Calculator - Hydraulic Power - Shaft Power
Calculator - Hydraulic Power - Shaft Power
Calculator - Hydraulic Power - Shaft Power
Pump power
Definition and calculation of pump hydraulic power and
shaft power
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1. Definition
What is the pump hydraulic power ? What is the pump
shaft power
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2 types of powers are associated with a pump : the hydraulic power and the shaft power. 1/4
27/4/22, 13:35 Pump Power Calculator - Hydraulic Power - Shaft Power OPEN
In order to size properly the motor of the pump, it is necessary to know the power to be
transmitted to the shaft. The shaft power is dependent on the hydraulic power, the power to
be transmitted to the fluid, and the efficiency of the pump which takes into account all the
losses that happens when converting the shaft power to the hydraulic power. The shaft
power is also called the absorbed power.
The pump efficiency is given by the manufacturer, as a function of the pump capacity and
can be determined from the pump characteristic.
Phydraulic = Q.H.ρ/367
In case the density is changing significantly when the fluid goes through the pump, the
density at the inlet is used.
Q : pump capacity in m3/h
H : pump head in m
ρ : volumetric mass density in kg/l
Hydraulic Power in kW
The expression above is specified not in SI units but to give directly the results in kW,
please pay attention to the units.
The pump shaft power is also called the absorbed power. It is the power that needs to be
actually applied at the coupling / shaft to get the considered flow and head. It includes
some losses and is therefore higher than the hydraulic power.
Pshaft = Phydraulic / η
With :
Pshaft = pump shaft power in kW
Phydraulic = pump hydraulic power in kW
η = pump efficiency OPEN
<1 2-1.5
1-5 1.5-1.2
5-50 1.2-1.15
>50 1.1 3/4
27/4/22, 13:35 Pump Power Calculator - Hydraulic Power - Shaft Power
The pump is delivering fluid at 2 bar g from a tank at atmospheric pressure. The velocity of
fluid at the inlet and outlet is the same a water is considered incompressible and the
temperature increase very low.
H = (pd-ps)*10.2/d+(ud2-us2)/(2g)
H = (2-0)*10.2/0.998 = 20.44 m
The shaft power is calculated by dividing the hydraulic power by the pump efficiency.
The installed power is calculated by multiplying the shaft power by the coefficient advised
in paragraph 3. In this example, the power is in between 5-50 kW, which means that the
installed power should be 15 to 20% higher than the shaft power
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