The Road Not Taken
The Road Not Taken
The Road Not Taken
The poet writes about one day when he was walking in the forest. It is autumn
and the trees are yellow. In the forest are two paths. Both paths seem interesting
and the poet wishes he could travel both of them. But he must choose which
path to take. He examines the path as best he can, but his vision is limited
because the path bends and is covered up with bushes and long grass.
Literary terms:
Lines 2-3-4 "And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far asI could"
The word And' is repeated in three times.
Rhyme Scheme: abaab
Then took the other, as just as fair,
Stanza two:
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
take the other path, which is more attractive choice
The poet decides to a
because no one lately. Continuous use and too much passing have
has taken it
made the two paths equally damaged. The poet seems to feel ambivalent,
he realizes that the two paths are really the same.
Literary terms
Line 3 Because it was grassy and wanted wear;"
* The consonant sound w is repeated in 'wanted' and 'wear.
how very much alike the two paths are. Both
The poet continues to tell us
Line 4 "Yet knowing how way leads on to way,"
The poet imagines himself in the future, discussing his life. He will claim
that the paths were different from each other and that he courageously did
not choose the conventional route. He chose the road which not many
people had traveled by.
Literary terms
Line 2 "Somewhere ages and ages hence:"
O Think about what you did before you got to school this morning. How
many decisions did you have to make? What were they?
What does 'yellow wood' mean (stanza 1 line 1)? How does it connect with
stanza 3 line 2?
C a n you tell by reading the poem again, why the poet chose to take the road