CropRecommendationSystem PDF
CropRecommendationSystem PDF
CropRecommendationSystem PDF
In this research, it is proposing a system where the major
factors are taken into consideration at the same time and come
up with a solution so that the system will not be complicated
for the user. As mentioned above in the sentence, the major
factors taken into consideration at once is unlike other models
proposed in previous researchers, this system considers all the
major factors which are essential for plant growth, are
processed together using various algorithms whereas the other
models consider only parameters at once keeping the other
factors constant.
As an example, some tests are carried out to find the rate
evaporation and how the plant growth is affected when there’s
no sufficient water present. And a derived equation is
presented as a result
ETo = K pan × E pan
ETo: reference crop evapotranspiration
Kpan: pan coefficient E pan: pan evaporation Fig 1: Data plot of soil moisture using Linear Algorithm
Even though an equation is proposed, there are some
limitations [4]. Mainly this could be done only for a land with a
less area. This is not suitable for commercialization as the profit
will be low when you use less area for cultivation. The second
limitation is the average rainfall of Sri Lanka mostly suitable
for many crop types to grow without any deficiency. Therefore,
the water level alone itself is not a big issue whereas other
factors are. If there’s enough water for plants but no
temperature that would be a problem as the major
environmental factors have a mutual relationship with each
other in plant growth.
The ultimate goal of the previous researches is also to predict
the best crop type. But once the farmer or user has cultivated
the predicted crop type, the system’s job is done. But in the
system that proposed from this paper, has a feedback system
as well. Even after suggesting the best crop type, the system
can track the plant growth and it provides feedback if the farm
is malnourished. So that the user can take necessary
precautions prior.
Fig 3: Arduino Micro-Controllers Connectivity
3.3 Crop Prediction soil condition or any other changes in the selected land. But to
avoid these factors affecting the crop prediction, the farmer’s
Since the environmental conditions differ from region to region, a feedback system is included in the system. Once the crop type
machine learning model is used to predict the best crop type for is recommended, the farmer is asked for details and feedbacks
the selected land. To train the crop recommending model with the regularly through the mobile application to guide the farmer
data collected from the Arduino sensors, machine learning with necessary precautions. To provide the necessary feedback,
algorithms [8] are used to identify the best crop to cultivate with the feedback system is used in the mobile application by
the highest probability of growing. Naïve Bayes & Support vector selecting the crop type. By this, the overall accuracy and the
machine algorithms are used to select the best crop type. reliability of the product are increased with time.
From this model, it decided what type of crops that the farmer
should grow. This is done by analyzing factors of humidity,
temperature, soil moisture, pH level, and sunlight. Mainly the 4.RESULT
system suggests 4 crop types by analyzing the above-mentioned
factors using two machine learning algorithms. Naïve Bayes [9] - The proposed system was successfully implemented in a
Naive Bayes is a technique for constructing classifier models that selected land. The data sampled from the sensors at an interval
assign class labels to problem instances which are represented as of one hour on a normal sunny day is presented in Table I.
vectors of feature values, where the class labels are drawn from Based on the tests conducted and the data collected, it can
some finite set. Support Vector Machine (SVM) [10] - The suggest the best crop to cultivate for maximum harvest. Using
objective of the support vector machine algorithm is to find a the feedbacks collected from the farmer the accuracy of the
hyperplane in N-dimensional space (N — the number of features) predictions is sharpened by neglecting the invalid data. As an
that distinctly classify the data points. example, if the farmers are continuously providing the
negative feedback for cultivating strawberry in Galle, the
system itself learned, and the accuracy of the final output is
increased which means in future it will not suggest strawberry
3.4Monitoring and Feedback to grow in Galle. The farmer can enter his own feedback using
his native language. Since the most Sri Lankans use Sinhala
This proposed system product would mainly identify four types of and English, the custom libraries are implemented, by which
crops according to the environmental factors of the selected plot the system identifies the language significantly by using natural
of land. But the reason to obtain a probability of more than 90% language processing algorithms and the feedback is identified.
for the above-identified crops would be the
According to the prevailing environmental factors in the
selected land, the best suitable four crop types are suggested 6.FUTURE WORKS
to the farmer.
It can do a lot of additional features to the system. Currently, it
takes necessary environmental factors as inputs and suggests a
very suitable crop to be cultivated. But as the next level, the
Automation part can be added as the response system to the
feedback. This can be modified to control the humidity, water
level, etc. according to the need of the farmer.
Presently it takes all environmental factors as inputs to the system,
but as an additional feature, an algorithm can be implemented to
predict the one factor using another two factors. (Example –
predicting the soil pH level from soil moisture and sunlight), so
Fig 4: A sample output given to the farmer that the initial cost of setting up the sensors would be less and can
be easily maintained.
Figure 4 shows a sample result where the farmer gets, once the
environmental factors are entered. PLU code is an attribute that
is used to identify the crop uniquely. The overall accuracy of the
proposed system is more than 92%. As the farmer continue to use 7.REFERENCES
this, the more data system feeds, the more accurate it will be.
Therefore. by the time of long usage, the farmer can obtain more 1. Lakshmi.N, Priya.M, Sahana Shetty, and Manjunath C. R,
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Maryland at College Park.
Temperature and Humidity
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