Focus4 2ed Life Skills 1 For Student
Focus4 2ed Life Skills 1 For Student
Focus4 2ed Life Skills 1 For Student
If you want to be good at debating, you have to learn to put
your personal views to one side. It doesn’t really matter what
you personally believe, you have to stay objective. It’s fine to be
passionate and try to get people on your side, but that isn’t the
same thing as being aggressive or bursting into tears.
You have to be flexible, because you might have to argue
for something you don’t even agree with. It’s a good idea
just to try and come up with lots of different arguments to
begin with. Then you can start to analyse them and see if they
really are strong arguments or not. A good tip is to avoid any
statements that are too extreme. As soon as you find yourself
using language such as ‘always’ or ‘never’, it’s a clue that your
argument might not actually be that strong.
Preparation is really important. Take some time to think through all
your arguments really well. Do you have any evidence to support
what you’re saying? Think of some good examples you can give;
it can be hard to think of these on the spot. Are you sure that the
point you want to make is really relevant or logical? Be sure that
your opponent can’t easily find flaws in what you’re saying.