G and D Jan 06
G and D Jan 06
G and D Jan 06
The George
and Dragon
Online at www.nacf.org.uk
The CTC is a old Manor Training is carried out by can also attend the ‘Master blooms,
Cadets Course’. Every year
House nestled between lofty Regular Army personnel. ACF
master cadets from ACFs
ancient trees and edged by adults first attend the ‘Adult painstakingly
across the UK take part in the
beautiful gardens and a lake. Instructor’s Course’ in the
Claire Short competition.
The house itself dates back to second year of their adult trimmed hedges
1699 and holds lavish furnish- service. This qualifies them for www.ctcfrimleypark.army.org.
ings in dark oak paneled promotion to Lt (officers) or uk
rooms. Despite being in one SSI (adult instructors). More and perfectly
of the most populated parts of experienced adults attend the
the UK the gardens offer a ‘King George VI Leadership mown lawns”
peaceful retreat for the stu- Course’, often just called the
dents. A walk around the ‘KGVI’, which qualifies them
grounds reveals an enchanting for promotion to Captain
world of colorful blooms, (officers) or SMI (adult in-
Students put through their
painstakingly trimmed hedges structors). Captains, or re- paces on the Adult Instruc-
and perfectly mown lawns as cently appointed Company tor’s Course.
• County Cross Country, 11th Feb 2006, CTC Otterburn (MAX ATTENDANCE)
If you want more information about any event ask the DC.
It has been a quiet month due to the Christmas break. Nothing major to report from County
HQ. Hopefully more news next month.
Page 3
January’s Adult Profile
No adult profile this month.
Alnwick Detachment,
Northumbria ACF
TA Centre,
Lisburn Terrace,
NE66 1XQ