Afrikaans Taal Study Notes
Afrikaans Taal Study Notes
Afrikaans Taal Study Notes
S vi T O M P vii I
S – Subject – Wie?
Vi – Verb 1
T – Time – Wanneer?
O – Object – Wat?
M – Manner – Hoe?
P – Place – Waar?
Vii – Verb 2
I – Infinitive – om...te
A sentence may contain any one or more of these elements.
The 1st verb must always be in 2nd element position.
The verbs you will find in 2nd element position: Any present tense verb OR
hulpwerkwoorde (sal/sou; moet/moes; behoort...te; mag/mog; kan/kon; wil/wou;
gaan,laat,leer,probeer,kom; het (past and future tense)
No verb can jump over another verb except ‘het’.
If the object is a pronoun then time and object swap round (SviOTMPviiI)
Group more than one of T, M or P together.
The infinitive always comes after verb 2 unless starting with the infinitive.
If negative, 1st nie after 1st verb, second nie at very end.
gaan, om hom te straf, die onderwyser, môre, met ‘n lat, hom, slaan
Die onderwyser gaan hom môre met ‘n lat slaan om hom te straf.
Verlede Tyd
1) het + ge
The 1st verb is replaced with ‘het’. That verb moves to the end of the sentence, but before
the infinitive if present and gets a ‘ge-’.
2) het + be, ge, er, her, ont, ver, mis: do NOT get ‘ge’.
3) 2 actions (2 verbs)
If there are 2 actions happening at the SAME time then only the first verb gets ‘ge-’.
If there are 2 actions happening at DIFFERENT times then both verbs get ‘ge-’.
Die mense hardloop en skree wanneer hulle die golf hoor kom. (Verlede jaar).
Verlede jaar het die mense gehardloop en skree toe hulle die golf hoor kom het. *This is also
a DAWN sentence
The words: dan; as; wanneer; nou = become ‘TOE’ in the past tense. Make sure to make the
entire sentence past tense as well! ‘Toe’ is a group 3 conjunction as well so when starting
with it make sure the verb in the first sentence (if there are two sentences) goes last and
the second sentence verb comes first after the comma.
5) Hulpwerkwoorde
The hulpwerkwoorde will change in the verlede tyd as follows:
sal – sou ; moet – moes ; mag – mog ; kan – kon ; wil – wou
It is not necessary to change to main verb to the past tense but you can if you like. You
probably won’t have a ‘het’ if you only change the hulpwerkwoord.
NOTE: Sal = sou + ge + het
Behoort te = behoort + het
Logan is hierdie jaar die gunsteling onder die toeskouers en hy moet wen. (Verlede jaar).
Verlede jaar was Logan die gunsteling onder die toeskouers en hy moes wen.
6) Skakelwerkwoorde
These are the words: probeer, begin, laat, kom, gaan. When they are used WITH another
verb they DO NOT get ‘ge-’ in the verlede tyd. The skakelwerkwoord moves to the end of
the sentence but just before the main verb.
7) 2 actions + 2 different people = 1 ‘ge-’ or no ‘ge-’.
This rule usually applies to the five senses. That means look out for words such as ‘hoor’
and ‘sien’. Just like the skakelwerkwoorde, these words will come just before the main verb
at the end of the sentence.
Toekomende Tyd
The same rules for verlede tyd apply for toekomende tyd except instead of adding a ‘het’ you
add a ‘sal’. There is no adding of prefixes to make the sentence future tense. Always add ‘sal’ to
verb 1 position then the verb moves to the end. Future tense words: oor; môre; in die
toekoms; volgende.
Mense in kusgebiede probeer om hulle teen ‘n tsoenami te beskerm. (Oor drie maande).
Oor drie maande sal mense in kusgebiede probeer om hulle teen ‘n tsoenami te beskerm.
Sy het ‘n kat.
Sy sal ‘n kat hê.
Lydende en Bedrywende Vorm
The sentence always starts with the OBJECT in lydende vorm.
Future tense uses ALL hulpwerkwoorde – even ones that are in the past tense. (sal/sou;
moet/moes; behoort...te; mag/mog; kan/kon; wil/wou; gaan,laat,leer,probeer,kom)
Either put PLACE in the position or leave it where it is.
If there is no object, begin the sentence with: Daar...
If there is no subject, leave out the ‘deur’.
Pronouns must change; ek – my; jy – jou; hy – hom; sy – haar.
Question words: Waardeur? Deur wie?
Manner often starts with ‘baie’ or ‘met’ – tells us HOW.
With commands – put ‘moet’ – becomes future sentence row.
Die regering het baie vinnig noodhulp vir die slagoffers aangebied.
Noodhulp vir die slagoffers is baie vinnig deur die regering aangebied.
Ontkennende Vorm
Normal sentence always gets 2 x ‘nie’. 1st after the verb and 2nd at the very end.
If verb 1 is followed by a pronoun/proper noun then 1st ‘nie’ comes straight after.
With questions, answer with a ‘Nee’, a ‘nie’ after 1st verb and ‘nie’ at end. Pronouns must
also change.
With Commands – negate with a ‘Moenie’ – the verb then moves to the end followed by a
If the command has ‘Asseblief’ then answers with ‘Moet asseblief nie...nie’.
Remember all words that change and change them!
If there are two negatives in the same sentence (no conjunction), change one only. If
conjunction change both.
Even if there is an infinitive, ‘nie’ still comes last.
Sal die mense nog lank aan die tragiese gebeurtenis dink? (Nee...)
Nee, die menses al nie meer lank aan die tragiese gebeurtenis dink nie.
Group 2
Verb in 2nd sentence comes straight after the conjunction.
Group 3
Verb in 2nd sentence goes to end of sentence.
If hulpwerkwoord then goes 2nd last.
Can start with gr 3 conjunction – verbs drawn to middle by comma.
‘Al’ group 2 – 1st sentence verb straight after, then do like gr 3.
Jy moet so gou as moontlik ander mense waarsku. Jy het net vyf minute om na veiligheid te
Aangesien jy net vyf minute het om na veiligheid te kom, moet jy so gou as moontlik
mense waarsku.
Dit is onmoontlik om almal voor die tyd te waarsku. Jy sien hoe die watervalk baie lag daal.
Al sien jy hoe die watervlak baie lag daal, is dit onmoontlik om almal voor die tyd te
Hy het baie geoefen en baie opgegee om die beste in sy sport te wees. (Hy het sowel)
Hy het sowel baie geoefen as baie opgegee om die beste in sy sport te wees.
Mense was baie arm. Hulle het papierhoedjies van koerantpapier gemaak. (daarom).
Mense was baie arm daarom het hulle papierhoedjies van koerantpapier gemaak.
Die meisies kan die diere sien. Die seuns kan die diere sien. (of..of)
Of die meisies of die seuns kan die diere sien.
Other sentences
The following sentences are examples of sentences that don’t really fit into a specific category.
They each have their own rules and are not always simple.
Nie alleen
Sometimes there is a sentence that must be started with ‘Nie alleen’. The formula for such
sentence is: ‘Nie alleen ‘verb’..... nie, maar........’
Die yeti is ‘n groot, harige aapmens. Hy het groot voete. (Nie alleen)
Nie alleen is die yeti ‘n groot, harige aapmens nie, maar hy het groot voete.
Betreklike naamwoorde
The most common betreklike naamwoord is ‘wat’. It acts as a conjunction and joins 2
sentences. The ‘wat’ is usually found near the beginning of the sentence after the subject and
the subject (the same subject) in the second sentence is crossed out. The verbs move to the
middle of the sentence next to the comma.
Renosters het ‘n swak gesig. Renosters het ‘n skerp reuksintuig en goeie gehoor. (wat)
Renosters wat ‘n swak gesig het, het ‘n skerp reuksintuig en goeie gehoor.
Die Effeltoring is in 1887 opgerig. Die toring herdenk die Franse Revolusie. (wat)
Die Effeltoering wat in 1887 opgerig is, herdenk die Franse Revolusie.
Die meisie luister na harde musiek. Sy kan die golf nie hoor nie. (wat)
Die meisie wat na harde musiek luister, kan die golf nie hoor nie.
Sentences with ‘te’
Jamus doen elke dag sy werk wanneer hy by die huis kom. (Jamus behoort)
Jamus behoort elke day sy werk te doen wanneer hy by die huis kom.
Given a sentence with words underlined. From this you must form a question sentence.
‘wie’ = people
‘wat’ = objects
For objects: ‘wat’ + preposition (if given one) = waar(preposition)
‘met’ changes to ‘waarmee’
‘vir’ changes to ‘waarvoor’
Time is always ‘Hoe laat’
Anything on a wall is ‘teen’.
With coming = waarvandaan
With going = waarnatoe
Sometimes ‘preposition + wie’ will happen
Remember ? at the end of the sentence.
Die groot vliegtuig het teen die begoue langs die kus gevlieg.
Waarteen het die groot vliegtuig gevlieg?
Verb 1 moves into verb 2 position.
Pronouns (eg: ek – hy, sy) change.
No punctuation other than normal sentence punctuation. No question marks!
Describe emotions in introduction.
The person being addressed in the quote must get mentioned in the introduction.
Only change T + M if the introduction is in the past tense.
Only change the quote into past tense if the introduction is in the past tense.
Greetings must be incorporated into the introduction by using the word –groet
Words of emotion that change and become part of the introduction:
Joe sê dat hy eers ‘n rukkie wil ontspan voor hy begin leer. (Joe sê:)
Joe sê: “Ek wil eers ‘n rukkie ontspan voor ek begin leer.”
Dominque sê: “Ek weet dat julle sal vandag baie goeie wedrenne sien.” (Dominque het gesê)
Dominque het gesê dat sy geweet het dat hulle daardie dag baie goeie wedrenne sou sien.
Moenie paniekerig raak as julle die ramp wil oorleef. (Kenners sê dat)
Kenners sê dat mense nie paniekerig moet raak as hulle die ramp wil oorleef nie.
‘n Kenner sê: “’n Luiperd kan meer as 500 kolle op sy liggaam hê.” (‘n Kenner het gesê)
‘n Kenner het gesê dat ‘n luiperd meer as 500 kolle op sy liggaam kon hê.
Die sokkerspeler het gesê: “Ons het die wedstryd vandag verloor. (Die sokkerspeler het gesê)
Die sokkerspeler het gesê dat hulle die wedstryd daardie dag verloor het.
Die bestuurder sê vir Zandi dat hy moet probeer om nie sy oog uit te steek nie.
Die bestuurder sê: “Zandi, jy moet probeer om nie my oog uit te steek nie.”