Min Wage 2021

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(Authoritative English Text of this Department Notification No.

Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I

dated 2021as required under clause (3) of article 348 of the Constitution of India.)



No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021


Whereas, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is of the opinion that the minimum
rates of wages in respect of unskilled category of workers in the Scheduled employment of
“Agriculture” may be revised with effect from 01-04-2021;

And whereas, as per provisions of (Act No. 11 of 1948) clause (a) of sub-section
(1) of section 5 read with section 9 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, a Minimum Wages
Advisory Committee was constituted vide Notification No: Shram (A) 4-2/2018-L, dated 30-07-

And whereas, a meeting of the said Committee was held on 14-07-2021 wherein
increase in Minimum wages payable to all the categories of workers in all the 19 scheduled
employments were approved and recommednded w.e.f. 01-04-2021;

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section

5 of the Act ibid, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is pleased to revise the minimum wages of the
unskilled workers working in the above mentioned Scheduled Employment Rs. 300 per day or
Rs. 9000 per month w.e.f. 01-04-2021.


1. There will be no distinction between the minimum wages of male or female and adult or non-
adult for the same and similar nature of work.

2. Wages of Apprentices shall be regulated under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961(No. 52 of 1961)

3. Where any class of work is performed in piece work basis, the wages shall not be less than
the time rate prescribed for that category.

4. 25% increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum wages in the Scheduled Tribes
Areas in Himachal Pradesh.
The definition of unskilled will be as under:--

(i) Unskilled: -- An unskilled employee is one who does operations that involve the
performance of simple duties, which require the experience of little or no independent
judgment or previous experience although familiarity with the occupational environment
is necessary. His work may thus require in addition to physical exertion familiarity with
variety of articles or goods.

By order,

Addl. Chief Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the

Government of Himachal Pradesh
No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021

Copy for information and necessary action to:-

1. All the Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2.

2. The Addl. Chief Secretary to the Hon’ble Chief Minister, H.P., Shimla-2.
3. The LR-cum-Pr. Secretary (Law) to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2
4. The Spl. Private Secretary to Hon’ble Labour & Employment Minister H.P
5. The Special Private Secretary to Chief Secretary to Govt. of H.P.
6. The Director, Labour Bureau, GOI, Shimla-171004, H.P
7. All the Head of Departments, Himachal Pradesh
8. The Labour Commissioner-Cum-Director of Employment, H.P., Shimla-171001 w.r.t his
letter No.1-16/78(Lab.)M.W./8/07, dated 30.07.2021.
9. All the Deputy Commissioners, Himachal Pradesh
10. Guard File

(Anil Kumar Katoch)

Under Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh
(Authoritative English Text of this Department Notification No. Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I
dated 2021as required under clause (3) of article 348 of the Constitution of India.)



No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021



Whereas, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is of the opinion that the minimum
rates of wages in the Scheduled employment of “Construction or Maintenance of Roads or
Building Operations, Stone Breaking and Stone Crushing” may be revised in respect of
unskilled and other categories of workers with effect from 01-04-2021;

And whereas, as per provision of (Act No. 11 of 1948) clause (a) of sub-section (1)
of section 5 read with section 9 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, a Minimum Wages Advisory
Committee was constituted vide Notification No: Shram (A) 4-2/2018-L, dated 30-07-2020;

And whereas, a meeting of the said Committee was held on 14-07-2021 wherein
increase in Minimum wages payable to all the categories of workers in all the 19
scheduled employments were approved and recommednded w.e.f. 01-04-2021;

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section

5 of the Act ibid, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is pleased to revise the minimum wages of the
workers working in the above mentioned Scheduled Employment w.e.f. 01-04-2021 as under:-

Category of Workers Revised Wages

Daily Monthly

1 2 3


Bhisthi/Chimini Cleaner/ Chowkidar/ Distemperer Grade- 300 9000

II/Glazier/Helper for Plumber or Workshop/Rock Cutting
Labour/Stone Breaker/Stone Chiseler/Sweeper/Spray man for
Bitumen/Pipelinemen/Electrical Coolie/Security Guard/Beldar
/Cleaner-Tractor & Road Roller & concrete mixer/Majdoor /Survey
Boy/ Watchmen/ Tea boy/Peon/Dresser/ Oilmen/Greaser/
Messhelpers/ Boy Helper (0 to 5 years)/ Khalasi (0 to 3 years)/Bill
Distributors/ Mucker


Carpenter Grade-II/ Mason Grade-II/ Sewer Man/Black Smith 318.57 9557

Grade-II/ Sanitary Fitter Grade-II/Painter/Melter Mate/Sprayman
Roads/ Craneman/ Badhani/Upholster /Fitter Attendant/Black
Smith (Boatman)/ Caneman/ Distempterer Grade-I/Fitter Grade-II/
Flour Polisher/Stone Dresser / Mali/ Well Sinker/ White Washer/
Work Shop Mechanic Grade-II/Turner Grade-II/Pipe Fitter
Grade-II/Brick Moulder/Assistant Fitter/ Assistant Fireman/
Assistant Welder/ Assistant turner/ battery Charger/
Dresser/(Qualified /Experienced)/Hammer Man /Cook/ Vulcaniser/
Nozzle Man/ Tunnel Man/ Alloy Trolley Operator/ Attendant
(Store Office) Mechanical Attendant/ Tunnel Jublliman/ Tunnel
Man / Helper ( 5 years and above ) Oil Cleaner/Navgani/
Mate/Head Watchman/ Assistant Leveler/Khalasi ( 3 to 8
years)/stone Dresser/ Pump Attendant/Auto Electrician Grade-II/
Gardner/ Gauge reader/ Asstt. Lab Attendant/Auto
electrician/Motor Mate/ Enquiry Attendant/Telephone Attendant

Stone Dresser/Stone Breaker/Rock Stone Breaker/Stone Crusher

1½ inch to 2 inch = Rs. 1778.63 per 100 cft 1 to 1¼ inch =
Rs. 1983.95 per 100 cft.


Carpenter Grade-I/ Mason Grade-I/Black Smith / Sanitary Fitter 348.21 10446

Grade-I/ Upholster Grade-I/Astt. Pump Operator/ Pump Operator/
Pump Driver/ Chargeman Grade-II/Water Supply Fitter / Carpenter
Grade-II/ Compressor Operator/ Compressor Driver/ Darji or Tailor
Grade-I/ Darji or Tailor Grade-II/Crasher Driver/ Stone Dresser for
ornamental work/ Plumber Grade-I/ Pipe Fitter Grade-I/Auto
Driver/ Asstt. Mechanic/ Mixer Driver/ Mixer Operator/ Structural
Fitter Grade-II/ Workshop Fitter / Generator Operator/ Generator
Driver/ Plant Shop Fitter/ diesel Engine Fitter/ Trolley Line Fitter /
Crushing Plant Fitter/ B. Plant Fitter/ Jack Hammer Fitter/
Electrical fitter/ Bunch Fitter/ Shaper/ Auto Fitter/ Pipe Line Fitter/
refrigerator Plant Fitter/ Tractor Operator/Shaft Minor/ Kochring
Operator/Dozer Operator/ Roclain Operator/ Scrapper Operator/
Loader operator/ Crane Operator/ Eucild operator/ Wagon Drill
Operator/ Boaring Operator/ SLD crane Operator/ B Plant
Operator/ Ice Plant Operator or Welder/ Gas Cutter/ turner/ Black
Smith/ Tin Smith/ Traction Battery Charger/ Line Man/) Telephone
Operator/ Khalssi / Jamadar/ Winder/ Blaster Driller/ Winch Fitter /
Compounder/Painter /Miller /Climber/ Moulder/ Levellers/ Saw
Mill Cutter/Cable Jointer/Foreman Grade-II/Khalasi( 8 years to
above) /Tracer Operator/ E.M.E./Driver/Compressor/Rocker
Showel Operator/Snow Cutter Operator /Loco Operator/Driller
Mason for Glazed Type work/Work Mistry/Motor Mate / Tractor
Driver/Telephone mechanic/D.G. Set Operator/Workshop Forman


Carpenter for furniture only/Workshop Mechanic Grade- 414.03 12421

I/ChargemanGrade-I/Workshop Foreman Grade-I/TurnerGrade-
I/Mechanic All Round Operator /Mason/Mistry and Carpenter
Mistry/Structural Fitter Grade-I/Surveyor/Draftsman / Assistant
Foreman/ Machinist / Compounder (Qualified) Road Roller
Driver/Bulldozer Driver/ Wireman/ Auto Electrician/ Electrician/
Chemical Analyser.

Clerical and non Technical Supervisory Staff Rupees Rupees

Bituman Tyre Inspector/Road Inspector/Work Inspector/ Store 348.21 10446

Keeper/ Store Munshi/ Supervisor/Meter Reader/ Ledger Booking
Clerk/ Bill Clerk/ Irrigation Booking Clerk/ Patwari/ Complaint
Attendant/ Ferro Printer/ Driver (Jeep/Car/Tractor)/ Clerk/
Mechanical Inspector / Assistant Store Keeper/Accounts


1. There will be no distinction between the minimum wages of male or female and adult
or non-adult for the same and similar nature of work.
2. Wages of Apprentices shall be regulated under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961(No. 52 of

3. Where any class of work is performed on piece work basis, the wages shall not be less
than the time rate prescribed for that category.

4. If any category of workers employed in the scheduled employment is not mentioned

specifically, such category of workers shall not be paid less than the minimum rates of
wages fixed for the similar category having the same skill.

5. 20% increase will be admissible over and above the minimum rates of wages to the
workers working inside the tunnels.

6. 25 % increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum rates of wages in
different categories of workers working in ‘Under Construction Hydro- Electric Power
Projects’ located in Non- Tribal Areas.

7. 25% increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum wages in the Scheduled
Tribal Areas in Himachal Pradesh. In case of workers working in the Under
Construction Hydro- Electric Power Projects’ in Tribal Areas an additional 10%
increase shall be applicable.

The definition of unskilled/semiskilled/skilled/highly skilled will be as under:-

(i)Unskilled: -- An unskilled employee is one who does operations that involve the
performance of simple duties, which require the experience of little or no independent
judgment or previous experience although familiarity with the occupational environment is
necessary. His work may thus require in addition to physical exertion familiarity with variety
of articles or goods.

(ii)Semi-skilled: -- A semiskilled worker is one who does work generally of defined routine
nature wherein the major requirement is not so much of the judgment, skill and but for proper
discharge of duties assigned to him or relatively narrow job and where important decisions
made by others. His work is thus limited to the performance of routine operations of limited
(iii)Skilled: -- A skilled employee is one who is capable of working efficiently of exercising
considerable independent judgment and of discharging his duties with responsibility. He
must posses a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the trade, craft or industry in which
he is employed.

(iv). Highly Skilled: -- A highly skilled worker is one who is capable of working efficiently
and supervises efficiently the work of skilled employees.

By order,

Addl. Chief Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the

Government of Himachal Pradesh

No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021

Copy for information and necessary action to:-

1. All the Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2.

2. The Addl. Chief Secretary to the Hon’ble Chief Minister, H.P., Shimla-2.
3. The LR-cum-Pr. Secretary (Law) to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2
4. The Spl. Private Secretary to Hon’ble Labour & Employment Minister H.P
5. The Special Private Secretary to Chief Secretary to Govt. of H.P.
6. The Director, Labour Bureau, GOI, Shimla-171004, H.P
7. All the Head of Departments, Himachal Pradesh
8. The Labour Commissioner-Cum-Director of Employment, H.P., Shimla-171001 w.r.t his
letter No.1-16/78(Lab.)M.W./8/07, dated 30.07.2021.
9. All the Deputy Commissioners, Himachal Pradesh
10. Guard File

(Anil Kumar Katoch)

Under Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh
(Authoritative English Text of this Department Notification No. Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I
dated 2021as required under clause (3) of article 348 of the Constitution of India.)



No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021


Whereas, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is of the opinion that the minimum
rates of wages in the Scheduled employment of “Public Motor Transport” may be revised in
respect of un-skilled and other categories of workers with effect from 01-04-2021;

And whereas, as per provisions of (Act No. 11 of 1948) clause (a) of sub-section
(1) of section 5 read with section 9 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, a Minimum Wages
Advisory Committee was constituted vide Notification No: Shram (A) 4-2/2018-L, dated 30-07-

And whereas, a meeting of the said Committee was held on 14-07-2021 wherein
increase in minimum wages payable to all the categories of workers in all the 19 scheduled
employments were approved and recommednded w.e.f. 01-04-2021;

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section

5 of the Act ibid, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is pleased to revise the minimum wages of the
workers working in the above mentioned Scheduled Employment w.e.f. 01-04-2021 as under:-

General Staff Unskilled Rs.300 per day, Rs. 9000 per month

(a) Peon, Chowkidar, Store Helper, Sweeper, porter and Daftri

(b) Workshop Staff (Unskilled)

(c) Workshop Mazdoor without having any experience

Semiskilled Rs. 311.12 per day, Rs.9334 per month

1. Asstt. Electrician
2. Asstt. Mechanic
3. Asstt. Fitter
4. Asstt. Black Smith
5. Asst. Carpenter
6. Asstt. Welder
7. Asstt. Turner
8. Asstt. Boaring Barman
9. Asstt. Machinist
10. Asstt. Cushion Maker
11. Asstt. Volcanisor
12. Asst. Painter
13. Asstt. Upholster
14. Asstt. Tyreman
15. Asstt.Sprayman
16. Asstt. Electrician Mechanic
17. Asstt. Retrader
18. Workshop Mazdoor having ITI Certificate or having 2 years of probation period who has
no ITI Diploma
19. Assistant Molders.


Machanic, Fitter, Blacksmith, Carpenter, Welder, Boring wireman, Rs. 339.87 per day or Rs.
Machanist, Cusion Maker, Tinsmith, Volcanizer, Painter, Upholster, 10196 per month.
Tyreman, Spray Painter, Electrician Machanic, Retreader, Moulder,
Turner, Workshop Mazdoor having ITI certificate or having 2 years of
probation period who has no ITI Diploma. The ITI certificate holder
who are working in the same trade.


Head Mechanic, Carborator/ Head Electrician/ Garrage Supervisor Rs. 376.94 per day or Rs.
11308 per month.

Out Agent, Out Agency Clerk, Typist, Steno typist, Store-
Rs. 339.87 per day or Rs.
daybook Writer, Clerk, Assistant Cashier, Booking Clerk 10196 per month.
(Restorer), Ledger Keeper, Petrol Pump Attendant.

Chief Inspector, Receptionist, Inspector, Checker, Stenographer
A Grade, Station Supervisor, Assistant Store-Keeper A Grade, Rs.357.30 per day or
Rs.10719 per month.
Accountant, Cashier, Tyre Inspector.

Head Assistant, Head Clerk, Auditor, Head Cashier. Rs.421.40 per day

Rs. 12642 per month.

RUNNING STAFF Per Day Per month

1.Driver Rs.380.89 Rs. 11427

2.Conductor Rs.347.59 Rs. 10428

3.Cleaner-cum-Conductor Rs.325.25 Rs. 9757

4.Part-Time Booking Clerk Rs.193.72 Rs. 5812


1. There will be no distinction between the minimum wages of male or female and
adult or non-adult for the same and similar nature of work.

2. Wages of Apprentices shall be regulated under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961(No. 52

of 1961)

3. Where any class of work is performed on piece work basis, the wages shall not be
less than the time rate prescribed for that category.
4. If any category of workers employed in the scheduled employment is not mentioned
specifically, such category of workers shall not be paid less than the minimum rates
of wages fixed for the similar category having the same skill.

5. 25% increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum wages in the
Scheduled Tribal Areas in Himachal Pradesh.

The definition of unskilled/semiskilled/skilled/highly skilled will be as under:-

(i) Unskilled: -- An unskilled employee is one who does operations that involve the performance
of simple duties, which require the experience of little or no independent judgment or previous
experience although familiarity with the occupational environment is necessary. His work may
thus require in addition to physical exertion familiarity with variety of articles or goods.

(ii)Semi-skilled: -- A semiskilled worker is one who does work generally of defined routine
nature wherein the major requirement is not so much of the judgment, skill and but for proper
discharge of duties assigned to him or relatively narrow job and where important decisions made
by others. His work is thus limited to the performance of routine operations of limited scope.

(iii)Skilled: -- A skilled employee is one who is capable of working efficiently of exercising

considerable independent judgment and of discharging his duties with responsibility. He must
possess a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the trade, craft or industry in which he is

(iv)Highly Skilled: -- A highly skilled worker is one who is capable of working efficiently and
supervises efficiently the work of skilled employees.

By order,

Addl. Chief Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the

Government of Himachal Pradesh.
No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021

Copy for information and necessary action to:-

1. All the Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2.

2. The Addl. Chief Secretary to the Hon’ble Chief Minister, H.P., Shimla-2.
3. The LR-cum-Pr. Secretary (Law) to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2
4. The Spl. Private Secretary to Hon’ble Labour & Employment Minister H.P
5. The Special Private Secretary to Chief Secretary to Govt. of H.P.
6. The Director, Labour Bureau, GOI, Shimla-171004, H.P
7. All the Head of Departments, Himachal Pradesh
8. The Labour Commissioner-Cum-Director of Employment, H.P., Shimla-171001 w.r.t his
letter No.1-16/78(Lab.)M.W./8/07, dated 30.07.2021.
9. All the Deputy Commissioners, Himachal Pradesh
10. Guard File

(Anil Kumar Katoch)

Under Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh
(Authoritative English Text of this Department Notification No. Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I
dated 2021as required under clause (3) of article 348 of the Constitution of India.)



No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021


Whereas, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is of the opinion that the minimum
rates of wages in the Scheduled employment of “Shops & commercial Establishments” may be
revised in respect of unskilled and other categories of workers with effect from 01-04-2021;

And whereas, as per provision of (Act No.11 of 1948) clause (a) of sub-section (1)
of section 5 read with section 9 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, a Minimum Wages Advisory
Committee was constituted vide Notification No: Shram (A) 4-2/2018-L, dated 30-07-2020;

And whereas, a meeting of the said Committee was held on 14-07-2021 wherein
increase in minimum wages payable to all the categories of workers in all the 19 scheduled
employments were approved and recommednded w.e.f. 01-04-2021;

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section

5 of the Act ibid, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is pleased to revise the minimum wages of the
workers working in the above mentioned Scheduled Employment w.e.f. 01-04-2021 as under:-

Category of employees Where no Where food, tea &

benefit is combined
provided accommodation

Un skilled Rupees Rupees

Helper/Shop Assistant/ Pelledar/ Chowkidar/ Peon/

Sweeper/ Masalchi/ Gateman/ Waterman/ Cleaner/ Rs.300 Rs 274.47 Daily
Packer/ Mazdoor/ Lander/ Unlander/ Messanger/ Clock Daily
Rs.8234 Monthly
Room Attendant/ Porter/ Bhishit/ Beldar/ Fireman/ Rs.9000
Pandi/ Posterman/ any other worker doing unskilled job. Monthly.
Semi-Skilled Rupees Rupees

Head porter, Pantryman/Coffee-Teamaker/ Chapatiman/ Rs.316.99 Rs. 289.12 Daily

Assistant Baker/Gate Keeper (Cinema) / Asstt. Lineman Daily. Rs.8674 Monthly
/ Assistant Operator/ Binder Assistant/ Bill Collector Rs.9510
/Convesser / Cook/Assistant Halwai/Book Binder/ Monthly.
Sticher/ Rulling-cutting/Auctioners /Mali/ Sewerman/
Hotel Guide/ Assistant Mistry/ Assistant Fitter/
Assistant Turner/ Assistant/Welder/ Assistant
Electrician/ Assistant/Salesman/ Assistant Barbar/
Dhobi/ Pressman/Boilerman/ Film Rewinder/ Waiter/
Bearer/ Assistant Radio Machanic/Painter/
WhiteWasher/Pakora and Chanamaker/Clerk (Non-
matric/ Assistant Store Keeper/ Distributor and Assistant
Machine man/ Enquiry Attendent/ Telephone Attendent/
ITI Certificate Holder.

Skilled: Rupees. Rupees.

Blacksmith/Tinsmith/Watchmaker/Radio Rs.348.21 Rs. 320.06 Daily

Mechanic/Carpenter/Plumber/Driver/Assistant Daily.

Tailor/Cutter (Tailoring) /General mechanic/ Halwai/ Rs. 10446

Monthly. Rs.9602 Monthly.
Cook/ Confectioner/Baker/ Steward/ Butler/ Fitter/
Draughtsman/TelephoneOperator/ Compounder /
Goldsmith./ Shoe Maker / Shawl-Carpet Weaving/
/Barber/Regular machine man/ machinist/
nist/ Waiter/ Bearer / Storekeeper/ headwaiter /Head
bearer (Western Style Hotels)/Lineman.ITI certificate
holder who are working in the same trade.
Highly Skilled Rupees. Rupees.

Store Keeper/ Clerks (Graduates) Accountant /Head Rs.362.34 Rs. 335.37 daily
Cashier/ Head Cook/ Head Butler/Head Baker/ Head Daily. Rs.10061 Monthly
Confectioner/Head mechanic/ Electrician/ Foremen/ Rs. 10870
Supervisor./ Tailor/Cutter (Tailoring) Monthly


1. There will be no distinction between the minimum wages of male or female and adult
or non-adult for the same and similar nature of work.

2. Wages of Apprentices shall be regulated under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961(No. 52

of 1961)

3. Where any class of work is performed on piece work basis, the wages shall not be less
than the time rate prescribed for that category.

4. If any category of workers employed in the scheduled employment is not mentioned

specifically, such category of workers shall not be paid less than the minimum rates of
wages fixed for the similar category having the same skill.

5. 25 % increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum of wages in Tribal Areas
in Himachal Pradesh.

The definition of unskilled/semiskilled/skilled/highly skilled will be as under:-

(i) Unskilled: -- An unskilled employee is one who does operations that involve the
performance of simple duties, which require the experience of little or no independent judgment
or previous experience although familiarity with the occupational environment is necessary. His
work may thus require in addition to physical exertion familiarity with variety of articles or
(ii) Semi-skilled: -- A semiskilled worker is one who does work generally of defined routine
nature wherein the major requirement is not so much of the judgment, skill and but for proper
discharge of duties assigned to him or relatively narrow job and where important decisions made
by others. His work is thus limited to the performance of routine operations of limited scope.

(iii) Skilled: -- A skilled employee is one who is capable of working efficiently of exercising
considerable independent judgment and of discharging his duties with responsibility. He must
possess a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the trade, craft or industry in which he is
(iv) Highly Skilled: -- A highly skilled worker is one who is capable of working efficiently and
supervises efficiently the work of skilled employees.

By order,

Addl. Chief Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the

Government of Himachal Pradesh.

No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021

Copy for information and necessary action to:-

1. All the Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2.
2. The Addl. Chief Secretary to the Hon’ble Chief Minister, H.P., Shimla-2.
3. The LR-cum-Pr. Secretary (Law) to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2
4. The Spl. Private Secretary to Hon’ble Labour & Employment Minister H.P
5. The Special Private Secretary to Chief Secretary to Govt. of H.P.
6. The Director, Labour Bureau, GOI, Shimla-171004, H.P
7. All the Head of Departments, Himachal Pradesh
8. The Labour Commissioner-Cum-Director of Employment, H.P., Shimla-171001 w.r.t his
letter No.1-16/78(Lab.)M.W./8/07, dated 30.07.2021.
9. All the Deputy Commissioners, Himachal Pradesh
10. Guard File

(Anil Kumar Katoch)

Under Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh
(Authoritative English Text of this Department Notification No. Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I
dated 2021as required under clause (3) of article 348 of the Constitution of India.)



No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021


Whereas, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is of the opinion that the minimum
rates of wages in the Scheduled employment of “Forestry Industries” may be revised in respect
of unskilled and other categories of workers with effect from 01-04-2021;

And whereas, as per provision of (Act No.11 of 1948) clause (a) of sub-section (1)
of section 5 read with section 9 of the Minimum Wages Act,1948, a Minimum Wages Advisory
Committee was constituted vide Notification No: Shram (A) 4-2/2018-L, dated 30-07-2020;

And whereas, a meeting of the said Committee was held on 14-07-2021 wherein
increase in minimum wages payable to all the categories of workers in all the 19 scheduled
employments were approved and recommednded w.e.f. 01-04-2021;

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section

5 of the said Act, the Governor of Himachal Pradesh is pleased to revise the minimum wages of
the workers working in the above mentioned Scheduled Employment w.e.f 01-04.2021 as per
recommendations of the said Committee as under:-

Category of Workers Revised Minimum Wages

Daily Monthly


1 Felling of trees: Rs.300.00 Rs.9000

1.Lopper (Changi) Rs.316.99 Rs.9510

2.Feller (Garani) Rs.306.70 Rs.9201

2 Logging and sawing including timber passing:

1.Dresser (Panchani) Rs.306.70 Rs.9201

Rs.376.94 Rs.11308
2.Sawyer (Charani)
3.Blacksmith Rs.353.92 Rs.10618

3 Carriage, stacking and timber passing by manual labour:

1. Mazdoor for carriage Rs.306.70 Rs.9201

2. Mazdoor for loading and un loading of timber. Rs.306.70 Rs.9201

4 Carriage of timber by Aerial ropeways :

1.Span Mistry-cum-Supervisor Rs.376.94 Rs.11308

Rs.353.92 Rs. 10618
2.Span Mistry

5 Carriage by water slide (pucci Nalli), dry slide (Pathru), Nullah Bahaan and Darya Bahaan
(River floting):

1. Mohri-wala Mistry Rs.403.83 Rs.12115

2. Taru Rs.387.60 Rs. 11628

3. Asstt. Mistry/ Helper Mistry Rs.362.34 Rs. 10870

4. Darya-man Rs.387.60 Rs.11628

5. Ghalu Rs.329.67 Rs.9890

6. Jamadar Rs.329.67 Rs.9890

6 Mechanised logging and timber extraction:

1.Surveyor Rs.379.20 Rs.11376

2.Ski-line Operator Rs.353.92 Rs.10618

3 Truck Driver Rs.331.99 Rs.9960

4. Compressor Driver Rs.331.99 Rs.9960

7 Clerical Staff:

1.Manager Rs.436.53 Rs.13096

2.Accountant Rs.337.09 Rs. 10113

3.Munshi/ Typist clerk Rs. 306.70 Rs. 9201

8. Saw Mill Workers:

1.Band Saw Mistry Rs.353.92 Rs.10618

2.Supervisor Rs.350.53 Rs. 10516

3.Head Mistry Rs. 353.92 Rs.10618

4.Boiler Driver Rs.353.92 Rs.10618

5.Assistant Mistry Rs.311.12 Rs.9334

6.Planner Mistry Rs.311.12 Rs.9334

7.Helper Rs.306.70 Rs.9201

8.Cutter man Rs.306.70 Rs.9201

9 Katha Extraction:

1.Feller and Chipper Rs.306.70 Rs.9201

2. Katha Supervisor/Katha Processor Rs.306.08 Rs.9182

Highly Skilled

Boiler Attendant (Ist Class) Overseer, Head Foreman= Rs.414.03 Daily. Rs.12421 Monthly.


1. There will be no distinction between the minimum wages of male or female and adult or
non-adult for the same and similar nature of work.

2. Wages of Apprentices shall be regulated under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961(No. 52 of


3. Where any class of work is performed on piece work basis, the wages shall not be less
than the time rate prescribed for that category.
4. If any category of workers employed in the scheduled employment is not mentioned
specifically, such category of workers shall not be paid less than the minimum rates of
wages fixed for the similar category having the same skill.

5. 25 % increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum of wages in Tribal Areas in
Himachal Pradesh.

The definition of unskilled/semiskilled/skilled/highly skilled will be as:-

(i) Unskilled: -- An unskilled employee is one who does operations that involve the
performance of simple duties, which require the experience of little or no independent
judgment or previous experience although familiarity with the occupational environment is
necessary. His work may thus require in addition to physical exertion familiarity with variety of
articles or goods.

(ii) Semi-skilled: -- A semiskilled worker is one who does work generally of defined routine
nature wherein the major requirement is not so much of the judgment, skill and but for proper
discharge of duties assigned to him or relatively narrow job and where important decisions made
by others. His work is thus limited to the performance of routine operations of limited scope.

(iii) Skilled: -- A skilled employee is one who is capable of working efficiently of exercising
considerable independent judgment and of discharging his duties with responsibility. He must
possess a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the trade, craft or industry in which he is

(iv) Highly Skilled: -- A highly skilled worker is one who is capable of working efficiently and
supervises efficiently the work of skilled employees

By order,

Addl. Chief Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the

Government of Himachal Pradesh
No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021

Copy for information and necessary action to:-

1. All the Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2.

2. The Addl. Chief Secretary to the Hon’ble Chief Minister, H.P., Shimla-2.
3. The LR-cum-Pr. Secretary (Law) to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2
4. The Spl. Private Secretary to Hon’ble Labour & Employment Minister H.P
5. The Special Private Secretary to Chief Secretary to Govt. of H.P.
6. The Director, Labour Bureau, GOI, Shimla-171004, H.P
7. All the Head of Departments, Himachal Pradesh
8. The Labour Commissioner-Cum-Director of Employment, H.P., Shimla-171001 w.r.t his
letter No.1-16/78(Lab.)M.W./8/07, dated 30.07.2021.
9. All the Deputy Commissioners, Himachal Pradesh
10. Guard File

(Anil Kumar Katoch)

Under Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh
(Authoritative English Text of this Department Notification No. Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I
dated 2021as required under clause (3) of article 348 of the Constitution of India.)



No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021


Whereas the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is of the opinion that the minimum
rates of wages in the Scheduled employment of “Chemical & Chemical Products” may be
revised in respect of unskilled and other categories of workers with effect from 01-04-2021;

And whereas, as per provision (Act No.11 of 1948) of clause (a) of sub-section (1)
of section 5 read with section 9 of the Minimum Wages Act,1948, a Minimum Wages Advisory
Committee was constituted vide Notification No: Shram (A) 4-2/2018-L, dated 30-07-2020;

And whereas, a meeting of the said Committee was held on 14-07-2021 wherein
increase in Minimum wages payable to all the categories of workers in all the 19 scheduled
employments were approved and recommednded w.e.f. 01-04-2021;

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section

5 of the said Act, the Governor of Himachal Pradesh is pleased to revise the minimum wages of
the workers working in the above mentioned Scheduled Employment w.e.f 01-04-2021 as per
recommendations of the said Committee as under:-

Category of Workers Revised minimum rates

Unskilled Rs. 300.00 Daily.

Rs. 9000 Monthly.
Semi Skilled

Assistant Electrician, Assistant Fitter, Assistant Turner, Assistant Rs. 309.27 Daily.
Welder, Assistant Moulder, Assistant Plant Operator, Assistant Rs. 9278 Monthly.
Blacksmith, Assistant Copraman, Re-irrigation, Assistant ,
Jamadar, Eastman, East cultivator, Switch Board Attendant,
Wireman, Postalman, Fireman, Oilman, Pumpman Grade-I,
Machine Levellor, Selector, Cutter-cum-Market seller, Empular,
Hageman, ITI Certificate Holder.

Saltman, Electrician, Fitter, Copperman, Turner, Moulder, Rs. 348.21 Daily.

Blacksmith, Plant operator, Mason, Carpenter, Assistant Foreman, Rs. 10446 Monthly.
Head Jamadar, Boiler Attendant Grade-II, Workshop Foreman,
Electrician Foreman, Engine Driver, Draughtsman, Assistant
Chemist, Machineman, Cashier/Clerk (Matriculate), Salesman,
Receptionist, Typist, Store-keeper I.T.I. certificate holder who are
working in the same trade.

Highly Skilled

Boiler Attendant (First-Class) Overseer, Head Foreman Rs. 414.03 Daily.

Rs. 12421 Monthly.


1. There will be no distinction between the minimum wages of male or female and adult or
non-adult for the same and similar nature of work.

2. Wages of Apprentices shall be regulated under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961(No. 52 of


3. Where any class of work is performed on piece work basis, the wages shall not be less
than the time rate prescribed for that category.

4. If any category of workers employed in the scheduled employment is not mentioned

specifically, such category of workers shall not be paid less than the minimum rates of
wages fixed for the similar category having the same skill.

5. 25 % increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum of wages in Tribal Areas in
Himachal Pradesh.
The definition of unskilled/semiskilled/skilled/highly skilled will be as:-

(i) Unskilled: -- An unskilled employee is one who does operations that involve the
performance of simple duties, which require the experience of little or no independent judgment
or previous experience although familiarity with the occupational environment is necessary. His
work may thus require in addition to physical exertion familiarity with variety of articles or

(ii) Semi-skilled: -- A semiskilled worker is one who does work generally of defined routine
nature wherein the major requirement is not so much of the judgment, skill and but for proper
discharge of duties assigned to him or relatively narrow job and where important decisions made
by others. His work is thus limited to the performance of routine operations of limited scope.

(iii) Skilled: -- A skilled employee is one who is capable of working efficiently of exercising
considerable independent judgment and of discharging his duties with responsibility. He must
possess a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the trade, craft or industry in which he is

(IV). Highly Skilled: -- A highly skilled worker is one who is capable of working
efficiently and supervises efficiently the work of skilled employees.

By order,

Addl. Chief Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the

Government of Himachal Pradesh
No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021

Copy for information and necessary action to:-

1. All the Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2.
2. The Addl. Chief Secretary to the Hon’ble Chief Minister, H.P., Shimla-2.
3. The LR-cum-Pr. Secretary (Law) to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2
4. The Spl. Private Secretary to Hon’ble Labour & Employment Minister H.P
5. The Special Private Secretary to Chief Secretary to Govt. of H.P.
6. The Director, Labour Bureau, GOI, Shimla-171004, H.P
7. All the Head of Departments, Himachal Pradesh
8. The Labour Commissioner-Cum-Director of Employment, H.P., Shimla-171001 w.r.t his
letter No.1-16/78(Lab.)M.W./8/07, dated 30.07.2021.
9. All the Deputy Commissioners, Himachal Pradesh
10. Guard File

(Anil Kumar Katoch)

Under Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh
(Authoritative English Text of this Department Notification No. Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I
dated 2021as required under clause (3) of article 348 of the Constitution of India.)



No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021


Whereas, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is of the opinion that the minimum
rates of wages in the Scheduled employment of “Engineering Industries” may be revised in
respect of unskilled and other categories of workers with effect from 01-04-2021;

And whereas, as per provision (Act No.11 of 1948) of clause (a) of sub-section (1)
of section 5 read with section 9 of the Minimum Wages Act,1948, a Minimum Wages Advisory
Committee was constituted vide Notification No: Shram (A) 4-2/2018-L, dated 30-07-2020;

And whereas, a meeting of the said Committee was held on 14-07-2021 wherein
increase in Minimum wages payable to all the categories of workers in all the 19 scheduled
employments were approved and recommednded w.e.f. 01-04-2021;

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section

5 of the said Act, the Governor of Himachal Pradesh is pleased to revise the minimum wages of
the workers working in the above mentioned Scheduled Employment w.e.f 01-04-2021 as per
recommendations of the said Committee as under:-


Rs.300Daily or

Rs.9000 Monthly.

Semi skilled

Taper Grade-III, Turner Grade-III, Driller Grade-III, Romer Grade-III, Rs. 309.27 Daily or
Shareman Grade-III, Machine man, Machinist/Operator Grade-III/ Bragar Rs. 9278 Monthly.
Grade-III, Head Spinning Winder/ Liner Grade-III, Press Operator Grade-III,
Spray Painter Grade-III, Transfer Fixer Grade-III, Assembler Grade-III,
Cobbler, Rubber Rosin Cutter, Tailor Grade-III, Material Checker, Fitter
Frame, Numbering man, Frame Sender, Electroplater Grade-III, Mopper
Grade-III, Grinder Grade-III, Pickler, Polishman, Buferman, Head Mechanic,
Operator Grade-III, Thread/Roller Operator Grade-III, Book-screw Machine
Operator Grade-III, Feeder Grade-III, Dye Maker Grade-III, Welder Grade-
III, Tin Smith Grade-III, Pipe Reader, Hammer man Grade-III, Electric
Lineman Grade-III, Voucher Inspector Grade-III, Lister Diesel Engine
Driver Grade-III, Oilman.


Taper Grade-II, Turner Grade-II, Driller Grade-II, Shaper Grade-II,

Shaperman Grade-II, Slaughterman Grade-II, Mechanist/ Operator/Brager
Grade-I1, Liner Grade-II, Spray Painter Grade-II, Transfer Mixer Grade-II,
Press Operator Grade-II, Assembler Grade-II, Tailor Grade-II, Electroplater
Grade-II, Moper Grade-II, Grinder Grade-II, Head Machine Operator-II,
Thread and Roller Machine Operator Grade-II, Book screw Machine
Operator Grade-II, Gold Draw Machine Operator Grade-II, Fitter Grade-II,
Carpenter/Pattern Maker Grade-II, Dye Maker Grade-II, Saister Grade-II, Rs.348.21 Daily.
Welder Grade-II, Tinsmith Grade-II, Hammerman Grade-II,Blacksmith Rs.10446 Monthly
Grade-II, Tool Setter Grade-II, Electrical Lineman Grade-II, Electrician
Grade-II, Armature Winder and Coil winder Grade-II, Cable Jointer Grade-
II, Voucher Inspector Grade-II, Lister Diesel Engine Driver Grade-II,
Moulder Grade-II, Supervisor, ITI Certificate Holder who are working in the
same trade.

Highly Skilled
Turner Grade-I, Grinding Machine Operator Grade-I, Shaper man Grade-I, Rs.414.03 Daily.
Slaughter man Grade-I, Miller Grade-I. Electroplater Grade-I, Gold Draw Rs.12421 Monthly.
Machine Operator Grade-I, Fitter Grade-I, Carpenter/Pattern Maker Grade-I,
Dye maker Grade-I, Engraver Grade-I, Blacksmith Grade-I, Dye Setter

Grade-I, Tool Setter Grade-I, Electrician Grade-I,

Clerical Staff

Cashier (Matriculate) Clerk, Salesman, Typist Storekeeper Rs.321.87 Daily.

Rs.9656 Monthly.


1. There will be no distinction between the minimum wages of male or female and adult or
non-adult for the same and similar nature of work.

2. Wages of Apprentices shall be regulated under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961(No. 52 of


3. Where any class of work is performed on piece work basis, the wages shall not be less
than the time rate prescribed for that category.

4. If any category of workers employed in the scheduled employment is not mentioned

specifically, such category of workers shall not be paid less than the minimum rates of
wages fixed for the similar category having the same skill.

5. 25% increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum wages in the Scheduled
Tribal Areas in Himachal Pradesh.

The definition of unskilled/semiskilled/skilled/highly skilled will be as:-

(i)Unskilled: -- An unskilled employee is one who does operations that involve the performance
of simple duties, which require the experience of little or no independent judgment or previous
experience although familiarity with the occupational environment is necessary. His work may
thus require in addition to physical exertion familiarity with variety of articles or goods.

(ii)Semi -skilled: -- A semiskilled worker is one who does work generally of defined routine
nature wherein the major requirement is not so much of the judgment, skill and but for proper
discharge of duties assigned to him or relatively narrow job and where important decisions made
by others. His work is thus limited to the performance of routine operations of limited scope.

(iii)Skilled: -- A skilled employee is one who is capable of working efficiently of exercising

considerable independent judgment and of discharging his duties with responsibility. He must
possess a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the trade, craft or industry in which he is
(iv). Highly Skilled: -- A highly skilled worker is one who is capable of working efficiently and
supervises efficiently the work of skilled employees.
By order,

Addl. Chief Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the

Government of Himachal Pradesh

No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021

Copy for information and necessary action to:-

1. All the Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2.

2. The Addl. Chief Secretary to the Hon’ble Chief Minister, H.P., Shimla-2.
3. The LR-cum-Pr. Secretary (Law) to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2
4. The Spl. Private Secretary to Hon’ble Labour & Employment Minister H.P
5. The Special Private Secretary to Chief Secretary to Govt. of H.P.
6. The Director, Labour Bureau, GOI, Shimla-171004, H.P
7. All the Head of Departments, Himachal Pradesh
8. The Labour Commissioner-Cum-Director of Employment, H.P., Shimla-171001 w.r.t his
letter No.1-16/78(Lab.)M.W./8/07, dated 30.07.2021.
9. All the Deputy Commissioners, Himachal Pradesh
10. Guard File

(Anil Kumar Katoch)

Under Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh
(Authoritative English Text of this Department Notification No. Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I
dated 2021as required under clause (3) of article 348 of the Constitution of India.)



No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021


Whereas, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is of the opinion that the minimum
rates of wages in the Scheduled Employment of “Tea Plantation” may be revised in respect of
unskilled and other categories of workers with effect from 01-04-2021;

And whereas as per provision of (Act No. 11 of 1948) of clause (a) sub-section (1)
of section 5 read with section 9 of the Minimum Wages Act,1948, a Minimum Wages Advisory
Committee was constituted vide Notification No: Shram (A) 4-2/2018-L, dated 30-07-2020;

And whereas, a meeting of the said Committee was held on 14-07-2021 wherein
increase in Minimum wages payable to all the categories of workers in all the 19 scheduled
employments were approved and recommednded w.e.f. 01-04-2021;

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section

5 of the said Act, the Governor of Himachal Pradesh is pleased to revise the minimum wages of
the workers working in the above mentioned Scheduled Employment w.e.f 01-04-2021 as per
recommendations of the said Committee as under:-

Category of Workers Revised Minimum Wages

Field workers in Tea Plantation employed on plantation up Rs. 300.00 Daily or

rooting, spraying, manufacturing, shade lopping, hoeing, Rs. 9000 Monthly.
pruning weeding, plucking etc. known as unskilled workers
employed in the operation;

A-Grade Leaves -- If plucker plucks more than 12 kilogram of tea leaves he or she will
get Rs. 21.70 per kilogram extra as incentive.

B Grade Leaves If plucker plucks more than 13 kilogram of tea leaves he or she will get
Rs. 17.17 per kilogram extra as incentive.

C-Grade Leaves- If plucker plucks more than 16 kilogram of tea leaves he or she will get
Rs 12.80 per kilogram extra as incentive.
The piece rates workers employed for plucking will get Rs. 21.70, Rs. 17.17 Rs. 12.80 per
kilogram for A,B,C grade of tea leaves respectively.

SEMI-SKILLED: Workers engaged in Tea Factory and Tea Plantations. Rs.305.01 per day,
Rs.9150 per month


Include lift Mazdoor, withering Mazdoor, Rs. 300 daily

relling room workers, shifting Mazdoor, Rs. 9000 Monthly.

Fermenting room workers, tea boys,

sorters, tea makers, time keeper and carriers (jhalli)


Cleaners, Assistant Cleaner, Garden Assistant, Rs. 300 daily

Muharirs etc. who maintain records of a field work Rs. 9000 Monthly.

and also includes sweeper, Mali & Mate.



1. Accountant Rs. 458.46 Rs.13754 per month plus free


2. Clerks Rs. 348.21 Rs.10446 per month plus free


3. Munshi Rs. 364.97 Rs.10949 per month plus free benefits

as admissible to clerk

4. Peon ,Chowkidar/Chaudhary Rs.305.01 Rs.9150 per month plus free benefit

as admissible.

Daily Monthly

5. Compounder Rs.424.69 Rs.12741

6. Driver (Jeep/ Car/ Tractor) Rs.380.88 Rs.11427

7. Mechanic , Rs.428.11 Rs.12843

8. Assistant Mechanic Rs.379.20 Rs.11376

9. Electrician-cum- Mechanic Grade-I Rs.428.11 Rs.12843

10.Electrician-cum- Mechanic Grade-II Rs.379.20 Rs.11376


1. There will be no distinction between the minimum wages of male or female and adult or
non-adult for the same and similar nature of work.

2. Wages of Apprentices shall be regulated under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961(No. 52 of


3. Where any class of work is performed on piece work basis, the wages shall not be less
than the time rate prescribed for that category.

4. If any category of workers employed in the scheduled employment is not mentioned

specifically, such category of workers shall not be paid less than the minimum rates of
wages fixed for the similar category having the same skill.

5. 25% increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum wages in the Scheduled
Tribal Areas in Himachal Pradesh.

(i)Unskilled: -- An unskilled employee is one who does operations that involve the performance
of simple duties, which require the experience of little or no independent judgment or previous
experience although familiarity with the occupational environment is necessary. His work may
thus require in addition to physical exertion familiarity with variety of articles or goods.

(ii)Semi -skilled: -- A semiskilled worker is one who does work generally of defined routine
nature wherein the major requirement is not so much of the judgment, skill and but for proper
discharge of duties assigned to him or relatively narrow job and where important decisions made
by others. His work is thus limited to the performance of routine operations of limited scope.

By order,

Addl. Chief Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the

Government of Himachal Pradesh
No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021

Copy for information and necessary action to:-

1. All the Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2.

2. The Addl. Chief Secretary to the Hon’ble Chief Minister, H.P., Shimla-2.
3. The LR-cum-Pr. Secretary (Law) to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2
4. The Spl. Private Secretary to Hon’ble Labour & Employment Minister H.P
5. The Special Private Secretary to Chief Secretary to Govt. of H.P.
6. The Director, Labour Bureau, GOI, Shimla-171004, H.P
7. All the Head of Departments, Himachal Pradesh
8. The Labour Commissioner-Cum-Director of Employment, H.P., Shimla-171001 w.r.t his
letter No.1-16/78(Lab.)M.W./8/07, dated 30.07.2021.
9. All the Deputy Commissioners, Himachal Pradesh
10. Guard File

(Anil Kumar Katoch)

Under Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh
(Authoritative English Text of this Department Notification No. Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I
dated 2021as required under clause (3) of article 348 of the Constitution of India.)




No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021



Whereas the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is of the opinion that the minimum
rates of wages in the Scheduled Employment of “Manufacturing Process as Defined in Clause
(K) of Section 2 of Factories Act, 1948” may be revised in respect of un skilled and other
categories of workers with effect from 01-04-2021;

And whereas, as per provision(Act No. 11 of 1948) of clause (a) of sub-section (1)
of section 5 read with section 9 of the Minimum Wages Act,1948, a Minimum Wages Advisory
Committee was constituted vide Notification No: Shram (A) 4-2/2018-L, dated 30-07-2020;

And whereas, a meeting of the said Committee was held on 14-07-2021 wherein
increase in Minimum wages payable to all the categories of workers in all the 19 scheduled
employments were approved and recommednded w.e.f. 01-04-2021;

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section

5 of the said Act, the Governor of Himachal Pradesh is pleased to revise the minimum wages of
the workers working in the above mentioned Scheduled Employment w.e.f 01-04-2021 as per
recommendations of the said Committee as under:-

Un-skilled Workers Rs. 300 per day or Rs. 9000 per month

Semi-skilled Rs. 309.27 P.D. or Rs. 9278 per month

Skilled & clerical staff Rs. 348.21 P.D. or Rs. 10446 per month

Highly-Skilled Rs. 414.03 P.D. or Rs. 12421 per month


1. There will be no distinction between the minimum wages of male or female and adult or
non-adult for the same and similar nature of work.

2. Wages of Apprentices shall be regulated under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961(No. 52 of

3. Where any class of work is performed on piece work basis, the wages shall not be less
than the time rate prescribed for that category.

4. If any category of workers employed in the scheduled employment is not mentioned

specifically, such category of workers shall not be paid less than the minimum rates of
wages fixed for the similar category having the same skill.

5. 25% increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum wages in the Scheduled
Tribal Areas in Himachal Pradesh.

The definition of unskilled/semiskilled/skilled/highly skilled will be as:-

(i) Unskilled: -- An unskilled employee is one who does operations that involve the
performance of simple duties, which require the experience of little or no independent
judgment or previous experience although familiarity with the occupational environment is
necessary. His work may thus require in addition to physical exertion familiarity with variety
of articles or goods.

(ii) Semi-skilled: -- A semiskilled worker is one who does work generally defined routine
nature wherein the major requirement is not so much of the judgment, skill and but for proper
discharge of duties assigned to him or relatively narrow job and where important decisions
made by others. His work is thus limited to the performance of routine operations of limited

(iii) Skilled: -- A skilled employee is one who is capable of working efficiently of exercising
considerable independent judgment and of discharging his duties with responsibility. He must
possess a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the trade, craft or industry in which he is

(iv) Highly Skilled: -- A highly skilled worker is one who is capable of working
efficiently and supervises efficiently the work of skilled employees.

By order,

Addl. Chief Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the

Government of Himachal Pradesh.
No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021

Copy for information and necessary action to:-

1. All the Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2.

2. The Addl. Chief Secretary to the Hon’ble Chief Minister, H.P., Shimla-2.
3. The LR-cum-Pr. Secretary (Law) to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2
4. The Spl. Private Secretary to Hon’ble Labour & Employment Minister H.P
5. The Special Private Secretary to Chief Secretary to Govt. of H.P.
6. The Director, Labour Bureau, GOI, Shimla-171004, H.P
7. All the Head of Departments, Himachal Pradesh
8. The Labour Commissioner-Cum-Director of Employment, H.P., Shimla-171001 w.r.t his
letter No.1-16/78(Lab.)M.W./8/07, dated 30.07.2021.
9. All the Deputy Commissioners, Himachal Pradesh
10. Guard File

(Anil Kumar Katoch)

Under Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh
(Authoritative English Text of this Department Notification No. Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I
dated 2021as required under clause (3) of article 348 of the Constitution of India.)



No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021


Whereas, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is of the opinion that the minimum
rates of wages in the Scheduled Employment of “Hotel and Restaurants” may be revised in
respect of un skilled and other categories of workers with effect from 01-04-2021;

And whereas, as per provision of (Act No. 11 of 1948) of clause (a) sub-section (1)
of section 5 read with section 9 of the Minimum Wages Act,1948, a Minimum Wages Advisory
Committee was constituted vide Notification No: Shram (A) 4-2/2018-L, dated 30-07-2020;

And whereas, a meeting of the said Committee was held on 14-07-2021 wherein
increase in Minimum wages payable to all the categories of workers in all the 19 scheduled
employments were approved and recommednded w.e.f. 01-04-2021;

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section

5 of theMinimum Wages Act, 1948 (Act No. 11 of 1948) Act, the Governor of Himachal
Pradesh is pleased to revise the minimum wages of the workers working in the above mentioned
Scheduled Employment w.e.f 01-04-2021 as per recommendations of the said Committee as

Category of Workers Revised Wages

Where no benefit is Where food, tea and

provided combined

1 2 3

UN-SKILLED: Rupees Rupees

Helper/ Chowkidar/ Peon/ Sweeper/ Rs. 300 Daily Rs. 274.47 Daily
Masalachi/ Gateman/ Waterman/ Rs.9000 Monthly Rs. 8234 Monthly
Messenger/ Clock Room Attendant/ Poter/
Bhishti/ Beldar/Fireman/ Pandi/ Posterman/
any worker doing un-skilled job.


Pantryman /Coffee-Tea Maker/ Chapatiman Rs. 316.99 Daily Rs 290.11

/ Assistant Baker/Cook/ Assistant Rs.9510 Monthly Rs.8703 Monthly.
Halwai/Book Binder/ Sticher /Ruling
Cutting/ Auctioners /Mali /Hotel Guide
/Assistant Mistry/ Assistant Fitter/
Sewerman/ Assistant Turner /Assistant

Welder/ Assistant Electrician/ Assistant

Salesman/ Assistant Barber/ Dhobi/
Pressman/Boilerman/Film Rewinder/ Water
Bearer /Assistant Radio Mechanic/ Painter/
White Washer/ Pakora and Chana
Maker/Clerk (Non-Matric)/ Assistant Store
Keeper/Distributor and Assistant
Machinman/ Enquiry Attendant/ Telephone
Attendant/ ITI certificate holder who are
working in the other trade.

SKILLED WORKERS : Rupees. Rupees.

Driver/Halwai/Cook/Confectioner/Baker/St Rs. 348.21 Daily Rs. 320.06 Daily

eward/Butler/Draughtsman/TelephoneOpera Rs.10446 Monthly. Rs. 9602 Monthly.
Keeper/Head Waiter/Head Bearer (Western
Style Hotel.) ITI certificate holder who
are working in the same trade.
Highly Skilled Rupees. Rupees.

Store Keeper/ Clerks (Graduates) Rs. 362.34 Daily Rs. 335.37

Accountant /Head Cashier/ Head Cook/ Rs.10870 Monthly. Rs. 10061 Monthly.
Head Butler/Head Baker/ Head
Confectioner/Head mechanic/ Electrician/
Foremen/ Supervisor./ Tailor/Cutter


1. There will be no distinction between the minimum wages of male or female and adult or
non-adult for the same and similar nature of work.

2. Wages of Apprentices shall be regulated under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961(No. 52 of


3. Where any class of work is performed on piece work basis, the wages shall not be less
than the time rate prescribed for that category.

4. If any category of workers employed in the scheduled employment is not mentioned

specifically, such category of workers shall not be paid less than the minimum rates of
wages fixed for the similar category having the same skill.

5. 25% increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum wages in the Scheduled
Tribal Areas in Himachal Pradesh.

The definition of unskilled/semiskilled/skilled/highly skilled will be as:-

(i) Unskilled: -- An unskilled employee is one who does operations that involve the
performance of simple duties, which require the experience of little or no independent
judgment or previous experience although familiarity with the occupational environment
is necessary. His work may thus require in addition to physical exertion familiarity with variety
of articles or goods.

(ii) Semi-skilled: -- A semiskilled worker is one who does work generally of defined routine
nature wherein the major requirement is not so much of the judgment, skill and but for proper
discharge of duties assigned to him or relatively narrow job and where important decisions
made by others. His work is thus limited to the performance of routine operations of limited
(iii) Skilled: -- A skilled employee is one who is capable of working efficiently of
exercising considerable independent judgment and of discharging his duties with
responsibility. He must possess a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the trade,
craft or industry in which he is employed.

(iv) Highly Skilled: -- A highly skilled worker is one who is capable of working
efficiently and supervises efficiently the work of skilled employees.

By order,

Addl. Chief Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the

Government of Himachal Pradesh

No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021

Copy for information and necessary action to:-

1. All the Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2.

2. The Addl. Chief Secretary to the Hon’ble Chief Minister, H.P., Shimla-2.
3. The LR-cum-Pr. Secretary (Law) to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2
4. The Spl. Private Secretary to Hon’ble Labour & Employment Minister H.P
5. The Special Private Secretary to Chief Secretary to Govt. of H.P.
6. The Director, Labour Bureau, GOI, Shimla-171004, H.P
7. All the Head of Departments, Himachal Pradesh
8. The Labour Commissioner-Cum-Director of Employment, H.P., Shimla-171001 w.r.t his
letter No.1-16/78(Lab.)M.W./8/07, dated 30.07.2021.
9. All the Deputy Commissioners, Himachal Pradesh
10. Guard File

(Anil Kumar Katoch)

Under Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh
(Authoritative English Text of this Department Notification No. Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I
dated 2021as required under clause (3) of article 348 of the Constitution of India.)



No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021


Whereas, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is of the opinion that the minimum
rates of wages in the Scheduled Employment of “Private Educational Institutes” may be
revised in respect of un skilled and other categories of workers with effect from 01-04--2021;

And whereas, as per provision of (Act No. 11 of 1948) clause (a) of sub-section
(1) of section 5 read with section 9 of the Minimum Wages Act,1948, a Minimum Wages
Advisory Committee was constituted vide Notification No: Shram (A) 4-2/2018-L, dated 30-07-

And whereas, a meeting of the said Committee was held on 14-07-2021 wherein
increase in Minimum wages payable to all the categories of workers in all the 19 scheduled
employments were approved and recommednded w.e.f. 01-04-2021;

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section

5 of the said Act, the Governor of Himachal Pradesh is pleased to revise the minimum wages of
the workers working in the above mentioned Scheduled Employment w.e.f 01-04--2021 as per
recommendations of the said Committee as under:-

Un-skilled Workers Rs. 300 per day or Rs. 9000 per month

Semi-skilled Rs. 316.99 per day or Rs. 9510 per month

Skilled Rs. 348.21 per day or Rs. 10446 per month

Highly skilled Rs. 362.34 per day or Rs 10870 per month


1. There will be no distinction between the minimum wages of male or female and adult or
non-adult for the same and similar nature of work.

2. Wages of Apprentices shall be regulated under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961(No. 52 of


3. Where any class of work is performed on piece work basis, the wages shall not be less
than the time rate prescribed for that category.
4. If any category of workers employed in the scheduled employment is not mentioned
specifically, such category of workers shall not be paid less than the minimum rates of
wages fixed for the similar category having the same skill.

5. 25% increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum wages in the Scheduled
Tribal Areas in Himachal Pradesh.

The definition of unskilled/semiskilled/skilled/highly skilled will be as:-

(i) Unskilled: -- An unskilled employee is one who does operations that involve the
performance of simple duties, which require the experience of little or no independent
judgment or previous experience although familiarity with the occupational environment
is necessary. His work may thus require in addition to physical exertion familiarity with variety
of articles or goods.

(ii) Semi-skilled: -- A semiskilled worker is one who does work generally of defined routine
nature wherein the major requirement is not so much of the judgment, skill and but for proper
discharge of duties assigned to him or relatively narrow job and where important decisions
made by others. His work is thus limited to the performance of routine operations of limited

(iii) Skilled: -- A skilled employee is one who is capable of working efficiently of exercising
considerable independent judgment and of discharging his duties with responsibility. He must
possess a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the trade, craft or industry in which he is

(iv) Highly Skilled: -- A highly skilled worker is one who is capable of working
efficiently and supervises efficiently the work of skilled employees.

By order,

Addl. Chief Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the

Government of Himachal Pradesh.
No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021

Copy for information and necessary action to:-

1. All the Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2.

2. The Addl. Chief Secretary to the Hon’ble Chief Minister, H.P., Shimla-2.
3. The LR-cum-Pr. Secretary (Law) to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2
4. The Spl. Private Secretary to Hon’ble Labour & Employment Minister H.P
5. The Special Private Secretary to Chief Secretary to Govt. of H.P.
6. The Director, Labour Bureau, GOI, Shimla-171004, H.P
7. All the Head of Departments, Himachal Pradesh
8. The Labour Commissioner-Cum-Director of Employment, H.P., Shimla-171001 w.r.t his
letter No.1-16/78(Lab.)M.W./8/07, dated 30.07.2021.
9. All the Deputy Commissioners, Himachal Pradesh
10. Guard File

(Anil Kumar Katoch)

Under Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh
(Authoritative English Text of this Department Notification No. Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I
dated 2021as required under clause (3) of article 348 of the Constitution of India.)



No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021

12. Hydro Power Projects

Whereas, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is of the opinion that the minimum
rates of wages in the Scheduled employment of “Hydro Power Projects” may be revised in
respect of unskilled and other categories of workers may be fixed with effect from 01-04-2021;

And whereas, as per provision of (Act No. 11 of 1948) clause (a) of sub-section (1)
of section 5 read with section 9 of the Minimum Wages Act,1948, a Minimum Wages Advisory
Committee was constituted vide Notification No: Shram (A) 4-2/2018-L, dated 30-07-2020;

And whereas, a meeting of the said Committee was held on 14-07-2021 wherein
increase in minimum wages payable to all the categories of workers in all the 19 scheduled
employments were approved and recommednded w.e.f. 01-04-2021;

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section

5 of the said Act, the Governor of Himachal Pradesh is pleased to revise the minimum wages of
the workers working in the above mentioned Scheduled Employment w.e.f 01-04-2021 as per
recommendations of the said Committee as under:-

Category of Workers Minimum Wages

Daily Monthly


Peon, Helper to Pump Operator, Helper to Concrete Pump 300 9000

Operator, Pump Attendant, Helper to JWR Crane Operator,
Helper to Plant Operator, Helper to Excavator Operator, Helper
to Concreting Plant Operator, Helper to Loader Operator, Helper
to TAMROCK Operator, Helper to Mechanic, Helper to Turner,
Helper to Electrician, Helper to Auto Electrician, Helper to
Welder, Helper to Fitter, Helper to Carpenter, Helper to Heavy
Motor Vehicle Driver, Helper to Khalasi, Compressor Attendant,
Generator Attendant, TM Attendant, Helper to Concrete Mixture
Plant Operator, Helper to Fireman, Helper to Stone Dresser,
Helper to Head Watchman, Helper to Laboratory Assistant,
Helper to Gauge Reader, Helper to Time Keeper, Helper to Diesel
Generator Set Operator, Helper to Generator Operator, Helper to
Wireless Operator, Helper to Engine Fitter, Helper to Diesel
Engine Fitter, Helper to Pipe Fitter, Helper to Pujari, Cleaner-
cum-Beldar, Washerman, Washermaid, Office Boy, Clay
Cleaner, Helper Boomer, Helper to Automobile Fitter, Masalchi,
Air Conditioning Plant Helper, Helper to Supervisor, Mess
Helper, Sweeper.


Junior Pump Operator, Junior Concrete Pump Operator, Junior 318.57 9557
JWR Crane Operator, Junior Plant Operator, Junior Nozzleman,
Junior Excavator Operator, Junior Concreting Plant Operator,
Junior Loader Operator, Junior TAMROCK Operator, Junior
Mechanic, Junior Auto Electrician, Junior Welder, Junior Fitter,
Junior Tyre Fitter, Junior Painter, Junior Plumber, Junior Denter,
Junior Carpenter, Security Guard, Khalasi(3 Years Experience),
Junior Compressor Attendant, Generator Attendant, Locomotive
Attendant, Concrete Mixture Attendant, Assistant Fireman, Stone
Dresser, Laboratory Assistant, Gauge Reader, Time Keeper, Diesel
Generator Set Operator, Generator Operator , Wireless Operator,
Junior Diesel Engine Fitter, Junior Pipe Fitter, Telephone
Attendant, Assistant Surveyor, Office Attendant, Junior Oiler,
Junior Driller, Junior JCB Operator, Junior Scrapper, Pujari,
Assistant Storekeeper, Assistant Store Munshi, Complaint
Attendant, Junior Elctrician, Mali


Dozer Operator, Grader Operator, Loader Operator, Batching 348.21 10446

Plant Operator, Crushing Operator, Excavator Operator, CMT
Crane Operator, 26 Tonne Dumper Operator, Plant Operator,
Gantry Operator, JCB Operator, Locomotive Operator,
Tamrock/Jambo Operator, Mechanic, Turner, Welder, Driller,
Nozzleman, Fitter, Steel Fixer, Blacksmith, Blaster, Carpenter,
Auto Electrician, Painter, Denter, Mason, Plumber, Bar Binder,
Tyre Fitter, CMT Operator, AC Plant Operator, Merlo Operator,
Work Inspector, Supervisor, Camp-Incharge, Non Technical
Supervisor( Mining Blasting), Driver, Mobile Crane Operator,
Bacoh Operator, Hydro Crane Operator, Surveyor, Scrap
Operator, Bobcat Operator, Scoop Operator, Garroting Pump
Operator,Morter Binder, Data Entry Operator, Cashier,
Storekeeper, Accounts Clerk, Clerk, Computer Operator, Cook,
Khalasai(more than 5 years Experience) and Dhobi.


Senior Crane Operator, Senior Batching Plant Operator, Senior 414.03 12421
Trailer Operator, Senior Dumper Operator, Tunnel Boring Machine
Operator, Senior Plant Operator, Senior Heavy Earth Moving
Machine Operator, Senior Dozer Operator, Senior Loader Operator,
Senior CE Plant Operator, Senior Carpenter, Senior Mechanic,
Senior Driller, Senior Black Smith, Senior Electrician, Senior Bar
Binder, Senior Auto Electrician, Senior Fitter, Senior Tyre Fitter,
Senior Turner, Senior Welder, Senior Denter, Driver (Heavy
Transport Vehicle), Tower Crane Operator, Senior Welder X-Ray,
Cable Jointer, Senior Blaster, 40 Tonne Dumper Operator, Senior
Jumbo Operator, Foreman, Gunman, Senior A.C Plant Operator,
Workshop Mechanic, Compounder, Chemical Analyser, Laboratory
Assistant, Pharmacist, Nurse, Stenographer, Accountant, Khalasi
(Above 8 Years Experience).

1. There will be no distinction between the minimum wages of male or

female and adult or non-adult for the same and similar nature of work.

2. Wages of Apprentices are to be regulated under the Apprenticeship

Act, 1961(No. 52 of 1961)

3. Where any class of work is performed on piece work basis, the wages shall not be
less than the time rate prescribed for that category.

4. If any category of workers employed in the scheduled employment is not mentioned

specifically, such category of workers shall not be paid less than the minimum rates
of wages fixed for the similar category having the same skill.

5. 20% increase will be admissible over and above the minimum rates of wages to the
workers working inside the tunnels.

6. 25 % increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum rates of wages in
different categories of workers working in ‘Under Construction Hydro- Electric
Power Projects’ located in Non- Tribal Areas.

7. 25% increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum wages in the Scheduled
Tribal Areas in Himachal Pradesh. In case of workers working in the Under
Construction Hydro- Electric Power Projects’ in Tribal Areas an additional 10%
increase shall be applicable.

The definition of unskilled/semiskilled/skilled/highly skilled will be as:-

(i) Unskilled: -- An unskilled employee is one who does operations that involve the
performance of simple duties, which require the experience of little or no independent
judgment or previous experience although familiarity with the occupational
environment is necessary. His work may thus require in addition to physical exertion
familiarity with variety of articles or goods.

(ii) Semi-skilled: -- A semiskilled worker is one who does work generally of defined
routine nature wherein the major requirement is not so much of the judgment, skill
and but for proper discharge of duties assigned to him or relatively narrow job and
where important decisions made by others. His work is thus limited to the
performance of routine operations of limited scope.

(iii) Skilled: -- A skilled employee is one who is capable of working efficiently of

exercising considerable independent judgment and of discharging his duties with
responsibility. He must possess a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the
trade, craft or industry in which he is employed.
(iv) Highly Skilled: -- A highly skilled worker is one who is capable of working efficiently
and supervises efficiently the work of skilled employees.

By order,

Addl. Chief Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the

Government of Himachal Pradesh

No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021

Copy for information and necessary action to:-

1. All the Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2.

2. The Addl. Chief Secretary to the Hon’ble Chief Minister, H.P., Shimla-2.
3. The LR-cum-Pr. Secretary (Law) to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2
4. The Spl. Private Secretary to Hon’ble Labour & Employment Minister H.P
5. The Special Private Secretary to Chief Secretary to Govt. of H.P.
6. The Director, Labour Bureau, GOI, Shimla-171004, H.P
7. All the Head of Departments, Himachal Pradesh
8. The Labour Commissioner-Cum-Director of Employment, H.P., Shimla-171001 w.r.t his
letter No.1-16/78(Lab.)M.W./8/07, dated 30.07.2021.
9. All the Deputy Commissioners, Himachal Pradesh
10. Guard File

(Anil Kumar Katoch)

Under Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh
(Authoritative English Text of this Department Notification No. Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I
dated 2021as required under clause (3) of article 348 of the Constitution of India.)



No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021


Whereas, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is of the opinion that the minimum
rates of wages in the Scheduled employment of “Pharmaceuticals’ Industries” may be revised
in respect of unskilled and other categories of workers may be fixed with effect from 01-04-

And whereas, as per provision of (Act No. 11 of 1948) clause (a) of sub-section
(1) of section 5 read with section 9 of the Minimum Wages Act,1948, a Minimum Wages
Advisory Committee was constituted vide Notification No: Shram (A) 4-2/2018-L, dated 30-07-

And whereas, a meeting of the said Committee was held on 14-07-2021 wherein
increase in minimum wages payable to all the categories of workers in all the 19 scheduled
employments were approved and recommednded w.e.f. 01-04-2021;

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section

5 of the said Act, the Governor of Himachal Pradesh is pleased to revise the minimum wages of
the workers working in the above mentioned Scheduled Employment w.e.f 01-04-2021 as per
recommendations of the said Committee as under:-

Category of Workers Minimum Wages

Daily Monthly

Unskilled Packing Helper, Machine Helper, Laboratory Helper, Rs.300 Rs.9000

Store Helper, House Keeping Helper, Peon.

Semi Skilled

Technician (D.Pharma), Fitter (ITI), Maintenance (ITI), PW- Rs.309.27 Rs. 9278
Operator, Mali, Security Guard, Assistant Storekeeper,
Assistant Store Munshi, Complaint Attendant.

Officer (B.Pharma), Technical Supervisor (ITI Diploma, D Rs. 348.21 Rs. 10446
Pharma), Operator, Security Supervisor, Electrician,
Storekeeper, Accounts Clerk, Clerk, Computer Operator, Data
Entry Operator and Cashier.

Highly Skilled:- Sales Officer, Sales Executive, Sales Promotion Rs. 414.03 Rs. 12421
Employee, Medical and Sales Representatives, B.Pharma,
Accountant B.Sc. Chemist, M.Sc. Chemist and Stenographer.


1. There will be no distinction between the minimum wages of male or female and adult or
non-adult for the same and similar nature of work.

2. Wages of Apprentices are to be regulated under the Apprenticeship Act,1961(No. 52 of


3. Where any class of work is performed on piece work basis, the wages shall not be less
than the time rate prescribed for that category.

4. If any category of workers employed in the scheduled employment is not mentioned

specifically, such category of workers shall not be paid less than the minimum rates of
wages fixed for the similar category having the same skill.

5. 25 % increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum of wages in Tribal Areas in
Himachal Pradesh.

The definition of unskilled/semiskilled/skilled/highly skilled will be as:-

(i) Unskilled: -- An unskilled employee is one who does operations that involve the
performance of simple duties, which require the experience of little or no independent judgment
or previous experience although familiarity with the occupational environment is necessary. His
work may thus require in addition to physical exertion familiarity with variety of articles or

(ii) Semi-skilled: -- A semiskilled worker is one who does work generally of defined routine
nature wherein the major requirement is not so much of the judgment, skill and but for proper
discharge of duties assigned to him or relatively narrow job and where important decisions made
by others. His work is thus limited to the performance of routine operations of limited scope.

(iii) Skilled: -- A skilled employee is one who is capable of working efficiently of exercising
considerable independent judgment and of discharging his duties with responsibility. He must
possess a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the trade, craft or industry in which he is

(IV). Highly Skilled: -- A highly skilled worker is one who is capable of working
efficiently and supervises efficiently the work of skilled employees.

By order,

Addl. Chief Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the

Government of Himachal Pradesh

No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021

Copy for information and necessary action to:-

1. All the Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2.

2. The Addl. Chief Secretary to the Hon’ble Chief Minister, H.P., Shimla-2.
3. The LR-cum-Pr. Secretary (Law) to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2
4. The Spl. Private Secretary to Hon’ble Labour & Employment Minister H.P
5. The Special Private Secretary to Chief Secretary to Govt. of H.P.
6. The Director, Labour Bureau, GOI, Shimla-171004, H.P
7. All the Head of Departments, Himachal Pradesh
8. The Labour Commissioner-Cum-Director of Employment, H.P., Shimla-171001 w.r.t his
letter No.1-16/78(Lab.)M.W./8/07, dated 30.07.2021.
9. All the Deputy Commissioners, Himachal Pradesh
10. Guard File

(Anil Kumar Katoch)

Under Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh
(Authoritative English Text of this Department Notification No. Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I
dated 2021as required under clause (3) of article 348 of the Constitution of India.)



No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021

14. Hospitals/Nursing Homes & Clinics

Whereas, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is of the opinion that the minimum
rates of wages in the Scheduled employment of “Hospitals/Nursing Homes & Clinics” may be
revised in respect of unskilled and other categories of workers may be fixed with effect from 01-

And whereas, as per provision of (Act No. 11 of 1948) clause (a) of sub-section
(1) of section 5 read with section 9 of the Minimum Wages Act,1948, a Minimum Wages
Advisory Committee was constituted vide Notification No: Shram (A) 4-2/2018-L, dated 30-07-

And whereas, a meeting of the said Committee was held on 14-07-2021 wherein
increase in Minimum wages payable to all the categories of workers in all the 19 scheduled
employments were approved and recommednded w.e.f. 01-04-2021;

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section

5of the said Act, the Governor of Himachal Pradesh is pleased to revise the minimum wages of
the workers working in the above mentioned Scheduled Employment w.e.f 01-04-2021 as per
recommendations of the said Committee as under:-

Category of employees Where no Where food, tea &

benefit is combined
provided accommodation

Un skilled Rs. Rs.

Helper, Cleaner, Chowkidar, Watchman, Peon, Room Boy, 300 Daily 274.47 Daily
Office Boy and Masalchi. 9000 8234 Monthly

Semi-Skilled Rs. Rs.

Clinic Attendant, Assistant Laboratory Technician, Security316.99

Guard, 289.12 Daily.
Sweeper, Operation Theatre Assistant, Daily.
Assistant Storekeeper, Assistant Store Munshi, 9510 8674 Monthly.
Complaint Attendant, Ward Boy and
Ward Attendant (0-3 Years Experience)

Skilled: Rs. Rs.

Receptionist, Pharmacist, Compounder, Laboratory 348.21 320.06

Technician, X-Ray Technician, ANM, Trained Dai, Daily. Daily
Electrician, Radio Grapher, ECG Operator, X-Ray Dark
Room Assistant, Oven Operator, Oxygen Plant Operator, 10446 9602 Monthly.
Heating Plant Controller Assistant, Driver, CSSD Assistant, Monthly
Operation Theatre Technician, Eye Refractionist,
Storekeeper, Accounts Clerk, Clerk, Computer Operator, Data
Entry Operator, Cashier, Fitter, Plumber, Supervisor, Cook,
Dhobi, Ward Boy and Ward Attendant (above 3 years

Highly Skilled Rs. Rs.

Staff Nurse, Security Supervisor, Senior Electrician, 362.34 335.37

Senior Technician, Senior Radiographer, Senior Daily. Daily

Compounder. Accountant and Stenographer 10870 10061

Monthly Monthly.


1. There will be no distinction between the minimum wages of male or female and adult or
non-adult for the same and similar nature of work.

2. Wages of Apprentices are to be regulated under the Apprenticeship Act,1961(No. 52 of


3. Where any class of work is performed on piece work basis, the wages shall not be less
than the time rate prescribed for that category.

4. If any category of workers employed in the scheduled employment is not mentioned

specifically, such category of workers shall not be paid less than the minimum rates of
wages fixed for the similar category having the same skill.

5. 25 % increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum of wages in Tribal Areas
in Himachal Pradesh.
The definition of unskilled/semiskilled/skilled/highly skilled will be as:-

(i) Unskilled: -- An unskilled employee is one who does operations that involve the
performance of simple duties, which require the experience of little or no independent judgment
or previous experience although familiarity with the occupational environment is necessary. His
work may thus require in addition to physical exertion familiarity with variety of articles or

(ii) Semi-skilled: -- A semiskilled worker is one who does work generally of defined routine
nature wherein the major requirement is not so much of the judgment, skill and but for proper
discharge of duties assigned to him or relatively narrow job and where important decisions made
by others. His work is thus limited to the performance of routine operations of limited scope.

(iii) Skilled: -- A skilled employee is one who is capable of working efficiently of exercising
considerable independent judgment and of discharging his duties with responsibility. He must
posses a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the trade, craft or industry in which he is
(iv) Highly Skilled: -- A highly skilled worker is one who is capable of working efficiently and
supervises efficiently the work of skilled employees.

By order,

Addl. Chief Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the

Government of Himachal Pradesh

No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9thSeptember,2021

Copy for information and necessary action to:-

1. All the Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2.

2. The Addl. Chief Secretary to the Hon’ble Chief Minister, H.P., Shimla-2.
3. The LR-cum-Pr. Secretary (Law) to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2
4. The Spl. Private Secretary to Hon’ble Labour & Employment Minister H.P
5. The Special Private Secretary to Chief Secretary to Govt. of H.P.
6. The Director, Labour Bureau, GOI, Shimla-171004, H.P
7. All the Head of Departments, Himachal Pradesh
8. The Labour Commissioner-Cum-Director of Employment, H.P., Shimla-171001 w.r.t his
letter No.1-16/78(Lab.)M.W./8/07, dated 30.07.2021.
9. All the Deputy Commissioners, Himachal Pradesh
10. Guard File

(Anil Kumar Katoch)

Under Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh
(Authoritative English Text of this Department Notification No. Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I
dated 2021as required under clause (3) of article 348 of the Constitution of India.)



No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021

15. Domestic Workers

Whereas, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is of the opinion that the minimum
rates of wages in the Scheduled employment of “Domestic Workers” may be revised in respect
of unskilled and other categories of workers may be fixed with effect from 01-04-2021;

And whereas, as per provision of (Act No. 11 of 1948) clause (a) of sub-section
(1) of section 5 read with section 9 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, a Minimum Wages
Advisory Committee was constituted vide Notification No: Shram (A) 4-2/2018-L, dated 30-07-

And whereas, a meeting of the said Committee was held on 14-07-2021 wherein
increase in Minimum wages payable to all the categories of workers in all the 19 scheduled
employments were approved and recommednded w.e.f. 01-04-2021;

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section

5 of the said Act, the Governor of Himachal Pradesh is pleased to revise the minimum wages of
the workers working in the above mentioned Scheduled Employment w.e.f 01-04--2021 as per
recommendations of the said Committee as under:-

Category of employees Where no benefit is Where food, tea &

provided combined

Un skilled Rs. Rs.

Helper, Aya, Cleaner, Masalchi, Watchman and 300 Daily 246 Daily.

Washer man 9000 Monthly. 7380 Monthly.

Semi-Skilled Rs Rs

Security Guard and Mali 316.99 Daily. 256.88 Daily,

9510 Monthly 7306 Monthly.

Skilled: Rs. Rs.

Cook and Driver 348.21 Daily. 276.92 Daily

10446 Monthly 8303 Monthly.


1. There will be no distinction between the minimum wages of male or female and adult or
non-adult for the same and similar nature of work.

2. Wages of Apprentices are to be regulated under the Apprenticeship Act,1961(No. 52 of


3. Where any class of work is performed on piece work basis, the wages shall not be less
than the time rate prescribed for that category.

4. If any category of workers employed in the scheduled employment is not mentioned

specifically, such category of workers shall not be paid less than the minimum rates of
wages fixed for the similar category having the same skill.

5. 25 % increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum of wages in Tribal Areas in
Himachal Pradesh.

The definition of unskilled/semiskilled/skilled/highly skilled will be as:-

(i) Unskilled: -- An unskilled employee is one who does operations that involve the
performance of simple duties, which require the experience of little or no independent judgment
or previous experience although familiarity with the occupational environment is necessary. His
work may thus require in addition to physical exertion familiarity with variety of articles or

(ii) Semi-skilled: -- A semiskilled worker is one who does work generally of defined routine
nature wherein the major requirement is not so much of the judgment, skill and but for proper
discharge of duties assigned to him or relatively narrow job and where important decisions made
by others. His work is thus limited to the performance of routine operations of limited scope.

(iii) Skilled: -- A skilled employee is one who is capable of working efficiently of exercising
considerable independent judgment and of discharging his duties with responsibility. He must
posses a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the trade, craft or industry in which he is

(iv) Highly Skilled: -- A highly skilled worker is one who is capable of working efficiently and
supervises efficiently the work of skilled employees.

By order,

Addl. Chief Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the

Government of Himachal Pradesh

No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021

Copy for information and necessary action to:-

1. All the Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2.

2. The Addl. Chief Secretary to the Hon’ble Chief Minister, H.P., Shimla-2.
3. The LR-cum-Pr. Secretary (Law) to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2
4. The Spl. Private Secretary to Hon’ble Labour & Employment Minister H.P
5. The Special Private Secretary to Chief Secretary to Govt. of H.P.
6. The Director, Labour Bureau, GOI, Shimla-171004, H.P
7. All the Head of Departments, Himachal Pradesh
8. The Labour Commissioner-Cum-Director of Employment, H.P., Shimla-171001 w.r.t his
letter No.1-16/78(Lab.)M.W./8/07, dated 30.07.2021.
9. All the Deputy Commissioners, Himachal Pradesh
10. Guard File

(Anil Kumar Katoch)

Under Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh
(Authoritative English Text of this Department Notification No. Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I
dated 2021as required under clause (3) of article 348 of the Constitution of India.)



No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021

16. Safai Karamchari Employment

Whereas, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is of the opinion that the minimum
rates of wages in the Scheduled employment of “Safai Karamchari Employment” may be
revised in respect of unskilled and other categories of workers may be fixed with effect from 01-

And whereas, as per provision of (Act No. 11 of 1948) clause (a) of sub-section (1)
of section 5 read with section 9 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, a Minimum Wages Advisory
Committee was constituted vide Notification No: Shram (A) 4-2/2018-L, dated 30-07-2020;

And whereas, a meeting of the said Committee was held on 14-07-2021 wherein
increase in Minimum wages payable to all the categories of workers in all the 19 scheduled
employments were approved and recommednded w.e.f. 01-04-2021;

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section

5 of the said Act, the Governor of Himachal Pradesh is pleased to revise the minimum wages of
the workers working in the above mentioned Scheduled Employment w.e.f 01-04-2021 as per
recommendations of the said Committee as under:-

Category of Workers Minimum Wages

Daily Monthly

Unskilled:- Sweeper/Safai Karamchari, Beldar and Rs. 300 Rs.9000


Semi Skilled

Work Supervisor, Sanitary Jamadar, Assistant Rs.309.27 Rs. 9278

Storekeeper, Assistant Store Munshi and Complaint

Driver,Mason,Plumber, Storekeeper,Accounts Clerk, Rs 348.21 Rs. 10446

Computer Operator, Data Entry Operator and Cashier.

Highly Skilled

Jr. Engineer, Sanitary Inspector and Stenographer, Rs. 414.03 Rs. 12421


1. There will be no distinction between the minimum wages of male or female and adult or
non-adult for the same and similar nature of work.

2. Wages of Apprentices are to be regulated under the Apprenticeship Act,1961(No. 52 of


3. Where any class of work is performed on piece work basis, the wages shall not be less
than the time rate prescribed for that category.

4. If any category of workers employed in the scheduled employment is not mentioned

specifically, such category of workers shall not be paid less than the minimum rates of
wages fixed for the similar category having the same skill.

5. 25 % increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum of wages in Tribal Areas in
Himachal Pradesh.

The definition of unskilled/semiskilled/skilled/highly skilled will be as:-

(i) Unskilled: -- An unskilled employee is one who does operations that involve the
performance of simple duties, which require the experience of little or no independent judgment
or previous experience although familiarity with the occupational environment is necessary. His
work may thus require in addition to physical exertion familiarity with variety of articles or

(ii) Semi-skilled: -- A semiskilled worker is one who does work generally of defined routine
nature wherein the major requirement is not so much of the judgment, skill and but for proper
discharge of duties assigned to him or relatively narrow job and where important decisions made
by others. His work is thus limited to the performance of routine operations of limited scope.

(iii) Skilled: -- A skilled employee is one who is capable of working efficiently of exercising
considerable independent judgment and of discharging his duties with responsibility. He must
posses a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the trade, craft or industry in which he is
(IV). Highly Skilled: -- A highly skilled worker is one who is capable of working
efficiently and supervises efficiently the work of skilled employees.

By order,

Addl. Chief Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the

Government of Himachal Pradesh

No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021

Copy for information and necessary action to:-

1. All the Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2.

2. The Addl. Chief Secretary to the Hon’ble Chief Minister, H.P., Shimla-2.
3. The LR-cum-Pr. Secretary (Law) to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2
4. The Spl. Private Secretary to Hon’ble Labour & Employment Minister H.P
5. The Special Private Secretary to Chief Secretary to Govt. of H.P.
6. The Director, Labour Bureau, GOI, Shimla-171004, H.P
7. All the Head of Departments, Himachal Pradesh
8. The Labour Commissioner-Cum-Director of Employment, H.P., Shimla-171001 w.r.t his
letter No.1-16/78(Lab.)M.W./8/07, dated 30.07.2021.
9. All the Deputy Commissioners, Himachal Pradesh
10. Guard File

(Anil Kumar Katoch)

Under Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh
(Authoritative English Text of this Department Notification No. Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I
dated 2021as required under clause (3) of article 348 of the Constitution of India.)



No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021

17. Security Services

Whereas, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is of the opinion that the minimum
rates of wages in the Scheduled employment of “Security Services” may be revised in respect of
unskilled and other categories of workers may be fixed with effect from 01-04-2021;

And whereas, as per provision of(Act No. 11 of 1948) clause (a) of sub-section (1)
of section 5 read with section 9 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, a Minimum Wages Advisory
Committee was constituted vide Notification No: Shram (A) 4-2/2018-L, dated 30-07-2020;

And whereas, a meeting of the said Committee was held on 14-07-2021wherein

increase in Minimum wages payable to all the categories of workers in all the 19 scheduled
employments were approved and recommednded w.e.f. 01-04-2021;

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section

5 of the said Minimum Wages Act (Act No. 11 of 1948) Act, the Governor of Himachal Pradesh
is pleased to revise the minimum wages of the workers working in the above mentioned
Scheduled Employment w.e.f 01-04-2021 as per recommendations of the said Committee as

Un-Skilled Daily Monthly

Helper and Watchman Rs. 300 Rs.9000

Semi skilled

Security Guard, Assistant Storekeeper, Assistant Store Rs. 309.27 Rs.9278

Munshi and Complaint Attendant.


Security Supervisor, Head Watchman, Storekeeper, Rs. 348.21 Rs.10446

Accounts Clerk, Clerk, Computer Operator, Data Entry

Operator and Cashier.
Highly Skilled

Security Officer, Security Manager, Rs.414.03 Rs.12421

Stenographer and Accountant.


1. There will be no distinction between the minimum wages of male or female and adult or
non-adult for the same and similar nature of work.

2. Wages of Apprentices are to be regulated under the Apprenticeship Act,1961(No. 52 of


3. Where any class of work is performed on piece work basis, the wages shall not be less
than the time rate prescribed for that category.

4. If any category of workers employed in the scheduled employment is not mentioned

specifically, such category of workers shall not be paid less than the minimum rates of
wages fixed for the similar category having the same skill.

5. 20% increase will be admissible over and above the minimum rates of wages to the
workers working inside the tunnels.

6. 25 % increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum rates of wages in different
categories of workers working in ‘Under Construction Hydro- Electric Power Projects’
located in Non- Tribal Areas.

7. 25% increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum wages in the Scheduled
Tribal Areas in Himachal Pradesh. In case of workers working in the Under
Construction Hydro- Electric Power Projects’ in Tribal Areas an additional 10%
increase shall be applicable.

The definition of unskilled/semiskilled/skilled/highly skilled will be as:-

(i)Skilled: -- An unskilled employee is one who does operations that involve the performance of
simple duties, which require the experience of little or no independent judgment or previous
experience although familiarity with the occupational environment is necessary. His work may
thus require in addition to physical exertion familiarity with variety of articles or goods.

(ii)Semi -skilled: -- A semiskilled worker is one who does work generally of defined routine
nature wherein the major requirement is not so much of the judgment, skill and but for proper
discharge of duties assigned to him or relatively narrow job and where important decisions made
by others. His work is thus limited to the performance of routine operations of limited scope.
(iii)Skilled: -- A skilled employee is one who is capable of working efficiently of exercising
considerable independent judgment and of discharging his duties with responsibility. He must
posses a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the trade, craft or industry in which he is

(iv). Highly Skilled: -- A highly skilled worker is one who is capable of working efficiently and
supervises efficiently the work of skilled employees.

By order,

Addl. Chief Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the

Government of Himachal Pradesh

No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021

Copy for information and necessary action to:-

1. All the Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2.

2. The Addl. Chief Secretary to the Hon’ble Chief Minister, H.P., Shimla-2.
3. The LR-cum-Pr. Secretary (Law) to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2
4. The Spl. Private Secretary to Hon’ble Labour & Employment Minister H.P
5. The Special Private Secretary to Chief Secretary to Govt. of H.P.
6. The Director, Labour Bureau, GOI, Shimla-171004, H.P
7. All the Head of Departments, Himachal Pradesh
8. The Labour Commissioner-Cum-Director of Employment, H.P., Shimla-171001 w.r.t his
letter No.1-16/78(Lab.)M.W./8/07, dated 30.07.2021.
9. All the Deputy Commissioners, Himachal Pradesh
10. Guard File

(Anil Kumar Katoch)

Under Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh
(Authoritative English Text of this Department Notification No. Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I
dated 2021as required under clause (3) of article 348 of the Constitution of India.)



No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021

18. Temples and Religious Places/Dharamshalas

Whereas, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is of the opinion that the minimum
rates of wages in the Scheduled employment of “Temples and Religious
Places/Dharamshalas” may be revised in respect of unskilled and other categories of workers
may be fixed with effect from 01-04-2021;

And whereas, as per provision of (Act No. 11 of 1948) clause (a) of sub-section (1)
of section 5 read with section 9 of the Minimum Wages Act,1948, a Minimum Wages Advisory
Committee was constituted vide Notification No: Shram (A) 4-2/2018-L, dated 30-07-2020;

And whereas, a meeting of the said Committee was held on 14-07-2021 wherein
increase in Minimum wages payable to all the categories of workers in all the 19 scheduled
employments were approved and recommednded w.e.f. 01-04-2021;

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section

5of the said Minimum Wages Act, 1948 (Act No. 11 of 1948) Act, the Governor of Himachal
Pradesh is pleased to revise the minimum wages of the workers working in the above mentioned
Scheduled Employment w.e.f 01-04-2021 as per recommendations of the said Committee as

Category of employees Where no benefit is Where food, tea &

provided combined

Un skilled Rs Rs

Peon, Masalchi, Office Boy and Beldar. 300 Daily 274.47 Daily

9000 Monthly 8234 Monthly.

Semi-Skilled Rs Rs

Chapatiman, Sweeper, Room boy, Junior Guest 316.99 Daily 289.12 Daily
Attendant, Temple Attendant, Bhog Room Attendant, 9510 Monthly 8674 Monthly
Hall Attendant, Sewadar, Security Guard, Mali,
Assistant Storekeeper, Assistant Store Munshi and
Complaint Attendant.

Skilled: Rs. Rs.

Senior Guest Attendant, Receptionist, Pujari, Pandit, 348.21 Daily 320.06 Daily
Cook, Maulvi, Granthi, Padri, Storekeeper, Accounts 10446 Monthly 9602 Monthly
Clerk, Clerk, Computer Operator, Data Entry Operator
and Cashier.

Highly Skilled Rs. Rs.

Supervisor, Superintendent, Ragi, Bajantri, Bhajan 362.34 Daily. 335.37 daily

Singer, Stenographer, and Accountant. 10870 Monthly 10061 Monthly.


1. There will be no distinction between the minimum wages of male or female and adult
or non-adult for the same and similar nature of work.

2. Wages of Apprentices are to be regulated under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961(No. 52

of 1961)

3. Where any class of work is performed on piece work basis, the wages shall not be less
than the time rate prescribed for that category.

4. If any category of workers employed in the scheduled employment is not mentioned

specifically, such category of workers shall not be paid less than the minimum rates of
wages fixed for the similar category having the same skill.

5. 25 % increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum of

wages in Tribal Areas in Himachal Pradesh.
The definition of unskilled/semiskilled/skilled/highly skilled will be as:-

(i) Unskilled: -- An unskilled employee is one who does operations that involve the
performance of simple duties, which require the experience of little or no independent judgment
or previous experience although familiarity with the occupational environment is necessary. His
work may thus require in addition to physical exertion familiarity with variety of articles or

(ii) Semi-skilled: -- A semiskilled worker is one who does work generally of defined routine
nature wherein the major requirement is not so much of the judgment, skill and but for proper
discharge of duties assigned to him or relatively narrow job and where important decisions made
by others. His work is thus limited to the performance of routine operations of limited scope.

(iii) Skilled: -- A skilled employee is one who is capable of working efficiently of exercising
considerable independent judgment and of discharging his duties with responsibility. He must
posses a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the trade, craft or industry in which he is

(ii) Highly Skilled: -- A highly skilled worker is one who is capable of working efficiently
and supervises efficiently the work of skilled employees.

By order,

Addl. Chief Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the

Government of Himachal Pradesh

No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021

Copy for information and necessary action to:-

1. All the Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2.

2. The Addl. Chief Secretary to the Hon’ble Chief Minister, H.P., Shimla-2.
3. The LR-cum-Pr. Secretary (Law) to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2
4. The Spl. Private Secretary to Hon’ble Labour & Employment Minister H.P
5. The Special Private Secretary to Chief Secretary to Govt. of H.P.
6. The Director, Labour Bureau, GOI, Shimla-171004, H.P
7. All the Head of Departments, Himachal Pradesh
8. The Labour Commissioner-Cum-Director of Employment, H.P., Shimla-171001 w.r.t his
letter No.1-16/78(Lab.)M.W./8/07, dated 30.07.2021.
9. All the Deputy Commissioners, Himachal Pradesh
10. Guard File

(Anil Kumar Katoch)

Under Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh
(Authoritative English Text of this Department Notification No. Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I
dated 2021as required under clause (3) of article 348 of the Constitution of India.)



No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021

19. Workers Working in Toll Tax Barriers

Whereas, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is of the opinion that the minimum
rates of wages in the Scheduled employment of “Workers Working in Toll Tax Barriers” may
be revised in respect of unskilled and other categories of workers may be fixed with effect from

And whereas, as per provision of (Act No. 11 of 1948) clause (a) of sub-section (1)
of section 5 read with section 9 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, a Minimum Wages Advisory
Committee was constituted vide Notification No: Shram (A) 4-2/2018-L, dated 30-07-2020;

And whereas, a meeting of the said Committee was held on 14-07-2021 wherein
increase in Minimum wages payable to all the categories of workers in all the 19 scheduled
employments were approved and recommednded w.e.f. 01-04-2021;

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section

5 of the said Act, the Governor of Himachal Pradesh is pleased to revise the minimum wages of
the workers working in the above mentioned Scheduled Employment w.e.f 01-04-2021 as per
recommendations of the said Committee as under:-

Minimum Wages
Daily Monthly
Un-skilled Workers :- Rs.300 Rs. 9000

Peon, Office Boy and Masalchi.

Semi-skilled:- Rs.309.27 per day or

Helper Cook, Cash Collector, Assistant Rs. 9278 per month

Storekeeper, Assistant Store Munshi, Security
Guard and Complaint Attendant.

Electrician, Storekeeper, Accounts Clerk, Rs. 348.21 per day or

Clerk, Computer Operator, Data Entry
Operator and Cashier. Rs. 10446 per month


Supervisor, Superintendent, Stenographer Rs. 414.03 per day or

and Accountant.
Rs. 12421 per month


1. There will be no distinction between the minimum wages of male or female and adult or non
adult for the same and similar nature of work.

2. Wages of Apprentices are to be regulated under the Apprenticeship

Act, 1961(No. 52 of 1961).

3. Where any class of work is performed on piece work basis, the wages shall not be less than
the time rate prescribed for that category.

4. If any category of workers employed in the scheduled employment is not mentioned

specifically, such category of workers shall not be paid less than the minimum rates of wages
fixed for the similar category having the same skill.

5. 25% increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum wages in the Scheduled Tribal
Areas in Himachal Pradesh.

The definition of unskilled/semiskilled/skilled/highly skilled will be as:-

(i) Unskilled: -- An unskilled employee is one who does operations that involve the
performance of simple duties, which require the experience of little or no independent
judgment or previous experience although familiarity with the occupational environment is
necessary. His work may thus require in addition to physical exertion familiarity with variety
of articles or goods.

(ii) Semi-skilled: -- A semiskilled worker is one who does work generally defined routine
nature wherein the major requirement is not so much of the judgment, skill and but for proper
discharge of duties assigned to him or relatively narrow job and where important decisions
made by others. His work is thus limited to the performance of routine operations of limited
(iii) Skilled: -- A skilled employee is one who is capable of working efficiently of
exercising considerable independent judgment and of discharging his duties with
responsibility. He must posses a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the trade, craft or
industry in which he is employed.

(iv) Highly Skilled: -- A highly skilled worker is one who is capable of working
efficiently and supervises efficiently the work of skilled employees.

By order,

Addl. Chief Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the

Government of Himachal Pradesh

No.Shram (A) 4-2/2018-P-I Dated Shimla-2, the 9th September, 2021

Copy for information and necessary action to:-

1. All the Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2.

2. The Addl. Chief Secretary to the Hon’ble Chief Minister, H.P., Shimla-2.
3. The LR-cum-Pr. Secretary (Law) to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla-2
4. The Spl. Private Secretary to Hon’ble Labour & Employment Minister H.P
5. The Special Private Secretary to Chief Secretary to Govt. of H.P.
6. The Director, Labour Bureau, GOI, Shimla-171004, H.P
7. All the Head of Departments, Himachal Pradesh
8. The Labour Commissioner-Cum-Director of Employment, H.P., Shimla-171001 w.r.t his
letter No.1-16/78(Lab.)M.W./8/07, dated 30.07.2021.
9. All the Deputy Commissioners, Himachal Pradesh
10. Guard File

(Anil Kumar Katoch)

Under Secretary (Lab.&Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh
fgekpy izns”k ljdkj
Je ,oa jkstxkj foHkkx

la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 , 2021

1- d`f’k
fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky dh ;g jk; gS fd d`f’k ds vuqlwfpr fu;kstu ds vUrxZr
vdq”ky deZdkjksa ds izoxksZa dh ckcr et+nwjh dh U;wure njksa dks ls la”kksf/kr fd;k
U;wure etnwjh vf/kfu;e] 1948 ¼1948 dk vf/kfu;e la[;kd 11½ dh /kkjk 9 ds lkFk
ifBr /kkjk 5 dh mi/kkjk ¼1½ ds [k.M ¼d½ ds micU/kksa ds vuqlkj, vf/klwpuk la[;k Je¼,½4-2/2018-
एल] rkjh[k 30-07-2020 }kjk, U;wure etnwjh lykgdkj lfefr xfBr dh xbZ Fkh ;

mDr lfefr dh cSBd rkjh[k dks gqbZ Fkh ftlesa leLr mUuhl
vuqlwfpr िनयोजन esa deZdkjksa ds lEkLr izoxksZa dks lans; U;wure etnwjh esa c<+kSrjh dks vuqeksfnr
fd;k x;k Fkk rFkk bls ls ykxw djus dh flQkfj”k dh xbZ Fkh(

vr% fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky, iqoksZDr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 5 dh mi/kkjk (2) }kjk
iznRr “kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq,] mijksDr of.kZr vuqlwfpr fu;kstu esa dk;Zjr अकु शल deZdkjksa dh
U;wure etnwjh dks rkjh[k ls
क दर से la”kksf/kr djrs gaS%&


1- leku vkSj सम प कृ ित ds dk;Z ds fy, iq#’k ;k efgyk vkSj O;Ld ;k vO;Ld dh

U;wure etnwjh esa dksà fÒUurk ugha gksxhA
2- f”k{kqvkasa dh etnwjh f”k{kq vf/kfu;e]1961 dk vf/kfu;e ¼1961 dk vf/kfu;e la[;kad 52½ ds
vUrxZr fofu;fer dh tk,xh A
3- Tkgka fdlh oxhZd`r dk;Z dks ek=kuqikrh dke ¼ihl odZ½ ds vk/kkj ij fd;k tkrk gks]
ogka etnwjh ml izoxZ ds fy, fofgr le; nj ls de ugha gksxh A
4- fgekpy izns”k के vuqlwfpr tu&tkrh; {ks=ksa esa] U;wure et+nwjh iPphl izfr”kr ls vf/kd क
c<kSrjh@¼o`f)½ लागू gksxh A
vdq”ky dh ifjHkk’kk fuEu izdkj ls gksxh% &
(i) vdq”ky% vdq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks ,sls dk;Z djrk gS ftlesa lkekU; drZO;ksa dk
vuqikyu vUroZfyr gS] ftlesa de vuqÒo ;k dksà LorU= fu.kZ; ;k iwoZ vuqHko dh cgqr vko';drk
ugha iM+rh] ;|fi mithfodktU; okrkoj.k ls ifjfpr gksuk vko';d gksrk gS A
vr% mlds dk;Z esa “kkjhfjd ifjJe ¼ç;kl½ ds vykok] mls oLrqvksa ;k eky dh fofo/krk ls Hkh ifjfpr
gksuk visf{kr gS A

vkns”k }kjk]

vfrfjDr eq[; lfpo (Je ,ao jkst+xkj½]

fgekpy Ikzns”k ljdkjA

la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 , 2021

1- leLr iz”kklfud lfpo] fgekpy izns”k ljdkjA

2- vfr0 eq[; lfpo] ek0 eq[; eU=h] fgekpy izns”k] f”keyk A
3- िविध ijke”khZ एवa iz/kku सिचव िविध ,fgekpy izns”k ljdkj f”keykA
4- िवशेष futh lfpo, ekuuh; Je ,oa jkstxkj eU=h fgekpy izns”kA
5- िवशेष futh lfpo, eq[; lfpo fgekpy izns”k ljdkjA
6- funs”kd] yscj C;wjk]s Hkkjr ljdkj f”keyk&171 004 A
7- leLr foHkkxk/;{k] fgekpy izns”kA
8- Jek;qDr ,oa funs”kd jkstxkj fgekpy izns”k dks muds i= la[;k 1&16@78¼ySc½,e-
MCy;w@8@07] fnukad 30-07-2021 ds lUnHkZ esaA
9- leLr mik;qDr fgekpy izns”kA
10- xkMZ QkbZyA

¼vfuy dqekj dVksp½

voj lfpo ¼Je ,oa jkstxkj½]
fgekpy çns”k ljdkj
fgekpy izns”k ljdkj
Je ,oa jkstxkj foHkkx
la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 , 2021
2- सं याएं
fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky dh ;g jk; gS fd dk fuekZ.k ;k j[kj[kko
;k fuekZ.k lafØ;kvksa, iRFkj rqMku vkSj iRFkj filkbZ@¼dzf”kax½ ds vuqlwfpr fu;kstu ds vUrxZr
vdq”ky vkSj deZdkjksa ds vU; izoxksZ dh ckcr et+nwjh dh U;wure दर dks ls la”kksf/kr
fd;k tk,;
U;wure etnwjh vf/kfu;e]1948 ¼1948 dk vf/kfu;e la[;kd 11½ dh /kkjk 9 ds
lkFk ifBr /kkjk 5 dh mi/kkjk ¼1½ ds [k.M ¼d½ ds micU/kksa ds vuqlkj, vf/klwpuk la[;k Je¼,½4-
2/2018-एल, rkjh[k 30-07-2020 }kjk] U;wure etnwjh lykgdkj lfefr xfBr dh xbZ Fkh;

mDr lfefr dh cSBd rkjh[k dks gqbZ Fkh ftlesa leLr 19

¼उ ीस½ vuqlwfpr िनयोजन esa deZdkjksa ds lEkLr izoxksZa dks lans; U;wure etnwjh esa c<+kSrjh dks
vuqeksfnr fd;k x;k Fkk rFkk bls ls ykxw djus dh flQkfj”k dh xbZ Fkh(

vr% fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky, पूव vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 5 dh mi/kkjk (2)

}kjk iznRr “kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq,] mijksDr of.kZr vuqlwfpr fu;kstu esa dk;Zjr deZdkjksa dh
U;wure etnwjh dks rkjh[k ls fuEu izdkj ls la”kksf/kr djrs gaS%&

deZdkjksa ds izoxZ Lak'kksf/kr etnwjh

nSfud Ekkfld
2 3
fHk”krh@fpeuh Dyhuj@pkSdhnkj@fMLVsEijj xzsM&II@ xysft;j@iyEcj ;k
odZ”kki के िलए gSYij@jksd dfVax yscj@LVkssu czsdj@LVksu fpLyj@Lohij@
fcVqeu ds fy, Lizs eSu@ikbi ykbZu eSu @bySfDVªdy dqyh
@flD;ksfjVh&xkMZ @csynkj@ Dyhuj VSªDVj एवa jksM+ jksyj o dadjhV
feDlj@ etnwj/ losZ CkkW;@ okpeSu @ Vh CkkW; @ ihvu¼pijklh½@
ेसर @ vk;y eSu @ xzhlj @ eSl gsYitZ @ CkkW; gSYij ¼0 ls 5
lky ½ @[kyklh ¼ 0 ls 3 lky ½ @ fcy fMLVªhC;wVj@ eDdj A
#i, #i,
dkjisUVj xzsM&II@ eSlu xzsM&& II @ L;wvj eSu @ CySd fLeFk xzsM&& 318.57 9557
II @ lSfuVjh fQVj xzsM&II @ isUVj@eSYVj esV@ Lizs&eSu jksMt@
Øsu&eSu@c/kk.kh @ vigksyLVj @ fQVj ,VSUMsUV@ CySd fLeFk ¼ cksV
eSu ½ @ dzsu&eSu @ fMLVSEijj xzsM&I@fQVj xzsM&II Qyksj&ikfy”kj/
@ LVkssu Mªls j @ekyh @ वSy&fladj @ Oहाइट&ok”kj@ odZ”kki
eSdsfud xzsM&&II] VuZj&xzsM& &II @ ikbi fQVj xzsM&&II @ fczd
eksYMj @ lgk;d fQVj @ lgk;d Qk;j eSu @ lgk;d oSyMj @
lgk;d VuZj@ cSVjh pktZj @ MSªlj ¼vfgZr@vuqÒoh½ @gSejeSu@dqd
@ oYdukbZt+j@uksty eSu @ Vuy eSu @ ,ykW, Vªksyh vkijsVj @
,VsUMSUV ¼LVksj vkfQl½@edSfudy ,VSUMSUV @ Vuy tqcyh eSu @
Vuy&eSu @ gSYij ¼5 lky vkSj इससे vf/kd ½@ vk;y&Dyhuj @
ukoxk.kh @ esV @ gSM&okpeSu @ lgk;d&ySoyj @ [kyklh ¼ 3 ls
8 lky½ @ LVksu&MªSlj @ iEi&,VSUMsUV @vkSVk byS क िशयन xzsM&II
@ xkMZuj @ xst&jhMj @ lgk;d ySo ,VSUMsUV @vkSVks byS क िशयन
@ eksVj&esV @ bUkDokvjh ,VSUMsUV @ VsyhQksu ,VSUMsUV/
LVksu MSªlj@ LVksu&czsdj @ jkd LVksu czsdj @ LVksu& े शर ½ 1½ इंच
1778.63 ित स फु ट

इंच 1¼ 1983.95
ित स

dkjisUVj xzsM& I@ eSlu xzsM& I @ CySd fLeFk @ lsusVjh fQVj 348.21 10446
xzsM& I @vi&gksylYVj xzsM& I @ lgk;d iEi vksijsVj @ iEi
vksijsVj @ iEi Mªkboj @pktZeSu xzsM-& II @ty vkiwfrZ fQVj@
dkjisUVj xzsM&II @ dkEizslj vkijsVj @ dkEizslj Mªkboj @ nthZ ;k
Vsyj xzsM& I@nthZ ;k Vsyj xzsM& II @ Ø”kj Mªkboj@ vyadkfjd dk;Z
ds fy, LVksu&Mªslj @ iyEcj xzsM& I @ikbZi fQVj xzsM& I@vkVks
Mªkboj @ lgk;d edSfud @ feDlj Mªkboj @ feDlj&vkijsVj
@lajpkukRed fQVj xzsM&& II @ odZ”kki fQVj@ tujsVj vkijsVj @
tujsVj&Mªkzboj @ IykaV “kki fQVj @ Mhty batu fQVj @ Vªkyh
ykbu fQVj@Øf”kax IykaV fQVj @¼chŒ½ IykaV fQVj @ tSd gSEkj
fQVj @ bysDVªhdy fQVj @ cUp fQVj @”kssij @ vkVks fQVj @
ikbi ykbu fQVj @ रे जरे टर IykaV fQVj @ VsªDVj&vkijsVj@
शा ट ekbuj @ dkspfjax vkijsVj @ Mkstj vkijsVj @ jksdysu
vkijsVj @ldzsij&vkijsVj @yksMj vkijsVj @ Øsu&vkijsVj @
;qdfyM&vkijsVj @ oSxu fMªy vkWijsVj @ cksfjax&vkijsVj @
,lŒ,yŒMhŒ Øsu vkijsVj@ ¼chŒ½ IykaV&vkijsVj @ vkbl IykaV
vkijsVj ;k oSYMj @xSl dVj @ VuZj @ CySd fLeFk @fVu fLeFk @
VªSDशu oSVjh pktZj @ ykbueSu@ VsyhQksu vkijsVj@[kyklh@teknkj
@ okbUMj@CyklVj fMªyj @िव च fQVj@dEikmUMj@isUVj @ feyj
@Dykbecj @ eksYMj @ysवyjt@ lkW fey dVj@dscy tkbUVj@
QksjeSu xzsM&II @[kyklh ¼ 8 lky ls vf/kd ½ @ Vsªlj vkijsVj @
bZŒ,eŒbZŒ @ Mªkboj @ क ेसर@ jkSdj शोवेल vkijsVj @ Luks dVj
vkijsVj @ yksdks&vkijsVj/ xystM-VkbiM dk;Z ds fy, fMªyj eSlu @
odZ&feL=h @ eksVj&esV @ VªSDVj Mªkboj @VsyhQksu edSfud @
MhŒthŒlsV vkijsVj @ odZ”kki Qksj eSu xzsM&II A

dsoy QuhZpj ds fy, dkjisUVj @ odZ”kki edSfud xzsM& I@ pktZ eSu 414.03 12421
xzsM& I @ odZ”kki QksjeSu xzsM& I @ VuZj xzsM& I@
edSfud vky jkmUMj vkijsVj @ eSlu@feL=h vkSj dkjisUVj
feL=h @ lajpukRed fQVj xzsM& I @ losZ;j @ MªkQVleSu @
lgk;d QksjeSu @ मशीिन ट@ dEikmUMj ¼vfZZgZr ½jksM jksyj Mªkboj @
cqyMkstj MªkÃoj@ ok;jeSu @ vkVks इलेि f”k;u@ इलेि f”k;u @
dSfedy ,ukykbtj A

#i, #i,
fcVqeSu Vk;j bUliSDVj @ jksM bUliSDVj @ odZ bUliSDVj @ 348.21 10446
LVksj&dhij @ LVksj&eqa”kh@ lqijokbtj @ ehVj &jhMj @ yStj
cqfdax dydZ @fcy&DydZ @ bjhxs”ku cqfdax dydZ @ iVokjh @
dEiysaV ,VSUMsUV @ QSjks& टर @ Mªkboj ¼ thi@ dkj@ े टर½ @
DydZ @ eSdsfudy baliSDVj @ lgk;d LVksj dhij @ ys[kk&fyfid
@ LVsuksxzkQj A


1- leku vkSj le#i izd`fr ds dk;Z ds fy, iq#’k ;k efgyk vkSj O;Ld ;k vO;Ld
dh U;wure etnwjh esa dksbZ fHkUurk ugha gksxhA
2- f”k{kqvksa dh etnwjh] f”k{kq vf/kfu;e] 1961¼1961 dk vf/kfu;e सं यांक 52½ ds vUrxZr
fofu;fer dh tk,xhA
3- tgka fdlh oxhZd`r dk;Z dks ek=kuqikrh dke ¼ihl odZ½ ds vk/kkj ij fd;k tkrk gS ogka
etnwjh ml izoxZ ds fy, fofgr le; nj ls de ugha gksxhA
4- ;fn vuwlwfpr fu;kstu esa] fu;ksftr deZdkjksa ds fdlh izoxZ dks fofufnZ’V #i ls of.kZr ugha
fd;k x;k gS] rks deZdkjksa ds ,sls izoxZ dks mlh izdkj dh dq”kyrk j[kus okys le#i izoxZ
gsrq fu;r etnwjh dh U;wure nj ls de etnwjh lanRr ugha dh tk,xhA
5- lqjaxksa ds vUnj dk;Zjr deZdkjksa dks etnwjh dh U;wure nj मे chl izfr”kr ls vf/kd c<kSrjh
vuqKs; gksxhA
6- xSj&tu&tkrh; {ks=ksa eas vofLFkr fuek.kkZ/khu gkbMªks bySfDVªd ty fo|qr ifj;kstukvksa esa
dk;Zjr deZdkjksa ds fofHkUu izoxksa dks etnwjh dh U;wure nj esa iPphl izfr”kr ls vf/kd dh
c<kSrjh ykxw gksxhA
7- fgekpy izns”k ds vuqlwfpr tutkrh; {ks=ksa esa U;wure etnwjh esa iPphl izfr”kr ls
vf/kd dh c<kSrjh ykxw gksxhA जनजातीय े मे िनमाणधीन gkbZMªks bySfDVªd प रयोजनाओ मे कायरत
कमकार क दशा मे अित र दस izfr”kr क c<kSrjh ykxw gksxhA

vdq”ky@v)Z&dq”ky@dq”ky@mPp&dq”ky dh ifjHkk’kk bl izdkj gksxh%&

(i) vdq”ky%& vdq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks ,sls dk;Z djrk gS ftuesa lkekU; drZO;ksa dk
vuqikyu vUroZfyr gS] ftlesa de vuqHko visf{kr gS ;k ;|fi mithfodktU; okrkoj.k ls
ifjfpr gksuk vko”;d gS ijUrqq LorU= fu.kZ; ;k iwoZ vuqHko visf{kr ugha gSA vr% mlds dk;Z
esa “kkjhfjd ifjJe ¼iz;kl½ ds vykok mls oLrqvksa ;k eky dh fofo/krk ls Hkh ifjfpr gksuk
visf{kr gSA

(ii) v)Z&dq”ky% v)Z&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS] tks lkekU;r% jkstejkZ ds fuf”pr Lo#i ds
dk;Z djrk gks ftuesa mlls fu.kZ;] dq”kyrk dh eq[; vis{kk ugh हैSsa fdUrq mls lkSis x,
dŸkZO;ksa ;k mlds lk{ksi vYi ¼lhfer½ dk;ksZ ds mfpr fuogZu dh mlls vis{kk gS vkSj tgWaka
egRoiw.kZ fu.kZ; vU; }kjk fy, tkrs gSSaA bl izdkj mldk dk;Z {ks= lhfer ifjf/k ds jkstejkZ
ds dk;ksZa dks djus rd gh lhfer jgsxkA

(iii) dq”ky% dq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks fopkj.kh; LorU= fu.kZ; dk iz;ksx dj ds n{krkiw.kZ
dk;Z djus esa l{ke gks vkSj vius dŸkZO;ksa dk ftEesnkjh ls ikyu dj ldsA og O;olk;
¼VsªM½] f”kYi ;k m|ksx, ftlesa og fu;ksftr fd;k x;k gks] dk iw.kZ ,oa foLr`r Kku j[krk
(iv) mPp dq”ky mPp&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS tks dk;Z dks n{krkiw.kZ djus esa l{ke gks vkSj
tks dq”ky deZpkfj;ksa ds dk;Z dk n{krkiw.kZ i;Zos{k.k dj ldsA

vkns”k }kjk]

vfrfjDr eq[; lfpo (Je ,ao jkst+xkj½]

fgekpy Ikzns”k ljdkjA

la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 9 , 2021

1- leLr iz”kklfud lfpo] fgekpy izns”k ljdkj A

2- vfr0 eq[; lfpo] ek0 eq[; eU=h] fgekpy izns”k] f”keyk A
3- िविध ijke”khZ एवa iz/kku सिचव िविध ,fgekpy izns”k ljdkj f”keykA
4- िवशेष futh lfpo, ekuuh; Je ,oa jkstxkj eU=h fgekpy izns”kA
5- िवशेष futh lfpo, eq[; lfpo fgekpy izns”k ljdkjA
6- funs”kd] yscj C;wjk]s Hkkjr ljdkj f”keyk&171 004 A
7- leLr foHkkxk/;{k] fgekpy izns”kA
8- Jek;qDr ,oa funs”kd jkstxkj fgekpy izns”k dks muds i= la[;k 1&16@78¼ySc½,e-
MCy;w@8@07] fnukad 30-07-2021 ds lUnHkZ esaA
9- leLr mik;qDr fgekpy izns”kA
10- xkMZ QkbZyA

¼vfuy dqekj dVksp½

voj lfpo ¼Je ,oa jkstxkj½]
fgekpy çns”k ljdkj
fgekpy izns”k ljdkj
Je ,oa jkstxkj foHkkx

la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 9 , 2021


fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky dh ;g jk; gS fd “ ” ds vuqlwfpr

fu;kstu ds vUrZxr vdq”ky deZdkjksa vkSj deZdkjksa ds vU; izoxkasZ dh ckcr etnwjh dh U;wure njksa
dk ls l”kksf/kr fd;k tk,;
U;wure etnwjh vf/kfu;e]1948 ¼1948 dk vf/kfu;e la[;kd 11½ dh /kkjk 9 ds lkFk
ifBr /kkjk 5 dh mi/kkjk ¼1½ ds [k.M ¼d½ ds micU/kksa ds vuqlkj, vf/klwpuk la[;k Je¼,½4-2/2018-
एल, rkjh[k 30-07-2020 }kjk ,d U;wure etnwjh lykgdkj lfefr xfBr dh xbZ Fkh;

mDr lfefr dh cSBd rkjh[k dks gqbZ Fkh ftlesa leLr उ ीस

vuqlwfpr िनयोजन esa deZdkjksa ds lEkLr izoxksZa dks lans; U;wure etnwjh esa c<+kSrjh dks vuqeksfnr
fd;k x;k Fkk rFkk bls ls ykxw djus dh flQkfj”k dh xbZ Fkh;

vr% fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky, पूव vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 5 dh mi/kkjk (2) }kjk
iznRr “kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq,] mijksDr of.kZr vuqlwfpr fu;kstu esa dk;Zjr deZdkjksa dh U;wure
etnwjh dks rkjh[k ls fuEu izdkj ls la”kksf/kr djrs gaS%&

अकु शल

¼d½ pijklh] pkSdhnkj] LVksj&gSYij] Lohij] iksVZj rFkk n¶rjh

¼[k½ odZ”kki&LVkQ ¼vdq”ky ½

(ग) odZ”kki etnwj] ftldk dksbZ vuqHko ugh gS A


1- lgk;d byS क िशयन

2- lgk;d edSfud
3- lgk;d fQVj
4- lgk;d CySd fLeFk
5- lgk;d dkjisaVj
6- lgk;d oSYMj
7- lgk;d VuZj
8- lgk;d cksfjax ckjeSu
9- lgk;d e”khfuLV
10- lgk;d dq”ku&esdj
11- lgk;d cksYdsukbtj
12- lgk;d isaVj
13- lgk;d vigksyLVj
14- lgk;d Vk;jeSu
15- lgk;d LizseSu
16- lgk;d byS क िशयन edSfud
17- lgk;d fjVªsMj
18- odZ”kki etnwj ftlds ikl vkbZñVhñ vkbZ dk
lfVZfQdsV gks ;k ftlds ikl dksbZ vkbZ0Vh0vkbZ0 dk
fMIyksek u gks dh दो वष क प रवी ा अविध होA
19- lgk;d eksYMj A

कु शल-:
edSfud] fQVj] CySd fLeFk] dkjisUVj] oSYMj] cksfjax&ok;jeSu] 339.87
e”khfuLV] dq”ku esdj] fVufLeFk] okydsukbtj] isaVj] vigksYlVj] 10196
Vk;jeSu] Lizs isaVj] bySfDVªf”k;u edSfud] jhVªhMj] eksYMj] VuZj] A
odZ”kkWi etnwj ftlds ikl vkbZ-Vh-vkbZ- lfVZfQdsV gks ;k ftldh nks
o’kZ dh ifjoh{kk vof/k gks vkSj ftlds ikl vkbZVhvkbZ dk fMIyksek u
gksA vkbZVhvkbZ lfVZfQdsV /kkjd tks leku VªsM esa dk;Zjr gS A
gSM edSfud] dkjcksjsVj@ gSM bySfDVªf”k;u @ xSjst lqij okbtjA

vkmV ,stsaV] vkmV ,tsalh DydZ] VkbfiLV] LVSuks VkbfiLV] LVksj Ms 339.87
cqd&jkbVj] DydZ] lgk;d dSf”k;j] cqfdax&DydZ ¼ fjLVksjj ½] yStj 10196
dhij] iSVªksy iEi vVSUMsUV A

eq[;&fujh{kd] fjlsI”kfuLV] fujh{kd] pSdj] vk”kqfyfid , xzsM]

LVs”ku lqijokbtj] lgk;d LVkssjdhij , xzsM] ys[kkdkj] dSf”k;j]
Vk;j&fujh{kd A

gSsM ,flLVS.V @ gSM&DYkdZ] vkWfMVj @ gSM&dSf”k;j A 421.40


1 Mªkboj 11427

2 daMdVj 347.59

3 dyhuj &de &dUMdVj 325.25

4 IkkVZ& Vkbe cqfdax DydZ


1- leku vkSj le#i izd`fr ds dk;Z ds fy, iq#’k ;k efgyk vkSj O;Ld ;k vO;Ld dh U;wure
etnwjh esa dksbZ fHkUurk ugha gksxhA
2- f”k{kqvksa dh etnwjh] f”k{kq vf/kfu;e] 1961¼1961 dk vf/kfu;e सं यांक 52½ ds vUrZxr fofu;fer
dh tk,xhA
3- tgka fdlh oxhZd`r dk;Z dks ek=kuqikrh dke ¼ihl odZ½ ds vk/kkj ij fd;k tkrk gS ogka
etnwjh ml izoxZ ds fy, fofgr le; nj ls de ugha gksxhA
4- ;fn vuwlwfpr fu;kstu esa] fu;ksftr deZdkjksa ds fdlh izoxZ dks fofufnZ’V #i ls of.kZr ugha
fd;k x;k gS] rks deZdkjksa ds ,sls izoxZ dks mlh izdkj dh dq”kyrk j[kus okys le#i izoxZ
gsrq fu;r etnwjh dh U;wure nj ls de etnwjh lanRr ugha dh tk,xhA
5- fgekpy izns”k ds vuqlwfpr tutkrh; {ks=ksa esa U;wure etnwjh esa iPphl izfr”kr ls vf/kd
dh c<+kSrjh ykxw gksxhA

vdq”ky@v)Z&dq”ky@dq”ky@mPp&dq”ky dh ifjHkk’kk bl izdkj gksxh%&

(i) vdq”ky% vdq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks ,sls dk;Z djrk gS ftuesa lkkekU; drZO;ksa
dk vuqikyu vUroZfyr gS] ftlesa de vuqHko visf{kr gS ;k ;|fi mithfodktU;
okrkoj.k ls ifjfpr gksuk vko”;d gsS ijUrq LorU= fu.kZ; ;k iwoZ vuqHko visf{kr ugha gSA
vr% mlds dk;Z esa “kkjhfjd ifjJe ¼iz;kl½ ds vykok mls oLrqvksa ;k eky dh fofo/krk ls
Hkh ifjfpr gksuk visf{kr gSA

(ii) v)Z&dq”ky% v)Z&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS] tks lkekU;r% jkstejkZ ds fuf”pr Lo#i
ds dk;Z djrk gks ftuesa mlls fu.kZ;] dq”kyrk dh eq[; vis{kk ugh gSsa fdUrq mls lkSis x,
dŸkZO;ksa ;k mlds lk{ksi vYi ¼lhfer½ dk;ksZ ds mfpr fuogZu dh mlls vis{kk gS vkSj tgkWa
egRoiw.kZ fu.kZ; vU; }kjk fy, tkrs gSSaA bl izdkj mldk dk;Z {ks= lhfer ifjf/k ds
jkstejkZ ds dk;ksZa dks djus rd gh lhfer jgsxkA

(iii) dq”ky% dq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks fopkj.kh; LorU= fu.kZ; dk iz;ksx dj ds
n{krkiw.kZ dk;Z djus esa l{ke gks vkSj vius dŸkZO;ksa dk ftEesnkjh ls ikyu dj ldsA og
O;olk; ¼VsªM½] f”kYi ;k m|ksx ftlesa og fu;ksftr fd;k x;k gks] dk iw.kZ ,o
foLr`r Kku j[krk gksA

(iv) mPp&dq”ky mPp&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS tks dk;Z dks n{krkiw.kZ djus esa l{ke gks
vkSj tks dq”ky deZpkfj;ksa ds dk;Z dk n{krkiw.kZ i;Zos{k.k dj ldsA

vkns”k }kjk]

vfrfjDr eq[; lfpo (Je ,ao jkst+xkj½]

fgekpy Ikzns”k ljdkjA
la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 , 2021

1- leLr iz”kklfud lfpo] fgekpy izns”k ljdkjA

2- vfr0 eq[; lfpo] ek0 eq[; eU=h] fgekpy izns”k] f”keyk A
3- िविध ijke”khZ एवa iz/kku सिचव िविध ,fgekpy izns”k ljdkj f”keykA
4- िवशेष futh lfpo, ekuuh; Je ,oa jkstxkj eU=h fgekpy izns”kA
5- िवशेष futh lfpo, eq[; lfpo fgekpy izns”k ljdkjA
6- funs”kd] yscj C;wjk]s Hkkjr ljdkj f”keyk&171 004 A
7- leLr foHkkxk/;{k] fgekpy izns”kA
8- Jek;qDr ,oa funs”kd jkstxkj fgekpy izns”k dks muds i= la[;k 1&16@78¼ySc½,e-
MCy;w@8@07] fnukad 30-07-2021 ds lUnHkZ esaA
9- leLr mik;qDr fgekpy izns”kA
10- xkMZ QkbZyA

¼vfuy dqekj dVksp½

voj lfpo ¼Je ,oa jkstxkj½]
fgekpy çns”k ljdkj
fgekpy izns”k ljdkj
Je ,oa jkstxkj foHkkx
la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 , 2021-
fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky dh ;g jk; gS fd Þ ds
vuqlwfpr fu;kstu ds vUrXkZr vdq”ky vkSj deZdkjks ds vU; izoxksZ dh ckcr et+nwjh dh U;wure njksa
dks ls la”kksf/kr fd;k tk,(
U;wure etnwjh vf/kfu;e]1948 ¼1948 dk vf/kfu;e la[;kd 11½ dh /kkjk 9 ds lkFk
ifBr /kkjk 5 dh mi/kkjk ¼1½ ds [k.M ¼d½ ds micU/kksa ds vuqlkj] vf/klwpuk la[;k Je¼,½4-2/2018-
एल, rkjh[k 30-07-2020 }kjk U;wure etnwjh lykgdkj lfefr xfBr dh xbZ Fkh(

mDr lfefr dh cSBd rkjh[k dks gqbZ Fkh ftlesa leLr mUUkhl
vuqlwfpr fu;kstuksa esa deZdkjksa ds lEkLr izoxksZa dks lans; U;wure etnwjh esa c<+kSrjh dks vuqeksfnr
fd;k x;k Fkk rFkk bls ls ykxw djus dh flQkfj”k dh xbZ Fkh(

vr% fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky] iwoksZDr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 5 dh mi/kkjk ¼2½ }kjk
iznRr “kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq,] mijksDr of.kZr vuqlwfpr fu;kstu esa dk;Zjr deZdkjksa dh U;wure
etnwjh dks rkjh[k ls fuEu izdkj ls la”kksf/kr djrs gaS%&

deZpkfj;ksa ds izoxZ Tkgka dksbZ izlqfo/kk tgka Hkkstu] pk;]

miyC/k ugha djkbZ vkSj la;qDr vkokl]
xbZ gS lqfo/kk miyC/k
djkbZ xbZ gS
gsYij @”kkWi&,SflLVSaV @ iYysnkj @ pkSdhnkj
@ piM+klh @ Lohij @ elkyph @ xsVeSu @
okVjeSu @ Dyhuj @ iSdj@ etnwj @ ysUMj
@ vuysUMj @ eSlsatj @ Dyksd :e vVsaMsUV
@iksVZj@fHk”rh @ csynkj @ Qk;jeSu @
iakMh @ iksLVjeSu @ dksbZ vU; deZdkj tks
vdq”ky dk;Z dj jgk gks A

gSM iksVZj] iSaVjheSu @ dkWQh &Vhesdj @ 316.99 9510
pikrhEkSu @lgk;d&csdj @xsV&dhij 289.12
¼flusek½@lgk;d ykbueSu@ lgk;d
&vkWijsVj@okbaMj ,lhLVsaV
gyokbZ@ cqd&ckbaMj@LVhpj
@:fyax&dfVax vkSD”kuj@ ekyh@
lhojeSu@ gksVy&xkbM
@ lgk;d feL=h @ lgk;d&fQVj @
lgk;d&VuZj @ lgk;d&oSYMj@
lgk;d&bySfDVªf”k;u @ lgk;d&lsYteSu
@ lgk;d&ckjcj @ /kksch @ izSleSu @
CkkW;yj&eSu @ fQYe&fjokabMj@osVj@
os;jj@ ,sfllVSaV jsfM;ks edSfud @ isaVj
@OgkbV okW”kj @ idkSM+k vkSj puk esdj @
dydZ@¼ukWau esfVªd@ lgk;d LVksj
dhij@ fMLVªhC;wVj vkSj lgk;d&e”khueSu@
bUkDok;jh vVSUMsUV @ VsyhQksu vVSUMsUV@
^vkbZñVhñvkbZ izek.k i= /kkjdA


CySd fLeFk @ fVufLeFk @ okWpesdj @ jsfM;ks

edSfud @ dkjisaVj @ iyEcj @ Mªkboj 348.21 320.06
@lgk;d Vsyj@dVj¼Vsyfjax½@tujy 10446
edSfud@ gyokbZ@ dqd@ dUQSD”kuj @
csdj@ LVqokMZ@ cVyj@fQVj @ MªkQVleSu
@ VsyhQksu&vksijsVj @ dEikmaMj @ xksYMfLeFk
@ “kw&esdj @ “kky dkjisV ohfoaXk @
dEiksftVj @ flusek vkijsVj @ lsYteSu @
MªkbDyhuj @ Mªk;j @ ckjcj @jsxqyj e”khueSu
@ e”khfuLV @ osYMj @ eksYMj @ dSf”k;j@
DydZ ¼eSfVªd½ equhe @ fjlsI”kfuLV @ osVj@
cSjk@ LVksj&dhij @ gSM osVj @
gSM&cSjk¼osLVju LVkby gksVy ½@ ykbueSu
vkbZ0Vh0vkbZ0 izek.k i= /kkjd] tks blh VªMs esa
dk;Z dj jgs gksa A

LVksj dhij @ DydZ ¼xzstq,V ½ @ ys[kkdkj @ 362.34 335.37

gSM [ktkuph @ gSM&dqd @ gSM&cVyj @ 10870/- 10061/-
gSM&csdj @ gSM&dUQSD”kuj @gSM&edSfud @
bySdVªhf”k;u @ QksjeSu @ lqijokbtj@ Vsyj
@ dVj ¼Vsyfjax ½ A


1] leku vkSj le#i izd`fr ds dk;Z ds fy, iq#’k ;k efgyk vkSj O;Ld ;k vO;Ld dh U;wure
etnwjh esa dksbZ fHkUurk ugha gksxhA
2] f”k{kqvksa dh etnwjh] f”k{kq vf/kfu;e] 1961¼1961 dk सं यांक 52½ ds varxZr fofu;fer dh
3] tgka fdlh oxhZd`r dk;Z dks ek=kuqikrh dke ¼ihl odZ½ ds vk/kkj ij fd;k tkrk gS ogka
etnwjh ml izoxZ ds fy, fofgr le; nj ls de ugha gksxhA
4] ;fn vuwlwfpr fu;kstu esa] fu;ksftr deZdkjksa ds fdlh izoxZ dks fofufnZ’V #i ls of.kZr
ugha fd;k x;k gS] rks deZdkjksa ds ,sls izoxZ dks mlh izdkj dh dq”kyrk j[kus okys
le#i izoxZ gsrq fu;r etnwjh dh U;wure nj ls de etnwjh lanRr ugha dh tk,xhA
5] fgekpy izns”k ds tutkrh; {ks=ksa esa U;wure etnwjh esa iPphl izfr”kr ls vf/kd dh c<kSrjh
ykxw gksxhA
vdq”ky@v)Z&dq”ky@dq”ky@mPp&dq”ky dh ifjHkk’kk bl izdkj gksxh%&

(i) vdq”ky%& vdq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks ,sls dk;Z djrk gS ftuesa lkekU; drZO;ksa dk
vuqikyu vUroZfyr gS] ftlesa de vuqHko visf{kr gS ;k ;|fi mithfodktU; okrkoj.k ls
ifjfpr gksuk vko”;d gsS ijUrq LorU= fu.kZ; ;k iwoZ vuqHko visf{kr ugha gSA vr% mlds
dk;Z esa “kkjhfjd ifjJe ¼iz;kl½ ds vykok mls oLrqvksa ;k eky dh fofo/krk ls Hkh ifjfpr
gksuk visf{kr gSA
(ii) v)Z&dq”ky% v)Z&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS] tks lkekU;r% jkstejkZ ds fuf”pr Lo#i
ds dk;Z djrk gks ftuesa mlls fu.kZ;] dq”kyrk dh eq[; vis{kk ugh gSsa fdUrq mls lkSis
x, dŸkZO;ksa ;k mlds lk{ksi vYi ¼lhfer½ dk;ksZ ds mfpr fuogZu dh mlls vis{kk gS vkSj
tgkWa egRoiw.kZ fu.kZ; vU; }kjk fy, tkrs gSSaA bl izdkj mldk dk;Z {ks= lhfer ifjf/k ds
jkstejkZ ds dk;ksZa dks djus rd gh lhfer jgsxkA

(iii) dq”ky% dq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks fopkj.kh; LorU= fu.kZ; dk iz;ksx dj ds
n{krkiw.kZ dk;Z djus esa l{ke gks vkSj vius dŸkZO;ksa dk ftEesnkjh ls ikyu dj ldsA og
O;olk; ¼VsªM½] f”kYi ;k m|ksx] ftlesa og fu;ksftr fd;k x;k gks] dk iw.kZ ,oa foLr`r
Kku j[krk gksA

(iv) mPp&dq”ky% mPp&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS tks dk;Z dks n{krkiw.kZ djus esa l{ke gks
vkSj tks dq”ky deZpkfj;ksa ds dk;Z dk n{krkiw.kZ i;Zos{k.k dj ldsA
vkns”k }kjk]

vfrfjDr eq[; lfpo (Je ,ao jkst+xkj½]

fgekpy Ikzns”k ljdkjA
la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 9 , 2021
1- leLr iz”kklfud lfpo] fgekpy izns”k ljdkjA
2- vfr0 eq[; lfpo] ek0 eq[; eU=h] fgekpy izns”k] f”keyk A
3- िविध ijke”khZ एवa iz/kku सिचव िविध ,fgekpy izns”k ljdkj f”keykA
4- िवशेष futh lfpo, ekuuh; Je ,oa jkstxkj eU=h fgekpy izns”kA
5- िवशेष futh lfpo, eq[; lfpo fgekpy izns”k ljdkjA
6- funs”kd] yscj C;wjk]s Hkkjr ljdkj f”keyk&171 004 A
7- leLr foHkkxk/;{k] fgekpy izns”kA
8- Jek;qDr ,oa funs”kd jkstxkj fgekpy izns”k dks muds i= la[;k 1&16@78¼ySc½,e-
MCy;w@8@07] fnukad 30-07-2021 ds lUnHkZ esaA
9- leLr mik;qDr fgekpy izns”kA
10- xkMZ QkbZyA

¼vfuy dqekj dVksp½

voj lfpo ¼Je ,oa jkstxkj½]
fgekpy çns”k ljdkj
fgekpy izns”k ljdkj
Je ,oa jkstxkj foHkkx

la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 , 2021

5- okfudh m|ksx
fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky dh ;g jk; gS fd Þ ds vuqlwfpr
fu;kstu ds vUrxZr vdq”ky vkSj deZdkjksa ds vU; izoxksZa dh ckcr et+nwjh dh U;wure njksa dks
ls la”kksf/kr fd;k tk,(
U;wure etnwjh vf/kfu;e]1948¼1948 dk vf/kfu;e la[;kd 11½ dh /kkjk 9 ds lkFk
ifBr /kkjk 5 dh mi/kkjk ¼1½ ds [k.M ¼d½ ds micU/kksa ds vuqlkj, vf/klwpuk la[;k Je¼,½4-2/2018-
एल, rkjh[k 30-07-2020 }kjk] ,d U;wure etnwjh lykgdkj lfefr xfBr dh xbZ Fkh(

mDr lfefr dh cSBd rkjh[k dks gqbZ Fkh ftlesa leLr mUuhl
vuqlwfpr fu;kstuksa esa deZdkjksa ds lEkLr izoxksZa dks lans; U;wure etnwjh esa c<+kSrjh dks vuqeksfnr
fd;k x;k Fkk rFkk bls ls ykxw djus dh flQkfj”k dh xbZ Fkh(

vr% fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky] iwoksZDr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 5 dh mi/kkjk ¼2½ }kjk
iznRr “kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq,] mijksDr of.kZr vuqlwfpr fu;kstu esa dk;Zjr deZdkjksa dh U;wure
etnwjh dks rkjh[k ls fuEu izdkj ls la”kksf/kr djrs gaS%&

deZdkjksa ds izoxZ Lak”kksf/kr U;wure etnwjh

nSSfud ekfld
vdq”ky deZdkj
1 o`{kksZ dk fxjkuk
1 ykWij ¼Nkaxh½
2- QSyj ¼fxjkuh½
2 YkkWfxax ,.M lkWbax fVEcj ikfalax
1- MªSlj ¼iapkuh½
2- LkkW;j ¼fpjkuh½
3- CySdfLeFk

3 <qyku] <sjh yxkuk vkSj “kkjhfjd Je }kjk bekjrh ydM+h dk gLrkarj.k%

1- <qykbZ ds fy, et+nwjA

2- bekjrh ydM+h dks yknusa vkSj mrkjus ds
fy, et+nwjA
4 jTtqekxZ }kjk bekjrh ydM+h dh <qykbZ%
1- LiSu feL=h de lqijokbtj
2- LiSu feL=h

5 iDdh ukyh] ¼okWVj LykbM½] iRFk: ¼Mªkb LykbM½] ukyk cgku nfj;k cgku
¼fjoj QyksfVax½ }kjk <qykbZ%
1- eksgjh &okyk feL=h
2- rk:
3- vfllVSaV feL=h @¼gsYij feL=h½
4- nfj;keSu
5- ?kkyw
6- teknkj

1- losZ;j
2- LdkbZ ykbu vkWijsVj
3- Vªd Mªkboj
4- daizs”kj Mªkboj

7 fyfidh; deZpkfjo`Un%
1- eSustj
2- ,dkmUVSaV
3- eqU”kh @ VkbfiLV DydZ

8 lkW fey odZj %

1-cSaM lkW feL=h
3-gSM feL=h
4-ckW;yj Mªkboj
5-,fllVSaV feL=h
6-Iysuj feL=h
8-dVj eSu
1- QSyj rFkk fpIij
2- dRFkk lqijokbtj@dRFkk izkSlslj


ckW;yj ,VS.MUV ¼izFke Js.kh½

vksojfl;j] gSMQksjeSu #i, ekfld


1 leku vkSj le#i izd`fr ds dk;Z ds fy, iq#’k ;k efgyk vkSj O;Ld ;k
vO;Ld dh U;wure etnwjh esa dksbZ fHkUurk ugha gksxhA
2 f”k{kqvksa dh etnwjh] f”k{kq vf/kfu;e] 1961¼1961 dk vf/kfu;e सं यांक 52½ ds varxZr fofu;fer
dh tk,xhA
3 tgk¡a fdlh oxhZd`r dk;Z dks ek=kuqikrh dke ¼ihl odZ½ ds vk/kkj ij fd;k tkrk gS ogka
etnwjh ml izoxZ ds fy, fofgr le; nj ls de ugha gksxhA
4 ;fn vuwlwfpr fu;kstu esa] fu;ksftr deZdkjksa ds fdlh izoxZ dks fofufnZ’V #i ls of.kZr ugha
fd;k x;k gS] rks deZdkjksa ds ,sls izoxZ dks mlh izdkj dh dq”kyrk j[kus okys le#i
izoxZ gsrq fu;r etnwjh dh U;wure nj ls de etnwjh lanRr ugha dh tk,xhA
5 fgekpy izns”k ds tutkrh; {ks=ksa esa U;wure etnwjh esa iPphl izfr”kr ls vf/kd dh
c<kSrjh ykxw gksxhA
vdq”ky@v)Z&dq”ky@dq”ky@mPp&dq”ky dh ifjHkk’kk bl izdkj gksxh%&

(i) vdq”ky%& vdq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks ,sls dk;Z djrk gS ftuesa lkkekU; drZO;ksa dk
vuqikyu vUroZfyr gS] ftlesa de vuqHko visf{kr gS ;k ;|fi mithfodktU; ifjfLFkfr;ksa
ls ifjfpr gksuk vko”;d gsS ijUrq LorU= fu.kZ; ;k iwoZ vuqHko visf{kr ugha gSA vr% mlds
dk;Z esa “kkjhfjd ifjJe ¼iz;kl½ ds vykok mls oLrqvksa ;k eky dh fofo/krk ls Hkh ifjfpr
gksuk visf{kr gSA

(ii) v)Z&dq”ky% v)Z&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS] tks lkekU;r% jkstejkZ ds fuf”pr Lo#i ds
dk;Z djrk gks ftuesa mlls fu.kZ;] dq”kyrk dh eq[; vis{kk ugh gSsa fdUrq mls lkSis x,
dŸkZO;ksa ;k mlds lk{ksi vYi ¼lhfer½ dk;ksZ ds mfpr fuogZu dh mlls vis{kk gS vkSj tgkWa
egRoiw.kZ fu.kZ; vU; }kjk fy, tkrs gSSaA bl izdkj mldk dk;Z {ks= lhfer ifjf/k ds
jkstejkZ ds dk;ksZa dks djus rd gh lhfer jgsxkA

(iii) dq”ky% dq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks fopkj.kh; LorU= fu.kZ; dk iz;ksx dj ds
n{krkiw.kZ dk;Z djus esa l{ke gks vkSj vius dŸkZO;ksa dk ftEesnkjh ls ikyu dj ldsA
og O;olk; ¼VsªM½] f”kYi ;k m|ksx] ftlesa og fu;ksftr fd;k x;k gks] dk iw.kZ ,oa foLr`r
Kku j[krk gksA

(iv) mPp&dq”ky mPp&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS tks dk;Z dks n{krkiw.kZ djus esa l{ke gks
vkSj tks dq”ky deZpkfj;ksa ds dk;Z dk n{krkiw.kZ i;Zos{k.k dj ldsA

vkns”k }kjk]

vfrfjDr eq[; lfpo (Je ,ao jkst+xkj½]

fgekpy Ikzns”k ljdkjA

la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 , 2021

1- leLr iz”kklfud lfpo] fgekpy izns”k ljdkjA

2- vfr0 eq[; lfpo] ek0 eq[; eU=h] fgekpy izns”k] f”keyk A
3- िविध ijke”khZ एवa iz/kku सिचव िविध ,fgekpy izns”k ljdkj f”keykA
4- िवशेष futh lfpo, ekuuh; Je ,oa jkstxkj eU=h fgekpy izns”kA
5- िवशेष futh lfpo, eq[; lfpo fgekpy izns”k ljdkjA
6- funs”kd] yscj C;wjk]s Hkkjr ljdkj f”keyk&171 004 A
7- leLr foHkkxk/;{k] fgekpy izns”kA
8- Jek;qDr ,oa funs”kd jkstxkj fgekpy izns”k dks muds i= la[;k 1&16@78¼ySc½,e-
MCy;w@8@07] fnukad 30-07-2021 ds lUnHkZ esaA
9- leLr mik;qDr fgekpy izns”kA
10- xkMZ QkbZyA

¼vfuy dqekj dVksp½

voj lfpo ¼Je ,oa jkstxkj½]
fgekpy çns”k ljdkj
fgekpy izns”k ljdkj
Je ,oa jkstxkj foHkkx

la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 9 , 2021

fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky dh ;g jk; gS fd Þ
ds vuqlwfpr fu;kstu ds vUrxZr vdq”ky vkSj deZdkjksa ds vU; izoxkasZa dh ckcr etnwjh dh
U;wure njksa dks ls la”kksf/kr fd;k tk,(

U;wure etnwjh vf/kfu;e]1948 ¼1948 dk vf/kfu;e la[;kd 11½ dh /kkjk 9

ds lkFk ifBr /kkjk 5 dh mi/kkjk ¼1½ ds [k.M ¼d½ ds micU/kksa ds vuqlkj, vf/klwpuk la[;k Je¼,½4-
2/2018-एल rkjh[k 30-07-2020 }kjk U;wure etnwjh lykgdkj lfefr xfBr dh xbZ Fkh(

mDr lfefr dh cSBd rkjh[k dks gqbZ Fkh ftlesa leLr mUuhl
vuqlwfpr fu;kstukas esa deZdkjksa ds lEkLr izoxksZa dks lans; U;wure etnwjh esa c<+kSrjh dks vuqeksfnr
fd;k x;k Fkk rFkk bls ls ykxw djus dh flQkfj”k dh xbZ Fkh(

vr% fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky] iwoksZDr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 5 dh mi/kkjk ¼2½ }kjk
iznRr “kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq,] mijksDr of.kZr vuqlwfpr fu;kstu esa dk;Zjr deZdkjksa dh U;wure
etnwjh dks rkjh[k ls fuEu izdkj ls la”kksf/kr djrs gaS%&

deZdkjksa ds oxZ Lak”kksf/kr U;wure njsa

nSfud ekfld

v/kZdq”ky% nSfud Ekkfld


,fllVSaV bySDVªhf”k;u] ,fllVsaV fQVj] ,sfllVsaV VuZj],fllVsaV

oSYMj] ,fllVsaV eksYMj] ,fllVsaV IykaV vkWijsVj] ,fllVsaV CySdfLeFk]
,flVsaV&dkijeSu] jh&bjhxs”ku ,fllVsaV] teknkj] bZLV eSu]
bZLV&dYVhosVj] fLop cksMZ vVsaMsaV] ok;jeSu] iksLVyeSu] Qk;jeSu]
vkW;yeSu] iEieSu xzsM&I] e”khu ySoyj] lsySDVj]dVj&de&ekfdZV
lSyj] vEiqyj]gSxeSu] vkbZŒVhŒvkbZ izek.k i= ¼lfVZfQdsV½ /kkjdA
dq”ky nSfud Ekkfld

LkkWYVeSu] bySDVªhf”k;u] fQVj] dkijeSu] VuZj] eksYMj] CySdfLeFk] IykaV

vkijsVj] eslu] dkjisaVj] ,flVsaV&QksjeSu] gSM&teknkj] ckW;yj ,VsaMsaV
xzsM&AA]odZ”kki QksjeSu] bySDVªhf”k;u QksjeSu]bZatu Mªkboj] MªkQVleSu]
,flLVSaV&dSfeLV] e”khueSu] dSf”k;j@ DydZ ¼eSfVªd ½] lsYt eSu]
fjlsI”kfuLV] VkbfiLV] LVkssjdhij A vkbZ0Vh0vkbZ0 izek.k i=
¼lfVZfQdsV½ /kkjd tkss leku VªsM esa dk;Zjr gaS A
nSfud Ekkfld
CkkW;yj vVsaMSaV ¼izFke Js.kh ½]vksoj lh;j] gSM QksjeSu A


1- leku vkSj le#i izd`fr ds dk;Z ds fy, iq#’k ;k efgyk vkSj O;Ld ;k vO;Ld dh U;wure
etnwjh esa dksbZ fHkUurk ugha gksxhA
2 f”k{kqvksa dh etnwjh] f”k{kq vf/kfu;e] 1961¼1961 dk vf/kfu;e सं यांक 52½ ds varxZr fofu;fer
dh tk,xhA
3 tgk¡a fdlh oxhZd`r dk;Z dks ek=kuqikrh dke ¼ihl odZ½ ds vk/kkj ij fd;k tkrk gS ogka
etnwjh ml izoxZ ds fy, fofgr le; nj ls de ugha gksxhA
4 ;fn vuwlwfpr fu;kstu esa] fu;ksftr deZdkjksa ds fdlh izoxZ dks fofufnZ’V #i ls of.kZr ugha
fd;k x;k gS] rks deZdkjksa ds ,sls izoxZ dks mlh izdkj dh dq”kyrk j[kus okys le#i
izoxZ gsrq fu;r etnwjh dh U;wure nj ls de etnwjh lanRr ugha dh tk,xhA
5 fgekpy izns”k ds tutkrh; {ks=ksa esa U;wure etnwjh esa iPphl izfr”kr ls vf/kd dh
c<kSrjh ykxw gksxhA
vdq”ky@v)Z&dq”ky@dq”ky@mPp&dq”ky dh ifjHkk’kk bl izdkj gksxh%&

(i) vdq”ky%& vdq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks ,sls dk;Z djrk gS ftuesa lkekU; drZO;ksa dk
vuqikyu vUroZfyr gS] ftlesa de vuqHko visf{kr gS ;k ;|fi mithfodktU; ifjfLFkfr;ksa
ls ifjfpr gksuk vko”;d gsS ijUrq LorU= fu.kZ; ;k iwoZ vuqHko visf{kr ugha gSA vr% mlds
dk;Z esa “kkjhfjd ifjJe ¼iz;kl½ ds vykok mls oLrqvksa ;k eky dh fofo/krk ls Hkh ifjfpr
gksuk visf{kr gSA

(ii) v)Z&dq”ky% v)Z&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS] tks lkekU;r% jkstejkZ ds fuf”pr Lo#i ds dk;Z
djrk gks ftuesa mlls fu.kZ;] dq”kyrk dh eq[; vis{kk ugh gSsa fdUrq mls lkSis x, dŸkZO;ksa ;k
mlds lk{ksi vYi ¼lhfer½ dk;ksZ ds mfpr fuogZu dh mlls vis{kk gS vkSj tgkWa egRoiw.kZ fu.kZ;
vU; }kjk fy, tkrs gSSaA bl izdkj mldk dk;Z {ks= lhfer ifjf/k ds jkstejkZ ds dk;ksZa dks djus
rd gh lhfer jgsxkA
(iii) dq”ky% dq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks fopkj.kh; LorU= fu.kZ; dk iz;ksx dj ds n{krkiw.kZ
dk;Z djus esa l{ke gks vkSj vius dŸkZO;ksa dk ftEesnkjh ls ikyu dj ldsA og O;olk;
¼VsªM½] f”kYi ;k m|ksx ftlesa og fu;ksftr fd;k x;k gks] dk iw.kZ ,oa foLr`r Kku j[krk gksA

(iv) mPp&dq”ky mPp&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS tks dk;Z dks n{krkiw.kZ djus esa l{ke gks
vkSj tks dq”ky deZpkfj;ksa ds dk;Z dk n{krkiw.kZ i;Zos{k.k dj ldsA
vkns”k }kjk]

vfrfjDr eq[; lfpo (Je ,ao jkst+xkj½]

fgekpy Ikzns”k ljdkjA

la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 , 2021

1- leLr iz”kklfud lfpo] fgekpy izns”k ljdkj A

2- vfr0 eq[; lfpo] ek0 eq[; eU=h] fgekpy izns”k] f”keyk A
3- िविध ijke”khZ एवa iz/kku सिचव िविध ,fgekpy izns”k ljdkj f”keykA
4- िवशेष futh lfpo, ekuuh; Je ,oa jkstxkj eU=h fgekpy izns”kA
5- िवशेष futh lfpo, eq[; lfpo fgekpy izns”k ljdkjA
6- funs”kd] yscj C;wjk]s Hkkjr ljdkj f”keyk&171 004 A
7- leLr foHkkxk/;{k] fgekpy izns”kA
8- Jek;qDr ,oa funs”kd jkstxkj fgekpy izns”k dks muds i= la[;k 1&16@78¼ySc½,e-
MCy;w@8@07] fnukad 30-07-2021 ds lUnHkZ esaA
9- leLr mik;qDr fgekpy izns”kA
10- xkMZ QkbZyA

¼vfuy dqekj dVksp½

voj lfpo ¼Je ,oa jkstxkj½]
fgekpy çns”k ljdkj
fgekpy izns”k ljdkj
Je ,oa jkstxkj foHkkx

la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 , 2021

fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky dh ;g jk; gS fd Þ ds vuqlwfpr
fu;kstu ds vUrxZr vdq”ky vkSj deZdkjks ds vU; izoxkasZ dh ckcr etnwjh dh U;wure njksa dks
ls la”kksf/kr fd;k tk,(
U;wure etnwjh vf/kfu;e]1948 ¼1948 dk vf/kfu;e la[;kd 11½ dh /kkjk 9 ds lkFk
ifBr /kkjk 5 dh mi/kkjk ¼1½ ds [k.M ¼d½ ds micU/kksa ds vuqlkj] vf/klwpuk la[;k Je¼,½4-2/2018-
एल rkjh[k 30-07-2020 }kjk] U;wure etnwjh lykgdkj lfefr xfBr dh xbZ Fkh(

mDr lfefr dh cSBd rkjh[k dks gqbZ Fkh ftlesa leLr mUuhl
vuqlwfpr fu;kstuksa esa deZdkjksa ds lEkLr izoxksZa dks lans; U;wure etnwjh esa c<+kSrjh dks vuqeksfnr
fd;k x;k Fkk rFkk bls ls ykxw djus dh flQkfj”k dh xbZ Fkh(

vr% fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky] iwoksZDr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 5 dh mi/kkjk ¼2½ }kjk
iznRr “kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq,] mijksDr of.kZr vuqlwfpr fu;kstu esa dk;Zjr deZdkjksa dh U;wure
etnwjh dks rkjh[k ls fuEu izdkj ls la”kksf/kr djrs gaS%&



Vsij xzsM&III] VuZj xzsM& III] fMªyj xzsM& III] jksej xzsM& III] “ks;j eSu nSfud ekfld
xzsM& III] e”khueSu]e”khfuLV@ vkijsVj xzsM& III] cztj xzsM& III] gSM :i, :Ik,
Lihfuax ckbaMj@ ykbuj xzsM& III] izSl vkijsVj xzsM& III] Lizs isaVj xzsM&
III] VªkalQj fQDlj xzsM& III] vlSEcyj xzsM& AAA]dkscyj] jcj jksftu dVj]
Vsyj xzsM& III] eSfVfj;y pSdj] Qzse fQVj]uEcfjax eSu] Qzse lSaMj]
bySDVksIysVj xzsM& III] eksij xzsM& III] xzkbaMj xzsM& III] fidyj] ikfy”keSu]
cwQjeSu] gSM&edSfud] vkijsVj xzsM& III] FkzSM+@ jksyj vkijsVj xzsM& III]
cqd Ldz;w e”khu vkijsVj xzsM& III] QhMj xzsM& III] Mkbesdj xzsM& III]
oSYMj xzsM& III] fVufLeFk xzsM& III] ikbijhMj] gsejesu xzsM& III] bySDVªhd
ykbZueSu xzsM& III] ckmpj bUliSDVj xzsM& III] fyLVj Mhty batu Mªkboj
xzsM III] vkW;yeSuA

Vsij xzsM& II]VuZj xzsM& II fMªyj xzsM& II “ksij xzsM& II “ksij eSu xzsM& nSfud ekfld
:i, :i,
II]LykVjeSu xszM& II, edSfuLV@ vkijsVj@cztj xzsM&AA]ykbZuj xzsM& II Lisz
iSUVj xzsM&II] VªkaLQj fedlj xzsM& II ]izSl vkijsVj xzsM& II] vlSEoyj xzsM&
II]Vsyj xzsM& II] bySDVªksIysVj xzsM& II] eksij xzsM&II] xzkbZaMj xzsM& II]
gSMe”khu vkijsVj xzsM II]FkzSM vkSj jksyj e”khu vkijsVj xzsM& II]cqd Ldj;w
e”khu vkijsVj xzsM&II] xksYM Mªk e”khu vkijsVj xzsM& II] fQVj xzsM& II]
dkjiSaVj @iSVju esdj xzsM& II] MkbZesdj xzsM & II] lkbLVj xzsM& II] oSYMj
xzsM& II] fVufLeFk xzsM& II] gSEkjeSu xzsM& II] CySdfLeFk xzsM&II] VwylSVj
xzsM& II] bysfDVªdy ykbZueSu xzsM&II] bysfDVª”ku xzsM& II] vkjeSpj okbaZMj
vkSj dkWbZy okbZaMj xzsM& II] dscy TokbZaVj xzsM& II] okÅpj baLiSDVj xzsM&
II] fyLVj Mhty batu MªkbZoj xzsM& II] eksYMj xzsM& II]lqijokbZtj vkbZ0Vh0
vkbZ0 izek.k i= /kkjd] tks mlh VªsM esa dk;Zjr gS A

nSfud ekfld
VuZj xzsM& I]xzkbZfMax e”khu vkijsVj xszM& I] “ksij eSu xzsM& I]lykVjeSu :i, :i,
xzsM& I] feyj xzsM& I] bySDVªksIysVj xzsM& I] xksYM MªkW e”khu vkijsVj xzsM&
I]fQVj xzsM& I] dkjisaVj@iSVuZ esdj xzsM& I]MkbZesdj xzsM&A],Uxzsoj xazsM& I]
OySdfLeFk xzsM& I]MkbZlSVj xzsM& I]Vwy lSVj xzsM& I]bySfDVªf”k;u xszM&I

nSfud ekfld
fyfidh; deZpkfjo`Un%
:i, :i,

dSf”k;j ¼eSfVªdqysV½ DydZ] lsYteSu] VkbZfiLV] LVksjdhijA


1- leku vkSj le#i izd`fr ds dk;Z ds fy, iq#’k ;k efgyk vkSj O;Ld ;k vO;Ld dh U;wure
etnwjh esa dksbZ fHkUurk ugha gksxhA
2 f”k{kqvksa dh etnwjh] f”k{kq vf/kfu;e] 1961¼1961 dk vf/kfu;e सं यांक 52½ ds varxZr fofu;fer
dh tk,xhA
3 tgk¡a fdlh oxhZd`r dk;Z dks ek=kuqikrh dke ¼ihl odZ½ ds vk/kkj ij fd;k tkrk gS ogka
etnwjh ml izoxZ ds fy, fofgr le; nj ls de ugha gksxhA
4 ;fn vuwlwfpr fu;kstu esa] fu;ksftr deZdkjksa ds fdlh izoxZ dks fofufnZ’V #i ls of.kZr ugha
fd;k x;k gS] rks deZdkjksa ds ,sls izoxZ dks mlh izdkj dh dq”kyrk j[kus okys le#i
izoxZ gsrq fu;r etnwjh dh U;wure nj ls de etnwjh lanRr ugha dh tk,xhA
5 fgekpy izns”k ds vuqlwfpr tutkrh; {ks=ksa esa U;wure etnwjh esa iPphl izfr”kr ls vf/kd
dh c<kSrjh ykxw gksxhA

vdq”ky@v)Z&dq”ky@dq”ky@mPp&dq”ky dh ifjHkk’kk bl izdkj gksxh%&

(i) vdq”ky%& vdq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks ,sls dk;Z djrk gS ftuesa lkekU; drZO;ksa dk
vuqikyu vUroZfyr gS] ftlesa de vuqHko visf{kr gS ;k ;|fi mithfodktU; ifjfLFkfr;ksa
ls ifjfpr gksuk vko”;d gsS ijUrq LorU= fu.kZ; ;k iwoZ vuqHko visf{kr ugha gSA vr% mlds
dk;Z esa “kkjhfjd ifjJe ¼iz;kl½ ds vykok mls oLrqvksa ;k eky dh fofo/krk ls Hkh ifjfpr
gksuk visf{kr gSA

(ii) v)Z&dq”ky% v)Z&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS] tks lkekU;r% jkstejkZ ds fuf”pr Lo#i
ds dk;Z djrk gks ftuesa mlls fu.kZ;] dq”kyrk dh eq[; vis{kk ugh gSsa fdUrq mls lkSis x,
dŸkZO;ksa ;k mlds lk{ksi vYi ¼lhfer½ dk;ksZ ds mfpr fuogZu dh mlls vis{kk gS vkSj tgkWa
egRoiw.kZ fu.kZ; vU; }kjk fy, tkrs gSSaA bl izdkj mldk dk;Z {ks= lhfer ifjf/k ds jkstejkZ
ds dk;ksZa dks djus rd gh lhfer jgsxkA
(iii) dq”ky% dq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks fopkj.kh; LorU= fu.kZ; dk iz;ksx dj ds n{krkiw.kZ
dk;Z djus esa l{ke gks vkSj vius dŸkZO;ksa dk ftEesnkjh ls ikyu dj ldsA og O;olk;
¼VsªM½] f”kYi ;k m|ksx ftlesa og fu;ksftr fd;k x;k gks] dk iw.kZ ,oa foLr`r Kku j[krk gksA
(iv) mPp&dq”ky mPp&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS tks dk;Z dks n{krkiw.kZ djus esa l{ke gks
vkSj tks dq”ky deZpkfj;ksa ds dk;Z dk n{krkiw.kZ i;Zos{k.k dj ldsA

vkns”k }kjk]

vfrfjDr eq[; lfpo (Je ,ao jkst+xkj½]

fgekpy Ikzns”k ljdkjA

la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 9 , 2021

1- leLr iz”kklfud lfpo] fgekpy izns”k ljdkjA

2- vfr0 eq[; lfpo] ek0 eq[; eU=h] fgekpy izns”k] f”keyk A
3- िविध ijke”khZ एवa iz/kku सिचव िविध ,fgekpy izns”k ljdkj f”keykA
4- िवशेष futh lfpo, ekuuh; Je ,oa jkstxkj eU=h fgekpy izns”kA
5- िवशेष futh lfpo, eq[; lfpo fgekpy izns”k ljdkjA
6- funs”kd] yscj C;wjk]s Hkkjr ljdkj f”keyk&171 004 A
7- leLr foHkkxk/;{k] fgekpy izns”kA
8- Jek;qDr ,oa funs”kd jkstxkj fgekpy izns”k dks muds i= la[;k 1&16@78¼ySc½,e-
MCy;w@8@07] fnukad 30-07-2021 ds lUnHkZ esaA
9- leLr mik;qDr fgekpy izns”kA
10- xkMZ QkbZyA

¼vfuy dqekj dVksp½

voj lfpo ¼Je ,oa jkstxkj½]
fgekpy çns”k ljdkj
fgekpy izns”k ljdkj
Je ,oa jkstxkj foHkkx
la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 , 2021
8.pk; ckxku ¼Vh IykaVs”ku½
fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky dh ;g jk; gS fd Þ Þds
vuqlwfpr fu;kstu ds vUrxZr vdq”ky vkSj deZdkjksa ds vU; izoxkasZ dh ckcr etnwjh dh U;wure njksa
dks ls la”kksf/kr fd;k tk,(

U;wure etnwjh vf/kfu;e]1948 ¼1948 dk vf/kfu;e la[;kd 11½ dh /kkjk 9 ds lkFk

ifBr /kkjk 5 dh mi/kkjk ¼1½ ds [k.M ¼d½ ds micU/kksa ds vuqlkj, vf/klwpuk la[;k Je¼,½4-2/2018-
एल, rkjh[k 30-07-2020 }kjk ,d U;wure etnwjh lykgdkj lfefr xfBr dh xbZ Fkh(

mDr lfefr dh cSBd rkjh[k dks gqbZ Fkh ftlesa leLr mUuhl
vuqlwfpr fu;kstuksa esa deZdkjksa ds lEkLr izoxksZa dks lans; U;wure etnwjh esa c<+kSrjh dks vuqeksfnr
fd;k x;k Fkk rFkk bls ls ykxw djus dh flQkfj”k dh xbZ Fkh(

vr% fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky iqoksZDr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 5 dh mi/kkjk ¼2½ }kjk
iznRr “kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq,] mijksDr of.kZr vuqlwfpr fu;kstu esa dk;Zjr deZdkjksa dh U;wure
etnwjh dks rkjh[k ls fuEu izdkj ls la”kksf/kr djrs gaS%&

deZdkjksa ds oxZ Lak”kksf/kr U;wure etnwjh

pk; ckxku esa QhYM deZdkj ikS/kkjksi.k]m[kkMusa] Lizs djus] [kkn nsus] :Ik, :Ik,
Nk;koj.k ¼”ksM yksfiax½ fujkbZ] dkaV &NkaV djus] xqMkbZ djus] rqM+kbZ @&nSfud 9 ekfld
vkfn ds dk;Z esa vdq”ky deZdkj ds uke ls Kkr fu;ksftrA

&;fn ifŸk;ksa dk rqMku djus okyk 12 fdyksxzke ls vf/kd pk; ifŸk;ka rksM+rk gS
;k rksMrh gS] rks mls 21.70 :Ik, izfr fdyksxzke] vfrfjDr izksRlkgu ds प मे feyasxsA

ifŸk;ka&;fn ifr;ksa dk rqMku djus okyk 13 fdyksxzke ls vf/kd pk; dh ifŸk;ka rksMrk gS
;k rksMrh gS] rks mls 17.17 :Ik, izfr fdyksxzke vfrfjDr izksRlkgu ds :Ik esa feysaxsA

ifŸk;ka&&&&;fn ifŸk;ksa dk rqMku djus okys izfrfnu 16 fdyksxzke ls vf/kd pk; dh

ifŸk;ka rksMrk gS ;k rksMrh gS] rks mls 12.80 :Ik, izfr fdyksxzke vfrfjDr izksRlkgu ds :Ik esa
feysaxs ifŸk;ka rksM+us ds fy, fu;ksftr ihl jsV deZdkjksa dks Øe”k% pk; ifŸk;ksa ds &^,^]^ch o ^lh^ xzsM
ds fy, 21.70 :Ik,] :Ik, vkSj :Ik, izfr fdyksxzke dh nj ls feysxs A
pk; dkj[kkus vkSj pk; ikS/kjksi.k esa yxk, x, deZdkjksa dks :Ik, izfrfnu] :Ik,
çfrekl feysaxas A

% :Ik, nSfud vkSj

blesa fy¶V etnwj ¼ifŸk;ksa dks lq[kkus okyk½] fuLrst etnwj] :Ik, @&ekfld
jSfyax :e odZj] f”kf¶Vax et+njw ] QesZafVax :e deZdkj]
Vh Cok,t] lkVZt] Vh&esdtZ]Vkbe dhij rFkk dSfj;j ¼>kyh½ “kkfey gSa A

ikS/kjksi.k % :Ik, :Ik, nSfud

:Ik, ekfld
Dyhuj] vflLVsaV dyhuj] cxhpk vflLVsaV] eksgjhtZ bR;kfn]
tks QhYM odZ dk fjdkMZ j[krs gSa rFkk blesa Lohij]ekyh rFkk esV Hkh “kkfey gksaxs A

1- Yks[kkdkj :i, izfrfnu :i, izfrekl] blds vfrfjDr eq¶r+ vkoklA

2- fyfid :i, izfrfnu :i, @&izfrekl] blds vfrfjDr eq¶r+ vkoklA
3- eqU”kh :i, izzfrfnu :i, izfrekl] blds vfrfjDr eq¶+r izlqfo/kk,a
tks fyfid dks vuqKs; gSaA

4- Pkijklh@ :i, izfrfnu :i, izfrekl] blds vfrfjDr eq¶+r izlqfo/kk tks
pkSdhnkj@ fyfid tkss vuqKs; gSaA

nSfud ekfld

5- dEikmUMj
6- Mªkboj ¼thi@dkj@VªSDVj ½
7- edSfud
8- vflLkVSUV edSfud
9- bySDVªhf”k;u&de&edSfud xzsM &I
10- bySDVªhf”k;u&de&edSfud xzsM &II

1- leku vkSj le#i izd`fr ds dk;Z ds fy, iq#’k ;k efgyk vkSj O;Ld ;k vO;Ld dh U;wure
etnwjh esa dksbZ fHkUurk ugha gksxhA
2 f”k{kqvksa dh etnwjh] f”k{kq vf/kfu;e] 1961¼1961 dk vf/kfu;e सं यांक 52½ ds varxZr fofu;fer
dh tk,xhA
3 tgk¡a fdlh oxhZd`r dk;Z dks ek=kuqikrh dke ¼ihl odZ½ ds vk/kkj ij fd;k tkrk gS ogka
etnwjh ml izoxZ ds fy, fofgr le; nj ls de ugha gksxhA
4 ;fn vuwlwfpr fu;kstu esa] fu;ksftr deZdkjksa ds fdlh izoxZ dks fofufnZ’V #i ls of.kZr ugha
fd;k x;k gS] rks deZdkjksa ds ,sls izoxZ dks mlh izdkj dh dq”kyrk j[kus okys le#i
izoxZ gsrq fu;r etnwjh dh U;wure nj ls de etnwjh lanRr ugha dh tk,xhA
5 fgekpy izns”k ds vuqlwfpr tutkrh; {ks=ksa esa U;wure etnwjh esa iPphl izfr”kr ls vf/kd
dh c<kSrjh ykxw gksxhA
vdq”ky@v)Z&dq”ky@dq”ky@mPp&dq”ky dh ifjHkk’kk bl izdkj gksxh%&

(i) vdq”ky%& vdq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks ,sls dk;Z djrk gS ftuesa lkekU; drZO;ksa dk
vuqikyu vUroZfyr gS] ftlesa de vuqHko visf{kr gS ;k ;|fi mithfodktU; ifjfLFkfr;ksa
ls ifjfpr gksuk vko”;d gsS ijUrq LorU= fu.kZ; ;k iwoZ vuqHko visf{kr ugha gSA vr% mlds
dk;Z esa “kkjhfjd ifjJe ¼iz;kl½ ds vykok mls oLrqvksa ;k eky dh fofo/krk ls Hkh ifjfpr
gksuk visf{kr gSA

(ii) v)Z&dq”ky% v)Z&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS] tks lkekU;r% jkstejkZ ds fuf”pr Lo#i ds
dk;Z djrk gks ftuesa mlls fu.kZ;] dq”kyrk dh eq[; vis{kk ugh gSsa fdUrq mls lkSis x,
dŸkZO;ksa ;k mlds lk{ksi vYi ¼lhfer½ dk;ksZ ds mfpr fuogZu dh mlls vis{kk gS vkSj tgka
egRoiw.kZ fu.kZ; vU; }kjk fy, tkrs gSSaA bl izdkj mldk dk;Z {ks= lhfer ifjf/k ds jkstejkZ
ds dk;ksZa dks djus rd gh lhfer jgsxkA

vkns”k }kjk]

vfrfjDr eq[; lfpo (Je ,ao jkst+xkj½]

fgekpy Ikzns”k ljdkjA
la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 , 2021

1- leLr iz”kklfud lfpo] fgekpy izns”k ljdkj A

2- vfr0 eq[; lfpo] ek0 eq[; eU=h] fgekpy izns”k] f”keyk A
3- िविध ijke”khZ एवa iz/kku सिचव िविध ,fgekpy izns”k ljdkj f”keykA
4- िवशेष futh lfpo, ekuuh; Je ,oa jkstxkj eU=h fgekpy izns”kA
5- िवशेष futh lfpo, eq[; lfpo fgekpy izns”k ljdkjA
6- funs”kd] yscj C;wjk]s Hkkjr ljdkj f”keyk&171 004 A
7- leLr foHkkxk/;{k] fgekpy izns”kA
8- Jek;qDr ,oa funs”kd jkstxkj fgekpy izns”k dks muds i= la[;k 1&16@78¼ySc½,e-
MCy;w@8@07] fnukad 30-07-2021 ds lUnHkZ esaA
9- leLr mik;qDr fgekpy izns”kA
10- xkMZ QkbZyA

¼vfuy dqekj dVksp½

voj lfpo ¼Je ,oa jkstxkj½]
fgekpy çns”k ljdkj
fgekpy izns”k ljdkj
Je ,oa jkstxkj foHkkx

la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 ,2021


fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky dh ;g jk; gS fd Þ dh

/kkjk&2 ds [k.M&V esa ;Fkk ifjHkkf’kr fofuekZ.k izfdz;kß ds vuqlwfpr fu;kstu ds vUrxZr vdq”ky vkSj
deZdkjks ds vU; izoxkasZ dh ckcr etnwjh dh U;wure njksa dks ls la”kksf/kr fd;k tk,(

U;wure etnwjh vf/kfu;e]1948 ¼1948 dk vf/kfu;e la[;kd 11½ dh /kkjk 9 ds lkFk

ifBr /kkjk 5 dh mi/kkjk ¼1½ ds [k.M ¼d½ ds micU/kksa ds vuqlkj] vf/klwpuk la[;k Je¼,½4-2/2018-
एल, rkjh[k 30-07-2020 }kjk] ,d U;wure etnwjh lykgdkj lfefr xfBr dh xbZ Fkh(

mDr lfefr dh cSBd rkjh[k dks gqbZ Fkh ftlesa leLr mUuhl
vuqlwfpr fu;kstuksa esa deZdkjksa ds lEkLr izoxksZa dks lans; U;wure etnwjh esa c<+kSrjh dks vuqeksfnr
fd;k x;k Fkk rFkk bls ls ykxw djus dh flQkfj”k dh xbZ Fkh(

vr% fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky] iwoksZDr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 5 dh mi/kkjk ¼2½ }kjk
iznRr “kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq,] mijksDr of.kZr vuqlwfpr fu;kstu esa dk;Zjr deZdkjksa dh U;wure
etnwjh dks rkjh[k ls fuEu izdkj ls la”kksf/kr djrs gaS%&

vdq”ky deZdkj
dq”ky vkSj fyfidh; :i, izfrfnu ;k :i, izfrekl

mPp dq”ky :i, izfrfnu ;k :i, izfrekl


1] leku vkSj le#i izd`fr ds dk;Z ds fy, iq#’k ;k efgyk vkSj O;Ld ;k
vO;Ld dh U;wure etnwjh esa dksbZ fHkUurk ugha gksxhA
2 f”k{kqvksa dh etnwjh] f”k{kq vf/kfu;e] 1961¼1961 dk vf/kfu;e सं यांक 52½ ds varxZr fofu;fer
dh tk,xhA
3 tgk¡a fdlh oxhZd`r dk;Z dks ek=kuqikrh dke ¼ihl odZ½ ds vk/kkj ij fd;k tkrk gS ogka
etnwjh ml izoxZ ds fy, fofgr le; nj ls de ugha gksxhA
4 ;fn vuwlwfpr fu;kstu esa] fu;ksftr deZdkjksa ds fdlh izoxZ dks fofufnZ’V #i ls of.kZr ugha
fd;k x;k gS] rks deZdkjksa ds ,sls izoxZ dks mlh izdkj dh dq”kyrk j[kus okys le#i
izoxZ gsrq fu;r etnwjh dh U;wure nj ls de etnwjh lanRr ugha dh tk,xhA
5 fgekpy izns”k ds vuqlwfpr tutkrh; {ks=ksa esa U;wure etnwjh esa iPphl izfr”kr ls vf/kd
dh c<kSrjh ykxw gksxhA
vdq”ky@v)Z&dq”ky@dq”ky@mPp&dq”ky dh ifjHkk’kk bl izdkj gksxh%&

(i) vdq”ky%& vdq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks ,sls dk;Z djrk gS ftuesa lkekU; drZO;ksa dk
vuqikyu vUroZfyr gS] ftlesa de vuqHko visf{kr gS ;k ;|fi mithfodktU; ifjfLFkfr;ksa
ls ifjfpr gksuk vko”;d gsS ijUrq LorU= fu.kZ; ;k iwoZ vuqHko visf{kr ugha gSA vr% mlds
dk;Z esa “kkjhfjd ifjJe ¼iz;kl½ ds vykok mls oLrqvksa ;k eky dh fofo/krk ls Hkh ifjfpr
gksuk visf{kr gSA

(ii) v)Z&dq”ky% v)Z&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS] tks lkekU;r% jkstejkZ ds fuf”pr Lo#i ds
dk;Z djrk gks ftuesa mlls fu.kZ;] dq”kyrk dh eq[; vis{kk ugh gSsa fdUrq mls lkSis x,
dŸkZO;ksa ;k mlds lk{ksi vYi ¼lhfer½ dk;ksZ ds mfpr fuogZu dh mlls vis{kk gS vkSj tgka
egRoiw.kZ fu.kZ; vU; }kjk fy, tkrs gSSaA bl izdkj mldk dk;Z {ks= lhfer ifjf/k ds jkstejkZ
ds dk;ksZa dks djus rd gh lhfer jgsxkA
(iii) dq”ky% dq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks fopkj.kh; LorU= fu.kZ; dk iz;ksx dj ds n{krkiw.kZ
dk;Z djus esa l{ke gks vkSj vius dŸkZO;ksa dk ftEesnkjh ls ikyu dj ldsA og O;olk;
¼VsªM½] f”kYi ;k m|ksx ftlesa og fu;ksftr fd;k x;k gks] dk iw.kZ ,oa foLr`r Kku j[krk gksA

(iv) mPp&dq”ky mPp&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS tks dk;Z dks n{krkiw.kZ djus esa l{ke gks
vkSj tks dq”ky deZpkfj;ksa ds dk;Z dk n{krkiw.kZ i;Zos{k.k dj ldsA
vkns”k }kjk]

vfrfjDr eq[; lfpo (Je ,ao jkst+xkj½]

fgekpy Ikzns”k ljdkjA
la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 , 2021

1- leLr iz”kklfud lfpo] fgekpy izns”k ljdkjA

2- vfr0 eq[; lfpo] ek0 eq[; eU=h] fgekpy izns”k] f”keyk A
3- िविध ijke”khZ एवa iz/kku सिचव िविध ,fgekpy izns”k ljdkj f”keykA
4- िवशेष futh lfpo, ekuuh; Je ,oa jkstxkj eU=h fgekpy izns”kA
5- िवशेष futh lfpo, eq[; lfpo fgekpy izns”k ljdkjA
6- funs”kd] yscj C;wjk]s Hkkjr ljdkj f”keyk&171 004 A
7- leLr foHkkxk/;{k] fgekpy izns”kA
8- Jek;qDr ,oa funs”kd jkstxkj fgekpy izns”k dks muds i= la[;k 1&16@78¼ySc½,e-
MCy;w@8@07] fnukad 30-07-2021 ds lUnHkZ esaA
9- leLr mik;qDr fgekpy izns”kA
10- xkMZ QkbZyA

¼vfuy dqekj dVksp½

voj lfpo ¼Je ,oa jkstxkj½]
fgekpy çns”k ljdkj
fgekpy izns”k ljdkj
Je ,oa jkstxkj foHkkx

la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 , 2021

fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky dh ;g jk; gS fd Þ ds vuqlwfpr

fu;kstu ds vUrxZr vdq”ky vkSj deZdkjksa ds vU; izoxkasZ dh ckcr etnwjh dh U;wure njksa dks
ls la”kksf/kr fd;k tk,(

U;wure etnwjh vf/kfu;e]1948 ¼1948 dk vf/kfu;e la[;kd 11½ dh /kkjk 9 ds lkFk

ifBr /kkjk 5 dh mi/kkjk ¼1½ ds [k.M ¼d½ ds micU/kksa ds vuqlkj vf/klwpuk la[;k Je¼,½4-2/2018-
एल, rkjh[k 30-07-2020 }kjk ,d U;wure etnwjh lykgdkj lfefr xfBr dh xbZ Fkh(

mDr lfefr dh cSBd rkjh[k dks gqbZ Fkh ftlesa leLr mUuhl
vuqlwfpr fu;kstuksa esa deZdkjksa ds lEkLr izoxksZa dks lans; U;wure etnwjh esa c<+kSrjh dks vuqeksfnr
fd;k x;k Fkk rFkk bls ls ykxw djus dh flQkfj”k dh xbZ Fkh (

vr% fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky] iwoksZDr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 5 dh mi/kkjk ¼2½ }kjk
iznRr “kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq,] mijksDr of.kZr vuqlwfpr fu;kstu esa dk;Zjr deZdkjksa dh U;wure
etnwjh dks rkjh[k ls fuEu izdkj ls la”kksf/kr djrs gaS%&

la”kksf/kr etnwjh
deZdkjksa ds izoxZ Tkgka dksbZ izlqfo/kk Tkgka la;qDr
miyC/k ugha vkokl vkSj [kkuk]
djkbZ xbZ gS pk; vkfn dh
izlqfo/kk miyC/k
djkbZ xbZ gS
vdq”ky% 1- 2- 3-

gSYij@ pkSdhnkj @ pijklh @Lohij @elkyph

@xsVeSu @ okVjeSu @ elsatj @ Dyksd :e
vVSaMsaV @ iksVj@fHk”rh @ csynkj @ Qk;jeSu
@ ikaMh @ iksLVj eSu ;k dksbZ vU; dkedkj tks
vdq”ky Js.kh dk dk;Z djrk gks A
v/kZdq”ky deZdkj
iaSVªheSu @ dkWQh&Vh esdj @ pikrhEkSu @lgk;d -
csdj @ dqd@ lgk;d gyokbZ @ cqd okbZaMj @
LfVpj @ :fyax dfVax @ vkWD”kuj @ ekyh @
gksVy xkbZM @ vflLVsaV feL=h @ vflLVsaV fQVj
@ lhojeSu @ vflLVsaV VuZj@ vflLVsaV
oSYMj@ vflLVsaV bZySDVªh”k;u@ vflLVsaV
lsYteSu @ vflLVsaV ckjcj @ /kksch @ izSleSu @
ckW;yjeSu@fQYe fjokabZMj @okVjohvjj@vflLVsaV
jsfM;ks edSfud@isaVj@OgkbV okW”kj@idkSMk vkSj
puk esdj@dydZ ¼ukWueSfVªd ½@ vflLVsaV LVksj
dhij@fMLVªhcwVj vkSj vflLVsaV e”khueSu @
bUkDok;fj ,VSUMsUV @ VsyhQksu ,VSUMsUV@
vkbZ0Vh0vkbZ0 izek.k i= /kkjd] tks vU; VªsM esa
dk;Zjr gS A

dq”ky deZdkj%
Mªkboj @ gyokbZ @ dqd@ dUQSD”kuj @ :Ik, :Ik,
csdj@ LVhokMZ @ cVyj@ MªkQVleSu @
VsyhQksu vkWijsVj @ fjlSi”kfuLV @ osVj@
os;jj@ LVksj dhij @ gSM osVj @ gSM
oh;jj ¼osLVuZZ LVkby gksVy ½ vkbZ0Vh0vkbZ0
izek.k i= /kkjd tks mlh VªsM esa dk;Zjr gS A


LVksj dhij @ DydZ ¼xzstq,V ½ @vdkmVsaV

@ gSM [ktkuph @ gSM&dqd @ gSM&cVyj
@ gSM&csdj @ gSM&dUQSD”kuj
@gSM&edSfud @ bySdVªhf”k;u @ QksjeSu
@ lqijokbtj@ Vsyj @ dVj ¼Vsyfjax ½ A

1] leku vkSj le#i izd`fr ds dk;Z ds fy, iq#’k ;k efgyk vkSj O;Ld ;k
vO;Ld dh U;wure etnwjh esa dksbZ fHkUurk ugha gksxhA
2 f”k{kqvksa dh etnwjh] f”k{kq vf/kfu;e] 1961¼1961 dk vf/kfu;e सं यांक 52½ ds varxZr fofu;fer
dh tk,xhA
3 tgk¡a fdlh oxhZd`r dk;Z dks ek=kuqikrh dke ¼ihl odZ½ ds vk/kkj ij fd;k tkrk gS ogka
etnwjh ml izoxZ ds fy, fofgr le; nj ls de ugha gksxhA
4 ;fn vuwlwfpr fu;kstu esa] fu;ksftr deZdkjksa ds fdlh izoxZ dks fofufnZ’V #i ls of.kZr ugha
fd;k x;k gS] rks deZdkjksa ds ,sls izoxZ dks mlh izdkj dh dq”kyrk j[kus okys le#i
izoxZ gsrq fu;r etnwjh dh U;wure nj ls de etnwjh lanRr ugha dh tk,xhA
5 fgekpy izns”k ds vuqlwfpr tutkrh; {ks=ksa esa U;wure etnwjh esa iPphl izfr”kr ls vf/kd
dh c<kSrjh ykxw gksxhA
vdq”ky@v)Z&dq”ky@dq”ky@mPp&dq”ky dh ifjHkk’kk bl izdkj gksxh%&

(i) vdq”ky%& vdq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks ,sls dk;Z djrk gS ftuesa lkekU; drZO;ksa dk
vuqikyu vUroZfyr gS] ftlesa de vuqHko visf{kr gS ;k ;|fi mithfodktU; ifjfLFkfr;ksa
ls ifjfpr gksuk vko”;d gsS ijUrq LorU= fu.kZ; ;k iwoZ vuqHko visf{kr ugha gSA vr% mlds
dk;Z esa “kkjhfjd ifjJe ¼iz;kl½ ds vykok mls oLrqvksa ;k eky dh fofo/krk ls Hkh ifjfpr
gksuk visf{kr gSA

(ii) v)Z&dq”ky% v)Z&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS] tks lkekU;r% jkstejkZ ds fuf”pr Lo#i ds
dk;Z djrk gks ftuesa mlls fu.kZ;] dq”kyrk dh eq[; vis{kk ugh gSsa fdUrq mls lkSis x,
dŸkZO;ksa ;k mlds lk{ksi vYi ¼lhfer½ dk;ksZ ds mfpr fuogZu dh mlls vis{kk gS vkSj tgka
egRoiw.kZ fu.kZ; vU; }kjk fy, tkrs gSSaA bl izdkj mldk dk;Z {ks= lhfer ifjf/k ds jkstejkZ
ds dk;ksZa dks djus rd gh lhfer jgsxkA
(iii) dq”ky% dq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks fopkj.kh; LorU= fu.kZ; dk iz;ksx dj ds n{krkiw.kZ
dk;Z djus esa l{ke gks vkSj vius dŸkZO;ksa dk ftEesnkjh ls ikyu dj ldsA og O;olk;
¼VsªM½] f”kYi ;k m|ksx ftlesa og fu;ksftr fd;k x;k gks] dk iw.kZ ,oa foLr`r Kku j[krk gksA
(iv) mPp&dq”ky mPp&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS tks dk;Z dks n{krkiw.kZ djus esa l{ke gks
vkSj tks dq”ky deZpkfj;ksa ds dk;Z dk n{krkiw.kZ i;Zos{k.k dj ldsA

vkns”k }kjk]

vfrfjDr eq[; lfpo (Je ,ao jkst+xkj½]

fgekpy Ikzns”k ljdkjA

la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 , 2021

1- leLr iz”kklfud lfpo] fgekpy izns”k ljdkjA

2- vfr0 eq[; lfpo] ek0 eq[; eU=h] fgekpy izns”k] f”keyk A
3- िविध ijke”khZ एवa iz/kku सिचव िविध ,fgekpy izns”k ljdkj f”keykA
4- िवशेष futh lfpo, ekuuh; Je ,oa jkstxkj eU=h fgekpy izns”kA
5- िवशेष futh lfpo, eq[; lfpo fgekpy izns”k ljdkjA
6- funs”kd] yscj C;wjk]s Hkkjr ljdkj f”keyk&171 004 A
7- leLr foHkkxk/;{k] fgekpy izns”kA
8- Jek;qDr ,oa funs”kd jkstxkj fgekpy izns”k dks muds i= la[;k 1&16@78¼ySc½,e-
MCy;w@8@07] fnukad 30-07-2021 ds lUnHkZ esaA
9- leLr mik;qDr fgekpy izns”kA
10- xkMZ QkbZyA

¼vfuy dqekj dVksp½

voj lfpo ¼Je ,oa jkstxkj½]
fgekpy çns”k ljdkj
fgekpy izns”k ljdkj
Je ,oa jkstxkj foHkkx

la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 9 ,2021

fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky dh ;g jk; gS fd Þ ds

vuqlwfpr fu;kstu ds vUrxZr vdq”ky vkSj deZdkjksa ds vU; izoxkasZ dh ckcr etnwjh dh U;wure njksa
dks ls la”kksf/kr fd;k tk,(

U;wure etnwjh vf/kfu;e]1948 ¼1948 dk vf/kfu;e la[;kd 11½ dh /kkjk 9 ds lkFk

ifBr /kkjk 5 dh mi/kkjk ¼1½ ds [k.M ¼d½ ds micU/kksa ds vuqlkj vf/klwpuk la[;k Je¼,½4-2/2018-
एल, rkjh[k 30-07-2020 }kjk] ,d U;wure etnwjh lykgdkj lfefr xfBr dh xbZ Fkh(

mDr lfefr dh cSBd rkjh[k dks gqbZ Fkh ftlesa leLr mUuhl
vuqlwfpr fu;kstuksa esa deZdkjksa ds lEkLr izoxksZa dks lans; U;wure etnwjh esa c<+kSrjh dks vuqeksfnr
fd;k x;k Fkk rFkk bls ls ykxw djus dh flQkfj”k dh xbZ Fkh(

vr% fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky] iwoksZDr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 5 dh mi/kkjk ¼2½ }kjk
iznRr “kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq,] mijksDr of.kZr vuqlwfpr fu;kstu esa dk;Zjr deZdkjksa dh U;wure
etnwjh dks rkjh[k ls fuEu izdkj ls la”kksf/kr djrs gaS%&
vdq”ky deZdkj :Ik;s 300 nSfud ;k :Ik;s 9000@& izfrekl
v)Z&dq”ky :Ik;s 316-99 nSfud ;k :Ik;s 9510 @&izfrekl
dq”ky :Ik;s 348-21 nSfud ;k :Ik;s 10446 @&izfrekl
mPp dq”ky :Ik;s 362-34 nSfud ;k :Ik;s 10870@& izfrekl


1] leku vkSj le#i izd`fr ds dk;Z ds fy, iq#’k ;k efgyk vkSj O;Ld ;k
vO;Ld dh U;wure etnwjh esa dksbZ fHkUurk ugha gksxhA
2 f”k{kqvksa dh etnwjh] f”k{kq vf/kfu;e] 1961¼1961 dk vf/kfu;e सं यांक 52½ ds varxZr fofu;fer
dh tk,xhA
3 tgk¡a fdlh oxhZd`r dk;Z dks ek=kuqikrh dke ¼ihl odZ½ ds vk/kkj ij fd;k tkrk gS ogka
etnwjh ml izoxZ ds fy, fofgr le; nj ls de ugha gksxhA
4 ;fn vuwlwfpr fu;kstu esa] fu;ksftr deZdkjksa ds fdlh izoxZ dks fofufnZ’V #i ls of.kZr ugha
fd;k x;k gS] rks deZdkjksa ds ,sls izoxZ dks mlh izdkj dh dq”kyrk j[kus okys le#i
izoxZ gsrq fu;r etnwjh dh U;wure nj ls de etnwjh lanRr ugha dh tk,xhA
5 fgekpy izns”k ds vuqlwfpr tutkrh; {ks=ksa esa U;wure etnwjh esa iPphl izfr”kr ls vf/kd
dh c<kSrjh ykxw gksxhA
vdq”ky@v)Z&dq”ky@dq”ky@mPp&dq”ky dh ifjHkk’kk bl izdkj gksxh%&

(i) vdq”ky%& vdq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks ,sls dk;Z djrk gS ftuesa lkekU; drZO;ksa dk
vuqikyu vUroZfyr gS] ftlesa de vuqHko visf{kr gS ;k ;|fi mithfodktU; ifjfLFkfr;ksa
ls ifjfpr gksuk vko”;d gsS ijUrq LorU= fu.kZ; ;k iwoZ vuqHko visf{kr ugha gSA vr% mlds
dk;Z esa “kkjhfjd ifjJe ¼iz;kl½ ds vykok mls oLrqvksa ;k eky dh fofo/krk ls Hkh ifjfpr
gksuk visf{kr gSA

(ii) v)Z&dq”ky% v)Z&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS] tks lkekU;r% jkstejkZ ds fuf”pr Lo#i ds
dk;Z djrk gks ftuesa mlls fu.kZ;] dq”kyrk dh eq[; vis{kk ugh gSsa fdUrq mls lkSis x,
dŸkZO;ksa ;k mlds lk{ksi vYi ¼lhfer½ dk;ksZ ds mfpr fuogZu dh mlls vis{kk gS vkSj tgka
egRoiw.kZ fu.kZ; vU; }kjk fy, tkrs gSSaA bl izdkj mldk dk;Z {ks= lhfer ifjf/k ds jkstejkZ
ds dk;ksZa dks djus rd gh lhfer jgsxkA
(iii) dq”ky% dq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks fopkj.kh; LorU= fu.kZ; dk iz;ksx dj ds n{krkiw.kZ
dk;Z djus esa l{ke gks vkSj vius dŸkZO;ksa dk ftEesnkjh ls ikyu dj ldsA og O;olk;
¼VsªM½] f”kYi ;k m|ksx ftlesa og fu;ksftr fd;k x;k gks] dk iw.kZ ,oa foLr`r Kku j[krk gksA

(iv) mPp&dq”ky mPp&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS tks dk;Z dks n{krkiw.kZ djus esa l{ke gks
vkSj tks dq”ky deZpkfj;ksa ds dk;Z dk n{krkiw.kZ i;Zos{k.k dj ldsA

vkns”k }kjk]

vfrfjDr eq[; lfpo (Je ,ao jkst+xkj½]

fgekpy Ikzns”k ljdkjA
la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 , 2021

1- leLr iz”kklfud lfpo] fgekpy izns”k ljdkjA

2- vfr0 eq[; lfpo] ek0 eq[; eU=h] fgekpy izns”k] f”keyk A
3- िविध ijke”khZ एवa iz/kku सिचव िविध ,fgekpy izns”k ljdkj f”keykA
4- िवशेष futh lfpo, ekuuh; Je ,oa jkstxkj eU=h fgekpy izns”kA
5- िवशेष futh lfpo, eq[; lfpo fgekpy izns”k ljdkjA
6- funs”kd] yscj C;wjk]s Hkkjr ljdkj f”keyk&171 004 A
7- leLr foHkkxk/;{k] fgekpy izns”kA
8- Jek;qDr ,oa funs”kd jkstxkj fgekpy izns”k dks muds i= la[;k 1&16@78¼ySc½,e-
MCy;w@8@07] fnukad 30-07-2021 ds lUnHkZ esaA
9- leLr mik;qDr fgekpy izns”kA
10- xkMZ QkbZyA

¼vfuy dqekj dVksp½

voj lfpo ¼Je ,oa jkstxkj½]
fgekpy çns”k ljdkj
fgekpy izns”k ljdkj
Je ,oa jkstxkj foHkkx

la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 , 2021

fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky dh ;g jk; gS fd ds

vuqlwfpr fu;kstu ds vUrxZr vdq”ky vkSj deZdkjks ds vU; izoxksZa dh ckcr et+nwjh dh U;wure njksa
dks ls la”kksf/kr fd;k tk,(
U;wure etnwjh vf/kfu;e] 1948 ¼1948 dk vf/kfu;e la[;kd 11½ dh /kkjk 9 ds lkFk
ifBr /kkjk 5 dh mi/kkjk ¼1½ ds [kUM¼d½ ds micU/kksa ds vuqlkj vf/klwpuk la[;k% Je¼,½4-2/2018-
एल, rkjh[k 30-07-2020 }kjk] U;wure etnwjh lykgdkj lfefr xfBr dh xbZ Fkh(
mDr lfefr dh cSBd rkjh[k dks gqbZ Fkh] ftlesa leLr mUuhl
vuqlwfpr fu;kstuksa esa deZdkjksa ds leLr izoxksaZ dks lUns; U;wure etnwjh esa c<+kSrjh dks vuqeksfnr
fd;k x;k Fkk rFkk bls rkjh[k dks ykxw djus dh flQkfj”k dh xbZ Fkh(
vr% fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky] iwoksZDr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk&5 dh mi/kkjk ¼2½ }kjk
iznRr ”kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq,] mijksDr of.kZr vuqlwfpr deZdkjksa dh U;wure etnwjh dks rkjh[k
ls fuEu izdkj ls la”kksf/kr djrs gS%&

deZdkjksa ds izoxZ
¼ vdq”ky U;wure etnwjh
nSfud ekfld
pijklh] iEi vkWijsVj dk lgk;d] dUØhV iEi vkWijsVj dk
lgk;d]iEi vVSUMsUV] tsMCY;wvkj Øsu vkWijsVj dk lgk;d]
IykaV vkWijsVj dk lgk;d],DldosVj vkWijsVj dk lgk;d]
dUØhfVax IykaV vkWijsVj dk lgk;d] yksMj vkWijsVj dk
lgk;d] VsejkWd vkWijsVj dk lgk;d] eSdsfud dk
lgk;d]Vjuj dk lgk;d]bYkSDVªhf”k;u dk lgk;d] vksVks
bYkSDVªhf”k;u dk lgk;d]osYMj dk lgk;d] fQVj dk lgk;d]
dkjisUVj dk lgk;d] Hkkjh eksVj ;ku pkyd dk lgk;d]
[kyklh dk lgk;d] dEijs”kj vVsUMsV] tujsVj vVsUMsV] Vh,e
vVsUMsV] dUdzhV feDpj IykaV vkWijsVj dk lgk;d] Qk;j eSu
dk lgk;d] LVksu Mz~slj dk lgk;d] gsM okWp eSu dk
lgk;d] yscksjsVªh vflLVsUV dk lgk;d] xst jhMj dk
lgk;d] VkbZe dhij dk lgk;d] Mhty tujsVj lsV vkWijsVj
dk lgk;d] tujsVj vkWijsVj dk lgk;d] ok;jysl vkWijsVj
dk lgk;d] batu fQVj dk lgk;d] Mhty batu fQVj dk
lgk;d] ikbZi fQVj dk lgk;d] iqtkjh dk lgk;d] dyhuj
&de&csynkj]okW”kj eSu] ok”kj esM] vkWfQl ckW;] dys dyhuj]
lgk;d cwej] vkWVkseksckbZy fQVj dk lgk;d] elkyph] ,vj
dUMh”kuhax IykaV lgk;d] lqijokbZtj dk lgk;d] eSl
lgk;d] lQkbZ deZpkjh A

dfu’B iEi vkWijsVj] dfu’B dUdzhV iEi vkWijsVj] dfu’B

tsMCY;wvkj Øsu vkWijsVj] dfu’B IykaV vkWijsVj] dfu’B
ukstyeSu] dfu’B ,DldosVj vkWijsVj] dfu’B dUdzhfVax IykaV
vkWijsVj] dfu’B yksMj vkWijsVj] dfu’B VsejkWd vkWijsVj] dfu’B
eSdsfud] dfu’B vksVks bYkSDVªhf”k;u] dfu’B osYMj] dfu’B
fQVj] dfu’B Vk;j fQVj] dfu’B isUVj] dfu’B iyEcj]dfu’B
MsUVj] dfu’B dkjisUVj] flD;ksfjVh xkMZ] [kyklh ¼rhu o’kZ dk
vuqHko½ dfu’B dEizslj vVSUMS.V] tusjsVj vVsUMsV]
yksdkseksfVo vVSUMS.V] dUØhV feDpj vVsUMsV] lgk;d Qk;j
eSu] LVksu MªSlj] yscksVªzjh lgk;d] xst jhMj] VkbZe dhij]
Mhty tusjVs j lsV vkWijsVj] tusjsVj vkWijsVj] ok;jysl
vkWijsVj] dfu’B Mhty batu fQVj] dfu’B ikbZi fQVj]
nwjHkk’k vVS.MsaV] lgk;d losZ;j] dk;kZy; vVsUMsV] dfu’B
vkW;yj] dfu’B fMªyj] dfu’B tslhch vkWijsVj] dfu’B LØsij]
iqtkjh] lgk;d LVksj dhij] lgk;d LVksj eqU”kh] dEiysaV
vVSUMS.V] dfu’B bYkSfDVªf”k;u] ekyh A
Mkstj vkWijsVj] xzsMj vkWijsVj] yksMj vkWijsVj] cSfpax IykaV
vkWijsVj] Øf”kax vkWijsVj] ,DldosVj vkWijsVj] lh,eVh dzsu
vkWijsVj] 26 Vu MEij vkWijsVj] IykaV vkWijsVj] tusjsVj
vkWijsVj] tslhch vkWijsVj]yksdkseksfVo vkWijsVj] VsejkWd@tEcks
vkWijsVj] eSdsfud] VuZj] osYMj] fMªyj] uksty eSu]fQVj] LVhy
fQDlj] yksgkj] CykLVj] dkjisUVj] vksVks bYkfSDVªf”k;u] isUVj]
MsUVj ]eslu] iyEcj] ckj ckbZUMj] Vk;j fQVj] lh,eVh
vkWijsVj] ,0lh0 IykaV vkWijsVj] esjyks vkWijsVj] odZ bUliSDVj]
lqijokbZtj]dSEi bUpktZ] ukWu Vsduhdy lqijokbZtj] ¼ekbZafuax
cykfLVax½ pkyd] eksckbZy dzsu vkWijsVj] cdksg vkWijsVj] gkbMªks
dszu vkWijsVj] losZ;j] LØsi vkWijsVj] ckWcdsV vkWijsVj] Ldwi
vkWijsVj] xsjksfVax iEi vkWijsVj] eksVj ckbZMaj] MkVk ,UVªh
vkWijsVj] dsf”k;j ]LVksj dhij] ys[kk dydZ] dyZd] dEi;wVj
vkWijsVj] dqd] [kyklh ¼ikap o’kZ ls vf/kd dk vuqHko½] vkSj
/kksch A

ofj’B Øsu vkWijsVj] ofj’B csfpax IykaV vkWijsVj] Okfj’B Vªsyj
vkWijsVj] Okfj’B MEij vkWijsVj] Vuy cksfjxa e”khu vkWijsVj]
Okfj’B IykaV vkWijsVj] Okfj’B gsoh vFkZ ewfoax e”khu vkWijsVj]
Okfj’B Mkstj vkWijsVj] Okfj’B yksMj vkWijsVj] Okfj’B lhbZ IykaV
vkWijsVj] Okfj’B dkjisUVj] Okfj’B edSfud] Okfj’B fMªyj] Okfj’B
yksgkj] Okfj’B bySfDVªf”k;u] Okfj’B ckj ckbZUMj] Okfj’B vksVks
bYkSDfVz~f”k;u] Okfj’B fQVj] Okfj’B Vk;j fQVj] Okfj’B VuZj]
ofj’B csYMj] Okfj’B MsUVj] pkyd] ¼Hkkjh ifjogu ;ku½] Vkoj
Øsu vkWijsVj] Okfj’B ossYMj ,Dljs] dscy TokbZVaj] Okfj’B CykLVj]
40 Vu MEij vkWijsVj] Okfj’B tEcks vkWijsVj] QksjeSu]
xueSu] ofj’B ,0lh0 IykaV vkWijsVj] odZ”kkWi eSdsfud]
dEikmaMj] dSfedy ,ukykbZtj] yscksjsVjh ,fllVsUV] QkekZflLV]
ulZ] LVsuksxzkQj] ,dkmVsUV][kyklh ¼vkB o’kZ ls vf/kd dk


1] leku vkSj le#i izd`fr ds dk;Z ds fy, iq#’k ;k efgyk vkSj O;Ld ;k vO;Ld dh U;wure
etnwjh esa dksbZ fHkUurk ugha gksxhA
2 f”k{kqvksa dh etnwjh] f”k{kq vf/kfu;e] 1961¼1961 dk vf/kfu;e सं यांक 52½ ds varxZr fofu;fer
dh tk,xhA
3 tgk¡a fdlh oxhZd`r dk;Z dks ek=kuqikrh dke ¼ihl odZ½ ds vk/kkj ij fd;k tkrk gS ogka
etnwjh ml izoxZ ds fy, fofgr le; nj ls de ugha gksxhA
4 ;fn vuwlwfpr fu;kstu esa] fu;ksftr deZdkjksa ds fdlh izoxZ dks fofufnZ’V #i ls of.kZr ugha
fd;k x;k gS] rks deZdkjksa ds ,sls izoxZ dks mlh izdkj dh dq”kyrk j[kus okys le#i
izoxZ gsrq fu;r etnwjh dh U;wure nj ls de etnwjh lanRr ugha dh tk,xhA
5 lqjx
a ks ds vUnj dk;Zjr deZdkjksa dks etnwjh dh U;wure nj esa chl izfr”kr ls vf/kd c<ksrjh
vuqKs; gksxhA
6 xSj tu&tkrh; {ks=ksa esa vofLFkr fuek.kkZ/khu gkbMªks bySDVªhd ty fo|qr ifj;kstukvksa esa
dk;Zjr deZdkjksa ds fofHkUu izoxkZsa dks etnwjh dh U;wure nj esa iPphl izfr”kr ls vf/kd
dh c<kSrjh ykxw gksxhA
7 fgekpy izns”k ds vuqlwfpr tu&tkrh; {ks=ksa esa U;wure etnwjh esa iPphl Ikzfr”kr ls
vf/kd dh c<kSrjh ykxw gksxhA tutkrh; {ks=ksa es fuek.kZ/khu gkbMªks bySfDVªd ifj;kstukvksa esa
dk;Zjr deZZdkjksa dh n”kk esa vfrfjDr nl izfr”kr dh c<kSrjh ykxw gksxhA
vdq”ky@v)Z&dq”ky@dq”ky@mPp&dq”ky dh ifjHkk’kk bl izdkj gksxh%&

(i) vdq”ky%& vdq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks ,sls dk;Z djrk gS ftuesa lkekU; drZO;ksa dk
vuqikyu vUroZfyr gS] ftlesa de vuqHko visf{kr gS ;k ;|fi mithfodktU; ifjfLFkfr;ksa
ls ifjfpr gksuk vko”;d gsS ijUrq LorU= fu.kZ; ;k iwoZ vuqHko visf{kr ugha gSA vr% mlds
dk;Z esa “kkjhfjd ifjJe ¼iz;kl½ ds vykok mls oLrqvksa ;k eky dh fofo/krk ls Hkh ifjfpr
gksuk visf{kr gSA

(ii) v)Z&dq”ky% v)Z&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS] tks lkekU;r% jkstejkZ ds fuf”pr Lo#i ds
dk;Z djrk gks ftuesa mlls fu.kZ;] dq”kyrk dh eq[; vis{kk ugh gSsa fdUrq mls lkSis x,
dŸkZO;ksa ;k mlds lk{ksi vYi ¼lhfer½ dk;ksZ ds mfpr fuogZu dh mlls vis{kk gS vkSj tgka
egRoiw.kZ fu.kZ; vU; }kjk fy, tkrs gSSaA bl izdkj mldk dk;Z {ks= lhfer ifjf/k ds jkstejkZ
ds dk;ksZa dks djus rd gh lhfer jgsxkA
(iii) dq”ky% dq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks fopkj.kh; LorU= fu.kZ; dk iz;ksx dj ds n{krkiw.kZ
dk;Z djus esa l{ke gks vkSj vius dŸkZO;ksa dk ftEesnkjh ls ikyu dj ldsA og O;olk;
¼VsªM½] f”kYi ;k m|ksx ftlesa og fu;ksftr fd;k x;k gks] dk iw.kZ ,oa foLr`r Kku j[krk gksA

(iv) mPp&dq”ky mPp&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS tks dk;Z dks n{krkiw.kZ djus esa l{ke gks
vkSj tks dq”ky deZpkfj;ksa ds dk;Z dk n{krkiw.kZ i;Zos{k.k dj ldsA
vkns”k }kjk]

vfrfjDr eq[; lfpo (Je ,ao jkst+xkj½]

fgekpy Ikzns”k ljdkjA

la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 , 2021

1- leLr iz”kklfud lfpo] fgekpy izns”k ljdkj A

2- vfr0 eq[; lfpo] ek0 eq[; eU=h] fgekpy izns”k] f”keyk A
3- िविध ijke”khZ एवa iz/kku सिचव िविध ,fgekpy izns”k ljdkj f”keykA
4- िवशेष futh lfpo, ekuuh; Je ,oa jkstxkj eU=h fgekpy izns”kA
5- िवशेष futh lfpo, eq[; lfpo fgekpy izns”k ljdkjA
6- funs”kd] yscj C;wjk]s Hkkjr ljdkj f”keyk&171 004 A
7- leLr foHkkxk/;{k] fgekpy izns”kA
8- Jek;qDr ,oa funs”kd jkstxkj fgekpy izns”k dks muds i= la[;k 1&16@78¼ySc½,e-
MCy;w@8@07] fnukad 30-07-2021 ds lUnHkZ esaA
9- leLr mik;qDr fgekpy izns”kA
10- xkMZ QkbZyA

¼vfuy dqekj dVksp½

voj lfpo ¼Je ,oa jkstxkj½]
fgekpy çns”k ljdkj
fgekpy izns”k ljdkj
Je ,oa jkstxkj foHkkx

la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 9 , 2021

fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky dh ;g jk; gS fd Þ a ds vuqlwfpr

fu;kstu ds vUrxZr vdq”ky vkSj deZdkjksa ds vU; izoxksZa dh ckcr et+nwjh dh U;wure njksa dks
ls la”kksf/kr fd;k tk,(
U;wure etnwjh vf/kfu;e] 1948 ¼1948 dk vf/kfu;e la[;kd 11½ dh /kkjk 9 ds lkFk
ifBr /kkjk 5 dh mi/kkjk ¼1½ ds [kUM ¼d½ ds micU/kksa ds vuqlkj vf/klwpuk la[;k% Je¼,½4-2/2018-
एल, rkjh[k 30-07-2020 }kjk U;wure etnwjh lykgdkj lfefr xfBr dh xbZ Fkh(
mDr lfefr dh cSBd rkjh[k dks gqbZ Fkh ]ftlesa leLr mUuhl
vuqlwfpr fu;kstuksa esa deZdkjksa ds leLr izoxksaZ dks lUns; U;wure etnwjh esa c<+kSrjh dks vuqeksfnr
fd;k x;k Fkk rFkk bls rkjh[k dks ykxw djus dh flQkfj”k dh xbZ Fkh(
vr% fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky] iwoksZDr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk&5 dh mi/kkjk ¼2½ }kjk
iznRr ”kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq,] mijksDr of.kZr vuqlwfpr deZdkjksa dh U;wure etnwjh dks rkjh[k
ls fuEu izdkj ls la”kksf/kr djrs gS%&

deZdkjksa ds izoxZ
U;wure etnwjh
nSfud ekfld
iSfdax gSYij] e”khu gSYij] yscksjsVjh
gSYij] LVksj gSYij] gkml dhihax gSYij] pijklh] A

%&Rkduhf”k;u ¼Mh0 QkekZ½] fQVj

¼vkbZVhvkbZ½] esu~fVusULk ¼vkbZVhvkbZ½] ihMCy;w vkWijsVj]
ekyh] fld;ksfjVh xkMZ] ,lhlVsUV LVksjdhij] ,lhlVsUV
LVksj eqU”kh] dEiysUV vVsUMsV]A
%& vkWfQlj ¼ch QkekZ½] VSDuhDy
lqijokbZtj ¼vkbZVhvkbZ fMIyksek] Mh QkekZ½] vkWijsVj]
fld;ksfjVh lqijokbZtj] bySfDVªf”k;u] LVksjdhij]
,dkmUVl DydZ] DydZ] dEi;wVj vkWijsVj] MkVk ,UVªh
vkWijsVj vkSj dSf”k;j A

%& lsYt vkWfQlj] lsYt

,XftD;wfVo] lsYt izeks”ku bEiykbZ] eSfMdy ,.M lsYt
fjizslsUVsfVo ] ch0 QkekZ] ,dkmUVsUV] ch,llh dsfeLV]
,e,llh dSfeLV vkSj LVsuks xzkQj A

1 leku vkSj le#i izd`fr ds dk;Z ds fy, iq#’k ;k efgyk vkSj O;Ld ;k vO;Ld dh U;wure
etnwjh esa dksbZ fHkUurk ugha gksxhA
2 f”k{kqvksa dh etnwjh] f”k{kq vf/kfu;e] 1961¼1961 dk vf/kfu;e सं यांक 52½ ds varxZr fofu;fer
dh tk,xhA
3 tgk¡a fdlh oxhZd`r dk;Z dks ek=kuqikrh dke ¼ihl odZ½ ds vk/kkj ij fd;k tkrk gS ogka
etnwjh ml izoxZ ds fy, fofgr le; nj ls de ugha gksxhA
4 ;fn vuwlwfpr fu;kstu esa] fu;ksftr deZdkjksa ds fdlh izoxZ dks fofufnZ’V #i ls of.kZr ugha
fd;k x;k gS] rks deZdkjksa ds ,sls izoxZ dks mlh izdkj dh dq”kyrk j[kus okys le#i
izoxZ gsrq fu;r etnwjh dh U;wure nj ls de etnwjh lanRr ugha dh tk,xhA
5 fgekpy izns”k ds vuqlwfpr tutkrh; {ks=ksa esa U;wure etnwjh esa iPphl izfr”kr ls vf/kd
dh c<kSrjh ykxw gksxhA
vdq”ky@v)Z&dq”ky@dq”ky@mPp&dq”ky dh ifjHkk’kk bl izdkj gksxh%&

(i) vdq”ky%& vdq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks ,sls dk;Z djrk gS ftuesa lkekU; drZO;ksa dk
vuqikyu vUroZfyr gS] ftlesa de vuqHko visf{kr gS ;k ;|fi mithfodktU; ifjfLFkfr;ksa
ls ifjfpr gksuk vko”;d gsS ijUrq LorU= fu.kZ; ;k iwoZ vuqHko visf{kr ugha gSA vr% mlds
dk;Z esa “kkjhfjd ifjJe ¼iz;kl½ ds vykok mls oLrqvksa ;k eky dh fofo/krk ls Hkh ifjfpr
gksuk visf{kr gSA

(ii) v)Z&dq”ky% v)Z&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS] tks lkekU;r% jkstejkZ ds fuf”pr Lo#i ds
dk;Z djrk gks ftuesa mlls fu.kZ;] dq”kyrk dh eq[; vis{kk ugh gSsa fdUrq mls lkSis x,
dŸkZO;ksa ;k mlds lk{ksi vYi ¼lhfer½ dk;ksZ ds mfpr fuogZu dh mlls vis{kk gS vkSj tgka
egRoiw.kZ fu.kZ; vU; }kjk fy, tkrs gSSaA bl izdkj mldk dk;Z {ks= lhfer ifjf/k ds jkstejkZ
ds dk;ksZa dks djus rd gh lhfer jgsxkA
(iii) dq”ky% dq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks fopkj.kh; LorU= fu.kZ; dk iz;ksx dj ds n{krkiw.kZ
dk;Z djus esa l{ke gks vkSj vius dŸkZO;ksa dk ftEesnkjh ls ikyu dj ldsA og O;olk;
¼VsªM½] f”kYi ;k m|ksx ftlesa og fu;ksftr fd;k x;k gks] dk iw.kZ ,oa foLr`r Kku j[krk gksA

(iv) mPp&dq”ky mPp&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS tks dk;Z dks n{krkiw.kZ djus esa l{ke gks
vkSj tks dq”ky deZpkfj;ksa ds dk;Z dk n{krkiw.kZ i;Zos{k.k dj ldsA
vkns”k }kjk]

vfrfjDr eq[; lfpo (Je ,ao jkst+xkj½]

fgekpy Ikzns”k ljdkjA

la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 , 2021

1- leLr iz”kklfud lfpo] fgekpy izns”k ljdkjA

2- vfr0 eq[; lfpo] ek0 eq[; eU=h] fgekpy izns”k] f”keyk A
3- िविध ijke”khZ एवa iz/kku सिचव िविध ,fgekpy izns”k ljdkj f”keykA
4- िवशेष futh lfpo, ekuuh; Je ,oa jkstxkj eU=h fgekpy izns”kA
5- िवशेष futh lfpo, eq[; lfpo fgekpy izns”k ljdkjA
6- funs”kd] yscj C;wjk]s Hkkjr ljdkj f”keyk&171 004 A
7- leLr foHkkxk/;{k] fgekpy izns”kA
8- Jek;qDr ,oa funs”kd jkstxkj fgekpy izns”k dks muds i= la[;k 1&16@78¼ySc½,e-
MCy;w@8@07] fnukad 30-07-2021 ds lUnHkZ esaA
9- leLr mik;qDr fgekpy izns”kA
10- xkMZ QkbZyA

¼vfuy dqekj dVksp½

voj lfpo ¼Je ,oa jkstxkj½]
fgekpy çns”k ljdkj
fgekpy izns”k ljdkj
Je ,oa jkstxkj foHkkx

la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 9 , 2021

fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky dh ;g jk; gS fd

ds vuqlwfpr fu;kstu ds vUrxZr vdq”ky vkSj deZdkjksa ds vU; izoxksZa dh ckcr et+nwjh dh
U;wure njksa dks ls la”kksf/kr fd;k tk,(

U;wure etnwjh vf/kfu;e]1948 ¼1948 dk vf/kfu;e la[;kd 11½ dh /kkjk 9

ds lkFk ifBr /kkjk 5 dh mi/kkjk ¼1½ ds [k.M ¼d½ ds micU/kksa ds vuqlkj vf/klwpuk la[;k% Je¼,½4-
2/2018-एल rkjh[k 30-07-2020 }kjk] U;wure etnwjh lykgdkj lfefr xfBr dh xbZ Fkh(
mDr lfefr dh cSBd rkjh[k dks gqbZ Fkh ]ftlesa leLr mUuhl
vuqlwfpr fu;kstuksa esa deZdkjksa ds leLr izoxksaZ dks lans; U;wure etnwjh esa c<+kSrjh dks vuqeksfnr
fd;k x;k Fkk rFkk bls rkjh[k dks ykxw djus dh flQkfj”k dh xbZ Fkh(
vr% fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky] iwoksZDr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk&5 dh mi/kkjk ¼2½
}kjk iznRr ”kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq,] mijksDr of.kZr vuqlwfpr deZdkjksa dh U;wure etnwjh dks
rkjh[k ls fuEu izdkj ls la”kksf/kr djrs gS%&

deZdkjksa ds izoxZ Tkgka dksbZ izlqfo/kk miyC/k tgak Hkkstu] pk; vkSj
ugha djkbZ xbZ gS la;qDr vkokl lqfo/kk
miyC/k djkbZ xbZ gS

gSYij] Dyhuj] pkSdhnkj]@ okWp eSu] pijklh]

:e Cok; ]vkfQl Cok; vkSj elkyphA
fDyfud vVsUMsV] vlhlVsUV yScksjsVjh
rduhf”k;u] xkMZ] Lohij] vkWijs”ku fFk;sVj
vlhLVsUV] vlhlVsUV LVksj dhij] vlhlVsUV
LVksj eqU”kh] dEiysUV vVsUMsV] okMZ Cok; @okMZ
vVSUMsaV ¼0 ls 3 o’kZ dk vuqHko½

fjlsI”kfuLV QkekZflLV] dEikm.Mj] yscksjsVjh

rduhf”k;u] ,Dljs rduhf”k;u] ,,u,e]
s nkbZ] bySfDVª~f”k;u] jsfM;ks xzkQj]bZlhth
vkijsVj] ,Dljs MkdZ:e ,lhlVsUV] vksou
vkijsVj] vkWDlhtu IykaV vkijsVj] ghfVaax IykaV
dUVªksyj ,lhlVsUV] pkyd] lh,l,lMh
,lhlVsUV] vkWijs”ku fFk;sVj rduhf”k;u] vkbZ
fjQzSd”kfuLV]LVksj dhij],dkmUVl DydZ]
DydZ] dEI;wVj vkWijsVj] MkVk ,UVªh vkWijsVj]
dSf”k;j] fQVj] iYkEcj] lqijokbtj] dqd vkSj
/kksch okMZ Cok; ¼3 o’kZ ls Åij dk vuqHko½A

LVkQ ulZ] flD;ksfjVh lqijokbtj] ofj’B

bySfDVª~f”k;u] ofj’B rduhf”k;u] ofj’B jsfM;ks
xzkQj] ofj’B dEikm.Mj] ,dkmUVsUV] LVsuks&
xzkQj A

1 leku vkSj le#i izd`fr ds dk;Z ds fy, iq#’k ;k efgyk vkSj O;Ld ;k vO;Ld dh U;wure
etnwjh esa dksbZ fHkUurk ugha gksxhA
2 f”k{kqvksa dh etnwjh] f”k{kq vf/kfu;e] 1961¼1961 dk vf/kfu;e सं यांक 52½ ds varxZr fofu;fer
dh tk,xhA
3 tgk¡a fdlh oxhZd`r dk;Z dks ek=kuqikrh dke ¼ihl odZ½ ds vk/kkj ij fd;k tkrk gS ogka
etnwjh ml izoxZ ds fy, fofgr le; nj ls de ugha gksxhA
4 ;fn vuwlwfpr fu;kstu esa] fu;ksftr deZdkjksa ds fdlh izoxZ dks fofufnZ’V #i ls of.kZr ugha
fd;k x;k gS] rks deZdkjksa ds ,sls izoxZ dks mlh izdkj dh dq”kyrk j[kus okys le#i
izoxZ gsrq fu;r etnwjh dh U;wure nj ls de etnwjh lanRr ugha dh tk,xhA
5 fgekpy izns”k ds vuqlwfpr tutkrh; {ks=ksa esa U;wure etnwjh esa iPphl izfr”kr ls vf/kd
dh c<kSrjh ykxw gksxhA

vdq”ky@v)Z&dq”ky@dq”ky@mPp&dq”ky dh ifjHkk’kk bl izdkj gksxh%&

(i) vdq”ky%& vdq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks ,sls dk;Z djrk gS ftuesa lkekU; drZO;ksa dk
vuqikyu vUroZfyr gS] ftlesa de vuqHko visf{kr gS ;k ;|fi mithfodktU; ifjfLFkfr;ksa
ls ifjfpr gksuk vko”;d gsS ijUrq LorU= fu.kZ; ;k iwoZ vuqHko visf{kr ugha gSA vr% mlds
dk;Z esa “kkjhfjd ifjJe ¼iz;kl½ ds vykok mls oLrqvksa ;k eky dh fofo/krk ls Hkh ifjfpr
gksuk visf{kr gSA

(ii) v)Z&dq”ky% v)Z&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS] tks lkekU;r% jkstejkZ ds fuf”pr Lo#i ds
dk;Z djrk gks ftuesa mlls fu.kZ;] dq”kyrk dh eq[; vis{kk ugh gSsa fdUrq mls lkSis x,
dŸkZO;ksa ;k mlds lk{ksi vYi ¼lhfer½ dk;ksZ ds mfpr fuogZu dh mlls vis{kk gS vkSj tgka
egRoiw.kZ fu.kZ; vU; }kjk fy, tkrs gSSaA bl izdkj mldk dk;Z {ks= lhfer ifjf/k ds jkstejkZ
ds dk;ksZa dks djus rd gh lhfer jgsxkA
(iii) dq”ky% dq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks fopkj.kh; LorU= fu.kZ; dk iz;ksx dj ds n{krkiw.kZ
dk;Z djus esa l{ke gks vkSj vius dŸkZO;ksa dk ftEesnkjh ls ikyu dj ldsA og O;olk;
¼VsªM½] f”kYi ;k m|ksx ftlesa og fu;ksftr fd;k x;k gks] dk iw.kZ ,oa foLr`r Kku j[krk gksA

(iv) mPp&dq”ky mPp&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS tks dk;Z dks n{krkiw.kZ djus esa l{ke gks
vkSj tks dq”ky deZpkfj;ksa ds dk;Z dk n{krkiw.kZ i;Zos{k.k dj ldsA

vkns”k }kjk]

vfrfjDr eq[; lfpo (Je ,ao jkst+xkj½]

fgekpy Ikzns”k ljdkjA
la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 , 2021

1- leLr iz”kklfud lfpo] fgekpy izns”k ljdkjA

2- vfr0 eq[; lfpo] ek0 eq[; eU=h] fgekpy izns”k] f”keyk A
3- िविध ijke”khZ एवa iz/kku सिचव िविध ,fgekpy izns”k ljdkj f”keykA
4- िवशेष futh lfpo, ekuuh; Je ,oa jkstxkj eU=h fgekpy izns”kA
5- िवशेष futh lfpo, eq[; lfpo fgekpy izns”k ljdkjA
6- funs”kd] yscj C;wjk]s Hkkjr ljdkj f”keyk&171 004 A
7- leLr foHkkxk/;{k] fgekpy izns”kA
8- Jek;qDr ,oa funs”kd jkstxkj fgekpy izns”k dks muds i= la[;k 1&16@78¼ySc½,e-
MCy;w@8@07] fnukad 30-07-2021 ds lUnHkZ esaA
9- leLr mik;qDr fgekpy izns”kA
10- xkMZ QkbZyA

¼vfuy dqekj dVksp½

voj lfpo ¼Je ,oa jkstxkj½]
fgekpy çns”k ljdkj
fgekpy izns”k ljdkj
Je ,oa jkstxkj foHkkx

la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 , 2021

fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky dh ;g jk; gS fd ds vuqlwfpr fu;kstu

ds vUrxZr vdq”ky vkSj vU; deZdkjks ds izoxksZa dh ckcr et+nwjh dh U;wure njksa dks
ls la”kksf/kr fd;k tk,(
U;wure etnwjh vf/kfu;e]1948 ¼1948 dk vf/kfu;e la[;kd 11½ dh /kkjk 9 ds lkFk
ifBr /kkjk 5 dh mi/kkjk ¼1½ ds [k.M¼d½ ds micU/kksa ds vuqlkj vf/klwpuk la[;k% Je¼,½4-2/2018-
एल, rkjh[k 30-07-2020 }kjk] U;wure etnwjh lykgdkj lfefr xfBr dh xbZ Fkh(
mDr lfefr dh cSBd rkjh[k dks gqbZ Fkh ]ftlesa leLr mUuhl
vuqlwfpr fu;kstuksa esa deZdkjksa ds leLr izoxksaZ dks lans; U;wure etnwjh esa c<+kSrjh dks vuqeksfnr
fd;k x;k Fkk rFkk bls rkjh[k dks ykxw djus dh flQkfj”k dh xbZ Fkh(
vr% fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky] iwoksZDr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk&5 dh mi/kkjk ¼2½ }kjk
iznRr ”kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq,] mijksDr of.kZr vuqlwfpr deZdkjksa dh U;wure etnwjh dks rkjh[k
ls fuEu izdkj ls la”kksf/kr djrs gS%&
deZdkjksa ds izoxZ Tkgka dksbZ izlqfo/kk miyC/k tgak Hkkstu]pk; vkSj
ugha djkbZ xbZ gS la;qDr vkokl lqfo/kk
miyC/k djkbZ xbZ gS
gsYij]vk;k] Dyhuj] elkyph] okWp eSu] okW”kj eSu A
flD;ksfjVh xkMZ] ekyh A

dq”ky deZdkj %&

dqd vkSj pkyd


1] leku vkSj le#i izd`fr ds dk;Z ds fy, iq#’k ;k efgyk vkSj O;Ld ;k
vO;Ld dh U;wure etnwjh esa dksbZ fHkUurk ugha gksxhA
2 f”k{kqvksa dh etnwjh] f”k{kq vf/kfu;e] 1961¼1961 dk vf/kfu;e सं यांक 52½ ds varxZr fofu;fer
dh tk,xhA
3 tgk¡a fdlh oxhZd`r dk;Z dks ek=kuqikrh dke ¼ihl odZ½ ds vk/kkj ij fd;k tkrk gS ogka
etnwjh ml izoxZ ds fy, fofgr le; nj ls de ugha gksxhA
4 ;fn vuwlwfpr fu;kstu esa] fu;ksftr deZdkjksa ds fdlh izoxZ dks fofufnZ’V #i ls of.kZr ugha
fd;k x;k gS] rks deZdkjksa ds ,sls izoxZ dks mlh izdkj dh dq”kyrk j[kus okys le#i
izoxZ gsrq fu;r etnwjh dh U;wure nj ls de etnwjh lanRr ugha dh tk,xhA
5 fgekpy izns”k ds vuqlwfpr tutkrh; {ks=ksa esa U;wure etnwjh esa iPphl izfr”kr ls vf/kd
dh c<kSrjh ykxw gksxhA
vdq”ky@v)Z&dq”ky@dq”ky@mPp&dq”ky dh ifjHkk’kk bl izdkj gksxh%&

(i) vdq”ky%& vdq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks ,sls dk;Z djrk gS ftuesa lkekU; drZO;ksa dk
vuqikyu vUroZfyr gS] ftlesa de vuqHko visf{kr gS ;k ;|fi mithfodktU; ifjfLFkfr;ksa
ls ifjfpr gksuk vko”;d gsS ijUrq LorU= fu.kZ; ;k iwoZ vuqHko visf{kr ugha gSA vr% mlds
dk;Z esa “kkjhfjd ifjJe ¼iz;kl½ ds vykok mls oLrqvksa ;k eky dh fofo/krk ls Hkh ifjfpr
gksuk visf{kr gSA
(ii) v)Z&dq”ky% v)Z&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS] tks lkekU;r% jkstejkZ ds fuf”pr Lo#i ds
dk;Z djrk gks ftuesa mlls fu.kZ;] dq”kyrk dh eq[; vis{kk ugh gSsa fdUrq mls lkSis x,
dŸkZO;ksa ;k mlds lk{ksi vYi ¼lhfer½ dk;ksZ ds mfpr fuogZu dh mlls vis{kk gS vkSj tgka
egRoiw.kZ fu.kZ; vU; }kjk fy, tkrs gSSaA bl izdkj mldk dk;Z {ks= lhfer ifjf/k ds jkstejkZ
ds dk;ksZa dks djus rd gh lhfer jgsxkA
(iii) dq”ky% dq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks fopkj.kh; LorU= fu.kZ; dk iz;ksx dj ds n{krkiw.kZ
dk;Z djus esa l{ke gks vkSj vius dŸkZO;ksa dk ftEesnkjh ls ikyu dj ldsA og O;olk;
¼VsªM½] f”kYi ;k m|ksx ftlesa og fu;ksftr fd;k x;k gks] dk iw.kZ ,oa foLr`r Kku j[krk gksA

(iv) mPp&dq”ky mPp&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS tks dk;Z dks n{krkiw.kZ djus esa l{ke gks
vkSj tks dq”ky deZpkfj;ksa ds dk;Z dk n{krkiw.kZ i;Zos{k.k dj ldsA

vkns”k }kjk]

vfrfjDr eq[; lfpo (Je ,ao jkst+xkj½]

fgekpy Ikzns”k ljdkjA

la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 , 2021

1- leLr iz”kklfud lfpo] fgekpy izns”k ljdkj A

2- vfr0 eq[; lfpo] ek0 eq[; eU=h] fgekpy izns”k] f”keyk A
3- िविध ijke”khZ एवa iz/kku सिचव िविध ,fgekpy izns”k ljdkj f”keykA
4- िवशेष futh lfpo, ekuuh; Je ,oa jkstxkj eU=h fgekpy izns”kA
5- िवशेष futh lfpo, eq[; lfpo fgekpy izns”k ljdkjA
6- funs”kd] yscj C;wjk]s Hkkjr ljdkj f”keyk&171 004 A
7- leLr foHkkxk/;{k] fgekpy izns”kA
8- Jek;qDr ,oa funs”kd jkstxkj fgekpy izns”k dks muds i= la[;k 1&16@78¼ySc½,e-
MCy;w@8@07] fnukad 30-07-2021 ds lUnHkZ esaA
9- leLr mik;qDr fgekpy izns”kA
10- xkMZ QkbZyA

¼vfuy dqekj dVksp½

voj lfpo ¼Je ,oa jkstxkj½]
fgekpy çns”k ljdkj
fgekpy izns”k ljdkj
Je ,oa jkstxkj foHkkx

la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 ,2021

fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky dh ;g jk; gS fd ds

vuqlwfpr fu;kstu ds vUrxZr vdq”ky vkSj deZdkjksa ds vU; izoxksZa dh ckcr et+njw h dh U;wure njksa
dks ls la”kksf/kr fd;k tk,(
U;wure etnwjh vf/kfu;e]1948 ¼1948 dk vf/kfu;e la[;kd 11½ dh /kkjk 9 ds lkFk
ifBr /kkjk 5 dh mi/kkjk ¼1½ ds [k.M ¼d½ ds micU/kksa ds vuqlkj vf/klwpuk la[;k% Je¼,½4-2/2018-
एल rkjh[k 30-07-2020 }kjk] U;wure etnwjh lykgdkj lfefr xfBr dh xbZ Fkh(
mDr lfefr dh cSBd rkjh[k dks gqbZ Fkh ]ftlesa leLr mUuhl
vuqlwfpr fu;kstuksa esa deZdkjksa ds leLr izoxksaZ dks lans; U;wure etnwjh esa c<+kSrjh dks vuqeksfnr
fd;k x;k Fkk rFkk bls rkjh[k dks ykxw djus dh flQkfj”k dh xbZ Fkh(
vr% fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky] iwoksZDr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk&5 dh mi/kkjk ¼2½ }kjk
iznRr ”kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq,] mijksDr of.kZr vuqlwfpr deZdkjksa dh U;wure etnwjh dks rkjh[k
ls fuEu izdkj ls la”kksf/kr djrs gS%&

deZdkjksa ds izoxZ
U;wure etnwjh
nSfud ekfld
Lohij@lQkbZ deZpkjh] csynkj vkSj dkVZeSuA
& %&
odZ lqijokbtj] lsusVjh teknkj] ,lhLVsUV LVksj dhij]
,lhLVsUV LVksj eqU”kh vkSj dEiysUV vVSUMSaVA
pkyd] eslu] IyEcj] LVksjdhij] ,dkmUVl DydZ] dEI;wVj
vkWijsVj] MkVk ,UVªh vkWijsVj vkSj dSf”k;jA
dfu’B vfHk;Urk] lsusVjh bUliSDVj vkSj LVsuks xzkQjA


1 leku vkSj le#i izd`fr ds dk;Z ds fy, iq#’k ;k efgyk vkSj O;Ld ;k vO;Ld dh
U;wure etnwjh esa dksbZ fHkUurk ugha gksxhA
2 f”k{kqvksa dh etnwjh] f”k{kq vf/kfu;e] 1961¼1961 dk vf/kfu;e सं यांक 52½ ds varxZr fofu;fer
dh tk,xhA
3 tgk¡a fdlh oxhZd`r dk;Z dks ek=kuqikrh dke ¼ihl odZ½ ds vk/kkj ij fd;k tkrk gS ogka
etnwjh ml izoxZ ds fy, fofgr le; nj ls de ugha gksxhA
4 ;fn vuwlwfpr fu;kstu esa] fu;ksftr deZdkjksa ds fdlh izoxZ dks fofufnZ’V #i ls of.kZr ugha
fd;k x;k gS] rks deZdkjksa ds ,sls izoxZ dks mlh izdkj dh dq”kyrk j[kus okys le#i
izoxZ gsrq fu;r etnwjh dh U;wure nj ls de etnwjh lanRr ugha dh tk,xhA
5 fgekpy izns”k ds vuqlwfpr tutkrh; {ks=ksa esa U;wure etnwjh esa iPphl izfr”kr ls vf/kd
dh c<kSrjh ykxw gksxhA
vdq”ky@v)Z&dq”ky@dq”ky@mPp&dq”ky dh ifjHkk’kk bl izdkj gksxh%&

(i) vdq”ky%& vdq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks ,sls dk;Z djrk gS ftuesa lkekU; drZO;ksa dk
vuqikyu vUroZfyr gS] ftlesa de vuqHko visf{kr gS ;k ;|fi mithfodktU; ifjfLFkfr;ksa
ls ifjfpr gksuk vko”;d gsS ijUrq LorU= fu.kZ; ;k iwoZ vuqHko visf{kr ugha gSA vr% mlds
dk;Z esa “kkjhfjd ifjJe ¼iz;kl½ ds vykok mls oLrqvksa ;k eky dh fofo/krk ls Hkh ifjfpr
gksuk visf{kr gSA

(ii) v)Z&dq”ky% v)Z&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS] tks lkekU;r% jkstejkZ ds fuf”pr Lo#i ds
dk;Z djrk gks ftuesa mlls fu.kZ;] dq”kyrk dh eq[; vis{kk ugh gSsa fdUrq mls lkSis x,
dŸkZO;ksa ;k mlds lk{ksi vYi ¼lhfer½ dk;ksZ ds mfpr fuogZu dh mlls vis{kk gS vkSj tgka
egRoiw.kZ fu.kZ; vU; }kjk fy, tkrs gSSaA bl izdkj mldk dk;Z {ks= lhfer ifjf/k ds jkstejkZ ds
dk;ksZa dks djus rd gh lhfer jgsxkA
(iii) dq”ky% dq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks fopkj.kh; LorU= fu.kZ; dk iz;ksx dj ds n{krkiw.kZ
dk;Z djus esa l{ke gks vkSj vius dŸkZO;ksa dk ftEesnkjh ls ikyu dj ldsA og O;olk;
¼VsªM½] f”kYi ;k m|ksx ftlesa og fu;ksftr fd;k x;k gks] dk iw.kZ ,oa foLr`r Kku j[krk gksA

(iv) mPp&dq”ky mPp&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS tks dk;Z dks n{krkiw.kZ djus esa l{ke gks
vkSj tks dq”ky deZpkfj;ksa ds dk;Z dk n{krkiw.kZ i;Zos{k.k dj ldsA

vkns”k }kjk]

vfrfjDr eq[; lfpo (Je ,ao jkst+xkj½]

fgekpy Ikzns”k ljdkjA

la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 9 , 2021

1- leLr iz”kklfud lfpo] fgekpy izns”k ljdkjA

2- vfr0 eq[; lfpo] ek0 eq[; eU=h] fgekpy izns”k] f”keyk A
3- िविध ijke”khZ एवa iz/kku सिचव िविध ,fgekpy izns”k ljdkj f”keykA
4- िवशेष futh lfpo, ekuuh; Je ,oa jkstxkj eU=h fgekpy izns”kA
5- िवशेष futh lfpo, eq[; lfpo fgekpy izns”k ljdkjA
6- funs”kd] yscj C;wjk]s Hkkjr ljdkj f”keyk&171 004 A
7- leLr foHkkxk/;{k] fgekpy izns”kA
8- Jek;qDr ,oa funs”kd jkstxkj fgekpy izns”k dks muds i= la[;k 1&16@78¼ySc½,e-
MCy;w@8@07] fnukad 30-07-2021 ds lUnHkZ esaA
9- leLr mik;qDr fgekpy izns”kA
10- xkMZ QkbZyA

¼vfuy dqekj dVksp½

voj lfpo ¼Je ,oa jkstxkj½]
fgekpy çns”k ljdkj
fgekpy izns'k ljdkj
Je ,oa jkstxkj foHkkx

la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 ,2021

fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky dh ;g jk; gS fd ds vuqlwfpr

fu;kstu ds vUrxZr vdq”ky vkSj deZdkjksa ds vU; izoxksZa dh ckcr et+nwjh dh U;wure njksa dks
ls la”kksf/kr fd;k tk,(
U;wure etnwjh vf/kfu;e]1948 ¼1948 dk vf/kfu;e la[;kd 11½ dh /kkjk 9 ds
lkFk ifBr /kkjk 5 dh mi/kkjk ¼1½ ds [k.M¼d½ ds micU/kksa ds vuqlkj vf/klwpuk la[;k% Je¼,½4-
2/2018-एल rkjh[k 30-07-2020 }kjk] U;wure etnwjh lykgdkj lfefr xfBr dh xbZ Fkh(
mDr lfefr dh cSBd rkjh[k dks gqbZ Fkh ]ftlesa leLr mUuhl
vuqlwfpr fu;kstuksa esa deZdkjksa ds leLr izoxksaZ dks lans; U;wure etnwjh esa c<+kSrjh dks vuqeksfnr
fd;k x;k Fkk rFkk bls rkjh[k dks ykxw djus dh flQkfj”k dh xbZ Fkh(
vr% fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky] iwoksZDr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk&5 dh mi/kkjk ¼2½
}kjk iznRr ”kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq,] mijksDr of.kZr vuqlwfpr deZdkjksa dh U;wure etnwjh dks
rkjh[k ls fuEu izdkj ls la”kksf/kr djrs gS%&
deZdkjksa ds izoxZ

nSfud ekfld
gsYij vkSj okWp eSu A

flD;ksfjVh xkMZ] ,fllVSUV LVksjdhij] ,fllVSUV LVksj

eqU”kh vkSj dEiysUV vVSUMSaVA

flD;ksfjVh lqijokbtj] gsM okWpeSu] LVksjdhij] vdkmUVl

DydZ] DydZ] dEI;wVj vkWijsVj] MkVk ,UVªh vkWijsVj vkSj dSf”k;j A
flD;ksfjVh vkWfQlj ] flD;ksfjVh eSustj] LVsuksxzkQj vkSj
vdkmUVsUV A

1] ,d gh izdkj ds vkSj le#i izd`fr ds dk;Z ds fy, iq#’k ;k efgyk vkSj O;Ld ;k vO;Ld
dh U;wure etnwjh esa dksbZ fHkUurk ugha gksxhA
2- f”k{kqvksa dh etnwjh] f”k{kq vf/kfu;e] 1961¼1961 dk vf/kfu;e सं यांक 52½ ds vUrZxr
fofu;fer dh tk,xhA
3- tgka fdlh oxhZd`r dk;Z dks ek=kuqikrh dke ¼ihl odZ½ ds vk/kkj ij fd;k tkrk gS ogka
etnwjh ml izoxZ ds fy, fofgr le; nj ls de ugha gksxhA
4. ;fn vuwlwfpr fu;kstu esa] fu;ksftr deZdkjksa ds fdlh izoxZ dks fofufnZ’V #i ls of.kZr
ugha fd;k x;k gS] rks deZdkjksa ds ,sls izoxZ dks mlh izdkj dh dq”kyrk j[kus okys le#i
izoxZ gsrq fu;r etnwjh dh U;wure nj ls de etnwjh lanRr ugha dh tk,xhA

5 lqajxks ds vUnj dk;Zjr deZdkjksa dks etnwjh dh U;wure nj esa chl izfr”kr ls vf/kd dh
c<ksrjh vuqKs; gksxhA
6 xSj tu&tkrh; {ks=ksa esa vofLFkr fuek.kkZ/khu gkbMªks bySDVªhd ty fo|qr ifj;kstukvksa esa
dk;Zjr deZdkjksa ds fofHkUu izoxkZsa dks etnwjh dh U;wure nj esa iPphl izfr”kr ls vf/kd
dh c<kSrjh ykxw gksxhA

7 fgekpy izns”k ds vuqlwfpr tu&tkrh; {ks=ksa esa U;wure etnwjh esa iPphl Ikzfr”kr ls vf/kd
dh c<kSrjh ykxw gksxhA tutkrh; {ks=ksa es fuek.kZ/khu gkbMªks bySfDVªd ifj;kstukvksa esa
dk;Zjr deZZdkjksa dh n”kk esa vfrfjDr nl izfr”kr dh c<kSrjh ykxw gksxhA

vdq”ky@v)Z&dq”ky@dq”ky@mPp&dq”ky dh ifjHkk’kk bl izdkj gksxh%&

(i) vdq”ky vdq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks ,sls dk;Z djrk gS ftuesa lkkekU; drZO;ksa
dk vuqikyu vUroZfyr gS] ftlesa de vuqHko visf{kr gS ;k ;|fi mithfodktU;
ifjfLFkfr;ksa ls ifjfpr gksuk vko”;d gsS ijUrq LorU= fu.kZ; ;k iwoZ vuqHko visf{kr ugha
gSA vr% mlds dk;Z esa “kkjhfjd ifjJe ¼iz;kl½ ds vykok mls oLrqvksa ;k eky dh
fofo/krk ls Hkh ifjfpr gksuk visf{kr gSA

(ii) v)Z&dq”ky% v)Z&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS] tks lkekU;r% jkstejkZ ds fuf”pr Lo#i
ds dk;Z djrk gks ftuesa mlls fu.kZ;] dq”kyrk dh eq[; vis{kk ugh gSsa fdUrq mls lkSis
x, dŸkZO;ksa ;k mlds lk{ksi vYi ¼lhfer½ dk;ksZ ds mfpr fuogZu dh mlls vis{kk gS vkSj
tgkWa egRoiw.kZ fu.kZ; vU; }kjk fy, tkrs gSSaA bl izdkj mldk dk;Z {ks= lhfer ifjf/k ds
jkstejkZ ds dk;ksZa dks djus rd gh lhfer jgsxkA

(iii) dq”ky% dq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks fopkj.kh; LorU= fu.kZ; dk iz;ksx dj ds
n{krkiw.kZ dk;Z djus esa l{ke gks vkSj vius dŸkZO;ksa dk ftEesnkjh ls ikyu dj ldsA og
O;olk; ¼VsªM½] f”kYi ;k m|ksx] ftlesa og fu;ksftr fd;k x;k gks] dk iw.kZ ,oa foLr`r
Kku j[krk gksA

(iv) mPp&dq”ky mPp&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS tks dk;Z dks n{krkiw.kZ djus esa l{ke gks
vkSj tks dq”ky deZpkfj;ksa ds dk;Z dk n{krkiw.kZ i;Zos{k.k dj ldsA
vkns”k }kjk]

vfrfjDr eq[; lfpo (Je ,ao jkst+xkj½]

fgekpy Ikzns”k ljdkjA
la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 , 2021

1- leLr iz”kklfud lfpo] fgekpy izns”k ljdkjA

2- vfr0 eq[; lfpo] ek0 eq[; eU=h] fgekpy izns”k] f”keyk A
3- िविध ijke”khZ एवa iz/kku सिचव िविध ,fgekpy izns”k ljdkj f”keykA
4- िवशेष futh lfpo, ekuuh; Je ,oa jkstxkj eU=h fgekpy izns”kA
5- िवशेष futh lfpo, eq[; lfpo fgekpy izns”k ljdkjA
6- funs”kd] yscj C;wjk]s Hkkjr ljdkj f”keyk&171 004 A
7- leLr foHkkxk/;{k] fgekpy izns”kA
8- Jek;qDr ,oa funs”kd jkstxkj fgekpy izns”k dks muds i= la[;k 1&16@78¼ySc½,e-
MCy;w@8@07] fnukad 30-07-2021 ds lUnHkZ esaA
9- leLr mik;qDr fgekpy izns”kA
10- xkMZ QkbZyA

¼vfuy dqekj dVksp½

voj lfpo ¼Je ,oa jkstxkj½]
fgekpy çns”k ljdkj
fgekpy izns”k ljdkj
Je ,oa jkstxkj foHkkx

la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 ,2021

fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky dh ;g jk; gS fd
/keZ”kkyk, ds vuqlwfpr fu;kstu ds vUrxZr vdq”ky vkSj deZdkjksa ds vU; izoxksZa dh ckcr et+nwjh
dh U;wure njksa dks ls la”kksf/kr fd;k tk,(
U;wure etnwjh vf/kfu;e]1948 ¼1948 dk vf/kfu;e la[;kd 11½ dh /kkjk 9 ds lkFk
ifBr /kkjk 5 dh mi/kkjk ¼1½ ds [k.M¼d½ ds micU/kksa ds vuqlkj vf/klwpuk la[;k% Je¼,½4-2/2018-
एल, rkjh[k 30-07-2020 }kjk] U;wure etnwjh lykgdkj lfefr xfBr dh xbZ Fkh(
mDr lfefr dh cSBd rkjh[k dks gqbZ Fkh ]ftlesa leLr mUuhl
vuqlwfpr fu;kstuksa esa deZdkjksa ds leLr izoxksaZ dks lans; U;wure etnwjh esa c<+kSrjh dks vuqeksfnr
fd;k x;k Fkk rFkk bls rkjh[k dks ykxw djus dh flQkfj”k dh xbZ Fkh(
vr% fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky] iwoksZDr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk&5 dh mi/kkjk ¼2½ ds
[k.M ¼d½ }kjk iznRr ”kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq,] mijksDr of.kZr vuqlwfpr deZdkjksa dh U;wure
etnwjh dks rkjh[k ls fuEu izdkj ls la”kksf/kr djrs gS%&

deZdkjksa ds izoxZ

Tkgka dksbZ izlqfo/kk miyC/k tgak Hkkstu]pk; vkSj la;qDr

ugha djkbZ xbZ gS vkokl lqfo/kk miyC/k
djkbZ xbZ gS
vdq”ky deZdkj %&
pij+klh] elkyph] vkWfQl Cok; vkSj csynkj A

v/kZ&dq”ky deZdkj %
pikrh eSu] Lohij] :e Cok;] dfu’B xsLV vVsUMsUV]
VsEiy vVsUMsV] Hkksx :e vVsUMsV] gkWy vVsUMsV]
lsoknkj] flD;ksfjVh xkMZ] ekyh] ,fllVsUV
LVksjdhij] ,fllVsUV LVksj eqU”kh vkSj dEiysUV
dq”ky deZdkj%&
Okfj’B xsLV vVsUMsaV] fjLksI”kfuLV] iqtkjh] if.Mr]
dqd] ekSyoh # xzUFkh]iknjh]LVksjdhij] vdkmUVl
DydZ] DydZ] dEi;wVj vkWijsVj] MkVk ,UVªh vkWijsVj
vkSj dSf”k;j A
mPp dq”ky deZdkj%&
Lkqijokbtj] lqifjUVsaMsUV] jkxh] ctU+=h] Hktu
xk;d]LVsuks xzkQj vkSj vdkmUVsUV]

1] ,d gh izdkj ds vkSj le#i izd`fr ds dk;Z ds fy, iq#’k ;k efgyk vkSj O;Ld ;k vO;Ld
dh U;wure etnwjh esa dksbZ fHkUurk ugha gksxhA
2- f”k{kqvksa dh etnwjh] f”k{kq vf/kfu;e] 1961¼1961 dk vf/kfu;e सं यांक 52½ ds vUrZxr
fofu;fer dh tk,xhA
3- tgka fdlh oxhZd`r dk;Z dks ek=kuqikrh dke ¼ihl odZ½ ds vk/kkj ij fd;k tkrk gS ogka
etnwjh ml izoxZ ds fy, fofgr le; nj ls de ugha gksxhA
4- ;fn vuwlwfpr fu;kstu esa] fu;ksftr deZdkjksa ds fdlh izoxZ dks fofufnZ’V #i ls of.kZr ugha
fd;k x;k gS] rks deZdkjksa ds ,sls izoxZ dks mlh izdkj dh dq”kyrk j[kus okys le#i izoxZ
gsrq fu;r etnwjh dh U;wure nj ls de etnwjh lanRr ugha dh tk,xhA
5- fgekpy izns”k ds tutkrh; {ks=ksa esa U;wure etnwjh esa iPphl izfr”kr ls vf/kd dh c<+kSrjh
ykxw gksxhA
vdq”ky@v)Z&dq”ky@dq”ky@mPp&dq”ky dh ifjHkk’kk bl izdkj gksxh%&

(i) vdq”ky vdq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks ,sls dk;Z djrk gS ftuesa lkekU; drZO;ksa
dk vuqikyu vUroZfyr gS] ftlesa de vuqHko visf{kr gS ;k ;|fi mithfodktU;
ifjfLFkfr;ksa ls ifjfpr gksuk vko”;d gsS ijUrq LorU= fu.kZ; ;k iwoZ vuqHko visf{kr ugha
gSA vr% mlds dk;Z esa “kkjhfjd ifjJe ¼iz;kl½ ds vykok mlss oLrqvksa ;k eky dh
fofo/krk ls Hkh ifjfpr gksuk visf{kr gSA

(ii) v)Z&dq”ky% v)Z&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS] tks lkekU;r% jkstejkZ ds fuf”pr Lo#i
ds dk;Z djrk gks ftuesa mlls fu.kZ;] dq”kyrk dh eq[; vis{kk ugh gSsa fdUrq mls lkSis
x, dŸkZO;ksa ;k mlds lk{ksi vYi ¼lhfer½ dk;ksZ ds mfpr fuogZu dh mlls vis{kk gS vkSj
tgkWa egRoiw.kZ fu.kZ; vU; }kjk fy, tkrs gSSaA bl izdkj mldk dk;Z {ks= lhfer ifjf/k ds
jkstejkZ ds dk;ksZa dks djus rd gh lhfer jgsxkA

(iii) dq”ky% dq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks fopkj.kh; LorU= fu.kZ; dk iz;ksx dj ds
n{krkiw.kZ dk;Z djus esa l{ke gks vkSj vius dŸkZO;ksa dk ftEesnkjh ls ikyu dj ldsA og
O;olk; ¼VsªM½] f”kYi ;k m|ksx] ftlesa og fu;ksftr fd;k x;k gks] dk iw.kZ ,oa foLr`r
Kku j[krk gksA

(iv) mPp&dq”ky mPp&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS tks dk;Z dks n{krkiw.kZ djus esa l{ke gks
vkSj tks dq”ky deZpkfj;ksa ds dk;Z dk n{krkiw.kZ i;Zos{k.k dj ldsA

vkns”k }kjk]

vfrfjDr eq[; lfpo (Je ,ao jkst+xkj½]

fgekpy Ikzns”k ljdkjA
la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 , 2021
1- leLr iz”kklfud lfpo] fgekpy izns”k ljdkjA
2- vfr0 eq[; lfpo] ek0 eq[; eU=h] fgekpy izns”k] f”keyk A
3- िविध ijke”khZ एवa iz/kku सिचव िविध ,fgekpy izns”k ljdkj f”keykA
4- िवशेष futh lfpo, ekuuh; Je ,oa jkstxkj eU=h fgekpy izns”kA
5- िवशेष futh lfpo, eq[; lfpo fgekpy izns”k ljdkjA
6- funs”kd] yscj C;wjk]s Hkkjr ljdkj f”keyk&171 004 A
7- leLr foHkkxk/;{k] fgekpy izns”kA
8- Jek;qDr ,oa funs”kd jkstxkj fgekpy izns”k dks muds i= la[;k 1&16@78¼ySc½,e-
MCy;w@8@07] fnukad 30-07-2021 ds lUnHkZ esaA
9- leLr mik;qDr fgekpy izns”kA
10- xkMZ QkbZyA
¼vfuy dqekj dVksp½
voj lfpo ¼Je ,oa jkstxkj½]
fgekpy çns”k ljdkj
fgekpy izns”k ljdkj
Je ,oa jkstxkj foHkkx

la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 ,2021

fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky dh ;g jk; gS fd Þ esa dk;Zjr
deZdkjksa ds vuqlwfpr fu;kstu ds vUrxZr vdq”ky vkSj deZdkjksa ds vU; izoxksZa dh ckcr et+nwjh dh
U;wure njksa dks ls la”kksf/kr fd;k tk,(
U;wure etnwjh vf/kfu;e]1948 ¼1948 dk vf/kfu;e la[;kd 11½ dh /kkjk 9 ds lkFk
ifBr /kkjk 5 dh mi/kkjk ¼1½ ds [k.M¼d½ ds micU/kksa ds vuqlkj vf/klwpuk la[;k% Je¼,½4-2/2018-
एल, rkjh[k 30-07-2020 }kjk] U;wure etnwjh lykgdkj lfefr xfBr dh xbZ Fkh(
mDr lfefr dh cSBd rkjh[k dks gqbZ Fkh ]ftlesa leLr mUuhl
vuqlwfpr fu;kstuksa esa deZdkjksa ds leLr izoxksaZ dks lans; U;wure etnwjh esa c<+kSrjh dks vuqeksfnr
fd;k x;k Fkk rFkk bls rkjh[k dks ykxw djus dh flQkfj”k dh xbZ Fkh(
vr% fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky] iwoksZDr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk&5 dh mi/kkjk ¼2½ }kjk
iznRr ”kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq,] mijksDr of.kZr vuqlwfpr deZdkjksa dh U;wure etnwjh dks rkjh[k
ls fuEu izdkj ls la”kksf/kr djrs gS%&
deZdkjksa ds izoxZ
vdq”ky deZdkj%& U;wure etnwjh
nSfud ekfld
pijklh] vkWfQl Cok; vkSj elkyph A
v/kZ&dq”ky deZdkj %&
gSYij dqd] dS”k dysDVj] ,fllVsUV LVksj dhij] ,fllVsUV
LVksj eqU”kh] flD;ksfjVh xkMZ vkSj dEiysUV vVSUMSV A
dq”ky deZdkj %&
bySfDVªf”k;u] LVksjdhij] vdkmUVl DydZ] DydZ] dEi;wVj
vkWijsVj] MkVk ,UVªh vkWijsVj vkSj dSf”k;j A
mPp dq”ky deZdkj %&
Lkqijokbtj] lqifjUVssUMsaV] LVsuksxzkQj vkSj vdkmUVsUV A


1] ,d gh izdkj ds vkSj le#i izd`fr ds dk;Z ds fy, iq#’k ;k efgyk vkSj O;Ld ;k vO;Ld
dh U;wure etnwjh esa dksbZ fHkUurk ugha gksxhA
2- f”k{kqvksa dh etnwjh] f”k{kq vf/kfu;e] 1961¼1961 dk vf/kfu;e सं यांक 52½ ds vUrZxr
fofu;fer dh tk,xhA
3- tgka fdlh oxhZd`r dk;Z dks ek=kuqikrh dke ¼ihl odZ½ ds vk/kkj ij fd;k tkrk gS ogka
etnwjh ml izoxZ ds fy, fofgr le; nj ls de ugha gksxhA
4- ;fn vuwlwfpr fu;kstu esa] fu;ksftr deZdkjksa ds fdlh izoxZ dks fofufnZ’V #i ls of.kZr ugha
fd;k x;k gS] rks deZdkjksa ds ,sls izoxZ dks mlh izdkj dh dq”kyrk j[kus okys le#i izoxZ
gsrq fu;r etnwjh dh U;wure nj ls de etnwjh lanRr ugha dh tk,xhA
5- fgekpy izns”k ds tutkrh; {ks=ksa esa U;wure etnwjh esa iPphl izfr”kr ls vf/kd dh c<+kSrjh
ykxw gksxhA
vdq”ky@v)Z&dq”ky@dq”ky@mPp&dq”ky dh ifjHkk’kk bl izdkj gksxh%&

(i) vdq”ky vdq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks ,sls dk;Z djrk gS ftuesa lkekU; drZO;ksa
dk vuqikyu vUroZfyr gS] ftlesa de vuqHko visf{kr gS ;k ;|fi mithfodktU;
ifjfLFkfr;ksa ls ifjfpr gksuk vko”;d gsS ijUrq LorU= fu.kZ; ;k iwoZ vuqHko visf{kr ugha
gSA vr% mlds dk;Z esa “kkjhfjd ifjJe ¼iz;kl½ ds vykok mlss oLrqvksa ;k eky dh
fofo/krk ls Hkh ifjfpr gksuk visf{kr gSA

(ii) v)Z&dq”ky% v)Z&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS] tks lkekU;r% jkstejkZ ds fuf”pr Lo#i
ds dk;Z djrk gks ftuesa mlls fu.kZ;] dq”kyrk dh eq[; vis{kk ugh gSsa fdUrq mls lkSis
x, dŸkZO;ksa ;k mlds lk{ksi vYi ¼lhfer½ dk;ksZ ds mfpr fuogZu dh mlls vis{kk gS vkSj
tgkWa egRoiw.kZ fu.kZ; vU; }kjk fy, tkrs gSSaA bl izdkj mldk dk;Z {ks= lhfer ifjf/k ds
jkstejkZ ds dk;ksZa dks djus rd gh lhfer jgsxkA
(iii) dq”ky% dq”ky deZpkjh og deZpkjh gS tks fopkj.kh; LorU= fu.kZ; dk iz;ksx dj ds
n{krkiw.kZ dk;Z djus esa l{ke gks vkSj vius dŸkZO;ksa dk ftEesnkjh ls ikyu dj ldsA og
O;olk; ¼VsªM½] f”kYi ;k m|ksx] ftlesa og fu;ksftr fd;k x;k gks] dk iw.kZ ,oa foLr`r
Kku j[krk gksA

(iv) mPp&dq”ky mPp&dq”ky deZdkj og deZdkj gS tks dk;Z dks n{krkiw.kZ djus esa l{ke gks
vkSj tks dq”ky deZpkfj;ksa ds dk;Z dk n{krkiw.kZ i;Zos{k.k dj ldsA

vkns”k }kjk]

vfrfjDr eq[; lfpo (Je ,ao jkst+xkj½]

fgekpy Ikzns”k ljdkjA

la[;k% Je (ए) 4-2/2018-ih-I rkjh[k% f”keyk&2 9 , 2021

1- leLr iz”kklfud lfpo] fgekpy izns”k ljdkjA

2- vfr0 eq[; lfpo] ek0 eq[; eU=h] fgekpy izns”k] f”keyk A
3- िविध ijke”khZ एवa iz/kku सिचव िविध ,fgekpy izns”k ljdkj f”keykA
4- िवशेष futh lfpo, ekuuh; Je ,oa jkstxkj eU=h fgekpy izns”kA
5- िवशेष futh lfpo, eq[; lfpo fgekpy izns”k ljdkjA
6- funs”kd] yscj C;wjk]s Hkkjr ljdkj f”keyk&171 004 A
7- leLr foHkkxk/;{k] fgekpy izns”kA
8- Jek;qDr ,oa funs”kd jkstxkj fgekpy izns”k dks muds i= la[;k 1&16@78¼ySc½,e-
MCy;w@8@07] fnukad 30-07-2021 ds lUnHkZ esaA
9- leLr mik;qDr fgekpy izns”kA
10- xkMZ QkbZyA

¼vfuy dqekj dVksp½

voj lfpo ¼Je ,oa jkstxkj½]
fgekpy çns”k ljdkj

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