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Comprehensive Personality Test

Training Program for CSE 2022


2 CSE 2022 Personality Test Training Program

• “Yoga is an art, science and philosophy. It helps to join
the powers of body, mind and soul for achieving self-
realisation. Modern medical science has validated that
the practice of yoga not only reduces stress but has
multiple long-lasting beneficial effects. Yogic discipline
not only helps control the wavering mind but also
inspires the pursuit of excellence,” -- Pranab Mukherji
• The word “Yoga” is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘yuj’
meaning “to join”, “to yoke” or “to unite”. According
to Maharishi Patanjali, Yoga is the suppression of
modifications of the mind -- as in the state of “Samadhi”,
the highest and innermost point of Ashtanga Yoga. FAMOUS YOGA IN PRACTICE
Ashtanga Yoga
Aim of Yoga • Ashtanga yoga is a direct offshoot of sage Patanjali’s
The main aim of yoga is to reach the point where a person is able to Yoga Sutras. Famous as the yoga form for weight loss,
differentiate and thereby separate oneself (Purusha) from prakriti the ashtanga word is a derivative of the word eight in
(material) leading to moksha. Sanskrit.
• Ashtanga yoga has eight pillars: Principles, personal
HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF YOGA discipline, asana and postures, pranayama, withdrawal,
concentration, meditation and salvation.
Yoga works on the premise of gradual self-evolution through
• Eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga –
practice of physical and mental processes. To reach that
1. Yama: Restraints, moral disciplines or moral vows
meditative state where one loses all external awareness 2. Niyama: Positive duties or observances
and become one with the supreme consciousness requires 3. Asana: Posture
gradual training that replaces bad habits and elements with 4. Pranayama: Breathing Techniques
good habits and elements (Through Yama, Niyama and 5. Pratyahara: Sense withdrawal
Guna theory). One of the paths to follow among others, is 6. Dharana: Focused Concentration
Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga. 7. Dhyana: Meditative Absorption
8. Samadhi: Bliss or Enlightenment

Some of the common different types of asanas practiced in ashtanga yoga are:

Padmasana Simhasan Butterfly Kapalbhati Anulom – Vilom

Cross-legged yoga I n S i m h a s a n a ’s One has to It needs to breathe It i s o n e o f s e v e r a l
posture which helps posture, the body move knees coordination at a higher rate Pranayama used in
deepen meditation and face are up and down and thence, a higher rate of the practice of Hatha
by calming the manipulated right the same as metabolism muscle activity, yoga and helpful in
mind and alleviating away to invoke the the wings of a that made the strengthening of respiratory-related
various physical force and intensity of butterfly. the metabolism muscles and diseases like Asthma.
ailments. a lion’s roar. resulted in the improvement
of respiratory organ operate.

Vinyasa Yoga Aerial Yoga

• This form of yoga is also called “flow” yoga. The word • It is suitable not only for advanced people but also for
“Vinyasa” has two parts, with Vi meaning variation and beginners. It helps to build toned and lean muscles.
Nyasa meaning within prescribed limits. • As opposed to traditional yoga, aerial yoga also
incorporates other exercises-all while defying gravity.
It has the goodness of yoga and cardio exercises like
swimming or running.
• In this particular yoga, a rope suspends our body in the
air, and poses are introduced hereafter.


Face Yoga
• Involves massages and exercises that work the
muscles of your face to soften and relax them to shake
off stress, tension, and worry.
• This form of yoga has become popular in the last
few years. The followers think that this form of yoga
• Vinyasa yoga incorporates movement and breathing reverses ageing and makes you look younger by a
techniques. It creates a flow of postures with controlled decade.
breathing replicating the flow of life. For example,
Vinyasa yogis initiate the flow with a child’s pose and
Yin Yoga
terminate the flow with the death pose (the savasana). • Yin yoga is a mix of martial arts and yoga.
• This form increases blood circulation in the joints and
Kundalini Yoga improves flexibility and muscle tone. Postures last for
• Kundalini Yoga at least a minute, and through practice, one can hold
is a part of the same pose for five minutes or more.
Tantric Tradition. • Yin yoga also makes resourceful use of props like
Also known blocks and blankets. It hence is known to be practised
as the “yoga of post-workout due to its ability to relax the body’s joints.
• It includes
Yang Yoga
repetitive poses. • Yang yoga is relatively less experimental and mixes
Hatha, Vinyasa, and Ashtanga. This form is more
Kundalini yoga
energetic than Yin Yoga.
awakens the
latent kundalini, • It focuses on cultivating vigour, endurance, easing out
Shakti. the tension in the body, and building muscle mass.

• Kundalini yoga Power Yoga

is also suitable
• Power yoga derives its roots from ashtanga yoga. One
for stress, anxiety, depression and better cognitive
needs to perform Yoga postures at a much quicker
function. and more active pace. It works to tone the muscles
and also enhances flexibility.
Iyengar Yoga
• This type of yoga is quite similar to vinyasa yoga. It gets Restorative Yoga
its name from B.K.S. Iyengar, one of the foremost yoga • Restorative yoga aims to relax completely into the
teachers in the world. Iyengar yoga is different from various poses. This form of yoga uses props for body
other types of yoga. support.
• It focuses primarily on posture, body alignment and • Guided meditation is an integral part of restorative
opening of the body. It also uses props such as yoga yoga. The main focus of restorative yoga lies in relaxing
blocks and belts to perfect poses. the nervous system.
4 CSE 2022 Personality Test Training Program

• A great form to actively destress and calm those • Some techniques taught in prenatal yoga can also be
anxious nerves. The idea is to hold poses for a few part of postnatal yoga.
minutes. • This form helps new mothers to lose some weight
gained during pregnancy.
Prenatal Yoga
• Prenatal yoga aims to reduce the discomfort and pains ASANAS
associated with pregnancy. Prenatal yoga teaches
some handy breathing exercises that can be pretty Patanjali defines an asana as, “a steady and comfortable
helpful during labour. state” These are Yogic practices capable of bringing about
stability of body and mind. These provide practitioner an
ability to maintain a body position.


Vrksasana (The Tree • Vrksa means tree, the final position of this
Posture) asana resembles the shape of a tree.
• Benefits
ŠŠ Improves neuro-muscular coordination,
balance, endurance and alertness.
ŠŠ It to n e s u p th e l eg muscl es and
rejuvenates the ligaments also.

Pada-Hastasana • Pada means feet, hasta means hands.

(The Hands to Feet Therefore, Pada Hastasana means taking the
Posture palms down towards the feet. This is also
referred as Uttanasana.
• Benefits
ŠŠ Strengthens the neck muscles, and
improves breathing capacity.
ŠŠ Helps in cervical spondylitis.
• Avoid this posture in case of vertigo or a
tendency to giddiness.
Vajrasana • This can be considered as a meditative
(Thunderbolt posture. While practising it for meditative
Posture) purposes, one should close his/her eyes at
the final stage.
• Benefits
ŠŠ This Asana strengthens thigh muscles
and calf muscles.
ŠŠ This Asana is good for digestion. It provides
firm base to the spine and keeps the
spine erect.
• Persons suffering from piles should not
practice this asana.

USTRASANA • Ustra means camel, the body in this posture

(Camel Posture) resembles the posture of a camel, hence the
• Benefits
ŠŠ Ustrsana is extremely useful for defective
ŠŠ This is useful in relieving back pain and
neck pain.
ŠŠ It helps to reduce fat over the abdomen
and hips.
ŠŠ It is helpful in digestive problems.
• Those suffering from high blood pressure,
heart disease, hernia should not practice it.
Bhujangasana • Bhujanga means snake or cobra. In this asana,
(The Cobra the body is raised like the hood of a snake.
Posture) • Benefits
ŠŠ This Asana is best for stress management.
ŠŠ It reduces abdominal fat and alleviates
ŠŠ It also helps to remove backache and
bronchial problems.
• Those who have undergone abdominal
surgery should avoid this asana for 2-3months.
Those who suffer from hernia, ulcers should
not practice this asana.
Shirshasan It is an inverted asana in modern yoga as exercise;
it was described as both an asana and a mudra
in classical hatha yoga. It helps to draw your
attention inwards. This posture is extremely helpful
if you are having anxiety, stress, fear or otherwise
worrisome thoughts.

Dhanurasan It is a type of back bending asana. In this, the

shape of the body resembles like of the bowbow.
6 CSE 2022 Personality Test Training Program


• These are practices associated with Pranayama. They
are viewed as the higher yogic practices that mainly
adopt certain physical gestures along with control over
• Bandha means to lock, close-off, to stop. In the practice
of a Bandha, the energy flow to a particular area of the
body is blocked.
There are four types of Bandhas:
• Mula Bandha: Anal Lock
Pranayama • Uddiyana Bandha: Lifting of the Diaphragm

It consists of developing awareness of one’s breathing • Jalandhara Bandha: Chin Lock

followed by wilful regulation of respiration as the functional • Maha Bandha: Practice of all three Bandhas at the
same time.
or vital basis of one’s existence. It helps in developing
awareness of one’s mind and helps to establish control over Mula Bandha and Jalandhara Bandha can be performed
the mind. There are three key stages in Pranayama. after the inhalation as well as after the exhalation. Uddiyana
• Puraka controlled and monitored inhalation Bandha and Maha Bandha are only performed after the
• Kumbhaka retention of breath for some time
Benefits of Bandhas:
• Rachaka controlled and regulated exhalation.
• The organs are strengthened, renewed and rejuvenated
Nadi Shodhana or Alternate Nostril Breathing: It immediately and circulation is improved.
helps to feel calmer whenever one is feeling anxious or
• Bandhas alleviate stress and mental restlessness and
agitated. bring about inner harmony and balance.
Ujjayi or Ocean’s Breath: A cooling pranayama that can
help soothe and settle your mind when you feel irritated,
frustrated or angry. The universe is made of five elements, and each of the five
fingers is represented by one of these elements.
Brahmari or the Humming Breath: The inhalation is similar
to the ujjayi and during exhalation one has to hum like a
bee. The humming results in a resonating vibration in the
head and heart.

Bhastrika or the Bellows Breath: This method helps draw

prana (the life force) into the body and mind, thus clearing
out mental, emotional and physical blocks.

Surya Bhedana or the Solar Breath: Similar to the Nadi

Shodhana, inhale through the right nostril and exhale
through the left. Benefits include heating and warming
breaths that help balance vata in the body.

Chandra Bhedana or the Lunar Breath: This cooling breath

process helps reduce pitta. It should not be practiced
When these five elements are not in balance, we can
by people who suffer from depression, who have mental
experience disease in the body. Mudras are one way of
disturbances, excess mucus and a sluggish digestion.
creating a balance between all of these elements within us.
Sudarshan Kriya: It has been Made popular by Sri Sri Ravi
Shankar. Sudarshan Kriya is a rhythmic breathing technique SHATKARMA
that helps relieve stress, regulate emotions and remove • The Satkarmas are the six purification techniques
toxins from the body. The technique helps us to reach a mentioned in Hatha Yoga Pradeepika. Satkarmas
happy, relaxed, and energized state of mind naturally. makes the body clean, strong, free of diseases.



• Surya Namaskar consists of twelve postures. As per the • Helps regulate the menstrual cycle
traditional forms of the asana, each of the 12 postures • Detoxifies your body
is accompanied by a mantra or a chant. The mantras • Bone health
represent the 12 zodiac signs and supply energy to • According to ancient yogis, this asana also activates
the body. the Manipura (Solar plexus) Chakra, which is located
Benefits: in the navel area and is called the second brain. This
• Body becomes toned and flexible increases the creative and intuitive abilities of an
• Weight loss individual.
• Beautiful hair and skin Blood Pressure and Heart– Timing:
related problems It is recommended that you perform Surya Namaskar early
• Improves energy and awareness levels in the morning. However, if you are pressed for time, then
• Absorption of Nutrients becomes easier you can do it in the evening as well. But before starting your
• Overcome Mood Swings and better emotion stability yoga routine, ensure that your stomach is empty.
8 CSE 2022 Personality Test Training Program

Recent news: • Keeps us in the state of Happiness: Yoga keep us

• An article published in the International Journal of Yoga in the state of happiness by decreasing the level
and Allied sciences pointed out Surya Namaskar’s effect of monoamine oxidase and increasing the level of
on emotional maturity and psychological well-being. serotonin.
• Currently, there are talks of incorporating Sun Salutation • Helps in Relaxing the System: Keeping the body in
in school curriculums. A study, by the name of “Effects relaxed state lowers down blood pressure, improves
of Surya Namaskar on Sustained Attention in School the flow of blood through the body to reproductive
Children,” researched with a group of 64 students. They organs and intestine.
discovered that after performing this yoga sequence • Leads a Healthy Lifestyle: The regular practice of yoga
for a month, the children showed considerable will help on both the fronts by moving body to lose
improvement in their attention spans. calories and setting emotionally and spiritually stable
and giving up habit of over-eating.
BENEFITS OF YOGA • Helps in Lowering Blood Sugar: Yoga works well in
• Enhances the Ability to Focus: Researchers have lowering the level of blood sugar. Lowering of blood
established that, practicing yoga regularly, improves sugar also fights many other diseases like blindness,
the ability of the body and the mind to be harmony with kidney problem and heart attack.
each other, also it improves memory and IQ power.

The term meditation refers to a family of self-regulation BENEFITS OF MEDITATION
practices that focus on training attention and awareness to
bring mental processes under greater voluntary control and
thereby foster general mental well-being and development
and/or specific capacities such as calm, clarity, and


Mantra meditation
In mantra meditation one focus attention on a mantra:
a word, phrase, or syllable. It increases the vibrations
associated with the mantra, helping you enter a more
positive and deep state of being.

Spiritual meditation
Spiritual meditation is the mindful practice of believing in
and connecting to something that is greater, vaster, and
deeper than the individual self. In this meditation one is
believing that there is something bigger out there and that
everything happens for a reason.

Present-moment meditation/Mindfulness
Present moment (or mindfulness) meditation trains us to
move from thinking to sensing, rather than dwelling on the
past or dreading the future. This meditation encourages to DIFFERENCE BETWEEN YOGA AND
become aware of immediate surroundings or experience,
crucially without any judgment.
Meditation and yoga have in common the element of
Transcendental meditation “control” while the difference lies in the extent, scope and
Transcendental meditation involves sitting with closed eyes purpose of exercising that control as well as the object or
repeating a specific and personal mantra (or set of words). entity that is under control.
The ultimate goal is to transcend or rise above the person’s
current state of being. Yoga Meditation
• Yo g a o t h e r t h a n • Meditation mainly is
Vipassana meditation exercise of physical, mental practice of
This meditation technique, also called “Insight Meditation” moral and behavioural training and controlling
involves sitting in silence, focusing on the breath and all control, too involves one's attention and
physical or mental sensations that arise. meditation. awareness. It can be
• Yoga is basically an done under context
Chakra meditation
activity, which highly and for purposes that
This meditation is used to keep the body’s seven chakras, is outside the yogic
helps in maintaining
or energy centres, open, aligned, and fluid.
both physical fitness purposes.
Candle-gazing meditation and mental peace. • No exercises or
Trataka, or candle gazing, is a type of meditation in which • Yo g a i s a l l ro u n d physical movements
one keeps eyes open and focused on a point or object (like, fitness, better are included.
the flame of a lit candle). This practice helps bring energy posture, improved • Meditations help
to the third-eye chakra and can increase concentration. immunity and energy in enhancing the
etc. After yoga, the self-realization and
Visualization meditation body is full with improved the overall
In a visualization meditation, picture something or someone vibrations. breathing system.
in your mind, to the exclusion of everything else.
10 CSE 2022 Personality Test Training Program

• In order to grab the best benefits, it is highly • Ashtanga Yoga Institute, Mysore: The institute was
recommended to perform both the activities together. established by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in 1948.
A lot of benefits have been observed when both yoga
and meditation are performed together. Meditation is INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY
an integral part of Yoga mainly Raja Yoga. • On 11 December 2014, the United
Nations proclaimed 21 June as
FAMOUS PERSONALITIES IN YOGA the International Day of Yoga by
• Tirumalai Krishnamacharya Yogi: He went all around resolution 69/131.
performing yoga. Moreover, he is also known for • 8 th Yoga Day was celebrated in
Introducing ‘Hatha Yoga’. 2022.The theme for 2022 is “Yoga for
• Swami Sivananda: He prioritized humour in Yoga and humanity”.
taught the ‘Trimurti Yoga’ that consists of Hatha, Karma • The date is the longest day of the year in the northern
and Master Yoga.
hemisphere (shortest in the southern hemisphere),
• B.K.S Iyengar: He was one of the early students of having special significance in many parts of the world.
Tirumalai Krishnamacharya and made yoga world
• From the perspective of yoga, the summer solstice
famous. He also invented ‘Iyengar Yoga’
marks the transition to Dakshinayana.
• K Pattabhi Jois: He Popularised Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga.
Ashtanga means Eight limbs which has to do with the GOVERNMENT STEPS/POLICY TO PROMOTE
Eight-fold path of Yoga that we see in the Yoga sutras
of Patanjali
• Paramhansa Yogananda: He popularised yoga in the • Fit India Movement: Yoga is also a part of the Fit India
West countries. ‘Kriya Yoga’ is practiced across the Movement, a nation-wide campaign encouraging
nations in Europe and USA. This yoga is also spiritual people to include physical activities and sports in their
in nature. everyday lives.
• Jaggi Vasudeva: He founded the ‘Isha Foundation’ which • Yoga Training: Candidates in lakhs have been trained
provides yoga programme worldwide. as yoga instructors and trainers through various skilling
• Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: he founded the ‘Art of Living initiatives like the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana
Foundation’ and made the rhythmic breathing exercise (PMKVY), a flagship scheme of the Ministry of Skill
‘Sudarshan Kriya’ famous worldwide. Development.
• Baba Ramdev: He made yoga popular in modern day • Educational Yoga Courses
India. He also made the practice of kapalbhati and ŠŠ The Beauty and Wellness Sector Skill Council
Anulom – Vilom among people. (B&WSSC) has vocational education courses in
Yoga for the Central Board of Secondary Education
• The Art of Living Ashram, Bangalore: Established by Sri ŠŠ Yoga Education was made compulsory by
Ravi Shankar in 1982, Volunteer based organisation National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE).
• Isha Yoga Center, Coimbatore: It was founded by • International recognition:
Sadhguru with the motive to create an inclusive culture ŠŠ UNESCO inscribed Yoga in the representative list of
towards global harmony and progress. Their program Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
provides resources of the ancient science of yoga in
Celebration of 21 as an International Yoga Day
every dimension. The programs provide methods for
• Administrative supports
anyone to attain physical, mental and spiritual well-
ŠŠ Setting up of AYUSH Ministry
• Bihar School of Yoga, Munger: It was founded in 1964 by ŠŠ Co-location of AYUSH facilities at Primary Health
Sri Swami Satyananda Saraswati. It mandates people Centres (PHCs), Community Health Centres (CHCs)
to exercise yoga as well as inspires them to embed it and District Hospitals (DHs) including Yoga and
in their lifestyle. Naturopathy.
• Parmarth Niketan Ashram, Rishikesh: The ashram runs ŠŠ Inclusion of “attending a short-term yoga
numbers of programs, conducted by guest faculties programme” in the list of permissible activities
on different styles of yoga. under Tourist Visa and e-Tourist Visa.
• Yoga and health ŠŠ The improvement of core stability and balance,
ŠŠ The National Health Policy 2017 recommended and relief of post-partum depression.
introduction of Yoga in school and at work places • Health benefit: Some evidence suggests that Yoga may
as part of promotion of good health. improve quality of life people with the Prostate cancer,

ŠŠ Propagation and promotion of AYUSH systems Stroke, Ulcerative Colitis, Arthritis, hypertension etc.

including Yoga for treatment of common ailments • Stimulating brain function: Yoga may stimulate brain
through various media channels and other function and give a boost to energy levels
publicity activities like organizing Arogya fairs, • Preventing hearth diseases: An analysis of yoga and
providing financial support for fairs, conferences, heart health studies found that yoga reduced heart
seminars etc., on AYUSH systems (Under Center disease such as body mass index (BMI), Cholesterol
Sector scheme on IEC). and blood pressure
• Linked to Sports: Yoga recognised as a sports
discipline by Sports Ministry. EFFECT OF YOGA ON BRAIN AND
• Public awareness: PSYCHOLOGY
ŠŠ Voluntary Certification of Yoga Professionals.
Effect on Brain
ŠŠ Organizing Yoga training camps for tribal and rural
• Yoga strengthens parts of the brain that play a key
role in memory, attention, awareness, thought, and
• These areas of the brain typically shrink as you age,
• Soft power lies in a country’s attractiveness and comes
but the older yoga practitioners showed less shrinkage
from three resources: its culture, its political values,
than those who did no yoga.
and its foreign policies.
• Yoga may counteract age-related declines in memory
• Yoga has gained admiration and captured peoples’
and other cognitive skills.
imagination across the world, and has become a
source of India’s soft power. Effect on psychology
• The overwhelming number of yoga schools in America • Release helpful brain chemicals. Most exercise triggers
and Europe and many parts of Asia are a testimony to the release of “feel-good” chemicals in the brain. These
the popularity of India’s rich cultural traditions. mood boosting chemicals include brain messengers
• International Day of Yoga reflects yoga’s immense such as dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine.
popularity worldwide, underscoring its richness as • Relieve depression. Studies show that yoga can ease
a soft power resource Indian Diaspora is seen as depression.
ambassadors of carriers of our soft power. • Ease anxiety. Yoga can improve anxiety. The breath
• Yoga can be used to project India’s contributions to training included in yoga may be especially effective,
the world in the field of health and well-being and also as there is a relationship between anxiousness and
spirituality. breathing problems.

DOES YOGA POSSESS A SCIENTIFIC VALUE? Significance for Civil Servants

• Recently, Yoga training sessions have been provided
Yoga is built upon scientific principles. If possess scientific
to the officers of IAS, IPS, IFos, armed forces by the
values in following ways:
Art of Living Foundation under an agreement between
• Relief from heart disease and hypertension: - Recent
the organisation and the DoPT.
papers have focused on practicing yoga –
• It facilitates officers to learn about ways of dealing
ŠŠ To reduce essential hypertension and anxiety
with –
during pregnancy
ŠŠ Reliving stress
ŠŠ Its effect on regulating heart rhythm
ŠŠ Focusing on faster work delivery, and
ŠŠ The connection between yoga and changes in
brain wave activity ŠŠ Not getting influenced by other people’s emotions.
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Yoga Physical Exercise
Muscle Relaxation Yoga focuses more on steady postures and Exercise usually involves repetitive movement
relaxation of muscle and Emphasis on breath where synchronized breathing is absent.

Flexibility It helps develop muscles evenly over the bone Exercise usually focuses on increasing muscle
surface, thereby increasing flexibility. mass. As a result, the length of the muscle shortens
and flexibility decreases.
Yoga is also an energy efficient activity.

Heart Once the asana has been attained, the body is Ordinary exercise puts a strain on the muscles. This
relaxed and blood requirement is reduced. This increases the speed of blood circulation and blood
relieves the stress on the heart. pressure, which in turn increases the workload on the
heart as it needs to pump faster.

Respiratory System The body is in a relaxed state, so the workload on The constant movement in regular exercise
the respiratory system is reduced. increases the oxygen requirement in the muscles.
This increases the speed of breathing, causing the
lungs to work harder.
Stress levels Yoga reduces the cortisol levels in the body. Exercise may actually increase cortisol levels in the
body because the body perceives exercise as a stress.

It also promotes better cognition through specific This is absent in regular exercise.
nostril breathing.


Contrast between Ancient and Modern Yoga
• In ancient times, man understood the true essence of Yoga. The purpose of Yoga was to connect oneself with the
world around them. It focused on breathing and freeing of the body, spirit and mind. Yoga was a way to cleanse the
body and soul of unnecessary pollutants.
• However, in current times, the spoken benefits of Yoga are limited to fitness, flexibility and ridding oneself of physical
Commercialization of Yoga
In the globalized world and with the advent of ICT, this ancient spiritual practice, Yoga, has been transformed as well as modified
to a great extent to suit modern life style. However, such commercialization of Yoga has both pros and cons.

Pros Cons
Helpful in spreading of Yoga at the global level Loss of the soul of Yoga – that is Spiritualism: As today, it is often promoted as a
health tonic and powerful healer. It would result into loss of true essence of Yoga.
Facilitate adoption of Yogic techniques even Loss of Guru – Shishya affection and reverence. It may result into lack of devotion
by common people who have lack of time and and low personal attention. Due to it, wrong instruction, over indulgence and
necessary information. poor learning may be practiced and that lead more harm to health. For example,
over doing and poor play of Kapalbhati may lead to heart troubles, headache
and various complications.
Job Opportunity: Generating employment, Misleading information due to competition may result into bodily harm.
revenue, forex as well as livelihood opportunities.
Lack of emphasis on life style. For example – without Yama and Niyama, it is not
possible to derive major health benefits. Commercialization may side-line these.
Attract talent in teaching of yoga as many Promotion as the alternative of medical treatment. It may result into more harm
people now see teaching Yoga as a career. to serious patients. For example – how could a person with mental disorder
execute the instruction of the teacher in a right manner.
Promotion to research and development in Yoga Shortage of trained teachers - Teaching Yoga by poorly trained teachers may
and related health benefits result into side-line of basic teachings. For example – inadequate focus on
Don’ts in Yoga.

Yoga and School Curriculum

Government is aiming towards promotion of yoga especially through making it integral part of the education. However, there
are some voices from society who are opposing this view from various perspectives.

Argument in favour Against Argument

Yoga would lead to mental peace, physical fitness, improved Apprehension among religious minorities towards
cognitive capacity, better handling of stress, good memory promoting majority values in guise of Yoga. For example
and concentration etc. – opposition of sun salutation on religious grounds
Also, would improve personality as well as reducing According to some critics, any imposition of Yoga against
absenteeism and psychological fear of the exam. the will of the child would be undemocratic.
Helpful in inculcation of various civic values. Low capability of small kids especially up to 5th class
to understand depth of Yoga. Any faulty execution may
result into serious ill effects.
Yoga would demand extra time. If it is being devoted from
existing study hours, it may affect the quality of education.

Importance of Yoga Post Covid 6. What is Mandukasana?

• Yoga is also playing a significant role in the psycho- 7. Which Mantra you recite before and after Yoga?
social care and rehabilitation of Covid-19 patients 8. What is Sudarshan Kriya?
• The experts suggest that since Covid-19 affects the 9. How yoga helps you? How much time you spent on
lungs directly, it is imperative to strengthen the lungs. Sudarshan Kriya?
The yoga asanas suggested by the experts help in 10. Name some Yoga gurus in India.
reaching ideal saturation level, oxygenation, and restore 11. What is yoga? Explain different types of Yoga and
lung function. The breathing exercises also help in Pranayama.
blood circulation and making one feel active during 12. Is there any limitation that who can perform Pranayama?
this monotonous time. 13. What is Sahaja yoga?
• It is particularly helpful in allaying fears and anxiety 14. What benefits you got there after joining Art of Living
• Practicing Yoga systematically along with a healthy course?
diet, lifestyle changes, and sound sleep enhances the 16. What is the difference between yoga and meditation?
body immunity and helps fight infections. 17. How meditation helps you? When you started doing
Interview Questions 18. How many asanas are there in Surya Namaskar? How
many steps are there and name them?
1. What is Rajyoga Meditation? Why it is called Rajyoga? 19. Is Surya Namaskar related to other religion also? Name
From where did you learn it? the similar asanas in that religion if there is any.
2. Do you think in today’s scientific scenario there is place 20. What is the difference between yoga and gyming?
for Spiritualism? 21. Which slogan is used in Surya Namaskar?
3. Have you seen lifestyle of people who teach Yoga? 22. What do you do for chest, shoulder exercise?
They live in such a grand manner, even their seminars 23. What is the benefit of Surya-namaskar?
are organized in Five Star Hotels, Don’t you think 24. When is yoga Day? What is the relevance of it?
there is difference in what they preach and what they 25. What is the difference between Yog and Yoga?
practice? 26. What is mindfulness meditation?
4. These people show pictures like a person’s hand is cut 27. How did it help you in becoming a better person?
for lying in one imaginary world where so called god 28. Yoga and diplomacy: does yoga diplomacy has any
punishes, what is the relevance of such things for an economic benefits for India?
educated person like you? 30. Are Yoga summits good for promoting yoga?
5. What is the difference between Kapalbhati and 31. What are the various kinds of meditation and which
Bhastrika? one do you practice?
14 CSE 2022 Personality Test Training Program

32. What are the benefits of meditation? 42. Yoga is being made into a commodity for sale.
33. What is the relation between meditation and spirituality? Comment on it.
34. Should meditation and yoga be made part of the 43. You have written Yoga as hobby, so I will ask you
educational curriculum in schools and colleges? two asanas, tell me benefits of Bhujangasan and
35. Who was Patanjali? Tell us about his works. Shalabhasan?
36. What are Aasan, Pranayama, Mudra and other aspects 44. How did you start doing meditation?
of yoga? 45. What is vipassana? What have you learnt? Why at such
37. How did you learn Yoga? young age? Would you consider yourself as a spiritual
38. What is the effect of Yoga on mind, body and person?
physiology? 46. How many times you went to Vipassana and where?
39. How is Yoga different from physical exercises, aerobics 47. What type of meditation you practice?
etc? 48. You heard about vipassana, transcendental meditation,
40. Tell us about International Yoga Day. What was slogan/ etc. how are they different? Why should one practice
theme of this year’s Yoga Day? one over the other?
41. What is effect of Yoga on mind, body and physiology? 49. How Meditation will help you in civil services?


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