Abhishek Msihra

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Abhishek Mishra




Solid Works is a 3D mechanical CAD program that runs on Microsoft Windows which was
developed by Solid Works Corporation, headquartered in USA, a subsidiary of Dassault
systems. SolidWorks provides engineers, designers and other creative professionals with the
tools they need to design the world’s greatest products.
SolidWorks provides a full range of integrated modeling, simulation, visualization;
communication and validation tools that product designers need to develop better products
faster and at lower cost. In addition, its unique capabilities enable the mechanical designer to
concentrate on the product design.
SolidWorks enable the design engineer to:
• Precisely turn creative concepts into 3D design.
• Create the most ergonomic designs possible.
• Produce design iterations in less time.
• Reduce prototyping time and cost.
• Work with customer data.
• Manage product information more effectively.
• Render highly detailed 3D design.

1. Modules in SolidWorks
Solid Works extends design applications through full integration with best in class

The following modules are mainly used.

• Part Modeling
• Assembly Modeling
• Surface Modeling
• Sheet Metal Design
• Drawing

2. Features of Solidworks
SolidWorks is software developed for mechanical design engineers and contains many
features that facilitate the engineers to easily create and manage designs. Some of the
important features of solidworks are as follows:
• Feature-based
• Parametric
• Solid modeling
• Constraints

2.1 Feature-based
Just as an assembly is composed of a number of individual piece parts, a solid Works model
also consists of individual constituent elements. These elements are called features. When
you create a model using the solidworks software, you work with intelligent, easy to
understand geometric features such as bosses, cuts, holes, ribs, fillets, chamfers and draft.
The features are applied directly to the work piece as soon as they are created.

2.2 Parametric
The dimensions and relations used to create a features are captured and stored in the model.
This enables not only to capture your design intent, but also to quickly and easily make
changes to the model. In the revolved body, hole size is reduced parametrically since all
the circles are driven by relation and dimension. A change in one hole reflects the others.

2.3 Solid Modeling

A solid model is the most complete type of geometry model used in CAD systems. It
contains all the wire frame and surface geometry necessary, to fully describe the edges
and the faces of the model.

2.4 Constraints
Geometric relations such as parallel, perpendicular, horizontal, vertical, concentric and
coincident are some of the constraints supported by solidworks.

2. Graphic User Interface of SolidWorks and Control
The format of the SolidWorks window reflects that of windows itself. The same is true for
any SolidWorks document. Once opened a document appears split into two panels. The
right is the graphics window, where your model or drawing appears. You can create and
manipulate the document in the graphics window. The Main elements of the SolidWorks
user interface are as follows:

Feature Manager design tree: Similar to the windows explorer tree it lists the structure
of the part, assembly or drawing.

Property Manager: Appears in the left panel when you select many of the SolidWorks
commands such as sketches, fillet features and so on. The Property Manager displays
selection icons to enter relevant command options and boxes/fields to enable the user to
enter relevant design and data parameters.

Configuration Manager: Appears in place of the Feature Manager design tree. Helps
create, select and view multiple configurations (variations of parts and assemblies in a
single document.

Main Menu: A set of drop-down menus (File, Edit, View, and so on) across the top of the
user interface. The menu bar contents are task dependent based on the active document
type. SolidWorks toolbars display these functions whereas the menu bar contains the
complete set.

Standard toolbar: Found just beneath the main menu this toolbar is consists of a set of the
most commonly used command buttons.

View toolbar: Features a series of commonly used command buttons that allow you to
zoom, rotate and view the part in different orientations.

Command Manager: A dynamic toolbar that lists the command buttons for the type of
document you are working on.

Graphics area: Displays the part assembly or drawing.
Quick tips help: Indicates with a question mark button whether Quick Tips is on or off. Click
the icon to toggle

Design Library: Click to open the design library. Inside you see the Design Library, Toolbox
and 3D Content Central each which contain many standard design elements you can drag and drop
into your design.

File Explorer: Duplicates Windows Explorer in your computer. Lists recently opened
documents and currently opened documents. You can drag documents from here into the graphics

Triad: A traid appears in part and assembly documents to help you orient when viewing models.
The Triads is for reference only. You cannot select it.

2.2 View and Orientation

A set of predefined views can be selected through the Standard view toolbar, a flyout (similar to
a drop down Menu) tool bar that is embedded in the View toolbar. If you click the Standard View
button in the View toolbar, you get a pull-down menu of several commands that represent standard
engineering views. This enables the user to select views such as Side, Front, Top, Right and Bottom
as well as perspectives: Isometric, Trimetric and Dimetric which vary in viewing
2.2.1 Orientation
The orientation section of the View toolbar offers several tools to enable the user to manually
manipulate the orientation of a model. These manipulation tools include the following:
Zoom to Fit: Zooms in or out so the entire model is visible.
Zoom to Area: Zooms in on a portion of the view that you select by dragging a bounding box.
The center of the box is marked with plus (+) sign.

Zoom In/Out: Zooms in as you press and hold the left mouse button and drag the mouse
up. Zooms out as you drag the mouse down.
Zoom to Selection: Zooms to the size of a selected entity.
Rotate View: Rotates the view as you press and hold the left mouse button and drag the
mouse around the screen.
Pan View: Scrolls the view so the model moves as you drag the mouse.

2.2.1 Orientation

The orientation section of the View toolbar offers several tools to enable the user to manually
manipulate the orientation of a model. These manipulation tools include the following:

Zoom to Fit: Zooms in or out so the entire model is visible.

Zoom to Area: Zooms in on a portion of the view that you select by dragging a bounding box.
The centre of the box is marked with plus (+) sign.

Zoom In/Out: Zooms in as you press and hold the left mouse button and drag the mouse up.
Zooms out as you drag the mouse down.

Zoom to Selection: Zooms to the size of a selected entity.

Rotate View: Rotates the view as you press and hold the left mouse button and drag the mouse
around the screen.

Pan View: Scrolls the view so the model moves as you drag the mouse.

2.2.2 Display Modes

The third section of the View toolbar offers the following display modes for model and drawing
view in drawing documents. These tools include the following:


Shaded with Edges

Hidden Lines Removed

Hidden Lines Visible

Wireframe (Displays all edges of the model)

Section View

Mouse buttons
SolidWorks uses three mouse buttons to access features, select objects and perform tasks:

Left: Selects menu items, entities in the graphics area, and objects in the FeatureManager design

To select an entity click on the entity in the graphics window or in the feature manager design
tree. Selected objects become highlighted in both the graphics area and FeatureManager design
tree. To select multiple entities hold down the Ctrl button while continuing to click on the objects
to be selected. To select a group of objects hold down the mouse button and drag a window around
the objects. To deselect all objects click anywhere in the document window outside the part or

Right: Displays context sensitive options and shortcut menus.

Rotate: Hold down button and move mouse. To rotate about a vertex edge or axis (other than the
origin) click the middle mouse button on the geometry then hold and move the mouse.

Pan: Hold Ctrl button while holding down button and move the mouse
Zoom: Position cursor over the chosen position in the graphics window and hold shift and mouse
button or if available spin roller button toward you to zoom out and reverse to zoom in

Keyboard Shortcuts
Listed below are the predefined keyboard shortcuts options:

Arrow Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rotate the view

Shift+Arrow Keys . . . . . . . . . . . Rotate the view in 90° increments

Alt+Left or Right Arrow Keys .Rotate about normal to the screen

Ctrl+Arrow Keys . . . . . . . . . . . Move the view

Shift+z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zoom In

z. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zoom Out

f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zoom to Fit

Ctrl+1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Front Orientation

Ctrl+2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back Orientation

Ctrl+3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Left Orientation

Ctrl+4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Right Orientation

Ctrl+5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Top Orientation

Ctrl+6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bottom Orientation

Ctrl+7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Isometric Orientation

Ctrl+8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . View Normal To

Spacebar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . View Orientation dialog

Ctrl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hold and select multiple items with mouse button

Ctrl+c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Copy selected entity/item

Ctrl+z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Undo

Ctrl+y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Redo

Ctrl+Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Switch between documents

Alt+drag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Select anywhere in a drawing view

Shift+drag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maintains distance between drawing views while dragging

Ctrl+R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Redraw

Ctrl+B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rebuild

1. Create Your Part
Stages in the Process
• Create a New part document

New parts can be created in inch, millimetre or other units. Parts are used to create and hold the
solid model.
• Sketch the profile

Sketches are collections of 2D geometry that are used to create solid features. These include lines,
circles and rectangles.
• Applying Sketch relations and dimensions

Geometric relationships such as horizontal and vertical are applied to the sketch geometry.
Dimension size the geometry while the relations restrict the movement of the entities.
• Extruding the sketch

Extruding uses the 2D sketch to create a 3D solid feature.

• Create a New part document

1. New part
2. Filing a part.

Using the Save option from the File menu or selecting the Save button on the Standard toolbar;
file the part under the name Candle Holder. The extension, *.sldprt, is added automatically.
Click Save.
3. Select the Plane we want to Sketch on.
It is important to choose the correct plane to sketch on this is done by selecting the best
profile to sketch of the part. The best profile to sketch is the profile when selected extruded
generated the majority or most complexities of the part.

The direction we look at to part to get the get the best profile whether it be the plan, elevation
or end view will determine sketching on the Top, Front or Right Plane.

By giving careful thought to which plane is used to sketch the profile, the proper views are
easily generated on the detail drawing.

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4. What is Design Intent:

Design Intent is our plan as to how our model should behave when changes are made. How Do
we Imbed Design intent?

4. Create our sketch by selecting the Top Plane and then the Sketch Icon

• Rule of Thumb When Sketching

- Rough Sketch
- Add Relations
- Add Dimensions

Relations such as parallel, horizontal, vertical and tangent and so on, can be automatically
added to the sketch while sketching.

• Link Values / Equations

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6. Select the Line Command on the sketch toolbar and draw a rectangle on the screen.

The positioning of the sketch in relation to the origin is important. ( your sketch must be attached
to the origin in some form in order to fully define the sketch)

Tip: By positioning the origin in the centre of the square by using a construction line the origin is
positioned in the centre. This enables you to place the circle in the centre of the cube later on.

7. Conditions of a Sketch.

Under Defined

There is inadequate definition of the sketch, but the sketch can still be used to create features. This
is good because many times in the early stages of the design process, there isn’t sufficient
information to fully define the sketch. When more information becomes available, the remaining
definition can be added at a later time. Under defined sketch geometry is blue (by default).

Fully Defined

The sketch has complete information. Fully defined geometry is Black (by default). As a general
rule, when a model is completed, the sketches within it should be fully defined.

Over Defined

The sketch has duplicate dimensions or conflicting relations and it should not be used until
repaired. Unnecessary dimensions and relations should be deleted. Over defined geometry is red
(by default).

8. Select the extrude command and extrude the 2d Profile.

Design Intent at extrusion stage.

• Examples of design intent in respect of features

– Base Extrude
– Revolve
– Cut Extrudes
– Shell
– Fillets
– Chamfer
• Examples of design intent in respect to End Conditions of features

– Blind
– Through all
– Mid-plane
– Up to Next
– Up to Surface

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Reference geometry assist in creating the CAD models. Reference geometry includes
planes, axes, points and coordinate systems. These reference geometries act as a reference
for drawing the sketches in sketched features, defining the sketch planes and assembling
the components. They also serve as a interface for various placed and sketched features
and so on.

1. Types of Reference Geometry

Reference Planes

This feature allows the user to create additional planes to sketch on other than the given
right, front, and top plane. To create a reference plane left click on plane and select the
desired option in the property manager for creating the plane.

These options include:

1. Through lines/points: creates a plane through a point an edge, sketch line, three points,
or axis.
2. Parallel plane at point: creates a plane through a point parallel to a plane or face.
3. At angle: create a plane through an axis, edge or sketch line at a specified angle from a
face or plane.
4. Offset distance: create a plane parallel to an existing plane and specifying the desired
5. Normal to curve: Create a plane through a specified point and makes it
perpendicular to a desired curve or edge.
6. On surface: creates a plane on a non-planer face or angled surface.

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4.1.2 Reference Axes

Allows the user to insert an axis in the part document. Axes are particularly useful in creating part
features. To create a reference axis left click on axis and select the desired option in the property
manager for creating the axis. These options include:

1. On edge: places an axis on a desired edge or sketch line of the part.

2. Two planes: create an axis at the intersection of two planes or planar faces.
3. Two points/vertices: create an axis through two selected points, vertices, or midpoints on
a line, edge, or part corner.
4. Cylindrical/conical faces: places an axis through the center of a circular, cylindrical, or
conical face. This axis can also be seen by right clicking on view and then selecting
temporary axes.
5. Point and a face: creates an axis perpendicular to a selected face or plane and through a
selected point, midpoint, or vertex.

4.1.3 Reference Coordinate Systems

Create an additional coordinate system on the part by specifying the x, y, and z directions
with the parts geometry. This can be helpful when integrating a part into an assembly as a
reference for directional part interactions as well as setting up a zero point for machining
and manufacturing the part.

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Bottom-up Design

It is the traditional method. In bottom-up design, you can create parts, insert them into an
assembly, and constraint them as required by your design. Bottom-up design is the preferred
technique when you are using previously constructed, off-the-shelf parts. An advantage of
bottom up design is that, because components are designed independently, their relationships
and regeneration behavior are simpler than in top-down design

Top-Down Design

In top down design you can start your work in the assembly and built parts to fit in the
assembly. You can use the geometry and built parts to fit in the assembly. You can use the
geometry of one part to help define the other parts or to create machined features that are
added only after the parts are assembled. You can start with a skeleton model/layout sketch
that defines fixed part locations, planes and so on. Then design the parts referencing these


Mates create geometric relationships between assembly components. As you add mates, you
define the allowable directions of linear or rotational motion of the components. You can move
a component within its degrees of freedom, visualizing the assembly's behavior. Mates are
solved together as a system. The order in which you add mates does not matter; all mates are
solved at the same time. You can suppress mates just as you can suppress features. These

• Standard mate
• Advanced mate
• Mechanical mate
• Smart mate
• Mate reference

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5.2.1 Standard mate
Mates create geometric relationships, such as coincident,
perpendicular, tangent, and so on. Each mate is valid for specific
combinations of geometry. The following tables list the valid mates
for all geometry types.

• Coincident - The Coincident mate is applied to make two planar faces coplanar.
However, you can apply theCoincident mate to other entities as well.

• Concentric - The Concentric mate is used to align thecentral axis of one

component with that of the other. You need to select the circular faces or circular
edges to apply the Concentric mate. You can also apply the Concentric mate
between a point and a circular face or a circular edge.

• Distance - The Distance button is chosen to apply the Distance mate between
two components. To apply this mate, invoke the Mate Property Manager and select
the entities from both components. Choose the Distance button from the Mate
pop-up toolbar; the Distance spinner will be displayed in the Mate pop-up toolbar.

• Angle - The Angle button is used to apply the Angle mate between two
components. This mate is used to specify the angular position between the
selected plane, planar face, or edges of the two components. To apply this mate,
invoke the Mate Property Manager and select the entities from the two

• Parallel - The Parallel button in the Mate pop-up toolbar is used to apply the
Parallel mate between two components. To apply the Parallel mate, invoke the Mate
Property Manager and select two entities from two components.

• Perpendicular - The Perpendicular button in the Standard Mate rollout is used

to apply the Perpendicular mate between the two components. Invoke the Mate
Manager and select two entities from two components.

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5.2.2 Smart Mate

Smart Mates is the most attractive feature of the assembly design environment in Solid Works.
The Smart Mates technology speeds up the design process in the assembly environment of Solid
Works. To add smart mates to the components, choose the Move Component button from the
Assemble Command Manager ;the Move Component Property Manager will be displayed .Now,
choose the Smart Mates button available in the Move rollout; the Move Component Property
Manager will be replaced by the Smart Mates Property Manager.

5.2.3 Mate Reference

In Solid Works, you can define the mate reference for the part in the Part mode or in the Assembly
mode. The mate references allow you to define the mating references such as planar surfaces,
axes, edges, and so on before assembling the component. To define the mate references, choose
Reference Geometry > Mate Reference from the Assemble Command Manager; the Mate
Reference Property Manager will be displayed.

5.2.4 Advanced Mates

Advanced mates include limit, linear/linear coupler, path, symmetry, and width mates.
• Symmetric

A symmetric mate forces two similar entities to e symmetric about a plane or planar face
of a component or a plane of the assembly. The following entities are allowed in symmetry
− Points such as vertices or sketch points
− Lines such as edges, axes or sketch lines
− Planes or planar faces
− Spheres of equal radii
− Cylinder of equal radii

• Width
A width mate centers a tab within the width of a groove . groove width references can
- Two parallel planar faces
- Two non-planar faces

• Path
A path mate constrains a selected point on a component, to a path. You can define the
path by selecting one or more entities in the assembly. You can define pitch, yaw and
roll of the component as it travels along the path.

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• Linear/linear Coupler
A linear/linear coupler mate established a relationship between the translation of one
component and the translation of another component.
• Linear
Limit mates allows components to move within the range of values for distance or
angle as well as a maximum and minimum value.

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