, and sea depths on the captured power in a scaled wave tank experiment of a rectangular WEC
gravity, and sea depths on the captured power in a scaled wave tank experiment of a rectangular
under regular waves and concluded that the lowest draft coupled with the lowest distance between
WEC under regular waves and concluded that the lowest draft coupled with the lowest distance
the center of gravity of the WEC and the water surface presented the best power capturing results
between the center of gravity of the WEC and the water surface presented the best power capturing
for the simulated data of the Caspian sea. Zhao, Ning, Göteman and Kang [16] studied the effects
results for the simulated data of the Caspian sea. Zhao, Ning, Göteman and Kang [16] studied the
of the PTO damping on the wave pressure exerted on a rectangular heaving buoy by running wave
effects of the PTO damping on the wave pressure exerted on a rectangular heaving buoy by running
tanks experiments. A slide rail with a low friction coefficient is used as a vertical linear slider to keep
wave tanks experiments. A slide rail with a low friction coefficient is used as a vertical linear slider
the device locked in heave. It was concluded that the increase of the PTO damping tends to decrease
to keep the device locked in heave. It was concluded that the increase of the PTO damping tends to
the exerted wave pressures on the buoy, and that the vortices generated on the front and back side of
decrease the exerted wave pressures on the buoy, and that the vortices generated on the front and
the buoy contributed greatly to the change of pressure behavior, especially on the front side. Another
back side of the buoy contributed greatly to the change of pressure behavior, especially on the front
experimental investigation was conducted by Göteman, et al. [82] who studied the response of a
side. Another experimental investigation was conducted by Göteman, et al. [82] who studied the
heaving buoy under the load of extreme waves, with the wave elevation being several times higher
response of a heaving buoy under the load of extreme waves, with the wave elevation being several
than the stroke length of the device, using a 1:20 scaled down device in a wave tank. Three buoys were
times higher than the stroke length of the device, using a 1:20 scaled down device in a wave tank.
tested (a normal cylindrical one, one with moonpool, and one with moonpool and additional top hat),
Three buoys were tested (a normal cylindrical one, one with moonpool, and one with moonpool and
and all models were connected to a linear PTO with limited stroke, simulated by a friction damping
additional top hat), and all models were connected to a linear PTO with limited stroke, simulated by
mechanism with springs as end stops. The experiments incorporated both regular (with an extreme
a friction damping mechanism with springs as end stops. The experiments incorporated both regular
wave height impulse) and irregular waves. The results indicate a trend of the measured wave force
(with an extreme wave height impulse) and irregular waves. The results indicate a trend of the
and the wave height. The variability of the measured force peaks is high; there is a sizeable variance
measured wave force and the wave height. The variability of the measured force peaks is high; there
of the measured maximum forces for the same wave height, indicating a relation between the PTO
is a sizeable variance of the measured maximum forces for the same wave height, indicating a relation
damping and the exerted wave force.
between the PTO damping and the exerted wave force.
Recently, Zang, et al. [83] conducted one of the most complete experimental parametric studies.
Recently, Zang, et al. [83] conducted one of the most complete experimental parametric studies.
The experimental set-up is shown in Figure 9 below, where an air-damper simulates the damping of
The experimental set-up is shown in Figure 9 below, where an air-damper simulates the damping of
a linear PTO. It was noticed that for small wave heights, there is a non-linear relation between the
wave height and the heave motion of the buoy. This might be related to the coulomb type friction.
Energies 2019, 12, 47 15 of 36
a linear PTO. It was noticed that for small wave heights, there is a non-linear relation between the
wave 2019, 12,and
heave 15 of 38
motion of the buoy. This might be related to the coulomb type friction.
Also, it was concluded that the power capture width in irregular waves was larger than that in regular
Also, itfor
waves wastheconcluded thatand
same height theperiod,
power capture
and thatwidth inthe
in both irregular waves
types of was
waves larger
there than
is an that in
optimal regular
waves for the same height and period, and that in both the types of waves there
ratio which results in the maximum captured power, this is usually when the PTO damping is set is an optimal
equal ratio
to the which resultsdamping.
hydrodynamic in the maximum captured power, this is usually when the PTO damping
is set equal to the hydrodynamic damping.
Figure 10.
Figure Deployment of
10. Deployment of the
the WEC
WEC developed
developed by
by Uppsala
Uppsala university
university in
in the
the sea
sea [6]
Figure 2019,11.
12, xWavebob
Powerbuoy (right) two-body point absorber models18[5].
(left) and of 38
Figure 11. Wavebob (left) and Powerbuoy (right) two-body point absorber models [5].
12. Conceptual
Figure Figure sketch
12. Conceptual sketchofofaa 22 degrees
degrees ofof freedom
freedom directdirect drive[27]
drive WEC WEC
. [27].
The submerged body increases the total mass of the system with the increase of the
hydrodynamic added mass and thus reduces the natural frequency of the system. Also, two-body
systems like the POWERBUOY benefit from the relative movement between the oscillating buoy and
submerged body with the placement of the PTO between the two bodies, thus leading to an increase
in the captured power as seen in Figure 13, where the dashed and dotted lines represent two-body
point absorbers, and solid lines represent one-body point absorbers. The increase of the radiation and
viscous damping caused by the submerged body helps in keeping the device stable in the heave
Energies 12,x47
2019,12, FOR PEER REVIEW 1918ofof3836
Figure Powercapture
13.Power capturewidth
body, V . the energy period T , (the dotted lines are the two-body point absorbers) [12].
body, VS.S the energy period Te,e(the dotted lines are the two-body point absorbers) [12].
3.1.1. Dynamics
3.1.1. Dynamics
The dynamics of a two-body point absorber were first analyzed by Falnes [52] who provided an
The dynamics of a two-body point absorber were first analyzed by Falnes [52] who provided an
analysis of the dynamics equations of a two body wave energy harvester in the frequency domain, with
analysis of the dynamics equations of a two body wave energy harvester in the frequency domain,
a linearized viscous damping force and derived the maximum theoretical absorbed power for different
with a linearized viscous damping force and derived the maximum theoretical absorbed power for
assumptions and modes of oscillations. But most of the work dealing with WECs with submerged
different assumptions and modes of oscillations. But most of the work dealing with WECs with
oscillating bodies uses the time domain to solve for the heave response of a multiple degrees of
submerged oscillating bodies uses the time domain to solve for the heave response of a multiple
freedom WEC, as the viscous damping force plays a big role in the dynamics of the submerged body.
degrees of freedom WEC, as the viscous damping force plays a big role in the dynamics of the
Liang and Zuo [86] analyzed the dynamics of a two-body WEC in the frequency domain using a
submerged body. Liang and Zuo [86] analyzed the dynamics of a two-body WEC in the frequency
linearized form of the viscous damping and concluded that the viscous damping has a considerable
domain using a linearized form of the viscous damping and concluded that the viscous damping has
effect on the captured power of a two-body system (10–30% reduction). Therefore it is preferable to
a considerable effect on the captured power of a two-body system (10–30% reduction). Therefore it is
model two-body systems in the time domain where the non-linear viscous drag force can be modeled
preferable to model two-body systems in the time domain where the non-linear viscous drag force
accurately, even though some cases linearize this force for faster computation like in [5,86], and some
can be modeled accurately, even though some cases linearize this force for faster computation like in
authors derived linearized forms of the viscous drag force [87].
[5] and [86], and some authors derived linearized forms of the viscous drag force [87].
The dynamics equation of the two-body point absorber in both the frequency and time domains
The dynamics equation of the two-body point absorber in both the frequency and time domains
are very similar to the equations of the one-body point absorber except for the addition of some
are very similar to the equations of the one-body point absorber except for the addition of some
hydrodynamic terms related to the submerged body and the interactions between the two bodies.
hydrodynamic terms related to the submerged body and the interactions between the two bodies.
Presenting the equations with 1 denoting the buoy, and 2 denoting the submerged body, a linear PTO
Presenting the equations with 1 denoting the buoy, and 2 denoting the submerged body, a linear PTO
is assumed to be installed between the oscillating floater and submerged body to generate power by
is assumed to be installed between the oscillating floater and submerged body to generate power by
utilizing the relative movement between the two:
utilizing the relative movement between the two:
.. . . . . .. .
𝑀1 𝑦̈1M
+1 y𝑘1𝑝+
(𝑦1k− 𝑦12 )−+y𝑐2𝑝)(𝑦̇
p (y +1c−p (𝑦̇
y21 )−+y𝑘2 ℎ𝑠1
) +𝑦k1hs1
+ y𝑐1𝑣𝑑1
+ y𝑐1𝑟1+
r1 y𝑚 +m
1 𝑎21 𝑦̈1a21
+ 𝑦̇c1r21=y1𝐹𝑤𝑒1
= Fwe1 (11)
.. . . . . .. .
𝑀2 𝑦̈ 2M+2 y𝑘2𝑝+
(𝑦2k − 𝑦21 )−+y𝑐1𝑝) (𝑦̇
p (y +2c−p 𝑦̇
y12 )−+y𝑘1 ℎ𝑠2+𝑦2k hs2
+ y𝑐𝑣𝑑2
2 +𝑦̇c2vd2
+ y𝑐2𝑟2+
𝑦̇ 2c+
r2 y𝑚 +m
2 𝑎12 𝑦̈ 2a12
= Fwe2 (12)
With all
With all terms being
being the
except thethe
except lastlast
terms on the
terms on left
side ofside
hand Equations
of Equations (12): m
(11) and (11) a21 and
and 𝑚𝑎21
(12):m a12 are the 𝑚𝑎12 are theadded
andhydrodynamics mass interactions
hydrodynamics addedbetween
the buoy and
interactions the submerged
between the buoy andbody,
the while cr21 and
submerged cr12while
body, are the𝑐𝑟21hydrodynamic
and 𝑐𝑟12 are theradiation damping
radiation between
damping the buoy between
interactions and the submerged
the buoy and body.
the Similarly,
submerged in body.
the time domain,ina the
Similarly, modified
form of the Cummins equation [51] takes form:
domain, a modified form of the Cummins equation [51] takes form:
𝑡 𝑡
(𝑚m ∞ )𝑦 ∞ )𝑦∞ .. 𝑤𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑒𝑥𝑡
̇ .𝑑𝜏 + 𝑘ℎ𝑠1 𝑦1(𝑡) + (𝑚𝑎21
1 1++
𝑚m𝑎1∞ ̈ + ∫ t𝑅𝐼𝐹1 (𝑡 − 𝜏)𝑦1(𝑡) ̇ 𝑑𝜏 .= 𝐹dτ
̈ + ∫ 𝑅𝐼𝐹t 21 (𝑡 − 𝜏)𝑦1(𝑡) =−F𝐹
1(𝑡) − F ext (13)(13)
a1 y1(t) + −∞ RIF1 ( t − τ ) y1(t) dτ + k hs1 y1(t) + m a21 y1(t) + −∞ RIF21 ( t − τ ) y1(t)1(𝑡)
1(𝑡) 1(𝑡)
−∞ −∞ 1( t ) 1( t )
∞∞ .. R𝑡 . .. 𝑡
. 𝑤𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑒𝑥𝑡
(𝑚 )𝑦)2(𝑡) ∫ t𝑅𝐼𝐹2 (𝑡 2−(t𝜏)𝑦 (𝑚∞ )𝑦∞1(𝑡)
2 2++
𝑚m ÿ 2(t+ τ̇ )y𝑑𝜏 + 𝑘 + k𝑦hs2
2(𝑡)y+ ̈ y+1(∫ 𝑅𝐼𝐹 (𝑡 − 𝜏)𝑦 − ̇ τ𝑑𝜏
)y= 𝐹dτ =−F2𝐹 (14)(14)
(m − 2(𝑡) wave − F2ext
𝑎2a2 ) + −∞ RIF 2(t) dτ ℎ𝑠2 2(t) +𝑎12m a12 t) + −12 ∞ RIF12 ( t1(𝑡) 1(t) 2(𝑡) (2(𝑡)
t) (t)
−∞ −∞
Energies 2019, 12, 47 19 of 36
Also here in the time domain, all the terms are the same as described in Section 2.1 except the last
two terms on the left hand side of Equations (13) and (14): m∞ ∞
a21 and m a12 are the hydrodynamic added
masses at the infinity frequency interactions between the floater and the submerged body, while RIF21
and RIF12 are the radiation impulse functions of the interactions concerning the radiation damping
between the float and the buoy; RIF21 is the reverse Fourier transform of cr21 and RIF12 is the reverse
Fourier transform of cr12 .
Bosma, et al. [88] provided a design guide in the frequency domain for a two-body wave absorber
based on the POWERBUOY concept, the hydrodynamics simulations were conducted in ANSYS Aqwa
and the modeling is completely linear with the absence of the viscous damping force. The same
author [89] also developed a design guide for the same two-body WEC in the time domain and
accounted for the hydrodynamic interactions between the oscillating bodies and a linearized mooring
and viscous damping forces. A more accurate time domain model was developed by Ruehl, Brekken,
Bosma and Paasch [45] which included non-linear viscous damping interactions, a more comprehensive
hydraulic PTO model, and a two-term mooring system model in an attempt to develop a large-scale
two-body WEC mathematical model, all the equations were solved using the Matlab Simulink (7.9.0,
MathWorks, Natick, MA, USA) code with a Runge-Kutta integration solver.
3.1.2. Hydrodynamics
The hydrodynamics of two-body wave energy converters are very similar to the hydrodynamics
of one-body wave energy converters explained in Section 2.2. Falnes [52] first mentioned the possibility
of eliminating the interaction hydrodynamic coefficients from the dynamics equations given the fact
that they might be too small compared to the single-body specific hydrodynamic coefficients. Bozzi,
Miquel, Antonini, Passoni and Archetti [12] modeled a two-body wave energy harvester for the Italian
seas, and the hydrodynamic interactions between the oscillating bodies were studied using ANSYS
Aqwa simulations under the influence of increasing of the distance between the two bodies. It was
noticed that when the distance between the buoy and the submerged body is greater than 15 m,
the hydrodynamics interactions between the two bodies can be regarded as negligible. Also, if the
submerged body is placed far enough from the water surface, the radiation damping acting on it can
be neglected compared to the viscous damping on the submerged body and radiation damping acting
on the buoy [5,86]. These assumptions would render Equations (11)–(14) simpler and reducing the
computational effort and time.
As for the hydrodynamic coefficients of a two-body point absorber system, most of the literature
use boundary element method simulation software such as ANSYS Aqwa or WAMIT to calculate
the coefficients in an efficient and accurate method. Regarding the recent literature, there is some
work done on deriving empirical equations to calculate the hydrodynamic coefficients for a two-body
point absorber accounting for the individual hydrodynamic properties of the submerged body and
the interactions between the two oscillating bodies. Zheng, Shen, You, Wu and Rong [18] derived
the hydrodynamic properties of two oscillating cylinders under the excitation of linear ocean waves,
a floating one and a submerged one representing a two body WEC. The analytical solution is obtained
through separation of variables and matched eigenfunction expansion. A minor parameter study
was conducted where the effect of the oscillating devices’ radii on the hydrodynamic properties was
investigated. Wu, et al. [90] studied the response of a two-body WEC while changing the design
parameters, but more importantly derived and validated an analytical solution for the non-dimensional
added mass, damping coefficient, and wave excitation force for both the floater, submerged body,
and the interactions between them. A parameter study was conducted, and it was deduced that the
design parameters, especially the ones related to the resonant frequency can have a large effect on the
captured power. This indicates a high dependency between all the different design parameters.
Energies 2019, 12, 47 20 of 36
Figure 15.
15. A
two-body WEC
WEC with
with both
both bodies
bodies floating,
floating, and
and aa linear
linear PTO
PTO sealed in between [95]
sealed in [95]..
Figure 16. WAVEBOB floating in a wave tank with all the equipment [5]
Figure 16. WAVEBOB floating in a wave tank with all the equipment [5].
A comprehensive numerical model with a linearized viscous drag force was developed in the
A comprehensive
frequency domain numerical model with of
with the implementation a linearized viscous
a reactive control drag
method to force
power in the
domain All with the implementation
the numerical of athereactive
simulations, including control
hydrodynamic method
coefficients forto maximize
both WECs werethe power
capture. All by experimental
the numerical tests in the
simulations, wave tank,the
including there was a good agreement
hydrodynamic between
coefficients numerical
for both WECs were
and experimental results. It was concluded that each device is suitable for a specific sea state due to
validated the
experimental tests in the wave tank, there was a good agreement
submerged body shape. The WAVEBOB has a more streamlined submerged body, and
between numerical
and experimental
therefore was able to capture more power due to the decrease of the viscous drag forces. While the state due
results. It was concluded that each device is suitable for a specific sea
to the different submerged
exhibited shape.
a lower The
natural WAVEBOB
resonant frequencyhasduea to
more streamlined
the higher added masssubmerged
of the body,
and therefore body,to
was able and therefore,
capture eachpower
more device will
to thebetter performance
decrease of thedepending
viscous on the forces.
drag sea While
wave frequencies and design objectives.
the POWERBUOY exhibited a lower natural resonant frequency due to the higher added mass of the
submerged body, and therefore, each device will exhibit better performance depending on the sea
wave frequencies and design objectives.
Energies 2019, 12, 47 23 of 36
Experimental Investigation
As discussed earlier in Section 2.3.1, some cases are computationally intensive to investigate
due to theoretical
Energies 2019,difficulties; this is particularly true for the two-body devices due 24
12, x FOR PEER REVIEW toofthe
38 increase
of viscous damping and non-linearities. Kim, et al. [97] experimentally investigated a 1:5.95 scaled
Experimental Investigation
down model of a dual buoy WEC in a wave tank under both regular and irregular waves. The model
As discussed
consists of a main earlier and
outer buoy, in Section 2.3.1, some
an inner cases are
one with computationally
water in between. intensive to investigate
The magnets are due
placed on the
to theoretical difficulties; this is particularly true for the two-body devices due to the increase of
outer buoy and the coils on the inner one. Preliminary simulations were carried out and validated
viscous damping and non-linearities. Kim, et al. [97] experimentally investigated a 1:5.95 scaled down
with experiments,
model of a and dual the
WEC ofinthe study
a wave was
tank conducted
under both regularexperimentally.
and irregular waves.In theory,
The modelthis concept
has three natural resonant frequencies, it was found in the experiments that
consists of a main outer buoy, and an inner one with water in between. The magnets are placed on due to the low weight
the outer buoy and the coils on the inner one. Preliminary simulations were
of the inner buoy compared to the outer buoy, the device resonates with the frequency of the inner carried out and validated
fluid. Thewith
deviceexperiments, and the rest of the study was conducted experimentally. In theory, this concept
was able to resonate at two working wave frequencies, therefore, the experiments
has three natural resonant frequencies, it was found in the experiments that due to the low weight of
inner itbuoy
possibletototheoperate thethe
outer buoy, novel
devicedevice in with
resonates a wider range of
the frequency of frequencies
the inner fluid. compared
to typical The
one-body point
device was absorbers.
able to resonate at two working wave frequencies, therefore, the experiments
showcased that it was possible to operate the novel device in a wider range of frequencies compared
3.3.2. Sea Testing
to typical one-body point absorbers.
As for3.3.2.
sea testing, [85,98] presented the numerical modelling based on many hydrodynamic
theories and software
As for real and conducted
sea testing, an experimental
[85,98] presented validation
the numerical modelling in a wave
based on manybasin of a scaled 1:33 for
the 1:15 model
a novel WEC
software and designed
conducted an and developed
experimental by Columbia
validation in a wavePower
basin ofTechnologies
a scaled 1:33 for which can
convert the 1:15 model
a novelmotions
WEC designed and rotation
into the developedofby the
of anTechnologies which canThere was
electric generator.
convert the heave and surge motions into the rotation of the shaft of an electric generator. There was
a good agreement between the simulation and experimental results. And then, a 1:7 model was
a good agreement between the simulation and experimental results. And then, a 1:7 model was
developed, built and
developed, tested
built in real
and tested seasseas
in real in in
Puget Sound,
Sound, WAWA as as seen
seen in Figure
in Figure 17 below.
17 below.
17. SeaRay
FigureFigure 1:71:7
17. SeaRay scaled
scaledmodel being
model being tested
tested in seas
in real real[4]
seas [4].
4. Power Take-Off
4. Power Take-Off
To some wave energy harvesting pioneers like Falcão [2], the PTO is considered the most
To some wave energy harvesting pioneers like Falcão [2], the PTO is considered the most important
important aspect of harvesting power from the motion of ocean waves. The PTO mechanism is
aspect of harvesting
responsible ofpower from
transferring thethe motion
harvested of ocean
mechanical waves.
energy The PTO
to electrical one.mechanism is cover
This section will responsible of
transferring theexamples
some harvested mechanical
of the energy
different PTO to electrical
mechanisms one.
that can Thiswith
be used section
one will cover some
or two-body point examples
of the different PTO mechanisms that can be used with one or two-body point absorbers.
Typical PTOs work well with high velocity mechanisms and low forces, like piezoelectric
Energies 2019, 12, 47 24 of 36
elements that are used to harvest energy from environmental vibration [99,100]. These piezoelectric
PTOs have been proposed before for wave energy harvesting [101], but the implementation and
efficiency are very questionable
very questionable given that they given
work that
verywork for very higha frequencies,
high frequencies, magnitude ora two magnitude or two
higher than the
ocean than
waves thefrequencies.
ocean waves frequencies.
Ideally, the theconditions
conditionsofoflow lowvelocity
velocityand andhigh
forcesworkworkwell wellwith
generators, especially with withheaving
heaving point
point absorbers.
absorbers. Also, Also, these generators
these generators don’ta mechanical
don’t require require a
interface tointerface
transmitto transmit
the mode of the mode of
motion; motion;
they they are
are directly directly
linked linked
to the heavetodynamics
the heaveof dynamics
the WEC,
the WEC, hence increasing the efficiency and lowering the maintenance.
increasing the efficiency and lowering the maintenance. Even though it was designed Even though it wasfor
designed for the Archimedes
the Archimedes Wave Swing Wave
(AWS) Swingtype(AWS)
WEC,type WEC, the transverse-flux
the transverse-flux permanent permanent magnet
magnet generator
developed developed
by Polinder,by Polinder,
Mecrow, Mecrow, Jack, Dickinson
Jack, Dickinson and Mueller and [35]
can be [35] canfor
used be point
used for point
given that given that it operates
it operates for themotion,
for the heave heave motion,
with low with low velocities,
velocities, and under
and under the excitation
the excitation of
of high
high forces.
forces. TheThe proposed
proposed linear
linear generatorisischeaper
generator cheaperand andmore
more efficient
efficient than the the conventional
conventionaldirect direct
permanentmagnet magnetlinear
Götemanand andLeijon
experimentson onaafull-scale
full-scale linear
linear generator for for the
the purpose
purposeof ofwave
harvestingwith witha focus
a focus on
onthethe PTO’s
PTO’s linear
linear electromagnetic
electromagnetic forceforce
andand its variation
its variation withwith the generator
the generator damping,
damping, transator
transator speed,
speed, and overlap.
and stator stator overlap. The generator
The generator damping damping coefficient
coefficient 𝑐𝑝 was measured
c p was measured for different
for different load casesloadand
cases and was concluded
was concluded that it constant
that it remains remains for constant forstator
the full the full stator and
overlap, overlap, anddecrease
linearly linearly decrease
when the
overlapthe decrease.
overlap decrease.
Crozier, Crozier,
et al. [102] et al. [102] presented
presented a novelgenerator
a novel linear linear generator
at the sea at bed
the sea
bed andto
linked linked to a heaving
a heaving buoy usingbuoya using
snapper a snapper
system. system.
novelPTO PTOuses usesaalarge
forceson onthe
linear generator, thus increasing the relative velocities for a very short period when the springforce
generator, thus increasing the relative velocities for a very short period when the spring force
higherthan than the magnetic
the magnetic force
forcein order
in orderto produce
to produce largelarge
amountsamountsof powers for short
of powers periods.
for short The
design, simulation and testing of the device were able to prove that the
The design, simulation and testing of the device were able to prove that the PTO is able to produce PTO is able to produce high
energy pulses pulses
high energy for shortforamount of times.
short amount of The
The was done
testing wasondone
two different stages; astages;
on two different dry testing
a dry
the labinusing
the laba ball
a ballmechanism
screw mechanismto drive tothedrive
buoy, theand a wet
buoy, andtesting
a wetin a wave
testing in tank.
a wave tank.
Figure 18.18.
TheThe snapper
snapper PTO
PTO schematic
schematic [71].
[71] ..
There is a lot of research on the control and power electronics side of linear generators, the readers
are referred to [57,58,103] for the electrical side of the development, this paper focuses on the
hydrodynamic and mechanical aspects of point absorbers WECs.
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 26 of 38
There is a lot of research on the control and power electronics side of linear generators, the
readers are referred to [57,58,103] for the electrical side of the development, this paper focuses on the
Energies 2019, 12, 47 25 of 36
hydrodynamic and mechanical aspects of point absorbers WECs.
4.2. Linearto
Permanent magnet
Permanent magnet directdirect drive
drive linear
generators require
relativelylow lowmaintenance
maintenance and and have
high efficiencyin inoffshore
applications,but butthey
expensive,and andthethemagnets
are still under development to iterate a financially acceptable solution.
are still under development to iterate a financially acceptable solution. Another proposal would Another proposal wouldbe be
usingaa cheap,
using cheap, off -the-shelf dc or or acac synchronous
generator.This Thiswill
requirea amechanical
mechanical system
system to
to transfer thethe
translating heaveheavemotion
motion intointo
a rotary one,one,
a rotary therefore, because
therefore, of theofadded
because moving
the added parts,
this system
parts, will require
this system more more
will require maintenance, but the
maintenance, butsimplicity and low
the simplicity andcost
loware appealing
cost are appealingto the
to the commercial stage stage
implementation. One One of the biggest
of the biggest ocean
wavesenergy mechanism
energy PTO mechanism
comparison wasdonedoneby byRhinefrank,
Rhinefrank,et et al.
al. [104]
[104] where
where 18 18 different
PTOsbasedbasedon onboth
linear generators and rotary synchronous generators were evaluated
linear generators and rotary synchronous generators were evaluated and compared using a method and compared using a method
developed by
developed byPugh.
Pugh. ItIt isisananindustrial
systematic procedure
procedurefor forassessing
assessing systems
systems which
which have havehighhigh
complexity. The 18 different designs were shortlisted to 5 which were
complexity. The 18 different designs were shortlisted to 5 which were designed, built and tested to designed, built and tested to
compare theirperformances.
performances.ItItwas wasfound
foundthat thataapermanent
permanentmagnet magnetlinear
generatorcan canbe bedesigned
by utilizinga asea sea water
water gapgap between
between the armature
the armature and theandmagnet
the magnet
the design the simple.
simple. But, at high power ratings, the gap must be big and the electromagnetic
But, at high power ratings, the gap must be big and the electromagnetic material costs become too material costs become
too high.
high. It was It also
was deduced
also deduced that
that for for power
high high power
ocean ocean
energyenergy applications,
applications, the to
the linear linear
rotary mechanisms
mechanisms were actually
were actually suitable.suitable.
There There have many
have been been many proposals
proposals and designs
and designs to transfer
to transfer the
the heaving
heaving motion motion of buoys
of buoys into into
rotary rotary
motion motion to drive
to drive the shaft
the shaft of a generator.
of a generator.
A crank
A crank slider,
slider, similar
similar to tothe
conventional combustion
combustion engine engine mechanism
mechanism was was theoretically
studied in [37,47]. The mechanism, showcased in Figure 19,
studied in [37,47]. The mechanism, showcased in Figure 19, was designed and simulated in was designed and simulated inboth
frequency andtimetimedomains
domainsunder underthe theexcitation
excitationof ofboth
waves.A Acontrol
was developed to match
to match the electrical
the electrical impedanceimpedance
with the with the mechanical
mechanical one for higherone for
power higher power
was concluded It was that
the gear thatratio
the gear
playsratio plays
a big role,a big role,itwhere
where it is desirable
is desirable to have to ahave a variable
variable one
one accommodating
accommodating for thefor the different
different sea conditions,
sea conditions, and thatand that aamount
a decent decentofamount
energy ofcanenergy can be
be harvested
even undereven under
irregular irregular
wave wave conditions.
Figure 20. Buoy connected to a ball and screw type PTO via a magnetic contactless force transmission
Figure 20. Buoy
mechanism connected to a ball and screw type PTO via a magnetic contactless force transmission
mechanism [105].
Liang, Ai and Zuo [7] designed, simulated and fabricated a PTO system with a mechanical motion
rectifier system
Liang, Ai andwhich Zuo uses
rack and pinion
transfer the bidirectional
a PTO system with heavea motion
mechanical into
a single rectifier
motion directionsystem
rotary which
movement uses of a generator’s
a rack and pinion shaft. The device
system was the
to transfer tested in both labs
bidirectional and
real seas, there was an excellent agreement between the simulation results
motion into a single direction rotary movement of a generator’s shaft. The device was tested in both and the experimental ones.
It wasand
labs concluded
real seas, that this system
there was an can produce
excellent more power
agreement than an
between theequivalent
results and linear
generator model,
experimental ones.and It that
was the optimal that
concluded damping neededcan
this system is less than the
produce moredamping
powerof a linear
than generator
an equivalent
model, thus linear
direct-drive reducing the need
generator for high
model, and PTO forces.
that the optimal Another
dampinglinear to rotary
needed motion
is less than transmission
the damping
of was
a linear introduced
generator by De
model, Koker,
thus et al. the
reducing [106]
needwhere for ahigh
planetary gears Another
PTO forces. system ensures
linear to both the
transmission and control. The transmission is composed of three shafts
motion transmission concept was introduced by De Koker, et al. [106] where a planetary gears system connected to a planetary
gear system;
ensures both theonetransmission
is connectedand to the buoy,The
control. another to the main
transmission generator
is composed ofand
threeflywheel, and one
shafts connected
to athe auxiliary
planetary gearmachine
system;whichone isprovides
connected control
to the to the another
buoy, system to the ensure
main a generator
high efficiency. Torque,
and flywheel,
operational speed, and operating point external load resistance and
and one to the auxiliary machine which provides control to the system to ensure a high efficiency.output power were calculated,
and an impressive
Torque, operational efficiency
speed, of and88% was achieved
operating point by the system,
external load as the generator
resistance was controlled
and output power wereto be
kept running
calculated, and at an
rated speed. efficiency of 88% was achieved by the system, as the generator was
controlled al.kept
[107] designed
running a vertical
at rated speed. axis pendulum PTO, sealed inside the buoy. This design
can take advantages
Boren, et al. [107]from the heave
designed and roll
a vertical axismotions
pendulum to oscillate
PTO, sealedthe pendulum,
inside the buoy.whichThis in its turn
drive a generator. A scaled down model was developed and tested
can take advantages from the heave and roll motions to oscillate the pendulum, which in its turn under the influence of different
parameters relatedAtoscaled
drive a generator. the PTO,
down seamodel
mooring lines. A similar
and tested underconcept was presented
the influence of different by
Takaramoto, et al. [108]
parameters related to the where
PTO, a swinging
sea states,spherical
and mooring mass sealed
lines. Ainside the buoy
similar concept utilizes
was the roll/pitch
presented by
motion to glide
Takaramoto, along
et al. [108] the spherical
where boundaries
a swinging of themass
spherical buoysealed
driving a rotating
inside the buoygenerator
centre of
the buoytovia
motion a cable.
glide alongThe themathematical model was
spherical boundaries of thepresented, and the
buoy driving capturedgenerator
a rotating power was at calculated
the centre
for the
of both a controlled
buoy via a cable. PTOThe andmathematical
one with fixed damping;
model a theoretical
was presented, andmaximum
the capturedefficiency
power of was
was achieved by the calculations. Dai, et al. [109] numerically presented
calculated for both a controlled PTO and one with fixed damping; a theoretical maximum efficiency a novel idea of a PTO
of 34% was to achieved
power marine by themonitoring
calculations. buoys
Dai, with
et al. a[109]
small submergedpresented
numerically body as presented
a novel idea in Figure
of a PTO 21.
Energies 2019, 12, 47 27 of 36
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 28 of 38
designed to power marine monitoring buoys with a small submerged body as presented in Figure
A rope connects the heaving floater and the submerged body, and the relative motion is harvested
21. A rope connects the heaving floater and the submerged body, and the relative motion is harvested
through a pulley connected to a spring on one end and a gearbox/generator on the other. The spring
through a pulley connected to a spring on one end and a gearbox/generator on the other. The spring
increases the relative motion through added stiffness and stores the excess energy. A scaled model was
increases the relative motion through added stiffness and stores the excess energy. A scaled model
manufactured and tested in a wave tank, where 20% efficiency was achieved.
was manufactured and tested in a wave tank, where 20% efficiency was achieved.
5. Mooring
In general, all the offshore floating devices require some sort of mooring, but the mooring
requirements of WECs, and specifically point absorbers revolve around keeping them in place under
severe ocean conditions as this was emphasized by Harris, et al. [111] who assessed different mooring
systems used in the gas and oil industry and analysed their applicability in ocean waves energy
harvesting. It was suggested that for point absorbers, the mooring requirements are not severe, and
they circle around keeping the WEC in station especially in severe storm conditions. Also, the mooring
system can be a part of an optimum control system for the specific power bandwidth of a WEC unit.
Different mooring cables were assessed for WEC applications, the second and third generation flexible
stiffness mooring systems were found to potentially decrease the system stiffness and therefore reduce
the mooring loads, while fibre ropes are recommended for deep water, as they have neutral buoyancy,
and their stiffness range can contribute to the motion response. Finally, plastic protected wire ropes
could provide ideal long-term mooring properties for long life span WECs.
Fitzgerald and Bergdahl [112] developed a method to investigate the effects of mooring systems
on the dynamics of point absorbers in the frequency domain. Different types of mooring systems were
assessed. It was concluded that the mooring systems have different effects on the heave performance
of devices, and the configuration in Figure 22 was found to be the most advantageous as it almost
showcased a heave performance similar to an unmoored system where there were negligible effects
of the mooring system on the captured power. Also, in the surge and pitch movements, the mooring
system, if designed properly, can assist in capturing more power by increasing the inertia of the system.
Richter, Magana, Sawodny and Brekken [39] applied non-linear model predictive control algorithm
in an attempt to optimize the power generation of a point absorber with a non-linear mooring force.
performance of devices, and the configuration in Figure 22 was found to be the most advantageous
as it almost showcased a heave performance similar to an unmoored system where there were
negligible effects of the mooring system on the captured power. Also, in the surge and pitch
movements, the mooring system, if designed properly, can assist in capturing more power by
Energies 2019, 12,
increasing the47inertia of the system. Richter, Magana, Sawodny and Brekken [39] applied non-linear 29 of 36
model predictive control algorithm in an attempt to optimize the power generation of a point
The with aalgorithm
non-linear non-linear mooring
was force.
compared toThe non-linear
a linear one, andalgorithm was compared
it was concluded to aa non-linear
that for linear one,
and it was concluded that for a non-linear mooring force, the linear model predictive
mooring force, the linear model predictive control can produce good results if the stiffness was tuned control can
and good results
optimized. if the stiffness
The non-linear was tuned
model predictive and optimized.
control will requireThe non-linear
more non-linearmodel
to justify
its use. will require more non-linear effects to justify its use.
Figure 22. Mooring configurations studied by [112], configuration d was proved to have the best
performance in heave.
Vicente, et al. [113] studied the response of a heaving buoy under the influence of a tight mooring
system connected directly to the PTO placed at the sea bottom and introduced a non-linear hydraulic
PTO. The cable stretch and angle were analyzed, and it was noted that the change of the mooring
cable’s length is related to the heave oscillations while the change in its angle with the vertical axis
is related to the surge oscillations. Finally, the linear and non-linear hydraulic PTOs were compared
under different regular and irregular wave conditions. It was found that the non-linearities have a
bigger effect on the surge oscillations than on the heave one. Bachynski, et al. [114] investigated the
response of a point absorber under the effect of mooring cables in irregular waves and focused on
optimizing the system to minimize failure in the mooring system. It was deduced that the mooring
cables don’t have a substantial effect on the PTO or heave response but can induce a pitch surge
coupling resonance effect that can cause failure. A low center of gravity of the buoy and small radius
of gyration are needed to reduce the pitch surge coupling effects.
Energies 2019, 12, 47 30 of 36
6. Our Contributions
Our team has been working on point absorbers since mid-2017. We are a multidisciplinary team
working on wave energy harvesting for Australia; focusing on three main aspects: Hydrodynamics
and design of point absorbers WECs; where hydrodynamic and design optimizations of two-body
WECs ensure that they are able to capture the most power for places with low frequency and high
energy density like Australia [94]. Development of novel PTO concepts for point absorbers; where
novel vibration energy harvesting systems are numerically and experimentally developed for point
absorbers to operate at low frequency and be cost effective [34,115]. And finally, power electronics,
electrical energy storage and grid connectivity for WECs to ensure a smooth and stable electric power
supply [116]. The team is still trying to tackle many gaps in point absorbers WECs; and this paper
points out some of the research questions that are being focused on:
• How can one optimize the shape of the submerged oscillating body in two-body point absorbers
to have a good balance between the hydrodynamic added mass and viscous damping?
• Are the hydrodynamics affected by the PTO and control forces? If so, how can one correlate the
linear and non-linear hydrodynamic parameters to the PTO forces?
• Can one increase the efficiency, rigidity, and stability of linear to rotational power take offs by
using a harmonic mechanism which is compatible with ocean waves?
7. Conclusions
This paper presented a review of the recent development of the point absorber WECs with a focus
on one-body, two-body point absorbers and PTOs. Their dynamics and hydrodynamics were detailed
along with the theoretical and experimental development. A discussion of the recent development
on the novel PTO concepts and finally some of the mooring analysis done recently of point absorbers
were presented.
One-body point absorbers are theoretically mature and well optimized using various
theoretical/modelling with experimental validation. Two-body point absorbers on the other hand are
more appropriate for wave energy harvesting, as the high energetic locations around the world tend to
have long wave periods. Even though there are extensive researches to further optimize two-body
point absorbers, more hydrodynamic optimizations are required to ensure high added mass and inertia
of the submerged body with the reduced viscous drag forces to increase the efficiency at lower ocean
waves frequencies. It’s difficult to experimentally study two-body wave energy harvesters due to the
small depth of wave tanks, but hopefully the high-power capture potential might open the door for
bigger research budgets for large scale sea tests.
Linear generators might be the most suitable for ocean waves energy harvesting, but recently there
is a lot of focus on linear to rotary motion transfer mechanisms, which can directly be connected to the
off the shelf generators. These mechanisms might be more complex less robust, harder to maintain
and have lower efficiency than traditional permanent magnet linear generators, but the low price and
technological maturity of these mechanisms can open the door for the first real sea implementation of
WECs farms.
Finally, the studies concerning mooring connections all conclude that the mooring system doesn’t
affect the heave oscillation of point absorbers, and hence the captured power should be little affected,
as most of the available ocean wave power is in the heave direction.
The transition to commercial development is proven to be difficult mainly because of the slow
process of scaling up these devices, the high costs of manufacturing and real sea implementation.
The development and design of wave energy harvesters in general still hasn’t overcome many obstacles
such as the low excitation frequency of ocean waves, the multidisciplinary nature, and the development
of a robust, inexpensive, and efficient PTO. The availability of large amounts of ocean wave energy in
some locations around the world, and the extensive recent development on point absorbers WECs
shown in this paper are pushing the point absorber towards commercial implementation.
Energies 2019, 12, 47 31 of 36
Nevertheless, after the first steps of commercialisation of simple one-body point absorbers,
with high industry focused budgets and research, the two-body point absorber can be the future
of ocean wave energy harvesting, and it can play a vital part in the transition towards sustainable
power systems.
Author Contributions: E.A.S., data curation, investigation, writing—original draft preparation; R.Z.,
writing—review and editing; X.W., writing—review and editing, supervision.
Funding: This project was funded by Australia Research Council Discovery Project grant DP170101039.
Acknowledgments: Authors would like to thank Australia Research Council Discovery Project grant DP170101039
for financial support. The authors wish to thank Elise Farah for useful discussions.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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