Ucsp 13
Ucsp 13
Ucsp 13
Grade Level ad Section: 11-ABM 7 Gokongwei
Understanding Culture, Society and Politics
Quarter 2- Module 12:
Emerging Challenges in Contemporary Societies First Edition
What I know
1. I 6. A
2. G 7. F
3. B 8. H
4. D 9. C
5. J 10. E
Lesson 1: New and Emerging contemporary issues in societies
What’s in
1. What are the main issues in our society nowadays?
There is a lot of issues that humanity has been dealing for I don’t know
how long it started. The emerging issues in the society continuous to
grow or larger that it challenges the response and adaptation of
humanity. At the current situation and in which the most main issues in
our society right now is the pandemic we are dealing for years, climate
change and global warming. These issues are the most wide spread in
today’s society.
2. What are the effects of these issues to the life of every individual?
These issues affects the lives of every individual especially the people in
lower class who is the most affected by the changes and issues that’s
emerging in our society. These issues change the way how people live,
work, act and socialize as all of us needed to adapt to the changes around
us in able to survive. As these issues will continue to come forward or be
a more aggressive, more expectancy will emerge in the society.
Activity 2:
1. Climate Change 1. Deforestation 1. Severe storms
2. Human activities such as 2. Global warming or hott
industrialization temperature
2. Pandemic (Health 1. Virus 1. Outbreaks of sickness o
Diseases) 2. Bacteria’s diseases and may lead to
2. Suffering from diseases
may cause death
3. Migration 1. For better quality of life 1. A richer and more diver
2. For career path or to to be culture
close to family members 2. Increase in cost spendin
(negative and positive effec
4. Pollution 1. Industrialization 1. Climate change
2. Destroying the environment 2. It can affect health issu
and natural phenomenon
5. ICT Revolution 1. In adapting for the 1. It may affect social supp
continuous advancement of social isolation and such
humanity. 2. Getting high quality an
2. Accelerated paced of easy accessible transaction
globalization and such.
Lesson 2: Approaches and Responses to emerging challenges in
contemporary societies
Activity #3
COVID-19 Create and do an event or
Implement a lockdown in order to Learn to have advocacy such as tree panting,
control and prevent the spread of discipline. segregation and cleaning.
Follow the rules and
the virus. Impose a law and order that
protocols for the
Impose and order or law in which safety of everyone. limits the use of plastics.
could alter the balance between We can use social Strengthen the law for punishing
economy and safety such as medias to reach the people who harms and
orders like protocols needed to be everyone and illegally destroys the
followed. educate them all environment and ecosystem.
Create a plan and make about the issues. Try to maintain a clean service
propaganda’s about the Make a stand with of every industrialization in
importance of vaccines. both private and which it follows strict rules and
Build facilities for people who are public sectors and proper disposal of waste.
Covid-19 positive. every people to Show the people the severeness
make an action to
Increase the testing laboratory. of climate change and let them
solve the issues;
unity. learn the effect if people will
still want to be ignorant about
these problems.
Humans adapt or responds to changes happening in their surroundings. By the
means of adapting to changes, embracing new views, perspective, practices and trends do
happens for surviving and to fit in to the new era of evolution or development. As the
society grows and continuous to develop, humans change its way on how it responses on
social, cultural and political changes. Human societies responds to social changes in
functional ways wherein they’ve became more active and easy to do, with the help of
technologies, social interactions became a lot easier and convenient for both private and
public communication. People became more expose to the society in which reaching a lot
of mass people in an instant. At some point, culture also became part of the diversity that
the social changes get attention with. With the changes of how people adapt in changes,
culture became more diverse by also adapting to the trends. Culture change its way just
like how things change, as time pass by it became more refined in sticking to how society
labels it to be; new and something that all people could practice. Political changes do
happens and how humans responds in functional ways to it is by speaking their voice out.
A world where social media became part of the life of many, people especially the youth
uses the platform in reaching the government about their views and concerns and this
became more comprehensive as people starts to make their way in voicing out their
opinions. Also, political change happens because our government controls many different
aspects of our lives.
But when there is good, there will also bad things that happens. An opposition for
everything wherein things such dysfunctional ways of how human societies responds also
happens when social, cultural and political change starts to emerge. A lot of people taken
for granted the social changes. These social changes not only impacts how people
interactions change but it also impact the cultural and social institutions. This social
change change the norms, concepts and rules and etc. Some humans are also afraid to let
go of the things they used to do such as the culture. The tradition, norms and beliefs
became a foundation of an individuals personality and by that, lots of individuals try to
preserve this practices in the reason that things will be just part of the history. Lastly,
political change is not just a simple change, it creates a great impact to the society and
human societies dysfunctional ways in responding to it depends on the intention of an
individual. The negative impact of political change is that, seeing the intention of the
leader by determining if it is true or not. By this uncertainties of people in the society and
with the greed of people striving for power, dissatisfaction occurs wherein people
misunderstood the way of the government in making changes and development.
Additional activities
To learn more and to be observant of contemporary issues being discussed
and happening in our society and country, students can focus on different
television stations (free TV channels and cable channels). Also available on
radio stations. The teacher will remind students to be critical of what they
read,watch, and listen to information from various media sources.
Contemporary issues I read, watch and listen from various medias are:
Health Care issues
Wages and debt
Climate change and Global Warming
Politics issues
Lack of water supply issues
Human rights oppression
Issues about vaccines