Hadrware X Software Hardware
Hadrware X Software Hardware
Hadrware X Software Hardware
- Hadrware x Software
MOTHER BOARD = makes computer for us to use, it runs software, all informations are stored here -> CPU CHIP, RAM
- Cpu = Central processing memory: stores program code that needs to be processed
o Biggest problem is heatting – cooling is a must -> heat sink in cpu chip
- Ram = random access memory: stores program code that needs to be processed
o storage element, accessable
o Dissappear when we switch off
- CMOS battery = provides power to CMOS RAM while computer is OFF
- The southbridge = 1 of the two chips in the core logic chipset on a personal computer motherboard, the other being the
- How to run a program? Always in Binary
- The southbridge typically implements the slower capabilities of the motherboard in a northbridge/southbridge chipset computer
- A hard drive is the hardware component that stores all of your digital content.
- Your documents, pictures, music, videos, programs, application preferences, and operating system represent digital content
stored on a hard drive.
- Hard drives can be external or internal.
- Internal drives use the Serial ATA interface and external use USB interface
- Computer
needs to be
running with
other devices,
- For interfacing
- Depending on a
cable use is the
cable long
- Oboustranné
- Internet, IP,
- Selection of
- Power over the Internet (POE IP) camera, captures video or still images and relays them to a remote location utilizing a local
network. Often these types of cameras are added onto an existing wireless network (existující bezdrátovou síť)
- Place exterior cameras:
o 1. Above doors leading into your home.
o 2. Windows that don't directly face a street. Install exterior cameras above these windows.
o 3. Any areas that appear isolated and prone to break-ins.
Where to place them? Deciding by common sense
- Different softwares inside
Input devices
- In computing, an input device is a piece of equipment used to provide data and control signals to an information processing
system, such as a computer or information appliance.
- Examples: include keyboards, mouse, scanners, cameras, joysticks, and microphones
- It has to be on a address
o 3 Bases: address, data, control
Computer software
Software modules
Firmware = software which we built into a chip, software which runs great and working great
- A Wide Area Network is not limited to a single location, but it spans over a large
geographical area through a telephone line, fibre optic cable or satellite links.
- The internet is one of the biggest WAN in the world.
- A Wide Area Network is widely used in the field of Business, government, and
Advantages of WAN
- High bandwidth: If we use the leased lines for our company then this gives the high bandwidth – it increases the data transfer
rate which in turn increases the productivity of our company (Velká šířka pásma: Používáme-li pronajaté linky pro naši
společnost, pak to dává vysokou šířku pásma – zvyšuje rychlost přenosu dat, což zase zvyšuje produktivitu naší společnosti)
Disadvantages of WAN
- Security issue: A WAN network has more security issues as compared to LAN and MAN network as all the technologies are
combined together that creates the security problem.
- Needs Firewall & antivirus software: The data is transferred on the internet which can be changed or hacked by the hackers, so
the firewall needs to be used.
- High Setup cost: An installation cost of the WAN network is high as it involves the purchasing of routers, switches.
- Troubleshooting problems: It covers a large area so fixing the problem is difficult.
- Hub = device which connects multiple computer networking devices on a single network line, stupid = did not process the
iformation, just broadcast
o can also act as a repeater or amplifier for information that has to travel over long distances
o creates unnessesary traffic – which can crush (colissions) -> BECAUSE even other computers have the access to the
informations even they were not the primary interest
o Typically doesn't filter data -> instead just retransmits it
- Switches = more intelligent about where they sends the data that comes through the ports, looks for protocol and for the
mac.adress, more intelligent
o Is intelligent, can learn the physical adresses
o Done by reading the hardware addresses of incoming packets and basing forwarding decisions on guidelines that are
provided in the headers of the TCP/IP protocols
o Reduces unnesesary traffic – MORE PREFFERED
o MAC address – media access control in a hardware (every PC have unique access number)
Creating networks (both)
- Routers = filters and forward data based on logical addresses, ex.: IP address. Routers can store information about networks, can
be configured to be packet-filtering firewalls and can use access control lists. Routers play a critical role in controlling traffic on
the network as well as promoting efficiency.
o It allows communication to be done efficiently
o Reduce time and
o Gateway of a network
Connecting network
- A bridge = a networking device that filters and forwards packets based on a physical address. Bridges are used to connect two or
more network segments together and store and forward frames between the different segments. They are also used to divide
more extensive networks into smaller sections and manage the flow of data between the sections
o Similar to a switch
- A gateway is a node that acts as a "gate" between two autonomous networks that each can have their own routing algorithms,
protocols, domain name service, and topology.
- It can also translate data it receives from outside the network into a format or protocol that is recognised by devices in the
internal network.
- A repeater is an electronic network device that amplifies the signal it receives. Repeaters allow signals to be transmitted over
longer distances, typically more than 100 metres for standard LAN cables.
o wireless networking technology that allows devices such as computers, mobile devices, and other equipment
(printers, video cameras,..) to interface with the Internet.
- Computer security
- Information security
- Application security
- Computer security
- Network security
- Cybersecurity = refers to the general principles, protecting computer systems
Security threats
Public-key encryption
Hash functions
- Masking = hidding
o -> subnetmask: -> 0= class C
o IP adress:
Binary multiplication: - 255
Masking without changing the network
Anything multiplieed with 0 is 0
Same network = same three values X, Y, Z
- Binary -> to decimal
- Adress clsss identification