OOMD Summer
OOMD Summer
OOMD Summer
Question Bank 2
Multiple Choice Questions
1 ______ consists of separating the external aspects of an object, which are accessible
to other objects from the internal implementation details
A. inheritance
B. abstraction
C. polymorphism
D. encapsulation
2 _______ means that the same operation may behave differently on different classes
A. polymorphism
B. classification
C. method
D. object
3 A _________ is a name that uniquely identifies one end of and association
A. ordering
B. role name
C. qualification
D. none of these
4 An event is a __________ transmission of information from one object to another.
A. two-way
B. one-way
C. one to many
D. none of these
5 The response to an event depends on state of the object and can include
A. Change in state
B. Sending of another event
C. Both (A) and (B)
D. None of the above
6 An _____ is an active object that drive data flow graph by producing or consuming
A. actor
B. data flows
C. data stores
D. none of these
7 ______________ is overall organization of the system into the components called
A. System architecture
B. System design
C. Object design
D. None of these
8 The object design phase adds internal objects for implementation and optimizes
A. Classes and associations
B. Data structures and algorithms
C. Interface and algorithms
D. Methods
9 Which are the extension mechanism available in UML
A. Inheritance & Association
B. Aggregation & Association
C. Stereotype, Tagged values, Constraints
D. None of these
10 Use case diagram is _________________ diagram.
A. Dynamic
B. Structural
C. Behavioural
D. Architectural
11 An _________ is a behavior that comprises a set of messages exchanged among a set
of objects within a context to accomplish a purpose.
A. interaction
B. communication
C. relation
D. none of these
12 Use case is realized by _____________.
A. Actor
B. System boundary
C. Process
D. Collaboration
13 A ----- diagram shows a set of components and their relationships.
A. deployment
B. interaction
C. activity
D. component
14 A __________ is an architectural pattern that provides an extensible template for
applications within a domain.
A. mechanism
B. pattern
C. framework
D. none of these
Subjective Type Questions
1. What is model? Explain several purposes of models.
2. What is class and object? Explain with appropriate example.
3. Write note on Scenarios and event traces.
4. Explain the following elements of data flow diagrams: i) Data Stores ii) Control
Flows iii) Nested Data Flow Diagrams
5. Explain the several phases of the OMT Methodology.
6. Explain the impact of an object-oriented approach.
7. Explain the following terms with respect to UML – i) Generalization ii) Aggregation
iii) Multiplicity
8. Explain the architecture of UML
9. Explain the following terms with respect to sequence diagram: i) Object lifetime ii)
Focus of Control
10. Explain the following terms with respect to Activity diagram: i) Action states
ii)Transitions iii) Branching
11. What is component? Give difference between components and classes.
12. Explain patterns and frameworks.
Question Bank 3
Multiple Choice Questions
1 An functional diagram is a graph whose nodes are _______ and whose arcs are _______
A. state and transition
B. process and data flow
C. object classes and relationships
D. None of the above
2 Generalization is sometime called as __________ relationship
A. and
B. part of
C. is-a
D. none of these
3 Aggregation is the ___________ relation
A. whole
B. part
C. part-whole or a-part-of
D. none of these
4 A ________ is a sequence of events that occurs during one particular execution of a
A. state diagram
B. information transfer
C. scenario
D. sequence diagram
5 The sequence of events and the objects exchanging events can both be shown in an
augmented scenario call an _____ diagram
A. event diagram
B. state diagram
C. object diagram
D. event trace diagram
6 In data flow diagram, data store is drawn as _____________ .
A. Rectangle containing name of data store
B. Cylinder containing name of data store
C. Ellipse containing name of data store
D. A pair of parallel lines containing name of data store
7 _________ is concerned with devising a precious, concise, understandable, and correct
model of the real word.
A. analysis
B. design
C. implementation
D. none of these
8 If a class has little or nothing to do with a problem, then they are called as
A. identical
B. redundant
C. associate
D. irrelevant
9 Use case is realized by _____________.
A. Actor
B. System boundary
C. Process
D. Collaboration
10 The UML language is used for
A. Visualizing
B. Specifying
C. Documenting
D. All of above
11 A __________ represents the splitting of a single flow of control into two or more
concurrent flow of control.
A. fork
B. join
C. swimlanes
D. none of these
12 A __________ represents a named object that is dispatched asynchronously by one
object and then received by another object.
A. event
B. time event
C. signal
D. none of these
13 A ___________ is a physical element that exists at run time and represents a
computational resource
A. component
B. node
C. Class
D. none of these
14 Graphically, a component is rendered as a
A. Rounded rectangle
B. Rectangle with circle
C. Rectangle with tabs
D. Dotted rectangle
Subjective Type Questions
1. Explain the three models of OMT.
2. Explain the following terms: i)
Multiplicity ii) Role Names iii) Qualification
3. Draw and explain the state diagram for phone line.
4. Explain the relation of functional model to object and dynamic models.
5. Write short note on problem statement used in analysis process.
6. State and explain the different criteria used to keep the right classes and discard
unnecessary and incorrect classes.
7. Explain different UML diagrams with their purpose.
8. Explain four kinds of relationships in the UML
9. Explain include and extend relationships in use case diagram with suitable example.
10. Explain Activity diagram with example.
11. What is components? Explain type of components.
12. Explain the following terms with respect to architecture modeling: i) Node ii)
Collaboration iii) Pattern
Question Bank 4
3+ Point
{Ordered} y:coordinate
Question Bank 5
Multiple Choice Questions
1 The ______ model describes those aspects of a system concerned with time and
sequencing of operations
A. object
B. dynamic
C. functional
D. none of these
2 Association are inherently
A. bidirectional
B. unidirectional
3 A _______ is a logical construct for grouping classes, association, and generalizations.
A. module
B. sheet
C. object
D. generalization
4 In event trace diagram, a vertical line represents _________ and horizontal arrow
represents _________ .
A. State, event
B. Object, event
C. State, data flow
D. Function , data flow
5 One-shot state diagrams represent objects with ________ lives.
A. Finite
B. Infinite
C. Both (A) and (B)
D. None of the above
6 A process can be expanded into another ____________ .
A. Process
B. State diagram
C. Object diagram
D. Data flow diagram
7 The decomposition of system into ____________ may be organized as a sequence of
horizontal layers or vertical partitions
A. modules
B. groups
C. subsystem
D. sheet
8 During ____________, the designer must rearrange the execution order for efficiency.
A. Designing algorithms
B. Design optimization
C. Design association
D. Physical packaging
9 A _____________ extends the properties of a UML building block, allowing you to
create new information in that element's specification.
A. Note
B. Tagged Values
C. Constraints
D. Stereotypes
10 Which are following grouping things
A. Notes
B. State
C. Packages
D. Classes
11 Scenarios are:
A. the same as use cases
B. the same as test cases
C. used to derive test cases
D. the same as object diagrams
12 A call event represents
A. passage of time
B. the dispatch of an operation
C. a change in state
D. the occurrence of a signal
13 An interface that a component realizes is called an __________ meaning an interface
that the component provides as a service to other components.
A. import interface
B. export interface
C. send interface
D. receive interface
14 A set of objects or components that are allocated to a node as a group is called a
A. Distribution unit
B. Contribution unit
C. Components unit
D. Collection
Subjective Type Question
1. Explain Object Modeling Technology (OMT) stages.
2. Compare aggregation with Generalization.
3. Write note on “nesting state diagrams".
4. Draw and explain the data flow diagram for windowed graphics display.
5. Explain three kinds of controls implementation systems.
6. Explain breaking a system into subsystems with respect to system design.
7. Explain the grouping and annotational thing in UML
8. Explain extensibility mechanisms in UML
9. Draw and explain use case diagram for Cellular Telephone Call system
10. Explain the relationship between use cases and collaborations.
11. Explain the relationship between a node and the components.
12. Write note on organizing collaborations.